Pain under the rib on the left side. What disease does this symptom warn about? Pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the upper part abdominal region should not be taken as normal phenomenon . it dangerous symptom, indicating serious pathologies, many of which can become fatal if not addressed in time medical care. Frequent pain under the ribs, approximately in the center, must be diagnosed by determining exact reasons and the nature of the pain.

It is important to remember that not every pathology allows you to wait for an opportunity to see a doctor. Many diseases characterized by pain in the center of the body require immediate hospitalization.

That is why, at the first signs of pain under the ribs in the area solar plexus urgent need to seek medical attention.

The reasons

  • Gastritis: follicular, catarrhal, drug-induced, autoimmune, atrophic;
    • ulcers;
    • pancreatitis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • colic;
    • hepatitis groups A, B, C, D;
    • cirrhosis;
    • liver failure.
  • Hemoblastic:
    • leukemia;
    • immunoleukemia;
    • lymphomas.
  • Hemolytic anemia;
  • Infections:
    • mononucleosis;
    • malaria;
    • tuberculosis;
    • brucellosis;
    • syphilis.
  • Septic pathologies:
    • bacterial endocarditis;
    • septicemia.
  • Immune diseases:
    • systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Liver and spleen injuries;
  • internal abscess;
  • Hematomas of the peritoneum;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Diseases respiratory system;
  • Pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • Oncological diseases.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city polyclinic, Moscow. Education: Russian state medical University, GBOU DPO Russian medical Academy postgraduate education Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

Subcostal pain in front appears in many ailments various bodies and systems, as well as in injuries and complications after surgery.

The nature and symptoms of pain

pain syndrome in various pathologies may differ.


Gastritis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and entails a violation of the functionality of the organ. There are many varieties of the disease.

A characteristic symptom is gastralgia. is sharp, and unpleasant sensations are stabbing, pressing, burning. The pain is greatly increased after overeating or eating spicy food. Other symptoms of gastritis are heartburn, flatulence, and vomiting.

The abdomen is often swollen, and the stool is unstable - there are frequent diarrhea or constipation.

If you experience similar pain, you should contact following doctors: therapist and gastroenterologist. Initial inspection consists in questioning the patient, compiling clinical picture and referral for diagnosis.

The following methods are used to diagnose gastritis:

  • gastroscopy of the stomach;
  • biopsy;
  • electrogastroenterography;
  • pH-metry of the stomach;
  • organ probing;
  • x-ray examination;
  • clinical analyses.

Treatment consists in the appointment of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is also necessary to follow the diet prescribed by the doctor throughout the therapy.

peptic ulcer

peptic ulcer and duodenum- this is chronic pathology, a feature of which is the formation ulcer defects on internal organs.

Manifested by the so-called "dagger" pain, unexpectedly, but very strongly - the patient is forced to lie down, because he cannot move independently. The pain is located in the epigastric region, that is, under the spoon, after which it moves to the right side. This is caused by a spill of the contents of the stomach. Additionally, the ulcer is accompanied by severe heaviness in the abdomen, vomiting and frequent belching.

Important to get timely treatment, because in its absence diffuse peritonitis can be diagnosed.

This complication leads to death.

A gastroenterologist diagnoses peptic ulcer. First of all, such patients have a pronounced ulcer history. Diagnostics is carried out by the following methods:

  • gastroscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • radiography of the stomach.

Therapy includes taking antibiotics, as well as medications that neutralize gastric juice and creating a film on the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is recommended to observe the daily regimen, eat a balanced diet and refuse bad habits, avoid stress.

The course of treatment takes 2-3 weeks.


Stomach cancer (or other oncology abdominal cavity) - malignant tumor growing in the tissues of the stomach or any other affected organ. Gastric cancer has a high mortality rate.

The pain syndrome is usually permanent, patients complain of a feeling of fullness from the inside. Pain often radiates to the area chest causing a feeling of heaviness. After meals, he often feels sick and vomits, including with blood. In addition, the patient quickly gets tired, often feels the weakness of the whole organism. Blood is not only burped, but also present in the feces.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - City Pokrovskaya Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

The tumor makes it difficult to swallow even plain water, digestion is disturbed: belching and heartburn appear.

