What happens from lack of sleep. Basic rules for good sleep

Chronic means systematic and constant. Some people believe that chronic sleep deprivation means lack of good quality sleep even after a long sleep session. Allegedly, people suffering from it cannot get enough sleep even if they sleep a lot. This is wrong. Chronic sleep deprivation is a consequence of regular lack of sleep, which accumulates and then makes itself felt.

The human body has certain needs for sleep, and its lack will definitely have a negative impact on your health and condition. Remember: despite the term “chronic”, such lack of sleep is acquired by a person. People are not born with this problem, it is just a consequence wrong mode and lifestyle. Therefore, chronic lack of sleep needs to be corrected, and the sooner the better.

How does lack of sleep occur?

It all starts with school time and does not end for many even after 20 years. You are forced to get up early - at a certain time, but at the same time, you cannot go to bed on time. On Monday you stayed late at work, on Tuesday you chatted with friends, on Wednesday you hung out on the Internet, etc.

5-6 days a week you didn’t get enough sleep and didn’t give your body the required amount of sleep. Let's say it's 50 minutes every day. Total weekly sleep loss 50x5 = 250 minutes. On weekends, you sleep until lunch - more than usual, but still the average lack of sleep over the week does not disappear. Of course, this is no longer 250 minutes, but 120, but still the fact of the problem is obvious.

How does the body react? Quite simple: puts a mark and draws conclusions. Next time he will try to put you to sleep earlier, reduce your activity in the late afternoon, change hormonal background and melatonin balance. 120 lost minutes no one returned it to him, and so he will try to compensate them. You will be sleepy in the following days and your mind will be in a slight fog.

This is the description initial stage occurrence of lack of sleep. Systematic repetition of this pattern leads to chronic lack of sleep. In this case, the body gives up trying to regain the required number of hours of sleep. Instead, it adapts by reducing its waking activity.

In simple words, this mechanism can be described as follows: instead of trying to influence the quality of recovery during sleep, the body will switch to an economy mode while awake. If you don’t particularly disturb the body, don’t waste its resources and don’t expose it to stress, then the current small amount of sleep will be enough for a full recovery.

In theory, the scheme is not devoid of logic, and will give positive result, however, in reality a person is not going to obey his body. Instead, we stuff ourselves with stimulants, ignore the symptoms of lack of sleep, and continue to follow our wrong regimen.

Why can't the body recover?

Because lack of sleep has a cumulative snowball effect. In the first stages, you can solve everything with simple siestas or more long sleep. But with chronic sleep deprivation, the amount of sleep needed is so great that you cannot pay off this debt in 1-2 days. Here we need a different approach: gradual normalization of the regime and falling asleep at the same time to equalize the balance of hormones, including melatonin.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

Bad mood, drowsiness, brain fog, slow reactions, depression and other side effects of lack of sleep are known to everyone. Therefore, we will talk about the consequences from a fitness point of view.

Weight gain

According to research, lack of sleep leads to a malfunction in the appetite mechanism and insulin resistance. The body tries to restore with nutrition what it did not have time to do during sleep. You will begin to eat more without noticing it. More calories lead to a higher percentage of possible excess calories from food, which if repeated regularly will cause weight gain.

Many nutritionists, before starting to work with a client, normalize his daily routine so that there is no risk of breakdowns and consumption of large amounts of calories due to lack of sleep. Also, don’t forget: the longer you stay awake, the more time you have to eat calories and feel hungry again.

Low training results

Whether you are losing weight or gaining muscle mass does not matter. If you don't get enough sleep, your performance will noticeably decrease because you don't give your body a chance to recover. Strength indicators will decrease, general condition will begin to deteriorate, and motivation will gradually disappear. If you lose weight, you will not have enough planned calories, and you will break down, because staying awake for a long time is quite energy-consuming. In addition, many hormones that regulate appetite (ghrelin and leptin) are released during sleep.

Low mental productivity

Studies from 2012 and repeated experiments in 2014 prove that people whose jobs involve mental activity– noticeably lose productivity due to chronic lack of sleep. This is manifested by an increased chance of making wrong decisions.

You are like the squirrel from the famous story: you put out fires, run around and patch holes, not noticing the main problem - chronic lack of sleep. You treat symptoms when your illness is lack of sleep. Poor decision to treat symptoms is also side effect from lack of sleep. Vicious circle.

Style Summary

Normalize your routine and learn to fall asleep at the same time. Your sleep schedule should be identical every day, both weekdays and weekends. The amount of sleep is important, but it is much more important to let the body get used to a single routine. As a rule, 6-8 hours of quality sleep is enough for an adult. What is important is not so much the quantity as the location of this dream on the hourly map of the day. Go to bed early and get up early - this is best advice fitness enthusiasts.

