Birth control pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. The name of pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse and how to take them correctly

Emergency (postcoital, urgent, fire) contraception is a special method of preventing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or if other methods of contraception are ineffective.

Scientists long time studied female body to find out how it originates new life and what factors external environment necessary for her further development. Thanks to the development of science, doctors have learned to control the processes of fertilization. But not every pregnancy is long-awaited. Therefore, women, sacrificing their health and lives, tried various methods cessation of fetal development.

Today, the development of obstetrics and gynecology as a science has led to the creation of multiple means of contraception, including for emergencies. These drugs are allocated to one special group due to a similar mechanism of action on the woman’s body in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Emergency contraception disrupts physiology menstrual cycle.

In addition to affecting the cycle itself, contraception increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, slow down the movement of germ cells and the embryo through the uterine (fallopian) tubes, thereby disrupting the processes of its implantation to the endometrium for further development.


There are two ways to administer fire contraceptives:

  1. Tablets against unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse;
  2. Copper-containing intrauterine devices.

According to the hormonal composition, emergency contraception is divided into drugs containing:

  • High doses of estrogen.
  • Gestagens.
  • Combination of estrogen-gestagens.
  • Antigonadotropins.
  • Antigestagens.

According to experts, the effectiveness of the drugs emergency contraception against pregnancy after unprotected act limited in time. The shorter the time interval between sex and reception medicines, the greater their effectiveness, but this time period should not exceed 72 hours. If this period is exceeded, the likelihood that fertilization of the egg has already occurred increases.

From the 6th day of pregnancy production begins human chorionic gonadotropin, which prevents the resorption of the corpus luteum. Its main task is to produce progesterone before the formation of the placenta for the further development of the fetus. It is much more difficult to interrupt the embryo development process at this time.

These pregnancy pills should not be used continuously and should not be used as a predominant the only method preventing sperm from fertilizing an egg. Drugs used for fire contraception affect not only the processes of conception and development of the embryo, but also the entire body as a whole. Since the drugs also have negative effects, not every woman can take them as contraceptives.

Therefore, before use, consultation and subsequent monitoring are necessary if prescribed by a gynecologist. Only a doctor can help you choose a specific method of emergency contraception for a woman.

The main indications for postcoital contraception are:

  1. Rape.
  2. Incorrect use/breakage of condom.
  3. Delayed intake of combination drugs oral contraceptives.
  4. Interrupted sexual intercourse.
  5. Unprotected sexual intercourse.

In addition to indications, there are diseases and conditions of the body when the use in various ways Emergency contraception is possible under the strict supervision of a doctor:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. A combination of factors – premenopausal age and the presence of tobacco smoking (more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day).
  3. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.


These drugs were the first to be used for emergency contraception in gynecology. The use of steroid sex hormones is effective way. To prevent pregnancy, high doses of estrogen are used, so the main disadvantage of these contraceptives is frequent occurrence adverse side effects. Most common following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, imbalance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood.

Besides, a large number of researchers are of the following opinion: if a woman managed to become pregnant after taking female sex hormones, then such pregnancy should be completed. Estrogens have a carcinogenic effect on the embryo. Women whose mothers took estrogens in the first half of pregnancy developed malignant diseases of the genital organs a few years later, and in men the processes of puberty were disrupted.


The most famous and widely used group of drugs in Russia. The main drugs are gestagens - Postinor and Escapelle. These drugs are disposable contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse. The gestagen underlying these drugs is levonorgestrel.

The principle of action of levonorgestrel is based on disruption of the processes of egg maturation. The drugs work only during the maturation phase of the dominant follicle and its subsequent development. During ovulation, levonorgestrel is not effective, and three days before it, the drug's potency decreases to 68%.

The following regimen for taking the drug Postinor has been developed: the starting dose is taken up to 72 hours after sex, and the second dose is taken 12 hours after the first tablet. The manufacturers of the drug remind you that Postinor should not be taken more than once per menstrual cycle.

