An effective helper is plantain infusion all year round. Medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain leaves

admin 12.07.2016

ABOUT healing properties oh, we recognize such an extraordinary herb in childhood, when we apply it to the site of a fresh wound. But in addition to the fact that plantain is a good disinfectant and heals wounds, it is also widely used in the treatment of coughs and the digestive system. Moreover, all the beneficial properties of this herb are preserved both fresh and dried, which means that it can be used as medicinal component though all year round. We will talk about the benefits of plantain and how to use it in this article.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Today there are about 250 different various types plantain, but in our country the most common type of this herb is the great plantain, the benefits of which we will now talk about.

  • Everyone knows that plantain is popular in folk medicine due to its hemostatic properties. With its help, the inflammatory process is well relieved, the wound is disinfected and heals faster. This beneficial property is explained by the content of tannins and polysaccharides in the chemical composition of plantain, which ensure rapid healing.
  • Plantain improves the functioning of the digestive system, and it also increases appetite. It can be used to treat gastritis and ulcers, as well as flatulence and colitis.
  • This useful herb can be used as a remedy for respiratory tract, plantain is often used for severe cough and the first signs of bronchitis.
  • Plantain is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs for treatment malignant tumors and leukemia, as it increases their effectiveness.
  • If there are problems with functioning nervous system It is recommended to use plantain. He, depending on existing problems, can tone or, on the contrary, calm the human body.

As you can see, not the first glance in such an unremarkable herb as plantain, hidden a large number of healing properties, which are quite useful to know about.

Medicinal properties of plantain

Please note that in medicinal purposes They use not only plantain leaves, but also seeds.

Studies have shown that plantain contains substances that have a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism in the body, thereby bringing its level back to normal. In addition, it provides invaluable assistance in the fight against ulcers. Fresh leaves plantain herbs, as well as juice squeezed from them, are often used as an antibacterial natural remedy. It has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microbes and staphylococcus.

Uses of plantain

In general, the plantain was found wide application in folk medicine, it is one of the main components in many effective folk recipes. But in addition to the fact that this herb is often used for medicinal purposes, young leaves are often used in cooking in the summer in the preparation of light vegetable salads and soups, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Treatment with plantain

With the help of plantain you can treat absolutely various diseases, especially for you, we have prepared several recipes using plantain to combat completely different problems with health.

Plantain for cough

Plantain can help in treating a cough when a person has an allergic reaction to pharmaceutical drugs. In a short period of time, you can prepare a miracle cure at home.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh plantain leaves and the same amount of granulated sugar. If you are not allergic to honey, then it is better to take it, since this product also contains a large amount of useful properties. The ingredients must be mixed and put on low heat, the heat should be low, since the mass needs to simmer for 4 hours. The finished syrup should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before the main meal in the amount of one teaspoon.

Treatment of gastritis with plantain

To treat gastritis, it is worth preparing a decoction of plantain; for this you need to take a tablespoon of dried plantain leaves per glass of boiling water. After you flood the leaves hot water, let the broth brew for a couple of hours and strain it. The finished decoction must be taken orally for hours; it is best to drink it in small sips. To get the first results this procedure must be done daily for at least a couple of weeks.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with plantain

It turns out that stomach ulcers can be fought with a natural remedy based on plantain, or rather its seeds.

When this worsens unpleasant disease You can prepare an infusion of plantain seeds. You need to brew two tablespoons of plantain seeds in a glass of boiling water, let the drink brew for a couple of hours and strain it. Ready medicine It is recommended to drink a tablespoon half an hour before the main meal.

Treatment of wounds with plantain

Plantain is famous for its wound-healing properties; it quickly relieves inflammation and disinfects the injured area.

Grind clean and dry plantain leaves so that the juice begins to stand out from them. Roll the gauze into several layers, fill it with plantain pulp and roll it up. The resulting compress must be applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and the compress should be renewed every 2-3 hours.

You can also chop plantain and yarrow leaves in equal parts and make a gauze compress from them. It must be applied to the required place; it is recommended to update this bandage twice a day. For example, in morning time and in the evening.

If you do not have time to prepare compresses or you are in unsuitable conditions for this, then simply apply a clean plantain leaf to the wound or bruises.

Treatment of dysbiosis with plantain

In case of dysbacteriosis, as well as diarrhea, it is not necessary to immediately run to the pharmacy; you can be treated with natural medicinal products based on plantain.

Pour 100 ml tablespoon of plantain seeds hot water, let the resulting drink brew for half an hour, and then strain it using a strainer or gauze. Take the resulting medicine three times a day 30 minutes before your main meal. Usually, after the first dose of the drink, noticeable improvements in general condition human body.

Treatment of joints with plantain

Aching and long-term pain in the joints - this is very unpleasant phenomenon, which you want to forget about as quickly as possible. Using plantain you can prepare effective remedy to solve joint problems.

Mix crushed plantain leaves with bee honey in equal proportions. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for long period time. Please note that this remedy contraindicated for people suffering varicose veins veins

Plantain. Contraindications

Although plantain is indeed unique grass, it has a number of contraindications for use, however, like any other medicinal herb. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before you begin treatment, so as not to cause harm to your body instead of benefit.

  • It is recommended that people who have problems with blood clots, as well as excessive blood clotting, refrain from using plantain for medicinal purposes.
  • Above we wrote that plantain has a beneficial effect on digestive system and helps in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. It is worth noting that treatment with this herb is only suitable for patients with low acidity, if it is elevated, then treatment with plantain should be abandoned.
  • Plantain can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to start treatment with small doses with gradual increase volume.

Do not neglect contraindications under any circumstances; it would be even better if you consult with your doctor about starting treatment with plantain.

Plantain during pregnancy

We learned about contraindications to the use of plantain, but is it possible to treat women with this wonderful herb? interesting position? Let's try to find the answer to this important question.

Plantain is of great benefit to the body of a pregnant woman; it helps the body get rid of excess cholesterol, relieves swelling, removes excess water from the body, and also increases blood clotting.

Plantain can be used as a natural remedy to normalize blood pressure, and also as a sedative and analgesic.

Pregnancy is that period in a woman’s life when even healing herbs should be taken with caution. For complete safety, it is better to consult a specialist who will prescribe competent treatment if you do not have any contraindications to the use of this herb. Do not self-medicate and take plantain only in the quantities strictly indicated for you, otherwise you may harm your health and the health of your future first-born.

Plantain for children

Of course, in the matter that concerns the use of plantain as a wound healing agent, there is no question about its safety for children. But if we talk about taking plantain-based products internally, many parents begin to have doubts about the effect of plantain on the child’s body.

Most often, plantain syrup is prepared for children, which is an excellent cough suppressant. There are recipes for products that are allowed for children from one year old, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. The only thing is to consult a specialist who can prescribe the required dose of the drug specifically for your child.

Everyone knows plantain - it is a medicinal plant that is applied to wounds, bruises and cuts. But not only that therapeutic effect Plantain is known - the plant is capable of treating a large number of diseases that are harmful to human health. Today, plantain decoction is a powerful medicine, the healing properties of which treat a lot of problems in the body.

It is known that decoctions are in great demand in the treatment of a specific type of disease, since medicinal properties This composition is considered powerful for coughs, colds, inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, disorders internal organs and human systems.

Prepare a decoction based on plantain at home. At the same time, to prepare the medicine, the roots, leaves and stems of the plant are used, which, when flowering, are endowed with a lot of useful properties.

Important: taking plantain-based decoctions is used as a treatment after issuing a doctor’s prescription, since otherwise the remedy causes a number of disorders of the body and contributes to the deterioration of its condition (in this case we were talking about internal reception medications).

Description of the plant

Plantain – perennial, belonging to the plantain family. The medicinal properties of the herb have been known for a long time - in ancient times, the components of the plant were used for wounds, coughs, as a vitamin complex.

This grass is characterized by the presence of a basal rosette, inside the central part of which there is summer time leafless branches grow, bearing flowers and seeds during flowering. These processes are called flower arrows.

The rhizome of plantain is short, thick, endowed with a mass of thread-like processes that are located vertically. Rhizome color Brown. The root itself is hard and woody.

Plantain leaves are wide, ovate, petiolate. In the middle of each leaf 6-9 veins are visible. The length of one leaf is up to 12 cm. The leaves are dark green, smooth, slightly shiny. It is they who distinguish the plant from other representatives of the plantain class. In addition, this part of the grass has the most useful composition, unlike other parts of the plantain.

The flowers are endowed with a brown corolla, small, located in the axils of the membranous bract. The plantain fruit is a multi-seeded oblong capsule endowed with 4-8 seeds. Seeds ripen in late summer and early autumn, depending on climatic conditions. In the northern regions, fruit ripening occurs in September-October.

Plantain blooms from May to August - it is at this time that it is recommended to collect parts of the plant. Important: you can make decoctions from dry and fresh parts of the plant. If you are using fresh leaves or roots, collect them in different time, depending on full maturation and maximum saturation with useful substances.

When is plantain harvested?

