What signs should be in a bathhouse? Why can't you wash at night? You need to hit the skin with a bath broom

Signs have prepared many surprises for those who like to take a steam bath. It's magical strong place- in the baths, conspiracies have long been read and witchcraft performed. What rules need to be followed there?

Superstitions about the bannik

Bannik, like the brownie, is a good spirit. But it comes from evil spirits, which affects character. Looks like an old man with huge claws and bath leaves instead of clothes. He was sometimes described as a naked man with thick hair on the body.

They cajoled the owner of the bathhouse so that he wouldn’t do anything dirty. He can hide things, spit boiling water or cold water. Fainting, fumes and fires were considered the work of the bathhouse. However, he himself rarely punishes negligent owners. More often this is done by friends and relatives of the bathhouse - kikimoras, devils and pawned dead people.

They don’t go to the bathhouse without asking. Before entering, you must knock and ask permission:

Bannik-bannik, I ask you to come to your house to protect yourself from evil. I know your rules, I conjure them! Receive the guest according to his rank and conscience. We found not troubles, but blessings! Key, lock!

The sauna spirit adheres to the old principles and men should be the first to take a steam bath. If a woman enters first, the entity will send illnesses and other troubles. According to other superstitions, those coming after her will suffer. A woman was once considered unclean creature, and the evil spirits washed off from it remain in the bathhouse.

Drunk people are not allowed, the owner of the steam room does not like them and punishes them feeling unwell and inattention during the week. Alcohol in the steam room - bad idea, even in small doses. This is detrimental to physical and energetic health.

Do not spit indoors, especially on stones - this insults the essence. In response, you can get spitting boiling water. In the bathhouse they do not shout, quarrel or use foul language; these are manifestations of disrespect.

Like a brownie, a bannik keeps order in the premises entrusted to him. Disturbance will be severely punished. Instead of treats for the spirit, they put them in the corner new piece washed once a month. After each use of the bath, leave water and a broom in the basin. An offering of sugar will improve your health. Before lighting it, it is left in the corner, and after washing it is removed behind the threshold. After a day, sugar can be taken under any tree.

Time to visit the steam room

From midnight until dawn
The bathhouse completely belongs to the bannik and other entities whom he invites to visit. It is dangerous to wash at night; you cannot spend the night in the bathhouse. Evil spirits love this room because of the lack of icons.

By take about the hair- do not wash your hair on Monday to avoid going bald. It takes its roots from bathhouse beliefs, where Monday- Bannik day, when you don’t sweat so as not to part with your braid. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the spirit especially zealously watches over the evil spirits, so these days are considered the best for going to the bathhouse.

Don't worry V Orthodox holidays . Firstly, the church forbade it for a long time. You can’t work on a holiday, and in order to wash, you had to bring water from the well, water the yard, and light the stove. Secondly, on a holy day, evil spirits hide in a room without icons in order to avoid God’s wrath. Bath on New Year - an ancient tradition, you need to be pure in soul and body.

You cannot steam the bathhouse more than three times in a row, otherwise the bathhouse will suffocate. Men go first, women come second, then children are bathed. He is the fourth and doesn’t let anyone in after him. Therefore, after three visits, they do not enter the bathhouse, so as not to become a victim of an angry entity. In some regions they do not go to the third pair. The third one takes a steam bath, and the children wash together with the adults. Anyone who breaks the rule will be doused with boiling water or strangled.

Occult meaning of the bath

In Rus' it has always had a special meaning. The most powerful conspiracies read here related to both black and white magic. In the bathhouse you can bewitch or spoil, remove damage, put powerful protection from someone else's witchcraft. All conspiracies that are read about water for washing or washing work faster and more efficiently. As stated above, dark forces gather in the bathhouse, invited by their inhabitant, who himself comes from the subtle world. If you remove pectoral cross and step on it right foot, you can see the devil.

You don't have to cast a spell to feel the power of a bathhouse. Ask the water to cleanse it of negativity in your own words. You can say “Our Father” and other prayers on it or herbs, bathing salt. This is a place of physical and spiritual purification. Jumping into the snow or an ice hole not only strengthens the immune system, but also removes sins. Despite this, in the old days it was forbidden to go to the temple after washing, so as not to bring devils to the holy place when visiting the bannik.

Bath - a place with strong energy, fulfilling wishes. You need to go there with pure intentions, good mood. Step over the threshold and forget about all your worries. The desire to wash away negativity is natural, but concentrating on problems and difficulties is unacceptable, otherwise you will get even more of them.

Steam removes any negativity. If possible, before removing damage or another negative program, take a steam bath from the heart, the work will go easier. After cleansing, they wipe themselves with a new handkerchief and then burn it.

In the steam room you can not only wash away the negativity, but also recharge vital energy. In the old days they said that a person who does not even gain a little strength is not a good person. Before important events Be sure to take a steam bath - before the wedding, for example. The woman in labor was taken to the bathhouse after the baby was born in order to quickly restore her health. In a number of regions, they gave birth right there so that mother and child were strong in spirit and body.

Beliefs about soap

A sick person and a healthy person should not use the same soap so that the disease does not pass on. Especially if it is an unfamiliar person. By reading the plot to yourself, you can shift illness on soap.

