How to give liquid vitamin E to a child. Vitamin E, its features, benefits for children and rules of administration

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It was discovered in 1922 and is number five in alphabetical classification, which is why it has the title of vitamin E.

The amount of vitamin E is usually measured in international units (IU).

The daily requirement for vitamin E for children of the first year of life is 3-5 mg, for children 1-6 years old - 5-7 mg, 7-17 years old - 10-15 mg, men and women - 10 mg, for pregnant and nursing mothers - 10-14 mg.

Vitamin E is called today the most “female” vitamin and is prescribed to women in preparation for pregnancy and during pregnancy itself. Why? What has earned him an excellent reputation in the field of human reproduction and reproduction?

It turns out that vitamin E increases the function of the genital organs in women (especially during pregnancy) and men, and restores the imbalanced balance of hormones, for example, the production of progesterone and estrogens. Vitamin E is widely used for developmental disorders menstrual cycle in girls, it perfectly helps the infantile uterus become more mature and developed, used for late onset menstrual function, treats pre-existing ovarian dysfunction.

In addition, vitamin E also helps greatly in maintaining an existing pregnancy. Vitamin E is similar to progesterone, therefore, in a state of non-pregnancy, it is prescribed in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle - in the progesterone phase. It is this hormone that maintains pregnancy throughout pregnancy, stabilizes and improves the maturation and stable functioning of the placenta - the central and main organ of communication between mother and fetus. It normalizes and stabilizes the condition of the blood vessels of the placenta, protecting it from abruption and other dysfunctions.

But the role of vitamin E is not limited to just controlling reproductive function.

Vitamin E:

  • protects cells from damage by slowing down the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation of free radicals.
  • also improves blood circulation, is necessary for tissue regeneration, useful for premenstrual syndrome and treatment of fibrotic breast diseases.
  • ensures normal blood clotting and healing;
  • reduces the possibility of scar formation from some wounds;
  • supports healthy nerves and muscles;
  • strengthening the walls of capillaries;
  • prevents anemia.
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • supports immunity;
  • has an anticarcinogenic effect;
  • ensures normal functioning of muscles.

Vitamin E deficiency leads to metabolic disorders, a decrease in the ability of blood to transmit oxygen, the development of local oxygen starvation. With insufficient intake of vitamin E, increased destruction of red blood cells is observed, associated with a violation of the stability of their membranes.

First and most early sign, which manifests itself quite quickly with insufficient intake of vitamin E from food and excess intake of unsaturated fatty acids, is muscular dystrophy. Skeletal muscle dystrophy is considered the most universal manifestation of vitamin E deficiency.

When treated with vitamin E, it is also possible to develop hypervitaminosis, in which thrombocytopenia and hypocoagulation are noted, weakening of twilight vision due to antagonism with vitamin A, dyspepsia, hypoglycemia, weakness, headache, muscle cramps.

Tocopherol is the main antioxidant in food. In addition to vitamin E, the most commonly known antioxidants are vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Vitamin E present in many foods, and fats and oils are especially rich in it. In particular, it is found in nuts, oils, spinach, seeds, whole cereal grains, salmon, liver, egg yolk and milk.

Vitamin E very sensitive to heat treatment, oxygen and light. Therefore, when cooking food, up to 55% of this is lost useful substance. There is a lot of this vitamin in plant foods, especially in vegetable oils. But tocopherol is most fully absorbed from animal products.

Ideas for your child's menu:

  • Add a tablespoon of sprouted grains of wheat V oatmeal your baby in the morning. Each tablespoon of grains contains 2 mg of vitamin E.
  • Add fresh blueberries to your pancakes for breakfast. Half a cup of blueberries contains 1.5 mg of vitamin E.
  • Offer your baby a healthy peanut butter sandwich. Peanut butter contains 1 mg of vitamin E per tablespoon.
  • When you cook the usual mashed potatoes, stir in sweet potato puree (each potato adds 5 mg of vitamin E).
  • For dinner, offer your baby salmon and broccoli. A piece of salmon the size of a deck of cards contains 1.3 mg of vitamin E, and 0.5 cups of broccoli contains almost 1 mg of vitamin E.
  • Add sunflower, corn, soybean oil- they are rich in vitamin E.

Health to your kids!

