Signs of chicken manure poisoning in dogs. Is it advisable to treat at home if there are obvious signs of intoxication? How to protect your dog from unexpected poisoning

Food poisoning in dogs is common. Therefore, the owner needs to constantly monitor what his dog eats. It is important to know how to provide first aid before the veterinarian arrives.

Sometimes the owner himself can give spoiled food to the dog and often the animal can suffer because of this. Food from the table is not the main nutrition of the animal. For example, if she eats a piece of spoiled meat, this can cause significant complications, including death.

Types of intoxication in animals

Experts identify two types of intoxication in students, differing in the method of exposure to toxic ingredients:

  1. Food - toxic elements enter through the digestive tract. This includes the consumption of spoiled food, chemicals. elements, pharmaceutical substances and more. Not only a direct hit of the element, but also licking the toxin from the paws or fur will show signs of food poisoning in an animal.
  2. Non-food - toxins enter through breathing, skin. This type of intestinal infection includes inhalation of unsafe fumes or gases, and bites of toxic insects. To provide first aid, you need to detect signs of illness in time. Obvious signs intestinal infection can be observed after 3-7 hours depending on the type of toxin. Gradual intoxication, slowly poisoning the body, can manifest itself only after a couple of weeks.

Causes of dog poisoning

The reasons may be:

You should provide first aid and consult a doctor. It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Signs of food poisoning

The very first signs are:

  • General weakness. The dog does not wag its tail, does not respond to noise and does not react to food from the table;
  • She doesn't react when you even step on her tail;
  • Sudden powerlessness - the dog is not able to get up or move, he simply does not have enough strength to do so.

After such signs of weakness, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Unexpected, severe vomiting;
  • Random twitching of the head, tail, convulsions;
  • Diarrhea with a characteristic odor;
  • If the stomach is already empty, the animal continues to vomit foam;
  • Protein intoxication.

You can understand that a dog has been poisoned due to eating low-quality food or meat food by the following indicators:

  • loss of hair on the back, above the tail, on the muzzle;
  • the coat is dull;
  • itches regularly;
  • weight loss occurs;
  • urine is darker with a pungent odor.

These signs of intestinal infection occur 4 weeks after the introduction of cheap food. Therefore, in this case, the owner must switch to another food that is more suitable in composition for the pet. Moreover, the pet’s diet should not contain a lot of meat.

What a breeder needs to know about first aid

Observing a deterioration in health, any owner begins to panic and does not always understand how to help. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to treat a dog for poisoning.

Providing first aid in case of poisoning of a dog has a clear sequence:

  1. The first step is to remove the toxic substance from the body. You should induce vomiting by pouring salt liquid into your mouth (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water at room temperature) or hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1).
  2. If chemicals come into contact with the skin, they must be washed off with water, and in addition, the animal must be taken to a ventilated place. When inhaling gasoline vapors, your dog may experience seizures and vomiting. Therefore the owner should give a couple of tablespoons vegetable oil, and later - a laxative.
  3. After vomiting caused by a salt substance, you can pour half a glass of vegetable oil into the mouth or give 1-3 grams of activated carbon (per 1 kilogram of the animal’s weight).
  4. In case of chemical poisoning, the dog is given an injection of vitamin B6, then given Corvalol: thirty drops per 40 kilograms.
  5. It is also necessary to actively feed the animal to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood.

How to protect your dog from poisoning with liquid:

  • Having detected signs of poisoning in dogs, they are soldered with saline and other solutions that provoke vomiting;
  • Then you can give the animals strong tea, mucous decoctions, and purified water.

And, of course, at the first signs of poisoning in a dog, you should urgently call a veterinarian or go to the hospital.

If a dog is poisoned by food or low-quality food, first of all, any adsorbent is given orally ( Activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta or atoxil) and a semi-starvation diet is prescribed. It often happens that such actions are enough to normalize the condition. Then it is preferable to consult a veterinarian or show him the animal to make sure that the pet is not in danger.

How a doctor can help in a veterinary clinic:

  • to remove all the toxic substance, the doctor will perform a gastric lavage using a tube;
  • can use a salt water enema;
  • administers drip infusions of glucose solutions.

For treatment, substances for the heart and diuretics are used.

Treatment of the consequences of poisoning

When the dog has been poisoned, the first measures have been taken and further therapy should be carried out. Treatment of a dog with food poisoning is carried out in a certain sequence. The stomach should be cleansed. Adsorbents are used for this. You can use activated carbon, or you can use burnt magnesia, egg white or kaolin. It is good to give the dog milk and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Next, you should perform gastric lavage. As a rule, a probe is prescribed. When a couple of hours have passed after the poisoning, in this case it is permissible to do an enema with salted water. Approximately one tablespoon of salt is added to a glass of water. It is important that the water is not warm.

