Why does a person yawn - can frequent yawning in people be a symptom (cause) of an illness? Frequent yawning: reasons.

Every time before or after sleep, as well as after tiring work, we open our mouth wide and let it into our lungs. more air. This is so familiar to us that few people ask simple question: Why does a person yawn? A closer look reveals a rather complex problem.

Researchers put forward several possible reasons that explain this phenomenon:

  1. Increased blood concentration carbon dioxide, resulting in there is a need in the body to receive large dose oxygen for a short time. However, sometimes the amount of gas even decreases as a result;
  2. Increasing concentration and strengthening the state of wakefulness. Thus, it was noticed that paratroopers need to hunker down before jumping out of the plane;
  3. This is one of the ways the body controls brain temperature. As researchers from the University at Albany demonstrated in 2007, this is vital important organ cools;
  4. Impact of special chemical substances(neurotransmitters) that determine mood, appetite, emotions, etc. These include dopamine, serotonin, glutamic acid and nitric oxide. As soon as their concentration increases, desire yawn. Conversely, the presence of opioid neurotransmitters (endorphins) significantly reduces the desire to open the mouth;
  5. Some illnesses, such as diabetes, stroke or adrenal dysfunction, have a certain effect.

Why do tears flow when you yawn?

Some experience involuntary tearing during yawning. The simplest knowledge of physiology is sufficient to explain this fact:

  • A healthy eye secretes a relatively large amount of tear fluid every day (about 1 ml);
  • As a rule, wetting of the organs of vision occurs with some frequency. But various factors can provoke it out of turn;
  • Some of them are associated with diseases. So, rhinitis (or chronic runny nose) leads to lacrimation;

In other cases, the release of tears may be inadvertently caused independently. Thus, with a wide opening of the mouth, a contraction of the cervical and facial muscles. And the latter are in direct contact with eye muscles. That's why tears flow when you yawn well. However, this does not apply to everyone. Sometimes the eye glands are so stable that it doesn’t matter.

Reflex behavior in animals

Representatives of the fauna yawn important role for survival:

  • As Charles Darwin wrote in his book On the Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, this is one of the techniques for expressing aggression when attacked by predators. Thus, peacocks, opening their mouths, expose their teeth. They do the same Guinea pigs. Often this results in the release of a corresponding odor and growling;
  • The Adelie penguin courtes the opposite sex in such an extravagant way. Males open their beaks wide and look up to the sky;
  • Snakes thereby rebuild the vital systems of their body from nutrition to breathing. When performing this action, the trachea sharply increases in size;
  • Why dogs do this is still not known. These pets have achieved considerable success in copying the movements of their owner, so perhaps they learned to yawn after domestication;
  • Fish do this to take in more air when they are starved of oxygen.

Why do people yawn after each other?

This is another great question of modern anthropology:

  • This phenomenon has been noticed even in wildlife. Thus, herd animals (for example, wolves) convey a general mood to each other at the time of awakening and going to bed. This is the oldest primitive herd instinct inherent in mammals;
  • Psychologist Garrett Norris in 2013, in a series of psychological observations, showed a positive connection between empathy and the contagiousness of yawning. Children with autism spectrum disorders, unlike their healthy peers, do not react in any way to strangers;
  • Italian psychologists came to similar conclusions, showing that the reflex is most likely transmitted from close relatives. Then, as the influence decreases, friends, acquaintances and outsiders follow;
  • The immediate physiological cause of the contagiousness of this condition lies in the mirror neurons of the frontal cerebral cortex. These cells play a leading role in the mechanisms of imitation and copying. Thus, they are significantly activated during language acquisition.

Cultural meaning of yawning

In some societies it takes on particularly important meaning:

  • Sometimes an open mouth was associated with the departure of the soul from the body and the penetration of evil spirits there. Perhaps this is where the tradition of covering it up when an involuntary yawn originates;
  • A negative attitude towards opening the mouth was instilled in ancient medicine. Thus, Polydore Virgil (historian and philosopher of the 15th-16th centuries) wrote that in this case it is necessary to make the sign of the cross. This will, as it were, help avoid infection with the deadly plague that raged in the Middle Ages;
  • Over the past few centuries, the stereotype has taken root that relaxing in this way means showing indifference or disrespect. George Washington wrote that during this involuntary act one should cover one's face with a handkerchief or turn one's face to the side;
  • In some US states, a particularly loud yawn is regarded as contempt of court (undermining the supremacy and dignity of representatives of the judiciary). Thus, one of the jurors in Los Angeles paid heavily for such an offense in 2005.

