Lop-earedness: causes, can it be corrected without surgery, correction. The biggest ears in the world

Lop-earedness is a deformity of the auricle, in most cases congenital. Such the diagnosis is made when the angle of its departure from the head is 31°-90°. The question of the possibility of non-surgical correction remains open. Lop-earedness is not dangerous disease , but it can seriously spoil the appearance of the patient.

Causes of protruding ears

Most often, the disease is inherited. It is caused by a certain mutation that can manifest itself through generations. It is impossible to prevent the development of this form of lop-earedness. To remove such a defect is the most difficult.

Sometimes protruding ears occur as a result of abnormal intrauterine development. The auricle of the embryo thickens and folds back. It is theoretically possible to prevent such an event, but this moment no technology has been developed to do this.

In rare cases, the deformity can occur during the baby's passage through the birth canal. It increases the likelihood of using the Kisel method (pressure on the woman's stomach), wrong position embryo, narrow pelvis.

The development of protruding ears as a result of injuries is also possible. This can happen at any age, but still most often happens before the final maturation of the body.


An ordinary ENT doctor from a polyclinic can establish the presence of protruding ears and determine its degree. There are usually no difficulties in diagnosis. Even parents can definitely understand that a child's ears are sticking out.

Also, the otolaryngologist will help you choose the method of treatment and monitor the effectiveness of conservative methods. When thinking about surgical correction, the patient should additionally be examined by a specialist who will perform the operation. It is worth discussing with him the optimal angle and shape of the auricle.

In rare cases, as lop-earedness develops, sound conduction worsens. With a large shell exit angle, the risk may increase. The doctor will conduct appropriate tests and tell the patient or parents of a child with protruding ears about the appropriateness of treatment.

Prominent ears can be treated conservatively or surgically. The second method is much more reliable and effective at any age. But if it is possible to do without surgery, it is worth taking advantage of it, since surgical intervention is always stressful for the body and carries the risk of complications.

Methods for correcting protruding ears without surgery

Each specialist differently estimates the age until which a cure without surgery is possible. Some talk only about the first 6 months, others about 7 years. There are cases when protruding ears became less noticeable or completely disappeared as they grew older. The growth of the bones of the skull gradually made the appearance of a person more harmonious. The websites of firms that manufacture correctors claim that they can also help adults (however, many experts doubt such statements).

Types of correctors

The main conservative methods include:

  • Bandage on the ears. It is used in early infancy, when all the cartilage is still soft, elastic and subject to change. An ordinary bonnet or cap can correct a slight protruding ear. Some mothers use a scarf or bandage. In a newborn child, a bandage on the ears can also be used to prevent protruding ears.

Applying correctors

Concealers should be applied to clean, fat-free skin. It is not recommended to change the place of gluing. It is better to choose the best site in advance. Hair should not get under the lens.

It is not recommended to apply the corrector in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom. This affects the consistency of the adhesive, and therefore the product is attached worse. Important! When applying correctors, it is necessary to ensure that wrinkles do not form on delicate baby skin. Otherwise, the formation of diaper rash and scratches is possible.

Customer Reviews

User experience for various methods adjustments are very different. Some people like the products of one company, others prefer something completely different. Summarizing, we can say that Correctors are not a panacea at all. They rarely help get rid of protruding ears, even in childhood. Some parents even note that the child's ears began to bend even more.

In adulthood, none of those who left a realistic review managed to get rid of the problem. According to the manufacturers, the reason for this is that the complete elimination of protruding ears - long process, and just few people are waiting for the final result.

However, users find concealers handy for certain situations – photoshoot, important meetings, public speaking. Some patients after their application came to the recognition of their appearance and ceased to be embarrassed by protruding ears. Others have changed their hairstyle to make it less noticeable.

Parents of lop-eared babies rarely made the decision about the correction themselves. After all, the child of any mother seems beautiful. Usually the question arose when it was necessary to visit educational institution. The child was embarrassed by his ears and insisted on buying correctors.

Ear reshaping surgery

The best age for holding is senior preschool: 6 or 7 years old. The auricles have already formed almost completely (by 90%), and the probability of correcting protruding ears without intervention is extremely small. In addition, the child goes to school, and ridicule from classmates about his protruding ears can be very painful.

Contraindications and preparation for surgery

Surgical intervention is not performed for any acute inflammatory diseases, diabetes, tumors. Reception of some medicines should be stopped before surgery. For example, aspirin thins the blood and therefore increases the risk of bleeding. All medications taken must be reported to the doctor.

Before any surgical intervention, a series of studies is carried out. Usually you need to provide general analysis blood, urine, fluorography, ECG, permission from specialist doctors who see the patient, and the conclusion of the therapist. If in private clinic do not require any research, it is still worth checking your health.

The course of the procedure

Children usually do general anesthesia, adults - local. After that, the surgeon makes an incision behind the auricle, removes excess cartilage, and corrects its shape. Sometimes a laser is used for these purposes, which causes protein coagulation (destruction). This method is the least traumatic and rarely leads to complications.

