How to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment to a clinic or rehabilitation center. Treatment for alcohol addiction under duress

Compulsory treatment of alcoholics is carried out within the framework of the law. A sane and law-abiding person cannot be placed in a medical institution without a court decision. Organizing assistance for alcohol addicts rests on the shoulders of close relatives, entourage, social workers and law enforcement agencies. Getting a person to undergo therapy is half the problem; it is much more important to return him back to society.

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    Law on compulsory treatment for alcoholism

    During the Soviet era, there was a network of medical and labor institutions where alcoholics were forcibly placed. Such treatment for alcoholism could last several years until the patient completely or partially got rid of addiction.

    Today it is impossible to force an alcoholic to undergo treatment if there are no compelling reasons for this. The patient must voluntarily apply to institutions of this nature, where no one has the right to detain him against his will. Compulsory treatment for alcoholism is allowed only in cases where a person ceases to control himself and begins to cause harm to others.

    According to the law, Article 97 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation from 13.06. 1996 No. 63-FZ, considering the use of compulsory treatment for alcohol addiction, indicates that it is possible in cases where we're talking about O:

    • A person who has committed a crime in a state of insanity, if it is impossible to take him into custody due to his condition mental health.
    • A person whose actions may pose a threat to health or life for himself or others.
    • A minor suffering from alcohol addiction.

    A person may be sent for compulsory treatment for alcoholism by court decision. In other cases, it will be quite difficult to attract him against his own will, since forcible retention medical institutions contrary to the Human Rights Convention.

    The law prohibits self-medication on a person: adding any substances to his food. medications aimed at combating alcoholism through negative effects. Self-treatment alcoholics taking medications entails the risk of developing mental disorders at the patient.

    The center for compulsory treatment for alcohol addiction cannot carry out therapeutic activities without the decision of law enforcement agencies, but specialists have the right to conduct educational and educational conversations.

    How to identify a dangerous condition

    If the patient has abnormal mental state, it is necessary to call law enforcement officers. They identify a possible threat to the health of others and make a decision on the need to detain the person. Next, he is placed in a so-called sobering-up center, where the alcoholic spends 1-3 days.

    Symptoms indicating a poor mental state of an alcohol abuser:

    • vomiting, headache;
    • disturbances of speech, consciousness, vision;
    • seizures;
    • delirium;
    • auditory, tactile, visual hallucinations;
    • rapid heartbeat, trembling in the arms and legs;
    • body temperature rises, eyes turn red, face swells;
    • wariness.

    This condition is called delirium tremens, or delirium tremens. It develops 1-3 days after drinking alcohol. You should contact law enforcement if the patient is aggressive, but there are no symptoms of mental health problems.

    Types of forced treatment

    Compulsory treatment for alcoholism is of the following types:

    • outpatient with a psychiatrist;
    • stationary general type;
    • inpatient specialized direction;
    • intensive care in hospital.

    If law enforcement agencies do not consider it advisable to place the patient for compulsory treatment, then you can try to write an application addressed to the chief physician of a drug treatment or psychiatric dispensary. It can be written primarily by relatives and family members. The document should set out a request to take action against the alcoholic. A similar paper is submitted to the police department.

    The number of calls to doctors and police may influence the action taken against an alcoholic. In case of refusal in all instances, you should contact the court or prosecutor's office.

    How to convince someone to stop drinking alcohol

    Forcing a person to undergo compulsory treatment is much more difficult than persuading him to do so. Therapy of your own free will has many times more positive effects than forced therapy.

    Lack of attention and ignoring the patient’s opinion leads to a guaranteed relapse of alcoholism.

    The patient should not feel pressure from relatives and society, but sincere participation and concern about his fate.

    If a person’s recovery from alcoholism occurred after committing a crime, then when assigning a punishment, the time spent in a medical institution is taken into account as a period of imprisonment.

