Drugs that stimulate brain function. Nootropic effect for brain function and memory improvement

Drugs to improve memory and brain function are medications often prescribed by doctors when a person complains of bad memory.

They are well known to many older people: piracetam, Cavinton, nootropil, cinnarizine.

To improve brain function, medications are divided into 2 large groups:

The first includes vasodilators, which improve cerebral circulation.

The second is nootropic drugs that increase metabolism in brain neurons.

You need to take one drug from each group at a time to improve memory.

It is with this combination of medications that brain function can improve as much as possible.


Medicines from the NOOTROPICS group to improve memory

Medicines that stimulate the brain are called “Nootropic drugs”. They differ in their mechanism of action. However, the result from their use is the same - the intensity of metabolism in the neurons of the brain increases, neurotransmitters are produced that transmit nerve impulses along the pathways and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).

The brain works more intensely, which means that memory and concentration are enhanced, performance, activity, mood levels increase, energy and productivity of brain processes increase.

List of the most popular nootropic drugs

Piracetam (nootropil)

The most popular, inexpensive, domestic product. It is what doctors most often prescribe when patients complain of poor memory. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and solution for injection in various dosages. Use 10-15 minutes before meals. The daily dose can be different - 1200-1800 mg. Treatment is carried out for at least 1-2 months.

Pantogam (pantocalcin)

This is also a Russian drug, prescribed for various disorders of the brain. Moreover, this may be a decrease in memory caused by chronic stress, psychosomatic disorders, as well as organic diseases (traumatic brain injury, vascular encephalopathy). It is produced in tablet form (250 and 500 mg per tablet) and in the form of syrup for small children. The active ingredient is hopantenic acid, which enhances the synthesis of neuromeliator gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA). Convulsive activity and excitability are suppressed nervous system, resistance to hypoxia and ischemia in brain tissue increases.

Aminolon (picamilon)

Produced in Russia. The active ingredient is GABA. It is an activator of metabolic processes, utilizes glucose, and removes toxins from cells. In general, thinking and memory improve, brain function is stimulated. Available in capsules or tablets of 250 mg. Safe medicine, can be used by adults with heavy mental stress, children school age with poor memory.


This is also our domestic drug. The mechanism of action is to enhance the synthesis of GABA. But this medicine also has its own characteristics. It is sold only with a doctor's prescription because it is more strong drug. It is used to restore the nervous system as a result of injuries and organic pathology of the brain. In addition to the stimulating effect, it has a pronounced sedative or calming effect.


The drug is based on the amino acid glycine, which increases the activity of brain cells. Harmless remedy. It helps many people improve their memory, improve sleep, calm down, and increase the productivity of the nervous system. But there are also reviews in which people report that the drug did not help them at all.


One of the new ones Russian drugs based on the action of glycine ethyl ester. It has a moderate nootropic, antihypoxic effect. Protects brain tissue from free radicals, toxins, hypoxia. Has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions and improves memory. Regulates autonomic functions, blood pressure.


A new generation drug created by Russian scientists. The structure of the drug includes antibodies to the S-100 protein of brain tissue. Promotes the creation of new integrative connections between brain neurons. The result will be increased activity of the cortex, improved memory, thinking, performance in case of neurosis, concussion, occupational hazards, syndrome chronic fatigue.

Medicines for memory that improve cerebral circulation

If nootropics increase metabolism in cells and accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, then vascular drugs have a neuroprotective effect through improving cerebral circulation.

Cinnarizine (Stugeron)

It has been used for many years as a means to increase cerebral blood flow. Indications for use are the initial manifestations of vascular atheroxlerosis. The drug can be used by elderly people with forgetfulness and poor concentration. The tablets are used for several months.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - microcirculation increases, blood viscosity decreases, and oxygen supply to the brain improves. Indications for use are chronic failure blood circulation, memory impairment, intelligence, dizziness, hearing impairment, post-stroke conditions, brain injury.


The medicine contains piracetam and cinnarizine. As a result of taking the combined drug, the cellular metabolism of brain tissue improves while simultaneously expanding the vascular system. Phezam is used in the initial forms of vascular atherosclerosis in relatively young people, in the elderly with complaints of poor memory, in adolescents with deterioration in learning ability.

Trental (agapurine)

Due to active substance Pentoxifylline trental dilates cerebral vessels, enhances microcirculation, providing nutrition, oxygen, and energy to brain neurons. A similar effect is observed in the coronary and peripheral vessels. Like other vasodilators, trental restores and improves memory.

Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan, Memoplant)

Preparations based on extracts from Ginkgo biloba leaves are very widely used to improve memory by enhancing microcirculation, increasing the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), supplying tissues with oxygen, and reducing blood viscosity. The effect of the drug extends throughout vascular system body: brain and coronary arteries, vessels of the extremities and internal organs.

Is it possible to take memory pills on your own, without consulting a doctor?