Next, you should follow the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. These may include antidotes, drip solutions (glucose), the use of iron, diuretics, and cardiac medications. Over time, the animal will return to normal.

Diet for dogs

During and after treatment, it is necessary to restore nutrition. For a quick recovery, the menu should be easily digestible and include all the required vitamins and microelements.

After poisoning, the mucous membrane should be maintained intestinal tract, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, liver. Gastrointestinal tract after poisoning is generally very sensitive because the enzymes required to process the food are not produced in the proper way.

Immediately after poisoning, it is necessary to formulate a diet for the affected animal. The first day the dog must eat not very fatty meat, such as beef, chicken (without bones) and porridge in broth - buckwheat, oatmeal. Later, you can supplement the menu with boiled fish, include cottage cheese, and also chicken eggs. From fats, you can only give a little oil. You should not cook “heavy” porridges - semolina, millet.

It is important to comply correct mode nutrition. The dog must be fed every two hours, the food should be warm and slightly salted. Over time, it is necessary to resume the two-a-day diet and restore the microflora of the intestinal tract (it is preferable to use bifidokefir, which has stood in the refrigerator for 2-3 days). You should not feed your pet pork, bones, bread, rolls and sugar. Organ meats, canned foods and raw vegetables are also prohibited during the diet.

Poisoning prevention

It is better not to get sick than to be treated later. Based on this, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of poisoning. You should explain to the dog (and get it to understand) that picking up food from the ground, accepting food from strangers it is forbidden. If after training the animal still does not understand that it is forbidden to pick up food on the street, then it is best to buy a muzzle.

The dog must be fed with vitamins and minerals so that it does not have a thirst to pick up something on the street or take food from strangers. When walking with an animal, carefully observe what it is doing and whether it is taking inedible or toxic elements into its mouth.

To prevent poisoning in a dog, an integrated approach is necessary:

  1. Monitor the completeness and balance of the dog’s menu, then he will not have the desire to pick up edible pieces lying around and chew plants.
  2. The dog should be trained to be under control. Then the owner will avoid many difficulties with street poisoning (Enterosgel will help).
  3. Everyone is at home dangerous means household chemicals and medications must be kept out of reach.
  4. There is no need to self-medicate your pet.
  5. Under no circumstances should you give your dog chocolate as a treat, and any other food from the table may be unsafe.

Feeding an animal is one of the moments for a comfortable and healthy life dogs in the house. If she is poisoned and you don’t know what to do, go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to provide first aid, since in many cases the animal’s life really goes by the clock. Be careful and monitor your dog's behavior, especially after walks.

Food poisoning in dogs is considered a common illness, or rather, a phenomenon. Unfortunately, no living creature is immune from poisoning, so it is important for the owner to be able to identify it and stop it in a timely manner. It’s strange, but even when the owner knows that the dog has been poisoned, their mortality rate is quite high, and the reason for this is the inability to provide first aid. Food poisoning is not a small problem. Eating a spoiled piece of meat can lead to serious complications and even the death of your pet.

Doctors of human medicine and veterinarians divide poisoning into two main categories: food and non-food. The second category is divided into subcategories, e.g. poisoning with gases, metals, alkalis, etc. It is important to understand that non-food poisoning can be combined with food poisoning, but the terminology is something like this:

  • Food poisoning in a dog– a more common phenomenon compared to non-food poisoning. The poison enters the body from the digestive system, that is, the dog eats a source of toxins. A food combination is combined with a non-food combination, when the dog eats sprayed grass, etc.
  • Non-food poisoning in a dog– toxins enter the body through any route other than the digestive system. Some poisons gild the skin pores, mucous membranes, respiratory tract tissue, etc. Poisoning by media (drops, solutions, etc.) is considered non-food.

According to depressing statistics, more than 80% of dogs end up in the clinic or die from poisoning due to the fault of the owner. This does not mean that the owner poisoned the pet intentionally; often, four-legged animals are not monitored while walking, which leads to the consumption of toxic substances.

