How to calm a cough in a child at night. Causes of morning attacks

Nighttime urinary incontinence in children under 5 years of age is considered to be normal. Unfortunately, there are children who, even at the age of 7-10, sometimes wake up on wet sheets. In addition to the fact that the child is uncomfortable waking up in a wet, cold bed, he is also very ashamed. You can get rid of night troubles only by installing accurate diagnosis disease that caused nocturnal enuresis.

What can provoke enuresis in children aged 7-10 years

The processes that contribute to urinary incontinence at night (enuresis) in children of age are represented by a physiological and psychological component. A wet bed when waking up causes trouble not only for the child, but for all family members. Most often, bedwetting occurs in boys and disappears in them by the beginning of adolescence. . This does not mean that the situation that has arisen does not need to be dealt with. If a child pees at night, he feels psychological discomfort, is ashamed and withdraws into himself.

The manifestation of nocturnal enuresis is caused by several reasons.

  1. Causes of a psychological nature

By the way, nervous stress, which the baby experiences, can provoke bedwetting.

  • Change of environment (change of residence or transfer to a new school).
  • Family conflicts.
  • The loss dear person or a four-legged pet.
  • Exam or test papers at school.

In most of these cases, enuresis resolves without outside intervention, but sometimes the help of medical professionals may be required.

2. Failure or immaturity of the central nervous system

The body does not receive a signal that the bladder is full and that it is time to empty it. This reason is one of the main contributing to the manifestation of enuresis.

3. Hereditary factors

If both mom and dad suffered from the problem of nighttime urination, then the probability of its occurrence in a child is almost 80%, and if one of the parents, then up to 45%.

4. Cold weather

Children are more sensitive to a strong drop in temperature.

5. When the child is often raised to the toilet at night

He can sometimes wake up on his own and it will work quickly for him. conditioned reflex to urination.

6. Malfunctions of the endocrine system

In this case, the child manifests not only enuresis. He noticeably increases sweating, swelling of the face or a tendency to be overweight.

7. Hormonal imbalance

8. Pathological abnormalities in the urination system

9. Infection in genitourinary system or vaginal infection (in girls)

10. Weakened functions Bladder or kidney

The problem of enuresis during night sleep at 7-10 years old can be quite prosaic. Just a healthy baby deep sleep or the root cause lies in in large numbers liquids, fruits, or cold foods that he had before bed. Treatment in these cases will consist in the timely control of children.

Which doctor will help children get rid of enuresis

First of all, parents, faced with nocturnal enuresis, turn to a pediatrician. As a rule, the doctor advises to wait a bit, arguing that over time the problem will disappear. AT best case, he will assign general analysis blood and ultrasound procedure internal organs.

It is not necessary, on the advice of a doctor, to wake the child more often at night. This can only make the situation worse. Because of the frequent getting up at night, the child may then show symptoms of childhood neurosis.

A good pediatrician should determine what kind of specialist the baby will need and give a referral to a pediatric urologist, psychologist or neurologist. Only a complete examination will help determine what caused urinary incontinence during a night's sleep.

Don't wait for the problem to "dissolve" without medical intervention. Consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease.

Methods of dealing with enuresis, depending on the causes of its occurrence

After complete examination and discovering the causes of the disease, the doctor decides which method to use to solve the problem in a particular case.

Treatment with medications

  • One of effective means from children's enuresis drug Adiuretin-SD is recognized which contains desmopressin. It is an analogue of vasopressin - hormonal agent, which normalizes the process of withdrawal or absorption of free fluid by the body. The drug is released in the form of drops in the nose and is prescribed to children from the age of eight. For a baby who has not reached this age, the doctor reduces the dosage.
  • For bedwetting to improve children's sleep may prescribe tranquilizers having a hypnotic effect. (Radedorm or Eunoktin).
  • With a neuropathic manifestation of the disease, Rudotel is prescribed , Atarax or Trioxazin (children over 6 years old).
  • Neurological bedwetting is treated with amitriptyline. However, its use under 6 years of age is contraindicated.
  • To increase the volume of the bladder, prescribe Driptan in tablets.
  • To improve the functioning of the brain, prescribe sedatives such as Persen, Nootropil, Novopassit, B vitamins, vitamin A and E. Pantocalcin may be prescribed. With its help, the development of impulses responsible for the assimilation of new skills is stimulated.

