Folk remedies for lowering low-density cholesterol. Therapy of chronic diseases

- This dangerous symptom, which warns a person about serious illnesses threatening him in the near future.

But only if the patient does not take any measures to improve his health.

Bad cholesterol, if treated in a timely manner, is quite easily neutralized by the right treatment.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is necessary for the body, as it performs far from unimportant functions in it. Firstly, it is part of cell membranes, providing their strength and regulating permeability.

Secondly, cholesterol binds and transports polyunsaturated fatty acids between organs and tissues. fatty acid in the composition of high and low density lipoproteins. And thirdly, it is a precursor of bile acids, vitamin D, steroid hormones (cortisol, sex hormones, etc.)

Only a small part of cholesterol enters the body with food. Its main mass is produced by the liver (50%), intestines (15%) and all cells that have not lost the nucleus.

Cholesterol is excreted mainly through the intestines with feces in the form of bile acids. A small amount of it is converted into steroid hormones and, after their destruction, is excreted along with urine. Some part leaves the body as part of sebum and exfoliated epithelium.

Deviation from the norm

Folk remedies

Folk remedies from high cholesterol are very diverse and allow you to get rid of health problems in a relatively short time. It is necessary to choose the right herbal remedy, and then treatment will pass quickly and successfully.

Folk methods are often more effective than synthesized ones. pharmaceuticals. What herbs to choose in this or that case, a phytotherapeutist can suggest.

Buckwheat kissel

Buckwheat jelly has a mild cleansing effect on the vessels. It can be prepared from buckwheat, ground in a coffee grinder. But it is better to buy ready-made buckwheat flour. As a rule, it can be found in large supermarkets, or rather, in the departments of goods for diabetics.

You need to cook jelly every day, using 200 grams of flour at a time. The resulting product is divided into two parts and taken in the morning and evening. You do not need to add any salt or sugar to the jelly, so it will be more useful.

To a single dose of flour, add a tablespoon of starch and pour a liter cold water. Mix everything well and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly.

Another video recipe using buckwheat flour:

Sophora japonica

There is such a wonderful tree - Japanese Sophora. Vitamin P is obtained from its flowers, which strengthens blood vessels. By taking a preparation derived from Sophora and strengthening the walls of the arteries, we prevent the formation of new cholesterol deposits.

In addition, its old accumulated reserves begin to be spent on the needs of the body. Sophora also helps to lower blood sugar.

Pour half a liter of vodka 50 grams of Japanese Sophora flowers. Let it brew for at least 21 days. Take 15 drops per tablespoon of water. Drink the medicine after meals three times a day for a month, every six months.


Another helper to our vessels and heart is hawthorn. It is a cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, antithrombotic and hypotensive agent.

You can't cook here. special means, and buy hawthorn extract in the pharmacy chain. Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals for six, then take a break for two weeks.

Hawthorn is especially useful for those patients in whom atherosclerosis is accompanied, as is often the case, with cardiac arrhythmia.

Another way to lower cholesterol with hawthorn is to grind half a kilogram of fruits with a pestle, add half a liter of water. Heat up to 40 degrees, and squeeze the juice from the resulting mixture in a juicer. Drink a spoonful each time before meals.

onion extract

Scientists from the Association of Endocrinologists claim that onion extract lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The research results were presented at the 97th annual meeting of scientists representing this organization, recently held in California.

The specialists informed their colleagues in detail about the course of the experiment, which was carried out on laboratory mice. When taking onion extract in mice with diabetes, there was a significant decrease in blood sugar and cholesterol (by 30-50%).

People with high levels of cholesterol in the blood can use next recipe: Pour 2-3 chopped onions with two glasses of warm water, let stand for 7-8 hours, strain and drink the resulting infusion 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

juice therapy

If a person is thinking about how to quickly reduce cholesterol, he cannot do without juice therapy. Especially useful in this case are the juice of orange, pineapple or grapefruit. You can add to them a large number of lemon and/or apple juice.

The following medicinal juice is made on the basis of celery. The drink helps cleanse the blood, strengthen blood vessels, regulation of pressure in them, and is very important for the formation strong immunity. And that's not all - the juice dissolves kidney stones or prevents their formation.

To prepare it you will need:

  • celery stalks - 4 pcs.;
  • lemons - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l.

Wash all the ingredients, grind and use a blender to turn into a mushy mass. Pour the resulting mixture with cold boiled water and mix well.

Leave at room temperature for a day. Then mix again and strain through a sieve. Pour the resulting juice into a separate container, which will be stored in the refrigerator. Take the resulting drink daily before meals for 2-2.5 months, 30-50 ml.

To lower cholesterol, you can make juice from zucchini. For taste, it is allowed to add apple or carrot juice to the drink.

Well reduces the performance of pure carrot juice. It contains magnesium, which stimulates the outflow of bile, accelerates the removal of cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing its concentration in the blood.

AT beetroot juice there is also magnesium and chlorine, which also helps to remove cholesterol along with bile. Tomato juice is rich in lycopene. It is an antioxidant that prevents the formation of low density lipoproteins. Tomato drink can be mixed with pumpkin or cucumber juice.

Birch sap contains saponins, substances that bind cholesterol to bile acids, which helps to remove it from the body.

AT apple juice there are many antioxidants that prevent cholesterol molecules from being oxidized and forming plaques on the vessels. Pomegranate juice It is also rich in antioxidants called polyphenols.

How to make a smoothie?

From vegetables and fruits, you can make wonderful cocktails that will not only be a rich source of vitamins, but also help get rid of excess cholesterol.

But for this it is not enough to have vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. You will also need a blender, with which the products are ground into a liquid mass.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal for lowering blood cholesterol. They are rich in carotenes, vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, so they are a very suitable remedy.

Delicious and healthy, the smoothie is made from melon and banana. The last ingredient can be replaced with an apple or grapes. A pinch of cinnamon will enhance the anti-cholesterol properties of the drink.

We put all the selected ingredients in the blender bowl, add a little water to give a liquid consistency, cover with a lid and press "start".

Banana and melon are rich in antioxidants and fiber, so the drink will turn out not only tasty, healthy and nutritious. It will still have medicinal properties, that is, prevent the formation bad cholesterol and promote its removal from the body.

You can get a little creative and make smoothies to your liking. Almost any fresh vegetables or fruits have the ability to purify the blood, restore the health of the body, so it’s hard to make a mistake here. It is better not to add sugar to drinks, be content with honey or do without sweeteners, you can use sweet fruits.

The concept of "cholesterol" is known, perhaps, to all modern people, but few people know what kind of substance it really is.

Most often, people perceive cholesterol as something very bad and even very dangerous for health, despite the existing gap in knowledge in this area, and they cannot even imagine what could be “good” in this “bad” substance that is talked about so much. .

Elevated cholesterol levels have a very negative effect on human health, so it is necessary to monitor its level. In this article we will tell you how to lower cholesterol folk remedies, share large quantity useful folk recipes.

The value of cholesterol in the human body

Cholesterol is a special substance similar to fat. Two-thirds of the total amount of this substance in the human body is synthesized in the liver from ingested foods, primarily from animal foods, for example, from butter, dairy products, meat and various products from it, from eggs, fish.

Cholesterol is present in the human body, but healthy people it is always in the normal range. However (and quite often) deviations of indicators are observed, both up and down.

Cholesterol in the body is given several functions at once, which are literally vital for it.

The main functions of cholesterol:

  • It is cholesterol that is the main material for building cell membranes that make up cell walls. It is also found in some cellular components.
  • Without cholesterol, the natural synthesis of the main hormones of the reproductive system, such as estrogen, testosterone and progesterone, will not be possible.
  • Cholesterol is also involved in the synthesis of cortisone, one of the most important hormones, it is also involved in normal process exchanges, primarily vitamin D and substances in general. Cholesterol also acts as a regulator of the balance of such elements as phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for the normal state of bone tissues and their functioning.

In fact, cholesterol in the human body "monitors" the state and development of the sexual sphere, the normal level of hormones, in childhood prevents rickets, and for adults helps prevent osteoporosis.

Cholesterol is also involved in the processes of vision, maintaining this function of the body in a normal state.

If the cholesterol level is lowered for a long time, the main function of the optic nerve is disturbed and the person not only loses visual acuity, but also some diseases may occur, for example, keratitis or retinopathy.

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in adults and children

Normal cholesterol values ​​​​are divided not only by age groups but also by gender. In addition, there are several types of cholesterol, and is also conditionally divided into bad and good. Traditional medicine will help balance the level of this indicator.

When conducting a blood test, it is usually determined:

  • total cholesterol level.
  • triglyceride concentration.
  • HDL are high density lipoproteins called good cholesterol, since it is he who transfers fat molecules to the liver for their processing and does not allow them to settle on the walls of blood vessels.
  • LDL are lipoproteins that have low density, called bad cholesterol, since it is he who contributes to the overgrowth of blood vessels with fat deposits.

You will be interested in:

Cholesterol rates for boys and men:

Age LDL in mmol/l HDL in mmol/l
From 5 to 10 years 1.63 to 3.34 0.98 to 1.94
From 10 to 15 years old 1.66 to 3.44 0.96 to 1.91
From 15 to 20 years old 1.61 to 3.37 0.78 to 1.63
From 20 to 25 years old 1.71 to 3.81 0.78 to 1.63
From 25 to 30 years old 1.81 to 4.27 0.80 to 1.63
From 30 to 35 years old 2.02 to 4.79 0.72 to 1.63
From 35 to 40 years old 2.10 to 4.90 0.75 to 1.60
From 40 to 45 years old 2.25 to 4.82 0.70 to 1.73
From 45 to 50 years old 2.51 to 5.23 0.78 to 1.66
From 50 to 55 years old 2.31 to 5.10 0.72 to 1.63
From 55 to 60 years old 2.28 to 5.26 0.72 to 1.84
From 60 to 65 years old 2.15 to 5.44 0.78 to 1.91
From 65 to 70 years old 2.54 to 5.44 0.78 to 1.94
From 70 and older 2.49 to 5.34 0.80 to 1.94

Normal cholesterol values ​​for girls, girls and women:

Age LDL in mmol/l HDL in mmol/l
From 5 to 10 years 1.76 to 3.63 0.93 to 1.89
From 10 to 15 years old 1.76 to 3.52 0.96 to 1.81
From 15 to 20 years old 1.53 to 3.55 0.91 to 1.91
From 20 to 25 years old 1.48 to 4.12 0.85 to 2.04
From 25 to 30 years old 1.84 to 4.25 0.96 to 2.15
From 30 to 35 years old 1.81 to 4.04 0.93 to 1.99
From 35 to 40 years old 1.94 to 4.45 0.88 to 2.12
From 40 to 45 years old 1.92 to 4.51 0.88 to 2.28
From 45 to 50 years old 2.05 to 4.82 0.88 to 2.25
From 50 to 55 years old 2.28 to 5.21 0.96 to 2.38
From 55 to 60 years old 2.31 to 5.44 0.96 to 2.35
From 60 to 65 years old 2.59 to 5.80 0.98 to 2.38
From 65 to 70 years old 2.38 to 5.72 0.91 to 2.48
From 70 and older 2.49 to 5.34 0.85 to 2.38

Symptoms of high rates

As a rule, the increase in the level of this substance itself does not have isolated and specific signs. Suspect you have high performance it is possible only with the appearance of certain diseases that are the consequences of a significant increase in cholesterol for a long time.

It often happens that a person who does not consider it necessary to monitor the state of his blood and periodically take screening tests finds out that he has high cholesterol only after he has experienced a heart attack or stroke.

In plaques of atherosclerosis inside the vessels, the main component is cholesterol (its bad form), which settles on the vascular walls and fixes on them. This leads to a gradual narrowing of the gaps and disruption of blood flow, which means that the work of the entire cardiovascular system and other organs that do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen are disrupted. For this reason, there are a variety of diseases, the symptoms of which indicate an increase in cholesterol.

Symptoms of high cholesterol:

Folk remedies to lower cholesterol

As a rule, you can regulate cholesterol levels, as well as maintain them in normal range, with the help of special diets that include the right foods. Someone resorts to the use of specialized medications that reduce the rate. You can quickly reduce high cholesterol in the blood with folk remedies.

An important point before using folk remedies is compulsory circulation to the doctor for advice about possible contraindications or the presence of allergic manifestations on any component.

Independent uncontrolled treatment with folk remedies can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition and the appearance of complications.

Linden flowers are a fairly well-known means of combating cholesterol, more precisely, with its increase.

The collected linden flowers should be thoroughly dried (you can also buy ready-made dry raw materials at the pharmacy), grind the prepared flowers into flour using a coffee grinder. Take this remedy should be within a month three times a day, 1 teaspoon, washed down with clean non-carbonated water. After a month of admission, it is important to take a break for 14 days, and then repeat the course of treatment.

Propolis is a natural product of beekeeping and contains many useful for human body components. With the help of this remedy, many diseases are often cured. various areas. Moreover, it is a folk remedy

Propolis also provides effective assistance to those who seek to maintain the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as it is able to cleanse the inner surface. vascular walls from cholesterol plaques, narrowing their gaps.

Take this folk remedy to lower blood cholesterol for 4 months, diluted in 30 ml clean water 7 drops of tincture, and taking this composition three times a day.

Beans like other legumes, it is primarily able to reduce bad cholesterol. If you eat 100 grams of beans or other legumes daily for three weeks, your cholesterol level drops by about 10%. Such a recipe for a folk remedy is the simplest.