Levonorgestrel is found in a drug called Escapelle. This emergency contraception contains only one pill, which is very good for use. Taking the drug is also limited to a time period of 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of these drugs in the first 24 hours is 95%.

Due to the heterogeneous effectiveness of gestagen preparations in different periods menstrual cycle, important issue It remains to be seen how these emergency medications affect the fetus if they are ineffective this method contraception.

Based on many studies, experts claim that Postinor and Escapelle do not adversely affect the embryo and the course of pregnancy if they are ineffective.


Yuzpe and Lancee developed in 1977 effective program taking combined oral contraceptives containing gestagen-estrogen components. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, low-dose birth control pills can also be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse. Depending on the dosage chemically active substances in them, only the number of tablets changes. The meaning of the method is to use fixed doses of estradiol and levonorgestrel, divided into two doses. The greatest effectiveness of the Yuspe method lies in the time frame - 72 hours after sex, and the interval between the first and second dose should be 12 hours.

The effectiveness of this method depends on:

  • Time frame for taking medications.
  • Phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Occurrences adverse reactions. Most common complication- vomiting; if you do not take another dose identical to the first one, the effectiveness decreases.

Drugs with antigonadotropic action

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on a decrease in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland, which entails inhibition of ovarian function, a slowdown in the rate of egg release during the rupture of a mature follicle and changes in the mucous membrane of the uterine body, preventing the attachment of the fertilized egg. One of the drugs is Danazol or Danol.

The method of using Danazol is variable. The drug can be taken two or three times. The interval between doses should be 12 hours in order to create the required level of hormones in the blood. The main thing to remember is that the entire course of taking Danazol must be completed no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.


Antigestagens - new and most studied pharmacological group substances whose pathogenetic effect is based on blocking progesterone-sensitive receptors. This hormone is produced at the beginning of pregnancy yellow body and is necessary for its maintenance.

The main advantage of the drugs is the highest efficiency during all stages of the menstrual cycle among tablet emergency contraceptives. This is due to the wide variety of mechanisms of action. In the preovulatory period, disposable contraceptive pills suppress ovulation; in the period after it, they act on the lining of the uterus and disrupt the process of implantation of the embryo into it.

Mifepristone is an emergency contraceptive that has these effects. By origin it is a synthetic antiprogestin. This substance contains pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse with the names: Agesta, Zhenale.

Mifepristone is an emergency contraceptive pill that affects all pathogenetic mechanisms of pregnancy, so the time period without reducing the percentage of effectiveness is 120 hours. If the fusion of germ cells has already occurred, then taking mifepristone can terminate an unwanted pregnancy, causing a reaction similar to menstruation.

The use of antigestagens as postcoital contraception is not permitted. In Russia, mifepristone is registered as a drug for medical abortion(if menstruation is delayed for no more than 42 days). In pharmacies, drugs may have different names, depending on the pharmacological company, but they are dispensed only with a doctor’s prescription and can only be taken after consulting a gynecologist.

Despite high efficiency mifepristone, there is a possibility of pregnancy. In such cases, it is recommended to interrupt it, since the drug has an adverse effect on the embryo.

Mechanical emergency contraception

Installation of copper-containing intrauterine devices is the most effective for preventing pregnancy. The main condition for achieving the necessary goal is to set it no later than 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Today we have a wide range of different intrauterine devices. These emergency contraceptives come in different shapes, sizes, hardness and materials. Individual selection of the required spiral is the task of a gynecologist. The main principle of action is to prevent the migration of a fertilized egg to the endometrium - the mucous membrane of the uterine body, and copper has lethal effect on sperm, as a result of which they lose their ability to conceive.

Installation of any foreign devices in the uterine cavity is accompanied by increased risks introduction of infection or its spread with existing infectious diseases genitals. There are cases when the use of these contraceptives is inappropriate:

  • Cannot be used by women with improper development genitals.
  • It is not recommended to use them for women with promiscuous sexual intercourse, since installed copper-containing IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The use of these emergency contraceptives is not recommended for women suffering from various inflammatory diseases pelvic organs.

