Secrets of Old Slavonic Healers Found! Advice from healers.

1. Drink green tea. It is a storehouse of antioxidants to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Read food labels, paying attention to fat content. It should not exceed 30% of total number calories. It's worth choosing unsaturated fats: olive oil, dark chocolate, nuts, salmon, linseed oil. Saturated fats should not exceed 7% in the diet. You should avoid cookies, cakes, sausages, sausages and margarines.

3. Cook with olive oil: it reduces the level bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol levels.

4. Get plenty of sleep: Every additional hour of sleep reduces the risk of heart disease by 33%. An adult needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours so that a tired body does not produce stress hormones, constricting blood vessels and impairing the nutrition of the heart.

5. Eat 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day from grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

6. Choose fish instead of meat. Saturated fats from beef and pork clog arteries, and omega-3 polyunsaturated acids from oily fish- clean them. Even one day of fishing per week reduces risk by 52% heart attack.

7. Start every morning with a glass fresh juice. Orange juice contains folic acid, and she understands the level of homocysteine, the hormone that causes heart attacks. It is better to drink juice fresh, without sugar.

8. Choose your vegetables. They should make up half of the daily diet. Cruciferous vegetables are especially dear to the heart: cabbage and broccoli.

9. Choose nuts instead of candy. Just a handful of mixed nuts will reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by a third.

10. Just 20 minutes brisk walking per day reduces the risk of heart disease by a third. This is only two and a half hours per week for health!

11. Avoid butter and spreads in favor of olive oil for a sandwich. In two weeks, cholesterol levels will decrease by 10%, and the risk of heart disease will decrease by 20%.

12. Flax seeds protect circulatory system from diseases associated with the formation of blood clots. They can be added to yogurt and porridge to make food healthier useful acids omega-3.

13. Start your morning with duckweed. These exercises maintain the flexibility of the arteries, and this is the key to heart health, since blood vessels lose elasticity with age.

14. The benefits of a glass of wine have been talked about for a long time. The main thing is not to overdo it. Just 30 ml per day helps reduce the risk of heart attack.

15. Garlic cleanses arteries with just one clove three times a day. After all bad smell You can easily get rid of it from your mouth with chewing gum, but it will not ensure your health.

16. Get more active! Play ball with your kids, run with your dog, buy rollerblades or a bike to burn some calories. Just half an hour of exercise will help reduce the risk of heart disease.

17. Avoid stress. Do what makes you happy.

18. Accept fish fat in capsules to stabilize the electrical activity of the heart, reduce blood pressure and triglyceride levels, cleansing arteries and preventing systemic inflammation. Low level Vitamin D increases the risk of heart and artery disease by 80%. Go out for walks regularly!

19. Avoid smoking in any form. Harm from passive smoking accounts for 80% of the harm caused to the body by active smoking.

20. To reduce blood pressure, you need to not only consume less sodium, but also increase the intake of potassium in your body. Potassium helps remove sodium. The richest sources in it are bananas, potatoes, tomato paste, melons.

21. Drinking soda increases the risk of heart disease by 87% due to obesity. Excess fructose can reduce the production of nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels relax and expand. Drink water and green tea instead of sweet and unhealthy water. Give up baking in favor of fruit.

Traditional methods of treatment always go through life next to us.

After all, we all probably use not only medications prescribed by a doctor to treat any disease.

For example, first of all I turn to traditional medicine.

After all, our body is already quite saturated with chemicals.

Folk remedies and advice from traditional healers have repeatedly proven their power in treating diseases.

The main thing is, when preparing any infusion or decoction for treatment, follow the rules and best medicine you won't find it. Of course some chemicals They seem to speed up recovery, but they also clog our body. Healing herbs on the contrary, they only heal and cleanse our body.

From time immemorial, sorcerers and healers have treated people medicinal herbs. The great experience of healers must not be forgotten, because for many centuries it was the only way treatment and recovery. For some diseases, folk remedies are used as auxiliaries, but for some diseases you can be cured without chemicals.

I really liked this little poem, which I will write to you now. “I know the axiom, the most important in fate, - Do not harm another, No harm will come to you.”. What are the right words and this is actually what happens.

It is healthy and correct to be treated according to the recipes of traditional healers, but you must always remember and not forget about what you do in life, how you behave and treat others.

Folk remedies for treating diseases and advice from healers

Traditional healers advise and use themselves when treating people with a decoction of onion peel many diseases. For example, they offer a decoction of onion peels to cleanse the body. Onion peels are called “Onion peels - healer.” It seems that what are husks, waste and garbage, but no onion clothes (husks) are very noble.

Onion peels contain a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals; not every vegetable has so many. A decoction of onion peels is an excellent diuretic. You can also support the heart muscle with a decoction of onion peels, this medicinal drink strengthens it.