You can use these funds only as directed and under the supervision of a physician. In order not to harm the child, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Non-drug therapy

When the problem of bedwetting is psychological in nature, no medication will help, if not excluded from the life of a student annoying factors. First of all, you can not scold the child for a wet bed or tease and mock him. This will only make the situation worse.

Fear of punishment or ridicule will provoke the development of the disease. You can’t tell strangers about the problems of your son or daughter, especially in their presence.

Creating a favorable microclimate in the family is the first step to success in the fight against childhood enuresis.

In addition, other factors contribute to the solution of the problem.

  • Daily regime . It is necessary to properly organize and study a teenager. He should avoid heavy loads that lead to overwork, and increase the duration of sleep. The last meal should be 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. In the evening, you need to limit the intake of liquids, especially juices, dairy and sour-milk products.
  • Bladder training. The procedure begins at the age of seven. The child is taught to delay the process of urination. Track when the baby goes to the toilet, offer him to be patient a little more. Slowly increase the delay time. This will help you gain control over bladder.
  • motivational therapy . The method is highly effective, allowing to solve the problem of nocturnal enuresis in 80% of children. The best doctor in this case is the child himself. The essence of the method is very simple - encouraging children for every dry night. One child needs simple praise, another needs a new toy, a bike or skates. Hang a calendar over your son's or daughter's bed, marking all the dry nights on it. Agree with the child that with a certain number of dry nights per week or per month, the baby will receive a long-awaited gift. If he fulfills his part of the agreement, you must, without any excuses, fulfill yours.
  • Physiotherapy . The procedures contribute to the improved functioning of the nervous system, brain and bladder. As medical procedures, to ensure a dry bed for the crumbs, they use electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy, use electrosleep, circular showers and therapeutic exercises.
  • Psychotherapy . The specialist teaches the child self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques. In the process of training, the weakened different reasons reflex connection between the bladder and the nervous system. With severe neurotic enuresis, therapy is used for depressive mood shift - tearfulness, fear, irritability or anxiety. An important role in this is played by family psychotherapy, that is, the creation of a favorable climate in the family and the comprehensive support of the child.

Folk methods of dealing with bedwetting

An assistant in the fight against the disease can be and ethnoscience with her recipes

  1. A tablespoon of dill seeds brew a glass of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Up to 10 years old, drink half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. A decoction of lingonberry berries is added to compote. hypericum leaves, and give the child to drink several times a day. The tool helps well with incontinence, which is caused by psychological factors.
  3. One liter of boiling water pour 2 tablespoons of rose hips and let it brew. You need to drink infusion several times a day, replacing them with tea or compote. Rosehip not only helps to cope with enuresis, but also has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Traditional medicine offers great amount prescriptions for enuresis. But, before using them, do not forget to consult with your doctor.

For treatment to work, family members must be the moral support for the child. Praise him for every dry night, do not scold him if the bed suddenly turns out to be wet again.

It is necessary to reassure the beloved man, to inspire him that all this can be got rid of and that he is able to cope with the problem that has arisen. Feeling the full support of loved ones, the baby will quickly cope with such unpleasant phenomenon like nocturnal enuresis.

There are practically no such children who would not get sick for the entire period of their childhood. Children get sick much more often than adults, therefore, despite the fact that it is bad, but if the baby does not get sick, then his immune system will be weak. The most important thing that parents should do is to provide timely treatment. The first sign of almost any disease in a child is an increase in temperature, and for some reason nature has done it so that the development of fever is observed immediately before bedtime. Why does the child have a fever at night, and what could be the reason for this? We will learn more about this in the material.

Causes of fever in children before bedtime

What measures should parents take if a child has a fever at night? Before answering this question, you should find out why the fever in children rises at night. An increase in temperature is detected in a child when he becomes capricious, nervous, whiny and irritable. By placing her hand on the baby's forehead, the mother can detect a change in temperature. Putting a thermometer under the arm, parents are horrified by its performance. All this is observed mainly only at night, and by morning, the child becomes cheerful, cheerful and healthy. Re-measuring the temperature during the day allows parents to breathe a sigh of relief. What can it indicate heat with a child at night? Consider the main reasons.


If the temperature rises in a child aged 4 months to 5-6 years, then the main reason for this phenomenon may be the eruption of milk teeth. In children from 7 years old, they begin to erupt permanent teeth, therefore, an increase in temperature at night is also not excluded. For observers and caring parents it won't be hard to determine this reason. The first sign of teething is the appearance excess saliva. If you look oral cavity, then reddening of the gums and swelling is directly related to teething.

