What to do if your eye twitches, treatment. Causes of tics in the left eye

Many people don’t see the fact that the eye is twitching terrible symptoms. However, it should be understood that in some cases this condition may be a sign of serious diseases, for example, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic sclerosis.

Spontaneous twitching

Fortunately, in most cases, the reasons why the left or right eye twitches are less threatening:

  • stress;
  • fatigue;
  • intense visual work;
  • a large number of caffeine;
  • lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium in the diet;
  • alcohol;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • allergy.

The twitching that occurs in such cases is usually benign and is not serious illness or sign medical problem. When the lower or upper eyelid twitches separately, but only in one eye, this indicates the so-called myokymia - a transient contraction of the eyelid. muscle fibers. It occurs from increased excitability of motor neurons by various factors. Subjectively, when the eye twitches, it may seem that it is very noticeable, but in fact these flutters are so microscopic that they are practically invisible to outsiders. The twitching is usually transient.

Muscle responsible for eyelid twitching

Many women notice that their eyes twitch during pregnancy. The reason for this is the restructuring of the hormonal and nervous systems, changes in the rhythm of life, food habits, which can increase excitability nerve centers and conductive fibers. The peculiarity of this condition in pregnant women lies in the methods of treatment. They should be as gentle as possible and not harm the developing fetus. As a rule, soft ones are used sedatives– valerian or mint extract, excluding alcoholic ones dosage forms. It is also recommended to spend time on fresh air, engage in light physical exercise, limit watching aggressive programs and generally reduce work with the computer. The main thing when nervous tics appear is to seek advice from your supervising doctor.

Hemifacial spasm

Hemifacial spasm is a local twitching of muscles innervated by the facial nerve, whose irritation causes pulsation blood vessel. Thus, the causes of spasm include compression of blood vessels, facial nerve with tumors and hematomas, brain damage with atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia, spastic torticollis.

Damage to the facial nerve causes severe pain

Typically, hemifacial spasm occurs in older people. age group(after 50 years) and has unilateral localization. It usually begins with short-term clonic contractions of the orbicularis oculi muscle, and then covers other facial muscles. In abnormal cases, spasm begins from bottom to top - from the cheek to the eye. With persistent clonic convulsions of the facial muscles, their tonic contraction gradually occurs. This is noticeable by the fact that the eye has stopped twitching and is constantly in a state of spasm, which makes vision impossible. Long course The disease leads to paresis of the facial muscles.

Nervous tic

You can also often observe that the muscle under the eye twitches, the so-called nervous tic. In reality, such contractions are caused by inadequate nerve impulses, that is, in fact, the nerve under the eye twitches. The cause of this condition should be sought in pathology nervous system: physical and mental fatigue, lack of sleep, traumatic brain injury. Headache and eye twitching usually occur when toxic lesions nervous system toxic substances, medications, endotoxins from worms or bacteria in severe infectious diseases.

Such twitching may continue for several days. If the nervous system is damaged, the patient may also feel that the eye is pulsating; upon external examination, it is noticeable how the eyeball makes uncontrolled micromovements, and the eyelids spontaneously close.

Nervous tics that last a week or month may indicate a systemic disorder of the central nervous system. Such diseases include Tourette's syndrome. This genetic disorder which manifests itself in young children.

The child's eye twitches and other motor, vocal, and mechanical tics are observed. With the gradual development of the muscular and nervous systems, their severity decreases and practically disappears by adolescence.

More dangerous condition If the eye twitches, it is called blepharospasm. This is an involuntary and uncontrollable contraction of the orbicularis muscle surrounding the eye. The muscle twitches under and above the eye, which leads to a spasmodic closure of the eyelids. Blepharospasm is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, hypersensitivity to light, and dry eyes. At first, attacks of blepharospasm end quite quickly, but as the underlying disease worsens, they become longer lasting and can eventually last all day.

Blepharospasm occurs with neuropathy and neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve, facial hyperkinesia

Branches of the trigeminal nerve run along each side of the face, so when it is inflamed, for example, when the right eye twitches, the corresponding cheek may become numb, tremble, and become very sore.

