Toothpaste sensodyne f. For comprehensive protection

For those who suffer from enamel, Sensodin toothpaste is suitable. We will provide below its description, types and obvious advantages. Reviews of people who used this tool are usually the most enthusiastic and positive.

Eating hot or cold food different drinks or acidic fruits and vegetables, a person may experience discomfort, discomfort, and even severe pain. It is clear that caring for such teeth is much more difficult, since the paste must be selected with great care.

About the manufacturer

The company that focused specifically on oral care and created the Sensodyne brand specifically for sensitive teeth is based in the UK and is called GlaxoSmithKline. In addition to pastes and other oral products, it also manufactures various pharmaceutical products known throughout the world for their superior quality.

Due to the many laboratories, thorough research and innovative technologies, she has reached a leading position in 115 countries around the world and launched 70 factories in order to manage to produce enough quality products.

Ingredients of Sensodin toothpastes

People with sensitive teeth dream of having healthy teeth. oral cavity, a snow-white smile, they also need to periodically nourish the enamel with useful minerals. So GSK has focused on their concerns and created a whole line of products dedicated to sensitive teeth.

The manufacturer does not hide the fact that most often it uses synthetic components. Nevertheless plant extracts partially also present in the composition. But the main thing is different - Sensodin toothpastes help to eliminate pain symptoms, remove plaque and freshen breath. Its functions are limited not only to daily care behind the oral cavity, but also to the implementation of therapeutic effects.

These pastes solve various problems due to its composition:

  • sodium fluoride - fights well with pathogenic bacteria and is able to restore damaged areas of hard tissues;
  • potassium nitrate - helps to eliminate soreness by acting on the nerve endings;
  • fluorine - is considered the main protection against the formation of cavities and helps maintain the correct acid balance in the mouth;
  • plant extracts - although they are not the main components, in addition to the chemical components, they help to strengthen the enamel and improve its condition;
  • sorbitol - enhances the absorption of all minerals that are part of the paste, and also slows down the process of its drying;
  • silicic acid - in a positive way affects collagen fibers in hard tissues, strengthens and restores the enamel structure;
  • glycerin helps water exchange at the cellular level;
  • calcium pyrophosphate - saturates mineral composition, thereby increasing its strength, and also helps to break down and remove tartar from the surface;
  • cocamidopropyl betaine - enhances the formation of foam when using the paste and promotes good removal raid;
  • silicon - acts as a kind of abrasive substance with mild action, thanks to which even old deposits are easily cleaned, additionally affects the work of collagen fibers inside dental tissues;
  • strontium acetate - protects dentin from calcium loss, and also helps to remove pain by blocking nerve endings.


To date, the range of Sensodin pastes is quite large. We will try to briefly describe all the available varieties:

  1. Classic (Sensodyne Classic) - can be used a long period for routine oral hygiene. Does not contain fluoride and is suitable even for children from 6 years of age. Gently cleanses plaque from the surface, freshens breath and helps eliminate pain symptoms in case of hypersensitivity. Additionally heals periodontal tissues, eliminating inflammatory processes. The price of one tube is within 150 rubles.
  2. With fluorine (Sensodyne F or Fluoride) - due to sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate in the composition, it is especially appreciated by people with a painful reaction to most foods. After the first applications, such a paste significantly reduces the usual sensitivity, stopping the nerve endings. Saturating with additional minerals, it strengthens the enamel. Fluorine contributes to the active elimination of pathogenic bacteria, prevents the appearance of caries. And due to the low abrasiveness, the action of the paste is soft and gentle. Helps freshen breath and protect dental tissues from harmful effects. It is recommended to apply as medicinal purposes, and in preventive individual courses. Children can only use it from the age of 12. average price for pasta 170 rubles.
  3. Comprehensive protection (Sensodyne Total Care) - involves a unique composition. To gradually relieve sensitivity, it contains potassium chloride and fluorine. But since this is not the main action of the paste, the effect is achieved only after a whole course - about two months. Fluoride and zinc citrate help eliminate pathogenic bacteria, prevent cavities and protect any exposed areas. The most valuable is the presence in the composition of vitamins E and B5, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums. The cost of this variety is within 300 rubles.
  4. Instant effect (Sensodyne Rapid Action) - thanks to the protective film, it reliably protects sensitive teeth from any aggressive influences. Pasta quickly eliminates discomfort. If you are worried about severe pain when eating certain types of food, then before that you can massage the enamel with a small amount of this product, wash it off and then start eating. In addition to quickly relieving pain, this paste is able to heal minor damage to the gums and has a pleasant smell. Due to the high concentration of certain substances, it is not recommended for cleaning children's teeth. Adults should treat the enamel with it 2-3 times a day and then rinse the mouth thoroughly. The cost of one tube is 250 rubles.
  5. High-quality whitening (Sensodyne Whitening) - does not contain abrasive particles, gently cleans the enamel and at the same time brightens it. Eliminates not only plaque, but also individual stains. A noticeable effect is observed after two weeks of regular use. Due to sodium fluoride in the composition, it helps protect teeth from carious damage, and sodium nitrate relieves increased irritability of the enamel. It can not only whiten a few tones, but also fix the effect of a professional procedure. The price for the tool is in the range of 140-200 rubles.
  6. Defence from acid corrosion(Sensodyne ProNamel) - especially effective for tooth sensitivity to acidic foods, vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits. It remineralizes the enamel structure, strengthens it and thereby reduces pain. Immediately after the hygiene procedure, with its help, a special protective film is formed on the teeth, which prevents negative impact aggressive substances. Additionally restores damaged areas of hard tissues and normalizes the overall acidity of the oral cavity. The price of the product varies between 300-500 rubles.
  7. Gentle whitening (Sensodyne Gentle Whitening) - helps to achieve a snow-white smile even for those people who have severe pain with most foods. At the same time, the paste is able to stop discomfort and carefully removes plaque and stains from the surface of the teeth. The analgesic effect is noted from the first days of use. The menthol smell additionally gives freshness to the breath after the procedure. It is often prescribed to consolidate the result. professional whitening, because the tool creates a protective film on the teeth, which prevents the appearance of new stains. The whitening effect is achieved not due to abrasives, but due to sodium tripolyphosphate in the composition. It penetrates deep into the enamel and splits hard deposits of any complexity. If after applying the paste there is irritation of the gums or teeth, then it should be discarded. Due to the active substances in the composition, it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. The cost of funds is 300 rubles.
  8. Extra whitening (Sensodyne Extra Whitening) - with its help, a noticeable lightening is achieved and helps even smokers. Additional components in the composition simultaneously stop pain, and fluorine stops the development of caries. To achieve the expected effect, the product is used twice a day on a regular basis. The price for a tube of such paste is 400 rubles.
  9. True white (Sensodyne True White) is one of the latest innovations of the company, in which there are no abrasive substances. But due to a special complex, it removes any stains on the enamel and even copes with tobacco traces and tartar. At the same time, it protects the surface from abrasion, strengthening the enamel structure. Due to the individual components that relieve pain, it helps to get rid of the main problem of sensitive teeth. The average cost of funds is 600 rubles.
  10. Gum health (Sensodyne Gum Care) - in addition to the analgesic and therapeutic effect aimed at hard tissues, also helps to eliminate inflammatory processes on the mucosa. The antimicrobial complex in the composition removes any accumulation of pathogenic bacteria from all surfaces. Also available for use by children. It has a pleasant minty taste and aroma. It costs about 200 rubles.
  11. Freshness (Sensodyne Fresh) - in addition to stopping the nerve endings that contribute to the treatment of sensitive teeth, it helps to additionally eliminate bad breath. To do this, manufacturers have added curly mint extract and aromatic spices to the composition. They contribute to a long-lasting effect of freshness throughout the day. In this case, there is a choice depending on the preferences of the person - varieties of Extra, Impact and Mint. The price differs within 150-250 rubles per tube.
  12. Sensodyne Full Protection - helps to eliminate pain reactions to different foods, and also removes soft and hard deposits in the form of plaque and stone, which looks like a light bleaching. It also promotes tissue remineralization, due to the deep penetration of active agents into the dentin. minerals. The price of the paste is 450 rubles.
  13. Instant effect and whitening (Sensodyne Rapid Whitening) - as the name implies, this type of product combines components that help to quickly eliminate pain and sensitivity, and also partially whiten the surface of the enamel. The cost of such complex means fluctuates within 180 rubles.
  14. Recovery and protection (Sensodyne Repair & Protect) - another innovative technology capable of influencing the whole complex useful substances. Dentists especially recommend using it after professional procedures whitening, as it copes well with lesions of enamel and dentin, restoring their structure, and also protects against any aggressive effects. Effectively cleans the surface of the tooth from plaque and even harder deposits, creating an additional film, preventing their new appearance. Manufacturers suggest using this paste for at least a month, and healing effect will remain for a longer period, even when the paste has already been changed to another. The cost of such a novelty is 350 rubles.

