Trichomonas in women: a description of the disease and the route of infection. Effective treatments for trichomoniasis in women

What is Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)- a venereal disease that manifests itself as a complex inflammatory lesion various parts of the genitourinary system.

The international name for the disease is trichomoniasis: trichmonosis, trichomoniasis

What provokes Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Trichomonas vaginalis belongs to the kingdom Protozoa, flagellate class Flagella, family Trichomonadidae, genus Trichomonas.

There are 3 types of Trichomonas: oral, intestinal and vaginal (genital). Oral and intestinal Trichomonas are considered saprophytes i.e. microorganisms that do not lead to the development of various diseases, pathogenic (leading to the disease) is only vaginal Trichomonas, which has 3 forms of existence: flagella, amoeboid and rounded (small forms); there is still an atypical (cystic) form of Trichomonas, although many scientists do not recognize it. The cystic and rounded forms are the most difficult to treat, while the amoeboid form is the most aggressive.

Ways of transmission of trichomoniasis

As a rule, infection with Trichomonas occurs through sexual contact. However, infection through objects contaminated with Trichomonas - towels, washcloths, sanitary equipment, medical instruments is not excluded. Infection is also possible through close bodily contact of a non-sexual nature. Children can be infected during childbirth when passing through the birth canal from a sick woman in labor.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Trichomoniasis causing chronic inflammation leads to colpitis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, urethritis. The disease significantly reduces the quality of life of women, disrupts sexual and menstrual functions. Trichomoniasis often contributes to mixed infections, especially in combination with gonococci. The waste products of microorganisms cause toxic effects on the tissues of the host organism. Contribute to the penetration of other pathogens into the underlying tissues.

The close interaction between bacteria and Trichomonas, which have active mobility, is of great practical importance, since, by absorbing pathogenic microorganisms, Trichomonas can serve as conductors of infection in the upper parts of the reproductive system and even in the abdominal cavity.

Modern studies give reason to assume the presence of a direct and indirect relationship between infertility and trichomonas infection of the genital tract.

Trichomonas infection more often and steadily leads to male infertility, which is associated with changes in sperm motility and viability.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Infection occurs in 2/3 of cases during extramarital sex. In women, the first sign is profuse liquid, often foamy, yellowish leucorrhoea, often with bad smell. Some, for example, in old age, discharge after intercourse with an admixture of blood. Corrosive leucorrhoea contributes to pain in the genital area and vagina and causes a feeling of itching and burning. There may be pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, during urination, sexual intercourse, so severe that sexual contact becomes impossible. In some cases, painful superficial ulcers are noted on the labia. It happens that the infection spreads to the cervix, causing erosion and inflammation on it. Women begin to experience pain when urinating, burning after it. With further progression of the process, acute inflammation of the uterine mucosa is possible: pains appear in the lower abdomen, leucorrhoea intensifies, often with an admixture of blood, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. With the penetration of Trichomonas into the uterine appendages, the tubes and testicles are damaged, which can lead to infertility. Often trichomoniasis is asymptomatic, imperceptible to patients. During pregnancy, after childbirth or abortion, colds, excessive sexual activity or alcohol intake, the latent form of trichomoniasis can become acute.

Trichomoniasis in men

In men, the disease begins with itching, tickling, burning, and sometimes pain during urination. There is a discharge from the urethra, which may be clear or grayish-white, very rarely frothy. Sometimes they take the form of a large transparent spherical drop, as if rolling out of the external opening of the urethra, the lips of which are swollen, inflamed. With a latent form of trichomonas urethritis, patients complain of intermittent meager discharge from the urethra, and then only in the morning in the form of a drop (French venereologists called this "good morning").

Unpleasant sensations during urination are aggravated after drinking alcohol, spicy foods. It is possible to spread discomfort to the glans penis, scrotum, perineum, rectum, lumbar region. Quite often such patients are long and unsuccessfully treated by neuropathologists for sciatica.

Trichomoniasis in men can give complications: the head of the penis turns red, the foreskin swells, then wounds, abrasions, and sometimes ulcers form on the penis. With phimosis, the penis, increasing in size, takes the form of a pear, becomes painful. Because of the edema, the exposure of his head becomes impossible. Trichomonas epididymitis is possible, which occurs in 7-15% of patients. Some of them have a fever, pain in the scrotum and testicles. A complication of trichomoniasis is inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis. At the same time, the man himself may not feel anything for years, not suspect that he is sick, but infect women during sexual intercourse. Sometimes patients with prostatitis experience a feeling of heaviness and dull pressure in the anus, itching in it and in the urethra, pain in the perineum. Often weakened vision, orgasm, comes premature ejaculation.

With trichomonas inflammation of the bladder, patients are forced to urinate every 15-30 minutes. Urination is accompanied by sharp pain and the release of a few drops of blood. Children, as a rule, become infected with trichomoniasis from adults through sexual contact. Approximately 32% of them join inflammation of the urethra - urethritis, and therefore may appear painful urination.

Trichomoniasis in women

In girls - swelling and redness of the labia minora and labia majora and the hymen, itching and burning of the external genital organs, yellow purulent discharge flows from the vagina.

What complications can trichomoniasis lead to?

Previously, the danger of this disease was underestimated. It has now been proven that trichomoniasis increases the risk of preterm labor and premature rupture of amniotic fluid. In men, it can lead to prostatitis.

Diagnosis of Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis consists in the bacteriological detection of Trichomonas vaginalis after Gram staining, or in native (fresh) preparations. The research methodology in native preparations for the presence of Trichomonas is very simple: isotonic solution, add a fresh drop of vaginal discharge, then the drug is examined under a microscope. However, with this diagnostic method, it is not always possible to immediately identify Trichomonas, so it is necessary to conduct a study repeatedly.

A modern method for detecting Trichomonas in the body is the search for genetic markers using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) .

Treatment of Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to observe following principles:

- Treat trichomoniasis at the same time the patient and her husband (sexual partner);

sex life during the treatment of trichomoniasis is prohibited;

- eliminate factors that reduce the body's resistance ( accompanying illnesses), hypovitaminosis, etc.;

- use antitrichomonas agents against the background of general and local hygiene procedures.

Patients with all forms of trichomoniasis (including trichomonas carriers), as well as patients with inflammatory processes in whom Trichomonas are not detected, but these pathogens were detected in the husband (partner), are subject to treatment. Of the antitrichomonas agents, metronidazole (flagyl, trichopolum) and fascigin (tinidazole) are the most effective. With fresh trichomoniasis, metronidazole is used for treatment according to the following scheme: on the first day of treatment, 0.5 g 2 times a day, on the second day - 0.25 g 3 times a day, the next 4 days - 0.25 g 2 times a day in a day. Fasigine (tinidazole) is administered orally after meals once at a dose of 2000 mg (4 tablets of 500 mg). There is another method: fascigin is prescribed 150 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. The above methods of treatment with metronidazole and fasigin are not indicated for diseases of the nervous and hematopoietic systems, during pregnancy and lactation (pass through the placenta and into milk), as well as liver diseases. In such cases, other antitrichomonas drugs are used: trichomonacid and nitazol, although they are less effective. Trichomonacid is used orally (0.3 g / day in 2-3 doses for 3-5 days) and topically (0.05 g suppository for 10 days); nitazol (trichocid) is used in the form of suppositories (0.12 g of the drug), injected into the vagina 2 times a day and inside 1 tablet (0.1 g each) 3 times a day. It is also recommended the introduction of tampons (after douching), impregnated with a 2.5% suspension of nitazol.

