Tests for urinary tract infection in a child. Treatment of urinary tract infections in children under one year of age

Infections urinary tract It happens quite often in children, especially in children under 3 years of age. Moreover, in almost half of the cases, the inflammatory process starts asymptomatically, which is why parents do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor in time. How to suspect an infection in a timely manner? How to prevent the development of complications? And how to properly treat the disease? We'll tell you in detail!

As a rule, a urinary tract infection first “attacks” children at a very young age - from the neonatal period to three years. And in subsequent years, the disease can make itself felt again and again with relapses.

Some important facts about the disease

A urinary tract infection (including in children) means a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract. Most often, bacteria enter the urinary tract from inflamed genital organs. In most cases, urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children are caused by the activity of bacteria such as coli, enterococcus, proteus and klebsiella.

In adults, urinary tract infections are usually accompanied by unpleasant symptoms(frequent and painful urination, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, etc.), but in the case of children, all these signs of the inflammatory process with UTI are often absent, with the exception of high temperature. In other words, if, not without reason, doctors begin to suspect that he has a urinary tract infection. These assumptions can be refuted or confirmed using a general urine test.

In children, UTIs are, unfortunately, quite widespread: for example, among younger children school age On average, about 8% of girls and 2% of boys already have recurrences of one or another urinary tract infection.

Urinary tract infection in children: causes

I must say that the hit dangerous bacteria into the child’s urinary system does not mean a 100% start of the disease. Urinary tract infection in children begins to develop only against the background of certain concomitant factors that contribute to inflammation. These factors include:

  • Metabolic disorders in the body;
  • General hypothermia of the body or local hypothermia in the kidney area;
  • In boys, a urinary tract infection often occurs due to phimosis (a certain abnormality in the structure of the penis);
  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene of the child (to avoid which parents should know basic techniques - and).

Hypothermia is one of the most common causes of urinary tract infections in children. When hypothermia occurs, spasm of the kidney vessels occurs, which leads to impaired filtration of urine, at the same time the pressure in the urinary system decreases, and all this together often provokes the onset of the inflammatory process. A urinary tract infection occurs especially often when a child long time sits on a cold stone, metal swing, etc.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection in children

In some cases, UTI in children is asymptomatic, except for fever. In fact, the fever itself in a child in the absence of any other visible symptoms disease often signals the onset of inflammation in the urinary tract (we repeat: in this case, general analysis baby's urine). But there are situations when a urinary tract infection in children manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination with an extremely small volume of urine excreted “at a time”;
  • The child complains about painful sensations or burning during “going to the toilet”;
  • The child complains of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Urine acquires an uncharacteristic color, density or odor;
  • (especially at night) over 7-8 years of age;
  • Constant thirst;
  • Can change general state and the child’s behavior - the baby becomes lethargic, capricious, whiny, loses appetite, etc.

If your baby, for no apparent reason, has suddenly turned from a playful, restless “top” into a lethargic, apathetic, capricious “sleepyhead” (who, perhaps for some reason, has again begun to “spill” into bed at night) - it would definitely not be a bad idea for you to do general urine analysis of the child. It is likely that the reason for these changes lies precisely in the development of a urinary tract infection.

Treatment of urinary tract infections in children

The diagnosis of UTI is not made without confirmation from laboratory research urine (with a general urine test for infectious process in the urinary tract indicates abnormally a large number of leukocytes with a predominance of neutrophils). Sometimes the child is also prescribed an ultrasound or x-ray examination of the structural features of the urinary system. If the diagnosis of UTI is confirmed, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy.

The basis for effective treatment of any urinary tract infection in children and adults is taking age-appropriate and medical situation antibiotics. Already after 24-48 hours after starting to take the drugs, the child’s well-being will noticeably improve, but it is important for parents to remember that for true recovery it is necessary to endure full course antibacterial therapy, which on average is 7-14 days.

