What do you take for a sore throat? The most dangerous and questionably effective remedies

Sore throat is a common, but quite serious disease that causes a lot of discomfort. High body temperature, sharp sore throat, inability to swallow and talk without discomfort - such primary unpleasant symptoms reflect the severity of the disease, including mandatory requiring medical treatment. Special Purposes are issued exclusively by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics and the patient’s condition, however, in some cases (when a visit to the doctor is postponed or impossible), you will have to choose tablets for a sore throat yourself.

Two natures of the disease

Before you self-medicate and go to the pharmacy to select life-saving medications, let’s determine the main direction of therapy. To do this, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, which can be either viral or bacterial. Diagnosis is carried out using a throat swab (from the tonsils or back wall), however, there are also certain visual preconditions. Thus, when the disease is bacterial in nature, it is customary to distinguish the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature (from 38 degrees and above).
  • No other signs colds(for example, cough).
  • Increase lymph nodes in size and painful sensations in them.
  • The presence of plaque with a yellow or gray tint on the tonsils (accumulations of pus).

If you notice all of the listed symptoms, then you will need tablets for bacterial sore throat; in other cases, antiviral therapy is necessary.

Side effects from sore throat

Having decided on the direction of treatment, let's talk about what drugs should be used for this. First of all, it should be noted that the disease is subject to complex effects. Your task is to prevent complications and relieve unpleasant symptoms, that is, elevated temperature And sharp pain in the area of ​​the sore throat.

How exactly can a sore throat be dangerous? The disease is highly contagious and easily transmitted from person to person, in addition, it often provokes:

  • spread of infection to the ears and sinuses;
  • rheumatism;
  • the occurrence of kidney disease;
  • entry of accumulated pus into the lungs.

Side effects from treating sore throat

It should be noted that a viral disease does not provoke complications and is much easier to tolerate than a bacterial one, which is why it does not require specific treatment. If you still decide to take pills in this case, please note that they can also cause a number of side effects. Thus, a number of medications lead to stool upset, vomiting, and the appearance of allergic skin rashes. In addition, such drugs are addictive and, if repeated use is necessary, may be useless in the future.

Sore throat tablets: names

What medications are recommended for treatment? Please note that there are separate lists of medications for adults, and their own for children, who also quite often suffer from this insidious and dangerous disease. In the first case, it is recommended to choose from such medicines as:

  • "Penicillin".
  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Augmentin".
  • "Sumamed."
  • "Amoxicillin."

A similar list for children includes such names as “Sumamed”, “Amoxiclav”, “Suprax” and “Augmentin”. About the most frequently prescribed and used drugs, which differ increased efficiency, we need to talk separately.

Popular antibiotics

The drug "Amoxiclav" is approved for use by children of any age category, including newborns (as well as premature, born ahead of schedule). The product can be used quite universally in therapy for adults. Depending on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease, a regimen and dosage are prescribed, the main provisions of which are presented below:

  • Newborns - 2 times a day every 12 hours, no more than 30 mg per 1 kilogram of weight.
  • Up to 3 months - a similar dosage is allowed to be used no more than 3 times a day with a break of 8 hours.
  • Children under 12 years of age (from 3 months) - a similar dosage, three times a day, if necessary - every 6 hours (that is, 4 times a day).
  • Persons over 12 years old with a body weight of 40 kilograms - every 6 or 8 hours in the amount of 1.2 grams. drug.

Another popular tablet for sore throat is Amoxicillin. Recommended for both children and adults. Depending on the age group, recommendations for taking the drug are determined:

  • Up to 12 months - 125 mg twice a day / 100 mg three times a day.
  • From 36 months to 10 years - 250 g three times a day / 375 mg twice a day.
  • Children over 10 years of age and adults - up to 500 mg every 8 hours / up to 750 mg every 12 hours.

Universal "Sumamed"

However, the most best pills For sore throats, for many people, Sumamed is still the best choice. It is a product with a wide spectrum of action. The active substance is azithromycin. Full course treatment - 5 days, the first positive changes occur already on the second day. The drug has the following relative contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Therapy based on Sumamed is prescribed to children and adults, but do not forget that it can provoke certain side effects. Most often they are manifested by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the urge to vomit and one’s own vomiting.

Symptomatic treatment of the throat

Tablets for sore throat and sore throat require a separate detailed discussion. Soften the sharp pain with such serious illness Not every drug can. It is generally accepted that the most effective drugs are:

  • Various dissolving tablets. They have an antiseptic effect and have a uniform effect directly on the tonsils. After taking the medication, do not drink or gargle for 2-3 hours.

To relieve inflammation in the throat, a product based on dry plant extract and essential oil, Sage lozenges from Natur Product, has proven itself to be effective. Sage lozenges from Natur Product - combination drug, containing a complex of biologically active substances (1). It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant effects, and also has astringent properties (1). Sage lozenges from Natur Product has herbal composition with few side effects (1,2). Sage lozenges from Natur The product is manufactured in Europe in accordance with international production quality standards (1).


