Exacerbation of gastritis treatment diet. General information about the disease

Inflammation of organs digestive system are considered one of the most common diseases of the current generation of people. Gastritis is a disease that occupies a leading position and is diagnosed in virtually every second resident of the country, which is why questions about methods of treatment and prevention of the disease are extremely popular.

Gastritis can be treated at home, but medical supervision is required.

Despite the significant development of pharmacology, in the treatment of gastritis they are often used unconventional methods that have positive trends towards the patient’s recovery. Let's look at how to treat gastritis using folk remedies in complex therapy to bring health benefits, in which cases you can rely on curing the disease at home.

Causes of the disease and symptoms

Gastritis is insidious disease, which affects the gastric mucosa, characterized to varying degrees its inflammation and tends to rapidly progress in the absence of proper treatment. The disease in medicine has a fairly broad classification, which depends on the extent of damage to the stomach, the factors that influenced its development, as well as on the evolution of the disease.

Most often, the stimulants for the appearance of illness in humans are reasons such as irrational and unsystematic nutrition, bad habits patient, stressful situations. In addition, the source of the disease may be genetic predisposition the body to illness, problems with other organs, or long-term uncontrolled.

Often, gastritis has a chronic course of the disease, characterized by repeated exacerbations, the frequency of which depends on the person’s lifestyle, and, accordingly, the presence of provoking factors, as well as on the severity of the disease. actually does not cause serious discomfort, however, during an exacerbation, the patient feels painful symptoms in the stomach area, which may be accompanied by the following indicators:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting, mainly after eating;
  • diarrhea, sometimes alternating with constipation;
  • frequent belching and heartburn;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of body weight;
  • malaise, which is accompanied by dizziness;
  • unpleasant distinct odor from the mouth.

Sometimes a patient may perceive attacks of aggravated gastritis as ordinary poisoning, however, systematic such manifestations should become a signal for a campaign that can make an accurate diagnosis.

Modern medicine makes it possible to treat gastritis at home, if its evolution is at initial stages. In this case, it applies complex therapy, which may include both folk remedies in combination with a special diet, and medications, if necessary. It is worth noting that even the most “vaunted” folk recipes and methods of curing gastritis should be used only after consultation with doctors, so as not to harm your health.

Treatment options for gastritis at home

The disease may have different stages development. Specific and correct treatment each of them can only be prescribed by the attending doctor. The simplest form is considered superficial gastritis, which is characterized by inflammatory processes of the dorsal mucous membrane of the stomach. Treatment at this stage has a high percentage of complete recovery of the patient, provided that rational therapy. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the initial stage can become chronic, as well as worsen and progress to the formation of erosive or even atrophic gastritis, which are characterized by the penetration of inflammation into the deeper balls of the epidermis of the stomach, followed by the appearance of wounds on its walls and atrophy of the glands. The consequences of these forms of gastritis often include stomach cancer, which can be fatal.

Standard therapy for acute gastritis consists of such treatment methods as:

  1. Drug treatment, which can be inpatient or home, depending on the stage of the disease and medical indications.
  2. Special diet recommended by doctors.
  3. Folk remedies as an application to the complex of basic treatment methods.

Additionally, to increase the healing effect, the patient must give up harmful addictions, as well as minimize stressful situations that stimulate the exacerbation of the disease.


More often acute gastritis accompanied by severe pain, which greatly disturb the patient and do not allow him to lead his usual lifestyle. Drug treatment is considered an integral part of gastritis therapy and is aimed at relieving symptoms, reducing inflammatory processes, and normalizing digestive functions.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the following may be prescribed:

Drug therapy is possible at home, however, only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. Strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions guarantees the effectiveness of the therapy.

Special diet

One of important components treatment of gastritis at home is the specific nutrition of the patient, in compliance with the necessary therapeutic diet. Food is the main initiator of the intensification of the disease, which is why maximum attention should be paid to it.

On the first day, when gastritis worsens, you should refuse food and drink only warm teas to reduce provocative factors, intoxication and the level of stress on the digestive organs. Next, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet for a week, called “Treatment Table No. 1.” Depending on the course of the disease and the diagnosis, the diet may vary, since there are ingredients and dishes that are allowed for low acidity of the stomach, however, they are not recommended for use by patients with the hypoacid type of gastritis.