We must always remember and adhere to these tips and not forget about contraindications. There is only one thing contraindication when using recipes with onion skins. Blood clotting increases, since onion peels contain a lot of quercetin, and this is not always good. Onion peels have immune-strengthening properties.

You can make a decoction from onion peels and young pine needles for gargling. An infusion of onion peels can treat kidney disease, cystitis, and nephritis.

Recipe: Brew three teaspoons of chopped onion peel with two glasses of boiling water and leave to steep for half an hour. Then strain and drink one tablespoon up to four times a day.

Treatment of joints with folk remedies and advice from healers

Excellent remedy for joints and salt deposits. If you have the opportunity to buy or harvest cranberries, do so. This recipe will require half a kilogram. cranberries and a two hundred gram glass of juice garlic.

Mix and let sit for a day. Don't forget to shake periodically. Then add one kilogram of honey and mix well. Drink one teaspoon three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

Yes when do your joints start to hurt?, sometimes you don’t know what to do with the pain. You can do rubbing and compresses. Can be done citrus juice mixture and drink. Grapefruit is especially effective, as are celery and birch juices. For joint diseases, it is useful to drink one tbsp in the morning before breakfast. water with added lemon juice.

Treatment of joints very effective in fasting. One week is enough. During this week, drink distilled water with lemon juice. Of course, you need to accustom yourself to such treatment. Initially, joint pain may intensify, but then it will subside.

For arthritis can be cooked ointment and rub the sore spots. Take three lemons, squeeze the juice out of them and add the same amount of vodka and kerosene to this juice, mix well. Then add two teaspoons of laundry soap.

Just grate the soap on a coarse grater. Mix everything well and apply to the sore joint. Massage and wrap with cloth. For the first two nights, wrap the sore areas with synthetic cloth and next days cotton and leave it like that until the morning.

If you have osteochondrosis, healers advise first to cleanse the body of toxins and salts. Of course, you know that you can cleanse your body of salts in different ways. Treatment of joints by cleansing the body of toxins and salts is very effective. Here is one of the recipes given by traditional healers.

Do an enema in the evening. This will require two liters of boiled water. warm water and take a laxative. The next day, do not eat anything, just drink distilled water. In the evening, put a pine cone in a two hundred gram glass of water. The bump can come from anyone coniferous tree and leave it like that until the morning.

In the morning, boil this water along with the pine cone for five minutes. Since the water may boil away a little, add boiled water up to two hundred grams. Drink half of this water the next evening. This is only half the battle.

Be sure to eat every morning rice. You need to cook it like this: Take seventy grams of rice, rinse it thoroughly and soak for three hours. Then bring the rice to a boil and boil for two minutes. Then remove from heat and rinse again, changing the water. Do this three times. For the fourth time, cook the rice.

After the rice has finished cooking, add butter or honey, whichever you prefer. Eat the resulting porridge for breakfast. Don't eat anything else until lunch. Drink only distilled water. Eat lunch and dinner normally, just eat as little salt as possible.

Very simple treatment isn't it? Rice in the morning, pine cone decoction in the evening. Do this treatment for a month.

People who treated themselves this way got rid of salts by three and a half kilograms. The joints, blood vessels and spine are cleansed of salt. The body is rejuvenating before our eyes. Sclerosis recedes. If anyone high pressure, is decreasing.

With such cleansing, after twenty days you may feel pain in the heart. This happens because, along with salts, the body also leaves potassium, which is so necessary for the functioning of the heart. Therefore, when cleansing, your diet should always include apples, lemons, potatoes, and dried apricots.

Here's another one a method of cleansing, only now for the intestines. For this you will need Esmarch's mug. Add juice from half a medium-sized lemon to two liters of boiled chilled water. Before starting the enema, lubricate the tip with sunflower oil. You need to do this colon cleansing before going to bed.

Do the enema every day for the first week. Then every other day for the second week. In the third week, two days later. For the fourth week and all other weeks once a week. Traditional healers advise, if you have osteochondrosis, to do a potato diet.

This diet is done like this: Take a kilogram of potatoes, wash them without removing the skins, then cut them into small pieces no more than five millimeters thick and pour the chopped potatoes into boiling water (3 liters). Cook for one hour over low heat, do not add salt. Chop parsley, celery, cilantro and dill there. Eat only this dish for ten days. After a week the pain will begin to subside.

Very effective medicinal herbal baths. This is one of the old ones folk remedies in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Herbal medicinal baths can be different, on chamomile infusion and on pine needles, oak, as well as spruce bark, hay dust, horsetail, bran, valerian, lavender. Healers advise preparing such baths with the addition of mustard and salt.