To be fair, we note that dogs are one of the most indiscriminate pets when it comes to food; even rats and hamsters will not eat something that is missing. Taking advantage of their lack of pickiness, some owners feed their pets not always fresh leftover food “from the table,” which can also cause poisoning. Common mistakes that lead to trouble are:

  • Feeding missing food, according to the logic: “It’s a shame to throw it away, but the dog will eat it.” Even 20–25 years ago, dogs were fed whatever they needed, justifying it as “strong digestive system"and the alleged absence. Observations show that a dog can not only get poisoned from eating a little soup, but also die.
  • Inadequate care, namely exclusively meat. The dog should receive plant and carbohydrate food along with protein. Meat should be alternated with offal, less often with fish. Trying to keep the dog better, the owner himself leads the pet to protein poisoning.
  • Feeding cheap or improperly stored food. Some cheap substances contain toxins (for example, non-food dyes, “e-shki” preservatives), this is even written in the ingredients... but warnings do not stop the owners.
  • – leads to an overdose of taurine and proteins.
  • Feeding unwashed vegetables and fruits that are treated with pesticides.
  • An oversight on walks– the most common reason is due to the fact that the dog is a source of toxins from the earth. There are many opinions about the habit of getting food on your own, but the main ones boil down to an unbalanced diet, free walking (when a dog is deliberately let out into the street so that it can find something to eat on its own), incorrect or insufficient education. It is especially important to ensure that the dog does not have a problem; in this state, four-legged animals tend to eat not only spoiled foods, but also inedible things.
  • Eating poisonous herbs while walking.
  • Storing within the dog's reach, this applies to household chemicals, poisons, medicines and... chocolate. A dog could die if it finds and eats a dark chocolate bar. The poison is raisins and grapes, xylitol contained in chewing gum, cheap sweets and toothpaste.

How can you tell if your dog is poisoned?

Depending on the rate of absorption of toxins, The first symptoms of food poisoning in dogs appear after 4–6 hours. In case of drug poisoning, especially if the pet picked up a deliberately scattered bait, acute symptoms are observed after 45–60 minutes. Rat poison produces obvious symptoms within 3 hours in adult dogs, within 1 hour in adolescents and puppies.

Important! If you find signs of food poisoning in your pet and suspect that he might have picked something up on the street, contact your doctor immediately, delay, even if you receive medical attention. the right help, can cost lives.

Self-treatment of dogs for poisoning is quite possible, but only if you know exactly the cause! In case of poisoning with drugs and poisons, you will most likely need intravenous infusions, and if you do not have the appropriate skills, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The first alarm bell is complete apathy , but this symptom is often not noticed, attributing it to the dog’s mood. A more obvious sign is less often from water. You can still skip the fasting diet, sometimes dogs deliberately do not eat for 1–2 days, but refusing to drink is good reason sound the alarm. A sharp decline mobility, the pet lies down, ignores commands, tries not to change position, but before that literally 10-15 minutes behaves very restlessly. Further, the picture develops violently and may include all or part of the following symptoms:

  • – the dog cannot stand up, staggers, pulls its hind legs.
  • Obviously pronounced violations work of the central nervous system– the first sign is incorrect accommodation of the pupils, that is, they do not narrow to the light or do not dilate in moderate lighting.
  • Reduced base body.
  • Complete apathy or an overly excited, inadequate state.
  • Noticeable slowdown or acceleration.
  • Sometimes circling in place, as if the dog is leaning in one direction.
  • Breathing disorders - breaths are shallow, sharp, short, often confused.
  • , sometimes with blood, frequent licking of the muzzle, wheezing during inspiration.
  • Bleeding, mouth, anus.
  • Formation of bruises on the body, indicating massive destruction of blood vessels.
  • Strong with or without it.
  • Involuntary bowel movements with or without blood.
  • Blueness, pallor or yellowness of the mucous membranes. Less commonly, the mucous membranes become completely transparent or purple.
  • Often, especially in case of poisoning rat poison.
  • Swift and strong.
  • Distinct abnormal odor from the mouth (not the odor of vomit). A smell similar to garlic indicates arsenic poisoning; a hint of ammonia indicates refusal.
  • Cardiac dysfunction up to cardiac arrest.
  • – in case of poisoning with poisons, it occurs within 2–4 hours.

Read also: Tick-borne Encephalitis in dogs

The above list is far from complete, but it can be called the basis for diagnosing food poisoning. More specific symptoms indicate poisoning by specific poisons, but not by missing products.

Protein poisoning can be characterized as separate species because it develops gradually. The first sign - indigestion and incomplete absorption of food - is rarely associated with, besides, the owner is more than confident in the well-being of the dog, because he feeds it only meat. With a prolonged meat diet, intoxication becomes more obvious.

Note! The plus and minus is that even a rare dilution of the diet with offal, vegetables and grains partially eliminates the poisoning... plus, since the dog becomes easier, minus, because the owner does not understand that he is harming the pet.

