Bruises of soft tissues near the tailbone symptoms. Bruised tailbone due to a fall: what to do, symptoms, treatment and consequences

A coccyx bruise is usually called an injury to the lower spine and soft tissues located in this area. In most cases, such damage is diagnosed in women and children, since the former prefer to wear high-heeled shoes, which are not always stable, and the latter are extremely mobile. Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle can get a bruise to their tailbone when falling.

A bruised tailbone is most often diagnosed after a fall. However, this is not the only reason for injury. Damage can be received:

  • when riding a bicycle for a long time on uneven terrain with a hard saddle;
  • when playing certain sports (gymnastics, snowboarding, roller skating);

  • when hit with a blunt object in the lower back;
  • the child may be injured if the jump goes wrong.

The risk of injury increases when winter time years during icy conditions.


When a coccyx is bruised due to a fall, characteristic symptoms occur:

  1. Painful sensations at the site of injury, which intensify when the victim sits or lies on his back. They can also extend to top part legs and lower back.
  2. Pain when walking.
  3. Redness at the site of injury.
  4. Hematoma.

Often people who hit their tailbone prefer not to seek medical help. If the injury has mild degree gravity, then this is justified. But, when there is a severe bruise and the damaged area hurts for a long time, then treatment should be mandatory. If it is absent, the victim may experience unpleasant consequences and complications.

Elena Malysheva and neurologist Dmitry Shubin will tell you more about the causes and symptoms of the disease:

A mild bruise can be recognized by the following signs:

  • not significant, but can intensify when a person lies down, and it also hurts to sit down;
  • the nature of the pain can be different (pulsating, aching, sharp, increasing);
  • the pain goes away on its own within 7-10 days.

Often a bruise of the coccyx is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. If the bruises are swollen, increase in size and feel strong pain when you press on this area, you need to show the injured area to a doctor, as fluid may accumulate in the tissues. To prevent suppuration, the doctor will open the hematoma.

If the pain spreads to other areas (leg muscles), this may indicate a pinched nerve. If pain in the tailbone occurs while walking, this may indicate bone damage. In this case, medical attention is needed.

First aid

In most cases, after a person falls on his tailbone, the pain can be so severe that the victim goes into painful shock and is simply unable to move independently. To alleviate the condition, the patient needs to provide first aid:

  1. Apply cold to the tailbone. This procedure for any bruises is standard, but not many people know how to do it correctly. The main thing is to keep cold compress It is impossible to constantly stay at the site of injury, as this can lead to hypothermia of the injured area. From time to time you need to remove the cold for about 1 minute. It is advisable to cool the tailbone only in the first 10 minutes after the impact. Further, this procedure will no longer be effective and will only lead to hypothermia of the soft tissues.

How cold therapy works: When a cooling agent is applied to the skin, blood vessels constrict and blood flow slows, which reduces swelling and inflammation.

  1. The victim should take a position in which there is no pressure on the tailbone. The optimal position is lying on your side.
  2. If, after receiving an injury, the victim is unable to move independently, he should be immediately taken to the hospital. At this time, the person should be in a supine position. You cannot sit if your tailbone is seriously damaged.

To relieve pain in the first minutes after injury, the victim can take a painkiller (Analgin). In this case, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Correctly provided first aid for a damaged tailbone will help speed up the healing process and avoid serious consequences.

Consequences of injury

At first glance, a bruised tailbone seems like a minor injury, however, sometimes it can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  1. Damage to the vertebrae or spinal column due to compression. In this case, the victim experiences unbearable pain.
  2. Brain contusion (spinal or even brain). In rare cases, wedging is possible spinal cord to the back of the head.

Damage to the vertebrae causes pain

  1. Damage to internal organs, which can provoke an inflammatory process, suppuration in the rectal area or cause fistulas on the coccyx.
  2. The appearance of a bruise that can lead to the development of a fibrotic hematoma.
  3. Development of chronic bruise. In this case, the person will constantly experience pain while moving.

