Genital warts and their treatment. Effective methods for removing genital warts at home using affordable drugs

Removing genital warts at home is one of the ways to combat the human papillomavirus. Treatment is necessary, since pathological formations lead to the development dangerous tumor. The body suppresses small growths on the body itself, if immunity is not lowered.

Conservative treatments

When wondering how to quickly get rid of genital warts at home, it should be remembered that the cause of the appearance is reduced immunity. Drugs with a cauterizing effect, the doctor prescribes in the first place:

  • Condiline - cauterizes the wart in a few applications. The product can cause burns on healthy areas of the skin;
  • Condilin - removes the virus from the surface of the epidermis, prevents its appearance;
  • Podophyllotoxin - stops the development of new papillomas, but acts aggressively. The drug should not be used by pregnant women and children.
  • Imiquimod is an ointment that is prescribed as a course of treatment. Applied to damaged areas, the active substance generates the production of antibodies that fight pathogenic neoplasms;
  • Solcoderm - the solution has several active components in the composition - nitric, acetic and lactic acids. The tool is effective, in 75% of cases - completely eliminates skin pathologies.

Treatment of genital warts at home is impossible with rapid and disproportionate growth.

Surgical methods are used:

  • scalpel cut - affordable and fast way removal. Papilloma is removed with a special knife;
  • laser beams act on viral education without damaging healthy skin. Affected cells die, a crust appears in their place. The procedure calls pain;
  • cryotherapy is the use of liquid nitrogen. Cells are frozen for 10 seconds. A crust remains, which disappears after a few days and does not leave traces;
  • electrocoagulation - exposure to a wart with an electric knife. The disadvantages of the method are scar formation and pain. Not recommended for the removal of warts in the genital area.

home methods

Folk remedies in complex treatment help to speed up the process of death of genital warts at home. Natural ingredients are recommended for women during pregnancy, as safe alternative antiviral drugs.

Home treatment of formations can be carried out using cauterization. The use of iodine helps - the active substances act like a chemical solution, but are safe.

The compress removes growths painlessly - it dries out their cells and destroys entire clusters.


  • put on cotton swab iodine;
  • press it against the condyloma for 5 seconds, avoiding touching healthy skin;
  • repeat the procedure. Use an iodine solution twice a day until the papilloma falls off.

After removing the growths, the skin cannot be sealed with a plaster - pathogenic microflora will start to multiply. The doctor additionally prescribes antiseptics for fast regeneration skin.

  • Celandine

The plant effectively cauterizes and dries genital warts. Suitable juice or tincture of alcohol from celandine.

The stems need to be crushed: the orange liquid that seeps out at the break is an effective concentrate active substances. It is necessary to lubricate the papillomas with a solution and hold for 3 seconds. The procedure should be repeated two to three times a day, using new leaves each time.

Celandine is sold in a pharmacy - dry inflorescences are suitable for tincture. How to cook:

  • alcohol - 100 ml;
  • pharmacy celandine - 50 g.

The components must be mixed and infused for a week in a dark, cool place. On the seventh day, strain the tincture. It can not be applied to healthy skin - burns are likely.

  • Garlic

Garlic contains a large number of flavonoids, tannins and antiseptics. Two drops of garlic juice can leave growths viral infection, and remove formations. How to make an extract from garlic: grind 3-4 cloves, strain the resulting slurry, let the juice brew for 1-2 hours. Apply the concentrate to areas of skin with growths. Garlic has a specific composition, therefore it burns mucous tissues. On sensitive areas its use is not recommended.

Applied in running forms warts. The composition contains anti-inflammatory and antiviral components that quickly act on the foci of formations.

How to treat condyloma onion juice at home:

  • peel a small onion head and rinse with cold water;
  • cut in half and pour vinegar - 100 ml;
  • let the solution brew for 10 hours;
  • strain vinegar from residues and use compresses on the affected areas of the skin - 2-3 times a day.

An anti-inflammatory agent that works effectively in conjunction with aloe vera and psyllium leaf. Remove warts with home recipe can be done after several iterations of the procedure:

  • mix honey and aloe vera juice in equal proportions;
  • add crushed plantain leaves;
  • let it brew - 5 hours.

Strain the resulting composition and use as a compress. It does not irritate the skin, and gently eliminates formations. Keep the remedy for about 15 minutes, 2 repetitions a day. The warts are gone in a week.