    To convince the patient of the need for therapy, you should:

    • Don't turn a person against yourself. You cannot express categorical condemnation of him or show disgust towards the patient. Otherwise, he will become more withdrawn and will not confide his worries and anxieties.
    • The person should be pointed out if their health is deteriorating. Make comparisons before and after drinking alcohol.
    • You can't do an alcoholic's job for him. It is strictly not recommended to care for it, prepare food, and especially serve alcohol. Courtship leads to the formation of a comfort zone from which he does not want to leave. Independent work around the house will show a person that he is not in control of his health. It will be difficult for him to do the simplest activities, which will push him to the idea of ​​undergoing treatment.
    • It is necessary to protect a person from communicating with drinking buddies and receiving funds for alcohol.

    When convincing an alcoholic of the need for treatment, collective opinion is very effective. The words of one or two people may not count, while the point of view more friends and relatives will be significant. They should gather in groups of 4-5 people and visit the patient regularly.

    As soon as the drunkard agrees to treatment, the next day he needs to go to the clinic. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the person will change his mind. If the patient did not go once, despite making a promise, then this act will encourage him to do it again. He will only promise to go to the clinic only so that his relatives will leave him behind. Therefore, it is so important to catch the moment when the drunkard is predisposed to treatment: in this case, it will have the highest possible result.

    Conversations with drinking man should only be carried out when sober. A drunk's promises mean nothing and even harm therapy. The patient will understand that he can only promise to improve, without actually doing it, and in this way get a break for a while.

    How alcoholism is treated in a clinic

    Rehabilitation at the clinic has complex nature. Alcohol addiction is equivalent to drug addiction, so a person needs to restore health and get rid of the physical attraction to alcohol.

    Treatment for alcoholism occurs in several stages:

    1. 1. Detoxification of the body. Carried out at the expense of pharmacological drugs, promoting the removal of alcohol from the body, the destruction of toxins and poisons. The cleansing necessary to stabilize the patient's condition begins with circulatory system. IN difficult situations The hemodialysis method is used, in which blood is passed through a special machine. Hemodialysis is indicated for people with severe alcohol intoxication, in which there is a threat to the patient's life.
    2. 2. Physical therapeutic exercises and adaptation to life without alcohol. Alcohol itself has a serious effect on muscular system, because ethyl alcohol leads to muscle tissue degradation.
    3. 3. Resocialization stage. The event is held with the assistance of psychologists, the hospital environment and the community. Communication between already cured patients and sick people has a positive effect.

    Medical assistance during compulsory treatment differs from voluntary treatment. The person will resist and in every possible way oppose the doctor’s orders. In such a situation, the role of psychologists, social workers and relatives is especially important and comes to the fore.

    During compulsory treatment, it is necessary to make it clear to the patient that no harm is wished against him, and his stay in the clinic does not make him an outcast from society. Such people are placed in a group with those who voluntarily agreed to treatment. Communication with them will allow the patient to become more loyal to his situation.

    Alcohol coding

    Coding a patient makes sense only after recovery from alcoholism or in the presence of long-term remission. Immediately after the patient is discharged from the clinic, it is recommended to code the former alcoholic in order to prolong therapeutic effect for as long as possible.

    Human coding is carried out through medications and the formation of psychological patterns:

    • Changing the psychological perception of alcohol. The patient is injected with the drug, and after about 10 minutes, a small portion of alcohol is given. After drinking alcohol, a persistent feeling of nausea appears, which can develop into vomiting. The procedure is repeated for 7-10 days. In this way, a reflexive aversion to alcohol is reinforced.

provided current legislation. However, it is worth remembering that this is only possible in cases clearly specified in special regulations. In other situations, such treatment requires the consent of the patient or his legal representative. In this article we will tell you how compulsory treatment for alcoholism is carried out in the Russian Federation.

What is compulsory treatment for alcoholism?

This is the placement of a patient without his consent (or without the consent of his legal representative) for treatment in a specialized medical institution with the aim of isolating him from society, bringing him to the stage of forced remission and subsequent recovery from alcoholism.

That is forced treatment for alcoholism is a measure of state coercion aimed at curing the patient.

According to current legislation, treatment of a patient for alcoholism is carried out only with his consent (or with the consent of his legal representative). However, there are cases when the legislator allows compulsory treatment of alcoholic citizens, but only by court decision.