What to do if you have a bruised tailbone

Before prescribing treatment for a bruised tailbone, the doctor will order an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. If the image does not reveal cracks or fractures of the bone, then further therapy will consist of the following actions:

  1. Maintain bed rest and completely avoid any physical activity for at least several days after the injury.
  2. Do not sit down in the first days after an injury or use a special orthopedic pillow for this.
  3. You can only lie or sleep on your side, as lying on your back can put a lot of stress on your tailbone.
  4. To relieve pain at the site of the bruise, the doctor will prescribe topical medications to the patient or rectal suppositories with an analgesic effect (Ketonal, Diclofenac). It is possible to use microenemas.

If, after surgery, a dislocation or fracture of the coccyx, an orthopedic seat cushion is used, the coccyx will be at rest and the spine will be in the correct anatomical position when sitting

  1. To reduce tissue swelling, a cold compress should be applied to the site of the bruise during the first days after receiving it.
  2. If a bruise appears at the site of the injury, it should be applied warm compresses. They can be done starting from the third day after injury. This will help relax the tissue and lead to the resorption of the hematoma.
  3. After 7-10 days, the patient can begin to exercise therapeutic exercises. To do this, doctors recommend performing the following set of exercises:
  • Lie on your back with your legs straight. Squeeze a small rubber ball between your feet and hold it for 5 seconds. After this, take a short break (about 10-15 seconds). Next, repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Slowly lift your pelvis up, trying to squeeze your buttocks as tightly as possible. Linger in the most high point for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Squeeze a small ball between your knees. Alternately squeeze and unclench it so that you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles.

Dear readers, we have prepared a video for you that shows exercises for back and tailbone pain:

At severe bruises The victim is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UHF is the effect of heat on a damaged area, which is obtained due to the action of an electromagnetic field high frequency. The procedure has an analgesic effect and helps relieve swelling at the site of the bruise.
  • SMT therapy involves influencing the damaged area with a sinusoidal modulated current. As a result of this action, an irritating effect is achieved. SMT therapy helps eliminate swelling and relieve pain symptoms.
  • Effect on bruises by infrared rays. The procedure has a resolving and analgesic effect. It is indicated for neuralgic pain or chronic inflammation.

How to treat a bruised tailbone at home

After diagnosing a tailbone bruise, the doctor will prescribe the patient drug treatment which can be done at home. For this use:

  1. Ointments that promote the resorption of hematomas (“Troxevasin”, “Heparin ointment”). Such drugs relieve tissue swelling, eliminate inflammation and have an anticoagulant effect.
  2. When, after a fall, combination drugs are prescribed local action based on dexpanthenol.
  3. Ointments that can resolve hematomas (Indovazin) are applied to the site of the bruise.
  4. Warming ointments (Espol, Finalgon) can improve blood circulation.

Finalgon - combination drug with local irritant and analgesic effects. Price in pharmacies from 240 rubles.

  1. Preparations based on medicinal herbs badyagi or comfrey. Such ointments have practically no contraindications, so they are suitable for everyone.
  2. To quickly relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process, they are used (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).
  3. According to reviews, arnica ointment will be effective for bruises. This product has antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.
  4. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the use rectal suppositories with novocaine, ichthyol or belladonna.

In addition to medications, a bruise can be treated with folk remedies. Regardless of whether a person fell down the stairs or was injured in another way, he can use the following methods:

  1. Rubbing a solution made from vinegar and honey, taken in a ratio of 2 to 1, into the tailbone. In the first days, while the pain is very severe, you can rub this remedy every hour. Later, 1-2 rubs per day are enough.
  2. Applying a compress prepared on the basis of kefir, cottage cheese and natural honey, taken in equal proportions. Cover the mixture with film on top and wrap it in a warm scarf. This compress should be applied at night.
  3. Lubricate the tailbone with tincture, for the preparation of which you need to mix 10 crushed aspirin tablets, 10 ml of iodine and 300 ml camphor alcohol. Mix everything well and infuse for 3 weeks, after which the tincture can be used, shaking each time before use.