According to scientists, to restore to the human body requires 7-8 hours of sleep at night. This duration may vary depending on individual characteristics body, but a long-term lack of normal sleep is fraught with serious health consequences. Recognizing the symptoms of chronic sleep deprivation allows the doctor to develop the correct treatment strategy.

Concept of chronic sleep deprivation

If you can’t get a good night’s sleep for several days or weeks, then it’s too early to say that you’re experiencing chronic lack of sleep. Of course, lack of sleep will affect a person’s condition and appearance, but catastrophic disturbances will not occur.

You can fully experience the consequences of lack of sleep after six months, if you suffer from insomnia throughout this entire period, and your rest time is limited by external and internal factors. Studies have shown that a constant lack of sleep at night leads to poor health.

How does chronic lack of rest manifest?

The systematic lack of opportunity for the body to recover is fraught with negative disorders. Damage occurs to all systems and organs. Literally in a few days this will be reflected in the appearance, and then the whole body will fully feel it.

Symptoms from the nervous system

The brain is the governing organ of our body. Every night, when sleep overtakes him, he actively begins to process the information received during the day. During night sleep, active recovery processes in the nervous system, if you deprive it of this, the consequences will not take long to arrive.

Within a few days, lack of sleep will manifest itself with the following signs:

  • Lethargy. This symptom does not allow a person to make quick and adequate decisions.
  • Impulsiveness. This is the other side of the coin, when a person reacts in exactly the opposite way. Makes rash decisions and, as a result, serious ones Negative consequences.
  • Irritability. It’s difficult to admit on your own that everything around you is annoying, but those around you will notice it immediately.
  • Inability to concentrate. Constant lack of sleep reduces performance; a person is often distracted by extraneous things. When working on serious projects, this can lead to errors and problems.
  • Memory deteriorates. There is a realization that you cannot remember basic things.
  • Drowsiness leads to clumsiness in movements. This is caused by brain fatigue; the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordinating movements, is unable to adequately perform its functions.
  • If long time If you don’t give your body the necessary rest, it will certainly begin to make up for this deficiency. The brain will periodically simply turn off, this is the so-called microsleep.

Attention! The danger of lack of sleep is that nodding off while driving a car or while working with complex mechanisms can end disastrously for the person and others.

  • Depression. Chronic lack of sleep depletes the nervous system. This leads to aggression and irritability. Depression gives way to bouts of anger and rage. Adolescence in this regard, the most vulnerable. The psyche during this period is unstable. Lack of sleep and constant fatigue lead to emotional depression, which can lead to suicidal thoughts.

Statistics say that chronic lack of sleep can lead not only to depression, but also to serious mental damage, including insanity.

The listed symptoms are a serious reason to think about providing quality rest for the body.

Reflection of lack of sleep on appearance

All you have to do is not sleep for one night and it will all show on your face. They say that a person's appearance can be deceiving, but not in this case. You can recognize a sleep-deprived person by the following signs:

  • Red eyes. This is the first consequence of a sleepless night.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Appear under the eyes dark circles.
  • The eyelids become swollen.
  • Sickly appearance.
  • Overwork from chronic lack of sleep gives a person a sloppy appearance.

If, after a bad night's rest, you sleep for at least half an hour during the day, then the person begins to look fresher and more rested.

Response of other organ systems to sleep deprivation

After some time, symptoms of lack of sleep will become noticeable in the functioning of all other organ systems. This will affect a person’s well-being. If observed following symptoms, then you can safely diagnose a chronic lack of sleep, which will have to be urgently treated:

  • As a result of a lack of rest, the immune system weakens, the ability to fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria is lost, and a person begins to get sick often.
  • The negative impact of lack of sleep also affects vision. It's quite common after a few sleepless nights notice that the letters are blurred and the clarity of the image decreases.
  • Blood pressure increases. This manifestation is usually for people suffering from hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia. With VSD vascular system It works with errors, and if you don’t get enough sleep all the time, the situation will get even worse.
  • The person begins to gain weight. It would seem that you sleep less, spend more energy, everything should be the other way around. But you won’t be able to lose weight by depriving yourself of sleep; lack of rest disrupts your hormonal balance, you constantly want to eat, which leads to weight gain.
  • Sleep deprivation syndrome is fraught early aging body. Miracle anti-aging products and masks will not help if you regularly do not get enough sleep. Chronic insomnia increases the production of cortisol, which leads to the formation of large amounts of sebum. It's his fault skin show signs of aging much earlier.
  • After several sleepless nights, a headache will certainly bother you.
  • Dizziness indicates vascular disorders.
  • Work deteriorates digestive tract, which is manifested by nausea, stool disturbances.
  • At constant lack of sleep thermoregulatory mechanisms suffer, which leads to chills. Body temperature may rise or fall sharply for no reason.