The operation does not last very long, the total period rarely exceeds one hour, even in difficult cases. After correcting the shape of the shell, the doctor puts stitches. With local anesthesia, patients may feel a slight tingling sensation. Sometimes there may be minor pain.

Recovery period and possible complications

At first, the patient will have to wear special rollers that will support his auricles in the desired position. Swelling may develop 1-2 days after the operation. This is a normal reaction. You should immediately consult a doctor if it is accompanied by severe pain, fever.

Stitches should be removed after 7-10 days. If absorbable threads are used, then you can no longer visit a doctor. In the first time after the operation, stress and hypothermia should be avoided.


The price of the operation depends heavily on the region. In the provinces, it can be 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. In Moscow or St. Petersburg, the average cost is 50,000 rubles. The operation is not free. However, some public hospitals provide it at prices that are significantly lower than private clinics.

Judging by the feedback from patients who have undergone otoplasty, with an unsatisfactory result, another correction will also cost money. If the operation was unsuccessful, you should not count on a refund. It is important to be prepared for such an outcome, discuss its likelihood with a doctor you trust.

Lop-earedness can become a source of serious complexes in a patient. There are no other reasons for treatment. It rarely affects the functioning of the ear. Desire changing your appearance is definitely worth the exercise. However, before radical measures, it makes sense to consult with your loved ones or with a stylist who will suggest a way to change your appearance without surgery.

If a child's ears stick out, it is not always worth rushing to buy expensive proofreaders. A slight drooping ear can, on the contrary, give it a certain charm. Only in case of severe deformation is it worth deciding on their constant wear. At home, you can periodically tie the ribbon, paying attention to whether the child is comfortable in this state. If the baby does not tolerate bandages, then it is better to refuse them, because it good mood much more important.

Video: correction of protruding ears - doctor's opinion

Lop-earedness is the characteristic arrangement of the auricles - they do not adhere to the temporal bones, but protrude, sometimes quite strongly.

From the point of view of aesthetics, such a feature is considered a flaw and quite often can provoke the appearance of various complexes associated with the reaction of others to this defect.

ICD-10 code

Q17 Others congenital anomalies[malformations] ear


Approximately half of the inhabitants of the planet are born with protruding ears to varying degrees, among them boys and girls - equally. However, girls are better at hiding this flaw. long hair, so it seems that there are a lot more lop-eared boys.

Not all nations consider protruding ears to be a defect, perhaps only among immigrants from Europe. The Japanese consider people with protruding ears to be more sensual; in Korea, protruding ears are a symbol of wealth, prosperity and attractiveness.

The ideal ears of a modern representative of the Caucasian race are currently considered to be ears with an average length of 65 mm, a width of 35 mm, and an earlobe length of 15-20 mm. The top of the curl should be at the level of the arch of the eyebrow, the bottom of the lobe - at the level of the base of the tip of the nose. If the upper and/or lower point of the ear is above (below) these levels, the ear can be considered large. The axis of the ideal ear is 20º back from the line that runs from the top of the curl through the earlobe.

Prominent Ear Symptoms

Signs of deafness:

  • the solution of the angle formed by the ear shell and the temporal bone is more than 30º;
  • smoothed contours of the auricle and antihelix.

Most often protruding ears are the result of an underdeveloped, mildly expressed antihelix (a tubercle on the inner lobe of the outer ear, located opposite the curl). The antihelix may be completely absent - in this case, the whole ear sticks out, or to some extent - then only upper lobe auricle.

Other types of protruding ears - the outer ear protrudes noticeably due to an increase in the volume and mass of the cartilage on which it is located.

Occasionally there is a protrusion of the lobe, due to the growth of the shell of the outer ear or the peculiarities of the shape of the tail of the curl.

There are cases of protruding ears in combination with a uniform increase in the size of the outer ear. Macrotia - a proportional ear, the dimensions of which do not correspond to the sizes facial bones skulls. Such an ear looks larger than "normal" for this head. This type of drooping is noted in rapid growth ear or one of the parts of the skull. This pathology may indicate the presence of von Recklinghausen syndrome or abnormal vascular changes.

Both ears can be deformed, sometimes only one. Variants of deformation are very individual, therefore a unified medical approach to the elimination of this cosmetic defect is impossible in principle.

Lop-earedness in children mainly worries their parents, but if the defect is insignificant, apply for surgical care not necessary. Firstly, with the growth of the bones of the skull, this defect may become less noticeable, and secondly, it can be corrected by choosing a suitable hairstyle. Many famous people have a similar defect, but it did not prevent them from taking place and gaining recognition.

However, if lop-earedness creates mental discomfort and prevents the child from adapting to his peers, you should turn to plastic surgery.


The need for otoplasty depends on the degree of prominence, there are only three of them.