When teeth appear, the child pulls, if not toys, then his fists into his mouth, which allows him to scratch his gums. Older children who are cutting their molars put ballpoint pens into their mouths. These pens contain a huge number of microbes that cause the development of various infectious diseases. Often teething can be complicated by infectious or viral diseases. When teething, the child has a temperature of 38 degrees. In rare cases, it can rise above 38, which requires assistance.

It's important to know! Teething is a natural process, but depending on the physiology of the child, this phenomenon may proceed unnoticed or with the development of serious complications.

Infection of the body

At night, the temperature may rise due to infection of the body. Moreover, the infection can enter the body by any means. If the child's immunity is weakened, then the infection of the body will proceed with an increase in temperature over 38 degrees. Temperature up to 38 degrees, the cause of which is an infection, indicates a strengthened immune system. The infection in the body will manifest only a slight increase in temperature in the evening, and in the morning the baby will feel good. Despite the fact that the body copes with the infection on its own, parents still need to show the baby to the doctor.

If the temperature of 39 degrees in a child lasts more than 3 days, then in without fail you should visit a doctor. Most often, such signs indicate the development of a bacterial nature. If the thermometer reading of 38 degrees is not dangerous, then a value above 38.5 degrees requires the immediate adoption of an antipyretic. After taking antipyretics, a drop in heat will be observed after 25-40 minutes, depending on the drug.

It's important to know! Giving children under 15 years of age drugs such as no-shpa, aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid in order to reduce fever is strictly prohibited.

Parents should also be aware that fever is defensive reaction body in response to stimuli. Lowering the temperature to 38 degrees allows the active spread of infections in the body. Night temperature of 39 degrees requires the mandatory use of antipyretic drugs.

Other reasons

In addition to the above two reasons why a child's temperature rises at night, the following factors should also be noted:

  1. Development allergic reactions. In this case, the temperature will be maintained until the irritant is eliminated.
  2. stressful situations. Rise up baby's fever evening time maybe for a banal reason - lack of desire to sleep. Children do not like to go to bed, so for kids with mental disorders, this action leads to the development of nervous disorders.
  3. Overheating of the body. The fever may rise due to overheating of the body. Parents love to wrap their children in warm blankets, which is something that should not be done, especially if the room temperature is above 22 degrees. The danger of overheating is that dehydration may occur.
  4. Fright. Due to fright, children may have a fever not only during the day, but also at night. Fright can be provoked by various facts: if the parents scold the baby or swear among themselves, visual fright at new objects, fright from a loud and unexpected sound.

If parents cannot diagnose why the baby has a fever, then there is no need to resort to the use of all types medicines. First you need to go to the hospital, and tell the doctor about the symptoms in the child.

It's important to know! Elevated temperature for a long time also carries a serious danger, as it can hide the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Diseases affecting the increase in temperature at night

If the child's temperature rose only at night, and during the day they dropped to a normal level, then this phenomenon may be preceded by the following types diseases:

  1. Children's types of diseases. There is not a single child who has not been ill with chickenpox, measles, whooping cough and others in his childhood. All these types of ailments in children cause a strengthening of immunity, so they cannot get sick again. The main symptom of most of these childhood diseases is an increase in temperature at night.
  2. Poisoning. Children love to taste various items. The danger of such an attraction is due to the fact that you can get infected intestinal infection. main symptom intestinal poisoning- this is a fever that manifests itself in children at night.
  3. bacterial infection. After viral or infectious diseases, especially if they are left untreated, there may be bacterial complications. Define bacterial infection You can with the help of appropriate tests, but usually doctors prescribe antibiotic drugs to children if they have a temperature of three to four days. Parents themselves should not give antibiotics to a child, even if he has a high temperature for 4 days. In this situation, you need to contact a specialist.
  4. Viral infection. Children can catch the virus very easily by playing in the sandbox with their peers. Usually viral infection proceeds with the development additional symptoms like runny nose, cough, sore throat.
  5. Injuries. Children of all ages are susceptible to falls that can cause injury to themselves. Often such injuries are not particularly dangerous, but some of them can provoke serious types of diseases. If, after receiving an injury, the child has various abnormalities, then parents should take the baby to the hospital for comprehensive survey organism.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that the temperature that rises at night is a signal that parents should find out the reasons for its occurrence. Even if such signs disappear after a while on their own, they should not be ignored.