Diabetes mellitus treatment with folk remedies

Diabetes is of course familiar to all of us. Now this is probably the most common disease. Especially in Lately this disease has spread so much that almost every family has people with this disease. Doctors say that first of all, this disease begins from increased psycho-emotional overload.

I think that heredity also plays a role. My husband also has diabetes. His mother was a diabetic and my husband and older brother and sister also got this disease from my mother. They just probably got a weak endocrine system from their mother.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes mellitus are great helpers in treatment and perfectly alleviate the disease. You also need to eat right. Of course you can't refuse official medicine. Eat different stages diabetes mellitus

For example, my mother, two years ago when she was already old woman, found out that she has diabetes. She took pills for exactly a year. Now she doesn’t drink them; the doctor herself stopped them. She takes advice from healers. There are excellent medicinal plants which help with diabetes mellitus.

I present to your attention some recipes from traditional healers.

A very simple recipe: take twenty grams lilac buds pour one glass of boiling water (do not boil). Let it sit for half an hour. Drink one tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Burdock root decoction. Take ten grams of dry crushed burdock roots, add one glass of water and put on fire for fifteen minutes. Let it simmer over low heat. Then let it sit for an hour. Drink a tablespoon up to four times a day.

If you want to lower your blood sugar, you can do this. Prepare mixture of parsley and garlic three hundred grams of each ingredient and one hundred grams lemon zest. Grind everything in a meat grinder and place it in a dark place for two weeks. Take one teaspoon before meals.

If you pour this mixture infusion of blueberry leaf, lingonberry leaf, bean pods and corn silk , You'll get great recipe. Take all these herbs by equal weight, chop them and mix well. Then take one tablespoon of this mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and leave it in a thermos overnight. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.

Very useful for diabetes potato juice. Half an hour before breakfast or dinner, drink half a glass. Rose hip decoction Great for strengthening. Take peeled dry brewer's yeast and take two teaspoons up to three times a day.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies

What is a cough? First of all, this is a disease of the respiratory system. Cough occurs when there is inflammation of the respiratory organs such as the throat and bronchi. Next come the lungs. This includes pneumonia and tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. These are all diseases caused by colds, but coughs can also be caused by dust. Dust can be of various types, including gases and tobacco smoke and many more etc.

The cough can be allergic, sometimes the cough can start from excitement or nervous excitement.

If you have coughing, boil milk. For one glass of boiled milk, one or two teaspoons soda and one teaspoon visceral fat, mix well and drink hot in small sips. Rub your chest before going to bed interior fat, and drink a hot drink more often while you have a cough.

If you have a dry cough, hot drinks will help you a lot. milk with figs. For one glass of boiled hot milk, four to five figs. Pour in, wrap and let sit until it cools down. Drink a third of a glass up to four times a day before meals. Healers also advise rubbing their chests on the ferry.

Excellent cough medicine plantain (three parts), licorice root (three parts) and coltsfoot leaves(four parts). Steam and drink.

You can mix unpasteurized milk with carrot juice(50*50) and drink one tablespoon up to six times a day.

For example, this is how I still save myself from coughing. I heat it in a simple fabric bag dry cherry pits and lie down on my chest before going to bed. At least it helps me a lot. The heat lasts for a long time and warms up well. The cough goes away very quickly.

I don’t know about you, but here you can buy bags of cherry pits in the store in the baby section. Previously, when such bags were not sold, I sewed dry coarse salt into the fabric, the effect was the same.

You can combine herbal teas with medications prescribed by your doctor.

Laws of the healer 18.12.2014 03:24

1 .Purity of thoughts. Remove all the bustle of the present day from your head.

2 .Calm. The healer must be absolutely calm, no matter who came to him, no matter what pain he is currently experiencing. The healer must be calm so as not to get involved with the patient in his problem. When receiving a patient and during a session, he must part with such concepts as pity and empathy. And it’s better if the healer can part with them forever.

3 .Know that not everyone can be helped, since not everyone is ready for this. Many patients only talk about their problems, but they either do not want to solve these problems themselves or are not ready to solve them now. They are ready to solve them in a year, in 3 years, in 5 years, but not now.

4 .Feeling good. The healer should not cough, he should not have a runny nose, there should be no tears, he should not have sniffles and a sad mood. Before starting a session you must purchase wellness, good mood, self confidence. Because otherwise, during the session you will draw energy from the patient, that is, you will become an energy vampire. And since a person came to you with his problem, then along with the energy of this person you will pull his problem onto yourself.