  • the first (not immediately noticeable, the ears are separated from the temporal lobe of the skull by an angle of not much more than 30º) - the elimination of this deficiency occurs by eliminating excess cartilage tissue in the place of deepening of the ear shell;
  • the second (immediately noticeable, the angle of deviation from the temporal lobe of the skull is sharp, but approaches a straight line) - this case is more complex, it consists in the formation of an antihelix fold (the cartilage is thinned in the antihelix zone, a fold is created, then stitches are applied).
  • The third (ears protrude at a right angle) requires the use of a complex technique, including both the removal of excess cartilage tissue and the formation of an antihelix fold.

Protruding ears by themselves usually do not affect the state of health. However, if the defect is clearly visible, then the child may face ridicule from peers and poorly hidden reactions from adults. Not too significant lack of appearance can cause an inferiority complex in a child. Offensive nicknames that have stuck since childhood can become the causes of future mental pathologies. If a child is sensitive to ridicule, offended, crying, then for the sake of his future, parents should think about correcting the shape of the ears. After all, it is in childhood and adolescence lop-earedness causes a lot of unrest.

Occasionally, protruding ears can have consequences and complications - if protruding ears get worse as the auricle grows, sound perception may deteriorate. In cases of significant deviation of the ear shell from the temporal lobe, the risk of frequent otitis media increases.

Diagnosis of protruding ears

The presence of protruding ears is visually visible to both the patient himself and his parents. An ordinary otolaryngologist can determine the degree of deformation, he can also advise on possible complications and recommend a method of treatment.

If during the first visits to the otolaryngologist, for example, before the child was admitted to the kindergarten, the doctor did not comment on this defect, and subsequently the child does not complain of pain or hearing problems, there is no need for diagnosis. In case of complaints about sharp pains or discomfort in the ears, you need to go for help.

The doctor will examine the patient, examine the symptoms and prescribe studies, necessary laboratory tests to make sure that the symptoms are not caused by complications of any chronic, inflammatory, infectious diseases the consequences of trauma. Instrumental diagnostics in this case - magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray of the ear shell, otoscopy.

Protruding or asymmetrical ears are a sign of some congenital pathologies, for example, the already mentioned von Recklinghausen syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (only in girls). To differentiate more serious diseases from a cosmetic defect, there is a differential diagnosis.

If it is decided to resort to otoplasty, an examination by the operating surgeon is necessary, with whom it is necessary to discuss the scope of the operation. There is currently computer diagnostics, allowing you to choose the method of the operation from the type and degree of deformation of the ear shell, structure skin and age of the patient.

Prominent ear treatment

To correct this deficiency, conservative (without surgical intervention), semi-conservative and surgical treatment.

Treatment without surgical intervention is carried out in childhood, when ear cartilage still elastic and in most cases its configuration can be corrected. Especially well it lends itself to correction from birth to six months.

There are examples of successful correction of protruding ears in children under the age of fourteen.

Designs for correcting protruding ears are very diverse. They change the shape of the ear due to the long-term stabilization of the correct position of the ear cartilage.

Semi conservative treatment consists in the introduction of a corrective fixator made of an alloy of titanium and nickel under the skin of the ear. The length of the retainer is 1.5 cm, the thickness is about a hair. The main disadvantage of this method is the high price of the fixative material and its compatibility with human tissues. This issue is still under study.

Operative treatment of protruding ears has become widespread even when plastic surgery was not so popular. Otoplasty is not too complex operation with almost no complications.

Contraindications to otoplasty: dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels; allergies; diabetes and other disorders endocrine system; skin irritation at the site of the proposed operation; neoplasms; period acute infections; thrombocytopenia; women - during menstruation.

Recovery after surgical removal prominence usually proceeds without complications, but there are no rules without exception. Organisms are individual, so it is necessary to follow all the postoperative rules recommended by specialists, and everything will be fine.

Otoplasty can be complicated:

  • bleeding, which is normal, as well as small hematomas;
  • inflammation, in the presence of its signs (fever, throbbing pain in the ear area) - see a doctor;
  • at the site of the operation, the skin exfoliates, bubbles appear (usually passes by itself);
  • allergy to antiseptics for treating the surgical site (allergy medications usually help);
  • scars, incomplete elimination of the defect, hypercorrection, asymmetry (may be associated with the individual characteristics of the patient's tissues, violation of the rules of care). In very rare cases it is necessary to repeat the operation.

To avoid complications, you need:

  • choose an experienced surgeon;
  • conscientiously follow the recommendations for the care of the postoperative wound and the rules of conduct after the operation.

