Is it possible to soft-boil eggs overnight? Boiled eggs for weight loss

Boiled and fried eggs - one of the most favorite dishes eaten for breakfast. Every year, about forty billion chicken eggs are produced in our country, which allows us to meet people's needs for their favorite breakfast product.

The consistently high demand that has persisted over many generations is not surprising. Eggs can be cooked the most different ways, contain the essential eight amino acids, protein and vitamins. However, given such a rich composition, their usefulness is often questioned.

This is due to the high concentration of cholesterol they contain. This, of course, cannot be denied, but in order to understand how great such harm is, it is necessary to understand this issue much deeper.

Cholesterol, as defined by the American National Institutes of Health, is a fat-like and waxy substance that is present in every cell of the body. This sounds quite harsh, but it's not that bad.

Cholesterol is produced in the human body naturally to ensure normal functioning. It is an integral participant in many processes and is required for the synthesis of hormones and food digestion. The amount of your own cholesterol is about one to two grams, which is distributed throughout the body in fairly small portions called lipoproteins. They come in two types - low-density or LDL, with high density or HDL.

The first type of lipoprotein is considered “bad”, which is due to an increase in the concentration of LDL in the body, the likelihood of plaque formation in the arteries. These Negative consequences interfere with blood flow from the heart muscle, which can lead to serious heart disease. The second type (HDL) is considered “good” because it transports cholesterol to the liver and then is excreted from the body.

Cholesterol itself is not a major concern until it accumulates in high concentrations in the body. Consumption of foods containing a lot of cholesterol automatically reduces the production of your own to compensate for the incoming one.

Individual genetic features, style and lifestyle, diet influence the “behavior” of the body when it begins to adjust the flow depending on how much cholesterol comes from outside. Thus, the level of LDL production becomes higher than HDL. Lipoprotein imbalance can cause sad consequences. This is what is considered main reason why you shouldn't eat a lot of chicken eggs.

According to those given inMedical News Today According to data, one average egg contains approximately 164 milligrams of cholesterol, and since it is recommended to consume no more than 300 milligrams each day, a couple of eggs for breakfast can exceed the entire maximum daily limit. This immediately makes it clear why yolks are not a major part of the diet of bodybuilders, who allow themselves no more than two yolks.

The news is actually not that bad, but according to Francisco Lopez Jiminez - Dr. medical sciences According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming chicken eggs has a minimal effect on raising blood cholesterol levels compared with the effect of saturated fats and trans fats.

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

This product contains a lot of protein, the amount of which per egg is about 5.53 grams. The high nutritional value of eggs is also due to the presence of amino acids - building material required to implement various biological processes, performing important role in maintaining the functioning of the body.

Medical News Today points out other properties of eggs that make the product beneficial. They contain:

  • provitamin A, vitamins B2, B5; B12, E and D;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus, choline, lutein, iodine;
  • biotin, iron, selenium.

Thanks to the combination of vitamins and nutrients, eating eggs speeds up metabolism and gives you energy.

Gain muscle mass

Among those who like to eat chicken eggs is the famous trainer Jillian Michaels. The article written by her contains the fact that the body definitely requires cholesterol. Otherwise, it will stop synthesizing a hormone such as testosterone, which is responsible for building muscle mass and replenishing energy reserves.

Eggs must be consumed whole for muscle growth. Deny similar advantage, which this product gives, of course, should not be. It is possible to enjoy chicken eggs and receive all the benefits without harming the body, but subject to certain restrictions.

Has nothing to do with cholesterol levels and disease of cardio-vascular system. This is exactly the opinion of John Berardi, founder of Precision Nutrition, and also a Ph.D. However, even taking this into account, you should not eat the same food every day even when it is healthy.

An article by Dr. Susan Roberts describes the need for diversity quite well. Its meaning boils down to the fact that no product contains the optimal amount nutrients, allowing you to provide the body with everything it needs. However, by eating a variety of foods, the chances of getting each element in the right quantity increase.

The lack of varied food allows you not to be satiated with only dishes, the taste of which quickly gets boring, and also to receive a balanced amount of nutrients and substances. It is not recommended to eat chicken eggs or any other food product every day. The main thing is to observe moderation. Eggs included in common list purchases must be supplemented with other products.

How to choose the right chicken eggs?

