Birch broom for a bath - features and independent preparation. Birch brooms for a bath: features of harvesting, drying and storage

The Russian bathhouse, first built in Rus', is still being built to this day. Even in those days, it was considered a place where the spirit was purified. Many residents of suburban villages strive to build this extension on their site. What kind of bathhouse can you imagine without a broom? Few people know, but the blank bath brooms- this is an entire art in which many little details must be observed.

Features of the workpiece: every detail is important

To begin with, it is worth saying that this attribute is simply irreplaceable. As you know, the air temperature in the bathhouse is very high, and with the help of a broom you can control it. In addition, under the influence of steam, the skin begins to breathe, the pores open, and therefore it’s time to perform a massage using this bath attribute. for a bath, they proceed from the fact that this particular tree is capable of providing a restorative, disinfectant, diaphoretic and diuretic effect. However, you can use branches of any trees - it all depends on the preferences of each person. Linden, oak, coniferous, bird cherry and even eucalyptus broom - any of them can be safely used both in the bathhouse and in the sauna.

Many, when going for a bath, turn this process into a whole ritual. After all, from the right approach will depend on how good the massage is. Ideally, you should start harvesting in late spring - early summer; most often, villagers focus on It is believed that it is at this time that birch is best suited for making brooms. To prevent the product from quickly losing all its foliage, it is worth cutting off the branches in dry weather, after lunch, since at this time the branches will be dry.

When choosing only healthy trees that are located away from various enterprises. It is clear that infected branches are unlikely to bring any benefit. To make blanks, you should select young shoots, carefully cutting them with a knife or pruning shears. The length of the branches should be no more than 50 cm. Be sure to sort the branches, getting rid of the lower leaves and twigs. Branches collected in a bundle should not be pressed too hard with a rope - this will make them easier to store.

When birch brooms are prepared for a bathhouse, much attention is paid to the degree of drying. Under no circumstances should they be dried under open sun. The most practical option is to store them hanging in a cool, dark place such as a shed. Brooms should not be close to each other, as this will interfere with their proper ventilation. This approach will allow you to preserve this important bath attribute not only aesthetically appearance, but also all its medicinal properties.

Before that, it is worth studying the features of their various types. For example, oak bundle has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and linden bundle is useful for the prevention of respiratory diseases and colds. Juniper broom (by the way, quite rare) has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect, and bird cherry broom is incredibly fragrant. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to skillfully use the gifts of nature so that the finished broom can benefit the body.

Brooms are an integral attribute of the Russian bath. Wellness treatments are carried out using bath brooms water treatments that have a positive effect on the body.

At the same time, it is important to know the most suitable types of plants, the features of their cutting, drying, knitting and others important aspects preparing brooms.

By following the rules for steaming each type of bath broom, you can significantly improve the effect they provide. Brooms are always on sale, but it is much more pleasant to collect and prepare them yourself.

Types of bath brooms and their properties

Bath brooms made from various types trees and shrubs.

Each plant differs in the content of certain vitamins, essential oils, tannins.

Tannins- these are organic compounds found in many plants that can be used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal agent.

Depending on the desired effect, you need to use one or another broom, since their use not only brings pleasure, but also treats various diseases . The following bath brooms are considered the most useful:

  • birch
  • oak
  • fake
  • juniper
  • nettles
  • eucalyptus
  • maple

Birch broom

Birch is considered the best option for a broom, thanks to durability, convenience and flexibility. Birch leaves They have a rough and porous surface, due to which they effectively absorb moisture, adhering tightly to the skin. Brooms made from weeping or curly birch are especially useful.

In the first case, the broom turns out to be very light and flexible, and in the second - thick, resistant to hot steam. Using a broom helps improve the condition skin, cleansing them, healing wounds, abrasions, eliminates the feeling of aching joints and muscles, and has a positive effect on mood.

The use of birch broom will be useful for those who abuse smoking or suffer from asthmatic and other types of lung diseases.

Oak broom

Oak leaves and bark are rich in tannins and produce healing effect . After using the broom, the skin becomes elastic, matte, and stops inflammatory processes, and the oiliness of the skin disappears.

Regular bath procedures using an oak broom can improve arterial pressure, normalize its performance thanks to the aroma of oak. Compared to birch broom, it absorbs moisture worse, but is characterized greater strength.

Linden broom

The main advantage of linden leaves is that they contain a variety of bactericidal substances, as well as essential oils.

