Plantar fasciitis of the foot. Plantar fasciitis - how to treat? Methods of surgical treatment of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis refers to an inflammatory process affecting the plantar fascia. This formation is a dense tissue bundle that provides smooth shock absorption of the foot when walking. Plantar fasciitis in the foot area causes a person a lot of problems and discomfort, accompanied by pain and gait disturbance.

The human foot experiences constant dynamic and static load. That is why it is so important to diagnose and treat this disease in a timely manner.

In most cases, the cause of this pathology is trauma to the plantar fascia. Other causes of the disease include:

  • Staying in the same position for a long time. The risk group includes people whose work activity associated with prolonged sitting or standing. Also, professional athletes (weightlifters, track and field athletes, bodybuilders) are susceptible to plantar fasciitis.
  • Having flat feet. The flat arch of the foot receives uneven load, as a result of which the fascia of the foot suffers.
  • Wearing shoes without arch support. This type of footwear includes sports sneakers, flip-flops and flip-flops.
  • Excess body weight. If a person has excessive body weight, the load on his feet increases several times.
  • Presence of sports activities. Intense training has a damaging effect on the foot apparatus. Plantar fasciitis is a common pathology among people who play sports professionally.
  • Congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot.
  • Age-related degenerative-dystrophic changes in the soft tissues of the foot.
  • Violation metabolic processes and blood circulation in the sole area. People suffering from diabetes, gout and atherosclerosis are susceptible to this condition.

How fasciitis of the foot occurs, its symptoms and its treatment will be discussed in detail below.


A characteristic symptom of this disease is pain that tends to intensify with weight bearing on the foot. The pain is most often localized on the plantar side of the heel, as well as along the back surface of the heel bone.

Pain syndrome with fasciitis makes itself felt in the morning. The intensity of the pain often forces a person to stop moving and put his feet on a hill. The inflammatory process with fasciitis affects both feet, but can also be unilateral.

The main symptoms of this disease include:

  • discomfort and pain in the heel area;
  • limited movement;
  • burning sensation in the heel area;
  • deformation of the foot due to thickening of the plantar fascia;
  • forced flexion of the toes (characteristic sign);
  • the formation of a compaction center on the plantar side of the heel.

A potential complication of fasciitis is a heel spur, which develops as a result of increased pressure on the foot. If a person discovers signs of a heel spur, then in 85% of cases we are talking about the formation of an inflammatory process in the plantar fascia.


The primary link in diagnosing this disease is the collection and analysis of complaints that a person makes. In this case, the doctor takes into account the nature of the pain, its duration, location, and the presence of other symptoms of the disease. Also, it is important for the medical specialist to obtain information regarding the patient’s lifestyle and work activity.

After this, the doctor will conduct a visual examination and palpation of the feet. An important point is the presence of flat feet or other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The following studies are used as additional diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray examination;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

An X-ray examination may reveal a bone growth in the heel area (spur), as well as pockets of calcium deposits.


Therapy for this disease includes medication, physiotherapeutic techniques and surgery. Wherein last method is last resort, and is used when conservative therapy is ineffective.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy for plantar fasciitis includes the following groups of medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs are mandatory to take, since they are based pathological process This disease is associated with an inflammatory process.
  • Painkillers (analgesics) drugs. If a person is bothered by severe pain during physical activity or at rest, then he is prescribed painkillers medicines.
  • Ointments and creams for topical use containing an anti-inflammatory component.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Methods of hardware physiotherapy are widely used as part of the complex treatment of this disease. High efficiency have the following methods:

  • Shock wave technique. This type of hardware physiotherapy involves the impact of high-frequency acoustic waves on soft fabrics foot area. As a result of this effect, local blood circulation improves, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases, and pain and discomfort are eliminated.
  • Magnetotherapy. The effect of the magnetic field has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.
  • Phonophoresis. This technique is complex and involves the simultaneous influence of physical and chemical factors. During phonophoresis, hydrocortisone ointment is administered through ultraviolet sound waves. This combination ensures deep penetration of the ointment components into the soft tissues of the heel area. Hydrocortisone ointment has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and analgesic effect.

Recommendations regarding each technique are given to each person individually. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved only with simultaneous use medicines and physiotherapeutic procedures.


If conservative therapy does not bring the expected result, the person is recommended to undergo surgical intervention. Surgical intervention for fasciitis is performed under local anesthesia. For this purpose it is used spinal anesthesia, causing temporary loss of sensation in the lower extremities.

Modern technologies and the latest equipment allow medical specialists to perform short-term and high-precision operations. Endoscopy techniques are used for the surgical treatment of this disease. During the operation, the doctor carefully crosses the plantar fascia and, using a special instrument, removes the bony outgrowth in the heel bone (spur).

Duration rehabilitation period after this intervention varies depending on the severity of the pathological process. Some people who undergo surgery for fasciitis may experience the following complications:

  • traumatic damage to nerve trunks during surgery;
  • increased pain syndrome;
  • formation of a benign nerve tumor (neuroma);
  • long healing surgical wound or its suppuration.

If one of the complications develops, the person will need additional drug therapy and additional rehabilitation.


It is much easier to prevent any disease than to deal with its consequences and complications. In order to prevent the occurrence of fasciitis, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • use convenient orthopedic shoes which has instep support or good shock absorption or insoles.
  • It is recommended to change sports shoes at least once every 2 seasons;
  • fight excess body weight;
  • do not jog on asphalt surfaces;
  • train the flexibility of the ankle ligaments.

Treatment of fasciitis, especially if it has become chronic, becomes more and more difficult every year. Requires massive drug therapy in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures. If a person’s leg begins to hurt and discomfort in the foot area begins to bother him, he is recommended to immediately seek medical help and undergo a comprehensive examination.

How to cure plantar fasciitis of the heel? There are many ways to get rid of the disease, but orthopedists often practice A complex approach. The initial stage involves the use of ointments, gels and other external agents. If the pain in the heel does not subside, additional physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are prescribed. By combining some methods of treating plantar fasciitis, a positive effect is achieved in 90% of cases within 3-6 months. Single-component procedures solve problems at the initial stages. If the progression of the disease reaches a complex degree and complex therapy does not solve the problem, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment of plantar fasciitis (surgical intervention).

Thanks to its diversity, medical supplies can be used at all stages of the disease. These are ointments, tablets, gels, patches. Their action is aimed at eliminating pain, relieving swelling, reducing inflammation and restoring elasticity. connective tissue.

Regarding pain, non-steroidal medications have proven themselves well, but their treatment period is long, which causes dissatisfaction in some patients. Medicines containing ibuprofen will help relieve pain: Motrin, Naproxen, Camelot, Nurofen, Meloxicam.

Effective treatment of plantar fasciitis with anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Chondroxit, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Contractubex and others.

Drug treatment includes injections that act like drug shock therapy on plantar fasciitis of the heel. Corticosteroids are injected into the painful area, but this procedure does not provide long-term effect.

The following physiotherapeutic methods are distinguished:

  • Extracorporeal ultraviolet therapy. The action of the drug is based on high-frequency sound waves propagating at the site of attachment of the conductors. The concentration of vibration movements causes blood to move faster through all vessels, accelerating trophism and tissue regeneration;
  • Magnetotherapy. Plantar fasciitis, which is treated in medical conditions, responds well to an alternating magnetic field. Under its action, blood circulation improves, which stimulates the relief of inflammatory edema and physical suffering;
  • Laser therapy. Due to the deep penetration of laser beams into the layers of soft tissue, they perfectly relieve swelling;

If plantar fasciitis does not respond to physiotherapeutic methods, surgery is performed. It is for this reason that treating heel spurs at home is not recommended.