On the shelves of modern stores there is a wide assortment of eggs packed in cardboard, foam, and plastic boxes. This puzzles the buyer, who is lost among such a variety, having no idea which is better. The consumer usually begins to compare the product by popularity, color, size, price and brand. This approach is not entirely correct. Eggs are produced in different ways, making some better than others.

The presence of the Omega-3 marking on the cardboard packaging indicates that the chickens were given food containing algae or fish oil, Flaxseed. Being irreplaceable fatty acid, that is, the production of which does not occur in the body, Omega-3 can only be supplied with food. And if you choose eggs that contain this essential fatty acid, they will become a healthy addition to the diet that is tastier than tuna and other products.

Natural eggs are more expensive, but they are also environmentally friendly. The chickens that lay them are given food that does not contain any fertilizers or pesticides. In addition, these birds are not fed hormones and various antibiotics. Natural chicken eggs are strikingly different from others. They have a wonderful aroma and are distinguished by a dark orange yolk color. Regular eggs, which consumers are already accustomed to, have a bright yellow yolk. The difference is not only in color, but also in the composition, which is more nutritious and rich.

Cage-free or free-range chickens?

Along with the “Omega-3” and “natural” labels, there are also chicken eggs that are labeled “cage-free” or “free-range.” Most people think that they are exactly the same, but there are differences.

Free-range poultry are chickens that are kept on fresh air, usually on the territory of a small farm. This distinguishes such chickens from laying hens, who live in a full chicken coop and cannot even move normally.

A little confusion arises with the label indicating that chickens are kept outside of cages. This is a kind of “trick”, since laying hens are not kept in the usual cages, and such markings only describe the fact that they are in a small enclosed space, where they can walk around a little, and specially constructed nests are provided for laying eggs, the size of which depends on the allocated space.

It is, of course, recommended to choose chicken eggs based on personal preference. Difference between taste qualities quite noticeable, especially in natural and free-range animals, which are different from the rest. It matters not only what eggs are eaten, but also how they are prepared.

The answer to this question was given by Jillian Michaels, who emphasized the importance of what foods and how eggs are combined. She pointed out that eggs fried in oil and served with bacon, which are high in saturated fat, negatively impact cholesterol readings. To make eggs healthier, cook them in a cast iron skillet using olive oil.

Many may think that the use olive oil for frying it makes no sense, but since it is rich in antioxidants, as well as the right fats, the usefulness increases significantly, and the taste practically does not suffer. In addition, we should not forget that it is not only chicken eggs that increase cholesterol.

What foods can raise cholesterol?

Foods that should be limited in consumption due to the fact that they contain a lot of cholesterol are:

  • cheddar and salami;
  • lamb and beef meat;
  • oysters and shrimp;
  • oil.

Among dairy products and cheese varieties, it is necessary to choose those with the lowest fat content. This will be the first and very important step on the way to proper and healthier nutrition, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the entire body.

What foods lower cholesterol?

The best way to minimize the effects of high cholesterol is to eat foods that help lower cholesterol levels. And if you know that there will be boiled shrimp for lunch, then you should serve oatmeal for breakfast. This porridge is incredibly beneficial for the heart muscle and is an excellent remedy, reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by 5.3 percent in one and a half months.

Cholesterol also decreases after consumption walnuts. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 40 grams of walnuts daily for a month at least six days a week could reduce total cholesterol by 5.4 percent and LDL cholesterol by 9.3 percent. To diversify the menu, you can replace oatmeal With walnuts for legumes. If you add half a glass of legumes to your diet weekly, low-density lipoprotein will decrease by 8 percent.

To reduce cholesterol, you should drink black tea, as it contains lipids. According to the ministry Agriculture United States of America, in three weeks the drink reduces lipids by at least by 10 percent.


To eat properly, you need to approach the foods you eat responsibly. You should be careful about the composition and effects of each product on the body. There is no harm from chicken eggs, but they must be eaten in moderation, which applies to absolutely any food.

A healthy diet requires balance, that is, when a product that has certain composition, is compensated by another, which has opposite properties. Food with increased content Cholesterol is consumed together with a product that helps reduce it. You cannot completely avoid foods containing cholesterol. Everyone needs it for the body to function normally.

You definitely shouldn't be afraid of eggs. They are an important source of amino acids, vitamins, and nutrients that help the body cope with various complex tasks, give energy for the whole day, allow you to build muscle.

Chicken protein - composition and nutritional value

Of all protein products chicken proteins are considered the most easily digestible and beneficial for the body.