You cannot use soap. Instead of wellness get in a bad mood. If the bannik is in a bad mood, he might get sick. Now the remnants are thrown away, in the old days they were buried in the ground so that sorcerers would not get them. On the soap you used special person, you can cast a love spell or damage. A piece made from soap remnants is only suitable as a gift to an enemy.

The soap broke into two parts - to separation from your loved one. Fell to the floor from a shelf or from your hands - to troubles, collapse of plans and quarrels. Girls tell fortunes using soap. Exactly - the husband will be rich. On the one hand, the piece has become smaller, family life will pass in need.

Signs about a bath broom

It is best to knit bath brooms during the full moon, when the energy of the night luminary is at its peak. Such brooms will increase your health and improve your mood. On Orekhovy Spas they are made from hazel; on Ivan Kupala it is customary to prepare them for the whole year.

The most common material is birch and oak. They usually take branches from different trees - the more branches you take from one, the more painful it is for him. Be sure to ask the plant for forgiveness for the pain caused.

You cannot take branches of a burning tree for a broom, especially if it has been struck by lightning. In the latter case, the devil was sitting on them - this is what superstitions say about. Trees with two trunks growing from one root are also not suitable. The broom must be strong. If it falls apart - expect failure. However, perhaps this is how the bannik plays. It is better to stop swimming, the games of evil spirits sometimes go too far.

Wedding omens advise the newlyweds to go to the bathhouse before the marriage ceremony. But few people know that the brooms of the bride and groom must be special - collected from the branches of seven willows. Then their life will be long and happy, and their union will be filled with love and devoid of betrayal and quarrels.

You cannot use someone else’s broom; you will take on other people’s sins and problems. The ancestors were especially wary of taking one that was used by an “unclean” woman. Old broom burn. Now it is not considered a bad omen to throw it away, but you should remember: after removing the damage or evil eye in the bathhouse, the broom must be put on fire.

Superstitions about the location of the bathhouse

A house is not built on the site of an old bathhouse. This unclean territory- guests of the bathhouse spirit remember its location and can return at any time. And he himself does not leave his favorite place, he waits until he is again given the opportunity to enjoy the hot steam. Nothing is built on the site of the burnt bathhouse, not even a barn or new bathhouse.

Baths are built away from the house, in the backyards. This is a place where sins and illnesses are washed away and where evil spirits live. A black chicken is supposed to be buried under the threshold, and coins are buried in the foundation. This is a gift to the bath spirit.

In a new bathhouse, the first thing you need to do is leave a new bar of soap for the bathhouse, and only then heat it. After a month, as described above, this piece is replaced with a fresh one. Nobody should use it. Before heating, throw salt into the firebox. After the first wash in the new bathhouse, you need to leave a treat for the bathhouse - bread and salt.

The bathhouse is a sacred place of power, which in ancient times was available in every home. Sins are washed away in it, while beingware of the tricks of the bannik and evil spirits. To protect yourself from the latter, you should follow ancient signs and do not quarrel with the bath spirit.

It all depends on whether our digestive system functions normally, or whether there are malfunctions in its functioning, peculiarities of its functioning, or diseases. After all, each of us decides for himself what to drink after the bath or before the bath, what to try in the bath. However, there is a special series general recommendations on this occasion.

Bath and contraindications for her.

You shouldn't go to the bathhouse, you go to full stomach, because this will only cause harm to health. There is an old medical book that recommends going to the bathhouse no earlier than 4-5 hours after good welcome food. My grandfather says this: you can’t eat 2 hours before the bath and earlier than 2 hours after the bath.

When taking bath procedures on a full stomach for a long time. Bad consequences may occur. When the body is exposed to high temperatures, blood from internal organs flows to the skin, and accordingly the activity of the internal organs decreases somewhat. Digestion slows down. After all, this process requires a constant supply of blood to the digestive organs. The lump of food will stop and will constantly ferment. The undigested food then enters the small intestine.

Next to the large intestine, and the digestive system begins its torment. And if a person also smokes, then the symptoms of the disease double. In the bathhouse, a smoking person in the steam room finds it difficult to breathe, and his head begins to hurt. But, if in addition to all this you add alcohol, then the use of a bath from a medical and recreational institution will turn into a harmful one. highest degree institution.

Food should not be used that takes a long time to digest in the stomach. Another name for heavy food. This may include: smoked meats various kinds, meat products, legumes, whole grain products, products containing a large number of fat As well as products stuffed with preservatives, dyes, food additives, artificial flavors and others. Before and during the bath, you should refrain as much as possible from products with food additives. And the best thing to eat is what is prepared at home.

In general, on the consumption of prepared foods containing nutritional supplements, you should be careful. After all, sauna buffets offer their visitors products such as chips.

The food additives used are very harmful to human health. These include: antioxidants, dyes, preservatives, flavors and many others. Doctors in the US recommend: “All dietary additives should be avoided wherever and whenever possible. You need to remember that the benefit-risk ratio directly depends on what you put in your mouth. Understand food products. Don’t try to kill your health.”

Such products are doubly dangerous to use in a bathhouse. After all, processes in the body change dramatically, and under certain conditions, food additives can harm the body. This includes drinks filled with gases.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of such waters and juices for those people who suffer from obesity, poor metabolism, or simply kidney and liver disease.

One of the most common drinks in the bathhouse is beer. And also young people do not refuse stronger alcoholic drinks. It all carries great harm. And for older people, drinking alcohol in a bathhouse can lead to a tragic outcome.