Beans should be cooked properly, for this it needs to be poured in the evening clean water. In the morning, the water must be drained, put the beans in a saucepan, pour fresh water with a pinch of soda and cook until fully cooked. Baking soda is essential to prevent gas and bloating. The resulting amount of boiled beans should be divided into 2 doses and eat during the day.

Leaves of alfalfa It is rightfully called one hundred percent remedy that helps in lowering cholesterol. Only used for treatment fresh grass, therefore, it is necessary to grow it at home in ordinary boxes. Young sprouts should be cut and immediately eaten fresh every day for a month. You can grind the sprouts in a blender and squeeze the juice, taking it three times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Flax-seed- such a recipe for the treatment of high cholesterol folk remedies is the most effective. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy. For a more convenient application, the seeds can be ground with a coffee grinder, and then added daily to your regular food at each meal. Such an additive, in addition to a pronounced decrease in cholesterol, will improve heart function, help control blood pressure, and normalize the work of the intestines and stomach.

Fresh celery stalks you need to wash and chop into pieces (an arbitrary amount), boil them in boiling water for about a couple of minutes, then take them out into a bowl, add a little salt, a little sugar, olive oil and a handful of sesame seeds. The dish turns out to be light, but at the same time very satisfying, tasty and healthy. It should be consumed as often as possible, but it is important to remember that celery is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.

Dry dandelion root powder, take 1 teaspoon daily before each meal. Such a tool will not only reduce the rate, but will also help to eliminate various harmful substances. A decoction of licorice (root) also helps to normalize the cholesterol value. It should be taken for about 3 weeks, four times a day, 1/3 of a glass. After the course, it is important to take a break for 4 weeks, and then resume taking another 3 weeks.

Mistletoe and Sophora japonica can also be used to normalize cholesterol. To do this, take 100 grams of each raw material, mix and pour them with a liter of vodka, then place in a closed container in a dark place for 3 weeks to infuse. Take tincture should be half an hour before meals three times a day, 1 teaspoon. This tincture can help in the treatment of many diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

fresh golden mustache leaf 20 cm long, grind and immediately pour a liter of boiling water. The container must be closed, tightly wrapped and left for a day. After that, the infusion must be drained into a tightly closed container and stored in a dark place outside the refrigerator. The remedy should be taken for 3 months, three times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon. This tincture reduces not only the level of cholesterol (even with very high values), but also the sugar level.

It should be noted that even the use of folk remedies requires prior consultation with a doctor.

Other recipes

If you want to quickly lower high cholesterol in the blood, then folk remedies will help you a lot, so here are a few more recipes to help lower cholesterol.

To keep your cholesterol in the normal range, you should take a special cocktail once a year. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from one large lemon, mix it with 200 grams of fresh garlic, crushed into gruel.

The mixture should be removed in a dark and cold place for three days, and after insisting, start taking it. A tablespoon of this mixture should be diluted in half a glass of clean water and taken every day, once. The course of therapy ends at the moment when the last spoonful of the mixture is taken.

Another proven folk remedy for high cholesterol is another version of the cocktail. For cooking, take a glass natural honey, a tablespoon of crushed valerian root and half a glass of dill seeds. Mix the components thoroughly, then pour a liter of boiling water into the mixture, wrap and leave for a day to infuse and settle. The resulting infusion is carefully poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. Take the remedy should be half an hour before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.

garlic oil also considered in an efficient way reduction in cholesterol. To prepare it, you need to chop 10 large cloves of garlic and pour two glasses of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Infuse the mixture for a week, after which it should be added to cooked dishes, primarily vegetable salads. In this way, cholesterol reduction will go quite quickly and effectively.

Red rowan berries also contribute to a pronounced decrease in cholesterol values. For medicinal purposes, it is enough to consume 5-7 fresh berries three times a day before meals. It is important to follow a strict course of treatment. Berries can be taken only 4 days in a row, after which you should take a break for 10 days, and repeat the reception for another 4 days. It is necessary to start such therapy after the first frosts, approximately at the beginning of winter.

A decoction of blue cyanosis root(20 grams of raw materials per glass of boiling water, cook with low heat for about half an hour) also helps to reduce elevated rates. Strained broth should be taken 2 hours after a meal, as well as at bedtime in a tablespoon for 3 weeks.

As you have noticed, there are a lot of folk remedies for the treatment of high cholesterol. You can also use various options for juice therapy, prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account existing diseases and intolerances. It is impossible to independently select the composition of juices during such treatment.

Proper nutrition to lower cholesterol

A diet to lower cholesterol and maintain this value in the norm includes several fairly simple, but very important rules, in particular:

  • It is necessary to include in the daily menu products containing complex forms of carbohydrates, for example, whole grain breads, cereals, fresh fruits, vegetables, quality pasta made from only durum wheat. Such carbohydrates should be consumed per day in an amount of about 60% of the received daily allowance, which is approximately half a kilogram per day. You should not eat more than 200 grams per day of bread, even special varieties. Fruits, especially those rich in useful fiber, should be eaten at least 600 grams during the day, and best of all - fresh.
  • You should choose fish as a source of protein, eating it per day in an amount of 150 grams, as well as red meats (100 grams). Should be included in daily nutrition and 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. The main preference should be given to lean poultry meat (without skin) and fish, it is best to use them in steam or boiled form. You can stew and bake such products with vegetables, complementing the main course with a fresh vegetable salad.
  • Boiled eggs can also be present in the diet, but not more than 3 pieces during the week, but here we are talking primarily about the yolk, since it is he who helps to increase cholesterol. Egg protein does not affect this indicator, so it can be consumed without restrictions.
  • It is important to limit the consumption of sugar, its amount should not exceed 50 grams per day. If a person suffers from diabetes, then the amount of sugar consumed should be no more than 3% of the total daily caloric intake.
  • Among the variety of dairy products presented in retail chains, preference should be given to sour-milk options with reduced fat content, but their use should also be moderate.

It is important to follow the diet, the diet should be divided into 4 or 5 meals so that the food is balanced, varied, and the body receives all the necessary elements.

Overeating should not be allowed, portions should be small. It is important that dinner consists of light foods and is eaten at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. If after dinner, after some time, the feeling of hunger appears again, you can drink some fresh fat-free kefir or eat a slice of an apple.

What not to eat with high cholesterol

When following a diet to reduce the rate of this element, it is important to exclude from the diet a number of products that contribute to the complication of the condition and increase cholesterol values.

Prohibited Products:

Observing correct mode nutrition, including a special diet to reduce high cholesterol, and diluting the treatment with folk remedies and recipes, you will recover very quickly and bring the level of this indicator back to normal.