Egg white is a transparent, viscous, odorless liquid. It consists of 90% water, the rest is occupied by the proteins ovoalbumin, ovomucin, and lysozyme. It also contains choline, glucose, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, minerals - calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, enzymes - protease, dipepsidase, diastase.

The nutritional value chicken egg white per 100 g:

  • calories - 44;
  • proteins - 12.7 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g.

Egg white is considered the most the best protein, as it contains 8 essential amino acids

Beneficial and harmful properties of egg white

People sticking healthy eating, I’m wondering if it’s possible to eat eggs at night? Nutritionists recommend eating egg whites in the evening. There are two reasons for this. The first is that egg whites contain virtually no fat or carbohydrates. They are considered the easiest to absorb by the body. The second reason is the presence large quantity vitamins, minerals and other substances in the composition. Therefore, it is recommended to consume proteins for weight loss, after protracted illnesses and to boost immunity. It is known that chicken egg whites have a beneficial effect on brain cells and have bactericidal properties, and are also prophylactic from cataracts.

Useful qualities chicken egg whites:

If you abuse egg whites and eat too much of them, then unpleasant consequences are possible - an increase in the level of bad cholesterol and allergic reactions. Also, consuming a lot of egg whites is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding and sick diabetes mellitus.

Will egg whites help you lose weight?

Is it possible to eat an egg at night while losing weight? Many people are afraid to eat eggs because they believe that they raise cholesterol and contain too much fat. But this only applies to chicken yolks. Egg whites do not contain fat or carbohydrates, they are easily digestible and, if consumed before bed, promote weight loss.

Those losing weight are recommended to consume boiled egg whites, since after the protein enters the stomach, the hormone serotonin begins to be produced, which promotes cell renewal and rapid growth of muscle mass. If you replace regular food with egg whites in the evening, the person will gradually lose weight and be enriched with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances. For a person weighing more than 80 kg, it is enough to eat two egg whites at night.

How to eat eggs for weight loss

For eggs to help a person lose weight, it is necessary to consume only protein in the evening. The fact is that after eating protein in combination with fats (yolk, lard, butter), starchy carbohydrates (bread, cereals) or starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes), the body begins to actively secrete insulin, which blocks the hormone serotonin. As a result, a person does not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gains weight. It is also recommended to consume only boiled eggs.

How to eat chicken eggs to lose weight:

  • To lose weight you need to eat boiled proteins. The digestion process in the stomach continues throughout the night without affecting sleep;
  • people weighing less than 80 kg need to eat one protein before bed to lose weight within 7 days;
  • people weighing more than 80 kg need to eat 2 egg whites at night to lose weight within 7 days;
  • for weight loss in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir and eat one boiled protein (the course is 7 days);
  • people with overweight It is recommended to eat a steamed omelette made from two egg whites in the evening;
  • to lose weight, it is recommended to eat two boiled chicken proteins and half a grapefruit in the evening (course - 3-4 days);
  • It is recommended to divide the boiled egg - eat the yolk in the first half of the day, and leave the white for the evening;
  • the yolk should be eaten with fresh vegetables, herbs and, of course, without bread;
  • boiled eggs are healthier than fried and raw eggs;
  • It is enough for a person to eat 1 boiled chicken egg or 2 quail eggs per day.

This protein nutrition helps you lose several kilograms of weight in a week.

You can't eat raw egg whites! They contain a harmful enzyme that destroys trypsin enzymes, which are beneficial for digestion. That's why raw proteins difficult to digest and overload the digestive organs

If you eat eggs at night when losing weight, or rather egg whites, you will quickly achieve the desired result. You just need to follow some rules. It is necessary to consume chicken proteins every evening for no more than 7 days, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences for the body. Also, when dieting, it is important to monitor what you eat during the day. It is necessary to eat low-calorie foods. Protein diet combined with regular physical activity guarantees fast and effective result.

How to quickly lose weight with eggs can be seen in the video below.

The muscle corset does not suffer during weight loss

Egg whites indirectly promote weight loss, but only boiled ones are good. It does not contain a minimum of fats and carbohydrates, it contains a lot of proteins, B vitamins and enzymes that stimulate proper digestion. It is the easiest to digest compared to other protein products. The stomach is not overloaded, so if you eat 1-2 proteins at night, you will definitely not gain excess weight. But a long-term feeling of satiety appears.
Being very overweight, this was clearly not enough for me, so for several weeks I gradually taught my body to eat less in the evening. At first I ate a steamed omelette with a couple of whites, then I switched to a glass of kefir and a couple of boiled whites. When the weight dropped, I just left 2 proteins. The trick is that the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. And in the process of losing weight, the muscle corset does not suffer. On the contrary, there is an indirect gain of muscle mass.
Unfortunately, this method is contraindicated for many due to health reasons. Sometimes I got really tired of chicken eggs, so I replaced them with quail eggs. You can’t eat protein every evening for longer than 7 days; you need a break. Overeating threatens to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol.

I couldn't think of anything more stupid!

I ate protein 3 hours before bed with a bunch of greens or pure form. From so much food I went to bed hungry and couldn’t sleep for a long time. In the morning I wanted to eat more than usual, but previously a cup of coffee with the same boiled egg was enough for me. After a week of suffering, I stepped on the scale and found no changes! Even the measuring tape showed the same volumes. No, no weight loss occurred and the joy hormone did not appear.

There was no big plumb line

Minus 3 kg per week - this is my result of eating boiled egg whites at night in combination with a glass of 1% kefir. The scheme is as follows - half an hour before bedtime I drank a glass of kefir, and 10 minutes later I ate protein. Sometimes it was just boiled, sometimes I whipped it into an omelette and cooked it in the microwave, for about 30 seconds, no more. A couple of times I ate half a grapefruit instead of kefir. In the morning I wanted to eat much less than before, breakfast was no longer so plentiful.
Of course, only on protein diet I didn’t rely on it, I tried to give my body physical activity. I didn’t go to the gym, I just did a minimal set of stretching and cardio exercises at home. Everything would be good, of course, but this diet has its drawbacks. Firstly, after a week of eating protein at night, breaks are necessary to avoid the development of allergic reactions; already on the 6th day, some kind of rash began to appear. Secondly, I was thirsty all the time; I had to drink and, accordingly, then run to the toilet every half hour. Thirdly, during this time you need to adhere to a low-calorie diet, so what causes the loss of kg - from protein at night or from a meager diet is a big question.

Funny way to lose weight

I ate the protein boiled overnight. I bought eggs from domestic chickens so that the benefits would be many times greater. Sometimes I also drank a glass of kefir. I always drank enough water throughout the day. 1.5-2 liters per day is the norm for me. During the egg diet, it is recommended to drink sufficient quantity water. Nothing helped. A month later I weighed myself, and the arrow was still at 76 kg, and remained in the same place.
Egg white itself, due to its composition, cannot affect acceleration metabolic processes in organism. Don't expect a miracle.

A chicken egg is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible protein.

However, it often causes allergic reactions and contains cholesterol that is harmful to our body.

To get the right dose useful substances with this product, you need to know exactly the rate of its use.

Eggs are present in many dishes, both raw and after heat treatment. But the most harmless way to prepare them is boiling.

This heat treatment contributes to the disappearance of such harmful bacteria, like salmonellosis, and also contributes to the uniform separation of parts of the product - white and yolk.

The white is famous for its lightness, and the yolk contains maximum amount vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Eggs are dietary product, and since they contain useful protein masses, they are very often prescribed in therapeutic diets and for weight loss.

It all depends on the recommendations of your doctor or nutritionist - if a diet is prescribed or you are prone to allergic reactions, then egg consumption should be limited to 2-3 eggs per week.
If you follow the regime proper nutrition, as well as those who are interested in maintaining their good health, you can safely eat 2-3 pieces a day.

It is not necessary to eat them in their original form - boiled eggs will perfectly complement salads, pates and other delicious daily dishes.

Despite recent protests from scientists, it has been proven that cholesterol from eggs is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, so their consumption should be limited only to prevent allergies.

Do not forget that the egg diet is now very popular for weight loss - if you follow it, you will have to eat eggs every day for 6-7 days.

Naturally, the diet includes other healthy ingredients (citrus fruits, tea without sugar, fresh vegetables, apples, melon, and so on) that help better breakdown and absorption of the main product - chicken eggs. Another option of the same name way to lose weight is tougher, but more effective.

With such a diet, your body will receive everything it needs to maintain immunity and health in good condition, but will limit the consumption of all other foods for a week. – this is the only rule for those who want to lose weight using this technology.

A boiled egg is distinguished by the property that it satisfies quickly and for a long time - those who consume the product in the morning do not want to have lunch longer, and by eating boiled white and yolk at night, you don’t have to worry about adding extra grams to your weight.

