Bedsores 3 4 stages. How does a bedsore develop? How to treat purulent wounds and bedsores? What should be the diet for bedsores

In this article, you will learn how to treat superficial and deep bedsores. We will tell you which medications must be applied when different states decubitus wounds. Familiarize yourself with the principle of action of hydrogel dressings. You can choose an auxiliary folk remedy that will help heal sore skin. Find out which natural ingredients are ineffective in the fight against pressure sores. Learn to lay the patient so that the pressure on the skin tissue is minimal.

How to determine the stage of a bedsore?

For the treatment of bedsores, you can use both pharmacy and home remedies. medicines. But in order for the medicine used to be really effective, you must first clarify the stage of the disease, and then choose a treatment regimen.

There are 4 stages of bedsores, the first two are superficial, the last two are deep. Stages 1 and 2 of the disease can be cured at home, but 3 and 4, according to doctors, can only be cured by a surgeon.

How to determine at what stage of development the disease is:

  • Istage- the skin at the site of the bedsore is red, slightly swollen. When pressed with a finger, white spots appear on it. The pathology is cured within a week.
  • IIstage- blisters appear on a red background of the skin, after they burst, wounds form. It is very important to have time to prevent a purulent process. Special medical dressings will help to cope with this, they will be mentioned below.
  • IIIstage - skin almost none, clearly visible subcutaneous tissues(fat, muscle), the wound may contain pus.
  • IVstage- bedsore is purulent deep wound, pathological changes begin to cover the tendons and bone tissue.

Let's see how you can help patients who suffer from bedsores of different stages.

Treatment process: superficial wounds

At the first stage of the formation of bedsores, it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, which will exclude the irreversibility of the pathological phenomenon, i.e. preserve the possibility of tissue repair.

Trying to alleviate the patient's condition with the help of external medicines, do not press hard on the bedsore. In this case, even light massage movements not appropriate.

This precaution is explained by the fact that the skin in the area of ​​​​the formation of a bedsore is too thin. Therefore, all actions taken on it increase the risk of injury and subsequent purulent infection.

First stage

You will be able to improve the condition of the patient's skin if you follow the points below:

  1. Purchase camphor alcohol and sea buckthorn oil at the pharmacy.
  2. Make sure that the inflamed surface of the skin always remains dry. Change diapers to the patient in a timely manner, and if he sweats a lot, then carefully wipe the skin with vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 0.5 l of water).
  3. Wipe the surface of bedsores every 2 to 3 hours camphor alcohol. Beneficial features The drug consists in antimicrobial and warming effects. The latter factor improves the process of blood circulation, the violation of which caused the formation of a bedsore. After 3-4 days, the redness should disappear.
  4. Treat with sea buckthorn oil 2-3 times a day dying tissues. The benefit of the drug is that it helps to relieve swelling and inflammation, has a regenerating (restoring) and antioxidant effect (providing protection to skin cells from pathogens).

Note! You can speed up the recovery of the skin if you massage around the inflamed area 2-3 times a day. But not with bare hands. Make yourself a mitten out of a soft towel, soak it with camphor oil and use it to stroke. Thus, you will cause a rush of blood to the sore spot, which will help improve tissue nutrition.

Second stage

If the period when it would be possible to prevent the development of necrosis of the surface layer of the skin is missed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to deal with more serious drugs. In this case, sea buckthorn oil and camphor will not save the situation.

  1. Regularly treat bedsores with an antiseptic (3-4 times a day). For these purposes, "Chlorhexidine Bigluconate" 0.05% is suitable. The drug is sold in the form of a spray, so rinse inflamed skin you can without touching it.
  2. Apply to bedsores after antiseptic wound healing ointment("Solcoseryl", "Actovegin" - one of them). The agent is applied to the diseased area with a uniform thin layer 2-3 times a day, the procedure is carried out until the skin is completely healed.
  3. Periodically apply hydrogel dressings, such as Hydrosorb Comfort. Benefit: the hydrogel element consists of 60% water, which provides the wound desired level moisturizing, and at the same time it is able to absorb excess tissue fluid, due to the possibility of its binding to the gel structure of the dressing. The convenience of use: the bandage is fixed on the healthy skin that surrounds the wound, due to the adhesive (sticky) edge. And it does not require the imposition of a secondary fixing element (adhesive plaster, bandage).
  4. Application bandage "Multiferm". It is used to heal bedsores that have signs of inflammation and infection. Benefit: relieves inflammation, cleanses the wound of microbes.

Note! Hydrogel and application dressings are not cheap (1 pack is more than 1000 rubles), but their use can reduce general course treatment of bedsores, which lasts at stage 2 pathology for at least 2 weeks, twice.