Can! Medicines to enhance memory are usually sold in pharmacies. Self-administration of medications to improve memory is allowed:

  • If the reasons for memory loss are functional in nature: neuroses, overload at work or study, increased fatigue. For diseases or traumatic brain injuries, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is best to take two drugs at the same time: from the group of nootropics and a vasodilator;
  • Carefully read the annotation, especially the section regarding contraindications and side effects;
  • Most nootropic drugs need to be taken in the morning or afternoon, as they make the person active and can disrupt the process of falling asleep;
  • A course of treatment with nootropic and vascular drugs must be long-term: from 1 to 3 months;
  • You can use the following drugs: glycine, aminolon, picamilon, piracetam, divaza, noopept, tanakan, cinnarizine, trental, xanthinol nicotinate.
  • It is no secret that memory impairment may appear as one of the symptoms organic diseases CNS, for example, Do not self-medicate. Contact a neurologist, get examined and get prescribed medications. The doctor’s arsenal includes a large list of medications that have certain individual indications: gliatilin, cortexin, cerebrum-compositum, encephobol, phenotropil, cogitum, semak, sermion and many others.

What memory medications can be given to young children?

Notice memory problems small child can be seen by how he memorizes rhymes, how well he masters games with other children, how he performs in kindergarten on holidays. At school, they become even more specific and memorize.

Never give your child any medications on your own or on the advice of friends. The causes of memory impairment must be determined pediatric neurologist. Treatment is carried out with the same medications as in adults. In pediatric practice, it is recommended to use a limited list of nootropic drugs: Pantogam, Picamilon, Glycine, Cortexin, Semax, Sermion. More attention is paid to massage, osteopathy, medicinal baths, hardening.

A wide range of drugs to improve memory and brain function are presented on the pharmacological market. A small part of them can be taken independently if the reasons for its decrease are caused by mental overload, chronic stressful situation at home or at work, elderly people.

Substances that change bioenergetic and metabolic processes in brain cells have been known since ancient times, when they began to be used in various practices aimed at expanding consciousness. The task of scientists since the beginning of the 20th century has been to make these changes directed and controlled. And after drugs to improve brain function became available to schoolchildren and students, the task of modern researchers became even more complicated: there was a need to increase efficiency without increasing the risk of harm to health.

On this path, researchers faced serious difficulties, since those pills for brain activity that gave a quick and noticeable effect differed big amount side effects and contraindications. The problem was partially solved by increasing the duration of taking the medicine to improve brain function, that is, the gradual and slow accumulation of the active substance, which ultimately gave the same effect. The risk was partially reduced by taking medications for plant based, which provided a more natural effect on neurons.

As a result, all means for improvement were conditionally divided into more effective and dangerous and less dangerous, but with a slow (weak) effect. Between them was located large group drugs that could increase or decrease these parameters depending on the conditions of use:

  • dosages,
  • frequency of use,
  • combinations with other nootropics or substances obtained from food,
  • individual reactions to components, etc.

In an effort to quickly increase their intellectual level and improve brain function after the first encouraging trials, some experimenters often move on to extreme experiments, making a number of mistakes.

5 mistakes in taking pills to improve brain function

  1. Idle work. This situation arises when it works as it should, but the drug is expected to do the impossible - to do everything for a person: learn the material, solve a problem, write a term paper. After taking the drug, such a person sits down to watch TV or play games. computer games in the hope that it will dawn on him. Indeed, sometimes, if the theme of a television story echoes the theme of an everyday problem, an activated brain can find an unexpected and effective solution to the problem. But more often than not, all the energy and brain activity have to be spent on memorizing a kaleidoscope of news or completing levels in a game. Therefore, when taking the drug during a period of activity, you need to use your brain to solve target problems without wasting energy.
  2. Ignoring contraindications.

    This mistake is most often made by two categories of people:

    • those who consider themselves healthy without knowing about pathologies (for example, before the manifestation of severe symptoms, without knowing about problems with the liver and kidneys).
    • those who neglect seemingly “insignificant” restrictions.

    In the first case, a preliminary examination with a doctor will help you avoid making mistakes to identify the limitations that are indicated in the instructions for pills to improve brain activity. This list almost always indicates age limit, pregnancy, kidney disease, serious cardiovascular pathologies. In the second case, “minor” restrictions are considered, for example, a ban on the use of tablets in case of lactose intolerance (when taking Neopept, Phenibut, Nootropil). As a result, neglecting them results in gastrointestinal disorders and lack of the expected nootropic effect.

  3. Use of potent tablets.

    In everyday life healthy life the use of a super-stimulant, which is abrupt, as a rule, is not necessary. Drugs like Modafinil are used in the army in real combat conditions, in police missions, during rescue operations, on board the ISS, when maximum physical and mental stress is required for a limited time. Thus, the use of Modafinil enabled helicopter pilots to maintain combat readiness for 88 hours. However, even in controlled experiments, variations in dosage and frequency of administration in different modes observed different side effects.

    Strong drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin are prescribed only medical indications, for example, with narcolepsy and attention deficit disorder (ADD) with hyperactivity.