Surgical treatment of protruding ears is carried out both with a conventional surgical scalpel and laser beam. A conventional scalpel copes well with difficult-to-remove defects associated with reconstructive modeling of the auricle. In simpler more typical cases of cosmetic correction, it is better to choose laser surgery. It has a number of advantages:

  • the laser beam, coagulating the edges of the dissected tissue, is less traumatic, preventing blood loss, hematomas, large edema, contributing to faster healing;
  • the seam after the laser beam is already invisible after a month, and after a year it completely disappears;
  • at laser correction the operating field is clearly visible;
  • the operation area is absolutely sterile, because tissues are in contact only with the laser beam;
  • high accuracy of the operation, adjacent skin areas are not injured;
  • a laser scalpel cuts tissue layer by layer by 2-3mm;
  • laser technology allows not only to dissect tissues, but also to connect (biological welding).

Otoplasty is one of the few plastic surgery that are allowed to children - the cartilaginous structure of the ear is practically formed by the age of four or five. Restoration of the aesthetic shape of the ears is the simplest type of otoplasty. The duration of the operation is usually less than an hour, small children are operated under general anesthesia, children over 12 years old - local anesthesia is done.

Operational procedures are performed with cartilaginous tissue, so the bleeding is negligible. Wear after surgery compression bandage, which is worn without removing one to two weeks. Later, you can remove the bandage during the day, but be sure to put it on before going to bed. This prevents accidental damage auricles, which children can damage during active pastime. In general, during this period it is necessary to monitor the child, limiting his activity.

Cosmetic otoplasty is allowed to be performed from the moment when the size of the ear is 85% of the adult size (4-5 years), and the child may consciously wish to correct the defect in appearance. Most right age counted as 6 years. In childhood cartilage tissue auricle grow together quickly, usually there are no negative consequences. The main requirement is to observe the postoperative regimen in order to avoid injury to the ear, divergence of sutures, hematomas, scars and scars.

Prominent ear treatment without surgery

The age until which conservative treatment of prominence is possible is estimated differently: most experts say that this is the first six months of life, there is an opinion that it is possible to correct this deficiency in the first seven years of life, there is even evidence of elimination of prominence at the age of 14 years. It happens that this defect becomes less noticeable or completely disappears with the growth of the bones of the skull. Advertising ear correctors guarantees getting rid of protruding ears even for adults.

Methods for treating protruding ears without surgery include: a bandage on the ears or proofreaders for protruding ears (ear pads for protruding ears).

The bandage is put on the ears of the newborn. In this period, the cartilage is still soft, flexible and easily deformed. A slight protrusion can be corrected with a tight cap or scarf. A headdress that slightly presses the ears should be worn at all times.

Arilis correctors are a Russian-Finnish development, made of transparent hypoallergenic silicone. There are options for children and adults, for children the manufacturer promises a visible effect in three months, for adults - after two years.

Correctors Otostik - made in Spain, variations for children and adults differ only in size, they are used from three months. Children are promised to get rid of protruding ears in six months, adults - visual correction while wearing.

Proofreaders Arilis and Otostik are worn for at least a week (it is possible, if it has not fallen off - 10 days), then they are replaced with a new one.

Proofreaders Otoplasty ( United Arab Emirates). They differ from the previous ones in terms of wearing time (1-2 days). Available for women's and men's ears.

Hypoallergenic glue is supplied with the correctors for attaching them to the scalp. Velcro from protruding ears allow you to lead a normal life - wash your hair, swim in the pool and in the sea. They are glued to clean, fat-free skin, removing hair from it, in the same place.

It is recommended to stick the corrector in a dry room, because. Moisture interferes with good bonding. During the gluing procedure, it is necessary to avoid the formation of skin folds under the corrector. This can lead to rashes and scratches.

How to hide protruding ears?

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have long learned to hide their protruding ears under their hair, making various hairstyles with protruding ears from both short and long hair. Hair with protruding ears is laid so that the hairline expands from the top of the head to the ears. Hair length can be any, but they must cover the upper half of the ear. Curly and curled hair well mask protruding ears, the ends of straight lines are folded inward. Good bob and bob haircuts, session, cascade, graduated haircuts, both symmetrical and asymmetrical.

The grunge style is back in fashion, suggesting somewhat disheveled and disheveled hair. In this style, a variety of haircuts are made out that will hide protruding ears and emphasize a stylish look.

Fans of long hair need to tie them in a ponytail or braid just below the occiput, allowing the hair to fall freely around the face, partially covering the ears. You can leave some strands at the temples hanging freely or curl them in spirals. If you want to pull your hair into updo, you do not need to pick up temporal strands of hair, but having done your hair, fix them on the back of the head so as to hide the upper half of each ear.

To divert attention from protruding ears, snag earrings against protruding ears, in particular, fashionable cuff earrings, which since 2013 have not lost their positions and are enriched with a variety of new models, will help to divert attention from protruding ears.

And, of course, protruding ears can be hidden with different hats - buffs, baseball caps, scarves. This option is suitable for both women and men who prefer a sporty style of clothing.

In the presence of protruding ears, it is better for men to have an average length of hair, which hides this disadvantage. Men's haircuts with protruding ears for medium hair suggest a huge variety of hairstyles, including classic ones, which are indispensable for business meetings.