Making a compress from raw potatoes

  1. Take 30 drops of arnica tincture every day, 3 times a day.
  2. Apply a bandage with valerian infusion to the sore spot.
  3. An oil compress with birch tar has a good effect. To make it, you need 2 tablespoons of softened butter stir well with 1 tablespoon of tar. Apply the resulting mixture to the area where the bruise occurred. Place film on top and wrap with a warm scarf. This compress should be kept on the tailbone all night. Thanks to antibacterial property tar, such a remedy will accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.
  4. Compress based on raw potatoes. Grate several raw potatoes on a medium grater and place in cheesecloth. After squeezing out the juice, apply a compress to the bruised area. This procedure helps eliminate pain symptom and speed up recovery.

How long can a damaged area hurt? It all depends on the degree of injury. Sometimes, the pain goes away within a few days, but there are situations where pain is felt for several months after the injury. If the damaged area hurts for a long time, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to change therapy.

If a bruise of the coccyx due to a fall was quickly diagnosed and started competent treatment, then the patient recovers quickly. In the absence of therapy, complications may develop and the patient’s quality of life may be impaired.

Injuries to the lower spine, as a rule, do not go away without leaving a trace. Sometimes, they can lead to serious consequences if the patient is not provided with timely medical care. The most common injury from a fall is a bruised tailbone, since this part of the spine is considered an extremely vulnerable place in the human body. Most likely, the shape and location of 3-5 fused beak-shaped vertebrae-rudiments of the coccygeal bone are to blame for this. Thus, one unsuccessful “landing” is enough to cause injury, and treatment can be long and tedious.

The clinical picture (symptoms) of injury to the coccygeal bone reveals intensity pain syndrome, which is formed depending on the strength of the traumatic factor and the area of ​​damage to the soft tissue around the coccyx. In this case, it is very important to determine whether the injury is a fracture or a slight bruise of the tailbone. The most important symptoms of bruises of the coccygeal bone are:

  • pain – develops immediately after injury, may intensify while sitting/standing and with sudden movements with irradiation to the lower extremities;
  • subcutaneous hematoma - a bruise appears at the site of injury, which indicates damage to the soft tissue and bone tissue of the coccyx;
  • edema – the formation of swelling as a result of aseptic inflammation.
The first symptoms of mild bruises of the coccygeal bone usually disappear on their own within a few days without consequences. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes required emergency treatment if you experience pain:
  • during acts of defecation;
  • during sexual intercourse (in women and men);
  • when walking or standing still;
  • by lightly touching (pressing) the injury site with your hand.
Thus, secondary symptoms development inflammatory processes at the site of the bruise are: persistent swelling and bulge of the coccygeal bone, located in the lower region of the spine.


First aid

A severe bruise of the tailbone should be cooled with an ice compress, as with any other injury. Ultimately, this causes vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow and reducing the area of ​​the hematoma. At first, the patient must be provided with semi-bed rest at home, lying on his stomach or side. At the same time, the bed should not be too soft. It is recommended to sit on a special pillow orthopedic design or on an inflatable ring. To avoid additional stress on the tailbone, it is prohibited to make any sudden movements with the legs, and when walking, the patient should shift the center of gravity and transfer it to the buttocks and upper thighs. To avoid increased swelling and the spread of interstitial hematoma, the following are contraindicated: hot baths, intense massage of the bruised area.

Diagnostics and medical care

Can't be neglected medical assistance if there is a serious bruise of the coccyx. In particular, the traumatologist examines the area of ​​injury, the proctologist evaluates the rectal condition of the intestines in this area, and the radiologist identifies fractures, dislocations or displacements of the coccygeal bones. After completion of the examination, the patient is given comprehensive recommendations for further treatment. At the same time, the main directions of therapeutic therapy in medical institutions are:
  • prevention of constipation - in order to facilitate bowel movements, they are prescribed medications for timely bowel movements feces;
  • restriction of physical activity in order to prevent possible displacement of the coccyx and damage to surrounding tissues;
  • anesthesia - influencing swelling and hemorrhage using tablets, cooling creams and ointments with a warming effect, injections and suppositories (rectally).
Surgical intervention. If the bruise of the coccyx is serious, then, if a large hematoma is detected and the coccyx is displaced, it may be necessary surgery. In particular, puncture removes blood accumulated in the area of ​​the hematoma, and realignment of the vertebrae of the coccygeal bone helps reduce pain. Mechanotherapy. To speed up physical recovery and for prevention purposes possible consequences From the very first days, the doctor resorts to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. Physiotherapy– most effective method quick recovery(rehabilitation) of muscles and joints, which allows you to strengthen the overall tone of the patient’s body even at home.

