Unusual sensations after a successful eco. What determines the chances of successful IVF: statistics of successful protocols

IVF statistics are an indicator of the quality and effectiveness of the procedure. Some couples mistakenly perceive the concept of “statistics”; they believe that it shows the probability of birth healthy child as a result of IVF. In fact, this term refers to the ratio of the number of protocols performed to the rate of successful pregnancy.

Before the doctor examines the woman’s health condition. The cause of infertility and associated factors that can reduce the success rate of the protocols are clarified. It is important to take into account all the nuances during the preparation process, since this will determine what chances an infertile couple has. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on external and internal factors, from the correct tactics of the doctor’s actions.

  • The age of the patient is important. In women under 30 years of age, the success rate reaches 60%. IVF at 40 shows good results only in 6-10 patients out of 100 who decided to undergo the procedure.
  • Reason for lack of pregnancy. The statistics of successful IVF for tubal infertility is higher than for diseases caused by hormonal disorders: endometriosis, adenomyosis, polycystic disease, fibroids. If a woman genetic diseases, which are the cause of infertility, then the chances of successful IVF are sharply reduced, since such cases are considered the most difficult.
  • State men's health. If the cause of infertility is the poor quality of the partner’s sperm, then the use of additional manipulations (ICSI) gives a high chance of pregnancy. It is important that a woman does not have concomitant diseases.
  • Qualification of doctors. It is important to choose a clinic that professionally deals with in vitro fertilization. At the preparation stage, the reproductologist chooses hormonal drugs and the type of protocol; these decisions directly affect the result. When working with embryos, the responsibility and professionalism of the embryologist is important.
  • Patient's approach. Increase your chances of successful conception It is possible if you approach your preparation responsibly. Often women are in a hurry to join the program in order to quickly bring themselves closer to their cherished goal. However, there is no need to rush. The patient must be thoroughly examined and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Reproduction statistics have been compiled relatively recently. However, each clinic using ART can provide its own data on the number of successful protocols. Detailed study of techniques, innovations, and use modern drugs increases the frequency of protocols resulting in pregnancy.

On the first, second or third try?

A successful IVF protocol on the first try is quite possible. The likelihood of such a result is influenced by all the factors that we discussed above. If a woman and her partner are absolutely healthy, and the cause of infertility has not been established, then the probability of successful IVF the first time is on average 45-50% for all ages. The younger the patient, the greater the chance - up to 60%. Also, implantation on the first try often occurs in couples with tubal infertility provided there are no other problems. The success rate of IVF the first time is higher for those women who are implanted with not one, but several embryos at once.

The psychological state of the patient affects the likelihood of pregnancy on the first try. In case of an unsuccessful protocol, a second IVF attempt is made, but not everyone decides to do it. It would be a mistake to refuse further procedures. After all, the second time the chance of pregnancy is higher. This is evidenced by generalized statistics from clinics specializing in ART.

The likelihood of success during repeated IVF depends on the condition of the woman’s ovaries. With each stimulation, the number of eggs decreases. If this is aggravated by the patient's age, then the chance of success will be lower.

In this case, the use of donor material increases the percentage of successful transfers. If pregnancy does not occur the first time, you need to be examined and find out the reason for the failure. In the next program, reproductive specialists will take this into account, and this will increase the chance of pregnancy.

In Vitro Fertilization Statistics

According to official data, average pregnancy rate in Russia with IVF is 38.5 percent.

But you cannot rely trustingly on the statistics of IVF protocols. Each patient’s body is individual, as are the diseases that cause infertility. The chances also depend on the type of protocol.

In a long protocol

Most of the clinics using ART are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And they are the ones who determine IVF statistics in Russia. Data from these institutions indicate a 30-60% chance of successful infertility treatment.

– the most difficult, both for the female body and for reproductive specialists. The duration of this scheme is variable and can range from 6 weeks to 6 months. The long protocol shows good results in women with hormonal diseases. With the help of medications, the functioning of the sex glands is completely controlled. This approach regulates natural processes and minimizes unforeseen situations. The percentage of successful egg fertilization depends on the quality of the reproductive gametes of the man and woman.

In a natural cycle

IVF success rate in natural cycle does not exceed 10. Plus - minimal impact on female body. The patient does not accept potent drugs, which facilitates the functioning of the reproductive system. However, in a natural cycle, only one (less often 2 or 3) egg is produced. It is impossible to say in advance what the quality of the gamete will be. Therefore, it often happens that when performing ART in a natural cycle, even the transfer of embryos is impossible due to their low quality.

With cryoprotocol

The chances of getting pregnant with IVF in a cryoprotocol are lower than in a long cycle, but higher than in a natural cycle. An important advantage is the absence hormonal correction. The embryos are transferred after thawing on a suitable day of the cycle. Optimal and natural conditions for implantation.