Regardless of the type of disease, there are general rules diet that all patients with gastritis should adhere to:

  • eating only freshly prepared food, avoiding extremely hot or cold foods;
  • systematic meals in small portions at least five times a day;
  • removal from the diet of fatty foods, spicy and canned foods, smoked meats, and spices;
  • in the first week after an exacerbation, preference should be given to pureed dishes made from easily digestible foods, preferably in semi-liquid form;
  • after the onset of remission, gradually introduce permitted ingredients into the diet;
  • stop smoking, drinking alcohol, highly carbonated drinks and coffee.

Drug treatment without following nutritional rules will not give the desired result. Only A complex approach for the treatment of acute or chronic gastritis can give profound results.


In addition to medications and a special diet, non-traditional methods of treating the disease are often used to enhance the healing effects. Before you start making and taking drugs, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since not all recipes traditional medicine harmless and suitable for treating any type of gastritis. And also some traditional methods are not combined with medications, which can cause complications.

Although doctors are often supporters traditional methods treatment, medicine confirms healing properties some ingredients traditional healing, recognizes their positive effects on the body in the integrated therapy of gastritis. There are a lot of “grandmother’s recipes” that were used by our ancestors to treat gastritis even before the development of pharmacology, and are also recognized today in the multifaceted therapy of the disease due to their healing effects.

An affordable option for the treatment and prevention of gastritis is the use of fresh juice raw potatoes. It is taken on an empty stomach in diluted form for ten days. Gives significant effectiveness in chronic gastritis.

Propolis is an indispensable ingredient in folk medicine; it is used not only for diseases digestive organs, but also to boost human immunity. There are many recipes using propolis, the healing power of which is recognized even by medical luminaries. The most popular is an alcohol tincture of propolis glue, which you can prepare yourself or buy at the pharmacy. For people who, due to their field of activity or other contraindications, cannot take alcohol tinctures, doctors recommend consuming self-prepared propolis milk or decoctions. bee product with the addition of herbs such as chamomile, linden, fennel and other beneficial ingredients for the stomach. The use of propolis gives positive results for any type of gastritis, increases immunity, reduces inflammatory processes in the stomach, and also has an anesthetic and antiseptic effect. There are no contraindications to use, except for individual intolerance.

Mumiyo is also often used in the comprehensive treatment of diseases of the digestive organs. Recommended for use during exacerbations of the disease. To prepare the mixture, you will need to dilute it in a chilled glass. boiled water half a gram of mumiyo and take twice a day for two weeks before meals. Mumiyo is considered to be aids in the treatment of gastritis, therefore its use can be synchronous with the use of other methods of treating gastritis.

Flax also has a constructive effect on the organs of the digestive system. Doctors recommend adding the ingredient directly to food or consuming it before meals with water, one spoon per day.

Another medically recognized natural ingredient used in the treatment of gastritis is sea ​​buckthorn oil, which has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The product is sold in a pharmacy; it is recommended to use one tablespoon twice a day.

Features of treatment and prevention of gastritis at home

Gastritis is a disease that in the initial stages of its evolution does not require hospitalization. It is even possible to treat exacerbation of gastritis at home, however, after consulting a doctor and making a diagnosis. Hospitalization is prescribed in situations where gastritis is rapidly progressing and complex drug therapy is required, which cannot be carried out independently.

When treating chronic and acute gastritis, the patient must strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors, avoid stressful situations, take prescribed medications and follow a diet. In case of acute gastritis, you should adhere to bed rest.

After the onset of remission of the disease, in order to avoid relapse, you need to be careful about your health and reconsider your lifestyle. In a situation with gastritis, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat its consequences.

Preventive measures for gastritis include:

  • healthy lifestyle, including healthy diet and abstinence from addictions;
  • absence of stressful situations;
  • regular visits to doctors and preventive examinations at least once a year.

It must be remembered that running forms Gastritis is practically not cured, but only put into remission. If you miss important point in treatment - you can forever remain hostage to gastritis with all the ensuing consequences.

Let's sum it up

Since gastritis is a very popular disease that affects more than half of the country’s population, some patients do not seek help from doctors, considering it unworthy of their attention, which causes great harm to their health.