Consequences associated with a bruised tailbone

The most dangerous "scenario" further development events are compression fracture or curvature of the spine, with damage to the spinal cord, injury to the nerve endings that act as a connecting link between the spinal cord and internal organs. As a result, they can develop quite serious illnesses, including disruption of the pelvic organs, the appearance of chronic pain, migraines, inflammatory processes in soft tissues in the area below the back. Accordingly, such diseases have to be treated over a long period of time, so only timely appeal Seeing a doctor will help avoid negative consequences in case of severe bruises of the coccygeal bone.

Herbal medicine and treatment with folk remedies at home

As a rule, bruises in folk medicine They are trying to treat with the use of home-prepared remedies to resolve the hematoma and improve the nutrition of damaged tissues. True, in the first days it is undesirable to use gels and ointments with a warming effect, but from the 3rd day it is allowed to take warm baths, apply ointment dressings, make lotions, and compresses.


Alcohol tincture. Mix 300 ml of medical alcohol and 10 ml of camphor with 10 powdered Analgin tablets, add 10 ml of iodine. Keep the tincture for 21 days (in a cool, dark place). Do daily rubbing for 6 days. Arnica. Take arnica tincture orally, 30 drops 3 times a day. Valerian. For pain in the tailbone, it is advisable to apply valerian tincture externally, after moistening a cotton bandage with it. Keep the bandage on all night.

Therapeutic baths

Geranium. A decoction of this plant helps to quickly restore the functions of the lower parts of the spinal column. Chamomile officinalis. Warm baths with the addition of chamomile decoction have an anti-inflammatory effect, help relax muscles, reduce pain, and prevent the occurrence of anal fissures.


Wormwood, large plantain, onion, cabbage. Rub the juice from the crushed wormwood herb, apply a crushed plantain leaf as a compress on the tailbone area for 2-3 hours. It is also recommended to treat the tailbone with lotions made from onion and cabbage juice. Potato . Raw potatoes have a resolving effect and relieve pain. Apply the resulting slurry to gauze folded in several layers to apply a compress at the site of the bruise. That's all the treatment! Vinegar-honey compresses. An evening compress prepared from vinegar and honey (1:2) helps relieve inflammation of the tissues around the tailbone. The number of procedures is determined by the intensity of pain. Instead of vinegar, you can use cottage cheese, kefir or medical alcohol in a 1:1 ratio for “sweet” treatment.


Shilajit ointment. Grind the mummy with rose oil, then rub the ointment with light movements into the bruised area. Spruce resin ointment. When there is a bruise of the tailbone, you can use spruce resin-resin. To prepare the ointment, just mix 20 g of resin with gruel from a medium-sized onion, add 15 g of copper sulfate and 50 g olive oil. Apply the heated mixture to the tailbone area and hold until a burning sensation appears ( therapeutic effect only gets stronger from this). Comfrey ointment. It is not difficult to prepare such an ointment at home. To do this, you will need 1 tbsp. chopped herb leaves pour 1 tbsp. rast. oil, bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 30 minutes, then strain the broth, add liquid vitamin E and beeswax (about a third of a glass). Cool, apply the ointment 2 times a day (morning and night) as a fixing bandage on the sore spot. Iodine and Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic liniment). Lubricating the coccyx area with iodine or treating with Vishnevsky ointment 2-3 times a week for 2 months gives a positive effect.
Despite the fact that the coccyx is a rudimentary process and is not of particular value to human life, nevertheless, injuries to this part of the spine can be more than serious!