Symptoms indicating protein poisoning are eliminated quickly enough; you just need to balance the diet or switch the dog to a high-quality industrial feed. Signs of protein poisoning include:

  • on the back, muzzle and the area just above the tail.
  • Changes in the quality of wool - loss of shine, too hard or brittle structure.
  • refused to eat after the walk (she picked something up). The clearer the anamnesis, the fewer assumptions about the nature of the poisoning.

    Treatment at home involves providing emergency care, that is, carrying out measures that stop the absorption of poison that is still in the intestines. The most obvious action is to give the dog activated charcoal or any other absorbent. If you can do so, absorbents are given after the procedure. If you notice that your dog is quickly getting worse, you need to induce vomiting using one of the following methods:

    • Mechanically– fingers are placed on the root of the tongue.
    • Stimulating– dogs are forced to drink a large volume of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a warm solution of salt and water 1:25, a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide 1:1.

    Important! All the above actions are relevant only for food poisoning, since they are aimed at eliminating toxins from the dog’s stomach and intestines. If you suspect that the dog is poisoned by contact poison, the pet should be washed using natural laundry soap.

    The poison that has managed to get into the blood circulates throughout the body, causing significant harm every minute. A little help to stop the disastrous consequences drinking plenty of fluids in combination with diuretics. However, diuretics are not harmless in all cases and are contraindicated if the dogs are severely injured.

The article focuses on the main health problems of pets that can arise from poisoning. This article is for informational purposes only, so you should contact your veterinarian for treatment.

Food, intestinal, food poisoning in animals dogs, puppies symptoms, signs and treatment at home, how to treat at home with vodka folk remedies

Food poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- convulsions, trembling;
- vomiting, diarrhea;
- excessive salivation;
- rapid breathing;
- weakness or overexcitement;
- consumption of large amounts of water.

Food poisoning is the most common illness in dogs and should be treated by a veterinarian. First aid can be provided at home by inducing vomiting in the dog. 1 tablespoon of steep salt solution is poured into the pet. in a glass of water and give an enema.

After the symptoms subside for some time, the dog will need a diet and restorative diet.

Vodka helps treat poisoning. This folk remedy have been used for a long time and effectively. The dog should be given a spoonful of vodka several times a day, washed down with water.

Poisoning with rat poison in dogs and other poisons, without vomiting and diarrhea, first aid, what to do and give

In case of poisoning with rat poison, symptoms appear on the 3-4th day, in the form of bleeding from the nose and mouth. The poisoned dog groans, the temperature rises, and there is blood in the vomit and feces.

The dog needs to empty its stomach; to do this, induce vomiting and rinse the stomach with saline solution. Vitamin K (Vikasol) 1-2 ml is administered intramuscularly to a sick animal.

Poisoning in dogs with tubazid, isoniazid, arsenic, antibiotics, tablets, clover, zoocoumarin, chemicals, milk, bone, chocolate, tick-like clinical signs

When arsenic poisoning occurs, the smell of garlic is felt. The dog is given first aid - the toxic substance is removed from the body. Then the pet is given a solution of magnesium oxide (20g) and ferrous sulfate (100g), diluted in 500 ml warm water.

Isoniazid tablets are specifically used to kill dogs. This medicine for tuberculosis has a strong effect on the pet and the main thing is to detect poisoning in time. The poison acts quickly and is accompanied by convulsions and loss of coordination. The dog is injected intravenously with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 1% solution.

If the dog is poisoned by an acid or alkali, then rinsing is not necessary. The animal is given up to 1 liter of water with charcoal tablets or manganese, wash your nose and mouth with water.

Poisoning in dogs: blue tongue, convulsions, gurgling in the stomach, temperature, prognosis

When poisoned with quinine, dogs begin to have convulsions, body temperature rises or falls, the tongue and nose turn blue, and photophobia. First, you need to rinse the stomach with water and activated charcoal, give a laxative and warm the dog.

The drug anabasine is used in gardening and for processing fruits, and poisoning with this chemical is dangerous for dogs. She has a strong continuous vomiting, blue lips and tongue, confusion of consciousness. The pet does not react to people and dies, so measures must be taken immediately.

Poisoning is intoxication of the body when poison enters it. Dogs are more susceptible to this danger than cats, since they are not very picky about food, they can eat everything they give, pick up something on the street, or chew on a poisoned object. Poisoning in an animal can be accidental, or it can also be planned, when someone deliberately harms dogs. In this article we will talk about the necessary actions if a dog is poisoned: what to do, symptoms and treatment of poisoning.