How to stop a yawning attack?

We have already seen that this instinct is subject to strong social repression as inappropriate. If he catches us at work or something else public place, you need to know how to save face and not give free rein to primal urges:

  • Close your lips and breathe purely through the nasal openings. As was proven above, sometimes this reflex is a normal response to oxygen starvation which can be avoided in a more socially acceptable way;
  • Another factor that is not relevant here last value- body temperature, or more precisely, brain temperature. We involuntarily open our jaws in order to cool our " CPU" But you can achieve the same effect by simply drinking a glass cool water(or any other liquid) by opening the window wide or applying gauze soaked in cold tap water to your forehead;
  • As emergency measure and in the absence of something cold at hand, basic folk techniques: press the tip of your tongue to the upper palate, bite your lip, or take a series of deep breaths.

Even today, the luminaries of world science are not able to clearly explain exactly why a person yawns. Some scientists believe that this is an ancient herd instinct that promotes empathy in a community of animals. Others believe that the reason is only a lack of oxygen. But no one denies the fact that neurotransmitters (substances that transmit impulses between neurons) are involved in this physiological act.

Will you be able to avoid yawning after watching this video?

This video demonstrates the “contagious” effect of yawning, watch this video to the end:

How do you know if yawning is dangerous or not? Why does yawning occur and how to deal with it? Yawning like defensive reaction body.

Yawning is an action respiratory system human, which is characterized by prolonged inhalation and rapid exhalation. Yawning is familiar to everyone; most often it appears when a person does not get enough sleep. However, there are several other causes of yawning.

What does yawning mean? Causes of yawning

For some time, scientists believed that yawning symbolized a lack of oxygen in the body. This version explained well the long inhalation during which large quantity oxygen.

However, subsequent tests showed that if a person who yawns frequently is given enough oxygen, he will not stop yawning.

  • After yawning, blood circulation improves significantly, so the process of yawning itself cannot be attributed to negative consequences.
  • It is much more important to find out the reason why the body provokes uncontrollable yawning. Most likely, it is slowed down internal processes and yawning is an intuitive signal that makes the brain and heart work more actively
  • This is why in the morning, immediately after sleep, you yawn so often. The body is in calm state, and if we don’t get enough sleep, we try to compensate for the lack of rest with little activity. This leads to body resistance through yawning

Causes of constant yawning

Frequently repeated yawning may indicate both excessive nervousness and the presence of a serious illness. In the process of yawning, it cools the brain a little due to oxygen saturation.

A similar phenomenon occurs involuntarily when a person is nervous, for example, among students before an exam or among athletes before a responsible start.

Frequent yawning, along with other symptoms, may indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia or cardiac arrhythmia. Anyway accurate diagnosis can be made only after careful study in a clinical setting.

What do headaches and yawning mean?

Frequent yawning may indicate an approaching headache. Unlike the yawning of a person who has not had enough sleep or is simply bored, yawning before a migraine begins to repeat itself very often, literally every two or three minutes. Along with these symptoms, signs of hypotension may appear.

Yawning along with a headache clearly indicates medical violation in the functioning of the body. Most often, attention should be paid to cardio vascular system. In rare cases, frequent yawning occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

  • At home, you can easily check what type of yawning is tormenting you. this moment. As soon as you start yawning frequently, get up and do some simple exercises.
  • Any exercise significantly increases the tone of the body and if your yawning is not associated with illness, then in just a few minutes you will receive an excellent boost of energy and stop yawning
  • If yawning does not go away after this, you should listen for additional symptoms that appear and seek help from an appropriate doctor
  • Moreover, at the appointment you should talk not only about yawning, but about all the atypical reactions of your body that were noticed. Remember that yawning in itself is not a sign of illness.

Chills and yawning

  • Chills most often occur during the onset of a respiratory or infectious disease
  • Along with yawning, chills are rare and can only indicate a complex appearance mixed type illnesses
  • If a person's heart is unstable, then infection causing chills may be accompanied by yawning

  • In this case, the banal possibility of nervousness or fatigue should be excluded. If you get chills and tend to get nervous at the first sign of an unknown illness, your body may engage in yawning mode as a protective response to your psychological state.
  • It is believed that yawning is massively repeated in the community. If someone around you begins to actively yawn, this stimulates other people to repeat this action.
  • However, yawning can occur regardless of your current state. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that during a chill you were “infected” with yawning by the people around you.