Locally, for the treatment of trichomoniasis, Terzhi-nan vaginal tablets are also used, 1 tablet per day for 10 days or Cleon-D, 1 tablet per day for 7 days.

Control of treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out within 2-3 menstrual cycles. In the absence of Trichomonas in the material (from different foci) after the end of menstruation, treatment should be considered successful. In some women, leucorrhea and other symptoms continue after the disappearance of Trichomonas. In such cases, the treatment recommended for the treatment of nonspecific colpitis is carried out.

Prevention of Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

It is necessary to examine, and if a disease (signs of trichomoniasis) is detected, and treatment of all persons who have had sexual contact with a patient with trichomoniasis. It is also necessary to examine girls in case of illness even of one of the parents.

The use of a condom is the most reliable method of preventing both trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

With trichomoniasis, immunity does not arise and, in case of negligence, repeated infections with trichomoniasis are possible.

After intercourse without a condom, you should immediately urinate and wash the external genitalia warm water with soap (preferably household). Within 2 hours after sexual intercourse, special antiseptics are used for prevention in the form of solutions - gibitan, cidipol, miramistin and others. However, do not forget that these funds do not have one hundred percent effectiveness, and it decreases as the time interval from sexual contact increases.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. Unlike other sexually transmitted diseases, trichomoniasis pathogens can live in a humid environment for up to 20 hours. This creates an insignificant (but still real) threat of contracting trichomoniasis in the household way - for example, in a bathhouse. Therefore, it will be extremely useful to know what the disease is, about its symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

Before the disease manifests itself, it usually takes 1-4 weeks. In women with trichomoniasis, there is a yellow discharge from the vagina. with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. The external genitalia are irritated, there is pain during urination and during sexual intercourse. Once in the genitourinary system, Trichomonas cause various diseases, for example, trichomonas colpitis - inflammation of the vagina. There may be inflammation of the vulva, urethra.

In men, trichomoniasis most often occurs without symptoms, so a man can infect several women without even knowing that he himself is sick. But it also happens that Trichomonas enter the prostate gland. and then there is pain and burning during urination, frequent urge to urinate, pain in the urethra during ejaculation, weakening of erection. When Trichomonas enters the urethra, a man develops acute urethritis. It is characterized by copious discharge from the urethra, pain after urination and intercourse. Without treatment, urethritis becomes chronic in 1-2 weeks and can exist for years. But more often Trichomonas get into upper section genitourinary system and cause the development of prostatitis. Prostatitis with trichomoniasis causes a decrease in sexual function, irritability, back pain. headaches, decreased performance, weakening of memory.

Both men and women with trichomoniasis can develop ulcers on the genitals. Sometimes these ulcers look like a hard chancre, a syphilitic ulcer, and in other cases the ulcers have soft edges and pus at the bottom of the ulcer. The appearance of ulcers is often accompanied by an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

In women, a swab is taken from the vagina and examined under a microscope - the result can be found out after 20 minutes. If smear microscopy fails, direct immunofluorescence (DIF) or culture is performed. Sowing is the settlement of a smear in an environment favorable for bacteria. After 2-3 days, Trichomonas (if any) will multiply, and the seeding result will be positive. In men, a smear from the urethra and the secret of the prostate gland are taken for analysis.

MirSovetov would like to emphasize that it is not always possible to identify this disease the first time, and only the repeated conduct of all these procedures makes it possible to diagnose trichomoniasis.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

Treatment of trichomoniasis lasts approximately 1 month. For an effective cure, the course of treatment must be carried out by both partners at the same time. Naturally, at the time of treatment, sexual intercourse is prohibited for both men and women.

Trichopolum (metronidazole), Nimorazole, Tinidazole, Tiberal are effective against Trichomonas. You need to take medicines for as long as the doctor prescribes. It often happens that after a few days of treatment, the symptoms of trichomoniasis disappear, and the patient thinks that he has already been cured and stops taking the medicine. But, alas, the disease recurs. Suppressing symptoms is not enough, long-term use medicines not only normalizes the patient's condition, but also kills Trichomonas. Women are also given vaginal suppositories- pimafucin, klion-D, flagyl, ginalgin.

To strengthen the immune system, multivitamins (undevit, gendevit, complivit, alphabet, vitrum, centrum and others) and immunostimulating agents are prescribed.

After a couple suffering from trichomoniasis has a monthly course of treatment with antitrichomoniasis drugs, it is necessary to monitor and re-analyze. In women, repeated visits to the gynecologist should be carried out regularly for three months, and in men, a mandatory visit to the andrologist and testing within 1-2 months after the completion of treatment.

Trichomonas tests are carried out after a provocation - this is either an injection of progynal, after which immunity weakens for a short time and Trichomonas (if the patient has not been cured) reappear in the smear. The provocation may be different - a little alcohol and spicy food cause almost the same decrease in immunity as proginal. Alas, there are not so many cases of a quick cure (1 month is very fast for trichomoniasis). Much more often, trichomonas turn into the so-called folded forms - when they do not actively multiply, but their constant presence in the body reduces immunity, causes premature birth.

For the final disposal of Trichomonas may take 1.5-3 years (.). This is provided that the partners are HONESTLY treated, do not drink alcohol, do not have sexual intercourse during treatment (the course of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month, then a break during which tests are taken). If Trichomonas is detected again - a new course of treatment (and it turns out that it takes about a year or more to completely get rid of trichomoniasis). But, nevertheless, trichomoniasis is curable, and the speed of treatment directly depends on how quickly a person seeks medical help. MirSovetov also draws your attention to the fact that after treatment, immunity to Trichomonas is not formed, and with promiscuity, you can get infected again.

Prevention of trichomoniasis

In order not to get infected, first of all, you need to be faithful to your partner - if he and she do not change each other, then trichomoniasis simply has nowhere to come from. For casual sex, the most reliable protection is provided by a condom, provided that it is used correctly. If you still have unprotected intercourse, you should preventive therapy to avoid the development of the disease. However, the use of disinfectant solutions such as miramistin, chlorhexidine does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against the disease. After unprotected intercourse with a random partner, it makes sense to be tested for hidden sexual infections, because Trichomonas side by side are ureplasmas, mycoplasmas, gonococci and many other pathogens of dangerous diseases. To avoid household infection with trichomoniasis, MirSovetov recommends that you do not pick up other people's towels, slippers in the pool or in the bath, do not use other people's combs and personal hygiene products, and wash your hands more often.

Causes of Trichomoniasis- these are two ways of transmission of the infection, sexual and non-sexual (the latter is extremely unlikely):

  • sexual contact with an infected person- it is noteworthy that the risk of infection from a sick partner in a healthy woman is 80-100%, and in a healthy man up to 70%, which is explained anatomical features organism; to prevent risks, it is recommended to give preference to barrier contraception with non-permanent partners, and a stable couple, when one partner is infected, should be diagnosed, and possibly treated together;
  • asexual route of infection- extremely rare, since Trichomonas quickly die in an external (too dry for them) environment, as well as in a 2% soap solution; those rare cases of infection may be associated with contact healthy person with the secretions of the patient (for example, wet linen, semen, urine on the rim of the toilet), as well as when sharing personal hygiene products (also wet, for example, washcloths, towels);
  • A distinctive feature of developing trichomoniasis is the absence of obvious symptoms, especially in men. This contributes to the spread of infection not only during casual sexual intercourse, but also in stable relationships, when the partner simply does not know about his disease. However, trichomoniasis is often combined with other infections, only in every tenth case it occurs as a monoinfection. It is in combination with other infectious agents that trichomoniasis reports itself as follows symptoms :

  • copious discharge from the genitals - purulent, gray-yellow, sometimes frothy, with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the vulva;
  • painful and frequent urination;
  • swelling of the labia and mucous membranes of internal organs (vagina, cervix).
  • In general, trichomoniasis can manifest itself as symptoms of diseases that develop under the influence of infectious agent or their combinations. This is usually inflammatory pathologies genitourinary system, and in the absence of timely and effective treatment, trichomoniasis turns into chronic stage steadily leading to violations of the reproductive status.