The kid complains that his legs hurt, and the parents panic, because you don’t know why the child’s legs hurt at night, and what disease it is connected with. Sometimes, we are not talking about a disease, but the child experiences pain in the legs as a result of intensive growth. bone tissue. But in order for you to be guided by how to help the baby endure pain and not miss anything, we have prepared material on the relevant topic.

When it was time for sleep, the mother of 5-year-old Vanya became worried, the boy woke up in the middle of the night and began to cry. pain symptom appears 1-2 hours after falling asleep, and there is no clear trend of manifestations behind them.

It is impossible to predict when the child will wake up because of the pain in the legs and why the child's legs hurt at night. The pain lasts up to an hour, in rare cases longer. At the same time, in the place where Vanya points, there are no visible signs inflammatory process. The boy can move his legs normally and does not feel any other symptoms: no vomiting, no fever. And in the morning the baby wakes up, healthy and vigorous.

Why does my child's legs hurt while sleeping?

Doctors are still lost in assumptions. One of the assumptions is that during the day the child moves, jumps, runs so much that at night his muscles simply hurt. A common belief is that the reason is the intensive growth of bones in relation to the tendons.

Growing pains do not affect everyone. Statistics show that only one in four children have sore legs at night.

The latter option is plausible, given the fact that children's legs grow at night, just at the time when the pain appears. There is proof of this: legs hurt at night in preschool and secondary children, school age. This is the period for which intensive growth falls.

If the child complains that his legs hurt, and the pain increases when touched, contact the pediatrician. Sometimes it's a sign rheumatic fever, bone infections, flat feet, and even bone cancer. Don't be scared, just go to the hospital for reinsurance.

You can diagnose growth problems in a child with a simple test. During an attack of pain, begin to gently stroke and massage the place of discomfort. If the intensity pain subsides, the child fell into the category of children suffering from growth ailments. If strokes do not help, and the pain becomes stronger, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Forget about self-treatment, do not postpone a visit to a pediatrician, only a doctor has the right to make a final diagnosis.

How to relieve leg pain?

Now Vanya's mother knows why her child's legs hurt at night, and also knows a way to ease the pain. The boy loves being gently massaged aching places. A warm shower or bath brings relief. If the massage does not help, the mother gives the child painkillers: paracetamol, ibuprofen, after which the child falls asleep calmly.

We hope we have explained in detail the nature of the painful sensations that appear in children during sleep. Do not be upset about some of the information we have given in the article regarding terrible diseases causing pain in the legs.

We have to play it safe, and you, as parents, do not neglect the health of your children. It is better to go to the doctor once again, hear the diagnosis: growth pain, accompanied by increased pain syndrome. And sleep well. Because this species problems does not affect health, does not cause lameness and prolonged bouts of pain.

Coughing at night in a child happens quite often, but there can be many reasons for it, from a simple cold to dangerous childhood infections. Parents are always worried child health and when a child gets sick, they have to do everything possible to cure him as quickly as possible.

Causes of night cough

Cough accompanies many diseases and most often it is SARS or influenza. But with these diseases, coughing usually occurs at any time of the day, and not just at night.

If during the day the baby feels relatively healthy, but the child’s cough intensifies at night, this is unfavorable. diagnostic sign. It can be caused by the following diseases.

Whooping cough and its consequences

This infection is characterized by severe coughing attacks., a coughing in a child at night it persists for several months after recovery. In terms of sound, it is paroxysmal, very loud, painful.

A wet cough at night in a child can be caused by bronchitis and sputum accumulation. If the baby took an expectorant medicine before going to bed, then the cough occurs closer to the morning.

The reason for this phenomenon is that during the day, sputum is relatively easily excreted from the bronchi- it helps physical activity and taking medications. During sleep, sputum, on the contrary, lingers, and there is moist cough child at night.


It is advisable to raise the child more often in vertical position so it will be easier for him to breathe

This disease causes barking cough child at night.

The sound of coughing is quite characteristic, it can also occur in daytime.

In a dream, it is enhanced by increased excretion phlegm, dry air in the room where he sleeps, effects of changes in the nervous system during sleep.

These factors can provoke not only a coughing fit at night in a child, but also its complication - a spasm of the larynx.