If a urinary tract infection in a child is not treated in time (either simply “missing” the onset of inflammation, or deliberately ignoring medical intervention), then it will running form threatens children's health certain complications. The most common of which is chronic pyelonephritis, in other words - inflammation of the kidneys.

How to properly collect children's urine for analysis

Since the reliability of the diagnosis for suspected urinary tract infection is based on the result of a child’s urine test, it is very important to correctly collect the material for this test and submit it on time. And know what mistakes are made most often in this matter:

  • To collect urine, it is advisable not to use a jar that up to this point already had some contents in it (for example, you bought it along with baby food/pickles/jam or something else), and then it was washed with soap, dishwashing detergent or washing powder. The fact is that particles of any substances that have been in this container may in one way or another be reflected in your child’s tests, clearly distorting the picture of what is happening. Ideally, for collecting tests you need to use special sterile containers, which are sold in any pharmacy.
  • Convenient devices have long been invented for collecting urine from newborns and infants - special urinals., which relieve parents from the need to “squeeze out” diapers or keep watch near the baby, spread out on an oilcloth... These devices are completely safe, they are hermetically glued to the child’s genitals, do not cause any discomfort in the baby and can be easily removed.
  • No more than 1.5 hours should pass between the moment of urine collection and its arrival at the laboratory. In other words, you cannot collect urine from a child before bedtime, then put it in the refrigerator, and in the morning “on blue eye»Submit such material to a laboratory - this analysis will not be reliable.

Is it possible to treat UTIs with “folk” remedies?

Alas, when it comes to treating children for a particular disease, parents (out of ignorance or due to established clichés) are confused about in what cases which method of treatment is appropriate. So it turns out that we often give our children the strongest drugs in situations where it is quite possible to do without them (the most shining example- the use of antibiotics for supposedly prophylactic purposes), and at the same time we are trying to treat bacterial infections decoctions and lotions “according to grandma’s recipe.”

In the event of a urinary tract infection, parents should be clearly aware that this is dangerous. bacterial disease, which over time without proper treatment is at great risk of developing into chronic form and give complications.

Application of modern antibacterial agents for the treatment of UTI is the only adequate and effective treatment. But which antibiotic will be the most effective and at the same time safe - your doctor will tell you, based on the situation and individual characteristics child.

However, in fairness, it should be said that several years ago in Europe, studies were conducted involving women with cystitis (one of the forms of UTI), the result of which showed that drinking concentrated cranberry juice significantly helps reduce the number of bacteria in the urinary tract. In other words, cranberries helped kill harmful bacteria for urinary tract infections in women. No similar studies have yet been conducted in children. However, it is logical to assume that if your child is not allergic to cranberries, then it would not be a bad idea to include them in the diet of a child diagnosed with a UTI.

And it’s also worth remembering: no medicinal antibiotics cannot be used as a preventive measure (including against the development of urinary tract infections in children), but cranberry juices, jelly and jam, on the contrary, can become reliable and tasty protectors against infection.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur in 18 children out of 1000. Statistics show that by the age of 7, 9% of girls and 2% of boys are diagnosed with at least one UTI. Let's consider the causes of development, symptoms, features of diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in children.

Urinary tract infections in children - microbial inflammatory disease of organs urinary system without specifying a specific location. The diagnosis of “urinary tract infection” is especially valid in infants and early age due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the ureter (long and with a wide lumen, prone to kinks) and with the peculiarities of the immunological reactivity of the body, the consequence of which is the ease of spread of infection.

What factors contribute to the development of urinary tract infection in a child: causes of UTI

The urinary tract includes a complex of organs responsible for the formation and removal of urine from the body. These are the kidneys, ureters, bladder And urethra. UTIs are caused by the growth of bacteria in any part of the urinary system. Urinary tract infection is a consequence of the penetration of the pathogen through the bloodstream from other infected organs or a violation of the outflow of urine due to an abnormal location or pathological structure organs of the urinary system.