Plantar fasciitis occurs due to the impossible process of self-healing of the fibrous ligament after regular exercise. In most cases, the culprits are weak foot muscles and inelastic fascia. Exercises to strengthen them are done under the supervision of an instructor. Usually, taping procedures (bandaging with tape) of the longitudinal arch of the foot are prescribed.

Which doctor treats plantar (plantar) fasciitis using taping? Gymnastics are prescribed by an orthopedist, and the procedure is carried out by a kinesiotherapist.

How to treat plantar fasciitis of the heel with radiotherapy? The procedure involves exposure to x-rays with a wavelength from 10 to 60 kV for short-focus therapy and from 60 to 250 kV for long-focus therapy. Penetrating into tissues damaged by the disease, they suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, prevent cell destruction and remove symptoms hypersensitivity fabrics.

This physical therapy will also help answer the question of how to treat plantar fasciitis of the foot. With the help of ultrasound waves, the medicine, previously applied to the skin, penetrates deeply into the tissues and warms them up, which helps improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation.

The procedure is similar to a massage for heel spurs and can be performed at home if the device is portable.

Plantar fasciitis of the heel, which is treated in initial stages, responds well to special treatment and prophylactic devices - insoles and heel pads. Both of them are inserts for everyday shoes (without heels) under the foot. The choice is made only in accordance with the anatomical features of the foot and the degree of progression of the disease.

This method cannot cure heel fasciitis, but supporting the heel in its physiological position while walking will be useful.

A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis most often causes symptoms of pain in the heel area. When pathology occurs in a person, inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thin ligament necessary for attaching the heel bone to the foot, is observed. The plantar fascia is needed to support the arch of the foot and normal possibility walk by stepping on the heel, and if it becomes injured or inflamed, the person cannot fully move. The condition of plantar fasciitis is typical for athletes, people whose lifestyle involves constantly being on their feet, and it can be noted that women suffer more.

The disease affects the foot area due to the constant stress placed on the legs. Thanks to physiological characteristics When walking, the feet, especially the heels, have the function of cushioning and softening the gait, which prevents injury and discomfort. Fasciitis can be caused by many factors, which we will consider in more detail.

The plantar fascia can be compared to a stretched string that can take shocks and stretches, while absorbing and without causing injury to other tissues. But if the load increases, then pathological conditions may arise in the structure of the fascia, such as rupture, tear, stretching, and it can no longer fully protect the foot from impact external factors. An inflammation process appears, which can last for more than one week or even one month.

The causes of the pathological condition of the plantar fascia are associated with various factors, but the first place is the increase in loads on the feet and heel area. This happens with obesity, especially if excess weight gain occurs quickly. Therefore, risk factors can be identified:

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman intensively gains weight, plus an increase in the abdomen affects the nature of her gait. The muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle suffer from this, and the diagnosis of “plantar fasciitis” is becoming common.

Metabolic disease. Many people with metabolic disorders experience changes in weight - obesity. Excess weight can be caused by hormonal imbalances, taking oral contraceptives, and stress.

Athletes. If during the period of intense training the muscles are in an active state and resist injury and inflammation, then after a person stops exercising, the risk of receiving a diagnosis of fasciitis increases. Often former athletes They gain weight, their muscles weaken, which affects their health.

Not only pregnant women and former athletes can suffer from pathology. People whose lifestyle or work involves standing for long periods of time are susceptible to inflammation in the foot area. This category of people includes salespeople, teachers, factory workers, catering workers, as well as athletes - track and field athletes, runners. It is worth noting that the disease most often occurs after 40 years, when age-related disruptions occur in the body.

Another group of reasons is related to pathological conditions stop. Plantar fasciitis, or, as it is also called, plantar fasciitis, can occur in people with flat feet, club feet, and gait abnormalities. Wrong shoes have a negative impact on the fascia of the foot, therefore, when choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the insoles are not too soft and that there is an instep support on the shoes. If the sole begins to wear out or crack, then it is better to replace such shoes and not risk your health.

It is worth noting that calluses, spurs and cracks do not cause plantar fasciitis, but have a negative overall impact on hygiene and walking comfort.

But foot injuries, especially in the heel area, can lead to unpleasant inflammation that will take a long time to heal.

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel area, and most often one heel is affected. If you do not carry out timely treatment and continue to put stress on your legs, then after a while inflammation may begin on the second leg. By the way, the disease tends to show symptoms for a long time while in acute condition, but over time, without proper attention and treatment, the pathology can become a chronic condition.

Let's look at the features of fasciitis. Pain in the heel area is more pronounced at the beginning of the load, that is, when getting out of bed, during the first steps after rest. Doctors even gave this feature a name - “pain of the first step.” Consequently, pain symptoms most often appear in the morning. When a person “diverges,” symptoms decrease. In the early stages, the pain goes away completely and does not appear until the person puts a strong strain on the leg muscles and heel.

As pain progresses, symptoms may appear throughout the day with sudden movements, standing or sitting for a long time, or not pass at all, but slightly weaken. In advanced cases, in order to cure the pathology, the patient is issued a sick leave.

The pain itself manifests itself in the area of ​​the sole of the foot, closer to the heel. In addition to pain, muscle rigidity, burning or, conversely, numbness are observed. During the acute period, it becomes difficult for a person to climb stairs and walk for a long time, which affects the quality of life.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis is prescribed after comprehensive examination to exclude other pathologies. To make a diagnosis, the doctor studies the nature of the complaints, for which he conducts a survey, performs palpation and examination. To exclude ligament ruptures, the doctor asks you to flex and extend the foot, and also checks the ability to perform other movements.

In order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis, X-ray diagnostics are prescribed to rule out bone fractures. Additionally, magnetic resonance imaging and electromyelography may be needed. In general, imaging tests and interviewing the patient are often sufficient to establish a diagnosis.

If you do not start treatment and endure the pain, then it can last up to a year and a half, and periodically subside and reappear. The longer fasciitis is left untreated, the greater the risk of ending up on the operating table. The goal of treatment is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the cause of the pathology.

Regardless of the chosen treatment option, gymnastics for the feet and ankles is mandatory. So, you can do stretching - gymnastics aimed at stretching the muscles of the foot and calf muscles. At home, you should also perform other types of exercise therapy, the exercises for which will be selected by your doctor.

The initial stage of treatment is to provide rest for the legs, you need to reduce the load, apply compresses at least 3 times a day.

A recipe for baths with is effective for treating fasciitis. flaxseed and potato peelings. Take 2 handfuls of flax seeds and mix with potato peelings, after which the resulting mixture is poured with half a liter of water and boiled until thickened. When the porridge has cooled, you need to keep your feet in it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure ends by rinsing the feet with warm water, while scraping off the dead skin. You can also use your own recipe from traditional medicine if there are no contraindications.

You can reduce the manifestation of pain by prescribing a course of drugs from the NSAID groups - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam. Ointments based on NSAIDs. To improve blood supply and reduce inflammation, a course of massage is prescribed, which must be combined with gymnastics.