Stomach diseases, if left untreated, can have very serious consequences, A self-treatment- can be fraught not with healing, but with aggravation of the problem. Be attentive to your body, because its slightest malfunctions make themselves felt with different symptoms, timely treatment which guarantees absolute recovery. Only integrated therapy based on examination and diagnosis can guarantee healing.

Intrusive and acute symptoms Exacerbations of gastritis can occur due to many factors. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa of varying intensity.

Causes of exacerbation of gastritis

The chronic form of gastritis very often worsens with the change of seasons, especially in autumn and spring. The cause of exacerbation may be fruits and vegetables consumed in large quantities in spring and summer period. Sudden arrival large quantity fiber can have a negative effect on the stomach and lead to an exacerbation of a chronic disease. There are other reasons why gastritis can worsen. These include:

  • absence correct mode nutrition;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • smoking tobacco products;
  • frequent consumption of strong alcoholic drinks;
  • self-composed diets and fasting;
  • Helicobacter;
  • frequent overeating;
  • serious intestinal infections and disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • poisoning chemicals in production or purposefully;
  • dry food;
  • frequent consumption of strong coffee, etc.

Signs of chronic gastritis may appear due to one of the above factors. Symptoms may appear gradually, indicating the return of the disease, or appear acutely. The intensity of the symptoms that arise directly depends on the degree of progression of the disease.

Important: If the symptoms of chronic gastritis make themselves felt aggressively, you should contact the clinic. A doctor who can help with the disease is a gastroenterologist.

Signs and symptoms of exacerbation

Consulting a doctor during exacerbation of chronic gastritis should be done immediately if the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • discomfort or pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches, incoordination;
  • vomiting and constant nausea;
  • dehydration and dry mouth;
  • heartburn and reflux;
  • constipation or persistent stomach upsets;
  • symptoms of intoxication, manifested in weakness, fever;
  • bloating and severe gas formation, flatulence;
  • blood in stool or vomit;
  • tachycardia;
  • frequent belching of air or burping with an unpleasant taste;
  • painful sensations when pressing in the solar plexus area.

The main symptom of exacerbation of any chronic disease is pain. When gastritis recurs, each patient feels different symptoms. One patient is characterized by painful, acute signs illness, another suffers from constant nausea and vomiting with bile. Depending on which signs indicate an exacerbation, we can come to a conclusion about the stage of gastritis in a particular patient.

Painful sensations and their intensity may indicate the stage of damage to the gastric mucosa by any factors. Treatment is carried out only when individual approach doctor to the patient and when drawing up a complete clinical picture diseases.

Important: A gastroenterologist can prescribe a diagnosis consisting of several stages. A gastroscopy, a list of blood and stool tests for the presence of internal bleeding, radiography and others are prescribed. possible research. Thus, the therapy will be as effective as possible and the treatment will not take a lot of time.

Even in the presence of a weak, sluggish pain syndrome, the patient should be prepared for the fact that if treatment is ignored, the pain may intensify, become paroxysmal and take sharp character. When chronic gastritis worsens, you need to be prepared for complications. You can avoid them using therapy prescribed by your doctor.

The intensity of nausea and vomiting may indicate the degree inflammatory process mucous membrane. These symptoms are individual and depend on many factors, including the level of stomach acidity. When vomiting, you need to pay attention to its composition. Vomit may contain:

  • undigested food;
  • bile;
  • blood clots.

In the latter case, blood clots may indicate an exacerbation of chronic erosive gastritis. If you find blood in your vomit, you should contact a gastroenterologist, as blood indicates the presence of internal bleeding, which, if you are not careful about own health, can lead to fatal outcome. Blood may also be in stool. She appears dark color masses close to brown or black.

When gastritis worsens, patients often complain of symptoms of indigestion. Patients may experience frequent constipation or diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, pain in the lower abdomen and navel area, intestinal cramps and rumbling in the abdomen.


Exacerbation of gastritis, the treatment of which is necessary measure, you can start on your own. When symptoms of the disease appear, the patient must immediately switch to a healthy, light diet type diet. But this is not enough to fully combat the disease. Effective and maximum effective treatment chronic type of gastritis can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Only a qualified doctor can help you select the right medications. So, depending on the causes of the disease and pronounced symptoms, doctors may prescribe:

  • antiemetic tablets and injections;
  • astringents for diarrhea;
  • antibiotics;
  • painkillers.

A prerequisite for treatment is compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor. The content of foods in diets depends on the amount and level of acid diagnosed during research.

Traditional methods of combating relapse

It is possible to combat exacerbation of chronic gastritis with the help of folk remedies. A common cause of relapse is high intragastric acidity. Traditional medicine offers several effective methods therapy for this symptom.

Potato juice can reduce acidity and is often prescribed to patients by doctors. Thus, freshly squeezed potato juice is used as sedative for mucous membranes internal organs. This remedy copes well with heartburn and its consequences. Also potato juice suppresses reflux.

On the contrary, with low stomach acidity, another folk method is used - treatment with cabbage juice. Freshly squeezed juice is drunk slightly warmed in half a glass.

Important: Fresh cabbage juice can cause severe nausea and vomiting. To avoid these symptoms, you should drink cabbage juice 4 hours after preparing it.

One more important element treatments with traditional recipes are healing herbs. The following herbs can help relieve pain, nausea, indigestion and heartburn:

  • chamomile;
  • burnet;
  • hay;
  • plantain;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort.

You can overcome the symptoms of chronic gastritis without medications, the main thing is to start using a diet and soothing herbs on time.

Dietary guidelines during a disease outbreak

Exacerbation of any stage of gastritis should be accompanied by therapy. The first step to healing is following the rules of nutrition.

  1. You shouldn't eat before bed. Digesting food with the stomach in this case can cause serious damage to it.
  2. You need to eat often. Three meals a day is wrong. It leads to overeating and metabolic problems. The maximum correct intake of food is about 5-6 times a day.
  3. Portions should not be large. The ideal meal includes as much food as can fit in two human palms. You need to eat less, but more often.
  4. It is worth completely eliminating coarse foods from your diet. During an exacerbation, the consumption of heavy food negatively affects the functioning of the patient’s stomach, which leads to a significant deterioration in the course of the chronic disease.
  5. It is worth completely eliminating a certain list of drinks from your diet. These include sparkling water, coffee, sour juices and fresh juices, strong and mint teas and alcohol. Such drinking can affect the condition of the gastric mucosa and provoke nausea, vomiting and paroxysmal, acute pain.

Pledge successful treatment chronic gastritis - proper and balanced nutrition, the responsibility for which lies with the patient himself.

Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy

Gastritis is very frequent illness in pregnant women. Exacerbation of chronic already existing disease rather than the emergence acute form illness for the first time. Most common cause gastritis in pregnant women is a strong, obsessive toxicosis. Other reasons include:

  • nervous experiences and stress;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • imbalance and nutritional errors;
  • compression of internal organs by the fetus.

Treatment of exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases in pregnant women becomes much more complicated due to the impossibility of using many medications. Medications may adversely affect fetal maturation and general condition women. Therefore, gastroenterologists prescribe herbal treatment and mandatory adherence to a balanced diet.

Important: Small weaknesses in nutrition that pregnant women allow themselves can develop into big problems. Chocolate, flour, deep-fried and too spicy can cause pain, bloating, nausea and severe heartburn.

Also, in addition to following some dietary rules, women are recommended to go for walks more often and be active and active. active image life.

The pathogenesis of exacerbation of chronic gastritis is complex; many factors are involved, and treatment is aimed at eliminating them. That's why various medications during exacerbation of gastritis, they are used in combination, each of them acts on a specific pathological link.

What should you do if signs of exacerbation of chronic gastritis appear - what tablets to buy at the pharmacy “for heartburn”, “for pain”, “for nausea”? This should not be done. First you need to contact a gastroenterologist, undergo an examination, and based on its results a course will be prescribed drug therapy. Among a wide range of remedies, the doctor will prescribe the most suitable and effective ones.

According to the mechanism of action, all drugs used for exacerbation of chronic gastritis are divided into several groups.

  • stimulants for the production of natural protective mucus: misoprostol, sodium carbenoxolone;
  • acting as mechanical protection of the mucous membrane: bismuth nitrate, venter - sucralfate, de-nol.