1. Instructions for medical use medicinal product Sage lozenges.

2. Allergic reactions - according to the instructions for medical use.

  • Preparations for sore throat have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of sore throat. local application- sprays, with drugs being more effective complex composition. For example, the drug Anti-Angin® Formula spray, which includes chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and tetracaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. The convenient spray form allows you to ensure the effect of the active components of the drug exactly where it is needed. Due to its complex composition, Anti-Angin® has a triple effect: it helps fight bacteria, relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation and swelling (3). Anti-Angin® is available in a wide range of dosage forms: compact spray, lozenges and lozenges (1,2,3). Anti-Angin® is indicated for manifestations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and initial stage sore throat, this may be irritation, tightness, dryness or sore throat (1,2,3). Anti-Angin® tablets do not contain sugar (2*).

*With caution when diabetes mellitus, contains ascorbic acid.

1. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in lozenge dosage form.

2. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a lozenge.

3. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a dosed spray for topical use.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

  • "Stopangin" is a solution (for rinsing and processing, not for oral administration). The main active ingredient is hexetidine. Kills bacteria, relieves inflammation caused by their activity, and therefore reduces pain in the throat. The medicinal product contains a large number of natural essential oils, eucalyptus, menthol, mint and other beneficial plants. They help speed up the recovery of the affected mucosa and have a mild analgesic effect.
  • The optimal tablets for sore throat and sore throat are “Lizobakt”. The product belongs to the category of local antibiotics with increased safety. "Lizobakt" is quite expensive, but has almost no contraindications or side effects, and is of improved quality.
  • Classic "Furacilin". Available in tablets, but used to prepare solutions for gargling and oral cavity. The composition is safe and can be used with any necessary frequency. At the same time, do not forget that it is strictly not recommended to swallow the Furacilin solution.
  • "Bioparox". It is especially indicated for use. It is a local antibiotic, acts directly on the source of inflammation, and kills bacteria.
  • Available in the form of tablets and sprays, not recommended for children under 3 years of age. May provoke allergic reactions if you are intolerant to one of the components of the composition. The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days in a row.

Now you know which tablets for sore throat are most often prescribed by doctors to their patients. In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the once popular drug. It is applied to sterile cotton buds and is used to treat inflamed tonsils, simultaneously carrying out their mechanical cleansing.

Tablets from purulent sore throat you can also choose from the list provided above. However, in some cases it would be useful to add folk remedies to the intake of specific medications:

  • Abundant warm drink with natural additives. For example, with chamomile or sage.
  • Rinsing saline solution(per glass warm water half a teaspoon table salt, manipulations are carried out every three hours).
  • Rinse with soda solution or lemon juice diluted with water.
  • Formation of a special, fortified diet. It includes such products and dishes as fruit and vegetable fruit drinks, milk with honey, mineral water without gas).

Additional symptomatic treatment

In fact, it is important to purchase not only tablets for sore throat and sore throat, but also antipyretic products, as well as antihistamines, the use of which will reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions from taking antibiotics. So, the easiest way to normalize body temperature is with paracetamol-based drugs. Adults can take one tablet no more than 4 times a day; the duration of use on a regular basis should not exceed 5 days. It is necessary to take into account the fact that Paracetamol is not recommended for use when chronic alcoholism, pathologies of the liver and kidneys. As for antihistamine products, the classic Suprastin will be enough.

Instead of completing

Which tablets for sore throat are better, of course, should be decided by the therapist. Only a specialist, based on test data, as well as a general assessment of the patient’s condition, will be able to draw conclusions about the necessary prescriptions and not cause additional harm to health. It is also extremely important to remember that the treatment of such a serious disease must be carried out in a comprehensive manner; unpleasant symptoms must be eliminated along with the cause of the disease.

A child’s throat is the most vulnerable organ, a target for all types of infection. Viruses, bacteria, fungi are activated in cold period and cause inflammation of the tonsils - acute tonsillitis. The doctor selects a medicine for sore throat for children, based on clinical picture diseases. Parents should not “prescribe” medications to their child on their own. After all, you first need to determine what kind of infection affects the throat and recognize the form of sore throat.

The palatine tonsils neutralize bacteria and viruses that constantly enter the pharynx from the outside through the mouth and nose. With a decrease in local immunity viral infection and microbial organisms provoke inflammation of the lymphatic formations. The tonsils swell, become red, and cause pain. Small children suffer the most, they cry and refuse to eat. Other symptoms of a sore throat include chills, high fever, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and a hoarse voice. Possible development illnesses - pain in the ears and head, difficulty breathing, cough.

In the practice of pediatricians prevails ambulatory treatment sore throat. At severe forms illness of a small patient is sent to the infectious diseases department of the hospital. Strict bed rest and a gentle diet must be observed in acute period when the child’s body temperature is above 37.5°C, severe sore throat.

The idea has taken root that the treatment of sore throat necessarily involves taking antibiotics. In fact, not everything is so simple, you will need medicines from other groups. They complement each other and work best in combinations.

If a child often has a sore throat, then complex drug therapy is needed:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antihistamine drops;
  • local antiseptics;
  • antibiotics.

Parents should ask their pediatrician how to treat their child’s throat and what solutions are safe for the delicate mucous membrane of the throat. Anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, antibiotics, immunostimulants and vitamins are taken orally. Among the medications, there are those that act on the cause of the disease, while others alleviate the symptoms.

Correctly administered systemic therapy and local treatment will help avoid complications that often accompany the purulent form of tonsillitis.

What to do if your child has a sore throat:

  1. entrust the doctor with the choice of medications that are safe for child's body, in the form of syrup, suspension;
  2. from 2 years of age, parents can give their child rinsing solutions if they are sure that the baby will not swallow the liquid;
  3. use the spray to irrigate the throat of a child over 2–3 years old, to avoid laryngospasm;
  4. Give lozenges and lollipops to children after 5 years of age.

