What is on the right side of the abdomen: a description of the structure of the human internal organs, their purpose, possible causes of pain and the need for medical diagnosis. Pain in the right side of the abdomen

The ureter is a long duct that connects the kidney and bladder. It contains the abdominal and pelvic parts. The walls of the ureter contain a layer of smooth muscle that can contract. The inside is also lined with sensitive epithelium. The lumen of the ureter is quite narrow, so it can become clogged with small kidney stones during inflammatory process inside the canal or be compressed by neighboring organs.


The bladder is a hollow organ located in the suprapubic region. Its bottom ( top edge) rises above the pubic bones only when full. When emptied, it is located behind the bones, in the pelvic cavity. Down from the bottom, the walls of the bubble narrow, forming its neck. It gradually passes into the urethra. In men, the bladder is in contact with the rectum, vas deferens, anterior abdominal wall and prostate gland. In women - with the anterior wall of the uterus, urogenital diaphragm, vagina. There are loops on top of it small intestine. This explains the possibility of the inflammatory process progressing with pain spreading to the right side of the abdomen.

The bladder has a well-developed muscular layer, and its walls are highly elastic. This allows it to change its volume and contract during urination. Soreness may be associated with an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane or with stretching of the organ when it is overfilled with urine.

Abdominal vessels

Due to big amount The organs of the abdominal cavity and their complex mutual arrangement contain a fairly extensive blood supply system. Most abdominal arteries originate from the abdominal aorta. This is a large unpaired vessel located approximately in the center of the cavity and running along its posterior wall. The blood pressure in the abdominal aorta is quite high. The vessel wall consists of three main layers - superficial, smooth muscle and intima ( inner layer).

The following branches arise from the abdominal aorta(top down):

  • diaphragmatic branches feeding the diaphragm;
  • lumbar arteries ( paired, go along the back wall), nourishing the muscles and skin in the lumbar region;
  • the celiac trunk, which gives off large branches to the stomach, liver and spleen;
  • superior mesenteric artery, which supplies intestinal loops;
  • inferior mesenteric artery, which supplies the lower intestines ( including the sigmoid and rectum);
  • middle adrenal artery ( steam room), nourishes the adrenal glands;
  • renal artery ( steam room), heading towards the gates of the kidneys;
  • ovarian/testicular artery ( depending on gender), supplying blood to part of the organs genitourinary system.
The abdominal aorta ends with a bifurcation ( bifurcation) by two iliac arteries. Some people may have additional small branches of the arteries, which is also normal. Many abdominal arteries anastomose ( connect) among themselves, improving blood flow in this area.

The veins of the abdominal cavity form a rather complex system that provides outflow venous blood in several ways. Most organs drain blood into the large portal vein, which runs through the liver. Blood from the intestines, spleen, stomach, and pancreas is sent here. In case of problems with the passage of blood through the portal vein ( for liver diseases) blood stagnation occurs in all of the above organs. In addition to the portal vein, the inferior vena cava passes through the abdominal cavity. It runs along the posterior wall, parallel to the abdominal aorta. Veins from the muscles of the lower back, genitourinary system, kidneys, and adrenal glands flow here. Immediately after leaving the liver, the portal vein also drains into the inferior vena cava. Like the arteries of the abdominal cavity, the veins anastomose with each other, improving blood circulation in the internal organs.

What structures can become inflamed on the right side of the abdomen?

In most cases, pain in the right side of the abdomen is caused by an inflammatory process, which can be of varying intensity. Inflammation is a universal protective reaction of the body to various external or internal stimuli. When an infection is introduced into any organ, when it is injured or the blood supply is disrupted, the body begins to fight the possible consequences. To do this, special cells migrate to the affected area, capable of fighting infection and destroying dead tissue. Swelling of an organ or tissue occurs. Together, this leads to chemical or mechanical irritation of sensory nerve endings, and the brain interprets this signal as pain in a specific part of the body.

Most often, the following anatomical formations and organs become inflamed in the right part of the abdominal cavity:
  • liver ( hepatitis);
  • gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • bile ducts ( cholangitis);
  • stomach ( gastritis);
  • colon ( colitis);
  • small intestine (enteritis);
  • appendix ( appendicitis);
  • pancreas ( pancreatitis) – more often in the area of ​​the head of the organ;
  • bud;
  • ureter;
  • peritoneum ( peritonitis);
  • muscles ( myositis).
The inflammatory process can be nonspecific or specific. Aseptic inflammation is called nonspecific ( without the participation of microbes) or inflammation caused by mixed microflora, when it is impossible to identify the main pathogen. With specific inflammation, we are talking about a specific infection that has spread to a particular organ. Microorganisms such as Micobaterium tuberculosis ( causative agent of tuberculosis) or Treponaema pallidum ( causative agent of syphilis) can affect almost any tissue of the body ( muscles, bones, organs, etc.). The inflammation caused by them will not be so acute due to the characteristics of the pathogen. Often there may be no pain for a long time.

Causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can appear for a variety of reasons and be of a different nature. In general, pain occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors located in various tissues. It should be noted that such receptors are not present everywhere. For example, in the parenchyma ( inner fabric) there are no livers, so the destruction of this tissue is not accompanied by pain. At the same time, in the capsule surrounding the liver there are many such receptors, so the pathological process on the surface of the organ ( under the capsule) will cause severe pain.

Pain may occur in various parts abdominal cavity. Sometimes the cause may not be located where the pain is felt. That is, the cause of pain in the right half of the abdomen can be diseases of organs located in the left part of the abdominal cavity, in the chest, etc. It should also be noted that with some diseases patients complain of pain throughout the abdomen ( including right side) or migrating pain that changes its location. To understand the cause of this phenomenon, you need to consider the main types of abdominal pain.

There are three types of abdominal pain:

  • Visceral pain. Visceral pain refers to those pains that occur directly in organs or during pathological processes affecting the visceral peritoneum. Such pain can be migrating or spread throughout the abdomen. The patient often cannot indicate their exact location and only points to the area.
  • Parietal pain. These pains occur due to irritation of the parietal ( parietal) peritoneum. They are usually more intense, and the patient can accurately indicate their location.
  • Referred pain. The causes of referred abdominal pain can be very different. This may include diseases of the peripheral nerves and even the brain ( when a certain area of ​​the brain is irritated or meninges there is a feeling of pain in the stomach).
In general, there are a lot of pathologies that, according to the above mechanisms, cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. For convenience, they can be grouped by organs that are affected by the pathological process. Although in some cases, different diseases of the same organ give different pain sensations.

The main causes of abdominal pain on the right

Quite common causes of moderate pain in the liver area are hepatitis. This is the name of a group of diseases in which liver tissue becomes inflamed and increases in size. Hepatitis can be of various origins. Depending on this, patients may experience various associated symptoms, in addition to pain.

Hepatitis by origin can be divided into the following groups:

  • Viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis often acquires chronic course with periodic exacerbations. As a rule, the pain is moderate and rather resembles a feeling of discomfort. Some viral hepatitis (especially hepatitis C) increase the risk of liver cancer, which leads to more severe pain.
  • Toxic hepatitis . Inflammation of the liver can also be caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, certain medications ( for example paracetamol), entry into the body of various household and industrial toxins. Inflammation can develop quickly, causing the liver to enlarge and causing severe pain.
  • Hepatitis in infectious diseases. For a number of infectious diseases ( hemorrhagic fevers, rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.) the liver may also be affected, but the pain will not be severe.
  • Other hepatitis. Sometimes the cause of inflammation and enlargement of the liver is radiation exposure, some autoimmune processes and other reasons.
In general, with hepatitis, pain most often intensifies with movement. Associated symptoms may include digestive problems ( due to insufficient bile production), bleeding ( only when severe course ), low-grade fever ( 37 – 37.5 degrees). However, each hepatitis has its own characteristics, and pain is not a mandatory symptom.

Abscesses may be located in or near the liver. They are a limited cavity with pus, which is formed as a result of the activity of pyogenic microbes. Usually the formation of abscesses is accompanied by high fever, increased sweating, muscle pain and headaches ( general intoxication syndrome).

When the ulcer is localized in the duodenum, the pain is felt distinctly on the right. Usually it is not as intense as, for example, during an attack of gallstone disease ( although the point of maximum pain may coincide). Pain increases with palpation ( palpation) right upper abdomen. It is not as dependent on food intake as with a stomach ulcer.