The pregnancy rate in the cryo protocol is no more than 25%. The decrease in results compared to the long protocol is due to the fact that the state of fertilized cells is affected by the process of vitrification and subsequent thawing.

With a donor egg

The success of in vitro fertilization with a donor egg is quite high rate– up to 46%. Most patients who decide to use material from another woman are in mature age. The number of their own gametes in the ovaries does not allow them to carry out stimulation. Therefore, they have almost no chance of successful IVF with their own egg.

Increases the success of the procedure significantly. It is important that after IVF all recommendations for taking maintenance medications are followed.


Intracytoplasmic injection is successful in IVF. Manipulation allows you to select the best and most mature sperm that will fertilize the egg. For primary IVF protocols, statistics (ICSI) is 32-33%. When repeated, success increases to 44%. The number of pregnancies occurring after the fifth attempt reaches 77 per 100 people.

It makes sense to study IVF statistics for couples just for fun. Only a reproductive specialist after an examination can say what the chance of conception is for certain partners who have their own health indicators.

In vitro fertilization is modern method artificial conception when a couple is diagnosed with infertility. Thousands married couples found the joy of becoming parents of a healthy baby. However, the statistics of successful IVF are not so reassuring - some couples cannot get what they want the first time. What is successful IVF, and how to achieve results on the first try? Let's consider the issue in detail.

What do dry statistics say, can you rely on them? Statistics are considered to be the collective opinion of people surveyed, so you should not completely trust the information. For example, the statistics do not include the number of unsuccessful IVF attempts, but only the result of successful fertilization. As a result, we have a dry report in numbers showing the number of procedures performed with a positive result.

According to statistics, we get the following picture of the success of a medical procedure:

  • women under 29 years old - 83%;
  • women under 34 years old - 61%;
  • women under 40 years old - 34%;
  • women over 40 years old - 27%.

Fertilization using donor eggs for patients over 40 years of age ends in a successful result in 70 cases out of a hundred.

However, these statistics only show the percentage of successful fertilization, but not births. The statistics for successful delivery are 80% out of a hundred.

If we take the average result of successful fertilization and delivery, we have only 40% of a hundred successful attempts. That is, implantation of an embryo in the uterus does not guarantee the birth of a child.

Failed Attempts

What are the reasons for failure? They depend on many factors, among which the following are important:

  • patient's age;
  • reproductive health of the couple;
  • choosing a clinic and doctors;
  • spouse's sperm quality;
  • chromosome pathologies;
  • failure of the protocol by the patient;
  • psychological unpreparedness;
  • experience of infertility;
  • obesity.

A woman’s age plays a major role in this matter, since over the years the immune and reproductive systems weaken. It is advisable to give birth to your first child before the age of 35; after that, the success of the event becomes unlikely.

The duration of infertility treatment also plays a role. If a woman for a long time unsuccessfully underwent therapeutic intervention, this indicates a weakness of the body and inability to bear children. Miracles, of course, are possible, and such patients also have a chance to become happy mothers.

Childlessness can also be diagnosed in a man, so many potential fathers also take courses to restore men's health. Sometimes this can take a couple of years, so waiting patiently is the key to success. Mostly, men suffer from low-quality sperm.

The choice of clinic is another factor. In our country, they are carried out in the clinic specified in the contract, however, patients can choose any other clinic according to at will. Then the IVF protocol is carried out on a paid (partially paid) basis.

Now let’s clarify the issue of the patient’s failure to comply with the IVF protocol. Unfortunately, irresponsible attitude towards own health can play a fatal role. Failure to comply with doctors' recommendations, untimely examinations and an unacceptable lifestyle can lead to the rejection of the embryo from a woman's body.

Note! Self-medication or non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations can result in miscarriage of an embryo successfully implanted in the uterus.

How many times can you attempt artificial insemination? An unlimited number of times, but after a certain time - the doctor will indicate it. If the reasons for failure were anatomical features structure of the woman’s reproductive system, appropriate correction is carried out. If the causes are in the area of ​​untreated or chronic illnesses, the patient is prescribed therapeutic courses.

IVF success factors

What determines the success of the protocol? This includes the presence of the following items:

  • correct lifestyle of the patient;
  • strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions;
  • number of transplanted embryos (preferably 2);
  • quality eggs;
  • the success of the embryologist’s actions.

Is it possible to get pregnant with one ovary? Modern medicine has made great strides in reproductive medicine, and now there is a chance to become a mother with one ovary removed. The main thing is that there is an adequate response of the body to the treatment: the body produces high-quality follicles.