A sick child is given separate cutlery, a cup and plate, and a towel. They give you tea with honey and lemon, fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, milk with Borjomi. After the condition improves, it is recommended to keep the child at home for a few more days and limit his physical activity.

Treatment with antipyretics and antihistamines

Parents should know how to soothe a sore throat and how to “bring down” a high fever. Pediatricians recommend using medications with ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. NSAIDs included rectal suppositories, Nurofen syrup for children quickly causes antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug in liquid form and suppositories with ibuprofen are suitable for children from 3 months to 12 years.

Paracetamol is a generally recognized antipyretic and analgesic. Drugs used in pediatrics "Panadol", "Calpol", "Cefekon D", "Efferalgan". It is recommended that if the temperature remains above 38.5°C for more than three days, change the antipyretic agent. The children's first aid kit should contain drugs with ibuprofen and paracetamol in the form of a suspension or syrup, rectal suppositories with these active substances.

What is dangerous about sore throat in children is high temperature and complications due to the inflammatory process. NSAIDs work in three ways: they relieve fever, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.

Ibuprofen and paracetamol are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract; they are given to a child no more than 4–6 times a day. Antihistamines enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of NSAIDs: Zyrtec or "Zodak", "Fenistil", "Suprastin", "Loratadine". They reduce swelling of the tonsils, reduce intoxication and the likelihood of allergic reactions to antibiotics.

Criteria for choosing antibiotics and antivirals

Acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils is caused by viruses and microbes and their metabolic products. Children often suffer from viruses that cause catarrhal tonsillitis. Bacterial tonsillitis occurs with the participation of streptococci, less commonly pneumococci. Usage antimicrobials justified when signs of staphylococcal and mixed infections appear.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to a child for a sore throat until microbiological culture results are received. Such drugs suppress pathogenic microflora, so the inflammatory process quickly subsides. From the whole variety of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial sore throat in children, you need to choose effective means With minimum quantity side effects. In addition, there must be a dosage form suitable for the child’s age.

Funds with antiviral effect prescribed only for the treatment of viral sore throat. It makes no sense to use this group of drugs for bacterial tonsillitis. Among the medications with antiviral effects, the best are Anaferon tablets, Tsitovir 3 syrup, and Viferon suppositories. Irrigation of the pharynx with interferon is recommended. Antiviral and restorative drugs, rinsing with solutions are prescribed for herpetic sore throat.

Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of sore throat in children

Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is most sensitive to penicillins. Amoxicillin is widely used; it is characterized by significant bioavailability and good tolerability. The antibacterial drug is taken 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. The most popular dosage form of amoxicillin is Flemoxin Solutab. Tablets are prescribed from 2 years of age.

Increasingly, pediatricians are prescribing penicillins, which are protected from the destructive effects of beta-lactamases (bacterial enzymes). The amoxicillin + clavulanic acid complex has this property. Drug names "Flemoklav", "Amoxiclav", "Flemoklav solyutab", release form - suspension. For this dosage form There are no age restrictions, it can be given to children from birth. Although sore throat is less often diagnosed in a child under 3 years of age, the pathology most often develops after 5–10 years of age.

In case of allergies, penicillins are replaced with macrolides, which are not destroyed in the stomach, so a high concentration of the drug is created quickly. Streptococcal sore throat is treated with azithromycin for three to five days. According to pediatrician E. Komarovsky and parents of sick children, this the best remedy from sore throat (bacterial). Other macrolides are also used - midecamycin and spiramycin. Cephalosporins, namely cefuroxime and cephalexin, are prescribed for severe course tonsillitis.

You cannot interrupt or shorten the course of antimicrobial therapy on your own. bacterial preparations. Incomplete treatment increases the risk of relapse and the likelihood of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Correctly and timely antibiotic therapy leads to normalization of temperature 1–2 days after starting the drug. Other symptoms of a child's sore throat go away faster.


The drug "Angin Heel" can be placed under the tongue for absorption or dissolved in a spoonful of juice and given to the baby to drink. This homeopathic remedy contains plant extracts. The drug complements the treatment of sore throat to relieve inflammation, intoxication, and stimulate local immunity.

Homeopathy refers to alternative areas of medicine. Are used medicinal substances, obtained from plants, animals, minerals, taken in very small quantities. The drugs do not help everyone and do not replace antibiotics.

Local remedies for the treatment of sore throat

In addition to systemic medications, doctors prescribe local therapy to treat sore throat. Are used aerosol, nebulizer inhalation, rinsing solutions, lozenges. They contain substances that relieve inflammation and pain. The use of aerosol and throat spray in young children requires caution. It is recommended to direct the spray not at the entrance to the pharynx, but at the inner surface of the baby’s cheeks. It is desirable that the drug contains antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and healing components.

Local treatment of sore throat in a child - recommended medications:

  1. Throat spray "Bioparox" with an antibiotic to suppress microbial infection at the catarrhal stage.
  2. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solution "Miramistin" in a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle.
  3. Tantum Verde spray is used if a child has a sore throat and stomatitis at the same time, pharyngitis, or viral tonsillitis.
  4. Aerosol "Hexoral" has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Approved for use from 3 years.
  5. Spray "Ingalipt" contains antibacterial substances streptocide, sulfathiazole, glycerol, antiseptics thymol, essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus, as well as carotene and ascorbic acid. Intended for the treatment of children over 3 years of age.
  6. Antiseptic "Stopangin" with an analgesic effect - a spray based on herbal components.
  7. Faringosept oral tablets are given to the child once or twice a day. They have an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Parents ask pediatricians what to apply to their child’s throat for a sore throat.