    How to treat trichomoniasis?

    Treatment of trichomoniasis usually applied to women, in whom the infection manifests itself much more often than men. However, an appropriate diagnosis in a woman means the need to be examined and undergo therapy for her man.

    Often the main drug is prescribed in a shock single dose, since it has been proven that it has a similar effect to that produced from 3-5-7-day courses. If a single or multiple dose of metrinidazole does not work, there is no point in continuing to use this drug - in specific case Trichomonas are resistant, but side effects continue to develop. However, a complete cure after a single dose of metronidazole is observed in 90-95% of cases.

    Alternative drugs may be Meratin or Nitazol, combined means for local application Terzhinan and Meratin Kombi.

    To prevent the re-development of infection, the Solkotrikhovak vaccine can be used (1 vial of the vaccine contains 7x10 9 lyophilized inactivated lactobacilli), it also has a therapeutic effect.

    What diseases can be associated

    Very rarely, trichomoniasis occurs as an independent infection; as often as possible, it is combined with gonorrhea or chlamydia. and sometimes with both of them at the same time. The presence of Trichomonas infection in the body means a double risk of exposure to HPV (human papillomavirus), which in women is associated with the development of a precancerous condition, and in extreme cases, cervical cancer. Another highly probable virus that trichomoniasis patients are susceptible to is herpes simplex virus (HSV). Since Trichomonas significantly weaken local immunity at the level of the mucous membrane of the urogenital system, it becomes more vulnerable to HIV. the risk of which is especially high among those who are promiscuous.

  • women's inflammatory diseases- colpitis and vulvitis with their subsequent complications;
  • in men - urethritis. chronic prostatitis. adhesions of the urethra;
  • the extreme consequence of trichomonas infection becomes like a woman. as well as male infertility.
  • Metronidazole - the first 4 days, 250 mg 3 times a day, another 4 days, 250 mg 2 times a day, 5 grams of the drug should be consumed during the course;
  • Efloran - 500 mg 4 times a day for 5 days, then 1 gram 2 times a day for the next 7-10 days.
  • Alternative drugs

  • Atrikan 250 - 250 mg 2 times a day for 4 days;
  • Nitazol - 100 mg 3 times a day for 14 days; it is recommended to combine with intravaginal administration of suppositories containing 120 mg of the drug 2 times a day or 2.5% aerosol foam also 2 times a day.
  • Klion D-100 (a combination of 100 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate) - 1 tablet 1 time per day at night for 10 days;
  • Neo-Penotran (a combination of 500 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate) - 1 suppository 2 times a day for 14 days;
  • Terzhinan (a combination of 200 mg ternidazole, 100 thousand units of nystatin, 100 mg of neomycin sulfate, 3 mg of prednisolone) - 1 suppository 1 time per day at night for 10 days;
  • Treatment of trichomoniasis folk methods

  • combine in equal proportions celandine grass, lilac leaves, calendula and bird cherry flowers; 2 tbsp pour the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for another 5-7 minutes, cool; use for vaginal baths and douching daily;
  • Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women, it all consists in the same intake of antibacterial drugs, but as harmless as possible to the mother and child. Today, the pharmaceutical industry provides gynecologists with a wide range of medicines to choose from. The course of drugs should be completed in accordance with medical prescriptions, and any changes in well-being should be discussed with your doctor. After the end of therapy, the doctor prescribes control studies and, with positive results, prescribes to the woman remedies to strengthen immunity.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy can be avoided, thereby not provoking risks for yourself and the unborn baby, if you adhere to decency and selectivity in sexual relations, and from the means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases give preference to condoms.

    Which doctors to contact if you have trichomoniasis

    • microscopy of a native smear - the results allow us to draw a conclusion about the nature of the microflora, its quantitative content and the ratio of different types of microorganisms; also provides preliminary information about the detection of an etiologically significant infectious agent in this biomaterial;
    • cultural diagnostics - using high-quality standardized nutrient media, according to most researchers, this is the "gold standard" in the study of Trichomonas;
    • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - a method for the qualitative determination and quantitative measurement of antigens, as well as immunoglobulins and hormones; allows you to detect antibodies to infection in the blood, but allows you to determine the body's immune response to the pathogen, and not the pathogen itself;
    • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - a method of molecular biology that allows you to detect, based on genetic information, the causative agent of the disease; allows, thanks to a multiple increase in DNA sequences, to identify even single cells of the pathogen, is indispensable for the detection of latent and chronic infections.

    To know what the treatment of Trichomonas is, it is useful for any person, because trichomoniasis is the most common sexual infection.

    In many cases, the disease has a blurred or asymptomatic course, so it is more difficult to recognize it - this is how trichomoniasis has time to become chronic. By turning into a chronic form, the infection can cause severe complications, which will be difficult for doctors to cope with. And yet, with a competent approach, trichomoniasis can be defeated.

    We tell how trichomoniasis is treated in women (treatment, drugs, etc.) and men, how the success of treatment is assessed, and how the disease affects the future life.

    Principles of treatment of trichomoniasis

    If a person has a suspicion of a trichomonas infection, one should seek advice from dermatovenereologist. He is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Often, urologists or gynecologists are additionally involved in the treatment process.

    It is necessary to start treatment only after the final diagnosis is established. It is important to understand from the very beginning that the sexual partner (or partners) of a person who has been diagnosed with trichomoniasis should also be treated. Moreover, for the treatment to be successful, both partners must take the course of medication at the same time.

    Unlike many sexually transmitted infections, trichomoniasis can be treated at home. Usually the patient takes the medication himself and follows the instructions of the doctor. But in some, severe cases, the patient may be hospitalized.

    Indications for hospital treatment:

    • complicated course of the disease, when the pelvic organs become inflamed;
    • threat of miscarriage.

    How to cure trichomoniasis: features of therapy

    Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is Trichomonas vaginalis, the simplest single-celled creature. This microorganism is more complex than ordinary bacteria - therefore, traditional antibiotics do not work on it.

    The fact is that antibiotics chemically interact with special molecules in the shell of bacteria, disrupting their vital processes. But the structure of Trichomonas is completely different. Therefore, to combat this microorganism, scientists have selected a different class of compounds.

    All of these compounds are derived from a substance called 5-nitroimidazole:

    • metronidazole- the first drug of this class, which was most often used before;
    • ornidazole- the most common modern analogue of metronidazole;
    • tinidazole- a drug that acts not only on Trichomonas, but also on many bacterial infections;
    • tenonitrozole, has an additional antifungal effect;
    • secnidazole- a drug a wide range actions; like tinidazole, it inhibits the growth of not only Trichomonas, but also most pathogenic bacteria.

    The mechanism of action for all drugs in this group is similar: they disrupt the respiratory activity and metabolism of Trichomonas. This directly leads to the death of pathogens.

    In addition, recent studies have shown that these medicinal substances able to inhibit the reproduction of Trichomonas, stopping their production DNA: unicellular can no longer divide. After that, the cells of microorganisms die rather quickly.