Traditionally, parts of the plant are collected in the summer. The leaves are collected in May-July, the rhizome is collected in early autumn, immediately after the grass blooms. Seeds are collected as the plantain blooms. When assembling flower arrows, you should use scissors so as not to damage the plant.
Prepare medicinal decoctions can be made from the roots and leaves of grass, so as you assemble the components of the plant must be dried properly - drying is carried out in a closed room. sun rays indoors and shade. When dry, all parts of the plantain should break easily. Only in this case can you be sure that the herb has retained its healing and healing properties.

Where does plantain grow?

This plant is found everywhere. You can see grass in meadows, on streets, along houses and roads, on paths, pastures, and meadows. Plantain grows on any soil – varying in composition and moisture content.
Important: grass in short term forms thickets around itself, stretching 1-3 kilometers. This is due to the fact that plantain grows quickly and reproduces by seeds. Therefore, the plant is simple and easy to grow in the garden and garden plot.

Depending on the area where it grows, the plant is given a lot of names: road plant, road burdock, traveler and others. There are many varieties of this medicine - today scientists count about 260 species of plantain, each of which differs in the method of growth, size, required climate and reproduction. There are species that grow for only 1 season, after which the root dies without producing shoots.

What can you cook from plantain?

This plant is considered universal, that is, many medicines can be prepared from it, the properties of which will actively affect human health.

Today, doctors prescribe ointments, solutions, infusions, tinctures, decoctions, and lotions from plantain components to patients. Every medicinal composition It is prepared according to a strict doctor’s prescription, since the dosages for the treatment of a specific pathology are different.

Plantain decoctions are carried greatest benefit for the body, since when preparing this medicine useful material and the properties of the plant remain in the decoction. Important: when preparing a decoction of fresh plantain leaves and roots, all the beneficial substances needed to treat the body from a host of diseases remain in the liquid: coughs, flu, pathologies of internal organs.

What properties does a decoction based on plantain have?

The properties of the medicinal plant are important for preparation healing decoctions and other means. Plantain is rich in a lot of healing properties that are valued in folk medicine.

Medicinal properties:

  • bacteriostatic;
  • wound healing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • sedative;
  • hypotensive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

Thanks to these properties, plantain is used in the treatment of a host of diseases and disorders of the body (cough, tuberculosis, and urinary tract and other diseases).

Important: the use of decoctions is carried out under the direct supervision of a doctor. You can prepare decoctions from dry, fresh leaves and freshly squeezed juice.

Chemical composition of homemade decoctions

Thanks to the medicinal chemical composition decoctions are considered useful in the treatment of many diseases.

The decoction contains:

  • saponins;
  • steroids;
  • fixed oils;
  • oleanolic, citric acid;
  • enzymes;
  • tannins and bitter substances;
  • mucus;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements;
  • glycoside aucubin.

When preparing a decoction with roots and leaves, the medicine is saturated with flavonoids, resins, and bitter oils.

A decoction of seeds has a rich composition of microelements, which is used in the treatment of almost every disease.

What do decoctions treat?

Homemade decoctions based on plantain can cure a large number of diseases, which include disorders of internal organs, colds and other pathologies.

The decoction treats:

  • cough;
  • gastritis;
  • infected wounds, burns, abrasions;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • enterocolitis;
  • enteritis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the eyeball;
  • furunculosis.

Decoctions based of this plant used as a wound healing agent. To do this, the liquid is applied to a cotton pad or a piece of gauze and applied to the sore spot. After 15-20 minutes, the wound is considered washed.

This medicinal composition is taken for worsening appetite, sleep disturbances and loss of strength.

In any case, the use of plantain-based decoctions should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will regularly monitor the condition of the body.

Recipes for preparing plantain decoctions

Cook it yourself medicinal composition Just. But, you must strictly follow the recipe, since the dose of medicinal raw materials is prescribed individually for each specific disease.

  • Take 2 spoons fresh juice and pour a glass of boiling water. Place this mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. The good thing about this recipe is that it can be taken cold and does not require straining before use.
  • Pour 2 pinches of dry leaves into 250 ml of water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Strain and take orally before eating.
  • Grind 3 tablespoons of dry root and put it in a saucepan, add 300 ml of water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then bring to a boil and strain the broth. Take for cough, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  • Pour 1-2 tablespoons of seeds into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Take the remedy on an empty stomach, remembering to strain the medicinal liquid.
  • Pour 5 fresh leaves into 200 ml of water and boil. Add lemon juice and leave in a cool place. The properties of the composition fight inflammation, infections and flu.