Vitamin E deficiency can cause many problems in the normal functioning of the body, and there may be problems in the reproductive system. Vitamin E nourishes, moisturizes, heals the skin. Also he has beneficial influence on the condition of hair and nails, therefore it is often used in for cosmetic purposes. Unfortunately, this vitamin is quickly eliminated from the body, so it is periodically necessary to give it to the child in the form of capsules or through food that contains vitamin E.

How much vitamin E and how should children consume?

It is advisable to take a blood test for vitamins to determine how much vitamin E is contained in the child’s body. If they are within normal limits or slightly reduced, then you can take the vitamin yourself. Well, if there is a large deficit, then consultation and doctor’s appointments are necessary.

Daily dose vitamin E depends on gender and age. Naturally, the dose for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding is higher and is 10-15 IU. For women it is 8 IU, for men – 10 IU, for children under 16 years old – 7-8 IU.

In addition to foods containing vitamin E, a child can consume vitamin preparations, which will help quickly restore and normalize the vitamin E content in the body. You can take vitamin B pure form(individual capsules) or as part of vitamin complexes. If you use a vitamin-mineral complex, it is advisable that it includes selenium and vitamin A, because they interact well with vitamin E and bring much more benefits to the body.

The dose of vitamin in preparations may differ from imported and domestic production. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and give your child the required daily dose, depending on his age and weight.

The use of vitamin capsules is necessary after illnesses occurring against the background of fever, as well as for children with serious physical exertion.

How to give vitamin E in food to children?

Sprinkle wheat germ on your child's porridge. Each tablespoon has 2 mg of vitamin E.

Add blueberries to your pancakes. Half a cup of blueberries has 1.5 mg of vitamin E.

Peanut butter - 1 mg of vitamin E per glass.

You can add sunflower seeds to baked goods and bread. One quarter cup has 7.5 mg. vitamin E

Nuts - almonds, cashews, hazelnuts or pumpkin seeds. About 7 mg of vitamin E per 1/4 cup.

Regular mashed potatoes. Each potato contains 5 mg of vitamin E.

The benefits of vitamin E for children and possible consequences of abuse

Vitamin E promotes:

removes toxins and chemicals, prevents the appearance of carcinogens;

saturates the body's cells with oxygen, helps to carry out oxidative processes, which in turn improves the process of nourishing the skin;

does not allow various abnormalities to develop in the child’s body, thanks to the fight against free radicals;

By consuming vitamin E, the child protects red blood cells from negative impact toxins, which improves the transport of oxygen to tissues;

has anticoagulant properties, which prevents the formation of blood clots and improves blood circulation;

strengthens the heart and the walls of blood vessels;

prevents conversion malignant tumors because it nourishes blood cells.

How can you not take vitamin E and why?

In no case should you exceed daily norm vitamin because it can lead to adverse consequences for the body:

the appearance of nausea and vomiting;

promotion blood pressure;

the appearance of diarrhea.

Children who have heart problems vascular problems, you must take multivitamins strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Also, children who have iron deficiency anemia should not take the vitamin. Reception of this vitamin may worsen the child's condition.

Synthetic and natural forms of vitamin E for children?

All products contain vitamins and minerals, substances that are necessary for life and health. The body needs these micronutrients in smaller quantities than nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamin deficiency leads to dry hair, slow wound healing and rickets. A person with a deficiency of the mineral calcium may suffer from eczema, muscle cramps and tooth decay.

Although vitamins and minerals are naturally present in foods, scientists produce synthetic analogues of these substances. Synthetic vitamins are cheaper to obtain, so there are a lot of multivitamins based on synthetic vitamins and minerals in the pharmacy. Unfortunately, in most cases, the body does not absorb synthetic nutrients. The most common form of vitamin E in the pharmacy is DL-alpha tocopherol, which contains approximately 50 percent natural vitamin E and 50 percent synthetic vitamin E. The body secretes all synthetic forms. This means that the body only uses half the indicated dose of DL-alpha tocopherol.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) belongs to the group of components responsible for the proper absorption of proteins that the child needs for normal development bone and muscular system, formation of immunity. Vitamin E in drops for newborns has an antioxidant function - it protects organ cells from toxins, regulates metabolism and maintains the level of red blood cells in the blood.