5 .Energy protection. Without energy protection Do not under any circumstances begin healing. It is very dangerous. Before starting a session, open a channel of protection for yourself, then open a channel of protection for the patient. If suddenly during a session you feel that you are becoming ill, then you need to stop the session, leave the channel, cleanse yourself, put up protection and re-enter the channel and continue the session. There are several elements from which you don’t even try to protect yourself, it’s useless. You can't! These elements: mom, dad, wife, husband. There is no protection from these elements! You just need to learn to react to them differently. The question naturally arises: why can’t we protect ourselves from our loved ones? Because each of us has a certain inner world, in which there are certain laws, whether we like it or not. Several criteria fall under this inner world: things, friends, acquaintances, distant relatives, work colleagues with whom we rarely communicate and who come and go. But there are several energies or personalities that were put into our energy initially.

Mom and Dad sit in our energy initially. Therefore, protecting yourself from them will be a lot of hard work. This is the first.

Second, as soon as you decide to defend yourself, the efforts to break through your defense will be increased several times.

And the second option is wives and husbands. These are individuals whom we at some point let into our lives and as GOD said: “Let him cleave to his wife.” They also sit in our energy until the moment of divorce. And as soon as they are divorced, then he (she) can be kicked out of there, only then will he (she) stop interfering. The most best protection from them is to agree with them in everything, although you will not do it.

6 .Clean hands. Before and after the session, you need to wash your hands with water. Water is a special structure that washes away all information. Before washing your hands, be sure to remove energy dirt from your hands.

7 .Remove all jewelry from yourself: rings, earrings, chains, brooches, necklaces and the like. Metal has the ability to take on negativity.

8 .Purification system. It is imperative to cleanse yourself after sessions. You can take three candles, arrange them in the shape of a triangle, light them and give the idea that this is an energy cleansing portal that draws in all the dirt from us, from a given place.

9 .About the session fee. Nobody owes anyone anything in this world. Nobody gives anything to anyone for free. If you were given energy, if you were given a technique, then you deserve it, then it is yours. An artist paints pictures, a composer writes music, a poet writes poetry, a singer sings songs, an entrepreneur creates a business - this is a gift from God, which means he deserved it and was given it. But they get a lot of money for this and no one blames them for this and everyone thinks that this is normal. And how does a healer, to whom GOD also gave the gift of healing, differ from them? Why shouldn't he make money from it? So don't be shy about taking money. It is still unknown who is more difficult, a composer to compose music or a healer to cleanse a patient of dirt that has accumulated over the years. No one is to blame here except the patient himself; this is his personal burden. Therefore, he must pay to have his load removed.

There must be an energy exchange. And money is energy. Sometimes they ask the following question: “How do we pay God for energy?” We pay him with the money we charge for the session, since we are gods. The Torah says: “Take your sacrifices, make barbecues and eat.” This means that if GOD gave you something, you have the right to use it. God doesn’t need anything, why does he need your money? He has everything. You need money to dress, eat, raise children.

One day they told me: “Why do you take payment for your work, since God gave you everything for free? Can I pay for your work with my love, my kindness?” Now imagine that I receive a bill for public utilities and I come to the housing office and tell them: “Dear housing office employees! Here I was paid for my work with love and kindness, could you credit Maria Ivanovna’s love and kindness to your bank account?” So that they answer me what you think. That's right, they would have sent him to hell.

You cannot help anyone for free, then you take the patient’s problem upon yourself, then you heal with your energy, then God is not ready to help you. The richest in the Universe is GOD. He has everything: galaxies, planets, stars, minerals, houses, cars, people, and everyone gives him their energy. And to say that God works for free would be wrong. Remember how God created the Universe.

God took a shovel and went to dig the garden. He dug and dug and created the Garden of Eden. Then he cultivated this garden. Then someone named Adam came there, picked an apple and ate it, and then said to God: “Now I understand, you plowed and plowed here, and we eat for free.” Then God says: “And you understand everything. Then look, there is Earth down there, there are all the conditions to create paradise.” He took him by the scruff of the neck and threw him onto the Earth and said: “You will plow by the sweat of your brow as I plowed.” Therefore, you should never give anything for free!

10 .At the beginning, you cannot conduct more than 2-3 sessions.

11 .D There must be a dedicated room for sessions. Where do you always mentally place your energy column, drainage system, that is, all the energy attributes you need. Be sure to clean this room after sessions. And all this on initial stage must be kept constantly in the imagination.

12 .Do not make any medical diagnoses. You are not a doctor and therefore you do not have the right to do this.

You just need to tell the patient: I see dark spot on the left side or I see a dark spot

on the left shoulder blade.

13 .Healing, treatment- This by-effect what we will do. Everything he does

healer, he frees the patient from blockages that do not allow energy to flow freely

according to the patient's field. All we do is return the patient to his normal state:

joy, fun, lightness, kindness and the like. But as soon as you think that you

If you succeed in this, you will immediately fly off this throne. You need to understand that in all this you

GOD helps, and that you heal with the help of his energies.