Danger of poisoning

In most cases, the owners themselves are to blame for poisoning their pet. There can be many reasons:

  1. Acute food poisoning can be caused by feeding your dog spoiled food. Many people think that it is a shame to throw away food, but a dog can digest everything and nothing will happen to it. This is a huge mistake, because an animal’s stomach is much more sensitive than a human’s, and expired, obviously sour foods should not be given to dogs.
  2. The dog can play with an object that has fallen under its paws - bottles of household chemicals, hair dye, insect and rodent control products, and so on. Never leave things dangerous to his health within a four-legged dog’s reach; they can not only harm the dog, but also kill it.
  3. Incorrectly calculated dosage of medication is the main danger when self-medicating. Even deworming medications and dosage must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  4. Feeding your pet cheap food from an unknown manufacturer.
  5. Walking without supervision. IN rural areas, it would seem that the dog is in no danger. This is wrong. The dog can eat poisonous plants, lick zucchini treated with insect poisons. In the city, a dog can eat from a trash can, play with a cigarette butt and swallow it - all this is a danger to the body.

Even under the supervision of the owner, the dog is not safe. Today on the streets of the city there are many “dog hunters” - dog hunters. They scatter treats in walking areas that are laden with poison. The eaten piece acts quickly, within a maximum of an hour the animal dies in agony. Dog owners who are unprepared for such situations do not know what to do when their dog is poisoned. Symptoms and treatment of poisoning, first aid measures - in the further contents of the publication. Everyone should know all this loving owner.

What types of poisoning are there?

Poisoning in dogs, like in people, can be food or non-food. The first type is more common. The dog may eat something that contains toxins. The poison enters the body, causing intoxication. Symptoms of dog poisoning, and what to do in such cases, will be described below.

The second type is not food poisoning. This happens when poisons get into Airways, on the animal’s fur and skin, on its mucous membranes. This type is much less common.

If a dog is poisoned, what should you do? Symptoms are the first thing we suggest considering. First, let's look at common features poisoning, they may not occur with every type of poisoning. Next, we will analyze the most common types of poisoning, learn about the symptoms and first aid methods.

Symptoms of dog poisoning, and what to do first

Signs can vary widely, but the most common are:

  • vomiting is not one-time, but frequent;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness and lethargy, or vice versa, overexcitation;
  • convulsions;
  • chills;
  • salivation increases;
  • breathing becomes frequent and shallow;
  • possible tachycardia.

If a dog is poisoned, everyone should know what to do first in order to provide assistance before the veterinarian arrives. First of all, call a doctor at home, or call and make an appointment so that they are already waiting for you. Next, you need to provide first aid to the animal.

First aid for poisoning

What should you do to give your dog food if it is poisoned? Many owners begin to really panic; they simply don’t know how to help their pet. If you are sure that the dog did not pick up or lick anything on the street, then most likely the poison entered the body through the skin and fur. It is necessary to remove the poisonous substance, which continues to penetrate more and more. To do this, the poison must be washed off using running water.

In case of food poisoning, the first thing you will need to do is cleanse the animal’s stomach of any leftovers. toxic substance. It is necessary to perform gastric lavage using a large number of water in which to dilute salt (a tablespoon per glass). A mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide, proportion 1/1, will also help.

What to do if a dog is poisoned through the respiratory tract? The first step is to take the animal to a well-ventilated room or outside. If the poisoning is caused by inhaled gasoline vapors (this happens in garages and in the yard where the car is parked), then you will need to give the dog two tablespoons of sunflower oil, and a little later give a laxative.

But each type of poisoning requires its own necessary help. We looked at options for providing first aid if the owner does not know what exactly has poisoned the pet. Next, we suggest considering what to do if a dog is poisoned, if you know what caused this condition.

Poisoning from low-quality products

If you are absolutely sure that your dog has eaten something spoiled or of poor quality, then you must first cleanse the stomach of the remnants of this food. We have already written above how to rinse the stomach, now we will consider the necessary further actions if the dog is poisoned by food. What to do besides gastric lavage? It is necessary to give the animal sorbents to cleanse the body of toxins. It could be:

  • activated carbon - one tablet per ten kilograms of weight (if the dog is small, then one tablet);
  • egg white separated from the yolk;
  • kaolin;
  • magnesia.

Milk, strongly brewed tea and a weak solution of manganese also help well with food poisoning.

After providing first aid, you should still consult a doctor, even if the condition has begun to normalize.