Determining the cause of blepharospasm is important in determining how to treat this state. It can be caused by:

  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • scratches and microtraumas of the cornea;
  • dry outer membrane (decreased tear production);
  • entropion (internal inversion of the eyelid);
  • glaucoma (in the stage of damage to the optic nerve);
  • photosensitivity;
  • trichiasis;
  • uveitis

Inorganic pathology

In addition to organic damage to the nervous system, psychosomatics also twitches the eye. Experts in this field associate the occurrence of eye and eyelid twitching with emotional blocking. If the eye twitches more and more often, this means that the person is at the limit and will soon lose control over the emotions that he managed to retain for several years. Tics can occur in different muscles, but if a person is afraid of “falling on his face,” then this is expressed precisely in the pulsation of the eyelids. According to another interpretation, in children, a tic under the left or right eye occurs as a response to the lack of parental love.

Such children are constantly in a state of emotional stress and expectations. Psychosomatics gives recommendations on how to treat such children. Parents need to change their behavior, love the child for real, and not just out of a sense of duty, and the baby calms down and relaxes, and at the same time the lower eyelid no longer twitches.


If you experience episodic eye twitching, possible irritating factorsbright light, dry cornea, stressful situations, lack of sleep. Also pay attention to whether glasses or contact lenses are correctly selected.

A regulated rhythm of work and rest, reducing the consumption of caffeine and tobacco, and using moisturizing eye drops contribute to the rapid disappearance of the symptom.

A short-term nervous tic, such as a twitch under the left eye, can be calmed by pulling back the lower eyelid or gently massaging it. You can also relieve muscle tension by closing your eyes tightly a couple of times.

Massage helps calm a twitching eye

Taking light sedatives based on mint, lemon balm, and valerian has a positive effect. They can be taken in tablet form or made into decoctions and infusions.

In order to get rid of an unpleasant tic, you can apply cool ten-minute compresses to the eyes.

You should add foods rich in magnesium and potassium, B vitamins to your diet - beans, cereals, nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds, or take special vitamin-mineral complexes.

If the twitching of the eye lasts a long time, spreads to half of the face, or contracts spasmodically and both eyes do not open, then this requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment of spasmodic contractions (blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm) is based on the injection of botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport, Cheomin) into the eye muscles, which interrupts the nerve innervation of muscle fibers.

The effect of Botox injections lasts up to a month

Very rarely, eye twitching can be a sign of certain disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems:

  • Bell's palsy;
  • cervical dystonia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • facial dystonia;
  • a side effect of medications, especially drugs used to treat epilepsy and psychosis.

With such diseases, other symptoms of a general disorder will also necessarily be present.

To suppress the nervous system, drugs such as Clonazepam, Lorazepam, Trihexyphenidyl can be prescribed. They provide short-term relief.

Alternative treatments include:

  • acupuncture;
  • treatment with weak currents;
  • hypnosis;
  • manual therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • wearing protective tinted glasses.

If these options do not work, then to prevent the eye from twitching, you can undergo myectomy surgery. In its course, part of the fibers of the eye muscles that cause twitching are excised, and their influence is weakened. It is also possible to surgically relieve the pressure of the vessel on the facial or trigeminal nerve, thereby stopping the hemifacial spasm.

Diagnosis and choice of treatment method should be carried out jointly by an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.

When they say that " eye twitches ", usually means that they feel an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eye or only the upper or lower eyelid. This condition is one of the types of nervous tics. In medicine, this phenomenon is called blepharospasm.

What is the cause of involuntary blinking? Is it dangerous or not? Is it possible to cope with eye twitching on your own or should you definitely see a doctor? I will try to answer all these questions in this article.

The eye twitches. Symptoms

A nervous tic of the eye manifests itself as involuntary convulsive movements of the muscles surrounding the eye socket.

  • This may be a constant or intermittent twitching of the upper or lower eyelid, or both eyelids moving at the same time, as if winking.
  • Sometimes it looks like blinking, as if you want to get rid of a midge that has flown into your eye.
  • In some people, the convulsive movement of the muscles near the eye raises the eyebrow and thereby moves the outer corner of the eye upward.
  • Patients who have suffered a stroke often experience a symptom of unbearable pain in the eye area. Due to frequent nervous tics, lactic acid accumulates in the circular muscles of the eye, which is what causes such pain.