People in whose analyzes it was determined elevated level cholesterol, are not alone: ​​more than a million cases of atherosclerosis are diagnosed annually in Russia. Deviation of the analysis from the norm is dangerous not only by violations fat metabolism in the body, but also a high risk of developing acute and chronic cardiovascular disease. What is dangerous high cholesterol, and how to reduce its concentration in the blood: let's figure it out.

What is cholesterol

Before learning how to get rid of cholesterol, it is important to find out where it comes from in the body. Interestingly, an increase in the concentration of this substance in the blood is always polyetiological, that is, it has many reasons.

So, cholesterol (from the Greek "chole" - bile and "steros" - solid) is one of the products of fat metabolism in the body. By chemical classification it has the structure of a polycyclic lipophilic alcohol.

Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes of all living organisms, with the exception of fungi and prokaryotes.

About 80% of all cholesterol in the human body is synthesized in the liver. Only a small part of this organic compound, 20%, comes with food. The substance is necessary for the body and performs several important functions:

  1. Being part of the plasma cell membrane, cholesterol makes it more elastic, but at the same time supple. Thus, the risk of cell damage is reduced, and the substance is called a mast cell membrane stabilizer.
  2. Fatty alcohol regulates cell wall permeability and minimizes erythrocyte damage by some hemolytic poisons.
  3. Cholesterol is at the beginning of the biochemical chain of synthesis of adrenal hormones. It is part of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and steroid sex hormones.
  4. The substance is also involved in the production of vitamin D in the liver.

Cholesterol is practically insoluble in water, and cannot move along the vascular bed as part of liquid blood. Therefore, immediately after production by hepatocytes, it is picked up by special carrier proteins - apolipoproteins. Depending on what is the ratio of fat and protein in the composition of such transport form, there are several fractions of cholesterol:

  • (normally not detected in the human body) - large bulk compounds containing a lot of cholesterol and little protein;
  • VLDL, LDL - protein-fat complexes of very low and low density, in which the volume of fat significantly exceeds the volume of protein;
  • - lipoproteins of the smallest diameter, containing a lot of protein and little fat.

Not all cholesterol fractions are considered harmful. VLDL and LDL are the most dangerous in terms of the development of atherosclerosis, and HDL, on the contrary, belongs to anti-atherogenic, beneficial lipids.

High Cholesterol: Probable Causes and Possible Consequences

Numerous clinical researches confirm the link between cholesterol levels and human health. At the same time, not only the level of OH (total cholesterol), but also its fractions is important. Also in medicine there is such a thing as the coefficient of atherogenicity - the ratio of good and bad cholesterol, reflecting the risk of developing atherosclerosis and its complications in each individual patient.

Normal values ​​of OH - 3.3-5.2 mmol / l, atherogenic coefficient - 3.

Factors that increase blood cholesterol levels include:

  • overeating, regular consumption of large amounts of fatty foods, fast food, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • excess weight;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • insufficient physical activity, hypodynamia;
  • violation of the outflow of bile in the liver and bile ducts;
  • chronic liver pathology;
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • genetic predisposition, hereditary diseases(so-called dyslipidemia).

An increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, especially due to its harmful fractions, leads to the appearance of fatty deposits in the vessels - atherosclerotic plaques. Their progressive growth and compaction is one of important factors circulatory failure internal organs. Blood is hardly supplied to them through narrowed arteries clogged with cholesterol plaques, and the tissues of the body experience an acute or chronic deficiency in oxygen and nutrients.

The first to suffer from increased, as a rule:

  • a heart;
  • brain;
  • kidneys;
  • lower limbs.

According to statistics, in 76% of patients with chronic cardiovascular pathology revealed atherosclerosis. This metabolic disorder increases the risk of mortality from such formidable complications as 2-3 times:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain (stroke).

In addition, atherosclerosis can be a direct cause of:

  • coronary disease hearts;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • persistent "renal" hypertension;
  • insufficiency of blood supply to the lower extremities.

So early detection elevated blood cholesterol and timely correction of the condition remains a priority modern medicine. Unfortunately the treatment metabolic disorders requires a lot of time and active joint work of the doctor and the patient. Below are collected topical ways to get rid of excess cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing complications of atherosclerosis.

Getting rid of cholesterol the right way

If you have thought about your health and decided to start an active fight against cholesterol, you need to know about the basic principles of treating the condition. Getting rid of atherosclerosis is only if you follow all the doctor's recommendations, including:

  • lifestyle advice;
  • rules of rational and balanced nutrition;
  • long-term use of lipid-lowering drugs;
  • use of folk remedies as additional method treatment.

What needs to be changed in lifestyle

Lifestyle is the first thing to pay attention to a person with high cholesterol. Observe the following rules:

  1. Reduce body weight. Excess weight is one of the factors of metabolic disorders. The more fat you get, the higher your blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, the most effective ways weight loss remain proper nutrition and physical activity.
  2. Quit smoking. Nicotine is not only dangerous for the lungs, but also causes progressive narrowing of peripheral vessels, worsening the course of atherosclerosis.
  3. Engage in permitted physical activity. Swimming, yoga, walking or dancing will give you a lot of positive emotions and will help get rid of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Treat chronic diseases. Metabolic and endocrine disorders are usually successfully amenable to drug correction. Compensation for the condition will reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  5. Limit stress at home and at work. Vacation, doing what you love, relaxing with friends and family will help relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Proper nutrition is an important step in the treatment of atherosclerosis

Excess intake of cholesterol along with food is one of the main factors in the development of atherosclerosis. To normalize the metabolism in the body and reduce the level of "bad" fats in the blood, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Completely exclude from the diet of cholesterol "bombs" - foods with a maximum content of fatty alcohol. First of all, these include lard and fatty meat, brains, kidneys and other offal, mature hard cheeses.
  2. If possible, replace refined vegetable oil with olive oil. It contains more useful substances and anti-atherogenic lipids.
  3. Limit eggs to 3 per week. You should not exclude them completely: despite the relatively high cholesterol content, the yolks contain the substance lecithin, which can normalize fat metabolism in the body and reduce the level of harmful lipids in the body.
  4. Diversify your diet with legumes. , peas, chickpeas, lentils and other species have a high nutritional value, but do not contain cholesterol at all. Therefore, they can even partially replace meat dishes.
  5. Fruits and vegetables should form the basis of a lipid-lowering diet. High content fiber in them stimulates digestion, normalizes metabolism. In addition, these foods directly lower blood cholesterol. Citrus fruits can be considered a real medicine: eating half a fragrant grapefruit for breakfast every day can reduce the concentration of harmful lipids by 7%. Among vegetables, onions, broccoli, carrots are considered the most useful.
  6. Try oat bran or corn bran. They also fill the gastrointestinal tract with fiber, promote weight loss and normalize the metabolism of fats in the body. It is enough to eat 50-100 g of the product in the form of cereals or muesli per day.
  7. Eat only lean meats, removing all visible fat before cooking. Experts recommend eating beef 1-2 times a week, while serving weight should not exceed 150-200 g.
  8. Milk and dairy products are also sources of cholesterol. You can eat them, but try to choose products with a low percentage of fat. Banned cream, condensed milk, fatty cheeses. But fat-free yogurt, milk and Adyghe cheese can even be useful. They saturate the body essential substances and promote in the blood.
  9. Garlic is one of effective products for the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition to traditional medicine, which will be discussed in the section below, it is useful to add the product to salads, first and second courses. At the same time, keep in mind that heat treatment garlic loses all of its anti-atherogenic properties.
  10. Give up. The composition of the invigorating drink includes the substance cafestol, which indirectly affects cholesterol levels. It is better to replace coffee with tea, fruit compotes or rosehip broth.

