Albucid in the nose: instructions for using eye drops to treat a runny nose in a child. Albucid for a runny nose: is it possible to treat a runny nose with albucid

With the arrival of autumn or spring, many people often experience sinusitis, rhinitis and sinusitis. Children and adolescents are especially susceptible to these diseases. Often people fight the inflammatory process in the nasal region with the help of Albucid. This tool originally intended for eye drops, but in modern times it is also used in the nose. To heal safely colds, you should read the description of the medicine, its annotation, contraindications.

Albucid is a well-known drug for the treatment of pathologies infectious nature. He wears international name– Sulfacetamide. The medicinal solution is considered an analogue of Biseptol, Etazol and other streptocide medications that are not classified as antibiotics.

The medicine is famous for its budget cost and versatility of use. Sometimes doctors prescribe it for people with a runny nose, and advise every family to have it in their everyday first aid kit. Albucid kills purulent eye infections and eliminates nasal congestion. The medication is effective against streptococci and gonococci, and also destroys E. coli and pneumococci. Due to eye drops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic agents is suppressed.

During therapy, the formation of amino acids in the bacterial cell is disrupted. This entails the suppression of their reproduction and the death of microorganisms.

Forms of release of the drug

Drops for the nose and eyes are presented in plastic bottles with a dropper; the medicinal liquid contains 5 or 10 milliliters. In 1 milliliter of a 20% solution there are 20 milligrams of sulfacetamide and in a 30% solution - 30 milligrams in 1 milliliter. Eye drops also include saline and sodium sulfacyl, from 20 to 30%.

Principle of action of Albucid

The solution has antibacterial and bacteriostatic effects. It belongs to the group of sulfonamides. The mechanism of influence is to suppress the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid and dihydropteroate synthetase. These elements stimulate the reproduction of a number of pathogenic microflora.

Albucid is considered an alternative to a local antibiotic. Drops destroy almost all varieties of gram-negative and gram-positive cocci, toxoplasmoids and chlamydia. Albucid and Sulfacyl sodium are considered the same drug with the same actions; their difference lies only in the trade name.

The medicine is usually used for eye pathologies, sometimes in otolaryngology, for diseases of the nose. Half an hour after instillation into the nose, congestion is eliminated and there is an antimicrobial effect.

Indications for use

Albucid has a wide range of indications. It helps most effectively with green snot. Eye drops are prescribed in case of the following pathologies:

  • for sinusitis;
  • with a runny nose at any stage;
  • with sinusitis.

Also used for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis, blenorrhea, as a prophylaxis after surgical interventions. Albucid is prescribed to adults and children, the maximum result occurs at initial stages diseases.

Are there any contraindications?

The medication has short list contraindications. This is due low content active substance in a single dose and poor absorption into the blood. Because of these features, Albucid is prescribed even to infants under 1 year of age.

Contraindications for use:

  • allergy to components;
  • renal and liver failure.

The latter diseases are considered a relative contraindication. In such cases, Albucid is prescribed with caution. The medication should not be combined with Protargol and Collargol, antispasmodic drugs such as Novocaine, Analgin in order to prevent a decrease in the effect.

How to apply it correctly?

Before using drops, be sure to read the instructions for them. The rules for using Albucid are quite simple.

Instructions for use:

  1. Drop the solution into the nose, 2 drops 3-4 times a day, preferably every 4 hours.
  2. When the intensity of the formation of pathological exudate decreases, drops can be instilled at intervals of every 8 hours.

How many days to drip the drug depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology and its type. The therapeutic course lasts, on average, 1 week, sometimes extended to 10 days. With longer use of the solution, its effectiveness decreases due to addiction.

Important! Children under 8 years of age are prescribed a 20% solution. Adults use 30% liquid.

Albucid for children

How to use it correctly eye drops for children:

  • for a newborn, instill 2-3 drops of a solution diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, administer 3 times a day;
  • when the purulent-inflammatory focus weakens, 1-2 drops 3 times a day are enough for the baby.

In addition to the antibacterial effect, the medicine also dries out the nasal mucosa and significantly reduces the production of pathological exudate. If tissue irritation occurs, use a solution of lower concentration. Despite the safety medicinal solution, you should not prescribe it to your child yourself. Allergic reactions to the contents rarely occur.