You cannot treat the tonsils with iodine or Lugol's solution with glycerin for children under one year old, from 1 year to 5 years old - only as prescribed by a pediatrician.

Doctors are increasingly urging people not to use any means to lubricate the tonsils on their own, so as not to “rub” the infection into the lacunae. For washing the tonsils with purulent sore throat in children after 3 years of age, use herbal infusions and pharmaceutical antiseptics (solutions).

Inhalations and rinses

A sore throat is a source of infection, pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is so important to treat the tonsils and the entrance to the pharynx with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. Spray and inhalation for sore throat in children are important in the sense that the smallest droplets useful solutions quickly reach the affected tissues and provide healing effect. This effect leads to a decrease in the depth of the lesion and rapid restoration of the epithelium of the tonsils. Inhalation products may contain sea ​​salt, medicinal substances with antimicrobial properties, decoctions and infusions of plants.


  • solution ½ tsp. salt, the same amount of soda and 5 drops of iodine per glass of water;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution (2 tbsp. 3% solution per 200 ml of water);
  • solution of 1 tablet of furatsilin in 1 glass of warm water;
  • a suspension of sea buckthorn oil in chamomile infusion;

The tonsils are a pair of glands that are located at the top of the back wall of the throat. Any viral infection or bacterial infection can lead to swollen tonsils. As a result, their tissues become very tender, and swallowing is painful. This condition is known as tonsillitis. Traditional medications can alleviate the patient’s condition and cope with the infection.

Drugs of different types and groups for the treatment of sore throat

A sore throat is an inflammation of the tonsils, which are a mass of lymphoid tissue in the throat. Frequency general practice The disease rate is 100 per 1000 population per year. Most types of illness are viral with a disease duration of 4 to 10 days, depending on the cause. Bacterial infection throat involves therapy with bacterial drugs. Medicines in the case of a viral nature of the disease will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

IN modern medicine There are many ways to treat sore throat. The standard of therapy is: sulfonamide medications, absorbable lozenges, sprays or aerosols, injectable antibiotics, vitamin therapy, immunomodulatory drugs, gargling.

Let's look at them in more detail.

sulfa drugs such as: Sulfadimezin, Etazol, Sulfadimethoxine, Norsulfazole, Biseptol, sulfalene.

absorbable lozenges such as: Strepsils, Faringosept, Antiangin.

preparations in the form of aerosols: Hexaral, Ingalipt, Stopangin.

antibiotics in ampoules: Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Oletetrin, Oxacillin, Oleandomitacin, Ompicillin, Bicillin, benzylpenicillin sodium salt.

It is also necessary to take vitamins: vitamin C, A, E - these groups of vitamins are antioxidants and destroy infectious pathogens. It is also necessary to take vitamins B1 and B6.

immunostimulants will help restore immune system and will help fight infection. They take medications for angina such as: Immunal, Arbidol, Aflubin, Anaferon.

gargling - too important point in the treatment of angina. You can gargle with improvised means: a weak solution of salt and soda, Furacillin, a decoction of sage or chamomile. Rinsing will help wash away the accumulated plaque and purulent coating from the tonsils.

Palliative medications are recommended to reduce the discomfort of the disease. For this purpose, take anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin), rinse with salt water, lozenges and warm liquid, humidify the room and rest.

Specific therapy is indicated for streptococcal sore throat. Prescribed intramuscularly: Benzathine penicillin or a 10-day course of Penicillin. Erythromycin is a suitable alternative for patients sensitive to penicillin.

If tonsillitis chronically causes problems with swallowing and eating, the tonsils may be removed.

What medications are prescribed for a child with sore throat?

Young children are the most susceptible to viral sore throat. This type of sore throat is characterized by the appearance of red, shiny blisters that are found on the edge of the palate. In addition, there is an enlargement of the tonsils and spots on the tongue. Sore throat in children is a rather dangerous disease. Its danger lies in untimely initiation of treatment. The fact is that if the disease is not treated, it can lead to further complications, such as pyelonephritis, inflammation of the middle ear and even rheumatism.

The drugs are aimed at temporarily reducing the symptoms of the infection. The temperature can be brought down with any antipyretic medications - Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol and so on.

Doctors also often prescribe painkillers. Throat sprays or Acetaminophen or Tylenol for children may also be used. Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine.

It should also be remembered that children with sore throat require bed rest, which should last at least two to three days. Give your child plenty of fluids. Don't forget that the drink must be warm.

Pharmaceuticals should improve your child's condition in less than 48 hours. If they do not seem to be effective for your child, the treating pediatrician should be informed. Children who feel well and have mild symptoms illnesses resulting from antibiotic treatment will no longer be contagious the day after treatment begins, and they can return to school or kindergarten. Even if symptoms go away, medications should still be taken until you have completed the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor to prevent serious complications.

Brief characteristics of drugs to combat sore throat

The best remedies for sore throat bacterial form- these are antibiotics such as Amoxicillin (Trimox, Amoxil), Penicillin, Clindamycin (Cleocin), Cephalosporins (Keflex, Ceclor), azythromicin (Zithromax) or Clarithromycin (Biaxin). If children vomit as a reaction to the medication or the child is unable to swallow a tablet, Penicillin can also be given as intramuscular injections.