The tailbone is located in the lower part of the spinal column. It is very often called the “tail”, and for good reason. After all, the last 3-5 vertebrae are very much reminiscent of this organ in their structure. According to Darwin's theory, the coccyx is a vestige of the tail. The vertebrae that are present in the coccyx are called caudal. Like a vestige, a “tail” in human body doesn't perform vitally important functions. But by the nature of its existence, it can bring a lot of trouble.

More often this trouble may consist of a bruise of the tailbone. It is very easy to get it in winter when falling, or when strong impact. Such damage is not considered too dangerous. It is for this reason that few people go to the hospital to have necessary treatment. And this is in vain! The consequences of a bruised tailbone can be the most unexpected and take a person by surprise after some time.
Why it is necessary to treat this part of the spine, we will try to explain in this article.

A blow or fall can cause damage to the tailbone. If after such an incident they begin to appear following symptoms, then you need to urgently seek medical help:

  1. Very severe pain in the tailbone that permeates the whole body.
  2. Painful sensations may increase with any movements, as well as with changes in body position (for example, lying or sitting).
  3. Pain can radiate to the following areas of the body:
    • into the sacrum.
    • into the genitals and anus.
    • In the lower abdomen and buttocks.
    • at the feet.
  4. Acute headache. It can be the result of inertial displacement of the spinal cord, or a blow to the brain area.
  5. A hematoma or bruise may form at the site of the injury. After some time, as a result fibrotic changes the site of the bruise may swell and resemble an elongated formation.
  6. Severe swelling will appear near the tailbone, and a painful lump will form on the bone.

Even the smallest blow can cause injury to the tailbone!

If hematomas appear at the site of the bruise along with swelling, then these are the first signs of a fracture of the coccyx. Bruises can also appear as a result of the most common injury. In any case, you should not ignore the symptoms that appear. It is very important to seek help from medical professionals.

What other symptoms may indicate a bruise?

Most people, when the pain goes away, do not consider it necessary to engage in any treatment. However, after a short period of time, you can begin to notice that in any position, sitting, lying down, and even when having sex, pain occurs in the lower back. unpleasant pain. In another way it is called chronic. Yes, it is not as strong as after an injury, but if you don’t take care of it timely treatment, it will only increase.

Availability chronic pain indicates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in tissues. If this is not treated, it may develop purulent wounds(for example, rectal injury with big amount pus and fistula in the tailbone itself).

What measures need to be taken

To ensure that any symptoms that occur do not turn into severe complications, an x-ray examination is necessary. Based on the results of the obtained image, the doctor can prescribe a specific treatment.

If the image does not reveal obvious brain damage, then treatment of the bruise may be carried out at home, while adhering to all the recommendations of a specialist.
If treatment is not carried out properly, they may appear after some time. Negative consequences, which can be quite difficult to deal with.

Consequences of injury to the coccyx

The blow, which falls on the entire spine, can be in a vertical direction. In this case, compression will occur. This situation is the most dangerous during a bruise.

If a person jumps from high altitude and landing unsuccessfully, as well as if you get into a traffic accident, the following consequences may develop if your tailbone is injured:

  • Compression fracture of the spine (in its different parts).
  • Severe concussion of the brain and spinal cord.
  • A strong blow can cause a rupture of the spinal cord.
  • Damage skin and internal organs.

Moderate consequences

When a person falls from a height approximately his own height, this will not cause serious injury. Although this situation can cause a lot of problems for people with overweight And :

  • Pain in the tailbone for several hours.
  • The appearance of a bruise at the site of the injury.
  • Very often it becomes uncomfortable to sit or make certain movements.

It is important to know!
The most dangerous and treacherous is considered to be a fall from an average height (stool, table). In such a situation, the height of the fall does not seem to be too high, but determining the degree of injury received will be very difficult. The consequences of such a fall can be different character. And most often it is quite negative.

What needs to be done?