Feelings after embryo transfer

If IVF is successful, the sensations after landing can be very different. You should not listen to your body and try to intuitively grasp the changes that are taking place. These may be false signals caused by the psychological stress of anticipation. Reliable information can be obtained only two weeks after the transplant, when blood is donated for hCG.

However, there are certain symptoms that will indicate the development of pregnancy:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • changeable mood;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • new culinary preferences;
  • increase in belly size;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • pressure in the lower abdomen.

These changes in the body are signs successful transplant. Nausea and vomiting, intolerance to certain odors and drowsiness may also occur. Sometimes women report flu-like symptoms, slight increase fever, sore throat and runny nose. The influenza condition is a consequence of the struggle immune system with the introduction of " foreign body"into the body, this is a completely natural reaction at the beginning of pregnancy.

However, you should not expect such symptoms, as they may not appear. Each body reacts to pregnancy in its own way; there are no uniform criteria.

Repeated IVF

After unsuccessful completion of the first protocol, it is necessary to prepare for repeated IVF. Each subsequent attempt increases the chances of success, so you should never give up. However, many patients panic and psychological attitude plays one of important roles in this situation. Lack of belief in success turns into failure. There are women who were able to give birth after seven IVF attempts.

After what time can I resume the embryo transfer attempt? It depends on the patient's body. Some women require thorough recovery period. However, delaying the procedure is also not wise, nor is it wise to rush. In some cases, a woman does not need a long recovery period, but a change of clinic and doctor. This is justified in case of unsuccessful replanting due to the fault of an inexperienced specialist and disruption of the medical manipulations.

What does the recovery period include? It is divided into three stages:

  1. health recovery;
  2. mental restoration;
  3. strengthening family relationships.

Often, patients after unsuccessful IVF experience a failure in menstrual cycle, which is justified by hormone therapy to stimulate the ovaries. It is necessary to wait for your period, and in case of prolonged absence, carry out appropriate treatment. In such cases, the repeat IVF protocol is postponed for at least 6 months.

Some patients need to treat kidneys whose functionality has been impaired by medication. As a rule, it is prescribed special diet, cleansing the body without the use of diuretics. Freshly squeezed fruit/vegetable juices - orange, cucumber, carrot - are good at ridding the body of any toxins, including residual medicinal substances.


A woman’s mental state after a failure can fail. This is also due to taking hormones for a long time. There are patients who lose interest in family life, withdraw into themselves. Therefore, visiting a psychologist remains the only way out of this situation. How long will the correction take? mental state, unknown.

Signs of mental imbalance:

  • aggressive attitude towards others;
  • indifference and apathy to everything;
  • insomnia due to anxiety;
  • tearfulness and far-fetched grievances;
  • inferiority complex;
  • other characteristics.

The danger of mental imbalance should not be underestimated - it can result in long-term depression. It seems to the woman that the world has collapsed and there is no longer any meaning in life. To get her out of this state, you have to seek help from a psychologist.

Note! There are many cases of natural fertilization occurring after an unsuccessful IVF protocol.

To quickly restore mental balance, you need to find an active hobby - visit the pool, fitness club or dance classes. Jogging in the morning, yoga or qigong, meditation or just leisure on fresh air. Getting involved in active activities helps you quickly get rid of annoying thoughts about failure.


This disease affects the mucous membrane lining inner surface uterus. With endometriosis, the uterus is not capable of bearing an embryo, and with an overgrown endometrial layer, both the tubes and nearby internal organs can be affected.

Why does endometrial tissue grow uncontrollably? The reasons have not yet been clarified, but there is an opinion about the impact hormonal levels and the immune system. Is it possible to cure endometriosis, and is artificial insemination possible with this pathology? Doctors say that successful IVF for endometriosis is possible in 35 out of a hundred cases.

Note! In the recent past, endometriosis was a death sentence for motherhood. Today, the IVF protocol is also carried out for this diagnosis.

Why do statistics show low results? Is it really impossible to cope with endometriosis? This pathology can be treated with medications and laparoscopy, however, relapses are possible. This explains the low success rate.

Stages of endometriosis

Success depends on the degree of pathological changes in endometrial tissue:

  1. 1-2 degree: 30%;
  2. 3-4 degree: 8-12%.

The reason is that a woman's ovaries cannot produce high-quality eggs. However proper preparation patients to the protocol significantly increases the chance of success.

When preparing the body for IVF, the patient’s age, ovarian functionality, experience of infertility and the degree of damage to endometrial tissue are taken into account. If the first two stages of the disease are present, targeted therapeutic treatment. If the treatment is unsuccessful, the patient is offered in vitro fertilization. Patients over 35 years of age are not treated, but are immediately prescribed IVF.

For grade 3 and 4 pathologies, a super-long IVF protocol is prescribed, which includes stimulation of the ovaries and suppression of the production of an uncontrolled amount of estrogens. This protocol can last 3 months.