Despite their powers, the courts need sufficiently strong evidence that a citizen suffering from alcoholism is violating the rights and legitimate interests of other citizens. For example, your neighbor abuses alcohol and constantly throws noisy parties at night. Call the local police officer and record this fact. If this happens repeatedly, so much the better. With evidence in hand, you can go to court (it would be more effective to do this collectively), and the court may decide to send the citizen for compulsory treatment.

In addition, significant evidence in court will be the conclusion of a forensic medical examination that a citizen has mental illness and his actions harm others. Simply put, if a patient has developed a “squirrel problem,” then go to court and file a petition for an examination.

Compulsory treatment for alcoholism in the event of a crime

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism provided for in Articles 97-104 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as one of the varieties psychiatric illness. In particular, as measures coercive nature may be prescribed:

  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • inpatient treatment in medical organizations specialized type;
  • inpatient treatment in specialized medical organizations with intensive supervision.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism can be assigned only by court decision in relation to persons who have committed a crime.

A citizen against whom compulsory measures are applied is subject to a medical examination once every 6 months to examine the possibility of terminating treatment or extending it. Such a medical examination can also be carried out at the request of the patient, his relatives or legal representatives. The decision to change a compulsory measure or to terminate it is made only by the court on the basis of the conclusion of a medical commission.


  • compulsory treatment for alcoholism is prescribed only if the court passes a guilty verdict, which specifies a compulsory medical measure as a punishment;
  • Alcoholic citizens include those who systematically consume alcoholic drinks and does not want to undergo treatment voluntarily;
  • the court makes a decision on compulsory treatment for alcoholism only on the basis of a medical examination report, which must indicate the need for such treatment. However, the court has the right to disagree with the experts' arguments.

What is involuntary hospitalization?

In practice, there are cases when prolonged alcoholism develops into more serious illness, and the citizen becomes dangerous to himself and to society. What to do in this case?

Law of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 1992 No. 3185-1 “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens when providing it" stipulates that a citizen suffering from alcoholism may be hospitalized in a medical institution to provide him with specialized assistance in a hospital setting without his consent (or without the consent of a legal representative) until a court decision is made, if his treatment is possible only in a hospital, and the course of the disease is severe and is determined by:

  • human helplessness, that is, the inability to independently satisfy basic needs;
  • the danger of his behavior for others and himself;
  • causing significant harm to one's health if left without assistance medical care.

Is not forced treatment for alcoholism. In fact, involuntary placement in a hospital includes cases when a citizen begins to show signs of mental disorder. Therefore, simply alcoholism, without “aggravating” consequences, does not fit this terminology. After the citizen will take the course treatment, he will be sent home.

Despite the fact that the antisocial behavior of citizens suffering from alcoholism causes harm to others, the leadership of the Russian Federation claims that in Russia, compulsory treatment for alcoholism without the consent of the patient (or his legal representative), except in cases provided for by law, will not be introduced, since this violates rights of citizens and contradicts the principles of international law.

If an alcoholic is intoxicated, coding and compulsory treatment for alcoholism are possible acute stage. The Ministry of Health provides this type intensive care Moreover, it is carried out within the framework of current legislation. The first step is to find the answer to the question of where to take an alcoholic without his consent in order to finally rid him of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. There are several options - there is a paid and free solution to the problem that has arisen in the family.

How to send for compulsory treatment for alcoholism

It is not so easy to admit a drunk to a hospital, since even these segments of the population are reliably protected by current legislation. At the age of majority, a dependent person can be treated for alcoholism only on a voluntary basis - in outpatient setting or hospital conditions. No one has the right to force him, only to persuade him, to open his eyes to a disappointing reality and a fatal future. But compulsory treatment is also possible.

If an alcoholic is hospitalized in a timely manner, the specialists’ tasks are as follows: remove alcohol from the body. toxic substances, medications and psychological methods ensure a reduction in cravings for alcoholic beverages and relieve the consequences of alcoholism. Not every addicted person is able to leave drinking in the past on their own, so family and friends will have to act radically - organize compulsory treatment.