  • Propolis

Allows you to eliminate condylomas localized in various places. Propolis should be fixed on the damaged area with a patch and not removed for 4 hours. After that, change it to a new compress. Within two days, the papillomas dry up.

  • Vinegar

The tool burns out skin formations. Apple vinegar you need to dilute with water in a ratio of 3: 1, and apply a compress for the night. Repeat the procedure for a week until the formation begins to crust.

  • Egg white

Pieces of boiled egg white will help reduce condylomas, but the skin will be completely cleansed with complex treatment. They should be applied to the lesions, strengthening with a plaster.

Dubious methods that negatively affect skin covering and do not eliminate warts:

  1. Application baking soda. The concentration of active substances in the diluted composition is small, but can be used to treat growths on mucous membranes.
  2. Burning with hydrogen peroxide. The concentrate cannot cauterize even a small condyloma. Peroxide can only disinfect the wound, but not kill the viral infection.
  3. Castor oil. The composition of the oil is 80% acids, but they cannot fight viruses.

Antiviral therapy

The course of treatment is necessary to raise immunity and restore it. Genital warts are an infection that is easily suppressed by a healthy body.

The disease is transmitted from person to person intimacy. Condylomas in women are formed on the genitals, sometimes in the mouth and anus. Unpleasant growths are localized in several places. Genital warts in men appear after contact with the carrier. It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus - it lives inside the cells of the body. It is only possible to suppress the development and strengthen the immune system.
The disease is transmitted:

  • with unprotected sexual contact;
  • from mother to baby during childbirth;
  • household way.

Medications that are safe in composition.

  1. Eleutherococcus.
  2. Rose Rhodiola tincture.
  3. Immunal.
  4. Ginseng.

The complex requires external use of drugs that stimulate the immune system and eliminate the virus on the skin:

  1. Gel Panavir.
  2. Banafton tool.
  3. Ointment Aldara.
  4. Liminent Cyclorerone.

Each of the products is applied to the skin 60 minutes before cauterization of warts.

Rules for home treatment

The course of treatment includes several components:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Taking drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  3. Use of antiviral creams.
  4. Folk remedies.

The virus develops in the body when the immune system is weakened - after a cold, depression or stress. Condylomatosis, which is growing rapidly, must be treated. If complex treatment is observed, the risk of genital warts disappears. If a viral disease manifests itself unexpectedly, and the formations do not decrease, you should consult a doctor.

Genital warts are neoplasms called genital warts that occur as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. This pathogen cannot be completely eliminated from the body. There are many ways to get rid of formations on the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment of genital warts with folk remedies is no exception.

Features of genital warts

The disease can be stopped for a long period of time by passing complex treatment, but there is no guarantee that the warts will not reappear.

Human papillomaviruses in medicine are distinguished by more than 120 species, 1/3 of them are sexually transmitted. Most genital warts are characterized by a high oncogenic degree and are capable of degenerating into cancer.

Growths differ in location and shape:

  • Ordinary condyloma.

The most common form of neoplasm caused by HPV. It occurs in more than 80% of active virus carriers. In the people, such growth on the skin is simply referred to as a wart. Most often, condyloma vulgaris appears on the hands, toes, less often on the head, face. characteristic feature of these formations is roughness, elasticity and a significant elevation above the level of the skin.

  • plantar.

This type of growth is localized exclusively on the soles of the feet. It is dense to the touch, has a rough surface. Plantar warts are often mistaken for a corn. It is painful when in contact with tight shoes.

  • Flat.

Flat warts are soft, smooth and slightly raised above the epidermis. This form of genital warts chooses the hands as the place of localization, hairy part head, face.

  • Pointed.

They affect the human genitals. Almost half of the population suffers from this form of the disease. Neoplasms are characterized by a special form, thanks to which they got their name. They often grow in groups, single warts are less common. Genital warts are localized on the surface of the small and large labia in women, penetrate into the vagina, cervix, rectum. Men find outgrowths on the head of the penis, under it, on the testicles. Often these formations are localized in the anus in both sexes.

Doctors say that patients with cervical dysplasia, which often causes cancer, are women who often change sexual partners and do not use contraceptives.