This is just a list of drugs various groups. It must be remembered that, along with medicinal properties, they also have side effect, therefore, the choice is always individual, taking into account the nature of secretion and motility of the stomach, the form of gastritis.

Drugs and dosage regimens

Below is more detailed characteristics drugs that are used for drug treatment gastritis in the acute stage.

Analgesics and antispasmodics

Drugs that block pain receptors stomach:

  • atropine - used in injections 1-2 times a day, or in tablets with an interval of 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after meals;
  • bellasthesin, bellalgin, containing belladonna extract - used in tablets before meals;
  • gangleron in capsules - taken before meals;
  • platiphylline in injection ampoules or tablets, prescribed before meals;
  • gastrocepin tablets - taken 30-40 minutes before meals;
  • Cimetidine (Histodil) - tablets taken with meals.

Drugs in this group have side effects - they relax smooth muscles and slow down peristalsis, so they are prescribed for a short time only to relieve intense pain.


Antispasmodics are prescribed with caution for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (defects, heart failure, hypotension).

Antacid remedies for gastritis

  • Almagel– suspension, taken 10-15 minutes before meals;
  • Phosphalugel- in addition to antacid, has enveloping effect, enveloping substances, taken after meals later
  • Maalox– suspension, prescribed like almagel;
  • Gastal(Gestal) - tablets, taken 1 hour after eating;
  • Rennie– chewable tablets, used to relieve heartburn;

All antacids contain salts of magnesium, calcium, aluminum, and therefore are not used to reduce acidity in people with renal failure, brain diseases, children under 12 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Rennie is not prescribed to patients diabetes mellitus due to the sucrose content.

Antisecretory drugs

  • famotidine - tablets, taken after meals and before bedtime;
  • ranitidine - similar to famotidine, but lasts longer, taken in the morning and at night;
  • Omeprazole – capsules, taken once a day in the morning.

The action of the first two drugs is based on inhibition of production of hydrochloric acid due to silicon and magnesium ions, and omeprazole has a different mechanism of action, it inactivates the enzymes involved in the formation gastric juice. Antisecretory drugs are allowed for children from 2 years of age; they are used with caution for liver and kidney diseases.


  • Gaviscon - prescribed in the form of a suspension or chewable tablets after meals;
  • Laminal – seaweed biogel, taken 2 times a day before meals;
  • calcium alginate - obtained from algae, taken three times a day with meals.

Medicines from the alginate group not only relieve heartburn, but also stimulate healing, peristalsis, immunity, and remove toxins, but are not prescribed for iodine intolerance.


Representatives of the prokinetic group are stimulants of smooth muscles not only of the stomach, therefore they are not prescribed for pregnancy, diarrhea, biliary dyskinesia, and renal pathology.

Antibacterial drugs

Antimicrobial therapy is used when the causative agent of the disease, Helicobacter, is identified. This group includes:

Antibacterial agents combine well with omeprazole; it enhances their effect. They are not prescribed in the first half of pregnancy, in the presence of allergies, asthma, or renal failure.


There are 2 subgroups of drugs:

Gastroprotectors are effective in erosive form gastritis, promote fast healing, are not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 12 years of age.

Features of treatment and prevention of exacerbation of chronic gastritis at home

If the form of exacerbation of gastritis is not severe and is not an indication for hospitalization, the doctor prescribes ambulatory treatment at home. This does not mean that you can only treat yourself with home remedies. The treatment program prescribed by the gastroenterologist includes diet therapy, medications, and it must be strictly followed

As for folk remedies for treating stomach inflammation, there are many of them, officially recognized and recommended by medicine. These include anti-inflammatory herbal teas (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort), secretion-stimulating decoctions and infusions (ginger root), enveloping agents(infusion of oats, flaxseed, linden flowers) and many other recipes.

Before using various natural medicines, you need to consult a doctor, then they will be an excellent addition to the main course of treatment. During an exacerbation, you should not use alcohol and vodka tinctures, and in general alcohol in any form, of any strength. Ethanol has a damaging effect on the mucous membrane, and there can be no talk of recovery.

But preventive measures can be ensured at home, following the regimen and recommended diet, exercise and rest regimen, getting rid of bad habits, drinking alcohol.