Due to the fact that the IUDs are installed intrauterine, a small percentage of drugs enters the bloodstream. This explains the absence of hormone-mediated complications. Also, only 0.1–0.6% of the drug reaches breast milk, therefore, while taking the drug you can not stop breast-feeding. Well, the main advantage of intrauterine devices is the ability to use them later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Don't forget about the risks of infection. Before using this method of contraception, a woman should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

There are certain diseases and conditions of the body when the use of this method of contraception is absolutely unacceptable:

  1. Pregnancy or possible presence of it in a woman.
  2. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  3. Oncological diseases of any parts of the uterus and mammary glands.
  4. Congenital or acquired diseases leading to changes in the size, shape and configuration of the uterus.

Today, emergency contraception is becoming increasingly widespread, but it must be emphasized that the choice of method and method of contraception is the prerogative of the gynecologist.

Emergency contraception is a one-time, immediate treatment to prevent pregnancy with the goal of reducing the number of abortions. Doctors do not recommend using it more than once per menstrual cycle or several cycles in a row. Therefore, after using emergency measures, a woman should choose another, more reasonable way to prevent pregnancy.

Postinor is one of the most common emergency contraceptive drugs, but before using it you need to read the instructions and weigh all the risks. Doctors always warn against rashly taking Postinor.

In some countries, its sale is strictly by prescription or is completely prohibited. In our country, Postinor is sold freely, and some women, when taking it, do not realize how dangerous the incorrect use of such strong contraceptives can be. Therefore, it is best to use Postinor only after consultation with a gynecologist.

The drug is available in tablet form. The package contains a plate with two tablets white. On one side there is an engraving of the manufacturer - “INOR”, which is a guarantee of the authenticity of the drug. Also included in the package are instructions for use.

The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic hormone that can inhibit the process of conception at an early stage. Additional components of the drug are:

  • silicon;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • corn starch;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose.

What is it used for?

Postinor is used as an emergency contraceptive.

After sexual intercourse during which conception occurred, it is necessary to take a tablet of the drug as soon as possible. Due to this, the fertilized egg dies and the conception process stops.

In some cases, Postinor can be used as prescribed by a doctor if pregnancy is dangerous to the woman’s health.

For example, after a miscarriage or stillbirth, it usually takes time for the female body to recover and become able to conceive a healthy fetus. Otherwise, there is a threat of repeated miscarriage and even a risk to the mother’s life. If repeat pregnancy occurs earlier than the recommended period, doctors prescribe an interruption with Postinor.

In other cases, a woman may independently decide to take Postinor if pregnancy is undesirable for her. Often the drug is used after unsuccessful use of other means of protection, for example, after a condom breaks during sexual intercourse.

pharmachologic effect

The main effect of the drug is gestagenic and antiestrogenic. Due to this, the process of suppressing ovulation occurs. When fertilization occurs in the preovulation phase, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is especially high. In this case, the antiestogenic effect has a depressing effect on the egg cell, as a result of which it dies.

Postinor causes changes in the endometrium, which prevents implantation. The effect of the drug is ineffective if the implantation process has already begun.

Instructions for use

Postinor is intended for oral administration. The result of its use will only occur if you take both tablets within the next 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The interval between two tablets should be 12 hours (but not more than 16 hours).

Taking pills is not associated with either the last meal or the phase of the menstrual cycle. Taking pills sufficient quantity water.

Levonorgestrel is a strong hormone that may cause the side effects listed below. Vomiting can occur as side effect from taking Postinor, and a symptom of another disease, such as poisoning. If vomiting occurs after taking the first tablet, it is recommended to consider its effect as cancelled. Thus, you will have to take two more tablets, not counting the one after which you vomited.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications to the use of Postinor are:

  • individual intolerance to levonorgestrel or any other component;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy.

