What does it mean for a woman to have a small uterus? What to do if your uterus is small

Unfortunately, not all women manage to get pregnant without difficulty and carry a healthy baby. The reasons for such difficulties are various diseases related to the reproductive organs, as well as hormonal characteristics women. For example, uterine hypoplasia, that is, an underdeveloped, small uterus. What to do if you have been diagnosed with this, as well as the causes and useful recommendations Let's look at it in this article.

Causes of uterine hypoplasia in adult woman may become illnesses that she suffered back in adolescence when the formation of reproductive organs took place. These include: hormonal imbalances, infectious diseases genitourinary system and genital organs, diseases nervous system, as well as insufficient amounts of certain nutrients in the body. The latter refers to a situation when a girl at a young age limits herself to nutritious food, thereby provoking a deficiency necessary elements in organism.

In order to determine how developed the uterus is, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and take measurements of the uterus using. However, there are some peculiarities here too. It is important to note that nulliparous women the uterus is significantly smaller than that of those who gave birth safely. In addition, given the proportions of each woman, the size of the uterus is naturally very different. In a small woman with low weight, normal small sizes, and in women with larger forms, therefore, significantly higher. Therefore, only a specialist can determine the presence or absence of uterine pathology.

Note that uterine hypoplasia and all diseases associated with it are very treatable in modern medicine. Most often, specialists prescribe hormonal drugs, which help not only to formulate the correct hormonal background, but also contribute to an increase in the size of the uterus. In some cases, uterine hypoplasia can be treated with vitamins without resorting to hormonal treatment.

Some women with uterine hypoplasia may be offered to increase the size of the uterus using gynecological massage. Principle this method consists of intense stimulation of the reproductive organs both externally and internally. Thus, during the procedure, blood circulation is stimulated, which makes it possible to slightly enlarge the small uterus.

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to is your own attitude towards a positive result. There is no need to despair if treatment takes a little longer than you would like. Tune in to the fact that you will definitely succeed. Arm yourself with patience and support from your loved ones - don’t worry, believe in yourself and everything will be fine. Good luck to you and good health. And let another pair of happy eyes and a small, tiny bundle of happiness appear on earth - your baby.

Especially for- Ira Romaniy

A small uterus has many names: scientifically it is called hypoplasia or infantilism, but popularly the term “baby uterus” is more often used.

Hypoplasia is an abnormal condition of the uterus. It is expressed in its small size (compared to the norm); it can appear not only during fetal development during pregnancy, but also during early childhood girls. It can be like an embryonic one (after all, the laying of such vital organs as the uterus, ovaries, the fallopian tubes, begins during intrauterine development), and virgin, childhood (when the formation of these two types of hypoplasia occurs later).

Small uterus: reasons for its appearance

There are many reasons. It happens that a small uterus develops due to malnutrition and lack of vitamins. But most often, uterine infantilism develops after poisoning or serious illnesses. Most dangerous period Age is considered from eleven to fifteen years. After all, it is during this time range that this important organ for every woman is formed.

It happens that a small uterus does not develop due to the fact that the ovaries are not developed enough: the process is disrupted, the ovaries cannot produce the required amount of hormones.

With a child's uterus, other changes in the body can be observed: the fallopian tubes are convoluted, long, with narrow clearance, there is hypoplasia of the labia minora and majora, vagina irregular shape. All these changes can be identified when visiting gynecologist both during a special outpatient examination and inpatient examination.

with infantilism

If the length of the uterus is from 5.5 to 7 centimeters, then infantilism is at the stage of the virgin uterus. If from 3.5 to 5.5 centimeters, it means hypoplasia at the stage of the infant uterus, but if the uterus is no more than three and a half centimeters long, the diagnosis is embryonic uterus.

According to doctors, there are differences between the uterus that is susceptible to hypoplasia and the infantile one. In the first case, the appearance of the organ is completely normal, only the size does not correspond to the norm. But in the second case, there may be various branches, curvatures, and malformations of the uterus.