Nausea and yawning

Yawning can be more than just a harmless phenomenon. Medicine knows cases where frequently repeated yawning was the cause serious illnesses. If, along with yawning, you feel headache and, especially nausea, you should seek help from a doctor.

  • It is quite possible that this initial stage development of epilepsy, brain tumor, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis or paralysis
  • The visible concrete manifestations of these diseases are still quite far away, but the first steps towards examining your health must be taken now
  • It should be remembered that yawning can occur in many cases. Bored man yawns often. You might also yawn a lot after an irritable night.
  • A combination of nutritional violations is quite common, when the day before a person eats junk food, especially spoiled, and the next morning next day feeling nauseous from bad food and yawning due to lack of proper rest at night

Yawning during exercise

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to yawn during training, because there is an active process of performing any exercises or actions.

However, in reality, a person can quite easily yawn during exercise, and the reason for this is the surrounding climate and the exercises performed.

  • It has been established that yawning slightly cools the body, and if during exercise the air in the room is warm, then during work the body quickly heats up and a protective reaction is activated, which is aimed at restoring the temperature regime
  • In this case, you don’t need to be afraid or think about illnesses; simply ventilating the room will help you
  • If you feel that yawning is getting worse and interfering with your exercises, you should immediately stop exercising and go to rest.
  • You shouldn’t force yourself to work in conditions of total discomfort. This will negatively affect the quality of the result and may result in headaches and increased fatigue of the whole body.

Yawning in children, causes

In children, yawning occurs under exactly the same conditions as in adults. However, children are unable to resist the feeling of tiredness or the desire to sleep, so after yawning they often fall asleep immediately.

Yawning slightly activates the work of the brain and heart; during its execution, some muscles tense. However, all this is not enough for children to overcome the slow functioning of the body.

When the baby's internal processes slow down, his body perceives this as a signal indicating that the baby is already sleeping.

Very quickly after this the baby actually falls asleep. This type of yawning is not dangerous for the child. He simply cannot yawn constantly and not fall asleep.

The reasons for yawning in children are still the same:

  • lack of sleep
  • fatigue
  • yawning of others
  • body's defense reaction

Some special actions There is no need to take action when the child yawns. It's important to keep track general condition child, proper intake of vitamins and appropriate rest regimen.

Yawning in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes certain changes, so new manifestations of the body’s behavior arise.

A pregnant woman's respiratory function changes and her bowel function changes. All this leads to the appearance frequent yawning and the desire to stretch.

  • Additionally, special consideration should be given to mental condition women, especially if this is their first pregnancy. The result is yawning throughout the day, which catches you at the most unexpected moment.
  • The process of yawning for pregnant women is quite characteristic and integral. During pregnancy, the gas structure of the blood changes, along with changes in respiratory function, this leads to the appearance frequent yawning

How to deal with yawning?

In order for the body to stop giving in to the urge to yawn, you need to cheer yourself up and remove the state of drowsiness. A change of environment or type of activity is ideal for this.

If you sit at the computer and constantly yawn, just get up and walk down the hallway or around the room. If the environment allows, you can do a few squats.

  • If you find yourself yawning in a meeting or necessary conference where you can't stand up and activate your internal processes, keep your brain active
  • A good option would be to solve complex arithmetic problems that require the full use of the brain. Try multiplying some two-digit non-round numbers in your head. If the task is too easy, increase the complexity and sequence of mathematical operations
  • If yawning is caused bad sleep, it is best to lie down and sleep. If you can’t do this, switch your consciousness to that moment that you enjoy remembering. In the evening, be sure to try to go to bed earlier and get a good night's sleep
  • If yawning occurs due to boredom, you need to find something to entertain yourself with. Here, all advice is purely individual, depending on the characteristics of the person and his interests.
  • Don't take yawning as the only sure sign of illness
  • Carefully examine the cause of yawning and eliminate it, not the yawning itself.
  • In the presence of additional symptoms, seek help from a doctor
  • Remember that yawning in most cases is a positive action that activates your body

Review: Artem, 32 years old

Despite the fact that I wrote this material after carefully collecting information, in the process of working I began to actively yawn. What’s interesting is that when reading about the reasons, I didn’t want to yawn, but when I started writing the article, the yawning made itself felt. I had to get up several times and do a set of squats. A glass of pure natural water also helps.