Other diseases of the stomach and duodenum that cause abdominal pain are:

  • Gastric neoplasms. Stomach cancer in the early stages is not always accompanied by pain. Sometimes he long time is asymptomatic. When pain appears, it is constant and not always dependent on food intake. The pain can be very intense ( especially in later stages). Unlike heartburn that accompanies peptic ulcers, it is not necessary for cancer. increased acidity. Belching may occur ( not sour), lack of appetite, feeling of fullness in the stomach, stomach bleeding. With a cancerous tumor, the patient loses weight much faster than with an ulcer or pyloric stenosis.
  • Ulcer perforation. Perforation or perforation of an ulcer is a dangerous complication of peptic ulcer disease, which puts the patient’s life at risk. The acidic contents of the stomach are poured into the abdominal cavity. The pain is very intense, diffuse, covering almost the entire upper abdomen ( including on the right). The symptoms correspond to peritonitis and are described in the appropriate section.
  • Pyloric stenosis or spasm. The sphincter is called the pylorus ( orbicularis muscle), located between the stomach and duodenum. When innervation is disturbed, its spasm occurs ( reduction). As a result, food lingers in the stomach, causing unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. If we are talking about pyloric stenosis, then the symptoms will be similar, but the problem is the degeneration of muscle tissue and pathological narrowing of the lumen. If during a spasm the pain goes away after the muscle relaxes, then with stenosis, problems with emptying the stomach occur constantly. Pain of moderate intensity is localized in the epigastrium and closer to the right hypochondrium.

Diseases affecting the peritoneum

As mentioned above, the peritoneum largely determines the nature of abdominal pain ( they are localized only on the right or spread throughout the abdomen). Most often, the peritoneum is affected as a complication of diseases of other abdominal organs. The most dangerous complication in this case is peritonitis, or, in fact, inflammation of the peritoneum. Peritonitis can occur when infection, blood, feces, bile or other biological fluids enter the free abdominal cavity. Inflammation may also be associated with metastases of malignant tumors that have spread throughout the peritoneum.

As a tissue of the body, the peritoneum is very sensitive to any irritation. Therefore, the pain syndrome during peritonitis is very pronounced. The pain is constant and may subside slightly in a certain position ( it depends on the location of the inflammation). It hardly gets better with regular painkillers. Abdominal pain on the right with peritonitis can radiate to the back, lower back, leg, chest or even shoulder. The disease poses a serious threat to life, since without timely treatment the risk of death is quite high.

The following types of peritonitis are distinguished according to prevalence and localization:

  • local– with inflammation of the peritoneum within one quadrant of the abdomen;
  • common– with inflammation in 2–5 quadrants;
  • total– spread to 6 or more departments.
The pain is acute, sometimes unbearable. The patient tries not to move, as this increases the pain. The abdominal muscles are most often very tense and cannot be palpated. The stomach also does not participate in breathing. All these symptoms indicate a pronounced widespread inflammatory process, characteristic of peritonitis.

Another common cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen is intestinal adhesions. Its appearance is explained by the ability of the peritoneum to secrete a special protein, fibrin, in response to inflammation. Over time, it forms connective tissue fibers at the site of inflammation, and some organs may become attached to each other. Pain in these cases almost always appears during movement, against the background of flatulence, during bowel movements, and in women during pregnancy. They are explained by the fact that organs, which are normally relatively mobile, begin to stretch by bridges of connective tissue.

Adhesive disease can develop for the following reasons:

  • past inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity ( appendicitis, peritonitis);
  • chronic inflammatory processes ( appendicular plastron, etc.);
  • after ascites ( when the fluid in the abdominal cavity has already resolved);
  • after undergoing operations;
  • after certain diseases of the female genital area ( adnexitis, oophoritis, ovarian cysts, etc.).
Most often, connective tissue bridges are formed between the loops of the small intestine. However, other organs covered by the peritoneum may be affected - the colon, bladder, uterus, etc. Pain syndrome has different localization and intensity. In the right side of the abdomen, pain is localized when the adhesive process affects the cecum, loops of the small intestine in this area, and the right ovary in women. Associated symptoms depend on which organ is affected and to what extent. Digestion, urination, stool problems, and menstrual irregularities may occur.

Acute mesadenitis is relatively rare disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the intestinal mesentery. The inflammatory process is usually secondary and is caused by infectious diseases of the intestines or an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity ( especially with the formation of pus). Pain can vary in both intensity and location.

Abdominal vascular diseases

In rare cases, abdominal pain may be caused by various diseases vessels of the abdominal cavity. The walls of blood vessels themselves rarely provoke pain, even when overstretched or deformed. Most often, pain is caused by poor circulation. That is, blood in sufficient quantities stops flowing through the affected vessel, which causes oxygen starvation of certain tissues or organs. This is what causes pain.

The following vascular diseases can be noted as possible causes of abdominal pain:

  • Thrombosis of mesenteric arteries. Mesenteric arteries supply intestinal loops and some organs. In case of blockage ( thrombosis) arises sharp pain. The death of tissues that are not supplied with oxygen quickly develops. The peritoneum is also involved in the process with the development of peritonitis. Tumor metastases can act as a blood clot ( pieces of fabric), clots of bacteria ( for example, with bacterial endocarditis), sticky platelets in bleeding disorders.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm. An aneurysm is a pathological expansion of a vessel due to protrusion of its wall. It can be congenital or acquired and develops due to high blood pressure in the vessel and local weakness of the vascular wall ( loss of elasticity). Most often, aneurysms do not cause pain. However, turbulence in the blood flow can cause blood clots to form. Wall separation may also occur, accompanied by severe pain. Most often, the pain is localized along the midline of the abdomen, but depending on the location and size of the aneurysm, it can radiate to the right side.
  • Atherosclerosis of the mesenteric arteries ( abdominal sore throat) . Atherosclerosis is a systemic vascular disease that most often affects the arteries. The disease is characterized structural changes in the walls of blood vessels and the appearance of so-called plaques on them. As a result pathological process the lumen of the vessel narrows, and the wall loses its elasticity ( which, by the way, creates the preconditions for the appearance of an aneurysm). The root cause is considered to be excessive consumption of cholesterol and “bad fats”, genetic predisposition, obesity. The disease is manifested by a progressive deterioration of blood flow in the abdominal organs, which can cause pain and discomfort. Acute pain occurs in cases where the lumen of the artery is completely blocked ( thrombosis).
  • Thrombosis of arteries of individual organs. In the event of thrombosis of an artery supplying a separate organ, corresponding symptoms will occur ( for example, thrombosis of the renal artery with cessation of blood supply to this organ). In this case, acute pain appears, which usually corresponds to the localization of the organ in the abdominal cavity. Associated symptoms depend on which organ is affected ( for example, with renal artery thrombosis, problems with urination and blood pressure may occur).
  • Abdominal vein thrombosis. Vein thrombosis does not cause such acute pain as arterial thrombosis. The process develops more slowly. As blood flows to the thrombotic area, the vein becomes engorged and stretched. In practice, thrombosis of the portal vein passing through the liver is quite common. Pain does not always appear, as the veins that bring blood to this place become overfilled. Associated symptoms include ascites ( accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and dilation of the superficial veins of the abdomen, called the “head of the jellyfish”.

Diseases of the urinary system

Pain in the right side can be caused by a number of pathologies of the urinary system, although more often the pain with these pathologies still radiates to the lower back ( since the kidney is located behind the peritoneum). If we talk about kidney pathologies, the primary cause of pain may be nephrolithiasis or kidney stones. Stones are formed due to the deposition of uric acid salts or ( less often) other metabolic products. The sharp edges of the stones injure the sensitive epithelium of the renal pelvis, causing severe pain - renal colic. Pain also occurs due to blockage of the urinary duct. As a result, the urine stagnates and the kidney stretches. The most severe pain is felt precisely at the site of the kidney projection ( in this case on the right, from the back, at the level of the lower ribs). Sometimes the pain may radiate to the right side.

Among the diseases affecting parts of the kidney, the following pathologies can be noted:

  • Pyelonephritis. With pyelonephritis, pyogenic microflora enters the renal pelvis and pus is formed. The pain can be quite severe and spread to the right side of the abdomen. The infection is carried through the bloodstream or rises through the ureter from the lower parts of the urinary system.
  • Glomerulonephritis. In this case we are talking about inflammation of the renal glomeruli. The urine filtration process is disrupted. Pain is moderate ( and is not always present). Sometimes it radiates to the right side of the abdomen. The process is often two-way. The cause of glomerulonephritis can be certain infections, autoimmune processes, poisoning with pesticides and certain heavy metals.
Another cause may be obstruction of the right ureter. This is usually associated with a local inflammatory process or entry into the ureter small stone (as a consequence of nephrolithiasis). Sometimes there is compression of the ureter from the outside by neoplasms in the abdominal cavity ( usually with cancer of the cecum or ascending colon). The pain is localized at the site of blockage; with obstruction in the lower third of the ureter, it can mimic the pain of appendicitis. However, it is usually not that acute.

Severe pain can occur with kidney cancer. They are associated with tumor growth, compression of neighboring structures, and tissue destruction. The pain syndrome is especially pronounced if the tumor grows through the posterior parietal layer of the peritoneum.

For cystitis ( inflammation of the bladder) the most severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen, in the suprapubic region. Sometimes it can radiate to the right or left iliac fossa.

Diseases of the spine and spinal cord

Spinal diseases and spinal cord often cause pain by irritating the sensitive nerve roots at the level of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. The causes of spinal damage can be different. Often these are consequences of injury or systemic diseases affecting the joints between the vertebrae. Much less common in medical practice specific infectious lesion of the spine or spinal cord ( with the spread of tuberculosis infection, syphilis). The causative agents of these diseases can affect almost any tissue, and are carried into the spinal region through the bloodstream. Pyogenic bacteria can cause the formation of abscesses in the area of ​​the spinal membranes.

With diseases of the spine, the pain can be very intense. It will be localized not only in the back area, but also as if spreading along the abdominal wall on the right. The pain usually intensifies when trying to turn or bend the body. If there is an infection, the temperature may rise.

Diseases affecting the abdominal wall

Often the cause of abdominal pain lies not in problems with the abdominal organs, but in diseases of its wall. First of all, this applies to muscles and skin. Also a common surgical problem is a hernia, which, if strangulated, causes severe pain.

With herpes zoster, the onset of localized pain may precede skin rashes. The disease is caused by damage to the intercostal nerves by the herpes virus. The pain will be moderate. It appears when you press or even just touch the skin that innervates the affected nerve. 1–3 days after the onset of skin hypersensitivity, rashes characteristic of herpes, as a rule, appear in this area. This disease is difficult to cure; exacerbation is usually triggered by a decrease in general immunity. During treatment with antiviral drugs, both rashes and pain gradually disappear.

Pain can also be caused by the following types of hernia:

  • Umbilical hernia. With an umbilical hernia, the defect in the muscle wall is localized in the navel area. Under load ( as well as cough deep breath ) one of the intestinal loops comes out into this defect, which can be felt by applying your hand, and sometimes just noticed with the naked eye. In this case, as a rule, there is no pain, since the loop of intestine returns to the abdominal cavity after normalization of intra-abdominal pressure. However strangulated hernia leads to the fact that the blood supply to the loop emerging from the abdominal cavity is disrupted. Tissue necrosis develops and acute pain appears.
  • Inguinal hernia. At inguinal hernia The exit of the intestinal loop occurs through the inguinal canal. Pain also appears when pinched and is localized in the right iliac fossa ( if we are talking about a hernia on the right), sometimes hitting the leg.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. In this case, part of the stomach comes out into chest cavity through a defect in the muscle cords of the diaphragm. Even without strangulation, the patient may be bothered by digestive disorders, vomiting, belching, and epigastric pain. When pinched, the pain becomes acute and can radiate to both the right and left hypochondrium.
Another possible cause of pain is the inflammatory process in the muscles themselves. abdominal wall (myositis). It can be observed in some viral diseases, diseases nervous system, spine, autoimmune processes.

Skin diseases on the anterior abdominal wall are easy to distinguish. Usually these are inflammatory processes after shallow cuts or abrasions that become infected. There is an area of ​​redness on the skin, sometimes a defect or an abscess itself is visible. The soreness is local, the pain becomes more acute with pressure.

Infectious diseases

There are a large number of infectious diseases that can cause abdominal pain. In medicine, they are classified as a separate group of intestinal infections. Normally, the lumen of the large and small intestines contains many microorganisms that help digest food and support other physiological processes. Some of these microbes are classified as opportunistic. This means that they cannot cause disease in a healthy person. However, when the immune system is weakened, they are quite capable of becoming causative agents of certain pathological processes.

More often, the cause of infection is pathogenic microorganisms that are not normally found in the intestines, but when ingested, they cause a certain disease that occurs with varying degrees of severity. Abdominal pain ( including on the right side) is present in almost all cases. Any part of the intestine can be affected, although damage to a specific area is more typical for each microorganism. Many intestinal infections are usually contracted through food.

The most common intestinal infections are:

  • Shigellosis. Shigella is the causative agent of dysentery. In most cases, the terminal parts of the large intestine are affected, and the pain is localized in the left iliac region, but sometimes it is diffuse or migrates to the right lower abdomen. Associated symptoms include fever, general malaise, false urge to defecate, and blood in the stool. Most often, the disease lasts 5–10 days.
  • Salmonellosis. There are a fairly large number of salmonella that cause intestinal diseases varying degrees gravity. The pain can be very intense and is often localized in the lower abdomen. The disease is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite and general malaise. The most dangerous type of salmonella is S. typhi, which causes typhoid fever. This disease is rare these days, but without treatment there is a risk fatal outcome.
  • Cholera. Cholera is the most dangerous of intestinal infections. In addition to abdominal pain, there is frequent stool (more than 10 – 15 times a day) with severe dehydration. It is dehydration without qualified treatment that can lead to fatal outcome. In severe cases of the disease, convulsions, increased breathing, and urination problems may occur. The temperature in patients is often normal or low ( due to dehydration).
  • Escherichiosis. There are several groups of escherichiosis, each of which is characterized by some differences. A common symptom for all is abdominal pain and frequent stools. The course of the disease is usually milder than with other intestinal infections.
  • Yersiniosis. Yersiniosis is considered an intestinal infection, although it is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms. Skin rashes, a sharp increase in temperature to 39–40 degrees, hemorrhages in the sclera of the eyes, etc. may be observed. Abdominal pain can be of a different nature and is not observed in all patients.
There are other infections that can cause abdominal pain. With tetanus, for example, the pathogen enters wounds or abrasions on the skin ( most often when they are contaminated with soil). After this, the bacterium produces a strong toxin that affects the nervous system. Pain appears first at the site of entry of the pathogen ( usually in a limb). Abdominal pain is a secondary and optional symptom; it is caused by painful muscle contraction. The disease is extremely dangerous and often ends in death.

In botulism, the causative agent enters the body with food ( it often reproduces in canned meat homemade ). Here the production of a powerful toxin begins, which also affects the central nervous system ( CNS). Almost all patients experience abdominal pain and other symptoms typical of an intestinal infection in the first hours. However, they quickly fade into the background, since damage to the central nervous system leads to breathing problems. In some cases, intestinal paralysis may develop ( due to disruption of innervation) and obstruction. The prognosis for this disease is also very serious.

In the case of myocardial infarction, the pain syndrome can manifest itself as referred abdominal pain, which can be very intense. In this case, pain directly behind the sternum or in the heart area may be completely absent. Most often this option is observed during a heart attack. back wall heart, which is adjacent to the diaphragm. Necrosis of a muscle area causes irritation of surrounding tissues, and pain is transmitted through the diaphragm to the abdomen. It can be localized in any part of the abdomen from above. It depends on the specific location of necrosis of the heart muscle. Of the accompanying symptoms, shortness of breath, inability to breathe deeply, and a feeling of discomfort are most often present ( not necessarily pain) behind the sternum. Nausea or even occasional vomiting may also occur, but these are due to irritation ganglion regulating gastrointestinal motility. This symptom often misleads doctors into suspecting problems with the stomach or intestines.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen may also occur when the following diseases right lung:

  • Right-sided pneumonia. With pneumonia, fluid begins to accumulate in the lower lobe of the right lung and an inflammatory process develops. If it affects the pleura ( sensitive membrane covering the lung), then the pain can be transmitted to the diaphragm and to the liver area. It is usually not sharp, constant, and decreases when lying on the right side ( at the same time, the amplitude of movements of the lung decreases, and the pleural layer is pressed against the diaphragm), and intensifies with deep inspiration. Associated symptoms include fever, shortness of breath, cough ( but at the initial stage of the disease, none of these symptoms are mandatory).
  • Pulmonary infarction . Pulmonary infarction occurs when thromboembolism occurs in the branch of the pulmonary artery that carries blood to the right lower lobe of the lung. The source of thrombosis is most often air bubbles ( air embolism), droplets of fat ( fat embolism), fragments of malignant tumors that have entered the venous bloodstream. Lung tissue quickly dies during arterial thrombosis, which causes serious breathing problems and acute pain that can spread to the right upper abdomen. However, breathing problems in this case do not allow the true cause of pain to be confused with pathologies of the abdominal cavity.
  • Diaphragmatic pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura, which can be a consequence of pneumothorax, systemic or respiratory infection, or an autoimmune process. If the area of ​​the pleura adjacent to the diaphragm on the right becomes inflamed, the pain often spreads downwards. They can be quite intense and imitate liver or gallbladder pathologies. A specific symptom will be that the pain weakens or disappears completely when you hold your breath ( the lung does not move, the inflamed pleura does not rub against the chest wall). An increase in temperature is also possible.

Other reasons

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can also be caused by other systemic diseases. In this case, we are usually talking about a disruption in the functioning of any system of the body as a whole, and abdominal pain is only one of the possible manifestations (sometimes optional or temporary). It is most difficult to detect such pathologies, since first of all doctors look for the cause of pain directly in the abdominal cavity.

Other possible causes of abdominal pain include:

  • Abdominal migraine. This disease is genetically determined. It usually begins to appear with childhood periodic attacks of moderate ( and sometimes very intense) abdominal pain. The pain is most often diffuse and gripping various areas belly. An attack can last from several minutes to several hours, and the frequency of attacks can be up to several times a day. The problem in this case lies in disorders at the level of the brain, so there are no other symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract ( nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). Abdominal migraine is quite difficult to diagnose, so patients often spend a long time visiting doctors.
  • Poisoning. Abdominal pain may accompany various poisonings. In case of food poisoning, we are most often talking about microbial toxins entering the intestines. In these cases, the pain can last from several hours to several days. They appear a few days after eating stale food. Also, abdominal pain is characteristic of poisoning with other substances, including lead, thallium, nicotine, barium, morphine, acetylcholine. Pain may be associated with damage to the peripheral nervous system. Paralytic ileus is also possible ( loss of intestinal motility) with stagnation of its contents.
  • Crick. The cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen can also be a normal stretch of the abdominal muscles. Sprains are a consequence of prolonged and heavy loading ( for example, after training in athletes). The pain will intensify when the muscle is loaded and disappear at rest. It goes away on its own within a few days.
  • Porphyria. Porphyrias are a group of diseases in which the amount of porphyrin protein in the blood increases ( or his predecessors). Abdominal pain is most typical in acute intermittent porphyria. The disease is congenital and is associated with certain genetic mutations. During an exacerbation ( attack) the pain can be very severe and localized in almost any part of the abdomen. Of the accompanying symptoms in acute phase urine can be noted Pink colour, damage to the nervous system ( at later stages). The disease is more common in women; exacerbation can occur during pregnancy or after taking certain pharmacological drugs ( barbiturates, sulfonamides, analgin).
  • Diabetic coma. In some cases, abdominal pain may appear in patients suffering from diabetes. They are usually harbingers of diabetic coma ( serious deterioration in general condition). The cause of pain is an increase in blood sugar levels and blood thickening. This causes irritation of the peritoneum and painful tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. The pain can be very intense, spreading throughout the entire abdominal area. Of the accompanying symptoms, the most important diagnostic value have a decrease in temperature, decreased skin elasticity, and the smell of acetone from the mouth when breathing. At the same time, the pulse increases and blood pressure decreases.
  • Henoch-Schönlein purpura. With this disease, damage occurs vascular walls circulating immune complexes. As a result, thrombosis of their lumen and local hemorrhages occur. Most often the disease manifests itself as skin rashes ( due to bleeding into skin vessels). However, in many patients ( and in children in almost 60% of cases) abdominal syndrome is also present. The pain is caused by hemorrhages in the intestinal wall. It can be very intense and last for several hours. Most often, the pain is cramping in nature due to a painful spasm of smooth muscles. Among the accompanying symptoms, sometimes there are blood in the stool, vomiting with blood, and hemorrhages in other organs and tissues.
  • Flatulence. As mentioned above, flatulence is the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which leads to bloating. This can be either one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, or a completely normal reaction of the body to certain foods. For example, drinking legumes, soda, beer, or black bran bread leads to flatulence without any pathology. The walls of the organ are stretched, and moderate pain may appear. They disappear on their own as food is digested and gases are released naturally. A disorder such as dysbiosis ( changes in normal intestinal microflora) also contributes to the formation of gases. Dysbacteriosis can be caused by long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  • Abdominal injuries. Pain may result from blunt trauma to the abdomen when the abdominal wall is not damaged. Strong blows may result in internal bleeding ( for example, with a rupture of the liver, accompanied by severe pain). Also, as a result of blows, bruises and abrasions of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall can form. Then traces of the injury are visible upon examination, the pain intensifies when pressing on the site of the impact. Penetrating wounds to the abdomen ( with incision or puncture of the abdominal wall), of course, are accompanied by severe pain and pose a serious threat to life.
Special mention should be made of Munchausen syndrome. This disease is not recognized by all doctors and is not officially considered as a separate pathology in all countries. Patients with this syndrome deliberately invent symptoms, trying to attract attention to themselves. Since pain is a subjective symptom ( the doctor can't check objective methods whether she exists or not), such patients often complain specifically about abdominal pain, knowing that there can be many reasons. Munchausen syndrome is very difficult to diagnose without a detailed history of the patient's life and illnesses. Doctors have to exclude all possible causes of pain one by one, so the diagnostic process can drag on for years. Patients with this syndrome may experience ( but not necessarily) and other mental disorders, as a rule, they were treated in many clinics, but without success.

Features of pain in the right side of the abdomen

Sometimes the cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen is diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, the reasons will be different depending on the gender of the patient. This is explained by anatomical and physiological characteristics body. As a rule, the nature of the pain and the mechanism of its development in these cases do not have distinctive features. Associated symptoms will vary ( for example, in some inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, pain is often provoked by previous sexual intercourse). Reasons related to the patient's sex are called gender, and they can be divided into a separate group.

Possible causes of abdominal pain on the right in men and women

Why does the lower right abdomen hurt in men?

Prostatitis can cause pain in the lower right abdomen in men. This is an inflammatory disease acute or chronic), which is characterized by inflammation of the prostate tissue. Most often, this disease is caused by pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora, which got here through the urethra.

Possible pathogens are the following microorganisms:

  • gonococcus;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • coli.
The pain is most often localized in the lower abdomen, but can spread to the side, perineum, or lower back. Associated symptoms may include difficulty urinating ( due to narrowing urethra at the prostate level) and erectile dysfunction.

Prostate tumors most often develop against the background of chronic prostatitis or chronic venereal diseases. They are more common in men over 45 years of age. The possible role of nutrition and certain kidney diseases is also being considered. With prostate tumors, the pain can be very severe. Its distribution generally corresponds to prostatitis pain. If it extends to the right lower part of the abdomen, then most likely we are talking about the tumor growing upward with inflammation of the peritoneum. Then a picture of pelvic peritonitis may develop ( pelvioperitonitis). Specific symptoms in this case include concomitant defecation disorders ( if the rectum is also affected), scarlet blood in the urine.

Why does the lower right abdomen hurt in women?

In women, the causes of pain in the lower right are more varied. This is explained by possible pregnancy, as well as the dependence of the menstrual cycle on hormonal levels. Abdominal pain in women is often temporary, transient, when doctors are unable to determine the cause of the pain. However, you still need to contact a specialist in each case, because there is a risk of very dangerous pathologies.

The most dangerous pathologies in women that cause abdominal pain on the right are:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. At ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg is not implanted in the body of the uterus, but in one of the fallopian tubes. As the fetus grows, the organ wall stretches, accompanied by severe pain. Without surgical treatment, rupture with the development of peritonitis is possible. The pain is acute and appears suddenly. On the right, it is localized, respectively, when the fetus is attached to the right fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy most often occurs in women who have had abortions, suffer from Asherman's syndrome or adhesive disease of the pelvic organs.
  • Ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst most often forms from an unruptured follicle, the precursor of an egg. Such cysts can be filled with blood or serous contents and reach several centimeters in diameter. They rarely cause acute, intense abdominal pain. However, if such a cyst ruptures in the ovary on the right ( ovarian apoplexy), there is a risk of developing peritonitis. An ultrasound reveals free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Most often, rupture is caused by physical activity, sudden movements, blunt abdominal trauma.
  • Adnexit. Adnexitis is an inflammation of the uterine appendages, which include the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In the first case we are talking about salpingitis, and in the second – about oophoritis. The inflammatory process can be caused by an infection arising from the lower parts of the genitourinary system. The causative agent is intestinal bacteria ( Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, etc.), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, gonococci. Less commonly, inflammation can be caused by tuberculosis. If the inflammatory process affects the appendages on the right, then the pain can mimic the pain of appendicitis ( approximately the same localization and intensity). Sometimes it is only possible to definitively establish the cause through surgery.
  • Uterine neoplasms. With some tumor diseases of the uterus, pain can also spread to the right lower abdomen. This may be normal discomfort ( for polyps or fibroids) or severe pain with periodic uterine bleeding ( for malignant neoplasms).
If one of the above diseases is suspected, the patient is managed by a gynecologist.

Why does my stomach and leg hurt on the right side?

Most often, this combination of pain occurs with problems with the spine or diseases localized in the right iliac fossa ( in the right lower abdomen). The spread of pain almost always occurs downwards, that is, diseases of the legs rarely cause abdominal pain. When diagnosing such a pain syndrome, you need to pay attention to what other symptoms the patient has, as well as the nature of the pain. Usually the pain increases or decreases depending on some factors ( movement, load, pressure on the lower abdomen). Almost always simultaneous pain right leg and the right side of the abdomen are a consequence of the same disease.

Possible causes of this combination of pain may be the following pathologies:

  • Appendicitis. Appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal diseases. Inflammation of the appendix of the cecum causes irritation of the peritoneum and the appearance of pain in the right iliac fossa. If the appendix is ​​elongated and descends into the pelvic cavity, then the pain may radiate ( spread) down, including the thigh area. However, this combination of pain with appendicitis is quite rare. The pain intensifies when pressing on the projection of the appendix, sometimes with active movement of the leg ( due to tension in the abdominal muscles). Passive leg movements ( when the muscles do not tense, but the leg is moved with the hands) do not cause increased pain.
  • Inguinal hernia. There is usually no pain with an inguinal hernia. It represents the exit of the contents of the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal downwards. This may cause discomfort, but rarely pain. However, a hernia that is not operated on in time can be strangulated. In this case, the inguinal canal narrows, and the intestinal loop located in it does not receive arterial blood. Acute pain can spread to the entire abdomen and radiate to the leg.
  • Spinal diseases. For some diseases of the spine ( spondyloarthrosis, trauma, tumors, etc.) pinching and inflammation of the nerve roots occurs. The nerves emerging at the level of the lumbar and sacrum form a nerve plexus from which the sciatic nerve emerges. Pain along it can spread throughout the leg, and its intensification sometimes occurs at rest. Also, milder pain may be observed in the lower abdomen, groin, and back ( near the spine on the right at lumbar level).
  • . With some diseases of the genitourinary system, pain can spread simultaneously to the right side of the abdomen and to the leg. For women it is inflammatory pathologies in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, in men - acute prostatitis. Also, in both sexes, similar pain can occur with cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. In rare cases, pain radiates to the leg and in cases of kidney disease. This is explained by the fact that the right kidney and ureter lie on the iliacus muscle, along which the pain radiates to the thigh.
  • Muscle diseases. Myositis, or inflammation of muscle tissue, sometimes occurs due to autoimmune or infectious processes in the body. In rare cases, combined damage to the muscles of the leg and abdomen on the right is possible.
  • Inflammation of the hip joint. With some diseases, arthritis of the right hip joint may develop. It is often a consequence of systemic connective tissue diseases or autoimmune processes. Sometimes inflammation develops after an injury. In rare cases, septic ( infectious) necrosis of the femoral head. In all these cases, the pain can be very severe. It usually intensifies with movement in the joint ( both active and passive), radiates more to the leg and groin, and to a lesser extent to the lower right side of the abdomen.

Why does it hurt in the right abdomen and lower back?

The simultaneous appearance of pain in the abdomen on the right and in the lower back can be caused by certain pathologies of the spine, abdominal muscles, certain organs or the urinary system. To determine the cause of such pain, you need to pay attention to where the pain first appeared. Most often, either pain in the lower back or in the abdomen is reflected, spreading from another source. It is also necessary to identify accompanying symptoms, which will be different in the case of damage to one or another system.

Abdominal and lower back pain can be caused by the following groups of diseases:
  • Spinal diseases. Pain occurs due to inflammation ( due to infringement or inflammation) sensory nerve roots of the spinal cord. It is usually sharper on the right side of the spine and extends along the side wall to the right side of the abdomen. It often intensifies when bending and turning the body and calms down at rest.
  • Muscle diseases. Muscle strains can be accompanied by pain that is felt throughout the entire muscle, from the spine to the rectus abdominis ( abdominal muscles). Such pain is moderate in intensity and intensifies with muscle tension. In rare cases, muscle pain may be caused by myositis, an inflammation of muscle tissue ( against the background of infectious or autoimmune diseases). Then the pain may be more severe and permanent. In the back area it usually feels somewhat weaker.
  • Pancreatitis. For acute pancreatitis ( inflammation of the pancreas) are characterized by girdle pain at the level of the hypochondrium. The epicenter is usually located in the epigastric region ( pancreas projection), and from there the pain spreads to both sides of the abdomen and lower back. The pain can be very sharp and stifling. The patient may have difficulty moving.
  • Biliary colic. With gallstone disease, contraction of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder can cause very severe pain. Their epicenter is located in the right hypochondrium, closer to the epigastrium, but such pain spreads to the shoulder, to the heart area, and sometimes to the back. Nausea and vomiting associated with pain often indicate problems with the gallbladder and pancreas.
  • Diseases of the urinary system. With various kidney pathologies, pain is most often localized in the lumbar region, on the side. If the inflammatory process affects the ureter or a nearby area of ​​the peritoneum, the pain may radiate to the abdominal area. Pain on the right side is caused, respectively, by damage to the right kidney. Of the accompanying symptoms that speak in favor of kidney damage, we should note a variety of urinary disorders.
Thus, the combination of pain in the right side of the abdomen and in the lower back greatly facilitates the diagnostic process. Diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcers or intestinal pathologies are much less likely to cause a similar combination of pain.

Why does the lower abdomen on the right hurt and the temperature?

Fever is a fairly common symptom in a variety of diseases. The mechanism of development of this symptom is quite complex. Special toxic substances are released into the body or enter it from the outside. These substances trigger a chain of biochemical reactions, as a result of which pyrogens are formed. They can affect the thermoregulation center in the brain, which increases the temperature. This happens due to the dilation of blood vessels and increased breakdown of certain chemical compounds.

With pain in the right side of the abdomen, the temperature can be caused either by a local inflammatory reaction without the participation of pathogenic microbes, or by an infection entering the body from the outside. These two symptoms are combined in quite a large number of different pathologies.

Possible causes of abdominal pain and fever are:

  • Appendicitis. The temperature usually appears after the onset of pain and reaches 37 - 37.5 degrees. Without assistance, the process develops and the temperature rises.
  • Cholecystitis. The temperature also rises depending on the extent of the inflammatory process.
  • Cholangitis. With inflammation of the bile duct, a characteristic triad of symptoms appears - pain in the right hypochondrium closer to the midline of the abdomen, jaundice and a wave-like rise in temperature ( up to 39 degrees) with chills and profuse sweating.
  • Peritonitis. Extensive inflammation of the peritoneum, caused by perforation of the intestine or other hollow organ, causes severe pain and an increase in temperature to 38 - 39 degrees. The temperature is especially high during purulent processes ( abscesses).
  • Intestinal infections. The temperature can reach 38 - 39 degrees or more, depending on the specific pathogen. It can also rise and fall in waves. As you recover, the temperature decreases and the pain disappears. With helminthic infections, the temperature may also increase ( usually up to 37 - 37.5 degrees), but its decrease does not mean recovery.
  • Hernia. With an unstrangulated hernia there is no pain or fever. However, the unexpected appearance of these symptoms in a person who knows that he has a hernia often indicates strangulation and the development of peritonitis.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. Pathologies such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, adnexitis, prostatitis can also cause a significant increase in temperature. The pain will most often be localized in the right lower abdomen.
In general, the sudden appearance of abdominal pain and fever most often indicates a serious pathology, the treatment of which cannot be delayed. Self-medication can also only worsen the patient’s condition, because different diseases require different approaches to their treatment. Often the rapid appearance of these symptoms indicates pathologies that require urgent surgical intervention. Therefore, in such situations, you should immediately call a specialist to make a diagnosis and possible hospitalization of the patient.

On the right is associated in people with the development of appendicitis. Appendicitis is one of the causes of pain, but the location always starts from the middle of the abdomen in the navel area and goes down. But if unpleasant sensations arise at the top, then the reason lies elsewhere.

There are many organs in the abdominal cavity on the right side. In addition to the appendix, a person may have problems with the gallbladder, intestines, and liver. Sometimes the stomach or esophagus may radiate to the right side.

Inflammatory process in the gallbladder

The most common reason why the stomach hurts on the right is considered to be an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. This disease occurs against the background of the formation of stones or damage to the organ by a bacterial infection.

Symptoms are hidden in sudden sharp and stabbing sensations. The pain radiates to the upper abdomen, sometimes to the shoulder area. Additional signs include increased temperature, chills and vomiting. The stool may become light-colored. And the mucous membranes and skin turn yellow.


This type of disease affects duodenum. The patient complains of a painful feeling on the right side under the ribs. It can radiate to the back or shoulder blade. If the course is started, then the pain takes on a girdling character.

Ulcerative lesion

Pain in the right side of the abdomen in some cases indicates an ulcerative lesion intestinal tract. The unpleasant feeling has a pressing or burning character. Pain manifests itself in the right hypochondrium or in the iliac region.

This disease has a significant difference from other pathologies: painful sensations appear a few minutes after eating food. In addition to all this, the patient loses appetite, nausea occurs, and the stool becomes black.

Inflammatory process in the esophagus

The right side of the abdomen may hurt due to. This process occurs because the contents of the stomach are reflexively thrown back into the esophagus. Against this background, the mucous membrane is damaged.

Other signs of this disease include sour belching and heartburn. In medicine, this disease is usually called reflux esophagitis. Often diagnosed in young children or malnutrition.

Liver disease

If appendicitis is acute, then additional symptoms include bloating, fever, nausea and vomiting. The inflammatory process in the appendix can easily be confused with. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Irritable bowel

The intestines may also hurt on the right side. In this case, the unpleasant sensations will have a cramping or pulsating character. This pathology is also characterized by bloating, stool disturbances, and nausea.

Irritable bowel syndrome can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common include regular stress, intestinal or bacterial infections, and microflora disorders.

Although irritable bowel syndrome causes significant discomfort to a person, it is not life-threatening. But to make sure of this. It is necessary to undergo examination.