Taking medications is also dangerous. This is due to the fact that the absorption of drugs at high temperatures is significantly reduced.

After a good steaming of the body, when the skin is still hot from the bath broom, it’s time to relax and compensate the body for all lost water. It’s more difficult to answer our question; it’s easier to say what you can’t drink in a bathhouse?

One famous nutritionist said, “food grade” means that it will not cause harm to the body in the near future. After all, you need to be more careful with drinks, since there are no juices without preservatives.

Juice is a very delicate chemically active substance.

Soda - dissolved in it carbon dioxide while in a bathhouse (at high heat, sudden changes in temperature, humidity) includes gas exchange processes, which are far from the most beneficial for our body.

In nature, there is no ideal drink for a bath, and there cannot be. A drink is part of food; it must be balanced according to the physical active substances that each of us requires. This means that a drink that is ideal for us is a specially personally selected one. For some there will be fruit drink made from wild berries, for others compote or kvass. In the bathhouse, the most ideal drink would be tea, especially herbal tea. Tea made from herbs will be a valuable healing agent.

Herbal teas are not only as good as real tea, but are many times superior to it. The plant mixture contains significantly more active physiological substances that maintain the chemical balance of the body. Teas brewed with berries and herbs should be used in preventive and medicinal purposes, both sick and healthy people.

Drinking coffee or black tea in the bathhouse is not recommended by doctors. This is due to the fact that coffee and black tea contain a lot of caffeine. This is very harmful to the body, because after the steam room the body is cleansed and relaxed, but there is such a strain on the heart. Big fans of black tea can follow one method: add herbs to black tea - this will be a component to achieve the usual taste and color of tea. For black tea you can find many combinations: mint, coltsfoot, chamomile, currant leaf, eucalyptus. We also include St. John's wort (in small doses), thyme, hawthorn fruits, rose hips and many others.

For brewing we use the following mixtures of plants: linden - flowers, leaves; different kinds St. John's wort - the leafy part of the stem in flower; various types of raspberries - flowers, leaves. This is a very small part medicinal herbs. After all, our Russian land is rich in medicinal plants, you just need a little knowledge about the purpose of this or that plant, since many have contraindications.

To preserve all biological active substances and vitamins, in order for the tea to have a unique aroma and its taste to retain all herbal additives, it must be brewed correctly.

In any case, tea is very useful product- This is a kind of chemical factory. It contains more than 300 chemical substances. Their compound is unique, since no plant, however, chemical preparations will ever give such a similar compound. Tea contains more than 30 polyphenols (tannins), which have wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, blood-restoring, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties. Which improve digestion, stimulate brain functions, and strengthen blood vessels.

Tea is an active - it is an active antioxidant, that is, it contains substances that form stable and safe compounds with alkaloids, harmful proteins, heavy metals, acids and other slags in human body. Only this contributes to a more active removal of toxins from the body during the bath.

Microelements are elements that are simply irreplaceable for the human body. Tea contains: manganese (needed for the gonads and nervous system), potassium, zinc (deficiency causes brittle nails, hair, dermatitis, decreased immunity), nickel, iodine, selenium, phosphorus (very important for brain function) and copper.

Tea contains almost all vitamins known to science. The biggest leaders are vitamins PP and C, B. This is such an interesting drink that we appreciate for its amazing properties and delicious taste.

Tea is a tonic, which means that excessive consumption will only harm our body.

Harvard scientists have found that after drinking iced tea, the temperature in the mouth decreases. After drinking hot tea, the temperature of the entire human body decreases. The decrease occurs by approximately 1 - 2 °C. But, it is worth noting that after approximately 18-20 minutes the temperature will again reach the same level as before using the tea.

In general, we can conclude that after a stuffy bath there is no need to drink iced tea. This is due to the fact that after some time we will again feel thirsty. So we should drink hot tea, slowly, savoring. After all, after the bath there is no need to rush. We relax, rest, put aside our everyday problems, at least for the time when we spend time in the bathhouse.

It is customary to drink tea with lemon everywhere and always. You don't have to drink it hot. Lemon juice about 50 grams mixed with sugar syrup which is made in advance. Add to a glass of strong tea.

Kvass after the bath

This drink is great both in hot weather and in the bathhouse. It perfectly removes thirst. You can buy it ready-made from barrels, or you can make it yourself. Of course, it’s better to try everything from your own preparation - this will have a positive effect on your own health. Not only drinks, but also food. It’s just that what we see on sale is not real kvass, but simple made soda. Therefore, now let’s talk about home-made kvass.

Rye kvass recipe

Cut the bread into slices and dry it in the oven or in microwave oven. The bread pieces should be lightly browned. Place the crackers in a pan and pour boiling water over them. Cover it and leave for about three to four hours. Enameled cookware is required, but aluminum cookware is not suitable, as it oxidizes.

The infusion, which was strained through the wort, is placed there diluted in warm water yeast, mint, granulated sugar, and cover with a napkin. They allow it to ferment for about 10-12 hours. Straining is done after the second appearance of foam, poured into bottles (5 pure raisins are thrown in) per half-liter bottle. Each bottle is corked, kept for two to three hours at room temperature, and then placed in a cool place.

After three days, the settled young kvass will be ready. For 4 – 5 liters of water we add 500 – 700 g. rye crackers, 100-150 gr. sugar, 10 -15 gr. yeast, 25 gr. – raisins, 10 gr. - mint.