If we take modern treatment methods, we distinguish kinesiological taping. The method involves applying an adhesive breathable kinesio tape to the heel area, which reduces muscle pain. The essence of the treatment is to stretch the muscles with a tape, which reduces stress and increases lymphatic circulation, intercellular fluid, and also stimulates blood circulation in the foot.

Here are some popular treatments for plantar fasciitis. A common method of wearing an orthopedic insole is an orthosis. In order to make them, you need a cast of the leg. The effect of insoles is to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and eliminate inflammation. If you wish, you can make orthopedic insoles with your own hands using old insoles, cotton balls and a bandage, following the instructions.

Either separately or in combination with insoles, you can use a night splint in the form of a plastic boot. The splint is worn at night and prevents stretching of the plantar fascia. Using this method of treatment, you can reduce pain in the morning. The disadvantages include discomfort during use.

Shock wave therapy is a popular treatment. Also, for severe pain, blockades using hormones and analgesics can be prescribed. In extreme cases, it is necessary to perform an operation in which part of the fascia is excised or other necessary manipulations are performed.

Not everyone knows, but ignoring even minor pain in the foot is very dangerous. You should start worrying already when you feel discomfort when getting out of bed in the morning.

Most cases of foot pain are caused by plantar fasciitis. This inflammatory disease can lead to lameness, and in advanced cases, patients without outside help They can't even stand on their feet.

You can independently suspect the development of this disease if you notice morning pain on the soles of your feet in the heel area. Usually the unpleasant sensations subside, and often disappear completely by the end of the day. But they can resume after a long rest of the legs. Do not underestimate a disease such as plantar fasciitis. Symptoms, the treatment of which it is advisable to begin immediately, become more noticeable every day. As a result, getting up in the morning becomes a real torture, and the pain does not subside throughout the day.

At the first problem, it is advisable to go to the doctor. The surgeon will examine the affected leg and order an x-ray to identify heel spurs and rule out other possible problems. He will also listen to all your complaints and clarify when exactly the pain occurs. Based on the description you provide, visual examination and x-ray data, the final diagnosis will be established.

In most cases, plantar fasciitis develops for a reason. The most susceptible to this disease are people with flat feet, high arches, overweight. Also, problems with the fascia can begin due to sudden intense stress, regular wearing of high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the feet.

Fasciitis of the sole occurs due to the fact that when walking and other loads on the foot there is an incorrect distribution of weight. Normally, a person should rest on the outer edge of the foot and then move onto it inner side. But with excess weight, flat feet and others related reasons this mechanism is disrupted. The result is overstretching of the fascia, followed by micro-tears. They are the ones that cause pain.

Due to excessive stress on the plantar fascia, which connects calcaneus with the forefoot and supports its longitudinal arch, and all the problems arise. Most often, the ligaments are injured at the place where they are attached to the heel. As a result, micro-tears appear that can heal on their own. But constant injury to these areas leads to inflammation in their place, accompanied by pain. In most cases, plantar fasciitis is also accompanied by an overgrowth of the heel bones. The x-ray shows a spur-shaped growth.

It is worth noting that women most often suffer from the disease, and mainly people over 40 years of age are susceptible to it. The risk group includes all patients with excess weight, problems with the spine, joint diseases, injuries of the heel bones, gout, circulatory disorders, flat feet and other similar problems.

It is advisable for every person to know how to avoid a disease such as plantar fasciitis. Treatment of the initial stages of the disease and preventive methods are very similar. Thus, the development of the inflammatory process can be prevented with the help of simple gymnastics and stretching exercises. But no less attention should be paid to the choice of shoes and insoles. It is advisable to use orthopedic options that provide good support for the foot.

Don’t forget about exercises to evenly stretch the plantar fascia. Every day it is advisable to roll your feet over any interior threshold with pressure. A regular bottle is also suitable for these purposes. Another exercise that can prevent plantar fasciitis is stretching. To do this, pull your feet towards you every day for 10 seconds, repeat this 20 times for each leg. Stretching the calf muscle is also an effective method.

If you neglected preventive methods and did not consult a doctor when the first symptoms appeared, then you will most likely need medication methods. Of course, your doctor will initially recommend using simple methods that help most patients with plantar fasciitis. Symptoms for which treatment will be effective should not yet be too pronounced. That is, the patient may have problems with the feet when getting out of bed in the morning. But during the day the sensations subside and disappear completely in the evening. In this case, you can use cold: for this you can roll a plastic bottle with ice or just well-chilled water with your feet for 10 minutes several times a day. This method can relieve swelling and reduce inflammation.

Also, doctors in most cases recommend reducing the load on the legs, for example, giving up long walking and running. At night, the doctor may recommend wearing special boots that prevent the fascia from contracting during rest. In a hospital setting, various physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out, which also give a noticeable effect; inflammation decreases after just a few sessions.

If simple methods do not give the desired result and plantar fasciitis does not go away, then surgeons may recommend other ways to get rid of the problems. Your doctor may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group includes products that contain ibuprofen, naproxen, or regular aspirin. These may be drugs such as Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Diclofenac, Indomethacin.

In more advanced cases, corticosteroid injections may be prescribed. These are special hormonal drugs with a pronounced anti-inflammatory mechanism of action. Only a doctor can do them, since the slightest mistake when administering these drugs can cause damage to the fascia. And this will provoke flat feet and chronic pain.

A disease associated with inflammation of the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the foot is heel fasciitis. The symptoms and treatment of this disease must be known for quick and effective disposal from the problem.

Interesting fact! Another name for heel fasciitis is plantar (plantar) fasciitis or heel spur. Although the latter name is a misnomer, since they are not the same thing.

The root causes of heel fasciitis include the following:

  • various heel injuries(sprains, bruises, fractures, etc.);
  • flat feet;
  • systemic diseases(Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, gout);
  • foot overload(long walking in uncomfortable shoes, doing light and weightlifting);
  • infectious diseases(chlamadia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, dysentery, salmonellosis, bone tuberculosis, osteomelitis of the calcaneus);
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • elderly age(at the same time, the vessels of the legs lose their elasticity, and blood circulation is disrupted);
  • excess body weight;
  • genetic predisposition to plantar fasciitis.

Heel fasciitis - symptoms andmanifestations (treatment must take them into account):

  • intense pain;
  • curvature of the foot;
  • redness and swelling of the affected fascia;
  • swelling of the foot;
  • formation of a growth in the heel area.

Acute heel fasciitis is characterized by dull It's a dull pain foot pain that occurs every time you stand up. In addition, it is often accompanied by swelling, elevated temperature throughout the foot, swelling during prolonged exercise, impaired mobility of the foot.

If acute fasciitis is not treated, it becomes chronic. Plantar fasciitis at this stage is characterized by lameness when walking, the first steps after waking up are difficult and painful. The pain is acute, often turning into shooting pain.

To diagnose the disease you need:

  1. Inform your doctor about all unpleasant symptoms so that the doctor can first make a diagnosis (heel fasciitis) and prescribe treatment.
  2. In order to confirm the disease, a specialist may prescribe an x-ray, MRI or ultrasound of the soft tissues of the foot.

heel fasciitis,having unpleasant symptoms and manifestations, requires competent treatment, which includes the following:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • laser treatment;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • ethnoscience;
  • operation.

Elimination of symptoms and treatment of heel fasciitis with shock wave therapy

In addition, if you have heel fasciitis, you need to adhere to dietary rules that reduce inflammation and promote healing. extra salts from the body. So, it is necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed, namely water to 3 liters. Cucumbers and watermelons should be included in your daily diet, as they help reduce swelling and withdrawal excess liquid from the body.