Possible side effects

Negative consequences associated with taking Albucid are extremely rare. The drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects develop with uncontrolled use or abuse of the drug.

Typical side effects:

  • burning sensation;
  • pain, pain in the larynx;
  • irritation, itching in the nasal cavity;
  • allergy.

If you notice any redness or swelling of the mucous membrane, you should consult a doctor. The most dangerous among side effects labored breathing. In this case, you need to call ambulance because there is a risk fatal outcome against the background of oxygen starvation.

Interaction with medications

Albucid cannot be combined with certain medications at the same time, so that its effectiveness does not decrease.

It should not be combined with the following:

  • preparations containing silver salts;
  • local anesthetics.

Also, drops should not be combined with alcohol.

Shelf life and storage

After opening the product, it can be stored for 28 days at a temperature of 8-15 degrees. Albucid should be placed in a cool place, out of reach of children. When using an expired product, no therapeutic effect will not be provided.

Drops are sold without a prescription.

Similar medications

Sometimes Albucid does not bring the desired effect - side effects have arisen while taking it or the patient has contraindications to it. Then the doctor prescribes medications with a similar mechanism of action. They differ in composition and price.

  • Levomycetin. The drug is considered an antibiotic wide range action, destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria resistant to streptomycins, sulfonamides, penicillins. It is not prescribed for pathologies caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridia. Antibiotic is indicated for infectious diseases caused by bacteria. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol. Presented in the form of powder for making a solution in volumes of 0.5 and 1 gram, tablets - 250-500 milligrams. Prescribing an antibiotic is fraught big amount side effects, is prescribed in cases where other drugs of similar action have proven ineffective. In pediatrics, it is not used for children under 3 years of age. The solution is injected intramuscularly or intravenously, for children - only into the muscle. The medicinal liquid is prepared immediately before use; it cannot be stored. The cost ranges from 125 rubles.

  • Tsipromed. The drug belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Available in the form of a solution, packaged in a plastic bottle. The composition contains the active substance - ciprofloxacin, in the amount of 3 milligrams per 1 milliliter. The solution has a wide spectrum of action and destroys the same types of microbes as Albucid. The medication is practically non-toxic and is well tolerated by patients of any age. After instillation, it begins to act within 10 minutes. The indications are the same as for the medicine in question. Contraindications include children under 1 year of age, allergies to the components of the product, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects are the same as with Albucid. The price is about 135 rubles.

Sulfacetamide - that’s exactly what it is in international medical practice a bacteriostatic drug is determined. Common name: Albucid. This is a representative of the streptocide group, which does not belong to antibiotics, but is widely used in the treatment of runny nose, both in adults and children.

The use of Albucid is indicated for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. However, to the extent of its availability, the drug began to be widely used as nasal drops.

Reference! Active substance The drug dissolves quickly in water, so it is also used as an injection.

Albucid is used for the following purposes:

  • as a prophylactic for newborns against blenorrhea (indispensable in maternity hospitals);
  • for treatment different types conjunctivitis;
  • as a mandatory component for car first aid kits;
  • as a treatment for chlamydial-gonorrheal disease;
  • to eliminate runny nose in children and adults;
  • with purulent inflammations.

Due to its wide spectrum of action, Albucid acted as an analogue of antibiotics. It is worth noting that pathogenic microorganisms are not able to develop resistance to it. Since the drug has minimal side effects and is safe for children, experts prescribe it for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis.


The product contains sodium sulfacyl as the main substance (the concentration is determined to be 20-30%) and additionally saline solution. The drug affects dihydropteroate synthetase, as well as tetrahydrofolic acid, suppressing them. These components contribute to the development pathogenic microflora, which increases the symptoms of the disease. Albucid is used in cases where the antibiotic is contraindicated. This antiseptic antibacterial agent is available in a plastic bottle.

What types of runny nose can be treated in children?

Albucid is a representative of the antiseptic group, therefore use against certain type a runny nose is not always effective. It is rational to use the drug for sinusitis and rhinitis, which are supported only by bacteriological nature.

The main sign of a bacterial runny nose is the discharge of mucus from the nasal passages (greenish color and thick consistency). At the same time, classical drugs are weakly effective.