Angina is very sensitive to Penicillin and Cephalosporin. The main problem is the patient’s body’s resistance to the drug, which accounts for 13-17% of cases of angina treatment in Russia. At the same time, resistance to Lincomycin and Clindamycin is common in patients. This means that if they have a sore throat, they cannot take Tetracycline, Sulfonamides, or Cotrimoxazole. Given the high sensitivity of patients to first-line drugs for the treatment of acute streptococcal form illness, the use of Amoxicillin clavulanate or Sulbactam is justified. Oral cephalosporins are rarely used.

Treatment with one of these antibiotics speeds up the recovery process, reduces the risk of complications and prevents the infection from spreading to other people^

Ampioks is an antibiotic from the penicillin group. It consists of sodium salt and oxacillin. Available in the form of capsules of 20 pieces per package. This drug kills viruses that are resistant to benzylpenicillin. Ampiox is used for infections respiratory tract such as: bronchitis, pneumonia and tonsillitis, as well as for infections of the kidneys, liver, to prevent infection in premature infants. Ampiox should be taken 2 capsules 3-4 times a day with meals. Side effects of the drug can cause nausea, vomiting, allergies, and diarrhea.

Etazol will have an antibacterial effect on the reproduction of pathogens of this infection. Etazol is an antibiotic of the sulfonamide group, is quickly absorbed and acts in the body for up to seven hours and is excreted in the urine. This drug must be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Ericicline is an antibiotic wide range actions. It is used not only for sore throat, but also for bronchitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, and infections. genitourinary system. Ericicline is available in capsules. It is necessary to take the product before meals, one capsule 4 times a day. Ericicline can reduce appetite, develop stomatitis, and there are allergic reactions and liver disorders when taking the drug.

There are also a number of other medications that can help you fight the infectious disease. Your doctor will prescribe the drug to you and indicate the required dosage and duration of medication use.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications for sore throat

In order to reduce fever and relieve sore throat, they will help medications Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), these may be taken along with antibiotics. Aspirin can be dangerous for young children: the medicine can cause Reye's syndrome, which can lead to death. Paracetamol in children should also be taken in small doses to avoid the risk of serious complications.

IN acute phase illness in the first days of normal body temperature, bed rest is not required, and then semi-bed rest at home (up to 7 days with normal temperature body).

Patients with allergies should take antihistamines, preferably in tablet form. In severe cases, the patient's treatment continues in the hospital. For the prevention of disease on an individual basis, they are used antifungal drugs.

So we tried in general outline understand what medications are needed for a sore throat to reduce pain and be completely cured in a short time.

Today you can find in pharmacies great amount various medications that will help you improve your condition with sore throat. The most popular among them are:

  1. Neo Angin.
  2. Anti Angin.
  3. Ambassador
  4. Tantum Verde.
  5. Falimint.
  6. Laripront.
  7. Lysobacter.
  8. Strepsils Plus.
  9. Hexoral tabs.
  10. Septolete Plus.
  11. Rinza Lorsept.
  12. Agisept.

You can also find special means, which are used to gargle for sore throat. There are also some antibiotics that can be used to treat this disease if it is caused by bacteria.

Neo Angin

Lozenges, which are often used to treat various types of sore throat. The medicine contains three main active components (amylmetalcresol, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and levomenthol). Thanks to them, the product has a slight local anesthetic effect and an antiseptic effect.

Neo Angin tablets are widely used for various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat and mouth (laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis).

The tablets are dissolved until completely dissolved. It is best to take one tablet every two to three hours. Remember the maximum permissible daily norm– six tablets.

For patients with intolerance to the main components this tool it is prohibited to use it. Not recommended for use in children under six years of age. The drug is well tolerated, but in some cases it can cause allergies, irritation of the stomach and mouth.

Anti Angin

A product that is actively used in dentistry and ENT practice. It has a slight anesthetic effect and antimicrobial properties. The medicine contains the following active ingredients: chlorhexidine diacetate, ascorbic acid, tetracaine hydrochloride. They are active against Escherichia coli, Streptococcus muians, Selenomonas spp., Streptococcus salivarius.

The tablet must be kept in your mouth until it melts. It is recommended to take no more than six tablets per day, leaving an interval of two hours between doses. For children, the dosage is different, so you should consult your doctor before use.

Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and early childhood(up to five years) it is prohibited to take the drug. May cause allergic reactions or damage to enamel.


A drug that has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The medicine contains such active ingredients as ethanol, propolis and glycerin. The product is available in different forms: tincture, ointment, emulsion and aerosol.

The use of Proposol is different for different forms of release. The aerosol is sprayed onto the surface of the affected throat three times every 24 hours. Treatment lasts up to ten days. It is this form of release that is the most common for angina.

Patients who have not reached the age of twelve, with eczema or intolerance to the components of the product, are prohibited from taking it. As a rule, the medicine is well tolerated, but in some cases it can cause allergic reactions.

Tantum Verde

A drug that is actively used to treat various diseases in dentistry and ENT practice. Available in three forms: spray, solution and tablets. The medicine contains active ingredient benzydamine hydrochloride.

If you purchased the drug in the form of lozenges, then you need to use one tablet one to three times every 24 hours. Sprayed with spray sore throat two or three times in 24 hours. The solution is used to create a rinse.

Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug and with phenylketonuria are prohibited from taking the drug. In some patients it may cause drowsiness, allergic reactions, dry mouth, burning sensation.


An analgesic drug, which is available in the form of pills. The medicine contains the active component acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. Thanks to this, the drug has an antitussive effect, and also has an analgesic and analgesic effect.

It is worth taking 25-50 mg three to five times every 24 hours. The tablet does not need to be chewed or swallowed whole, but kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Patients with intolerance to the components are prohibited from taking the product. Not recommended for use by pregnant women and those breastfeeding infants. In some cases, the drug may cause allergies.


This combination remedy, which is antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal effect and is used in dentistry and ENT practice.

Each tablet of this drug contains the following active ingredients: dequalinium chloride and lysozyme hydrochloride. It acts only locally, so it is almost not absorbed into the blood. Thanks to such components, the drug has mucolytic and hemostatic properties.

Keep the tablet in your mouth until it completely dissolves. Use one tablet every two to three hours. Do not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after taking the tablet. It can extremely rarely cause allergies. Patients with intolerance to the components are prohibited from using the product.


An antiseptic drug that is often used to treat sore throat. The medicine contains the following active ingredients: pyridoxine hydrochloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.

Each tablet of this drug should be dissolved slowly in the mouth. The dosage is individual and depends on the age of the patient. Adults typically take two tablets three to four times every 24 hours. Children take one tablet no more than four times. Therapy lasts about eight days.

Patients with lactose or glucose intolerance, as well as the main components of the drug, are prohibited from using Lizobact tablets. Not used to treat children under three years of age. Sometimes the drug causes allergic reactions.

Strepsils Plus

An antiseptic drug that comes in two forms: tablets and spray. The medicine contains the following active ingredients: 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol and lidocaine.

If a spray is used for treatment, it is necessary to irrigate the inflamed areas of the oral cavity by pressing the bottle cap twice. For best result need to be repeated three to four times every 24 hours. Do not use for more than five days.

If lozenges are used, use one tablet every two hours. Maximum daily dose- eight tablets.

A patient with intolerance to the components of the drug is prohibited from using it. It is not recommended for children under twelve years of age, pregnant women, or women who are breastfeeding.

Some patients indicate that the drug causes numbness of the tongue and allergic reactions.

Hexoral tabs

A drug for the treatment of sore throat, which is available in the form of lozenges. The medicine contains the following active ingredients: chlorhexidine and benzocaine. Thanks to this composition, the drug has an anesthetic and antimicrobial effect.

It is recommended to start taking the drug from the moment the patient has the first symptoms of a sore throat. The tablet is kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. Adults and children over twelve years of age take one tablet every one to two hours. The maximum daily dose is eight tablets. For treatment of children under twelve years of age, a doctor's prescription is required.

Patients with ulcerative or wound injuries to the pharynx, low levels of cholinesterase in the blood, phenylketonuria, or intolerance to the components of the drug are prohibited from using it. Do not use for treatment in early age(up to four years old). May cause dysgeusia, numbness of the tip of the tongue, stomatitis, allergies, methemoglobinemia.

Septolete Plus

Lozenges that have an anesthetic and antimicrobial effect. They have different tastes. The medicine contains the following active ingredients: cetylpyridinium chloride and benzocaine. Due to the fact that the medicine does not contain sugar, it can be used to treat patients with diabetes.

The drug is taken one tablet every two hours. The maximum daily dose is eight tablets. Do not chew or swallow them, keep them in the mouth until completely absorbed. It is not recommended to use the drug during meals or milk.

Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug and fructose are prohibited from using the medicine. Not recommended for children under four years of age. May cause nausea, diarrhea, allergies.

Rinza Lorsept

An antiseptic drug that is often used to treat sore throat. They have different flavors (orange, lemon, honey-lime, blackcurrant). The medicine contains the following active ingredients: amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

Patients over six years of age take one tablet (dissolve in the mouth) every two to three hours. Do not take for more than seven days. Patients with hypoglycemia, intolerance to the components of the drug and fructose should not use the medicine. Prohibited for use by patients under six years of age. May cause a burning sensation in the mouth, allergies, and a feeling of dryness in the mouth.


Antiseptic tablets containing the following active ingredients: 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol. Thanks to this, the product exhibits an antimicrobial effect.

The drug is used one tablet every two hours (adult patients), but no more than eight tablets in 24 hours. To treat sore throat in children over five years of age, take one tablet every four hours. The tablets should be dissolved rather than swallowed.

Patients with intolerance to the active components of the drug are prohibited from taking it. Not prescribed for the treatment of children at an early age. Well tolerated.

Tablets for gargling for sore throat

Gargling is an effective treatment for sore throat, as it helps to effectively clear the throat mucosa of bacteria and plaque. It is very important to know how to gargle correctly:

  1. For rinsing to be effective, you need to tilt your head back during this procedure, sticking your tongue forward. So maximum amount the solution will reach the site of inflammation.
  2. Do not use cold or too hot water for the solution, since the first can aggravate the condition, and the second can cause a burn.
  3. Make the sound “Y” when gargling, then the solution will fall on the tonsils.
  4. The procedure must be carried out for at least thirty seconds.
  5. Control your breathing properly to avoid swallowing the medicine.