Spend 14 days:

  1. manipulations to suppress estrogen production on the 21st day of the monthly cycle;
  2. ovarian stimulation and ovulation stimulation;
  3. ovarian puncture - removal of finished oocytes;
  4. into the uterus.

The super-long protocol is carried out over several months:

  1. introducing the patient into an artificial state of menopause;
  2. carry out the manipulations indicated in the long protocol.

Taking artificial hormones during IVF is necessary to give the body rest. Stopping the production of hormones stops the growth of the endometrium. For this purpose, with a super-long protocol, it is recommended to introduce the body into a state of menopause - it simply rests and does not interfere with the treatment.

While the body is resting from hormone production, synthetic hormones activate the proper formation and growth of follicles. Mature oocytes are removed from the body, placed in a nutrient medium, fertilized with sperm and grown. Then the embryos are implanted into the uterus.

While taking hormonal medications, patients do not experience better times. They experience symptoms of menopause - discomfort in the external genital organs, hot flashes and decreased desire for sexual intercourse.

Successful IVF with low AMH

With a low rate, it reduces the chances of successful IVF. This hormone is produced by the body of women reproductive age, its task is to stimulate growth processes. The AMH indicator indicates sufficient quantity germ cells ready for fertilization. At hormonal imbalance AMH production in the body stops.

When the amount of AMH in the body decreases, menopause occurs. With increased production of the hormone, polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. An AMH test is carried out after an unsuccessful embryo transfer attempt to find out the reason for the failure of the IVF protocol. To do this, they study in the laboratory venous blood patients.

A low percentage of AMH in the blood significantly reduces the chance of artificial insemination, since high-quality oocytes cannot mature in the body. However, when professional approach to the protocol and adequate reaction There is still a chance for the patient’s body to respond to stimulation drugs.

Important! Successful IVF with low AMH is unlikely. A woman cannot bear a fetus due to abruption ovum from the lining of the uterus.

Successful artificial insemination with low AMH also depends on follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH. Its indicators should not exceed the permissible norm.

How is AMH deficiency treated? The patient is prescribed hormone therapy that increases the production of full-fledged germ cells, for example, the drug Menogon or Puregon. In parallel with them, drugs are prescribed to suppress the uncontrolled production of estrogen. In some cases, hCG drugs are prescribed.

Reasons for decreased AMH levels:

  • obesity;
  • disruption of the pituitary gland;
  • pathologies of puberty;
  • early menopause

Reasons for increased AMH levels:

  • development of tumor tissue;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

IN similar condition the patient’s body is prescribed treatment, and only then an IVF protocol is carried out.


Why do they do it? The procedure is carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of artificial insemination. The examination provides a detailed clinical picture of a woman’s reproductive health and allows you to choose the most effective approach to the protocol. Hysteroscopy also reveals hidden pathologies female reproductive system and gives answers about the causes of infertility.

How is the examination carried out? The procedure is carried out in outpatient setting under intravenous anesthesia for pain relief. The woman sits on a gynecological chair, the gynecologist inserts a hysteroscope with a telescopic camera into the uterine cavity and studies the structure of the organ from the inside. To improve visualization of the cavity, saline or a gaseous substance is injected - this expands the uterus.

During hysteroscopy, micro operations can be performed to remove small tumors (polyps) and take a piece of tissue for laboratory research. Is there a need for hysteroscopy? Some doctors consider conducting additional examination unnecessary, but most gynecologists insist on hysteroscopy before IVF. They explain this by eliminating the causes of infertility, which may prevent the successful implementation of the protocol.

Preparing the endometrium for embryo transfer is an important component of successful artificial insemination. It is easier for an embryo to attach to a clean mucous membrane than to adhesions or polyps - this will provoke rejection. Another explanation for the need for hysteroscopy is cases of natural conception after diagnostic and therapeutic effects hysteroscope.

The only disadvantage of hysteroscopy is that manipulations are performed under anesthesia, which is poorly tolerated by some patients. In addition, diagnostics are paid. If a gynecologist insists on hysteroscopy after unsuccessful IVF, you should listen to the opinion of a specialist. Conducting hysteroscopy increases the chances of successful IVF and saves money and effort on repeated attempts to transfer the embryo.

How long after hysteroscopy is artificial insemination performed? The timing depends on the results of the study and the condition of the patient’s body: it is always individual. If pathological abnormalities have been identified, the IVF protocol will be postponed until the body is cured and restored. This may take several months. When favorable clinical picture the procedure can begin 10 days after hysteroscopy.

Sometimes after endoscopic examination repeat hysteroscopy is prescribed - this depends on the condition of the patient’s body. All timing of medical procedures is determined by the attending gynecologist.