  4. Illiterate combination of funds.

    It is believed that the inclusion of neurotransmitters and activity is simplified by the proper combination of various drugs or supplements. Thus, the experience of those who attended the course shows that “Piracetam” in combination with lecithin and vitamins demonstrates, with long-term use, a more sustainable effect, manifested in increased mental endurance and concentration. Piracetam itself, in combination with antidepressants, increases the effectiveness of the latter, which can both simplify the solution of a medical problem, and vice versa - create unexpected problems. The most popular combination “Piracetam + Choline” also requires prior consultation with a doctor.

    Caffeine by itself is not generally considered to be any effective stimulant of cognitive processes, but with L-theanine, caffeine gives a more stable and long-lasting effect, manifested in the sharpening of short-term memory and the ability to concentrate on tasks.

    In some supplements, the optimal combination of active ingredients is already provided by the manufacturer, and there is no need to experiment with health risks. This mainly applies to multicomponent preparations, in which plant extracts (GABA, Natrol) act as elements.

  5. Exceeding the dosage.

    This is an obvious mistake, which, however, even experienced “nootropics” make when they rely on their previous experience without reading the instructions, or when they want to enhance the stimulating effects contrary to the recommendations. As a result, several types of reactions can occur:

    • In rare cases, with a slight excess of the dose, specific predisposition and individual reactions, the effect may increase without noticeable negative consequences.
    • If the dosage is exceeded once, the opposite effect to the expected occurs. For example, when taking DMAA (geranium extract) in a volume of 150-200 mg, instead of stimulation, an oppressive reaction occurs; the drug begins to act as a hypnotic, suppressing brain activity.
    • If the dose is exceeded under unfavorable conditions (if there are contraindications, combined with alcohol, etc.), cerebral hemorrhage, severe headaches, and nausea may occur.

Review of popular pills to improve brain activity: 5x5

The task of stimulating the cognitive functions of the brain is set for medical reasons in the case of age-related diseases and conditions, in case of developmental disorders in children (for example, with ADHD and problems with concentration). And also, if necessary, to stimulate your intellectual abilities constantly or during a certain period (session, interview, etc.). When treating complex pathologies and diseases, they often choose neurometabolic stimulants synthesized in laboratories. When trying to expand their intellectual capabilities on an ongoing basis, they often turn to safer natural tablets to improve brain activity.

Group of synthetic stimulants

  1. « Nootropil / Vinpocetine"(commercial name of piracetam). Historically, the first nootropic, synthesized by Belgian pharmacologists in 1963. It was after its creation that it was proposed to introduce the term “nootropics” to distinguish these drugs that improve brain activity from psychostimulants, which have numerous side effects. Among the side effects of this drug, an increase in the level of anxiety due to long-term use in people prone to neurotic reactions, which led to insomnia. This, like most other nootropics, is also prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can buy Vinpocetine here.
  2. « Glycine" One of the most famous nootropics, which gained popularity due to the fact that it is sold without a prescription and has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Because of this, students love him. However, an attempt to use “Glycine” forcefully (that is, with an increased dose based on a sharp acceleration in the speed of thinking and memorization) does not lead to success, since this “slow” nootropic is designed for quantitative accumulation during the course (preferably in combination with vitamins). You can order "Glycine" here.
  3. « Phenibut" A more powerful tool that allows you to feel unemotional and completely calm and intellectual with a slightly slower reaction, which is fully consistent with its intended purpose. Used for irritability, feelings of fear, tension, insomnia. But the tablets have numerous contraindications and side effects, manifested in headache and dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, itching, etc. It is safer to use its analogue from the MRM company.
  4. « Aminalon" These tablets, which have a psychostimulating effect and restore the brain after cerebrovascular accidents, can cause a feeling of fever, insomnia, and vomiting. However, such effects occur mainly with an overdose or hypersensitivity to the components. A doctor can prescribe tablets for children from 3 years of age to accelerate mental development. An over-the-counter equivalent from Now Foods can be ordered on iHerb.
  5. « GABA" The active ingredient used is gamma-aminobutyric acid, one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters of the central nervous system, which also takes part in metabolic processes in the brain. It is also available in the form of tablets and is prescribed for circulatory disorders in the brain, for anxiety and irritability, to increase stability during mental and physical stress. Contraindications include chronic and acute diseases kidney You can order here.

Group of natural stimulants

The components, when combined with each other, produce a synergistic effect, multiplying the effect of the pills for the brain.

The best pills for the brain: definition by components

To understand which drugs improve memory and increase intellectual endurance better than others, it is advisable to first determine your preferred components - those that you would like to see in the drug - and then select a nootropic containing these components.

Thus, among the most proven - that is, effective and, in recommended dosages, safe - elements that give a nootropic result, the plant Ginkgo Biloba, Asian ginseng, any of the substances containing Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins are most often called. When it comes to relieving stress and tension, motherwort, mint, and lemon balm are most often mentioned. Less commonly – pumpkin, hops, chamomile.

  • Ginkgo Biloba extract can be found in the monocomponent nootropic of the same name and in the multicomponent preparations “GABA” and “TinkFast”.
  • Asian ginseng, which is used to increase energy levels, improve cognitive abilities and enhance the effects of vitamins, is found as an ingredient in GABA and TinkFast.
  • Omega-3 can most often be found in natural seafood (in capsules fish oil), in flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Of the drugs mentioned above, only GABA contains seafood (for example, squid meat, shark liver), walnuts, and pumpkin seeds as a source of Omega-3.
  • B vitamins are best represented in the preparations “Natrol” and “TinkFast”, which, among other vitamins, contains pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism in tissues, and tocopherol (E), which improves the supply of blood vessels to the brain.
  • Anti-stress components are more represented in the Natrol preparation (for example, motherwort), where glycine is responsible for the nootropic effect, and sage and licorice root are responsible for the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

If we systematize all the data, then in the informal competition of memory tablets and brain activity GABA has the greatest potential, however, the final choice of drug depends on the entire set of tasks that are set for the nootropic.

To bookmarks

Human brain is losing the war against the growing volume of information he has to process. Neuroscientists say that the human brain is very outdated, and attention is gradually becoming our most valuable resource. And rare ones too - reading books turns into a task that requires almost impossible concentration in the age of Twitter and BuzzFeed.

But nature and scientists have given people a variety of “brain doping.” And in the information age, which involves processing an incredible amount of data, many people no longer have enough caffeine. TJ columnist Ivan Talachev examined the main drugs for improving brain function, found out which of them can be bought at the nearest pharmacy, which ones you will have to look for from exporters, and which ones are strictly prohibited in Russia.

How it works

The human brain is made up of neurons. They communicate with each other using electrochemical signals. Neurotransmitters and receptors play key roles in this communication. The former consist of signals transmitted between cells, and the latter are special proteins that serve as “receivers”.

Neurons have their own " chain reaction" If more excitatory signals come to the cell than inhibitory ones, it itself begins to transmit awakening signals further along the “web”. The biochemistry of the brain and its manifestations explain many phenomena: joy, sadness, euphoric and depressive states, as well as what happens to human attention and memory.

Nootropics and drugs similar to them in composition change either the content of signals transmitted between brain cells or the rules for processing them. None of them are “fuel for the head” in the usual sense: they do not provide nutrition to the brain. This task is mainly accomplished by glucose.

Data on the effectiveness of nootropic drugs varies widely. The effect of many of them has not been fully studied. Doctors complain about insufficient funding and lack of interest from both pharmaceutical concerns and scientists in medicines this kind. Nootropics have been and remain a pastime for students, freelancers, and athletes.

Despite popular misconception, nootropics do not make people smarter. They do not give all the knowledge in the world, but when taken, they increase concentration and improve memory so that some of it fits in the head. The reaction becomes faster (hence the attention of athletes, as well as anti-doping commissions, to this category of drugs), and the movements are clearer. These are by no means “miracle pills”: the side effects of many of them number in the dozens.

Prohibited and permitted drugs in Russia

Legends of magic pills, allowing you to learn an entire scientific discipline in one night, pass from mouth to mouth, from site to site. Numerous stories about “excellent sessions with preparation overnight with coffee and phenotropil” at a certain point resemble student stories. Brave students with coffee, energy drinks and various “caffeine bombs” (for example, the “Alarm Clock” cocktail, famous among students - coffee brewed with cola or energy drink) are switching to tablets with interesting names.

The most popular nootropic today is piracetam and its derivatives. Discovered by Belgian pharmacists in the 60s of the last century. Serves for the formation of new ones in the brain neural connections, allows you to concentrate better and longer on any task. The medical purpose of this drug is to awaken the functions of speech and movement in people who have suffered strokes, and to combat depressed states in patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. In the pharmacy it can be found under the name nootropil, lucetam or etiratsitam. The cost ranges from 100 to 200 rubles and is sold without a prescription.

Another well-known group of drugs are Adderall and Ritalin, developed and used to treat ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in children in the United States. They act almost identically, both are strong psychostimulants and cause not only a surge of strength, but also psychological dependence. Many note the similarity of the drugs in composition and action with amphetamines. At the moment, not only the drugs themselves are banned in Russia, but also their key components. However, both drugs are imported into Russia illegally and are sold at prices ranging from $100 to $200 per package.

Great success among employees mental work uses phenotropil. Created in Russia in the 60s as a modification of well-known nootropics (namely, piracetam) for the needs of Soviet cosmonautics and aviation. Acts as a strong psychostimulant, causes a surge of strength and energy, allows you to concentrate on complex tasks, despite the fatigue. It is famous for a variety of side effects from drowsiness to irritability and pronounced aggressiveness. It costs between 500 and 1000 rubles per package. By law, a prescription is required for purchase, but pharmacies often neglect this fact.