It is necessary to fight not only with the cough itself, but also with the factors provoking it - dry air in the first place.

A barking cough in a child without fever at night is a sign of incipient laryngitis.

Bronchial asthma

If a child chokes from coughing at night, then this is one of the signs bronchial asthma . This form of the disease is considered less favorable than that in which attacks occur during the day. characteristic feature pathology - dry cough at night in a child without fever, but with pronounced violation breathing - most often, shortness of breath on exhalation.

Other reasons

Cough at night in a child can also occur for reasons unrelated to respiratory system. Already in very early age you may encounter such a problem as gastroesophageal reflux.

This is the reflux of acidic gastric contents into the esophagus, causing irritation of its walls, abdominal pain and a strong cough in a child before vomiting.

The condition is aggravated by lying on the right side., and may be somewhat relieved if you lie on your left side or on your back.

In order to more accurately establish the cause, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since he has necessary means diagnosis of various pathologies.

It is important for parents to know what 15 coughs during the entire sleep time is the norm for a healthy child.

If the baby coughs more often, then you should pay attention to the features of the cough - it is dry or wet, at what time of the night it occurs, in what position it increases, in which it weakens. The answers to these questions will greatly help the doctor in diagnosing.

Never combine expectorants with antitussives

The first thing parents need to do - correctly assess the condition of their baby.

If the child has already been to the doctor, then with a nighttime cough, adults only need to follow his instructions.

If the child’s cough at night began suddenly, then there are several activities that will help alleviate the condition.

The easiest way to cope with a cough at night in a child, the causes of which are excess sputum.

  1. If a child with bronchitis coughs at night, he must be awakened and given a mucolytic drug. You should not go to bed immediately, but half an hour after taking it, so that the child can cough properly.
  2. Dry cough in a child at night Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician and popularizer of medical knowledge, recommends treat primarily by humidifying the surrounding air- this eliminates the provoking factor.
  3. Also, you can take it at night. sedatives, but you should not use inhalations and aroma oils. Antitussive drugs can only be used if there is no sputum. A dry cough at night in a child whose cause is not clear requires a trip to the doctor, but as a rule, it can wait until the morning.
  4. With bronchial asthma, attacks of dry cough in a child at night happen quite often, especially when the treatment regimen is violated. For this case It is necessary to teach the child to use an inhaler with a bronchodilator so that he can help himself.
  5. If there is paroxysmal cough in a child at night, and taking the drugs recommended by the doctor does not have an effect, then need to call an ambulance. The same should be done if the child has already had spasms of the larynx or attacks of bronchial asthma.
  6. If there are no life-threatening symptoms, then you should go to the doctor in the morning.
  7. pay attention to folk remedies cough, which in combination with a little patience will help to recover.

What not to do: 5 main contraindications

The main rule of rendering medical care- do no harm. What should parents do to comply with it? There is several actions that can be harmful, so you should refrain from them:

  1. Give antitussive drugs when coughing with sputum - from them the sputum will become thicker and more viscous, and the condition will only worsen.
  2. Use with a dry cough at night in a child any essential oils, as well as spraying various aerosols (air fresheners, body sprays) in his room - this can provoke a coughing fit.
  3. attend school, Kindergarten, circles and sections during an infectious disease, especially if whooping cough is diagnosed.
  4. Refuse to go to the doctor, and even more so - from hospitalization, if it was suggested by the ambulance doctor. Also, do not violate the prescription of a doctor.
  5. If a child coughs to the point of vomiting at night, do not give the child food before bedtime. Dinner should be at least two hours before the baby goes to bed.

More accurate advice will be given by the doctor after the diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. If the ambulance doctor suggested hospitalization, never refuse it.


Often, health problems first manifest themselves during sleep. When a child coughs at night, it can be very frightening for parents. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic, but to contact a specialist who can accurately diagnose.

Parent feedback

Ekaterina, 25 years old, Chelyabinsk

My baby suddenly got sick. During the day he felt well, but the child's cough at night, without fever and almost without sputum, happened like clockwork.

I tried everything: cough syrups, soothing herbs in tea, and grandmother's recipes - and nothing helped, sometimes it only got worse.

We went to the clinic, the pediatrician referred us to a pulmonologist, and we were diagnosed with bronchial asthma. They wrote out a huge list of drugs, told me to change the pillow and blanket so that they were synthetic, without fluff and feathers. Now we take medicines on schedule, but we live without a night cough.