Cranberry juice

This fruit drink quickly removes thirst. It contains vitamin C, which calms the heat in the body. This is the most necessary drink for a bath. Cranberries also contain a very rare vitamin PP, for the sake of which ascorbic acid is absorbed, so cranberries are the best remedy to improve immunity. Cranberries contain many flavonoids, which have strong antioxidant effects. It also reduces cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques in blood vessels. Brain vessels protect against strokes.

No need to drink juice during an exacerbation peptic ulcer or gastritis. The leaves are simply consumed as tea.

You need to know that vitamin C is actively destroyed during boiling. This means that if we are preparing cranberry juice, it is better not to boil the berries in order to keep this vitamin intact and unharmed. And the juice that we squeeze out of the berries will be even healthier. The remaining softness or skin can be boiled with sugar, and when the “syrup” cools, add cranberry juice.

For complete cooking cranberry juice you need 75 gr. sugar/1 liter boiled water, 100 gr. cranberries The tincture is made for 10 to 15 minutes.

Viburnum drink

If you have increased blood clotting, you should absolutely not use viburnum. There are also contraindications for pregnant women or those who are prone to blood clots.

This drink has its own specific taste and smell. It has a positive effect on the stomach and relieves thirst well.

The recipe for the drink is as follows: 300 grams of viburnum berries, which are taken mostly frozen from the refrigerator or touched by frost from the street. Grind the berries together with sugar - 100 grams. We fill it with boiling water, but you need to remember not to use boiling water. This is done so as not to destroy the beneficial vitamin C. The drink infusion takes about 30 minutes.

Black currant leaf tea

This hour perfectly improves metabolism, removes thirst and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The recipe for the drink is as follows: add 1 tablespoon of shoots or crushed leaves to ½ liter of boiling water. The tincture lasts from 15 to 20 minutes. Use fresh leaves not necessary, dry ones are also possible.

Tea sweatshop

The fruits of linden and raspberry inflorescences are harvested equally. For two glasses of boiling water, add two tablespoons of the mixture. Let it sit for 5 minutes and drink it hot, after leaving a good bathhouse. This tea is used when you have a cold.

Breast tea

At prolonged cough take plantain leaves, dried coltsfoot leaves, and licorice root. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture into two glasses of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink. Drink two tablespoons every three hours. In this regard, sputum from the lungs will gradually disappear.

Tea with oregano

This tea has a unique aroma, beneficial features. Oregano has high antibacterial activity. You should drink it when you have mental ailments (to calm the soul, peace of mind), for headaches. And drinking in a bathhouse is even more pleasant. Take a small pinch of Ceylon tea and add a small pinch of oregano. Brew this in a mug with a sieve.

Mint tea

There are two types of mint. Medicinal mint it can be peppery. It is easy to distinguish from other types of mint due to the presence of chill and smell. Mint relieves spasms of the intestines and blood vessels, serves as an analgesic, sedative, and improves appetite. Mint is also added to brooms. After adding one twig, the broom acquires a fragrant, unique smell. It is brewed in a bathhouse, just like oregano. Add a small pinch of mint and tea to the container. Then we fill hot water, and we insist.

Lingonberry tea

A teaspoon of dry leaves is placed in one glass and poured with boiling water. The tincture occurs within 15 minutes. We strain it, then drink it. But you need to drink the tea warm, add honey if necessary. Tea has astringent antiseptic diuretic properties.

So, we managed to find out all the little things about what tea to drink in the bathhouse, in general, what you can drink and what you can’t. And we can draw one conclusion!

Any alcohol is very harmful before and during the bath. Drinking vodka after a bath is also harmful. After all, everything leads to a huge load on the heart. So it’s worth thinking about why you need alcohol in a bathhouse? After all, it is possible to lose your life because of these unnecessary drinks. You can do without them. Then taking bath procedures will be of great benefit.

You should also not take carbonated drinks. It is also harmful, but to a lesser extent than alcohol. Although by consuming them, we still will not do ourselves any good. The best drink before and during the bath is normal green tea, and then in small quantities. So it’s best to take care of your health, because it cannot be bought for any money!

When and who should not take a steam bath?

General contraindications

Colds, which are accompanied by fever, chronic diseases in the acute stage, thrombophlebitis and three months after recovery from it, severe disorders of the autonomic nervous system (regular headaches, etc.), tumors (malignant) of any location, metastases. Particular care should be taken by patients with hypertension and heart disease - they should not immediately dive from the steam room into a cold pool, and then go back to the steam room; a sharp change in temperature is very dangerous for them.

Groups of diseases and contraindications

Respiratory tract, respiratory organs: viral diseases in the acute stage, specific and nonspecific inflammation in the acute stage, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis in open form, malignant oncological diseases or metastases, decompensated chronic respiratory diseases With increased load on the heart.

Chronic diseases: inflammation of the peritoneum, hepatitis and cholelithiasis, accompanied frequent attacks. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, acute and subacute, enterostomy, colostomy, loose stools, melena, vomiting mixed with blood, proctocolitis, as well as neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Kidneys and urinary tract: tumors, nonspecific and specific inflammations, kidney stones or urinary tract, accompanied by hydronephrosis or impaired renal function, hypoalbuminemia, acute interstitial nephritis, water and electrolyte disorders.