What measures should be taken first if a person bruises his tailbone:

  1. Ice is immediately applied to the site of the injury. This makes it possible to reduce pain, reduce the formation of puffiness and swelling. Ice is effective only within an hour after injury.
  2. It is important that the victim makes a minimum number of movements. It is best for him to be in an immobilized position.
  3. If possible, a cooling ointment with analgesic properties is applied to the tailbone.
  4. Warming compresses can be used to quickly resolve hematomas and reduce bruises.
  5. After receiving a bruise, it is best for the patient to sleep on his side. This will reduce pressure on the injured tailbone.

To avoid serious complications, you should consult your doctor. Only after examination and x-ray examination, a specialist will be able to prescribe effective treatment.

Video about tailbone bruise

The coccyx is the lower part of the human spine, which is part of the sacrococcygeal joint. A bruise of this bone is a very common injury that can easily be caused by a fall, either from a great height or from a height of human height. Many people do not immediately pay attention to the injury, and this can later provoke serious consequences. What is dangerous about a tailbone bruise, how long the injury can hurt and how to treat it, it is important to know about this.

A bruised tailbone does not cause severe and sharp pains in contrast to its fracture, therefore, many people, after a fall, simply do not pay attention to the injury received, as a result of which, in the future, it develops into a chronic disease.

It is worth remembering that the presence certain symptoms, primarily depends on the fall height and speed.

If the victim fell from a sofa or chair, then the pain will be so weak that it is highly likely that you will not feel it, but if the victim fell from a height, for example, from a bicycle or from a ladder, then the tissue damage is much more serious.

The symptoms will be as follows:

  • A sharp pain will occur immediately after landing and intensifies when sitting or with sudden movements.
  • There is discomfort when sitting.
  • Some time after the injury, a bruise or swelling forms in the area where the tailbone is located.

The above symptoms are the main signs of this type of illness, but there are also cases when, some time after a fall, an injured person experiences painful sensations at:

  • sexual contact;
  • when going to the toilet, pain will occur if the bone, when falling, has moved to the side where the rectum passes;
  • not pressing on the bone.

What determines the duration of pain?

The duration of pain primarily depends on the height from which the person fell. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how long the illness will bother the victim:

  1. If the blow is not significant and received as a result of a fall from a small height, for example, from a step or from a children's swing, then the pain will go away very quickly, within an hour or even a few minutes, if soft fabrics remained undamaged.
  2. If a bruise or swelling appears as a result of a fall, then the painful sensations last up to five days; such an injury can occur when falling from a chair or sofa.
  3. If a person is injured by falling from a great height, or from his own height, and an abrasion or bruise forms at the site of the injury, then the pain lasts for three weeks.
  4. If the impact causes the coccyx to be displaced, and the victim does not consult a doctor in time, the problem may become chronic. Painful sensations will not leave the injured person throughout his life. This is especially felt when active image life.

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to begin immediate treatment immediately after the injury and the appearance of the first signs of illness.

Treatment of a bruised tailbone due to a fall using medical supplies is selected individually for each victim, but first an x-ray is taken and a diagnosis is made.

When treating a bruise, after confirming the diagnosis, the doctor usually prescribes ointments, creams, tablets and injections that have:

  • Painkillers.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Spasmodic.

Such drugs include:

  1. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal drug that has an antipyretic effect. The ointment is applied externally, directly to the site of the bruise. It is necessary to apply a small strip of ointment and rub until completely absorbed. Use 4-5 times a day until complete recovery.
  2. Finalgon- ointment that must be applied to the affected area. First, in small portions using a special spatula, then increase the amount of ointment daily. Use 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.
  3. Lyoton. A single portion of the gel is a strip 5 to 10 cm long, depending on the source of pain. Apply the gel externally 1-2 times a day.
  4. Paracetamol- tablets belonging to the analgesic class. Take 1 tablet orally immediately after meals, but not more than 3-4 times a day.
  5. - tablets, taken three times a day, 5 milligrams, every three days the dose is increased by 5 milligrams. The daily dosage should not exceed 100 milligrams.
  6. Diclofenac- a solution for injection orally into the muscle. Injections should be given twice a day, 50 mg. The dose is chosen based on the severity of the injury.

