The main causes and treatment of thin endometrium. Causes of thin endometrium and features of treatment of pathology

Female body arranged in a special way. Every month the uterus prepares for pregnancy, it inner layer by the middle of the cycle it actively grows, and if pregnancy does not occur, it is rejected. As a consequence, there is menstrual bleeding, in which unnecessary particles of the endometrium come out along with the blood.

Sufficient thickness of the endometrium in the middle of the cycle, that is, during the period of ovulation, is necessary so that the embryo can attach to the uterine cavity and begin to feed from it. If the endometrium is too thin, then this will not happen, the embryo will die and pregnancy will not occur. Let's consider if the endometrium is thin, is it possible to get pregnant, what is the norm of the endometrium for conception and how to build up the endometrium so that pregnancy occurs.

Thin endometrium according to ultrasound results it is called endometrial hypoplasia. The causes of thin endometrium may be as follows:

  • Hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases, in which the balance of female sex hormones is disrupted.
  • Injury to the endometrium during curettage, operations in the uterine cavity.
  • Poor circulation of the uterus.
  • Underdeveloped uterus.
  • Frequent inflammatory and infectious diseases uterine cavity (endometritis).

To grow the endometrium, you must first identify the cause of the disease and eliminate it. To do this, a woman undergoes a pelvic ultrasound, passes lab tests, if necessary, performs laparoscopy and other instrumental studies.

The endometrium of the uterus and pregnancy are very closely interconnected. It is the endometrium that is responsible for the formation of the placenta of the unborn child, for its nutrition and further development. Thin endometrium - common reason infertility, therefore, if pregnancy does not occur, doctors are recommended to undergo an ultrasound and check the thickness of the uterine mucosa.

Structure of the uterus. Source:

The endometrium changes throughout the cycle; let us consider in detail the dimensions of the mucous layer by day:

  • On days 1-4 the thickness ranges from 5 to 7 mm.
  • On days 5-6, the endometrium increases to 6-9 mm.
  • On the 10th day, the thickness is already 10 mm.
  • By the end of growth, on days 10-14, the thickness of the endometrium can reach 1.5 cm.

Towards the end of the growth of the endometrium, ovulation occurs. If the egg is not fertilized, then by the end of the cycle the endometrium loosens and begins to be rejected. Menstruation occurs.

What kind of endometrium should there be in order to get pregnant, women are interested. For conception to be successful, the endometrium must be normal. Not thin and not too thick. In this case, the embryo is easily implanted into the wall of the uterus and pregnancy will occur.


It is difficult to say for sure whether it is possible to get pregnant if the endometrium is 7 mm or less. IN medical practice There are cases when conception occurred even with a very thin endometrium, about 4-5 mm. But such cases are more likely a happy accident.

In addition, they also influence accompanying illnesses. If a woman has a whole bunch of pathologies in the form of an inflammatory process, hormonal imbalance, then pregnancy will not occur. And the fault will not be the thin endometrium, but other diseases.

Even if a pregnancy occurs with a thin endometrium, there is a high risk that it will be pathological. That is, there is a high probability of miscarriage and fetal hypoxia due to placental insufficiency. Possible complications during childbirth in the form of a weak labor activity, a caesarean section may be required.

If a woman becomes pregnant with a thin endometrium, she must immediately register with a gynecologist. This condition requires special monitoring and often medicinal support, otherwise there is a high probability of complications.

It is worth noting that auxiliary reproductive technologies not used for thin endometrium. Because the probability successful IVF with hypoplasia it is very small. Carrying out the procedure will most likely be a waste of money. First you need to undergo treatment, restore normal function uterus and only then can we talk about planning a pregnancy.


Before prescribing treatment for thin endometrium and planning pregnancy, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. To do this, the woman is examined by a gynecologist and sent for the following tests:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • smear from the vagina and cervix;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;

Based on the results of the study, it will be possible to confirm the thin endometrium, as well as establish the cause of this disorder. Further treatment will directly depend on the cause of the pathology.

If thin endometrium was detected during pregnancy, then probable cause disorders - lack of progesterone in the body. If hormone deficiency has been confirmed, then hormonal support with progesterone preparations, for example, Duphaston, Utrozhestan, will be prescribed.