Medications to get rid of cholesterol

The decision on the need to prescribe tablets is made by the doctor, based on the initial level of the organic compound in the blood and the dynamics in the patient's condition. Medical treatment atherosclerosis is carried out with drugs from several groups:

  • statins;
  • Fibrates;
  • Sequestrants of fatty acids (bile acids);
  • Derivatives nicotinic acid;
  • Omega 3,6 fatty acids.


Statins are the most popular drugs today that help get rid of high cholesterol. These include:

  • Lovastatin;
  • Simvastatin;
  • fluvastatin;
  • Pravastatin;
  • cerivastatin;
  • Atorvastatin;
  • Rosuvastatin.

The mechanism of action of statins is based on a decrease in the ability of liver cells to produce endogenous (own) cholesterol. Them clinical efficacy repeatedly confirmed by large-scale clinical studies. During three months regular intake normalization of lipid profile parameters was observed in 68% of the subjects.

Nevertheless, the issue of prescribing the drugs of the group should be agreed with the attending physician. To unwanted effects that can be achieved after taking statins include:

  • asymptomatic increase in the level of liver enzymes in the blood;
  • rhabdomyolysis - pathology of muscle tissue;
  • stomach ache;
  • problems with the stool (more often - constipation);
  • myopia (nearsightedness).

The course of treatment with statins, like any other drugs, is determined by the doctor individually. On average, for a stable disposal of cholesterol, you have to take pills for 3-6 months.


- Another group of lipid-lowering drugs. Their mechanism of action is based on an increase in the concentration of anti-atherogenic cholesterol fractions, which. In addition, fibrates are several times superior to statins in their ability to reduce the concentration of triglycerides.

The main representatives of the group:

  • Bezafibrate;
  • Clofibrate;
  • Gemfibrozil;
  • Symfibrat;
  • Fenofibrate;
  • Ciprofibrate;
  • Ronifibrate;
  • This is fibrate.

During the treatment of fibrates, it is necessary to regularly undergo an ultrasound examination of the GDZ organs due to an increase in the litholytic properties of the liver.

Fatty acid sequestrants

The action of the drugs of the group is based on the binding of organic compound molecules in the intestine and their evacuation from the body. This pharmacological group includes:

  • Cholestipol;
  • Cholestyramine;
  • Kolesevelam;
  • Klekstran.

These medicines act only on exogenous dietary cholesterol. The main side effects of the drugs of the group are associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating and diarrhea come to the fore.

Nicotinic acid (niacin) and derivatives

The action of niacin is based on increased excretion of bile acids, which contain a large amount of cholesterol. Thus, there is a gradual release of fatty alcohol through the digestive tract.

Niacin derivatives include:

  • Niceritrile;
  • Nicofuranose;
  • Nicotyl alcohol;
  • Niacin.

During therapy with nicotinic acid derivatives, it is also not uncommon side effects associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - special group. Their lipid-lowering effect is based on the saturation of the body with useful HDL lipids, which relieve and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Omega 3.6 are biological active additives to food and practically do not cause side effects.


Methods of treatment of increased retain their popularity today. Power Based Recipes medicinal plants and food products are usually available for cooking at home, and any housewife can find simple ingredients. However, you can use any of the folk remedies described below only after consulting a doctor.

To get rid of cholesterol, alternative medicine recommends using:

  1. A decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile, sea buckthorn, chamomile, coltsfoot). Mix 1 tablespoon of prepared vegetable raw materials. Brew the resulting mixture with boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. The course of treatment is at least 3 months. Medicinal herbs in the composition of the collection can be alternated at will.
  2. Herbal collection of plantain and ginseng + cranberries. Brew 1 tbsp. l. collected in equal proportions of the mixture and drink during the day instead of tea.
  3. Rosehip tincture. Fill the rose hips with vodka at the rate of 1:1. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, and then take 3 drops daily.
  4. Walnuts also have the ability to lower blood cholesterol. Eat 1-2 kernels daily with plenty of water.
  5. Dill, fennel and lemon also have hypolipidemic properties. You can use them in their pure form or brew teas.

Unfortunately, fast way getting rid of excess cholesterol does not yet exist. On average, patients notice the first positive laboratory results 2-3 months after lifestyle correction, adherence to the principles of therapeutic nutrition and taking pills. Normalization of lipid profile parameters is an excellent result of treatment, which will indicate a low risk of atherosclerosis and the development of cardiovascular pathology.

Cholesterol is more often found out by blood tests, which contain this substance. If its level in the blood is above the norm, then it is necessary to take urgent measures and come to grips with bringing your body in order.

Excess cholesterol must be removed from the body, as they are the cause serious illnesses. To do this, use medications - statins, which are prescribed by a doctor.

But is it possible, and how to lower blood cholesterol without drugs? What will alternative medicine recommend?

Briefly about cholesterol

The blood and tissues of the human body contain a fat-like compound called cholesterol. It is synthesized by the liver from fatty acids ingested with food.

Cholesterol is represented by several types.

Let's call the first one useful. It is involved in the structure of cell membranes and nerve fibers. This is the raw material for the synthesis of vitamin D, sex hormones, and the hormone cortisol (produced by the adrenal glands).

Another type of cholesterol is bad. It accumulates in the blood, forming clots. Or, by combining with calcium, it is deposited in blotches (plaques) inside the blood vessels. These "clutters" impede blood circulation, the organs of the body do not receive oxygen and nutrients in full.

Cholesterol is transported throughout the body by lipoproteins, substances that can combine with fats. They are divided into 2 types: high density(HDL) and low (LDL). Good cholesterol combines with HDL and enters the liver, where it is broken down into components with the subsequent removal of those from the body.

Bad cholesterol binds to LDL and concentrates in the blood and tissues, causing an abnormal ratio of HDL to LDL. Excess cholesterol is the cause of atherosclerosis (narrowing) of blood vessels, which leads to angina pectoris, stroke, heart attack, causes obesity and diabetes.

However, you can correct the situation and lower cholesterol without drugs with folk remedies. The topic of our conversation today is how to lower cholesterol levels without drugs.