Folk remedies used to treat a bruised tailbone came to us from our ancestors. Before using them, you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct.

When treating a bruised tailbone at home, it is necessary to reduce physical exercise, and apply ice for several days after the fall.

If the pain does not go away, then you need to use the following folk remedies:

  • Potato compress. This compress is very effective for bruises and sprains. To prepare it, you need to grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and apply it to your tailbone for several hours, for more good result You can add a spoonful of honey to the potatoes. Honey will relieve inflammation, and potatoes will speed up recovery.
  • Vinegar and honey. It is necessary to mix these products 2:1. If the pain is severe, then the solution must be applied to the injury site every hour, and if it is not severe, then three times a day is sufficient.
  • Compress of onion and plantain leaves. Grate the onion and chop the plantain leaves. Apply the compress for several hours every day until the injury completely disappears.

The main rule when treating an injury is compliance with bed rest and complex treatment. It is worth remembering that treatment using folk remedies must be carried out more than once, then the result will be obvious.

Any spinal injuries are always serious and require examination and compulsory treatment. IN usual course In life, we rarely manage to find time for a hospital appointment. The consequences can be dangerous when the tailbone is bruised. This leads to irreversible consequences, since the patient is not provided with the correct first aid.

I wonder what lower section The spine is considered one of the most vulnerable places in the human body. This phenomenon associated with the location in the lower part of the “sensitive” vertebrae; To get injured, it is enough to simply fall unsuccessfully - a bruise to the tailbone is guaranteed when falling.

Symptoms of a tailbone injury

If your tailbone hurts after a blow, it is advisable to go to the hospital. However, damage to the coccyx, the symptoms of which can be identified almost immediately - severe pain. Pain can actually serve as a “conductor” to many diseases, it all depends on how hard you fell and how much soft tissue around the bone was damaged. In case of a bruise, it is very important to determine whether the bone is broken in order to move on to other signs:

  • Pain increases the more often a person stands or sits. It is usually felt during sudden movements;
  • The appearance of bruises or bleeding. This suggests that when a bruise occurs, soft and bone tissue the spine as a whole;
  • The formation of swelling in the lower part is aseptic inflammation.

A bruise or fracture of the coccyx may not show any symptoms or go away on their own quite quickly, disappearing without a trace after two to three days. Worth paying Special attention, If:

  • The process of defecation (that is, the body's removal of feces from the intestines) is difficult and is accompanied by spasms;
  • Sexual intercourse cannot be performed due to the inconvenience of lying on your back;
  • Can’t stand in one place or walk for a long time;
  • With any, even the lightest touch of your hand to the affected area of ​​the bruise, a pain occurs.


First aid must be provided immediately, at the scene of the incident or after some time, if you do not have any available means with you. Symptoms of a bruised tailbone after a fall can be relieved with an ice compress or just ice. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which they can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Cold constricts blood vessels, stops blood flow and reduces the risk of swelling. It is advisable to place the patient on his stomach or side and ensure complete rest. Well, if the bed is not too soft, it should not sink. If you want to sit a patient with a bruise, it is better to resort to an orthopedic pillow or an inflatable ring.

Any movements of the legs are prohibited so as not to create unnecessary stress, at least for the first time. If the patient walks, the center of gravity should be moved to the upper thighs or buttocks. At this time, you should not take a bath with strong heated water, steam in a bathhouse or massage the damaged area.

Do not neglect the help of a specialist if you have a bruised tailbone, which doctor should you contact - the question is always relevant. Most often, a traumatologist or surgeon will look at your tailbone for a bruise or fracture, which will be diagnosed immediately. The doctor will also tell you the dangers of falling on your tailbone.

The proctologist will assess the condition of the intestines, and the radiologist will use the images to determine how dangerous a fall on the tailbone can be for the spine. The examination ends, and in order to cure a bruised tailbone due to a fall, treatment is prescribed in combination not only with medications, but also with physical therapy.