Can a child be used?

Since the product range is quite extensive, there is also a choice of products for different age groups. Most Sensodyne toothpastes contain fluoride, so they cannot be recommended for cleaning children's teeth.

But some of its types suggest a more gentle effect on the enamel, so they can be used by children from 6 or 12 years old. For exact definition whether the paste is suitable for your child, you need to look at the instructions for use.

Video: Sensodin toothpaste.


Depending on the specific choice of funds, its cost will differ. It ranges from 150 to 600 rubles. But this is influenced by both its variety and composition, and the place where you purchase the product. In order not to fall for a fake, it is advisable to buy a product in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Tooth sensitivity is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, even if it occurs only temporarily (for example, after a teeth whitening procedure). It is impossible to drink a cup of hot tea, or vice versa, a glass of cool, refreshing orange juice. If at the same time the gums also bleed, then even the obligatory hygiene procedures in the morning and evening turn into torment.

Pathological tooth sensitivity requires treatment, and usually patients do not delay a visit to the doctor, as they experience great discomfort and understand the seriousness of the situation. But while the treatment is being carried out, and the result is not achieved, you still need to take care of your teeth at home.

And then, for prevention, you will need a special, sparing remedy for sensitive teeth, which would not injure defective enamel and gums and at the same time effectively clean them and protect them from caries.

Toothpaste sensodyne instant effect is exactly the remedy for sensitive teeth, which in combination solves many problems at once. There are several various kinds toothpaste for a variety of needs, they are all different in composition and medicinal properties. But one thing unites them - always a good, really instant effect and excellent quality, tested by millions of patients.

Sensodin toothpaste - varieties and composition

sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth is produced by the British concern GlaxoSmithKline. This manufacturing company pharmaceuticals known all over the world. In addition to its own 27 laboratories for research and development of new products and 70 factories for their manufacture, the company has branches in 115 countries around the world.

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth Sensodyne is one of the most famous products of this trademark. According to statistics, this tool occupies a leading position in the world among toothpastes designed to care for sensitive teeth.

On this moment The company's products are represented by the following line:

  1. Classic toothpaste.
  2. Fluoride toothpaste.
  3. Toothpaste for complex protection of sensitive teeth and gums.
  4. Whitening toothpaste.
  5. Toothpaste that protects enamel from oxidation.
  6. Toothpaste instant effect with long-term action to protect against caries.

Although the properties of each paste are different, the basic composition of all these oral care products is identical. The components are selected so that any paste freshens breath, removes plaque, destroys bacteria and strengthens tooth enamel and gums. In addition, each of them solves a certain problem of the oral cavity - a lack of fluorine, acid erosion on enamel, a tendency to caries, etc.

  1. sodium fluoride. This substance destroys bacteria and promotes the restoration of dental tissues where they have been slightly destroyed.
  2. Potassium nitrate. This component acts on the nerve endings and reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, providing an instant effect even with severe pain.
  3. Fluorine. Supports optimal acid environment in the oral cavity and additionally protects teeth from caries.
  4. Vegetable extracts. extracts medicinal herbs and plants enhance the effect of chemical components, freshen breath and have an additional antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Various Excipients, which are part of the pastes, provide the desired consistency, taste, smell, qualities of the toothpaste, contributing to its convenient dosage, distribution on the tooth surface and foaming.

To choose a toothpaste that provides optimal care behind the teeth and eliminating actual problem, it is worth considering in more detail the composition and features of the application of each type.

This paste is ideal for sensitive teeth, it does not contain fluoride, so it can be used for everyday care, including for children's teeth. It freshens breath for a long time, effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of tartar, cares for sensitive gums and prevents their bleeding.

Sensodin F - fluorine

This remedy is prescribed both for treatment with a lack of fluorine in the body, and for prevention. If the tooth enamel is very sensitive and prone to the formation of carious spots and cavities, this is the optimal paste. The effect is felt after 2-3 applications. Pain becomes less, and the enamel becomes harder and stronger.

At the same time, this toothpaste does not contain abrasive particles - it gently removes plaque even in hard-to-reach places and thus provides additional protection against caries. According to studies, sensitivity and pain are reduced by 40% with regular use of Sensodyne F.