The appearance of warts on intimate places are often neglected. If you do not treat genital warts, they can grow and occupy a vast area of ​​​​the genital organs. Advanced disease in addition to itching, pain appears inflammatory processes, suppuration, fistula formation, discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many ways to treat genital warts. Removal of genital warts - mandatory step in the process of reducing the virus in the body. Using the services of traditional medicine is quite expensive. Therefore, many are interested in remedies that will help get rid of genital warts at home. HPV is an insidious tenacious pathogen. Remove it from the body without immunostimulants and antiviral drugs almost impossible. Therefore, alternative methods are best used in combination with the prescriptions of the attending physician.

For a quick effect, you should give up alcohol and bad habits negatively affecting the immune system. Do not interfere with the intake of vitamins and balanced diet. It is necessary for the body to provide all possible assistance in increasing resistance to the action of the virus.

As a direct destructive effect on neoplasms, it can be exerted using the following means:

  1. Celandine.

The effect of the plant on neoplasms on the skin has long been known traditional healers. They used freshly squeezed juice brightly yellow color against warts, lichen, fungi, psoriasis, acne and many other skin diseases.

Use against genital warts such folk remedies as the juice of a fresh plant, and tincture of alcohol, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by hand. The tool must be applied 3-4 times a day to growths so that healthy tissues do not fall under its influence.

This drug is used to get rid of many fungal and viral manifestations on the skin. It dries out fabrics. Iodine will also have this effect on neoplasms. Application is characterized by staining of neoplasms in a characteristic dark color and the presence of burning. Such manifestations are quite normal for treatment in this way. You should not use the tincture if the condylomas are localized on the face or mucous membrane, as burns are possible, leaving a scar in the form of a scar.

  1. Propolis tincture.

Propolis is famous antiviral action on the human body. It is used externally and internally. Tincture on healing substance You can make your own or buy at a pharmacy. It is also possible to cauterize genital warts on the mucous membrane. In parallel, you need to take propolis tincture 15-20 drops per half a glass of water or tea several times a day.

Propolis is natural antibiotic, which is used in the fight against all types of viruses. Who has a low arterial pressure should be taken internally with caution.

  1. Garlic and onion.

These plants are famous for their medicinal properties. Garlic or onion juice is used to treat fungal and viral diseases. They are used for such an event as the treatment of warts with known folk remedies. How to get rid? A clove of garlic or half a small onion must be grated on a fine grater and squeezed into glass containers. Juice should be plentifully treated with growths on the skin up to 10 times a day.

  1. Banana peel.

How to treat? For many, this method will be surprising, but the peel of a ripe fruit can get rid of warts on any part of the body. For this, it is necessary to make compresses on neoplasms 2-3 times a day. A small piece of peel, soaked in lemon or garlic juice, is fixed on the sore spot and left to act for several hours. It is convenient to do this procedure at night and repeat for 10-12 days.

What recipes are the most effective

Apart from folk remedies used in the treatment of genital warts, there are many effective, affordable and inexpensive drugs. One of them is oxolinic ointment 3%. It is worth buying a three percent liniment, since an ointment with a lower concentration of oxolin will not have the desired result.

A feature of the application is the burning and coloring of tissues in blue or purple. These changes are considered normal, so it is worth enduring temporary discomfort and continuing treatment with genital warts until they disappear. Getting rid of warts with this drug can take from several days to 2-3 weeks. Everything will depend on the number of tumors, their size, location.

Also, to get rid of genital warts at home, Epigen spray, Viferon ointment, Genferon suppositories and many other analogues are used, whose action is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease and destroying neoplasm tissues.

Can it be removed with traditional medicine?

Cure a person completely from HPV this moment impossible. Medicine has not yet found a remedy that can 100% rid the population of this virus. However, timely complex treatment of condylomas in an intimate place can greatly alleviate the condition of patients so that they get rid of unpleasant formations on the skin for a long time.

It is important to carry out the removal of genital warts with all seriousness, otherwise even effective methods will be powerless. Special attention should be given to boost immunity. The higher the resistance of the body, the faster it will be possible to get rid of similar troubles. Resorting to folk or traditional medicine must be abandoned:

  • casual sex;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • junk food.

It is worth including healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the diet, taking antiviral drugs(this may be the same propolis tincture) and act on warts externally.

Fulfilling simple rules, you can permanently get rid of genital warts. Otherwise, no treatment methods will be able to heal the owner of the growth in an intimate place.