Deprive the body good sleep- this is no joke. Serious illnesses won't keep you waiting long. Not on time Taken measures will lead to the need for long-term treatment.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

To decide what to do about persistent insomnia, you need to find out the reasons for the disturbance in night rest. They can be completely different depending on gender.

But it should be noted that to break the strong and healthy sleep can not only external factors, but also internal problems.

Causes of lack of sleep in women

It has been noticed that females are much more likely to suffer from insomnia. This is associated with increased emotionality and sensitivity. That is why women come first psychological reasons night sleep disorders, not short-term, but long-term disorders.

Doctors include such provoking factors as:

  • Prolonged stress. First of all, they can negatively affect the quality of sleep.
  • Conflicts in the family or at work.
  • Quarrel with a loved one.
  • Wedding preparations.
  • Carrying a baby and waiting for future births.
  • The appearance of a baby.
  • Loss of loved ones.
  • Change of job or place of residence.

The vulnerable female psyche cannot perceive all these situations calmly, which leads to the development of chronic insomnia.

What prevents men from sleeping soundly?

Both external and internal factors can disturb the peace of mind in men. Among the most common are:

  • Problems at work. Considering that for most males it is important to realize themselves in society, any problems and failures are perceived acutely and painfully. How can we cope with this and sleep normally?

  • Workaholism or ordinary overwork. Often men, especially office workers and lawyers, return home and continue to work. The whole evening is spent at the desk and computer. Can one really call sleep complete after such brain overstrain?
  • Change of marital status. Men perceive changes in their lives very painfully. For them, the birth of a child, marriage or divorce are equally stressful.
  • Business. People who are busy with personal projects and running their own businesses constantly worry about their future. Even when going to the bedroom, the brain continues to think right decisions and expedient moves.
  • Everyone knows that drinking and smoking is harmful, but they don’t suspect that bad habits affect the quality of sleep. Sometimes getting rid of them is enough to night rest improved noticeably.

You can try to remove the listed reasons, then the morning will not be accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, but of vigor and good mood.

Common Causes of Sleep Disorders

There are some factors that disrupt sleep in everyone, both adults and children. These include:

  • Stuffiness in the room. Before going to bed, you should always ventilate the room to increase the oxygen concentration and reduce carbon dioxide. During sleep, full cellular respiration will be ensured, which will improve the quality of sleep.

  • An uncomfortable bed is the first thing that can disrupt sweet Dreams. To choose sleeping place you have to approach it thoroughly. It is better to purchase orthopedic models to maintain the correct position of the spine during sleep.
  • Many people note that they cannot sleep in an unusual place, for example, at a party. Even having a quiet and comfortable bed does not help you sleep soundly.
  • Extraneous noise. It is advisable to sleep in complete silence. If household members are watching TV in the next room, you can use earplugs.
  • Lighting. In the bedroom, it is better to hang dark and thick curtains on the windows so that early dawn in the summer, Sun rays didn't wake up early.
  • Taking coffee, strong tea or a hearty dinner can simply disturb your sleep. After a late-night meal, you may feel nauseous in the morning and feel exhausted.

If, after eliminating all these factors, sleep does not improve, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Physiological causes of sleep disturbance

If all external factors are eliminated, and sleep does not improve, then the cause should be sought in diseases internal organs And physiological conditions. Insomnia can be caused by:

  • Apnea. Night snoring disrupts the sleep of not only household members, but also the snorer himself. The danger of such a violation is that a short-term cessation of breathing may occur. The next morning a person feels weak, tired instead of cheerful.
  • Bedwetting, which can often affect children. If there is a problem, you need to visit a neurologist to find out the causes and prescribe adequate treatment.
  • Joint diseases can deprive a person of sleep. Nights become especially restless when the weather changes.
  • High blood pressure. If a person suffers from hypertension, then the levels may jump in the middle of the night, for example, due to a stuffy room or being overweight.

  • Chronic lack of sleep may be to blame hormonal imbalance, which is often observed in female body during pregnancy and menopause.
  • Syndrome restless legs. May disturb you at night if present diabetes mellitus, anemia, joint diseases. During sleep, a person makes restless movements with his legs and often wakes up.
  • The body lives according to its own biological rhythms; if they are forcibly violated, then in response we get insomnia at night, and the next morning we get a sleepy look and a bad mood. Biorhythms can be disrupted by: night shift work, time zone changes, entertainment events in nightclubs.
  • Elderly people and those with heart pathologies may be awakened by an attack of angina.

In medical circles, chronic sleep deprivation is a disease that requires serious treatment.

Consequences of lack of sleep

The body is complicated arranged system, where everything is interconnected. Violations in one place will certainly lead to negative consequences in other systems. Night sleep necessary for recovery; if the body is deprived for a long time, it will forcibly begin to demand rest. This will lead to falling asleep right at work or, even worse, while driving a car.