If you have heel fasciitis, you should not eat spicy foods, coffee drinks, smoked foods, sweets and chocolate.

During treatment, you need to drink freshly prepared juices (for example, cabbage, beetroot, apple, cranberry). Experts also advise drinking mineral water with alkali.

Regarding shoes, people suffering from fasciitis should not walk barefoot. It is necessary, even at home, to use special orthopedic shoes and insoles. Most often, such products can be found in specialized orthopedic stores.

Shoes must meet the following requirements:

  • heels should be low and stable;
  • orthopedic shoes must have a hard heel;
  • you need to choose only high-quality leather shoes according to size;
  • the presence of an instep support is required;
  • there should be no discomfort when wearing it.

The selection of specialized shoes should be carried out by an orthopedist, who, having studied the individual characteristics and severity of the disease, will select the correct model.

Treatment with medications for heel fasciitis is aimed at reducing pain, reducing swelling should help improve blood circulation.
Doctors usually prescribe the following drug therapy:


  1. Non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties in the form of tablets, ointments or injections (Voltaren, Diclafenac, Flexen).
  2. Chondoprotectors (Artiflex, Chondrocerin, Artradol).
  3. Blockades with a therapeutic effect (use of injections with corticosteroids).
  4. Anti-inflammatory hormonal medications (Diprospan, Hydrocartisone, Betameson).

For heel fasciitis, comprehensive treatment is necessary to eliminate symptoms and pain, so doctors recommend in addition to drug therapy do foot baths.

A salt bath can help relieve the symptoms of fasciitis.

After completing the procedure, wipe your feet dry, put on warm socks, and fix themsick leg With with help elastic bandage under angle degrees.

Recipes for the most effective foot baths:

  1. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of sea (or table) salt and dilute it in hot water (1 liter). After this, the sore limb is immersed in the prepared bath for half an hour.
  2. It is necessary to dissolve 15 drops of iodine in 1 liter hot water. After this, the sore leg is placed in the bath and kept for about 40 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of herbs in the following ratio: take 1 tbsp. l. crushed mixture of herbs (nettle, burdock, wormwood) per 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and keep in a water bath for another 20 minutes. A bath with this decoction should be taken for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. You need to prepare an appropriate container and fill it with water with added crushed ice. You need to take a bath for 10 minutes. To prevent your fingers from freezing, neoprene finger guards are put on them.
  5. To prepare the bath you need to take 2 containers. Fill one of them with cold and the other with hot water. Alternately dip the lower limbs into one or another container, holding for about half a minute in each, the total procedure time is 10 minutes. In case of acute painful sensations, such baths are contraindicated.

For hot baths, it is imperative to maintain the water temperature so that it does not cool down.

Be careful! You should not use heating pads or hot compresses, as they will only increase the inflammation and pain of fasciitis.

To treat heel fasciitis and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the use of traditional medicine is considered effective. Before using the compress, you need to prepare the skin by first steaming it in a bath. It is best to do the procedure at night.

Compresses - traditional methods of treating fasciitis

  • Potato compress. To prepare, you need to take washed potatoes and grate them. After this, transfer the resulting mixture into gauze folded in several layers (5–6). Apply the prepared compress to the sore heel, wrap it in cellophane and put on a warm sock.
  • Radish compress. To prepare this application, you need to take one clean black radish. Without removing the peel, finely chop (twist with a meat grinder twice or grate on a fine grater). The prepared mixture is placed in cellophane, applied to the sore spot and wrapped with a cloth, or put on a warm sock.
  • Burdock compress. You need to take one large washed burdock leaf and one piece laundry soap. The soap must be grated on a fine grater and diluted with water to form a paste. Rub burdock with this paste and apply it to the steamed heel, secure with an adhesive plaster or cloth.
  • Horseradish compress. You need to take a few horseradish roots, wash and peel them, and grind them using a meat grinder. Before preparing the pulp, keep it in a cool place in a glass container. Apply the prepared mixture to the steamed skin, cover it with cellophane and put on a warm sock.

According to doctors, an effective method of combating and preventing heel fasciitis is physiotherapy. It helps stretch the heel fascia to its normal length, while reducing pain.

Advantage this method is that it has no contraindications or negative consequences.

For gymnastics to be effective, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Perform the exercises regularly and follow the instructions for performing them.
  2. Before gymnastics, warm up to prepare your muscles for the load.
  3. After exercise, be sure to massage.

Warm-up is performed as follows: you need to stand in front of a wall at arm's length and lean against it. The healthy leg is placed in front and the diseased leg in the back. Without lifting your feet off the floor, you need to start squatting.

If performed correctly, the muscles of the sore leg will be tense. You need to stay in this position for 15 seconds. The exercise must be done 15 times.

After completing the therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to secure the foot vertically to the shin with a bandage for several seconds (15–20).

  • use only high-quality and comfortable shoes (especially when playing sports);
  • Before training, be sure to stretch the fascia of the sole and Achilles tendon;
  • increase physical activity gradually;
  • avoid hard surfaces when walking barefoot;
  • If you are overweight, you definitely need to bring it back to normal.

Heel fasciitis (symptoms and treatment are discussed in the article) is a disease accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To restore your heels to health, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to their treatment, using methods of traditional and traditional medicine.

Elena Malysheva will talk about heel fasciitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease:

Heel fasciitis is one of the 7 causes of foot pain:

Plantar fasciitis is one of the inflammatory diseases feet, which is accompanied by the formation of micro-tears in the fascia of the foot. This disease causes severe burning pain and causes lameness.

If you have difficulty getting to your feet every morning and find it difficult to start walking normally, then it’s too late to talk about ways to prevent this problem. In such a situation, it is important to confirm the disease plantar fasciitis. Symptoms, prevention and treatment of this problem are the lot of surgeons. You should not engage in self-diagnosis, much less try to alleviate your condition. Even at the first and isolated symptoms, it is better to visit a specialist.

A surgeon must diagnose and prescribe treatment for plantar fasciitis. Although everyone can suspect these problems themselves. The first sign is morning pain in the legs in the area of ​​the arch of the foot, which decreases in the evening. A doctor can confirm the diagnosis after examining the Achilles tendon and triceps surae muscle. Patients with plantar fasciitis cannot bend their foot beyond the normal straight position and are unable to bring it closer to them. The surgeon also confirms assumptions about the disease after examining the foot and palpating the plantar aponeurosis.

The most accurate diagnosis is using MRI. In case of pathologies of the plantar aponeurosis, swelling is visible on the photographs. This study also allows you to see hidden fractures, fibroids or neuromas of the Baxter nerve. This helps avoid misdiagnosis.

You should not refuse medications prescribed by your doctor if he has confirmed that you have plantar fasciitis. Modern medications can reduce pain and prevent further development of the disease. For these purposes, the doctor will prescribe special orthopedic insoles and tell you how to do gymnastics. Without following these recommendations, there is no hope for recovery. The use of special orthopedic splints, which are applied at night, also gives good results. Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good effect.

In many cases, anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be avoided. Doctors often prescribe the drugs Diclofenac or Ibuprofen, or their analogues. If the illness has gone so far that a person cannot get out of bed on his own in the morning, and conventional drugs do not help, then glucocorticoid injections may be prescribed.

