Benefits and preparation of plantain decoction. Plantain leaves - medicinal properties, use, contraindications

Large plantain- Plantago major L. - perennial herbaceous plant from the plantain family (Planfagnacae) with a lobe of white roots. The aerial part consists of a rosette of leaves and leafless flower-bearing arrows 10-50 cm high emerging from their axils, ending in dense cylindrical spike-shaped inflorescences. The leaves are broadly ovate, up to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide, glossy above, with long wide petioles and 3-7 arcuate veins well defined on the leaf blade.
Plantain flowers are small, inconspicuous, brownish; calyx of 4 almost to the base of free sepals; corolla tubular, 4-lobed; stamens 4, they have long filaments; pistil with superior ovary, thin style and bilobed stigma. The fruit is a two-locular capsule with 5 - 34 small oval brown seeds. It blooms from May to autumn, the fruits ripen accordingly in different time, starting in July. One plant can produce from 8,000 to 60,000 viable seeds. The seeds easily stick to the feet of animals, human shoes, and the wheels of carriages and are thus transferred to a new territory.
Great plantain is a widespread species in all regions of Eurasia and has been introduced to other continents. In Russia it is common plant in almost all areas. Grows in wastelands, in populated areas, on field and forest roads (hence the name), along the outskirts of fields, in vegetable gardens, orchards, on village streets, meadows, edges, clearings. This unpretentious plant received a surprisingly accurate name. Indeed, on every path or dirt road, at every step you come across wide, ovoid plantain leaves spread out on the ground. WITH medicinal purposes it is grown in specialized

Economic use of plantain

Great plantain is a well-known medicinal plant. In addition, some fans eat its leaves by adding them to salads. The seeds serve as food for small birds, including those kept in cages.

Medicinal value of plantain and methods of medicinal use of plantain

Plantain leaves have medicinal uses. They contain polysaccharides (up to 6.5%), mucus (up to 11%), pectin, glycosides (aucuban, etc.), bitter and tannins, provitamin A, vitamins C and K, choline, organic acids, flavonoids, saponins , amino acids, phyloquinone, phytoncides, sitosterol, calcium and potassium salts. The seeds contain proteins, amino acids, fatty oil, mucus, and steroid saponins.
WITH therapeutic purpose plantain is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, enveloping, laxative, stimulant of appetite and gastric secretion. In addition, plantain has a number of biological properties, which determine the versatility of its application.
Contraindicated in case of increased secretory function of the stomach.

Fresh leaves are used to treat burns, purulent wounds and boils. They are washed well, cut with a razor or knife, placed in several layers on the affected skin and secured with a bandage. Dry leaves are pre-steamed in hot water.

During the period of exacerbation peptic ulcer(With low acidity gastric juice) to calm pain, it is recommended to take an infusion of plantain seeds: brew 1 tablespoon of seeds with 1/2 cup of boiling water, leave for 3 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon of Zraz per day for 3 minutes. before meals.

For toothache, place a plantain root in the ear on the side where the tooth hurts and hold until the pain disappears. Through ZOmin. the pain goes away.

To prevent bees from biting, you need to put plantain leaves in your mouth.

Drink 1 tablespoon of juice 3 times a day for 3 minutes. before meals for stomach ulcers. The juice is diluted boiled water(40-50ml).

Seeds, crushed into powder, are taken for diarrhea, 1 g 3-4 times a day.

For actinomycosis of the lungs, thoroughly mix 1 kg of freshly ground plantain leaves and centrifugal honey (preferably dark), leave for 2 weeks and take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 30 - 40 minutes. before meals.

For sore throat and tonsillitis, gargling with plantain juice or decoction is recommended.
Place 4 crushed dry or fresh leaves in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Gargle with warm solution every hour. To improve the taste, add honey.

To reduce blood pressure use tincture.
20 g of dry crushed leaves are poured into 200 ml of vodka and left for 14 days in a warm place. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day.

For bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis Mix 3 tablespoons of fresh leaves with 3 tablespoons of sugar or honey and place in a closed container on a warm stove for 4 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of syrup 4 times a day for 3 minutes. before meals.

For atherosclerosis, brew 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink in sips within 1 hour (daily dose).

In case of eyelid disease, an infusion is prepared to wash the eyes: leave 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry plantain leaves for 2 hours in 300 ml of boiling water, strain.

For stomach pain, chew and swallow a few green plantain leaves.

For toothache, rub your gums with plantain juice. Also rinse your mouth with an infusion of this herb, which helps strengthen your teeth.

For a cold toothache, put plantain root wrapped in gauze in your ear. Rub the gum with a clove of garlic (without film), take quinine orally.

At severe pain in the stomach, brew 10 g of seeds or seed powder in 200 ml of boiling water, after cooling, shake and drink the creamy mass in one gulp (preferably at night).

For acute bronchitis; whooping cough, tuberculosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, leave 1 tablespoon of dry leaves in 200 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every 20 minutes. before meals 4 times a day.

For abdominal dropsy, eat plantain raw after crackers and without any drink.

Decoction of seeds: 10g of dried raw materials per 200ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 - 7 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for female infertility due to hormonal deficiency, diabetes mellitus.

Ointment: 10g plantain leaf powder per 90g pork fat or butter. Used for the treatment of pustular and purulent diseases skin.

At chronic gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers and duodenum, enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis, flatulence, diarrhea, colic, atherosclerosis: Brew 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink in sips within 1 hour (daily dose).

You can also use a decoction of the juice of fresh plantain leaves in the above cases. To do this, chop the well-washed leaves, mash them, squeeze out the juice, mix it with an equal amount of honey, and cook for 20 minutes. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons per day.
Store in a well-sealed container in a cool, dark place.

Plantain seeds are used as a laxative and antidiarrheal agent.
Crushed or whole seeds, take 1 tablespoon at night or pour 1/2 cup of boiling water, cool and drink along with the seeds. The effect usually occurs within 6 - 12 hours.
For chronic diarrhea, especially of tuberculosis origin, the seeds are crushed into powder and taken 1 g 4 times a day. When preparing seeds, you need to dry them well.

For chronic colitis, to increase the acidity of gastric juice, take 1 - 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from plantain leaves (from May to September), with 1 tablespoon of honey 3-4 times a day before meals (dilute the juice in 100 ml of room water temperature). The course of treatment is 30 days.

At radiation sickness Pour 3 tablespoons of leaves into 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take 70 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes for a month. before meals. After a 12-15 day break, repeat the course.

For colds, take juice from fresh crushed plantain leaves in the amount of 3 tablespoons per day.

For eye cancer (occurs mainly on the cornea), freshly prepared juice from fresh plantain leaves is quickly filtered through a dense material, instilled into the diseased eye and a bandage is made with a swab soaked in the juice.

For stomach cancer, infuse the crushed fresh leaves plantain with an equal amount of sugar. Drink 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon per 20 minutes. before meals.

For skin cancer, the whole plant (grass and plantain roots) is used as an infusion (20:200) for compresses. Leave for 1 hour.

For lung cancer, wet compresses are made and an infusion is taken orally: crushed fresh plantain leaves with an equal amount of sugar are infused in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then consume 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon per 20 minutes. before meals. Or:
Infuse 10-15 g of dry leaves for 20 - 30 min. in 200 ml boiling water. Drink 1 - 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.

Dispersion ( popular name diseases) - swelling of the hands and the formation of soft ulcers between the fingers. Apply plantain leaves, spread with sour cream, to the sore spot.

For erysipelas, apply plantain leaves sprinkled with chalk, collected when the Sun and Moon are in Cancer or when the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Cancer.

With elephantiasis (impaired lymph flow in the extremities, expressed in hyperplasm of the skin and subcutaneous tissue; most often affected lower limbs) make medicinal dressings from crushed fresh plantain leaves.
Pour 330 g of the whole plant with roots into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml 6 times a day (loading dose).

At acute enteritis(inflammation small intestine) cut well-washed plantain leaves, mash, squeeze out the juice, mix with an equal amount of honey and cook for 20 minutes. Take 2-3 tablespoons per day. Store in a well-sealed container in a cool, dark place.

For stomach ulcers with low acidity, leave 10-20 leaves in 200 ml of boiling water for 1 hour; take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 3 minutes before meals or 50-100 ml of infusion before meals.

When insect bites, the juice of plantain leaves relieves pain and burning sensation.

Crushed seeds, steamed in hot water, are applied to the cracks of the nipples of nursing mothers.

For coughs (colds and chronic ones), take 1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals and during coughing attacks.
Infusion: 1 tablespoon of dried leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist in a water bath for 30 min., closing the lid. Strain. Drink 1/2 glass of Zraz a day for inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

For hypertension and atherosclerosis, drink plantain juice 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 20 - 30 min. before meals. And:
Infusion of leaves: 10 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 20 - 30 min. before meals.

