Abdominal massage according to Ogulov or Old Russian visceral abdominal massage. Massage technique

Visceral chiropractic, or manual massage of internal organs, raises many questions and rumors due to its unusual nature. After all, the pressure on the organs abdominal area, correction of their position occurs not directly, but through the abdominal wall.

The massage therapist must use his hands to feel and calculate the strength and angle of pressure, the intensity of the clapping, so as not to cause injury to the organs, but to correct dysfunction, restore blood circulation, and relieve spasms. Abdominal massage - a well-forgotten method of treatment Old Slavonic healers ancient times, revived by Ogulov A.T. This is the man who caught my attention medical academies and society to such a non-standard method of treatment.

Abdominal massage using the Ogulov method

Before entrusting such delicate work as massage of internal organs through abdominal wall Anyone should get acquainted with its founder - Ogulov A.T. Today, Alexander Timofeevich is the owner of many titles: academician of various Russian and member of one of the European academies, doctor of traditional medicine, professor. Ogulov A.T. awarded with medals for his work to improve the health of the nation.

The main specialization is healing using folk, sometimes long-forgotten, methods. Ogulov A.T. - author of books, articles, video lectures on unconventional methods of treatment used in Rus'. He also holds management positions in health institutions, the most famous of which is “Forerunner”. Medical Center"Predtecha" diagnoses the condition of internal organs and visceral massage abdomen according to Ogulov, offers cleansing of the body and the opportunity to gain skills for self-massage abdomen, sells methodological literature and products through the online store. The official website contains enough books on abdominal massage according to Ogulov and videos. As often happens, the appeal

Ogulova to traditional methods healing is due to personal need: seriously ill dear person- Mother. Since medical prescriptions and recommendations did not improve the patient’s condition, Ogulov independently began searching unconventional methods treatment by turning to knowledge traditional healers. So Ogulov studied Old Slavonic abdominal massage under the guidance of an 80-year-old healer. This woman achieved mastery of abdominal massage while helping the wounded in a hospital during the war, and passed on her skills and experience to Ogulov. Ogulov believed in massage only after he saw how much his mother’s well-being improved. In 1994 This technique has been tested and confirmed as effective by Rospatent.

Visceral abdominal massage

Ogulov explains that visceral means “internal”, that is, the objects of massage are internal organs abdominal cavity. The very influence of the massage therapist’s hands in the form of tapping, clapping, pressure at a certain angle and with different intensities is carried out through the abdominal wall.

Thus, it is restored normal cycle blood circulation and lymph flow, nutrition of cells and tissues, spasms and blocks are relieved, the position of internal organs relative to each other is corrected. To enhance the impact of the technique, experienced specialists supplement abdominal massage according to Ogulov with cups, leeches, and various wraps. Such accompaniment provokes blood flow and active removal of toxins, due to which the functioning of damaged organs is resumed faster and with best quality. The complex effect on the body is due to the fact that the restored functions of organs provide good nutrition cells, blood vessels, tissues with vitamins and minerals, which improves complexion and skin structure, helps the body successfully resist various infections, increases performance, evens out emotional condition person, allowing you to enjoy life and well-being again.

Despite the healing effects of the technique on the body as a whole, not everyone is allowed to use visceral massage. Admission to massage is provided by the doctor based on the results of examination and questioning of the patient, additional diagnostics. Diseases, the presence of which means a categorical ban on the use of massage, include: oncology, tuberculosis, infectious diseases in acute form, venereal diseases, narcotic and alcohol addiction, internal bleeding.

Taking a course of visceral abdominal massage procedures according to Ogulov is strongly recommended to eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract, restore the effective functioning of the abdominal organs and genitourinary system, treatment of ENT diseases, cardiovascular diseases, to speed up rehabilitation period patients with musculoskeletal problems. According to Ogulov’s recommendation, abdominal massage can take from half an hour to a couple of hours. The duration of the procedure is determined by the degree and nature of the violation.