    Trichomoniasis and alcohol

    Almost all of the listed drugs incompatible with alcohol. They disrupt the processes of processing ethyl alcohol in the liver, which leads to acute poisoning.

    Poisoning manifests itself:

    • dizziness;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
    • general weakness and lethargy.

    At the same time, alcohol does not affect the effectiveness of the antiprotozoal drugs themselves.

    You can consume alcoholic beverages for at least after 1 day after the last intake of any 5-nitroimidazole derivatives. However, there is one exception: ornidazole does not affect the functioning of liver enzymes, which means that it can be combined with alcohol.

    How to treat trichomoniasis in men and women: standard schemes

    The main course of therapy is a general treatment with 5-nitroimidazole derivatives in the form of tablets.

    At the same time, the doctor may prescribe local therapy - that is, drugs for the area infectious inflammation (urinary tract). Most often, ointments or suppositories for trichomoniasis are used (for women).

    It is important to understand that only local treatment is not enough to get rid of Trichomonas, so the tablets will have to be drunk anyway.

    The goal of treatment with pills is to get rid of the cause of the disease, trichomonas vaginalis, and not just to remove the symptoms or prevent complications. Modern medicine considers this type of therapy to be the most effective.

    Tablets from trichomoniasis for men and women, as well as the doses of the substance are the same. For the treatment of acute, new-onset disease in adult patients, one of these regimens is used:

    In the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis in men and women, the following variants of schemes are used:

    How to treat Trichomonas in childhood, described in the following table. Usually children are prescribed metronidazole, and the treatment regimen depends on the age of the child:

    Limitations and features of etiotropic therapy

    It is also useful to know how trichomonas is treated when combined with gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections. It is important to choose the right drugs and the sequence of their use. Read more about this.

    Local therapy for trichomoniasis

    For local treatment, the same 5-nitroimidazoles are used as in systemic therapy, but in the form vaginal tablets or balls. They contain 0.5 g active substance. They are used once a day, 6 days.

    Alternative option: in women with trichomoniasis, suppositories containing 0.5 g of ornidazole are used - 1 time per day, 6 days.

    Also used in local therapy non-specific(i.e. effective in many diseases) methods and drugs - they not only destroy Trichomonas, but also relieve general inflammation.

    • potassium permanganate, at a concentration of 1:10000;
    • acridine, at a concentration of 1:10000;
    • furatsilina, at a concentration of 1:5000;
    • chlorhexidine, at a concentration of 1:5000;
    • miramistin, at a concentration of 1:10,000.
  • If a urinary tract and the tissues surrounding them are swollen and inflamed - as can be seen on ureteroscopy, then they are washed every other day:
    • 0.25-0.5% silver nitrate solution;
    • or 1-2% protargol solution.
  • If, in chronic trichomoniasis, hard scars have already begun to form in the urinary canal, then apply bougienage. This is a mechanical expansion of the lumen of the urethra, by introducing a bougie (a special metal probe). With trichomonas infection, bougienage is performed no more than 1 time in 2 days. It allows you to keep the patency of the urethra.
  • Important! If trichomoniasis was diagnosed for the first time, then non-specific drugs and procedures are not used in its acute phase! They are prescribed only when the symptoms subside - in the subacute stage or when the disease becomes chronic.

    How else to treat trichomoniasis in women and men?

    Trichomoniasis is best treated if, simultaneously with the main treatment, the antimicrobial defense of the whole organism is strengthened. To do this, prescribe drugs interferon- they accelerate the immune response to Trichomonas infection.

    At the same time with base course medications are prescribed and local treatment trichomonas colpitis in women. Colpitis is an inflammation of the cervix that can be relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Trichomoniasis itself is not treated with such drugs, but they significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

    Natural biostimulants are also useful. There are more drugs used plant origin- for example, echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng etc. These preparations tone the body well and, thanks to this, improve its protection against infections.

    We must not forget about vitamins: they strengthen the immune system, therefore, in treatment regimen with trichomoniasis, multivitamin complexes are often added.

    Cost of treatment

    Metronidazole in Russia is included in the list of the most important and vital medicines. This means that the price of this medicine for Trichomonas is controlled by the state and cannot be too high.

    Usually, a package of domestic metronidazole costs around 200 rubles. If trichomoniasis proceeds without complications, then it will be enough for a full course of treatment.

    Of course, with chronic advanced trichomoniasis, with complications or combinations with other infections, the cost of therapy will be higher. This happens, firstly, because it takes longer to be treated, and secondly, because other medicines may be needed for a complete cure.

    How to get rid of trichomonas: cure criteria

    Dermatovenereologists distinguish two "levels" of cure for trichomoniasis:

    1. Clinical recovery, in which all manifestations of trichomoniasis significantly subside or completely disappear. The patient becomes much better, but he can still remain a carrier of the infection.
    2. Etiological recovery is the complete destruction of all Trichomonas in the body. Accordingly, the symptoms also disappear, that is, the actual recovery occurs. This option, of course, is the main goal of treatment. It is possible to confirm that the patient has an etiological recovery only with the help of laboratory tests.

    When and what tests are taken after the treatment of trichomoniasis?

    Amplifier - a device with which PCR analysis is carried out.

    These are the same tests that are used for the primary diagnosis of this disease:

    • examination of a smear from the patient's urethra under a light microscope - they look for live Trichomonas in the smear;
    • a study under a microscope of the same smear, but with the addition of special dyes - so Trichomonas can be more clearly distinguished;
    • bacteriological examination (inoculation) - the material obtained from the patient is placed on a nutrient medium, they wait for the bacteria to multiply, and then determine whether it is Trichomonas or not;
    • molecular biological and immunological methods of detection - they are based on the search for DNA Trichomonas in the material obtained from the patient.

    The first two methods are quite fast and simple, but their reliability usually does not exceed 60%. Often this is not enough to confidently say that all Trichomonas are destroyed.

    cure trichomoniasis for modern medicine is not a particularly difficult problem. The main thing is to notice dangerous symptoms in time and immediately consult a doctor. Then it will be possible to quickly diagnose and conduct a short course of treatment with 5-nitroimidazole derivatives.

    But if trichomoniasis goes into the chronic stage, then the treatment will be much longer and there will be a high risk of complications. Therefore, it is not worth pulling a visit to the doctor. Timely consultation with a venereologist and simple laboratory analysis– basic conditions successful treatment from trichomoniasis.

    The main thing in the treatment of trichomoniasis is to notice dangerous symptoms in time and immediately consult a doctor.

    Characteristic signs of the disease in women are frothy discharge, vaginal itching and painful urination.

    Men do not see characteristic symptoms diseases trichomoniasis Treatment in women drugs with antiprotozoal action are prescribed by a doctor.

    What is Trichomonas?

    More than 100 species of the genus Trichomonas are distinguished, but only three are pathogenic to humans: Trichomonas hominis, Trichomonas tenax, and Trichomonas vaginalis.

    Trichomonas hominis lives in the gastrointestinal tract and causes diarrhea; It is more common in children than in adults, but its pathogenesis has not yet been studied.

    Trichomonas tenax causes oral disease. Its presence is sometimes detected in sputum during pneumonia or bronchial inflammation. Only Trichomonas vaginalis contributes to the formation of inflammatory processes in the human genitourinary system.

    T. vaginalis has a pear-shaped, oval, rarely spindle-shaped shape.
    Their size can vary from 8 to 30 microns, and vary depending on the phase of clinical infection.
    Trichomonas feed on bacteria, fungi, but their main nutrient is glycogen from the epithelial cells of the genitourinary system.
    As a rule, infection with Trichomonas vaginalis resolves without characteristic features. Symptoms of the disease appear when the infection becomes sharp character. The chronic form of the disease is more common, and is accompanied by signs of a weaker intensity.