Specialists from the Daughters-Sons online market will talk about the role of vitamins in the development of children, and will also introduce them to the assortment baby food, enriched with beneficial vitamin components.

How to give vitamin E to a newborn

For expectant mother tocopherol is indicated for administration in capsules containing 100, 200 or 400 mg of transparent yellowish oil. Newly born children are offered the component exclusively in drops. How many drops of vitamin E newborns need depends on the characteristics of the individual child’s body. On average, the daily requirement is 3-4 IU. The dosage is minimal, which gives reason to refuse daily use of the supplement.

How is vitamin E administered to newborns? The instructions for use look like this:

  • 1 mg of the drug per month is sufficient;
  • the drug is administered orally;
  • given to the baby in a teaspoon of boiled water;
  • taken in the morning.

Tocopherol stimulates the absorption of vitamin A and reduces the concentration of its toxicity. At the same time, vitamin E is suppressed by iron, so the drug should be taken at intervals of 2 hours from feeding with breast milk or an iron-fortified formula.

How necessary is vitamin E for newborns? Reviews

Parents in their reviews do not note the positive effects of tocopherol on the child’s body, since the benefits from it are the normal development of the child in the long term. An additional need for vitamin E appears only when symptoms of the disease are detected, for example, hemolytic anemia. The disease is caused by the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) as a result of a lack of tocopherol.

Vitamin E provides the baby normal height and development, it protects the child's cells from toxins. In addition, vitamin E prescribed by a pediatrician allows you to:

  • maintain the baby's tone;
  • avoid anemia;
  • develop vision;
  • strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls;
  • support nerve cells;
  • improve the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
Table 1. The benefits of vitamin E for a newborn’s body
Body system Vitamin function Positive Impact
Circulatory organs Prevents the breakdown of red blood cells; saturates the blood with oxygen Prevention of anemia; strengthening blood vessels
Musculoskeletal Protects bone and muscle tissue cells from various types of influences Support muscle tone; normal bone formation
Endocrine Promotes the absorption of proteins and vitamin A; suppresses toxic effects on the body; speeds up metabolism Correct (fast) weight gain; regulation of hormone levels
Immune Provides an immune response Helps the child’s weakened body fight viruses and germs.

The baby receives a certain part of the required dose of tocopherol through the placenta during the mother’s pregnancy. Premature and underweight babies are deficient in this substance, so the doctor prescribes vitamin E for them.


After several doses of vitamin E, infants experience improved metabolism, weight gain, and a strengthened immune system.


Newborns need vitamin E for a more rational use of proteins by the body in building bone and muscle tissue. Regulation of metabolism and removal of toxins with the help of tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the baby’s tone and development.

The pediatrician should prescribe an additional dose of the drug after conducting appropriate tests. Reviews from pediatric doctors make it clear that vitamin E deficiency can lead to anemia, delayed physiological development, general violation child's tone.

Tocopherol, or vitamin E, plays a very important role important role In human life. It is the main antioxidant that enters the body through food and affects human immunity. Do children need vitamin E, and how can you tell if a child is deficient?

Functions of vitamin E in the body

Tocopherol belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It’s not for nothing that they call it the most feminine vitamin – it prevents early aging cells, which is so important for the fair sex. But this is far from his only role. In addition, vitamin E:

  • Extends the life of red blood cells;
  • Normalizes the function of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • Improves tissue regeneration;
  • Improves vascular permeability;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Participates in the regulation of blood clotting;
  • Eliminates cramps;
  • Helps reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Maintains the necessary level of vitamin A in the body;
  • Ensures normal functioning of muscles.

Vitamin E has important for the proper formation of the fetus, which is why doctors sometimes recommend taking it during pregnancy.

How to increase the supply of vitamin E to the body?

If there is a deficiency of vitamin E, the diet must be adjusted, taking into account the following: the vitamin is fat-soluble, but at the same time excess quantity fat makes it difficult to absorb tocopherol. However, eating fatty foods is harmful for children in any case.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that when cooked, the vitamin E content in products is reduced by half, and a child is unlikely to eat, for example, wheat germ.

It is necessary to include liver and sea fish, sunflower and corn oil, nuts, spinach, whole grains, broccoli, sea buckthorn.

