Acute and chronic cervicitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. What candles to use for inflammation of the cervix

: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, sexually transmitted viruses, fungi,

  • coccal infections of the genital tract,
  • prolapse of the cervix,
  • Weak defense mechanisms
  • Injuries of the mucous membrane of the cervix ( trauma during childbirth, abortion, other manipulations),
  • Illiterate use of local contraceptives, as well as the use of acids for these purposes,
  • Hormonal imbalance during menopause.
  • Diagnostics

    The main way to determine cervicitis is an examination by a gynecologist using mirrors. This method is simple and does not cause discomfort at all. The mucosa is swollen on examination, may be covered with small hemorrhages, erosions. If the cause of the inflammation is an infection, specific secretions are observed.

    Signs of a chronic form:

    • Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the cervix,
    • Slight discharge, in rare cases with the presence of pus.
    In the treatment of the chronic form, along with antibiotics, an important place is occupied by physiotherapeutic methods, as well as exposure to liquid nitrogen, laser, diathermocoagulation ( cauterization).


    The non-specific form of the disease is provoked by opportunistic microflora: Candida, Gardnerella, Enterococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    The signs of this form of the disease practically do not differ from the signs of a typical form: pain can be observed less often and not too sharp, itching is not uncommon, as well as quite abundant discharge, the nature of which is determined by the pathogen.


    Atrophic cervicitis develops during the period of physiological aging against the background of a decrease in the production of female sex hormones.
    Lack of estrogen leads to changes in the processes occurring in the vaginal epithelium. In addition, the protective functions of the vaginal microflora and the acidity of the environment decrease. Conditions are more conducive to the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is cervicitis that is the most common age-related diseases of the cervix.
    The mucous membrane becomes thinner, ulcers and foci of inflammation appear on it.
    For diagnostics atrophic form the patient is examined and a swab is taken from the vagina. By the nature of the smear, you can accurately determine the form of inflammation.

    The most effective method is hormone replacement therapy. It allows you to normalize the functions of the mucous membrane and stop the process of cell atrophy.
    The best method of treatment is a local effect: candles, creams, vaginal tablets with female sex hormones will help normalize blood circulation, microflora and improve muscle tone.


    1. Elimination of the pathogen ( acyclovir, metronidazole, diflucan, terzhinan, doxycycline),
    2. Hormonal preparations ( more often prescribed in chronic forms). The most commonly used - ovestin in the form of vaginal suppositories, cream or tablets. The drug normalizes the state of the tissue of the mucous membrane of the cervix, is used according to the following scheme: Ovestin 0.5 mg once a day for 21 days in a row. Then 0.5 mg every 3 days for 21 days, then 0.5 mg once every 7 days,
    3. Correction of the vaginal microflora with the help of eubiotics and immunocorrectors ( hilak forte and imudon ).
    4. In the presence of erosion, cryotherapy, laser therapy, or another method of treating erosion is indicated. But this stage is started only after the complete suppression of the inflammatory process.


    The most preferred dosage form of drugs in the treatment of cervicitis are suppositories or vaginal creams. They are used as antibiotics or combined drugs ( metronidazole, terzhinan), and hormonal preparations, including estrogens.
    If the inflammation is caused by a viral infection, antiviral drugs are used in the form of suppositories.

    Alternative treatment

    1. With candidal form: take 20 grams of juniper, sage, tansy, birch buds, 10 grams of yarrow, eucalyptus, alder cones. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, steam in a sealed container for 10 minutes, set aside from heat for half an hour, pass through a sieve and consume 70 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening after a meal. The duration of treatment is 4 - 12 weeks. For douching at night, add 10 ml of an alcohol preparation of eucalyptus or calendula to the prepared broth. Do the procedure every day for 14 - 21 days.

    2. For viral etiology: take 20 grams of mint, thyme, raspberry leaf, juniper cones, 10 grams of wormwood and adonis. 2 tablespoons of the collection brew 400 ml of boiling water, hold for 60 minutes under the lid, pass through a sieve and consume orally in a day. Can be combined with ingestion of Eleutherococcus tincture 40 drops twice a day ( not for the night) throughout the month.

    3. Take the same amount of wormwood, oak bark, bird cherry flowers, twice as many strawberry leaves and three times as many rose hips. Grind everything in a coffee grinder, take 1 liter of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of the mixture, keep in a thermos for 8 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of admission is 12 - 16 weeks.

    Pregnancy and cervicitis

    Pregnancy against the background of cervicitis threatens with premature birth or miscarriage, infection of the unborn child, as well as severe complications after childbirth.

    The most common and dangerous is the ascending route of infection, when it enters the body through the vagina. It is in this way that amniotic fluid can become infected. If the infection of the fetus occurred in the early stages of development, there is a possibility of the formation of congenital malformations, as well as placental insufficiency.

    If infection occurs later, the development of the fetus may be inhibited.
    When the fetus is infected in the first three months of pregnancy, the infection covers the entire body of the unborn child.

    During pregnancy, cervicitis often occurs in a latent form, which complicates its detection.

    Sumamed is used as the main drug in the treatment of an atypical form of inflammation in pregnant women ( azithromycin) in the form of tablets and topical preparations.

    Sex with cervicitis

    Often, sexual intercourse with cervicitis causes inconvenience and discomfort. If this is not observed and if the inflammation is not associated with the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body, sexual intercourse is not prohibited.

    Cervicitis diagnosis

    Cervicitis is total infectious process in the cervix, including inflammation of the mucosa of the canal and inflammation of the mucosa of the vaginal segment of the cervix. Cervicitis is rarely an isolated condition, in 75-80% of cases the disease is accompanied by related pathologies - vaginitis and endometritis. Launched cervicitis can lead to cervical erosion, the formation of polyps in the uterine cavity, malignant degeneration of the cellular structures of the uterus, and infertility.

    Cervicitis: causes

    It develops as a result of invasion of the cervical canal by streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, less often viruses, Trichomonas. Anaerobic microflora and chlamydia play a certain role in the occurrence of cervicitis. Cervicitis of syphilitic or tuberculous etiology is relatively rare.

    At the first stage, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is affected with further involvement in pathological process stroma. The acute form of cervicitis is characterized by the expansion of the vascular pattern, the accumulation of leukocytes near the glands and blood vessels, periglandular / perivascular abscesses. Patients are concerned about moderate pain in the lower abdomen, burning in the vagina, mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the genital tract, postcoital bleeding, frequent urge to urinate. A gynecological examination reveals swelling, redness of the mucous membrane of the vaginal segment of the cervix, signs of pseudo-erosion or "solid erosion".

    Diagnosis acute cervicitis» put on the basis of a visual examination of the cervix using a colposcope and vaginal mirrors, anamnesis, data bacteriological research detachable cervical canal. Transferred viral infection, conjunctivitis, fever - a reason for virological research. Therapy is carried out taking into account the stage of the disease, concomitant pathologies, the nature of the pathogen. Vaginal douching is prescribed with a solution of lactic acid, chamomile infusion, antibiotics or sulfonamides (bacterial C), Tetracycline and Doxycycline (chlamydial C), Metronidazole (anaerobic microflora), leukocyte interferon preparations (viral C).

    Cervicitis - possible complications:

    • recurrent infectious process in the organs genitourinary system;
    • "launch" of the pathological mechanism: cervical erosion - dysplasia - oncology;
    • polyps on the cervix and in the uterine cavity;
    • malignant degeneration (malignancy) of the cellular structures of the uterus;
    • miscarriage, infertility.

    Chronic cervicitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

    The chronic stage of the disease is a consequence of untreated acute cervicitis. It is characterized by scanty mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the vagina, edema and slight hyperemia of the cervix.

    Morphological signs of chronic cirvicitis:

    • muscle and connective tissue elements are involved in the inflammatory process;
    • discharge from the genital tract intensifies 1-2 days after the end of menstruation;
    • the cervical canal is re-infected, the rejection of the epithelium is not excluded;
    • the cervix is ​​hypertrophied and compacted;
    • squamous epithelium partially replaces cylindrical epithelium, metaplasia of the epithelium is likely;
    • infiltrates and cysts appear.