14 .Each person receives a certain amount of energy for his life and therefore we

We have no right to squander it. We must heal not with our energy (our energy

enough only for our life), and when working with a patient, use cosmic energy

15 If something hurts, it means there is a blockage that does not allow energy to flow smoothly.

For example, a stream is flowing, they threw a stone at it and now this stream cannot flow normally.

It overflows, a swamp appears, and frogs begin to croak. You can remove the mud as much as you like,

remove frogs, pull out blades of grass, but the swamp will remain. You just need the right thing

remove the stone and then the swamp will disappear, the frogs will disappear, the grass will dry up. Everything will come on its own

back to normal. In healing too, a patient came to you, closed his eyes, saw a block,

pulled him out of there, the flow of energy across the field was restored and there was nothing more to do

necessary. There are two types of blockages: excess energy and lack of energy.

16 .It is impossible to change anything without changing or changing. As they say, if you want to change the world,

change yourself.

17. There is no concept of time in energy. The problem created ever works continuously until

it cannot be removed. When removing a problem, the healer cannot know whether there will be a result or not, because

the result depends not on the healer, but on God, and the healer only removes the problem. Healer only

can ask God, telling him: “I removed the blockage. Give him/her life energy,

if possible" After we remove the blockage, a void is formed and this void

must be filled with pure light energy.


With the blessing of the Supreme Mind,

Creator, Absolute,

We take this oath:

“I, a man of planet Earth,

Conductor of the Ocean of Knowledge,

Lying in front of me and behind me,

I am embarking on the path of spirituality

And I will pass it to the end with honor.

I will always and everywhere promote peace

And defend human civilization

On Earth and in Space,

Promote spiritual and moral

The rebirth of man.

Striving for a high spiritual flow

And its energetic manifestation,

I am aware of my responsibility

For the use of psychic energy

And information influences.

Only taller than us in this world

Cosmic Mind,

By losing contact with whom, I lose the right

To use your abilities.

I stand in the face of Eternity, Harmony

And the Cosmic Mind,

There's nothing in me that was hidden from them

And hidden for destructive purposes.

I swear:

- never destroy the Great Harmony,

- do not carry out experiments that are dangerous for the planet

and all living things on it,

- do not enslave others spiritually and physically

forms of mind and other people,

- provide all possible assistance to those suffering

and those who need me,

- in everything to be worthy of that gift,

which was given to me from above,

- live in peace and harmony with yourself and others,

endlessly cognizing the Great Truth -

Cosmic Mind,

- respect the teacher and never let him down,

by your actions

I swear! I swear! I swear!

If I break my oath,

Then may the severe punishment of HEAVEN befall me!”