Most often, hyperkinesis or nervous tic of the eye occurs as a response of the body to:

  • nervousness or stress
  • as a result of chronic fatigue
  • fatigue and development of dry eye syndrome from prolonged work or playing at the computer
  • hyperactivity in children, especially those with attention deficit disorder
  • habit of squinting with poor vision
  • working at night, lack of sleep and insomnia
  • as a result of past diseases:
    • infectious: meningitis, herpes, influenza, ARVI
    • traumatic brain injury
    • violations cerebral circulation: stroke
  • infectious eye diseases:
    • inflammation of the mucous membrane - conjunctivitis
    • inflammation of the eyelids - blepharitis
  • in women over 45 years of age in response to age-related changes neuromuscular mechanism
  • weakened immune system
  • exposure to eye irritants (eg, working in a chemical plant; taking certain medications, especially those containing caffeine)
  • spring hypovitaminosis – lack of vitamins such as:
    • magnesium
    • B vitamins
  • cannot be ruled out genetic predisposition to the appearance of a “twitching eye”
  • chronic diseases that cause nervous tics of the eye:
    • Parkinson's (disease)
    • Tourette's syndrome
    • Bella (paralysis)

Folk signs: what to expect if your eye twitches?

There is a popular belief that if the right eye twitches, expect profit, but if the left eye twitches, then frustration or disappointment will cause tears.

A sign, a sign, but what to do if such an inconvenience arose at the most inopportune moment?

The eye twitches. What to do

In itself, the phenomenon of nervous eye tics does not pose any obvious health hazard. It’s just inconvenient to wink non-stop, especially when communicating with others. They may misunderstand.

If the eye twitches occasionally and does not interfere with your life, and when you sleep, there is no contraction of the eyelid muscles at all, then you don’t need to do anything. Maybe just relax and lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • Drink a light sedative: tincture of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian. Brew yourself and drink chamomile tea or rosehip decoction.
  • Lie down with your eyes closed and lie in silence. Relax. Meditate.
  • Better yet, do the palming exercise.
  • You can put a cold cotton pad soaked in tea or just cold water on your eyes.
    • I use leaves indoor plant geranium. I tear off the leaf, wash it, dry it with a paper napkin, squeeze the leaf a little and place it on my closed eyelids. After 10 minutes I remove the leaves.
    • There is one more effective recipe you need to use cotton pads with honey water for a compress (honey and water -1:3)
  • Try to close your eyes very tightly. At the same time, do several deep breaths and exhalations. Open your eyes wide as if you are surprised. And blink hard, as if you are flapping your eyelids, like the wings of a butterfly. Do this exercise several times in a row, the convulsive movements of the eye muscles should go away.
  • Don't forget to take breaks while working at the computer. The most optimal is to work for 45 minutes and 15 minutes active rest. While resting, do eye exercises.
  • Include foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your diet, especially

Nervous tic manifesting itself fast reduction eye muscles and twitching of the eyelid, indicates severe fatigue. But it may also indicate diseases that should not be ignored.

Every person sooner or later faced a situation when he involuntarily began eye twitch. The moment is not the most pleasant, especially if the nervous tic continues long time and makes it difficult to concentrate. Moreover, the trembling can be small, barely noticeable, or strong, which cannot be stopped by anything. The reason for this is several factors. Let's find out in more detail why the right eye twitches and how to fix the problem.

Uncontrollable eye twitching is directly related to disruptions in the nervous system. These can be direct failures in the system, or secondary factors against the background of a disease. When the nerve endings of the eyelids are influenced by false impulses for a long time contract, then it turns into chronic form, is repeated more and more often and causes significant discomfort. If we look at the problem more broadly, we note some causes of nervous tics that appear on the eye:

  • general body fatigue;
  • suffered severe stress;
  • eye fatigue;
  • allergic reaction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • drying of the cornea;
  • psychological disorders.