Nervous system: syringomyelia, epilepsy and seizures, Parkinson's disease, myasthenia gravis and diseases with impaired motor skills, including extrapyramidal ones; spicy inflammatory diseases central, autonomic and peripheral parts of the nervous system; severe disorders of a neurovegetative nature; central paralysis, especially associated with vascular system, vascular myelopathy, migraine.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and progressive rheumatic diseases (especially with dysproteinemia) in the acute stage; discopathy and acute radicular syndrome caused by spondylitis, active treatment with corticosteroids.

People with hypertension and heart disease can take a steam bath, but they must leave the steam room at the slightest negative manifestations from the body.

It must be said that if you are not 100 percent confident in your good health, and especially if you have any diseases or have recently had injuries, it is advisable for you to consult a doctor before visiting the bathhouse.

In a bathhouse, even a healthy person is exposed to a certain risk: you can get burned, “overheat,” or “catch” a fungus.

If the stove in the bathhouse is not fully heated, you can get carbon monoxide poisoning (burn). Carbon monoxide- colorless, odorless, so it cannot be noticed, and poisoning with it can be very serious and even lead to death.

You can “oversteam” if you sit in the steam room for too long and/or steam too intensely. It may happen that your body simply cannot withstand such an increased load. Symptoms of this condition: weakness, lightheadedness or fainting, dizziness. If, while in the steam room, you feel something like this, quickly ask the people next to you to help you get up and leave. It is better not to go out on your own, as there is a risk of not reaching the exit, fainting right in the steam room and getting burned on hot stones or grates, or hitting yourself very hard. You need to sit down in the dressing room, or better yet, lie down. It is advisable to rinse your face, but not cold, but cool water. You should not get up until the discomfort disappears completely. It is absolutely forbidden to return to the steam room today!

Unfortunately, there are times when even experienced people in the bathhouse faint in the steam room, so never go to the bathhouse alone - don’t risk your health and life!

You can get a fungal disease not only by visiting a public bathhouse, but also after visiting your bathhouse you may well get sick with it if you don’t take preventive measures. This is possible because microorganisms that can cause various diseases, including fungus, is present on the skin and mucous membranes of all people, but not everyone gets sick.

Risk factors are varicose veins and other vascular diseases, frostbite, working on your feet, wounds and scratches, contaminated shoes. It is harmful to walk for a long time in synthetic socks or tights, in uncomfortable shoes that rub your feet, and in rubber shoes (sneakers, boots) - these materials interfere with normal ventilation, your feet sweat, and a warm and moist alkaline environment is created, which is excellent for the growth of fungus . Naturally, it is harmful to wear someone else's shoes. In the bathhouse, as well as on the beach and in the pool, it is also warm and humid, fungi thrive there and actively multiply, so in these places you must definitely use personal slippers.

If there are cracks, scratches, or wounds on the skin of your feet, do not visit the pool or sauna without healing them - the fungus is difficult and takes a long time to treat, so do not take risks. If you find signs of illness, go to the doctor as soon as possible! The sooner you seek help, the faster you will heal.

If you are considered to be at risk, then you should systematically use antifungal ointments - sulfur and tar are relatively inexpensive. Castellani liquid (fucocin), Nizoral, Econazole, Clotrimazole are also suitable. After a visit to the bathhouse, you can wipe your feet vinegar solution(place a tablespoon of table vinegar in a glass of water) or boric alcohol.

If the fungus was found on early stage, local treatment will be sufficient. The damaged areas of the nail are removed, the remaining area is smeared with medicinal varnish, and the skin around and the entire sole is treated with antifungal ointment and iodine tincture alternately. If more than 20% of the nail area is affected, then treatment can only be combined and selected individually depending on the type of fungus and other factors.

How to take a steam bath correctly

“Wouldn’t you go... to the bathhouse!” – this “expletive” is very popular among the people. But think about its meaning. The opponent of the dispute is asked to go and wash away everything bad and black that caused an attack of anger in the interlocutor.

So, we see that the bathhouse has firmly established the reputation of being a “nurse” not only of the body, but also of the human soul. Her health and restorative mental strength properties have been known for a long time and are described in detail in the works of eminent doctors. By using the bathhouse, a person receives a positive “charge” aimed at the two main “centers” of human feelings׃

The skin is the largest human organ, the cleanliness and well-grooming of which largely determines our well-being.

The soul is a fragile and intangible substance, from the balance and tranquility of which you receive an incredible surge of physical strength

Every person, having such a serious “weapon” against PAIN and BAD MOOD in their arsenal, must be able to use it correctly. We will tell you all the secrets of the art of bathing

What you need to take with you to the bathhouse

How to take a steam bath to improve or strengthen your health

What diseases can be fought there?

For whom this method of healing, unfortunately, is not suitable

But first, let’s clarify the “multinationality” of this useful “ritual.” There are several options for organizing a bath procedure from different nations world, whose popularity has long gone beyond home country. But in memory of its “creator,” a certain type of bathhouse was assigned a name reflecting its nationality.

Bathhouse is different! Full "catalogue" existing species baths

The main features by which this or that bath is characterized are:

Room temperature

The humidity level in it

Design features of the structure

We will begin our “hit parade” with our native Russian bathhouse, since, according to the majority of connoisseurs of this art, steaming there is the most useful.