The following tablets are used for rinsing:

  1. Streptocide.
  2. Furacilin.


A popular synthetic drug (sulfonamide), the mechanism of action of which is to disrupt the formation of substances necessary for life in the bacterial cell, which leads to inhibition of its growth and development. Shows activity against staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci, which cause sore throat. Mainly used on early stages illness when the sore throat is not yet very strong.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, ointments and powder. To treat sore throat, tablets or powder are usually taken. They can be used to prepare a solution for gargling or taken orally (by dissolving tablets). For getting effective result use at least three and no more than six times in 24 hours. Therapy lasts about seven days.

It is very important to drink plenty of fluids during treatment with Streptocide, since the active substance of the drug (sulfonamide) is excreted primarily by the kidneys. Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug are prohibited from using it. May cause allergies.


Popular antimicrobial drug, which is widely used in medicine. For sore throat, it is used only to create solutions for gargling. To prepare the solution, you can only use Furacilin tablets.

To prepare a solution for gargling for sore throat, just take one tablet and a glass of warm water. boiled water(100 ml). For tonsillitis, Furacilin plays the role of an antiseptic, helping to get rid of plaque and bacteria. Of course, for positive result And quick treatment Furacilin alone will not be enough. It can only stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main advantage of Furacilin is the fact that it is completely safe for pregnant women. Therefore, during pregnancy it is prescribed first of all. In some cases, the drug may cause allergies, loss of appetite, dizziness and nausea.

Antibiotics for sore throat in tablets

Antibiotics are used to treat sore throat if the cause of the disease is bacteria (bacterial sore throat). It is worth understanding that such medications can only be prescribed by a specialist, after a thorough examination of the patient’s throat and analysis. What antibiotics are best to use to treat a sore throat? Today the most common are:

  1. Azithromycin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Tsiprolet.
  4. Tetracycline.
  5. Penicillin.
  6. Erythromycin.
  7. Ampicillin.

Three tablets for sore throat

Only antibiotics Azithromycin is prescribed in a course of three tablets for the treatment of sore throat. It is part of the following drugs: Azivok, Azitrox, Hemomycin, Azimed. In addition, the course of this antibiotic lasts only ten to twelve days, which is significantly less than with others.

As a rule, Azithromycin is prescribed only if the patient has been diagnosed with intolerance to milder antibiotics from the macrolide group. After taking it, many patients experience nausea (rarely vomiting), dysbacteriosis, and diarrhea. Three tablets can be prescribed only for the treatment of sore throat in adults. Azithromycin for children is available in powder form. You can take the tablet before meals or two hours after meals. Three tablets are usually taken over three days.


A popular antibiotic that is included in penicillin group. Shows activity during the fight against Shigella spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp..

The dosage is individual. It depends on the patient’s condition, his age, and the severity of the disease. For adults, the maximum single dose is 500 mg, for children – 250 mg. Patients with infectious mononucleosis, stomach infections, lymphocytic leukemia, allergic diathesis, hay fever and bronchial asthma antibiotic use is prohibited.

In some cases, Amoxicillin can cause allergies, superinfection, ataxia, dizziness, depression, vomiting, glossitis, cholestatic jaundice.


An antibiotic that belongs to the group of fluoroquinols. The medicine contains the active component ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Shows activity in the fight against Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter spp., Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Providencia spp., Plesiomonas shigelloides, Chlamydia trachomatis.

Dosing is individual. It depends on the patient’s age and condition. For mild sore throat, adults are prescribed 250 mg twice every 24 hours. If the sore throat has become complicated, take 500 mg twice every 24 hours.

Patients with pseudomembranous colitis or antibiotic intolerance are prohibited from taking the drug. It is not recommended for use in pregnant women and children under eighteen years of age.

Taking the drug can cause diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, headaches, insomnia, tremor, depression, confusion, tachycardia, hypoprothrombinemia.


A popular drug that is used, among other things, to treat sore throat. Shows activity in the fight against Staphylococcus spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter spp., Bordetella pertussis, Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp., Mycoplasma spp., Rickettsia spp.

When treating angina in adult patients, Tetracycline is taken 250-500 mg every six hours. Children can be given a dosage of 25-50 mg every six hours. Patients with leukopenia, intolerance to the components of the drug, liver failure, if you have mycosis, it is prohibited to take the product. It is not recommended for use in pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, and children under eight years of age.

In some cases, Tetracycline can cause headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, esophagitis, constipation, glossitis, neutropenia, Quincke's edema, photosensitivity, candidal stomatitis, and allergies.


It is penicillin that is included in the main group of antibiotics that are used to treat sore throat caused by streptococci. This is a bactericidal agent that begins to inhibit the synthesis and restoration of bacterial cells, which causes their death. Thanks to this property, penicillin is a fast-acting medicine.

Today in pharmacies you can find a huge amount various drugs with penicillin. The antibiotic itself has two chemical forms ( sodium salt and potassium salt).

The dosage is individual, so prescribe correct treatment maybe only qualified specialist. In no case should you skip taking pills or end therapy before the end of the course, as this can lead to the development of complications.

Patients after taking this antibiotic may experience: allergic reactions in the form of rash, eosinophilia, fever, bronchospasms.


A popular antibiotic that belongs to the macrolide group. It disrupts the formation of peptide bonds in amino acids, thereby blocking protein synthesis. It has a bactericidal effect only in large quantities. Acts on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Viridans, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, Haemophilus influenzae, Brucella spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

The dosage is individual, so only a specialist can prescribe it. Typically, adults take 250-500 mg every six hours. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1-2 g.