The use of a linden broom is considered especially useful for those who suffer from colds With characteristic symptoms(runny nose, headache, sore throat, cough, fever), the use of such a broom is especially useful in winter.

The spreading aroma of linden helps relieve headaches, can reduce fever, remove fever, and has a relaxing and sedative effect. Linden also helps heal wounds and stimulate kidney function.

Juniper broom

Not everyone can use a common juniper broom due to its rough and thorny branches. Improper use causes numerous wounds on the skin, so a broom must be soft, well steamed.

However, the plant is famous for its numerous positive properties. Juniper disinfects the surface of the skin, removes inflammation, and is used in the treatment of rheumatism and radiculitis. The use of a broom is effective for colds, allergic diseases and flu.

Another type of juniper is also common - Cossack, which is known for its poisonous fruits, but the branches and bark can be used without fear.

Timing for the preparation of brooms

Any types of brooms for the bath are prepared in summer, but in different periods.

Birch brooms best prepared in early-mid July. The ideal period for oak is from June to August. Good brooms are made from linden collected in July or August.

Juniper shrubs have the most best properties, beginning with late spring to mid-summer.

Important! Brooms made from untimely harvested plants fall apart at the first use due to weak or too old leaves.

Rules for preparing bath brooms

cutting branches should be in dry and clear weather, the ideal time is the first half of the day. Several bushes and trees are used for cutting.

Young plants whose branches have the necessary flexibility are best suited. Avoid trees and bushes located next to the roadway. The optimal length of a branch cut is 50-60 cm.

After cutting the branches, they are laid out in 1 layer in the shade so that the leaves become a little limp ( an hour is enough). When transporting, it is not recommended to carefully pack the workpieces - due to elevated temperature, which forms inside the package, the leaves may fall off.

Drying and knitting bath brooms

It is not fresh plants that are knitted, but dried– it is enough to spread the branches in the shade for 2 days.

Before knitting the branch in place of the handle, carefully are cleared from leaves and twigs. When assembling a broom, lay out each branch so that the leaves are directed in one direction - you will get a kind of fan.

This broom turns out to be thick and, when used, fits tightly to the skin. When assembling the broom, the following is observed: subsequence:

  • a broom is assembled (long and thick branches are on the inside, short and thin branches are on the outside)
  • the place of the future broom handle is tightly wrapped with a cord (closer to the leaves)
  • The cord is tied with several knots for strength
  • the ends of the handle are trimmed to the same length

Advice! To make the aroma emanating from the broom even more intense during use, add sprigs of mint, sage or thyme to the broom.

Drying brooms are carried out in a shady, dry and cool place. In the sun, the leaves curl, as a result, the leaves lose their beneficial properties, aroma, and original color.

Turn each broom over daily so that the branches dry evenly. You can dry them in in limbo- this is the simplest way. The result should be fan-shaped brooms of a matte green hue.

Storing bath brooms

Improper storage can ruin brooms from the most the best plants, make them yellow, stale, with a barely noticeable odor.

Brooms are well preserved indoors, where they are not exposed to sunlight, but there is ventilation. The main thing is that there is dry and dark. In urban conditions, brooms are placed in paper bags, and if possible, it is best to cover them on all sides with hay.

You can buy ready-made brooms from various materials in any bathhouse. They are sold at affordable price: from 70 to 150 rubles per piece depending on the size and plants used.

Brooms are often found in vacuum packaging which were previously frozen. Thanks to freezing, brooms retain both beneficial substances and odors. And vacuum packaging helps preserve the brooms.

How to steam bath brooms correctly

Brooms are getting tired differently depending on the type of trees used.

  • Eucalyptus should be soaked in a basin with hot water for half an hour. Eucalyptus is not used as a base for a broom, but as an addition to the composition
  • Birch washed under running water, immersed once for 3-4 minutes in cold water and for 5 minutes in hot water. Then the broom needs to be scalded with boiling water directly in the basin and left there under the lid for 10 minutes
  • Oak the leaves are denser and require a different approach. They are steamed in boiling water for about 20 minutes, immersed in cold water, and then return to boiling water for a couple of minutes
  • Juniper It is not dried, but used fresh due to its specific qualities. The steaming process takes a long time - more than half an hour per hot water. This is necessary to soften the branches and needles. If desired, you can use branches that have not been treated with water, but after such use, many small scratches will appear on the skin.

You can watch how to properly prepare brooms for a bath in this video instruction.