Infusion of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for colitis, enteritis, stomach bleeding, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis with low acidity, hemorrhoids, enterocolitis.

Plantain juice (pharmaceutical preparation): 1 tablespoon once a day for 20 minutes. before meals (fresh juice - in the same cases).

If you have a runny nose, drop juice diluted in a ratio (1:1) into your nose.

For kidney diseases and Bladder use juice (pharmaceutical preparation): 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 20 - 30 min. before meals. Fresh Juice also apply.
Plantaglucide (pharmaceutical drug): 1/2 - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 20 30 min. before meals (dilute in 1/4 glass of warm water).
Infusion of leaves: 10 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 20 - 30 min. before meals in case of inflammation in the kidneys.

Infusion of leaves: 1 tablespoon of chopped plantain per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Use as a lotion for tired eyelids and for sore eyes.

Decoction of leaves: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials per 1 glass of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for uterine bleeding and infertility in men and women.

Fresh juice of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day in the same cases.

Traditional medicine considers juice from fresh plantain leaves one of the most effective means in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

To obtain juice at home, the leaves are cut off with part of the petiole, washed thoroughly in cold running water, allowed to drain, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder and squeezed through a thick cloth. In hot weather, the juice turns out viscous and thick. In this case, it is diluted with water 1:1. The resulting juice is boiled for 1 - 3 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 15 - 20 minutes. before meals.

The juice of fresh plantain leaves is found to be effective in treating corneal cancer. It is useful to drop it into the eyes, make compresses and lotions with it.

It is recommended to mix freshly squeezed juice in equal parts with honey and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. One dessert spoon of the mixture should be kept in the mouth, gradually swallowing along with saliva. For long-term storage, the juice should be mixed with alcohol: 2 parts juice - 1 part alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, but in equal proportions with juice (1:1). Take 1 tablespoon for stomach, intestinal and lung cancer.

Plantain leaves added to salad are useful for gastritis and gastric ulcers with normal and low acidity, enteritis and colitis. They are also good as a hemostatic agent. For salads, it is recommended to use young leaves. They can be added to porridges and soups. Only when using the leaves for food, they need to be carefully sorted and washed. Salads can be prepared with sprouted additives grains of wheat, barley.

At pharmaceutical enterprises, a finished medicinal product in the form of granules is produced from plantain leaves - plantaglucide, which is prescribed for the treatment of hypo- and anacid gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers with normal and low acidity of gastric juice (plantaglucide slightly increases the acidity). To treat the same diseases, as well as some colitis, another medicine is used, produced in finished form- plantain juice. It is produced from the leaves of the large plantain and the aerial part (grass) of another species of this genus - the flea plantain (Plantagopsyllium L.), which is cultivated for medicinal purposes in specialized farms.

In the Botanical Dictionary of P. Sedir we read:
“The roots (of plantain) are useful for migraines and ulcers, and reduce the abundance of menstruation. The whole plant is healed from damage. Seeds ground in wine or leaves boiled in vinegar stop dysentery. The plant, eaten after crackers and without any drink, cures dropsy.
Infusum root in wine is an antidote to opium.
When treating abscesses, rub the leaves with salt, candle lard, chewed black bread crumb and then apply.
For erysipelas, apply leaves sprinkled with chalk.
The fresh root is placed in the ears for rheumatic dental pain. Leaves, smeared with sour cream, are applied for “thickness,” that is, when the hands swell and abscesses form between the fingers. The root is taken internally for bloody cough and fever, and the seeds for bloody diarrhea.”

Contains the powers of the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury.
Collect leaves during the first phase of the moon, after the evening dew, during flowering. Dig the roots in the fourth phase of the moon, near sunset.

Features of preparing medicinal plantain

Plantain leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. They are collected 1 - 2 times a season, cutting with scissors at a height of 3 - 5 cm from the soil level. The first cleaning is carried out at the beginning of flowering, the second - after 2 months. Dry plantain in the attic, under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 40 - 50°C. To obtain seeds, flowering stems are cut at a height of 10 - 15 cm, dried and threshed. Leaves are stored in wooden boxes, seeds in well-sealed jars for up to 3 years.

Plantain is a medicinal plant that helps with many diseases. It is widely used in folk medicine. It is used to prepare healing infusions and make tinctures. Plantain has many types. Due to its unique qualities, it is used in cooking and cosmetology.

History of the plantain

Every summer, plantain grows in every part of the world except the north. The plant is unpretentious and very useful. Many people, when they had broken knees in childhood, applied plantain; it does not sting and stops bleeding perfectly. There is a legend that plantain is the tears of travelers who have walked long distances and have severely rubbed their feet. To move on, they needed to cure their legs, but they had no medicine, and then a plantain appeared from their tears shed on the side of the road. The wanderers applied it to their wounded feet, and they were miraculously healed.

Plantain is distributed throughout the globe, except the poles. Although he is unpretentious, he does not like cold weather. There is a world a large number of varieties of plantain. Some of them are medicinal and are cultivated in order to create medicines.

Appearance of plantain

all types of plantain are similar to each other: dark green rosette leaves are lanceolate or ovoid in shape

Almost all types of plantain are similar to each other. What does plantain look like and is it easy to find? Plantain grows almost everywhere and in all regions. It looks quite simple, but beautiful. The rosette consists of dark green leaves, oval, ovoid or lanceolate in shape. The root of the plantain is short, but there are small roots that hold it to the surface. Arrows grow upward from the middle of the rosette, on which seeds form after flowering.

Uses of plantain

Since ancient times, a flowering, low-growing plant with beautifully shaped leaves has been popular - plantain was valued by many for beneficial features which he possesses.

Plantain medicinal properties distributed for use in both folk and traditional medicine. It is an assistant in the treatment of many diseases. If you apply a plantain leaf to a wound, the bleeding will stop and the wound will heal faster and there will be no inflammatory process. The plantain did not immediately reveal its properties to people. Unfortunately, now we rarely resort to its medicinal properties and in vain. For example, it is better to give plantain juice with honey to children for coughs than artificially synthesized medicine. It’s not for nothing that nature endowed the plant with medicinal properties.

Plantain is used for many diseases: among them diseases respiratory tract, it also brings relief from lung cancer and tuberculosis. Plantain seeds are used very often for infertility in both men and women, and the main thing is that such treatment bears fruit - healthy and strong children are born. Plantain also helps with gastritis and acute colitis, peptic ulcers and cystitis.

Plantain juice is unique remedy, which has a mild wound-healing effect and is bactericidal. Plantain has found application in many areas: medicine, cosmetology, cooking. How is plantain useful for each of us? For some, it is indispensable for colds, for others it helps stop bleeding, and many use its medicinal properties for cooking. cosmetic masks. Plantain in folk medicine is considered very valuable and useful plant, as it is used for many diseases.


the use of plantain for gastritis is contraindicated if you have high acidity and the production of gastric juice exceeds the norm

Plantain extends its beneficial properties to the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. But it should not be used if, along with gastritis or ulcers, there is increased acidity and more gastric juice is secreted than normal. Before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Plantain should not be used if blood clots are found or blood clotting is very high. Plantain has contraindications for use in certain diseases, so you should not use plantain decoction, plantain syrup or plantain extract for a long time.

Use of plantain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, plantain can help treat coughs and colds

When a woman is pregnant, her immunity works for the baby. The woman herself is at risk of getting sick. Plantain can be used during pregnancy, but only after consulting a doctor. Many medicinal plants: plantain, chamomile, linden, coltsfoot and thyme will help overcome the disease without resorting to pills. Plantain is an herb that is ideal for treating coughs and colds.

If the temperature rises, you can cook Herb tea, which will include plantain and coltsfoot syrup, as well as some raspberries. Everything needs to be brewed and allowed to brew for about 20 minutes, then drink in small sips. Plantain syrup treats cough well during pregnancy, just make sure before use that you are not allergic to its components.

Types of plantain

Plantain species are very similar to each other. The most famous is the great plantain. It is also called common plantain. This is what is most often applied to a bruised knee. Great plantain leaves have a huge spectrum of action. Alcohol tincture Great plantain helps reduce blood pressure. Healing properties plantain are very extensive and have many indications for use.

Lanceolate plantain is also common in the post-Soviet area. It can be easily recognized - its leaves are much narrower and longer than those of a large or medium one. Home therapeutic part plantain, as such, is considered to be a plantain leaf. It is used for cough, whooping cough and hoarseness. Cough syrup with plantain has a mild and soothing effect. Lanceolate plantain is recognized as the most the best remedy From cough.

The average plantain loves more secluded places, those where people rarely visit. Another species is flea plantain. It grows in the Caucasus, but is cultivated in the Moscow region. Preparations from flea plantain used as laxatives. Medicinal properties Flea plantain is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in folk medicine.