Modern men's fashion welcomes the use of grunge, graduation, thinning - the possibilities are truly endless.


It is impossible to prevent protruding ears, basically, the appearance of protruding ears is promoted by heredity, which you may not be aware of. If a child was born with lop-eared ears, it is believed that wearing tight hats or correctors at a very young age (up to six months) can help, the use of correctors in childhood may also slightly reduce the angle of deviation of the ears from temporal bone skulls.


Health 17.07.2017

Dear readers, today we have a difficult topic on the blog for many. One of those problems that does not seem to threaten health in any way, but at the same time can cause a lot of trouble and worries directly to those who have encountered it, as well as to their loved ones. It's about about deafness.

However, I think many will rejoice at the news that this cosmetic defect can be corrected, including without surgical intervention. How to do this, says a doctor, an employee of the company manufacturing silicone ear correctors "Mairs", Mikhail Viktorovich Savelyev. I give him the floor.

How do lop-eared people live

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina's blog! Today we will discuss the problem of protruding ears and start with what we know about protruding ears, the causes and how this delicate feature can affect a person's life in the future. After all, everything comes from childhood ...

Lop-earedness is a widespread cosmetic defect, often giving its carriers a lot of bitter experiences. Surely each of us will be able to name a lot of movies or cartoons, to which a hero with funny protruding ears added zest. Or often - with one protruding ear. When we looked at him, we involuntarily smiled. And this character seemed a little silly and funny... So in life, you see, the presence of a person with lop-earedness often sets us up when communicating with him in a somewhat frivolous or even patronizing way.

However, in different countries, lop-eared people are treated differently. So, for example, among the Japanese, protruding ears are considered a sign of sublime sensuality, and among the inhabitants of Korea - a sign of potential wealth and financial well-being. Yes, Europeans recent times increasingly refer to lop-earedness as a kind of chip that gives its carrier a unique charm.

It may seem that protruding ears are more common among men. However, it is not. According to statistics, the percentage of lop-eared children is approximately the same, both among men and among women, and makes up about half of all newborns, regardless of race. It's just easier for women to disguise this cosmetic flaw with a hairstyle, scarf, hat, etc.

Possible consequences and prevention

Few of us have thought about the mental suffering that befalls people with such a cosmetic defect. This is especially true for children and even more so for teenagers. It is in childhood and adolescence that we acquire those psychological inferiority complexes that poison us for the rest of our lives.

A person who is not strong in the psycho-emotional sphere is very susceptible to psychological trauma, which can lead to the formation of sustainable depression, accompanied by a sense of one's own inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around, irritation and resentment at everyone and everything. Particularly bitter reproaches are often addressed precisely to parents who are allegedly guilty of the fact that the child was born with lop-eared ears.

Over time, growing up, a child or already a young person understands that parents can be reproached, rather, not for the fact that he was born like that, but for the fact that at his early age they did not take the necessary and effective measures to correct this shortcoming in a timely manner. . But in early childhood, correcting this defect is really quite simple, it is only important to pay attention to it in time and do it.

Causes of protruding ears

Speaking about the causes of protruding ears, it should be noted that among experts there is no single view on this issue, however, many of them consider heredity to be the main factor. Moreover, it is interesting that, in accordance with known mechanisms inheritance, it is not at all necessary that one of the parents be lop-eared. Sometimes traits are inherited through one generation or more. That is, great-great-grandmothers or great-great-grandfathers could be lop-eared.

Some experts are inclined to believe that protruding ears, especially one-sided, are caused by an incorrect presentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity, or by trauma to the auricle during complicated childbirth.

FROM medical point Prominent-earedness is a pathology of the cartilage of the auricle, expressed in its excessive growth or violation of the angle of contact with the surface of the head. At the same time, the visible contours of the auricle are often violated, for example, underdevelopment of the antihelix.

Often, parents of children at an early age do not attach due importance to such a cosmetic defect in their child. And in vain! After all, it is precisely at the age of up to six months that the cartilage of the auricle in children is still plastic enough to take measures to correct its position in a non-surgical way with great chances of success.

Why you should refrain from otoplasty

AT last years in our country (and abroad even earlier) plastic or, more precisely, aesthetic surgery began to develop rapidly. Lots of clinics medical centers different price segments, as well as very different professional level offer to eliminate almost any cosmetic defect, including protruding ears.

The operation called "otoplasty" is presented as simple and safe. During the operation under local or general anesthesia excision of excess cartilaginous tissues in the behind-the-ear region is performed, followed by modeling of the new position of the auricle. Sounds really simple. But is it really so? Is otoplasty so easy and safe?

Any more or less competent doctor will say that any anesthesia, and even more so general anesthesia, is always a risk. Therefore, the indications for plastic surgery should be as narrow as possible. Such indications include, for example, gross disfigurement of the face, treatment and elimination of the consequences of burns requiring skin grafting, the presence of tightening scars in the patient that makes it difficult to breathe, eat, move, etc. Most of the current clients of plastic surgeons need, first of all, , psychological, and for some - psychiatric, and by no means surgical care.