IN childhood may contribute to the development of a urinary tract infection:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Weakness of the body (in premature babies).

The main factors for the occurrence of UTIs are :

  • Problems with urodynamics in the form of obstructive uropathy, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, and the presence of vesicoureteral reflux.
  • Exchange deviations in the form of hyperuraturia, nephrocalcinosis, hyperoxalaturia or urolithiasis.
  • Operations on the urinary tract.
  • Vascular changes in renal tissue (ischemia or vasoconstriction).
  • Individual characteristics of immunity patient ( insufficient output antibodies, decreased immune response).
  • Pronounced pathogenesis of microorganisms .
  • Disorders of the distal colon in the form of constipation, microflora imbalance.
  • Causes of UTIs also include hereditary factor .
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules and improper washing of children.

How does a urinary tract infection manifest in children under one year of age and older: signs of a UTI in the table

Symptoms of UTI in children under one year of age and older

Age Signs of a UTI
Up to a year Painful sensations when touching the tummy and lumbar region, accompanied by anxiety and crying.

Decreased or increased urine volume.

Frequent urination.

Weak and intermittent stream of urine.

Atypical and bad smell urine.

Change in color (rich yellow or pink, reddish) and turbidity.

Swelling may occur.

Decreased appetite.

Temperature increase.

Indigestion, vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Over 1 year old Fever.

Pain in the back and abdomen.

Dysuric phenomena (changes in the volume of urine excreted during the day, increased frequency of urination, intermittency of the stream, cloudiness of urine and changes in its color).

Increased feeling of thirst.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are nonspecific, so to diagnose accurate diagnosis and appointments effective therapy additional diagnostics are required.

Candidate of Medical Sciences A.M. Rivkin about UTI:

The term UTI implies the presence of an infection in urinary tract(tubules, pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra). The main criterion for the diagnosis of UTI is the presence of bacteriuria, but the detection of bacteriuria does not always indicate inflammation, which is typical for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Bacteriuria can be transient, when colonization of the microbe does not occur, and therefore no inflammatory process occurs. The presence of an inflammatory process is determined clinical signs(intoxication, pain syndrome), paraclinical indicators - accelerated ESR, leukocytosis with neutrophyllosis, increased concentration of acute phase proteins (CRP).

Methods for diagnosing urinary tract infections in children: what tests and examinations will help identify UTIs?

To avoid useless antibiotic therapy, it is necessary precise setting diagnosis. Since symptoms cannot give a clear picture of the disease, it is necessary to do a urine test with bacteriological testing. Bacteriuria must be confirmed twice, so if bacteria are present in the urine, it must be retested. One of the diagnostic methods is a urine test for nitrites (nitrates in the urine are the norm, and nitrites are a process of vital activity of microorganisms).

How to treat a urinary tract infection in a child under one year of age or older? Table.

After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account the location of the infection and the extent of the damage. The earlier therapy begins, the lower the risk of complications. Since infections are bacterial in nature, the main treatment is antibiotic therapy. Any treatment, including urinary tract infections, must be comprehensive.

Basic principles of treatment of UTIs in children under one year of age and older

Age Features of UTI treatment
Up to a year Antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions, most often in the form of suspensions. If oral administration is not possible, it is recommended intravenous administration antibiotics. The course must last at least 7 days.

Symptomatic treatment consists of prescribing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drugs (eg ibufen), as well as vit. E as an antioxidant.

Maintenance physiotherapy after elimination acute infection: electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin or ozokerite applications, etc.

Over 1 year old Prescription of pathogen-sensitive antibiotics for a course of at least 7 days, antitoxic therapy, correction of urodynamics (if necessary), antimicrobial prophylaxis in case of recurrence, increasing the general immunological reactivity of the child’s body.