If we're talking about about preparing for pregnancy and a woman is thinking about how to grow the endometrium, then she definitely needs to be examined. If inflammation is detected, the woman will be treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is quite possible that by eliminating inflammation, it will be possible to normalize the functioning of the uterus.

In case of hormonal disorders, you will need to visit an endocrinologist. If endocrine disorders are detected, therapy will be specific, depending on the pathology found. IN general procedure usually prescribed combined contraceptives. Such products help restore the menstrual cycle and grow the endometrium.

To improve blood circulation in the body, Actovegin is prescribed. It is also possible to use homeopathic medicines, for example, Gormel. In complex treatment, women are prescribed vitamin complexes to strengthen general immunity.


To grow the endometrium, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the uterus. Physiotherapy helps with this. Such procedures improve the nutrition of the tissues of the genital organs, eliminate inflammatory processes, but physiotherapy is necessary in complex treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist.

For thin endometrium, the following physiotherapy methods are used:

  • Magnet;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Laser;
  • Balneotherapy.

Massage is useful for thin endometrium. IN mandatory appointed physiotherapy, with a bias towards the pelvic area and pelvic floor. The following exercises are effective:

  • Deep squats, lunges;
  • Abdominal exercises;
  • Exercise bike, scissors;

You need to exercise every day to have an effect. If a woman doesn’t really like strength exercises, you can sign up for aerobics, dancing, or the pool. It is not so important what kind of sport the patient will engage in. The most important thing is for a woman to move. Then blood circulation will be restored and the endometrium will begin to grow normally.


A woman’s reproductive function largely depends on her lifestyle, and especially nutrition. Eating fatty, sweet foods, with dyes, carcinogens and chemical additives is one of the causes of obesity, hormonal imbalance and thin endometrium. Hunger strikes, strict diets also not in the best possible way affect the patient's fertility.

According to statistics, they are full and too skinny women suffer from infertility much more often than women with a normal physique. Therefore, nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

If a woman wants to grow the endometrium and become pregnant, she needs to normalize her weight. If you are obese or malnourished, proper balanced diet. To follow it, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, 3 main meals, 2-3 snacks.
  • You need to steam, boil, bake or grill without oil.
  • Sugar is excluded from the diet and replaced with fruits, dried fruits, and honey.
  • Only fresh and healthy foods, there should not be any ready-made dishes with unknown composition in the diet.
  • It is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking. Bad habits interfere with blood circulation in the uterus and negate treatment.

There is no need to exclude fats or carbohydrates from the diet; all microelements are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But you need to use it healthy carbohydrates, that is, porridge, bran, not sugar and flour. And fats should be healthy, vegetable, for example, nuts, olive oil, linseed oil etc. Oils should not be heated; they are added to salads.

Proper nutrition significantly increases the chances of successful conception and helps a woman bear a healthy child.


Treatment of thin endometrium is best done under the supervision of a doctor, because it is important to eliminate the exact cause of the disorder. Self-medication blindly can only complicate the situation and worsen the woman’s condition. For example, if a patient starts drinking herbs with phytohormones during a hormonal imbalance, it can only increase the imbalance.

Folk remedies are used in complex therapy thin endometrium, the following means can be used:

    • Sage decoction;
    • Pumpkin juice;
    • Raspberry leaves, etc.

Before use folk remedies You must make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components of the product.

Article outline

What is thin endometrium and why is it so dangerous? The endometrium is a mucous layer lining inner part uterus necessary for implantation of the egg. But if there is too much in the uterus thin layer mucous membrane, the egg simply will not have anything to attach itself to, that is, the woman will not be able to get pregnant.

Why is this pathology observed? There are many causes of the disease, the main one being hormonal imbalance, but there may be others - inflammatory processes, abortion. What to do in this case can only be determined by a doctor after an examination. The causes and treatment are very closely interrelated; to normalize the thickness of the endometrium, it is necessary to determine what caused the disease, and then begin appropriate treatment.

Attention: You cannot start taking medications on your own without consulting with your supervising doctor!

Why does the endometrium shrink?

The reasons for thin endometrium are various; among the main factors why the endometrium does not have the proper thickness are the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • disturbances in the blood supply to the uterus;
  • congenital anomalies of the uterus;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • frequent use of Postinor (a remedy for emergency contraception).