    How to cure trichomoniasis in women?
    It can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Even in the absence of signs of the disease, an infected person can infect a sexual partner.
    Therefore, it is important that both partners pass at the same time pharmacological treatment.

    Is trichomoniasis transmitted through a condom?
    Correct use condoms greatly reduces, but does not eliminate the risk of contracting or spreading Trichomonas.

    Currently, metronidazole is most often used in the fight against trichomonas vaginalis, but in recent years there has been an increase in the number of strains resistant to this drug.
    Also appear important questions concerning immunology, complications during pregnancy, accurate diagnosis and public health control from this infection.

    The high transmission rate and serious complications associated with morbidity during pregnancy indicate the need for an epidemiological control program for this disease.

    How do people become infected with trichomonas vaginalis?

    Trichomonas vaginalis often cause inflammation of the vulva, vagina, and cervix.
    During a gynecological examination of the patient, changes are observed in the form of edema and redness of the vaginal mucosa, spots and papules, and erosion of the cervix.
    In 5-15% of patients, the examination does not reveal any anomalies.
    Clinical manifestations of T. vaginalis invasion include: itching, burning of the vulva, frothy, smelly, gray-green vaginal discharge, bright red vaginal epithelium, sometimes with punctate changes, painful and more frequent urination.
    About the defeat of the upper areas urinary organs may indicate pain in the lower abdomen.

    Symptoms worsen during or immediately after menstruation. Chronic infestations can cause disturbances menstrual cycle. In women, infection is usually limited to the vulva, vagina, and cervix.

    In men, most infections are asymptomatic, only occasionally there are signs of pain during urination, and after a night's rest, discharge from the urethra rarely appears.
    The infection may affect urethra, bladder, prostate and seminal vesicles.

    In children, the signs of the disease and their severity depend on the sex and period of development (age) of the child. They may include fever and:
    - in girls:

    • swelling and redness of the vulva;
    • erosion of the cervix;
    • signs of inflammation of the urethra;
    • rashes of the skin of the perineum and groin;

    - in boys:

    • swelling and redness of the mouth of the urethra;
    • leukocyturia.


    When the first warning signs of a Trichomonas infection appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Numerous diagnostic methods have been developed to detect T. vaginalis infestations and determine the treatment regimen.
    During the diagnosis, the specialist asks the patient about previously diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases.

    For staging correct diagnosis differential diagnosis is necessary, since trichomonas infection is easily confused with chlamydia.

    Are chlamydia and trichomoniasis the same thing? Although these diseases share similar symptoms, they are caused by different bacteria. The cause of chlamydia is chlamydia trachomatis. Therefore, microscopic examination is used for accurate diagnosis.

    To do this, during the examination, a sample of secretions is taken from the walls of the vagina, from its posterior fornix, from the cervical canal or from the urethra.
    A smear is obtained within 2-3 days before or after menstruation.

    In men, secretions should be taken from the urethra, from under foreskin, mucus from the prostate or semen. You can examine the sediment of the morning portion of urine (first stream).

    Last years characterized by the development of modern serological methods, which are successfully used for the diagnosis of trichomonas vaginalis.
    Serological tests help detect trichomonas vaginalis antigens in the secretion under study. They are of great diagnostic value.

    Blood serum is being tested for the presence of cytokines and chemokines. The results show that in the case of T. vaginalis invasion, their level is increased.


    Trichomonas infection requires rapid and comprehensive treatment, which should include both partners equally.
    It should be borne in mind that Trichomonas vaginalis infects a person as a result of sexual contact, so if only one side is treated, the disease cannot be completely cured.

    With symptoms of trichomoniasis, you should contact a gynecologist, a urologist or a venereologist.
    Treatment of trichomoniasis in women drugs treatment regimen has the task of slowing down the development of trichomonas vaginitis and eliminating all protozoa from the patient's body.

    How to treat trichomoniasis in women? The drugs used for this purpose have an antiprotozoal effect.
    The patient is administered, for example, metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, fimidazole.
    These drugs interrupt the Trichomonas DNA chain, prevent it from reproducing and lead to its death.

    Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis during the treatment course?
    Partners are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse during therapy to avoid reinfection.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in women (drugs, scheme):

    1. oral administration of metronidazole in a single dose of 2 g or
      oral dose of tinidazole - 2 g.
    2. Alternative Treatment trichomonas in women: metronidazole 500 mg orally twice a day for a week.
    3. Alcohol consumption should be avoided during pharmacotherapy with nitroimidazoles.
    4. To reduce the likelihood of a disulfiram-like reaction, abstinence from alcohol should be continued 24 hours after the end of metronidazole and 3 days after the end of tinidazole.

    Nitroimidazoles are the only class of antiprotozoal drugs that are effective against Trichomonas vaginalis infection. Drugs such as metronidazole and tinidazole have been approved by the FDA for the pharmacological treatment of oral or parenteral trichomoniasis.

    Tinidazole tends to reach more than high levels in serum and genitourinary system. Has a longer elimination time than metronidazole (12.5 hours vs. 7.3 hours) and fewer gastrointestinal side effects.

    You can not shorten the course of treatment, even if the symptoms receded.
    In addition, you need to take care of the hygiene of the perineal area and use only preparations intended for this purpose.
    During menstruation, it is recommended to refuse tampons, which increase the risk of infection.
    Pregnancy and trichomonas infection.

    Trichomonas vaginal infections in women during pregnancy are associated with adverse complications, in particular, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, premature birth, and low birth weight babies.

    Pregnant women (regardless of stage of pregnancy) with infection should receive pharmacotherapy. In the case of trichomoniasis, treatment in women (drugs) should be used according to the following scheme: metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose.

    Metronidazole crosses the placenta, but laboratory results suggest that it has few fetal side effects.

    In the studies conducted, there are no results proving a teratogenic and mutagenic effect on infants.
    Metronidazole is excreted in breast milk.
    Some doctors advise postponing breastfeeding for 12 to 24 hours after the mother has taken a 2-g dose of metronidazole. Although there is no evidence adverse effect metronidazole (in breast milk) per infant.
    Taking metronidazole during breastfeeding is possible according to the scheme: 400 mg three times a day for 7 days. In this case, there is a lower concentration of the drug in breast milk, which is considered compatible with breastfeeding during long period time.


    The best method of prevention, as well as the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in women and men, is the use of condoms.
    This is especially important if you do not have a permanent partner and you are not sure about his past.
    Asymptomatic infections in men are the most common cause recurrence of this problem in women.

    Other important element prevention against trichomonas vaginalis is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, and first of all:

    • concern for hygiene, it is not recommended to use other people's toiletries, towels and underwear,
    • self-monitoring and diagnosis of infected people.

    If you notice any signs or symptoms of trichomoniasis, visit your doctor as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

    Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is a disease various bodies of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature, which develops against the background of damage to the organs and parts of this system by Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis). A distinctive feature of the disease is a variety of symptoms and various complications.