Russian bathhouse... STEAM + HEAT is the “formula” for the success of our bathhouse, which promotes deep warming of the human body. The room temperature is maintained at approximately +70 0 C, but the humidity level is off the charts and close to 100%.

The Russian bathhouse is built entirely of wood and consists of two rooms, a steam room and a dressing room. In the steam room there is a stove with large stones laid on it. As soon as the round cobblestones heat up, they are watered with specially prepared water mixed with herbal tinctures.

To enhance the warming effect, the bath procedure is accompanied by a massage, which is performed with brooms made from a certain type of wood.

Roman bath... Traditionally, a Roman bath occupies large premises (for 10 people or more) with a luxurious “museum” interior. This is a tribute to those famous baths for which he was famous Ancient Rome during its heyday.

The classic Roman bath consists of three rooms, each given its own name

“Tepidarium” – a room with an air temperature of ≈+45 0 C and a pool with cool water

“Laconicum” – a room with an air temperature of +70 0 C and a hot pool

“Frigidaria”, a room where a cold “atmosphere” is maintained and a cold pool is located

Unlike a Russian bathhouse, the entire interior of the premises is decorated with natural stone (marble in light and warm colors) and decorated with mosaics, fountains and other luxury items. The steam in the steam room, which is adjacent to the laconium, enters the room through numerous cracks in the walls and floor.

Turkish bath... In the east they were especially sensitive to the bath procedure. In terms of its structure, a Turkish bath resembles a Roman one, only the transition to a higher temperature is even softer here. The interior is orientally rich, people are seated on heated stone beds, ideally lined with marble.

The classic Turkish bath hammam is five rooms with high humidity, in which the temperature gradually rises from +35 0 C to +55 0 C. Steam penetrates into the steam room through evenly distributed cracks in the walls and floor, which softens the feeling of heat and gives special comfort.

Advice from the master!

How to take a steam bath in a Turkish bath? First, you should warm up for half an hour in the dressing room, then vacationers move to the next hotter room and lie down on stone loungers, which are pre-moistened with water. Then transition again, etc. (depending on how many rooms there are in a particular bathhouse). The hike ends with a bath with olive soap and a massage using a hard “peeling” mitt.

Irish bath... This “steam room” arose relatively recently (in 1856) at the suggestion of the famous Irish doctor R. Barter. It has become a successful “hybrid” of Russian and Roman steam rooms, where high humidity is combined with constant air circulation from numerous cracks in the walls and floors of the rooms. Unlike the Roman bath, the Irish version is softer in action, the first room with a temperature of +25 0 - + 27 0 C is replaced by a warmer one (+32 0 C - +35 0 C), and in the hottest “compartment” only +55 0 C. Thanks to this gradual transition, deep and, most importantly, gentle warming of the human body is ensured.

As for the interior, it is as close as possible to the Roman version, but lacks its luxury and sophistication.

Japanese bath... This method of bathing procedure is fundamentally different. A person immerses himself in a wooden barrel of hot water (+50 0 C), to which salt impurities are added, and massages the body with a hard washcloth. The time spent in the font varies from 3 to 15 minutes. Then you should dry yourself, wrap yourself in a sheet or robe and rest.

The Japanese bath is divided into FURO and SENTO. They are distinguished by the number of people bathing in the vat. FURO is an individual bath designed for one person, SENTO is a collective bath for 5-6 people. The first domesticated version was available to wealthy Japanese, while less fortunate compatriots in life enjoyed public bath SENTO.

The bath procedure is complemented by a stone massage and a mandatory walk in the fresh air.

Finnish bath... The peculiarity of this bath ceremony is dry heat; the room is heated with hot air up to +100 0 C (and higher), while the humidity is only 10-30%. Despite the extreme conditions, “hyper-heat” is well tolerated, but still, beginners should start their “trip” with short visits (2-3 minutes). Then the period of stay in the sauna can be increased to 10-15 minutes. After each entry, the vacationer is doused with cold water. Gourmets use it in the tincture process essential oils to enhance the healing effect. After warming up, massage and rest follow.

Traditionally, the Finnish sauna is made entirely of coniferous species wood and consists of three compartments, a steam room, a cold pool and a relaxation room. If a Finnish sauna is built on the shore of a lake or river, then they do without an artificial cooling “reservoir”, preferring a natural font.

Everyone knows how much bliss and benefits a hot bath brings; however, not everyone takes into account the contraindications for visiting a steam room.

To ensure that a trip to the bathhouse does not end in disaster, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

But they exist, and after a steam room you can greatly harm your health. In some cases, everything ends very badly and sometimes even fatally.

How does a bath affect the body?

It is worth understanding how high temperature and steam affect the body. Then it will become clear who should refrain from visiting the bathhouse. The heaviest load falls on cardiovascular system. When heated, all blood vessels and small capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and the heart begins to work with increased load. Even in a completely healthy person, the heartbeat reaches 120 beats per minute, and blood pressure rises.

The duration of stay in the steam room should not exceed 15 minutes, as long-term exposure high temperature the blood thickens and becomes viscous. In this case, the heart may not be able to cope with its work and simply stop.

It should be noted that when visiting a bathhouse, a huge load falls on the cardiovascular system.

For skin The sauna is a real euphoria. When heated, all the pores open and she breathes actively. As the heat increases, sweating begins. Together with sweat, toxins and harmful substances leave the body. A sauna works especially well for this procedure, since the steam there is drier. However, after some time, beneficial microelements and vitamins will begin to leave the body through the pores. Any recovery must know its dosage so as not to cause harm.