Anastasia, 45 years old, Omsk

My son is 12 years old, he is late with me. He always grew up healthy, even rarely caught a cold, but after the removal of the tonsils, he began to get sick more often and more severely - the slightest runny nose can turn into bronchitis. And when he gets sick, he immediately coughs at night.

I used to panic right away, now I know that, if anything, I need to issue an ACC, and in the morning I should see a doctor.

Kristina, 16 years old, Omsk

My brother often has laryngitis. It always starts with a cough at night, loud, all over the house.

Mom already bought a humidifier in his room so that it always works, even when he is not sick. It helps, but not much. The pediatrician in the clinic is going to put chronic laryngitis.

For children of all ages, sleep is very important. This is not just a rest after activity, at this time the information that the baby receives during the day is assimilated, it improves mental development. Therefore, sleep must be strong and healthy, so that he enters the new day cheerful, ready for new experiences. Not all children are able to sleep through the night. It is considered normal if the child gets up physiological reasons Or if he's hungry. But often the child wakes up at night with a tantrum, and the parents do not know how to calm him down so as not to frighten and harm him.


What is considered a hysteria

Many mothers at least once got up because of the crying of their 2-3-year-old child, who had previously slept peacefully, waking up only when he wanted to go to the toilet or have a bite to eat. It is quite easy to distinguish a tantrum from ordinary nighttime awakenings. It's strong nervous excitement, more often uncontrolled, manifested in a cry, tears. Trembling, uncontrolled movements of arms and legs are possible. An anxious child may not recognize his parents, pushing them away and even hitting them.

Night tantrums are often confused with whims, which manifest themselves, like the daytime whims of a child. The baby begins to cry because he needs his mother's attention. As soon as the mother is nearby or he gets what he wanted, the child calms down and falls asleep on his own.

If the parents fail to calm down, on the contrary, the baby screams more from touch, breaks out, breathing becomes intermittent, the forehead is covered with sweat, we are talking about hysteria. They can be single, repeated after a long period of time or not repeated at all. But more worrying is the recurrence of similar situations almost every night. Here it is already worth thinking about taking action as soon as possible.

Doctors do not advise immediately attributing this condition to pathologies. As a rule, there are no deviations of a mental and neurological nature here. In most cases, time passes and children outgrow this period. This does not mean that you should wait for a moment without doing anything. It is necessary to understand the reasons.

Causes of night tantrums

The physiology of sleep is quite complex. Sleep consists of fast and slow phases, replacing each other throughout the night. And if an adult is dominated by slow phase when the body is relaxed and the brain is resting, then in children, especially younger age, REM sleep predominates.

During this period, the brain is processing the information received during the day. You can observe how the baby's eyes move under closed eyelids, he twitches his arms and legs, pronounces sounds, words, even whole sentences.

In babies, REM sleep is observed throughout the night. The older the child gets, the longer the slow becomes, deep dream. During REM sleep, dreams occur, which most often cause tantrums in many children. It can be like bad dreams, nightmares, or just an abundance of impressions. This is comparable to the moment of wakefulness, when the child cries from overwork and a lot of emotions. The same thing happens when he sleeps, only he experiences all this in a dream, not yet being able to distinguish a dream from reality.

What exactly causes tantrums in a child at night, this is what parents should figure out.

Unhealthy family environment

Little kids are very sensitive to negative energy. If there is a tense atmosphere in the house (quarrels, scandals, or a constantly tired, irritated mother), all this will certainly affect the child's psyche. During the day, when adults loudly sort things out, insulting each other, the child is able to hide in a secluded corner and quietly observe what is happening, and at night he will experience this horror again. Feeling the weak protection of mom and dad, the baby sees nightmares and wakes up in tears.

Important! You need to learn to sort things out outside the room where there are children. It will be ideal if adults learn how to conduct dialogues without raising their voices. You can not drag the crumbs into the conflict! Mothers who take it out on their children should remember that the smallest irritation is a big tragedy for a son or daughter.

Fears and nightmares

Nightmares are usually associated with increased emotional stress. If during the day the mother seriously scolded the baby, he quarreled with a friend on the playground, watched TV for a long time before going to bed, where they showed the terrible Baba Yaga or the “ugly and evil uncle” from an adult film, then at night these fears will return to the child, and tantrums will be avoided is unlikely to succeed.