If it is not possible to increase the intake of tocopherol from food, help will come vitamin E for children in drops or capsules.

In what cases is it necessary to take vitamin E for children?

Vitamin E intake norm for infants is 3-4 IU (0.5 mg/kg), as a rule, it is completely covered by breast milk. For preschoolers, the norm is 6-7 IU, and for schoolchildren – 7-8 IU.

In babies born ahead of schedule Vitamin E deficiency may result in muscle weakness and hemolytic anemia. There is an eye disease known as retinopathy of prematurity, in the development of which the lack of tocopherol plays an important role. With intestinal malabsorption, the deficiency can be so great that children experience various neurological symptoms: muscle weakness, poor coordination of movements, double vision. All these problems disappear with the timely administration of vitamin E for children in capsules or drops.

Since vitamin E is fat soluble, some substitutes breast milk with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids make it difficult to absorb. In addition, tocopherol deficiency often occurs, as mentioned above, in premature babies and babies with low body weight. Some diseases in which fat absorption is impaired, as well as intake iron-containing preparations also contribute to the development of vitamin E deficiency.

How to determine whether tocopherol enters the body in sufficient quantities? The research method in this case is a blood test. If the content of vitamin E in the blood plasma of children is less than 0.4 mg%, it is necessary to follow a diet enriched with this vitamin and take it additionally.

What to look for when giving vitamin E to children

When choosing vitamins E for children in capsules or drops, you need to remember that there are two forms of this drug: natural and synthetic. Preparations of natural origin are marked “d”, and those of artificial origin are marked “dl”. It is generally accepted that the effectiveness natural vitamin E is 2 times higher than its synthetic counterpart.

Vitamin E drops are an oil solution of tocopherol. It can be used not only internally, but also externally.

Drops must be measured with a pipette. For children over one year old, vitamin E in capsules will be more convenient. Exist different opinions relatively safe dosages of tocopherol for the human body: the latest clinical researches showed that the correct and absolutely safe dosages are 100–400 IU for adults and 50–100 IU for children. However, in any case, precise prescriptions should only be made by a doctor, taking into account a blood test and the severity of symptoms. out of 5 (21 votes)

Most people have heard or know that vitamin E is beneficial for human body. This is the main antioxidant that enters the body with food and affects the immune system. Is it good for children? In this article we will tell you whether a child needs vitamin E and in what quantities.

How does vitamin E work?

This vitamin is scientifically called tocopherol - it is a fat-soluble substance. This means that if you take it on an empty stomach with just water, there will be no benefit.

When used sufficiently, it has next action:

  • helps the functioning of the endocrine and cardiac systems;
  • protects body cells from inflammatory processes;
  • regulates oxidative reactions;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • supports immunity;
  • increases endurance;
  • protects red blood cells and strengthens the walls vascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on muscle functioning;
  • Helps absorb vitamin A;
  • increases the rate of tissue regeneration in case of damage;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • eliminates cramps.

Consuming sufficient quantity vitamin E, the child will develop fully, be active and healthy.

How much vitamin and who needs it?

For the normal development of a child’s body, it is important not just the intake of any vitamins, but their consumption in optimal quantities.

For children, the following daily amounts of vitamin E are established depending on age:

  • up to one year of age - 3 mg/kg (3-4 IU);
  • from one to three years - 6 mg (5-6IU);
  • from three to eleven years - 7 mg (6-7IU);
  • girls over eleven - 8 mg (7-8 IU);
  • boys over eleven - 10 mg (9-10 IU);
  • children adolescence- 50-100 IU.

There are groups with an increased need for vitamin E. Children in this category include:

  1. Premature babies - fat metabolism has not yet been established in their body, and tocopherol deficiency increases the risk of infections and damage to the retina.
  2. Kids with congenital pathologies or gastrointestinal diseases that disrupt the absorption of nutrients.

Consequences of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin E deficiency has serious negative consequences for the child's body, especially premature babies.

Among them it is worth mentioning:

  • muscle weakness;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • retinopathy of prematurity;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • double vision;
  • growth retardation;
  • poor eating habits;
  • weight loss;
  • ataxia of the trunk and limbs;
  • dysarthria;
  • retrolental fibroplasia;
  • intraventricular and subependymal hemorrhages in newborns.