Inflammatory process in the urinary tract

Not only the stomach or liver, but also the urinary tract can hurt on the right side. The difference between this disease is that it will be painful for the patient to empty the bladder. Damage to the ureter may be indicated by a burning sensation, frequent urge to urinate, development of spasms, and pain in the pubic area. Most common cause is an infection with intestinal infections.

Pain due to intestinal infection

A one-sided painful feeling indicates an intestinal infection. There are types of bacteria that cause a disease with similar symptoms to appendicitis.

Intestinal infections are acute. The stomach hurts, cuts or aches. In this case, symptoms appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. For some types intestinal diseases There is an increase in temperature values ​​and severe weakness.

With a common infection, symptoms disappear within a few days. If the patient's condition becomes even worse, then hospitalization in a hospital is necessary.

Painful sensations while walking

If aching pain occurs constantly while walking, then this should be addressed. Special attention. This phenomenon indicates that the inflammatory process has begun and during the contraction of muscle structures it worsens even more.

If the disease is not treated, then an attack will occur over time. For example, appendicitis or a chronic hernia may develop. If you do not pay attention to the pathology in time, it can develop into a serious complication in the form of peritonitis.

Pain after intercourse

Often women complain of pain on the right or left after sex. If an unpleasant feeling occurs constantly, then perhaps the reason lies in chronic pathology in the pelvic area.

It is worth noting that if a woman has a cyst in the ovary, it may burst during intercourse. This will cause severe pain that will radiate to the pubis or leg.

First aid for abdominal pain on the right

Any painful sensation leads to development adverse consequences. This not only affects the general condition of the patient, but also affects neighboring internal organs. Therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

First of all, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints and take an anamnesis. If something is revealed during the examination, you will need to undergo an examination.

It consists in:

  • donating blood for general and biochemical analysis;
  • submitting urine and feces for analysis;
  • carrying out ultrasound diagnostics organs in the abdominal cavity and pelvis.

If a patient is diagnosed with appendicitis, then surgery is urgently prescribed. After this, the patient will be under the supervision of doctors for several days.

In other cases, drug therapy is carried out. The selection of drugs depends on the type of disease.

The patient may be prescribed:

  • antibiotics to kill bacterial agents;
  • enzyme agents to improve digestion;
  • probiotics are needed when taking antibiotics and developing irritable bowel syndrome;
  • antacid drugs to regulate the amount of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • sorbents will remove toxins and bacteria;
  • drinking regime will prevent dehydration.

During treatment, you must follow a strict diet. First of all, it consists in eliminating all harmful foods from the diet: fast foods, semi-finished products, snacks, fatty and fried foods, spices and herbs. It is also necessary to refuse bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

The menu should consist of dishes that do not irritate the intestines, stomach and liver. This includes oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge with water, vegetable soups, broths, lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat little by little, but often. Watch the serving size. In case of pain, they should not exceed 150-200 grams.

If the pain does not go away and only gets worse, then you need to call an ambulance. In this case, you cannot perform several actions:

  1. Apply a heating pad or something hot to your stomach. This will only lead to the spread of infection throughout the body.
  2. You cannot take antispasmodics and painkillers without your doctor’s knowledge. This will complicate the diagnosis.
  3. You should not give the patient anything to drink or eat, or give enemas or rinse the stomach yourself.

To prevent pain, you can apply ice wrapped in a towel. This is the only permitted measure.

After diagnosis, you must remain in bed for several days, take all prescribed medications and avoid any physical activity. After recovery, you need to follow the diet for several more weeks.

Stress plays an important role in a person’s life. In most cases, this is the main reason. It is diagnosed more often in children and adolescents. To prevent this condition, the doctor may prescribe sedatives and recommend taking walks in the fresh air to create positive emotions.

The abdominal cavity is an internal space separated from above by a plastic diaphragm from the thoracic part of the human body, and limited below by the pelvis of the lower free limbs. The cavity contains organs of the digestive system involved in important body processes.

On the outside there is a muscular wall. Inside is the abdominal cavity. On the right side there are a number of vital organs. Some may cause serious illness. The main organs are identified:

  • False ribs.
  • Liver.
  • Gall organ.
  • Stomach.
  • Pancreas.
  • Small, large intestines.
  • Rudiment appendix.
  • Kidneys.
  • Ureter.
  • Bladder.
  • Blood vessels.

There is no need to panic or start screaming. Calm down, feel, find the root of the problem. The causes of pain are acute and varied. Pain syndrome causes a sensation of irritation of surface receptors. Found in body tissues other than the liver.

If the pain is on the right side of the abdomen, the source is not necessarily on the right. When pain occurs, it spreads to all parts of the abdominal cavity, decreasing. The cause of pain is located in the entire abdomen, chest, and pelvis. Patients complain about headache migraine, chest colic in diseases of the digestive system. The cause is determined by a qualified therapist or gastroenterologist after undergoing a thorough examination and consultation.

The first step is to determine the greatest localization precisely when pressed. In the upper, lower area. Character is important: sharp blow, dagger, sharp colic, dull pain, nagging spasms. As it appeared, the pain developed: suddenly when walking, power load, experiencing stress, being in cold, heat, or a stuffy room. The doctor will definitely ask what the pain in the abdomen on the right was like: slowly growing, instantly sharp, dull pulling. Did it intensify further, did not change, disappeared. Localization, where it gives, when: getting up, coughing, walking, talking. How does a diseased organ feel?

There are countless pathologies that cause widespread pain. It is easier to distribute diseases among the organs on the right side of the abdomen.

Bottom right

Acute pain in the corner of the abdomen indicates the occurrence of appendicitis, ulcers, hernia, or intestinal torsions. For acute pain, do not apply heat, a heating pad, ice, or cold. It's easy to make the situation worse. Appendicitis is treated promptly, ulcers are treated with medication, colic is eliminated with antispasmodics: no-spa, festal. Call ambulance, undergo a gastroenterologist, surgeon.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which is part of the intestine. It’s worth starting with the exact location of the rudimentary organ. The appendix is ​​a very small piece of muscle tissue that extends from the large intestine. A tube with a diameter of 8 millimeters is a rudiment. Branched from the cecum, it plays a role in the body’s immune processes and the formation of intestinal microflora. But the organ is not vital; the body can exist without it.

Please note that there are other organs with the appendix - fallopian tubes, ovaries, ureter, bladder. They play a major role in the excretory system. Perhaps the problem lies within them, regardless of gender. Stones and cystitis often occur in the fall; in winter there are periods of exacerbation. Various warmings and diuretics will help: Canephron, Five Noks.

Upper abdomen right

Here is the liver, gall bladder, and part of the intestines. Illness and injury are felt by pain in the upper half. Everything is decided by the location of the organ; the doctor will tell the patient the exact diagnosis after undergoing an examination and tests.

Alcoholic hepatitis affects the entire organ. The liver suffers due to improper use of medications, excess alcohol containing fermentation chemicals, and additives. Liver pain becomes best friend person. Constantly whines, reminding me of a problem. It is felt deep, near the stomach: on the left, on the right side. Discomfort under the ribs develops over a long period of time and drags on.

The gallbladder is located under the abdomen; symptoms of problems with the organ appear completely unnoticed. Severe attacks will occur over time: a couple of days, weeks, when you eat bad food, gas formation and bloating will begin. The pain is acute, sharp, brings a person spasms, twisting, constant nausea, prolonged vomiting. It spreads throughout the abdomen, spreading more to the back. A temperature of 40 appears when the organ is inflamed. , coming in waves, indicates the presence of stones. Small ones will quickly emerge into the ducts. Feeling better. The stone remains in the duct; it is removed by surgery, dissolving it. The kidneys are located on the side, the disease will hit the back, spreading to the stomach. A problem with a small stone coming out of the kidneys causes wave-like pain in the groin.

Women experience cramping pain under the abdomen during menstruation. Intensifying suggests endometriosis. A woman should take a pregnancy test; lower back pain usually appears during fetal development. Gymnastics, yoga, and light physical activity will help.

Pain due to blunt trauma to the abdomen. Most often, internal bleeding begins when an organ is injured, hematomas and bruises appear. Do not touch the wound site. Knife wounds pose a serious threat to life, and an open wound begins.


Regular discomfort requires medical examination. After passing the tests, they will establish a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, draw up a list of medications, and a course of therapy. The patient will be recommended bed rest for two weeks or surgery.

The disease cannot be left for later. Painkillers hide unpleasant feelings, but do not cure the problem. Then everything will get worse. The disease will improve first, and not with severe complications.

Popular, available treatment methods:

  • Diet. It is forbidden to eat spicy, fatty foods. Spicy dough products are excluded, the intestines are restored. For acute pain, a complete fast for a couple of days is required.
  • Medicines. For inflammation, take antispasmodics, antibiotics, analgesics. In advanced cases, chemotherapy is given.
  • Surgery. Doctors' intervention is the only measure in the fight against appendicitis, tumors, ectopic pregnancy, and cholelithiasis.