It is important! It is irrational to use Albucid when allergic rhinitis, since it is not able to inhibit allergens that cause the disease.

How effective is Albucid for runny nose in children?

This drug is antibacterial agent, which is characterized by a bacteriostatic effect. Due to suppression bacterial infection widely used in ophthalmology.

Albucid is used to treat infectious rhinitis. However, Albucid is not always used to treat runny nose in children.

When not to use AlbucidBrief Explanation
Viral and allergenic nature of the diseaseIf the root cause of a runny nose in a child is an allergen or a virus, therefore the active substance of the drug is not able to affect viral particles
Bacterial runny nose in advanced formWhen the bacterial environment is actively multiplying and is in an advanced stage, the use of Albucid will be ineffective, since once it enters the nasal passages, the drug quickly flows down the throat, thus, the insufficient concentration is not able to overcome the infection. It is best to start treatment with Albucid at the first symptoms of a runny nose.
The causative agent of the common cold is Pseudomonas aeruginosaThis drug can act on streptococci, diphtheria infection, Vibrio cholerae, and staphylococci. If a runny nose was caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, treatment with Albucid will be useless

Attention! Children should not use Albucid very often for a runny nose; it is best to alternate antibacterial drops with different active substances, so that in the event of a possible occurrence of an eye disease, the drug remains active against infection (frequent use can lead to the development of bacterial resistance to sodium sulfacyl).

Albucid should be used to treat a child only after testing (examination of mucus for the pathogen and its reaction to sulfacyl). In other cases, treatment may not be correct.

How to use the drug correctly for children

When treatment of a runny nose is required for a child under one year of age, the drug must be diluted one to one with drinking water(should be warm). It is recommended to instill one or two drops of the finished product into the baby’s nostrils. You need to do the manipulation up to four times a day. If a child behaves restlessly due to illness, then it is necessary to wipe the nasal passages with cotton swabs soaked in Albucid solution.

Note! Albucid can be used to treat children of different ages, allowed for one-year-old babies.

Contraindications for the use of Albucid in children

  1. If the baby has increased level sensitivity to the main active ingredient – ​​sulfonamides (an antiseptic substance contained in Albucid).
  2. For pathology and renal failure.
  3. When a drug containing silver particles is used together.

You can find out whether bacterial rhinitis can be treated without the use of antibiotics in the video.

Video - Can bacterial runny nose be treated without antibiotics?

Albucid can be purchased at every pharmacy. Due to its low price and effectiveness, the drug is in high demand for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. But pediatricians often prescribe these eye drops for the treatment of runny nose in children. It is not surprising that many parents are interested in how justified the use of Albucid as a nasal remedy is.

Composition and effect of the drug

Albucid is a bactericidal drug of the sulfanilamide group, also known as Sulfacytamide. It is not an antibiotic, but it fights pathogenic microorganisms just as effectively. The main active ingredient is sodium sulfacyl.

The principle of action of this drug is quite simple. In bacterial cells, the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid stops, due to which the process of reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced and then completely stopped.

As an alternative to local antibiotics, Albucid has proven itself in the treatment of infections caused by almost all types of cocci, toxoplasma, chlamydia and E. coli.

Albucid - eye drops sometimes used to treat runny nose in children

The medicine is available in the form of eye drops: a 20% solution for children and a 30% concentration of the drug for adult patients.

Use this medicine possible from birth. For example, it is actively used in maternity hospitals to prevent such dangerous infectious lesion eyes like blenorrhea.

What kind of runny nose can be treated with Albucid

Due to the high effectiveness of Albucid in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases, some pediatricians prescribe this drug for the treatment of rhinitis. However, it should be used only after using other, more traditional medicines.

It is rational to use Albucid if a bacterial infection is added to the runny nose. She has following signs:

  • protracted nature of the disease;
  • ineffectiveness of treatment with other medications;
  • green or brown snot;
  • purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Albucid is used when there are signs of a bacterial nature of the runny nose

Parents need to understand that Albucid is not a panacea in the fight against a stuffy nose. It is not effective in cases of allergic or viral rhinitis, or during teething. In addition, its active components do not act on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common causative agent of bacterial rhinitis.