Treatment of exacerbation during pregnancy

Relapse in pregnant women chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract- a frequent occurrence. But you need to relieve inflammation, pain syndrome, normalize digestive function. What can you drink, what drugs are safe for exacerbation of gastritis in pregnant women?

It should be remembered that the determining factor in the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy is special diet, which the doctor will recommend individually. There are great limitations for drug therapy, since some drugs can affect the development of the fetus, while others increase the tone of the uterus and provoke miscarriage.

In such cases, the safest are drugs that are not absorbed into the blood from the stomach and intestines and provide protective, anti-inflammatory, antacid effect, remove toxins. Sorbents with enveloping effect (Phosphalugel), Almagel,Maalox. It is acceptable to take antispasmodics - no-shpa, papaverine, antiemetics (cerucal), but in small doses and under the supervision of a doctor.

Possible complications

Exacerbation of gastritis always contains a certain probability of complications:

  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the mucosa, the development of polyps and tumors against this background.

The development of complications can always be avoided by regular examination by a specialist, following a diet and preventive measures, timely and adequate treatment.

When self-medication is dangerous

Independent, thoughtless taking of any medications during exacerbation of gastritis always carries danger. You cannot take medications without knowing the state of secretion and the gastric mucosa. They mistakenly think that heartburn is an indicator of increased acidity, and they take antacids. Even with zero acidity, heartburn can occur due to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus when its motility is impaired.

This is just one simple example of how blind treatment can be not only useless, but also dangerous; in any case, it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Diseases of the digestive system often manifest themselves after nervous experiences and overeating, especially in the autumn and spring periods. Considering the acidity of the stomach, the doctor prescribes treatment for chronic gastritis in the acute stage. Folk recipes like additional method healing will help bring the gastrointestinal tract in order even faster.

General information about the disease

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is called gastritis. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. 70% of the world's population suffers from gastritis, and 8% from stomach ulcers. Helicobacter pylori causes gastritis in 90% of cases, ulcers in 80% of cases. After a bacterial infection, which usually occurs in childhood, is developing chronic form inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis can cause various factors, for example: climate change, nutrition, stress or metabolic disorders.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is transmitted through kisses and personal hygiene items. But it is almost impossible to become infected with it in adulthood.

Gastroendoscopy of the stomach is the most informative method diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system. It makes it possible to install accurate diagnosis, acidity level and some others important parameters(for example, is gastritis erosive or not).

Erosive gastritis dangerous, it can develop into an ulcer. It is often caused by anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal drugs. Alcohol abuse and food poisoning also do not pass without a trace.

Non-erosive superficial gastritis – more light form diseases, sometimes asymptomatic. However, such gastritis also requires treatment.

Children under 5 years of age who are not yet well formed are infected with Helicobacter pylori. the immune system. For some time, the bacterium may not manifest itself in any way and not cause harm to its owner. But with prolonged coexistence with the microorganism, the protective properties of the stomach are weakened, and foci of inflammation develop.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis - night pain in the abdominal area, discomfort after meals, vomiting, bloating, belching, diarrhea. All this indicates the need to visit a gastroenterologist.

Therapy for gastritis and peptic ulcer aimed at destroying bacteria and increasing protective properties mucous membrane

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Treatment of gastritis

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Low acidity

  • Using traditional medicine methods

Medicines that increase acidity, stimulate the production of gastric secretions and improve motility are prescribed by the doctor to establish normal digestion in the patient. To destroy Helicobacter, it is carried out antibacterial therapy.

  • Folk recipes
    1. If the pH level of the stomach is low, it is useful to eat lingonberries (pickled or fresh) and peaches.
    2. Pass the thoroughly washed and scalded potatoes with their skins through a juicer (two or three medium-sized tubers). You need to drink the juice right away. Course: 10 days treatment, 10 days break. In total you need to take three such courses. Drink the juice in the morning, an hour before breakfast. This treatment can only be carried out until the end of January, after which solanine is formed in the potatoes, which can cause poisoning.

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (De-Nol) – the first medicinal product, whose effectiveness against Helicobacter has been proven Nobel laureate

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With high acidity

  • Medication

The doctor may recommend a course of treatment, which includes: medications that reduce the pH level in the stomach (Almagel, magnesium oxide, Vikalin), painkillers (if necessary), enzymes (Festal, Mezim) and De-Nol.