The initial examination for suspected gastric oncology is carried out by a gastroenterologist, after which he refers the patient to an oncologist to confirm the diagnosis. Additionally, a consultation with a nutritionist is scheduled.

Cancer is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • endoscopy;
  • endoscopic ultrasound;
  • biopsy;
  • radiography of the stomach;
  • CT scan.

Treatment of cancer patients is carried out in a hospital and depends entirely on the stage, severity of symptoms and general condition patient. The treatment consists in an operation in which the affected parts of the organ are removed, then radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Supportive medications are also prescribed.

Diseases of the pancreas

The pancreas usually affected by inflammatory and destructive processes. Typical manifestations pathologies are pancreatitis and oncology.

Pancreatitis is a non-infectious inflammation in the gland, accompanied by swelling, decay and death of internal tissues. Scars are formed, the anatomy of the organ and the function of the gland are disturbed.

A characteristic manifestation is a dull and pulling pain, which can turn into a sharp pain.

It depends on the degree of edema and necrosis of internal tissues, the development of peritonitis. Localized pain in the epigastric region, which is caused by the location of the focus of the disease, can often radiate to the back.

Additional symptoms diseases of the pancreas:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • change in skin color.

Diagnoses diseases of this type general practitioner.

In the future, the patient is referred to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, oncologist and surgeon.

Diagnostics is carried out as follows:

  • clinical researches;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • urine tests.

Often diseases of the pancreas can be complicated by diabetes mellitus.

Gallbladder diseases

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Acute pain is localized in front, accompanied by fever and vomiting. Additional symptoms are yellowing of the skin. In this case, the pain can radiate to the shoulder and scapular region, and also spread to the entire abdomen.

Hepatic colic - attack acute pain, similar in symptoms to cholecystitis, but the difference is that colic can be stopped.

Other symptoms are a periodic feeling of nausea, belching, bitterness in oral cavity. The pains are not intense, they are pulling in nature. The body temperature rises, the stomach swells.

Treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. For the diagnosis of diseases are used:

  • blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • x-ray;
  • radioisotope examination.

Treatment is usually with a combination of medications and a special diet.

Subdiaphragmatic abscess

Subdiaphragmatic abscess - abscess in the diaphragm. The pain is intense, localized in the epigastric region and under the ribs. Irradiates to the region of the shoulder blades and collarbone. Additional symptoms are manifested by shortness of breath, weakness, cough.

The surgeon is involved in the treatment, since surgery is required.

Before the operation, diagnostics is carried out, including the following methods:

  • fluoroscopy;
  • CT scan;
  • clinical researches.

Treatment consists of an operation, during which the abscess is opened and drained.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Myocardial infarction - gastralgic form

Myocardial infarction in this form characterized by acute pain in the epigastric region, radiates to the region of the heart muscle and between the shoulder blades. Symptoms appear as a decrease blood pressure, the heart tone is deaf.

Diagnosed and treated by a cardiologist. Diagnostics is carried out by the following methods:

  • clinical researches;
  • echocardiography.

Treatment must be started immediately, otherwise similar condition may lead to death.

In which case immediately see a doctor?

Reasons for pain under the ribs in the center - incredibly many, you do not need to self-medicate and you should consult a specialist when the first symptoms appear. A full examination will be the only right decision in case of pain.

Depending on the nature of the pain and the questioning of the patient, both general specialists and narrow professionals can be treated: a surgeon, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist, an oncologist and an endocrinologist.

If necessary, consultations with a therapist, traumatologist and nutritionist are appointed.

First aid

When a sharp pain syndrome appears, you can take painkillers aimed at stopping the pain. However, this method is optimal only if the pain is not accompanied by sharp signs like fever, chills and nausea. A visit to the doctor is mandatory if the pain recurs and all the remedies used are useless.