A diet excluding salty, spicy, fried and smoked foods is recommended; it is also necessary to increase the volume of liquid you drink by half (water, cranberry juice, blackcurrant or pear juice, still mineral water, dried apricot compote, etc.) to prevent the retention and proliferation of bacteria in the urinary system.

IN modern medicine For the treatment of UTIs, inhibitor-protected penicillins, cephalosporins, carbopenems, aminoglycosides, and uroantiseptics are used. A drug necessary for the child for UTIs, only a doctor can prescribe; self-medication is unacceptable.

Professor N.A. Korovina on the treatment of cystitis in children:

Treatment of cystitis in children should be comprehensive and include general and local effects. At acute cystitis Bed rest is recommended. Rest is necessary to help reduce dysuric phenomena and normalize the function of the bladder and urinary system as a whole. General warming of the patient and local thermal procedures are indicated. Can be applied to the bladder area dry heat. “Sitz” baths are effective at a temperature of +37.5°C with a solution of herbs that have antiseptic effect(chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark). Under no circumstances should you take hot baths, as the heat high temperatures may cause additional hyperemia with impaired microcirculation in the bladder.

Food should not be irritating; it is advisable to exclude all hot, spicy foods and spices. Dairy and vegetable products, fruits rich in vitamins are shown. It is advisable to use yoghurts enriched with lactobacilli in the diet of patients with cystitis, which are capable, due to the properties of adhesion to the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract, to prevent the recurrence of the microbial inflammatory process in the urinary tract in a child. The use of fruit drinks made from cranberries and lingonberries is effective.

The drinking regime is determined by the patient's needs. However, for acute cystitis it is better to recommend drinking plenty of fluids(50% higher than the required volume), which increases diuresis and helps flush out inflammatory products from the bladder. Daily amount liquid is distributed evenly throughout the day. Increase drinking regime for acute cystitis, it is better to recommend after removal pain syndrome. Shown are slightly alkaline mineral water, fruit drinks, weakly concentrated compotes.

Prevention of urinary tract infection in children: how to prevent the disease?

If the urinary system has a normal structure, then urinary tract infections can be prevented by:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • hygiene (regular washing of the perineum in the direction from the urinary tract to the anus);
  • timely change of wet and soiled diapers and underwear;
  • compliance with the water regime;
  • good nutrition;
  • observance of a special diet by a nursing mother (a minimum of sweets and proper nutrition).

Urinary tract infection in children last decade has become global. The concept of “urinary system infection” covers all infectious inflammatory diseases. According to their location, they are divided into infections of the upper and lower urinary tract.

The lower ones include diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, and upper infections urinary system various shapes.

A group of organs is responsible for the formation and removal of urine from the body - these are the kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra.

Infection in children means the presence of pathogenic bacteria in one of the organs of the urinary system. Making such a diagnosis is typical only for initial stage diagnostics, when changes in the urine (or the appearance of bacteria) are determined, but there is no indication that the inflammatory process is at a certain point.

The first signs of the disease are often determined in the clinic, when it is not possible to establish an accurate localization of the process. Therefore, the diagnosis of “urinary tract inflammation or urinary system infection” is legitimate, and it is clarified in a specialized hospital.

Causes of urinary tract infections

Children of any age are susceptible. But most often they occur in newborns, infants and children under three years of age. Up to one year of age, boys are more susceptible to urinary system diseases, since they have symptoms for up to 5–8 months. congenital anomaly genitourinary system. And in girls, the development of the disease is most often observed after two and before 12–13 years, since their urethra is very short and the infection easily penetrates the genitourinary tract.

The main causes of infections are the entry of bacteria into the child’s urinary system. In 70–90% of cases, this is an opportunistic bacterium of the normal human flora.

Since the exit paths gastrointestinal tract are in close proximity to the urinary tract - this often leads to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the urethra, and from there their movement is allowed to other parts (ureter, pelvis, kidneys).