Is it possible to forcefully treat alcoholism?

Detoxification of the body is possible at home, but only at the request of the alcoholic. However, not all patients of a narcologist are ready for such consciousness, so the disease soon becomes chronic form. To avoid this, it is important to reliably understand how to send an alcoholic for compulsory treatment. The grounds for this kind of hospitalization are also provided for by current legislation and are exceptional. life situations. Forcibly transfer an addicted person to a drug treatment clinic if:

  • an inadequate person is not able to control actions and behavior and needs medical care and qualified care;
  • a dependent patient behaves aggressively and inappropriately not only towards himself, but also towards the people around him, and poses a threat modern society;
  • a dependent, sick person has attempted suicide more than once, or is showing suicidal tendencies;
  • systematically drinking patient committed an offense, a crime prosecuted within the framework of current legislation.

There are many effective drugs for alcoholism, which can be used without the knowledge of the patient.

Where to surrender an alcoholic without his consent

In Moscow and not only there are many drug treatment centers that return addicted people to normal life, help to quickly get rid of alcoholism, and act under duress. A drunk patient should be hospitalized in a state of unconsciousness with mental disorders and inappropriate behavior in society. In this case, the fact of a threat to society is clear, and doctors confirm that the law was not violated.

If there is a need for compulsory treatment for alcoholism chronic patient, the next of kin must be provided with evidence of his insanity, potential threat for others.

You can take a conclusion about the mental state indicating psycho-emotional disorders under the influence ethyl alcohol. Other arguments could be:

  • video and photo recordings of another drinking session with a visible mental disorder;
  • police report about the inappropriate behavior of a dependent person;
  • redirecting an alcoholic from the police department to a specialized clinic for treatment.

Forced encoding

To abolish alcohol addiction forcibly with dependent person Not only narcologists work, but also psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and psychologists. During the rehabilitation period, it is important not only to impose coding, but also to convey to human consciousness the seriousness of the current situation. clinical picture. Otherwise, when carrying out rehabilitation activities and treatment for alcoholism, the individual withdraws, becomes unsociable, and does not make contact.

Narcological hospital

In such specialized center the patient passes full examination not only for alcoholism, but also for health conditions. Treats toxic addiction and its potential complications in the body. For example, some patients have liver disorder, others cannot cope with instability nervous system, and still others complain about vision. It is important to initially decide where to hand over an alcoholic without his consent, and select a person for cooperation. certified specialists.

New generation medications act without harm to the patient. There is no post-alcohol syndrome after use. They can not only discourage cravings for alcohol, but also improve the health of the body.

How to call a psychiatric ambulance

Many relatives, if the patient has an obvious mental disorder, have a question about where to take the alcoholic for compulsory treatment. The answer is simple - to a psychiatric clinic. Calling an ambulance is free, it is carried out from landline phones by dialing the well-known number 103. Then the dispatcher redirects to psychiatric department, a psychiatric ambulance is already leaving for the scene. Doctors decide whether a violent alcoholic should be hospitalized or not, and give recommendations to the victim’s relatives.

Video: forced treatment of alcoholism

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism in our country was and is carried out only by court decision. However there is a big difference between how therapy was implemented during the period Soviet Union and the present - there used to be occupational health centers that isolated alcoholics from society. In these conditions he was busy labor activity, and also took place therapeutic measures aimed at overcoming cravings for alcohol.

Today there is no alternative to such institutions. Compulsory therapy is carried out in a psychoneurological dispensary only to those persons who have committed an offense under drunkenness. The decision is made by the court on the basis of a forensic medical examination, but it is important to comply with one condition: he must not only be intoxicated, but be recognized as a person with a mental disorder due to alcohol abuse. It is also possible to send a person who poses a threat to the life and health of others to himself for treatment (if leaving without help could lead to harm), but this circumstance is much more difficult to prove - any alcoholic cannot be without “supervision” due to his helplessness, but not everyone appears within the relevant institution.