  • stroke;
  • obesity;
  • loss of ability to think sensibly;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic depression;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Interesting information is presented in the film about the dangers of lack of sleep. The pictures of the video on the screen make you think about the importance of full and healthy sleep.

Traditional recipes for strengthening sleep

If you have insomnia, it’s not always worth running to the pharmacy and buying medications to improve your night’s sleep. Can be used folk remedies, which often turn out to be quite effective:

  • Before going to bed, it is useful to take a soothing bath with the addition of pine extract. It will help get rid of headaches and relieve tension.
  • Have a calming effect herbal teas, for example, a drink with mint, lemon balm, oregano, and chamomile. A cup of a pleasant drink can induce sound sleep.
  • For chronic problems it is useful to take vitamin preparations. They in a positive way will affect brain function, activate cell regeneration, and improve skin condition.
  • Take a glass at night warm milk with a spoon of honey.

If folk remedies are powerless, then you will have to take a pill to improve sleep. But the choice of drug should be discussed with your doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

  1. If you want to lie down during the day, then you shouldn’t do it.
  2. Fighting sleep at 9 pm can result in insomnia after you go to bed, so don’t force yourself to finish watching the movie and force your eyes open.
  3. Give your body physical activity during the day.
  4. Avoid heavy dinners and coffee before bed.
  5. Before going to bed, you need to take off your day clothes and put on comfortable pajamas.
  6. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time every day.
  7. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 18-20 degrees.
  8. Before going to bed, it is useful to take a short walk.
  1. Make it a habit to read before going to bed, but the literature should be appropriate.
  2. You should go to bed before 12 o'clock; it has been noted that sleep before midnight is of better quality.

Lack of rest, if it occurs occasionally, will not bring negative consequences for the body. But systematic lack of sleep is fraught with serious complications, therefore, if you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Remember, full and healthy sleep is the key to the well-being of the body and youth.

Most people suffer from chronic lack of sleep, despite the fact that everyone is well aware of the consequences of constant lack of sleep. When a person gets enough sleep, his body is relaxed and takes a break from everything that has accumulated during the day.

But when you constantly lack sleep, fatigue will gradually accumulate. And this cannot be allowed, because soon it can lead to irritability, laziness, stress, and therefore depression. Next, you will learn what chronic sleep deprivation is – symptoms and treatment.

Often the reason for lack of sleep is that a person cannot properly plan his time, distribute work and rest time. Women may be bothered by frequent phone conversations with friends or a lot of household chores.

Men spend most of their time working, after which they can help their wife around the house or look after their child, for example. But for some reason, when all the work is completed, the man does not go to bed, but watches TV or sits at the computer.

During the student years, lack of sleep accompanies the student almost constantly, especially during the session, here all the reasons are clear. A very small number of people suffer from sleep deprivation due to any medical conditions that may be related to sleep problems.

What can lack of sleep lead to?

If you haven’t slept at least one night, then immediately after waking up you will not feel very good, and then worse: no matter what you undertake, everything will go awry, everything will fall out of your hands, and it will not be easy to think.

If a person has had enough sleep, he will be positive, very energetic and active throughout the day, and his mood will not let him down either. He will definitely achieve any goal.

Lack of sleep leads to problems with thinking; most likely, in the head of a sleep-deprived person, the only thought will be about how to quickly go to bed. Attentiveness decreases, activity also decreases, so you will have to spend more energy even on everyday activities.

Memory problems even appear; new impressions during the day cannot be processed and assimilated due to fatigue; the process would go faster if you got enough sleep.

They stay in my head for quite a long time, but still, most of events are forgotten. And remembered events will gradually fade from memory.

This fatigue due to lack of night rest leads to a bad mood. When fatigue becomes chronic, the psyche cannot withstand such stress for long; in the end, one can only expect breakdown or depression. Chronic lack of sleep can also lead to neurosis.

What to do to get rid of lack of sleep?

Some people avoid sleep deprivation by going to bed several hours earlier than usual. But this method is not suitable for everyone, because the nervous system is very tense and cannot quickly relax, so you will have to lie in bed for a very long time, only then will you be able to fall asleep.

Most people work all week with little to no rest; they expect to relax and get a good night's sleep on the weekend. And in common days drink coffee immediately after sleep to make it easier and faster to get out of bed sleepy state. Of course, these actions cannot replace normal daily rest.

In order to get rid of constant fatigue, reconsider your daily routine. Adjust it so that there is enough time for a normal night's rest.

The main rules to help you have a good night's rest: a couple of hours before bedtime, stop watching TV, working or playing on the computer, it is better to read a book before going to bed.

Don't worry about it unnecessary problems, try to forget for a while about all the day's affairs. Don't worry about any unfinished tasks from the past day. This will not correct the situation, it is better to gain strength and do everything after have a nice rest. Let your brain relax, this will make it easier to fall asleep.