Activation of the pathogen occurs when immunity is reduced, so you should not neglect hygiene and allow hypothermia. Other pathogens that can cause the disease include:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • enterococci;
  • enterobacteria;
  • Proteus.

Other disorders may also cause the infection:

  • natural anomalies of the genitourinary tract (balanoposthitis in boys, synechiae in girls, reverse outflow of urine);
  • disruption of the urine excretion process (reflux, obstructive uropathy);
  • urination disorder due to neurological problems;
  • with the formation of diabetes mellitus or kidney stones;
  • when neighboring organs become infected ( genital area, gastrointestinal), the presence of helminths;
  • excessive consumption of spicy foods and spices, as well as poor nutrition;
  • baby from mother to child (if the mother develops an infectious pathology);
  • in newborns - the presence of a purulent, inflamed navel (omphalitis);
  • various actions on the urinary tract (installation of a catheter, puncture of the bladder, surgery).

Signs of a urinary tract infection

Not all parents immediately notice symptoms in their children. It is quite difficult to recognize a urinary tract infection in children under one year of age:

  • the child does not speak yet, he is not able to describe his feelings;
  • he is unable to regulate and control his urination;
  • signs of the disease are also characteristic of other manifestations of the disease.

Urinary tract infection in infants is diagnosed in the same way as in adults. The signs are the same for all children:

  • burning;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in lumbar region, in a stomach.

Parents can understand that the child is in pain and it is associated with urination by the following signs:

  • cries and becomes restless when urinating;
  • shows anxiety, is capricious;
  • reacts poorly to touch on the back, especially the lower back or tummy.

Manifestations of pyelonephritis

Urinary tract infection includes a group of diseases, therefore clinical manifestations are different for each type. The following symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis:

  • pronounced intoxication of the body (lethargy, poor appetite, powerlessness);
  • the onset of the disease begins with a sharp increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, as well as with a characteristic fever;
  • nausea, vomiting. Infants experience a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • decrease in the amount of daily urine;
  • at infants sometimes dehydration develops.

In newborns, pyelonephritis provokes the appearance of jaundice (on the 7th–8th day from birth, an increase in bilirubin in the blood occurs).

Pyelonephritis is dangerous because of its complications; it leads to shrinkage of the kidney and loss of its functions, and this provokes the development of renal failure.

If a child is suspected of having cystitis, then the following symptoms are typical:

  • There are no signs of intoxication.
  • Body temperature rises to 38–39 degrees.
  • The child wants to constantly empty his bladder, while he goes to the toilet every 10-15 minutes or involuntarily urinates in his pants.
  • Pain in a child is typical in the pubic area or slightly higher, and the pain itself often radiates to the perineum. He behaves restlessly, this continues even at night.
  • Even with frequent urges to the toilet, the child has difficulty emptying his bladder, since the urine does not have time to collect in the required amount. An inflamed bladder calls for emptying it again and again, and each release of urine is accompanied by pain and stinging.

  • Urine acquires a strong, unpleasant odor, becomes cloudy, and may change color.
  • At the end of urination, sometimes a few drops of blood appear - this is terminal hematuria, characteristic of cystitis.

Features of cystitis

Of all urinary tract infections, cystitis is much more common than others, especially in girls.

If a child is suspected of having urethritis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • The child has no fever or intoxication.
  • When urinating, they appear nagging pain in the bladder.
  • The penis in boys is itchy and may discharge from the urethra. Girls feel itching on the outside of their genitals.
  • In newborns and infants, the symptoms are nonspecific: regurgitation, diarrhea, weight loss, fever up to 38 degrees.
  • There is a frequent desire to empty the bladder.

Boys are more susceptible to urethritis; girls have a wider and shorter urethra, so the infection passes higher, causing pyelonephritis or cystitis.

How to get rid of urinary tract infections in children?

Treatment of urinary tract infections in children is aimed at bacteriological examination, identifying the pathogen and conducting antibacterial, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

The issue of hospitalization of a child is decided with the parents, but the younger he is, the likelihood of treatment in a hospital increases, especially if pyelonephritis is suspected.

