What percentage of a person is made up of water? Man is water.

What percentage of a person consists of water

  1. It is said that humans are 90% water. this is not true. they are made of shit.
  2. He is the One who created man from water and established for him kinship by blood and by marriage. Your Lord is truly Almighty! (Sura Discrimination, 25:54)

    If we carefully consider the verses of the Qur'an that mention the creation of man and other living beings, we will clearly see that the creation of all living beings on earth is a great miracle. One of the forms of this wonderful creation is life from water. This information is clearly expressed in many verses, however, it became available to human awareness only thanks to the invention of the most powerful microscopes a dozen and a half centuries after the revelations of the Koran were sent down.

    Nowadays, all scientific sources are unanimous in their opinion: water is the main element of living matter. From 50% to 90% of the weight of living organisms is water. In addition, in all books on biology it is written that the cytoplasm (the main substance of the cell) of a standard living cell also consists of 80% water. The cytoplasm has been studied in the laboratory and described in scientific publications many centuries after the Qur'an was revealed. Therefore, a fact that is now universally recognized scientific world, could not have been known at the time the Qur'an was revealed. However, the Qur'an specifically mentions this fact of the physiology of life.

  3. A person consists of exactly 78% of water, this fact was discovered by military doctors in the Japanese army unit, known as detachment 731. The experiments were carried out in the most savage ways, the experimental prisoners of war were called (logs) The general himself medical service Shiro Ishii studied endurance human body, cutting out organs without anesthesia, watching how long a person can live.
  4. Despite the fact that the human body consists of both water and solid materials, a much larger percentage belongs to liquids. According to physiologists, water is the most important component organism, specific gravity which reaches 70 percent. Consequently, in a body weighing 50 kilograms, the main part, i.e. 35 kilograms, belongs to the blood, lymphatic and extracellular fluids. And only 15 kilograms are occupied by organs, that is, solid components. Moreover, this ratio of water content in the body applies to adults. However, it is much higher early stages life, especially during prenatal development. The body of a newborn consists of 80 percent water, the body of a seven-month-old fetus is 85 percent, and a four-month-old fetus is 93 percent.
  5. Basically 85%
  6. on holidays at 90 :))
  7. In youth, by about 85%. At maturity, 75-80. And in old age it is already only 65-70.
  8. What is there 90%. We would now swim in ourselves. At 70%
  9. by 83%

Life cannot exist without water. Many have heard the phrase that "a person is 80% water." Indeed, there is a lot of water in our body, although somewhat less than what is said in the above popular expression. In fact, the total water content of a person (“total body water”) is 50-70% of body weight.
Water in our body is the main solvent, it is in the aquatic environment that many chemical reactions occur associated with the transformations of various biomolecules. Water also serves as a universal refrigerant, transported with the bloodstream, it cools the most actively working organs. In addition, water also performs a number of special functions, for example, it takes part in maintaining the acid-base balance in the blood.
We have water both inside (“intracellular water”) and outside of cells (“extracellular water”). Extracellular and intracellular water make up, respectively, the basis of the extracellular and intracellular spaces (see below). At the same time, blood water (more precisely, blood plasma water) is part of extracellular water. Since the blood is in the vessels, such water is also called intravascular. The remaining, moreover, a large part of the extracellular water directly washes the cells and is called interstitial(intercellular) water, or sterstitial liquid. Water molecules located in different water spaces of the body continuously exchange with each other. At the same time, water penetrates very easily through cell membranes, entering and leaving cells (in chemistry, membranes that are permeable to water, but impermeable to any other substances, are called semipermeable membranes, therefore cell membranes are semipermeable). Also, without difficulty, water crosses the walls of the capillaries, leaving or, conversely, returning to the vascular bed.
Although some water is formed in the human body during the combustion of nutrients (on average, in a person with a body weight of 70 kg - about 300 ml of the so-called endogenous water), most of it should come with food and drink: This is due to the fact that water in large quantities is lost from the body. Most of water is excreted in the urine. The fact is that the kidneys are forced to remove water in order to excrete an excess of unnecessary or toxic substances for the body. In addition, quite a lot of water is lost through sweat, breathing (exhaled air, in fact, is water vapor) and stool. Loss of water through the skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract called imperceptible losses water, although in fact they can even reach 500 - 1000 ml in their normal state, and with intense physical activity or an increase in temperature environment increase several times.