Perhaps you will find useful history from the next video. Hear how Laminin helped heal pressure ulcers on the heels of a 74-year-old man:

How to heal deep bedsores

If applied to a superficial decubitus wound wrong treatment or even leave it unattended, then the pathology will quickly take a complicated form, in which it is impossible to do without the participation of a surgeon.

The actions of a specialist are to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Sanitation of the wound surface (removal of dead tissues and pathological fluid).
  2. The imposition of drying and wound healing dressings, such as "Proteoks-TM".
  3. If the wound contains a large number of pus and dead tissue, then apply absorbent dressings, for example, "Biaten".

Important! Only after the decubitus wound has dried, it is treated with local antibiotics, immunostimulants, drugs that improve blood circulation.

What can be done: Stage 3

With the onset of the 3rd stage of the disease, the pathology begins to spread rapidly to neighboring areas of the skin with poor circulation blood. Therefore, it is a mistake to wait for self-exfoliation of dead tissues. After the surgeon cleans the decubitus wound, the following drugs are prescribed for its treatment:

  • Necrolytics. Accelerate the rejection of necrotic tissues ("Collagenosin", "Trypsin", "Deoxyribonuclease").
  • Tissue repair stimulants. Ointments and balms that restore skin tissues (Methyluracil, Bepanten, Vinylin).
  • Vasodilator drugs. Improve blood microcirculation ("Pirikarbat", "Tribenozid").
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Remove puffiness, stop inflammatory process("Hydrocortisone", "Dexamethasone").

Complex treatment, using the above medicines, allows you to clean the pressure sore wound and prevent infection of the whole body with a purulent infection. List local preparations, which are preferred in the 3rd stage of bedsores:

  • "Argosulfan" - the cream contains the antibiotic sulfathiazole, which can suppress the development of pathogens. The drug is made on a hydrophilic basis, which provides pain relief and moisturizing the wound. The agent is applied under a bandage or in an open way 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment can last 2 months.
  • "Iruksol" - enzymatic preparation, helps to cleanse pressure sores from dead tissues, which are a breeding ground for bacteria. The ointment is applied to the wound, previously treated with saline, in the morning and evening. Recommended to use before complete cleansing wounds and restoration of the granular layer of the skin.
  • Levosin - antimicrobial and wound healing agent, helps to cleanse bedsores from pus and necrotic tissues. It does not allow healthy cells to dehydrate and die. The ointment is applied to the wound and covered with a bandage, the procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day. In the presence of purulent cavities, the drug is heated and injected into the wound with a syringe.
  • "Levomekol" - antibacterial medicine, accelerates tissue regeneration, is prescribed to patients with infected wounds at the purulent-necrotic stage. The ointment is injected into the purulent cavities with a syringe 1-2 times a day.
  • "Metronidazole" 1% - the drug is made on a gel basis, which is able to kill bad smell from the wound. The medicine has antimicrobial action, applied under a foam (with an excess of exudate) or hydrogel (with a dry wound) bandage.
  • "Intrasite" - hydrogel provides gentle cleaning of the bedsore surface from pus and dead tissues. The agent is recommended to be used under a bandage, the frequency of its change depends on the condition of the wound.

How is stage 4 treated?

Treatment of bedsores, in which the pathological process has covered muscles, tendons and bone tissue, consists of 3 main stages:

  1. Excision of necrotic tissue.
  2. Absorption of separated liquid.
  3. Providing moisture to a healing wound.

In the process of surgical cleaning of a decubitus wound, the specialist tries to save as much living tissue as possible. After excision of necrotic masses, the patient is prescribed the same medications as in the 3rd stage of the pathology. AT without fail treatment is complemented by physiotherapy.

  • In order to suppress the pathogenic microflora in the ulcer, the patient is prescribed: ultrasonic cavitation - modern way cleaning a purulent wound and preparing it for closure. UHF therapy - an ultra-high-frequency field creates a thermal effect in tissues, relieves inflammation. Electrophoresis of antibiotics - the introduction of drugs through the skin through direct current. Phonophoresis of antiseptics - drugs are injected through the skin under the influence of ultrasound.
  • To stimulate the regenerative processes, the patient is prescribed: darsonvalization - impact impulse current on the skin that surrounds the wound, in order to expand blood vessels, activating blood circulation and improving tissue nutrition. low intensity laser therapy- normalizes the metabolic process in tissues, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin, strengthens local immunity. Mud applications - inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  • Massage healthy skin surrounding bedsore- performed with stroking movements, is carried out in order to improve the blood supply to wounds.

Note! Conservative (non-surgical) treatment of stage 4 pressure ulcers is possible if the size of the ulcer has decreased by 30% as a result of 2 weeks of therapeutic procedures. But, if this did not happen, then the doctor re-evaluates the patient's condition and changes the direction of treatment.


Doctors believe that to heal decubitus wounds (stages 2, 3 and 4) only folk remedies impossible, and recommend their use as auxiliary. Medicines prepared according to home recipes help cleanse and heal ulcers. But it should be remembered that used for cooking medicinal formulations natural components can cause allergies in the patient.

Therefore, before using any home remedy, first test it on a sensitive area of ​​the patient's skin. The medicine is applied to the inner bend of the elbow and left for 15 minutes. If redness and a rash appeared on the skin, the patient began to feel itching and burning, then this composition is not suitable for his treatment.


  1. Onions - 2 heads.
  2. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Wax candle - 1 piece (the smallest).

How to cook: put finely chopped onion in an enameled container and add oil to it, put in a water bath, bring to a boil, simmer the mixture for 20 minutes. Separate the onion from the oil, add a wax candle to the liquid, let it melt. Pour the medicine directly into the jar. Keep cold.

How to use: treat bedsores with ointment in the morning and evening until complete recovery.

Result: the agent kills pathogenic bacteria, promotes wound healing.

Vodka-olive blend


  1. Olive oil - 1 part.
  2. Vodka (moonshine) - 1 part.

How to cook: mix vodka and oil, pour into a bottle.

How to use: treat bedsores 3 times a day.

Result: noticeable improvements come after 2 weeks of using this medicine. Vodka disinfects and dries the wound, olive oil contains linoleic acid that promotes it rapid healing, strengthens muscle tissues and improves metabolic processes in the skin.

Pine sulfur


  1. Beeswax - 200 g.
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 l.
  3. Onions - 20 pieces (medium).
  4. Pine sulfur - 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide).

How to cook:

  1. Cut off the bottom with the husk (2 mm thick) from each bulb.
  2. Put oil, wax (you can buy it on the market) and sulfur (sold in a pharmacy) in an enameled container.
  3. Put the container on the fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce the fire to a minimum, simmer the composition for another 30 minutes.
  5. Put onion slices in it, cook over low heat for another 30 minutes.
  6. After cooling, strain the medicine through cheesecloth folded four times.
  7. Pour the composition into a jar, not into a bottle, as the mixture will thicken and it will be inconvenient to type. Store in a cool place.

How to use: treat bedsores 2-3 times a day with a prepared ointment. The course of treatment lasts until recovery.

Result: the composition disinfects the wound, relieves inflammation, and has a healing effect.

What remedies do not help

For the treatment of bedsores of stages 2, 3 and 4, herbs and other natural components that are endowed with a tannic or astringent effect (St. John's wort, oak bark, willow, galangal root, skumpia, etc.) are not used.

The result that you can achieve can be seen on the example of using a decoction of galangal root:

  • After daily treatment of the decubitus wound (1 mm deep and 0.5 cm in diameter), its surface began to dry out and acquire a more or less healthy appearance. But after a few days, the film formed on the surface of the ulcer came off, and the wound began to grow.

This case is explained by the fact that such drugs relieve inflammation and anesthetize wounds. And most importantly, they contribute to the rapid formation of crusts on their surface. But it is the latter factor that interferes with the process of growing new epidermal cells, as a result, the body rejects the “pseudo-skin”, and the pathology begins to progress.

Question answer

What is a hydrocolloid dressing, how is it useful for bedsores?

It's modern dressing for dry and wet ulcers. The composition of such a bandage includes substances that, after absorbing secretions from the bedsore, turn into a gel. In addition, after applying a bandage, a favorable environment for wound healing is formed under it.

What should be the nutrition for bedsores?

The daily menu of a bedridden patient should include:

  1. At least 120 g of protein. The substance is responsible for tissue regeneration in the affected area. In people who move little, muscles atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the volume of muscle tissue, with protein deficiency building up muscle mass impossible. Its sources are following products: eggs, fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, legumes, greens.
  2. 500 - 1000 mg Vitamin C. Provides normal work immune system. Sources: wild rose, kiwi, blackcurrant, Brussels sprouts, Bell pepper.
  • Fish, meat low-fat broth with vegetables.
  • Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal on water/milk.
  • Casserole of fish, cottage cheese.
  • Omelet, meatballs, meatballs (steamed).

Prohibited Products:

  • Sweets, sweet pastries.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Products containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers.
  • Spicy, salty and fried foods.

Does an anti-decubitus mattress really “work”?

Such a mattress is only an item that reduces the likelihood of bedsores in lying person. But this does not mean that they do not form if the patient lies on such a mattress. Only proper and timely skin care can prevent the appearance of pressure sores.

How many times a day do you need to turn the patient over to prevent the formation of bedsores?

The position of the lying patient is recommended to be changed every 2 hours, at least, including night period. After 2 hours of continuous pressure on areas at risk for developing pressure ulcers (protruding areas of the body), changes in skin tissues begin to occur, quickly leading to cell death. This factor is especially relevant for people with vascular disorders and pathology of the nervous system.

How should the patient be positioned to minimize pressure on areas of the body where pressure sores are most common?

There are 4 main positions that minimize pressure on tissues:

  1. The patient can be laid on his side, then on the second.
  2. Flip onto stomach.
  3. Help accept Sims' position. Intermediate location: top part body rests more on the stomach (a pillow is placed under the head and left hand), the lower part of the body - lies on its side ( left leg bent at the knee, a pillow is placed under it).
  4. Fowler's pose - is a semi-sitting position, it is very easy to implement with the help of a functional bed or orthopedic pillows.

What to remember

  1. Before starting the treatment of a decubitus wound, the stage of its development should be clarified, otherwise the medications used may be ineffective.
  2. Stages 1 and 2 of bedsores are considered superficial, 3 and 4 - deep.
  3. Superficial wounds can be cured at home, deep pathological changes only with the participation of a surgeon.
  4. In the treatment of decubitus wounds ethnoscience can be used as an aid.
  5. An anti-decubitus mattress reduces the likelihood of skin ulcers, but does not cure them.

- ulcerative necrotic formations that appear as a result of circulatory disorders and tissue necrosis in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconstant pressure on a certain place on the human body. Such processes occur in seriously ill people, which are deprived of the possibility of movement or even limited movement. Sometimes the appearance of bedsores indicates inappropriate care for a bedridden patient.

In principle, the place of formation of pressure sores can be any area on the body of a person who constantly experiences pressure while sitting or lying down. As a rule, in these places, subcutaneous fat is very weakly expressed. So, when the patient is lying on his back, bedsores are most often formed on the sacrum, ischial tubercles, heels, shoulder blades, elbows and even the back of the head. In the case of frequent lying of the patient on his side, bedsores can form on the side of the thigh, on the knees and on the sides of the ankles. But with prolonged lying on the stomach, these formations on the pubis may appear.


Bedsores, according to their severity, are divided into four degrees:

  1. At the first degree, redness of the squeezed areas is observed, but the skin is intact. Even with the cessation of compression, hyperemia is observed.
  2. In the second degree of bedsores, there is a shallow violation of the superficial skin, which can spread to the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, a partial detachment of the upper layer of the skin occurs.
  3. The third degree is characterized by the destruction of the skin, the appearance of ulcers, which, growing, penetrate into muscle layer. In this case, liquid secretions are observed.
  4. The fourth degree, characterized by damage to all soft tissues, is the most severe, with it a cavity is formed that exposes the tendons, and sometimes the bones.

It should be noted that the third and fourth degrees of bedsores require surgical treatment.


As you know, the functionality of body tissues depends on the supply of essential nutrients from the blood. Deliver rich blood nutrients vessels that permeate all tissues of the body. For normal exchange the smallest vessels are especially important - capillaries, when squeezed, blood circulation sharply decreases or stops altogether. Thus, in a constantly lying patient, the vessels are squeezed, as a result of which the blood flow to the tissues stops. With prolonged squeezing, ischemia occurs (malnutrition of tissues), after which their necrosis occurs. At this time, bedsores form on the body.

The reason for the formation of bedsores can be the stretching of the bed from under the bedridden patient. In this case, there is a displacement of the soft tissues in relation to the deeper layers, which leads to rupture of blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply in this place is disturbed, which is also fraught with the formation of bedsores. It should be noted that bedsores in the same way can appear in patients who are trying to change the position of the body, sliding down the bed. There is friction and compression of soft tissues, which is very noticeable for immobile patients.

Decubitus in the region of the sacrum and trochanter femur left


It is important that the treatment of bedsores should consist, first of all, in the restoration of blood circulation in the tissues of damaged areas. Besides, effective treatment involves the rejection of necrotic tissue and wound healing. At the same time, prevention methods are used to restore blood circulation, which include: reducing compression, shear and friction; proper care behind the skin; reducing various irritants and reducing skin moisture. For rejection of necrotic masses, dressings with special ointments. In the treatment of pressure ulcers of the third and fourth degrees, a surgical method is used to excise necrosis and tissue grafting.

Bedsores after surgical treatment

At the same time, the treatment of bedsores consists in the healing of a cleared wound. At the same time, hydrocolloid dressings are widely used, which contribute to fast cleansing and delay damage. In parallel, they apply antibacterial drugs and fungicides. Very efficient use ultraviolet irradiation and the use of silver-containing drugs.


It is important that timely prevention of bedsores can greatly facilitate their further treatment. First of all, it is necessary to provide the patient with a soft but elastic mattress, while the bed should be perfectly flat without folds and tubercles. These properties are possessed by latex mattresses in Krasnoyarsk, which have a unique feature to change their shape, despite their elasticity, they have pliability and elasticity, adjusting to any human physique.

It is also necessary to conduct a daily examination of the skin, especially those places where there is a risk of pressure sores. In order to prevent bedsores, it is necessary to regularly change the position of the patient. In this case, the skin experiences minimal friction.

Also, to avoid the formation of bedsores, it is necessary for a bedridden patient to provide high-quality nutrition, which should include trace elements and vitamins. It is necessary to avoid skin irritation, for which it is tedious to monitor the condition of the linen. It should not have buttons, embroidery, coarse seams. Keeping the room optimal temperature regime can save the patient from increased sweating to avoid the formation of bedsores. And, of course, you must follow all the rules for skin care, which practically do not differ from skin care for a healthy person.


Unfortunately, a bedridden patient is not only regular procedures, but also the need to monitor his health. And even if the underlying disease was stopped in its development, it is by no means possible to relax - for bedridden patients, the formation of bedsores is typical.

What causes the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients? Firstly, the patient is constantly in one position - gradually there is a violation of blood circulation in places of constant contact of the body with the bed, the skin begins to atrophy. Secondly, in bedridden patients, both the level of immunity and the regenerative abilities of the body are significantly reduced - this significantly aggravates the condition of newly formed bedsores.

Table of contents:

Bedsores in a bedridden patient can form anywhere, it depends on the position in which the person is most often located. For example, if he is forced to lie on his back for a long time, then the lower back, buttocks, the area between the shoulder blades will be affected, and if the bedridden patient is on his side, then the bedsores will be located only on one side of the body.

As soon as the first signs of bedsores appear, treatment should be started immediately - if this process is started, the process of skin decomposition will actively progress, which will lead to necrotic processes, the formation of deep ulcers.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the position of the patient is such that places with already formed bedsores do not come into contact with the bed and clothes. To do this, you can use special anti-decubitus rubber circles - they look like swimming, allow you to support body parts with pathological changes on the skin in a "suspended" state. Thus, absolute dryness of sore spots is ensured - this is an indispensable condition for successful treatment bedsores.

But all other treatment, both with the use of drugs and with the use of funds from the category of "traditional medicine" must be agreed with the attending physician.

The specialist will determine the stage of development of bedsores:

  • 1 stage. The skin in certain places becomes red, if you press this hyperemic area with your finger, it does not turn white, in some cases, edema appears in places of redness. Stage 1 bedsores are called superficial and are considered the most accessible for treatment. If you take certain measures at this very moment, you can avoid further development necrotic processes.
  • 2 stage. Bedsores are not only red in color, but also small blisters or sores. At this stage, the main task is to prevent the development of an inflammatory / purulent process. As a rule, the regular use of dressings with specific drugs gives excellent results - the treatment will not be long and difficult.
  • 3 stage. Bedsores are a deep wound, the skin is completely "eaten" by the necrotic process, adipose and muscle tissues are clearly visible, and the wound can be filled with purulent content.
  • 4 stage. The pathological process actively spreads to the tendons and even bone tissue, inflammation develops, the wound in each case is filled with pus.

Bedsores at stages 3 and 4 of development are classified as deep, and doctors believe that only a surgeon can help the patient. Of course, there are a lot of remedies from the “traditional medicine” category, which often turn out to be quite effective in the fight against bedsores, but home treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of bedsores with drugs

There are a number of medicines that can be used to treat pressure sores. But it will first be necessary to establish precisely the stage of development of the pathological condition- this will help right choice in favor of a particular drug.

1 stage bedsores

At this stage of the necrotic process, the following should be done:

Note:in no case should you massage reddened places on the body, even treat them with oil or alcohol very carefully, with minimal effort. This is due to the fact that there is a very high risk injure thinned, inflamed skin - this immediately leads to infection and the development of an inflammatory-purulent process.

2nd stage bedsores

At this stage of development of the considered pathological process it is necessary to use specific medications- unfortunately, one oil and alcohol is not enough. What doctors recommend:

Note:hydrogel dressings and applications with specific substances have a rather high cost in pharmacy chains, but when they are used, the treatment time for bedsores is significantly reduced.

3rd and 4th stage bedsores

As mentioned above, at these stages you will need the help of a surgeon - the doctor will definitely carry out the following procedures:

Only after the decubitus wound has completely dried out, it will be possible to apply specific drugs to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of bedsores at home folk remedies

Since a bedridden patient is most often at home, those who care for him need to know various methods bedsore treatment. Of course, before using each of them, you need to get permission from your doctor, but all of the following remedies have practically no contraindications.

They have not only a pleasant aroma, but also have an antiseptic and healing effect. It is not surprising that some essential oils can be actively used for the treatment of bedsores. Here are the two most effective recipes:

The fruits of these plants contain a large amount of vitamins A, E and C - these substances help restore and improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of regeneration in the body. That is why and traditional healers, and representatives official medicine it is recommended to treat bedsores with sea buckthorn oil and / or rosehip oil (you can simply alternate these two products).

Before applying these types of oil to the affected skin, it is necessary to treat the area with camphor alcohol. Then ulcers and clean wounds are treated with oil, wait until it is completely absorbed, and only after that they put clothes on the patient. Be sure to use sterile cotton swabs for the procedure - this will prevent infection.

Note:sea ​​buckthorn or rose hip oil is excellent for bedsores of stages 1 and 2 of development - these two remedies will act as the main method of treatment. But if the bedsores are already deep in nature, then sea buckthorn and rosehip oil can only be considered as an auxiliary component of complex therapy.

Camphor oil

This is a very specific remedy for bedsores - it will be effective at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the pathological process in question, but dangerous with deep pressure sores. The fact is that camphor oil has an antiseptic, wound healing and analgesic effect. This tool is able to restore tissues, improve metabolic processes in the body, but only if applied to the skin. Therefore, with superficial bedsores, camphor oil can be applied once a day to altered areas of the skin, but on existing ulcers, the same remedy will cause burns.

In pharmacy chains, an ointment based on camphor oil- it is more expedient to use just such pharmacological form the drug in question.

Often, when pressure sores appear, people immediately begin to use expensive medicines for treatment, some specially prepared preparations. But traditional medicine claims that even the most familiar products can help get rid of necrotic changes on the body of a bedridden patient. The most effective means:

  1. Baking soda. It is used to treat stage 2 bedsores, when blistering with purulent contents is already observed. What should be done? Dilute a full tablespoon of soda in boiling water (2 cups) and moisten a linen towel in the resulting solution. Immediately apply a towel to the problem area and leave to cool completely. When the tissue is removed from the bedsore, pus is found right on it - it comes out of the blisters. The next clean towel is taken and also wetted in soda solution, is applied again. This procedure should be carried out until, after removing the tissue from the wound, a clean surface of the towel is noted.
  2. Onion. You need to take two heads of medium-sized onions, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Then the oil is filtered, beeswax is added to it or church candle(1 piece), which must first be melted in a water bath. Such an ointment can be used to treat bedsores at any stage of their development, but before each use of the remedy, it must be warmed up / melted.
  3. goat fat. Connecting table salt, finely chopped onion and goat fat in equal proportions - the product is ready. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 20-30 minutes.

Note:goat fat remedy at the beginning of the treatment of bedsores can cause severe pain- it must be endured. But as the ulcers heal pain syndrome becomes less pronounced - this can serve as a kind of indicator of the results of treatment.

  1. Cream. Everything is simple here - it is enough to lubricate bedsores with cream once a day. But you need to buy them without any flavor additives and fragrances best option- Make your own cream.

Of course, the treatment of bedsores is important and required action. But you also need to know some features of caring for bedridden patients - in this case, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of the pathological process in question. What do we have to do:

Treatment of bedsores in a bedridden patient is a lengthy process, often it is not possible to achieve success. But using all the means and methods indicated in the article, you can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Bedsores may form on the patient's skin. The treatment of bedsores is a very important event that must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. An unpleasant defect occurs as a result of a deterioration in blood circulation in the organs and tissues of a person who is forced to lead an immobile lifestyle. Doctors recommend a lot of measures, under which the patient's body will not develop bedsores. Treatment of bedsores and their treatment is a very time-consuming and complex process. It is much easier to prevent them than to deal with them.

What are bedsores?

In a person long time lying in one position circulatory system does not operate at full capacity. Under the influence of the gravity of the body, small capillaries are compressed. This prevents the flow of blood to certain areas. As a result, oxygen saturation and tissue nutrition stops. Last without getting needed useful substances begin to die off. It is in these areas that bedsores form. Treatment of bedsores, begun even before their appearance, for preventive purposes, can radically change the situation. In most cases, such measures protect the patient from unpleasant and painful formations.

What do bedsores look like?

Skin necrosis occurs in several stages. The type of bedsores depends on the severity of the stage:

  1. At the first (initial) degree, skin areas that are in a squeezed state for a long time swell and turn red. looks like a simple irritation, sometimes with blue. Pain may be felt in these parts of the body. With such symptoms, the prevention of bedsores should begin immediately. Camphor alcohol treatment of squeezed places will provide excellent results.
  2. The second stage is characterized by the formation of a shallow wound with pinkish and swollen edges on the irritated areas. It looks like an ulcer. Sometimes a bedsore in the second stage looks like a burst bubble.
  3. In the third stage, the wound deepens. Inside it is visible yellow dead tissue.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by an even greater deepening of the ulcer. It begins to affect the internal tissues. In the wound opening, tendons, muscles, and sometimes bones are visible.