Antibacterial therapy begins even before the result is obtained, based on the most likely causative agents of infection; if there is no positive effect within 2 days, the drug is replaced with another.

The main methods of treatment consist of the following measures:

  • Antibacterial treatment - after receiving the result bacteriological culture urine is prescribed suitable drug. Preference is given to penicillins and cephalosporins. The dosage is selected individually by the doctor, taking into account the child’s age, weight and general condition. The course of treatment ranges from 7 to 21 days. It is not recommended to interrupt treatment, even if the symptoms of the disease have gone away - this risks relapses and disruption of the genitourinary tract.
  • The use of diuretics, uroseptics - they help to increase renal blood flow, ensure the elimination of microorganisms and the removal of inflammatory products, and relieve swelling of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys.

  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - they help enhance the effect of antibacterial therapy and relieve the inflammatory process.
  • Live bacteria (probiotics or prebiotics) are prescribed. To prevent the occurrence of intestinal dysbiosis while taking antibiotics.
  • The use of antispasmodics that reduce pain: No-Shpa, Papaverine, Baralgin.


She plays an important role in complex therapy to eliminate urinary tract infections. For infants, only breastfeeding is recommended.

Children after 7 months – light dishes without spices, excess fat and salt. Dairy-vegetable foods and fruits that promote alkalization of urine are indicated. After eliminating the pain syndrome, it is recommended to increase drinking to remove intoxication from the body (compotes, fruit drinks, non-carbonated mineral water). IN acute period table No. 5 according to Pevzner is used.

In almost 80% of patients, with a properly selected treatment regimen and modern antibacterial agents, urinary tract therapy leads to a complete recovery in the child. In rare cases, relapses and exacerbation of the disease occur.

Children suffer from illnesses associated with urinary tract infections quite often. According to statistics, up to 2% of boys and up to 8% of girls who have reached the age of five already have at least one case of this kind in their history. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, treatment of urinary tract infections in children usually ends successfully, but ignoring the problem is fraught with very unpleasant complications.

Reasons for the development of the pathological process

Fluids in organs excretory system healthy person(kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra), sterile. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter them in one of two ways: with the bloodstream (from an inflammatory focus in other organs) or from the outside (if the rules are not followed intimate hygiene or performing medical manipulations associated with the insertion of instruments into the urethra or bladder).

Additional risk factors for developing urinary tract infections in children are:

  • Gender of the child. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy (the presence of a short and wide urethra), girls get UTIs more often than boys;
  • Early age. Girls under 4 years of age and boys under 1 year of age are most susceptible to infection;
  • Congenital anomalies of the excretory and reproductive tract;
  • Low immunity, tendency to catch colds, frequent inflammatory diseases (otitis, stomatitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • The presence of any ailments and developmental defects that provoke stagnation of urine: urolithiasis disease, phimosis in boys, synechia in girls, vesicoureteral reflux and many others;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, dysbiosis, etc.);
  • Family history of chronic UTIs.

The causative agent of urinary tract infections in children is most often Escherichia coli (up to 90% of all cases), less often Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Clepsiella. Infection with streptococci, mycoplasma and chlamydia sometimes occurs.

Symptoms of urinary tract infections in children

Signs of a UTI depend on the child's age. The little ones become capricious, lose their appetite, and stop gaining weight. Sometimes infants experience diarrhea or vomiting. However, it is not uncommon for the only symptom of a urinary tract infection in children under two years of age to be elevated temperature bodies.