Sensodin complex protection

This paste gently cares for the teeth, eliminates plaque and bad breath, and at the same time is able to stop and prevent inflammation in the oral cavity. It contains fluorine, zinc, vitamins E and B5 and potassium chloride - it is this substance that acts on the nerve endings and contributes to rapid decline pain, including when eating hot, cold, sour, sweet or salty foods.

Patients notice improvements after the first application. To completely and permanently get rid of discomfort, it is recommended to use this paste for everyday care for two months.

This type of paste, like the classic one, freshens breath, eliminates plaque, prevents the development of inflammation and significantly reduces the painful reaction of teeth to temperature, chemical or mechanical stimuli. But at the same time, the paste contains fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel, and special substances that gently whiten it, eliminating dark spots and pigmentation.

After using such a tool, a protective film is formed on the surface of the teeth, which prevents the penetration of coloring substances into the tissues of the tooth and keeps them white and shiny. Dentists often recommend whitening sensodyne for home care after a professional whitening procedure to consolidate and enhance the effect obtained.

But this type of paste cannot be used by children under 12 years old, in addition, sometimes its components cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

This toothpaste, as the name “instant effect” already implies, gives a tangible result after the first use. It is this type of dentists recommend with a strong pain syndrome. Toothpaste has an immediate effect when used, forms a protective layer on the surface of the teeth, which protects hypersensitive enamel from irritants.

It can be used after treatment as a pain reliever by rubbing a small amount on the tooth for one minute. After that, sensitive teeth are not afraid of any hot tea, no sour juice, no sweet cake.

In addition, the paste has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect if there are wounds and abrasions in the mouth, which means that it is very well suited for caring for the oral cavity with stomatitis or gingivitis. This paste is also not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, after its application, rinse the mouth thoroughly.

Sensodin from acid erosion

The composition of this type of paste is unique: already during cleaning, tooth enamel is remineralized, the areas affected by erosion are filled with active substances and restored. Fluoride hardens tooth enamel and makes it less vulnerable to acid attacks. Potassium nitrate reduces tooth sensitivity, and the neutral pH prevents the increase in the acidity of the environment in the oral cavity.

This product does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and can be used daily. For children, a special paste of this type is produced, marked "for children". Dentists recommend it for dental care for children from 6 years old, the product provides maximum protection against caries, freshens breath and has a slight whitening effect.

Those who have experienced this paste on themselves are usually very satisfied, and no longer return to their previous means. Pasta is a little more expensive than the popular Colgate and Aquafresh, but much cheaper than professional and medicinal products. At the same time, the effect when using it is not worse. Therefore, if you are concerned about tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums, or you are looking for a gentle remedy for cleaning your child’s teeth, Sensodin paste is perfect for you.

Discomfort, and sometimes pain, occurs mostly in the front teeth. The reaction can be caused by the use of hot, cold, sweet and sour drinks, fruits, sweets, as well as ordinary brushing of the teeth.

This condition can be caused by:

  • enamel demineralization;
  • Chemical exposure to bleaching agents;
  • The presence of caries;
  • Damage to the integrity of the enamel (the presence of chips, cracks, other defects);
  • Tendency to wear teeth (bruxism).

When calcium is washed out from the surface of the enamel, remineralizing therapy and therapeutic pastes are used. In other cases, it is necessary to eliminate defects by filling.

Sensodin - an effective remedy for sensitive teeth

It has the following properties:

  • Evens out damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Restores natural whiteness, smoothness and shine to teeth

Composition of toothpaste Sensodin F

Contains two active substances- sodium fluoride, zinc citrate (hydrate).

The composition also includes:

  • Sorbitol solution;
  • Amorphous silicon;
  • Glycerol;
  • Cocamidopropyl;
  • potassium chloride;
  • Betaine;
  • Silica;
  • Sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • Trisodium phosphate;
  • aromatic composition;
  • Purified water.

The total amount of fluorides is 1400 ppm. sodium fluoride has an antibacterial effect, promotes recovery damaged areas top layer of enamel. Besides, fluorine governs acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Included in potassium soothes the nerve endings, which leads to a decrease in pain.

Auxiliary components in the composition allow the use of the paste not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

Varieties of Sensodyne toothpaste

The Sensodin toothpaste line represents a wide range of oral care products.