Why and what fats a person needs

Fats are organic compounds found in the cells of plants and living beings in the form of lipids. The molecular model of fat is represented by a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid molecules. In the gastrointestinal tract, fats are broken down into their constituents by the enzyme lipase.

Fats (or triglycerides) in the human body accumulate in the cells of the subcutaneous layer, around the organs. They are needed for energy storage, protection and thermal insulation of the body. The energy value fats, compared to carbohydrates, double.

Fats are classified according to their chemical properties.

  • saturated (there is no available chemical bond, so they do not react with other chemical compounds); necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol;
  • unsaturated (one or more free places for chemical bonding are available, therefore chemical reactions with other substances are possible); needed to transport cholesterol to the liver.

Essential compounds include several unsaturated fatty acids that enter the body only with food.

Some of them (linoleic, linolenic and aizosapentenoic) reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of plaques.

Therefore, people who constantly consume fish oil (the product contains these acids) rarely suffer from atherosclerosis (Japanese, Eskimos).

List of foods with saturated fats

  • beef brains;
  • egg yolk;
  • liver;
  • black and red caviar;
  • butter;
  • chicken skin, fatty meat;
  • margarine;
  • whole dairy products (full-fat);
  • ice cream;
  • hard cheeses;
  • coconut oil;
  • animal fats.

Research has shown that a diet rich in saturated fat, causes the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, heart disease, obesity.

Diet to lower cholesterol

It has been proven that 25% of bad cholesterol is deposited due to malnutrition. Can lower cholesterol without medication balanced diet while maintaining the correct ratio of LDL and HDL. Nutritionists recommend that at least 30% of calories be supplied to the body through unsaturated fats.

To this end, it is useful to include dishes prepared using products with unsaturated fatty acids in the menu:

  • vegetable oils (from soy and corn, sunflower, linseed);
  • walnuts;
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, mackerel, trout, herring);
  • sesame seeds;
  • squid, crab and shrimp meat.

Vegetable oils contain acids:

  • linoleic: in soybean - 50-57%, sunflower - 60%, corn - up to 50%, flaxseed - from 25 to 35%), in oil walnuts (45-55%);
  • linolenic: in soybean (20-29%), linseed (from 35 to 40%), corn (up to 10%) oils, in walnut oil (8-10%).

Isosapentenoic acid supplies fish oil. But the body can synthesize this substance from linolenic acid. Strict vegetarians can take advantage of this and use linseed oil instead of fatty fish.

You don't have to completely cut out saturated fats from your diet. After all, these products contain other substances, necessary for health. The membranes of all our cells in the body contain fats, and there are no vegetable fats in the body.

Therefore, to maintain normal cholesterol levels, you should include in the menu skimmed milk, other low-fat dairy products, chicken (without skin), rabbit meat, turkey meat instead of red meat.

Useful elements of food

Other substances with the ability to counter bad cholesterol include

  • soluble fiber (breaks down and removes cholesterol);
  • vitamin C (participates in the metabolism of fats);
  • pectins (bind cholesterol and bile salts in the intestine).

These elements are found in plants.

List of herbal products with useful substances

  • berries: gooseberries, red and black currants, cranberries, chokeberry (chokeberry), hawthorn, wild rose, feijoa;
  • vegetables: onion, garlic, black radish, artichoke, chili pepper, beets, okra, pumpkin, zucchini, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage;
  • fruits: lemon, pomegranate, orange, avocado, nectarine, grapefruit, peach, tangerine, Japanese medlar, passion fruit, nectarine, pomelo, papaya, plum, avocado, pineapple, pear, figs, dates, kiwi, cherry, sweet cherry;
  • legumes: beans, beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas;
  • cereals (most of all oats);
  • herbs: celery, rhubarb, quinoa, nettle, salads, green tea;
  • nuts: walnuts;
  • seeds: sesame;
  • algae: seaweed.

Fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily at every meal.

Recommendations when compiling a menu for lowering blood cholesterol

Target Sources (products)
Reduce fat intake Butter, sour cream, cheeses, margarine, ice cream, milk, fatty meats
Reduce saturated fatty acids Duck meat, chicken skin, pork, sausages, pâtés, cream, coconut nuts, palm oil
Reduce cholesterol intake brain, kidneys, egg yolks, liver, animal fats
Increase protein intake with low content saturated acids Fish, turkey, game, chicken, veal
Increase intake of soluble fiber, vitamin C, pectin All kinds of berries, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals
Slightly increase intake of unsaturated fatty acids

Vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, soy

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast first:

  • buckwheat porridge with stewed carrots and onions, seasoned corn oil;
  • protein omelet;
  • rosehip broth or herbal tea with the addition of honey;
  • borodino bread.

Second breakfast:

  • oatmeal cookies;
  • Apple juice.


  • vegetable stew (potatoes, zucchini, onions, asparagus beans, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes stewed with sunflower oil);
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetable salad with soybean oil and tofu (soy);
  • chicory coffee with skimmed milk and sugar;
  • wheat bread with bran.

Afternoon snack:

  • fruits (apple or pear) or carrot-apple juice;
  • whole grain breads.


  • Whole grain oatmeal with added grated apple, without oil;
  • fat-free cottage cheese with honey and walnut;
  • green tea with milk;
  • biscuits.

At night: kefir 1% fat.

Traditional medicine in the prevention of atherosclerosis

A proper diet guarantees partial success in lowering cholesterol. For those who set out to lower cholesterol without drugs, folk remedies are given old recipes time-tested healers who have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Use fresh product for application. The best oil is cold pressed. An overdose of the drug should not be allowed - the medicine is not distributed in “bags”.

Linseed oil: treatment with a 45-day course, 1 tbsp. l. drink only 1 time on an empty stomach in the morning. After a 2-week break, repeat the oil intake. Treatment is long, several courses.

Butter best quality selling pharmacies. Official medicine recognizes the activity of linseed oil in lipid metabolism. In pharmacies they sell the oil preparation "Linetol" from linseed oil (application - according to the instructions). Flaxseed oil oxidizes quickly, and a carcinogen appears in it.

Therefore, the oil is stored in a dark container and in the refrigerator. Many do not like its taste to use as a product. But sometimes you can be patient by seasoning the vinaigrette or salad with a teaspoon of this oil.

Sunflower oil is a popular food item. Therapeutic is unrefined, with a content of 60% linoleic acid (forms a precipitate during storage. The more sediment, the better the oil for treatment. There are no contraindications.

Corn oil: hypocholesterol effect will have a 3-time daily intake(monthly course) before meals for half an hour 1 tbsp. l. There are no obvious contraindications.

Walnut oil: drunk on an empty stomach in the morning 1 tsp. and before going to bed at night 1 tsp. It is recommended to mix with honey (1 tsp). You can use just nuts - 50 g per day (tasty and healthy). But there are contraindications: blood increased clotting, psoriasis, diathesis, eczema, acute intestinal disorders, pancreatitis; allergy is possible.