They will also be forcibly liquidated acute conditionspsychiatric clinics provide assistance to persons with delirium tremens, but this is not full treatment chronic alcoholism, but only the first step of recovery.

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Where can you send a drinking relative?

In the presence of real threat health, disorder of the patient’s consciousness, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, it is necessary to call the police and a specialized team. Law enforcement officers identify a possible threat to life and health, and psychiatrists determine the need for hospitalization of the patient and further compulsory treatment for alcoholism.

If there are no obvious mental disorders in case of aggressive behavior, the police should also be called; the arriving officers will decide what to do next.

In practice, these simple actions may not bring results. Some do not know how to behave with an alcoholic husband - the ambulance team may refuse to come, considering the described symptoms insignificant, law enforcement officers detain the addict in the department for 3 hours, after which they release him back. What to do in this case?

Both relatives and other persons can write an application addressed to the chief physician of a drug treatment or psychiatric dispensary. It must state a request to take action against a patient with alcoholism without his consent, detailing the reasons. Similar document must be registered with the local police officer. The decision on compulsory treatment may be influenced by the number of preliminary police calls to an aggressive alcoholic - they record administrative offense, and the more there are, the easier it will be to prove the patient’s insanity.

These authorities can go to court at the request of loved ones to further decide on treatment without consent. You can go to court yourself in cases of refusal at the dispensary and the police (in writing).

Disadvantages of compulsory court-ordered treatment for alcoholism

Today, compulsory therapy for alcohol addiction is carried out in virtually all cities and their regions: Tyumen, Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and many others. This makes it possible to isolate patients with alcoholism and prevent possible harm, which they provide to loved ones, to society, to achieve temporary remission of the disease, to prevent complications that threaten with alcohol poisoning.

However this method has disadvantages:

  1. This is only the first stage of treatment. In order to overcome the disease, the patient himself must ask the question “how to stop drinking alcohol,” since in the absence of desire, further social rehabilitation is impossible.
  2. High risk relapse. At the end of the course of treatment, the alcoholic often returns to his previous lifestyle, since the withdrawal symptoms are relieved. medication assistance do not guarantee abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
  3. Inattention to the cause of alcoholism. For effective treatment It is important to determine why a person started drinking alcohol, and only after working through the reasons together with a psychotherapist or psychologist will therapy have an effect.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism at home

Many relatives, looking for answers to the question “how to forcefully treat an alcoholic?” encounter advertising various means. According to the information contained in it, it is enough to add the “miracle drug” to an alcoholic’s drink or food and soon the craving for alcohol will be reduced.

Need I say that compulsory treatment and taking measures without the knowledge of the patient are different concepts?

Any medications are prescribed strictly by a doctor, which is especially important for alcoholics due to their health deteriorating from alcohol. Only those methods of treatment for alcoholism that are approved by a narcologist should be used. It is unknown exactly how use will affect dubious means together with alcohol, since they also have their side effects.

Only possible option is the use of plant and other folk remedies, however, most often their use is relevant at the stage of “coming out of binge drinking.”

Folk remedies for alcohol addiction

Brine is considered the main remedy for a hangover. The main recommendation for exiting alcohol intoxication is the use large quantity liquid, while the first “portion” is better to choose black or Herb tea with sugar, and after that – brine (preferably cabbage).

There are several herbs that help reduce cravings for alcohol. They can be taken as a decoction on their own or added to alcohol.

Such plants include:

  • motherwort;
  • horsetail;
  • burdock root;
  • sorrel root;
  • field mint.

Herbs in a volume of 10 grams each are crushed, mixed, and then brewed for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Then you need to strain the liquid, take 1 glass per day (in several equal doses).

Monastic tea for alcoholism

One of the most common means of treating alcohol addiction at home is monastery tea.

Its action is determined by the following effects:

  • Reducing cravings and symptoms of addiction.
  • Normalization of immune function.
  • Restoration of the nervous system.
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs.
  • Removing toxins and breakdown products.

Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture and leave for several minutes. The product can be used up to 3 times a day as regular tea during the day.