De-Nol is not an antibiotic; it has no side effects on the microflora of the mucous membrane. The drug has astringent properties, creates a protective film on the surface of erosions, promotes the synthesis of prostaglandins, creates conditions for growth epithelial cells in the defect area. All this increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract to the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and bile acids. De-Nol will help with pain not associated with organic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh carrot juice, just like potato, can be taken on an empty stomach as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent for the gastric mucosa

  • Traditional medicine
    1. Tea made from calendula, plantain roots, St. John's wort, coltsfoot coats the mucous membrane, relieves pain and nausea. To prepare the infusion, take medicinal plants in the same proportion. Brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture for 1 cup of boiling water. Before preparing the infusion, grind the flowers and leaves into powder. This can be done using a mortar. The finer the components of the mixture, the more healing substances will give the plant in an aqueous infusion.
    2. Beetroot and carrot juice lowers the pH of the stomach.
    3. Eat 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds in the morning and 1 teaspoon of horse sorrel seeds in the evening for 2 months.
    4. 10 drops alcohol tincture Drink propolis with a glass of water (before meals, 3 times a day).

Self-medication can be harmful to health. Therefore, before trying folk recipes on your own stomach, you need to consult a specialist.

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Video: seasonal exacerbation of the disease

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Diet for gastritis

Prohibited drinks and foods: coffee, carbonated water, canned juices, alcohol, strong tea, fresh baked goods, cabbage, fatty meat, radishes, mushrooms, legumes, grains and bran bread.

Allowed dishes and products: vegetable puree, skim cheese, slimy porridge (oatmeal, rice, semolina), chicken or rabbit meat, fish (hake, cod), jelly from sweet fruits and berries (except grapes).

  • Dishes should be eaten lightly salted and without spices.
  • Fractional and separate meals It has important. Eat small meals 5 times a day.
  • To ease digestion, do not mix proteins with carbohydrates (eat meat and fish with vegetables). Simple, no-frills food is the most wholesome and healthy.
  • There is individual intolerance. Be attentive to your stomach: digestive problems can cause specific product, which is listed as “allowed” for gastritis. Be sure to exclude it from your diet.

Stewed pumpkin puree mixed with rice porridge and a little milk, wonderful dietary dish. It improves digestion and normalizes metabolism

With a decrease in immunity, poor diet, or stress, an exacerbation of chronic gastritis occurs; the treatment recommended by the doctor can take place in a hospital setting, or can be outpatient. Five meals a day, good dream, a complex of multivitamins and following the recommendations of a specialist will help restore health. Whenever acute pain It is recommended to immediately call an ambulance; other, more serious diseases may be disguised as gastritis.

Chronic gastritis is a common disease in our century, since in most cases it appears due to poor nutrition, stress and other ailments. It is characterized by a course during which periods of remission and exacerbation occur. Acute gastritis occurs in spring and summer time, when many people start consuming plenty of fiber from fresh vegetables and fruits. This is what provokes an exacerbation, which must be treated urgently.

The symptoms of acute gastritis cannot go unnoticed, as they are of high intensity and cause significant discomfort. The difficulty is that they can be confused with severe poisoning or pancreatitis, which have similar symptoms.

1. Regular or paroxysmal pain in the abdominal area. Becomes much stronger after eating.

2. Nausea and vomiting that occurs sour smell and yellow impurities.

3. Increased salivation due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. On the contrary, dry mouth may occur if there is vomiting.

4. Heartburn and sour belching, most often appearing after eating.

5. Abnormal bowel movements.

6. Tachycardia, weakness, migraine, elevated temperature, fainting and dizziness.

7. Loss of appetite and rapid weight loss.

8. Bloating, flatulence.

These symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis can be expressed differently in each patient. They may be present all at once, or only a few, but the main ones (abdominal pain, attacks of nausea and heartburn) are always present. The stronger the discomfort, the worse the degree of the inflammatory process. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the disease cannot be left to chance. This will lead either to complications or to problems with other organs. You will find more information about this in.

What to do if an exacerbation occurs?

First of all, you need to stop worrying, because nervous tension will only make the situation worse. If acute gastritis occurs in a child, you should immediately call a doctor to prevent dire consequences. An adult needs to understand the intensity of symptoms before going to the hospital. If they are mild, then the problem can be solved at home by following a certain diet and taking folk remedies. However, if the exacerbation of chronic gastritis is severe and significantly affects the person’s condition, you will need to consult a doctor.