To prevent problems and in the early stages of the disease, it is important to stretch the Achilles tendon and plantar aponeurosis. You can do this using simple exercises, in which the foot must be pulled towards you. At home, you can massage your feet either with your hands or using a small threshold between rooms. To do this, just roll your foot over it. In the first days the sensations will be painful, but over time they will begin to subside. With the help of such a massage, plantar fasciitis is treated, because when performed, the ligaments will work and the plantar aponeurosis will stretch. It is also useful to pick up small objects from the floor with your toes. They can also be used to collect the spread towel.

In addition to exercise, your doctor may recommend ice massage. To do this, you need to freeze water in a paper bag and run it over your feet for 5 minutes every evening. You can apply gentle pressure to the skin to stretch the plantar fascia.

To quickly alleviate the patient's condition, anti-inflammatory drugs can also be prescribed. They help quickly relieve the pain caused by plantar fasciitis. Treatment, for which ointment may also be prescribed, is to reduce inflammation and prevent microtears from occurring. At night you may be advised to apply Ortofen or Cortisone creams to your feet.

The medications Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or Naproxen can alleviate the condition. In advanced cases, only corticosteroid injections help. But they only bring temporary relief; over time, the pain may return. Such injections should not be given often, as this can lead to rupture of the plantar fascia.

Treating plantar fasciitis with painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications alone will not be effective. It should be combined with stretching exercises, proper insoles in shoes and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Shock wave therapy is considered the most effective. It is most often prescribed to people who have chronic plantar fasciitis. Treatment, in which tablets are used only for temporary relief of the patient’s condition, should lead to stretching of the fascia. But a comprehensive medication and physiotherapeutic approach can quickly get rid of the problem. In addition, it will prevent future fascial tears, which means the patient will no longer feel pain in the morning.

Ultrasound treatment may also be prescribed. Using this method, the tissues affected by the sensor are well heated. As a result, inflammation decreases and pain subsides.

Along with drug treatment, you can try on yourself the methods offered by alternative medicine. It aims to reduce inflammation and prevent microtears that accompany plantar fasciitis. Treatment with folk remedies involves applying compresses to problem areas.

You can make them from flax seeds (you will need 2 handfuls) and washed potato peelings. To do this, mix these components, add 2 glasses of water and cook until a thick paste forms. Treatment for plantar fasciitis can begin as soon as the prepared mixture has cooled slightly. You need to keep your feet in it for 20 minutes. After rinsing and drying your feet, you can begin to stretch and massage the warmed tissues affected by plantar fasciitis. Treatment with folk remedies will give results quickly enough, if you do not forget to apply compresses regularly and intensively knead your foot afterwards.

When walking and physical activity, the muscles and skeletal system experience enormous pressure. The legs that suffer the most are the legs, which take on the entire weight of a person, and therefore the development of such unpleasant disease, such as plantar or plantar fasciitis. This is one of the most common pathologies diagnosed by an orthopedist - more than 10% of all diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As the disease worsens, it causes the periosteum to grow - the formation of osteophytes, spiky growths called heel spurs.

Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs

Mechanism of development and symptoms

The plantar fascia attaches to the heel tuberosity, supporting the longitudinal arch of the foot. With systematic or increased loads the ligament is subjected to mechanical trauma, which causes the development of an inflammatory process. With normal functioning of the body and the absence of serious pathologies, in most cases self-healing occurs. Regenerative abilities compensate for micro-tears, fascial tissue is restored and the disease disappears before it even begins.

However, if operation is unstable individual systems organs, reduced immunity or other failures, regression of the inflammatory process does not occur. The tissue of the plantar ligament is gradually replaced by connective tissue, the elasticity of the aponeurosis decreases, and pain occurs.

Plantar fasciitis is a secondary pathology that develops against the background of other diseases that contribute to its progression. Symptoms usually appear at an increasing rate. At first, the patient is only bothered by pain when walking or running for a long time, and increased fatigue. Then the unpleasant sensations intensify and occur with any attempt to stand up or walk. If plantar fasciitis is not treated sufficiently, the pain becomes constant. Many patients compare her character to a nail stuck in her heel. It does not leave a person even in a state of rest.

Microtears in the plantar fascia and hematoma formation

The disease causes degeneration of the plantar fascia structure, which leads to

  • Changes in gait;
  • Clubfoot;
  • The appearance of heel spurs;
  • Lameness.

The clinical picture is quite clear:

  • Morning pain;
  • A clear localization of pain is determined with a return to calf muscle and toes;
  • The nature of the pain is sharp, cutting.

Sharp pain comparable to a nail in the heel

Plantar fasciitis mainly affects people over 40 years of age, when age-related changes in the body affect normal course standard processes. Periodic malfunctions appear of cardio-vascular system, bones become less strong, the development of age-related pathologies is observed - diabetes mellitus, thrombosis.

In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, the disease has code M72.2 and is classified as a pathology of connective tissue and the musculoskeletal system. The causes of plantar fasciitis are varied, but mainly include various disorders within the skeletal system:

  • Degenerative changes in joints;
  • Flat feet;
  • Congenital defects of the calcaneus.

In ICD-10, the source of the development of pathology is understood as the loss of fascia’s ability to regenerate. In addition to those presented above, experts note the following reasons:

  • Long-term wearing is uncomfortable or tight shoes, abuse of shoes with high and unstable heels;
  • Circulatory disorders in the legs;
  • Thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • Prolonged stress on the legs, work related to sports or serious physical strain;
  • Salt deposits;
  • Excess weight;
  • Clubfoot;
  • Gout;
  • High instep;

    High arch

    A long-term inflammatory process in the fascia leads to the formation of a heel spur, which intensifies all symptoms and is less responsive to treatment.

    Plantar fasciitis of the foot develops due to an irrational lifestyle, bad habits and excessive loads. This complex of factors may not lead to the onset of the disease, but over time, accumulated toxins, waste, food waste, fats, against the background of physical inactivity and vitamin deficiency will certainly lead to a number of disturbances in the normal functioning of the body.

    Usually, a visual examination and history taking are sufficient for diagnosis, however, if the patient has concomitant pathologies with identical symptoms, they should be differentiated from inflammation of the plantar ligament. Plantar fasciitis may be similar in presentation and symptoms to rheumatoid arthritis or Reiter's syndrome. In order to prescribe the correct treatment regimen, you need to know exactly the nature of the disease, its root causes and path of development.

    To diagnose a spur on the heel, an x-ray of the foot is taken to determine the bone formation, but initial stage When the inflammatory process has just begun, there may not be any wedge-shaped growth. In this case, the patient is referred to general and biochemical tests blood. An increased level of leukocytes will indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. Additionally, MRI and ultrasound of the heel, weighing, and tests for sugar levels may be prescribed.

    Palpation of the foot and radiography are mandatory procedures for diagnosis

    To find out the cause, the orthopedist carefully collects information about the nature of the pain, accompanying manifestations, duration discomfort. The symptoms and treatment of plantar fasciitis are inextricably linked: the specialist selects a scheme for eliminating the pathology, referring to its signs, which determine the stage of its development and the intensity of the negative dynamics.

    Standard medical practice involves conservative treatment of fasciitis. Radical methods of elimination are used if gentle therapy does not lead to any result. There is an extensive list of possible methods for getting rid of the diagnosis of heel fasciitis: drug treatment, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, folk remedies. The advisability of using any of the options is determined by the doctor in each specific case.