The condition of the endometrium is affected by reasons such as surgical interventions on the uterus, including abortion. Often similar problem diagnosed in women with insufficient physical development body, short stature, narrow pelvis. This does not mean that insufficiency of the endometrial layer will be determined in all these cases, but the inability to become pregnant for a long time against the background of these factors should be the reason for visiting a doctor.


It is not uncommon to see psychosomatic reasons who don't have external definition. Treatment of such a problem requires the participation not so much of a gynecologist as of a psychotherapist or neurologist, since the main causes lie in depression and chronic fatigue.


A thin layer of endometrium often manifests itself as the following:

  • cycle is irregular;
  • discharge during menstruation is scanty, the duration is extremely short;
  • there is frequent spotting between separate periods (you need to pay attention to the color of the discharge; brown and black require immediate medical attention);
  • miscarriages, infertility.

Signs of endometrial thinning may include weak secondary sexual characteristics and anorgasmia. Outwardly, symptoms may not appear, but it should be remembered that such a disease is quite dangerous and can lead to the most negative consequences.

How do periods behave?

Menstruation deserves special attention during diagnosis. They are short-term, extremely scanty, but frequent spotting is observed during the intermenstrual cycle. Heavy periods are not observed at all, internal bleeding can only be detected during a miscarriage, which itself is one of the causes of the disease. The menstrual cycle is generally disturbed, its unevenness is observed, discharge may not be observed at all long time or step on too often.

How to identify

Determine how thin the epithelium is and how this may affect the possibility natural pregnancy, only the diagnostics carried out can. The following research methods are usually prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • study hormonal levels;
  • biopsy of uterine tissue;
  • histology of uterine tissue.

Diagnostics will help answer the question of what caused the disease and how to treat the thinning of the epithelium. Most often determined hormonal disbalance, in this case, appropriate therapy will be indicated. If the examination reveals inflammatory processes, then treatment will be aimed, first of all, at eliminating the root cause, after which measures will be taken to build up epithelial tissue.

Treatment with drugs

Drug treatment of thin endometrium involves taking the following medications:

  • Duphaston (a synthesized drug similar to progesterone, reduces the tone of the uterus, prevents exfoliation of the epithelium, taken on days 11-25 of the cycle, prescribed only by a doctor);
  • Melsmon (contains placenta, is used to eliminate symptoms of inflammatory processes, normalize the cycle, has a number of contraindications);
  • Actovegin (normalizes blood circulation in the genital organs, accelerates the growth of the endometrium, general course lasts 4-6 weeks, the exact scheme is calculated only by the observing doctor);
  • Gormel ( homeopathic remedy, the duration of treatment may vary, the dosage regimen is calculated only by the doctor).

Reception of any medications, especially hormonal ones, can be prescribed by a doctor after an examination. It is not recommended to start taking it on your own, as this can cause a serious deterioration in the condition.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies includes the following:

  • tea for raspberry leaves, which you can drink several times a day;
  • tinctures of boron uterus (sold in a pharmacy, taken daily, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor);
  • natural pumpkin and pineapple juices, which can be consumed in any quantity;
  • tinctures of sage, which should be taken in the first half menstrual cycle(course duration – four months);
  • combined decoctions of chamomile, elderberry inflorescences, nettle, mint, medicinal cap, yarrow (take thirty minutes before meals, three to four times a day).

It will take at least four to six months to reach the required thickness, but the first results will be clearly visible within a couple of months from the start of treatment. However, the use of folk remedies must be agreed upon with the supervising physician and combined with methods traditional medicine. This is the only way to get a reliable and sustainable result.


Physiotherapy gives a stable, positive effect; in addition, this method of treatment is gentle, it does not have negative side effects and significantly reduces the body's dependence on medications. For treatment, massages, ultrasound, mud baths, ultraviolet. The procedures are recommended to be carried out in the first days after menstruation has ended; to enhance the effect, physiotherapy can be combined with physical exercise, exercise therapy.

Proper nutrition

To return the normal thickness of the mucous membrane, proper and nutritious nutrition is necessary. Products with high content vitamins E and A, salicylates. The diet should include vegetables, fatty fish, berries, apples, honey, various dried fruits, cinnamon, paprika, thyme. The amount of tea and coffee should be limited, as well as excessively fatty, sweet foods, fast food should be excluded altogether.