Recipes for preparing plantain potions

An infusion of dried plantain leaves is good for coughs.

How many people have so many opinions? The simplest and most common way to treat plantain is to pick a leaf, mash it a little until the juice appears and apply it to the wound. Plantain is used for cough: 4 tbsp. l. dry plantain leaves pour 200 g. boiling water, pour into a thermos, let it brew for about 2 hours, and then apply 1 tbsp. l., 4-5 times a day. Children over 11 years old - a dessert spoon of plantain decoction, and children - a teaspoon. Plantain infusion can be used for inhalation; it is also a very effective expectorant. This infusion will also help with atherosclerosis and renal failure.

For infertility you need: 1 tbsp. l. Boil plantain seed for 5 minutes in 1/4 liter. water. Then leave the decoction for an hour. The course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months. Apply 1 tbsp. l. 2-4 times a day. Can only be used in the treatment of infertility due to diabetes and low hormone levels.

For constipation, prepare an infusion of seeds: 5 tsp. Pour 1/4 liter of plantain seeds. boiling water, stir well for an hour, then cool, strain and take 2 tsp before meals. until the constipation stops.

Everyone knows plantain, even children. As a small child, I remember how my grandmother applied a plantain leaf to my sore, after which the wound quickly healed. Today we will examine in detail the topic “Plantain, medicinal properties and contraindications for women”

The plant can be found anywhere: in vacant lots, garden plots, cottages, forest edges, fields, roadsides. Medicinal properties of plantain seeds, stems, leaves, juice, roots, essential oil were known and used in Greece, Ancient Rome, Eastern countries.

Botanical characteristics of the plant

The plantain is known in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries under other names: fellow traveler, roadside plant, reznik, seven-zilla grass, boil grass. Botanists attributed the plant to the Podorozhnikov family.

The plant is distributed almost all over the world and has more than 200 species. Original homeland medicinal herb- Central European region. From there it was taken out by people and distributed throughout all Asian countries.

Plantain can now be seen on all continents - Japan, Russia, India, European countries, Northern and South America, Central Asia, Australia, Africa. Many countries cultivate the plant, while in others it grows wild.

Plantain grows everywhere, because it is completely unpretentious, to climatic conditions and soils. Can grow in shade, sandy soil, sun, clay. Moreover, it easily rises after trampling.

The main root of plantain is thick, short, and equipped with accessory, lateral, bundle-shaped roots. Placement depth - up to 20 centimeters. The height of the above-ground part is up to 60 centimeters. The stem can be bare or slightly pubescent, it is arrow-shaped and straight.

Near the ground, the leaves formed a rosette, ovoid, voluminous. On the surface of the leaves, arched veins of dark green color are visible. The tip of the leaf is slightly pointed, its edges are entire or jagged.

The inflorescences are represented by an elongated cylindrical cone, the peduncles are erect. Plantain flowers are smallish, grayish in color. The seeds are matte, small brown in color.

Plantain blooms for a long time: from May to October. Reproduction is carried out by ripened seeds. Plantain is odorless, the leaves are astringent and have a bitter taste.

Chemical composition of plantain

The seeds of the plant contain approximately 20% fatty oils, about 45% mucus. There are also proteins, aucubin glycoside, tannins, steroid saponins, and oleanolic acid.

A large number of organic acids were found in the leaves - chlorogenic, vanillic, parahydroxybenzoic, ferulic, neochlorogenic, paracoumaric, protocatechuic, fumaric; tannins, bitter substances, calcium, potassium, mineral salts.

Composition of stems: flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids. The roots contain chemical substances: sitosterol, campesterol, linoleic acid, stigmasterol, plant.

Beneficial features

Medicinal decoctions and infusions of plantain leaves are useful for patients diabetes mellitus , anemia, inflammatory, dental, , headache, conjunctivitis, dry eye, corneal damage.

They also help with impotence, violations metabolism, neurasthenia, polyuria, diseases gallbladder, . Plantain is also used to treat gonorrhea, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), urethra(urethritis).

Antimicrobial property medicinal plant expressed by a detrimental effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic (golden) staphylococcus, streptococcus. Plantain increases the production of gastric juice, develops appetite, and improves digestion.

Renders therapeutic effect for healing gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, flatulence, other organ diseases digestive system.

Effective during treatment malignant tumors: lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia. Preparations prepared on its basis accelerate the resorption of metastases and small tumors, protect the body from harmful effects chemotherapy, radiation therapy.