In general, uncontrollable eyelid twitching occurs due to neuralgic problems. The modern rhythm of life immerses a person in vanity, constant stress, lack of sleep and malnutrition, emotional stress - all these are individual causes of neuralgic disorders.

The body gradually weakens, immunity decreases, chronic allergies, imbalance, and depression appear. There are many factors that contribute to the twitching of the right eye, and they are all interconnected. Here are the main causes of reflex excitability of the eyes.

Nervous system failure

When the nervous system is damaged, excessive excitability is noticed, the person cannot control muscle reflexes, there are convulsions and muscle hypertonicity. Violation brain activity, mostly congenital and acquired in early childhood, may cause the appearance of ocular nervous tics in the future.


Even common cold may cause unpleasant eye twitching. Reduced immunity and the nervous system react this way to infections in the body. The reasons may also lie in local infection, for example, with eye disease, such as purulent conjunctivitis, blepharitis. The disease causes a person to blink frequently, which can develop into an uncontrollable tic.

Unbalanced diet

If the body lacks vitamins and microelements, this may be the cause of eyelid twitching. For example, calcium, magnesium, and glycine deficiency cause muscle-motor disorders. Calcium responds directly to muscles, so if there is not enough calcium, the nervous system does not function well. And a lack of magnesium is directly related to a lack of calcium in the blood.

Fatigue of vision

This is the most common reason eye tic. Most people work in offices, in front of a computer monitor, under the pressure of work, they forget that their eyes need to rest every half hour. Poor lighting, visual strain overstrains the eye and facial muscles, the cornea dries out due to insufficient blinking and washing of the eyeball. Over time, dry eye syndrome appears. This is a consequence of impaired function of the lacrimal glands and aging of the body.

Alcohol and coffee

Excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages and coffee dehydrate the body, disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and significantly remove magnesium from the blood.

Emotional shock

It is noticed that the right eye twitches during stressful situations and after suffering severe shocks. Unfavorable family environment, frequent conflicts, nervous tension– all this is gradually destroying nerve cells, which can manifest itself in uncontrolled muscle movements.

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye

Irritation and dryness of the eye mucosa are caused by the following factors: injury, allergies, dirt or sand getting into the eyes, some medications, chemical substances. All this causes involuntary blinking, the body independently tries to get rid of the foreign body and unpleasant sensations.


Eye twitching can also cause some diseases.

  1. Tourette's syndrome – rare disease based on a disorder of the nervous system. Accompanied motor tics muscles of the whole body.
  2. Parkinson's disease. Neuralgic brain damage. Manifests in muscle tension, stiffness of hands, slow performance of any actions, frozen facial expression, eye twitching.
  3. Paralysis of the facial nerve, loss of taste, pronounced weakness of the facial muscles.

Even if the reason unpleasant phenomenon consists of a difficult-to-treat disease; nervous tics can be prevented or pain and discomfort can be eliminated.

What you can do yourself

If you notice eyelid twitching more than once or twice, you should definitely consult a doctor. However, if you take some precautions, the problem can be avoided.

  1. Sufficient rest. The work never ends, and health is more valuable. Try to get enough sleep and do not stay late until late in the evening, especially if the work is monotonous, concentrated and at the computer.
  2. If possible, protect yourself from conflict situations, stress. Many medications and soothing teas help cope with stress.
  3. Reduce your consumption alcoholic drinks and coffee.
  4. Balance your diet. Eat more products rich in magnesium, B vitamins, calcium.
  5. Reduce visual stress as much as possible. If this is not possible, try to give your eyes a rest as often as possible. Just close them or do eye exercises.
  6. Try to relax, think about something good and pleasant. If possible, sleep for at least fifteen minutes.
  7. Drink soothing infusions of valerian and motherwort. Make chamomile or mint tea.
  8. To calm the twitching, we do exercises: squeeze tightly closed eyes and take a deep breath. We open our eyes and relax. Repeat the exercise five times or more. Despite their simplicity, eye exercises are very effective.
  9. You can also stop the tic by blinking quickly for a minute.
  10. It would be a good preventive measure regular activity physical education, swimming. This will calm and restore the entire body.