This pathology prevents conception and pregnancy. Polycystic disease is a multiple formation of cysts filled with fluid. The insidiousness of pathology lies in the impossibility complete healing. That is, after a course of treatment, cysts form again on the ovaries.

Is IVF prescribed for the diagnosis of polycystic disease? This procedure is dangerous with the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can result in rupture and loss of one of them. In addition, with polycystic disease, the quality of germ cells is very low - this reduces the chance of successful fertilization. However, the protocol is carried out for this diagnosis, and is quite successful.

Tubal infertility

Spikes in fallopian tubes ah are another cause of female infertility. Tubal obstruction prevents oocytes from entering the uterus, so pregnancy is impossible. Patency can be restored surgically. However, in many cases, women are prescribed an IVF protocol. The protocol is also carried out in the absence of fallopian tubes (removed). With this pathology, in vitro fertilization is the only option to carry and give birth to a child.

If earlier pathological changes fallopian tubes were an obstacle to conception, then in modern conditions this diagnosis is not considered fatal for a woman. The tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus, through which the embryo enters the uterine cavity for its development. During IVF, mature germ cells are removed from the ovaries and introduced into the uterine cavity artificially.

During natural fertilization, the sperm connects with the woman’s reproductive cell in the fallopian tube; during artificial insemination, the meeting takes place in a test tube. Therefore, there are no problems with conception.

If the patient’s body is completely healthy, then successful IVF the first time tubal obstruction secured.

Modern women choose the IVF protocol instead of surgery to eliminate adhesions on the tubes. This is an advantage, since any surgery is fraught with complications. The practice of laparoscopy of tubes shows that some time after removal of adhesions reappear on the tubes. In order not to waste time on useless manipulations, it is better to immediately choose IVF.


Is it possible to carry out an IVF protocol upon the onset of menopause? Just a few years ago such a question would have seemed blasphemous or frivolous. However, modern medicine successfully bypasses natural barriers and allows women of non-reproductive age to give birth to a baby. It turned out that lack of ovulation is not a reason to refuse IVF.

Reproduction specialists use a donor egg and fertilize it with the spouse's sperm, then the embryo is transplanted into the uterus of an elderly patient. To prevent the body from rejecting the developing fetus, the woman is supported hormonal drugs- they replace missing hormones in the body and create conditions for normal gestation pregnancy.

However, the procedure is carried out only after a thorough examination of the patient and the absence of serious chronic or hereditary pathologies. Doctors completely examine a woman’s body to determine her ability to carry a child to term. If there are anomalies in the structure reproductive organs, the procedure is not prescribed. In this case, the patient is offered the option of surrogacy.

The procedure for preparing a woman's body for embryo transfer consists of hormone replacement therapy - it is necessary to saturate the body with hormones that it no longer produces. If the patient’s body is ready for ovulation, stimulation is performed - in this case, there is a chance of getting pregnant without a donor egg.

How is it carried out? In this case, the patient is selected a female donor who meets all health criteria and external characteristics. Then the donor is taken away, ready for fertilization. sex cell and place it in a nutrient solution. After this, fertilization is carried out with the sperm of the spouse or a male donor. The embryo, matured in a test tube, is transplanted into the patient’s uterus.

Is there a risk when carrying a fetus during menopause? Of course, certain risks exist, because the natural processes in the body have already died out. These include:

  • rejection of the embryo from the uterine mucosa;
  • risk of developing multiple pregnancies;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation can cause complications;
  • possible development of hormonal imbalance in the body - dysfunction thyroid gland, heart ailments;
  • there is a risk of developing cancer.

Risks also include the development of pathologies in the fetus, although modern reproductology has mechanisms to control the selection of healthy embryos.

Bottom line

Successful IVF on the first try is not mystical. This happens to many women. However, there are statistics of failures that cannot be ignored. The chances of successful IVF are always higher in at a young age, and also depend on the experience of infertility and the causes that caused it.

The need to use in vitro fertilization is due to a number of reasons. It is logical that women who decide to undergo the procedure or who have already entered into the protocol have gone through a difficult path to the opportunity to have their own children. Fear, worries, intentions to find out what the eco statistics are the first time are completely justified. This is an instinctive desire. And although it is generally accepted that there is a greater chance of a successful result on the second and third attempts, pregnancy after the first in vitro fertilization is not uncommon.


A noticeable trend towards an increase in positive results from in vitro fertilization is primarily associated with the development of science in this area. Reproductology, embryology, and gynecology - these fields have stepped far forward since the first eco-therapy was carried out.