Medicinal method of treating infantilism

If you have been diagnosed with a baby uterus, treatment can only be determined by a medical professional. What can it offer us? modern medicine, this is the treatment of a small uterus with hormonal drugs. Why hormonal? Yes, because a lack of hormones is the main cause of underdevelopment of the uterus. And for the normal functioning of this organ, for it to acquire a normal size, treatment with hormonal drugs is necessary.

Be prepared that you may have to take quite a lot of them a long period time. Also, for uterine hypoplasia, various physiotherapy procedures are indicated. Such as a certain effect of currents of the required frequency on the woman’s lower abdomen, laser procedures, warming up. As a result, improvement occurs and, accordingly, it quickly takes on a normal physiological appearance.

Treatment of hypoplasia in a traditional way

If you have a small uterus, treatment folk remedies may also give positive result. After all, most recipes have been tested by more than one generation of our ancestors. When using a traditional method of treating an illness, it is necessary to stock up on a component such as natural clay. The clay needs to be sifted, diluted with water, not warm, until the consistency of sour cream. Then cover the lower abdomen with the resulting composition, and put a regular plastic bag on top. The effect of the compress is approximately two hours. After the specified time, throw away the used clay. The next day, repeat the procedure using new clay. Instead of water, you can (another name for the herb) make an infusion from it. And best of all folk method treatment should be combined with the medications prescribed by the doctor.

It is then that the small uterus will definitely increase in size, reaching normal indicators and will allow you to enjoy the joy of motherhood.

The uterus of a girl who has not yet given birth normally reaches 7 cm in length, for those who already have children - 8 cm, the width will correspond to 4-5 cm. The doctor during gynecological examination or using ultrasound examination may indicate that a woman has a small uterus during pregnancy. This situation is not a reason to panic, because the reproductive organ is elastic and capable of growing along with the fetus.

Types of abnormalities with a small uterus

A small uterus and pregnancy are not uncommon in medical practice. Often women learn about their diagnosis only at the first ultrasound, when the reproductive organ begins to gradually enlarge, largely due to female hormones, which are produced in larger sizes to preserve the fetus for 9 months.

Complications can be caused if a pathologically small uterus is diagnosed during pregnancy. This situation is caused by malfunctions reproductive system still in adolescence.

There are several forms of underdevelopment:

  • hypoplasia is determined if the uterus stops developing in adolescence, accompanied by underdevelopment of all genital organs;
  • infantilism - reproductive organ childhood no more than 5.5 cm;
  • aplasia, most dangerous pathology when the size of the uterus does not exceed 3 cm, i.e. development stopped immediately after birth.
The first two degrees of abnormal development are corrected using drug therapy and the woman, after treatment, normally bears and gives birth to a baby. With aplasia, the possibility of getting pregnant is almost zero.

Additional signs of pathology

An abnormally small uterus during pregnancy means that the girl had problems during puberty monthly cycle. Most often, with this pathology, menstruation begins too late, after 16 years. The anomaly is diagnosed during an appointment with a gynecologist and confirmed through ultrasound.

The doctor may notice underdevelopment of the labia, vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries. When collecting anamnesis medical workers pay attention to the woman’s build. Narrow pelvis, small stature and undeveloped rib cage It is not uncommon to talk about delayed puberty. In subsequent age periods may be absent sexual desire.

The causes of the pathology are considered to be infections, hormonal imbalances, and lack of nutrition during the period of intrauterine fetal formation or during puberty.
During pregnancy, a small cervix poses a risk of onset premature birth or miscarriage. Due to the organ not being properly formed, the pharynx is too short and, under the pressure of the developing fetus, is not able to hold the baby inside the womb. Thus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency is formed, which becomes a threat to the child’s life.

Treatment for abnormally small uterus

Treatment begins with determining the causes of the development of such pathology. First of all, hormonal drugs are prescribed in order to normalize female hormones in the body. Additionally, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

External and internal massage reproductive organs medical specialists promotes an increase of 1-2 cm by improving blood circulation. Physiotherapeutic procedures (paraffin therapy, mud therapy, UHF) are recommended. Such actions reduce the likelihood ectopic pregnancy and contribute to successful pregnancy.