Modafinil is now considered the rising superstar of brain stimulants. A French development from the 70s, created to combat narcolepsy and purchased for production in the USA, it is now the most popular nootropic for people in intellectual and creative professions. According to some reports, it can keep the brain functioning in excellent condition for up to 3-4 days and allows you to cope with large projects (articles, coursework and theses) almost twice as fast.

Modafinil is incredibly popular among freelancers due to its combination of effectiveness and safety - one or two tablets taken in the morning guarantee enhanced brain function for the next day and a half. Studies of modafinil have not confirmed the existence of any dependence, the presence of a “withdrawal syndrome” or any pronounced side effects. It has been banned in Russia since 2012, however, it is delivered from abroad by resellers and sold at approximate cost 4500 rubles for 100 tablets.

For lovers of natural raw materials, the brain enhancer market can offer preparations containing gamma-aminobutyric acid. For example, picamilon or phenibut. The action is very similar to piracetam analogues, but in addition they relieve headaches and are a good help with hangovers. They cost around 100-200 rubles and are available with a prescription.

Glycine (aminoacetic acid) can also help in the fight against anxiety, drowsiness and general weakness. With a cost of up to 100 rubles and a mild cumulative effect (when you need to take a course of the drug for a month or two), it improves memory and some brain processes.

Plant extracts can also help. Squeezes of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and eleutherococcus have a pronounced stimulating effect. Helps in the fight against stress and obsessive anxiety. Sold in both tincture and tablet form. The cost is at the glycine level; for 100-200 rubles in some pharmacies you can buy all three at once.

To drink or not to drink

The main rule when turning to nootropics is to make sure that they are really necessary. You shouldn’t drink them at all out of boredom or interest in fashionable nootropic topics. If a person’s activity involves processing large flows of information and, most importantly, he copes with it poorly, then turning to stimulants really makes sense. But consulting a doctor in such matters will not hurt.

It is also worth remembering that stimulating the body’s activity in any way is a “rent” of its strength. One way or another, the brain will demand its payment. Having finished a long project under the influence of nootropics or other stimulants, you can sleep for 16-18 hours and suffer from apathy or irritability for several more days.

To ensure that taking many of these medications goes as smoothly as possible, it is recommended to follow a sleep, eating and drinking schedule. During the duration of the medication or course of medication, it makes sense to eat properly and regularly and monitor your water intake. Even if the goal of taking pills is to stay awake and work as long as possible, it is recommended to take breaks to sleep for at least 2-4 hours.

Another interesting tactic to combat overload in the information field is not to adapt the body to it, but, on the contrary, to carefully filter incoming data. Rigidly regulate topics and things worthy of attention, discarding “garbage” and negative factors: maybe this is precisely the secret of adapting to the new information space - allowing it to pass by to a greater extent. At least in this case you won’t have to take any dubious pills.

I drank Alarm Clock every session,
Ivan Talachev,
Especially for TJ

Performance-enhancing drugs help cope with temporary physical and mental overload, relieve feelings of fatigue, stabilize and harmonize a person’s psycho-emotional state - that is, significantly improve his well-being.

In addition, there are many pharmacological agents to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body in situations where, under the influence of certain external negative factors there is a failure of the autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation of natural physiological processes.

However, it must be borne in mind that - in order to avoid negative consequences - performance-enhancing drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since many of these drugs have contraindications and serious side effects.

Indications for the use of performance-enhancing drugs

A decrease in a person’s performance is a clear indication that his body, as they say, has accumulated fatigue from prolonged physical work or (much more often) constant mental stress, from experiencing or suppressing strong emotions, from an irrational regime (in particular, lack of sleep), unhealthy lifestyle, etc. When the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after rest, doctors note a very common painful condition of modern people - chronic fatigue syndrome. And the indications for the use of drugs that increase performance primarily relate to this syndrome, that is, they are aimed at increasing resistance to physical and mental stress.

Drugs that improve mood and performance are also prescribed for autonomic neuroses and asthenic disorders, depression, loss of strength and muscle weakness, in cases of pathological decrease in the ability to concentrate during work or study. Medications of this pharmacological group are effective for cerebral circulatory disorders, which are accompanied by dizziness, impaired memory and attention; in states of anxiety, fear, increased irritability; for somatovegetative and asthenic disorders associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

It is almost impossible to list all the names of drugs that enhance performance, but we will look at their main groups and dwell on the use of some of them in more detail.

To increase physical endurance and eliminate the consequences of many painful conditions that reduce the level of adaptability of the body to external factors, drugs from the adaptogen group are used. In order to improve memory and increase mental performance V clinical practice people everywhere resort to nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants). Moreover, in both cases, doctors prescribe vitamin preparations, which increase performance - B vitamins.

Drugs that increase mental performance: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drugs that increase mental performance, which belong to the group of nootropics, are presented in a wide variety. These are Piracetam, Deanol aceglumate, Picamilon, Calcium hopanthenate, Phenotropil, Cereton and many others.

The pharmacodynamics of performance-enhancing drugs is based on the ability of their active ingredients to activate the metabolism of nucleic acids, the release of serotonin from sensory neurons, as well as stimulate the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the main source of intracellular energy - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). In addition, drugs in this group increase the synthesis of RNA and proteins in cells. The result of this therapeutic effects there is an improvement in the energy state of neurons, increased transmission of nerve impulses and more intense glucose metabolism in the cerebral cortex, subcortical nerve nodes, cerebellum and hypothalamus.

Also, the pharmacodynamics of performance-enhancing drugs directly affects the normalization of the structure cell membranes neurons, and during hypoxia helps reduce the need of nerve cells for oxygen. In general, these drugs do nerve cells more resistant to various negative influences.

The pharmacokinetics of performance-enhancing drugs depends on the biochemical properties of their specific components. Since nootropics are predominantly amino acids and their derivatives, their bioavailability reaches 85-100%. After oral administration, they are well absorbed from the stomach and enter the various organs and tissues, including the brain. At the same time, they do not bind to blood plasma proteins, but penetrate through the BBB and placenta, as well as into breast milk. The maximum concentration in blood plasma ranges from 1 to 5 hours, and the time during which the highest concentration of drugs in cells is achieved ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

Most performance-enhancing drugs are not metabolized and are excreted from the body by the kidneys (urine), biliary system (bile), or intestines (feces).


Piracetam (synonyms - Nootropil, Piramem, Piratam, Cerebropan, Ceretran, Cyclocetam, Cintilan, Dynacel, Oxiracetam, Eumental, Gabacet, Geritsitam, Merapiran, Noocephal, Noocebril, Norzetam, etc.) is available in the form of capsules (0.4 g each) , tablets (0.2 g each), 20% solution for injection (5 ml ampoules), as well as granules for children (2 g piracetam each).

It is recommended to take tableted Piracetam 3 times a day, and 2 capsules a day (before meals). After the condition improves, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts from 6 to 8 weeks (it can be repeated after 1.5-2 months). Method of administration and dosage of Piracetam in granules for children (after 1 year, with cerebrosthenic disorders): 30-50 mg per day (in two doses, before meals).

Deanol aceglumate

Release form of the drug Deanol aceglumate (synonyms - Demanol, Nooclerin) - solution for oral administration. This drug, which improves mood and performance, has a positive effect on the condition of brain tissue, improves well-being in asthenia and depression. Its use is justified if it is necessary to facilitate the processes of memorizing and reproducing significant amounts of information. As experts note, Deanol aceglumate has a positive effect on elderly patients in a number of cases. neurotic conditions caused by organic brain lesions or traumatic brain injuries.

Method of administration and dosage of Deanol aceglumate: for adults, the drug should be taken orally, one teaspoon (5 ml of solution contains 1 g of active substance) 2-3 times a day (the last dose should not be later than 18 hours). Average daily dose is 6 g (with a maximum allowable of 10 g, that is, 10 teaspoons). The course of treatment with this drug lasts from one and a half to two months (2-3 courses can be carried out within a year). During treatment, special care should be taken when driving vehicles or operating machinery.


Nootropic drug Picamilon (synonyms - Amylonosar, Picanoyl, Picogam; analogues - Acefen, Vinpocetine, Vinpotropil, etc.) - tablets of 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg; 10% solution for injection. The active ingredient nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid increases brain performance and improves memory by dilating blood vessels and activating cerebral circulation. For strokes, Picamilon improves the condition of patients with movement and speech disorders; effective for migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenia and senile depression. For preventive purposes, it can be prescribed to people who are in extreme conditions- to increase resistance to both physical and mental stress.

Method of administration and dosage of Picamilon: it is recommended to take 20-50 mg of the drug twice or three times a day (regardless of meals); the maximum daily dose is 150 mg; Duration of therapy is 30-60 days (a second course of treatment is carried out after six months).

To restore performance, a 45-day course of treatment is indicated - 60-80 mg of the drug per day (in tablets). In severe cases, a 10% solution of the drug is injected dropwise into a vein - 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day for two weeks.

Calcium hopantenate

To restore functionality when increased loads, as well as for asthenic syndrome in adults, the drug Calcium hopanthenate (0.25 g tablets) should be taken one tablet three times a day (20-25 minutes after meals, morning and afternoon).

Given medicine also widely used in complex therapy disorders of brain function and congenital brain dysfunction in children with developmental delay (oligophrenia), with treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The dosage in these cases is 0.5 g 4-6 times a day (treatment lasts at least three months).

Not allowed during treatment with Calcium hopantenate ( trade names- Pantocalcin, Pantogam) simultaneously prescribe other nootropic drugs or drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.


The drug Phenotropil - release form: tablets of 100 mg - nootropic with active substance N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. Its use is recommended to increase the stability of brain cells and stimulate its cognitive functions, as well as to improve concentration and mood. The drug, like all nootropics, stimulates blood supply to the brain, activates intracellular metabolism and normalizes impaired redox reactions in nerve tissue associated with the breakdown of glucose.