Whatever method is chosen, the basis for the treatment of chronic alcoholism is the desire of the patient himself to overcome the disease, since the course of therapy, regardless of the method, consists of two stages: detoxification and support procedures physical health, further social rehabilitation and working with psychologists.

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An alcoholic is dangerous not only for himself, but also for others, but he himself cannot adequately assess the degree own state, which requires compulsory treatment. Compulsory treatment is prescribed based on the results of an appeal to the court or a psychiatric medical examination; treatment can be outpatient or inpatient, which depends on general condition alcoholic.

Treatment for alcoholism, the consequences of harmful cravings for alcohol, is necessary measure, which allows you to save a person from illness and protect others. But alcoholics rarely agree to undergo treatment voluntarily, which is why measures such as compulsory treatment for alcoholism may be taken.

Reasons for compulsory therapy

How to get an alcoholic to get treatment? There are several reasons:

  • the patient is dangerous;
  • a drunkard cannot look after himself;
  • mental condition the patient is concerned.

In such situations, it is possible to place an alcoholic in a hospital with the appointment of compulsory therapy, that is, the consent of the drunkard is not required.

How to treat a drunkard by force?

How to forcefully send for treatment? Where to turn if a person’s behavior has become inappropriate and he is dangerous to others? The first step is to call the police, who will make a decision about the adequacy or inadequacy of the alcoholic. In case of inappropriate behavior, a psychiatric ambulance is called, which forcibly hospitalizes the patient. That is, the problem of where to put an alcoholic without going to court is easily solved.

If an alcoholic is aggressive, but his mental state does not reveal any violations, he can be forced to undergo treatment using the following methods:

  • in case of inappropriate actions, the police should be called, the call will be recorded and a copy of the protocol will be issued;
  • an application for hospitalization is submitted to the medical institution;
  • an application is submitted to the court (referral is given to specialized hospitals - public or private).

If the sick person is dangerous, then it is possible to place the alcoholic in a hospital with compulsory therapy.

Evidence for a court decision

To get psychiatric ambulance through the court, you need to collect a number of evidence:

  • photo and video confirmation of inappropriate behavior;
  • witness statements;
  • testimony of the district police officer called in the case aggressive behavior alcoholic;
  • medical examination results.

It is the last conclusion that is given great importance.

If the commission has identified mental abnormalities due to alcohol consumption, the court will not be able to refuse hospitalization. All that remains is to choose where to get treatment for disorders, addiction to alcohol and its consequences.

Where will a drunkard be forcibly treated?

It is not so easy to send a person for compulsory treatment, but Articles 97-104 of the Criminal Code state that if he becomes dangerous to his family, others, or himself, then this condition is regarded as a disorder, mental disorder, and requires therapy. Such measures include therapy various types, which depends on the general condition, expert opinion, medical examination:

  • at home;
  • with constant supervision;
  • in inpatient departments.

The principles of therapy are similar, but the methods used differ significantly. It is necessary to relieve the condition after binge drinking, that is, provide first aid and cleanse the body. Next, they will be forced to treat for alcoholism, involving psychologists, helping the drunkard to adapt.

Qualified emergency treatment required in the following cases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • there are signs of heart failure;
  • epileptic seizures are observed.

For compulsory treatment for alcoholism, drunkards are sent to the following institutions:

  1. Government agencies. Typically, patients are sent to such institutions under tight financial circumstances. Therapy can be outpatient or inpatient, depending on the stage of the disease. Help is provided free of charge - at state expense.
  2. Private clinics and hospitals. Such medical institutions are paid, but they offer the maximum comfortable conditions. You can contact them privately, but for compulsory hospitalization a decision of an expert examination or court is required. A feature of treatment in such centers is better quality care; according to statistics, the number of breakdowns is approximately half as much as when staying in public clinics. This is due to individual approach to each patient, more convenient conditions stay.

To receive treatment for alcoholism, you will need a number of documents:

  • confirmation of the patient’s identity;
  • medical card;
  • application (the application indicates a request for acceptance for treatment, a clear indication of the conditions why this is done without voluntary consent);
  • a court decision directing the alcoholic to treatment (the act must indicate in detail why this particular measure is necessary).