    Ways of infection with trichomoniasis.
    Most often, infection is carried out through intimate contact with a patient or carrier of Trichomonas infection. But at the same time, trichomoniasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. When the causative agent of the disease is introduced into the body of a woman, the vulva, cervical canal, urethra and paraurethral passages are primarily affected. Very rarely, trichomonas affect the Bartholin glands and the bladder, the uterine cavity, and almost never the fallopian tubes. Contribute to the development of this infectious disease promiscuity, which is especially important among people with addiction to drugs and alcoholic products, as well as among lung girls behavior. It should be noted that Trichomonas can enter the body of a woman only through vaginal intercourse, anal and oral contacts do not contribute to infection with trichomoniasis. This is due to the fact that the vaginal microflora is an ideal environment for Trichomonas, they simply do not survive in the rectum, pharynx or mouth.

    It is important to note that it is impossible to “pick up” this infection, for example, in public places (pool, sauna, bath, etc.). household way infection with this disease occurs in extremely rare cases, and then in girls. Most often this happens through the use of personal hygiene items that a sick person used before (washcloth, towel, bed linen, etc.). In addition, late diagnosed cases of the chronic form of trichomoniasis, which is often asymptomatic, are often referred to as household infection. The fact is that trichomoniasis is often asymptomatic. Infection of newborn girls occurs during labor during the passage of the fetus through birth canal sick mother.

    For the development of trichomoniasis, one introduction of infection into the female body is not enough. Often contribute to the development of Trichomonas and create favorable conditions hormonal disruptions in the body, concomitant diseases, weakened immunity, slagging. As a result, even in a weakened state, the infection can provoke the development of a serious illness.

    The incubation (latent, latent) period of the disease after infection can be from two to four weeks, after which the patient begins to experience symptoms of the disease. Trichomoniasis can occur in an acute form, characterized by severe pain and copious discharge. Insufficient or incorrect treatment contributes to transitions acute form disease into a chronic one.

    As already noted, the disease can initially proceed sluggishly without any manifestations, or with minimal symptoms, to which the patient often does not pay any attention, thereby undergoing an inflammatory process and being a source of infection for partners.

    The nature of the course of the disease in each case depends on the intensity of the infection, the properties of Trichomonas, the acidity of the vulva, the condition of the mucous membranes, and the composition of the accompanying microflora.

    Symptoms and signs of trichomoniasis in women.
    It should be noted that trichomoniasis in women has a more pronounced form of flow. The manifestations of the disease in each case is not the same and depends on the site of the lesion of the genitourinary system. The inflammatory process in an acute form begins with the appearance of vaginal discharge - this sign is one of the most common among infected people (if the lesion has affected the vagina), as well as discharge from the urethra (the lesion has affected the urethra and bladder). Vaginal discharge may be foul-smelling and may vary in color (from white to yellow with hints of green). In addition, the discharge is accompanied by redness and soreness of the external genital organs, a feeling of unbearable burning sensation and itching in the vagina. By the way, itching often spreads to the inner thighs. With severe itching and irritation, there may be vaginal bleeding, low-intensity character. In addition, a frequent manifestation of the disease are unpleasant sensations of itching and burning during urination and sexual intercourse, violations of the process of urination. During the inflammatory process pain in addition to the genital organs, they can also manifest themselves in the form of pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back of a pulling nature. In especially severe cases of inflammation, swelling of the perineum may occur.

    The internal organs of the genital area of ​​a woman are very rarely affected by Trichomonas, because inner part of the cervix prevents the spread of trichomoniasis due to the circular contraction of the muscles of the cervix and the alkaline reaction of the secretion of the uterine cavity. But it also happens that abortions, childbirth, even menstruation contribute to the loss of such a protective ability of the uterus, as a result of which the infection can spread into the uterus. The consequence of such an "invasion" of Trichomonas can be endometritis or inflammation of the uterus, accompanied by serious complications. When the fallopian tubes are affected by Trichomonas, salpingitis can occur, which occurs with inflammation of the ovaries. The consequence of this is the development of adhesions and the formation of cysts. It should be noted that some experts in this field are inclined to believe that Trichomonas, when absorbed by various types of pathogenic bacteria (for example, gonococci, while they do not die), transfers them to the internal genital organs. After that, the bacteria are released and provoke the onset of the inflammation process.

    The symptoms of trichomoniasis can also be influenced by the health of the patient. The disease is especially acute with reduced immunity, the presence of other inflammation processes, etc. It should be noted that when Trichomonas enters the body of a woman, they exacerbate her diseases, especially those related to the genitourinary system.

    Very rarely, trichomoniasis occurs in a single form, in most cases the infection is combined with various others in various combinations. Frequent companions trichomoniasis are mycoplasmas, gonococci, gardnerella, ureaplasma, chlamydia, various fungi. As a rule, the course of the disease is reflected in the microflora of the vagina, in particular, there is a decrease in the level of essential bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria disappear, which are replaced by in large numbers pathogenic microorganisms “arrive” (staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, yeast-like fungi, etc.). All this is not in the best way affects the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, and generally worsens the picture of the disease. I note that trichomoniasis in women with sexually transmitted diseases (especially with gonorrhea) is much more common (about 80%).

    Diagnosis of trichomoniasis.
    Diagnosis of the disease consists in the bacterioscopic detection of Trichomonas vaginalis according to the results of Gram staining of smears. Moreover, in women, this method of detecting the disease gives more accurate results than in men. A more accurate diagnostic method in comparison with the bacterioscopic method is the bacteriological method. It is recommended in all cases of negative results of treatment. In doubtful situations, methods are used that give the most accurate results - the method of direct immunofluorescence (PIF), DNA diagnostics (PCR), as well as seeding.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in women.
    Therapy of the disease should be carried out regardless of its form and the presence of symptoms. Remember, trichomoniasis is a disease of both sexual partners, so the diagnosis of the disease and its treatment, respectively, must be carried out in two. Otherwise, the effect of the treatment will come to naught, re-infection will occur. Immunity to this disease not resistant, therefore, if there was a case of infection and successful treatment, then with re-infection, the disease will begin again.

    Trichomoniasis often occurs in conjunction with other sexually transmitted infections, which also need to be treated. Full compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, instructions for use medical preparations is the key to successful treatment. In no case do not listen to the advice of friends who allegedly had a disease, and do not prescribe medications for yourself. If you experience unpleasant symptoms of the disease, contact a specialist immediately.

    Basic principles of treatment of trichomoniasis:

    • the use of antitrichomonas drugs;
    • carrying out general and local therapy at the same time, only local therapy (ointments, suppositories, etc.) will not give a result;
    • normalization of the vaginal microflora and restoration of its function;
    • strengthening the immune defense of the body;
    • treatment of trichomoniasis in both sexual partners at once;
    • during treatment, it is necessary to give up alcohol and sexual activity.
    Since Trichomonas is not a bacterium, most antibiotics are not terrible for it. In the treatment of the disease, the main place is given to the use of drugs of the 5-nitroimidazole group (well-known Metronidazole). Prescribe drugs Metrogil, Efloran, Medazol, Klion, Trichopolum, Flagyl. In addition to metronidazole, drugs from this group are tinidazole, ornidazole, secnidazole, nimorazole, ternidazole. Often, additional treatment is required, in particular, immunotherapy, physiotherapy, etc. can be noted).

    It should be noted. That the treatment of pregnant women with trichomoniasis is carried out exclusively under the supervision and prescription of a doctor.

    What to do if the treatment of trichomoniasis does not work?
    With a trichomonas infection, the body has no immunity to it, against which background reinfection and relapse of the disease often occur. The source of reinfection is untreated men and carriers of the infection. Relapses of the disease occur due to the presence of Trichomonas in the folds of the vagina, in the paraurethral passages, that is, in areas where drugs may not penetrate. That is why it is so important to check the partner (partners) and treat him (them) if necessary.