Doctors' opinions

In the instructions for the drug, in medical reference books and guidelines for specialists there is no mention of the possibility of using Albucid to treat the common cold. It is not surprising that doctors cannot come to unanimous opinion: some are supporters of the use of eye drops in the treatment of rhinitis, others consider treatment with Albucid a waste of time.

Thus, the famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky considers the prescription of Albucid for a runny nose to be an imitation of medical practice:

I can’t understand what “sulfacyl sodium” has to do with the onset of a runny nose and the treatment of acute respiratory infections. viral infections. main feature Albucida - he is the best antibacterial drugs dissolves in water. That's why he's mentioned official reference books as eye drops and even solutions for intravenous injections. In these same documents you will not find any mention of its nasal use. Therefore, instilling Albucid into the nose is a doctor’s imitation of therapeutic activity and work according to the principle “At least something needs to be done.”

Doctor Komarovsky on the correct treatment of a runny nose (video)

Dr. Irina Stanislavovna Vaganova notes in her article that taking Albucid as nasal drops does not bring any benefit or harm to the child:

Prescribing the drug can be justified only if a mucus smear was taken from the baby’s nose for tests, which showed that the infection is sensitive to sodium sulfacyl. Typically such studies are completed within 3–4 days. During the same time, the runny nose goes away on its own, and children no longer require any medicines. Doctors often prescribe Albucid to reassure the mother. Using the product has no effect, children's body He copes with the disease himself, and his parents think that this particular medicine helped.

Pharmacist Elena Sergeevna Korsakova admits non-traditional use Albucida, however, believes that it will not be possible to cure a runny nose with this drug alone; an integrated approach is needed:

In pediatrics, Sulfacytamide is often used as nasal drops. The drug dries out the mucous membrane and has an antimicrobial effect. But in order to cure rhinitis and other colds, it is necessary to eliminate the source - the infection. Therefore, colds are treated comprehensively: drops, suppositories, and chamomile tea are prescribed. You also need to ventilate the room and monitor the humidity level in the room.

Correct use of the drug

Before using Albucid, you must make sure that the child is not allergic to its active substances. To do this, you can drop the product into your nostril and wait 30 minutes. If the baby feels well, continue treatment. It consists of several steps.

Before instilling Albucid, you need to clear your nose of mucus using an aspirator.

  1. Rinse your baby's nose thoroughly with saline solution, drops containing sea ​​water, or regular boiled water with a little salt.
  2. Ask your child to blow his nose to clear his nasal passages. If your baby is sick, pump out the accumulated mucus using a rubber bulb with a soft tip or an aspirator.
  3. For babies over 12 months of age, instill Naphthyzin or any other vasoconstrictor in this category. Wait a quarter of an hour.
  4. Drop Albucid into each nostril. Raise your head so that the medicine flows into the nasopharynx.

Infants are advised to administer the drug using cotton swab. It needs to be soaked a little in the solution and inserted shallowly into the nose, tilting the baby’s head back a little.

The procedure is repeated from three to four times per day at regular intervals. The course of treatment lasts up to seven days. This is how long it takes to reduce the number of pathogens. If the child’s condition has not improved, show him to the doctor again to make adjustments to the treatment process.

Since Albucid causes a burning sensation, newborns and children with highly sensitive mucous membranes are advised to administer a diluted medicine. The usual boiled water. Dilute 20% drops in warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

How to clean a newborn baby's nose (video)

Side effects and contraindications

The main contraindication for the treatment of rhinitis with Albucid is hypersensitivity to drugs of the sulfonamide group. This remedy should not be used by children with kidney disease. Probability of occurrence adverse reactions for the drug is extremely small. This is explained by the reduced content of active substances in the administered dose and the low degree of absorption of the components into the blood.

Rarely nasal use Albucida causes in children:

  • itching and rashes on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • increased runny nose (allergic rhinitis is added);
  • bowel disorder.

In case of such reactions, you should immediately stop using the drug and give the child a few tablets activated carbon and see a doctor.

How can I replace Albucid drops for a runny nose?

Most often, eye drops are prescribed for a runny nose in infants and even newborns. Doctors justify their choice by the fact that these drugs have few contraindications and they dry out the mucous membrane well, slowing down the endless “weaving”.