If a nervous tic appears, remember that the reasons for this are some disturbances in the body systems that need to be identified and eliminated. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor.

If a person’s eye twitches, what to do is not always clear. From the outside it looks very funny, but twitching of the eye muscles may indicate a developing nervous tic. It is not difficult to guess that in this case we're talking about about problems with the nervous system. However, it should not be ruled out that this phenomenon may have nothing to do with lesions of this type.

It is worth taking a closer look at the situation when the eye twitches, what to do, is it worth attaching importance to this phenomenon? Is it necessary to be examined or undergo treatment? Is it possible to get rid of the disease? folk remedies Or is only drug treatment suitable?

We should start with the most common causes of this ailment.

CNS damage

If this is what caused the eye to twitch, what to do is obvious. You need to understand that this is a fairly serious reason, so you should visit a doctor. As a rule, twitching of the right or left eye leads to decreased tone muscles. There is also a possibility that the person suffers from reflex excitability.

When the central nervous system is disturbed, a person’s reflexes begin to become distorted. The muscles stop responding to the impulses they receive. This can lead to muscle hypertonicity and cramps.


The eye twitches, what to do in this situation? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons. In this case, we are not talking about a diagnosis, but about a predisposition along the hereditary line. In this case, eyelid twitching may occur as suddenly as it disappears. At the same time, he will experience stress or strong feelings. The tick starts on its own.

The eyelid twitches, what should you do if it is due to heredity? Nothing, just wait. As a rule, this symptomatology appears in childhood and goes away quite quickly as the child grows up. In this case, the disease rarely causes discomfort and such tics do not last long.

If we talk about less common causes, then in some cases this occurs against the background of the development of Bell's palsy, Parkinson's disease or Tourette's syndrome.

Less serious reasons

Such factors include a wide variety of diseases, including seasonal viral diseases(ARI or ARVI). In this case, a similar phenomenon occurs due to a sharply decreased immunity and other reasons. The nervous system begins to respond to infection and the person suffers from a tic. Left or right eyelid my eyes twitch, what should I do in this case? Complete the course of treatment for viral infection and undergo a course of treatment with drugs that help restore performance immune system.

You can also get rid of this disease if you treat the resulting eye infection. Tics most often result from conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other ailments.

In addition, provoke similar condition Maybe the habit of spending all your free time at the computer. If you watch TV all night long and do not sleep, then all this can provoke nervous twitching of the eyelids.

There are several other reasons for the appearance of teak. If it gets in your eye foreign body or the person is using the lenses incorrectly, it is easy to start winking unplannedly strangers without even noticing it.

Simple irritation can lead to this. For example, if a person frequently rubs his eyes or suffers from allergic reactions.

Lack of vitamins

This phenomenon is now quite common. In an age when natural products are increasingly being replaced with artificial additives, one can easily develop pathologies of this type.

In this case, the eye may react to the absence of specific components. If the body lacks magnesium, it will manifest itself as motor disorders in the work of the eye muscle. With a lack of calcium, disturbances occur in the processes of neuromuscular conduction. Lack of glycine negatively affects the activity of the entire human nervous system.

What to do if your eye twitches (upper or lower eyelid)

If a person does not suffer from serious illnesses, then in this case the unpleasant tic should quickly stop, if he begins to get enough sleep and follows the regime proper nutrition, will reduce the time spent in front of the computer or TV.

It is also worth including foods that contain calcium and magnesium in your daily diet.

Frequent exposure to fresh air also has a positive effect on human health. Thanks to this, it will be much easier for the body to cope with nervous overstrain. Then you can quickly forget about the fact that your eye is twitching, what to do in such a situation, and other questions.

If similar preventive actions did not bring effective results, you should consult a doctor. If there are extremely rare twitches, there is no need to worry.

Eye twitching - what to do, treatment

Most often, the causes of such occurrences lie in minor disorders of the nervous system, so serious drug therapy not required.

First of all, you can cope with the disease with the help of simple exercises for eyes. To do this, you need to close your eyes tightly and wait half a minute. After this, you need to open your eyes sharply and wide. The next step is to blink quickly.