It is important to remember that neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus are able to reorganize into cancer diseases. Therefore, when treating genital warts at home, it is necessary to visit a specialist in the process to assess the situation and obtain professional advice.

To get rid of them, you need to be patient and spend a lot of time, but removing such a flaw on the skin can be done with folk remedies, the ingredients of which can be found at home.

Rules for dealing with the problem at home

Some people struggle with such a problem with medication; for treatment at home, drugs are purchased, the action of which is aimed at stopping infectious process, other means are used for external treatment of the affected area of ​​the skin. As an addition to the main therapy can be prescribed sedatives And vitamin complexes. Common home remedies include:

  • oxolinic ointment;
  • vergen;
  • podophylox.

This is only a small list of drugs that can be used to remove warts, but they should not be used by pregnant women. They, like home remedies, can only eliminate the visible part of the disease, but these medicines do not relieve it of its repeated manifestation due to the existing virus in the body. To forget about these skin troubles, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and approach treatment thoroughly.

When using folk recipes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • clearly delimit your day, provide time for a good rest;
  • Healthy food;
  • reduce alcohol consumption and reduce smoking breaks, and if possible, completely;
  • if condylomas appeared in intimate places, then you should constantly keep them dry, a humid environment has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of the virus;
  • it is required to strictly observe the proportions of the components chosen for the treatment of home recipes;
  • before applying the medicine, the affected area must be washed and wiped dry.

The video below will tell about the features of removing genital warts and papillomas at home:

Treatment of genital warts with folk remedies

If it does not bother its owner, then few pay attention to it until it begins to grow or bleed when in contact with clothing. Under the influence of adverse factors, such an outgrowth can be reborn and take shape, in addition, the disease can be transmitted to other people through general subjects everyday life.

Most effective types removal of such growths at home are given below.


Condylomas of this variety outwardly resemble cauliflower, these soft and moist swellings with a moist surface very quickly form "stalks" and continue to increase in size. They can be both single and group.


Peel and grind a few of its cloves, and then grate them on the smallest grater, and then squeeze the juice from the resulting mass through cheesecloth. They lubricate the affected areas several times a day until the papillomas themselves fall off.

In advanced cases, it is necessary to use garlic compresses. To prepare them, you need to cut several slices of garlic, put them on top of the colony of warts that have appeared and apply a bandage, wear until the cut parts of the vegetable dry. The compress should be done as often as possible.


Cauterization with this product must be carried out very carefully so that scars or burns do not form after it. The agent is applied daily and aged for two hours on the affected area.


Usage healing properties of this plant is effective against this type of warts. To prepare the remedy, you need to choose a small onion, peel it and cut it in half, then pour it with vinegar. Insist for 10 hours in a dark place. Before use onion tincture you need to warm up, and then apply to the affected area.


From it you need to squeeze the juice, which is taken orally half a glass three times a day. The cake remaining after squeezing the juice can be used as a compress. Shredded potato pulp is applied to the affected areas.


To remove genital warts, the juice of this home plant is used, but if it is not there, then it is quite suitable pharmacy drug, which has a high concentration of aloe. This tool is very convenient when removing single condylomas.

In this case, a small amount of juice is applied to the wart itself, avoiding contact with healthy tissues. The procedure is carried out until the neoplasm disappears completely.

Malysheva in this video will talk about the treatment of genital warts at home:


It is used as a cauterizing agent. This effective remedy from warts, but only when using it you need to follow a few rules:

  • cauterization with iodine should be carried out at least once a day, otherwise the result will have to wait a long time;
  • it is impossible to touch healthy skin with iodine, this can cause desquamation of the epithelium or its burn;
  • before choosing this method of getting rid of papillomas, you need to consult a doctor;
  • the procedure of cauterization with iodine is painful, therefore it is not suitable for those who have a low threshold of sensitivity.

Apple vinegar

It must be applied to a cotton ball, and then applied to the area with warts, this should be done daily for three weeks. The process can cause burning, if it is unbearable for a person, then cauterization is carried out gradually. At first, the cotton wool is applied for a quarter of an hour, then for half an hour, gradually increasing the time by 15 minutes, until the product can not be left all night.


They are for the most part benign neoplasms, only unlike the pointed species grow inward, they are difficult to notice. They indicate that papillomavirus has been present in the body for a long time.