Children under two years old cannot yet blow their nose on their own, so snot can get into different sinuses, thereby causing complications - sinusitis or sinusitis. When using eye drops, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced.

If Albucid did not help in the fight against a runny nose or the child developed allergic symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a different medicine. Moreover, Albucid, like others medical supplies, there are analogues and substitutes.

  1. Okomistin and Oftamirin - as active component Miramistin is an excellent antiseptic. It is effective against huge amount pathogenic microorganisms, against which antibiotics are powerless.
  2. Tobrex is another remedy that pediatricians can recommend. Tobrex will cope with infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria and other pathogens. Sometimes these drops are used as a prophylactic agent, but be sure to consult a doctor before use.
  3. Oftadek (Ophthalmodek) is antiseptic drug with a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Oftadek drops have virtually no contraindications or side effects, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the main components. The treatment course is at least five days.

Important! Separately, it is necessary to say about the use of Levomycetin as a nasal agent. Doctors are categorically against such self-medication, believing that chloramphenicol, which is part of these eye drops, can only be used in the form of injections or tablets. Instilling it into a child’s nose is fraught with complications and the development of bacteria resistance to the drug.

Albucid analogues for children (gallery)

Oftalmodek (Oftadek) is an antiseptic drug with a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect
The active substance Okomistin is effective against many pathogenic microorganisms. Sometimes Tobrex is used as prophylactic against rhinitis

A runny nose is considered unpleasant phenomenon, which causes serious discomfort to adults and children. With absence effective therapy can cause various dangerous complications.

To eliminate pathology, many specialists prescribe Albucid for the common cold, which helps suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavity. There are some contraindications to the use of the drug, so before starting therapy you must carefully study the attached instructions.

The main active component of Albucid is sulfacetamide, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. In addition, such a substance helps suppress the activity of infections such as gonococci, chlamydia, etc. In addition, Albucid is considered medication wide application.

Albucid is one of the representatives of the group of antibacterial drugs. It is for this reason that its action is aimed at suppressing the process of amino acid production in bacterial cells. The entry of Albucid into the body leads to the reduction and complete inhibition of the division of pathogenic microorganisms.Getting into nasal cavity, Albucid creates a special environment in which pathogens simply die.

With regular and correct use The medicine can quickly get rid of a runny nose and alleviate the patient’s condition.

In pharmacies, Albucid can be purchased in the form of drops for adults and children, which differ in the concentration of the active ingredient. The drug can even be used to treat newborns, since it is not dangerous to the body, and a minimal amount is absorbed into the blood.

Contraindications and side effects

In fact, the list of contraindications to the use of Albucid is quite limited. This is due to the fact that a single dose contains a very small amount of the active ingredient. In addition, the safety of the drug is explained by its low degree of absorption into the blood. In maternity hospitals, it has been practiced for quite a long time to instill Albucid in the first day of a newborn’s life, which helps prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria that can penetrate the body during labor.

One of the main contraindications to the use of Albucid in the treatment of children and adults is the risk of developing allergic reaction. It is usually not recommended to use the drug in patients who are hypersensitive to the sulfonamide group. In addition, the drug is prescribed with caution to those patients whose kidney function is impaired.

In order to prevent the emergence of other adverse reactions when treating with Albucid, the drug is not prescribed if a medicine containing silver is already being used.

In addition, the simultaneous combination of the drug with protargol and collargol will not bring the desired effect. The effectiveness of the main active ingredient is noticeably reduced if Albucid is used simultaneously with painkillers.

For what kind of runny nose is the drug prescribed?

In fact, a drug such as Albucid is not effective in treating any type of runny nose. This medication helps to cope with the disease only if rhinitis is caused by bacteria.

Medical practice shows that at the very beginning of the course of rhinitis, mucus discharge appears from the nasal cavity due to viruses, so Albucid is not prescribed. The indication for the use of the medication is a prolonged runny nose accompanied by a bacterial infection.