In older children, the signs of infection are more pronounced. Among them:

  • Pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen;
  • Unpleasant burning sensation when urinating;
  • Frequent urge to urinate with minimal release of fluid;
  • Change in the appearance of urine (turbidity, appearance of flakes, mucus, streaks of blood);
  • Increased body temperature, chills, weakness;

Urinary tract infections in children develop very quickly, especially with the so-called ascending type of infection. This means that untreated urethritis can turn into cystitis and pyelonephritis within a few days. Therefore, the presence of any of the described symptoms is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in children

If a UTI is suspected, it is necessary to quickly determine what exactly the child is sick with and prescribe a course of antibiotics. There are two problems in this case. Firstly, the symptoms of urinary tract infections in children are similar to those of many other diseases (vulvovaginitis, belanitis, orchitis, etc.); discomfort during urination may occur due to infection with worms (pinworms). Secondly, in case of UTI, it is very important to determine the causative agent of the disease, since the success of treatment directly depends on the selection of a specific antibiotic. In addition, a disease such as urethritis can also have a non-infectious origin (for example, develop when it enters the urethra). detergents). In such cases drug therapy not required.

To diagnose UTIs, the following are used:

  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine. It is necessary to conduct a urine culture to determine the causative agent. Add to list free services This study is not included, but it allows you to prescribe the most effective treatment and avoid long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. If the doctor himself does not offer to do this test, parents should find out about this possibility or send a sample of the child’s urine for culture to a paid institution;
  • Visualizing (ultrasound and radiographic) procedures that allow a specialist to assess the condition of the organs of the excretory system and identify the presence of birth defects development, etc. These methods are used only in cases where the disease is recurrent or its treatment is delayed.

It is important to know the following: many diagnostic procedures are painful. A doctor often prescribes tests based on the fact that they are included in the list of insurance services (an example is cystoscopy - an extremely unpleasant and uninformative method). Before agreeing to a doctor-recommended procedure, parents should learn as much as possible about its effectiveness and alternative options diagnostics

Treatment of urinary tract infections in children, as a rule, comes down to a course of antibacterial agents (tablets or suspensions). At correct selection With the drug, symptoms begin to disappear within a day or two after the start of therapy. The child must be provided with adequate light food, drinking plenty of fluids and semi-bed rest. Hospitalization is required only in cases where the baby cannot take antibiotics or has severe chronic illnesses. The condition of children who have recovered from the disease must be monitored, since the disease relapses in 30% of cases.

Prevention of UTIs should include careful daily toileting of the external genitalia (it is the urethra that in most cases serves as the “entry gate” for infection). Contrary to popular belief, decoctions medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect (bearberry, knotweed, lingonberry leaves, etc.) do not prevent infection and do not have a noticeable effect therapeutic effect. The preventive effect of cranberry juice has been clinically confirmed: it is useful to give it to children under 6 years old, 150 ml per day, and to older children, 300-400 ml (in two or three doses).

UTIs in children can be successfully treated and avoided unpleasant consequences only on condition timely appeal for medical help. Self-medication or interruption of the course of prescribed antibiotics can lead to repeated relapses, deterioration of the condition of the excretory system and sharp decline quality of life of the child.

Text: Emma Murga

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One of the most common causes of childhood illnesses is urinary tract infection in children. This is most observed in children under one year of age who need full care. When an infection occurs, patients do not always show symptoms, but serious complications often occur that are difficult to treat. How to determine the presence of a disease?

General information about the disease

Infectious inflammation of the urinary tract in children most often manifests itself without symptoms and is detected when comprehensive examination patient. With diseases of the urinary system, the body quickly succumbs to infectious effects, as a result of which the child’s kidneys become inflamed. To examine a child for infection, a general urine test and ultrasound are prescribed. After the examination, the baby is prescribed medical complex, which includes antibiotics and uroantiseptics, which are supported by traditional medicine.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Very often the cause of the development of pathology is E. coli.