Watching TV should be limited, especially before bed. When the tantrum happened, the little one needs to be reassured by stroking his head and whispering warm words to him. If necessary, turn on a soft light (a night lamp or a sconce with a very weak glow - ideal for a nursery). It is a good practice to put your child to bed with their favorite soft toy, which is sure to “protect” from bad dreams.

Wrong daily routine

Some modern parents popularize education “without limits”: you can make some noise and run wherever your beloved child wants, and eat and relax when you want. But there is nothing good in the fact that the child wakes up for dinner, and fits into night sleep deep after midnight, no. Is running out nervous system, there are problems with sleep.

The daily routine needs to be normalized. The procedure for going to bed should be pleasant and last at least an hour: play interesting but calm games, take a warm bath, possibly with pediatrician recommended soothing herbs read books or listen to music.

hyperactive children

There are more and more of these guys modern life dictates its own rules. Parents trying to make a genius out of a child, alas, often overdo it. From Monday to Sunday, the baby attends many circles, sections, events. But they do not always maintain such a rhythm.

It happens that the hyperactive child himself requires a similar rich life, but you need to think about whether he has time for games with peers or self-study favorite thing. Bright weekdays carry a big load that the baby does not feel. But at night all this manifests itself in the form of whims arising from overwork.

On a note: It is imperative to develop the child, but this must be done not contrary to health. Parents should leave time "for childhood" so that their son or daughter grows up not only smart and well-rounded, but also healthy.

Of course, health problems can also be the cause of a child’s nighttime tantrums. In little ones, it is more often teeth, colic, neurological problems. Then this issue is better to decide with a doctor. It is worth seeking advice if the situation has not improved at the age of 7-8 years (at this time, as a rule, children's tantrums at night stop).

Video: "Being a parent is easy." Advice from psychologist and family consultant Inna Morozova

What Not to Do

Parents whose children often wake up at night need to remember that the baby is already frightened, most likely, by a terrible dream, you should not frighten him even more. You can not scream at the child, trying to wake him up completely, sharply douse or splash water in the face, especially cold. You can’t slap on the cheeks and even more so beat, no matter how tired the parent is.

Some mothers share their experience when, with indomitable night crying, a sharp breath in the face helps them. But what works for one doesn't always work for others. If such a practice has not been applied, it is better not to use it. When they blow in the face crying baby, this causes a temporary delay in breathing (on which the method is based), but the inability of the child to inhale can frighten him even more, and then the tantrum will develop into a panic. The consequences can be the most unexpected: from a slight startle to serious neurological problems, such as stuttering.

How to deal with a night tantrum

First of all, you should find out and eliminate the reasons why the child wakes up at night:

  1. Organize your daily routine by setting a time for daytime sleep children up to 5-6 years old.
  2. Retirement for a night's sleep should be calm, excluding too active and noisy games.
  3. For some time, while the tantrums are repeated, it is better for the mother to sleep in the baby's room, so that when he wakes up from a nightmare, he is not even more scared when he does not see his parents nearby. Psychologists, as an alternative, offer a soft toy with which the child will fall asleep.
  4. Hyperactive children should be shown to the pediatrician and pediatric neurologist. Perhaps they will recommend drugs designed specifically for children that relieve excessive arousal.

The best thing a mother can do is to take the child in her arms and try to calm him down with strokes, light rhythmic taps on the back, whisper that she is there, nothing bad will happen.

If the child is actively fighting back, there is no way to calm him down, you should not wait for the tantrum to end on its own, because this may not happen. In some cases, particularly impressionable babies have a fever, convulsions, even epileptic seizures. It will help bring the child to his senses soft fabric dipped in cool (but not cold) water. It should wipe the forehead, cheeks, chest, stomach, legs and arms of the child. From the temperature contrast, the child will most likely come to his senses, stop screaming and fighting back, and then he can be picked up.

If the baby can speak, then in the morning you need to ask him about the cause of the tantrum. For example, nightmare mom and dad will be able to explain by telling the baby that everything they see is not reality. And no one will dare to offend a son or daughter.

Quite a bit of time will pass, and the night tantrums that tormented your beloved child will pass. According to statistics, by the age of four or five, they disappear completely. If the problem is permanent, and in the daytime the child also behaves very aggressively, then you should be wary. This behavior is indicative of neurological disease, for example, increased intracranial pressure which parents cannot recognize on their own.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about a bad dream. How to improve your baby's sleep and sleep