It has long been proven that the emotional component during pregnancy is very important factor. Therefore, you should not worry if you are diagnosed with a small uterus; according to statistics, pathology is not the main cause of infertility. After fertilization of the egg, the reproductive organ will adapt to the needs of the child, stretch and preserve the fetus inside the womb as much as possible, and doctors will help to avoid complications.

The ability to get pregnant, carry and give birth healthy child– one of the most important functions female body. Its implementation depends on the stability of all links neurohumoral regulation and the anatomical usefulness of the organs of the reproductive system. Any structural and functional abnormalities entail disorders in the gynecological sphere, many of which are associated with high risk infertility. For example, with similar problem Women who have been diagnosed with a small uterus may face this problem. What does this mean and whether it is possible to get pregnant with this condition are the main questions that concern patients. And the doctor is obliged to answer them.

General information

No wonder they call it the uterus the most important body in a woman. It is the container for the fetus and the place where it occurs. intrauterine development, protects the baby from external influences, provides oxygen and nutrients. And when the time comes to be born, the uterus with its powerful muscles will push the child into new world. But this is only possible if proper development organ.

The size of the uterus and the relationship between individual elements (body and cervix) undergo significant changes during a woman’s life. The length of the organ at birth is 3–4 cm, but in the first year its volume decreases by almost a third, which is associated with a drop in the level of maternal estrogens in the blood. Up to 10 years are determined only overall size uterus, taking into account the cervix and body, and then differentiate them. What this looks like is presented in table No. 1.

The indicated indicators are minimal, and in order to get upper limit norms, you should add 3–4 mm to them. IN reproductive age The size of the uterus depends on whether the woman was pregnant, whether she gave birth, and how many times. In addition, hormonal levels and individual characteristics body. You can find out about the permissible size of the organ (the lower limit of the norm) from table No. 2.

In postmenopause, there is a natural involution of the genital organs associated with a decrease in hormone synthesis. The uterus gradually decreases, and 5 years after the end of menstruation, its total length does not exceed 67 mm. But this process is programmed by the body itself, so there is no need to worry about the small size of the organ after 50 years.

The normal development of the genital organs is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones influence the ovaries, which, in turn, produce estrogens and progesterone. And they already ensure the growth of the uterus and cyclical changes in it.

The size of the uterus is different for each age period. But they should not be less than normal values.


A small uterus is scientifically called hypoplastic. This pathology is characterized by the fact that by the beginning of puberty the organ does not reach normal sizes, i.e. underdeveloped. Similar anomaly has a congenital or acquired nature. In the first case, the causes of a small uterus are associated with disorders in the prenatal period:

  • Chromosomal aberrations.
  • Bad habits of women (smoking, alcohol).
  • Intoxications.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency.
  • Taking medications.

But deviations in the development of the genital organs also result from adverse effects on the body of a child and teenage girl. Risk factors contributing to the appearance of hypoplasia include:

  • Severe infections (viral, bacterial).
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, respiratory system.
  • Endocrine pathology ( diabetes, hypothyroidism).
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland and ovaries.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders (anorexia, depression).
  • Toxic substances (drugs, smoking, alcohol).

In most cases, they entail hormonal disorders with disruption physiological development uterus. That's why puberty cannot end with the acquisition of full reproductive function.


Uterine hypoplasia is characterized only by underdevelopment of the organ, and all its parts - the body, neck and tubes - are formed correctly. But a similar situation is often included in the structure of genital infantilism, when other genital organs are also reduced in size. Depending on the degree of underdevelopment of the uterus, it is necessary to distinguish between the following degrees of hypoplasia:

  • 1 – length no more than 35 mm, most occupies the cervix (embryonic or rudimentary uterus).
  • 2 – length up to 55 mm, ratio of body to cervix 1:3 (infantile uterus).
  • 3 – length reaches 70 cm, the cervix occupies a third part (teenage uterus).