Regardless of the area and nature of the pain, seek medical attention. If the therapy is started correctly and on time, the recovery will be several times faster, and the treatment will have a positive effect.

In this way, timely appeal to the doctor will help to avoid complications and critical consequences.

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On a note

  1. Pain in the epigastrium can be a symptom of many diseases, and its nature will depend on the type of pathology.
  2. Gastritis. Pain is sharp, stabbing, pressing, burning, occurs after eating, malnutrition; decreased appetite, nausea, flatulence, belching, vomiting, heartburn.
  3. Ulcer disease. The pain is acute, dagger, in the epigastric region, heartburn, vomiting.
  4. Oncology. Constant pain arching character, heaviness, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, belching, heartburn, difficulty swallowing.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Pain pulling, aching, girdle in the upper abdomen, can be given to the lower back, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.
  6. Diseases of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Pulling pain in front, mainly on the right, can radiate to the back, fever, vomiting, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, belching, bloating, there may be yellowing of the skin and sclera.
  7. Subdiaphragmatic abscess. Intense pain in the epigastrium and under the ribs, radiates to the shoulder blade and collarbone, shortness of breath, weakness, cough.
  8. Myocardial infarction (gastralgic form). Acute, stabbing pain in the epigastrium, radiating to the shoulder, jaw and shoulder blades, lowering blood pressure, respiratory failure.
  9. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this can be a serious pathology.

The human body is very complex mechanism where everything is interconnected. If something hurts, this indicates the presence of certain problems. That is why there are no accidental pains. And any ailment tells a person that there is a disease, which means that measures must be taken immediately. Thus, the body sends signals, attracting our attention to itself.

Knowledge acquired at school

Every child is still school course Biology deals with human anatomy. Therefore, any sane person can more or less accurately tell about the location of his internal organs. And when painful sensations appear in the body, we state with confidence that it hurts, and immediately take action.

There can be many reasons for such pain. We know that pain differs in the nature of its manifestation. Let's try to understand the main types.

The reaction of the nervous system of the body

Acute pain, aggravated by any movement, may indicate the presence of intercostal neuralgia. This is a disease that appears in a series various reasons, including as a result of hypothermia of the body. Accordingly, the treatment can also differ significantly.

Traumatic pain

Also, acute pain can be caused by an injury. And it already carries real threat not only health, but also human life. It is important to remember that there are organs that are located quite close to the surface of the body. In this case, it is the spleen. It should be understood that this vital important organ may break from hard hit. And if this happens, then the skin in the region of the left hypochondrium acquires a bluish tint. And this already suggests that help that is not provided in time can even lead to death.

Pain can also be caused by injured costal bones. With a strong mechanical impact, cracks or even fractures can occur, which, quite naturally, is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, it is also better to seek help from a specialist who, after the examination, will provide needed help. After all, even the choice of painkillers may depend on individual characteristics organism. Few people think, when taking analgesics, that they may contain substances that will have a side effect on the body.

Associated pain

Diseases of the spleen, which is located on the left under the ribs, are usually accompanied by dull girdle pain, fever, and an increase in the organ. Very often, the presence of dull pulling pain is taken into account in the diagnosis. infectious diseases. And we must not forget that a person has chronic diseases that can worsen and cause various ailments.

If you have pain under the ribs on the left in front, when you inhale, then this may indicate both the presence of neuralgia and other, much more serious diseases. Therefore, self-medication can have serious consequences. And to avoid them, if you experience pain, you should consult a specialist.

The cardiovascular system

Faced with the occurrence of pain, which is on the left under the ribs, we may not attach much importance to it. Meanwhile, its presence may indicate a serious cardiovascular disease and even coronary disease heart and myocardial infarction. Such pain is localized mainly behind and often has a wandering character. So, the patient can not even always accurately point to the pain focus. Such sensations are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and anxiety. And most importantly, assistance in such cases should be provided immediately.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

However, the affected area of ​​the body that causes pain in the region of the left hypochondrium, may be located in a completely different place. For example, the stomach. Peptic ulcer, gastritis, neoplasms are very often accompanied by pain, including on the left under the ribs. This can be misleading, which means that the help that we supposedly provide ourselves may not be effective. Only experienced doctor can determine which organ disease corresponds to specific pain sensations.