Bath broom - what is it? Just an attribute, a symbol, or a useful and irreplaceable thing? Definitely the second answer is correct. The broom is an integral part of a real Russian bathhouse, without which it is impossible to imagine it. The sacrament itself, one might say, which occurs in the steam room with our body, includes procedures with a broom.

So why is it needed? For our health! Brooms different breeds Since ancient times, our ancestors have used it to treat various diseases. And what matters is exactly what plant this bath accessory is made from. Each branch has its own strength, which must be taken into account when preparing brooms. It is necessary to pay attention to other factors - the time of year, the maturation of plants, etc. Only a properly made broom will help achieve the goal and bring maximum benefit to a person.

Everyone knows that they are needed in a Russian bathhouse. But for what? Oddly enough, not everyone can answer this question. Many people think that a broom is needed to fool around, whipping each other. But what's the secret? They didn’t just come up with this interesting ritual. If you just hit each other on the back, the bathhouse will turn into torture and is unlikely to bring any pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know true purpose broom in the steam room.

And they use it for massage. Similar procedure will improve blood circulation not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the tissues. Lymph, blood and interstitial fluid are better distributed throughout the body. And phytoncides and other beneficial substances that “live” in the leaves of the broom provide the skin with youth, beauty and health.

How to properly massage with a broom? You can use different techniques:

  • Whiplash;
  • Stroking;
  • Compress;
  • Plowing, etc.

With the first, everything is clear; many have whipped their comrades in the bathhouse more than once. You need to stroke it with gentle movements, running the broom along the entire body: from the neck to the heels, and then back. The compress is very easy to make.

The broom is lifted up, capturing more hot air. Then it is lowered and a short time pressed to the body, usually to the back. When fanning with a broom, you do not need to touch the skin at all. They simply fan a person with it, pushing hot air towards the body.

We will explain below why each type of broom is useful specifically.

When to prepare brooms, timing

People began to prepare bath brooms for Christian holiday- Trinity Day. It comes on the 50th day after one of the most important holidays, Easter. According to popular beliefs, for 2 weeks after Trinity, you can make brooms for the bath. But it is not so. The fact is that the procurement period depends on the region of the country, as well as weather conditions specific year.

The main criterion is the readiness of the leaves.

They should be in the juice, strong, aromatic. For birch, this is usually 2-3 decades of the first summer month. You need to collect the branches before the earrings appear. The leaves must be tender, not rough. When you pull the sheet, it should not fall off, but only part of it will come off.

Best for oak the right time– July, sometimes the first days of August. The leaves should darken a little and become stronger. If the acorns have already appeared, it is too late to prepare the broom.

Types and varieties of brooms

Contrary to what many people think, bathhouse brooms are made not only from birch. They come in linden and oak, juniper and rowan, as well as eucalyptus and walnut. Compositions of herbs are also used, for example, wormwood and tansy, lemon balm, nettle, sage, mint and bamboo.

The most famous and popular. It is soft, gentle, pleasant to the body. This broom is able to cleanse the skin, it removes toxins and impurities. Procedures with birch are useful for kidney problems, bronchial asthma. The broom has diaphoretic, strengthening, and disinfectant properties.

It is not prepared very often. But in vain, because such a broom has many useful properties. It is used in the bath for skin diseases, increased sweating. This product has anti-inflammatory properties.

It has a simply wonderful effect on the skin - it thickens, tones, makes it firmer and more elastic. In addition, a bath with such a broom helps to lower blood pressure and calm down in case of disturbances. nervous system. Oak brooms are heavier and denser than birch brooms. Fanning them produces more steam, which will appeal to those who like hot bathhouses.

Such bath accessories are prepared during the flowering period of this unusually fragrant tree. Interestingly, for a long time, linden products have been actively used in the bathhouse. The buildings themselves, as well as beds and shelves, were built from the wood of this plant.

During and after the procedures in Rus' they drank mead, tea, linden kvass and honey. Using a linden broom, you massage your back, and this has a great effect on the kidneys and urinary tract.

Steamed linden branches and flowers have a positive effect on the respiratory tract - they dilate the bronchi, soothe, and heal wounds.

This representative is perhaps the most rude, prickly, and tough. But that doesn't make it any less useful. The main thing is to find mutual language with such a broom. Then you can get from him only the best in the steam room. If you use it incorrectly, you can injure your skin and scratch it.