What do we know about water today?

Modern scientists discovered the fourth state water - informational. Recomend for everybody necessarily watch a unique TV project "Water - Great Mystery Living Water."

Water - The Great Secret of Living Water

The secret of living water

This is a bright and dynamic film about a gift called life, the emergence of which on our planet we owe to the only substance in the world capable of preserving it in the future - water.

Now humanity is on the threshold of a completely different understanding of the laws of the universe, opening up new prospects for the treatment of complex diseases with water.

After all, water remembers its own natural origin and endowed with special powers. She is not only charged with emotions from everything that she meets on her way. Water is able to perceive, store and transmit information.

About the results of their scientific research properties of the water element are told by world famous scientists from Japan, USA, Great Britain, Austria, Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan.

And Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto shows photographs of water documenting its ability to respond to words, emotions, and even human thought.

Perspectives opening in the light the latest studies structures of water are simply colossal. Thanks to her memory, we will be able to heal not only ourselves, but also the planet on which we live.

In the film, we are in for a lot of surprises on the way of learning the secrets of our old friend - water, about which, as it turns out, we know so impermissibly little...

What kind of water does the body need?

In a living organism, especially inside a cell, water works in a completely different way than ordinary water! First of all, this is due to the fact that the water used by the body is qualitatively different from ordinary drinking water. It is strictly structured...

The structure of macromolecules is the key to the behavior of water. This is where the accumulation of energy and information takes place. Only in such structured water are the living molecules of our body capable of carrying out the most important biophysical and biochemical reactions.

At the same time, ordinary drinking water is a random collection of molecules. Biological molecules themselves are not firmly located between the molecules of such water and therefore hold it poorly.

To turn plain water into a structured one, in order to assimilate it into cellular level the body uses up its energy. And this energy is spent the more, the more any harmful impurities in the water.

It has been reliably established that water has a memory. At the same time, it turns out that information about the presence of harmful toxic impurities in the water is not erased during normal filtration, and the water remains, in fact, “sick”.

In principle, a person should consume as much water as he loses it. Therefore they say that healthy man exists in a state water balance. This balance primarily depends on the condition of the kidneys. healthy kidneys are able to conserve water when it is insufficiently supplied to the body ( time limit access to water intake) or large extra-renal losses (we all know that in hot weather, when we sweat profusely, the amount of urine excreted decreases). At the same time, in kidney diseases, and especially in chronic renal failure or nephrotic syndrome, the ability of the kidneys to regulate water balance is violated.

In this case, most often the kidneys begin to excrete less water, which leads to the appearance of edema (accumulation of excess water in the interstitial fluid) and growth blood pressure. However, in initial stages CRF may even increase the amount of urine excreted, which can lead to dehydration.

Water - Participation in metabolism

Water is directly involved in the metabolism, which underlies all life processes.

Metabolism is a continuous replacement of some molecules for others, i.e. the breakdown of some and the synthesis of the same or other molecules, needed by the body in this moment and in this place. The implementation of metabolism requires a continuous flow of energy, and water also plays a key role in its production in the body.

The importance of water in basic biochemical reactions has been known for a long time, but only in recent times it was found that for some processes one kind of water is needed, for others it is completely different, for others some more, etc.

Then a situation is possible in which the body can suffer from thirst with a seemingly excess of water in it due to a shortage of what it needs at the moment.

hydrolysis reaction

For example, to obtain nutrients from food and building materials the main components of food - proteins and carbohydrates should be crushed into small fragments.

This happens due to hydrolysis - the splitting of polymers by water. But for hydrolysis to take place, the water molecule itself must be divided into two parts. This means that the efficiency of the breakdown of food polymer molecules depends not only on their composition and structure, not only on the enzymes that break them down, but also on whether there is enough water where the hydrolysis takes place, which has the structural structure necessary for the implementation of this reaction. organization.

Hydrolysis also occurs in the internal environment of the body, where some polymers are continuously replaced by others, where intracellular and extracellular structures are constantly rearranged. By hydrolysis, old, spent biopolymers or those that are not currently needed are eliminated.