Also, the pancreas, which is located on the left under the ribs, can cause dull girdle pain. If a person has chronic diseases this organ, then it can be provoked by the intake of fatty or spicy food and strong coffee. Such pain is accompanied by fever, nausea or even vomiting.

We also remember that on the left under the ribs is part of the intestine. So pain may be associated with it. It could be obstruction large cluster gases or problems are more serious.


The location of the diaphragm also falls on the region of the left hypochondrium. Its function is to, as it were, separate the thoracic region from the abdominal region. And if it weakens, this can lead to a violation of its functions, and, accordingly, to pain, including on the left under the ribs. This may be caused age-related changes, as well as near concomitant diseases. Also, the weakening of the diaphragm can be caused by heavy physical exertion.

Where to run for help?

If there are pains under the ribs on the left, what should I do? Often a person faced with similar problems, simply does not know which specialist to turn to. However, delay can lead to a worsening of the condition, so you can go to any doctor who will direct you to the address. In addition, sometimes a person knows that he has certain diseases. Therefore, during the period when these diseases are exacerbated, you should go to your doctor.

If the pain comes on suddenly, then the best option going to the ambulance service. Then the doctor or paramedic of the ambulance, having provided you with first aid, will decide on hospitalization or recommend contacting a specialist. Only full examination and holding clinical analyzes will allow the doctor to get a complete picture of the disease, which means that it is correct to prescribe treatment. Thus, it is possible to determine exactly what caused the pain under the ribs, the nature, causes, treatment, only in a hospital setting.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that pain in the left hypochondrium often indicates the presence serious illnesses. Therefore, the sooner the cause is identified, the sooner you can begin to eliminate it. In addition, the speed of decision-making on treatment issues often prevents the transition of diseases to the chronic stage.

Therefore, we repeat the well-known truth: do not self-medicate. After all, the time that you spend on supposedly treating a completely wrong disease may be hopelessly lost. It is also undeniable that, taking medications without a doctor's prescription, you can harm healthy organs. And therefore, let the specialist determine what is on the left under the ribs and what can hurt there.

Pain on the left under the ribs is not only a fairly common phenomenon, but also very deceptive.

The fact is that most of us, having felt such uncomfortable sensations, immediately attribute them to heart problems and start drinking validol.

However, pain under the ribs on the left side often indicates completely different, but no less serious diseases.

The nature and intensity of pain

The nature of the pain will help you determine which organ to treat and which doctor to see.

1. Dull It's a dull pain under the ribs on the left indicates:

  • gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach. May be accompanied by relieved vomiting, decreased appetite, and diarrhea;
  • stomach cancer. May be accompanied sharp decline weight, weakness, anemia, symptoms similar to toxicosis in pregnant women (for example, the appearance of an aversion to meat);
  • enlargement of the spleen;
  • diseases of the pancreas. May be accompanied elevated temperature, nausea or vomiting.

2 . Sharp pain in the left hypochondrium may be a sign of:

  • ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. May be accompanied by heartburn, vomiting and constipation;
  • nervous tension.

3. stabbing pain left under the ribs talking about:

  • lung diseases. Especially if it is aggravated by coughing and deep breaths(pneumonia, inflammation, tuberculosis or cancer of the left lung). May be accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, constipation and general intoxication of the body;
  • ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • heart disease;
  • vegetative dystonia.

Pain on the left under the ribs in front and behind


The spleen is located in the upper left side of the abdomen. Being close to the surface of the body, it is most often subject to various injuries. In addition, a number of diseases can contribute to an enlargement of the spleen, which stretches and causes dull pain under the rib on the left.