Long-term treatment with plantain provides reliable protection against cancer. To relieve inflammation and stop bleeding, fresh leaves are applied to boils, boils, scratches, abrasions, insect bites, phlegmon, ulcer, abscess.

In addition to being used in folk medicine, fresh and dry leaves are used in cosmetology to improve the condition of hair and skin. Plantain has not bypassed cooking - fresh leaves are used to prepare delicious dishes.

A decoction of plantain roots cleanses the blood when various diseases skin: lichens, rashes, pustules (pyoderma), furunculosis.

A decoction of the leaves is used to treat organs respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema), digestive, genitourinary systems. Plantain thins mucus and ensures its removal in diseases accompanied by cough.

An infusion of leaves has sedative effect, reduces blood pressure, relieves fatigue, improves body tone. Helps with cancer problems, fever, (bladder inflammation), hay fever, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.

Shots well intestinal colic, stomach pain, decoction of plantain flowers. A decoction of seeds, gout, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the digestive system due to its emollient, enveloping effect.

Taking plantain seeds protects against the development of irritations of a chemical or bacterial nature, since the mucus it contains envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Plantain helps stop internal bleeding at . An extract from the roots lowers body temperature during fever and alleviates the condition of a patient bitten by a snake.

Preparations from the leaves, roots, and seeds of plantain have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties and are used for pulmonary diseases, stomach ulcer. Infections bacterial etiology are healed pharmaceutical drugs containing juice, plantain leaves.

Plantain juice - medicinal properties

The juice is used during the treatment of diseases such as dysentery, peptic ulcer, colitis, enterocolitis, neurodermatitis, gastritis, cystitis, keratitis, acne, .

By using plantain juice, you can alleviate the condition of a patient with enuresis, nephritis, diarrhea, anthrax. In combination with other medications, it helps with lung cancer.

Gynecologists use the juice for myometritis, parametritis, and. In combination with honey, the juice has a diuretic effect and can be used to treat adults and children.

Contraindications for women

It should be immediately noted that the contraindications to the use of plantain preparations listed below apply not only to women, but also to other categories of people.

Plantain is contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcers high acidity gastric juice, hyperacid gastritis. Neglecting this recommendation will result in sharp deterioration condition of the patient (patient).

Other contraindications: increased production of gastric juice, high performance blood clotting, thrombophlebitis. The reason is that plantain thickens the blood even more.

Individual intolerance is also a reason to prohibit the use of the plant. To avoid the risk of using a pharmaceutical or folk remedy containing plantain, you should start taking it with small doses, gradually increasing it to the therapeutic norm.

Cough treatment

An infusion of leaves relieves cough, has an expectorant effect, and thins mucus. You can use plantain decoction.

Recipe No. 1

For a glass of boiling water - 40g of dry leaves. To prepare, use a thermos: pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for two hours. We drink a tablespoon four times a day.

For sick children under ten years of age, the dose of infusion is reduced to one teaspoon. For children over 11 years old - up to a dessert spoon. The infusion can also be used internally for renal failure and atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Recipe No. 2

Used when severe cough. Pour a glass of boiling water over the fresh green leaves of the plant and bring to a boil. Leave to cool for a couple of minutes, add 4 tablespoons natural honey. We take the resulting drug every hour, 1 tsp.

Recipe No. 3

Dry the washed leaves and roots and chop them. Mix crushed green leaves with roots with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Place the mixture in an enamel saucepan with a tight lid and bury it in the ground for three months.

After the specified period, the medicine is stored in the pantry, basement or refrigerator. We drink medicinal tea for coughs, sore throats, colds - one tablespoon of the drug per glass of boiling water.

Recipe No.;4

Used for tracheitis. Leave for 12 hours in a glass cold water 2 tablespoons crushed dried plantain leaves. The resulting cold water extract should be drunk throughout the day.

Other traditional medicine recipes

Plantain decoction for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, genitourinary system, purification of blood from toxins

Pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water. dry crushed leaves. Heat in a water bath for half an hour in an enamel pan with a lid. Ten minutes after removing from the stove, strain and squeeze out the remainder.

Add boiled water to the decoction up to the 200 ml mark. Take half a glass orally four times a day 20 or 25 minutes before meals.

Treatment of constipation

Take the powder obtained from dry leaves on an empty stomach with warm boiled water.

Kidney disease, enuresis (urinary incontinence)

Wrap the infusion of leaves for one hour (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). Take 1 tbsp. four times a day 20 or 25 minutes before meals.