Video: Why do people yawn?

Why does a person yawn?

Often yawning, especially frequent and severe, indicates health problems or chronic fatigue or nervous tension. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the causes of yawning and take the necessary measures.

Why does yawning happen?

The reasons that trigger the yawning reflex are not yet fully understood. Many doctors, biologists and physiologists believe that a person begins to yawn not only when he is bored or sleepy, but also when the body lacks oxygen - for example, when being in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room. Because of this, metabolic products accumulate in the blood. They affect the respiratory center of the brain, thereby not only activating inhibition processes, but also provoking yawning.

The physiological act of yawning itself consists of two phases: a slow, deep inhalation, during which the facial and neck muscles are strongly tensed, and a quick, sharp exhalation. Muscle tension increases the speed of blood flow, which improves blood supply to the brain and accelerates metabolic processes. In addition, impulses from tense muscles excite nerve cells cerebral cortex, which leads, as it were, to “shaking off” the processes of inhibition.

Therefore, after yawning, the brain begins to work more actively (though not for long)

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  • More details

Some scientists believe that yawning functions as a thermoregulatory function for the brain. They compare the brain to some complex electronic device, which begins to work worse when overheated. Yawning, by providing blood flow and cooler air to the brain, relieves it from overheating and thereby improves functioning.

It is not uncommon for a person to yawn immediately after waking up in the morning. This happens because due to prolonged immobility, the speed of blood flow in his body has decreased, and the concentration of carbon dioxide and other metabolic products in the blood, on the contrary, has increased.

Constant yawning also often occurs when performing work associated with risk or anxiety, or increased responsibility. This can happen to the most people different professions and in different situations: with test pilots before flights, stuntmen before performing risky stunts, actors before going on stage, surgeons before complex operation etc.

The reason is that with strong emotional stress When excited, a person instinctively tries to hold his breath. The oxygen content in the blood quickly drops, and carbon dioxide increases. Then the body just as instinctively turns on the yawning mechanism, saturating the blood with oxygen.

Yawning is a signal of illness

What health problems can yawning indicate and how to get rid of it? If a person yawns frequently, especially during the day, this indicates that his body does not have enough oxygen. It is necessary to go out into the fresh air or at least ventilate the room.

Frequent yawning, especially in combination with a feeling of physical weakness, lethargy, and apathy, may also indicate overwork or emotional stress. This is a signal that the body needs rest. You need to take at least a short vacation or at least, reduce the load, streamline the daily routine, avoid stressful, conflict situations. Sleep should be long enough, and the sleeping area should be well ventilated.

Yawning is also one of the signs vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is treated with restorative and sedatives. It is also necessary to study physical therapy and avoid worries and stressful situations.

In some cases, as prescribed by a doctor, the patient is prescribed antipsychotic drugs

Frequent yawning can also be a symptom of the development of such a serious disease as multiple sclerosis. It occurs in cases where the immune system the body for some reason begins to accept its own central nervous system for foreign tissue, attacks and damages it. These attacks can occur in different places body (absent-mindedly). Depending on where exactly the damaged areas of the brain are located, the patient experiences certain symptoms. Most often in the early stages of the disease they manifest themselves in the form of visual impairment, muscle weakness, deterioration in coordination of movements, fine motor skills.

Until relatively recently, the diagnosis of “multiple sclerosis” was considered a death sentence, dooming a person to rapid disability and helplessness. Now with the help modern medicines it is possible to avoid the development of the disease without causing disability. But for this it is necessary to detect multiple sclerosis on early stage. Therefore, if you yawn frequently, you need to consult a neurologist, who will give you a referral for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and, if foci of brain damage are detected, prescribe treatment.

Mostly I want to yawn in the evening, when it’s time to usual time go to sleep. Such yawning is natural and does not surprise anyone. But sometimes it suddenly starts in the middle of the working day, and is so intense that it cannot be stopped. Scientists are interested in why people yawn often and what it feels like physiological significance this process.

Why is yawning necessary?