Cost per session starts from 1000 rubles. Patients who have undergone full course massage sessions under the guidance of a trained and experienced specialist, record relief of conditions or elimination of diseases, improvement of well-being, replenishment of emotional and physical strength, tide vital energy, lightness and vigor of body and spirit. It is up to the patient to decide which treatment methods to choose. The main thing is to take into account contraindications, features of each method and reviews of those who have already walked this path. Abdominal massage according to Ogulov, going back to healers and knowledge ancient Rus', is rightfully considered one of the techniques, on the one hand, requiring the subtle, scrupulous work of a massage therapist, on the other hand, it more than pays off the invested effort, patience, and hope with a healing, revitalizing effect on the patient’s body.

Video about the Ogulov method

A gentle technique for self-massage of internal organs

IN this text a simple and gentle massage technique is described, part of an abdominal massage that can be safely done to yourself and loved ones (observing three rules). Let specialists do more complex manipulations. By doing only the first round of massage (described below), you will still achieve results, just not as “quickly”, for example, with serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, you will heal yourself in 1-2-3 months. Are you in a hurry? We earn diseases through years of “hard work.”

Rules for self-massage of internal organs:

1. Until a slight pain! You don’t need to endure severe pain, ease the pressure until it hurts slightly!

2. One press for no more than three minutes! This is very important so as not to cause ischemia ( oxygen starvation in tissues). Ischemia most often manifests itself as increasing acute pain in the area where you cut off the blood supply (not always at hand, but below).
If the pain has passed, we move the hand without waiting three minutes.
If the pain does not go away within three minutes, we still move the hand. Then we can return to this point again to work with it some more.

3. Press gently, gently remove your hand. Soft does not mean weak.

Procedure for massage of internal organs:

1. We look for the first point like this: from the navel to the bottom of the sternum we set aside 1/3, two fingers to the right (not the length, but the width of the fingers). This is a reflex point of the gallbladder. We press on it vertically (the description takes into account that the person is lying on his back, with his knees partially bent). To a slight pain. Sometimes a stream seems to babble under your hand; this is the flow of bile from the bladder into the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often, in the front of the head, crunching in the knees when squatting, pain in the knees (usually in the right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose nodes, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the scapula, joint diseases. Removing the gallbladder causes digestion to stop and joints to collapse. In this case, it is necessary to do a daily massage of the liver, which, when enlarged, takes over the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (dysfunction thyroid gland), decreased libido, menstrual disorder.

When this point is pressed, the symptoms disappear, for example, the headache in the temples or the front of the head, or no longer “sickness” in transport, the joints are lubricated again, and the risk of injury is reduced significantly (in sports).

2. From the first point we press along the line 1/3 all the way to the left ribs. Projection of the pancreas.

The gland itself is located quite deep, and during a massage it is often possible to reach it only after a considerable period of time (a week of daily massages), until all the overlying tissues relax. If problems in the gland are caused by stretching of its ligaments with the stomach and omentum small intestine, then abdominal massage is the only effective method treatment.

We push each point vertically.
Characteristic pathology pancreas - diabetes (increased or decreased blood sugar levels), allergies, skin rashes, tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.

If you do a belly massage, you will get results; If you don’t, then there will be no result, there will be no one to be offended by.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the angle of the costal arches. We press not vertically along the ribs and not right under the ribs, but at an angle of 45º, as if deep into. We go through the entire hypochondrium twice from top to bottom. If nausea or lightheadedness appears when pressing, press on the first point and hold until the pain and symptoms of a full gallbladder disappear. Then we continue the liver massage.

Symptoms of excessive liver function: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowing of the skin, dry throat, as well as eye pain, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of liver failure: intestinal upset, pelvic pain, pale skin color, as well as weakness and fast fatiguability, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. In women, uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, and hemorrhoids are possible.

4. Left hypochondrium. Also press inward at an angle of 45º, passing each point from top to bottom. Reflex zone spleen.
If there are disorders in the spleen, nosebleeds and other bleeding (including uterine) and hemorrhagic manifestations are possible.
Dryness and pallor of lips, changes in taste sensations.

The entire massage described above together forms the “roof of the house.”

5. Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone 1/3 to the navel. The area of ​​the ileocecal valve, the place of transition of the small intestine to the large intestine. Here is the cecum, appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Swelling of the valve is often manifested by bloating (bacteria penetrate through a non-functioning valve from the large intestine to the small intestine, where they should not be), and it is enough to remove the swelling by pressing and take two teaspoons of dill seed orally with water, then the bloating disappears.