Together with a complete diet don't forget about support physical fitness. You should walk more, dance, various types sports, visit swimming pools.


When treating the endometrium, much attention is paid good nutrition and saturating the body with microelements. Highest value has vitamin E, which is found in milk, raspberry leaves, citrus fruits, and many vegetables. Pineapples, tangerines, grapefruits, in which there is observed high level vitamin A.

Thin endometrium and pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, the thickness of the endometrium is decisive; too thin a layer makes the attachment of the egg simply impossible. It should be taken into account that the maximum thickness of the mucosa is observed on days 24-27 of the cycle, this is 1-1.3 cm in a normal situation. For conception, 0.9-1.3 cm is enough; this thickness is achieved at approximately 11-14 days. But if there are problems with the endometrium, its thickness will be as early stages cycle, that is, within 0.3-0.5 mm.

What are the dangers of this during pregnancy? In the first trimester, spontaneous miscarriage is likely, which may be accompanied by severe uterine bleeding. It is also a big question whether it is even possible to get pregnant. Even after a successful IVF procedure, a woman is prescribed treatment to return the thickness of the endometrium to normal. It is usually safe for pregnant women traditional methods, vitamin complexes and some physiotherapy measures. Therefore, when deciding whether pregnancy can occur and what measures should be taken, you must immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination, prescribe a treatment regimen before IVF and during the process itself. dangerous first trimester.


In everyday life, a thin layer of the endometrium causes inconvenience only in the presence of intermenstrual discharge; otherwise, it does not cause any special problems for a woman. But for a pregnant woman, the consequences can be the most dangerous. These are uterine bleeding, the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage (usually only in the early stages).

IVF for thin endometrium

In some cases it may not bring results, the only solution with thin endometrium is IVF. This is an artificial insemination procedure that may require a long time and compliance with hormonal therapy. But in most cases, women manage to get pregnant normally, although the doctor must monitor the patient all the time before giving birth.


Many women reproductive age are faced with the problem of infertility, which appears due to a thin endometrium. This is the inner layer located in the uterine cavity.

The uterus is considered a unique organ that allows a woman to carry out the function of childbearing. The uterus includes the following structural parts:

  • body;
  • neck.

The body of the uterus consists of several layers.

  1. The outside of the uterus is covered with a serous membrane.
  2. The myometrium is a muscular layer that allows the uterus to stretch during fetal growth and contract during menstruation and childbirth.
  3. The inner layer or lining of the uterus, the endometrium, allows implantation ovum.

The endometrium is supplied blood vessels. Under the influence of hormones during the cycle, the functional layer of the endometrium grows, preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If conception does not occur, under the influence of sex steroids, the functional layer is rejected and leaves the uterine cavity in the form of menstruation.

Any fluctuations in hormonal levels lead to changes in the thickness of the endometrium, which can become either thin or thick. Thin endometrium causes infertility and miscarriage.

The lower limit of normal endometrial thickness for implantation of the fertilized egg is 7 mm. This pathology occurs quite often among women in the reproductive cycle.


Gynecologists note that the thickness of the endometrium varies depending on different days cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, the endometrium is quite thin, its thickness ranges from 5 to 9 mm. Before menstruation, the endometrium is normally not thin. Thickness is up to 1.3 cm.

The endometrium is considered thin, if its thickness does not exceed 5 mm. Gynecologists call thin endometrium hypoplasia or thinning of the inner layer of the uterus.

There are many reasons for thin endometrium. Among the main causes of thin endometrium, experts identify:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • violation of the blood supply to the uterus, which is congenital;
  • inflammatory pathologies in chronic form;
  • PCOS;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • repeated use of drugs related to emergency contraception, for example, Postinor.

Surgical interventions negatively affect the inner layer of the uterus, causing the appearance of thin endometrium. Curettage is extremely undesirable, especially as part of a surgical termination of pregnancy. It should be remembered that abortions can cause thin endometrium.

Thin endometrium is often found in girls with underdeveloped uterus. In such cases, thin endometrium is combined with a narrow pelvis, short stature, late offensive menstruation and small volume of mammary glands.