With untimely diagnosis and lack of treatment, an enlarged spleen can rupture. In this case, the pain will be sharp character, and the skin around the navel will turn blue, which will occur due to internal hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity.

If you observe similar symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, urgently call an ambulance, as even a minute delay can be fraught with lethal outcome. However, even with timely hospitalization, the likelihood of removal of the spleen is high.

If a rupture of the spleen is suspected, the patient is recommended to apply a cold compress to the left side before the arrival of the ambulance team.

The rupture of the spleen can result in the following diseases:

Abdominal injury;

Infectious mononucleosis;

Inflammation or infarction of the spleen.


Sharp, aching, pulling or girdle pain in the hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea or vomiting, may indicate problems with the stomach.

The most common diseases of the stomach, characterized by pain on the left side, include:

Gastritis - aching dull paroxysmal pain that can occur after eating (with low acidity), and on an empty stomach (with increased acidity);

Peptic ulcer of the stomach - characterized by acute pain on the left under the ribs, which, as a rule, does not stop for a long time;

Malignant neoplasms in the stomach.

Antacids can help relieve pain.


This organ is located on the back abdominal wall upper abdomen on the left side.

The nature of pain in diseases of the pancreas varies.

So, for example, if the disease is already in chronic stage, then there is a dull girdle pain.

During seizures acute pancreatitis there are cutting girdle pains coming from the inside, which may be accompanied by nausea or even vomiting, as well as fever.

The pain is especially pronounced when taking fatty or spicy foods, as well as coffee and carbonated drinks.

If you have gallbladder problems, are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker, use steroid or diuretic hormones, or have diabetes, you are at a much higher risk of having pancreatitis. Therefore, we recommend that you be very attentive to your health.

The left side of the diaphragm

This muscle is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity and separates it from the chest. The diaphragm has a hole through which the esophagus passes. When the muscles that control the size of this hole weaken, it increases in size.

As a result upper section stomach and abdominal part esophagus through this enlarged opening can exit the abdominal cavity into chest cavity. This is how diaphragmatic hernia, one of the symptoms of which is pain on the floor of the left rib. More often this disease is diagnosed in older people.

In addition, the weakening of the diaphragm can be caused by other reasons that increase intra-abdominal pressure:

  1. obesity;
  2. heavy physical labor;
  3. age-related changes in the body;
  4. pregnancy (rare).


Undoubtedly, this body can also cause burning pain on the left under the ribs. And if such pain gives in left shoulder blade or left hand or back and is also accompanied by shortness of breath, there is a high chance of myocardial infarction.

Nervous system

Fairly common and relatively safe cause pain on the left under the ribs is intercostal neuralgia. It is usually located in lower sections sternum and usually increases with sudden movements and deep breathing.

A characteristic sign of pain in neuralgia is also the fact that it manifests itself on palpation of the intercostal spaces (as opposed to lung disease). Such pain can be caused by excessive pressure on the nerve or its damage or pinching. It can also occur due to prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position.

A fairly rare cause of neuralgic pain in the left side of the hypochondrium may be abdominal migraine, which mostly occurs in children or adolescents. In this case, the pain is paroxysmal in nature, often accompanied by nausea or vomiting, blanching of the skin, as well as cramps in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

reproductive system

Often, pain on the left side can be experienced by women who are sick with endometriosis. Since, when swollen, the pathological tissue of the endometrium can cause quite strong drawing pains, in which it seems that literally everything that is under the ribs hurts.

Costal injuries (cracks or fractures)

Pain can wear different character, aggravated by movement, coughing and deep breathing.

As you can see, there can be a great many causes of pain under the ribs in the left side. But only a doctor can accurately identify the cause. Therefore, with prolonged or acute pain in the hypochondrium, be sure to seek help from a specialist who, based on the results of the examination, will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

On the left side of the human body are located: the spleen, pancreas, part of the diaphragm, left-hand side stomach, intestines. In most cases, pain in the left hypochondrium means a violation in the work of these organs. Pain does not arise from scratch, so you need to determine the source of pain as soon as possible.