It may also help if you close your eyelids and describe eyeballs circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Diet and vitamins

As mentioned earlier, to similar phenomena may result from a lack of vitamins. If the body desperately needs magnesium, then in your diet you should give preference to:

  • walnuts;
  • sesame;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • green vegetables;

If the body needs calcium, then its deficiency can be filled with milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, dried apricots, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the used drinking water. If it contains a large amount of aluminum, then this will negatively affect not only the nervous system, but also the condition of the teeth, especially if crowns or bridges are installed. It is worth considering that aluminum is also present in most deodorants. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural antiperspirants made from rock salt or wipe armpits a solution of ordinary soda.

What to do if the lower eyelid twitches or top part? In this case, you should give up energy drinks, coffee drinks, and alcohol. These liquids have Negative influence on the nervous system of the body, especially if a person abuses this or that drink.

If eye twitching began after an injury, then in this case the causes may be more serious, so you should consult a specialist.

If the eye twitches for several days, what should I do? If neuroses occur, you should consult a neurologist. Most likely, he will prescribe the patient mild sedatives with anticonvulsant action.


If we talk about recipes from natural ingredients, then you can get rid of eye twitching if you start taking sedatives. For example, you can start drinking tincture of peony, motherwort, or a decoction of valerian roots (it is better not to buy drops, as they do not give results). You should also start drinking mint tea. This herb has a calming effect and helps relieve spasms of the eye muscles.

It is also worth paying attention to geranium leaves. This is a proven remedy that helps get rid of unpleasant symptom. If the eye begins to twitch, just cut off a leaf of the plant and apply it to your face. In addition, decoctions can be prepared from the foliage of this plant, which also have a positive effect.

To get rid of unpleasant ticks, you should also buy chamomile flowers and motherwort herb. These components are mixed in equal proportions with chrysanthemum leaves and brewed like regular tea.

At strong tics You can make compresses from lemon balm and chamomile.


If none of the described methods brought the expected result, then the problem may be more serious. In this case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist, therapist and neurologist. In some situations, it turns out that tic occurs due to circulatory disorders in the brain. In rare cases, such symptoms are provoked inflammatory processes, occurring in the optic nerve.

A malfunction in the nervous system explains why the eye began to twitch. A short-term eye tic is not dangerous to health. If the symptom bothers you for several days or is accompanied by redness and swelling of the organ of vision, then the cause is a disease of the eyes or other organs.

Eye tics can provoke different reasons. The most common is overwork of the body due to lack of sleep, increased psycho-emotional stress, and fatigue.

Overvoltage visual analyzer is also a common reason that forces twitch eyelid right or left eye. Fatigue of the organ of vision is caused by work that requires concentration (at the computer, with small objects), watching TV for a long time, reading while driving or in low light.

Relatively safe reasons The reasons why the left or right eye twitches are: excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, temporary decrease in immunity, lack of vitamins and microelements.

The symptom may be caused by taking antidepressants, antiallergic drugs, or eye or nose drops. This is an individual reaction of the body of some people.

What diseases does a twitching eyelid indicate?

Eye tics can be a symptom of ophthalmological diseases. If the right or left eye twitches, there is redness, swelling, pathological discharge, possible conjunctivitis. Discomfort in the eyes causes a person to squint, rub their eyelids, and blink frequently, which leads to twitching of the eyelids.

An unpleasant symptom can be caused by any disease in which the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscles is disrupted.

In the absence of additional manifestations from the organ of vision, the cause must be sought elsewhere. Diseases in which the eyelid may twitch:

  • Neurosis. Stress and tension in the nervous system causes malfunction and leads to involuntary muscle contractions.
  • Cerebrovascular accident. Poor blood flow causes damage to the cerebral cortex. This disrupts the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers.
  • Parkinson's disease. Degenerative changes cells responsible for motor functions, lead to the appearance of tremor (twitching) of the muscles of the whole body.
  • Head injuries. Due to the mechanical effect on the brain structures, the process of transmission of nerve impulses deteriorates, blood flow is disrupted, which leads to twitching of the eyelid.
  • Oncological neoplasms. The cause of twitching is the germination and compression of the visual structures by a growing tumor.