Soybean oil: 2 tbsp. l. all day long (like medical nutrition- salad dressing).


  • it is impossible for pregnant and lactating (soy contains plant hormones);
  • those who have intolerance to soy protein (possible allergy).

Fruit and berry and vegetable juice therapy

Juices of all berries, fruits and vegetables listed herbal products lower cholesterol levels. Let's take a look at the most efficient ones.

watermelon juice . During the melon season, drink a glass of juice daily on an empty stomach, after half an hour you can start the main meal. But it is better to eat watermelon pulp - up to 2 kg per day. Soluble fiber, pectins.

Vitamin C of this berry lowers cholesterol, removes excess water from the body (with swelling from cardiovascular diseases), changes the chemical composition of urine, which causes the dissolution of kidney stones.

Orange - use if there is no allergy to citrus fruits. Before meals, 20-30 minutes freshly squeezed juice of one fruit three times a day.

Grape (freshly prepared). Conduct a monthly course of juice therapy. Start with 50 ml. at the reception, by the end of the month increase to 100 ml. Drink 3 times a day, after 0.5 hours you can eat the main meal. Cannot be used when diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, chronic inflammatory diseases lungs.

Pomegranate juice - cleanses the blood of cholesterol, strengthens the body, increasing hemoglobin. The course of therapy is 2 months. Take 100 ml of juice daily half an hour before a meal. - 3 times a day. Fruit with astringent effect, constipation possible.

Grapefruit (with pulp)- 250 ml. 20 minutes before meals. For insomnia at night, you can take a double dose. Many do not like grapefruit due to its slight bitterness, but it is it that is healing. Grapefruit contains more biologically active substances than oranges (inositol, pantothenic acid). They will restore elasticity to fragile vessels.

Useful fruit for diabetics, people with nervous exhaustion, hypertension and renal patients. Grapefruit juice is contraindicated gastric diseases(ulcers, with hyperacidity).

Cherry juice - frees the body from excess cholesterol and harmful metabolic products, which is especially important for those who suffer from obesity and atherosclerosis. Cherries contain isonite, a rare vitamin-like substance that regulates metabolism.

Cherry berries contain coumarins and oxycoumarins (thinning the blood) - useful for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, who have had myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke. Cherry pectin, binding harmful chemical substances removes them from the body.

gooseberry juice- in addition to cleansing the blood of bad cholesterol, it helps to raise hemoglobin, has a diuretic and laxative effect.

Red currant juice- a quarter cup in the morning before breakfast, if there are no contraindications due to gastric and other ailments. Rinse mouth with water.

Chokeberry juice - in addition to hypocholesterol effects, increases the acidity of gastric juices, relieves toxicosis of pregnant women.

Clinical studies of the Omsk Medical Institute, conducted on 70 hypertensive patients, found: in 75% of patients who took 50 ml for a month. juice three times a day, the pressure returned to normal, insomnia subsided, headaches disappeared.

Apple juice is perhaps the most affordable. Fruit pectins neutralize not only excess cholesterol, but also harmful products decay from digestive tract. Half a glass of freshly prepared juice is drunk during the day before meals.

Lemon juice - it is difficult to overestimate the anti-sclerotic properties of this citrus. To lower cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to drink daily for 2 months lemon drink: squeeze the juice of half a citrus into a glass of water, sweeten with honey. In diabetes, honey is not added.

Lemon juice enhances sap secretion, therefore, in diseases of the stomach with increased function of its glands, in diseases of the pancreas, one should refrain from lemon. It is necessary to protect the enamel of the teeth: drink through a straw, rinse your mouth with water.

From vegetable juices, pumpkin, squash (especially useful for diabetics), carrot, rutabaga, potato will be useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis. For goodness, they can be diluted with fruit and berry juices (freshly squeezed).

Black radish juice with honey- cleanses the blood and walls of blood vessels from cholesterol.

At the root crop (medium size), the crown is cut off and the core is removed - you get a kind of pot, on the bottom of which pour a spoon or two of honey. After 4 hours, you will get a delicious medicine, drink in small sips a day, be sure to rinse your mouth with water after that.

Contraindications for admission: pregnancy, gout, inflammation of the intestines, kidneys and liver, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and intestines, hyperacidity.

Treatment potato juice: from 2 tubers (thoroughly washed), without removing the peel, squeeze the juice. After 5 minutes of settling, drink half a glass.

Take the juice in the morning on an empty stomach, one hour before breakfast. A ten-day course replaces a weekly rest, and repeat the treatment. Only fresh potatoes are suitable (from July to January), with a pink or red skin. Green tubers are poisonous (contain the poison solanine).

garlic for cholesterol

Eat a clove or two daily, if there are no contraindications. Regular consumption of garlic increases the hypocholesterol effect on the body.

Garlic oil: gruel of two cleaned heads mixed with 200 ml. sunflower oil (unrefined), insist 15 days in the dark. Ingestion of a freshly prepared mixture of oil and lemon juice (each 1 tsp), drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Treatment of 2-3 courses lasting from 1 to 3 months each. There is a monthly break between courses.

Garlic milk: in a glass of milk, stir the gruel of 1 medium-sized clove. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Garlic tincture. Pour 0.5 l of 100 g of garlic gruel with vodka. Infuse for 3 days in the dark and warm, shaking occasionally - 1-2 times a day. Strained tincture (5 drops per reception) diluted with cold water 2-3 tbsp. l. and drink 10 minutes before meals.

Garlic oil dressing. Mix equal volumes of finely chopped garlic, crushed walnuts and corn (sunflower) oil. Prepare vegetable salads daily and season them with this mixture. Or eat the drug 2 tbsp. l. per day.

garlic wine

  1. red: gruel of 1 head is poured with Cahors - 0.5 l. Shaking daily, insist 7 days. Drink 2 tbsp three times a day. l. on empty stomach.
  2. white: crush garlic cloves (enough for one head) in a garlic press, chop wormwood finely 2 tbsp. l., mix; pour the resulting mixture with hot grape wine (your choice - white or red), leave for 5 days, shaking once or twice a day; strain the tincture, dose 1 tbsp. l., take before meals 3 times a day.

Infusion: Pour 30 g of crushed garlic with a liter of water. Drink liquid throughout the day.

Eat 15 g per single dose of plum, cherry or apricot gum, washed down garlic oil 1 tsp

Garlic-propolis balm

For 200 g of garlic gruel, 250 ml of medical alcohol or 0.5 quality vodka will be required.

  1. Pour garlic with alcohol (vodka) in a dark glass jar, insist in the dark at room temperature for 10 days, filter the liquid from the thick.
  2. Add to the liquid 2 tbsp. l. good honey and 1 bottle of pharmacy propolis tincture (30 ml).
  3. Stir and keep in the dark for 2 days.