Clinical picture

There are no specific signs of such a pathology as thin endometrium. Many women, before planning a pregnancy, do not pay attention to some manifestations and are not aware of the presence of a thin endometrium.

As a rule, women are diagnosed with “thin endometrium” when planning pregnancy. Usually the diagnosis is made when a specialist is looking for the reason why pregnancy does not occur. In some cases, thin endometrium causes miscarriage.

Signs of thin endometrium include:

  • scanty periods;
  • cycle disorders;
  • painful periods;
  • clots in menstrual flow;
  • acyclic menstrual flow;
  • bleeding.

If symptoms occur hormonal disorders You should visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Probability of pregnancy

Pathology of the internal uterine layer has Negative influence on the likelihood of pregnancy. Hypoplasia prevents the fertilized egg from attaching. However, in gynecological practice, there are cases of conception with a thickness of the inner layer of 4 mm. When pregnancy occurs, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion, toxicosis, uterine bleeding, weak labor activity.

After conception occurs, the inner layer gradually increases. This allows the doctor to suspect pregnancy even in the absence of visualization of the fertilized egg. During short-term pregnancy, the thickness of the inner layer is subject to close influence by the gynecologist. With pathologies such as hypoplasia, miscarriage may occur. In order to prolong pregnancy and eliminate pathology, special medications are used.

The IVF procedure is not performed for hypoplasia, since the percentage of successful implantation is extremely low. Initially, the causes of pathology and hypoplasia are eliminated, and then the IVF procedure is performed.

Diagnosis and treatment

Revealing pathological condition possible through different methods research. The doctor carefully examines the patient’s complaints and medical history, and then prescribes an examination:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in different phases cycle;
  • hormonal diagnostics;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • aspiration biopsy.

Diagnostics allows us to determine hypoplasia and the causes of its occurrence. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the diagnostic results.

In a significant number of cases, hypoplasia is caused hormonal reasons. Pregnant patients are advised to hormonal drugs, in particular those containing progesterone.

If the cause of the pathology is inflammatory process, it is advisable to prescribe drugs to eliminate the source of infection. Sometimes there is a need for surgical intervention. The patient undergoes curettage and is prescribed hormone therapy. Surgical intervention promotes the process of mucosal renewal uterine body, allows you to normalize its thickness.

If the cause of the pathological condition is circulatory disorders, patients are recommended physiotherapy, massage, hirudotherapy, therapeutic exercises and acupuncture.

Drug therapy

In the treatment of disorders of the thickness of the inner layer of the uterine body, drugs are widely used. drug therapy. The basis drug treatment constitute hormonal drugs and other drugs.

  1. Duphaston. The drug is an artificial progesterone, which prepares the uterus for conception, eliminates increased tone, prevents detachment. It is advisable to use duphaston as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Melsmon. This is a placenta-based drug that is used to normalize the cycle and eliminate inflammation. The medicine is not used during pregnancy, endocrine disorders, hypertension.
  3. Actovegin. The drug improves blood circulation in the genital organs, which helps eliminate hypoplasia. During pregnancy, the drug begins to be taken from the sixteenth week.
  4. Gormel. This is a homeopathic remedy that is used to activate the production of estrogen. The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients. Due to its alcohol content, Hormel is not used during pregnancy. The drug should not be used if renal failure and pregnancy planning.
  5. Estradiol preparations are prescribed in the first phase of the cycle to build up the endometrium, since its hypoplasia is a consequence of low estrogen production. They use both tablets (Proginova) and local ones (Divigel, Ovestin).


Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment have a fairly beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane. Included complex treatment they have a gentle effect. The main advantage of the procedures is the absence of pronounced side effects and a minimum of contraindications.

For hypoplasia, the following physiotherapeutic methods are used:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet;
  • ultrasound;
  • mud baths;
  • massage.

Physical exercise and walks are beneficial fresh air and proper balanced nutrition.


It is known that poor nutrition often becomes the reason various diseases. Insufficient intake into the body useful substances is one of the causes of hypoplasia.

Gynecologists point out that the diet must include rich in proteins and vitamins A and E products. Fish is very healthy fatty varieties, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Eating dried fruits, honey, and red wine has a good effect. Sweet and fatty foods, processed foods, and strong drinks should be limited due to their negative influence on the body.

Proper nutrition should be combined with moderate physical activity.