What are the risks of otoplasty?

  • The formation of the cartilage of the auricle ends in a child by about nine years. However, it is not uncommon to find ads offering to perform otoplasty surgery at six and seven years of age. At the same time, arguments will be given that it is best to fix the problem before entering the first grade in order to avoid ridicule and bullying of classmates. Surgical intervention on fragile and not fully formed ear cartilage leads, as a rule, to a variety of complications requiring new surgical interventions. And, of course, the costs;
  • hematomas formed during the operation can sometimes resolve up to six months, or suppurate, or transform into connective tissue, deforming auricles;
  • high risk of postoperative inflammation medical staff rules of asepsis and antisepsis. In this case, repeated surgery and massive antibiotic therapy may also be required;
  • sometimes, after otoplasty, patients experience a kind of deformation of the auricles, which can be observed, for example, in wrestlers or boxers - the smoothness of the relief of the auricle due to numerous internal hematomas. To correct such a complication, the intervention of a much more qualified surgeon will be required, which, unfortunately, is also not always successful.

The list of possible complications can be continued, but we will not exaggerate, because this is already enough to think about. The main thing to understand is that such complications can be very serious and even fatal - ranging from laryngo- or bronchospasm to the development of heart failure or anaphylactic shock.

How to solve the problem of protruding ears in a non-surgical way

So, we have come to the main question - how to get rid of protruding ears at home and without surgery?

There is, of course, a way out. One of the best ways to eliminate protruding ears without surgery is to use the innovative development of domestic and Israeli specialists. These are silicone ear correctors that allow you to fix the auricles in the "correct" position.

Ear correctors have become the best option for a huge number of people who are worried about the future. psycho-emotional health their children or those who want to get an immediate cosmetic effect for themselves.

With silicone ear correctors you get:

  • an innovative device that will correct a congenital cosmetic defect in your child and predetermine his normal psycho-emotional development;
  • an excellent tool for a temporary cosmetic transformation of your appearance;
  • reasonable alternative surgical intervention and the risks associated with it;
  • significant savings in money that could be spent on the prompt elimination of protruding ears with very uncertain and ambiguous prospects;
  • internal satisfaction with one's appearance, self-confidence;
  • and finally - just a good mood.

Today on Russian market only a few companies offer ear correctors as an alternative to otoplasty.

Ear correctors Mairs

Myrs ear correctors are two kidney-shaped silicone lenses made of transparent hypoallergenic material, fastened together with a thin bridge. The photo shows that the silicone base is transparent and almost merges with the color of the skin.

The working surfaces of the lenses are covered with a layer of hypoallergenic medical glue with residual stickiness. The adhesive layer is protected by protective anti-adhesive paper, which is removed before using the corrector. Both the silicone from which the ear correctors are made and the adhesive that fixes them are absolutely safe for humans, chemically inert and do not cause allergic reactions.

Ear correctors Arilis and Otostik

Arilis and Otostik ear correctors are analogues of Mairs correctors. All three types meet the declared quality and offer the end user a line of correctors for children and adults. What ear correctors to prefer? Which ones are better? Short review by price.

  • Arilis - 10 pcs. correctors in a package for 1690 rubles, a skin treatment agent separately for 490 rubles and a set of correctors 4 pcs. for 950 rubles;
  • Otostik - to the package of correctors 8 pcs. for children a cap is attached, for all 1770 rubles, for adults - 1680 rubles;
  • Mairs - each set includes 8 correctors and a skin treatment agent at a single price for children and adults - 1319 rubles. There is also a set of correctors 4 pcs. for 859 rubles.

How to use silicone ear correctors

First, the skin behind the ear and dorsal surface auricles are treated with a degreasing compound. Then, after removing the protective film from one silicone lens, the corrector is glued to the skin of the dorsum of the auricle. After that, the film is removed from the second lens and the device is attached to the scalp with light pressure, fixing the aesthetically acceptable position of the ear.

I suggest watching a video sent to us by one of the users of ear correctors. The video has been prepared so that the reader can understand how to use silicone ear correctors.

The result - the auricle fits snugly to the head. Is it necessary to say what relief a person feels, instantly, albeit temporarily, eliminating a cosmetic defect that has tormented him for years?

Many girls reject small, short-legged boyfriends and stare at tall, athletically built handsome men. But in vain! Scientists say: little people are strong-willed, purposeful, courageous and achieve a lot in life. There is no need to go far - many well-known businessmen and politicians of small stature. According to the researchers, A person's appearance is directly related to their inner qualities.

The German psychiatrist and psychologist Ernst Kretschmer at the beginning of the 20th century published the work "Body Structure and Character". In the study, he singled out three main types of human body structure and outlined what character traits they have. So, according to the scientist, tall and thin asthenics are dreamy and spiritualized, and dense hypersthenics are improvident and optional.