Polycondensation reaction

The biopolymers disassembled into small pieces must be replaced by new ones. They are assembled in a cell of molecular bricks, which are joined to each other in the required sequence. When a new link is sewn to the growing biopolymer chain, one water molecule is released. This chemical reaction is called polycondensation and is essentially the opposite of hydrolysis.

Naturally, where synthesis takes place, properties aquatic environment should differ sharply from water in places of hydrolysis. In the place where hydrolysis takes place, it should be freer to provide for hydrolysis enough free molecules. Until now, these considerations, as a rule, have not been taken into account when considering metabolism.

Participation in energy processes

It is known that essential part energy processes in the cells of any organism is provided by ATP molecules, which carry easily accessible energy, and splitting, they give it to the right place in right time. For the implementation of any act of vital activity, for example, muscle contraction, the ATP molecule breaks up into two fragments - an ADP molecule and a residue phosphoric acid, and this decay is the essence of hydrolysis. That is, energy is released in the process of disintegration of an ATP molecule and a water molecule.

Another well-known source of energy is the difference in electrical potentials between the cell and the environment due to the uneven distribution of potassium and sodium ions between them.

The concentration of potassium in a living cell is proudly higher than in the environment. And there is much more sodium in the environment than in the cell. This difference is especially great in nerve cells, where it reaches many tens of millivolts.

Conduction of a nerve impulse is an electrical discharge in which potassium ions are ejected from the cell, and sodium ions enter it. Then the cell directs the metabolic energy to restore the potential until its next discharge.

Almost no attention is paid to the role of water in this process, although the redistribution of potassium and sodium ions is accompanied by both a redistribution of water between the cell and the environment and a significant change in its properties.

Since each ion is surrounded by several water molecules, much more water is redistributed than the ions themselves. This means that here, too, the state of the role of water both in cells and in the extracellular environment should determine the efficiency of nerve impulse conduction, i.e. functioning of the nervous system.

The same can be said about other excitable cells, for example, muscle cells, and first of all, about the cells of the heart muscle. Consequently, the state of water is essential for the electrical activity of all cells of a living organism.

Participation of water in oxidative combustion reactions

Surprisingly, it turned out that water can act as a fuel in cells.

At the turn of the new millennium, it was found in several laboratories around the world that in normal conditions: at normal temperatures and pressures, water can be directly oxidized by active oxygen with the formation of its other active forms.

So in 2000, American scientists found that activated oxygen (singlet oxygen) can oxidize water, resulting in the formation of the well-known hydrogen peroxide.

Antibodies contribute to the burning of water

American scientists have proven that water is oxidized by oxygen, and in fact, its combustion is constantly going on in the blood of humans and animals. It has long been known that protective proteins circulating in the blood - antibodies - bind to molecules foreign to the body for their subsequent elimination.

The discovery was that antibodies contribute to the burning of water. They organize water in space in such a way that it catalyzes its own oxidation with singlet oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. This property of antibodies apparently contributes to effective implementation them protective functions. Because reactive oxygen species are strong disinfectants, which means that viruses and bacteria are damaged already at the moment antibodies bind to them, because the water literally “burns” around them.

Antibodies also protect the body from its own molecules, if they do not meet the established “standard”. As we noted above, normally old, spent molecules are eliminated by hydrolysis. Another way to remove them is to burn them with reactive oxygen species.

During hydrolysis, bricks are obtained from high-polymer "waste" of metabolism, which can be used to build new biopolymers and other biomolecules that the body needs at the moment.

When waste is burned, the energy contained in it is released. The efficiency of both processes requires, among other things, important factors(the presence of appropriate enzymes, a sufficient supply of active oxygen to burn "waste") a special structural organization of water.

If optimal conditions wastes are not removed, “non-standard” molecules, essentially toxins, accumulate in organs and tissues, and in extreme cases, tumor degeneration of cells occurs.

And then the cells also join in the fight against these “internal enemies”. immune system, and antibodies that are able to structure water on their own and “burn” the enemy with the help of active forms oxygen.

The key role of water in all life processes

So, water plays a key role in absolutely all processes that ensure the life of any organism.