As for pregnancy, if this contraindication is neglected, there is a risk of fetal death and a serious threat to health and life. The result may be infertility and other serious chronic diseases genitourinary system.

Side effects in all other cases may include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • minor bloody issues, not related to menstruation;
  • loss of strength and deterioration of general condition.

All these symptoms usually go away on their own after 12-48 hours. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

special instructions

It must be taken into account that the more time has passed between unprotected sexual intercourse and taking Postinor, the less effective the drug will be:

It is also important to consider the following instructions:

  1. Postinor is strictly not recommended for use as a permanent contraceptive. Some women, having experienced its effectiveness, decide to use it constantly. This can cause serious harm to health, and there is a risk of inability to become pregnant in the future.
  2. Postinor, like any other means of emergency contraception, does not protect a woman from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if unprotected sexual intercourse poses a risk of infection, after taking the pills you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and testing.
  3. In some cases, the drug may be prescribed to girls under 16 years of age. But only a doctor can do this after everything has been weighed possible risks. While taking the pills and the first 24 hours after this, it is recommended to stay in the hospital under constant medical supervision.
  4. Before using Postinor, it is recommended to exclude pregnancy. To do this, simply use the test. There are cases where women, not knowing that they were pregnant, took the drug, as a result of which the fetus died.

Drug interactions

There is a group medicines, which are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with Postinor. Otherwise, the action of one of them will not be as effective as possible.

These include hypoglycemic and anticoagulant agents, glucocorticosteroids, as well as drugs containing amprecavil, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus and some other components.

To avoid the wrong combination of medications and not to harm your health, you should consult your doctor before starting to take Postinor.


Postinor is a unique drug, which is produced in Hungary. Domestic analogues there is no remedy. It is not yet known about analogues of the drug based on the active substance - levonorgestrel. Thus, you can replace Postinor with other means of emergency contraception:

  • Lupinor (manufacturer India);
  • Model 911 (manufacturer Spain);
  • Escapelle (manufacturer: Hungary).

Unprotected sex can happen in the lives of many, but here we are not talking about diseases that can be “caught,” but about an unplanned pregnancy, when a child is not included in the plans of both partners and panic begins. The first thing to do is to calm down both, because there are no hopeless situations, and pharmacology suggests the use birth control pills, which must be taken immediately after the act within 24 hours. They will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Modern drugs created to prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected copulation are popular. Some of the most famous remedies:

  • Mifepristone.

It is a mistake to believe that drugs will be an ideal opportunity to have unprotected sex. This hormonal agents one-time use. They affect the woman's body. Gynecologists say that the maximum allowable intake is two capsules per year. Taking pills by your partner will not affect your men's health, but can cause a critical hit to a woman. To be more precise, not to the entire body, but to the organs responsible for procreation. Medicines are not kept in home cabinets, as they are available at any pharmacy.

Hormonal anti-pregnancy drugs block the process of ovulation and egg implantation. The female body is subject to severe hormonal disruption, so it is better to forget about planning a pregnancy for the next six months. Information is important for both partners if they dream of becoming parents of a healthy baby in the future.

The harm of “emergency” contraceptives

Partners who have had unprotected sexual intercourse together resort to solving the problem without contacting doctors, on their own, fearing that the woman has become pregnant. The best option will turn to a gynecologist to save yourself from the need to use harmful chemical components of drugs. When the decision not to see a doctor is deliberate and unchangeable, the couple needs to carefully read the instructions for the drug, find out about side effects. It should be remembered that there is no harmless drugs this category.

The woman's body is exposed negative impact and even danger. There are several reasons:

  • Taking birth control can lead to ectopic pregnancy;
  • The use of the drug often causes bleeding from the uterus;
  • After using a contraceptive, the likelihood successful conception decreases sharply.