Of course, this has an impact on the clinical picture. The main manifestation of hypoplasia is considered to be disorders menstrual cycle. In the first degree, primary amenorrhea often occurs, which is characterized by complete absence menstruation, i.e. they never started in adolescence. For girls with 2–3 degrees of hypoplasia, hypomenstrual syndrome is characteristic:

  1. Opsomenorea – rare periods with an interval of 1.5–2 months.
  2. Oligomenorrhea - the duration of menstruation is no more than 2 days.
  3. Hypomenorrhea - the amount of discharge does not exceed 40 ml.

Menstruation appears late - after 16 years. They are irregular and sometimes combined with periods heavy discharge. Often a concern is algodismenorrhea, a syndrome characterized by painful periods accompanied by general disorders:

  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Irritability.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Dry mouth.

During the examination, the doctor reveals signs of lag in physical development. Girls with uterine hypoplasia have short stature, a narrow pelvis, small mammary glands, and poorly developed hair growth. The genitals are changed: the clitoris is not covered by the labia, the vagina is short and narrow. With a bimanual examination, it is possible to establish that the body of the uterus is flattened, it is dense and strongly inclined anteriorly (hyperanteflexia).

Hypoplasia of the uterus leaves a significant imprint on menstrual function, and is often combined with other signs of genital infantilism.

Pregnancy with hypoplasia

Women facing hypoplasia are concerned main question: Is pregnancy possible with a small uterus? It all depends on the severity of organ underdevelopment and accompanying hormonal disorders. With grades 1 and 2 of the pathology, it is not possible to bear a child, since primary infertility. But even in this case, do not despair, because there are assisted reproductive technologies.

But for women with a teenage uterus, the situation is more favorable: it is possible not only to become pregnant, but also to give birth healthy baby. However, during the pregnancy process you need to be prepared for various complications:

  • Spontaneous abortions.
  • Premature birth.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Weaknesses labor activity.

In addition, in such cases the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases, postpartum hemorrhage, infectious pathology (endometritis). It should be noted that uterine hypoplasia during reproductive age also leads to decreased libido and lack of orgasm, which creates additional difficulties in sexual life.


To find out the cause of hypoplasia, establish its degree and tell how a small uterus will behave during pregnancy, it is necessary additional examination. A woman should go diagnostic procedures, including:

  1. Blood biochemistry: spectrum of hormones (follitropin, lutropin, prolactin, thyrotropin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, cortisol).
  2. Functional tests for ovulation.
  3. Genetic research.
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvis.
  5. Hysterosalpingography.
  6. X-ray of the skull.
  7. Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging).

Additionally, to determine the cause and mechanisms of hypoplasia, consultation with an endocrinologist and geneticist may be required. And after full diagnostics the doctor will formulate a treatment plan that will help the woman become pregnant and experience the joy of motherhood.


Often, when diagnosing the causes of infertility, it is discovered that a woman has a small uterus. This factor significantly affects not only the possibility of conception, but also determines the prognosis during pregnancy.

Many women are interested in what a small uterus means. As a rule, this concept means its hypoplasia, infantilism or underdevelopment. A small uterus can mean either a separate pathology or be a manifestation of general infantilism.

The uterus performs important function as part of the reproductive system: it is intended for implantation and development of the embryo. The uterus is a unique organ - this means that only it is capable of performing the assigned function of reproducing its own kind. To carry out the primary task, the uterus also performs the menstrual function - this means that the layer intended for the development of the fetus is regularly, that is, renewed monthly.

It's obvious that uterine body also takes a direct part in the birth process. Contractions of the myometrium, which means contractions, contribute to the expulsion of the fetus and its subsequent birth.

The uterus is relatively small in size. It is noteworthy that the uterine body has different sizes, which varies depending on the woman’s age and the number of births.

In newborn girls, the uterine body is located in the area abdominal cavity and has a size of up to 3 cm. The ratio between the uterus and cervix is ​​3/1. As the girl grows up, the uterine body descends into the pelvis.