Contraindications for use are considered to be a tendency to form blood clots and increased acidity stomach. Also, children under 3 years of age and pregnant women should not take the decoction.

Every villager (and not only) remembers what kind of grass he applied to a broken knee or other wound received during street games.

It was a plantain, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known since ancient times, and whose leaves still help heal wounds and cuts. But, in addition to saving from wounds, this medicinal plant in the form of leaves, roots and seeds can save a person from many other ailments.

Chemical composition of plantain leaves

The beneficial properties of plantain leaves are due to the presence of the following components:

  • Complex of organic acids: non-chlorogenic, vanillic, ferulic, furamaric, chlorogenic, protocatechuic, larakumaric, etc.
  • Many polysaccharides, especially glycosides.
  • Tanning components.
  • Flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoncides, sorbitol, chlorophyll.
  • Set of vitamins: K, C and B4.
  • Minerals: bromine, calcium, potassium, boron, magnesium, copper, barium and others.

In addition, plantain leaves, the beneficial properties of which were already known to our distant ancestors, contain factor T, which improves blood clotting.

Wound healing

Allantoin contained in plantain leaves acts as an antibacterial and bactericidal agent, killing pathogenic bacteria in damaged tissues. It accelerates wound healing and promotes the rapid growth of new tissue.

Due to the content of factor T, the leaves help stop bleeding from minor bleeding due to cuts and abrasions. To do this, grind the leaves into a paste and apply to the damaged area.

If you mix plantain mass with comfrey and cayenne mixture, the resulting product will speed up tissue repair and prevent the appearance of unsightly-looking scars.

Healing sunburn and pigmentation

If you receive burns from prolonged exposure to the sun, juice from plantain leaves will quickly have a soothing effect on damaged skin. Apply a paste of leaves or soak a cloth in juice diluted with water and apply to the burn site. Plantain will stop the inflammatory process, relieve burning and itching, and disinfect the skin.

This herb is great for eliminating dark spots, acne and rashes on the skin, gives it a healthy, well-groomed appearance and improves complexion.

Relief from diaper rash in children and itching from insect bites

Crushed plantain leaves, which have medicinal properties and have contraindications, are safe for children's skin. Moreover, they relieve babies’ skin from diaper rash, itching, inflammation and rashes.

Mix a mixture of plantain extract with almond oil (a few drops) and beeswax eliminates itching from diaper rash and insect bites.

Leaf juice pure form will not only soothe the skin affected by the bite, but also speed up its healing.

Dandruff treatment

The beneficial properties of plantain help care for hair. If you infuse its leaves and dilute the infusion warm water, it will make an excellent rinse aid. When used regularly, it gets rid of dandruff and skin itching and disinfects the skin.

The healing properties of plantain for cleansing the body

Thanks to its medicinal properties, plantain cleanses:

  • Blood. Possessing the properties of cleansing the body of toxins, this herb, when taken orally in the form of teas, promotes renewal blood cells and removal of harmful substances.
  • Airways. The ability of the plant to stop inflammatory processes allows you to quickly recover from inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, and alleviate the condition of asthma. To do this, take 1 tsp 3 times a day. juice from plantain leaves, diluted in a glass of warm water.
  • Kidneys. Thanks to its diuretic effect, plantain extract relieves inflammation of the kidneys and genitourinary system in general, ridding the body of toxins and swelling. It also cures childhood enuresis.

Benefits for women's health

Having the ability to relieve cramps, plantain herb relieves pain during menstruation and reduces the amount of discharge when it is too heavy.

Having the ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, this plant helps to recover faster after childbirth and restore uterine tone.

Improved digestion

Tea with plantain leaf and adding leaves to fresh salads speed up metabolism and improve digestive process, preventing gastrointestinal disorders.

Plantain is used to treat duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, dysentery and dyspepsia.

Stopping the growth of tumors in oncology

Stopping ability various inflammations gives plantain grass antitumor properties. Its components suppress the appearance of new cancer and tumor (if the tumor is benign) cells.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Having the ability to lower triglyceride levels and keep them normal, plantain prevents the development of stroke and heart attack, and helps cure a number of cardiovascular diseases.

Along with the medicinal properties of plantain described above, its leaves and juice, endowed with diuretic and cleansing properties and the ability to reduce appetite, help to lose weight. For weight loss, take 3 g of crushed leaves with a glass of water for 30 minutes. before meals three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of plantain

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, plantain cannot be used for treatment in following cases:

  • If there is increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • When a person is allergic to the components of plantain grass.
  • If the patient has increased blood clotting or thrombophlebitis.