Some simple tips that will help you fall asleep quickly and gain strength during the night:

  1. In the evening, drink a glass of warm milk, it is better to add honey to it;
  2. ventilate your apartment or your room before going to bed, it is necessary for rest Fresh air;
  3. take a walk every day, especially an evening walk is good for the body.

Those who constantly work with their heads should definitely know that after a long period of intellectual work they need to switch to physical work. Take up fitness, for example, or jogging. But do not forget that training should end several hours before bedtime.

Take a break!

The recommended sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours. This is how much time the body needs to recover. Chronic lack of sleep not only negatively affects your appearance, but also leads to a large number of health problems.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

Factors that provoke problems with night rest and prevent you from getting enough sleep are divided into internal and external. TO internal factors include various physiological or psychological problems. External reasons bad sleep are all kinds of circumstances related to the environment surrounding a person.


Stressful circumstances (problems in personal life or at work, financial or creative crisis, unpleasant memories from the past) are one of the most common reasons for a bad night's rest. People with increased level suspiciousness that exaggerate the significance of negative events. To a suspicious person They tend to spend a lot of time thinking and analyzing a problem, and, as a rule, they do this before going to bed. This leads to a decrease in the body’s production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) and an increase in the synthesis of adrenaline, which provokes overexcitation. nervous system and sleep problems.
The fact that lack of sleep is caused by stress can be determined by a number of factors:
  • fear that sleep will not come throughout the night;
  • nightmares, disturbing dreams;
  • superficial sleep;
  • some time before sleep, a rapid heartbeat begins;
  • long process of falling asleep (more than half an hour).
Chronic sleep deprivation due to insomnia can be a symptom of various mental disorders. These include neuroses, psychoses, prolonged depression, manic disorders. There is even separate disease, in which a person does not sleep at night because he is afraid of sleep. This disorder is called hypnophobia.

Unhealthy sleep due to mental health problems has a number of characteristic signs:

  • panic and anxiety before going to bed;
  • frequent waking up at night;
  • short sleep (as a rule, a person wakes up between 3 and 5 a.m. and after that can no longer fall asleep).

Physiological diseases

Various diseases of the body are common cause sleep problems in older people. The manifestations of many diseases worsen in the evening or at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and forces you to wake up at night. There are also some pathologies that provoke chronic lack of sleep in people in middle age and in children.

Diseases that can cause chronic lack of sleep include:

  • diathesis (itching on the skin) – in children under one year of age;
  • () – most often in preschool children;
  • hormonal imbalance (lack or excess of one of the hormones) – in women during pregnancy and after childbirth, also common in women during menopause;
  • restless legs syndrome (involuntary leg movements before and during sleep) – in men and women aged 20 to 40 years;
  • angina pectoris (heart pain) – in middle-aged and older people;
  • hypertension (increased blood pressure) – people aged 40 to 60 years are most often affected;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) – in people over 50 years of age;
  • obstructive apnea ( heavy snoring) – more common in older people and those who are overweight.

Disturbance of biological rhythms

All body systems, including the nervous system, function in accordance with biological rhythms. That is, nature has it in such a way that in the period from approximately 20.00 to 22.00 all processes begin to slow down, the body and nervous system relax, and the person falls asleep. If for a number of reasons a person does not go to bed at the appropriate time for some time, his biological rhythm is disrupted. Subsequently, already having the ability to fall asleep at the appropriate period, he begins to experience problems with sleep, which lead to chronic lack of sleep.

Jet lag can be caused by:

  • frequent flights in different time zones;
  • night mode;
  • childbirth and child care;
  • regular visits to night entertainment venues.
A sign that lack of sleep is caused by jet lag is severe difficulty falling asleep and difficulty waking up.

Signs of chronic sleep deprivation

From a medical point of view, chronic sleep deprivation is considered a disease (sleep disorder) that has a number of symptoms. Since the body does not get the opportunity to fully recover, a number of negative changes occur in it, which affect the appearance, character and general condition person.

Nervous system symptoms

Impaired functionality of the nervous system is the very first symptom of chronic lack of sleep, since it is the nervous system that “suffers” most from the lack of night rest. As a rule, a disorder of the nervous system is manifested not by one, but by a number of signs that significantly reduce a person’s quality of life.

Dysfunction of the nervous system due to lack of sleep is expressed in the following:

  • inattention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • increased emotionality ( inappropriate laughter or causeless tears);
  • apathy and depression;
  • decrease in cognitive abilities (memory, speech, thinking).

In advanced forms of chronic lack of sleep, a fear of nightfall may develop, which becomes the reason for the development of ritual behavior. This symptom is expressed in the fact that a person begins to take various measures to delay going to bed.