IN oriental medicine The small intestine has a strong connection to the heart. When the abdomen is bloated, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it contract, which leads to various diseases heart, heart attacks and syndrome sudden death(fell asleep and didn’t wake up - his heart stopped, but it turns out he just ate something wrong in the evening).

6. Further in a spiral. Big turn. Pressing each point, we rise to the right ribs; from the left ribs we go down,
along the lower abdomen. We push it quite gently, about 30° to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perinephric space. And another turn around the navel, about 5-6 cm from the navel we press at a steeper angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small turn. If you mentally conduct vertical axis through the navel, then all pressing will be deep, in the direction of this axis. This is important so as not to displace the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I would like to mention that women’s gynecology begins under the stomach and small intestine. Swelling in these organs impairs blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats lower, working only with the consequences of insufficient blood supply, without eliminating the cause. Why do trips to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole body? side effects medications and manipulations, consequences of operations, etc.

7. Navel. Press on it vertically. Through it we can relieve swelling from blood vessels, improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, kidneys, and lower extremities.

Points 5, 6, and 7 are combined into a “spiral”.

A few general words. By massaging the stomach, we are not healing ourselves or loved one, we are just helping the body heal itself.

You should do this massage to yourself every day, once at night, lying in bed, when you are no longer in a hurry. Lie down, bend your knees and massage your abdomen. Preferably in a Reiki/Alive state. For independent work A plastic half-liter bottle works great; you will press with the cork. When the abdominal pain completely goes away, it is enough to do a massage as a preventative measure once every two to three weeks, or in case of any discomfort. For example, today you are on a holiday and poison your body with excess food for your own pleasure, I advise you to get a massage the next day so that the consequences of the poisoning go away faster. Or they ate something wrong.

Self-monitoring of the condition in visceral therapy

After several sessions of visceral therapy, the patient can learn to control his condition and promptly eliminate disturbances that arise in the functioning of his internal organs. For example, self-help or visceral self-therapy for disorders in gallbladder consists in the fact that a person, using his fist and fingers, applies pressure in the area of ​​the gallbladder until appearance of mild pain (Fig. 1).

Against the background of this slight painful sensation, which manifests itself at the beginning of the process of stimulation of the gallbladder, without changing the pressure force, a pause is made with a time delay. When the level of pain perception decreases or completely disappears, the fist moves lower along the hypochondrium in search of pain. Having found the next painful zone, a new pressing is performed according to the same principle - also with a time delay in the painful zone, after which the fist is again moved down the hypochondrium.

This is done until the entire area along the right hypochondrium (perigallary space) is anesthetized. The number of compressions per day is determined individually based on how you feel, but should not exceed three - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before bed. It is advisable to stimulate the gallbladder on an empty stomach 30–40 minutes before meals, first in a supine position, then in a sitting or standing position.

In Old Slavic visceral therapy, such improvised means as clay pots, glass jars, tightly twisted paper or rag tubes with special impregnation. In the next post we will look at some self-help techniques using some available tools.

The secret of the popularity of Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov

You can now find many lecture videos online. Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov.

Who is Ogulov?

This Doctor of Traditional Medicine, Professor. The founder and researcher of the direction is visceral therapy - massage of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. Professional start in the field of visceral therapy since 1985.
He has more than 5,000 of his students and followers in many countries of the world. President of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists. CEO Educational and health center Predtecha (Moscow, as well as representative offices in other cities of Russia and Ukraine).

When you begin to delve into the essence of his lectures - You understand what kind of pearl you managed to find!

Why are his lectures so popular and inspire great confidence among the listener?