    Diagnostic measures

    Diagnosis of chronic cervicitis is often difficult due to blurred symptoms, which leads to untimely therapy and the transition of the disease to long process, flowing with exacerbations, difficult to respond to drug treatment.

    Step-by-step differential diagnosis of cervicitis:

    • a thorough analysis of the anamnesis with the obligatory consideration of the postponed childbirth and gynecological surgical interventions;
    • assessment of the clinical picture;
    • examination of the cervix and cervical canal with the help of mirrors;
    • study of the results of cytology, microbiological research.

    Required tests:

    • macroscopic examination of vaginal discharge, urethra, cervical canal for bacterial flora;
    • smear for oncocytology;
    • bacteriological culture with the isolation of the pathogen, the identification of its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
    • general analysis of urine, blood;
    • test for HIV and syphilis, seeding for gonococcus;
    • colposcopy (detection of deformed segments that differ in vascular structure, color, structure from the rest of the surface);
    • diagnosis of ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, papillomavirus, herpetic infections.

    Treatment of chronic cervicitis

    Preparations for the treatment of cervicitis:

    • Doxycycline (0.2 g per day throughout the course);
    • Acyclovir (200 mg five times a day for 5 days);
    • Sumamed ( single dose, the dosage is determined by the attending physician depending on the type of pathogen);
    • Valtrex (twice a day, 500 mg for 5 days);
    • Terzhinan (one suppository per day, for 10-12 days);
    • Tarivid (once 2 tablets);
    • Maxakvin (once a day, 400 mg, the duration of admission is determined by the doctor);
    • Erythromycin (the duration of the course / dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the type of pathogen).

    Candles from cervicitis

    Preparations in the form of suppositories (suppositories) are widely used in the complex treatment of chronic cervicitis. Their use allows a targeted effect on the immunopathogenesis of the inflammatory process by regenerating disturbed homeostasis. The optimal ratio of components in suppositories guarantees active absorption of the cervical mucosa and good tolerance.

    Terzhinan. Antifungal and antibacterial suppositories of complex action, active against pyogenic bacteria, Trichomonas, anaerobic flora, Candida fungi. They have a local anti-inflammatory effect. Auxiliary components of suppositories preserve the integrity of the vaginal epithelium in infectious and inflammatory diseases, maintain a normal pH balance.

    Polygynax. Combined drug, characterized by antifungal, bactericidal, antibacterial effect. The active substances of Polygynax (polymyxin, neomycin) neutralize many gram-positive / gram-negative microorganisms, improve trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa.

    Betadine. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial suppositories, effective against viruses, fungi, bacteria, quickly restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

    Macmirror complex. Candles are included in the group of antiseptics and antimicrobials. They have a pronounced antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal effect. Do not violate the physiological flora, restore the normocenosis of the vagina.

    Cervicitis during pregnancy

    The problem of cervicitis is of particular importance during pregnancy. The presence in the anamnesis of the diagnosis "cervicitis" implies a high probability of premature birth, purulent-septic complications, intrauterine infection fetus. In Russia, the percentage of intrauterine infections ranges from 6-50%, reaching 75% among premature babies. The frequency of perinatal mortality from this pathology varies from 3% to 65%. There are five routes of penetration of an infectious agent into the body of a pregnant woman: descending, ascending, mixed, transdecidual, hematogenous. The greatest danger is ascending, in which the infection enters the uterus through the cervical canal. The chronic focus of inflammation in the cervical canal serves as a convenient "gateway" for pathogenic viruses and bacteria. If intrauterine infection occurred on early dates pregnancy, embryopathies are formed that provoke primary placental insufficiency and congenital malformations - this ends with an undeveloped pregnancy and miscarriages.

    Infection in the later stages is accompanied by a delay in fetal development, generalized / local lesions of the fetus, the formation of repeated placental insufficiency. Generalized forms of infection most often develop in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is not yet able to localize inflammation. In the third semester, inflammatory mutations cause obturation (blockage) or a significant narrowing of the holes / channels, which leads to anomalies of an already formed organ - hydronephrosis and hydrocephalus. During gestation (number full weeks gestation) the cervix protects the fetal egg and the uterine cavity from exogenous pathogens, performing a barrier role. Cervicitis provokes premature termination of pregnancy due to infection of the embryo, placenta, amniotic fluid, the fetus itself.

    Infection of waters and membranes is also possible with ascending infection. Pathogenic organisms penetrate the fetal fluid, migrate between the membranes and reach the basal plate, where they are opposed by leukocyte infiltration. In parallel, a focus of infection is structured in the amniotic fluid, which causes the death of the fetus.

    Cervicitis: treatment during pregnancy

    Cervicitis during pregnancy requires an urgent detailed examination and complex therapy. Used antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial drugs, considering the type of infectious agent and its drug resistance. The safest and most effective drug for the treatment of cervicitis in pregnant women is Sumamed. He has proven himself in the treatment of mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydial infections. Sumamed (active substance - azistromycin) remains in the focus of inflammation for 5-8 days, which allows doctors to develop the shortest (3 days) and safe treatment courses for pregnant women. timely and adequate therapy disease allows you to neutralize the complications associated with pregnancy, and significantly increases the likelihood of normal delivery.

    Treatment of cervicitis with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of cervicitis can only be used "in conjunction" with traditional methods and only after consultation with doctors. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.

    Prevention of cervicitis:

    Cervicitis is a serious pathology that can lead to infertility, so it is impossible to ignore the “first bells” indicating the presence of an infection in the genitals. Adequate and timely treatment of the disease allows you to avoid many health troubles and complications associated with the conception and bearing of a child.

    Cervical erosion is a condition in which a defect forms on the mucous membrane of the organ. Various causes of pathology require different treatment. Among other methods, the use of suppositories for cervical erosion is popular. In what situations is such a treatment regimen acceptable?

    Indications for the use of candles

    Not every pathology of the cervix can be treated with suppositories (candles, vaginal tablets). Drug treatment helps in the fight against the disease in such situations:

    • True (defect of the mucous membrane that arose against the background of infections and injuries);
    • Any pathology of the cervix, complicated by an inflammatory process (cervicitis): ectopia, ectropion, dysplasia, etc .;
    • Therapy of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) before or after destructive treatment.

    Treatment with gynecological suppositories of true erosion is quite justified. This pathology occurs against the background of inflammatory changes in the genital tract. One course of local therapy is usually enough to get rid of colpitis and cervicitis. After the inflammation subsides, true erosion - a defect in the mucous membrane - disappears on its own. Other methods of therapy are not required here.

    Often erosion occurs and progresses against the background of cervicitis. In some cases, it is enough to cure the accompanying inflammation with a course of suppositories for the pathology of the cervix to pass.

    On a note

    The selection of suppositories for the treatment of erosion should be carried out taking into account the identified pathogen.

    In the treatment of other forms of erosion, gynecological suppositories are used only as one of the stages of treatment. And if in the case of mild dysplasia, which usually occurs against the background of chronic cervicitis, the means used will bring the desired effect, then in other situations it will not be so easy to get rid of the problem.

    Conditions in which suppositories are used as part of complex therapy:

    • Ectropion (eversion of the mucous membrane);
    • Leukoplakia;
    • Dysplasia of moderate and severe degree.

    In these situations, suppositories are used with the simultaneous presence of inflammation (cervicitis) and cervical erosion. Local therapy allows you to remove the focus of inflammation, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and restore the balance of normal microflora. In the future, destructive methods of therapy are usually used. Often, only cauterization (diathermocoagulation, laser vaporization, radio wave therapy, etc.) makes it possible to completely get rid of erosion.

    The scheme of application of suppositories

    During treatment with suppositories, you must follow these simple rules:

    • Vaginal suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina. Rectal - in the rectum;
    • It is better to introduce candles at night. After using the drug, you should remain in a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes;
    • Some vaginal suppositories can be used during menstruation. If necessary, take a break for the duration of monthly bleeding. Rectal suppositories can be placed on any day of the cycle;
    • During therapy, you should especially carefully observe personal hygiene, regularly change underwear and towels.

    Vaginal suppositories, tablets and creams must be inserted deep into the vagina. The vaginal cream is administered using a special dispenser that is attached to the drug.

    Overview of suppositories used to treat cervical pathology

    In gynecological practice, the following groups of drugs are used:

    • Candles that act directly on the causative agent of the disease (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral);
    • Candles with an anti-inflammatory component;
    • Candles that accelerate tissue healing;
    • Candles that increase immunity.
    • All suppositories for the treatment of cervical erosion can only be used as directed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable;
    • The choice of the drug takes into account the form of erosion, the age of the woman and the presence of concomitant pathology;
    • All candles should have a convenient shape. It is desirable that the selected drug does not melt in the hands, but dissolves only upon contact with the genital mucosa;
    • The route of administration of the drug is always indicated in the instructions. Before starting therapy, it will not be superfluous to study the annotation;
    • With the introduction of suppositories, there may be slight discomfort (itching, burning) in the vagina. This is a normal mucosal reaction to foreign body. Discomfort persists for no more than 15 minutes, after which all unpleasant symptoms must leave. If the burning sensation does not stop, and even more so intensifies, it is necessary to remove the candle, rinse the genitals and consult a doctor. Such a symptom may be a sign of an allergic reaction and indicates an individual intolerance to the selected drug.

    Prolonged itching and burning in the vagina after the administration of suppositories may indicate an allergic reaction to the drug.

    The effect of the use of these funds is felt after 48 hours. During this time, the discharge from the genital organs should decrease and go away. concomitant symptoms inflammation (itching, burning, discomfort in the vagina). If after 3 days the effect is not observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor to replace the medicine.

    On a note

    The therapeutic effect of suppositories-immunomodulators and some other means may appear much later. Therefore, in each specific case the issue of replacing the drug is decided individually.

    Against the background of the use of suppositories, small bleeding from the genital tract may be observed. This is possible with extensive erosion. The injected drug irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of minor spotting. If the discharge increases, you should see a doctor.

    Antibacterial and antifungal suppositories

    Suppositories from this group destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi, do not allow them to multiply and thereby eliminate the cause of inflammation. The medicinal substances contained in them act locally, which is why they practically do not cause side effects and do not lead to complications from the internal organs. Unlike systemic drugs, many vaginal suppositories and tablets are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Among the most effective candles used in gynecological practice, it is necessary to highlight:


    Broad spectrum antiseptic. Effective against a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is used to treat trichomonas and nonspecific cervicitis and colpitis that occurs against the background of erosion. Does not work against fungal infections, not effective for thrush.

    The main active ingredient of Hexicon suppositories is chlorhexidine bigluconate, an antiseptic.

    • The course of therapy - 10 days;
    • Price - 250-300 rubles.


    The main active ingredient in Betadine suppositories is povidone-iodine. Analogues of the drug are Yodosept, Yod-Ka, Vokadin, Yodovidon, Aquazan, Povidon-Iodine.

    • Approved for use during pregnancy from the first trimester;
    • The course of therapy - 7-10 days;
    • Price - 300-350 r.

    On a note

    Reviews on the use of antiseptic suppositories for cervical erosion are mostly good and indicate that such agents effectively cope with the manifestations of bacterial vaginosis and nonspecific colpitis caused by opportunistic flora.

    The treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina with Betadine candles is described in detail in the following video:

    Names of other popular suppositories for the treatment of cervical erosion:

    • "Terzhinan". Combined remedy against bacterial and fungal infections. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Price - 350-400 rubles;
    • "Klion-D 100" and "Neo-penotran forte". They are used for mixed bacterial-fungal infections. Effective in bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbacteriosis). Price - 350 / 750 rubles;
    • "Macmiror complex" and "Polygynax". Combined antibacterial and antifungal drugs. Price - 850 / 500 rubles;
    • "Clindamycin" or "Clindamycin". An antibiotic effective against many bacteria, including the famous Streptococcus agalactiae. Price - about 500 rubles;
    • Fluomizin. Broad spectrum antiseptic. Destroys fungi, bacteria and some viruses. Price - 700-800 r.

    Separately, antifungal drugs should be highlighted. They are effective only against thrush and do not work with bacterial damage:

    • "Nystatin";
    • "Clotrimazole";
    • "Livarol";
    • "Pimafucin";
    • "Gino-pevaril".

    Most drugs have cheaper analogues. When prescribing treatment, the gynecologist can choose the drug in accordance with the financial capabilities of the patient.

    The cost of antifungal agents varies in the range from 100 to 900 rubles.

    What are the best suppositories for cervical erosion and concomitant cervicitis? No gynecologist will give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the causative agent of the disease. Where one drug will remove inflammation in 7-10 days, another will be ineffective. That is why it is so important to start treatment only after receiving the results of a bacteriological examination and taking into account the sensitivity of the identified microorganisms to specific drugs.


    After a course of antibacterial or antifungal therapy, it is necessary to restore the natural microflora of the vagina with probiotics.

    Antiviral and immunomodulatory suppositories

    Since no specific antiviral local treatment has been developed, it is advisable to combine these drugs into a general group. In this section, it is worth highlighting the following tools:

    • "Viferon";
    • "Genferon";
    • "Natalsid" and others.

    The first two drugs differ in name, but in fact they are very similar. Both of these agents are human alpha interferon. They stimulate the immune system, mobilize the body's defenses to fight the disease, and also have a nonspecific antiviral effect. This means that such suppositories do not work against specific pathogens, but contribute to the destruction of any viruses. They are used to treat erosion that has arisen against the background of HPV infection, with the activation of the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus, as well as in the case of bacterial infection to stimulate local and general immunity.

    Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed in combination with other drugs for the treatment of erosion against the background of HPV or the herpes virus.

    Antiviral suppositories are injected into the rectum 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The dosage is selected individually. The cost of such treatment is from 500 r. for drug packaging.

    The drug "Natalsid" in the treatment of erosion is used as an immunostimulating agent. It does not have a direct effect on the condition of the cervix.

    Candles that enhance regeneration during cervical erosion

    This is special group drugs, which are very popular among women. Candles with a regenerative effect are used mainly after cauterization of the cervix for rapid tissue healing. They accelerate regeneration and contribute to the restoration of the epithelium. Almost never used as monotherapy. Can be assigned as a second stage after application antibacterial suppositories for speedy regeneration with true erosion.

    In the list of popular candles that contribute to rapid healing wound surface with erosion of the cervix, are:


    It has a pronounced regenerating and anti-catabolic effect. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. It is prescribed by the course for at least 7 days, 1 candle 2-4 times a day. Therapy can be extended up to 4 months as prescribed by the doctor.

    The estimated price of the drug is 70-100 rubles.


    Stimulates the regeneration of cervical tissue. Due to the inclusion in the composition of chlorhexidine, it has an antiseptic effect. It is introduced into the vagina 1 suppository 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days. According to the indications, the doctor can extend the duration of treatment up to 20 days.

    The estimated cost of the drug is 450-550 rubles.

    Sea buckthorn candles

    They have a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect. In combination with other means, they help to get rid of pathogens, restore the natural balance of the microflora of the genital tract, and accelerate the healing of tissues after cauterization.

    • Used vaginally and rectally;
    • Approved for use during pregnancy;
    • The course of therapy is from 10 days;
    • The estimated cost of the drug is about 100 rubles.

    Candles with sea buckthorn oil have regenerative properties, so they are often prescribed after cauterization of erosion.

    Sea buckthorn is a potential allergen and can cause quite a strong adverse reaction. When severe itching and burning in the vagina or rectum during the use of sea buckthorn suppositories, their use should be abandoned.

    Other suppositories used in the complex therapy of erosion:

    • Ichthyol candles;
    • Phytocandles based on cocoa butter, etc.

    On a note

    Popular contraceptive suppositories, contrary to popular belief, are not used to treat erosion. They do not have an antibacterial effect, do not contribute to the rapid healing of erosion, do not affect hormonal background. On the contrary, these drugs disrupt the microbial balance of the genital tract, so many gynecologists advise to abandon the use of contraceptive suppositories for the duration of therapy.

    Alternative Treatments

    Despite the fact that modern medicine offers big number efficient and relatively safe drugs for the treatment of erosion and concomitant cervicitis, many women refuse to use such remedies. They turn to, among which they are very popular various drugs based medicinal herbs. It is worth noting that such drugs have their own niche of application, but not all of them make sense to use in the treatment of diseases of the cervix.

    At home, many women try to use such remedies:

    • Candles with propolis;
    • Candles "Suporon" based on extracts from therapeutic Tambukan mud;
    • Homeopathic remedies in the form of suppositories ("Anti-K" and others).

    In the course are not only the funds purchased at the pharmacy, but also made independently. Unfortunately, such drugs rarely bring the desired effect. In addition, when using them, women often experience allergic reactions, which does not contribute to recovery at all.

    AT last years Chinese candles and tampons against cervical erosion are very popular. Not trusting Russian drugs, women are looking for suitable options for themselves from foreign manufacturers. However, do not blindly trust the positive reviews about these tools on the Internet.

    Some women prefer to treat erosion with remedies alternative medicine, in particular Chinese tampons, which cause a lot of controversy. The risk of using such drugs is not justified, and the consequences are sometimes deplorable.

    The influence of Chinese candles and tampons on female body not yet investigated, so practicing gynecologists do not recommend them to their patients. Using such means, a woman takes full responsibility for possible complications and acts solely at her own peril and risk.

    What suppositories are there to prevent cervical erosion?

    Are there remedies to help prevent the development of pathology? Are there any magic pills and suppositories that can be inserted into the vagina and forget about the problem forever? Unfortunately, there are no such drugs. Medical prevention erosion has not been developed. However, one cannot deny the fact that the timely treatment of infections and the use of specially selected local funds reduces the risk of developing true erosion, dysplasia and other pathologies of the cervix.

    Useful video on how to properly insert vaginal suppositories

    Women who have suffered from cervicitis for a long time know that even the most severe and unpleasant symptoms can be quickly eliminated with the help of suppositories. However, a complete cure is impossible without identifying the exact cause of the inflammation.

    In most cases, inflammation is triggered by an infection, so local preparations (which include suppositories) will not be able to solve the problem on their own. Be sure to drink or pierce antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs selected by a specialist.

    Important! Rejection systemic treatment in favor of the use of suppositories alone can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the fallopian tubes and the abdominal cavity.

    And yet suppositories for cervicitis remain one of the most used forms of medicines. With vaginal and rectal suppositories the fastest possible therapeutic result is achieved.

    What you need to remember when using suppositories for the treatment of cervicitis

    Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are used to treat various diseases of the reproductive system. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the doctor may also prescribe rectal suppositories.

    This absolutely does not mean that the drug should be used vaginally. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions, and then the anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect will not be long in coming.

    Remember! Despite the fact that the article will give many names, indeed effective drugs, it is strictly forbidden to use them without prior consultation with a doctor.

    Candles with anti-inflammatory action are usually only an addition to the main therapeutic course. A local medicine will enhance the effect of other antibacterial or antiviral drugs used systemically.

    Terzhinan and Polygynax: vaginal capsules with combined action

    A drug called Terzhinan contains several active ingredients at once: nystatin, neomycin sulfate, ternidazole. Such wide range antibacterial agents are distinguished by their activity against:

    • Staphylococcus;
    • Streptococcus;
    • Gram-negative organisms;
    • Yeast-like candida.

    The dosage is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, and only on the basis of the test results. The standard instruction prescribes to use no more than one vaginal tablet per day.

    The duration of therapy for cervicitis should not exceed 10 days. At chronic inflammation cervix Terzhinan can be used for prophylaxis (a course lasting 6 days).

    Polygynax vaginal capsules consist of neomycin, polymyxin B, nystatin. Also, like Terzhinan, Polygynax is effective in the fight against fungal organisms, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Most often, these 2 types of vaginal capsules are prescribed as part of the complex therapy of nonspecific vaginitis.

    It is very easy to use Poligynax: it is enough to place one capsule deep into the vagina once a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 12 days. During therapy, it is recommended to wear only cotton underwear, refuse to use tampons, condoms. But during menstruation, it is not worth interrupting the introduction of capsules.

    Klion-D: combined vaginal tablets

    Candles from cervicitis Klion-D (the main active ingredients: metronidazole, miconazole) are usually prescribed to women with chronic, constantly recurrent cervicitis caused by Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida albicans. The course of therapy lasts 10 days: once a day (preferably at bedtime), one vaginal tablet should be administered.

    The results of using the drug Klion-D will be more effective if the therapy is supplemented with oral administration of metronidazole, and a week after the completion of the course of treatment, the microflora is restored with the help of lactobacilli.

    It has also been proven that Klion-D has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to reduce the amount of abnormal discharge after the first application. Only 7% of women who completed the full course of treatment had relapses.

    Diclofenac: rectal suppositories for cervicitis

    A suppository called Diclofenac is usually prescribed to relieve pain caused by flare-ups of cervicitis. Diclofenac will not cure the inflammation itself, but will quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and help the woman return to normal daily life.

    Despite the fact that these suppositories are prescribed for inflammation of the cervix, they must be administered rectally. The main components will achieve their goal by being absorbed into the blood. But with vaginal administration, the risk of bleeding will increase.

    Apply rectal suppositories Diclofenac is as simple as other vaginal medications. You just need to insert the suppository into the rectum, lying down on your left side, bending your right knee.

    Remain in a supine position for a few minutes, and also restrain the urge to empty the bowels for an hour to ensure complete dissolution of the suppository. The dosage is selected individually. However need to make sure that daily rate did not exceed 100 milligrams per day.

    Candles with lactobacilli for the treatment of cervicitis

    Since one of the causes of inflammation of the cervix is ​​an imbalance in the natural vaginal flora, suppositories with lactobacilli are often prescribed in the gynecological office. The most popular trade names for such drugs are Lactonorm and Acilact.

    Of course, such suppositories cannot be called full-fledged medicines, because they only eliminate the imbalance in the vagina, without affecting pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi.

    You can use Atcilact and Laktonorm in a similar way: you need to enter one candle 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 10 days. After a predetermined period of time, take a smear for microflora. If the results of the analysis confirm the presence of an imbalance, repeat the course of treatment after a week of break.

    If a woman has a disease, it is imperative to fight it, otherwise, with untimely treatment, the walls of the cervix become denser, which inevitably leads to serious illness such as erosion and cervical ulcer. In addition, there is a possibility of the formation of genital dysplasia with cercivitis, cancer and even infertility. For successful treatment cercivit, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its development. The topic of this article is cervicitis treatment. Candles from cervicitis - one of the most effective methods treatment.

    Cervicitis treatment: candles for cervicitis

    Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral suppositories for cervicitis.

    Since the main cause of the development of cervicitis becomes an infection, which can be bacterial, viral or fungal. It is also possible the simultaneous presence of several infections at once, which in turn causes a more severe course of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

    The main drugs used in the treatment of cervicitis are: Acyclovir, Metronidazole, Diflucan, Doxycycline, etc. The dosage, as well as the choice of a particular drug, is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the data obtained after the studies.

    Combined preparations for cervicitis, combining anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions.

    Hormonal creams, suppositories.

    Hormonal suppositories from cervicitis are used, as a rule, in the treatment of chronic cervicitis, which is accompanied by atrophy, i.e. exhaustion, mucous surface of the cervix. As a rule, drugs containing female sex hormones, estrogens, are used for these purposes.

    Ovestin, a hormonal drug available as a vaginal cream, suppositories and tablets for use in the treatment of chronic cervicitis. This drug helps to restore the cells of the mucosa, cervix.

    Alternative treatment with suppositories for cervicitis

    If cervical erosion has appeared with cervicitis, then after anti-inflammatory treatment, cryodestruction, laser therapy and other methods of treating cervical erosion can be performed. Treatment of cervicitis with folk remedies is not recommended.