    Before deciding how to treat plantar fasciitis, it is important to explore all of the physical therapy options available. The most popular method is shock wave therapy. In addition to it, there are the following hardware capabilities of modern medicine:

    • Ultrasound therapy;
    • Balneotherapy;
    • Magnetotherapy;
    • Electrophoresis;
    • Infrared and ultraviolet radiation;
    • X-ray therapy.

    Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone

    All of these methods help improve blood circulation in the fascial tissue, relieve pain, and relax the muscles of the foot. If you strictly follow the doctor's advice regarding the number of procedures, their duration and duration general course therapy, the desired result can be achieved very quickly.

    With the help of massage, it has become possible to treat plantar fasciitis at home. In addition to the fact that this method in itself is pleasant, it can be used outside the hospital walls and without changing the usual environment, which has a positive effect on the patient’s condition and his attitude to the problem on a psychological level.

    Massage helps reduce swelling and blood flow to the legs, which makes it possible to make them more elastic and firm. The flow of lymph to damaged tissues enriches them with oxygen and nutrients.

    The inhibition of regeneration with spurs is caused by the loss of the ability of the plantar ligament to extensibility, which is necessary when moving or performing any actions. Treatment of plantar fasciitis with special exercises helps develop muscle tissue, and reduce the risk of injury.

    Orthopedists have developed a whole range of training in order to get rid of an unpleasant disease and reduce the risk of its relapse. Exercises can be performed at home, after consulting with a specialist. The frequency and number of approaches are also discussed with the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

    If not medications unable to cope with the disease, the question arises, what medications help with plantar fasciitis. Due to the characteristics of the disease and the main symptoms, oral medications include painkillers that help alleviate the patient’s condition and partial restoration his ability to work and move.

    Medicines used specifically to treat fasciitis include a variety of ointments. Local use of medications in the foot area ensures targeted action of the drugs and a faster effect. Among the most common ointments are Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Vishnevsky Ointment.

    Specialized ointments for plantar fasciitis are:

    • Golden mustache;
    • Cream Ortho Tiger Eye;
    • Shark oil;
    • Croc Honey;
    • Cream-balm ShporNet;
    • Stop Spur.

    Before treating plantar fasciitis using alternative medicine, you should consult with a specialist regarding its effectiveness and approved components. Popular among the population are ointments, compresses and lotions made from natural ingredients. Such therapy is not capable of harming the patient, but its effectiveness is not always sufficient. In advanced stages of the disease, only radical surgery can help the patient.

    Treatment of plantar fasciitis gives quick and visible results only if it is done in a timely manner. When the disease has not yet caused deformation and degeneration of the structure of the plantar ligament, medicinal herbs and medications, coupled with exercise therapy and massage, will have a positive effect. However, if the patient stubbornly refuses to see a specialist and relies on his own knowledge and strength, the process can drag on for a long time.

    To avoid the occurrence of pathology, you should adhere to daily simple rules. Measures to prevent plantar fasciitis include:

    • Proper nutrition;
    • Using comfortable shoes;
    • Adequacy physical activity;
    • Maintaining normal weight;
    • Stretching before sports training, performed to prepare all muscle groups for the upcoming load.

    Prevention measures

    A disease such as fasciitis of the sole can occur in any person. It is impossible to insure 100% against this unpleasant phenomenon, but following preventive recommendations and eliminating most of the possible causes of the disease will reduce the risks of its occurrence.

    The most important thing is to carefully monitor the condition of your skeletal system and react sensitively to body signals, in this case it is possible to prevent destructive processes and get rid of the disease at the very beginning. Preventing plantar inflammation is always easier than curing it

Heel fasciitis is common reason pain and discomfort in the lower extremities. In the absence of timely and reasonable treatment, a bone growth may form in the heel area, popularly called a heel spur. Treatment of heel fasciitis involves contacting a specialist, since it is a fairly serious disease.

Foot fasciitis - what is it?

The disease causes pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia, which connects the toes and the heel bone. This is extremely dangerous pathology for the musculoskeletal system, which requires timely detection and treatment.

Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. The disease tends to develop, which leads to complications that are dangerous to the healthy functioning of the human body.

In medicine, the pathology is called plantar fasciitis or plantar. Among the people, this disease has a simpler and fairly common name - heel spur.

As a result of untimely consultation with a doctor and prescription of therapy, complications may develop, such as Achilles tendinitis and other pathologies of the lower extremities, leading to incomplete mobility or severe pain in the legs.

The pathology causes an inflammatory process in the plantar fascia. This is an organ that is a kind of ligament. Its main function is to attach the heel bone to the human foot, support the arch of the foot, and enable normal movement.

While walking, a person steps on his heel. If discomfort caused by this inflammation occurs, then the ability to fully move is reduced. Most often, heel fasciitis is characteristic of athletes, people whose professions require prolonged standing and constant movement on their feet.

The physiological characteristics of the human foot require shock absorption and softening during running and walking. Thanks to this function, possible injury to the lower extremities is prevented and discomfort during movements is reduced. As a result of prolonged, regular or excessive load on the foot area, especially the heel, overstrain occurs, which can lead to this kind inflammation. In fact, there are many factors that cause fasciitis.

Video “Fasciitis of the sole - a recipe for quick treatment”

Demonstrative video with a traditional medicine recipe for therapy and elimination of discomfort with heel spurs.


During heavy physical activity, small microtraumas form in the area of ​​the same fascia. They usually tend to heal on their own, without any treatment. This occurs under the condition of a measured load, alternating walking and rest. But when frequent occurrence those same micro-tears and stretches of the fascia, the inflammatory process begins.

Plantar fasciitis can occur for the following reasons:

  • excessive load on the heel bone and nearby tissues (often typical for professional needs - athletes, dancers, hairdressers, etc.);
  • deformation of the foot - flat feet and uneven distribution of load due to it contribute to overload of the fascia;
  • obesity, overweight, additionally loading the feet;
  • some professions that require standing for a long time - teachers, builders, hairdressers, couriers, athletes and others;
  • pathologies of the spine, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, as a result of which the center of gravity shifts and the load on the legs increases;
  • pregnancy and heavy weight gain, which also implies a shift in the center of gravity.

Even age and gender can influence the development of pathology. Heel fasciitis is more common in men over 40 years of age.

Quite often, patients go to the doctor with complaints of foot pain too late. In this case, the disease is usually only the result of the development of another disease. Most often in such situations, the doctor diagnoses flat feet, club feet, and other changes in the shape of the lower extremities, which lead to a similar complication.

Oddly enough, even such a banal reason as improperly selected shoes can contribute to the development of this disease. Of course, we cannot leave aside such a factor as mechanical damage. Often, inflammation of the fascia develops against the background of injuries, such as sprains, ruptured ligaments and tendons, fractures, and so on.

How to treat heel fasciitis, and how to recognize this disease? Why do most people lose sight of the signs of pathology and seek help from a specialist late? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to study the symptoms of the disease.

Foot fasciitis - symptoms and treatment

Before treating plantar fasciitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a qualified specialist can accurately diagnose and prescribe therapy.

Typically, this disease has clear symptoms, which suggest fasciitis without additional diagnostic measures.

The most common manifestation of the pathology is the occurrence of severe pain in the heel area. Most often they appear during movement, walking, and are most noticeable after a long stay in a sitting position. This pain It is especially noticeable in the morning, after sleep.

During long walking or standing, the discomfort may increase, and in the evening, some patients complain that they cannot stand on their feet at all.