If the dog was poisoned by dog ​​hunters

What to do if your dog gets poisoned on the street? First of all, try to remember what and where the dog could pick up and eat. If it is just a bone, then the animal has simple food poisoning, and symptoms will not appear immediately. If a pet finds a treat abandoned by dog ​​hunters, then symptoms will appear quickly - in half an hour or an hour, these are:

  • confusion;
  • loss of orientation;
  • the dog may start to thrash around, while he will be rocked;
  • vomit;
  • bloody foam often appears from the mouth;
  • the dog becomes drowsy;
  • depressed breathing;
  • convulsions.

If urgent measures are not taken to provide assistance, the dog will fall into a coma and then die. Unfortunately, Isoniazid has already killed many animals. It is this drug that dog hunters use to carry out their plans. "Isoniazid" is a medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis in humans, but for animals it is a deadly poison that causes severe poisoning in dogs. What to do if these terrible symptoms appear?

  1. Always keep "Pyridoxine" - 1% vitamin B6 - in your first aid kit. He will be the first necessary help when eliminating such poisoning. You need to inject 30-50 ml (depending on the size of the animal) of the medicine intravenously. If you don't know how to do it intravenous injections, then inject into the muscle.
  2. Rinse your pet's stomach to remove any remaining poison. This will require brine or half a glass of sunflower oil.
  3. Among the sorbents, activated carbon will help perfectly - three grams of carbon will be required per kilogram of mass.
  4. Give the animal "Corvalol", in the amount of 30 drops per 40 kilograms of the pet.
  5. Urgently call a veterinarian to your home, and while he is on his way, give the dog water a huge amount water or give water diluted in half with milk.

The dog was poisoned by rat poison: what to do?

A four-legged animal can in the most secret places find this poison that people use to fight rodents. If the poison is the basis of drugs that interfere with blood clotting, then there will be blood in the stool and vomit. If a dog has eaten Bromethalin, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • lack of coordination;
  • paralysis hind legs;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • complete loss of appetite leading to anorexia;
  • spontaneous muscle contraction;
  • depression of the central nervous system.

The poison acts very slowly, and the first symptoms may appear only on the third or fifth day after eating the poison. If the dose is small, the dog may not show signs of poisoning for up to ten days.

The first step when these symptoms appear is to wash the stomach and intestines. If a saline solution helps with the stomach, then a probe will be needed to cleanse the intestines. While you wait for the doctor, you can give your pet a laxative. Next, you will need a sorbent; activated carbon is quite suitable.

Next, the animal will need to be administered intravenously "Vikasol" - vitamin K. The dosage is 1 ml for small breeds and puppies, and 2 ml for large dogs. Other drugs: anticonvulsants, anti-seizure drugs and for the nervous system will be prescribed only by a veterinarian, as well as the duration of treatment.

The dog needs to rinse its stomach every 4-8 hours. At the same intervals, immediately after washing, you need to give the sorbent.

If your dog is poisoned and won’t eat anything, what should you do? Do not force the animal to eat; prepare broth using meat. Poisoning with rat poison suppresses appetite for a long time, and the dog will lose a lot of weight during this time. After your pet gets better, take care of enhanced nutrition With big amount proteins and vitamins.

Poisoning with acids or alkalis

What to do if your dog is poisoned by caustic substances? The main thing is not to do more harm. You should not induce vomiting, but rinsing will be necessary. To do this, call a veterinarian, he will rinse the animal’s stomach through a tube. While you are waiting for the doctor, you need to provide first aid:

  1. Rinse your dog's mouth and nose clean water.
  2. Forcefully pour into the mouth, and make sure the dog swallows, from half a liter to a liter of water in which to dilute good sorbent. If you have nothing on hand, strong tea will do.
  3. Do not pour neutralizing substances into the mouth, e.g. citric acid or soda, you can harm your stomach even more.

Arsenic poisoning

If a dog found and ate this dangerous poison somewhere, then its mouth will smell like garlic! It’s impossible not to notice this smell, so take action right away without waiting for other symptoms.

Rinse the animal's stomach, this mandatory measure, because the remnants of the poison, absorbed further, will only aggravate the situation. Next you will need a sorbent. After providing first aid, you need to give the dog 50-100 ml of solution every 15 minutes:

  • half a liter of warm water;
  • one hundred grams of ferric oxide sulfate;
  • 20 grams of magnesium oxide.

You need to drink it about three times from the moment signs of poisoning are detected. If after the third dose it does not get better, then you need to give a fourth dose while you wait for the veterinarian.

Water is the first remedy for poisoning

Poisoning causes severe vomiting and diarrhea. All this dehydrates and exhausts the body, it becomes even weaker and cannot resist with full power. To help your pet, give him water in small quantities. If you give too much at once, the dog will simply vomit. Taking small sips will give you time to absorb the water.