For treatment, the pulp of this fruit is used, it should be prepared in an amount of 50 ml and add a little boiled water and salt. Connected Components home remedy infused for a day, and then 15 ml of vinegar is added to them.

The composition is thoroughly mixed, then applied to the affected areas of the skin for a day. The process is repeated until the warts disappear completely.

Cranberries and walnuts

The tool is no less effective than plum. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of already prepared chopped nuts, add a diced green apple to it, then pour 100 ml of water into them and add 2 cups of sugar.

All of the above ingredients are cooked over low heat. Sweet medicine for genital warts is taken orally. It is eaten daily for 2 tbsp. spoons.

In intimate places

The papillomas under consideration occur not only on the genitals (pubis, penis, labia minora), but also in the rectum or at the beginning anus. Less commonly, they can be found on the cervix or inside the male urethra. Such places should be delicately treated with gentle means.

sour apples

You should use their slices. The fruit is peeled and cut into thin segments. If there are few warts, then you can limit yourself to one slice, it is applied to the affected area and wrapped with a bandage, as soon as the slice dries, it is replaced with a new one. The course lasts up to 10 days, while you can take breaks between apple changes.


Her berries are harvested as soon as the frosts begin. They are thoroughly washed, dried and crushed into gruel. It is used as a mask, which is fixed on the skin for several hours with a bandage or plaster. Treatment is carried out until complete disposal of growths.

Castor oil

This effective method, but with a specific smell, if someone cannot stand it, then you can mix this oily substance with its more fragrant counterpart. Oil can also be used instead. tea tree. Soak the ball with the selected oil and stick it on the wart. The fleece should be changed daily until the build-up disappears.


Together with aloe and plantain leaves, it acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. To remove warts, you need to use this recipe several times. To prepare it, you need to mix the liquid ingredients in equal proportions, add a little crushed plantain leaves to them and let the product brew for 5 hours. After that, the tincture is filtered and used as a compress, no more than 15 minutes, but twice a day.

Duct tape

tested effective technique, in which a small piece of adhesive tape is glued onto the genital wart that has appeared and is not removed for 6 hours, and after this time it is removed and the warts are filed with a nail file. The process is repeated until the complete elimination of condyloma occurs.

On other parts of the body

Warts can appear on the arms, legs, underarms, back, and other places that are difficult to treat on your own, in which case special baths can help.

Oatmeal bath

It does not completely eliminate genital warts, but reduces irritation from it, and over time dries it so much that it is easier to deal with it by other means. If such a bath is unacceptable, then you can replace it with an oatmeal scrub, which is washed into the affected areas. Its preparation is as follows: add to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal water and mix it to a state of gruel. Such a tool has a beneficial effect on the skin and prevents the appearance of genital warts in the future.

herbal decoction

A soft remedy consisting of chamomile, St. John's wort and birch buds, which are taken in equal proportions and twisted in a meat grinder. Then the herbs are poured into 300 ml of water and infused, the liquid should be boiled. The drug is taken orally 150 ml three times a day. If you do not like the taste of the drink, then you can add honey to it.


In the treatment of papillomas, it is used alcohol tincture. For her, you should buy 0.5 liters of alcohol and add 100 grams of wormwood to it, then everyone insists for 14 days. After that, the medicine is filtered and applied to different parts of the skin and mucous membranes.

Treatment of genital warts - quite Long procces, whichever of the above recipes did not have to use. Completely remove papillomavirus from the body without strengthening immune system fail. Neovir, Interferon or Cycloferon can be used as immunostimulants.

ABOUT home treatment warts in intimate places will tell this video:

And men:

  • skin formations in intimate places (early stage - red small rash, eventually developing into genital warts);
  • genital warts in the form of papillary formations;
  • the upper part of the papillae has a soft texture (like a cauliflower) and is located on a filiform stalk;
  • damage to the epithelium of the mucous surface of the genitals (flat warts);
  • the appearance of cracks, accompanied by blood discharge;
  • hyperemia (increased blood flow to the affected organ);
  • itching, burning, pain during intercourse.

Infection of the body with papillomavirus may be asymptomatic for a long time.

Ways of infection

  • unprotected sex (including oral sex) with an infected partner;
  • household way(violation of the terms of use public places: bath, swimming pool, toilet; use of other people's personal hygiene products: razor, epilator);
  • presence of other sexually transmitted diseases(thrush, chlamydia, herpes);
  • because of reduced immunity, beriberi, chronic stress;
  • from an infected mother to a newborn during delivery.