A person who suffers from sleep problems can be identified by a number of characteristic external features:
  • reddened whites of the eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • swollen upper eyelids;
  • pale or sallow skin;
  • general unkempt appearance.

Manifestations of lack of sleep in other body systems

Chronic sleep deprivation is manifested by the following physiological symptoms:
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • nausea, excessive accumulation of gases;
  • dysfunction digestive system(constipation or diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

The consequences of constant lack of sleep negatively affect social, personal, professional field human life.

The consequences of long-term sleep problems are:

  • Relationship problems . Irritability and other character changes characteristic of lack of sleep lead to the fact that a person begins to isolate himself from others and becomes more withdrawn. This behavior negatively affects relationships with family members, friends, and work colleagues.
  • Depression . The development of this disease is facilitated by the fact that poor quality sleep slows down the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions.
  • Professional difficulties . Inattention, constant drowsiness, decreased performance, frequent tardiness - all these factors contribute to the fact that a person begins to have problems at work. Lack of sleep is especially dangerous for drivers, since, according to statistics, poor sleep quality and associated fatigue are a common cause of accidents.
  • Deterioration in appearance . During sleep, collagen is produced, which provides skin tone. With a lack of sleep, the synthesis of this substance decreases, as a result of which wrinkles begin to appear, the oval of the face “floats”, and the muscles become flabby. In men, volume decreases muscle mass, since lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone somatostatin, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, poor quality night rest contributes to obesity.
  • Sexual life disorders . Lack of energy and weakened general tone lead to decreased libido ( sexual desire). Men may also experience problems with potency.

Sleep hygiene rules

The concept of sleep hygiene includes a set of recommended measures aimed at normalizing night rest. Violation of one or more rules leads to the fact that the quality of sleep decreases and chronic sleep deprivation develops.

To prevent this problem, read the following sleep hygiene rules:

  • a medium-hard mattress (for osteochondrosis, a hard mattress is recommended);
  • low pillow (if you have osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, you should choose a low pillow or sleep without it);
  • bed and underwear made from natural materials;
  • absence irritating factors(drafts, ticking clocks, flashing electronic sensors);
  • refusal to read or watch stories with negative content;
  • avoiding consumption of products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • avoidance of fatty and heavy foods (meat, confectionery) 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Going to bed should be no later than 22:00-23:00 hours.
The main indicator that the cause of lack of sleep is poor sleep hygiene is poor quality night rest. In other words, a person may have no problems falling asleep and waking up, but at the same time wakes up tired and lethargic.

Treatment of chronic sleep deprivation

Treatment of this disorder involves eliminating the factors that provoke it. So, first of all, you should inspect your sleeping place and correct all the points that contradict the norms of sleep hygiene. If the cause of lack of sleep is physiological or psychological problems, you should contact specialized specialists.

Pass the medical examination should be done in cases where there are no obvious reasons for you that could provoke chronic lack of sleep.

There are a number of steps a person can take on their own to improve their sleep. It should be noted that all of these steps are optional, as the primary goal is to address the root cause of poor sleep.

As part of measures to normalize sleep, take the following actions:

  • give up naps during the day, even if you feel too tired;
  • incorporate more into your life physical activity(play sports, give up public transport, stop using the elevator);
  • master several techniques for falling asleep quickly (rapid eye movement method, blinking method, method of immersion in a mattress);
  • carry out procedures before bed that will help get rid of nervous tension(relaxing bath, calm music, watching humorous stories);
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed; if the air is too dry, install a humidifier;
  • maintain a sleep schedule and try to go to bed at the same time;
  • do not use alcohol to combat sleep deprivation, as it may contribute to falling asleep quickly, but the sleep will be superficial and heavy.

Folk remedies for improving sleep (video)

Ethnic medicine suggests using herbal decoctions that have a sedative (calming) effect to normalize sleep. These plants can also be used to prepare a special pillow for sleeping. Learn more about which herbs will help with lack of sleep in this video.

The cause of chronic sleep deprivation can be various factors - from the wrong mattress to an underlying serious illness. Therefore, if regularly recurring sleep problems occur (over a period of 1-2 weeks), the cause should be determined and adequate measures taken to eliminate it.

Next article.

Contents of the article

Adequate sleep means next mode: you go to bed at 9-10 pm, instantly fall asleep and sleep without interruption or awakening for 9 hours. However, people prefer to violate this regime: they go to bed long after midnight, stay up late at night playing games, watching TV or working, and abuse caffeine, alcohol and heavy food, especially before bed. As a result, there are 4-5 hours of sleep left per day.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

There is a lack of sleep. Disorders immediately appear in the body - skin diseases, problems with attentiveness and memory, weak immunity. Let's look at what else is dangerous about lack of sleep and how to prevent it.