When the vomiting stops, make sure your dog drinks a lot. For him, food will not be as important as drinking.

How will the dog be helped at the clinic?

In case of any poisoning, you must call a veterinarian at home or take your pet to the clinic yourself. This is necessary, because it will be very difficult to help the animal only on your own. The doctor will definitely need to tell you about all the symptoms, remember what he ate, where the dog was over the past 3-5 days. Perhaps the dog was poisoned by rat poison, and the owner thought that he had gotten low-quality food or a stale piece. The veterinarian will more accurately determine the cause of poisoning and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How veterinarians can help a dog when contacting:

  1. Wash out the stomach.
  2. They will do an enema, which will help more thoroughly flush out the remaining poison from the intestines.
  3. They will introduce an antidote - a special antidote that will speed up the recovery process, and generally increase the chances of salvation if poisoning was caused by strong poisons.
  4. To quickly remove the poison from the blood, the veterinarian will prescribe diuretics.
  5. Next, treatment is carried out aimed at restoring breathing, heart and liver function.
  6. If there are seizures, an anti-seizure medication will need to be administered. If there was a foodborne illness, he prescribed treatment with antibiotics.

Don't try to cope with poisoning on your own. The clinic will also put in a drip with saline or glucose so that the animal does not become dehydrated. The sooner you seek help from a veterinarian, the greater your chances of saving your dog. Even light food poisoning can cause irreparable damage to your pet's health.

Recovery period

We figured out what to do if a dog is poisoned. Now we need to touch on the topic of restoring your pet after intoxication.

The first is mandatory adherence to a diet. The diet in the first week after poisoning should consist of easily digestible foods. For 24 hours after poisoning, only water should be given. Co next day In small portions you need to give foods such as:

  • oatmeal;
  • boiled meat: poultry, veal, beef, rabbit;
  • liver scalded with boiling water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk.

The litter must be dry. If the dog is a yard dog, then place it in the house for the recovery period; the place should be warm, dry, but ventilated.

To prevent poisoning from reoccurring, carefully monitor the animal during walks and do not allow anything not only edible, but also various items. Take toys with you to prevent your dog from chewing on sticks. Put it out of reach household chemicals. Never give your dog expired food. If the diet consists of dry food, then choose not the cheapest one.

Everyone caring owner I'm upset about the health problems of my four-legged pet. Dogs love to chew on anything that is in bad shape. Therefore, there is a risk that the dog may be poisoned. In order not to miss the moment and to provide timely help to the animal with this illness, you need to know what to do in such cases.

Poisoning is the body’s reaction to toxic substances entering it. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, it can lead to complications, as it causes severe intoxication of the body.

Often the owner is to blame for poisoning a dog. He can:

  • improperly store food;
  • leave medications and cleaning chemicals in a visible place;
  • not to notice that the animal is picking up food of unknown origin from the ground;
  • give too many meat products without tripe (leads to protein poisoning).

Most often, a dog gets poisoned through the fault of its owner.

Snake and insect bites also lead to intoxication. Toxic fumes in an unventilated room also cause intoxication.

Main symptoms of poisoning

When poisoned, the dog becomes apathetic and loses its appetite.

Symptoms depend on how the poisoning occurred: food or non-food.

In each case, the disease can proceed completely differently, often the symptoms are similar to infectious disease. The main difference in the manifestation of food and non-food methods is severity of symptoms and risk of complications . In other cases, the symptoms are similar:

  • apathy and loss of appetite;
  • severe thirst that continues for a long time;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • uneven, intermittent breathing;
  • diarrhea;
  • (main feature food poisoning);
  • which can paralyze the dog (typical for the non-food method);
  • bleeding when chemicals enter the body;

Primary signs of poisoning appear after 2–3 hours. If you show the animal to the veterinarian in time, then the risk unpleasant consequences will decrease to a minimum.

Signs of protein intoxication

The dog experiences baldness due to protein intoxication.

Sometimes the cause of an overdose of toxins can be an incorrect diet.

A caring owner, due to his ignorance, gives his pet a lot of meat products containing a large amount of protein. remember, that The right meat for a dog is tripe, which contains many carbohydrates necessary for the animal.

This approach to nutrition can easily lead to protein intoxication. Helping your pet will be easy. If you pay attention to the following symptoms in time:

  • urine changes color and acquires an unpleasant odor;
  • the coat loses its brightness and becomes rough;
  • the dog may become locally bald. Mainly on the tail, but sometimes extends to the ridge and muzzle;
  • peeling of the skin, especially noticeable when combing;
  • weight gain slows down.