When was the first eco? Officially, attempts to conceive a child outside a woman’s body began in 1944. But only in 1973 was it possible for the first time to cultivate an embryo and transfer it into the uterine cavity. Unfortunately, the attempt did not result in pregnancy; a miscarriage occurred. The first pregnancy and birth during in vitro fertilization occurred 5 years later, in 1978. Then the first eco girl was born - Louise Brown.

Since that time, the number of children born after artificial insemination around the world has exceeded 5 million, and is constantly growing. This certainly indicates that eco efficiency is increasing from year to year. But the question is quite controversial - to rejoice in the fact that large quantity women turn to reproductive specialists for help, or feel sad about the deterioration of reproductive health in general.

The likelihood of IVF success generally depends on the cause of infertility. An important factor is on which side of the couple there is a decrease in fertility. In addition, there are a number of other reasons that to a certain extent affect the result of the in vitro fertilization procedure.

Statistics and what influences them

Statistics are a kind of collective opinion of society, which should not be completely relied upon. In the case of artificial insemination, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the numbers that would confidently indicate a specific result or its causes.

It does not take into account, and cannot take into account all the specifics of a particular woman, man, or couple. There are just numbers that show big picture– number of successful protocols from total number.

In most cases the percentage happy eco does not mean an equal number of children born. Unfortunately, of the total number of successful attempts, only 75-80% will end in childbirth.

On average, the first IVF results in pregnancy in 35-40% of cases. This value, depending on which clinic the procedure is performed in, in which country, can, in turn, fluctuate greatly, and the percentage of successful IVF on the first attempt is 15-60%.

The probability of pregnancy after IVF the first time, even for an absolutely healthy couple, if they undergo such a procedure for the sake of experiment, will not be 100%.

A large number of factors influence a successful protocol. The reproductive health of the couple is undoubtedly of paramount importance, but there is also a psychological component to the issue.

Possible reasons for failure

No statistician, doctor or clinic can give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether pregnancy will occur with IVF on the first try.

The main list of reasons why eco doesn’t work out the first time includes:

  1. the reason and duration of the couple’s infertility, with the male factor playing an important role;
  2. quality of male ejaculate;
  3. age of the woman, the older the patient, the lower the ovulatory reserve, the quality of the eggs and, accordingly, the lower the chances;
  4. professionalism of the doctors who prepare the protocol. The positive results of eco the first time largely depend on correctly selected tactics;
  5. no matter how it sounds, the irresponsibility of the woman herself. Most patients, undergoing artificial insemination for the first time, do not follow all the specialist’s recommendations and engage in self-medication, which leads to failure of the protocol and successful embryo transfer ends in rejection.

Each of stated reasons The same applies to factors influencing in general. If the causes of infertility cannot be treated, then it is necessary re-eco, and there may be several such attempts. As stated earlier, the eco statistics on the second attempt are more positive. In fairness, it is worth noting that more than 6-7 attempts, in turn, reduce the chances of pregnancy.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, a number of other conditions can be identified that indicate what the success of ecology depends on:

  • a woman’s lifestyle, the presence of bad habits;
  • concomitant diseases not previously identified;
  • how many embryos were transferred (in many cases, transferring 2 embryos gives a better chance);
  • quality of the resulting embryos;
  • was there any injury during embryo transfer and others.

Regarding the quality of the embryos, by and large, this factor follows from the previous ones - the age of the patient, the duration and cause of infertility, and the difficult transfer - from the professionalism of the doctors.


If within a year after making the decision to have children you are unable to get pregnant on your own, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. The older the woman, the higher the likelihood of Down syndrome during IVF in the unborn child. Although with natural conception it also increases with the age of the expectant mother.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with IVF? The possibility of becoming pregnant with the help of ART is quite high. Doctors today use many methods that increase. This includes laser hatching, the ICSI method, and pre-implantation diagnostics of the embryo, and if possible they try to cultivate embryos to the blastocyst stage. In addition, there is always the option of using donor eggs or sperm.

Existing technologies today, registered drugs for artificial insemination and protocol options provide a good chance of success with IVF with one ovary. The main thing is that there is a response to therapy, follicles and oocytes mature, gametes fuse, embryos divide and engraft. That is, if not hormonal reasons, genetic pathologies or other serious reasons infertility, but only the results of some, for example, surgical interventions, then the probability of a successful protocol is slightly higher.

Mothers who became pregnant after IVF claim that they intuitively knew about the successful protocol. This is further confirmation that positive attitude women, her emotions are also important. Doctors do everything possible for their part to ensure pregnancy occurs, but they are unable to influence the lifestyle a woman professes - how she eats, smokes, drinks alcohol, etc.

The statistics of in vitro fertilization protocols should not inspire the future woman that nothing will work out on the first try. Even if there is only one chance in a thousand you can get into it. Mothers who succeeded in ecology the first time are definitely happy, but if they fail, they should not give up. Next time, taking into account the errors of the failed protocol, everything will definitely work out.