Each product has certain properties:

  1. Sensodin classic. Does not contain fluorine. Suitable for daily use, gently cleans the surface of the teeth, caring for the gums, perfectly refreshes. It is allowed to use a minimum amount of paste to reduce the sensitivity of children's teeth.
  2. It is used as a prevention and treatment of painful tooth sensitivity. The fluorine content enhances the antibacterial effect of zinc citrate. The paste has low abrasiveness, therefore it is suitable for teeth with damaged enamel. Perfectly cleans tooth surface, prevents the development of the carious process, soothes and strengthens the gums.
  3. Comprehensive protection. The paste takes care of your teeth and gums at the same time. The potassium chloride included in the composition blocks the sensitive impulse, leading to painful sensations. Vitamins B and E effectively relieve inflammation from soft tissues, contribute to their strengthening. Zinc citrate inhibits the growth of bacteria leading to various dental diseases. Fluoride compounds repair enamel damage.
  4. Instant effect and long-term protection. This paste is recommended for a pronounced painful reaction of the teeth to irritants. The tool provides instant therapeutic effect taking pain away a short time. It also effectively heals damaged gums. To stop the pain syndrome, you need to apply a small amount of the product to the painful area, rubbing for a minute. After the pain has passed, rinse your mouth thoroughly. Not recommended for children.
  5. Careful whitening. Allows you to get rid of painful sensitivity, taking care of white smile. The paste gently removes plaque, covering the surface with a film that protects the teeth from the effects of pigments. That's why this remedy prescribed after professional whitening. The paste is not recommended for use under the age of 12 years.
  6. Whitening. It brightens the tooth surface more pronounced, while it does not contain abrasive particles. Whitening occurs very gently and in stages. Thanks to sodium fluoride, it prevents the development of caries and other diseases. Has an antibacterial effect. A clear effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of regular use.
  7. Pronamel. Effectively protects tooth enamel from corrosion. Promotes the regeneration of damaged areas, blocks sensitive impulses. The components of the paste maintain a neutral pH level, which prevents the destruction of dentin and enamel. The tool gently cleanses plaque, providing cleanliness and freshness for the whole day.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of the enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents earlier tooth decay. Effectively eliminates plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Indications for the use of various types

Each variety of Sensodin differs in composition and properties. Almost all products from the presented line are intended for use in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. However, do not neglect the recommendations of specialists, so as not to aggravate the condition of the teeth.

Sensodyne products are aimed at solving the main problem - tooth sensitivity. Therefore, all pastes effectively reduce discomfort and eliminate pain caused by various irritants.

For pain relief Appoint Sensodin Instant effect. This type intended for single use or treatment.

With significant damage to the enamel, in particular, after the professional whitening procedure, Sensodin F and Pronamel are prescribed. The first option is for permanent use people prone to tooth sensitivity. The second one has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

The remaining varieties are suitable for daily use and complex protection.

Sensodin toothpaste is designed primarily for people suffering from increased sensitivity of the teeth. However, before you run to the nearest pharmacy to buy it, let's first look at some important nuances concerning both the use of this paste and the very problem of tooth sensitivity - hyperesthesia.

Generally speaking, there are several types of Sensodyne pastes c different composition and different properties:

  • Toothpaste Sensodyne (Sensodyne) with fluoride;
  • For instant protection;
  • Whitening;
  • Comprehensive protection;

And others (including many names in a foreign language).

On a note

Sensodyne toothpastes are developed by GlaxoSmithKline, a British brand with offices in 115 countries. GSK is not only a pharmaceutical developer with research activities in more than two dozen laboratories, but also a manufacturer with its own facilities. In particular, pasta and related products are produced at 70 factories located in different parts of the world.

With tooth sensitivity of the 1st degree (when they react only to thermal stimuli and sometimes mechanical ones), the use of Sensodyne toothpaste really has a fairly pronounced positive effect. Simply put, a person ceases to suffer from pain: he can finally eat normally, brush his teeth without pain, not wince when inhaling cold air, etc.

Numerous reviews say the same. ordinary people in the Internet - most of of which confirms the decrease in tooth sensitivity after the use of Sensodin toothpastes.

“I decided to try Sensodin on the advice of colleagues from work. Frankly, I didn’t really hope for a miracle, because for a year I had already tried several different pastes, supposedly reducing sensitivity. But this time my teeth appreciated the novelty. After a few days I could normally eat hot and cold! And a month later I could even bite ice cream without a shudder - this is a real achievement for me. So in my case, Sensodin justified itself 100%.

