Harmful properties of milk. What are the benefits of milk? What do the doctor's say? It's true that milk can be consumed instead of protein shakes to build muscle more effectively


The benefits of milk

For beauty

Milk contains calcium, which is responsible for the formation of collagen, and collagen is responsible for the elasticity of our skin. Milk also contains vitamin A, which is responsible for smooth skin and shiny hair.

For bones and teeth

Milk contains calcium and other elements (vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus), which help calcium to be absorbed. We all know that calcium is necessary for strengthening bone tissue.

To improve body tone

Milk contains riboflavin (vitamin B2), carbohydrates, protein (keeps muscles in excellent shape) and vitamin E, which increase the overall tone of the whole body.

For nervous system

If you drink a glass of milk at night, you will forget about insomnia, because milk reduces gastric secretion and has a general calming effect.

For vessels

Milk reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases because it contains a high percentage of potassium, which maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. Milk also reduces high blood pressure.

For the digestive system

Milk is great for heartburn because it reduces acidity. gastric juice. Folic acid improves intestinal and liver function.

Choosing milk

Which milk is better, you ask? Of course, steam milk is the healthiest, but it is not recommended to drink it raw, only after boiling, since raw milk is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.

If it is not possible to get fresh milk from under the cow, then it is better to give preference to pasteurized milk, the shelf life of which should not exceed 5 days. Less preferably sterilized, it contains few vitamins and microelements.
Unfortunately, not all people tolerate milk protein Moreover, it is difficult to digest. If you do not tolerate milk well, replace it with fermented milk products. They are digested more easily and retain everything beneficial features milk, in addition, contain bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.
Dairy products


Kefir is the healthiest fermented milk product. It quickly removes toxins and accumulated metabolic products from the body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and others. internal organs person. Improves digestion and has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.


Ryazhenka is rich in living lactic acid organisms, which help improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Due to the fact that fermented baked milk is able to restore balance in the stomach, it is useful to drink it after overeating heavy food. Ryazhenka, a very useful product for diseases of internal organs (liver, biliary tract), when fighting overweight, during treatment hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a rich source of calcium and more valuable proteins. The fats and proteins of cottage cheese are absorbed relatively quickly and completely. It is precisely because of the easy assimilation of such rich product as cottage cheese it is recommended for children, elderly people and patients recovering from illness. Cottage cheese is one of the few products recommended for chronic diseases digestive organs, since it does not increase acidity and does not irritate the surface of the stomach. It is also perfect for feeding pregnant and nursing mothers. Cottage cheese is necessary for the growth and restoration of all body tissues, especially bone tissue. It is useful for the functioning of the nervous system, cardiac activity and blood formation.

Sour cream

Sour cream is different high content nutrients and the speed of its absorption. It is digested even faster and easier than cream. And at the same time it contains 7-10 times more vitamins A and E than milk. Sour cream has dietary properties and contains valuable vitamins: A, E, B2, B12, C, PP.

As you noticed, the choice of dairy products is very wide! Choose to your taste and be healthy!

Cow's milk has become much more widespread than the milk of other animals. It is present on the table of every family almost every day. pure form or as food products produced from it (cottage cheese, cheese, butter, yogurt or kefir). High demand everywhere cow's milk facilitated by the simplicity and accessibility of its receipt, significant volumes industrial production.

The large amount of calcium in milk causes it important role in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue. Vitamin D present here improves the absorption of calcium and promotes its deposition in bones and dentin. Thus, drinking cow's milk effectively prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis.

Regular consumption of cow's milk during childhood is especially important. It was in the early and adolescence skeletal strength is laid and maximum bone mass is accumulated, which will determine the predisposition to fractures throughout life. A direct relationship has been proven between the intake of calcium from milk and its deposition in the skeletal system of adolescents, and the inverse relationship with the incidence of fractures.

IN early age Cow's milk, as a rule, is well absorbed, promotes growth and development, strengthens the immune system, improves memory and mood. The ability to digest milk decreases with age, but completely eliminating traditional foods from an older person's diet can be detrimental to their health. In this case, it is recommended to consume milk diluted or skimmed.

Milk is a product that is traditionally prescribed for the rehabilitation of people employed in hazardous industries, and is also used in medicinal, dietary and baby food. It helps with anemia, kidney diseases, disorders of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis. Milk with honey is a widely known drink that relieves stress and makes it easier to fall asleep.

Complex beneficial effect of milk on cardiovascular system is ensured by its high potassium content and the ability to slightly reduce arterial pressure. Linoleic acid in its composition eliminates excess weight, which also facilitates the work of the heart. The antitumor activity of milk has also been confirmed, as well as its ability to increase life expectancy.

Cow's milk during pregnancy

Lack of calcium intake during gestation inevitably affects the condition of the bones and teeth of the expectant mother. Cow's milk can largely solve the issue of deficiency of this mineral, and it also promotes its full absorption. Lactose, found in abundance in milk, helps the body process calcium and also serves as an excellent source of energy.

Milk gently cleanses the body of a pregnant woman, removing poisons and salts from it heavy metals, radioactive compounds. For residents of large industrial cities, this feature of the product is especially important. In addition, some vitamins in its composition have pronounced antioxidant activity and protect cells from harmful effects environment.

In the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance to cow's milk in mother and baby, it can balance the diet of a pregnant or lactating woman, enrich it with nutrients and vitamins. This product also serves as a safe effective means to relieve heartburn, which often accompanies the second half of pregnancy.

Warning: If a woman previously had difficulty drinking cow's milk, then during pregnancy it is better to completely abandon it and not conduct risky experiments.

When is drinking cow's milk dangerous?

The main protein in cow's milk, casein, is the strongest allergen. When incompletely digested, it is able to enter the blood and act as an antigen, causing a powerful immune response. The result of such a shake-up can be not only the development of intolerance to all dairy products, but also diabetes Type I

People prone to allergies should exercise caution when consuming cow's milk and may benefit from asking your doctor for advice regarding your diet. Availability pathological reaction it means completely eliminating all dairy products from the diet.

Video: Who should not drink milk. Discussion in the program “Live Healthy”

The milk sugar, lactose, is rarely fully processed in the adult body. Lactase deficiency can develop in varying degrees: not to cause discomfort or lead to complete intolerance to dairy products. It most often manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea, loose stool;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • cramps and pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn.

Cow's milk also harms the body if galactose metabolism is impaired. This substance is formed during the breakdown milk sugar together with glucose and can become a serious risk factor for the development of cataracts and arthritis. Galactosemia is hereditary disease and requires the complete exclusion of milk from the diet.

Rules for choosing and drinking cow's milk

Usually, first of all, it is customary to pay attention to the naturalness and safety of food, which, of course, will be true in relation to cow's milk. The ideal option is to purchase it from a private farmstead from neat and clean owners, whose cow is regularly examined by a veterinarian. This is the only way to find whole milk; the industrially produced product is normalized for drinking, the content of proteins and fats in it is artificially regulated.

You should choose milk that has had as little contact with air as possible, because in this case the milk fats are partially oxidized. To obtain information on this matter, it is permissible to ask the farmer a little about how milking occurs on his farm; it will also be useful to find out his method (machine or manual).

The freshness of the product is of great importance: fresh whole milk contains a maximum of beneficial nutrients and lysozyme, which inhibits the development of putrefactive microorganisms. After 2 hours it loses its activity, so raw milk must be boiled or pasteurized. The easiest way to perform instant pasteurization is to heat the drink to almost 90°C and immediately turn off the stove.

Pasteurization makes almost no difference taste qualities milk, but it destroys pathogens of dangerous diseases, including tuberculosis and brucellosis. Heat-resistant lactic acid microorganisms do not die, and beneficial nutrients are also preserved. Pasteurized milk can turn sour, so it remains quite suitable for making yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese.

Processing of milk under influence high temperatures almost completely destroys pathogenic microflora and bacterial spores, but also causes physical and chemical changes in the composition. Among these methods, the most popular are boiling, sterilization and ultra-pasteurization. They destroy lactic acid bacteria, which prevent the appearance of toxic compounds, and milk fats, depriving the product of most of its beneficial properties.

Any heat treatment reduces the acidity of the drink, frees it from gases dissolved in it and increases shelf life. Of the types of milk available for purchase in the store, it is preferable to choose pasteurized milk, as it will bring more benefits to the human body than others. The shelf life of such milk is short, up to 7-14 days, depending on the packaging method.

Warning: Reconstituted milk should be avoided as it has low nutritional value and may contain oxidized cholesterol, which depresses the heart and blood vessels, and foreign additives (chalk, sugar, starch or flour).

Video: A story about the features of cow's milk in the program “From Morning to Evening”

Storing cow's milk

The shelf life of milk depends on how it is processed, packaging and temperature. Raw milk at 1-2°C it is stored for two days, at 3-4°C for about a day and a half, at 4-6°C for a day, at 6-8°C for 18 hours, and at 8-10°C for only 12 hours.

Useful tips for storing milk:

  1. At the store, it is better to put milk last in the grocery cart to avoid it being kept warm for a long time. When you return home, you should immediately place it in the refrigerator.
  2. In the refrigerator, it is optimal to store milk at a temperature of 0-4°C, do not use the door for this.
  3. Opened milk can be consumed within 3 days, kept closed and separated from foods with a strong odor.
  4. To store milk, it is better to use the original packaging, glass or ceramic containers.
  5. Avoid exposing the product to light as it destroys riboflavin and vitamin D.
  6. Freezing milk allows you to preserve its nutritional and taste properties for a long time; you need to defrost such milk in the refrigerator.

Advice: Frozen cow's milk tends to separate when thawed. In this case, just beat it with a blender to return it to its normal appearance.

Compatibility of milk with other foods

Cow's milk is an independent food product. In order for it to be absorbed better, you need to drink it on an empty stomach, without mixing with other food, in small sips and with a slight linger in the mouth. You should not take cold milk: low temperature complicates the digestion process. After a glass of milk, it is useful to refrain from eating for some time (1-1.5 hours).

It is acceptable to consume milk with some types of fruits, berries and vegetables. It softens the effects of caffeine, so it is useful to add it a little to tea or coffee. Milk also goes well with cottage cheese.

Composition of the product

The composition of cow's milk is rich and varied, it includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and hormones. A complete set of amino acids completely covers the needs human body, and milk fat is one of the most nutritious and healthy. Energy value raw whole milk is small - only 65 kcal, so dairy diets are widespread and effective.

Nutritional value of cow's milk (per 100 g of product)


% of daily value


% of daily value

B1, thiamine

B2, riboflavin

B5, pantothenic acid

B6, pyridoxine


B9, folate

B12, cobalamin

PP, niacin

Video: E. Malysheva about the dangers of milk

Whatever harm was attributed to milk. It, they say, “glues the walls of the intestines together,” because of it, “poisonous mucus is formed in the body,” and the fathers are the inventors separate power supply They were not allowed to take milk with bread.

Fortunately, all these lumps of dirt did not stick to the lightest drink, since they were thrown by people insignificant in their illiteracy. All arguments against milk were unsubstantiated. The loud scandal was just a desire to become famous, challenging the contradictions of the whole world.

Actually about unique properties milk was known back in the time of Hippocrates, and modern science only proves the rightness of the great doctor and seer. And he goes further, creating new ones based on milk. healthy foods. IN currently More than 100 types of milk drinks have already been prepared.


Since milk was originally invented by nature for feeding babies, it is easy to guess that it contains all the substances necessary for the body, including immunological protection, and all of them in a balanced and digestible form. And as a result we have the following.

Calcium is best absorbed from milk, so it is recommended to take it for any problems with skeletal system- from fractures to the prevention of osteoporosis. Milk helps with insomnia.

It expels excess liquid from the body. Hot milk for colds - an indispensable tool. Milk is also good for blood formation. And to reduce stomach acidity. It is useful to take for diseases such as cardiovascular failure, atherosclerosis, obesity, bronchial asthma, liver and kidney diseases.

However, milk also has contraindications. If the body does not produce the enzyme lactase, it is simply impossible to drink milk. And it is not necessary. Intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea will be aggravated by milk. It is not recommended during operations - for some time before and after. And, of course, if you are allergic to milk.

Fermented milk drinks

Although all of them are prepared from milk, during the fermentation process they develop additional properties that distinguish them from whole milk. The main difference is better digestibility. The fact is that during fermentation, bacteria convert milk protein into more tender flakes that are better digested in the body. By the way, this is why artificial infants Soviet time kefir was prescribed for feeding, which was prepared in special dairy kitchens.

Of course, all lactic acid drinks are prepared different ways. Lactic acid bacteria, rods or fungi are added to them for fermentation. Some use a combination of microorganisms, for example, Varenets is fermented with both bacteria and lactic acid bacillus. But despite this, in general they are not much different from each other. Except for the taste. And the beneficial properties are almost the same, the difference is very small.

The most remarkable healing property fermented milk drinks- intestinal health. Lactic acid microorganisms create exactly that beneficial microflora that successfully fights pathogenic microorganisms, inhibits their reproduction and development. I remember how one of the oldest gynecologists in the country strongly advised every woman to douche with kefir so as not to get sick. And this makes a lot of sense.

In addition, if many people are allergic to whole milk, then allergic reactions I personally have never heard of lactic acid drinks.

Curdled milk

It was one of the first drinks made with milk. This product is “prepared” by lactic acid streptococci. Curdled milk is good because it is very well absorbed in the body and has antibacterial properties. This drink can be safely called “the head of everything.” Indeed, quite a lot of different drinks have been created based on yogurt.

Mechnikovskaya yogurt is one of the varieties of yogurt. It is considered more medicinal, although, in my opinion, the difference is small; just for the fermentation of Mechnikovskaya, in addition to streptococci, they also use the Bulgarian bacillus. However, in fairness it must be said that it contains more vitamin A and beta-carotene. But also fat!


This is another type of yogurt, which is also called “Ukrainian yogurt.” It differs from the usual one in that milk and cream are used for preparation. Their mixture is heated to 95 degrees and fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus. Therefore, ryazhenka is more fatty product and has more calories - 84 kcal per 100 g of product.


This type of curdled milk is prepared on the basis of baked milk. Varenets is fermented using streptococci and lactic acid bacillus. The result is a very unique drink that has loyal fans.


This is the most common fermented milk drink, which is fermented with special kefir grains. Odes are written about kefir, it is tirelessly researched, revealing new medicinal properties, it is modernized, enriched with useful substances. However, the essence remains the same!

Kefir has complete proteins (like other fermented milk drinks), is very well absorbed, has antibacterial properties, and stimulates the digestive tract. Kefir has a funny contradiction - it has both a laxative and a strengthening effect. Remember! One-day kefir weakens, and three-day kefir strengthens.


A relatively recent invention that has become very popular. In fact, this is also yogurt, which is fermented with a special yogurt starter made from Bulgarian bacillus and a special strain of streptococci. It has almost all the properties of other fermented milk drinks.


But here the difference will be more significant. By chemical composition and caloric content of acidophilus is similar to kefir. But! The acidophilus bacillus with which this drink is prepared takes root better in the intestines, lives in it longer, which means it will maintain cleanliness and beneficial microflora in the intestines for a longer period than other lactic acid drinks. In addition, acidophilus bacteria themselves produce antibiotic substances in the intestines. In addition, they are resistant to the effects of some antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol, which means that after treatment with such antibiotics, the microflora in the intestines will not change. Moreover, it is acidophilus bacteria that successfully fight fungi, preventing them from becoming active and multiplying.

In general, of most fermented milk drinks, it is acidophilus that has the greatest medicinal properties. But there are not very many regular fans of acidophilic products - it must be that not everyone knows about their medicinal properties.

It is difficult to find another food product that attracts as many conflicting opinions as milk. Is it useful or not for general condition health, whether it helps you lose weight or not, whether you should buy it raw or pasteurized, low fat or full fat - the list goes on.

Who to believe?

On the one hand there are groups (PCRM and PETA) who claim that milk is evil.

At the other end of the spectrum is the Dairymen's Association, which believes milk is essential to keeping you in top condition.

And besides debates about usefulness, there are also political, ethical, environmental factors, which must be taken into account. As with most other disputes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's try to find this middle ground!

Milk and health

A study was conducted - 400,000 adults around the world were observed for 28 years. Those who drank the most milk were less likely to have heart disease and heart attacks than those who drank less or no milk (and the study was not sponsored by the dairy industry).

But! The world is experiencing growth cancer diseases triggered by hormones. And cow's milk is a source of estrogens and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which can cause unregulated cell division.

On the other side… The relationship between breast or prostate cancer and milk tends to be zero if we exclude the influence of excess consumption of other animal products - and in particular red meat.