Occasional twitching goes away after rest. If the eyelids twitch constantly, the symptom has been bothering you for a week or more, other facial muscles also pulsate, and spasmodic muscle contractions appear, then the help of a specialist is required.
Watch a video about the signs and causes of twitching:

How to quickly get rid of nervous eye tics

Which doctor you go to depends on your symptoms. At pathological manifestations on the part of the organ of vision, contact an ophthalmologist. If your eye twitches and your head hurts, you will need to consult a neurologist. If there are no other symptoms, then start with a therapist.

When your eye twitches due to overwork, this will help solve the problem. good rest. Limit your stay in stressful situations, try to bring yourself to a state of calm. Effective lungs physical exercise, relaxing procedures: hot bath, listening to calm music, aromatherapy.

A relaxing technique – palming – will help stop nervous tics. Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Place warm palms on your face. The base of the palms should be located on the cheekbones, and the fingers should be on the forehead. The palms should not squeeze the eyelids and prevent blinking. Warmth and the absence of light helps relieve tension in the visual organ.

Effective acupressure century Press for 10 seconds with your fingertips on the skin of the eyelids at four points: in the center of the lower eyelid, under the eyebrow, in the corners of the eyes. Complete the massage with light circular movements.

Medications and folk remedies are used in therapy.

Pharmacy drugs

If your eye twitches for a long time, you will need drug treatment. The choice of drug group depends on the cause.

  • “Novopassit”, “Persen”, “Tenoten” are sedative tablets for the treatment of nervous tics in adults.
  • "Magnelis", "Magne B6" - preparations with magnesium to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Drops "Tobrex", "Albucid"; ointments "Tetracycline", "Erythromycin" - local drugs for the treatment of bacterial eye diseases.
  • Drops "Aktipol", "Ophthalmoferon" - for the treatment of viral diseases.
  • “Systane”, “Visine” - drops to moisturize and relieve eye fatigue.

When the eye twitches strongly, you need to correctly determine the causes and choose treatment. You can take sedatives and vitamin complexes on your own. They have a minimum side effects and contraindications. It is better to consult a doctor when prescribing other medications.

Folk remedies

Decoctions, infusions, herbal teas, and compresses are effective. Let's look at what you can do at home if your eye twitches.

  • Herbal teas. Herbs have a calming effect: maral root, lemon balm, mint, thyme, St. John's wort, motherwort. You can buy ready-made herbs at a pharmacy, brew them like tea and drink them 2-3 times a day.
  • Decoctions. Rose hips, sea buckthorn, and hawthorn berries are suitable for preparing the decoction. You can add soothing herb leaves. The broth is boiled for at least 10 minutes, then infused for 5 hours. It is recommended to take 2-3 times a day daily.
  • Compress. Crushed plantain leaves are poured with boiling water and allowed to soak. The resulting pulp is spread on a gauze napkin and applied to closed eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Infusion. 2 tbsp. l. centaury pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight. Take the resulting infusion 50 ml before meals.

Folk remedies for nervous tics will help calm a twitching eye. Substances contained in plants relieve muscle tension and calm the nerves.

Watch the video on how to treat a nervous tic:


A healthy lifestyle and a calm central nervous system are the key to health. Follow preventive measures to prevent tic from appearing:

  • Healthy eating. Introduce foods rich in calcium and magnesium into your diet (dairy products, grains, nuts). In case of insufficient nutrition, support the body vitamin complexes with microelements “Complivit”, “Vitrum”.
  • A complete night's rest.
  • Limiting visual load. Take breaks from work, do eye exercises, relaxing palming technique.
  • Reading only in sufficient light. Don't read in moving vehicles.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Drinking herbal teas with a calming effect (melissa, mint).

There is a hereditary predisposition to nervous tic. Therefore, if your relatives have twitching eyelids, then you should definitely follow preventive measures.

Most often, the symptom of a twitching eyelid quickly passes after normalizing the daily routine and taking sedatives. Support calm state nervous system, do yoga, Pilates, and if necessary, consult a psychologist.