Contraceptive pills and other express methods are harmful and dangerous for young girls who have not given birth. The price to pay for intercourse without the use of contraceptives is infertility. Before taking the pills, the couple should jointly think through and weigh all the pros and cons, and a trip to the gynecologist will allow you to choose the formulations that cause the least harm, without greatly shaking the female hormonal system.

The list consists of popular drugs, where Postinor is the most powerful. The effect is comparable to hitting the reproductive organs with a heavy object. female organs. It is known that taking the drug will prevent pregnancy by 95%, but will put the subsequent one into question. In addition, the remaining 5% leaves a chance for conception, but how will the pregnancy proceed, what abnormalities may appear in the embryo after a strong hormonal shock. Statistics say that cases where the drug does not help are resolved by doctors suggesting an abortion, since complications are likely for both the mother and the child.

Both grandmothers and mothers, all those who lived in the 1980s of the last century, know about the drug. But not everyone knows what price they will have to pay. The product consists of a mini-course, taken over three days, and each package contains two tablets.

Contraception is not suitable for all women, but if you want to use it, it is important to know the date of your last menstrual period. For menstrual irregularities, delays, and other problems associated with critical days, postinor should be abandoned. Doctors say that after taking it, heavy, prolonged bleeding will appear.

The tablets are not intended for women who have problems and complications associated with gastrointestinal tract, liver, or suffering from diabetes mellitus. Admission to young people under 16 years of age, as well as to those who have not given birth, is strictly prohibited.

Contraception is dangerous for those who are sick:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • or other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • Has problems with high blood pressure;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The product is intended for women who do not have health problems, but taken pills can seriously undermine it. The consequences of taking are manifested:

  • In violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • The occurrence of vomiting and nausea;
  • Headaches;
  • Development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Bleeding from the vagina;
  • Infertility;
  • Sudden fainting, itching, swelling, rash;
  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen;

Product used in conditions medical clinic, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, abortion, when the period does not exceed six weeks. Contraceptive pills are not sold in pharmacy chains; they are distributed and sold exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. It is used only in clinical settings so that the doctor can observe and control the process.

Contraindications include problems with the liver and kidneys in women. It is necessary to notify medical worker about smoking or drinking alcohol if the patient often indulges bad habits. The doctor should know that if a woman uses, taking the drug with her is unacceptable. After three weeks, the woman needs to have an ultrasound to make sure there is no pregnancy; if there is one, an abortion is performed. A child cannot be born full-fledged and healthy if the person has taken agesta.

Side effects are expressed:

  • In nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Bleeding;
  • Fainting;
  • In menstrual cycle disorders.

The contraceptive, which must be taken within 24 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse, contains levonorgestrel, an ingredient that prevents pregnancy.

  • Menstruation irregularities;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Apathy, headache.

Tablets that prevent a woman’s body from unwanted pregnancy after intercourse without protection, containing the substance mifepristone, are a synthetic steroid drug.

The active substances block the effects of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Within a couple of hours, an environment appears in the uterine area that is negative in relation to the fertilization process. The drug is highly effective.

Side effects:

  • IN skin rash, itching;
  • Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Increased temperature, irregular periods;
  • The appearance of bleeding.

Taking birth control on the first day may not lead to side effects, which cannot be said about using it for more later. will appear uterine bleeding, you will need to seek immediate medical attention.


The contraceptive is a means of medical abortion. It is acceptable to use a contraceptive during the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse without protective equipment. When it turns out that pregnancy has occurred, mifepristone is used to terminate it.

Prescribing the drug during this period excludes independent use; you must consult a doctor. The uterus will acquire tone, accompanied by contractile myometrium, which will lead to miscarriage. fertilized egg will be destroyed due to the effects of a drug that blocks progesterone. There is a large list of contraindications:

  • Excluded in case of renal failure;
  • For diabetes mellitus;
  • Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
  • At inflammatory processes genitals;
  • Anemia, bronchial asthma;
  • Infections, bad habits.