You can find out more from what warts appear on intimate places.

Medical assistance

When defeated skin surface condylomas, the disease can develop in several directions:

  • self-healing of the body (extremely rare with the genital form of the disease);
  • unchanged state of genital warts (relatively stable remission);
  • intensive growth of warts;
  • disease transition to malignant stage(cancerous change).

Most often, cancerous modification of genital warts is observed:

  • in the region of the inner sheet of the foreskin or in epithelial tissue penis heads in men;
  • in the thickness of the mucous surface of the cervix or vagina in women.

The development of human papillomavirus infection is closely related to the state of the human immune system: the weaker the immune system, the more likely to appear disease complications.

Before treating genital warts doctor's consultation required(urologist, dermatovenereologist), if:

  • the disease causes psychological, physical discomfort;
  • active pathological process(growth of warts);
  • detection of genital warts during pregnancy;
  • damage to the head or foreskin of the penis by warts;
  • flat warts in the mucous membrane of the cervix, vagina;
  • violation intimate life due to trauma to the warts during intercourse;
  • difficulty in defecation with anal warts.

Early diagnosis and treatment of warts in intimate places allows the use of easier methods of therapy, and also significantly increases the success of curing the disease.


Depending on the location of the growths and the area of ​​​​the lesion, different treatment condylomatosis (genital warts).

So, if warts are found in intimate places, how to treat:

  • includes the use of folk remedies and medicines;
  • the physical method is based on the use of laser, radio, cryotherapy, coagulation;
  • mechanical intervention (surgery).

How to treat folk methods?

Treatment of genital warts with traditional medicine is effective only on early stages the occurrence of pathological formations in intimate places (without extensive skin lesions).

Let's find out how to treat genital warts with baths:

  1. Half a bucket of crushed fruits (leaves, flowers) horse chestnut pour boiling water.
  2. Insist in a warm place for about 12 hours, strain.
  3. Lower the affected parts of the body into a warm herbal bath at 40 degrees (if you need a larger volume of liquid, the product is added to the bath with water).
  4. The duration of the procedure is 15 - 20 minutes.

Course: every other day for 2 weeks.

If only genital warts jumped up, compress treatment It will also help you get rid of them quickly:

  1. Grate fresh rabbit cabbage leaves.
  2. Put the gruel on the warts.
  3. Top with a bandage cut, secure with adhesive plaster or bandage.
  4. Withstand the compress for about 5 hours, rinse.

Course: 2 times a day until recovery.

Also rabbit cabbage can be replaced with aloe leaves, Kalanchoe, rowan berries (after frost), garlic gruel mixed with baby cream (1: 2).

Let's talk about how to remove a wart in an intimate place plant sap:

  1. Take a large stem.
  2. Make a fresh cut on the stem.
  3. Treat each wart with the released orange juice (do not allow the juice to get on healthy areas of the skin).

Course: the procedure is carried out 1 time per day until the condyloma disappears.

The stem of the celandine can be replaced with.


  1. Chamomile and St. John's wort (1 tablespoon each) pour boiling water (200 ml).
  2. Bring to a boil, insist 40 minutes.
  3. Vaginal douching is carried out with a pear with warm herbal infusion.

Course: 2 times a day.

To the virtues folk methods cure can be attributed to a small number of contraindications to the use and a low probability of occurrence side effects during treatment.


  1. necrotic preparations with a burning effect;
  2. cytotoxic agents that prevent the growth and spread of warts;
  3. immunostimulating drugs;
  4. antiviral treatment.

External agents with necrotic action

  • liquid balm (sodium and potassium oxides);
  • Solcoderm solution (acetic, nitric, oxalic, lactic acids, copper nitrate);
  • Trichloroacetic acid solution 80%;
  • Verrumal solution ( salicylic acid, fluorouracil).

Instruction how to treat genital warts:

  1. Before applying a product with a burning property, healthy areas of the skin around the warts must be lubricated with a cream or zinc ointment.
  2. The medicine is applied with a special applicator or bone (included in the package) directly to the surface of each condyloma.
  3. Leave the product on for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Before the next application of the drug, the resulting varnish film should be removed from the wart.
  5. Scab - the dead part of the dark wart, can not be removed mechanically; over time, it will fall off on its own.