When a person yawns, he opens his mouth wide and makes a very deep breath. Thus, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs, and the body receives maximum amount oxygen.

It is logical to assume that you want to yawn in a stuffy room or other situations when you feel short of air or have difficulty breathing. But observations have shown that yawning occurs not only in such cases.

Main reasons

After various studies, scientists were able to develop a classification of the main causes of yawning. It turned out that they can be not only physiological, but also psychological. And too frequent yawning is even a symptom of some serious diseases.

Therefore, if you find yourself yawning not only when you want to sleep, you should not ignore this moment.


Most common physiological reasons. We have already noted the lack of oxygen. In addition, a person yawns:

  • at severe stress or prolonged nervous overstrain - this allows him to relax a little;
  • with vitamin deficiency - metabolic processes are disrupted, often a person feels chronic fatigue and yawns all the time;
  • for a shake-up - for example, after monotonous work or a long wait to get rid of fatigue;
  • when relaxing, a deep breath promotes complete relaxation of the whole body;
  • for stuffy ears - this way the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum is equalized;
  • when overheated - yawning often occurs in hot climates when the human brain overheats.

Knowing the physiological reasons that can provoke yawning, it is easier to understand in which cases you should not worry, even if it recurs, and when it is better to consult with specialists.


Scientists have proven that frequent uncontrollable yawning not associated with external influences, may be a symptom of one of the following diseases:

People yawn more often than usual during treatment oncological diseases chemistry course or radiation therapy, taking potent medicines. Alarming symptoms are lethargy, drowsiness, frequent headaches or dizziness, and panic attacks that accompany yawning.

Such conditions can only be identified and treated experienced doctors. Therefore, if you constantly yawn without visible reasons- Be sure to get tested.

Types of yawning

In a dream

Separately, I would like to say about such a phenomenon as yawning in a dream. It is especially common in newborns and children under three years of age. Mothers begin to worry and try to find out from the pediatrician what this yawning could be a symptom of. But here the facial structure of the child, who still has very narrow nasal passages, is to blame.

When the room is too hot or the air is very dry, crusts form in the nose and less oxygen comes in when breathing. The baby compensates for this deficiency by yawning. If you ventilate the room well and carefully clean the nose, the child will continue to sleep peacefully.

Older children and adults may yawn without waking up for other reasons:

  • uncomfortable body position in which the chest is compressed;
  • strong nervous tension during the day;
  • violation cerebral circulation(precursor of stroke);
  • difficulty breathing due to snoring and respiratory diseases;
  • compression of the larynx in a lying position with large excess weight.

It turns out that yawning is a universal mechanism that performs several functions at once: protective, signaling, regulatory.


A very interesting process is the so-called “mirror yawning”. If there are several people in the room at the same time, and one of them begins to yawn sweetly, then literally “ chain reaction“- this is transmitted to everyone around.

Scientists have never been able to find a satisfactory explanation for why yawning is contagious. One theory says that this is one of the types of atavism that we inherited from our ancestors.

The mirror response is supposedly programmed in us genetically. In this way, the leader synchronized the group's actions and then issued the appropriate commands.

Is it possible to control

Evening yawning doesn't bother anyone. But if her attack takes her by surprise in the middle of the working day, it is inconvenient and indecent. Doctors decided to find out how to control yawning and whether there is effective means to combat this undesirable phenomenon?

Most people try to suppress a yawn by clenching their jaws tightly. But usually this does not help, since it does not allow you to get the additional portion of oxygen that the body now needs.

To quickly stop yawning, it is better to try the following:

If yawning is caused by lack of sleep, then a cup of coffee will be a temporary remedy. But you shouldn’t drink it too much, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep afterwards. have a long day, and the next morning everything will happen again.


Even if yawning is associated with chronic diseases, there are quite simple ways prevent her uncontrollable attacks:

And finally one more interesting fact, which was noted by British psychologists studying yawning. The more emotional and sociable a person is, the more often he mirrors a yawn.

Those who yawn frequently are kinder and more sociable by nature, they are quicker to show empathy and come to the aid of others. So take this into account when choosing new friends.

Yawning is considered an involuntary response human body to certain factors. Normally, a person is able to yawn several times a day, but there are times when this process occurs too often.

This is due to the presence of certain diseases that provoke constant yawning during the day. It is worth understanding in more detail: when such a phenomenon is harmless, and when it is worth visiting a doctor.