    Cervicitis today is a very common disease in women, which occurs in the mucous membrane of the cervix. The main reasons may be: sexually transmitted infections, mechanical irritants and inflammation of the vagina and cervix. Candles are used both for preventive purposes (after visiting the pool, swimming in various reservoirs), and for the direct treatment of diseases such as cervical inflammation, trichomoniasis, erosion, uterine fibroids and various fungal diseases.

    Symptoms characteristic of cervicitis:

    Copious discharge with an unpleasant odor.


    Symptoms of cervicitis

    Along the course, acute and chronic cervicitis, according to the degree of damage - focal cervicitis and diffuse cervicitis. Sometimes cervicitis can initially proceed in an erased form. In acute cervicitis, abundant mucous or purulent discharges are noted, less often dull pain in the lower abdomen. Edema and hyperemia of the external opening of the cervical canal, protrusion of the mucosa, small hemorrhages and ulcerations are observed.

    Cervicitis has various manifestations depending on the nature of the pathogen and the state of immunity. Cervicitis of gonorrheal nature usually proceeds acutely, with distinct signs, with chlamydial infection signs are less noticeable. With herpetic cervicitis, the cervix is ​​bright red, loose, with areas of ulceration (symptom of "solid erosion"). With trichomonas cervicitis, small hemorrhages (“strawberry cervix”), atypical cells in a smear are detected. When affected by actinomycetes, a symptom of a “yellow granular spot” is observed. The human papillomavirus can cause genital warts and cervical ulceration of various sizes.

    Cervicitis, undetected or untreated in acute stage, turns into a protracted chronic process. The discharge becomes cloudy and mucous, pseudo-erosion is observed on the vaginal part of the uterus (growth of the cylindrical epithelium). AT chronic stage cervicitis signs of inflammation (hyperemia, edema) are less pronounced. Columnar epithelium may be replaced by squamous epithelium. Inflammation can spread to the surrounding tissues and glands, with the formation of infiltrates, cysts, and the cervix becomes thickened.

    Cervicitis is often asymptomatic, which does not force patients to consult a doctor. Most cervicitis is found during routine checkups by chance or when women contact a gynecologist for other diseases. Diagnosis of cervicitis is aimed primarily at identifying the causes that caused inflammation of the cervix.

    Bacteriological examination allows to identify the genus and type of microorganisms, as well as to select the appropriate antibiotic. Cytomorphology of a smear with cervicitis shows structural damage to cells and dynamic changes in the course of treatment. The detection of some infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus, herpes) in cervicitis is impossible without PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

    Treatment of cervicitis

    Treatment of cervicitis includes the use of antibacterial, antiviral and other agents and depends on the identified pathogen, its sensitivity to this drug, stages of the inflammatory process. So, with chlamydial cervicitis, tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline, monomycin), macrolides (erythromycin), quinolones (ofloxacin, lomefloxacin), azalides (azithromycin) are prescribed. With candidal cervicitis, the use of fluconazole is indicated. In the treatment of cervicitis, combined local preparations are widely used. Medicines can be in the form of suppositories and creams.

    Viral cervicitis is difficult to treat. With genital herpes, long-term therapy is required, including antiviral drugs (acyclovir, valaciclovir), the use of specific antiherpetic Ig, vitamins, and immunostimulants. In the treatment of papillomavirus infection, interferons, cytostatics are used, warts are removed. In the treatment of atrophic cervicitis, estrogens are applied topically, in particular, ovestin, which helps to restore the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa and cervix and the natural microflora. With specific infections, the sexual partner is treated in parallel.

    Prevention of cervicitis consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene, excluding sexual infections, preventing abortions, proper management of childbirth, and treating endocrine disorders.

    Treatment of cervicitis

    Causes of cervicitis

    Cervicitis - inflammatory process affecting the cervix. If inflammation develops on the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix, we will talk about exocervicitis. If the inflammation is localized in the cervical canal, it is endocervicitis. The cervix performs a barrier function, it prevents the infection from entering the uterus and upper genital tract due to the functioning of the narrow cervical canal, mucous plug, and protective secretion. Under certain circumstances, there is a violation of such protective function, there is a penetration of alien microflora and the development of the inflammatory process of cervicitis, which is divided into exo- and endo-processes.

    The danger of the disease lies in the rather deep localization of the inflammatory process, often infectious nature, which means a high risk of inflammation spreading to the mucous membrane of the uterus itself, which is an even greater nuisance.

    Causes of cervicitis include:

  • bacterial agent - mainly Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma;
  • viral agent - herpes virus (type 2) or human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora - for example, fungi of the genus Candida or Escherichia coli;
  • the presence of untreated inflammation of the vulva or vagina, as well as bacterial vaginosis, as well as STDs, incl. caused by the previously listed infections;
  • complication of other diseases of the cervix, for example, cervical ectopia;
  • mechanical irritants - injuries of the cervix, for example, due to diagnostic curettage of the uterus, abortion or childbirth.
  • The conditionally pathogenic microflora that causes cervicitis enters the cervix by contact from the rectum or through the blood and lymph, the specific one - sexually. Causes of cervicitis include: cicatricial deformities, malignant neoplasms, weakening of general and local immunity, the use of contraceptives, such as the installation or removal of an intrauterine device. The duration of the course of the disease is associated with the penetration of microbes into the branching glands (among them crypts and canals) of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

    Symptoms of cervicitis are not always obvious to a woman, but they are palpable. The clinical picture of cervicitis largely depends on its form - acute or chronic. Acute cervicitis more restless:

  • mucopurulent discharge from the vagina;
  • occasionally drawing pains in the lower abdomen, may radiate to the lower back;
  • pain or discomfort after intercourse, increased discharge;
  • small hemorrhages and ulcerations;
  • at gynecological examination - hyperemia around the external opening of the cervical canal and protrusion of the hyperemic mucosa, mucopurulent and purulent discharge from the canal, eroded surface.
  • Chronic cervicitis represents the consequences of an untreated acute and manifests itself as follows:

  • inflammatory response goes to connective tissue and muscle elements;
  • discharge becomes cloudy-mucous, intensified in the first days after the end of menstruation;
  • the cervical canal undergoes maceration and secondary infection, probably rejection of the epithelium;
  • there is a partial replacement of the cylindrical epithelium with a flat one in the places of rejection, metaplasia of the epithelium is likely;
  • the cervix thickens and hypertrophies;
  • probably the occurrence of infiltrates, and subsequently hyperplastic and dystrophic changes;
  • the occurrence of pseudo-erosion is replaced by the formation of cysts.
  • Histological examination for cervicitis will show the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • peeling and desquamation of the upper epithelium;
  • the appearance of infiltrates in the subepithelial layer and stroma;
  • probably the formation of periglandular abscesses.
  • Treatment of cervicitis primarily involves the elimination of its causes, that is, an infectious agent and concomitant diseases (hormonal, gynecological, immune disorders). Various modern and very effective methods are used in the treatment.

    Treatment tactics are developed based on the cause of the disease, medications are selected taking into account sensitivity to the pathogen microorganism. The basis for drawing up a treatment strategy is to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, but if the agent is not of a bacterial, but of a viral or fungal nature, then antiviral or antifungal drugs are prescribed, respectively.

    So, with chlamydial cervicitis, antibiotics of the tetracycline series (Doxycycline, Monomycin), macrolides (Erythromycin), quinolones (Tarivid, Maxakvin), azalides (Sumamed) are prescribed. With candidal cervicitis, the use of Diflucan is indicated. In the treatment of cervicitis, combined local preparations are widely used, in particular Terzhinan. With genital herpes, long-term therapy is required using antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir or Valtrex, using specific antiherpetic immunoglobulin, vitamins, and immunostimulants. In the treatment of papillomavirus infection, interferons, cytostatics are mainly used, warts are removed.

    When it is possible to achieve a decline in the acute process, it is advisable to treat the vagina and cervix with a 3% solution of Dimexide, a 1-2% solution of Chlorophyllipt, a solution of silver nitrate.