For patients with hearing loss, hypersensitivity, or intolerance to erythromycin, take this drug forbidden. Do not use together with astemizole and terfenadine. It is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding.

In some cases, taking this antibiotic may be accompanied by various allergic reactions, gastralgia, vomiting, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, and tachycardia.


A popular antibiotic that belongs to the group of synthetic penicillins. Suppresses the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, due to which its bactericidal effect occurs. Active in the fight against Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. (except those that produce penicillin), Listeria monocytogenes, Enterococcus spp., Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Shigella spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Bordetella pertussis.

The dosage is determined in each individual case individually. It depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. As a rule, adults drink 250-500 mg four times every 24 hours.

Patients with lymphocytic leukemia, infectious mononucleosis, liver dysfunction, intolerance to penicillin or ampicillin are prohibited from using the drug.

In some cases, taking it may cause allergies, vomiting with nausea, vaginal candidiasis, colitis, intestinal dysbiosis.

Tablets for purulent sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis is treated comprehensively. If the disease was caused by staphylococci or streptococci, antibiotics must be included in the course of therapy. Most often in this case, the following antibiotics are used:

  1. Phenoxymethylpenicillin.
  2. Clarithromycin.
  3. Clindamycin.
  4. Erythromycin.

For swelling of the pharynx, specialists often prescribe popular corticosteroids. And to relieve pain - painkillers. It is very important that the latter also have an antipyretic effect. The most popular among them are drugs with ibuprofen and paracetamol.

To remove pain lozenges are used in the throat: Travisil, Lizobakt, Neo Angin, Faringosept, Imudon.

Tablets for herpes sore throat

Treatment of sore throat, which was caused by the herpes virus, is in many ways similar to the treatment of all other types. In this case, bed rest is the main step on the path to recovery. To relieve symptoms, popular antipyretics with ibuprofen and paracetamol are used.

The specialist may also prescribe local antiviral drugs. The most popular among them are: Viferon, Isoprinozide, Tsitovir, Cycloferon. To relieve sore throat, lozenges (Faringosept) or antiseptic solutions (Furacilin) ​​are used.

Antibiotics are used only if herpes sore throat has caused complications in the form of tracheitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis. As a rule, penicillin or macrolides (Azithromycin, etc.) are used to treat these complications.


Popular antiviral agent, which is used to treat herpes sore throat. The active ingredients of the drug are integrated into the viral DNA, thereby blocking its synthesis and leading to death. Shows effectiveness in the fight against Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster.

Taken with meals. It is very important to take the tablets with plenty of liquid. The dosage is individual and is prescribed strictly by the attending physician. It should not be used at an early age (up to three years), or for the treatment of women who are breastfeeding. Patients with neurological disorders should drink with caution.

In some cases, Acyclovir can cause vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, erythropenia, thrombocytopenia, severe headaches, tremors, drowsiness, convulsions, shortness of breath, allergic reactions, coma.

Painkillers for sore throat

With angina, an inevitable symptom is strong pain in the throat. And if you cannot get rid of it, you need to use painkillers. Some antibiotics are suitable for soothing a sore throat, especially if the sore throat was caused by streptococci or staphylococci. Solutions of popular antiseptics (Furacilin, Streptocide) can also cope with this symptom.

There are also special lozenges that act specifically on the source of inflammation and alleviate pain (Strepsils, Septolete Plus, Neo Angin and others). For bacterial sore throat, a common remedy for sore throat is considered antibacterial drug Azithromycin. But you should remember that you should not drink it without a doctor’s recommendation. It is also prescribed only for mild sore throat.

The antibiotic Amoxicillin and Amosin are considered no less effective. They effectively cope with bacterial sore throats and help relieve sore throats in a few days.

Let's consider the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of tablets for sore throat using the example of the popular drug "Falimint".

An acute infectious disease, sore throat, is treated with antibiotics and medications that relieve its symptoms. Therapy is prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is excluded, as complications may arise. Strict adherence to the treatment regimen and instructions for medications is the key to recovery. New generation remedies will help cope with the disease.

Reasons for using new generation tablets

Antibiotics in tablets for angina in adults are used from the groups of penicillins, macrolides, and cephalosporins. The last two groups belong to the new generation and are preferred in treatment because they are more effective and do not cause allergies. Penicillins are resistant to microbes, so they are not suitable for most patients.

Cephalosporins and macrolides inhibit the synthesis of the cell wall of pathogenic microbes, which leads to their death. Antibiotics in tablets are effective in the treatment of bacterial tonsillar pathologies and oropharyngeal infections, including sore throat. They have a small number of side effects and contraindications and do not cause microbial resistance.

Possible side effects from new generation tablets intended for the treatment of sore throat:

  • rash, redness of the skin;
  • anaphylactic and allergic reactions, bronchospasm, angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • weakness, changes in taste, smell;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, pancreatitis;
  • acute hepatitis, increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • dizziness, headache, paresthesia;
  • growth of superinfection (insensitive bacteria, fungi).


Antibiotics in tablets for sore throats are more often used in adults; it is better to give injections to children.

The popular drug Roxithromycin has the following characteristics:


Tablets for sore throat in adults Ketek belong to a new generation, which are used to treat infectious diseases. Their features:


The new generation of sore throat tablets Rulid are an analogue of Roxithromycin:
