Treatment methods for plantar fasciitis and what leads to it. Plantar fasciitis: how to treat at home with folk remedies and ointments

Plantar fasciitis develops when the dense tissue is affected connective tissue in the area of ​​attachment to the phalanges of the toes and calcaneus. The plantar aponeurosis forms and supports the longitudinal arch of the foot.

With frequent microtraumas of the connective tissue and high loads on the foot, aseptic inflammation occurs, the condition of the plantar aponeurosis worsens, and plantar fasciitis develops. Symptoms and treatment of pathology, preventive measures are described in the article.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The plantar fascia experiences high stress. The greatest pressure was recorded at the point of attachment to the heel tubercle.

Negative symptoms in the sole area more often occur in middle-aged and older people. After forty years, many have a “bouquet” chronic diseases, problems with joints and spine. Departments weakened musculoskeletal system more vulnerable to negative factors.

Plantar fasciitis develops against the background of certain pathologies, signs and conditions:

  • And lower limbs;
  • obesity;
  • high arch of the foot;
  • prolonged load on the feet (a person carries out most day standing);
  • vascular pathologies (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • flat feet;
  • pronation (bend) of the foot is higher than normal.

Uncomfortable, tight shoes, worn out from the inside edge - another negative factor, causing problems with the plantar fascia. People often do not suspect the negative impact of old shoes or worn-out boots. Permanent microtraumas in the area plantar fascia upon action negative factors provoke degenerative and inflammatory processes. Marginal osteophytes or heel spurs often occur.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Plantar fasciitis has characteristic symptoms:

  • it hurts to step on the heel and foot after a long stay in the “sitting” position;
  • pain intensifies in the evening, after a high load on the lower limbs;
  • often pain in the sole and heel area appears in the morning;
  • the pain is annoying after going up and down stairs, when walking on a hard surface, or when you need to stand in one place for a long time.

If left untreated, additional symptoms occur:

  • pain extends to ankles, area thumb, arch of the foot;
  • a dense cord of connective tissue in the area of ​​the plantar fascia provokes contracture of the fingers;
  • the foot swells. On palpation, pain appears, dense formations are felt;
  • growths are visible on the x-ray bone tissue in the heel area there are spurs that cause noticeable discomfort.

Important! Osteophytes often occur against the background of inflammation of the plantar fascia. It is easy to guess the appearance of hard formations by the appearance of sharp, excruciating pain inside the heel. The bony protrusion does not allow you to stand on your full foot, it causes such sharp pain that walking without support is out of the question. In advanced stages of heel spurs, patients can only move with crutches.

Methods and main directions of therapy

How to treat plantar fasciitis? The patient should seek help at the first signs of the disease. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the affected area, clarification clinical manifestations pathologies, x-rays feet. Postponing a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist provokes the progression of degenerative and destructive processes in the foot area.

Get rid of negative symptoms will help complex therapy. It requires not only taking pills and applying ointments, but also eliminating excess stress on the lower limbs. It is important to review your diet, reset overweight: high body weight worsens the prognosis for many pathologies of the joints and spine.

Main goals of therapy:

  • reducing the load on the plantar aponeurosis;
  • stopping the inflammatory process.

Competent therapy improves prognosis: With the complex effect of early and moderate degrees of pathology, a complete cure is possible. In advanced cases, fasciitis is complicated by the proliferation of osteophytes and excruciating pain in the heel area. Heel spur fracture - dangerous complication, increasing the risk of patient disability.


Special exercises stretch the connective tissue of the lower part of the foot and increase the elasticity of the plantar aponeurosis. Regular gymnastics lengthens the plantar fascia, reduces the risk of mini-injuries, strengthens connective tissue, and prevents the development of fasciitis. Another positive point– dosed load on the plantar aponeurosis reduces the pain of the problem area.

The optimal time for classes is morning. First, a warm-up is needed for the joints, after which the patient performs a set of exercises prescribed by the doctor.

It is important to follow the rules exactly and not add new exercises without the permission of an orthopedic traumatologist. There should be no severe pain during exercise: If pronounced discomfort appears, you need to reduce the load in time and reduce the number of repetitions.

Information for patients! At the end of the gymnastics, the foot is taped: a tape is applied - a patch or elastic bandage, supporting the plantar aponeurosis, fixing the longitudinal arch. It is important to stretch the elastic material well as it wraps around the bottom of the leg.

Orthopedic devices

To fix the foot at a right angle, doctors prescribe the wearing of special devices - braces or orthoses. The patient wears them all night, it is recommended during the day orthopedic shoes or special insoles with a recess in the heel area.

Orthoses do not allow the plantar aponeurosis to shorten and maintain the elasticity of the connective tissue. The technique improves the prognosis in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

General treatment regimen

In addition to special gymnastics, wearing orthoses (braces) and orthopedic shoes, the patient receives other types of therapeutic effects. The selection of treatment methods is carried out by an orthopedist-traumatologist. Plantar fasciitis is treated by a physiotherapist and massage therapist.

If you have problems with weight, you need the help of a nutritionist to develop a menu with the optimal amount of calories and a complete set of vitamins and minerals. The patient should regularly consume foods that are beneficial for the health of bone tissue, muscles, cartilage and ligaments.

To eliminate negative symptoms in the plantar aponeurosis, complex treatment is carried out:

  • foot massage;
  • mud applications;
  • baths with chamomile infusion, pine elixir, sea ​​salt;
  • applying cold;
  • applying ointments and gels with a warming, anti-inflammatory effect to activate blood circulation in the affected area: Viprosal, Chondroxide;
  • pain relief using analgesics different strengths actions - from Aspirin to Naproxen;
  • treatment of the foot with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds for local application: Fastum-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Deep-Relief, Diclofenac, Cinepar-active.

For advanced cases of plantar fasciitis and active inflammatory process, use additional methods impacts:

  • for the gradual destruction of bone outgrowths in the heel area;
  • ultrasound and laser therapy;
  • injections potent drugs to the foot area (analgesics + glucocorticosteroids).

Lack of literacy timely therapy provokes the growth of osteophytes, strengthening pain syndrome. An unpleasant moment is a decrease in mobility due to the inability to move freely without the use of crutches. If the case is severe and conservative therapy is low, an operation is performed, during which the surgeon removes bone growths and affected areas of the fascia.

Protect the plantar aponeurosis from negative influence simple enough. Simple measures prevent frequent microtraumas of connective tissue.

The risk of developing plantar fasciitis will decrease several times if you adhere to the following rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes. Choose sandals, shoes, boots with a good insole, the right last, made of high-quality material, with a reasonable heel height;
  • follow the recommendations of an orthopedist-traumatologist, wear orthopedic shoes, and do not refuse special corrective insoles;
  • dose the load on the foot, do not stand in one place for a long time. It is harmful to sit without getting up to warm up: physical activity is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the body, good condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • monitor your diet and maintain normal weight. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion: extra pounds are the surest road to problems with the musculoskeletal system. Excessive load on the arch of the foot increases the risk of microtrauma and accelerates damage to the plantar aponeurosis;
  • treat diseases of the joints and spine in a timely manner, and regularly undergo examinations by doctors who deal with problems of the joint-ligamentous system, cartilage and bone tissue. If negative changes are detected, do not delay the start of therapy, undergo full course treatment. It is important to prevent the transition of diseases of the musculoskeletal system to chronic form, to be cured by early stage.

Pain, swelling, discomfort in the heel area are reasons for a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist. Timely appeal Seeing a specialist will help recognize plantar fasciitis at an early stage, before damage to the plantar aponeurosis and bone tissue growth have reached critical values. With an integrated approach to treatment and patient discipline, the prognosis is favorable. In severe cases, surgery will help.

Watch the video in which Elena Malysheva will give more useful tips for the treatment of plantar fasciitis:

Attention! Only today!

In this article we will talk about various methods treatment of heel fasciitis and where to start if you are suddenly overtaken by this disease.

How to cure plantar fasciitis of the heel? There are many ways to get rid of the disease, but orthopedists often practice A complex approach. The initial stage involves the use of ointments, gels and other products external influence. If the pain in the heel does not subside, additional physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are prescribed. By combining some methods of treating plantar fasciitis, a positive effect is achieved in 90% of cases within 3-6 months. One-component procedures solve problems on initial stages. If the progression of the disease reaches complex degree and complex therapy will not solve the problem, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment plantar fasciitis ( surgical intervention).

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis with Medication

Thanks to its diversity, medical supplies can be used at all stages of the disease. These are ointments, tablets, gels, patches. Their action is aimed at eliminating pain, relieving swelling, reducing inflammation and restoring the elasticity of connective tissue.