A heel spur causes such severe and sharp pain that some compare it to being pricked by some sharp objects. Sometimes, as a symptom, both local and general body temperature may increase, and swelling may appear. In this case, you cannot hesitate, and you must consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the heel spur affects both legs at once. In such circumstances, it is possible that the pathology is caused by more serious diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout.

Other signs that may indicate the presence of fascial inflammation:

  • tingling sensation in the legs and feet while moving;
  • back pain;
  • swelling that occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the ankle and heel area;
  • feeling .

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe measures to treat heel fasciitis and give general recommendations that will help reduce symptoms.

Plantar fasciitis - how to treat?

Heel spurs require conservative therapy, except in some cases when the situation is too advanced. To eliminate discomfort and pain, complex therapy is necessary, aimed at eliminating excessive stress on the lower extremities.

In the absence of therapy, the pain can intensify and last for quite a long time, periodically subsiding. In such cases, the possibility of complications also increases, which leads to surgical intervention and the absence of the possibility of conservative treatment.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis is primarily aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing the load.

The initial stage of therapy is to ensure rest for the lower extremities. Second rule successful treatment It is considered to be the selection of comfortable shoes. If the heel spur is caused by flat feet, then it is necessary to purchase special orthopedic shoes or insoles. Such shoes provide heel fixation and do not allow the sole to fall inward.

The patient’s weight is also important during treatment. If it is significantly higher than normal, then it is necessary to normalize this indicator in order to eliminate pain.

1. Traditional ways to treat heel fasciitis

Before using any traditional method, even the safest one, you should consult your doctor. The most effective recipe for treating the disease is concentrated salt baths. To prepare, you need to dilute two tablespoons of salt in a liter of hot water. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes, after which you need to wear warm socks to maintain the thermal effect.

Another effective recipe - Birch buds. With their help you need to prepare alcohol tincture, to which, in addition to birch buds (50 g), 100 grams of medical alcohol is added. After the product has been infused for three hours, it can be used for compresses. To do this, a bandage soaked in the infusion must be applied to the affected area two to three times a day, for two hours. Cover the top cling film and put on warm socks.

The recipe using vinegar is especially popular. is an effective remedy that has been known for many years. If you are diagnosed with heel fasciitis, you can take baths with vinegar, vodka and turpentine, which are added in equal proportions. All components are mixed and heated using a water bath. Next, your feet need to be lowered into a bath with this solution until it cools completely.

Plantar fasciitis and its symptoms will help to overcome potatoes, which need to be cut into small slices and applied to the heels, secured on top with a bandage and a woolen sock. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. By doing such lotions daily, you will notice that the pain gradually begins to subside, and the discomfort will soon disappear altogether.

Using folk recipes, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a slow way to combat pathology. It requires quite a lot of time and patience, since the effect is cumulative.

2. Drug treatment

Doctors usually prescribe pharmacological drugs to reduce symptoms. These can be either internal complex preparations in the form of tablets, capsules, or local medications - ointments, gels, patches, and so on. The main purpose of such drugs is to relieve pain, reduce swelling, if any, and relieve the inflammatory process.

An excellent option in such cases are non-steroidal medications with analgesic properties: Meloxicam, Naproxen, Camelot, Nurofen and others. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy, such as Chondroxit, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Contractubex.

Sometimes, in very advanced situations, but when there is a possibility of drug rather than surgical treatment, special injections can be used. They are used as medicinal shock therapy. To do this, corticosteroids are injected into the painful area. But, unfortunately, this procedure does not have a long-term effect.

3. Physiotherapy

For a comprehensive impact on the problem, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed:

  1. Magnetotherapy. Under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, blood circulation improves, resulting in relief of inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. Laser. Laser beams tend to penetrate deeply through the layers of skin into soft tissues. Laser therapy usually reduces swelling and reduces the feeling of heaviness and discomfort.
  3. Extracorporeal ultraviolet therapy. During the procedure, high-frequency sound waves are exposed. Thanks to vibration movements, blood moves faster through the vessels, which accelerates tissue regeneration.

In cases where a comprehensive approach of conservative therapy is useless, surgery is performed.

Preventing fasciitis

First of all, what doctors advise is to monitor your weight, since extra pounds are an additional burden on the entire body and on the fascia. Secondly, shoes, which should be comfortable, preferably orthopedic. It is not recommended to wear shoes with heels higher than 3-4 cm; when buying shoes, pay attention to instep supports and shock absorption.

If at the end of the day you feel pain or burning in the foot area, apply it briefly. cold compress, which will help get rid of pain and swelling. If you regularly feel discomfort, consult a doctor to recognize the disease in time. You should not self-medicate, since in the case of orthopedic diseases it is most often ineffective and even dangerous.

Video “How to treat plantar fasciitis?”

If your heel hurts, it most likely develops plantar fasciitis. This disease manifests itself inflammatory process in the fascia - a flat ligament connecting the heel bone to the bases of the phalanges of the fingers. Popularly called fasciitis “heel spur”, but this is not entirely correct, since a spur is one of the consequences of the disease.

Inflammation of the plantar fascia begins due to excessive and regular stretching and overloads.

Therefore, athletes-runners and people who are forced to spend all day on their feet are more susceptible to the development of pathology. TO risk factors fasciitis also apply overweight, physiologically high arch of the foot, flat feet, wearing inappropriate shoes, diseases of the joints and blood vessels of the legs.

The disease has such characteristic symptoms, that it is simply impossible not to notice it or confuse it with any other disease. Plantar fasciitis has the following symptoms:

  • pain in the heel and foot in the morning after getting out of bed;
  • burning sensation when supporting and transferring weight to the heel;
  • swelling of the ankle and ankle;
  • pain in the ankles and in the Achilles tendon area.

The disease is diagnosed using Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the foot. But before visiting a doctor, you can identify fasciitis yourself. It is this disease that is indicated sharp sharp pains in morning hours , which gradually weaken, and intensify again towards night. The heel also begins to hurt if you suddenly stand up after sitting for a long time. And if you click on the area of ​​the arch of the foot, it will be soft and flabby.

At first, plantar fasciitis does not cause much discomfort, and therefore many people ignore it. Meanwhile, delaying treatment can lead to chronic pain, the growth of heel spurs and further difficulties with movement.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Basics

Plantar fasciitis can be easily treated, and more than 90% of patients with this diagnosis recover several months after the start of conservative therapy. Treatment of fascial pathology is always comprehensive and includes:

  • The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, special ointments, corticosteroids);
  • Gentle walking mode, wearing comfortable shoes;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - laser, ultrasound, thermotherapy, shock wave therapy (for severe spurs);
  • Massage, performing special exercises;
  • The use of orthopedic devices - arch supports, heel clamps, night splints.

An important condition for treatment is reducing the load on the sore area as much as possible. For this purpose, wearing orthopedic insoles created according to individual order, with soft lining under the heel. Shoes should also be as comfortable as possible, not constrict, not press, or put any strain on the foot.

If you are overweight, then you need take measures to reduce it- this will also help reduce the load on the foot.

During treatment, you need to walk on hard surfaces as little as possible, and also reduce the intensity of physical activity. Foot massage You can do it yourself at home once or twice a day.

TO surgical method treatment of the disease is resorted to only in very rare cases, and only if there is direct threat of ligament rupture with irreversible dystrophic changes in the tissues of the ankle.

What is the best ointment to treat plantar fasciitis?

Fasciitis is best treated topically. For this purpose various creams and ointments- they are prescribed by a doctor, or you can choose them yourself on the advice of a pharmacist at a pharmacy.