Naturally, when consuming chicken eggs, you should take only selected and freshest specimens - this will help avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions body and ingestion dangerous bacteria, salmonella.

Under no circumstances purchase goods from spontaneous markets, since no one will reimburse you for losses from the consequences associated with low-quality eggs.

Moreover, all large stores and supermarkets care about the quality of their goods and the chance of buying stale goods is reduced several times.

You can apply for wholesale purchases to private farms that have Required documents about bird health and testing of sold eggs. No matter what you eat, you should always take care of your health and your loved ones. Bon appetit!

Nutritionists say that if you eat egg whites at night to lose weight, you can get rid of excess weight fast enough. At first glance, this may seem strange, but reviews from those who have lost weight indicate the effectiveness of this method. Egg white is an important component of the diet. It contains useful components, and the body spends a lot of energy to digest the product. This is where its fat-burning properties lie.

On a note! Unlike the white, the yolk chicken egg It is high in calories, so people try not to use it when losing weight.

The role of egg whites in the process of losing weight

Egg whites contain proteins that are actively involved in the production of the growth hormone somatotropin and the joy hormone serotonin. They accelerate cell renewal processes, keep muscles toned and lift your spirits. However, not all products with high content protein can be used for dinner. Some of them are quite high in calories, so there can be no talk of any weight loss. As for egg whites, 100 g contains only 44 kcal.

Despite its low calorie content, egg whites make you feel full for a long time. In addition, it restores metabolism, which also promotes weight loss. It is enough to replace dinner with it to start the fat burning process.

Beneficial features

Since egg white is considered nutritious foods, which contain a minimum of calories, it is often included in diet menus. It is useful for athletes. They drink it raw or make a protein shake with it to build up their muscles. muscle mass.

Important beneficial properties chicken egg whites are:

  • reducing cholesterol levels;
  • rich in vitamins from group B;
  • improves metabolism;
  • builds muscle mass, which is useful not only for athletes, but also for those losing weight;
  • accelerates the process of decomposition of fat cells;
  • restores the acid-base balance in the body;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • provides satiety for a long time and does not harm the figure;
  • source of protein.

On a note! Unlike fermented milk products, which are also a source of protein; chicken egg white does not cause swelling. Therefore, it is not contraindicated for people who have a tendency to edema.

In addition to oral administration, this product is used externally. Nourishing and cleansing face masks are made on its basis.


Despite the fact that the benefits of egg whites are significant, they cannot always be consumed at night.

It is also prohibited to use it for certain diseases. Therefore, before using it for weight loss, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo certain studies.

Egg whites before bedtime for weight loss are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to chicken eggs.

It is important to note that the reason unwanted effects may become not only the presence of contraindications, but also the use of the product in excess quantity. It is important to adhere to established standards so as not to cause harm.

Proper consumption of egg whites at night when losing weight

Raw egg whites are not used at night for weight loss, since they take a relatively long time to digest. Nutritionists recommend eating boiled food at night to lose weight. In their opinion, if you drink it, the fat burning process will not start.

When choosing the amount of protein consumed at night when losing weight, you should take into account your weight and health status. In general, the following recipes are used:

  • two boiled proteins at night - eat before bed or instead of dinner, this method suitable for a person weighing more than 80 kg, the diet lasts 1 week, then you need to take a break for a month and repeat again;
  • one boiled egg white - if the weight does not reach 80 kg, the duration of the diet is 7 days;
  • egg white with kefir - 2 hours before going to bed you need to eat boiled egg white and drink a glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat content, the course lasts from 7 days or longer;
  • protein omelet - during the week at night there is an omelet steamed from two proteins.

Nutritionists confirm the benefits of egg whites for weight loss. In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, this product known for other beneficial properties. First of all, it enriches the human body with valuable substances and makes it work correctly. If you combine such a diet with physical activity, you can lose weight in a short time.

  • drink plenty of water throughout the day (up to 2 liters);
  • eat right, eating only healthy foods;
  • eliminate high-calorie foods from the diet;
  • After finishing the egg white diet, you need to stick to a low-calorie diet for some time to consolidate the results, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return.

Since the process of fat deposition occurs in evening time, and egg white can stop it; when losing weight, it is recommended to use them at night. You can enhance the effect with citrus fruits. If you additionally eat an orange or grapefruit, you will become thin and slender faster. In general, you need to monitor your health. If you feel worse after eating egg whites at night, you should stop the diet. If the symptoms do not go away, you should consult a doctor.