THE TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL! Live soberly! Truth #1. Alcoholic beverages are drugs. An essential component of all alcoholic beverages is ethanol. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1975 made a special decision: “Consider alcohol a drug that undermines health.” But in our country, back in 1972, GOST 18300-72 for ethyl alcohol was in force, in which Chapter 5 “Safety Requirements” stated that “ethyl alcohol is a highly flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, classified as a potent drug that first causes excitement and then paralysis nervous system" A.N. Timofeev in the book “Nervous-mental disorders in alcohol intoxication"(L., 1955) writes: "Alcohol refers to narcotic substances fatty series, which has a paralyzing effect on any living cell. The cells of the central nervous system, especially the cells of the cerebral cortex, are the most sensitive to alcohol…” (p. 7). From the above, it would be fair to extend to alcoholic drinks law protecting the country from drugs. Truth #2. Alcohol lowers intelligence It has been proven that even small doses of alcohol weaken mental abilities. V.M. Bekhterev There is no organ in a person that would not suffer from drinking alcohol - any kind, no matter whether it is vodka, wine or beer. However, the brain suffers the most and the most severely. Because there the concentration of alcohol is maximum. If we take the concentration of alcohol in the blood as one, then in the liver it will be 1.45, and in the brain - 1.75. The mechanism of destruction of the body is very simple. One example clearly demonstrates this. In 1961, three American physicists Nicely, Moscow and Pennington examined the human eye through a long-focus microscope they had made. What did the physicists see? They saw the walls of the vessel, saw leukocytes (white blood cells) and erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide- V reverse direction). Blood flowed through the vessels, everything was filmed. During the examination of another client, the physicists were amazed - the man had blood clots moving around the vessel: clots, adhesions of red blood cells. Moreover, in these gluings they numbered 5, 10, 40, 400, up to 1000 red blood cells. They figuratively called them bunches of grapes. The physicists were scared, but the man sat as if nothing had happened. The second or third are fine, but the fourth again has blood clots. We started to find out and found out: these two were drinking. Immediately, the physicists gave the sober man, whose vessels were all normal, a glass of beer to drink. After 15 minutes, alcoholic red blood cells appeared in the blood of the former sober person. This experience is similar school experience in a biology lesson, when a few drops of blood are dropped into a test tube with water, the water becomes colored Orange color, immediately a few drops of vodka are dripped into the test tube and the blood coagulates into flakes before our eyes. “Bunches of grapes” literally clog the capillaries in the human brain that feed his cells, resulting in hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation brain cells. It is hypoxia that is perceived by a person as a supposedly harmless state of intoxication. And this leads to “numbness” and then death of parts of the brain. Yu. K. Pugach in the book “126 exercises for memory development” writes: “if you want to maintain all the flexibility of your memory, you need to avoid alcohol.” But that's not all. The effect of alcohol is not limited to 1-2 holidays- I think I drank and that’s it. No. American scientists have found that consuming 200 grams. “dry” wine reduces a person’s intelligence for 18-20 days! Thus, alcohol and intellectual activity are not compatible! Truth #3. Alcohol is much more dangerous for Russia than for Europe. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. For those who drink - poison, for those around - torture. V.V. Mayakovsky Death from booze in Russia happens 3-5 times more often than in others European countries. Calculations showed that alcohol deaths per million population there are 11 in France, 55 in Russia. Based on these data, scientists make a completely fair conclusion that in our country there are special conditions, causing alcohol-related mortality unparalleled in comparison with other countries, even with lower average per capita alcohol consumption. The harmful effects of alcohol depend, first of all, on the amount of drink ingested in terms of pure alcohol, and on the toxicity of impurities. But, in addition, the toxicity of alcohol depends to a very large extent on climatic conditions, in which a person who drinks alcoholic beverages lives. Research by I.A. Sikorsky was able to establish that a warmer climate reduces the danger of drinking alcohol, while cold greatly increases the possibility of poisoning. Low temperature enhances the effect of alcohol to such an extent that external cold is equivalent to a double dose of alcohol. Therefore, drinking alcoholic “drinks” in cold countries is twice as dangerous as in warm countries (I.A. Sikorsky, “Poisons of the Nervous System”, Kiev, 1900, book 4, pp. 134-176). Considering the cold climate of Russia, we must know that the Russian people, for their self-preservation, must be more sober than other peoples living in warmer climatic zones. Truth #4. Children's body more susceptible to the effects of alcohol Tyrshanov and Reitz from Bekhterev’s laboratory established a much stronger effect of alcohol on young developing organisms. When puppies took alcohol for 1.5-3 months, a striking difference was found in the size of the head of the “drinking” and normal puppies. When weighing in all cases the cerebral hemisphere, especially frontal lobes Alcohol-treated puppies weighed less than control puppies. The effect is more noticeable the more early age started giving alcohol. The lethal dose for an adult is 7-8 g of alcohol per kilogram of weight, which approximately corresponds to 1-1.25 liters of vodka. For children lethal dose(g/kg weight) 4 - 5 times less than for adults! The results of the work of doctors and teachers in Vienna, who assessed the effect of different doses of alcohol on the performance of schoolchildren, showed that, even with “moderate” doses, mental potential decreases, memory deteriorates, apathy to learning appears, and errors are made in mathematical calculations. Truth #5. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on sexual function The effects of alcohol on sexual function occur through three main mechanisms. Let's consider these mechanisms using the example of male sexual function. Firstly, alcohol, reaching the gonads with the blood, has a direct traumatic effect on them. As in any other organs, thrombosis and destruction of small vessels occur in the gonads, as a result of which some cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrition and die. The ability to regenerate the main male reproductive gland - the testes - is practically absent in adult men. In alcoholics, fewer germ cells are formed in the seminiferous tubules, they have shape defects, the vast majority of germ cells or all of them are immobile. Each alcohol injury to the testes leads to irreversible degenerative changes in them. As a result, with the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, the testes decrease in size, and the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, in which male reproductive cells - sperm are generated, also decreases. Secondly, alcohol damage to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and the associated decrease in the regulatory activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, leads to disorders of the complex reflex activity of the central nervous system, associated with the specific implementation of sexual function, to the so-called hypothalamic impotence. Thirdly, under the influence of alcohol, the normal activity of the liver is disrupted. The fact is that a woman’s body normally always contains a certain amount of the male sex hormone (testosterone), and a man’s body always contains female sex hormones - extradiols. In addition, testosterone is produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex in both men and women. Neutralization of female sex hormones in men occurs in the liver. Therefore, when the activity of the liver weakens, as a result of its alcohol damage, the female sex hormone accumulates in the blood of a man. The result of this is the feminization of men: the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics - the man’s body begins to develop according to the female type. Also, according to sex therapists, at least in 85% of cases (!) impotence is caused precisely by the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages. In women, alcohol-induced disorders of sexual function occur faster and are even more profound than in men. Numerous observations of pediatricians, as well as a large amount of experimental material accumulated in experiments on animals, allow us to draw a very definite conclusion: drinking women unable to reproduce full-fledged offspring. The children born to them always display certain deviations in physical or mental development(D.D. Fedotov, “Alcohol and mental health", 1974). Truth #6. Consequences of drunken conceptions - underdeveloped children Poverty and crime, nervous and mental illnesses, degeneration of offspring - this is what alcohol does. V.M. Bekhterev If conception occurs in any state alcohol intoxication, even among people who do not drink alcohol, then in 9 out of 10 cases defective children will be born, with varying degrees deviations from the norm. Not only idiots are born, but also half-idiots, quarter-idiots, 1/8 idiots, and then people with bad character. Character is bad because a person’s most important departments brain. It becomes clear why the laws Ancient Rome young people under 30 years of age, that is, during the years of the most active reproduction of offspring, were prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. According to the laws Ancient Greece a drunken husband was strictly forbidden to get together with his wife. In Rus', the bride and groom were forbidden to consume intoxicating drinks during the wedding. Truth #7. Alcohol has direct influence on the crime rate Most terrible consequence drunken drinks - that wine darkens the mind and conscience of people: people from drinking wine become ruder, stupider and angrier. L.N. Tolstoy From drunkenness to hooliganism and crime - one step. According to the WHO Executive Committee, up to 50 percent of rapes, up to 72 percent of armed attacks, and up to 86 percent of murders are committed under the influence of alcoholic intoxication. With an increase in per capita alcohol consumption (even if insignificant), the crime curve increases more sharply. In other words, arithmetic progression(per capita consumption) develops into geometric (crime); This is especially noticeable in the increase in hooliganism. According to a number of Western scientists, a country that does not produce or sell alcohol can close 9/10 of its prisons. “Drunkenness is a trick from which paths lead like rays to a gambling den, and to bribes, and to embezzlement, and to unbearable sexual licentiousness, to rape,” wrote E.M. in one of his articles. Yaroslavsky. I remember the tragic incident that occurred on April 27, 2009, when a police major shot 9 people. “Perhaps the reason for what happened was mental disorder associated with troubles in personal life officer" was said then. The silent question arises: “Would he shoot if he was sober?!” Or does vodka have nothing to do with it?! And if an alcoholic husband beats his wife and children, this is also a crime! Truth #8. “Prohibition” is a reasonable and most effective measure. The habit of drinking alcohol harms humanity more than war, famine and plague combined. Darwin "Prohibition" was in Russia in 1914 and 1985. The initiators of “dry laws” were teetotalers popular movements. But the opposing forces were also great. One of the representatives of such forces, in 1911, Baron Ginzburg, alarmed by the growth of the anti-alcohol movement, declared in his circle: “From the supply of vodka for state-owned wine shops, from industrial distillation, I receive more gold than from all my gold mines. Therefore, the government sale of drinks must be preserved at all costs and justified in the eyes of the notorious public opinion.” There have even been attempts to prove that drinking “moderate” doses of alcohol is normal. In 1912, they turned to Academician I.P. Pavlov with a request to give an opinion on the project to create a laboratory to substantiate the harmlessness of moderate alcohol consumption. The scientist responded with the following letter: “An institute that sets itself the indispensable goal of discovering the harmless use of alcohol does not rightly have the right to be called or considered scientific... And therefore it seems that all those who value public funds, the health of the population and the dignity of Russian science have duty to raise one’s voice against the establishment of an institution of this name...” After the adoption of the Prohibition Law in 1985, shameless vilification of it broke out, appealing to “ folk traditions”, then to “human rights”, queues for vodka were artificially created, riots and fights were organized in them, this was covered by the media. Articles appeared criticizing Prohibition. In particular, I. Lisochkin writes: “... Protracted struggle(meaning the struggle for a sober lifestyle after the resolution of the Party Central Committee in May 1985), without giving any real results, cost state budget more than four Chernobyls (39 billion versus 8); the number of those poisoned by surrogates significantly exceeded the losses in terrible war in Afghanistan" or "...the ribs of respectable citizens are cracking in kilometer-long queues...". Here is what academician F. G. Uglov answers: “Yes, we really did not receive 39 billion from the budget. But this is a brilliant and great benefit for the people. We drink approximately 33 billion rubles worth of alcohol per year. We are paying for this with millions of people dying from alcohol-related causes and the birth of 200 thousand defective and mentally handicapped children. And if we have not consumed this poison in an amount exceeding our annual income, it means that we have saved more than a million lives and avoided the birth of 250 thousand defective children. And this fact horrifies Lisochkin. He would like the plan for the sale of narcotic poison to be exceeded so that more people die more people- both adults and children. He is concerned that 12-13 thousand died from poisoning with surrogates. But it is well known that even without any restrictions on the sale of alcohol, thousands of people die from surrogates. At the same time, not everyone knows (and Lisochkin does not write about this) that 40 thousand of our fellow citizens die annually from acute poisoning alcohol. This is four times more than the number of deaths from the use of surrogates - and the author is silent on this matter. As for the broken ribs of respectable citizens, I am deeply convinced that not a single respectable, self-respecting citizen will stand in a kilometer-long line for vodka. And in drunken fights, many times more ribs are broken. Lisochkin sheds a tear for the “poor” drunkards standing in line for their own misfortune. I feel sorry for the unfortunate freaks, defective and mentally handicapped children who are born from those who stand in kilometer-long queues. If the author had seen these unfortunate people (and there are hundreds of thousands of them!), doomed to a half-animal, hopeless existence in orphanages with living parents, he might have had a different attitude towards those who, losing their human dignity, stand in lines for hours for liquid , which deprives them of the remnants of their reason." “Prohibition” was to the liking of the citizens of our country. After 1985, profits from sobriety were 3-4 times higher than the shortfall from the sale of alcohol and tobacco poisons. However, thanks to the dominance of individual social groups enforcement of Prohibition ceased. More truth here