Yawning often helps the body recover. After a long rest, or vice versa, hard work, a person involuntarily takes a deep breath, thereby providing the cells with oxygen.

During this, metabolism is activated and nutrition is also increased. internal organs and fabrics.

Yawning is considered an important physiological process, so the desire to yawn after a long day of work or after sleep does not bode ill.

It is worth considering the main reasons why you constantly want to yawn:

  1. Physiology. These include lack of sleep, fatigue, long trips, changes in wakefulness.

    In addition, some medical supplies can give such a reaction to the body. If a person yawns, he just wants to sleep.

  2. Diseases. In first place is vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is caused by a lack of oxygen.

    Symptoms include phobias, anxiety and cough. In addition, diseases that cause yawning include hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and bronchitis.

  3. Psychology. Feeling severe anxiety, stress or emotional overstrain, a person involuntarily begins to yawn.

    This case is explained by the fact that the lungs need ventilation and additional air flow. This type also includes mirror desires to yawn.

    For example, when a person sees another person begin to open his mouth to yawn, he reflects this action on a subconscious level. As a result, people yawn, repeating one after another.

It is worth noting that scientists have conducted studies that have proven that the contagiousness of yawning is explained by the manifestation of closeness to the interlocutor.

Seeing a relative yawn is much more likely to yawn than if a stranger did it.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

There are cases of yawning that occur only at a certain moment, for example while reading a prayer.

When visiting a temple, you can notice how a person tries to yawn during the service. Why this happens is worth finding out in more detail.

Note! In mystical statements there are signs that if yawning occurs during prayer, it means that the person is possessed by demons.

Yawning during worship occurs due to relaxation of the body. Reading a prayer and listening carefully to singing, a person becomes relaxed, but this does not mean that he has been struck by a demon.

Perhaps the worship space is too stuffy and needs to be ventilated a little.

Let's look at the main reasons for yawning during prayer at home.

Full concentration and mental stress brain While reading long psalms, the worshiper is in a state of complete brain concentration. By repeating word after word, a person delves into the lines, and the memory works harder.

This is why the brain requires an increased portion of oxygen

Frozen pose Being in one position for half an hour - on your knees or sitting, the nerve endings freeze, oxygen starvation occurs and the desire to yawn occurs.
Psychological factor Constantly yawning while reading a prayer, a person associates this state, for example, with stuffy room. Each time you sit down to read again, the process repeats.

To break this connection you need to understand that the real reason not in religion, but in external factors

Don't worry about people yawning during prayer - it's conditioned physiological processes organism that responds.

How to deal with yawning

Having understood the reasons why a person often yawns, it is necessary to move on to solving this problem.

Frequent manifestation this process can bring your own life and those around you into discomfort, so it’s worth fighting the root causes.

Listen to some tips to help get rid of frequent yawning:

  1. Deep breaths. Proper supply of oxygen to the body will contribute to the absence of yawning.

    While sitting at work, think about your breathing and try to increase the pace of your inhalations and exhalations.

  2. Licking lips. When you feel a yawn coming on, immediately run your tongue over your lips. This move will help stop the process.

    If this method does not help, you can stretch your tongue up, down and to the sides.

  3. Limiting the contagious effect. If you watch your neighbor trying to yawn, turn away. In addition, a mirror effect can occur even when reading about people yawning or when looking at pictures of a similar nature.

    Therefore, limit contact with these situations, and when talking, do not look at your interlocutor while yawning.

  4. Normalization of rest and sleep. This approach will help to significantly reduce the frequency of opening the mouth to take in air. Sufficient quantity hours of sleep will reduce fatigue and add vigor to the body.
  5. Decreased body temperature. Try unbuttoning your shirt or washing your face with cool water. A good way is to wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and apply it to your head.
  6. Breathing exercise. Sharp exhalations and inhalations will help you cope with yawning at any time.

Another good way– drinking water frequently. Once in the body, the liquid saturates it. If it is absent, a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue appears.

Important! Useful advice There will be normalization and variety of nutrition.

Add bananas, chocolate and citrus fruits to your diet - they are great for producing endorphins that lift your mood.

Limit the use of sleeping pills, and also add daily half-hour walks in the air to your regimen. Then the body will be completely saturated with oxygen and will always be in good shape.

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