One of the most effective means topical application in the treatment of plantar fasciitis is a cream Fasciitis stop.

The drug contains shark oil and comfrey herb - components that relieve inflammation and strengthen the tissues and ligaments of the foot. Shark oil is also a kind of antibiotic that acts directly on the source of inflammation. Rub the cream into the heel area and sole 1-2 times a day. For achievement best effect The top of the leg should be covered with a warming bandage.

Ointment "Golden mustache" is also widely used in the treatment of fasciitis and heel spurs. This product contains, in addition to golden mustache grass, shark oil, corn oil, cinquefoil extract, bay leaf, plantain, propolis, eucalyptus and fir oil and others natural ingredients. The method of application is similar to the previous drug.

Treating plantar fasciitis with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating fascial inflammation are in no way inferior to pharmaceutical drugs in terms of effectiveness. In addition, they are cheaper and you can always be sure of what exactly these homemade medicines are made of.

Alternative medicine offers various ointments, compresses for the treatment of fasciitis.

But before such procedures, it would be advisable to take foot bath. In a bowl of water you need to add 2 tablespoons of coarse sea ​​salt and hold your feet for about 15 minutes. Or, for example, a bath with iodine and salt: for 3 liters of water you will need 10 drops of iodine and 3 large spoons of soda. The duration of this procedure is 10 minutes, and after it it is necessary to lubricate the sore heel with iodine.

Effective ointment for compress, consisting of chicken egg, 200 grams of butter and two tablespoons of vinegar. On top broken egg pour vinegar, and at this time melt the butter, but do not allow it to boil. Add butter to remaining ingredients, do not stir. Close everything with a lid and leave for three days, then mix and use. A clean cloth must be soaked in this ointment, applied to the sore heel, wrapped with a bandage on top and put on a sock. It is recommended to carry out the treatment course until the ointment runs out. But in practice this is unlikely to happen, since fasciitis soon ceases to bother you.

Night cinquefoil herb compress prepares like this: 2 big spoons pour chopped cinquefoil root with a quarter glass of water and leave to infuse under a table lamp. After two hours, grind the softened roots into a paste and apply to the affected heel, secure with a napkin and bandage. Put a bag and a thick sock on top. Keep the compress for at least 10 hours.

Suitable for rubbing a sore foot red elderberry tincture. Place the berries in a half-liter jar, leaving space at the top. Pour in alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark corner. Use daily - as a rub or compress.

In this article we will talk about the treatment of plantar (plantar) fasciitis of the heel at home, about all the methods and features of this process.

Plantar fasciitis is a foot disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the plantar fascia, which envelops the muscles of the arch of the foot. The result of the body's protective-adaptive reaction is injury to fibrous tissue due to stretching, heavy and regular load.

The role of the fascia is to support the foot in correct position and as soon as it starts to hurt, a person cannot move and drive normally physical activity. If the problem is just beginning, then you can figure out how to treat plantar fasciitis at home. In case of increased and already intolerable pain, they resort to drug therapy. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

Plantar fasciitis: common causes of inflammation

The main reason is the heavy load on the foot, so dancers, gymnasts and other athletes are often susceptible to this disease.

Flat feet are another cause of pain. It can be congenital, due to an insufficient amount of connective tissue during the formation of the foot, or acquired, as a result of wearing low-quality shoes.

Arthritis, arthrosis and vascular disease in the legs also affect the normal nutrition of fibrous tissue, limiting the flow of essential microelements for metabolism.

People with overweight you need to think about resetting it. Only by eliminating the original cause of fasciitis can you get rid of it forever.

Symptoms of heel spurs are important signs that help in determining big picture diseases and in the fight against them.

Drug treatment for plantar fasciitis

Heel fasciitis or otherwise plantar, plantar fasciitis in an advanced stage can only be drug treatment. This includes therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and ointments: Motrin, Indomethacin, Aleve, Diclofenac and its analogues, Advil. They contain the active ingredients ibuprofen and aspirin. The course of treatment is long but effective.

Injection procedures with the introduction of corticosteroids are also practiced: hydrocortisone or betamethasone. Such hormonal medications with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect can damage the fascia and result in acquired flat feet and chronic pain.

Plantar fasciitis can be treated homeopathic remedies, when not yet available bone spurs. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, preparations based on plant extracts improve the elasticity of the ligaments, which leads to a reduction in pain during mechanical impact on the foot.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Plantar fasciitis is effectively treated using devices that affect the diseased area only mechanically - ultrasound (phonophoresis), current (iontophoresis), laser, magnetic field; improves with the use of corticosteroids: betamethasone, hydrocortisone and disprospan.

Physiotherapeutic methods are successfully used in complex and conservative treatment of foot diseases.

Traditional medicine

In the initial stages of the disease, you can use proven methods of traditional medicine: compresses, ointments and applications.


Plantar fasciitis, which is supposed to be treated at home, responds well to the correct application of compresses:

  • each overlay should be wider than the previous one;
  • It is not recommended to use excessive force when fixing the layers on the ankle;
  • Allow a lot of time for the action (make a compress at night).

So, what folk remedies are used for compresses:

    1. medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures in alcoholic liquid;
    2. apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:1;
    3. cabbage (burdock) leaf smeared with honey (chalk);
    4. raw potatoes or garlic, grated on a coarse grater;
    5. raw black radish and horseradish root, grated and mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

The given recipes are medicinal components of compressors, which must be applied according to the following rules:

  • prepared natural ingredient;
  • cling film to create a thermal effect;
  • warm material (bike, woolen scarf);
  • bandage for fixation.


Treatment of fasciitis at home is practiced by taking a variety of baths:

    • Saline. The solution is prepared as follows: dilute 3 tablespoons in 1 liter of hot water. spoons of salt. Place the sore heel in the bath and steam for at least half an hour. Wipe your foot dry and wrap it in a warming cloth, go to bed;
    • Iodine-soda. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into a bowl with 1 liter of warm water and add 10 drops of iodine. Steam for 10 minutes, then wipe the foot dry and treat the sore spot with iodine mesh;
    • Vodka based. How to treat plantar fasciitis at home by taking a bath with a solution of vodka, table vinegar and turpentine? You need to mix all the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, heat, place your foot and hold until the composition cools completely. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times.
    • Icy. Immerse the heel (without toes) in cold water with ice for 10 minutes;
    • From walnut peels. Plantar fasciitis in the initial stage or in complex therapy It is good to treat with a bath, the solution for which must be prepared as follows: boil the chopped green peel of walnuts for 10 minutes. Before going to bed, steam your foot in the bath for 15 minutes;
    • Based on an antispasmodic and antimicrobial drug. The bath consists of 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 table. spoons of honey and 2 tablets of furatsilin and analgin. Bring the mixture until smooth and place the foot for 20 minutes. After the procedure, subject the heel fasciitis to heat - wrap it in clay for 10–20 minutes.


Plantar fasciitis, which can be treated at home (photo below), can be treated with application overlays. This procedure helps to use all the forces of nature from natural ingredients, nourishing tissues with microelements important for it.

An effective application is considered to be a mixture of mountain wax and paraffin. They are heated to 40 °C, mixed, applied to the sore spot, wrapped in a warm cloth and put a plastic bag on the leg. Leave the application for half an hour.

Unfortunately, complex shapes with overlays will not work, but using them in complex therapy will be useful.