Doctors prescribe Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) depending on individual characteristics pathologies and conditions of patients. The average single dose is 100 mg (1 tablet), the tablets are taken 2 times (after meals, morning and afternoon, no later than 15-16 hours). The average daily dose should not exceed 200-250 mg. The duration of the course of therapy is on average 30 days.


The therapeutic effect of Cereton (generics - Gleatser, Noocholin Rompharm, Gliatilin, Delecit, Cerepro, Holitylin, Choline alfoscerate hydrate, Choline-Borimed) is provided by its active substance choline alfoscerate, which supplies choline (vitamin B4) directly to brain cells. Choline is needed by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, the drug Cereton not only normalizes the functioning of receptors and brain cells, but also improves neuromuscular transmission and helps increase the elasticity of neuronal cell membranes.

Indications for the use of this drug include dementia (including senile age) and impairment of cognitive functions of the brain, decreased attention, encephalopathy, consequences of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Cereton capsules are taken in the indicated cases, one piece 2-3 times during the day (before meals). Treatment can last from 3 to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs

It should immediately be noted that the use of performance-enhancing drugs during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated, although in many cases the tyratogenic and embryotoxic effects of these drugs have not been studied by their manufacturers.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs are as follows:

  • Piracetam is not used in children under 1 year of age;
  • The drug Deanol aceglumate is not used for hypersensitivity, infectious diseases of the brain, febrile conditions, blood diseases, renal and liver failure, epilepsy;
  • the drug Picamilon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, acute and chronic forms of kidney pathologies;
  • Cereton cannot be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, or for acute stage stroke;
  • Acetylaminosuccinic (succinic) acid is not used for angina pectoris and glaucoma;
  • Pantocrine is contraindicated for atherosclerosis, organic heart pathologies, increased blood clotting, inflammatory kidney diseases (nephritis), and stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia are not used in the treatment of children, with acute infectious diseases, bleeding, hypertension, epilepsy, tendency to seizures, insomnia and liver pathologies.

Side effects of performance-enhancing drugs

When prescribing to patients, physicians must consider the side effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Namely: Piracetam can cause dizziness, headache, mental agitation, irritability, sleep disturbances, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cramps; Deanol aceglumate can cause headaches, sleep disturbances, constipation, weight loss, itching, and in elderly patients – depression.

Side effects of the drug Picamilon are expressed in the form of dizziness and headache, irritability, agitation, anxiety, as well as nausea and skin rash with itching. For some, the use of Phenotropil is fraught with insomnia, irritability, dizziness and headache, an unstable state of mind (tearfulness, anxiety, as well as the appearance of delusions or hallucinations).

The drug Cereton has such possible side effects as nausea, headache, cramps, dry mucous membranes, urticaria, insomnia or drowsiness, increased irritability, constipation or diarrhea, cramps, anxiety.

But the side effects of Melatonin occur quite rarely and are expressed in the form of headaches and discomfort in the stomach.

Drugs that increase physical performance

Drugs that increase physical performance include drugs for increasing the overall tone of the body and activating its adaptive abilities, such as Acetylaminosuccinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, Pantocrine, alcohol tinctures ginseng, eleutherococcus and other medicinal plants.

Release form Acetylamino succinic acid(succinic acid) - tablets of 0.1 g. The general tonic effect of this drug is based on its ability to stabilize and simultaneously stimulate the neuroregulatory processes of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, taking succinic acid relieves fatigue and removes the depression associated with it.

Directions for use and dosage of acetylaminosuccinic acid: usual dose is 1-2 tablets per day for an adult (only after meals, with a glass of water). Children under 6 years old are prescribed 0.5 tablets per day, after 6 years old - a whole tablet (once a day).

The drug Melatonin increases the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotin in the brain and hypothalamus, and also acts as powerful antioxidant. As a result, this drug is used in the complex treatment of depressive states and central nervous system disorders, insomnia, and reduced immunity.

Melatonin is prescribed to adults, 1-2 tablets before bedtime. While taking it, you should not drink alcohol or smoke. This medicine is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age; Children over 12 are given one tablet per day (immediately before bedtime).

Calcium glycerophosphate (0.2 and 0.5 g tablets) is used as a performance-enhancing drug due to the fact that this substance can enhance protein synthesis, and more active anabolic processes in the body tissues, in turn, increase the tone of all its systems Therefore, doctors recommend taking Calcium glycerophosphate for general loss of strength, chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In addition, calcium is very useful for strengthening bones.

The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day (before meals), but it should not be combined with acidic foods and drinks, as well as milk.

Pantocrine - a liquid alcohol extract of young (non-ossified) antlers of maral, wapiti and sika deer - is a central nervous system stimulant and is used for asthenic conditions and low blood pressure. Directions for use and dosage: orally, 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals (2-3 times during the day). The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, repeated courses are carried out after a break of 10 days.