Regarding pain, non-steroidal medications have proven themselves well, but their treatment period is long, which causes dissatisfaction in some patients. Take off pain attack medications with ibuprofen will help: Motrin, Naproxen, Camelot, Nurofen, Meloxicam.

Effective treatment of plantar fasciitis with anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Chondroxit, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Contractubex and others.

Drug treatment includes injections that act like drug shock therapy on plantar fasciitis of the heel. Corticosteroids are injected into the painful area, but this procedure does not provide long-term effect.

Physiotherapeutic methods

The following physiotherapeutic methods are distinguished:

  • Extracorporeal ultraviolet therapy. The action of the drug is based on high-frequency sound waves, spreading at the place of attachment of the conductors. The concentration of vibration movements causes blood to move faster through all vessels, accelerating trophism and tissue regeneration;
  • Magnetotherapy. Plantar fasciitis, which is treated in medical conditions, responds well to an alternating magnetic field. Under its action, blood circulation improves, which stimulates the relief of inflammatory edema and physical suffering;
  • Laser therapy. Thanks to deep penetration laser beams into layers of soft tissue, they perfectly relieve swelling;

If plantar fasciitis does not respond to physiotherapeutic methods, surgery. It is for this reason that they are not recommended.

Gymnastics - the head of everything

Plantar fasciitis occurs due to the impossible process of self-healing of the fibrous ligament after regular exercise. In most cases, the culprits are weak foot muscles and inelastic fascia. Exercises to strengthen them are done under the supervision of an instructor. Usually, taping procedures (bandaging with tape) of the longitudinal arch of the foot are prescribed.

Which doctor treats plantar (plantar) fasciitis using taping? Gymnastics are prescribed by an orthopedist, and the procedure is carried out by a kinesiotherapist.

X-ray therapy

How to treat plantar fasciitis of the heel with radiotherapy? Order Involves Impact x-rays with a wavelength from 10 to 60 kV for short-focus therapy and from 60 to 250 kV for long-focus therapy. Penetrating into tissues damaged by the disease, they suppress growth pathogenic microorganisms, prevent cell destruction and remove signs hypersensitivity fabrics.

Background cutter

This physical therapy will also help answer the question of how to treat plantar fasciitis of the foot. Using ultrasound waves, medicine, applied previously to the skin, penetrates deeply into the tissues and warms them up, which helps improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation.

The procedure is similar to and can be performed at home if the device is portable.

Orthopedic insoles and heel pads

Plantar fasciitis of the heel, which is treated in initial stages, responds well to special treatment and prophylactic devices - insoles and heel pads. Both of them are inserts for everyday shoes (without heels) under the foot. The selection is made only in accordance with anatomical features foot and degree of disease progression.

Plantar (plantar) fasciitis is a disease of the overstrained ligament lining the inner side pits of the foot. It connects the metatarsal and heel bones, allows for the formation of the necessary arch of the foot, and enhances stability when walking. The name of the disease is popular among people.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), pathology is included in the class of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, in the group “Other soft tissue diseases” with fibroblastic disorders. Has code M 72.2.

What happens in the foot?

Initial changes in the fascia are associated with inflammation. It is localized closer to the heel bone. Plantar fasciitis occurs as a result of the loss of the ability of the fascia to independently cope with micro-tears under tension and mechanical injuries feet.

Over time, this area begins to dystrophic changes. The fascia loses elasticity, does not respond to stretching, and becomes denser. Calcium salts are deposited in the tissue. This is how additional bony prominence. This is a “heel spur”.

The fascia also pulls on the Achilles tendon, so the lower leg muscles suffer.

The pain is caused not by the “spur”, but by aseptic inflammation of the most powerful ligament in the body. Changes in the bone base are a consequence. It is necessary to treat initial manifestations without waiting for complications.


Plantar fasciitis develops from severe and prolonged overload of the ligament. Therefore, they suffer from symptoms of the disease in middle and old age. The disease is very often observed in people in the ballet profession, track and field athletes, and weightlifters.

The main reasons contributing to changes in the fascia are:

  • excess weight;
  • work with long periods of being on your feet;
  • Flat feet and high arches are equally dangerous;
  • incorrect foot position with outward rotation (pronation), when the shoes wear down from the inside;
  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases leg joints (arthrosis-arthritis);
  • wearing tight shoes with or without high heels;
  • impaired blood supply to the lower extremities due to obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis lumbar region spine.