Such brooms are not prepared prematurely, but immediately before the procedure in the steam room. It should not dry out, compared to deciduous brooms, because then its properties will not be able to be restored. Juniper can be used to make not only brooms, but also flooring for sunbeds in a bathhouse.

How is it useful?

  • A broom made from such an evergreen species is indispensable for gout, radiculitis, as well as neuralgia and even rheumatism.
  • It is also useful for the skin due to its properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also bactericidal.
  • When the flu and GRVI are raging, it’s worth taking a steam bath with just such a broom.

By the way, he has another secret. Juniper broom - simple an indispensable tool for the prevention and even treatment of allergies of various origins.

Making it yourself is not easy due to the lack of this tree in the forests. But still, despite the high price, Lately This bath accessory is very popular. And all because of his irreplaceable healing properties. In a steam room with eucalyptus you can relieve pain from radiculitis, bruises, neuralgia, stretch marks, and muscle inflammation. The evaporation from this plant, that is, inhalation, is simply a magical remedy for respiratory tract. Eucalyptus is also beneficial for the skin because it contains tannins. But a broom can be made exclusively from one variety of eucalyptus - twig-shaped.

Herbal broom

It can be used for massage and simply as a fragrance - hanging in a bathhouse. Passing in pairs, the herbs give up their beneficial features that we inhale and pass into our body. The most popular herbal brooms include nettle, mint, wormwood and tansy.

The plant helps relieve fatigue, normalize blood pressure, activate blood circulation and metabolic processes in organism. Even chronic nervous tension will disappear with regular use of such a broom. It should be harvested in May or early June. The leaves should not be too hard and burning. After all, the effect of a broom should not be traumatic, but stimulating, stimulating the skin.

This herb is usually added to brooms made from tree branches or laid on sunbeds or hung in a steam room. The aroma emanating from the branches in the steam room relieves difficulty breathing and helps cleanse the body. Essential oils extracted from wormwood are very beneficial for human body. This broom is prepared during the period after flowering. The stems should be strong, but not too rough. After collection, the grass cannot be wetted, but is immediately sent to dry.

Brooms with mint are pressed onto the skin of the face, neck, hands to soothe and rejuvenate. Mint components also help dilate blood vessels and make breathing easier, especially if you have asthma. The plant has a bactericidal effect.

This broom is an indispensable attribute for aromatherapy in a steam room. You can collect mint for the bath throughout the summer, choosing thick stems. This plant should also not be wetted before drying, nor should it be collected during rain or heavy dew.

In the bathhouse, such a broom will help fight headaches, rheumatic pain, and menstruation disorders. It also promotes wound healing, relieves chronic diseases liver, genitourinary system, with regular use. The herb can be added to compositions or hung in a steam room as an aromatherapy agent. It is necessary to collect tansy during flowering. Dry without rinsing with good ventilation under the ceiling.

Brooms are also made from other trees, shrubs, and herbs:

  • Canadian maple is used for this, which anesthetizes, cleanses, heals wounds, and tones.
  • Coniferous brooms are good for aromatherapy; they are good for the respiratory tract, spine, and joints. Christmas trees, fir, and cedar are suitable for this.
  • An alder broom prevents colds and benefits the skin - it cleanses, smoothes, and makes it more elastic.
  • You can take branches fruit trees, bushes. For example, cherries, mountain ash, currants. They fill the steam room with a unique aroma after soaking and are good for the skin, joints, urinary system, lymph nodes.

How to properly prepare a high-quality bath broom

To assemble and tie the “correct” broom, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Grasses and branches should be cut when the dew has disappeared. The weather should be clear. Simply put, the raw materials must be taken dry.
  2. The branches should be elastic, bend well, and young.
  3. Immediately after cutting, the branches are laid out in 1 layer in the shade so that they wilt. When transporting, you should not pack them tightly, as the leaves may overheat, become damaged and fall off.
  4. A tied broom is placed under pressure. So he gains flat shape. Only after this can it be hung. Dry the broom in a cool place with good ventilation for about 2-3 days.

It is important to remember that brooms should not be dried in the sun. This will rid them of the aroma, useful substances. And after steaming, all the leaves will fall off from such a broom. Drying is not recommended in strong drafts. The brooms can be hung or laid out. In the second case, they must be turned over every day to dry evenly.

If the broom is dried well, its leaves are green and have a matte surface. It depletes the pleasant aroma, which greatly increases after the steaming procedure.