Violation of its normal structural organization, more precisely the ratio of various structural organizations and dynamic characteristics, can serve as one of the main causes of a wide variety of diseases.

This means that the prevention of diseases or the cure of an already ill person requires no less careful attention to water based organism than to the state of its "solid" molecules, because normal work of all cells, organs and tissues is possible only when water and "solid" inclusions in it function in concert.

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various nutrients and biological fluids contained in every living cell of the body in the form of life-giving aqueous solution. In particular, (92%), and the minimum - in fatty tissues - up to 25%.

In general, the human body contains from 86% (in newborns) to 50% (in the elderly) of water.

Continuing the statistical studies, we note that the composition of the cellular protoplasm inside the cells contains 70% of the body's water. Intracellular water has increased biological activity and is called structured. It is able to provide the body's resistance to the effects of destabilizing and aggressive environmental factors.

The proportion of extracellular fluid is 30%, it consists of directly interstitial fluid(20%), lymph water (2%) and blood plasma water (8%).

Thus, water is distributed inside the cells of the body (two-thirds) and outside the cell space (one-third). The extracellular fluid contains bicarbonates, chlorides and a large number of sodium ions, and in the intracellular fluid is potassium, proteins and anions of phosphate esters.

Water enters the human body not only in the form of a liquid, it accounts for less than half total(48%), but also as part of dense food (40%). Another twelve percent, it's the result of metabolism nutrients. Water in the body is constantly updated, and this process moves at a high speed: seventy percent of the water in the blood plasma is renewed in a minute. All tissues of the body are involved in water metabolism, but the maximum intensity falls on the kidneys, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

The main organ that regulates water-salt metabolism is the kidneys, but the composition and amount of urine excreted vary widely. Under the influence of the conditions of activity and taking into account the composition of food and liquid consumed, the amount of daily urine ranges from half to two and a half liters.

Through direct evaporation and perspiration, water is removed from the body through the skin. Direct evaporation gives from a glass to one and a half water per day, but the amount of sweat is largely dependent on the intensity of physical activity and environmental conditions.

Up to half a liter of water is exhaled through the lungs in the form of vapors, but this amount can increase with increasing physical activity on the body. In the inhaled air it contains one and a half percent of water, and in the exhaled air its content increases to six percent.

Very active in regulation water-salt metabolism gastrointestinal tract, and the amount of continuously secreted digestive juices can reach eight liters per day. However, a significant part of these juices is reabsorbed and as a result, no more than four percent is excreted from the body with feces. The liver is also involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, which is able to retain a significant amount of fluid.

Symptoms of dehydration

  • The loss of one percent of water by the body provokes;
  • at two percent water loss, a decrease in endurance is observed;
  • at three percent, forces leave;
  • at five - urination and salivation decrease, a rapid pulse is observed, muscle weakness, apathy and nausea.

Water has no nutritional value in itself, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. Plants, like other organisms, contain up to 90% water. The primary role of water in the process of life of all living beings is explained by the fact that water is a universal solvent. huge amount substances, in other words, it is an environment in which all life processes can take place.

We all know from school how much water is in the human body. This substance is in different state(free, bound or structured) and makes up 90 to 55 percent of the weight of the human body.

Moreover, a person is born with the largest part of the fluid in the body (according to some reports, water makes up 97% of the mass of the baby's body) and over time it is replaced by organic and minerals. You can find information about what else a person consists of in our article. Thus, the human body "dries out" by old age to the content of only 50-55% of water.

How much water is in a person - distribution by organs and tissues

The percentage or volume fraction of water in different organs and tissues of the human body is different. So, most of all H 2 O is in the blood and lymphatic fluid, it is approximately 92%. In second place is the brain, the amount of water in which is about 85%. The liver and kidneys are 69 to 82 percent water, and about ¾ of the muscles are water. Least liquid in bone tissue(28%) and body fat (up to 25%).

The largest amount of water in the body (70%) falls to the share of intracellular water, which is part of the cell protoplasm. In this form, H 2 O is just called structured, various organic matter and minerals. The remaining 30% of the total water volume is extracellular fluid (blood plasma, lymph and intercellular fluid).