The following curative therapy bruise, which helps not only to eliminate damage to the coccyx, but also to provide prevention for many other diseases:

  • Prescribing laxatives to facilitate bowel movements;
  • To ensure that the bone does not move when bruised, and the surrounding tissue remains unharmed, physical activity temporarily limited;
  • Tablets, cooling ointments, ointments with a warming effect, injections and rectal suppositories are prescribed to control swelling and relieve pain.
  • Surgery is required if a large hematoma or displacement is detected. A bruised tailbone has very different symptoms and consequences, so it is necessary to remove the accumulated blood and realign the vertebrae in order to avoid these consequences.
  • Physiotherapy for bruises is used to consolidate the result obtained by all means of therapy already performed, physical recovery accelerates significantly.
  • Therapeutic exercise rehabilitates muscles and joints, helps keep the body in good shape, even exercises are performed not in special institutions, but at home. The only condition is an exception sudden movements, long walks and fast steps.

Many people wonder why they feel sick when they fall on their tailbone. It's simple. The nerves located in this place connect to the nerves of the brain.

When an area is damaged, a signal similar to a concussion is sent to the brain, and with a concussion, as is known, a gag reflex often occurs.

With a bruise, not only nausea is possible, but also headaches, for the same reason. Anti-migraine medications are prescribed. Try a head massage. There are non-metallic massagers with wooden balls at the ends of thin rods.

Why is it dangerous for women?

Representatives of the fairer sex treat themselves responsibly, because if a woman hurts her tailbone, she finds out what to do for recovery immediately, without putting it off “for later.” However, it is for them that a coccyx injury has consequences for women more often than for men.

The bone structure changes, and if we take into account that the pelvic bones of the weaker sex are wider, a bruised tailbone takes on more serious consequences for women. Significant inconvenience during movement is possible during pregnancy, especially if the fetus is large or the birth of twins is expected.

In this case, the load on the spine increases greatly, so it is a frequent and relative phenomenon. And the lower back serves as a fulcrum for the baby's head during childbirth. If a woman falls on her tailbone, the consequences or hit her tailbone, the consequences may affect the aesthetic aspect of her impeccable image.

Now, after the injury, you will no longer be able to wear high heels or stilettos. Only wedge heels, small heels or flat soles are allowed.

Ointment for bruises

Treatment of a tailbone injury is not limited to medications and exercise. In this section you will learn that what you apply to a bruised tailbone is no less important.

  • Mumiyo is the main “savior” for spinal injuries. Shilajit is rubbed with rose oil and lungs massage movements rubbed into the skin.
  • Bruise of the tailbone due to a fall; spruce resin-resin will tell you what to do. For preparation, use twenty grams of resin and an onion crushed to a mushy state, add to the mixture copper sulfate(if possible) and fifty grams of olive oil. Heat the mixture, then hold it until a burning sensation appears in the back area.
  • So that the injury to the coccyx does not have consequences after a few years, an ointment is prepared from medicinal comfrey. You will need one glass of pre-crushed comfrey leaves, then pour in one glass vegetable oil and cook for thirty minutes. Then add liquid vitamin E and a third of a glass beeswax. The ointment is applied with a bandage to the bruise in the morning and at night.
  • Lubricating with iodine or Vishnevsky ointment two to three times a week for two to three months covers the injury to the coccyx, the symptoms disappear, blood circulation at the site of the injury returns to normal.

Accidents lurk at every step; we are powerless against circumstances. Falling is, in general, a very insidious thing; you never know where it will lie in wait and how it will turn out. However, if a bruise does happen to you, do not despair and become depressed, you should take this as a sign that it’s time to take care of your health!

People, faced with a fall, often look at photos of a bruised tailbone on the Internet, which depresses them even more. It will be much more useful to discard all negative thoughts and direct your energy to restoring your physical well-being.

IN healthy body, as the saying goes, healthy mind, but this saying can also be read in reverse side: positive attitude helps to cope with any adversity.

Although a tailbone injury has the most unpredictable consequences, when treating a bruise it is recommended to entertain yourself or do your favorite things. The main thing that will help you correct the situation is a friendly attitude towards yourself and timely assistance to the body.

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