In any case, before using plantain, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been studied quite well, it is better to first consult your doctor for advice. Even a folk medicine can benefit one person, but only harm another.

To get rid of the symptoms of some diseases, plantain will help, herbal tea in this case, it is better to do it in June, when the plant is saturated with vitamins and beneficial components. Although in any month summer period You can collect a healing ingredient to prepare a medicine. Infusion of meadow plantain has long been known to herbalists as an effective medicinal component for external and internal use.

When to use the infusion

Plantain infusion will help with many ailments, the use and preparation of which can be done on a water or alcohol basis. Used for the purpose of prevention and health improvement:

  • infusion gives positive results for colitis, gastritis, dysentery, constipation, cystitis, kidney problems;
  • used as a lotion for cuts, bruises, burns, acne, ulcers and boils;
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms of lung disease, during colds, has an expectorant and softening effect;
  • infusion has beneficial influence during heartburn;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • actively fights against bronchial asthma, whooping cough and bronchitis.

Plantain - to help the stomach

To eliminate stomach problems, plantain is often used for treatment. The plant promotes recovery gastric secretion and brings it back to normal.

To cure stomach ulcers and gastritis with reduced level To reduce acidity, use plantain infusion with the addition of natural honey.


  • plantain leaves;


  1. Rinse the leaves thoroughly.
  2. Pour boiling water over and grind in a meat grinder.
  3. The resulting mixture is wrung out using cotton cloth.
  4. Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  5. If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it with water.
  6. Add honey.
  7. Store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. for 14-20 days.

This infusion of plantain from the stomach helps improve health when oncological diseases. For better action Do not strain the mixture. Do not swallow, it is better to keep it in your mouth until completely dissolved.

In case of dysfunction of the pancreas, stomach and duodenal ulcers from unpleasant symptoms Collecting herbs will help get rid of it.


  • plantain leaves and yarrow inflorescences - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cucumber, agrimony, calendula, hop cones - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile and May birch leaves - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • St. John's wort, Chernobyl, horsetail, calamus root, burdock root - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicory root – 0.7 tbsp. l.;
  • fennel fruits – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • water.


  1. Use 5 tbsp. collecting herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water into the container.
  3. Leave in a thermos for 13 hours.

Take 1 tbsp in the morning before meals. warm medicine. At lunch and in the evening, 30 minutes before meals, drink 100 ml.

Cough remedy

A cough may indicate various diseases. This is why you need to consult a specialist with this symptom. Plantain infusion is often used for home treatment.


  • plantain leaves – 10 pcs.;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.


  1. Wash and dry the leaves.
  2. Grind in a blender.
  3. Pour in water and bring to a boil.
  4. When the mixture has cooled but remains slightly warm, add honey.
  5. Leave for 5 hours.

Take 1 tsp every 60 minutes.

For gastritis

For deliverance painful sensations for gastritis, an infusion based on plantain is used.


  • plantain leaves – 40 g;
  • vodka – 1 tbsp.


  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Strain.

Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. Single dosage – 2 tbsp. dilute in 100 ml of water. The course of treatment is 28 days.

If new pain or discomfort appears in the abdomen, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

For conception

Conception occurs only at the moment when the mother’s body and the father’s body are absolutely ready for this and there are no obstacles. Any inflammatory process chronic illness, infection of the reproductive system, weakness of the immune system, stress, overwork and bad habits should be excluded from life. As a folk aid an infusion of plantain leaves appears.


  • crushed leaves and seeds of plantain - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 250 ml.


  1. Fill the raw material with water.
  2. Boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cool and squeeze.

Use the product for greater efficiency better for both men and women. He will help a woman get rid of inflammatory process V fallopian tubes. A man's sperm are activated faster.

Plantain for men

Traditional healers have long used plantain infusion to treat male ailments. To increase potency, carry out prostate prophylaxis, stimulate the prostate gland, rejuvenate the entire reproductive system and restore male activity, also use folk medicine. Plantain helps cleanse blood vessels.


  • plantain seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.


  1. Leave in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  2. Place in a thermos for 1-2 hours.

Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.


Despite the many beneficial properties of the plant, there are contraindications for taking plantain-based medicine:

  • It is forbidden to take the infusion in large dosages, especially for diseases of the stomach;
  • at long-term treatment plantain increases the risk of blood clots and increases blood clotting;
  • Before use, it is necessary to determine the availability allergic reactions per component;
  • start reception folk remedy need small doses.

Plantain has a powerful medical effect, therefore, before starting to use the product, you should consult with your doctor to use it to calculate correct dosage and not harm the body.