Stomach cancer, lung tumor

Mix washed plantain leaves with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, leave for fourteen days protected from heat, sun rays place. Use 1 tbsp. 4 times a day 20 minutes before each meal.

To treat an external tumor, prepare a compress: 2 tsp. dry crushed leaves per 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour 25g of seeds into a glass of boiling water, add water, and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth. We take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. The infusion is useful for cracked nipples of a nursing mother (externally). Orally for diseases of the intestines, blood vessels, stomach, heart and other ailments.

Uses of plantain juice

We rinse the stems and leaves under running water; the water should drain without residue. Pour boiling water over the raw materials, grind them in a blender or meat grinder, and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

Dilute the concentrated juice with water in equal proportions, then boil for two minutes. The medicine is used for organ diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Take 3 times a day 20-25 minutes before meals for a course of 30 days. Dilute a spoonful of juice into 50g of water before taking it. Store in the refrigerator in a dark glass container with a lid.

External ointment with plantain juice

Mix 25g of lanolin and Vaseline, 50g of pure juice in a glass container. We use it externally for skin diseases as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, emollient.

Earache, toothache

Video: Medicinal properties of plantain herb, contraindications for women

Many common medicinal plants are not only found literally at every step outside the city, but are also actively sold in pharmacies. IN modern world folk remedies are again gaining popularity among doctors and their patients. After all, they often act as effectively as chemical medications, but at the same time cause less side effects. One of the popular and very common medicinal plants is plantain, let’s clarify what properties plantain decoction and its infusion have, and discuss their use in a little more detail.

Plantain is widely used by traditional medicine specialists. Healers use its leaves, stems, seeds, and roots. Based on them, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared. Freshly squeezed plantain juice is also used.

Plantain infusion

To prepare plantain infusion, the leaves of this plant are usually used. The resulting medicine has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities, stimulates regeneration processes and has a positive effect on secretory functions stomach. Using the infusion helps achieve a powerful expectorant effect and cleanse the blood of “bad” cholesterol.

Infusions based on plantain leaves are most often used to treat coughs. But such drugs cope quite effectively not only with an ordinary cough, but also with more serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, as well as whooping cough.

An infusion obtained from plantain may be useful for patients with gastritis, enteritis and enterocolitis. It is often recommended to be taken when ulcerative lesions digestive tract - stomach or intestines. In addition, this remedy copes quite effectively with inflammatory lesions of the urinary system. It is recommended to be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Some healers claim that internal consumption of plantain leaf infusion can be very effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis. This remedy will also benefit patients suffering from hypertension.

External use of plantain infusion quite effectively treats skin ailments such as rashes and acne. It can be used to heal and disinfect abscesses, wounds, skin ulcers, boils and cuts.

Experts have come to the conclusion that plantain-based preparations are able to cope with even very aggressive bacteria, including resistant staphylococcus and streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and coli.

A weak infusion of plantain leaves helps treat conjunctivitis. It is also recommended for use in preparing lotions for tired eyes.

How to prepare an infusion based on plantain?

To prepare such a medicine, you need to prepare three teaspoons of crushed dry plantain leaves. Brew them with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for six to eight hours, then strain. This infusion copes quite effectively with gastritis, colitis and ulcerative lesions.

To treat a cough, you can prepare an infusion: brew a couple of dry tea leaves with half a liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished medicine and drink it in a glass, three or four times a day, sweetening it with honey.

You can also take four tablespoons of crushed raw materials, brew with half a liter of boiling water and wrap for one and a half to two hours. Strain the finished medicine and drink a tablespoon four times a day to treat cough.

For the treatment of skin and eye diseases You can prepare a weak infusion of plantain leaves. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Strain the finished product and squeeze out the medicinal raw materials.

Plantain-based decoction

A decoction of plantain leaves is used in the same cases as the infusion: to treat diseases of the respiratory tract and organs digestive tract, organs of the urinary system and skin pathologies.

In addition, there are recipes for plantain decoctions to correct other ailments. Thus, such drugs may be effective in therapy uterine bleeding, as well as infertility problems (both men and women). Some healers recommend using plantain decoction to eliminate inflammatory lesions female genital organs.

How to prepare plantain decoction?

To treat infertility and uterine bleeding, it is worth preparing a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves. Brew such raw materials with a glass of just boiled water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished medicine, then dilute it with ordinary boiled water at room temperature to an initial volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters. Take a tablespoon of the decoction three times a day.