    If treatment fails, a second course of therapy should be repeated. Another drug may be prescribed here, or the same drug, but a different treatment regimen, etc. Also, the doctor may recommend adding the SolkoTrichovac vaccine to the treatment.

    Control tests after the course of treatment are carried out three to five days after its completion. After that, the woman again takes tests after menstruation for three cycles in a row.

    The disease is considered cured if the control data of the analyzes show the absence of Trichomonas, and the composition of the vaginal microflora has normal values ​​or is close to them to the maximum.

    Prevention of trichomoniasis.
    In the prevention of this disease, a person's lifestyle plays a huge role: nutrition, physical activity, daily routine, bad habits or addictions, how much he observes hygiene, environmental ecology. Lead healthy lifestyle life, understand your sexual partners (which, by the way, should never be more than one) and be healthy!

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    Trichomoniasis in women: signs, diagnosis, treatment regimens

    The content of the article:

    All people have been informed about the existence of venereal diseases from the very beginning. early age, contraceptives that protect against these diseases are sold in any pharmacy and supermarket. Among the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections, the most common are gonococcus, herpes, papillomas and chlamydia. In this article, we will look at efficient schemes treatment of trichomoniasis in women, what are the main factors that provoke the onset of the disease, what symptoms are characteristic of this pathological process, and what preventive measures exist today.

    Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections that affects many women every year. According to WHO statistics, approximately 10-15% of humanity is infected with Trichomonas, and this is not yet the final figure. This pathology strikes both the fair sex and the strong half of humanity. But it is worth noting that the female body is the most vulnerable to Trichomonas.

    The causative agent causes in the body of a woman inflammatory processes, in most cases in the urogenital tract. This contributes to the appearance of strong discomfort in the genital system. Infection of a pregnant woman with Trichomonas threatens with an abnormal development of the fetus and missed pregnancy.

    What is Trichomonas

    Trichomoniasis is caused by a unicellular anaerobic organism, which belongs to the simplest. It moves with the help of flagella. Penetrating into the vagina, Trichomonas spreads ascending way and settles in the cervix and cervical canal, where in almost 90% of cases a pathological process develops, in other cases asymptomatic carriage develops.

    Intestinal Trichomonas (Trichomonas hominis)
    - Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vagimalis)
    - Oral Trichomonas (Trichomonas tenax).

    As for vaginal trichomonas, it is worth noting its increased adaptability to development and progression directly in the female genital tract, urethra, and it was also diagnosed in the rectum. However, during external environment Trichomonas vaginalis is quite unstable and quickly dies, as it does not form cysts.

    The most increased intensity of reproduction of Trichomonas is observed directly during menstruation and after its completion. This is due to the fact that during this period female body there is a change in the acidity of the vaginal contents. In addition, this pathogen strengthens its resistance to the protective factors of the human body by enriching with iron from menstrual blood.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women are not specific, they are similar to many other sexually transmitted infections. In women, acute trichomoniasis may present as cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, or urethritis.

    In most cases, the manifestation of uncomfortable sensations begins immediately after unprotected intercourse. The duration of the incubation period is often no more than a day, but in medical practice there were cases when it lasted up to a month.

    How does trichomoniasis in women

    The most common symptomatology of this pathological process:

    Profuse vaginal discharge, frothy in texture and foul-smelling. They are yellow in color with a grayish tint.

    The presence in the vagina or in the vulva area of ​​discomfort, manifested in the form of itching and burning.

    Irritation of the skin in the perineal region caused by pathological secretions.

    Pain during intercourse, often quite intense.

    The occurrence of erosion on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

    In case of damage to the urethra, a feeling of pain, itching and burning at the time of urination.

    Classification and features of the course of urogenital trichomoniasis

    Depending on the time of manifestation of symptoms, sites of damage and features of symptoms, there are several types of the course of the disease:

    Fresh trichomoniasis of any form: acute, subacute, oligosymptomatic.

    Chronic trichomoniasis.

    Trichomonas carrier.

    Acute trichomoniasis

    The course of the acute form of the disease is accompanied by a bright clinic, which manifests itself in the form of copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, burning and itching. The presence of uncomfortable sensations should be the reason for an immediate visit to the gynecologist.

    Chronic trichomoniasis

    In case of untimely and poor quality medical care or in the absence of treatment after an average of 2-3 months, trichomoniasis becomes chronic. It is characterized by minimal manifestations of milky vaginal discharge, or even their complete absence. But the pathological process continues to develop on the mucosa.

    Sometimes, with a weakened immune system, periodic exacerbations are observed. They can be caused by beriberi, menstruation, and even alcohol abuse.

    Asymptomatic carriage of trichomoniasis

    Trichomonadism provides the greatest danger to women's reproductive health. The insidiousness of this type of course of the disease consists in the absence of manifestations of any clinical signs. Therefore, many infected people do not even suspect that they are carriers of this pathogen. And through sexual contact, they infect all their partners.

    To date, the exact number of carriers of vaginal Trichomonas has not been established. According to statistics, this form of the pathogen occurs in 50% of cases in women diagnosed with urogenital trichomoniasis.

    One of the properties of Trichomonas is the absorption of different types of microorganisms that are directly inside it. Due to this, they become inaccessible not only for diagnosis, but also for many medications.

    Trichomoniasis: comorbidities

    In most cases, trichomoniasis is accompanied by the following infections:

    This information should be taken into account when prescribing the appropriate course of therapy. Timely treatment will save any woman from this type of infection and prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease.

    In order to understand how you can get trichomoniasis, you need to consider all possible ways of transmission of this infection.

    Sexual transmission of the infection is the most common, which is why trichomoniasis is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. The pathogen is transmitted from an infected person through sexual contact. Exists Great chance infection from an asymptomatic carrier of the infection who has been sick for a long time.

    Another possible route of infection is the transmission of the pathogen to the child from an infected mother during childbirth. Due to the specific structure of the mucous tissues of the urogenital tract of newborns, trichomoniasis in an infant does not take root well. This creates conditions that do not allow the development of this infection, and in many cases there is a process of arbitrary self-healing.

    Promiscuous sex life, neglect of the use of various methods of contraception create an increased likelihood of Trichomonas penetration into the female body.

    Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women

    In modern medical practice, there are various methods, with which you can establish the exact presence of Trichomonas infection in a woman's body. Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic and almost does not manifest outwardly, but the examination can reveal pathological changes.


    At a gynecological consultation, a visual examination and colposcopy are performed, with the help of which the doctor can identify pathological changes in the woman's genitourinary system. For infection with vaginal Trichomonas, the following symptoms are characteristic:

    Inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix, accompanied by pronounced redness, the presence of erosions and punctate hemorrhages.

    Concentration in the posterior fornix of the vagina of mucus and secretions of a yellow color with a gray tint, which are easily separated and at the same time foam.

    There are cases of changes in the color and structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix. It becomes loose and rich red.

    Tests for Trichomonas

    If there are visual signs of trichomoniasis, the gynecologist prescribes an additional laboratory examination. In order to confirm the presence of urogenital trichomoniasis, the following clinical tests are given:

    Microscopic examination of a smear cervical canal, vagina and urethra.

    Sowing the obtained material on various nutrient media.

    Serological diagnostics of blood: immunofluorescence reaction, indirect hemagglutination, enzyme immunoassay.

    Conducting a polymerase chain reaction to isolate Trichomonas DNA.

    Each of these surveys has both advantages and disadvantages. If the results of one of the analyzes gave a negative answer, this does not mean complete absence trichomoniasis infection in the body. Therefore, they must be taken comprehensively and look at all the results, which depend on the characteristics of the course of the disease. With the help of laboratory control, it is possible to observe the dynamics of successful therapy for trichomoniasis or lack of results, which is the reason for changing the drug.