Regardless of the nature of the illness, the symptom screams about a disease that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible. Problems in the organ often lead to poor health consequences. Ignoring the signs is an independent step into the endless abyss of eternal hospitals, beds, and operations. You need to see a doctor on time; in the later stages, he will be of little help. If you have pain, don’t be lazy - consult a therapist, surgeon, or paramedic. They will refer you to the right doctor.

Do not take before examination medications. Weak, moderate pain can be tolerated, unbearable pain can be muffled with No-shpa and Drotaverine. Unpleasant sensations caused by poor nutrition, are removed by adjusting the diet. Exclude excess carbohydrates and most proteins. A person eats light food that is absorbed by the stomach instantly: low-fat soups, cereals, purees, fruits and vegetables. Auxiliary enzymes Mezim and Festal are given, overeating is excluded.

Reduce the intensity of colic with cold compresses. Ice and frozen product are wrapped in thick cloth. Apply for 15 minutes. There is no way to determine the disease on your own; you need to additional examinations, tests, examinations. There is no need to delay going to the local doctor. Timely identification of dangerous signs guarantees complete recovery and identification of the disease early stages, satisfactory prognosis further treatment to continue a quiet life with good health.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen is a fairly common complaint among patients. It is this zone that contains the innervation of many organs that can cause pain if they malfunction.

If a child or adult has a stomach ache on the right side, then even non-doctors suspect an attack of appendicitis. However, this is not the only disease that requires attention. We will look at diseases that cause pain to patients based on the role of internal organs.

Right-sided anatomical structures of the abdominal cavity

If you divide the abdomen vertically in half, some of the organs end up on both sides because they occupy a central position:

  • stomach (antrum and pylorus) and duodenum (flexure);
  • pancreas (head and body);
  • small intestine;
  • bladder;
  • large intestine (cecum, ascending and half of the transverse colon).

Therefore, when studying pathological changes, it is difficult to separate the right-sided and left-sided positions. Sometimes the source of pain is not located where it hurts; there are migrating sensations when a person is not able to pinpoint a specific location and talks about “pain throughout the abdomen.”

Some diseases have a “favorite” localization. The liver of the left lobe falls into the area of ​​the left half and can cause pain throughout the upper abdominal cavity. Directly in the right area of ​​the abdomen lie the gallbladder with ducts, the right kidney and ureter, and the appendix.

Diseases that can cause pain include:

  • abdominal wall;
  • vessels;
  • right lower ribs.

Knowledge of the structure of organs made it possible to identify the characteristics of the pain syndrome:

  • parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys) have a dense protective capsule with an abundance of nerve receptors; any unwanted effects, such as injury, inflammation, swelling, cause tension in the capsule and send pain signals to the brain;
  • hollow organs (stomach, gallbladder, ureter) are equipped with receptors only in the submucosal layer, so they respond to muscle spasm, stretching, perforation by an ulcer, rupture, but rarely contribute to pain in mild catarrhal inflammation.

The kidney capsule consists of dense connective tissue

This mechanism must be taken into account by doctors in diagnosis. It is difficult to find out why the stomach on the right side hurts, since dysfunction of one organ leads to a failure of the overall digestive process.

How to assess the nature of pain?

Patients describe their pain sensations in different ways. The doctor has to analyze subjective information, ask additional questions about the conditions for the occurrence of right-sided abdominal pain, their changes, duration, and connection with food. We will present an assessment algorithm for the nature of pain in accordance with the wording of complaints.

Right stomach hurts when running and walking

The movement of the legs is accompanied by intense work of the abdominal muscles, changes in intra-abdominal pressure, and a massaging effect on the intestines, so atony occurs in the absence of physical activity.

Various diseases in the hidden (latent) stage manifest themselves during movement. In such cases, you cannot force yourself to walk and endure. Pain on the right side of the abdomen indicates activation of the pathology and can quickly lead to complications.

Pain occurs after traveling in public transport

Any movement in vehicle, regardless of whether performed sitting or standing, causes body shaking. This effect promotes the movement of stones and salt conglomerates through the gallbladder, passages, and ureter. Patients with gallstones and urolithiasis The onset of an attack is often associated with sudden jerking movements of the body. In addition to traveling in public transport, similar action render jumping, running.

Stomach hurts only when pressed

This is what patients say when the doctor palpates the abdomen. They hope that if they do not touch, the disease will not occur.

Palpation is safe and is performed using a gentle technique

The palpation method makes it possible to determine the location of pain and identify the patient’s reaction. Any pressure on the abdomen contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It provokes hidden pain.

In addition, the outer layer of the peritoneum is pressed against the area of ​​inflammation, this causes local pain in the right half of the abdomen and helps to distinguish local inflammation from referred pain (myocardial infarction, lobar pneumonia, pleurisy).

Pain on palpation of the lower abdomen on the right makes one suspect acute appendicitis. In women it should always be excluded gynecological diseases(adnexitis, ovarian cyst). If pain is localized in the upper hypochondrium when pressing on the right, one should think about inflammation of the gallbladder, hepatitis, and less commonly, duodenal ulcer. The symptoms of peritoneal irritation are based on this principle.

A woman has a stomach ache on the lower right side during menstruation

Pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation is a common complaint of girls and women. Usually it is located above the pubis, radiating to the groin and navel area. Gynecologists associate them with hormonal disorders.

If you are bothered by abdominal pain on the right, then right-sided adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) is suspected. Severe pain occurs during ectopic pregnancy, with torsion and rupture of the cyst, and radiates to the lower back. The nature of the pain can be confused with an attack of appendicitis.

Aching in the stomach on the right

It's a dull pain in the abdomen on the right indicates an inflammatory process of moderate intensity. Often accompanies peptic ulcer disease. It begins 1.5–2 hours after eating and lasts throughout the night.

Dull abdominal pain is characteristic of the hypotonic form of dyskinesia of the gallbladder and intestines. Caused by overfilling, stretching of the muscle layer and impaired emptying. People with neurasthenia, emotionally unstable, and school-age children are most susceptible. Accordingly, they are localized in the right hypochondrium and near the navel.

Neurasthenia is one of the causes of abdominal pain syndrome

Cramping pain

Acute sudden pain in the abdomen on the right is characterized by patients as “sharp”, intermittent, in the form of contractions. Such complaints accompany intestinal obstruction and are caused by peristaltic movements of intestinal loops. They may appear when the intestinal wall is ruptured (perforation due to an ulcer, Crohn's disease), capsules of internal organs, thromboembolism of mesenteric vessels.

They are not typical for the inflammatory process, in which pain in the right side of the abdomen increases gradually. Here, a significant area of ​​the peritoneum is immediately irritated and organ tissue is destroyed. “Cutting” sensations are typical for intestinal diseases caused by infection or food poisoning.

Something is pulsating and twitching

Throbbing pain accompanies vascular damage. In elderly people, with a common atherosclerotic process, an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta occurs. The vessel becomes thinner and expands, since the pressure it receives is quite high, the pulsation spreads evenly in all directions. It can be felt by palpating the area just above the navel and compared with the pulse.

The formation of an aneurysm is accompanied by constant pain around the navel and lower abdomen.

The “jerking” type of pain is characterized by the development of purulent inflammation. In the lower abdomen on the right, phlegmonous and gangrenous appendicitis. Pain indicates an ongoing process. The appendage may rupture and cause inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).

For experienced doctors, determining the nature of pain is included in the signs of the disease, but is not considered in isolation. The diagnosis is made only after analyzing the entire complex of symptoms and examination results.

How to treat constant and periodic pain in the abdomen on the right?

The duration of pain over time is important in diagnosis. If your stomach constantly hurts on the right side, the pain is usually moderate and dull. They differ in a similar flow chronic appendicitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis. Sometimes the pain subsides completely, patients mistakenly rejoice at their recovery and break their diet. But the symptom appears again.

It happens that patients endure stupid problems for a long time constant pain, come for help only when strengthened

Periodic pain that recurs after several days, weeks, months and even years should be explained by the favorable course of chronic diseases with long periods of remission. Exacerbations appear only under certain conditions: violation of the regime, drinking alcohol, stressful situations, spring and autumn (peptic ulcer).

Long periods of remission are characteristic of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. They are considered positive result treatment. It is not yet customary to talk about recovery, since the final causes of the disease are unclear and modern therapy does not solve all problems. We will consider additional signs of diseases of the right half of the abdomen according to the symptoms of the most common pathology.

Liver diseases

Liver diseases cause pain in the right hypochondrium with radiation to the lower back. Patients say that “the right side of the abdomen hurts.” The cause is stretching of the capsule or rupture due to injury.

With inflammation and hemorrhage into the parenchyma, the size of the organ increases, which causes stretching of the surface membrane. The capsule may become inflamed when infection spreads from neighboring organs. Then the pain is highly intense.

Hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease) is divided by origin. In addition to pain, they differ in clinical manifestations.