Its symptoms include:

  • circles under the eyes;
  • pale skin;
  • drowsiness, microsleeps (short-term disconnections from reality);
  • red, tired eyes;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • lack of concentration and productivity;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • body temperature rises;
  • level blood pressure increases.

What does chronic lack of sleep lead to? This condition negatively affects health, especially women's health. However, lack of sleep also worsens the health of men, and in this case it is more difficult to diagnose, which complicates treatment.

What does lack of sleep lead to in men? Given pathological condition worsens physical fitness and preparation. Due to the constant feeling of fatigue, I have no strength or desire to train in the gym. In addition, lack of sleep reduces the production of a special hormone in the body - somatostatin. It is responsible for growth and increase in muscle mass.

Lack of sleep causes a lot aesthetic problems for women in the form of bruises and circles under the eyes

What does lack of sleep lead to in women? One of the most common factors that upset the female sex is a deterioration in appearance. Swelling occurs, distinct bruises form under the eyes, the face itself becomes “bruised” and takes on a tired appearance. This cannot be eliminated with concealers or eye drops.

So, we briefly looked at the dangers of lack of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you need to get enough sleep as quickly as possible, and then adhere to the correct daily routine.

Consequences of lack of sleep

Difficulties in communication

Even if you slept poorly for just one night, the very next morning you will notice that the desire to communicate with others has disappeared, along with your sense of humor and positive attitude. The consequences of lack of sleep if good rest was already absent for a long time, consist of apathy, isolation, detachment, and the desire to leave society.

Lack of sleep: psychological consequences

Why does a person sleep little at night? The reason may lie in psychological problems when the body lacks serotonin, the hormone of happiness. The consequences of lack of sleep and insomnia are that a person loses the ability to evaluate reality objectively. He begins to perceive it in black terms, does not want to make plans for the future and achieve goals, and ignores positive events.

If you get little sleep, the consequences can be dire: people who have not slept for a long time develop a tendency towards suicide, which is influenced by the influence of a tired body.

Lack of sleep has especially negative consequences for men. A sleep-deprived person lacks the strength to carry out his work responsibilities in in full. He can hardly force himself to complete the minimum necessary tasks. Career growth in such situations is not important; a man may refuse tempting offers that come his way, and in severe cases he loses his job.

Psychological problems often lead to suicide

Psychological consequences of lack of sleep

What happens if you sleep very little? Lack of sleep causes complications in the body, pathological processes. Negative consequences can occur in any organ and system of the body - from memory and thinking to psychological and neurological disorders.

If you are asking the question “What should I do if I don’t sleep enough,” then you should urgently solve the problem of chronic lack of rest before serious malfunctions and disorders occur in the body. Get enough sleep: The consequences of sleep deprivation for women and men can include memory impairment. Sound and healthy sleep directly affects the ability to remember information. If you feel that remembering something is becoming more and more difficult every day, then you need proper rest.

If you haven't been able to get enough sleep for a long time, your ability to make decisions (even the smallest ones) deteriorates. You have been thinking for a long time about what to buy for tea, what movie to choose at the cinema, what gift to give to a relative for his birthday.

Problems arise when an important decision needs to be made. If the situation is stressful, and the need to quickly decide on any issue looms over you, you risk falling into panic or stupor.

A tired and sleep-deprived person is unable to concentrate. It is proper rest that affects the level of concentration. If a person regularly deprives himself of proper sleep, then his productivity decreases significantly; he is distracted many times while performing a task. Chronic lack of sleep can be easily identified by a sluggish gaze that is directed to nowhere.

Risk of depression

Lack of sleep leads to brain damage. People who get little sleep are especially susceptible depressive state. It is enough to sleep a maximum of 5 hours a day, and then the risk of developing depression increases significantly.

Sometimes to get rid of depression and bad mood, get enough sleep

There is also a possibility of severe anxiety disorders. They appear as nightmares panic attacks and require timely treatment.


What does chronic lack of sleep lead to? Lack of sleep has a negative impact on psychological balance. A person who does not get enough sleep constantly feels irritable and has negative emotions. Research shows that this can lead to increased impulsivity when you react too strongly to events. No one cares about the consequences at such moments.

Memory losses

Chronic lack of sleep has the following manifestations, symptoms and consequences. With a constant lack of sleep and rest, the body will begin to “steal” it. As a result, a person will begin to switch off at any time, even the most inappropriate - for example, while driving. According to statistics, 50% of drivers have disconnected from reality at least once while driving. a short time, usually continuing to drive further. If you realize that you fall asleep for a few seconds during the day, then it’s time to reconsider your daily routine.

Fainting, headaches, dizziness, and hallucinations also often occur. Consciousness becomes confused, gaps arise in thinking, and a person often loses his sense of reality.


Lack of sleep clearly shows up in coordination. Scientists have found that people who are chronically sleep deprived behave more clumsily than those who drank a little alcohol. The state of sleep deprivation generally resembles that which occurs after drinking alcohol.