The nervous system in the bathhouse relaxes, and peace sets in. Due to the fact that when the body heats up, blood rushes to the periphery into small capillaries in the extremities, it flows away from the brain. The soul feels light and detached. And only sudden changes in temperature - from the steam room to cold water- excite and tone.

For the respiratory system hot temperature acts beneficially. The lungs begin to actively cool the inhaled hot air, and moisture exchange occurs. Oxygen consumption increases, intensive ventilation lungs. Excess mucus is separated and breathing becomes cleaner even in bronchial patients.

There is an old saying: “In the bathhouse, all the bones are steamed.” Indeed, the heat of the sauna has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and joints. As mentioned above, blood flow increases and every cell in the body receives more oxygen as well as nutrients. At the same time leaves excess liquid and are output salt deposits. After the bath, all joints work as if they had been generously lubricated.

The muscles from the sauna steam pleasantly relax, tension and fatigue go away. At large physical activity Lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and it is this that creates heaviness and stiffness. The bath procedure reduces the level of lactic acid in the body. And what is important, the process continues for another 2 hours after visiting the steam room.

Absolute contraindications for baths

A clear contraindication to bath procedures is the presence of hypertension.

The steam room is strictly contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system: myocardial infarction (8 weeks after the onset of the disease, unless longer restrictions are established by the doctor), hypertonic disease, thrombophlebitis with venous insufficiency, extensive atherosclerosis. You should not steam if you have a pacemaker.

You should not visit the steam room with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, purulent rashes, leprosy. Extensive scars after burns, open wounds can also become a prohibiting factor. In some diseases, when sweating is impaired, the steam room is contraindicated.

Despite the fact that the steam room has a beneficial effect on the whole nervous system, and in this case there are those for whom the bath is contraindicated. With diseases such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, impaired motor skills, thermosensory disorders, migraines, it is better to forget about the steam room.

Pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage or other complications during pregnancy should not use the sauna. During menstrual cycle Bathing is also harmful for women, as there is a risk of heavy bleeding.

The steam room is contraindicated for all people suffering from chronic diseases during the period of their exacerbation.

Relative contraindications for the steam room

Saunas and steam rooms are incompatible with alcohol; even strong coffee and tea can be harmful to health. Traditional kvass, fruit compote or canteen mineral water will successfully replenish the water balance in the body. For those who smoke, it is advisable to give up cigarettes on this day. Before going to the bathhouse, you should not eat too much, but it is also not advisable to visit the steam room on an empty stomach. The best option is 2 hours after eating.

Older people and those who are doing it for the first time should proceed with the procedure with caution. You should start warming up from the lower tiers of the steam room, gradually rising higher, where the air is hotter. It is too early for children under 1 year to go to the sauna: their body is not yet adapted to heat exchange and there is a high risk of overheating.

A universal recommendation for all lovers of Russian baths: do not steam alone. A steam room is a kind of stress for the body, and even a completely healthy person can feel unwell. You need to have a loved one nearby who will help in case of danger.

Since ancient times, the bathhouse in Rus' was considered mysterious place, surrounded by a mass of signs and superstitions.

The steam room was both a clean and unclean room. Pure - because it was intended to cleanse the spirit and body: visiting it was a mandatory event before starting any significant undertaking.

On the other hand, the bathhouse was considered a kind of bridge between two worlds: the living and the otherworldly. Icons were never brought here and prayers were never read. Our ancestors believed that a mysterious creature lived in the bathhouse - Bannik, who at night received guests - forest evil spirits. That is why they never went to the steam room to wash after midnight. But even during the day in the bathhouse they observed special rules: It was not customary here to make noise, raise your voice, or swear, as this was not to Bannik’s liking.

In general, it was believed that the owner of the bathhouse had a capricious character and did not favor people too much. He lives under the canopy or behind the heater, often moaning, howling and laughing. If you offend him, he can be doused with boiling water or even steamed to death.

Bannik is an invisible creature and is rarely shown to people. Seeing his physical appearance is unlucky. Hairy, menacing, with iron nails and long hair– he is capable of frightening only with his appearance.

It’s better not to anger Bannik, not to go to the bathhouse alone, and, after washing, be sure to thank the Owner for the “good steam.”

Under no circumstances should a house be built on the site where the bathhouse once stood. It was believed that this would threaten various misfortunes: bedbugs and mice would torment them, and the worst thing was that old Bannik would destroy all the livestock, yearning for his former housing. Such restless Banniks were considered very dangerous, since they could turn into a werewolf and appear in the form of an animal (dog, cat, hare) or a person (an acquaintance or a simple passerby). In this case, it was necessary to use ingenuity. Most werewolves gave themselves away by a strange gleam in their eyes, excessively long nails, or some other way. If a person did not have time to recognize the werewolf, and he was able to lure him into the bathhouse, then he had to escape only by walking backwards, otherwise the door might simply not open.

Bathhouse and days of the week

According to our ancestors, not every day of the week is suitable for visiting a steam room. For example, on Monday and Wednesday, women should not wash their hair - “the hair will spoil” or “happiness will pass by.”

Tuesday was a good day. But the most suitable days Saturday and Thursday were considered for going to the bathhouse.