Experts identify the following signs of rhinitis for which Albucid may be prescribed:

  1. rhinitis persists for a long time
  2. appear from the nose thick discharge, which have a specific odor;
  3. mucus turns green or yellowish-green
  4. other medications for the treatment of rhinitis do not bring a positive effect

Albucid often turns out to be a more effective medication when compared to those medications that contain an antibiotic. This is due to the fact that most antibacterial drugs affect only certain pathogenic microflora. However, some microorganisms differ hypersensitivity to antibiotics, which makes treatment ineffective.

Albucid is a broad-spectrum drug and is effective in combating various pathogenic microorganisms. It is for this reason that its use helps to cope with even the most running form rhinitis

Features of the drug use

The instructions supplied with the drug do not contain information on how to use Albucid as nasal drops. This is due to the fact that the medication was originally intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the field of ophthalmology, that is, it was prescribed exclusively for instillation into the eyes. Despite this, today many experienced specialists prescribe Albucid for the treatment of runny nose.

To combat rhinitis in adults with the help of Albucid, the following scheme is usually followed:

  • the nasal cavity is preliminarily cleared of accumulated mucus
  • put in nose
  • the nasal cavity is washed with saline solution
  • After all rinsing, you must blow your nose thoroughly.
  • 2 drops of medication are instilled into each nostril
  • Albucid should be used for a week, instilling it 3 times a day

When using the medication in childhood The treatment regimen has some differences. Before dripping the product into the nasal passages, it must first be diluted warm water. After this, 2 drops should be instilled into each nostril for 3-4 days.

In fact, after instilling the drug into the nasal cavity, you should not expect a quick effect, since improvement after using sodium sulfacyl usually does not occur immediately. Within a few days after starting to use the medication, a decrease in pathogenic microflora is observed, and the patient begins to feel noticeable relief.If after 5 days after starting to use the medicine the condition has not improved, then you need to contact a specialist and adjust the treatment.

Complex drops with Albucid

Often a drug such as Albucid is prescribed to children as part of complex drops. Usually this is a specially prepared solution that is intended for instillation into the nasal passages. The complex drops contain several medicinal components, which are selected by the doctor taking into account the characteristics of the pathology and the specific patient. Parents purchase the necessary ingredients and prepare complex drops independently according to a doctor's prescription.

More information about why a runny nose occurs and how to treat it correctly can be found in the video:

The composition of a complex solution for instillation into the nasal cavity depends on the duration of the pathology and the characteristics of the mucous discharge from the child’s nose. Attention is paid to how thick or thin the mucus is, whether there is pus in it, and whether the nose is stuffy. Complex drops may contain such antibiotics and antimicrobials, like Albucid and . In addition, they may include antihistamines and vasoconstrictors, thanks to which it is possible to relieve swelling and facilitate the child’s breathing.

Complex drops should contain no more than 3 components. For example, Albucid acts on pathogenic microorganisms and destroys them, and Hydrocortisone helps cope with swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In addition to treating rhinitis, Albucid can be prescribed to combat. This is due to his high efficiency when cupping inflammatory process, as well as microbial infection. Apply the product in the form ear drops permitted only if it is preserved.

A runny nose is natural defensive reaction body against penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasal cavity and foreign bodies, and acts as a natural barrier. Yes, it brings some discomfort, especially for a child, and if it is not treated correctly, serious complications can follow. When parents go to the hospital with a problem with a runny nose in their child and they are prescribed Albucid as drops, some confusion often arises, since according to the instructions this ophthalmic drug. Let's find out how the remedy works and whether it is really advisable to prescribe it for rhinitis in childhood.

Composition of Albucid drops for the treatment of runny nose

Albucid (or Sulfacetamide) belongs to a group of drugs with bacteriostatic and antimicrobial effects. The product is universal in its spectrum of action and very affordable, and although it is positioned as eye drops, it is often used to eliminate other problems, such as a runny nose. The liquid easily dissolves in water, which allows you to create formulations of the desired concentration for a particular purpose.

The drug is water solution sulfacetamide (available in two concentrations - 20% and 30%). The active substance disrupts the vital processes of pathogenic microbes. Its activity is manifested against gram-positive and -negative bacteria, including coli, gonnococci, streptococci, toxoplasma and many others. The action is local, absorption into the general bloodstream occurs in small quantities.