Decreased libido, impotence

Decreased libido is a natural manifestation of lack of sleep. Chronic deficiency sleep is the cause of decreased sexual desire. In advanced situations it is reduced to a minimum.

For men, lack of sleep is especially dangerous. He is the cause of impotence

Physiological consequences of lack of sleep

What else does lack of sleep lead to? Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects human health and physiology.

Premature aging, decreased life expectancy

Your sleep schedule should not be disrupted. Scientists have proven that chronic lack of sleep leads to the risk of death at a young age. Lack of rest is harmful to health: the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted, which is especially true for the brain and heart.

Visual impairment

What happens if you don't sleep enough? If you can’t fall asleep, and as a result there is less time for sleep, then people who have not slept for a long time feel tension in their eyes. This can lead to ischemic neuropathy.

With this diagnosis, the supply of the optic nerve is disrupted, which increases the risk of glaucoma. In advanced cases, vision may disappear completely. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to normalize sleep and wakefulness.

Change your appearance

Without adequate sleep, the skin begins to age. With chronic lack of sleep, the elasticity of the epidermis significantly deteriorates. Chronic fatigue leads to constant tension, which increases the production of cortisol. His increased amount destroys the protein responsible for the youthful and healthy appearance of the skin.

Other signs of deterioration in appearance are the well-known dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.

Excess weight

Many girls and boys eat stress junk food. IN large quantities it leads to excess weight. Why does a person sleep little? Overeating worsens the quality of sleep, since the body, instead of resting and restoring, has to spend all its energy on digesting food. As a result, in the morning a person wakes up completely exhausted and has absolutely no sleep.


Is it bad to sleep a little? Scientists give an affirmative answer. With prolonged insomnia and lack of a daily routine, the risk of diabetes increases 3 times. Especially this disease law enforcement officers and doctors are susceptible.

Decreased body temperature

Lack of proper rest leads to disruption metabolic processes. This condition negatively affects body temperature, which decreases significantly. As a result, a person freezes and cannot warm up for a long time.

Weakening of the immune system

For the immune system to function properly, the body requires regular, proper rest. Otherwise the immune system begins to work intermittently, the person often falls ill. The cause is precisely lack of sleep. Tendency to infectious and oncological diseases increases significantly.

A weakened immune system leads not only to colds, but also to more serious diseases.

How to compensate for lack of sleep

Let's look at ways to compensate for lack of sleep. It is quite possible to compensate, the main thing is to pay attention to it.

Set your priorities

Analyze your sleep and wakefulness patterns. Sleep should come first, while mindlessly surfing the Internet, watching TV series, reading books and even some household chores should come second to last.

Sleep during the day

Lack of sleep can only be made up for by one action - sleep. What to do if you don't get enough sleep? Try to take a nap during the daytime. For such a vacation, you should prepare in advance: find a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Curtain the windows, ensuring the room is dim. Sit comfortably in a semi-sitting position (and the best option- V horizontal position). Get at least 20 minutes of sleep to a maximum of an hour and a half. You should not rest anymore, otherwise you will experience insomnia at night.

The best option for daytime sleep is after lunch and before 16.00. Full-fledged nap and a nap after lunch have a fundamental difference: with the help of the first, you can restore vigor and really compensate for the lack of sleep, while a nap deprives you of concentration and makes you more sleepy and tired. If you didn’t get enough sleep at night, and after lunch you have 30 minutes to sleep, take advantage of this time. When there is no need for deep, restful sleep, you should not sleep.

Improve your sleep quality

Poor sleep quality consists of prolonged insomnia, frequent awakenings. This quality is also facilitated by the lack of oxygen in the room, an uncomfortable sofa, and an anxious, tense state.

High-quality sleep consists of the following components: a ventilated room, a comfortable and healthy mattress, full peace of mind and relaxation.

Take care of the place where you sleep. It should be spacious, bright and well ventilated

It's better to get a few hours of sleep, but quality sleep than a lot, but of poor quality, in discomfort and with frequent interruptions.

To improve your sleep quality, use the following tips:

  • go to bed at 10-11 pm;
  • choose for yourself a comfortable orthopedic mattress, a comfortable pillow;
  • achieve the optimal temperature in the room so that you are not too hot, stuffy or cold;
  • Ventilate the room regularly, especially in summer time of the year;
  • Tame your pets not to interfere with your rest at night;
  • give up alcohol, coffee and food a few hours before bedtime;
  • if you do not expect important and urgent calls, put your phone on silent mode;
  • Don’t watch horror films before going to bed, don’t read the news, and don’t sort things out with loved ones.

If you follow all the advice, sleep longer and quit your job where you have to get up at 4 am, life will definitely sparkle with new colors.