Clinical manifestations

The symptoms of the disease are so typical that the diagnosis can be made independently. Plantar fasciitis manifests itself:

  • Pain in the heel that occurs when you try to step on your foot in the morning after sleep, after prolonged sitting. The man screams in sudden pain. After a long walk they get worse, and by the evening it is impossible to step on your foot.
  • When a bone “spur” forms, the pain is sharp, as if in contact with sharp objects. Patients are forced to use sticks or crutches.
  • Pain in the ankles, big toe and ball of the foot.
  • A change in the shape of the foot, manifested in deformation (contracture) due to shortening and thickening of the fascia, forced flexion of the toes.

Sometimes patients experience foot cramps when trying to stand up or at night.


Diagnosis is based on an examination by a doctor, who identifies painful spots under the heel and swelling.

The x-ray shows growths along the edges of the heel bone.

Patients are not sure which doctor to contact if they have these symptoms. In territorial clinics, this pathology is dealt with by orthopedic traumatologists. If there is no such specialist, then make an appointment with a surgeon.

Palpation of the foot gives an idea of ​​the density and degree of tension of the fascia

How to treat plantar fasciitis?

Treatment of plantar fasciitis must be combined with getting rid of the factors that led to the disease:

  • monitor your weight, arrange fasting days;
  • you may have to change jobs and even give up your profession;
  • reduce or stop sports activities;
  • change your shoe size to a looser one, a heel is needed, but not higher than 3 cm;
  • special orthotic insoles will allow you to artificially restore the desired arch of the foot and reduce the load on the fascia.

There are orthopedic shoes worn at night (splints). It allows you to relax the ligaments of the foot as much as possible.

Massage to stretch the fascia

To stretch a dense, thickened ligament, massage the arch of the foot, which can be done independently several times a day. To do this, you need to clench your hand into a tight fist and use your knuckles to massage the arch of your foot with very strong circular movements, then alternately straighten and pull your toes towards you.

Stretching exercises

The exercises involve stress on the extensor muscles. They should be done for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

  1. Roll a tennis ball or rolling pin on a hard surface.
  2. Place a towel over the arch of your foot and use it to pull the sock towards you. Stay in this position first for a few seconds, then longer.
  3. Place your hands on the wall, place one leg side by side, and take the other back on your toes. Try to stretch the shin of your “back” leg by lowering it onto your heel and slightly bending the knee of your “front” limb.

Tension promotes gradual lengthening of the fascia

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy helps relieve inflammation from the fascia and normalize metabolic processes. Apply courses:

  • ultrasound,
  • laser therapy,
  • shock wave procedures,
  • mud applications with natural bioactive substances.

Local remedies

In the treatment of plantar fasciitis, it is necessary to use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets and ointments.

Ibuprofen and Naproxen have similar properties. Hormonal medications are used as prescribed by a doctor.

At home, you can rub your foot with ointments containing herbal and natural ingredients, and make compresses at night.

  • Cream "Fasciitis stop" includes comfrey herb based shark oil.
  • “Golden Us”, in addition to shark oil, contains extracts of cinquefoil, plantain, bay leaf, propolis, fir, eucalyptus, corn oils.

The surgical method is rarely used, only if it threatens complete break ligaments

Traditional methods

Therapy folk remedies complements massage and physiotherapy, based on proven natural substances. Healers recommend topical use of ointments and compresses after a 15-minute foot bath with sea salt. It relaxes the muscles and enhances the penetration of ointment components through the skin.
You can add a few drops of iodine to the water.

WITH therapeutic purpose It is recommended to use baths made from a decoction of the peels of unripe walnuts.

The cinquefoil herb for the compress must first be prepared. To do this, grind the root, pour 2 full tablespoons into ¼ cup hot water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After this, the steamed roots are ground into a soft mass and applied to the heel area. The compress is fixed with a bandage, surrounded with cellophane and a thick sock is put on. It is best to carry out treatment at night.

As an acting active substance folk remedies are recommended: grated horseradish, crushed garlic, hot mashed potatoes.

Red elderberry tincture for rubbing is prepared from ripe or dried berries. They are filled with vodka and pre-infused in a dark place for 2 weeks. You can rub painful areas several times a day.

The same tincture can be prepared from the pulp of the sunflower head.

It is necessary to remember the possibility allergic reaction for medicines and herbal combinations. If itching occurs, skin rashes You should stop using the product and consult your doctor.