Mikhail, Astrakhan

How Sensodyne toothpastes solve the problem of sensitive teeth

In many cases, the problem of hypersensitivity of the teeth is associated with thinning of the enamel due to its abrasion or damage of various kinds. When the enamel becomes too thin, the so-called dentinal tubules are exposed - microscopic tubes located in the thickness of the dentin and associated with nerve endings, which, in turn, are connected to the tooth pulp.

Dentinal tubules (tubules) are filled with fluid, which comes into motion from various external influences: heating, cooling, exposure to acids, etc. All this can be accompanied by both weak and very pronounced painful sensations.

This is interesting

The causes of hyperesthesia can be very different:

  • Enamel damage when exposed to strong acids, both organic and mineral (including due to the habit of regularly eating acidic juices, fruits, berries);
  • Carious damage to the tissues of the tooth;
  • Violation of the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, as a result of which the processes of enamel demineralization and its thinning may increase;
  • Availability wedge-shaped defects(recesses in the cervical zone of the teeth);
  • Gum disease, accompanied by exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth;
  • Grinding a tooth under a crown;
  • Damage to the enamel after the chemical bleaching procedure;
  • Exposure of dentinal tubules after professional hygiene oral cavity (removal of tartar and plaque);
  • Enamel abrasion due to regular use of highly abrasive whitening pastes and/or a hard toothbrush

Most often, tooth sensitivity increases primarily in the gingival zone, where the enamel is initially thinner. Here, cervical caries often develops.

With the problem of hypersensitivity of the teeth of Sensodin paste, they fight due to the following main components:

  1. Potassium nitrate - potassium ions, penetrating into the dentinal tubules, are able to accumulate here and suppress the excitability of nerve endings. For this reason, many other toothpastes for sensitive teeth also include potassium salts (this may not necessarily be nitrate - they also use, for example, potassium chloride, potassium pyrophosphate, etc.);
  2. Compounds that contribute to the restoration of enamel - in particular, the NovAmin complex, which is a combination of calcium and phosphorus compounds that can create hydroxyapatite on the surface of dentin and in the dentinal tubules (hydroxyapatite is a mineral compound that mainly consists of tooth enamel);
  3. Fluorine - not found in all Sensodin pastes. Promotes the formation of fluorapatite on the surface of the tooth, which is resistant to the action of oral acids. In fact, a special protective layer is formed on the surface of the enamel, which prevents demineralization and also helps to reduce tooth sensitivity.
  4. Strontium salts (in particular, acetate) - contribute to blockage of dentinal tubules.

On a note

Sensodyne toothpaste contains fluoride in the form of sodium fluoride. Today, this component is considered somewhat outdated, and the more “advanced” is the so-called aminofluoride, which acts faster and more efficiently.

Sensodyne pastes are low to medium abrasive (RDA is in the range of 60-120, depending on the type of paste).

“My teeth are very sore, they don’t react much to hot things, but they always, constantly hurt on the cold outside. Recently put a couple of fillings, so now everything upper teeth started to hurt even more. I decided to try Sensodin, I have been cleaning for a week and the sensitivity has clearly decreased, cold water I drink normally. But the most important thing is that next to the fillings it stopped hurting!

Before that, I didn’t buy any special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but I liked Sensodin while I was cleaning it. ”

Svetlana, St. Petersburg

Sensodyne Instant effect and opinions about it

Sensodyne Instant Effect Toothpaste is specially designed to reduce tooth sensitivity as quickly as possible. The manufacturer claims that the effect of its use occurs after 60 seconds of applying the paste on the teeth.

A feature of the Sensodyne instant effect paste is the presence of strontium acetate in its composition. Soluble strontium salts are able to obturate (clog) dentinal tubules by binding to the protein matrix of dentin and subsequent precipitation in the form of insoluble complexes. This blocks the flow of fluid inside the tubules and, as a result, reduces the sensitivity of the tooth to stimuli.

In addition, the paste contains sodium fluoride (Sodium Fluoride), which also contributes to blockage of dentinal tubules (fluorapatite) and has a positive effect on reducing tooth sensitivity.

Composition of Sensodin toothpaste Instant effect:

In general, toothpaste Sensodin Instant Effect in many cases is really able to quickly remove pain reactions of teeth to various stimuli, although a pronounced effect does not always occur in one application. To achieve a well-tangible and lasting result, you will have to use the paste for 2-3 days, while you need to brush your teeth twice a day.