And modern psychiatrists, psychologists, endocrinologists confirm the theory of Ernst Kretschmer - there is a connection between appearance and inner qualities. the site asked the theorist of psychiatry, professor of the Institute of Psychoanalysis Vadim Rudnev, physiognomist Artyom Pavlov, endocrinologist Alexei Kalinchev to tell how to “read a person like an open book” in appearance. It turned out to be easier than it looks.

The whole truth about big-nosed and eared

“The nose is the prominent part of the body,” says Artyom Pavlov. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. It can tell a lot about a person's character. AT fiction often an impressionable and vulnerable young lady has a thin, graceful nose. And this is no coincidence.

People with a thin nose are characterized by a weak psyche (anxiety, dependence on the opinions of others) and high degree hysteria. Such a person can throw a tantrum from scratch. His mood often changes, - said Artyom Pavlov.

A thick nose, on the contrary, indicates a strong psyche. Such people, perhaps, do not feel this world too subtly, but they do not worry about trifles.

"Don't stick your long nose where it doesn't belong" - this expression has a real background. Experts say people with big noses- inquisitive, they have a lively mind, pronounced analytical abilities. If a long-nosed person also has a hump on his nose, he is impulsive, sharp and will not let himself be offended. A dangerous person.

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It also matters where the tip of the nose looks. If down - in front of you is a closed person who does not show his true feelings to anyone. The owners of snub noses, on the contrary, flaunt their experiences.

“Grandma, why do you have such big ears? - Asked Little Red Riding Hood in Charles Perrault's fairy tale. “To hear better, my child,” the wolf answered her.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Physiognomists say: the owners of big ears really hear better, but not the interlocutor, but ... themselves. If a person has large ears, he has good intuition. Such an individual knows how to calculate his actions several steps ahead. There are enough eared people among businessmen and politicians.

It is easy to hang noodles on protruding ears. There is only a fraction of a joke in this joke. According to experts, lop-eared people tend to take any information that is said at face value. They are more likely than others to be victims of swindlers and scammers. People with their ears pressed to their heads, on the contrary, are like animals preparing to attack. They are always on the alert and feel the catch everywhere.

Another character of a person can be determined by the eyes. Owners big eyes can be either good strategists or infantile dreamers. To "diagnose" specific person, you need to examine the face in the complex - nose, eyebrows and eyes.

“We all look at the Napoleons”

The character of a person is related to his height and complexion. Artyom Pavlov says: "Napoleon complex" in short people is not fiction, but reality.

When a person has weak anthropometric data - short stature, short limbs - he has increased intrinsic motivation. He seeks to prove to himself and others that he is worth something, that he is no worse than others, - said Artyom Pavlov.

Character also depends on the type of figure. If a person (male or female) has broad shoulders and narrow hips, he has a lot of testosterone (male sex hormones). Such people are purposeful, strong in spirit, able to achieve their goals.

This hormone is responsible for endurance and leadership qualities, ambitions. It is they who are important for a successful career, - said Alexei Kalinchev.

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Another pattern that Dr. Kalinchev notes is that the smaller a woman’s breasts, the more “male qualities” she has. Such women are active, aggressive, tend to dominate. Women with a large bust (and wide hips), on the contrary, are soft, passive, overly emotional.

The doctor jokes about the "big bust" in men, which, unfortunately, is becoming more common. Men with an effeminate figure - wide hips, narrow shoulders - this is a woman in pants.

The behavior of the woman, hysterical. Note that it is not female, but female. Such men are usually on the sidelines in the family, says the doctor.

Aleksey Kalinchev notes: for women of asthenic body type - they are thin, tall, with unexpressed hips and bust - usually characterized by "emotional instability, excitability, instability and imbalance of neuropsychic processes."

Such women are often infantile, do not want to get married, have children, have hobbies typical of teenagers, the doctor noted.

Experts also noticed that people with short legs are open, sociable, sincere in expressing emotions and have a so-called strong sexual constitution - they are sexually active and liberated.

Non-standard mental patients

Professor Vadim Rudnev notes interesting fact Most mentally ill people have non-standard body sizes.

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It's either huge people or very small ones. This makes them different. Mentally healthy people usually medium in size, - said the expert.

He is convinced that the human body and psyche are closely linked. Any mental problems are immediately reflected in appearance. If a person "goes crazy", this is manifested on the face by pallor, bruises under the eyes, chaotic movements.

- congenital anatomical feature, due to an increase in the angle of separation of the auricle, which is why the ears have a protruding appearance. With protruding ears, the size and shape of the auricles are usually within the normal range, and they are located not parallel to the temporal bone, but at an angle close to a right one. Signs of protruding ears are an increase in the angle of attachment of the auricle to the occipital part of the head, smoothness of the contour of the auricle and antihelix. Such an aesthetic defect often causes the formation of psychological complexes and isolation. Prominent ears are corrected by plastic surgeons using traditional or laser otoplasty.