  • Firstly, the very subject of the presentation is the healing of the body from various diseases using a drug-free method (based, of course, on visceral massage). This will always be interesting to anyone who has already realized the helplessness of official medicine through their own bitter experience. Who wants to not just drown out the symptoms of their diseases with drugs from the pharmacy, but to understand and eliminate the very causes of these diseases!
  • Secondly, These lectures give people hope! Alexander Timofeevich constantly gives examples from his many years of practice. Names of diseases such as oncology, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver and other “incurable” diseases official medicine terrible diseases, are heard very often in his lectures. And it becomes clear that almost any disease can be successfully defeated! What is needed is the knowledge, diligence of the doctor and the desire of the patient himself. Just try to get such a bonus in our hospitals as hope for recovery! What do you hear most often? “This can’t be cured!”, “What did you want, you’re already (substitute any number, you can’t go wrong)… years!”, “We’ll delete it, and then we’ll see...”
  • And thirdly, It seems to me that the personality of the doctor himself is important. In his speeches one can always feel the presence of vast practical experience in working with a wide variety of patients. It’s immediately obvious that this is not a theorist who came up with a beautiful technique, but a real practicing doctor, a DOCTOR with a capital D. Perhaps this is my subjective opinion, but I would trust Ogulov with my health without any doubt. A doctor who inspires trust and sympathy is worth a lot in our time!

Just watch the lectures of A.T. Ogulov presented below in the video and form your own opinion.

There are many videos, many interesting fragments from his lectures, but I would always like a more complete picture.

I found a similar collection on YouTube and decided to post it on the blog in the right order.

A selection specifically on the topic of visceral therapy and abdominal massage. First the story is very interesting theory of visceral massage (it sounds boring - “THEORY”, but it’s impossible to tear yourself away, everything is so interestingly presented!), and then they go and practical lessons (from the video Part 6.2)

I don't think massage is on professional level You can learn from videos. Experts say that you still need to “put your hand” by taking in-person classes. But for yourself it is quite possible to adopt a lot of what Alexander Timofeevich teaches, and, in any case, understand the full power of such a healing method as visceral massage.

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People have always cared about their health. In past centuries, treatment of many diseases with medications was not available, so it was necessary to turn to folk medicine. One of the popular methods of treating a certain number of pathologies is visceral massage. This technique is still used today, but to a much lesser extent than it was before.

The development of pharmacology has led to the emergence large quantity drugs that replaced traditional methods therapy of diseases. To replace folk remedies synthetic drugs have arrived, which most people suffering from ailments take without thinking about the possible negative side effects. The use of massage has faded into the background. However, in some cases, doctors, in order to avoid prescribing potent drugs and at the same time dangerous drugs, a massage course is prescribed.

Visceral massage is an effect on the abdominal cavity through manual manipulation. The specialist palpates the peritoneum, examining the cavity for damage or inconsistencies, so the visceral massage technique is sometimes used as a diagnostic measure.

This method manual therapy- the most commonly used among other types. Thanks to rough influence, it is possible to return the organ to the correct position, improve peristalsis, normalize blood circulation, etc.

Important! To perform such a massage, you need to select qualified specialist. The technique of influencing organs is complex; mistakes should not be made during execution, as there is a risk of damaging internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only professionals.

In addition, you should discuss this method of treatment with your doctor, because massage has contraindications for some diseases.

Indications for use

Main indications for use manual method therapies are considered:

The technique is also used in for cosmetic purposes. For example, it is used when acne or cellulite. This method of therapy is recommended if a person suffers from skin diseases. Massage is prescribed when frequent migraines, diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels, with hernias, if they are not strangulated.

IN certain cases Massage is allowed for obese people if the discomfort is associated with metabolic disorders or endocrine problems.

The technique will be useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases. First of all, this applies to those pathologies that are characterized by insufficient blood flow and sputum discharge.

Such manipulations help get rid of ailments of the genitourinary system, regardless of a person’s gender. Equally effective procedure will occur with prostatitis in men and, for example, with a bent uterus in women.


Among the main contraindications are:

Women during pregnancy should avoid the procedure, although it is believed that early dates are not a strict prohibition, but putting stress on the stomach will not benefit either the mother or the unborn child.

This type of treatment should not be used for a heart attack or stroke. Can be considered a contraindication severe degrees pathologies of internal organs.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications, but they should definitely be taken into account. If there are individual characteristics of the body, you must immediately tell the doctor about them in order to avoid possible difficulties during the session.

Preparation for the procedure

This type of therapeutic intervention will require slightly more preparation than some other manual therapy methods.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Strong manipulation will not only aggravate the digestion process, but can also damage the intestines or stomach. In addition, you should have a bowel movement or use a cleansing enema.