It is known that the size of the organ in adult representatives also differs depending on whether the woman gave birth or not. Normally, a woman’s uterus can have both a small and a large volume:

  • 4.5 cm in nulliparous women;
  • 5.5 in nulliparous women with a history of pregnancy;
  • 5.8 in women who have given birth.

The value may vary within a few millimeters.

The uterus grows during pregnancy, and after childbirth it returns almost to its original size, which is called involution. The cervix also undergoes changes. In nulliparous women, the cervix has a conical shape, and in women who have given birth, it is cylindrical.

Degrees and causes of pathology

A small uterus does not always mean that it is underdeveloped. In some cases small size due to miniature in stature women, as well as hereditary factor. However, even if the uterus is small, its size should correspond to the lower limit of the norm.

How small the underdeveloped uterus is is determined by degrees.

  1. The first degree means that the uterus has the size of the organ as at birth. Such a small uterus is called rudimentary, embryonic. Natural pregnancy is not possible. This means that the woman will have to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.
  2. The second degree means the size of the organ is from 3.5 to 5.5 cm, with the neck taking up most of it. A small uterus at this stage is amenable to hormonal treatment, however, the prognosis for a subsequent pregnancy is not always favorable.
  3. At the third stage a small uterus differs slightly from the norm. The relationship between the body and the neck is not disturbed. This means that the pathology can be eliminated with medication.

The causes of the pathology depend on whether it is congenital or acquired. In general, the small uterine body in most cases is not congenital anomaly. This means that acquired anomalies are more common.

Among the reasons congenital pathology highlight:

  • chromosomal disorders and genetic diseases;
  • harmful effects environment during pregnancy;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • the presence of infections during pregnancy;
  • taking certain medications.

There are many reasons for the small size of the uterine body:

  • dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system due to injury or due to infectious, toxic damage;
  • the presence of formations in both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland;
  • severe infectious and other somatic diseases;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tumors, cysts in the ovaries;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries, which means their hypoplasia;
  • little weight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • operations performed on the ovaries;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • constant colds;
  • unfavorable heredity.

The presence of these factors does not mean the development of pathology. Often the small volume of an organ is due to a complex various reasons.

Clinical picture and diagnostic methods

Symptoms depend on the severity of the anomaly. In the first degree, a woman experiences:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • rare menstruation;
  • meager bloody issues during critical days.

The second and third degrees are different:

  • late menstruation;
  • irregular cycles;
  • scanty or profuse bleeding;
  • pain, nausea, lethargy, fainting during critical days.

The presence of symptoms is due to low levels of ovarian hormones and an imbalance in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. This means the occurrence of a disorder in the functioning of the entire reproductive system.

You can conclude that a woman has a small uterine volume based on her appearance. Women are distinguished by their short stature, thin figure, and narrow hips. Moreover, secondary sexual characteristics are also poorly developed. There is insufficient volume of the mammary glands, scant hair growth armpits and pubis.

An anomaly may be indicated following signs, which are determined during a gynecological examination:

  • the labia are underdeveloped and do not cover the clitoris;
  • the perineum is retracted;
  • the vagina is characterized by its small volume and anatomical narrowness;
  • the conical neck is long;
  • the small uterine body is characterized by an anterior deflection and is flat and dense.

Girls usually complain about infertility, lack of libido and orgasms.

A small uterine body can provoke the following complications:

  • infertility and miscarriage, which can occur at any time;
  • chronic inflammation due to anatomical abnormalities;
  • weakness of labor and bleeding;
  • toxicosis of the first trimester;
  • early birth;
  • ectopic pregnancy due to tubal obstruction.

An anomaly can be suspected by visual signs and clinical picture. The diagnosis is confirmed by the following diagnostic methods:

  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • analysis of sex hormones;
  • measuring the size of the pelvis;
  • X-ray of the hand and skull;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • Brain MRI.

Many girls want to know what to do if they have a small uterus. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of the study. Therapy includes:

  • good nutrition;
  • correction of psychological state;
  • hormonal estrogen drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Spa treatment;
  • gynecological massage;
  • physical therapy.

If the indicators deviate slightly from the norm, this means that the pathology has a favorable prognosis.