Signs of protein poisoning appear after several weeks. Protein has accumulative properties, so symptoms are not immediately visible. Basically, they do not cause serious discomfort to the dog.

Rat poisoning: common symptoms and main antidotes

Rat poison is a collective name for all poisons intended to kill rodents.

A dog can become poisoned by catching an infected rodent.

An animal can become poisoned in two ways.

  1. In the first case, infection with toxins can occur if the dog ate poison that was intended to poison rodents.
  2. In the second case, the poison can affect the animal if it has eaten a rodent poisoned by this poison.

Rat poison affects the dog's body as follows: toxic substances, contained in the poison, enter the pet’s gastrointestinal tract, from where they penetrate the blood. As a result, the blood loses its ability to clot.

General symptoms

The first symptoms of rat poison damage can be noticed after 3–4 days. Most often this is fever, vomiting, and general malaise. The dog loses activity and refuses to eat. In case of poisoning with rodenticides (one of the types of toxins), bleeding from the nose and gums and difficulty breathing are observed.

If poisoned by rat poison, the dog's temperature will begin to rise.

If the degree of toxic substances is more serious, then the symptoms intensify: profuse bleeding for vomiting, diarrhea and cough. The dog feels pain in the stomach. In this case, you need to immediately show your pet to a competent specialist.

When the body is attacked by zinc phosphide, the dog may lose consciousness and experience convulsions. He will be tormented by thirst and difficulty breathing.

Treatment and necessary antidotes

In this case, serums with antitoxic properties would be appropriate. They are also used for snake and insect bites. They are especially effective on initial stage diseases.

Before the veterinarian arrives, you should give your dog activated charcoal.

Before the veterinarian arrives, you need to provide first aid to your pet yourself. If less than 4 hours have passed since the poison entered the body, then need to induce vomiting (just put a little salt on the base of your tongue). After that give an absorbent drug (activated carbon or others). Next (you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate) and give the dog as much water as possible.

How to treat poisoning in a dog at home

Every dog ​​owner knows about the possibility of poisoning of their beloved pet. This can happen for several reasons. A dog can become poisoned by accident by eating a product of unknown origin while on a walk. Often dogs suffer due to the fault of the owner who does not remove household chemicals in a timely manner. Sometimes the culprit is an angry neighbor who doesn't like dogs. In any case, if signs of poisoning are detected, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

If harmful substances get on your dog’s skin, you need to wash them off with warm water.

While the doctor is on his way, you can alleviate your pet’s condition at home.

  • If poisonous substances get on the skin, you need to quickly wash them off with warm water soapy water . If your pet has inhaled harmful fumes, provide him Fresh air. When exposed carbon monoxide on the body, rinse the animal’s mouth and eyes with a three percent soda solution. To remove harmful substances from the body you need to give activated carbon or Enterosgel. Half an hour after taking the adsorbent, give the dog a laxative.
  • But also the victim's stomach should be rinsed by inducing vomiting . Please note that this may not be possible in all cases. If you don't know exact reason poisoning, then you should not carry out such a procedure. If a pet is poisoned by petroleum products or acids, then their return from the body can lead to burns of the larynx.

Treatment prescribed by the doctor

How the treatment will proceed after first aid is provided will be determined by a specialist. The doctor prescribes several points to completely neutralize toxic substances:

  1. Taking diuretics. Furosemide is usually prescribed.
  2. If it is known what kind of poison the animal was poisoned with, then an antidote is prescribed.
  3. Injections with a solution of salt or glucose are used.
  4. They put on a drip: glucose, Trisol, etc.

Furosemide is a diuretic drug.

Must be prescribed strict diet. On the first day, food is contraindicated. Then you can gradually introduce meat broths with rice. Dairy products are strictly prohibited during the treatment period.

Necessary measures to prevent poisoning

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

  • To reduce the risk possible poisoning, you need to train your dog to be tidy : eat only from your own bowl, do not pick up food from the ground, do not take treats from someone else’s hands without the owner’s permission.
  • When bathing, do not use household chemicals . Better buy special remedy for bathing dogs. It is very important to hide all medications away from the animal. Keep track of the expiration dates of the food and its proper storage. Walk in a clean area, away from trash. Nutrition should be balanced and contain the whole complex essential vitamins and minerals.
  • No one is immune from various diseases. Everyone gets sick: both people and animals. Poisoning pet– it’s always unpleasant. It is important to remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed, so pay attention to your pet. Then the risk of encountering an unpleasant illness will be lower. Take care of your pets.

    Video about first aid for a dog in case of poisoning