More facts:

  • Drinking milk increases the risk of uterine cancer, but at the same time reduces the risk of anal cancer, which is much more common.
  • There is currently no evidence of a relationship between milk consumption and type 1 diabetes.
  • Approximately 70% of the population has some degree of lactose intolerance. For those who drink milk, this may be a problem, but there are always reduced lactose options. In addition, cheese and yogurt contain much less lactose, so they usually do not cause problems.

Milk and bones

Easterners have much lower rates of osteoporosis than Westerners, even though they consume less dairy products. Nurses Health Study women's health) showed that women who drink more than two glasses of milk a day are more susceptible to bone fractures.

But! Asians have very different general diet and lifestyle, and the results obtained by the Nurses Health Study may well simply be a reflection of the number of women who are aware of the risk of fractures and are trying to compensate for it (simply too little, too late).

Milk and weight loss

A once-promising study that found three dairy meals a day could help with weight loss has not been confirmed. Another independent study found little to no effect of daily milk consumption on fat loss. In general, this is not surprising, considering who initially benefited from the “milk reduces weight” result.

Pasteurized or natural?

Proponents of pasteurization insist that it is necessary process to kill harmful bacteria, which has little effect on nutritional value and flavor.

Opponents of pasteurization believe that the same process that kills bacteria also destroys vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are vital to our health. Moreover, they indicate that bacterial infections from unprocessed milk are very rare, so they are unlikely to deserve the status of a global problem.

The benefits of milk have been known for a long time. Since ancient times it has been included in both children's and adult diets. It is a valuable product for the body and is even used as a preventive and medicine in medicine.

Milk counts light product, because the weakest concentration of gastric juice is enough to digest it.

The benefits of milk are due to the content in it large quantity vitamins (water- and fat-soluble). group B: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12). Vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A) are dissolved in milk fat. Vitamin C is contained in milk in an amount of 1000-1500 gamma percent.

No less in milk and useful microelements. These are zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, sulfur, bromine, aluminum, tin, fluorine, titanium, vanadium, silver and others. It also contains a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP); biotin (vitamin H); folic acid, involved in the process of hematopoiesis; pantothenic, normalizing the functions of the nervous and circulatory systems, and skin.

Lactic enzymes are very important for health. Among them, hydrolyzing ones stand out: galactase and lactase, lipase and phosphatase, as well as a complex of redox enzymes. IN childhood these enzymes accompany the transformation into digestive tract nutrients. But enzymes are active only in raw milk; when boiled, they are destroyed.

In order to study the benefits of milk, Finnish scientists observed children for 10 years, taking into account their diet. It turned out that children who are accustomed to milk from childhood are much less likely to suffer from diabetes (the study was conducted among children with a predisposition to this disease). When drinking milk, the body produces more antibodies to this disease.

Milk, the benefits of which are also explained by its balanced composition mineral salts(compounds of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, as well as citric, hydrochloric and other acids) involved in all the most important processes vital activity is necessary for everyone. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium are part of bone tissue. Magnesium is especially important for the heart, and phosphorus is especially important for the brain and nerve tissue. No other products except dairy products can replenish the body with these substances.

The benefits of milk are known in the treatment of anemia, physical exhaustion, it is useful for the recovery of people who have suffered serious illnesses or who have been injured. The product is invaluable in conditions where it is necessary to replace animal proteins (meat, fish, chicken eggs) to lighter ones.

Milk is used for heart disease and edema, as it has diuretic properties. This medicine is used for poisoning, for example, with acids or alkalis, iodine, bromine, and salts of heavy metals. It is useful for gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, anemia.

There is one original product in Russia that I practically don’t know about anywhere in the world. This is its benefit even greater than the usual one, because thanks to the manufacturing technology it becomes a concentrate of all useful substances contained in the raw product.

Warm is best natural remedy against insomnia, perfectly calming the body. It helps to overcome stressful conditions, reduces blood pressure, calms nerves.

If you wipe your face with a mixture of sour unpasteurized milk and... ethyl alcohol(3:1), then lightening can be achieved age spots.

However, the benefits of milk will not be the same for everyone. Children can drink it, which is perfectly absorbed by their bodies. For adults, it is better to limit yourself to low-fat foods (no more than 2%), because with age, animal fats are processed much more slowly. Even more beneficial for adults to use fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.). Be healthy!