The location of pressure ulcers depends on the position of the patient. If the patient lies on his back, then ulcers form in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, sacrum and heels. On the hips, shoulders and knees, bedsores occur in those people who are located on their side. Patients using a wheelchair may develop ulcers on the buttocks, sacrum, and rear parts hands

These areas should be remembered and carefully inspected. Do not forget that such people are recommended daily treatment of bedsores and their prevention.


Bedsores appear in those areas where there is no muscle tissue between the bones and the skin. Ulcers occur in people who have lost the ability to move. For example, strict adherence to bed rest after operations or fixation of the human body as a result of injuries may serve as a prerequisite. Sometimes the cause of pressure ulcers can be:

  • poorly applied splints and plaster casts;
  • improperly selected corsets and prostheses;
  • too tight bandages, folds in the bed, tight clothing.

At the same time, some bedridden patients such pathologies can develop quite rapidly. In such people, even with careful care, ulcers can form on the body. Such patients require more careful care and frequent treatment of bedsores. In patients diabetes for example, blood supply is disturbed. And if such a patient stays for a long time in a stationary state, in which tissues are compressed, then the risk of pressure ulcers increases significantly. In addition, the following factors contribute to the formation of pathology:

  • Smoking.
  • Obesity.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Traumatic or therapeutic disorders in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Allergic reactions to skin care products.

Preventive actions

Bedridden patients need special care. It is very important that the treatment of bedsores and their prevention are carried out competently. From the very moment the patient was bedridden. Such activities include:

  1. Daily visual examination of the patient's skin. In this case, it is especially necessary to carefully check the condition of the dermis in areas where the bones protrude.
  2. Treatment of bedsores in seriously ill patients with camphor alcohol (10% solution) or ammonia (0.5%). Such procedures are recommended to be carried out on “dangerous” areas even if there is no redness yet. During the event, light massage movements should be carried out with a swab dipped in an alcohol solution. This massage helps blood circulation and stimulates the tissues.
  3. Periodic change in the patient's posture. The position of the patient can be changed with the help of special means (for example, an inflatable ring or rollers). Particular care must be taken to transform the position of the buttocks and heels in order to protect the integument from wrinkling. good remedy prevention is a special orthopedic mattress.
  4. Be sure to use only natural fabrics for bed linen and clothes of the patient. Avoid elements that injure the skin (zippers, buttons, hooks).
  5. Maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room where the patient is located.
  6. Keeping the patient clean. The patient's skin should not be wet. Do not use products that can provoke irritation of the integument.
  7. Stimulation of the patient's motor functions. Turning and moving parts of the body, massage helps to prevent the occurrence of bedsores.
  8. Right, balanced diet. It consists of food that is low in calories but rich in minerals and vitamins. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor water exchange. The patient should consume liquid, no more than one and a half liters per day.

These are the main measures that make up the prevention of bedsores.

Treatment of the skin with the appearance of bedsores

Therapeutic agents, even the most effective ones, will not be able to be useful if the area where the defect has formed remains in a compressed state. It is impossible to eliminate the pathology if this zone blood will not begin to flow, nourishing the tissues with the necessary substances.

Thus, care includes 3 main conditions:

  • restoration of blood circulation in the damaged area;
  • ensuring the rejection of dead tissue;
  • therapeutic measures aimed at wound healing.

Let us consider in more detail how the treatment of bedsores occurs. The execution technique given below will allow you to perform the event correctly and efficiently.

Procedures to restore blood flow in the affected area

In the event of a bedsore, it is necessary first of all to exclude contact of the skin with the bed in places of irritation. To do this, an inflatable circle or roller is placed under the body so that the wound is constantly in the air. good prophylactic against bedsores is a massage. Do it in the morning and evening. The patient's skin should be dry and clean. When performing a massage, you can use special creams and oils. Areas where wounds have formed are not massaged! Such treatment of bedsores in patients is possible only at the first stage.

The order of the procedure:

  1. Lay the patient on the stomach. Carry out stroking the legs from the heels to the buttocks.
  2. Now move on to the hands. Stroke from the hands to the neck.
  3. and the sacrum is performed downwards, and then to the sides.
  4. Stroking the entire back.

This procedure is performed within 5 minutes. Movements should be light at first, and then more intense. Then they do rubbing, vibration and kneading of the same parts of the body. Each session lasts 5 minutes. At the end, a head massage is performed, especially the back of the head, which is more at risk of pressure sores. Then the patient is laid on his back and a similar massage of the front of the body is performed. Carefully massage those areas that are more protruding (knees, ribs, pelvic bones).