For two days after using the product, the woman remains under the supervision of a doctor, and after 14 days she returns to the clinic for an additional health check. The drug is dangerous, sometimes it does not have the desired effect, and an abortion will be required. Side effects early stages and time after abortion using medication are identical.

But it brings a lot of worry and worry. The most difficult thing for a woman in this situation is to wait for the onset of menstruation and listen to her body every minute. The only question that haunts me is: what to drink after unprotected intercourse, what medicine to take to avoid unwanted pregnancy. At such moments, more than ever, you feel your own helplessness and there is a desire to influence the situation in such a way as not to harm your health and be 100% sure of a happy ending.

Contraception after unprotected intercourse: studying drugs

Contraception will help correct the situation after an unprotected act. The use of tablets of this group in medicine is also called postcoital contraception. Its actions stimulate the uterus and cause frequent contractions in fallopian tubes. This prevents the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. If several days have passed after conception, then the use of post-coital drugs leads to egg rejection, rebuilding hormonal balance women and accelerates the onset of menstruation.

Drugs such as “Continuin”, “Pastorin”, “Escapelle” are the most popular and widespread contraceptives after unprotected intercourse today. “Pastorin” gives results if you start taking it no later than 12 hours after sexual intercourse, since the drug acts on a fertilized egg that has not yet had time to attach to the wall of the uterus. The medicine must be taken for three days every 12 hours, strictly following the instructions. After the first doses, the egg only slows down, but does not die, so you should complete the entire course to achieve a positive result. “Escapal” - tablets after unprotected intercourse based on levonorgestrol. They can be taken within 24 hours after intercourse: three days once a day.

Drugs containing mifetpristone (“Moripristone”, “Mifegin”, “Zhenale”) work well, but it is advisable to use them only if the menstrual cycle is delayed. The instructions indicate that the tablets are effective for three days after contact, but they can only be taken once a day. monthly cycle after consultation with a doctor. Frequent use of drugs in this group leads to hormonal disorders, which are difficult to renew. Bloody discharge after an unprotected act - the result of a correct one. They must appear before 12 hours after the end of the course.

The name of the pills after an unprotected act is not as important as the substance on which they were developed. The effectiveness and duration of action depend on it.

Unprotected sexual intercourse: problem or pleasure?

Taking birth control pills is a necessity that many women undertake to avoid unwanted pregnancy. This is harmful to their health and negatively affects hormonal processes. Contraception after unprotected intercourse can only be used in exceptional cases, since after drugs of this group it is necessary to restore the female body over several weeks.

Unprotected intercourse before or immediately after menstruation does not risk pregnancy. In this case, you do not need to take pills, but there are situations when it is better to insure yourself once again.

The need for postcoital contraception

  • If you do not take birth control pills regularly.
  • If there was an unprotected act in the middle of the cycle.
  • In case of rape.
  • If there is no confidence in the reliability of the partner or contraception ().

During unprotected intercourse, tablets can be taken once or twice a year, which means only in emergency cases. Nausea and dizziness are side symptoms taking medications. If you vomit up to two hours after taking the medicine, the effect of the drug will drop sharply and the possibility of unwanted pregnancy increases. Only readmission tablets can guarantee the desired result.

Contraindications for use

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Migraines and spasms of blood vessels in the head.
  • If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy.
  • While taking other medications.
  • With frequent uterine bleeding.
  • If you have kidney problems.

During lactation, you can resume breastfeeding only after 36 hours from the last dose of the drug.

If there was an unprotected act, then the sooner you take the pills, the greater the guarantee that pregnancy will be prevented. If you use the first dose immediately after intercourse, you can be 90% sure of its effectiveness. After 24 hours, the effectiveness of the medicine decreases significantly, as well as if taken untimely daily dose. It is very bad if taking the pills was disrupted and did not give the desired result, since the drug has a negative effect on the development of the embryo and can cause genetic abnormalities in the child.