Knitting brooms is very simple. No special skills are required for this. In the lower part, all leaves and twigs are removed, leaving room for the handle. It should be no more than 5 cm thick, it will be convenient. Having collected the required number of branches, they need to be tightly tied with twine, wrapping them at the base several times. Thicker branches lie in the middle of the broom, and thin ones - along its edges. The length of the handle can be left as convenient for you. It is better to prepare longer branches, so that later you can adjust the handle by simply cutting and trimming the edges.

Parking. How to brew a broom

Immediately before going to the steam room, the broom needs to be properly steamed. You can put it in water low temperatures for a few minutes. After this, for the same amount of time warm water and, finally, into hot water (but not boiling water). The container with the broom must be covered. Then this water is used in the steam room - it is used to water the walls or stones.

It is important to remember that fresh and semi-fresh brooms cannot be steamed. Only dry brooms undergo this procedure. By the way, if it turns out that your broom is too dry, then you need to slightly increase the steaming time.

When to prepare brooms for a bath. How to knit birch brooms: video

Well, have you already wanted to take a steam bath with fragrant and so healthy brooms? This is very good. After all, it was not for nothing that our ancestors considered the bathhouse - an excellent remedy for relaxation, restoration, rejuvenation and healing. And if you also steam with brooms prepared with your own hands, then the benefits will definitely double! Enjoy Your Bath!

When to prepare brooms for a bath? For each plant this is its own time.

Birch broom for a bath

By folk custom Birch brooms are prepared after Trinity Day, which occurs on the 50th day after Easter. It usually falls in early to mid June. In some regions of Russia, the birch tree may not bloom at this time, while in others the catkins may be thrown away. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the stage of plant maturation, when the leaf is the strongest, a sign of the appearance of the first catkins, but at the same time take branches from a birch tree without catkins. Brooms should be prepared on a dry day. Brooms are broken in the first half of the day, after the dew has disappeared.
Weeping birch is suitable for a broom. Typically this is tall tree. The branches of such a tree are very flexible and unbreakable, long and thick for the steam room. Young birch trees that have never bloomed are well suited; they are considered to have the most delicate leaves. The upper side of the leaf should not be rough, the leaf should be soft and velvety. And the branches are thin and straight.
At first, the branches are tied loosely. Hang on poles or a stretched rope under a canopy, so that there is no direct sunlight, where there is a good draft. After 6–7 days, when the brooms have dried well, they are tightly tied and placed tightly on racks in a dry dressing room, barn or other dry and well-ventilated room.
It is best when the brooms take the shape of a fan rather than a broom. To do this, fresh brooms are laid out on the floor and turned over every day until they are dry. The main thing is not to overdry.
Research has shown that it is precisely by observing all the age-old traditions of collecting medicinal plants(this also applies to birch brooms) active substances are retained in the material in optimal quantity and quality medicinal substances. If you tie a broom tightly from fresh branches, then in the center its leaves will lose color, darken, and such a broom will have almost no smell, since the leaves will “burn.”
Ready brooms after drying should have all the leaves of a concentrated matte Green colour, and the broom itself should smell like balsamic birch oil. This smell intensifies sharply after steaming the broom. Collecting brooms at the beginning of summer is completely justified, because the birch leaves have already become large, but they still have enough essential oil glands, which are abundant not only in the leaves, but also on the young shoots of the birch. Large young shoots are very elastic, so it is pleasant to whip the body with such a broom in the steam room.
You need to knit a broom as follows. First, the branches are cleared of leaves and twigs in the place where the handle will be. Then the required number of branches is wrapped with twine, squeezing the branches with the left hand. It is important to lay thicker branches inward, and around them thinner ones, bending inward. The broom will be dense - it will be enough for several baths.

Oak brooms for baths

Harvesting takes place from June to August in damp, shaded oak forests. One of the characteristics of such a “correct” place is large burdocks under the trees. By collecting branches in such a thicket, you will get a durable broom, which will be enough for several (3-4) visits to the bathhouse.
Oak bath brooms are designed for hardy, healthy people- real Russians!

Nettle broom

Nettle brooms for a bath: harvest time - mid-summer, immediately before flowering or during the flowering of nettles.
Steaming with a nettle broom is a special pleasure. Do not be afraid of the “stinginess” of nettles. When you steam with such a broom, you feel a pleasant tingling sensation, your body becomes ruddy and light. No blisters or burns - only undoubted benefits to the body. Among other things, by steaming with a nettle broom, you “risk” getting rid of radiculitis, rheumatism, and gout.
The only drawback of such brooms is that they are disposable. But it’s also easier to prepare them.