    Differential diagnosis of trichomoniasis with vaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and ureaplasmosis

    signs Vaginal candidiasis or thrush Trichomoniasis Bacterial vaginosis Ureaplasmosis
    The smell of secretions Sour-sweet smell Strong fetid odor fish Bad fishy smell May have a natural or ammonia odor
    The nature of the discharge Abundant, thick, homogeneous, milky, cheesy consistency Profuse, frothy, purulent, yellow-green Abundant, thin, grey-white, may be frothy Abundant, cloudy, sometimes whitish, may have brown spots between cycles
    Feel Burning and itching in the vagina, discomfort and pain during urination and during intercourse, burning increases when a woman sits cross-legged Severe external and internal itching in the vagina and external genital organs, hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, violations of the urination process Vaginal itching, discomfort during intercourse Pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse, itching and burning in the genital area

    Trichomoniasis in pregnant women

    Conceiving a child must be approached with great responsibility. Therefore, it is very important to plan pregnancy prematurely. For normal development the fetus in the womb should exclude the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in advance, and when they are diagnosed, get rid of them immediately.

    In this case, trichomoniasis is one of the varieties of these pathologies. This disease provokes inflammatory changes that can prevent pregnancy. The altered composition of the vaginal flora contributes to the death of spermatozoa, and they lose the ability to penetrate into the lumen fallopian tube where the fertilization of the egg takes place.

    Complications during pregnancy with trichomoniasis

    In early pregnancy, there is a high chance of miscarriage.

    Frozen pregnancy.

    The birth of a child earlier than the established dates.

    The discrepancy between the weight of the child and the timing of development.

    Penetration of trichomoniasis into the fetal membranes.

    Increasing the likelihood of infection through the birth canal of the mother.

    In addition, the negative impact of medications on fetal development is monitored. Therefore, the treatment of Trichomoniasis in pregnant women is prescribed no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy.

    The selection of pharmacological preparations is carried out strictly individually, depending on the physiological state of the woman's health and the duration of pregnancy. Complex therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by leading specialists: a gynecologist and a venereologist.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in women: drugs and treatment regimens

    If there are suspicious symptoms, especially after unprotected intercourse with unfamiliar partners, a woman should immediately undergo a gynecological examination to detect infection. If it is detected, it is strongly recommended to urgently start its treatment in order to prevent the development of a chronic form.

    The carrier of trichomoniasis infection has a negative impact not only on his body, but is also a significant threat to the health of his sexual partners. So don't hesitate to visit. antenatal clinic, despite the delicacy of the problem itself and possible financial difficulties.

    Trichomonas is a unicellular organism and is neither a bacterium nor a virus. Therefore, in its treatment, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are not used, which are powerless in the treatment of this pathology.

    To combat trichomonas, pharmacological drugs belonging to the group of 5-nitroimidazoles are used. The most common among them is metronidazole.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis with metronidazole (regimen)

    The drug is taken during or after a meal.

    A single oral dose of 2 g tablets.

    It is taken twice a day with a dosage of 250 mg per dose for 10 days.

    It is taken twice a day for 400 mg for 6-8 days.

    Women are additionally prescribed metronidazole intravaginally, once at 2 g or 500 mg 2 times a day in the morning and evening, the course is 10 days. During treatment, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

    If necessary, the course can be repeated after 3-4 weeks with a control laboratory study.

    Also, in the treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis, more modern medical preparations antimicrobial action from the same series as metronidazole. These include the drugs ornidazole and secnidazole. Unlike metronidazole, they cause less side effects and are considered more effective. They are more often prescribed for the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis carriers.

    Ornidazole regimen for urogenital trichomoniasis

    Oral administration of the drug at a dosage of 500 mg in the morning and evening, with strict observance of the 12-hour time interval. The course of therapy is at least 10 days.

    Intravaginally 1-2 g per day. within 5-10 days.
    Similarly, the treatment of trichomoniasis in men is carried out.

    Scheme of taking secnidazole for urogenital trichomoniasis

    Trichomoniasis is treated in one day, for this, 2 g of the drug is taken once.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women is difficult, since all 5-nitroimidazole derivatives cross the placenta and have toxic effect to the fruit. Therefore, treatment is carried out only in the second or third week of pregnancy, and only local preparations. As a rule, this is ornidazole, which, after hygienic treatment of the external genitalia, is administered intravaginally at 1-2 g / day for 5-10 days.

    In parallel with taking drugs of the 5-nitroimidazole group, drugs are prescribed that enhance the etiotropic therapy of trichomoniasis. These include the following medications:





    Immunostimulating drugs

    Vitamin and mineral complexes.

    Should my sexual partner be treated?

    If a woman wants to be completely cured of trichomoniasis, then all her sexual partners should be treated, even if they do not have a clinical manifestation of characteristic symptoms, since they may be trichomonas carriers. During the period of complex therapy, one should refrain from sexual activity and undergo treatment together with a sexual partner.

    Vaccine SolkoTrichovac against trichomoniasis

    Scientists have found that with urogenital trichomoniasis worsens chemical composition vaginal secretion, the level of lactobacilli (Doderlein sticks) decreases, acidity changes. Such conditions reduce local defense reactions and create a favorable environment for the development of this pathology and concomitant infections.

    In order to increase immunity and treat trichomoniasis in medical practice, the SolcoTrichovac vaccine is used. This drug consists of acidophilic lactobacilli (H2O2-negative strains) formed in urogenital trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis.

    Its main action is to stimulate the formation of antibodies (Ig A, Ig G) during vaginal discharge. These are proteins that eliminate various infectious pathogens and pathological forms of lactobacilli. This contributes to an increase in the number normal lactobacilli and restoration of acidity and microflora of the vaginal secretion. The appointment of the vaccine occurs in combination with drug antimicrobial agents.

    Vaccination with SolkoTrichovak includes 3 injections of 0.5 ml intramuscularly, which are performed with an interval of 2 weeks. A year later, a second revaccination is carried out, 0.5 ml of the drug is injected intramuscularly once.

    Checking the effectiveness of treatment

    In order to exclude the presence of the causative agent of Trichomonas in the body, it is necessary to undergo a second laboratory examination after a full course of treatment. The final effectiveness of therapy is confirmed by control analyzes of discharge from the urethra, vagina and rectum, carried out after three menstrual cycles.

    Complications and consequences of trichomoniasis in women

    Trichomoniasis, like any other infection, can lead to complications if left untreated. It can lead to such negative consequences how:

    female infertility;

    The likelihood of premature birth and spontaneous abortion;

    Frozen pregnancy;

    Pathological development of pregnancy;

    Additional risk of infection with other sexually transmitted infections;

    Cervical erosion;

    The chance of developing cervical cancer increases.

    On the early stages trichomoniasis responds well to therapy and can significantly reduce the recovery time, as well as avoid the development of serious consequences.

    Prevention of trichomoniasis in women

    The modern rhythm of life of a woman and promiscuous sex life increases the risk of contracting this infection. Trichomonas primarily affects reproductive system women, which can lead to problems with conception and gestation. Therefore, it is very important to take your health seriously: 1. be demanding of your sexual partner;
    2. use protective equipment contraception; 3. observe the regime of work and rest; 4. eat a balanced diet; 5. regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist (2-3 times a year). If there are any changes or discomfort in the genitourinary system, you should immediately consult a doctor.