For many decades, drugs that increase physical performance have been represented by the classics - tincture of ginseng (root), Eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia and Chinese magnolia vine.

Presence in these biogenic stimulants triterpene glycosides, which affect energy processes in the body, explains their unconditional effectiveness in regulating glucose metabolism. Doctors recommend taking these tinctures for physical and mental fatigue, increased sleepiness and low blood pressure.

  • Piracetam increases the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, antipsychotic drugs, psychostimulants and anticoagulants;
  • Picamilon reduces the effect sleeping pills and enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics;
  • Calcium hopanthenate prolongs the effect of hypnotics and can also enhance the effects of anticonvulsants and central nervous system stimulants;
  • taking acetylaminosuccinic acid with sedatives ( sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers) can significantly neutralize their effects.
  • the use of tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia enhances the effect of psychostimulant drugs, as well as cordiamine and camphor-containing drugs. A simultaneous administration tonic tinctures with tranquilizers or anticonvulsants completely blocks therapeutic effect the latter.

An overdose of the above drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. In particular, there may be insomnia, increased irritability, trembling of the limbs (tremor), and in patients over 60 years of age - attacks of heart failure and sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.

The storage conditions for performance-enhancing drugs are almost the same and require their storage in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature (not higher than +25-30°C). Mandatory condition: the place of their storage must be inaccessible to children.

Manufacturers, as expected, indicate the expiration date of these drugs on the packaging.

Sometimes we may notice that our brain is not functioning as well as we would like. Memory processes, concentration and intellectual activity in general may be disrupted. Of course, such symptoms are not encouraging, but they can be dealt with by training the brain and taking the most different means to enhance its activity. It could be medications, and food products and herbal products. What substances can be used as stimulants of brain mental activity?



The root is an excellent stimulant of mental activity. It can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of a tincture. This remedy remarkably tones and optimizes the blood supply to the brain. In addition, taking Eleutherococcus root extract can increase the excitability of the cerebral cortex. This drug has a positive effect on mental performance. To achieve a positive effect, the tincture should be consumed twenty drops three times a day, dissolved in a certain amount of water.

Rhodiola rosea

This plant can also be purchased as a tincture. Consumption of such a composition helps to increase attention and concentration by an order of magnitude, improve performance and memory. Studies show that the use of the extract makes it possible to reduce latent period speech reactions for about one to three seconds, eliminate stereotypical responses and speed up the development of conditioned reflexes. Typically, this remedy is advised to take ten to fifteen drops two or three times a day for two to three weeks.

Ginkgo biloba

This plant substance is now actively used by pharmacists to create various dietary supplements. Scientists claim that the extract has a positive effect on the overall activity of the brain, providing this organ with a sufficient amount of nutrients and blood. Thus, the consumption of medicinal formulations based on it helps to eliminate and prevent memory loss, loss of concentration and mental-cognitive abilities. Ginkgo Biloba also improves mental capacity, increases the speed of reactions, adds communication and improves mood.

You can buy capsules with this plant and take them one per day with some water, over time the dosage can be increased to two capsules. When correcting chronic long-term conditions, it is worth consuming 360 mg of the active substance per day, which is six capsules per day.


To stimulate brain activity, medications such as nootropics are most often used; such medications come in many names and can be used in a variety of situations. So they are often used to activate brain functions in completely healthy people, in addition, such medications help to recover from the most various ailments or slow down the progression of certain diseases. Nootropic drugs have a positive effect on learning, they improve memory and brain activity, and such compounds can also increase our body’s resistance to a variety of aggressive factors. Many experts call them cognitive stimulants.

Piracetam. Nootropil

One of the most popular drugs of this type is, which can also be purchased under the name nootropil. The first drug is domestic, and the second is imported. Piracetam is somewhat cheaper than nootropil, but it is characterized by a lower degree of purification, which, with prolonged use, can cause problems with the liver or kidneys. The active components of this medicinal composition have a direct effect on the brain, improving its functional activity, accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses, and also optimizing metabolic processes and microcirculation.

The drug is most often advised to take thirty to one hundred and sixty milligrams per kilogram of body weight. This daily dosage, which can be divided into two to four doses. The medicine is unable to cause drowsiness.


Phenotropil is considered to be another fairly well-known medication for stimulating brain activity. This remedy quite well activates the integrative function of the brain, which leads to a noticeable improvement in memory, helps facilitate learning, and increases mental abilities. Consumption of such a nootropic somewhat increases mental abilities and has a positive effect on concentration. To achieve a positive effect, Phenotropil is usually advised to take one hundred milligrams in the morning; in some cases, the dosage may be increased in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, in which case it is divided into two doses. However, it is worth considering that consuming the drug after three o’clock in the afternoon is fraught with the development of insomnia.

Average duration Therapy with nootropic drugs is one month.

It is worth considering that all of the listed remedies, including herbal medicines, have certain contraindications, and can also provoke various side effects.