Cherry and currant brooms

These brooms are not as durable as oak or birch, but steaming with them is an incomparable pleasure thanks to their delicious aroma. In addition, they are very beneficial for the skin. The harvesting of branches for brooms occurs in early June.
Young unnecessary shoots and root shoots are cut off. The good thing is that you don’t need to go far for such brooms (if, of course, you live in a private house or have a dacha) - you’ll probably find several currant bushes and cherries in the yard.

Brooms made of linden, rowan, alder, willow and other trees

In principle, brooms can be made from almost any tree. Don't get hung up on traditional ones.
Tree branches are harvested from early July to mid-August. The rules for choosing trees are the same - young trees with flexible, straight branches.
Of course, they cannot be collected near a roadway or industrial enterprise. The distance from “civilization” should be at least 3 km.

Did you know?

Preparing brooms for a bath: general rules

  • Brooms, like any other medicinal herbs, need to be harvested in dry, clear weather in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.
  • Try to treat plants with care, cutting off only unnecessary branches. This way you thin out the plant and give the remaining branches the opportunity to grow freely.
  • For brooms, you should choose young plants with flexible, well-bending branches.
  • Freshly cut branches need to be dried in a shaded place for an hour, spread out in one layer. It is recommended to transport them without packing them tightly so that the leaves do not fall off due to overheating.
  • After the broom is already tied, it should be placed under pressure so that it acquires a flat shape. After this, the broom is hung in a cool, well-ventilated area for 2-3 days.

How to steam a bath broom

  • There are several ways to steam a bath broom. The fastest of them is this: for 2-3 minutes, lower the broom into a bowl of cold water, then for the same time in warm water and, finally, in a bowl of hot water (just not boiling water). In this case, the basin must be covered so that the broom “steams”. You will know when to take out the broom by the delicious aroma it will begin to emit.
  • Do not throw away the remaining water from steaming: it can be diluted with water and poured over hot stones or walls to fill the steam room with aroma.
  • Only dry brooms need to be steamed. Fresh or dried, but not completely dry, do not steam, because they become limp, become heavy, heat up quickly and can burn the skin.
  • A sauna is an incomparable pleasure; moreover, a sauna is effective for losing weight and improving your health. The main thing is not to forget about contraindications for baths and take care of your health.
Birch broom - the most important attribute of a Russian bath

Choosing a place and tree for harvesting brooms

Long, strong, flexible branches of weeping birch have long been considered the best raw material for bath brooms. But it is recommended to pay attention to young trees that have never bloomed. They are valued for their very delicate leaf structure. Gardeners know very well that removing young root shoots is beneficial for the tree, and they use it to prepare brooms.

When cutting branches, it is advisable to choose a tree that is smooth and beautiful, without growths. The sick birch tree has weakened branches. The product made from them will turn out unsuccessful and will not be useful.

You should not collect wood from trees growing near roads or in contaminated areas. They will do more harm than good. It is best to go to a grove or forest to collect branches. The best option is birch trees growing near ponds.

Preparation of brooms from specialists begins with testing the bottom of the leaf “on the tongue.” The surface of a good, suitable sheet is velvety to the touch. Branches with rough leaves are not suitable for use. They make rough products.

Harvesting birch brooms, timing

The quality of the broom, its softness, aroma, and service life are influenced by the correctly chosen moment of collection. If you do this at the wrong time, too early or late, then later it will become slippery, will not last long, and will quickly fall apart. Correctly and timely collected branches will provide a high-quality product with useful reusable properties.

Since ancient times, it has been customary in Rus' to collect preparations a couple of weeks after Trinity. At this moment, the leaves have already grown sufficiently, have collected the required amount of essential oils, and young shoots with high elasticity have appeared. However, when choosing the moment of harvesting, you should take into account the characteristics of the climate and place of residence.

Harvesting birch brooms is a process perfected by our ancestors and requires special preparation. First of all, you need to know about the ripening time of birch, since the quality of the product depends on certain properties of its foliage.

It is important to understand that leaf development has clear deadlines, and other factors can also affect its structure: heat, rain and wind. Based on these criteria, experienced bath attendants determined that the most suitable time for collecting branches for a broom is when the leaves have become stronger, but flowering has not begun - that is, the earrings have not appeared. Depending on the region and weather conditions, this could be any spring month. In the Moscow region, you can start harvesting in mid-May.