As for diet, everything is quite simple. You will need to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • food with increased acidity(grapes, alcohol, coffee, cabbage, smoked sausage and meat);
  • carbonated drinks, spicy foods, marinades, spices, fatty meats and fish;
  • dishes that take a long time to digest (pancakes, rice, Rye bread, rolls).

At first, when the symptoms are too intense, you should completely stop eating. This is especially true for children whose stomachs are still weak. When the exacerbation has passed, you can start using:

  • low fat dairy products;
  • fruit juices and compotes from non-acidic fruits;
  • various porridges, except rice;
  • mineral waters without gas;
  • lean meat and fish that can be steamed or baked without oil;
  • vegetable soups.

The answer to the question of what to do during an exacerbation, if the condition worsens every hour or day, is one: you need to call ambulance for immediate hospitalization.

How traditional medicine can help

The doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs or antacids for elevated level acidity, for example, Maalox, Gastal, Almagel. If the disease has zero acidity, then agents that have a positive effect on the production of hydrochloric acid may be recommended. In some cases, gastritis is treated using hormonal medications if the cause is autoimmune. An important part of therapy is a diet that must be strictly followed. Thanks to it, it is possible to slow down the development of the disease and eliminate symptoms. It should not be violated, as this can lead to aggravation. It is important not to drink alcohol during the diet.

Effective recipes

Treatment with folk remedies is considered quite effective and at the same time safe, since it does not cause bad influence to other organs. It can be prescribed by a doctor together with medication, or separately. Exist effective recipes which will help relieve the signs of chronic gastritis.

1. Herbal decoction.

For this you will need to take:

  • Calamus rhizome – 5 g;
  • plantain leaves – 20;
  • mint leaves – 5;
  • mustard seed powder – 10;
  • yarrow – 7;
  • bird knotweed – 10;
  • St. John's wort – 20;
  • caraway fruits – 3;
  • centaury – 10 g.

All these ingredients will need to be mixed in a bowl and pour 2 liters of boiling water. You need to leave it for about a day, cover it tightly with a lid, and then strain. Drink 100-200 ml an hour after meals.

2. Tincture from calamus root.

It helps quite well in the treatment of gastritis with zero acidity. Ingredients for cooking:

  • calamus rhizome – 10 g;
  • mustard seeds – 5;
  • watch – 5;
  • centaury – 10;
  • dried orange peel – 15;
  • bitter wormwood – 5.

2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture of these ingredients will need to be scalded with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath (do this for about half an hour). Then the broth should be allowed to cool and then strain it. The resulting tincture is diluted with 200 ml of water. Adults drink about 100 ml 3 times a day, and children – 30-50 ml. Better effect can be achieved if you follow a diet along the way.

3. St. John's wort decoction.

This remedy is excellent for treating acute gastritis at home. The decoction can be taken by both adults and children.


  • St. John's wort – 15 g;
  • mustard seed powder – 7;
  • stinging nettle – 10;
  • chamomile flowers – 5;
  • plantain leaves – 7.

You need to take 3-4 tbsp of the resulting mixture. spoons and boil them in a liter of boiling water. You need to leave for about 5 hours in a warm place, and then strain. Drink a glass a day, do this 2-3 times after meals, the course of treatment is about a week.

4. Tincture of mustard seeds.

Among traditional methods This method is considered one of the best for treating gastritis. For this you will need to take:

  • mustard seed powder – 15 g;
  • smoker - 3-4;
  • yellow gentian – 2;
  • yarrow – 2;
  • chicory root – 3-4.

All ingredients must be mixed and poured into a liter cold water for a day. After this, boil the whole mass at home over low heat. Infuse the broth and strain using gauze. Drink a glass before meals and several times after.

General Tips

When an exacerbation occurs, it is strongly recommended to immediately visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. This can be done through tests and other medical procedures.

It is important to follow a diet, and also use not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also folk remedies. They need to be taken regularly to achieve recovery. Children and pregnant women should consult a doctor before taking the tablets. This will help avoid unwanted and even life-threatening results.