According to reviews, when you need a quick removal of painful sensitivity, sometimes it helps next move: it is recommended to spread a little Sensodin Maximum Protection paste on the fingertip and rub for three minutes into painful areas. Then rinse your mouth.

“…Very mixed impressions of this paste with an instant effect. On the one hand, now I don’t writhe when I brush my teeth, but on the other hand, it annoys me that I constantly stuff myself with fluorine, which is harmful to the body. I even feel like my tongue is going numb from her. Moreover, the price of sensodyne is rather big, there are cheaper options for sensitive teeth. So I have not yet decided for myself which is better.

Inna, Voronezh

Sensodin Gentle whitening and its action

Whitening toothpaste Sensodyne Gentle whitening is medium abrasive hygiene product for the oral cavity, restoring the natural color of the enamel, reducing tooth sensitivity and freshening breath.

The composition of the Sensodin paste Gentle whitening:

Tooth sensitivity reduction is achieved through the use of potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.

As for the whitening properties - here you need to understand that the whitening effect and the reduction of tooth sensitivity are often difficult to combine in one product. In this case, it is more correct to speak not about whitening the enamel, but about its lightening due to the removal of stained plaque and tartar from its surface. This function is performed by the abrasive system of toothpaste and sodium tripolyphosphate, which is a powerful complexing agent and is able to bind calcium ions from the tartar matrix, thereby contributing to its loosening.

  • with the same success, the abrasive system will erase not only plaque, but also partially the tooth enamel itself;
  • and sodium tripolyphosphate will “draw” calcium ions not only from tartar, but also partly from the enamel structure.

So the composition of Sensodyne whitening toothpaste is, in fact, an attempt to combine properties that are not very well compatible in one product (this is probably done for the reason that whitening pastes are now in fashion and are well bought).

With enamel prone to abrasion and severe tooth sensitivity, an alternative option might be preferable.

“Personally, I have only positive impressions from using Sensodin whitening paste, and the reviews on different sites are simply amazing. I don’t know what people are counting on, apparently they want to get snow-white porcelain teeth in a couple of applications. This is nonsense. In a month, my teeth have clearly brightened somewhere, and I'm happy with that. Naturally, if a person has solid yellowness in his mouth, then it is stupid to expect a Hollywood smile, and then write that the paste does not work. It cleans well, reduces sensitivity, whitens a little and the price is small. What else does? For me it's a great choice…”

Sergey, Yekaterinburg

Sensodin with fluorine

The well-known toothpaste Sensodyne with fluoride is, so to speak, a time-tested product that has been on the market for many years. Its action is based on two main compounds: sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate.

As noted above, sodium fluoride promotes the formation of fluorapatite on the surface of tooth enamel, and also, importantly, inside the dentinal tubules, favoring their blockage. And potassium ions, concentrating at the nerve endings inside the tubules, reduce their susceptibility to irritating effects.

Such a tandem of two substances provides Sensodyne toothpaste with fluoride (Sensodyne F) with a pronounced effect on reducing tooth sensitivity.

Composition of Sensodin paste with fluorine:

The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by relevant tests, as well as reviews from ordinary people. Although it should be noted that the composition of the paste is inferior to the above-described Sensodin Maximum Protection, the recipe of which is more “advanced”.

A contraindication to the use of Sensodyne with fluorine is individual intolerance to the components of the drug and age up to 12 years.

“We have been using Sensodin paste with fluoride for the whole family for 6 years. I like that over the years there has not been a single new hole in the teeth and the taste is pleasant. At the daughter's permanent teeth there is not even a hint of caries, this is the best indicator for me. Although I heard that Sensodin is not suitable for everyone, I still think that the pasta is worthy.

Larisa, Moscow

Other toothpastes in the Sensodyne line

In addition to the above toothpastes, the Sensodyne line also includes the following products:

In general, it can be noted that Sensodin toothpastes can be a good solution for people with sensitive teeth. However, they do not help everyone and not always, since hyperesthesia can be caused by various reasons, and sometimes it is impossible to solve the problem with toothpaste alone.

If you have ever used any of the Sensodin toothpastes, do not forget to leave your feedback about the effect at the bottom of this page.

An interesting video about the causes of tooth sensitivity and effective methods of dealing with this problem

How to properly brush your teeth so as not to harm them

Toothpaste for people suffering from increased tooth sensitivity should be characterized by low abrasive qualities, and also have a couple of active ingredients, such as: strontium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate, hydroxyapatite, increased content fluorides.