Preparing for IVF is a rather lengthy process. Taking into account the fact that for couples who decide on this procedure, artificial insemination becomes, without exaggeration, last hope, after numerous attempts to conceive a child and long treatment, they have very high hopes for IVF. All the more painful is the realization that the first attempt was unsuccessful. We hasten to reassure you: this is exactly what happens in most cases. Why doesn't IVF work the first time? Let's list the most common reasons.

If you have viral and bacterial infections, the likelihood of IVF success decreases

The older the woman, the less likely it is that the embryo will implant immediately, because with age, fertility decreases - after 35 years, and especially after 38. During this period, success rate is no more than 15%, while for women aged about 30 years - 35%. . Often the numbers are even lower; To determine potential fertility, there are special tests - for example, a reaction to clomiphene or a third-day measurement that evaluates the level of FGS in the blood.

Low quality embryos

There is no unified system for assessing the quality of embryos in the world, but, as a rule, the following parameters are used: - correct shape; - crushing rate (the higher it is, the better). The embryo that will be implanted into a woman should have 8 cells on the third day. As a rule, the transfer is carried out on the third day, with the exception of some cases (such as cryopreservation), when a five-day wait is advisable; - absence of fragments. An embryo is considered unsuitable for transfer if fragmentation is 50 percent or more.

Infectious and viral diseases

ARVI and especially influenza have a negative impact on reproductive system, since during illness they are produced toxic substances, affecting, among other things, the uterine cavity. In addition, to treat these diseases, they are often used antibacterial drugs. On their own correct selection they don't provide negative influence on fertility, but can become dangerous in combination with hormonal drugs.

Changes in the endometrium

In order for successful implantation to occur, and then the development of the embryo, the endometrium must be mature, of the required thickness and with a structure that meets the norms. It is generally accepted that before implantation its thickness should be at least 7 millimeters. Usually this parameter is clarified by ultrasound before starting hormonal stimulation so that the doctor has the opportunity to prescribe additional medications, which do not prevent the maturation of follicles, but at the same time contribute to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium.

Incorrect stimulation

The most important stage of in vitro fertilization is stimulation of the ovaries to increase the number of maturing follicles containing eggs. If the types or dose of drugs were selected incorrectly, the goal will not be achieved: the number of follicles will remain minimal or their quality will be unsatisfactory.

Fallopian tube pathologies

Before the procedure it is always prescribed special study, helping to identify diseases of the fallopian tubes. For example, one of them is hydrosalpinx, which is an accumulation of fluid as a result inflammatory processes. Moreover, stimulation of ovulation before IVF is one of the factors that contribute to the growth of hydrosalpinx.

IN modern world many couples suffer from infertility. Most of them try to resort to the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies in general and in vitro fertilization in particular, and this is due to various reasons. Every woman who is preparing for the protocol or has begun its implementation is interested in what the IVF statistics are the first time, because on the way to the desire to become a mother she had to overcome various risks and fears.

In fertility clinics, doctors say that after the initial embryo transfer, it has a good chance of implanting in the uterine cavity. However, along with this more likely those women who carry out the second or third protocol become pregnant and give birth to a child. Let’s take a closer look at how successful it is to successfully complete IVF the first time and what can interfere with this.

The very first experience of cultivation, fertilization and transfer of an embryo into the uterine cavity of a woman was at the end of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, the first IVF attempt did not work, and the pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion and rejection of the fetus. Only in 1978 did doctors succeed in in vitro fertilization, which resulted in the birth of a healthy child.

Currently, throughout the world, the number of babies born after the implementation of assisted reproductive technologies reaches 5 million, and the number of children increases every year. Based on this, we can say that IVF statistics from the first attempt tend to improve.

Wondering why IVF doesn't work out the first time, reasons for the inability to conceive a child naturally needs to be clarified first. Of course, the main factor negatively affecting the possibility of natural fertilization is low level fertility, but since we are initially talking about statistical data, they should be given more attention.


If you study the opinions expressed by couples who have used in vitro fertilization, you can find reviews from the first time. IVF was still successful in a certain number of families from this attempt.

But all this should be combined into a certain collective aspect, which is statistics as a whole. Therefore, you should not clearly trust this data, because in every specific case the doctor cannot guarantee whether the protocol will be successful or not.

Currently, scientists in the field of reproductive medicine present the following IVF percentage from the first pregnancy, based on the age of the expectant mother:

  1. Successful IVF the first time in patients under 29 years of age is observed in 83% of cases;
  2. For women aged 30 to 34 years, the chance of pregnancy drops to 61%;
  3. For expectant mothers who are 35-39 years old, with IVF, the probability of pregnancy the first time is only 34%;
  4. When implementing the protocol for women over 40 years of age, pregnancy occurs in only 27%, and with the use of donor oocytes, the chances increase to 71%.