    As part of the treatment of atrophic cervicitis, it is appropriate to use estrogens (for example, Ovestin), which helps restore the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa and cervix and the natural microflora. It is preferable to use intravaginal forms of drugs.

    The methods of physiotherapy used in this case are UVR of the panty zone, UHF on the area of ​​the uterus in the acute stage of cervicitis; UHF-therapy on the uterine area, magnetotherapy of the uterus, SMT on the uterine area, magnesium electrophoresis on the uterine area, local darsonvalization with a vaginal electrode in the chronic stage.

    Conservative treatment is not considered extremely effective in the case of chronic cervicitis, then diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser therapy can be used, but subject to the preliminary elimination of the infection. At the same time, comorbidities are treated and the natural microflora is restored.

    Treatment of cervicitis carried out without fail under the control of colposcopy and laboratory tests.

    What diseases can be associated

    Cervicitis, depending on the location of inflammation, is divided into exo- and endo-processes, which can occur simultaneously:

  • exocervicitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix;
  • endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal.
  • It is extremely rare that cervicitis develops on its own, without inflammation or damage preceding it, or the addition of an infectious agent. Usually cervicitis is combined or preceded by the following diseases:

  • bartholinitis - inflammation of the large gland of the vestibule of the vagina;
  • vulvitis -
  • colpitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix - damage to the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tube;
  • ectropion - eversion of the cervix;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
  • Treatment of cervicitis at home

    Treatment of cervicitis possibly at home, that is, the patient does not need hospitalization (an exception may be women with a severe pregnancy). However, this is not a reason to go into self-medication. It is important to understand that any disturbing symptoms should be perceived by a woman as a signal for an unscheduled visit to her gynecologist. Only a thorough professional diagnosis can form the basis for the appointment of adequate drug therapy. Medicines (for oral and intravaginal administration) may be supplemented by physical therapy (which may require a visit medical institution) and herbal medicine (using folk remedies, but discussed with a professional doctor).

    For the period of treatment, a woman is recommended to give up sexual activity, in some cases it is permissible to continue it, but this must be clarified with her attending physician. Of the means of contraception in the latter case, only condoms are permissible. It would also be useful to visit a urologist with a sexual partner, since he may be a carrier of pathogenic microflora, which will subsequently reduce the results of treatment to zero.

    The use of antibiotics is not recommended to be combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Together with the use of antibiotics, hepatoprotectors are indicated (to maintain liver function), and after a course of antibiotic therapy, the restoration of the natural microflora of both the intestines and the vagina is indicated.

    What drugs to treat cervicitis?

  • Acyclovir - 1 tab. (200 mg) 5 times a day for 5 days;
  • Valtrex - 500 mg 2 times a day for 3-5 days;
  • Doxycycline - 0.2 g / day throughout the entire period of therapy;
  • Maksakvin - 1 tab. (400 mg) 1 time per day, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician;
  • Sumamed - a single dose at a dosage indicated by the attending physician (depending on the type of pathogen)
  • Tarivid - 2 tab. once, but not more than 0.8 g per day;
  • Terzhinan - 1 vaginal tablet at bedtime for 10 days; tablet, moistened in water for 20-30 seconds, deeply inserted into the vagina, then lie down for 10-15 minutes;
  • Erythromycin - the dosage and duration of the course are determined based on the type of pathogen.
  • Treatment of cervicitis with folk methods

    To date, among adherents of traditional medicine, the following remedies are popular:

    decoctions for douching

  • combine in equal proportions birch leaves, white willow bark, nettle grass, grass common toadflax, coltsfoot leaves, young juniper roots, oat straw, cumin berries and bird cherry leaves; 2 tbsp collection, pour ½ liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for another 10 minutes, strain, use warm;
  • combine in equal proportions the leaves of a three-leaf watch, knotweed grass, elecampane roots, cuff leaves, agrimony grass, fennel fruits and shepherd's purse grass; 2 tbsp collection, pour ½ liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for another 10 minutes, remove from heat and insist under the lid until cool; strain, use warm;
  • combine Icelandic moss, plantain leaves, goose cinquefoil grass, lilac flowers, sage leaves, chicory root and woodruff grass in equal quantities; 2 tbsp collection, pour a liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for another 15 minutes, strain, use warm;
  • combine in equal proportions birch leaves, root snake mountaineer, fireweed leaves, St. John's wort, flax seeds, dandelion root, wormwood grass, lilac flowers and celandine grass, sage grass; Grind 50 grams of the collection into powder, pour ½ of water, boil it in half in a water bath, add 50 ml of melted butter and boil for another 15 minutes, remove from heat; add 50 ml of glycerin, cool;
  • combine in equal proportions Icelandic moss, clover flowers, marigold flowers, flax seeds, juniper needles, plantain leaves, sea buckthorn fruits, couch grass roots, chamomile flowers and horsetail grass; cook according to the previous recipe; use for homemade bandage tampons;
  • decoctions for oral administration

  • combine 1 part of eucalyptus leaves, yarrow grass and alder cones, 2 parts of tansy flowers, juniper berries, sage leaves and birch buds; 2 tbsp collection, pour a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire, cover with a lid, after 10 minutes remove from heat, leave to insist on the lid for another half hour; take for three months, 70 ml three times a day.
  • Treatment of cervicitis during pregnancy

    Cervicitis developing during pregnancy is a difficult medical problem, the solution of which must be entrusted to a qualified gynecologist. Any discomfort and painful symptoms should be a reason for an emergency visit to the doctor, and increased risk for a pregnant woman, it is caused by hormonal changes, weakened immunity during pregnancy, anatomical changes in the body.

    Since cervicitis is mostly an infectious disease, it is extremely dangerous to postpone its treatment until delivery. A wide variety of complications for both mother and child is a direct threat of cervicitis. The risk lies in the following possibilities:

  • termination of pregnancy in the early stages;
  • premature onset of labor;
  • fetal fading and miscarriage;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • embryopathies of an infectious nature - placental insufficiency and disturbances in the formation of the fetus;
  • a delay in the development of the child inside the womb;
  • in late pregnancy, a local narrowing of individual holes and channels develops, which leads to an abnormal development of the formed organs;
  • purulent lesions of the skin and internal organs of the child in the first days of his life;
  • Treatment of cervicitis during pregnancy, he sees as his goal the elimination of the cause of the disease, that is, infection. For this, antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs can be used. Since each of these categories is aimed at the destruction of specific groups of microorganisms, it is necessary to understand what the nature of cervicitis is. The use of antibiotics should be based on a microbial susceptibility test. Of all the effective antibiotics against a particular pathogen, choose the most harmless for future mother and baby. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions exactly, observe the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

    Which doctors to contact if you have cervicitis

    Painful symptoms should be the reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist. In addition, cervicitis can be diagnosed on scheduled inspection, which should occur twice a year for every sexually mature woman.

    Initially, the doctor, in a conversation with the patient and when familiarizing himself with the outpatient card, establishes an anamnesis of the disease, inquires about the characteristics of the patient's sexual life, about the presence of pregnancies, abortions, and childbirth. Then he proceeds to a gynecological examination using mirrors.

    The group of mandatory examinations for the diagnosis of cervicitis includes:

  • microscopy of secretions from the cervical canal, vagina and urethra for bacterial flora;
  • bacteriological seeding of native material with isolation of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • smear for oncocytology.
  • Additionally, there may be (at the discretion of the doctor):

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for syphilis and HIV;
  • sowing on gonococcus;
  • diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (herpes, papillomavirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma);
  • colposcopy detection of altered areas in the form of separate formations that differ from the rest of the surface in color, structure, vascular structure, etc.
  • Treatment of other diseases with the letter - c

    Inflammation in the vaginal region of the cervix is ​​called cervicitis.

    The disease makes itself felt by secretions of a purulent or mucous nature, pulling or dull soreness in the lower abdomen. A woman with cervicitis experiences pain during sex and urination. The chronic form of cervicitis is dangerous by the distribution of the inflammatory process to the upper sections of the uterus, as well as to the ovaries. The cervix with cervicitis is threatened with significant thickening, which further causes erosion (mucosal damage) and becomes a factor in the development of cancer.