Birch brooms - preparation and storage video

To make a good birch broom, harvesting should be done early in the morning, when the dew has already disappeared. Only in dry weather. Branches with wet leaves are not suitable. When dried, their structure will collapse, the foliage will darken and curl. If it rains, you need to wait a few days. Ignoring these nuances will not lead to the desired result. The resulting products will be lost most useful properties.

As practice has shown, the branches of a two-year-old tree growing closer to the ground have better properties. These make the strongest brooms. You can cut them with a knife, but it is more convenient to use pruning shears. For convenience, pickers with extensive experience climb onto a birch tree, tilt it, and tie it to a tree growing nearby. Such an approach, with appropriate skill, will not harm birch, since this tree is flexible and durable.

If the brooms are not knitted immediately, the blanks are provided with storage conditions - attics and hay are used for this. In the city best option- mezzanine, balcony. But first they need to be wrapped in paper.

Most effective method- drying on the roof, for example outbuildings:

  • We spread the hay on the surface;
  • We lay the blanks on top with small gaps between them;
  • Cover with hay;
  • We turn the workpieces over the course of a month, every two or three days.

Knitting a birch broom

  • Before knitting, the dried pieces are laid out on burlap and left to sit for a couple of days - to “breathe”.
  • The size is selected according to individual preferences. Recommended length: 0.4-0.8 m. Larger or smaller products are inconvenient to use.
  • The area for the handle is thoroughly cleaned of knots and leaves and treated with fine sandpaper.
  • The prepared branches are collected together and given a flattened shape.
  • Thicker branches are placed inside the product, and thin ones are laid out along the edge, bending inward.
  • Distribute the branches in a fan, with leaves in one direction.

The handle is made as follows. Collect the cleaned blanks and fasten them tightly with a rope closer to the foliage to improve the quality of the product. Fabric is wrapped around the handle to prevent calluses. Recommended handle length is 15 cm.

When assembling the product to improve its qualities, you can add branches of chamomile, thyme, and red currant. If you want to add coniferous plants and nettles, it is better to place them in the middle so as not to damage the skin during use.

Drying and further storage of brooms

Experts recommend not tying branches too tightly. Otherwise, the foliage will darken and burn. Properly dried, the finished product has fragrant, bright green, matte foliage. We offer several the right ways to achieve the desired result.

Hanging in bunches

The products are hung under a canopy, in a well-ventilated place, so that direct rays of the sun do not fall. They will dry well within a week. Afterwards, the brooms can be placed tightly on shelves in a well-ventilated, dry place, such as on racks in a garage or storage room. They can also be left hanging.

Fan-shaped on the surface

It is believed that good broom shaped like a fan. Therefore, it is recommended to place fresh products on the floor. Turn over daily until dry. Otherwise, the products may dry out or dry incorrectly.

You can dry birch brooms only in the shade!

From the sun, the foliage curls and fades, the aroma is lost, and the appearance deteriorates. An improperly dried broom will fall off as soon as it is steamed. The presence of strong drafts is also unacceptable. The quality of the product may also suffer from them.

It is recommended to store brooms carefully, in a cool, ventilated area. Drying using fresh, dried hay preserves the color, shape and aroma of the product as much as possible. Brooms are placed in stacks, with leaves in the middle. This will give the tree additional beneficial properties and it will become even more fragrant. In an apartment, finished products are stored in bags, paper or plastic.

Steaming the broom before use

Before use, as a rule, the broom is steamed. This procedure is not performed with a freshly manufactured product. It may become limp. There are at least two traditional way steaming.

Option one. The dried product is placed in cold water for fifteen minutes, and then in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Brooms that are too dry are kept in boiling water longer, covering the container where they are located with another container.

The second option is suitable for fresh or recently harvested brooms. The product must be soaked in boiling water and placed on stones. In this case, it is necessary to periodically rotate the broom, shaking it, so as not to get burned. A couple of such approaches for two minutes will be enough, and you can start bath procedures.

Bottom line

The quality characteristics of a birch broom are influenced by such factors as: choice of birch, condition of the branches, drying and storage, knitting. If you do everything following the rules, you will get strong and beautiful products that will bring maximum benefits to your health. If possible, seek help from specialists and make your first broom with their help.