An experiment to determine the amount of fluid in the body

The amount of water in human body was established in 1940 by a lieutenant colonel of the Japanese army, when during the war the most incredible experiments on people were carried out. The experiment consisted in the fact that a living person was closed in a closed room, gradually raising the air temperature, literally drying the person. The “experimental” died on the seventh or eighth hour of the experiment, and after 15 hours his body turned into a dried mummified figure. The mass of such mummies, according to the results of several dozen similar "studies", averaged 22% of the initial weight. Thus, as a result of these brutal experiments, humanity learned how much water is in a person.

The role of water in the human body

Water is a universal solvent for most substances, both in the human body and other living substances and plants. She performs many vital important functions, among which are thermoregulation, participation in the processes of digestion, transmission of nerve impulses, etc. The body's water balance is regulated, mainly by the kidneys, but the gastrointestinal tract and lungs also take an active role in this process. Water enters our body in pure form or bound, as part of food products.

Fluid loss (for example, with active physical activity) appears certain symptoms. If a person “dries up” by 1%, he feels thirsty, from 1% to 2% - his endurance decreases, up to 3% - the person “leaves strength”. With a loss of 5% of water, such physiological processes, as a decrease in urine and salivation, the heart rate increases, apathy, nausea sets in, muscles weaken. In general, the whole body is tuned to lose as little fluid as possible.

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General content water: the norm as a percentage

Water is the most important medium in which life flows. important processes. It is included in the structure of all organs, tissues and cells, so without it it is impossible to imagine a person.

The importance of water for the body

It is essential because it is responsible for many internal processes allowing us to stay healthy. Yes, water:

  • maintains the natural moisture of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • strengthens muscles and dampens joint movement;
  • removes metabolic products from cells;
  • eliminates toxins and other unsafe substances;
  • delivers hormones, enzymes, oxygen and nutrients to all corners of our body;
  • dispose of waste products;
  • temperature control, etc.

Therefore, maintaining a balanced fluid level in the body indicates that it works smoothly, that everything is within the normal range, and that the risk of problems is minimized.

Natural fluctuations in water balance

The level of moisture in the body of each person is not static: it changes both throughout the day and during the month. Moreover, it is influenced by all physiological processes. As a result, any significant changes in water content are reflected in the indicators of body composition. For example, after long sleep the body is more prone to fluid loss.

In addition, there are differences in the distribution of moisture, based on the time of day. So, during the day a person is more active, so he loses a lot of fluid with sweat. In small volumes, it is displayed with:

  • breathing;
  • urination;
  • menstruation.

Among other factors affecting the degree body water content, are food, medications, disease, level physical activity, climatic zone of residence, degree of adaptation to dry weather conditions, alcohol consumption. Scales-analyzers of body composition, as well as professional medical scales, presented in the relevant sections on our website, help to track all this.

Moreover, there is another important factor that requires constant monitoring in order to ideally maintain a proportional balance. Thus, the level of fluid in the body falls simultaneously with an increase in adipose tissue. This means that in a person with excess fat, the amount of moisture in the body is below average. Whereas with the loss of fatty tissue, the amount of water begins to recover.

For each person, it is individual and depends on the factors listed above. In addition, age and gender matter, since women experience not only daily fluctuations, but also monthly fluctuations due to regular menstruation.

Note. For athletes, this figure is about 5 percent higher than typical standards, since they have more muscle mass.

The figures given are indicative only and should not be used as a recommended benchmark. Moreover, it must be taken into account: the moisture content in the body varies depending on the type of activity, the presence / absence of diseases, medications taken, and the degree of activity. Therefore, it is important to control these processes and monitor the fluid level in order to remain within the acceptable range.

How to determine the level of water content in the body?

Special devices will help to do this: models BC-1000 or BC-583 with the corresponding function. By taking measurements at the same time of day, you can find out your individual rate. The appropriate period is before meals or in the evening when fluid volume is stable, which will provide reliable data.

At the same time, keep in mind: thirst is not an indicator low content water in the body. To early symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, loss of energy, headache and decreased vitality. Its obvious disadvantage is indicated by the following signs:

  • dry skin, oral cavity and mucous lips;
  • constipation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • infrequent urination;
  • dark color urine (often with a characteristic odor).

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