Additionally, you will need to collect a number of personal items, a list of which can be found at the medical institution itself.

An alcoholic can be sent for compulsory treatment to both public and private clinics

Forced encoding

You can forcefully treat an alcoholic with the help of various methods, one of which is coding. These are measures to introduce a special medicinal composition into the blood, which, when drinking alcohol, causes negative reactionsevere nausea, headaches and others. This treatment is temporary, that is, the duration of the drug is limited. To assign similar treatment, required:

  • in the presence of a court decision;
  • for those who refuse treatment voluntarily (an appropriate decision is also required);
  • according to the conclusion of a medical examination.

There are several coding methods; before administering the drug, an examination is recommended, but the results of which will determine the type of treatment. In addition, it is recommended medical supervision the patient's condition in the first time after coding.

Narcological hospital

An alcoholic can be forcibly cured in a specialized drug treatment hospital. We must not forget that this is a serious disease that makes the patient dangerous not only to himself, but also to those around him. For this reason, in case of forced hospitalization, Law No. 3185-1 is used, which regulates the procedure for hospitalization. The reasons are:

  • a drunkard becomes extremely dangerous; under the influence of alcohol, he can commit an offense, raise his hand against others, kill;
  • the condition is aggressive, the state of mind and health requires urgent treatment.

Where can I send an alcoholic for compulsory treatment? Today there is a large selection of specialized medical institutions, paid or free, depending on the form of ownership. It is necessary to first estimate the cost of such treatment and familiarize yourself with the conditions of therapy. If the patient agrees to voluntarily take the course, he must contact the appropriate medical institution, but in all other cases it will be necessary to obtain a court decision.

An alcoholic can be forcibly treated in a specialized drug treatment hospital by court decision

How to call a psychiatric ambulance?

Is it possible to start treating a person in such cases without his consent? In most cases, it is necessary to send him to a medical facility. Calling an ambulance is free via a general number; upon arrival, a specialist will determine whether the patient needs hospitalization and will give recommendations to loved ones. It is important to remember that in some cases the team may refuse to hospitalize an alcoholic in a special medical facility. This applies to cases when an alcoholic begins to behave quite adequately in front of medical workers, speaks coherently, and does not show aggression. For this reason, the following actions are recommended:

  • You must first collect documentation indicating the patient’s condition;
  • collect a documentary base that will indicate that the patient is dangerous for relatives and others around him (for this, all cases of aggression, dangerous behavior of an alcoholic should be documented, and a squad should be called in to draw up an appropriate report);
  • It is advisable to collect certificates and test results that can confirm binge drinking and health status.

Advantages and disadvantages of compulsory treatment

Forced hospitalization of an alcoholic has its positive and negative traits, which should not be forgotten. TO positive aspects should include:

  • the alcoholic will be isolated, which is necessary for their safety and normal treatment in calm conditions;
  • for alcoholics, all conditions are created to eliminate cravings and provide therapeutic measures to eliminate negative consequences;
  • during treatment, occupational therapy measures are often used, which allows the patient to be distracted;
  • the percentage of those cured is quite large, but ordinary cleansing of the body is not enough; professional psychiatric help is required.

When planning to forcibly treat an alcoholic, we must not forget about the following disadvantages:

  • voluntary treatment gives best result than forced, therefore, without motivation, the patient himself may experience frequent breakdowns, behavior that can become extremely dangerous;
  • drug intervention can lead to a change in the patient’s psyche, which is already extremely unstable due to prolonged drinking (drunks quite often experience serious mental changes and personality destruction);
  • for effective treatment it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease, but an alcoholic who does not want to be treated is unlikely to meet with a specialist;
  • compulsory treatment often becomes the cause of increased aggression of the patient towards loved ones.


A person on a binge needs competent psychiatric and medical care, you can’t leave him alone with this problem. An alcoholic is dangerous to himself, his loved ones and those around him, but he himself cannot adequately assess the degree of his own condition, which in especially advanced cases requires special measures. This can be done by court decision, but you must act strictly within the law. What to do in such cases is described in the video

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