In addition to the active ingredient, the drops also contain Excipients– hydrochloric acid, water and sodium thiosulfate. You can find such a drug in any pharmacy; it is usually offered in simple polyethylene bottles of 5 and 10 ml. There is also a special release form for ease of use - a dropper tube with a volume of only one and a half milliliters.

Mechanism of action of drops for runny nose

The use of drops makes it possible to suppress the processes of building amino acids in bacterial cells, which is why they stop reproducing and are gradually destroyed. Both the eye and the nose have a mucous membrane, upon contact with which the effect of the substance is activated. That is, the remedy allows you to destroy the causative agents of the disease, thereby eliminating the very cause of the runny nose. Albucid is used as an alternative to today's broad-spectrum antibiotics, since the drug has a great advantage - it does not provoke the development of resistance to it, which means it retains its effectiveness. It belongs to the local antiseptics and, of course, cannot be the only drug for treating the disease, but fits well into the framework of complex therapy.

In some situations, the use of Albucid even gives top scores than the use of antibiotic compounds, since the latter often work only against a certain group of microorganisms, and the antiseptic in question exhibits pronounced activity against almost all pathogens. The composition of the drug is quite safe and gives good results in the treatment, including the runny nose, so it is not surprising that doctors often prescribe this accessible remedy in childhood.

What kind of runny nose is treated with Albucid eye drops?

A runny nose can have the most different nature, and the use of Albucid will not always be justified. Considering the specificity of the drug’s effect, it becomes obvious that it makes sense to use it only for a runny nose of a bacterial nature. It is also prescribed for prolonged rhinitis accompanied by a bacterial infection. But, for example, for a runny nose of an allergic nature, the drops will be completely ineffective.

A runny nose of a bacterial nature can be distinguished by the following specific features:

  • long lasting;
  • nasal discharge has a yellowish or even greenish tint;
  • The discharge is quite thick and has a specific unpleasant odor.

However, it is possible to accurately determine the nature of the disease using simple analysis spent in the hospital.

Instructions for use of drops and dosage

Looking at the instructions for the drug, you will not find a method for nasal use of the product, since the drops are positioned as ophthalmic. Therefore, when doctors prescribe such a remedy, they indicate specific dosages individually.

How to give drops to a baby correctly

The product can be used for children at any age due to its neutral composition. For babies under one year old, you should not use drops in pure form, you need to dilute them with clean warm water in equal proportions. The resulting solution can be safely used for instillation - 1-2 drops in each nostril. During the day, the procedure can be repeated three times.

However there is important aspect– you need to properly prepare for nasal drops in a baby. To begin with, the nasal passages require cleansing of accumulated mucus. To do this, turn the baby's head to the side and drop a drop of saline into each nostril. After a minute, you can use a vacuum aspirator to extract the mucus. After the nasal passages are cleared, the drug can be instilled.

How many days can you instill the product?

The drug should be used until the signs of the inflammatory process subside and the volume of mucus secreted decreases. This usually takes about 7-10 days, but if after 3-4 days after starting the course the situation has not changed at all, then the question of using a specific drug should be reconsidered.

How effective is putting medicine into the nose of adults?

Albucid can be used as nasal drops for adults, but in this case there will be no need to dilute the drug with water. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the patient’s age, but on the nature of the runny nose he has. As already mentioned, the results will only occur if rhinitis is caused by bacterial activity.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The drug in question is considered safe, and therefore there are few contraindications to its use. This argument is supported by the fact that the drug can be used during pregnancy. You will have to stop using it if you have an individual intolerance to its components. Of course, before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Overdose and side effects

If the drops are used too often, they can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, increased mucus production and some burning sensation. If such symptoms occur, then it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the drops, and if the reaction is too strong, consult a doctor. At correct use the drug does not provoke side effects and does not harm the body.

What analogues are there?

Albucid belongs to the group local antiseptics, and if we talk about a runny nose in a child, then as an alternative to these drops, you can use the silver-based antiseptic Protagol. There are also drops similar to Albucid active substance– Sulfacyl sodium, Sulfacyl sodium-DIA, etc., but the possibility of their use as a drug for the common cold can only be determined by a specialist.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about the treatment of runny nose in children

Children have their own characteristics due to the age of young patients. What types of runny nose exist, and what measures need to be taken in relation to each of them - these questions are discussed in this video.