These simple preparatory measures will avoid difficulties during the procedure and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

The specialist checks with the client in advance about pain tolerance, frequency of bowel movements, possible diseases genitourinary organ systems.

A mandatory step before performing a massage is to undergo the procedure ultrasound examination. This helps identify the presence of abnormalities and allows the doctor to examine in detail the location of organs in the abdominal cavity, as there are cases of unusual locations that make therapy difficult.


The main principle of visceral massage is the effect on the abdominal cavity. The degree of impact depends on which organ will be massaged and what result is expected after the procedure.

  • First of all, the massage begins from the upper part of the peritoneum. The movements are performed shallow, but light. The specialist works on organs such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen. By carefully moving through the abdominal cavity, the rest of the organs are affected. The emphasis is on the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. The abdominal aorta is necessarily exposed.
  • The manual performs all massage movements with the fingertips or palm.
  • First of all, the center of the upper abdomen is palpated, gradually the movements become deeper, but smoother. After any deep pressure, the client needs a rest of up to 5 seconds.

Massage is carried out only when the stomach is relaxed. If the abdominal muscles are tense, it will not be possible to influence the organs; the procedure will be useless for health.

The technique for all abdominal organs is the same, but there are some differences. First of all, this applies to movements that can be circular or rectilinear; the pressure force and direction of movements differ. This must be taken into account before contacting a manual therapy specialist.

Technique for pathologies of the stomach and pancreas

From the initial position of the fingers there is a gradual movement towards the navel area. To massage the pancreas, only two thumbs. The location of the pancreas is approximately two fingers above the umbilical area. At the moment of greatest relaxation of the client, deep pressure is applied. After which you can head to the stomach. To improve peristalsis and blood circulation, the hands should be fixed on the abdominal cavity.

It is important to remember that the effect on the peritoneum should be carried out 2-3 hours after eating. During the massage, the client's rumbling intensifies, but this is a normal, natural reaction of the body.

Impact on the intestines

From the stomach, movements should move smoothly to the intestinal area. The massage starts with iliac region, going under the bone with your fingers, while the specialist moves his fingers along the large intestine. The area of ​​the sigmoid area is gradually pressed through. Then you will need to return to working on the area of ​​the stomach and pancreas. To treat an area of ​​the small intestine, it is enough to make slow, shallow movements around the navel in a clockwise direction.

It is important that both hands are involved, only then will it be possible to fully carry out the massage.

To work on the organs of the genitourinary system, the area below the navel, closer to the pubic bone, is affected. The movements do not change, but when strong painful sensations V hip area It is recommended to immediately tell the manual that the specialist can use certain manipulations to reduce the pain in this area.

Working with the kidneys

The kidneys are located on either side of the navel. It is necessary to make movements carefully so as not to disrupt the functioning of the organs. The impact is on the area near the kidneys, and all pressure should be intense but slow. Often the pain during a kidney massage becomes unbearable, so the specialist will leave this area for a while and return to the stomach or other organs, then continue to massage the kidney area in a circle. In this case, several approaches of 3-5 minutes will be required, otherwise there will be no benefit from the massage, and it will be difficult for the person to agree to the procedure again.

After a repeated round of pressure on the liver and intestines, additional movements are required. In this case, all manipulations are performed with the palm, and the second hand will be used as a weight.

The massage ends with standard vibrations or stroking to relax the abdominal cavity. The first session is mainly an orientation session. The specialist probes the abdominal cavity, notes deviations and features so that no problems arise during the procedure. The massage therapist needs to detect areas of spasm and points that cause pain in advance.

Self massage

When performing visceral abdominal massage on your own, you should remember that it will not be possible to fully massage the entire abdominal cavity. Even if a person is a manual specialist, it is problematic to manipulate the abdominal cavity with one’s own hands, since the movements must have a certain strength and depth. In addition, outside influence will have a significant effect than a procedure performed independently.

In rare cases, exceptions are made, but such a massage cannot be called therapeutic; rather, it will be used to maintain the effect of professional therapy.