Well: repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day(according to the instructions of the drug) until complete recovery.

If you find warts in intimate places, treatment with necrotic preparations on the mucous surface allowed only after consulting a doctor, since severe side effects are possible when applying the medicine (itching, burning, pain), as well as the formation of sores and scars.

Local cytotoxic drugs

  • Condilin solution (podophyllotoxin);
  • Condylox gel 0.5% (podophyllin).
  • Before applying the solution to healthy areas of the skin, apply a cream.
  • The solution or gel is applied with an applicator to the entire surface of the genital warts.

Course: 2 times a day for 3 days, then take a break for 4 days. General course treatment lasts up to 5 weeks.

Due to the possibility of developing complications of warts in intimate places, treatment with cytotoxic drugs of the mucous surface is prescribed and monitored by a physician.

Immunostimulating drugs

  • Aldara cream (imichimod)

Instruction how to remove warts in intimate places:

  1. The cream is applied thin layer on the affected part of the skin.
  2. The product should be rubbed into the skin with light movements until completely absorbed.
  3. Wash off with soap and water after 6-10 hours.

Course: 1 time per day, 3 times a week for no more than 4 months.

Immunomodulators(Neovir, Cycloferon) prescribed by a doctor with extensive skin lesions of intimate places. The course of medication depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

Interferon injections are administered intramuscularly or directly into each wart. The procedure is prescribed by a doctor and is performed in medical institution.

Antiviral therapy

Epigen Intim (glycyrrhizic acid from licorice and licorice roots).

pointed condyloma, How to get rid of Epigen Intim:

  1. Shake the medicine bottle.
  2. Lie on your back, insert the spray nozzle into the vaginal area.
  3. Spray the product (1-2 clicks).
  4. Lie down for 5 minutes.

Course: 4 - 5 times a day for 7 days. Repeat the course up to 5 times.

Veregen(green tea catechins)

Lubricate each wart with a thin layer of cream.

Course: 3 times a day for 16 weeks (maximum).

Antivirals(Groprinosin tablets; Aplokin-alpha injections) are prescribed by a doctor for multiple condylomas and wart modifications.

Destructive delete

Destruction or excision of warts in intimate places is prescribed for a large area of ​​skin lesions, and also if other methods of therapy did not give positive results.


Pathological growths are burned out.

Dignity- insignificant pain syndrome, low chance of recurrence. Flaw- when performing the procedure, there is a possibility of infection of other organs, due to the formation of a cloud of smoke containing particles of the virus.

Video on how to remove warts on intimate places in men with a laser:


Advantages of the method- The absence of pain does not require the use of painkillers. Minuses- inaccurate dosing of the depth of exposure can lead to the formation of extensive wounds and ulcers.

More information about papillomas removal liquid nitrogen see below:


Skin growths are destroyed when exposed to electric current.

Advantages of coagulation- an effective way to deal with warts. Flaw- the pain of the procedure requires the use of anesthesia.

This is how papillomas are removed by electrocoagulation:


Pathological formations are excised and emanating from a special apparatus.

A popular method of excision of genital warts in intimate places, due to the safety and least traumatic method.

In the following video, you will see how cervical warts are removed by radio wave excision:

mechanical excision

Wart excision surgery is carried out by a proctologist surgeon in a hospital using local anesthesia . The doctor uses a special tool to cut off each wart.

disadvantages surgical intervention are the use of anesthesia and severe bruising at the cut sites.

We examined genital warts, which can be treated at home and in the clinic. Now let's talk about HPV prevention.


Helps prevent infection timely vaccination against the papillomavirus, as well as protected sexual contact.

When the body is infected with a virus, it will help to prevent the development of the disease and the occurrence of complications.:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • increased immunity;
  • timely appeal to the attending physician (at the first symptoms of infection).

Timely diagnosis and well-chosen therapy will help not only quickly eliminate the disease, but also prevent the development of a fatal disease. dangerous complications(tumor formations).

Genital warts are the same warts, only located in intimate places. In women, they are located in the vagina, and in men, in the area of ​​​​the penis and testicles. Often there are cases of genital warts in the anus, as well as in the mouth. The owners of numerous warts can tell a lot about the fight against these unpleasant growths.