Anything can happen in life, including unprotected unplanned sexual intercourse. We will not discuss the circumstances under which such an act occurred, but we will tell you what to do to prevent an unwanted pregnancy from occurring.

There are pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Let us consider in detail how to take them correctly and what the consequences may be.

Name of anti-pregnancy pills

Such tablets are called drugs emergency contraception. These are Escapelle and Postinor. This hormonal drugs. Active substance– hormone levonorgestrel.

This hormone acts in two projections:

  • Does not allow the egg to mature. If sexual intercourse occurred just before ovulation, then levonorgestrel simply blocks the maturation and release of the egg, and even if it remains active sperm, they will have no one to fertilize.
  • Affects the endometrium, making it impossible for a fertilized egg to attach to the walls of the uterus if fertilization has already occurred.

Postinor and Escapelle are analogues, but they are different hormone dosage and dosage regimen.

Levonorgestrel dosage here - 1.5 mg. A package of Escapel is just one tablet and you need to take it 5 days after sexual intercourse (96 hours to be precise). The female body receives loading dose hormone one-time. Of course, the sooner you take the pill, the better you will protect yourself from unnecessary pregnancy.

Plus this large dose levonorgestrel is that you only need to take one tablet without any regimen and the effect will be maximum, but the downside is that this is a big blow to reproductive system, which can cause hormonal imbalance.

In Postinor, the dosage of levonorgestrel is half as much, in total 0.75 mg, but there are two tablets in the package. The first is drunk within three days after intercourse (72 hours). It is advisable to do this much earlier, at least within 24 hours, because the effectiveness of Postinor decreases with each passing hour. The second is drunk 12 hours after the first.

The plus of Postinor is the gradual effect of the hormone, and the minus is more short term possible action(72 hours versus 96 hours in Escapelle’s instructions). The cost of Postinor and Escapel is the same.

When is the best time to take an anti-pregnancy pill after intercourse?

The principle “the sooner the better” works here. Sperm penetrate into the vagina and beyond literally in a matter of seconds. The most dangerous period in terms of unwanted pregnancy is the period of ovulation. For most women, ovulation occurs mid-cycle, which is about two weeks after the start of their period. And it lasts up to 48 hours. Since it is impossible to accurately calculate the day and hour of the release of the egg “to hunt”, then dangerous period The days of the cycle are considered from the 12th to the 19th.

And if in these dangerous days active sperm have entered the female body, there are two possible options: they immediately get to the mature egg and one of them will definitely fertilize it, or some of the sperm will “lurk” for another couple of days and wait for the egg to be released.

That is, it is advisable to take the tablet within a few hours. To levonorgestrel managed to block the formation of an egg, or suppressed the active growth of the endometrium so that the fertilized cell could not gain a foothold in the uterus.

If this is an Escapelle tablet, then the probability is very high. If this is a Postinor tablet, then you need to take a second one. The most common mistake girls is that they decide to save on the second Postinor tablet or at least spare the body. Only a gynecologist can give permission not to take the second pill.

Sexual intercourse that occurs during the period of ovulation is a huge risk of pregnancy, so you need to strictly follow the instructions. And it is necessary to understand that neither Postinor nor Escapelle cannot give a 100% guarantee. And the later the pill is taken, the more this percentage decreases. From 95% in the first hours to 85% in the last days.

The tablet takes about three hours to be absorbed, and if you vomit during this time, you will have to take a new tablet.

Such a powerful hormonal shock rarely passes without consequences. Usually, within a week or two after taking levonogestrol tablets, slight bleeding begins, which many women mistake for menstruation. This is the so-called withdrawal bleeding", that is, the remains of the endometrium, which is why the blood is usually brown.

The monthly cycle after Postinor or Escapel is disrupted. Now it will be new, the work of the ovaries will start again, the new endometrium will begin to mature again, which means that menstruation will begin on different days.

The side effects listed in the instructions include nausea, headaches, and vomiting.