The healer is the one who is the link between the sick and God. That's why right choice healer will be the first and most important step on the path to spiritual and physical integrity. The advice of the healer Elena Mikhailovna will help you not make a mistake in your choice.

Elena Mikhailovna helps people when they are sick, stumble, cannot save their family, or lose direction life path, are situated in depressed state. Therefore, she knows how important it is to provide assistance on time. A real healer is not a doer, he does not heal - he creates an emptiness in which God is present. He observes the healing process, and wisdom speaks in him. Simple tips Elena Mikhailovna will tell you whether the person in front of you is the right one.

1 tip. The healer should be simple, without importance or significance. Pride and importance are punishable for a healer; if you see his “coolness”, at these moments he will not help you in any way, because there is no very emptiness in which God is present. He himself occupies all the space; the only thing he will do for you is spiritually pollute you.

Tip 2. If a healer tells you that he helps people from God, then he understands little about spirituality. He idealizes himself and is dominated by pride. How easy it is sometimes to lose God from the heart and how hard it is to find him. People often lose God and then find him, but the time is different for everyone: some lost and found at once, while others search for him for a long time and persistently. He searches everywhere, from healers, in monasteries, and in other religions. It even happens that people lose God from their hearts and do not notice it, trying to live and convince themselves that they are still with God.

Tip 3 Look at the photo of the healer. If you feel fear, there is no need to go to it. Fear suggests that the healer himself is in fear, which means he exists Great chance the presence of an evil spirit. This is exactly what the church is trying to protect from. An evil spirit is like an infection that you can easily catch. And even if the photo shows an open, simple person and your soul is drawn to him, then ask yourself a hundred times whether you should go to him.

Tip 4 Believe only in yourself, because you have God in your heart. If you are given a recommendation to see a healer, still do not take his word for it. Take care of yourself. Be responsible for your life, because the healer is the same person, not God. He may be with God, or he may be without God. If you come to him, and he is confused by greed, or jealousy, or resentment, what will you take from him? He will tell you, advise you, but there will be no truth in his words, but you can trust him, because you came with Faith.

Tip 5 A healer should not have depression. If he has a face gray, this suggests that he is energetically polluted and he cannot and does not have the right to treat people, he himself needs help.

Tip 6 The healer must always speak from the heart. If he speaks with his mind, then he is like a gramophone record. He says and does what psychics do (wax, candles, eggs) and scares with terrible words: damage to death, curse, empty grave... Everyone is responsible for words, thoughts and actions before God, and if there are sins, you need them now realize, then it will be too late. Any person who calls himself a healer, magician, sorcerer or fortune teller enters the spiritual world. Secrets are revealed for him, but responsibility also increases. You need to answer for every word, for every thought - with full responsibility before God.

Elena Mikhailovna says that a healer is not a superman. It is natural in nature because God wants the strong to help the weak. Therefore, a real healer does not show you terrible rituals, he helps you find yourself and God in your heart. Don’t get lost on the way to him, keep Faith in your heart, remember the words of the healer Elena Mikhailovna and don't forget to press the buttons and