Inflammation of the urinary tract in childhood occurs due to various harmful microorganisms. What kind of infection will spread in the body depends on what gender the child is, how old he is and the state of his immune system. The most common microbes include enterobacteria, among which E. coli is most often found. Other factors in the occurrence of urinary system diseases may be:

  • urodynamic disorders (ureteral reflux, disruptions in the functioning of the bladder);
  • decreased performance immune system(due to the production of a small amount of antibodies, cell immunity decreases);
  • impaired metabolic processes;
  • changes in blood vessels in the renal tissues;
  • abnormal structure of the reproductive system organs, congenital anomalies;
  • spread of infection in the genitals or intestinal environment;
  • the appearance of worms in a child;
  • surgical intervention in the urinary tract.

According to statistics, the disease is more common in patients under one year of age, however, depending on gender and age, different indicators morbidity. Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in girls due to the fact that their urinary canal is close to the vagina, and the urethra of female representatives is much shorter than that of males. Girls most often get sick at the age of 3-4 years. Infection of the genitourinary system in infants is more typical for boys. In this case, inflammation of the urinary tract in a child occurs due to abnormal development of the genital organs. In addition, the reason why a urinary tract infection appears in a baby may be improper care.

Factors contributing to the development of infectious inflammation

Infections can be dangerous if your immune system is weakened.

There are many predisposing factors that cause bladder infections to spread in children. Among them are impaired normal urinary outflow, obstructive uropathy, reflux of the bladder and urinary tract. The pathology develops due to deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, impaired metabolic processes, and also manifests itself in patients with diabetes mellitus, renal calcification. Infections can also enter the urinary tract due to medical interventions, after which harmful microorganisms are able to multiply more actively.

Classification of harmful microorganisms

According to the prevalence of inflammation, there are microorganisms that affect the upper parts of the excretory system (kidneys, ureters) and lower sections(bladder, urethra). Thus, in case of defeat upper sections pyelitis, pyelonephritis are diagnosed, and if the lower ones are infected - cystitis, urethritis. Depending on the period of occurrence, the disease can be in the first episode or recurrent. The disease is sometimes reinforced by secondary infection. Looking at what symptoms appear in the patient, they distinguish between mild and severe infections (complications appear and are difficult to tolerate).

Symptoms of urinary tract infections in children

Symptoms appear depending on the age of the little patient. In children under 2 years of age, fever, vomiting, diarrhea appear, the color of the urethra changes, and the skin turns pale. Newborns have no appetite, they are capricious, cry and become irritable. In patients 2 years of age and above, pain begins during urination, the urine has dark color, the lower abdomen hurts, and the body temperature rises to 38 degrees and above.

Features of manifestations in infants

Inflammation of the genitourinary system of infants can be asymptomatic.

In infants infectious inflammation genitourinary system manifests itself to a greater extent without signs: temperature indicators practically do not increase, the appearance of intoxication, gray skin, apathetic state, anorexia may occur. If a patient has acute bacterial cystitis, then his temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Diagnostic measures

Laboratory examination methods

Bacteriological method of studying urine

The bacteriological method is the main one when examining a patient for the presence of genitourinary infections. Such a study allows us to determine the type of harmful microorganism, as well as the level of its sensitivity to antibiotics. To have accurate results, you must adhere to the rules for conducting the examination, and also have sterile instruments.

General urinalysis

Another, no less reliable way to examine a patient is a general urine test. It can be used to determine the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, and protein levels in the urine. When increased indicators talk about the emergence inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, including the kidneys and bladder.

General method of blood testing

To determine the infection, you need to take a blood test.

To determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, a general blood test is performed. Using this method, it is possible to detect elevated leukocyte levels, high ESR and changes in leukocyte formula. Often, inflammatory processes are characteristic of the development of pyelonephritis. For urethritis or cystitis, inflammation is less typical.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

Ultrasound as an examination method

Ultrasound is allowed to be performed regardless of age. By using ultrasonic method The examination makes it possible to see the actual size and condition of the kidneys, identify stones in the urinary system, assess the volume of the bladder, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in it. Ultrasound makes it possible to detect abnormal organ development in the early stages.