Procedures for rejection of dying tissues

Some patients develop bedsores very quickly. Treatment of bedsores, if there are wound surfaces, begins with the release of the affected area from dead cells and pus. For this, apply special medicines. AT difficult cases surgery is recommended.

Bedsores are treated:

  1. camphor alcohol. This tool is only used on initial stages. Its use on open wounds is completely unacceptable.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution).
  3. "Chlorhexidine". The product is more neutral for the skin.

If it is required to remove pus and dead cells, special means for cleaning wounds are used: Izuksol and Proteox-TM.

Activities that ensure the healing of the wound surface

After the ulcer is cleared, it is necessary to start treatment. Alginates and hydrocolloid dressings contribute to excellent healing of bedsores:

  • Comfil Plus.
  • "Multifrem".
  • "Hydrocoll".
  • "Hydrosorb".
  • "Duoderm".

The above funds are quite expensive. Therefore, not all people can purchase them to treat pressure sores. The treatment of bedsores can be carried out with special ointments and creams, which do not have such a high price. Among these drugs are:

  • Synthomycin.
  • "Dexpanthenol".
  • "Actovegin".
  • Levomikol.
  • "Vulostimulin".
  • Solcoseryl.
  • Levosin.
  • Hypericum oil.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.

To prevent infection, when treating ulcers, you should strictly follow the rules of antiseptics. After applying wound healing agents, a sterile dressing must be applied. If it is not possible to bandage the treated wound, you can fix the decontaminating patch at the site of the lesion with a special adhesive plaster. But it must allow the skin to breathe. It should be noted that dressings and adhesive plasters should not overtighten the covers in order to exclude their further damage. Dressings are carried out as needed. Before each procedure, the bedsore must be treated with antiseptics. Sometimes, if indicated, patients are prescribed antibiotic treatment.

When is the surgical treatment performed?

Unfortunately, even high-quality efficient processing bedsores in seriously ill patients does not always lead to healing of wound surfaces. In case if conservative treatment does not help, surgery is required. Usually it is used for bedsores of 3-4 stages.

Before surgical intervention perform the following procedures:

  • cleaning of bedsores (to remove dead areas);
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • restoration of water, protein and electrolyte balance.

There are several surgical options for treating pressure ulcers, depending on the stage of the ulcer, the size of the affected area, and the presence of infection:

  1. Free Do with bedsores 2 and 3 stages. in 2-3 weeks.
  2. Excision and plasty by surrounding tissues. Carried out with bedsores 4 stages. The ulcer heals within 2 weeks in most patients.
  3. Excision and plasty with a skin flap with or without muscles. The operation is indicated for bedsores of the 4th stage and with a large surface of dead tissues. The wound heals within 2-4 weeks in 2/3 of patients.

Sometimes only surgery can help the patient get rid of bedsores and prevent complications such as kidney failure, liver disease, sepsis and death. After the operation, the affected areas of the skin heal fairly quickly. Surgical intervention can significantly alleviate the condition of seriously ill people.

Ointments for bedsores

The range of drugs for the treatment of these pathologies is quite large. In order for the treatment of bedsores at home to be carried out effectively on your own, you should choose the right medicines. Ointments intended for the treatment of pathology should:

  • restore blood circulation;
  • stimulate tissue regeneration;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • eliminate pain.

However, do not forget about the technique of the event. Before applying the ointment, the affected area should be disinfected and treated with an antiseptic. For this, drugs are used: "Chlorhexidine bigluconate", "Colloidal silver", "Furacilin".

Ointments for the treatment of bedsores are chosen depending on the degree of development of the ulcer and the presence of infections. For the first stage, it is necessary to improve blood circulation and antimicrobial effects. At this stage, apply:

  • Zinc ointment.
  • "Dermazin".
  • "Argosulfan".
  • "Cindol".

When bacteria enter the wound, antibiotics are required. For such cases, at the first stage, drugs are used:

  • "Argosulfan".
  • "Iruksol".
  • "Levomekol".
  • Levosin.

In the second stage, ointments are used to remove dead cells. At the same time, they should have an anti-inflammatory and drying effect:

  • "Betadine".
  • "Methyluracil".
  • "Iruksol".
  • "Thiotriazolin".

At the third stage, ointments are shown that stimulate healing:

  • Algofin.
  • Solcoseryl.
  • "Bepanthen".
  • Levosin.
  • "Thiotriazolin".
  • "Iruksol".

Pressure ulcers of the fourth degree should be treated in a hospital, as the risk of complications is high. Naturally, all ointments and remedies should be used only after consultation with your doctor. The specialist, on the basis of the analyzes performed, will prescribe the best and effective therapy. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated. It's a very high risk lethal outcome with inappropriate therapy.