All of the above problems can be treated with timely administration of vitamin E for children in any form. In this case, you need to take into account that some breast milk substitutes may hinder the absorption of the vitamin due to high content polyunsaturated fatty acids in them. Also, some gastrointestinal diseases can cause poor digestibility.

Products containing vitamin

Against the background of vitamin deficiency and stimulation of the normal development of the child, it is necessary to pay close attention to the baby’s nutrition. The menu should contain foods rich in vitamin E and cover daily requirement in it every day.

In the first stages of life, babies fed naturally, get vitamin E from breast milk, and artificial vitamin E from fortified formulas. At an older age - with the addition of complementary foods and when switching to regular food - drawing up the correct diet becomes relevant.

Children consume vitamin E in the following products:

  • sour cream and dairy products;
  • apples of all varieties;
  • dried apricots and apricots;
  • spinach;
  • blueberries and sea buckthorn;
  • potato;
  • eggs;
  • beef liver and beef meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • legumes;
  • peanut butter and nuts, especially almonds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • sprouted grain;
  • unrefined vegetable oils.

You should know that a significant part of vitamins is lost during heat treatment. Therefore, oils must be added to ready-made dishes, and nuts must be raw.

Release forms

All types of vitamin release are divided into:

  • single-component, containing only vitamin E;
  • multicomponent, including other additives ( mineral salts and other vitamins).

The drug is available in several forms:

  • syrup;
  • liquid oil solution (drops);
  • chewable lozenges;
  • capsules.

Vitamin E drops for children are given from birth to three years of age, syrup - up to six years, and lozenges and capsules are perfect for children from six years of age.

For babies who are weakened or often sick, they are prescribed complex preparations, in which vitamin E is combined with vitamin A and ascorbic acid. Effective representatives of this group of products are “Multi-tabs”, “Sana-sol”, “Vitrum”, “Supradin”, “Alphabet”, “Pikovit”.

Tocopherol is available in natural (labeled “d”) or synthetic (labeled “dl”) form, but its effectiveness in the first case is considered to be twice as effective. Oil solution Vitamin E can be given to children not only orally, but also used as an external remedy.

Who is the vitamin indicated for? Warnings and contraindications

Preparations where tocopherol is the main component are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the case of vitamin E hypovitaminosis, confirmed by a blood test.

The drug is indicated as part of a multivitamin in the following cases:

  • ARVI and systematic colds;
  • weight deficiency in early age;
  • unbalanced child nutrition;
  • high physical exercise;
  • recovery period after illnesses;
  • overwork;
  • living in areas with unfavorable ecology and radiation conditions.

According to the instructions, vitamin E - or its complex preparations - should not be given to children if there is intolerance to any of their components. It is also not recommended to take such drugs for children suffering from iron deficiency anemia or poor blood clotting to avoid worsening their condition.

It should be remembered that an overdose of tocopherol can cause:

  • malfunction gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • bleeding and bleeding;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • muscle cramps.

How to take and overdose

According to the instructions for use, vitamin E is measured in drops for children using a pipette, and the child should chew or swallow capsules and lozenges during or after meals (preferably breakfast). It is imperative to follow the dosage recommended by the therapist.

If you consume vitamin E in excess, no significant changes in the functioning of the body will occur, since the excess amount of the substance will be excreted in the bile. But a significant excess of the dose leads to digestive disorders, hormonal disorders, headaches, weakness, blurred vision. If such symptoms occur, the tocopherol drug is discontinued and the child is shown to a doctor.

How to increase your vitamin intake

If a vitamin E deficiency is detected, the child needs to adjust the diet taking into account following conditions:

  • take tocopherol exclusively after or during meals;
  • Avoid eating very fatty foods;
  • It should be taken into account that during long-term heat treatment, half the amount of vitamin in products disappears.

To determine how much tocopherol enters the body, a blood test is performed. With sufficient intake of vitamin E, plasma levels should not be less than 0.4 mg%. If the result is underestimated, the diet is enriched with appropriate products or the doctor will prescribe a drug for therapy.

Vitamin E - essential substance for children and it is necessary to monitor how much of it enters the child’s body. It is important to remember that both a lack and an excess of this compound are harmful. children's body. With a sufficient supply of this vitamin, children develop normally, and their immunity is strengthened.