Why is DTP vaccination given to children? Is it possible to bathe a child after DTP vaccination

The vaccination schedule in our country is determined by the national vaccination schedule. DTP vaccination (Tetracoc, Infanrix) - three times and is carried out at 3, 4.5 and 6 months. This is followed by one revaccination - at 18 months. If the child begins to be vaccinated not at 3 months, but later, then the vaccines containing the pertussis component are administered to him three times with an interval of 1.5 months, and the fourth time - a year after the third injection. Subsequent age-related revaccinations in our country are provided only against diphtheria and tetanus with ADS-M toxoid (foreign analogues registered in Russia - DT-Vax and ImovaxDT-Adyult) and are carried out at 7, 14 and then every 10 years throughout life.

Varieties of toxoids

For vaccination only against diphtheria, AD or AD-M toxoid is used, and separately against tetanus - AC toxoid. For immunization against diphtheria and tetanus in children under 6 years of age, if they have had whooping cough and they no longer need to be vaccinated against this disease, or they have permanent contraindications to the use of the pertussis component of the vaccine (afebrile convulsions, progressive disease nervous system), which will be discussed later, use ADS toxoid. During primary immunization, this vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 1.5 months. 12 months after the second injection, a single revaccination is necessary. Starting from the age of 7, only ADS-M toxoid is administered to children and adults. This drug is used for planned revaccinations in accordance with the vaccination schedule (at 7, 14 and then every 10 years). If for some reason a child under 6 years old was not vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, then after this age he is vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid twice with an interval of 1.5 months and revaccination after 6-9 months, and then revaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. ADS-M toxoid is also used to continue immunization against diphtheria and tetanus in children under 6 years of age who have had DPT complications vaccinations, which we will discuss below. In case of violation of the immunization schedule, all previous vaccinations are counted, and the child continues to be vaccinated, completing all the administration of drugs until the completion of the primary complex: vaccination + first revaccination, and then enter the age schedule of revaccinations. DTP, Tetracoccus, Infanrix and all toxoids can be administered simultaneously with any other vaccines, with the exception of BCG.

How the vaccine is given

All drugs for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus are a cloudy liquid, which is well shaken before administration to obtain a uniform homogeneous (homogeneous) suspension. If unbreakable lumps or flakes remain in the preparation, it should not be administered. In addition to the main active ingredients, the composition of the vaccines includes an adsorbent and a stabilizer. Used as an adsorbent aluminum hydroxide, which enhances the vaccine's immunogenicity, that is, its ability to induce long-term protection against disease. Acts as a stabilizer thiomersal, which is a salt of mercury in an amount of up to 25 μg. This dose is not dangerous for humans - according to WHO, up to 20 micrograms of various mercury compounds enter our body with food, water and through the lungs per day. DTP (Tetracoc, Infanrix) is administered intramuscularly, for children under 18 months old - in the anterior outer surface of the thigh, for children over 18 months old - in the deltoid muscle (upper third of the shoulder). Administration of the vaccine into the gluteal muscle, which was widely practiced in the past, is not currently recommended because the buttocks baby have a large layer of adipose tissue and the drug can get into adipose tissue. Absorption of the vaccine from adipose tissue is slower than from muscle, which can lead to the appearance of local vaccine reactions. Toxoids (ADS, ADS-M and AD-M) are administered to preschool children in the same way as the DPT vaccine, and for schoolchildren the drug can also be administered subcutaneously in the subscapular region. For this, a special hypodermic needle is used, with a sharper than the needle for intramuscular injections, slice.

How will the body respond?

After the introduction of all these drugs, but much more often - after the introduction of whole-cell vaccines (DTP, Tetracoc), the child may experience a response vaccine reaction (local or general) in the first 3 days. In 80-90% of cases, this is noticeable within a few hours after vaccination. These are common (normal) vaccine reactions, not complications. local vaccinal reaction is redness and induration at the injection site, most often small size, however, there are cases when manifestations of a local reaction reach 8 cm in diameter (but no more), which is also the norm. It occurs, as a rule, on the first day after vaccination and persists for 2 to 3 days. General vaccine reaction It manifests itself most often within a few hours after the introduction of the vaccine and is expressed by malaise and fever, but, as a rule, disappears by the end of the third day. There is a weak vaccinal reaction with a rise in temperature to 37.5 degrees C) and minor violation general condition; an average vaccinal reaction with a temperature not higher than 38.5 degrees C and more pronounced violations of the general condition and a strong vaccinal reaction with a temperature above 38.6 degrees C and pronounced violation general condition. In case of a very strong reaction with an increase in body temperature - in the first two days up to 40.0 degrees C and above - the introduction of DTP vaccine is stopped, and vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus continue with ADS (ADS-M) with toxoid. The number of moderate and severe reactions to the Tetracoc vaccine can reach 30.0% of the number of vaccinated children. The frequency of strong reactions to the introduction of the DPT vaccine does not exceed 1% of all vaccinated. The occurrence of reactions is associated both with the characteristics of the child's body and with the reactogenicity of the vaccine, which is noted to one degree or another in all preparations and may vary depending on the series of vaccines used. There are practically no strong reactions to acellular vaccines and toxoids. The development of usual (normal) vaccine reactions does not depend on the dose of the vaccine received by the child. Such reactions occur with the same frequency after 1 and after 3 or 4 injections of DTP, and may even be a little more often on the 1st injection, because. 3rd month old baby, who is injected with DTP for the first time, is faced with a fairly active foreign substance. In fact, with the frequency of administration of the DTP vaccine, only allergic, most often local reactions (swelling, induration, redness at the injection site) may increase. This is due to the fact that, when re-introduced into the body, vaccines can form, in addition to antibodies against a specific pathogen or its toxins, and antibodies that determine the appearance of allergic reactions belonging to the class of so-called immunoglobulins E. Their increased number is most often hereditary. When a child predisposed to allergies receives 1 and 2 doses of DTP, antibodies of this class to the vaccine begin to form in his body, and with the 3 and 4 administration of DTP, an allergic reaction occurs. Therefore, children who have previously had allergic reactions to some substances are recommended to take prophylactic antiallergic drugs during vaccination, especially when the same vaccine is repeated. However, antiallergic drugs do not prevent a rise in temperature, therefore their appointment to all children in a row, which has become widespread in recent times- it's pointless. The rise in temperature after vaccination is a natural reaction of the body, it is due to actively ongoing responses, in particular, the synthesis of certain factors that stimulate an active specific response to the vaccine. No wonder at one time it was believed that the higher the child's temperature after vaccination, the more active the immune system, the better it is protected after vaccination.

How to help a baby

When the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees C (in children prone to convulsions, this “threshold” should not exceed 37.6 degrees C), it is necessary to use antipyretics ( PARACETAMOL, NUROFEN, NIMULID). If a heat persists even after taking the drugs or other disturbances in the child's well-being appear, you should call a doctor. "Cook" healthy baby vaccination is not required. AT last years it is often recommended to give the child antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs before and after vaccination. But these drugs during vaccination are needed only for children suffering from acute allergic reactions (for example, urticaria, Quincke's edema, etc.), and it makes no sense to use them when vaccinating all babies. It is important to remember that a child can get any infection that coincides with the time of the vaccination. If, in addition to fever, he develops cough, runny nose, stool disorders, and fever persists for more than 3 days or begins 3 days after vaccination, this has nothing to do with it. It is necessary to find out in a timely manner what disease this may be associated with, and begin to treat the baby. Parents often complain that after vaccination, the child developed allergic skin rashes (diathesis), and nothing like this had happened before. As a rule, diathesis appears in children with a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions and various intestinal disorders. The vaccine is able to increase the allergic mood and, if the child has predisposing factors, then after vaccination, especially if at the same time new foods are introduced into the diet of the nursing mother or the baby himself, an allergy may first appear. Therefore, there is a rule - to introduce new products or change the mixture no later than a week before vaccination or no earlier than 7 - 10 days after it. As for older children, adults should not, “pitying” them after the injection, treat them with chocolates and other allergenic products, as well as take them to popular catering establishments.

Possible Complications

Of course, there are no absolutely safe vaccines and the vaccine, very rarely, but can cause complications. Parents should know this, as well as the fact that the consequences of infections are hundreds of times more dangerous. Moreover, according to the WHO, post-vaccination complications registered with a frequency of 1 per 15,000 - 50,000 doses of whole-cell vaccines (DPT, Tetracoccus) and isolated cases - for acellular vaccines and toxoids (1 per 100,000 - 2.5,000,000). Distinguish local and general complications. To local complications refer the formation at the injection site of a tissue area increased in volume and increased density(infiltration), as well as an allergic reaction with skin redness and significant swelling - more than 80 mm in diameter. These changes persist for 1-2 days and disappear on their own. You can use an ointment, for example, troxevasin, which is applied to the entire area of ​​​​edema 3-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear. To common complications relate: - stubborn monotonous shrill scream (squeal) a baby that appears a few hours after vaccination and persists for 3 hours or more, and is also accompanied by the child's anxiety and sometimes fever. All symptoms go away on their own after a few hours, but antipyretic drugs can be used as therapy (see above). negative influence it does not affect the health of the child; - convulsive syndrome (occurs with a frequency of 1 per 50,000 doses; it should be noted that when infected with pertussis infection, this figure is much higher - 1 per 1,000 cases): 1) febrile convulsions that develop against a background of high temperature (above 38.0 degrees C) in the first three days after vaccination, most often on the first day. Many foreign and domestic pediatricians and neurologists do not consider such a reaction of the body as post-vaccination complications, since almost 15% of children under 2 years old are prone to such convulsions at high temperatures. Such is the property of their brain tissue, their individual reaction to temperature, regardless of its origin. 2) afebrile convulsions - convulsions with normal or subfebrile temperature(up to 38.0 degrees C). They occur very rarely. Their appearance indicates a previous organic lesion of the nervous system, which for some reason was not established before vaccination. The occurrence of such seizures is an indication for compulsory examination child at the neurologist using various instrumental methods. - allergic reactions: urticaria, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock are the most serious and rarest complication (less than 1 in 1,000,000 vaccine doses) that develops immediately after the introduction of the vaccine or after 20-30 minutes. Therefore, within half an hour after vaccination, the baby should be monitored medical staff and not to leave the clinic or vaccination center where the vaccination was given. Unfortunately, in practice this rule is not always observed due to the haste of parents or medical staff. Treatment of complications is carried out by a doctor. With the introduction of acellular pertussis vaccine and toxoids, complications occur much less frequently than after the introduction of the DTP vaccine, and monotonous screaming and convulsions do not occur. Children who have undergone complications on DPT (Tetracoccus) vaccine are not subsequently administered the pertussis component, and vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus are carried out with toxoids. The risk of complications can be reduced to a minimum with the help of regimen and medication measures. But even if the complication could not be prevented, the child develops immunity to infection, and the vaccination process can be continued with another vaccine. It is believed that it is the pertussis component that causes complications in the DTP vaccine. If a severe reaction (for example, anaphylactic shock) was to ADS or ADS-M toxoid, then such children undergo a Manda test (the French pediatrician who proposed it). This test can only be carried out in a clinic or hospital. 0.1 ml of toxoid (diphtheria or tetanus) is diluted in 10 ml physiological saline. From the resulting solution, 0.1 ml of diluted toxoid is taken and injected intradermally at the border of the lower and middle parts of the forearm (as in the Mantoux reaction). The result is evaluated immediately and after 24 hours. The test is considered negative if there are no reactions at the injection site and there is no general malaise. With a negative sample, you can enter this toxoid.

Contraindications to vaccination

Temporary contraindication for vaccinations is acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In this case, vaccination is carried out after the recovery of the baby (2-3 weeks after acute illness and not earlier than one month after the exacerbation chronic infection). To rule out vaccination healthy child, on the day of vaccination, he must be examined by a doctor or paramedic (in countryside) and measures the temperature. Vaccination is only healthy child, with normal body temperature, and clarify whether there are any sick people around the baby. If there are, then routine vaccination it is better to postpone for a few days - until they recover. A permanent contraindication to the introduction of a particular vaccine is a severe allergy to one of its components (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock), as well as a complication of the previous dose of the vaccine or a temperature rise of more than 40.0 degrees C. A contraindication for the introduction of a whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTP, Tetracoccus) is a progressive lesion of the nervous system and afebrile convulsions in a child. Speaking about contraindications, it should be said that often doctors and parents unreasonably expand their "list" and do not vaccinate children who do not have direct contraindications to vaccination, for example, children with allergies, suffering from bronchial asthma, or children with non-progressive damage to the nervous system. Meanwhile, such babies should definitely be vaccinated against whooping cough, since whooping cough causes the most severe complications from the lungs in children with bronchial asthma, and in children with damage to the nervous system with pertussis infection, a long and serious brain damage occurs.

If the child has had an infection ...

After suffering pertussis, vaccination against this infection is not done. After recovery from diphtheria, diphtheria vaccination is continued. Those who have recovered from tetanus should be vaccinated, as previously unvaccinated.

Toxoids with the addition of the letter "m" in the name contain a reduced amount of the active substance.

An adsorbent is a substance capable of absorbing (adsorbing) other substances on its surface. various substances. For example, this property can be used to remove harmful compounds from an environment.

Stabilizer - a substance that contributes to the long-term preservation of physical, chemical properties drug (product).

Article "Vaccinations: on the issue of safety" ("Mom and Baby" No. 4, 2004)

The article "How to prepare a child for vaccination?" ("Mom and baby" No. 10 2004)

Urticaria is an allergic disease characterized by a skin rash in the form of blisters, itching.

Quincke's edema ( giant urticaria) - an allergic disease characterized by swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, as well as mucous membranes internal organs and systems (respiratory, digestive, urinary).

Anaphylactic shock is a condition in which, in response to the introduction of a substance into the body, there is a sharp drop blood pressure, which disrupts the vital activity of the body, in this case, immediate resuscitation is required.

Vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus is mandatory and very important for every child. However, faced with a violent reaction of the baby's body to the first vaccination, with fever and severe pain, parents are wondering: are there other vaccines that are easily tolerated by the child's body?

There are foreign DTP vaccinations - these are Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa and Pentaxim. What is their difference? Is it possible to put them on a child instead of those that are routinely done in the clinic? Is it worth it to buy an expensive foreign vaccine or just endure another vaccination?

General information about vaccines, their composition and action

Since 1940, universal immunization of the population has been carried out in Russia. There is an approved National Vaccination Calendar, which all medical institutions adhere to. When a child is just born, he is given the first vaccinations against hepatitis B and tuberculosis.

Doctors consider the main for the formation children's immunity a vaccine against three very dangerous, even fatal, diseases:

  • diphtheria - an acute infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract;
  • whooping cough, leading to pneumonia, convulsions and respiratory arrest;
  • tetanus - soil infection, accompanied by convulsions and problems with the nervous system.

Statistics show the severity of these diseases. So, before universal vaccination, the mortality rate from tetanus was 90%, and from diphtheria - 25%.

DPT is the name of a vaccine product manufactured in Russia, but for convenience, all vaccines against these diseases are called this way. Foreign vaccines differ from Russian ones in many ways.

Imported products do not contain formalin and merthiolate, since these substances are prohibited in the United States and the European Union. They also lack the acellular anti-pertussis component, which is why they are better tolerated by children of any age.

Many foreign vaccines are produced in combination against poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and other diseases. However, they are not included in the child's health insurance, and such a vaccination will have to be paid.

Domestic DTP vaccine

In the clinic, the baby will be given the Russian vaccine free of charge by default. It is inexpensive compared to Pentaxim and Infanrix, and not very modern. In the composition, it contains dead pertussis microbes, diphtheria and tetanus toxoid.

Toxoids are widely used in the production of vaccines. They are produced by pathogens, but after heat treatment become harmless. At the same time, toxoids retain antigenic activity, that is, they form immunity in a child.

Merthiolate (thiomersal), an organometallic compound of mercury, is used as a preservative, antiseptic, and also for protection against fungus. It is a dangerous substance, highly toxic, carcinogenic, allergy-causing, is a mutagen.

The dose of merthiolate contained in the domestic vaccine is not dangerous for small child. However, in the body of a newborn, the level of mercury compounds after immunization decreases only after a month. It is this compound that often causes parents to refuse to be vaccinated with Russian drugs.

DPT is used only up to the age of 4 years. When choosing which vaccine to vaccinate your baby, you should remember that the WHO domestic vaccine is approved.

French vaccine Pentaxim

There is a French vaccine similar to DTP. Unlike domestic, it also protects the baby from polio and hemophilic infection. Pentaxim additionally contains inactivated poliomyelitis virus, and the whooping cough virus in its composition is split, its shell has been removed.

In addition, unlike DTP and the polio vaccine, Pentaxim is better tolerated. It reduces the risk of developing vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, that is, that has arisen precisely because of vaccination. This is also evidenced by the multiple reviews of parents about the vaccine on the Internet.

Belgian vaccines Infanrix and Infanrix Hexa

In addition to the French vaccine Pentaxim, there is another drug on the Russian pharmacy market - the Belgian analogue of Infanrix. It is intended for vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Includes components similar to the French vaccine.

Infanrix Hexa contains an additional vaccine against hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae and poliomyelitis. It additionally contains neomycin and polymyxin. The vaccine is contraindicated in case of sensitivity to antibiotics. The subjective evaluation of this drug by parents is also very high.

Which drug to choose: imported or domestic?

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What are the significant differences between domestic and imported vaccines? When choosing, you should be guided important parameters: vaccination schedule, composition of the drug, possible complications and post-vaccination reactions:

  • Pentaxim and Infanrix are acellular, acellular vaccines, which is why they are better tolerated by babies. They are much less likely to give post-vaccination reactions in the form of hyperthermia, swelling and redness in the place where the injection was given. The Russian drug belongs to whole-cell vaccines, it contains pertussis cells. After it, there are often post-vaccination complications.
  • Foreign vaccines, unlike the Russian one, do not contain a harmful and very allergenic component - merthiolate. He is the cause of some negative reactions. They also lack formalin.
  • Pentaxim additionally protects against polio and hemophilic infection, which means that it will be necessary to vaccinate the child less often, to give fewer injections. This is undoubtedly better, because for the baby, each procedure is a lot of stress.
  • In foreign vaccinations, the immune response is 2-3% lower. However, considering revaccination, this difference becomes imperceptible.
  • DPT is placed free of charge in the clinic. Packaging Pentaxim and Infanrix will cost an average of 1,500 rubles. You can buy them at a pharmacy or put the vaccine in private clinic. For comparison - the price of a package Russian drug in a pharmacy is about 200 rubles.
  • Foreign vaccines in the package are already packaged in disposable syringes, through which the vaccination is carried out, which means that there is no risk of infection through a non-sterile syringe. As a rule, when grafting with a domestic drug in a polyclinic, one cannot know for sure that everything was done correctly.

Although parents of allergic children, it may be worthwhile to immediately make a choice in favor of Infanrix or Pentaxim, since the risk of an allergy to a domestic drug is very high.

Is there a difference in the vaccination schedule?

There is no difference in the schedule of vaccination against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus for foreign and domestic vaccines. Vaccination is done according to the scheme according to National calendar vaccinations:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4-5 months (exactly 30-45 days after the first vaccination) (more details in the article:);
  • at 6 months;
  • at 18 months;
  • at 6-7 years old;
  • at 14 years old.

Are there any differences in adverse reactions?

You should prepare for vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, regardless of the drug - be it DTP, Infanrix or Pentaxim:

  • 3 days to give the baby antihistamine;
  • make sure the child is healthy, measure body temperature.

Only an absolutely healthy child is allowed to be vaccinated!

This will prevent the development of adverse reactions. For all vaccines, they are approximately the same:

  • allergic reaction, rash, urticaria;
  • angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • convulsions;
  • redness and induration at the injection site;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39-40 ° C;
  • hypotension.

For imported, cell-free vaccines, such reactions occur much less frequently. For the safety of the baby, you should stay in the clinic for 30 minutes after vaccination, so that in case of a severe post-vaccination reaction, he will be given an urgent medical care. Basically, serious reactions occur immediately after the introduction of the vaccine or if the vaccine was given in the presence of absolute contraindications.

Adverse reactions disappear after 3-5 days. For fever, it is recommended to give an antipyretic and continue taking antihistamines for a couple of days.

How to behave in the event of a reaction, the doctor will tell you before vaccination. He can also postpone or cancel the vaccination if there are contraindications.

Are the contraindications different?

There is also no significant difference in contraindications. Exist absolute contraindications for all vaccines:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • encephalopathy;
  • some diseases of the nervous system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • HIV infection;
  • a very severe reaction to a previous vaccination.

And relative:

  • acute disease of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • vomiting, nausea, malaise, loose stools.

Are vaccines interchangeable?

The opinions of doctors on this matter differ. Some believe that the baby should be revaccinated with the same drug. Others say that it makes no sense to replace the domestic vaccine with Pentaxim or Infanrix. There are no confirmed contraindications to replacement.

It should be borne in mind that Pentaxim and Infanrix Hexa additionally protect against other diseases and will make changes to the entire vaccination schedule. In the presence of a severe reaction to DTP, it makes sense to continue to vaccinate with imported vaccines.

Through the umbilical cord, the child receives maternal antibodies, which are capable only during the first 60 days from the date of birth of the baby. Therefore, a DPT vaccination is necessary, which will protect the baby from serious infectious diseases.

If the child is sick and it is not possible to vaccinate at 3 months, do it when you can. The main thing to remember is that the first vaccination must be completed before 4 years of age. After four years, children not vaccinated with DTP are only vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria. must be respected. That is, between vaccinations should not be less than four weeks. Postpone vaccination for a reason feeling unwell You can, but you can't do it ahead of time.

So, the first DTP vaccination was delivered to a healthy child at the age of three months.

The second vaccination is given after 45 days. Ideally, the drug should be the same as the first vaccination. But if there is no exactly the same, then you can put another vaccine - according to the requirements of the World Health Organization, absolutely all types of DTP must be interchangeable.

What you need to know about the second vaccination?

The response to the first vaccination is usually much weaker than to the second. During the first vaccination, the body simply encounters microbes, after forty-five days it will react much stronger to the second vaccination, and you need to be prepared for this. If after the first vaccination for some reason the second vaccination was not given on time, then it should be done as soon as possible. You can't do it at all.

If there was a strong reaction to the first vaccination, then the second should be given with another vaccine, the reactogenicity of which is much less. As a last resort - to enter, without whooping cough.
The third vaccine is also given forty-five days after the second and the reaction of the body is observed. Try to do all vaccinations with one vaccine if there is no severe reaction.

Rules for the introduction of the vaccine

The peculiarity of the DTP vaccine is that it must be administered intramuscularly. In young children, the muscles in the legs are best developed, so doctors recommend that they be vaccinated in the thigh. In the muscles, the drug is released at the required rate for the formation of immunity. If you vaccinate just under the skin, the vaccine will not work. There is a large fat layer on the buttocks, which can also prevent penetration into the muscle.

What to do before DTP vaccination

  • the doctor must examine the child and confirm that he is absolutely healthy
  • it is advisable not to feed the child tightly before vaccination
  • if there is a tendency to allergic reactions - give an antihistamine

After vaccination, do not run home immediately, stay outside near the clinic. If a severe allergic reaction develops, you will be promptly medical assistance. At home, give your child an antipyretic before the temperature rises. Do not forget to constantly monitor the temperature, hyperthermia causes inconvenience to the baby and interferes with the development of immunity. Before going to bed, it is advisable to put candles with paracetamol so that the baby sleeps peacefully. Temperature rises should stop on the third day after vaccination. Antihistamines if necessary, also apply for three days. Discuss the dose of medications with your doctor in advance. Try to give your child as much water as possible, but not with juices, but with simple warm water and weak tea. Feeding tightly is also undesirable. New unfamiliar dishes cannot be introduced during this period. The mode of walking can not be changed. If the child feels well, walk in the fresh air as much as possible, just limit the amount of contact.

Side effects of DTP

Post-vaccination reaction occurs in 30% of children. A side effect is most often given by the third DPT vaccination. It is important to understand the difference between complications and side effects.

Side effects:

  • temperature
  • mood changes, tearfulness
  • drowsiness
  • diarrhea
  • vomit
  • lack of appetite
  • redness and swelling at the injection site
  • lameness
  • cough

All of them appear on the first day after vaccination and eventually pass without a trace. Redness at the injection site may be allergic or mild inflammatory reaction, compaction occurs when the vaccine is incorrectly administered. The vaccine that got into the muscle, not into the adipose tissue it is absorbed for a very long time, since there are few vessels in the subcutaneous fat layer. Ask your doctor which ointment you can use to speed up the resorption of the seal. Cough may occur in a child with a chronic respiratory disease.

This is the body's reaction to the pertussis component of the vaccine. The cough will pass in a few days. However, if a runny nose, fever, cough or diarrhea appeared 2 days after the introduction of the vaccine, then the reason for this is not the vaccination, but the infection that the baby caught on the street or in the clinic. Side effects can be severe - fever above 39 degrees, swelling more than 7 cm, prolonged crying for three or more hours. In this situation, it is necessary to bring down the temperature, take antihistamines and painkillers, call a doctor.

Complications of DTP

A complication is a severe reaction of the body to a vaccine, leading to a violation of health. According to statistics, such complications occur in 3 out of 100,000 vaccinated children. Complications include a severe allergic reaction leading to laryngeal edema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock and convulsions at normal temperature. Complications and side effects can be avoided with the right approach to vaccination. And the right thing is to put aside unnecessary rumors, doubts and follow the advice of doctors.

Instilling your baby DTP, you protect him from diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Many parents refuse to vaccinate their children based on information about the possible dire consequences of vaccinations. Is vaccination really that bad? Who risks their health more - a vaccinated child or one whose parents refused to be vaccinated?

Why are children vaccinated and revaccinated with DTP?

DTP is an adsorbed vaccine against the 3 most dangerous childhood infectious diseases: whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. DTP vaccination is used by doctors around the world to protect children from severe consequences these pathologies. It is these infections that occupy the first places among the common causes of infant mortality.

DPT vaccination is the introduction of dead or weakened cells of the causative agent of diphtheria and pertussis and tetanus toxoids into the child's body. After entering the blood, these foreign agents create the appearance of a disease in mild form, and the child's body begins to fight them. There is a formation of persistent protective forces. In order to maintain immunity to a specific disease at the required level, revaccination is periodically carried out - the repeated introduction of a lightweight vaccine.

Many parents ask themselves which immunity is stronger - artificial or natural (if the child has this disease). In fact, the answer is obvious, because the DTP vaccination course will protect the child's body from diseases for 6-12 years. Whereas the transferred diphtheria and tetanus, firstly, are extremely life-threatening, and secondly, the body does not develop immunity to them on its own. A child who has been ill with whooping cough receives protection for the same period as when vaccinated. Why risk your health?

What drugs are used for immunization in Russia:

  • DPT. Domestic remedy in the form of a suspension for intramuscular injections. Not sold in pharmacies, but available in clinics.
  • Infanrix (we recommend reading:). Belgian drug, available in 0.5 ml ampoules.
  • Pentax (see also:). The French vaccine is sold in the form of a syringe with a suspension. A hemophilic component with tetanus toxoid is additionally added to the preparation.
  • ADS. Recommended for vaccination over the age of 4 years. It has no pertussis component. He is not needed - timely vaccination DTP immunity to whooping cough has already been acquired.
  • ADS-M. The vaccine that forms strong immunity to tetanus and diphtheria in children older than 6 years.

Also used means that protect the child from 4 or more infections. Among them: Infanrix IPV (protection against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio), Infanrix Hexa (protection against the same infections, as well as hepatitis B, polio and hemophilic infection). It is advisable to do all vaccinations with the same drug, but with an individual reaction to the composition of the vaccine, the doctor will offer a different option.

DTP vaccination and revaccination calendar

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If the baby was born prematurely, or medical contraindications to immunization (recent colds, infectious diseases, increased body temperature, exacerbation chronic diseases), then a delay in vaccinations is possible.

The complex effect of the drug is quite strong, therefore, if the patient has an allergic reaction in the anamnesis, it is recommended to replace the severe DTP with a simplified ATP-M, in which there is no pertussis component, which often causes allergies.

The second and subsequent DPTs play at least important role than the first one. Through their use, the body receives the highest degree protection against infections. How older child, the easier it is to tolerate the vaccine, because with age, immunity becomes stronger. Vaccinations are done in stages, starting from 2 months, the last DTP vaccination is given at the age of one and a half years. Then, throughout life, revaccination is carried out at certain intervals.

According to the vaccination calendar, the primary vaccination course is carried out:

  • 1st - at 2-3 months;
  • 2nd - at 4-5 months;
  • 3rd - at 6 months;
  • 4th - at 18 months.

It is believed that in the first few months after the birth of a child, it protects innate immunity. Antibodies to these diseases pass through the cord blood from the mother. The interval between DTP vaccinations may increase depending on the condition of the child and his health. For example, if the first vaccination was given to a baby at 3 months, then the second, according to indications, should be no earlier than a month later. The same goes for the third and fourth and last vaccinations.

The first revaccination takes place in a year and a half

Regardless of the location of the medical institution, all data on vaccinations are entered into the vaccination card. This is necessary so that in the future, as the baby grows older, it can be seen when and with what vaccine the immunization was carried out. This is important both for medical statistical control and for further immunization activities.

An important condition is the maintenance of the minimum interval between vaccinations (30 days), and only the fourth vaccination is carried out a little later. Doctors recommend not to take a break between revaccinations more than a year, this may reduce the effect of immunization. It is these 4 procedures for administering the drug that are the main vaccination that allows you to protect the child's body from the occurrence of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Then, at certain intervals, a revaccination with a cell-free pertussis component (ADS) is done:

  • at 6-7 years old;
  • at 14;
  • further - in adulthood every 10 years.

Unfortunately, DPT revaccination in adulthood in Russia does not always take place according to the calendar. If the adult DPT revaccination schedule is violated, WHO recommends not starting vaccinations from the beginning, but resuming them from the stage at which the “failure” occurred and doing as many revaccinations as necessary.

How do children tolerate vaccination?

Babies are vaccinated intramuscularly by injecting the drug into a massive femoral muscle. Older children, starting at 4 years old, are vaccinated in the muscles of the forearm. The specificity of the drug is such that, getting into the muscle, it is not immediately absorbed into the blood, but gradually, which stimulates the production of antibodies by the body. Immunization can go completely unnoticed for a child. However, sometimes parents may notice changes at the injection site or in the child's behavior.

The child's body can react to the vaccine easily, but it can also "rebel". In order to understand when the body responds to the vaccine normally, and when the injection is difficult to tolerate, you should seek help from a doctor.

Normal adverse reactions

The appearance of some of these symptoms in a child indicates a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine:

  • The injection site becomes more dense, redness is possible. To eliminate this reaction, you can do alcohol compress to the injection site.
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. With diarrhea, the intake of enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel, activated charcoal) is recommended.
  • A slight increase in body temperature. This symptom is the most common and may persist for several days. Antipyretics will alleviate the condition of the child.
  • Cough. Usually passes without ancillary treatment in a few days.
  • Rash. Allergy goes away after taking antihistamines.
  • The child limps on one leg. This is due to the fact that children have a small muscle mass, and this makes it difficult to absorb the drug. To eliminate the symptom, you can massage your leg, wrap it with a warm towel.
  • Behavior change. From calm and quiet, he became capricious and whiny, or vice versa - an active baby becomes lethargic, inhibited and sleepy.

After vaccination and revaccination, the child may be whiny and irritable, limp on one leg and complain of abdominal pain.

All the symptoms considered are a standard reaction to the introduction of foreign and hostile cells, because these are precisely the elements of the vaccine in relation to the body. The child, when a reaction to the first vaccination appears, is likely to react the same way during the second, third and subsequent ones. Therefore, parents should have pre-prepared medicines in the medicine cabinet to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The child must be supervised and sharp deterioration condition go to the hospital. Such manifestations can be not only a normal reaction of the body to vaccination or revaccination, but a sign individual disease manifested after vaccination.

What symptoms require immediate medical attention?

Negative consequences after DPT immunization appear during the first day. If the child's health deteriorated a few days after the procedure, it is worth establishing a different reason. What are the symptoms after vaccination that you need to urgently consult a doctor to avoid an acute reaction:

  • sharp rise body temperature up to 39 degrees;
  • at the site of injection of the vaccine, edema appeared more than 5-8 cm in circumference;
  • The child has been crying continuously for several hours.

Possible complications after DTP vaccination

According to statistics, serious consequences after the vaccination or revaccination in question is a rather rare occurrence (they are observed in only 1-3 children out of 100 thousand).

These complications are potentially possible, and they provoke a deterioration in the overall health of the baby:

  • severe allergy to one or more components of the vaccine;
  • convulsive syndrome that arose without an increase in body temperature;
  • neurological complications due to high body temperature (the pertussis component of the DTP vaccine acts on meninges) (we recommend reading:).

Quite rare complications of immunization are pathologies of the kidneys, liver or diseases of the central nervous system. Chance of severe side effects small enough, but if you suspect such complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. The hospital will check general state child, and if necessary, provide qualified assistance.

Features of caring for a child after vaccination

DTP vaccination is different from all the others big risk the occurrence of adverse reactions of the body, but you should not refuse it. After vaccination and revaccination according to the schedule, the child will develop strong immunity to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. The baby should be prepared for vaccination to minimize the risk of adverse reactions:

  • if the child is prone to allergies (frequent diathesis, allergy to food products), a few days before the procedure, it is worth drinking a course of antihistamines;
  • directly on the day of the procedure, you need to give the child a syrup or tablet (for a baby under one year old - put a candle) to prevent an increase in body temperature.

Before any vaccination, an examination by a pediatrician is necessary, and testing is indicated. The first vaccination requires a visit not only to a pediatrician, but also to narrow specialists: a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, an allergist. If the child has no pathologies, and there are no contraindications to vaccination, the drug is administered to him.

For 2-3 days after vaccination, follow the recommendations:

  • provide the child plentiful drink and control the temperature in the room where the baby is located;
  • do not bathe the child on the day of vaccination;
  • for several days it is advisable to avoid crowded places;
  • do not introduce new complementary foods before or immediately after vaccination;
  • several days to measure body temperature even without visible reasons for anxiety, give before bed prophylactic dose antipyretic drug;
  • you can give the child an anti-inflammatory drug - this will not harm, and the baby will sleep better.

Following these recommendations will help the baby calmly endure immunization. Each parent decides for himself whether to conduct DPT revaccination to your child. However, it is worth remembering that timely immunization according to the schedule will help the child acquire immunity from diseases that are dangerous to his health and life. One unvaccinated child on time is potential threat for huge amount of people.

An effective measure to combat various dangerous diseases is an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. Vaccination is done in childhood, since all three diseases cannot always be cured with strong antibacterial drugs- The mortality rate is very high.

DPT vaccine

The vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus has the appearance of a cloudy liquid and includes killed cells of pathogens - tetanus and diphtheria toxoid, whooping cough microbial molecules. On the territory of Russia, people are vaccinated with both the domestic DTP vaccine and its analogues - imported sera. The action of vaccination is aimed at the formation of immunity in a child or adult to infectious pathologies. AT infancy the body is not yet able to fight such serious diseases, so DPT vaccination is started very early.

Once in the body, the components of the serum create an imitation of pathology, as a result of which the body develops immunity to diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus. At this time, there is an active production of antibodies, phagocytes and interferons. There are currently two types of vaccines:

  1. Acellular. Consists of parts of dead viral and microbial organisms. The use of such a serum is justified if the child has already had infectious pathologies. For prevention, vaccination is repeated in school age and supports the already formed immunity of the child.
  2. Cellular view. The serum contains intact cells of dead viruses and bacteria that contain toxoid. Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus is carried out if the baby has not yet had time to recover from the listed diseases. Cellular vaccination helps the body develop immunity to infectious diseases.

Parents can choose which drug to vaccinate their child. For the planned introduction of the vaccine, as a rule, domestic serum - DTP is used. If desired, you can vaccinate your baby with a paid vaccine Infanrix, Pentaxim or Tritanrix-HB. The last two drugs belong to the combined group and protect the body not only from whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria, but also from poliomyelitis (Pentaxim) and hepatitis B (Tritanrix-HB).

Preparing for DTP vaccination

Not every pediatrician prescribes preliminary analyzes and examines the patient before DTP vaccination. As a rule, doctors simply ask the parents about the health of the child and, based on the response received, issue permission for the vaccination. Since the responsibility for the condition of the baby lies solely with the mother and father, they should take care of the normal outcome of the procedure. Before vaccination, you need to prepare:

  • visit an independent doctor and take a referral from him for ultrasound, tests;
  • make an appointment with a neurologist;
  • study information about different types serums, on the basis of which to make a choice.

A healthy baby can safely be vaccinated with DTP. If the date of vaccination has already been scheduled, within six days (3 days before and the same after), the child should be given sutra and in the evening ½ tablet of Suprastin. On the eve of vaccination, you can not eat (8-12 hours before the introduction of the vaccine). When the DPT is delivered, you should not leave the clinic for at least half an hour in order to get help promptly if an allergic reaction occurs.

DTP vaccination

How many times do you get vaccinated and at what age? Children are vaccinated 4 times - this is necessary to create a certain amount of antibodies that protect the body from pathogens of dangerous pathologies of infectious origin. At the same time, it is important to observe a certain interval between procedures, in accordance with which a schedule (calendar) of DPT vaccination is formed. The scheme of vaccination of children:

Thanks to these four vaccinations, the body's defense against dangerous infections, and all further procedures are necessary to maintain the required amount of antibodies in the human body (they are called revaccinations). After the fourth injection of DTP, children are vaccinated at 6 or 7 years old and at the age of 14 years. So, each child is recommended to receive only six injections. Where is the tetanus shot given? For children, the vaccine is injected into the thigh, for adults, a local injection is made into the deltoid muscle.

In the future, vaccination should be carried out every 10 years. Vaccination against diphtheria for adults is carried out according to the following schedule:

  • 74 et seq.

Reaction to DTP vaccination

In children and adults, after the administration of serum, a response can be observed - general or local. The latter is manifested by redness or thickening of the skin at the injection site. The general effect is expressed by malaise and other symptoms. So, the temperature after DTP vaccination can reach 40 degrees. How long does she keep? Since each organism is unique, the symptoms can go away after a day or a week. At the same time, a high temperature indicates that the serum is not suitable for the patient and its administration should be stopped or other drugs should be used.

Complications after DTP vaccination

Each vaccination is a great stress for the body: it starts difficult process restructuring of the immune system. Any complications of vaccination become noticeable in the first hours after the procedure, they are associated with the characteristics of a particular organism. Some people may develop allergies in the form of skin rash in addition, vomiting and diarrhea are rarely observed. When adverse reaction for serum, you should immediately consult a specialist. To the number dangerous consequences vaccinations include:

  • disorders of the child's nervous system;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • lag in the development of the baby.

Often after DTP vaccination (after 2-3 hours), young children experience restless behavior, which is accompanied by a piercing cry. These symptoms disappear after a few hours. To prevent complications and negative consequences of the vaccine, you should:

  • 2-3 hours after the injection, use an antipyretic drug (for example, Nurofen);
  • at primary signs allergies give an antihistamine such as Fenistil;
  • feed the baby exclusively at his request, you should not force;
  • give more liquid: herbal teas, compotes, non-carbonated water;
  • limit infants' contact with other people.

Is it possible to walk after DTP vaccination? Since after vaccination it is important to provide the baby fresh air, then going outside with him is not only not contraindicated, but also necessary, however, walking, like swimming, is allowed only the next day after the procedure. In addition, after the introduction of serum, it is important to ventilate the room in which the child is located more often - this will alleviate his condition and help prevent the onset of negative consequences of vaccination.


Elevated temperature, exacerbations of chronic ailments, a severe form of immunodeficiency, an allergy to serum components are general contraindications to vaccination. According to the instructions, DTP vaccination is temporarily or indefinitely prohibited if the baby has convulsions or if there is a progressive disease of the nervous system. In this case, serum without pertussis is used.

DTP vaccination price

It is possible to buy serum for whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria in pharmacies or in medical institutions where vaccination is given. Inexpensive Russian vaccination DTP Infanrix costs up to 700 rubles. The drug is dispensed in a hermetically sealed syringe in accordance with the dosage - this has a positive effect on the speed and convenience of vaccination. Experts recommend using Infanrix to vaccinate children with weakened immune system or allergic to components of DTP.

The cost of the French drug Tetraxim is slightly higher and amounts to 800-1000 rubles. This price is justified by the content of an additional anti-polio substance in the vaccine. Quality this drug is considered as high as possible, compared with analogues, since Tetraxim rarely causes negative consequences.

The only difference between Pentaxim and Infanrix is ​​the content of the first substance that forms the body's defense against hemophilic infection. The ready-made syringe contains the whole complex of components for vaccination of adults and children. You can inject this serum at any time, as this will not disrupt the schedule of other vaccinations. How much does the drug cost? The price of Pentaxim is about 1000 rubles.

Video: composition of DTP vaccination