You can use the ball for self-massage. To perform this technique, you need to put the ball on the floor and lie on it with your peritoneum. The procedure is very painful, but in terms of the degree of pain it is not much different from the work of a massage therapist.

Features of the event

Many people are interested in how this type of manual therapy differs from classic massage, For example. The main difference between visceral massage and other types is that classic method helps get rid of superficial problems. Its main task is to increase blood circulation. If we consider the visceral form of influence, then it works in the deeper layers of the body, therefore it is considered more effective.

Visceral massage is a painful procedure, so not everyone can endure it. Sometimes this method is prescribed to children, but the session is carried out with less effort, but maintaining the depth of impact.

It is more difficult for children to tolerate strong painful sensations, so doctors try to avoid this method of therapy if possible.

It is important to take into account that only a massage therapist with extensive experience can use a fist in the technique. Otherwise, such pressure can cause serious damage.

Chiropractic specialist Ogulov, who opened the Predtecha manual center, recommends increasing the effectiveness of the massage by placing a special needle mat under the back or using leeches to improve blood circulation in the body. Ogulov's visceral massage involves the use of various additional techniques.

To achieve the desired effect from visceral massage, at least 10 sessions will be required. Maximum amount sessions - no more than 20. The first session lasts about an hour. After the first course of therapy, you should allow your body to recover for some time. In this case, the speed of adaptation to the procedures plays a role. If you do not allow recovery and weaning, the effectiveness of the procedures is reduced several times.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of ogul massage is, first of all, considered high efficiency after a course of therapy. This technique is suitable for many, with the exception of people suffering from pathologies that are included in the list of contraindications. Visceral abdominal massage promotes weight loss, which is a great way for many people.

Among the disadvantages is the painfulness of the procedure. That’s why “internal” massage was given such a name. It is thanks to the deep impact on organs through external tissues that it is possible to achieve positive results. It is recommended to consider your pain threshold when choosing this kind procedures, since pain intolerance can become a serious obstacle to the session.

The disadvantage is the small number of specialists who can properly perform this type of massage. Only if a person does a massage according to all the rules, results can be achieved. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the services of a master, otherwise you can get a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of the procedure

Thanks to proper implementation massage, after the first session the client feels noticeable relief. First of all, blood circulation improves, metabolism accelerates, which is indispensable for people with increased rate body weight. This method allows you to remove toxins and waste from the body, get rid of problems with the spine, functional disorders, and swelling. Abdomen after the session it becomes soft, constipation goes away. Improves general state person.

For many women, this procedure helped cure infertility and gave them a chance at motherhood. After childbirth, massage allows you to quickly get into shape and avoid organ prolapse.

It is important not to overdo it, as excessive pressure on the organs can cause serious complications that are difficult to get rid of.

Opinions of experts and clients

Ogulov’s visceral massage is popular among specialists, as it positive influence on the body has been proven in a number of studies. Professionals recommend getting better effect combine a course of manual therapy with taking medications or multivitamins. Complex treatment diseases is considered more effective than using one of the therapeutic methods. Therefore, before starting such therapy, you should discuss with your doctor additional measures to achieve a high effect from the procedure.

Most clients who have tried this therapy method note noticeable improvements in their overall well-being. The quality of sleep improves and your mood improves. Some people say that after the session they feel lightness throughout their body. Some people are embarrassed by the pain during massage movements, but if you prepare yourself morally in a timely manner for the fact that the procedure is painful, then the sensation of pain becomes less noticeable.

It is important to remember that the procedure is effective only if all the prescribed rules were taken into account during its implementation. The specialist must take into account individual characteristics client, about which the person being massaged is obliged to inform the massage therapist in advance. Movements causing severe pain, it is better to stop for a while, and if pain reappears, stop the session, since damage to one of the organs may have occurred. A full examination may be required.

Don't count on quick results from one massage. Although it greatly facilitates most symptoms, massage cannot cure the body completely. It is not possible to get rid of the cause of the development of the pathological process through one course. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when choosing a treatment method and preventing ailments.

You should not neglect your health. If you suspect pathological process in the body, it is recommended to seek help from doctors. As a form of prevention, it is necessary to examine the body at least once a year, since timely detection of the disease will help to begin treatment as early as possible, which means the risk of complications will be reduced.