Bathhouse and women

The bathhouse was considered a dangerous place for women. Rarely did any of the girls dare to enter the steam room alone. The only exceptions were witches and fortune tellers. By the way, the ancient Russians believed that not only Bannik lived in the bathhouse, but also a representative of the fair sex - Obderikha. Of course, she doesn’t have a sugary character either, but you can appease her with a simple kind word.

Bath signs

There were a number of other signs and rituals that our ancestors tried to adhere to:

  • We never entered the bathhouse more than 3 times. It was believed that the fourth belonged to forest evil spirits. In some regions, the “third couple” belonging to Bannik personally was also considered dangerous. Having finished the bath procedures, people tried to leave a bunch of water, a broom and a piece of soap for the Master;
  • When building a bathhouse, a black chicken was buried under the shelf or threshold;
  • On the first visit to the new steam room, they took bread and salt with them, which, after washing, they left on the shelf in gratitude to Bannik;
  • Hearing extraneous sounds, howling and stomping in the bathhouse is a sign of trouble;
  • A dream in which you see yourself in a dirty, cold steam room foreshadows illness, and sometimes death. And vice versa, a heated bath with clean water dreams of positive changes.

Ancient Slavic rituals

The bathhouse played an important ritual role. It was heated for deceased ancestors, who were “invited” to take a steam bath before significant holidays.

It was mandatory to visit the bathhouse before and after the wedding. The births took place here. In addition, immediately after the birth of a child, a woman was not allowed to leave the bathhouse for several days. Our ancestors considered women in labor to be “unclean,” although modern doctors explain this tradition by the fact that the disinfecting properties of the air in the bathhouse are not inferior to the characteristics of our operating rooms.

There were special ritual days obligatory for visiting the bathhouse - after Maslenitsa, on Maundy Thursday and to Agrafena Bathing Suit. On the eve of Ivan Kupala they gathered various herbs, from which brooms were prepared. It was believed that every plant harvested on this day conveys its strength and positive qualities to a person.

The bathhouse was an ideal place for casting various spells and love spells. It was believed that if the newlyweds steamed themselves with a broom, which was collected from the branches of seven willows bending over the water, then they would live long life in love and harmony.

There were even special healer baths of two types: the first - to support life and health, the second - against disease and death.

Bath and sauna - excellent remedy recovery. They are especially useful for women. The steam room reduces the number of wrinkles, helps maintain skin elasticity and helps to lose excess weight. But in some conditions the bath is contraindicated.

Sauna and heart

The sauna has the most significant effect on the cardiovascular system. The basis of its action is improving blood flow due to temperature changes. Heat promotes the expansion of the smallest blood vessels - capillaries.

The high temperature forces even those vessels that were previously empty to function. The temperature contrast when jumping into the pool helps to narrow the capillaries. And after leaving the pool, the vessels expand again and give off excess heat. This is how “vascular gymnastics” occurs.

The rapid release of fluid from the body due to intense sweating contributes to blood thickening. The blood coagulation system is activated, but at the same time the activity of the anticoagulant system “prophylactically” increases. That is, in the bathhouse the heart, blood vessels and blood are in full combat readiness.

However, this can be dangerous for those who have heart defects with pronounced violations blood circulation You should not visit the steam room if you have severe hypertension with blood pressure over 200 mm Hg. Art., severe coronary heart disease and severe vascular atherosclerosis.

Those who are prone to bleeding or thrombosis, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery, should not tempt fate. You need to be very careful about steaming after 60 years. And age over 70 years is a contraindication to visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

Oxygen for the lungs

Hot air helps cleanse the respiratory tract. Increases mobility of costovertebral joints and movements chest become more free. Blood circulation in the lungs improves, and the blood is more saturated with oxygen.

Meanwhile, baths and saunas are a significant burden on the body. Therefore, people with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, active tuberculosis and severe bronchial asthma should not take a steam bath.

Heat for joints and muscles

A sauna helps a lot muscle pain after sports activities. Exposure to high temperature promotes the elimination of substances that cause discomfort in the muscles. Therefore the sauna is best method muscle recovery.

The bath is also useful for joints. An increase in mobility and a decrease in joint pain in the sauna occurs due to increased exchange of interarticular fluid. But if arthritis worsens, you should not take a steam bath.

Kidneys and liver rest

Increased sweating reduces the load on the kidneys, and they are on a “short-term vacation.” Urine production decreases within the first minutes and remains reduced for several hours after leaving the sauna. However, in case of urolithiasis and severe kidney diseases, it is better not to take risks with a steam room.

The sauna relieves not only the kidneys, but also the liver. Heat improves the secretion of bile, and the gallbladder is freed from stagnant bile. “Relationships” in the intestines are normalized, due to increased lymph flow, the intestines are freed from toxins. The influence of high temperature has a beneficial effect on intestinal flora, preventing the development of dysbacteriosis.

But in case of severe inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis, exhaustion, or exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, the bath is contraindicated.

There are a number of prohibitions when skin diseases. These are all acute skin diseases or their exacerbation, scleroderma. Those who have a purulent rash, viral or fungal diseases skin, scabies.

The bath is also contraindicated in severe cases diabetes mellitus, serious disruptions in work thyroid gland, glaucoma, epilepsy, psychosis and psychopathy.

And under no circumstances should you be in the steam room in front of everyone. acute infections, fever and malignant tumors.

So women with poor health should definitely consult a doctor before going to the steam room.