From this point of view, the product under the brand name Sensodyne has the best squad which is currently available.

At the same time, during the cleaning period, aminofluoride contributes to the formation of a film on the surface of the jaw row, due to which fluorine penetrates into the enamel even after brushing the teeth.

The paste is characterized by the presence of two components at once (potassium chloride, strontium acetate), which reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, as well as two components (sodium fluoride and aminofluoride), which strengthen demineralized tooth enamel.

The composition of the presented product includes the following components:

  1. Sorbitol crystalline substance with a white tint. It is found in algae and rowan juice, fruits, which contain starch.
  2. Water.
  3. Silicic acid, due to which the paste has a thick consistency.
  4. Glycerin, contributing best effect pastes.
  5. Calcium pyrophosphate, which also thickens the paste.
  6. Cocamidopropyl betaine is a surfactant.
  7. Potassium chloride is a viscosity regulator.
  8. Silicon is an absorbent that cleans teeth.
  9. Sodium fluoride protects teeth from the development of caries, and is an antibacterial agent.
  10. Aromatic substances that give the taste of pasta and fresh breath.
  11. Titanium dioxide.


In this video, you will learn how to reduce tooth sensitivity. Enjoy watching!

  1. Sensodyne Classic can be used daily to reduce painful tooth sensitivity to external stimuli. There is no fluorine in the composition, and with daily use it effectively cleans and carefully cares for teeth and gums, freshens breath for a long time. Price - 150 rubles.
  2. WITH Fluoride Sensodyne F. The presented type of paste refers to a therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste, which contains sodium fluoride, which has a pronounced anti-caries effect. Effectively eliminates the threshold of tooth sensitivity to external stimuli. The effect of using the product can be seen already on the 2nd day of use. It is characterized by low abrasiveness, resulting in gentle cleansing sensitive necks of teeth without damaging the dentin. With regular use of Sensodyne F toothpaste, there is effective cleansing tooth enamel from plaque, protection against caries throughout the day and fresh breath. Price - 110 rubles.
  3. Sensodyne Total Care. The presented tool must be used by people suffering from both hypersensitivity of the teeth and periodic inflammatory conditions gums It contains a whole complex important components which makes it highly efficient. At constant use toothpaste Sensodyne Total Care for 2 months, the pain of sensitive teeth is significantly reduced and inflammation of the gums is reduced. The price is 130 rubles.
  4. Instant effect Sensodyne Rapid Action. The presented tool is a unique fast-acting toothpaste that forms a special protective shell on the surface of the teeth, protecting them from the influence of external stimuli. With daily use, the problem associated with hypersensitivity teeth. At the same time, Sensodin Instant Effect toothpaste is allowed to be used for the relief of acute pain syndromes. It should be applied to the areas of the teeth where pain is felt, and gently rubbed with your fingers for a minute. As a result, you can completely get rid of the discomfort felt before. Price - 125 rubles.
  5. Whitening Sensodyne Whitening. The composition of the paste does not contain harsh abrasives, so it does not destroy tooth enamel, which makes it possible to use it for a long time. It is very effective in removing dark spots and plaque from the surface of the teeth, preventing their reappearance. The paste contains sodium fluoride, which prevents the development of caries and strengthens tooth enamel. Sodium nitrate, which effectively reduces the sensitivity of teeth, penetrates deep into the tissues of the tooth and envelops the dental nerve, providing effective protection from external stimuli. With continued use of Sensodyne Whitening Toothpaste, you can gently clean your teeth and restore their natural whiteness. And the effect obtained is noticeable after 2 weeks after the start of application. Price - 150 rubles.
  6. Sensodyne ProNamel for acid erosion protection. The main feature of Sensodin Pronamel toothpaste is its unique composition, thanks to which it is possible to remineralize areas of tooth enamel weakened by erosion. The product contains potassium nitrate, which helps to effectively eliminate pain in case of hypersensitivity of the teeth. Toothpaste protects the viscous layer, which was found as a result of abrasion of dentin enamel, from damage. Sensodin Pronamel is ideal for daily use, as it contains a component to restore and strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, the paste effectively protects against aggressive influences. food acids by the gradual build-up of a protective film on its surface. The price is 110 rubles.

More detailed information about the product of the Sensodyne brand, you can find on the official website.