But no way to remove warts, independently or in a clinic, is able to get rid of them forever. Sooner or later, condylomatosis relapses: after all, the reason for this skin disease- papillomavirus - does not go anywhere and continues to exist inside human body. Of particular trouble is the variety of this pathogen, which leads to the growth of warts in the genital area, in medicine called genital warts.

The human papillomavirus has more than 60 various kinds, many of which potentially pose a danger to human life. It is this disease that modern scientists give primacy among possible causes malignant neoplasms of the genital area.

The method of transmission of the virus is mainly through sexual contact, although the household route of infection cannot be completely ruled out, as well as the penetration of papillomatosis into the child's body from the mother during gestation, during childbirth or through breast milk.

Once in the bloodstream, the papillomavirus settles inside epithelial cells genital organs and adjacent areas, “hacks” their genetic code and modifies DNA, disrupting the functioning of the affected cells. As a result, the epithelium begins to actively grow, forming characteristic outgrowths on the female and male genitalia, in the perineum and in the anus.

Symptoms of condylomatosis

Genital warts do not grow immediately after infection. The incubation period for this disease can be up to a year, and only at the end of it, outgrowths appear in the patient, outwardly similar to cauliflower inflorescences or a cockscomb.

Condylomas have small size, no more than a few millimeters, but quite rarely they are single. More often they grow in colonies, which tend to merge into a single formation and occupy a vast territory. There are cases when genital warts grow over the entire perineum, causing problems with physiological functions in the patient (mostly this happens in women). However, such abundant growth warts are rare, already in advanced cases.

Common places - foreskin, in women - the labia, in the anal region - in both those and others. In sick women, genital warts can also grow inside the genital organs - in the vagina, in the urethra, on the cervix. The neoplasm itself is attached to the skin with a thin stalk and has a color from whitish to burgundy.

Young, sexually active persons of both sexes are at risk of "catching" this infection. Often warts coexist with other sexually transmitted infections. The disease can be asymptomatic, accidentally detected during research for other reasons. But more often it manifests itself with signs typical of many urinary tract infections: itching and burning, pain during urination and sexual contact, heaviness in the lower abdomen.

It should be understood that acute warts are just a symptom systemic disease papillomatosis, which largely depends on general condition organism, the work of its immune defense. Strong immunity allows you to keep the virus "in check": long-term incubation period, during which papillomatosis will be in a dormant state, mild single rashes, long remission.

However, the infected organism will still be “undermined” from the inside by an insidious virus that is just waiting favorable conditions to show off in all its glory. The impetus for the rapid growth of affected cells can be anything, from a common cold to a decrease in immunity during pregnancy.

Condyloma is fairly easy to identify simply by appearance- individual small nodules, ranging in size from 1-2 mm and more, on a thread-leg, with a lobed structure. Any gynecologist will do this without problems on a regular preventive examination. It is more difficult with men, since, unlike women, they are unlikely to visit “their” doctor 2 times a year, even without any complaints. Localized in urethra formations are detected using ureteroscopy.

To confirm the diagnosis, a PCR analysis is mandatory - a polymerase method chain reaction helps to isolate DNA fragments of the pathogen from human biomaterial and determine the papillomavirus, its type (oncogenic or not), and the stage of the disease.

For research, blood is taken from the patient, scrapings from the urethra and cervical canal, vagina in women, in men - a smear from the urethra, a secret from the prostate. In parallel, they are examined for other urogenital infections. Genital warts must be differentiated from wide, which are a sign of syphilis.

Basic methods for removing genital warts

Treatment of genital warts

Recipes that offers ethnoscience for the treatment of genital warts, have two directions of action. One of them is to strengthen the immune system, the second is a local effect on genital warts in order to destroy them.

To remove warts on the genitals, it is recommended:

As is clear from the above recipes, the action of most of them is based on a slight antiseptic, drying effect, exposure to acids and cauterization with alcohol.

You can fight the manifestations of HPV by taking the following drugs orally:

  • half a glass of burdock infusion (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) taken 4 times a day;
  • during the day drink tea from lemon balm (brew grass 2 tablespoons in 300 ml of hot water);
  • insist marigold flowers 1 tbsp. in a glass of boiling water, take a tablespoon every day;
  • boil the root of elecampane, take 1 tbsp three times a day.

Also, a new product completely on a natural basis, Papilight, helps a lot. See