    Causes of cervicitis.

    Regardless of the specific causes, there are risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of cervicitis:

    - venereal infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis.

    - genital herpes and human papillomaviruses;

    - microflora of conditionally pathogenic type - cocci (streptococcus, staphylococcus), coli;

    - abortive and postpartum curettage, injuring the cervix;

    - early start of sexual activity plus frequent change partners;

    - reaction to contraceptives, condom latex and spermicide elements, gels, wipes for genital hygiene;

    - regular non-compliance with the terms of replacement of hygienic tampons;

    - hormonal disruptions;

    - state of immunodeficiency.

    Symptoms and signs of cervicitis.

    AT early stage symptoms suggestive of cervicitis may not be observed. Suspicion is caused by intense discharge for several days after menstruation. Subsequently, there are pronounced signs cervicitis:

    - bleeding;

    - burning sensation when urinating, itching at the site of the genitals;

    - irritation of the mucous membrane in the vaginal area;

    - pain in the genital area, lower back, peritoneum during coitus, postcoital spotting.

    A severe form of cervicitis gives abundant secretion of fetid pus, severe vaginal itching, abdominal pain, nausea, and fever.

    Treatment of cervicitis.

    Modern methods of therapy of cervicitis are very diverse. First of all, the treatment of cervicitis is designed to neutralize the factors of the development of the disease (endocrine, immune disorders) and concomitant ailments.

    To therapeutic agents in the treatment of cervicitis include antibiotics, antifungal, antiviral drugs prescribed according to the results of the tests. Laboratory evaluation involves the identification of the pathogen that provoked cervicitis. When compiling a prescription, the gynecologist takes into account the sensitivity of bacteria or viruses to this drug, as well as the stage of cervicitis. For example, a woman with chlamydial cervicitis is prescribed antibacterial agents of the tetracycline series (monomycin or doxycycline), erythromycin from a number of macrolides. It is possible to prescribe more modern drugs - quinolones (maxakvin or tarivid), azalides - semi-synthetic derivatives of erythromycin. Candidal cervicitis is successfully treated with antifungal agents, in particular, diflucan. Among combined drugs local effects for the treatment of cervicitis, terzhinan has proven itself well in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories. Some drugs are available in a creamy consistency.

    They switch to local therapy of cervicitis after the acute process is leveled. The vagina, cervix are treated with a 3% solution of dimexide, alcohol-based chlorphyllipt (1-2%), silver nitrate from 0.25 to 0.5%, diluted in water.

    Viral cervicitis is one of the most difficult forms of the disease to treat. Genital herpes needs to be treated for a long time antiviral drugs- acyclovir, valtrex. In addition, antiherpetic IG, vitamins, immunostimulants are used. Papillomavirus is eliminated with drugs based on interferon, cytostatics, and the resulting condylomas are also removed.

    Atrophic cervicitis needs hormonal treatment with estrogen (ovestin), which promotes the renovation of the epithelial layer of the cervix, vagina, and the restoration of disturbed microflora.

    A sexual partner who is ill with cervicitis, a woman must definitely undergo therapy upon detection specific infections relating to STDs.

    Treatment of cervicitis is carried out under laboratory and colposcopic control. Prevention of cervicitis is based on the observance of the rules of intimate hygiene, protection against sexually transmitted infections, and the treatment of hormonal disruptions. Also, to prevent the occurrence of cervicitis, it is important to prevent abortions and take care of the proper management of childbirth.

    Chronic cervicitis.

    Cervicitis becomes chronic due to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection of the genital organs.

    The infectious process is usually caused by prolapse of the vagina, cervix, inflammation in the pelvis, incorrect use of contraceptives and hormonal drugs, promiscuous sexual activity, as well as neglect of hygiene.

    Features of chronic cervicitis depend on the causative agent of infection, largely due to the individual reaction of the body. In chronic cervicitis, small secretions of cloudy mucus are characteristic, sometimes with purulent impurities. The mucosa and cervix are edematous, with redness. Typical dull pain in the abdomen (lower part), some itching and burning, bleeding after intercourse, painful urination.

    The untreated chronic form of cervicitis is extremely dangerous due to the risk of complications. The cervix becomes denser, thickens. Active division of mucosal cells causes erosion and further creeping of the layers of the epithelium. The process turns into a vicious circle: the extra layers are destroyed, provoking new ones, which causes a distortion of the normal structure of the genital organs, infertility, and cancer.

    Diagnosis of cervicitis is based on examination of the uterus using a speculum and a colposcope. Hypertrophy of the uterine walls and cloudy discharge give a presumptive diagnosis of chronic cervicitis. It is confirmed by bacteriological and bacterioscopic analysis of the secrets of the cervical canal, the study of the composition of blood, urine for venereal infections. To detect cervicitis in the pelvic organs, a ultrasound examination. Based on the results of all diagnostics, the type of pathogen, the nature of the disease are determined, and a plan for effective therapy is drawn up.

    In this case conservative treatment cervicitis will give insignificant results, so they often practice surgical intervention. His methods include laser correction, diathermocoagulation (electric cauterization of erosive areas), cryotherapy (freezing of pathological foci with aqueous nitrogen). Before surgical treatment cervicitis, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal therapy, treat concomitant ailments. They can capture neighboring sections of the genital organs - the vagina (colpitis), ovaries (salpingoophoritis), additionally affect the cervix (eversion, as a complicated form of erosion). It is also worth paying attention to functional disorders concerning menstrual cycle, and restore the natural microflora of the female genital organs.

    cervicitis- an inflammatory process in the vaginal segment of the cervix. The course is characterized by turbid (mucous or purulent) discharge, pulling or dull pains lower abdomen, painful urination and sexual intercourse. Protracted chronic cervicitis leads to the development of erosion, hypertrophy of the cervix. the spread of infection to the upper parts of the genital apparatus.

    The cervix is ​​a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterus and upper genital tract (narrow cervical canal, mucous plug, protective secretion). Under certain factors, its protective function is violated, the penetration of alien microflora and the development of the inflammatory process - cervicitis, including exocervicitis and endocervicitis. Exocervicitis is an inflammation of the vaginal segment of the cervix or exocervix. Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the cervical canal of the cervix - endocervix.

    Certain factors contribute to the development of cervicitis: birth injuries of the cervix, during diagnostic curettage. termination of pregnancy; use of contraceptives (insertion and removal of the IUD). Cervicitis can be provoked by cicatricial deformities and benign formations of the cervix, a decrease in immunity.

    Cervicitis rarely develops in isolation, it is usually accompanied by other diseases of the reproductive system: vulvitis. vaginitis. bartholinitis. pseudo-erosion of the cervix. ectropion (ectropion of the cervix). Cervicitis is more common in women of reproductive age (up to 70%), less often during menopause. Cervicitis is common cause miscarriage and premature birth. The consequence of cervicitis are polyps and erosion of the cervix, inflammation of the upper genital tract.

    Diagnosis of cervicitis

    The diagnosis of cervicitis is established on the basis of the following data:

  • examining the cervix with a speculum
  • colposcopy result. which allows you to detail pathological changes cervical epithelium with cervicitis (hyperemia, swelling of the mucosa, the presence of vascular loops, ectopia, erosion, diffuse or focal inflammation).
  • laboratory methods (smear microscopy, bakposev for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics, PCR diagnostics, cytomorphological examination)
  • In the acute course of cervicitis, smears contain many leukocytes (more than 30), as well as lymphocytes and histiocytes, cylindrical epithelium with a hypertrophied nucleus and squamous epithelium with dystrophic changes. In chronic cervicitis, cylindrical epithelial cells of various sizes are visible, sometimes the phenomenon of cytolysis (cell destruction).

    Modern gynecology uses in its practice enough a large number of various methods treatment of cervicitis. But first of all, the treatment of cervicitis should be aimed at eliminating predisposing factors (hormonal, metabolic, immune disorders) and concomitant diseases.