Various sources promise improvement after 6–9 months of treatment. Don't despair! Be patient and the expected result will definitely come.

Our expert - orthopedist, researcher at the Endocrinological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Sergei Gorokhov.

​The first steps are very difficult

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel area. It is felt most strongly after waking up: getting out of bed, a person can hardly step on his foot. Doctors call this phenomenon morning pain of the first step. If you overcome it and, despite the discomfort, start walking, it will decrease or even disappear. However, the pain may recur periodically throughout the day, for example when a person stands up after sitting for a while.

The cause of pain is inflammation of the plantar fascia. This is what is called the hard layer fibrous tissue, which runs along the lower surface of the foot. In fact, it is a ligament, and one of the longest and strongest in our body. It, like a cable, connects the heel bone with metatarsal bones and at the same time supports the longitudinal arch of the foot.

Where it all begins

There are several factors that can lead to plantar fasciitis. The most important is the development of flat feet. When the arch of the foot flattens, the plantar fascia becomes overstretched and develops microtears. The damage is especially pronounced in the place where the fascia attaches to the heel bone, so inflammation occurs here.

Another risk factor is if a person is overweight, which increases the load on the plantar fascia. A change in your usual routine can also trigger the onset of fasciitis. physical activity, such as exercising too intensely or working hard.

Gymnastics plus orthoses

If nothing is done, heel pain can last on average from 6 to 18 months. Then it may retreat, but soon returns again. Therefore, plantar fasciitis necessarily requires treatment - it is necessary to reduce inflammation and eliminate the cause of the disease. Several methods may be included in therapy at the discretion of the physician.

Stretching. This is gymnastics to stretch the muscles of the foot. Be sure to study and calf muscles, because tension in them aggravates the course of plantar fasciitis. This is an effective way to reduce heel pain, but only if you exercise regularly.

Taking medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain, but cannot be used for long periods of time because large quantity side effects.

Wearing individual orthopedic insoles (orthoses). They are made from an impression specifically for each patient. It is important that the insoles are full-contact, that is, they adhere to the foot over its entire area. Only in this case will they restore the normal height of the longitudinal arch of the foot, due to which the tension of the plantar fascia will decrease, which means the pain will go away. Its severity decreases already in the first weeks constant wearing insole Today this method is considered the most reliable and gives a long-term effect.

On a note

When the area where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone becomes damaged, calcium salts begin to be deposited. As a result, a bony prominence or “heel spur” is formed. Many people think it is the culprit of pain, but this is not so. The pain is caused primarily by inflammation, and the “spur” is only its consequence. It is useless to smear your feet with iodine or bile, to hit your heel on the floor, or to buy heel pads. Contact your doctor and choose optimal method treatment.

Night tires. These are special orthopedic devices similar to a plastic boot. It should be worn at night to prevent stretching of the plantar fascia. Splints can reduce the pain of taking that first morning step. But they are quite bulky and not very convenient to use.

Shock wave therapy (SWT). Nowadays this is a fashionable technique that is used for various diseases. Plantar fasciitis is no exception. However, studies have shown that shockwave therapy does not always completely relieve pain and this effect does not last long. In addition, the procedure itself is painful, and the cost of the course of treatment is quite high.

Injections of corticosteroids into the site of inflammation. Drugs reduce pain, but have many side effects. In addition, with such an introduction there is a risk of fascia rupture, especially in people with overweight. Therefore, the technique is used only if other methods have not helped.

Operation. It is too last resort, which is resorted to if conservative treatment was carried out for six months, but the pain did not decrease. Part of the plantar fascia is excised and its tension is reduced. This reduces pain, but can lead to accelerated development of flat feet, which means the emergence of new problems. If possible, it is better not to go through with surgery. Do not neglect the recommendations for gymnastics and wearing special insoles - this does not require much effort.

Today, most people live at a fast pace, representatives of many professions often spend the day or most of it standing on their feet: teachers, flight attendants, salespeople, police officers. Frequent walking, jogging, and sports put stress on the feet, which support the person’s weight. No wonder what happens possible appearance foot troubles, including feet.

Fasciitis of the foot is a disease that occurs due to inflammatory processes in the plantar fascia (consists of connective tissues located along the sole, attached to the toes, the fascia supports the leg, regulates the arch of the foot). In common parlance, the disease is called a heel spur, which is not true: a heel spur occurs after fasciitis.