Toxic hepatitis - formed in response to the consumption of alcohol, certain medications, poisoning with chemicals, household liquids, poisonous foods (mushrooms).

They develop quickly and are accompanied by severe acute pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin and sclera. Viral hepatitis has a chronic course with periods of exacerbations and liver enlargement. Patients constantly feel heaviness, dull “pain in the right side of the abdomen,” discomfort along the intestines, and decreased appetite.

It is known that viral hepatitis significantly increases the likelihood of the disease transforming into cancer. At the same time, the nature of the pain changes to intense, constant. Hepatitis associated with infectious diseases ( hemorrhagic fevers, rubella, Epstein-Barr virus) do not cause severe pain. The diagnosis is made based on other signs of damage.

Hepatitis is caused by autoimmune processes in the body, radiation exposure, and hypersensitivity to drugs.

General symptoms are characterized by:

  • increased pain during physical activity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • temperature rise no higher than 37.5;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bleeding gums;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  • light stool and dark urine;
  • stool disorders.

An abscess is a cavity containing pus that can be located both in the liver itself and in the subhepatic angle between the ligaments, the right dome of the diaphragm and intestinal loops. The patient has, in addition to jerking pain in the hypochondrium, a high temperature with chills, heavy sweat, general intoxication (headaches, muscle pain, dizziness, nausea).

Abscess and cyst can be detected on CT scan

Liver cirrhosis is the outcome of hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. Parenchyma tissue is replaced by scar tissue. The organ shrinks and decreases in size. Since the capsule cannot stretch, severe pain does not occur. Dull aching sensations are more likely associated with simultaneous dyskinesia of the biliary tract and damage to the pancreas.

Malignant neoplasms in the liver occur during the transformation of hepatocytes or the arrival of metastases from other organs with the blood. All functions of the organ are gradually disrupted. The pain becomes very intense.

Diseases of the biliary organs

Bile synthesized in the liver enters and accumulates in the gallbladder. Then, with the help of muscle contractions, it moves through special ducts into the duodenum. The path passes next to the pancreatic duct. Together they secrete secretions through the sphincter of Oddi.

Acute cramping pain is caused by spastic contraction of the muscle layer. They are called "colic". Localized in the right hypochondrium, spread to the center of the abdomen, in the right lateral zone.

Treated with antispasmodic drugs. At the same time, the patient experiences belching, bitter vomiting, and epigastric pain (biliary gastritis). The pathology is caused by dyskinesia (impaired bladder motility), inflammation, and movement of stones.

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the bladder) is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Overweight women who do not engage in physical activity are most prone to the disease. Inflammation of the inner lining promotes the production of mucus, thickening of bile, changes the acid-base balance and creates conditions for the precipitation of bile salts (cholelithiasis).

The resulting stones subsequently stick together to a rocky density and cause cholelithiasis. While there are no stones, the pain is dull in nature, but the movement of the stone along the bile ducts causes irritation and local spasm. This manifests itself intensely painful attack in the right half of the abdomen at the top, with irradiation to the collarbone, scapula, lower back, shoulder. The attack lasts up to several hours.

Cholangitis is called inflammation of the bile ducts. It is rarely isolated without cholecystitis. Almost always accompanied by cholelithiasis. At the same time, the pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium is very strong, cramping with high fever and jaundice.

Gallbladder neoplasms are rare. People with the greatest risk are long course cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. The pain syndrome becomes persistent and permanent. The pathology is characterized by a tendency to bladder rupture and peritonitis.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​the most common operated pathology in surgery. In the classic course, the pain is first located in the epigastric region, accompanied by vomiting, fever, and weakness. After a few hours they move to the right iliac zone. This is what the disease looks like in half of the patients.

Another part of the patients requires serious differential diagnosis. This is due to the atypical location of the inflamed process and the manifestation of pain in the navel, in the right hypochondrium, in the back, and in the lower abdomen. Advanced inflammation is manifested by jerking pain, a significant increase in temperature, and chills.

Bowel diseases

Diseases of the small and large intestines are rarely localized only in the right half of the abdomen; more often they spread to the central part. The nature of the pain is diffuse and has no clear localization.

With diverticulosis, enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, pain is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, possibly intestinal bleeding(in case of ulceration of the wall), attacks of “intestinal colic”, weight loss, dehydration is typical for children.

Tumors are more typically located in the left side. Intestinal obstruction is associated with blocking of the intestinal lumen by adhesions, tumor, fecal stones. The pain is very strong, vomiting and lack of peristalsis are possible.

Renal pathology

Right kidney anatomically located slightly lower than the left. She often suffers from prolapse when losing weight, after childbirth. In this case, patients feel pain in the right side and abdomen while standing upright. The decrease occurs in a supine position.

Acute right-sided pyelonephritis is accompanied by intense pain in the lower back, frequent urination, pain, chills with high fever. Chronic illness gradually passes from the pelvis to the parenchyma of the organ and disrupts the function of the nephrons. The pain is dull, but intoxication is accompanied by an increase in renal failure.

Stones are located along the urinary tract

Kidney stone disease with right-sided attacks of colic, it is activated after shaking and jumping. The pain syndrome is very intense. Irradiation along the ureter to the groin, scrotum in men, genitals in women. After an attack, blood is observed in the urine.

Right-sided abdominal pain is possible with injury to the liver, kidney and intestines, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis. A full examination is required to identify exact reason. Only after this can a diagnosis be made and treatment prescribed.


  • How important is it to determine the nature of the pain?
  • What diseases cause pain in the right abdomen?
    • Liver hurts
    • Gallbladder pain
    • Pain in the pancreas
    • Pneumonia
  • Can pain in the kidneys bother you?

If there is pain on the right side of the stomach, then it is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of the sensations. The consequences largely depend on this. But in any case, it is better to immediately call emergency help or, if the condition allows, consult a surgeon. If pain tends to appear frequently and cause severe discomfort to a person, then most likely this indicates serious internal disorders in the body.

How important is it to determine the nature of the pain?

If pain occurs, then first of all you need to understand where exactly it hurts: on the right or on the left. You should also determine in which part of the abdomen: in the upper or lower. It is also important which organ may be located approximately nearby, for example, the heart, etc. These points are important for the doctor so that he can roughly understand what may need to be worked with, and he will also ask questions about the nature of the pain, because the pain can be:

  • dull or aching;
  • pressing or sharp;
  • dagger or bursting.

When seeking qualified help, the following questions are usually asked, to which comprehensive answers must be given:

If you can correctly answer all these questions, the doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and provide first aid much faster. Therefore, if such a situation arises, it is necessary to concentrate your attention on the pain and be able to characterize it. It is immediately worth noting that the ambulance dispatcher can also ask such questions in order to correct the actions of the visiting team.

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What diseases cause pain in the right abdomen?

On the right side of the abdomen at the top there are organs such as the gallbladder, liver, part of the intestines, right part diaphragm and pancreas.

Accordingly, if something happens to these organs, the body will let the person know about it through pain in this area. The strength of discomfort directly depends on what is happening inside the process.

But what can bother each of the above organs? These may be the following reasons.

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Liver hurts

This organ may hurt because it is inflamed, or rather, swollen. The cause of this process may be infectious diseases. The consequences are known to everyone under such a diagnosis as hepatitis. Most often, this disease occurs in the “A” form, because a person eats water and food that is contaminated with sewer drains. Form “B”, according to statistics, is more susceptible to drug addicts and people with unconventional orientation. Form “C” can only be contracted through contact with infected blood, for example, through a transfusion or through medical supplies (needles).

Some medications that contain certain toxic components can also cause liver problems. This is why it is not recommended to self-medicate and take medications with caution. After all, some of them have side effects aimed at the liver. Besides, main enemy organ - alcoholic drinks.

If the liver hurts, the pain will be constant, aching, mild, or, conversely, stabbing in nature. Sensations come from within, and development does not occur gradually, without cessation.

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Gallbladder pain

If there are problems in this organ, they will also manifest themselves in stages. Most often, an attack is provoked by eating fatty or fried foods, and at first you feel bloated inside, along with which gases are formed. The pain occurs quite suddenly and is acute. If measures are not taken in time, then due to such sensations a person will begin to break into a sweat, followed by a feeling of nausea. But even if a person vomits, it will not make him feel any better.

If inflammation occurs of this body, then the temperature can rise sharply to 40°C, which will be accompanied by chills. The pain occurs in the upper right side of the abdomen, and quite often radiates to the back area, under the shoulder blade.

Such discomfort can be caused by stones in bile ducts, and when the body tries to get rid of such a blockage, the person will feel pain that will come in waves. If you get rid of them, the pain will go away, otherwise medical intervention is necessary.

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Pain in the pancreas

This condition is called pancreatitis. If this is the problem, then in addition to pain, the person will experience increased sweating, nausea and vomiting.

The peculiarity of this case is that the person feels lighter in sitting position rather than lying down, since the pain then does not transfer to the back.

Problems with the pancreas can only be determined through laboratory tests, as they help determine the amount of enzymes present that are secreted by the gland.