To treat inflammation of the uterus and/or appendages, it is worth brewing a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves with one glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for half an hour, then strain. Drink half a glass three times a day.

Before using medications with plantain, you should consult your doctor. Such products have contraindications for use.

Plantain - herbaceous perennial. It grows along roads, in vacant lots, in courtyards of residential buildings, in vegetable gardens, and on forest edges. It is rare to find a place where this wonderful, well-known weed does not grow. We all remember from childhood how we put a plantain leaf on our broken knee from falling off a bicycle. We remember how a blister from a burn on a finger was wrapped in a cool plantain leaf, and the pain gradually subsided. This is explained by the fact that plantain leaves have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Plantain has long been used for skin diseases(ulcers and boils), for healing wounds, burns, bruises, eczema and dermatitis. Medicines based on plantain, diseases are successfully treated respiratory organs, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Two types of plantain are used in folk medicine. And .

Flea plantain differs from large plantain in the shape of its leaves. The leaves of the flea plantain are linear and entire. They have a pointed top. Whereas the plantain large leaves wide and round in shape.

In folk medicine, flea plantain seeds are used. They have a pronounced laxative effect. Plantain seeds are used in folk medicine for constipation and chronic colitis. The mucus contained in the seeds coats the intestinal mucosa and has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Flea plantain seeds are also used for infertility and diabetes.

I will talk further in my article about how to properly treat with plantain. And the first thing I’ll start with is preparation. medicinal decoction from its seeds.

Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Take a quarter glass of decoction several times a day. Use psyllium seeds for constipation as a laxative. The laxative effect of the decoction occurs 6-12 hours after administration.

For the same purposes, you can consume plantain seeds whole or crushed, a tablespoon before bed, washed down with jelly or compote.

Seeds soaked in hot water are used as compresses to treat cracked nipples in nursing mothers and for skin diseases.

Great plantain is also widely used in folk medicine. Its leaves are mainly used. Great plantain leaves contain flavonoids, vitamins A, C, and K, ascorbic acid, tannins and pectin, bitterness, polysaccharides, hydroxycinnamic acids and glucose.

In folk medicine, decoction, infusion and tincture of fresh plantain leaves are used. Infusion and tincture are used to treat acute and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Freshly squeezed juice is used to treat gangrenous ulcers and boils. Plantain for high blood pressure is used in the form of a tincture of leaves to reduce it.

A decoction of the leaves is one of the best folk remedies, when coughing and inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.

Fresh leaves are applied to boils; juice and infusion from them are recommended in traditional medicine for cystitis, stomach and lung cancer.

Preparation medicines from plantain leaves.


* Place a tablespoon of crushed dry or fresh plantain leaves in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Strain and take a tablespoon before meals, 3 times a day. Using this recipe, you can take plantain for gastritis, enterocolitis and for the treatment of peptic ulcers.

* Also big plantain in folk medicine it is used for expectoration when coughing in children. For this, 1 tbsp. l. Brew the dried leaves of the plant by pouring a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, then filter and drink 1 tsp. preschoolers, 1 dec. l. - younger schoolchildren and 1 tbsp. l. older children.

Juice from leaves.

Grind and remember fresh plantain leaves in a glass container. Then squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth and mix with the same amount of honey. Place the mixture in an enamel bowl and simmer over very low heat for half an hour. Take a tablespoon of plantain juice to treat colitis and enteritis 20 minutes before meals.


Pour two tablespoons of chopped fresh or dry plantain leaves with half a liter of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain. Add warm boiled water to the broth to obtain the original volume. Take a third of a glass of decoction 3 times a day before meals.

Externally: Wrap two tablespoons of fresh crushed leaves in a piece of gauze or bandage and apply as a compress to damaged areas of the skin. Cover the compress with a bandage. Replace the old compress with a fresh one every 4 hours. This method is suitable for treating plantain ulcers, as well as tumors, wounds, and bruises. Carry out the procedures until the damaged skin area heals.

It's the beginning of summer. This means that soon it will be possible to harvest plantain and prepare medicines from it and finally take care of your health!

Collect plantain seeds and leaves and dry them outdoors or in the attic. Place in linen bags and store in a cool, dry place.

If you wish, you can prepare plantain juice. To do this, fill it with vodka 1:2 and store for a year in a cool, dark place.

And if during the year you or your loved ones have a health problem, the medicine will always be at your fingertips!