Causes of sharp pain in the left hypochondrium

If you suddenly twisted in the left hypochondrium - this is an occasion to think about your own condition.

On the left side of the ribs are nerve fibers that come from the spine, the central nervous system. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteochondrosis or scoliosis, as well as injuries, can provoke a pinched nerve. The pain spreads not only at the site of the transferred nerves, but is also transmitted to other parts of the nerve fibers. It is worth checking yourself for the presence of a hernia of the spine.

It hurts on the left under the rib in front and from the pathology of the kidney, its doubling, diseases. Despite the fact that it is located in the lumbar region, pain is transmitted to nerve fibers, which intertwine the left edge.

intolerable, sharp pain may be associated with gynecology, when the ovaries or uterus are inflamed, there is venereal diseases. This phenomenon occurs only with women, and rarely.

A frequent symptom with which they turn to a doctor is a stomach ache under the ribs, flanks hurt. Depending on the nature of the pain, a preliminary diagnosis can be made. Pain in the hypochondrium and discomfort occur for a reason. Such sensations signal diseases of the digestive system and other diseases that require immediate medical attention and treatment.

The nature of the pain

To make a preliminary diagnosis, you need to understand the nature of the pain syndrome that occurs in the epigastric region:

  • dull and nagging pain;
  • colic;
  • aching sensations;
  • stabbing, mild or severe pain.

Localization options pain, the definition of which is important for diagnosis:

  • at both sides;
  • With right side;
  • From the left side ();
  • in the upper abdomen;
  • at the bottom of the ribs, from the side;
  • in the middle between the ribs, in the stomach;
  • in front or behind the ribs, closer to the kidneys.

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, regardless of their location in relation to the ribs, are rarely the only sign. Such a symptom is accompanied by a concomitant symptomatic picture, for example, fever, nausea and vomiting, yellowing skin and mucous membranes.

Causes of pain under the ribs, depending on the location

The main factor that provokes the occurrence of pain and discomfort in the hypochondrium, - the development of inflammatory processes. There may be other reasons for the appearance, ranging from pregnancy to the fact that the body has malignant neoplasms bones. The nature and location of the pain syndrome help to accurately determine the pathology.

On right

Pain under the lower right rib can be caused by the following diseases and pathological processes

  1. Inflammation of the gallbladder and abnormalities in the work of the biliary system. Accompanied, in addition to pain symptoms, nausea. Later (as it develops) there are frequent vomiting.
  2. Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the gallbladder. The pain syndrome is aching in nature.
  3. Stones in gallbladder. There are acute painful sensations, aggravated by inhalation and coughing, digestive problems.
  4. Cholesterosis - deposits in the gallbladder excess cholesterol. The pain is aching, almost constant, with increased intensity during active movements. As the disease progresses, eating causes nausea with vomiting.
  5. Choledoch - development inflammatory process on the walls of the intestine. Pain symptoms are intense, similar to colic, which are often exacerbated, and those periods when there are no colic, there are aching sensations.

Discomfort on the right side of the ribs is almost always caused by diseases and pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts. If pain occurs from above, this may be a symptom of diseases of the respiratory system, for example, right-sided pneumonia.

Pain in the upper right can be a sign of such rare disease like Tietze's syndrome. With this pathology, unpleasant sensations are dull, aching in nature, of moderate strength with rare and short-term amplifications, can be given to the scapula and upper limb.


Discomfort under the lower left rib can cause injuries to the liver and spleen, inflammation in these organs. Often, discomfort below the left ribs is radiating. This means that the epicenter is in the heart muscle, stomach, spinal column, and unpleasant symptoms give to the region of the left hypochondrium. The most common causes of pain:

  • pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas in acute or chronic course;
  • spleen injury, organ rupture;
  • gastritis, inflammatory processes in the walls of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • left-sided pleurisy;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • myeloid leukemia in a chronic course;
  • diverticulitis;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • ribs;
  • colitis of the large intestine of ischemic type;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • appendicitis - rarely;
  • perforated ulcer with perforation.