Take drop by drop, diluting the balm in milk - 1 cup.

  1. Start with 1 drop for breakfast, 2 for lunch, 3 for dinner - this is on the first day, bring to dinner on the 5th day of treatment up to 15 drops.
  2. From day 6 for breakfast, 15 drops, and then start to decrease drop by drop. At dinner on day 10, drink 1 drop.
  3. From the 11th day of cleansing the blood from cholesterol and to the 30th day of treatment, drink 25 drops 1 time per day. Interrupt treatment for 5 months, then repeat the course.

The balm is contraindicated in pregnant women, ulcers, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, epileptics.

Unusual way

Eat 15 g for a single dose of plum, cherry or apricot gum, washing down with garlic oil 1 tsp.

Cleaning with a pleasant taste

If there is no contraindication to taking citrus fruits (pancreatitis, gastritis against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and liver).

If there are no contraindications listed above, drink a freshly prepared drink daily before breakfast: squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange into a mug, top up hot water- 1 glass.

Useful tea in the morning and evening with a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon, which must be eaten whole with zest.

Ordinary onions will help lower blood cholesterol without drugs.

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and mix with honey - 2 tbsp. l. Get a daily dose of 4 doses before meals. Conduct 2 courses for 2 months each, making a week break between them.
  2. Chop apples very finely, onions in equal volumes. Based on 3 days of treatment, you should get 3 tbsp. l. of both. Mix with 3 tbsp. l. honey. Store the mixture in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach, and during the day before meals.

About fish oil

This effective remedy is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use and overdose can be harmful, as there are a number of contraindications, one of which is a violation of calcium metabolism.

Research scientists in recent years have established: an overdose fish oil can cause infertility in men. Fish oil is contraindicated with increased blood clotting, endocrine disorders, renal and hepatic diseases. There is an individual intolerance.

The best substitute for fish oil will be fish dishes fatty varieties(more affordable - fatty herring, mackerel). It is enough to regularly diversify the menu with fish. Orthodox Christians have fish days every week (Wednesday and Friday), in Soviet times, fish dishes were prepared in canteens on Thursdays.

Lowering cholesterol folk remedies

freshly grated horseradish- 1 tbsp. l., a glass of sour cream 10%. Apply 1 tbsp. l. for food.

Periodically eat baked potatoes with skins.

(whole grain is healthier than cereal), cooked with water.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke root coffee. Dry the tubers in the oven high temperature for them to purchase Brown color. Grind to powder and store in a jar with a tight lid. To make coffee, you need 1 tsp. Jerusalem artichoke powder and a glass of boiling water.

Buckwheat kissel- in the mornings and evenings, drink 1/2 cup. It is prepared as follows: grind buckwheat into flour, stir 1.5 tbsp. l. in a small volume of cold water, pour the mixture into boiling water - 0.5 l. Stirring, cook for about 7 minutes. Sweeten the finished jelly with honey, flavor with crushed walnuts.

Kiwi - long time eat 2 kiwis a day.

walnut treatment- 45 days to eat 50 g of nuts.

Cholesterol diets

A cherry diet is useful: eat 1.5 kg of cherries (or cherries) in 1 day. There are berries, washed down with 1% fat milk, 1 liter is enough for a day.

Herbal treatment

It is known that the most healing for people living in a given area are plants that grow there. Therefore, the use of domestic herbs is more expedient than herbal dietary supplements advertised by foreign firms.

We list some plants that lower cholesterol in the blood:

Sowing flax (seeds)- contains essential fatty acids. It is recommended to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder to a powder. Use it by adding it to food (kefir, salads, juices) or simply eat 1 tbsp. l. drinking water. You can make an infusion: after stirring 2 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes.

Divide into 4 daily doses. Take the infusion warm, before meals. Seeds with a broken shell are oxidized. Therefore, only fresh ones are suitable, they are ground before use. There are a number of contraindications: in addition to individual intolerance, intestinal disease, gynecological diseases, pregnancy.

Rowan red. Infusion: pour 2 tbsp berries into a thermos. l., pour 2 cups boiling water, ready in 4 hours. Drink during the day for 4 times in half a glass.

Raspberry - cleanses the walls of blood vessels. Brew tea from the leaves.

Black currant (leaf)- has an anti-sclerotic effect, the plant is included in the fees or brewed tea.

Rose hip. Infusion of leaves, take 2 tbsp before meals. l., prepared from 1st. l. crushed leaf, pouring a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 2 hours.

Linden (flowers). Before treatment, it is necessary to cleanse the liver with choleretic herbs: alternate decoctions of corn stigmas, sand immortelle, milk thistle seeds.

They are taken in the following mode: they drink a decoction of one herb for 14 days, a week break, after which they begin to use another plant for 2 weeks, again a 7-day rest, and the cleaning ends again with a 2-week treatment with a decoction of the third plant. Next, cleaning of the blood vessels with linden begins.

Dry inflorescences are crushed into powder immediately before use, before meals, take 1 tbsp of powder 20 minutes before eating. l., washed down with water. The course of treatment is a month. After 2 weeks of rest from treatment, the course is repeated. Strict abstinence from fatty foods is necessary. Every day there are apples and dill, which complements the linden treatment.

Mistletoe white - used in complex preventive treatment atherosclerosis, accelerates the metabolic process, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure. Also applied when increased function thyroid glands. The plant is poisonous, it is impossible to use it without the recommendation of a doctor, strictly observe the proposed dosage. Mistletoe is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Japanese Sophora - contains linoleic acid, rutin, due to which it has a destructive effect on bad cholesterol. Preparing a 10-day alcohol tincture(in a dark place): for 20 g of flowers (or fruits) of the plant 100 ml. medical 70% alcohol. Dosage: 20 drops in half a glass of water, taken 3 times a day before meals.

Horsetail - fresh grass 4 tbsp. l. (or dried 2 tablespoons) pour 1 cup of hot water, steam for 0.5 hour in a water bath, insist for 15 minutes. Strained infusion should be taken according to the scheme: 0.5 tbsp. 2 p. per day 1 hour after eating. .

Cheremsha. Contains 12 times more allicin essential oil than garlic. Used as a green high cholesterol in the blood and atherosclerosis.

Tarragon (tarragon)- anti-sclerotic agent. You will need a bottle of dry white wine, in which pour 3 tbsp. l. herbs. Insist in the dark for 5 days, shaking daily. Take a stack before meals.


Having chosen the right remedy for yourself, do not forget to ask the advice of your doctor. He will objectively evaluate the possibility of using a therapeutic agent for a particular patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body and other diseases, the possibility of combining a folk remedy with prescribed medicines.

Leading specialist in the training of professional personnel at the Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification of a teacher-psychologist.