With fasciitis, there is pain in the heel in the morning and evening, tension in the Achilles tendon, pain when pressing on the heel. Fasciitis of the foot occurs more often in people over 40 years of age. The risk group includes people with excess weight, flat feet, arthritis, diseases of the joints, spine, and people wearing shoes that are too tight or unsuitable. Athletes who engage in activities that place stress on the foot are predominantly susceptible to fasciitis - primarily runners.

Treatment of foot fasciitis takes a long time, sometimes up to a year. Many treatment methods have been developed: basic, medication, treatment with folk remedies, even surgical intervention. The main methods are available to people.

At first, you should give your legs a rest (if you run, it’s better to stop training for now), and avoid walking on hard surfaces. At severe pain Apply ice to the heel; if that doesn’t help, take a painkiller. Buy orthopedic insoles for shoes and heels. On days of pain, it is better to wear shoes with soft soles, thick ones, when the foot does not feel the impact. It is better not to walk around the house barefoot, avoiding putting pressure on the sore area; it is better to walk in slippers. The main thing is considered to be daily exercises that can be done at home. Gymnastics will help strengthen muscles and ligaments.

Gymnastics program for feet:

Before performing exercises, it is better to go to an appointment with a physiotherapist and consult a doctor. Perhaps in specific case exercise is contraindicated!

If treatment does not show results, it is indicated to add non-surgical methods. Continue to use custom-made orthotics, taking into account individual characteristics Feet. At night, splints are worn to hold the foot at a ninety-degree angle. Effective way Treatment is considered to be a plaster cast. After this method, it takes time for rehabilitation; it is uncomfortable, but it provides complete rest to the foot.

If after six months - a year similar treatment the pain in the foot does not go away, exercise does not help, the symptoms may worsen, and surgery is required. The case is rare, but sometimes it happens. Developed different ways The main operation involves the doctor removing part of the ligament, reducing its tension and inflammation. As drug treatment It is possible to use an anesthetic (ibuprofen, aspirin, which relieves pain), and a temporary course of corticosteroid injections is prescribed.

Traditional methods of treating fasciitis

Perhaps many people view traditional treatment as a useless form of therapy, sometimes traditional methods provide good results.

The methods given above are part of the existing ones, the most effective in treating spurs. Herbs melt in abundance healing properties, not known to everyone. Don't despair without trying possible methods, but use exclusively traditional treatment not worth it at home.

Kinesio tapes as a type of treatment

Let us mention the type of treatment - kinesio tapes. This is an elastic cotton adhesive tape, used in sports medicine and rehabilitation. The adhesive base is activated by body temperature. The technology was created a relatively long time ago - they learned about the method in 1988; the creator is Dr. Kenzo Kase, a Japanese national.

The scope of use of kinesio tapes is wide: muscle pain, bruises, hematomas, dislocations, sprains, plantar fasciitis of the foot and many others. At plantar fasciitis(can be done at home) three segments are applied to the foot: along, perpendicular to the very painful place and crosswise to the arch of the foot.

The effect of kinesio tapes: support ligaments, muscles and joints, relieve pain and swelling. Inflammation at the site where the tape is applied is relieved, muscles and joints are relaxed, blood supply and lymph flow in the tissues are improved. The method is considered convenient, is not noticeable under clothing, and does not impede movement like a cast, splint or compress. The treatment is really worth trying, the effectiveness of the method has been proven.


The best treatment for heel spurs and any disease is prevention. If you develop excess weight, try to reduce the amount of excess kilograms; excessive stress on the foot can provoke the disease. You should choose soft, comfortable shoes that support your feet and are not too tight. Shoes without backs cause tension in the heel; it is better to wear them in rare cases. Before classes, you need to do stretching exercises. If flat feet are diagnosed, try to cure it.

Normalize your sleep and rest patterns, and give your legs rest whenever possible. For prevention, it is possible to wear orthopedic insoles: they will not cause harm and will reduce the risk of disease. Walking barefoot on grass or sand will help improve blood flow to the tissues of your feet.

If you ignore the symptoms of a spur for a long time, try to treat the disease at home, serious consequences inevitable. Heel pain will develop into chronic pain (prescribed shock wave therapy: shock waves that stimulate healing are directed to the heel area). If left untreated, foot fasciitis can cause loss of mobility in the foot. After surgical intervention there is a risk of spur recurrence, possible benign tumor from nerve cells, infectious infection, too long rehabilitation.