Sharp and severe pain at the top left may indicate diseases such as angina pectoris, subdiaphragmatic. Unpleasant sensations can be associated with pregnancy, when a woman's lung capacity increases. In this case, such sensations occur with a sigh. To provoke pain in the upper part of the left hypochondrium can be an ischemic or gastralgic form of myocardial infarction, hypertonicity of the pectoral muscles.

At both sides

The causes of dorsalgia, which is localized in the back, covering the costal space on both sides, are diseases of the spinal column, hernia, or spinal injuries. Other reasons:

  • neuralgia;
  • retroperitoneal hematoma;
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, most often it is an ulcer and gastritis;
  • development of pancreatitis;
  • mononucleosis;
  • chronic liver diseases - cirrhosis or all types of hepatitis (in addition to pain, there is renal colic, which is accompanied by jaundice);
  • sepsis.

Often pain (acute, dull or aching) occurs due to various immune pathological processes.

in the middle

Pain in the costal space in the middle in most cases indicates a peptic ulcer. Painful sensations are so intense and sharp that it is easier for the patient to bear them lying down, pulling his knees to his stomach. With an attack of an ulcer, unpleasant symptoms first appear in the epigastrium, gradually spreading to the middle of the hypochondrium.


This type of pain is characteristic of pancreatitis. Occurs in most cases suddenly, quickly increases its intensity. The symptom is called herpes zoster because it covers the middle of the abdomen under the ribs, the shoulder blades and the entire surface of the back. Strengthening of symptoms is noted when moving, taking a deep breath or coughing.

Exacerbation of pancreatitis (the main cause of girdle pain) is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, blue skin. If help is not provided in a timely manner, a person’s blood pressure will begin to drop rapidly, diarrhea will appear, feces fat is found. These signs may indicate the development of an oncological neoplasm in the pancreas.

Herpes zoster can also be accompanied by shingles pain. Distinctive feature diseases - pain is aggravated mainly at night and in contact with the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

First aid for abdominal pain

If you experience sudden severe pain in the abdomen under the ribs (left, middle or right), the first thing to do is call ambulance. Many diseases that cause such symptoms require immediate medical attention. Otherwise, everything can end up in an emergency. surgical intervention complications and even lead to death.

To alleviate the condition before the arrival of an ambulance, you will need:

  • ensure complete rest and, if possible, give the patient a supine position;
  • apply a cold compress to the place where severe pain is localized;
  • if possible, introduce to the victim isotonic solution through a dropper (this measure is recommended if there is a suspicion of internal bleeding in the digestive system).

Do not apply to the area of ​​pain localization warm compresses and heating pads, because they accelerate blood circulation, increase the development of the inflammatory process and can lead to severe, often irreversible consequences. It is not recommended to give painkillers, because. they "smear" symptomatic picture, which will prevent the correct preliminary diagnosis.

When to see a doctor?

Any kind of pain cannot be ignored. Even when such sensations are mild, it may be a sign initial stages development pathological process. Therefore, it is better to start treatment in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications. Symptoms that require urgent medical attention:

  • sudden onset of intense pain;
  • the nature of the sensations is sharp, stabbing or dull, but too strong;
  • the pain that has arisen does not go away for an hour or more;
  • Uncomfortable sensations occur frequently, taking painkillers does not give any result or has a short-term effect.

Live healthy! What hurts in the right hypochondrium. (08/13/2013)

What can mean pain on the left under the ribs hurts on the left under the ribs

You should immediately seek medical help when strong, unbearable sensations are accompanied by yellowing or blueness of the skin, nausea and vomiting, lowering blood pressure, fainting.

Which doctor should I contact?

When pain occurs in the abdomen initial consultation carried out by a gastroenterologist. After diagnosing and setting accurate diagnosis the help of other doctors may be required, for example, if the pain is caused by the development of oncological neoplasms, the oncologist will carry out the treatment.