It is very important to understand that each patient has a good chance of getting pregnant the first time, IVF in Lately has developed quite well in terms of increasing the experience of doctors in this area. However, the procedure does not guarantee that after implantation of the embryo, the woman will be able to carry the fetus to term and give birth to a child.

If we take all the successful protocols, combine them into a single one and define it as 100%, then delivery occurs in only 75-80% of women. In most cases positive result IVF is observed the first time in only 35-40% of patients.

But even here the statistics vary greatly, depending on the professionalism of the doctor, the status of the clinic, the country where the procedure is performed and the individual characteristics of the woman. We can say that successful IVF on the first attempt has a percentage of 15 to 60. If we consider a completely healthy couple who, for the sake of the test, will conceive through in vitro fertilization, then even in this case the success of the procedure will not be 100%.

Reasons for failure

Many people are certainly interested in why IVF doesn’t work out the first time. The reasons for each infertile couple are completely different, but doctors identify a number of the most common factors that do not allow pregnancy to occur after a single protocol, among them:

  • How long has the couple been treated for infertility?
  • Which factor predominates (male or female);
  • Low level of quality of seminal fluid of the sexual partner;
  • Ovulatory reserve (the older a woman is, the fewer eggs are produced in her body, accordingly, the likelihood of IVF the first time decreases);
  • Practical experience of a fertility specialist (if a specialist rarely performs such a procedure, then his percentage of successful IVF the first time is much lower);
  • A woman’s failure to comply with medical recommendations in the first protocol is also the reason why IVF does not work out the first time.

It cannot be said unequivocally that any given reason comes first for failure. All of them equally reduce the likelihood of a fertilized egg attaching to the uterine cavity.

Many couples also wonder if IVF did not work out the first time, what to do next. Doctors advise, if it is impossible to cure infertility, to carry out several more in vitro fertilization protocols. It is important to understand that subsequent participation in the program significantly increases the chances of pregnancy, while if there are more than five protocols, then, on the contrary, they decrease.

The likelihood of successful IVF the first time is directly related to the following factors:

  1. What lifestyle does the woman and her sexual partner lead?
  2. Do future parents have bad habits (nicotine addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse are definitely why IVF didn’t work out the first time);
  3. The presence of concomitant diseases that were not previously diagnosed by doctors;
  4. Number of embryos transferred (successful IVF on the first attempt is possible if 2 or more embryos are transferred);
  5. Level of quality and viability of the resulting embryos;
  6. Was there any injury during embryo transfer?

Doctors also note that the point related to the level of quality of the embryos themselves depends on other reasons (the woman’s age, how difficult the transfer was, etc.).

Why it doesn't work (video)


Doctors recommend that couples who have been unable to conceive a child naturally for a year should go to an appointment with a urologist and gynecologist as soon as possible. The age of the expectant mother directly affects the health of the child. Thus, experts note that regardless of the method of conception, women after 40 years of age are more likely to give birth to children with Down syndrome.

Successful IVF the first time, doctors' reviews confirm this, does not happen as rarely as it might seem at first glance. This is achieved thanks to the ability of doctors to use modern medical instruments and procedures, for example, preimplantation diagnosis of the embryo, laser hatching, ICSI technique, cultivation of the embryo until it becomes a blastocyst.

Studying reviews of IVF from the first attempt, you can notice that when using donor sperm or oocytes, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and subsequent childbirth increases significantly.

Women who have only one functioning ovary can also expect a successful in vitro fertilization protocol. This is also made possible by a wide range of stimulating and supportive medications.

Those patients who succeeded in IVF the first time claim that they intuitively understood that the protocol would be successful. Not the least role in this is played not only by compliance with medical recommendations, but also by the positive mood of the expectant mother, the right image life and avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

Preparation rules

Almost every future mom who has decided to undergo in vitro fertilization is thinking about how to prepare for IVF so that it works the first time. Often doctors, in particular the reproductive specialist who will implement the protocol, answer this topic quite clearly.

First of all, you should provide your doctor with as much detailed information as possible regarding your history of infertility. Test results need to be prepared ultrasound examinations and conclusions of narrow specialists who examined the patient earlier.

If a reproductive specialist asks a question regarding your health status or treatment methods, you need to give truthful answers, because the likelihood of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth directly depends on this. Immediately before the procedure, you need to find out from your doctor what time and what vitamins you should take to prepare your body.

The most important step is to cure all concomitant pathologies, because they significantly reduce the likelihood of success in the first IVF protocol. The nutrition of the expectant mother must be correct. Maximum enrichment of the diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, healthy food- recipe for success.