General information

From a medical point of view, protruding ears are considered a severe congenital deformity of the auricle, giving the ears a protruding, protruding appearance. Almost 50% of people are born with protruding ears of varying severity, of which boys and girls are approximately in equal numbers. Since it is easier for girls to hide protruding ears behind long hair, it seems that boys suffer from this defect much more often. It is in children and adolescents that protruding ears cause a lot of emotional experiences, forming a "protruding ear complex", which in adulthood can adversely affect the character and psyche of a person.

Already in the third month of pregnancy, the formation and growth of the outer ear begins in the fetus. Development occurs in the sixth month inner folds and relief of the auricle. Such a deformity as protruding ears is clearly visible already at birth, it is during this period that it is still possible to change the shape of the child's ears without resorting to surgical intervention. If deformed or protruding ears are fixed in a newborn, they can take on a different shape or position. If the deformed ear has not been given a new position before the age of six months, then the cartilage will stabilize, and it will no longer be possible to do without surgical correction.

It is believed that normally the ear shell and the head should form an angle equal to 30 °, while the line of the auricle should be strictly parallel to the cheek, and the distance between the edge of the ear and the bones of the skull should be about two centimeters. The contours of the relief of the ear shell, its configuration and clarity are as individual and unique as the pattern on the fingertips.

The deformity may affect one or both ears. The type and degree of deformity in protruding ears are extremely diverse, which excludes the existence of a single medical tactic to correct this defect.

Causes of protruding ears

Correct determination of the position of the protruding ear - important point to plan for its correction. Lop-earedness can be caused by one or more congenital features of the development of the auricle.

Most often, protruding ears are the result of underdevelopment, smoothness of the antihelix - an elevation on the inside of the auricle, located parallel to the curl. The smoothness of the antihelix can be manifested by its total absence or partial lack of expression, when only the upper pole of the auricle is in the protruding position.

The hypertrophied cartilaginous structure of the auricle can lead to excessive protrusion of the ear. It is known that the more flattened cartilaginous complexes of the helix and antihelix are usually located on the strong cartilage of the outer ear, and its increase leads to the protrusion of the entire auricle.

In a normally located ear, the only deformity sometimes occurs is a protrusion of the lobe, the cause of which is hypertrophy of the ear shell or an unusual shape of the tail of the curl.

Lop-earedness can be observed with a uniform increase in the entire auricle (macrotia). The dimensions of a "normal" ear are highly variable, but sometimes they are disproportionate to the facial skeleton. Such variants of protruding ears are observed with isolated congenital excessively rapid ear growth or with faster growth of one of the halves of the face. Macrotia is sometimes found in Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis or a vascular abnormality.

Basic principles of aesthetic correction of protruding ears

Many children are born with protruding ears, but this does not mean that the ears will remain sticking out for life. With age, as the bones of the skull increase, protruding ears may become less noticeable. The operation is possible not earlier than 6-8 years of age, if there is a medical opinion that the child suffers from severe protruding ears. Early correction of protruding ears allows you to save the child from psychological discomfort and the formation of complexes.

By the time a child reaches this age of 6-8 years, his auricles are 90% formed. For adult patients, aesthetic correction of the ears is carried out without age restrictions.

Surgical correction of protruding ears is quite common, and although the operation itself is technically simple, the approach to each patient is chosen individually.

Plastic correction of the auricles, aimed at changing their shape, position and size, is called otoplasty in plastic surgery (from the Greek "othos" - ear). Surgical correction prominence is aesthetic surgery, as it is aimed at correcting a defect that does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. However, this does not detract from the importance of this operation for the quality of human life. If the patient decided to resort to the help of a plastic surgeon, then his internal problems are not so unimportant.

Prominent ear otoplasty

Prominent ears are eliminated by otoplasty (or otoplasty). During it, the position is corrected or the defect of the auricles of a congenital or post-traumatic nature is eliminated. Despite the fact that otoplasty is not one of the complex plastic surgeries, it requires precision, high qualification and practical skills of the surgeon.

The new shape and location of the cartilage is determined by the surgeon in advance, taking into account the anthropometric data of the patient. Under local or general anesthesia, an incision is made behind the crease of the auricle. The cartilage is then shaped to fit the ear close to the head. Simultaneously with otoplasty, it is possible to carry out combined plastic surgery of the earlobe. The operation usually takes 30 to 60 minutes and is easily tolerated by patients. Special rollers are applied to the ears to support the new position of the cartilage, a fixing bandage or bandage is placed on top, which will have to be worn for one month.

In addition to the classic otoplasty performed with a surgical scalpel, the laser otoplasty method with a laser scalpel is used, which allows modeling the ear cartilage without leaving marks.

Otoplasty saves patients not only from protruding ears, but also from complexes, stereotypes of behavior developed over many years. Many patients become more open, sociable, friendly and successful after gaining a new ear shape.