    In the chronic stage of cervicitis, conservative treatment is less successful, therefore, surgical methods– diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser therapy; a prerequisite is the absence of infections. At the same time, concomitant pathology (ectropion, colpitis, salpingo-oophoritis, functional disorders) is treated, and the natural microflora is restored. Treatment of cervicitis is carried out under the control of colposcopy and laboratory tests.

    Cervicitis treatment and symptoms | How to treat cervicitis

    When diagnosing this disease, folk remedies are used to treat it only in cases where the appointment of potent medicines undesirable: for example, in the presence of concomitant diseases or during pregnancy.

    Herbal baths for cervicitis

    To prepare herbal decoction outdoor use, do the following:

    For the treatment of cervicitis, take the following components: coltsfoot leaves, nettle leaves, caraway seeds, whitish willow bark, oats for crops, bird cherry leaves, juniper leaves, birch earrings and mix everything in equal proportions;

    Rub thoroughly and pour two tablespoons of the collection into half a liter of water, previously brought to a boil in a water bath. Boil the folk remedy for a quarter of an hour;

    After that, wrap the container in a terry towel and let the folk remedy brew for two hours, then filter;

    For one washing, take one glass of decoction, repeat this procedure three times a day. It is best to do the bath in a sitting position.

    Alternative treatment of cervicitis

    Speaking about cervicitis, the treatment of which with the help of folk remedies gives good results, it should be said that it is very useful to take herbal infusions inside, because they not only heal, but also serve as natural immunomodulators, increasing the body's defenses. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

    To treat cervicitis, take St. John's wort, horsetail, dried birch leaves, mint leaves and young raspberry leaves. All this mix and rub in equal quantities. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture for treatment with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes in a water bath. After the folk remedy has cooled, strain it and drink a third of a cup 20 minutes before meals three times a day;

    You will need flax grass, wormwood, three-leaf watch foliage, calendula flowers, lemon balm, blueberry leaves in equal proportions. Finely chop all this, mix and brew with boiling water in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of the collection for one and a half glasses of water. After that, wrap the container with the infusion in a blanket and leave it for two hours, then filter it. Drink a folk remedy should be 20 minutes after eating.

    Treatment of cervicitis in women

    Using herbs to irrigate the vagina and douche with cervicitis gives good results, so in this case, you can safely use the following recipes:

    Take birch leaves, toadflax grass, oat straw, bird cherry leaves, nettle grass, coltsfoot leaves, white willow bark, cumin berries and young juniper roots. All this must be mixed in the same amount;

    You can also prepare an infusion of calendula flowers, angelica roots, dandelion leaves, St. John's wort, meadowsweet grass, blueberry shoots and grass peppermint taken in equal proportions;

    Quite effective is douching with a decoction prepared from fennel fruits, leaves of a three-leaf watch, agrimony grass, elecampane roots, knotweed grass, cuff leaves and shepherd's purse grass;

    With cervicitis, an infusion of chicory root is also used, Icelandic moss, goose cinquefoil herb, fragrant woodruff herb, plantain leaves, lilac flowers and sage leaves, which are taken in equal proportions.

    When treating cervicitis with folk remedies, do not forget to regularly visit a doctor who will monitor how successful the recovery is.

    How to treat cervicitis?

    Treatment of candidal cervicitis

    In this case, we take juniper berries, sage leaves, yarrow, tansy flowers, eucalyptus leaves, alder cones, birch buds in a ratio of 2:2:1:2:1:1:2. Mix all the herbs thoroughly, select 2 tablespoons of this mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, put in a water bath, close the lid and hold for 5-10 minutes. Then for half an hour we insist, filter and take a folk remedy for a third of a glass three times a day after meals for three months in a row. If you add 10 ml of chlorophyllipt tincture for alcohol or eucalyptus tincture to the decoction, it can also be used for douching.

    Ointments from medicinal plants with cervicitis

    For the preparation of therapeutic ointments, you can use the following folk remedies:

    Mix in equal proportions wormwood grass, birch leaves, dandelion roots, snake knotweed roots, lilac flowers, fireweed leaves, celandine grass, St. John's wort grass, flax seeds and sage grass;

    The ointment is prepared in the following way: 50 g of herbal collection is crushed to a powder, pour 0.5 l of water, the mixture is evaporated in a water bath twice, 50 g of butter are added and boiled for a quarter of an hour. After that, add 50 ml of glycerin or honey, mix everything and cool. Then we apply a thick layer of ointment on a bandage strip, roll it into an oblong candle, leaving the end of the bandage about 6 cm free. Before going to bed, such a candle must be placed in the vagina all night.

    Treatment of cervicitis with folk remedies is quite mild and at the same time its results will impress you.

    Causes of cervicitis

    Not so much rare disease the genital area is cervicitis, the causes of which can be very different, but in order to choose proper treatment, it is necessary to establish exactly what led to the onset of the disease. Consider the main sources of infection with this dangerous disease and the causes.

    The main causes of the disease

    Most often, cervicitis occurs for certain reasons in women who are active sexual life because it is caused by sexually transmitted infections. In this case, it may be due to the following diseases:

    Urogenital chlamydia, manifested by reddening of the skin and itching in the external genital area, transparent or yellowish discharge from the vagina, painful urination, etc.;

    Urogenital mycoplasmosis, the symptoms of which are similar to ureoplasmosis, therefore, the occurrence of cervicitis can be diagnosed only by laboratory methods;

    Gonorrhea. In this case, there are green-yellow discharge from the urethra and vagina, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which increases when you try to urinate;

    Urogenital trichomoniasis, due to which profuse foamy discharge occurs, which has an unpleasant odor, itching and a slight burning sensation in the perineum;

    Candidiasis. This disease is manifested by itching in the vaginal area, discomfort during urination, curdled white discharge;

    Bacterial vaginosis, which occurs and is accompanied by a decrease in the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina and increased reproduction of pathogens. For this reason, the patient may complain of discomfort during intercourse, profuse unpleasant vaginal discharge, itching in the perineum.

    All these diseases can eventually cause acute or chronic cervicitis.

    Causes of non-infectious cervicitis

    When analyzing cervicitis, the causes of which may be different, one should point out a number of non-infectious factors in its development:

  • Damage to the cervix during childbirth or abortion;
  • Insufficient hygienic care of the genital area;
  • Frequent use of spermicidal contraceptives;
  • Various hormonal disorders;
  • A sharp decrease in immunity.
  • The clinical picture of the disease that has arisen largely depends on the stage of cervicitis. So, the signs of acute cervicitis include the following:

    Unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area, for example, slight itching or burning;

    Vaginal discharge that is yellow-white or yellow-green, containing pus or a mixture of mucus and pus, which can be either scanty or copious;

    Discharges from the cervical canal also have a mucous or mucopurulent character, but they are rather scarce;

    Cervicitis is characterized by not too significant hyperemia and swelling of the tissues of the cervix;

    If chronic cervicitis is not treated for a long time, thickening of the cervix may occur, which ultimately leads to its erosion. The reason for this is an inflammatory reaction that spreads to the adjacent connective and muscle tissue. This cause contributes to the occurrence of infiltrates, which further contribute to the development of dystrophic changes and hyperplasia processes.

    Timely detected signs of the disease are the key to quick and successful treatment.

    Acute cervicitis

    A disease such as acute cervicitis is, in essence, an acute inflammatory process that affects the cervix. Among acute cervicitis caused by a wide variety of bacteria, gonorrheal cervicitis is the most common, with obvious symptoms, although other dangerous microorganisms, such as corynebacteria, streptococci, chlamydia, enterococci and mycoplasmas.

    The inflammatory process in cervicitis can sometimes affect squamous cells, but usually it does not spread beyond the endocervical glands. The path of infection and localization of the inflammatory process in acute cervicitis, apparently, is determined by the type of pathogen. So, gonococci usually affect only epithelial cells endocervical glands, while streptococci and staphylococci penetrate into the depths of these glands, affecting the inner membranes of the cervix and spreading to other organs of the small pelvis through the lymphatic pathways.

    Symptoms of acute cervicitis

    As a rule, acute cervicitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

    The presence of exclusions. In this disease, they may vary both in character and number, but they are usually profuse and purulent, especially if the cause is gonorrheal infection;