With my eyes closed I see circles. Transparent circles before the eyes

Naturally, with age, the risk of various diseases increases. Eyes are no exception: age-related cataracts, retinal dystrophy... Only regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows for early stages identify serious illnesses eye and prevent possible loss vision.

In some cases, for example, when acute attack glaucoma, the count is not in days, but in hours: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some of the signs of eye diseases will help you promptly seek help from a specialist.

Sudden deterioration of vision in one eye

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you have myopia, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or systemic diseases, there is a risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders - occlusion of the central retinal artery or thrombosis of the central retinal vein.

In such cases, time is counted by the clock, and only timely assistance specialized assistance will help restore vision, otherwise irreversible blindness will occur in the affected eye.

The sensation of a black curtain in front of the eyes that obscures part of the field of vision

Sensation of a black or translucent curtain in front of the eyes from the periphery. This symptom is often observed with retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of vision restoration.

Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, possibly nausea, vomiting

These may be signs of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, which can cause damage optic nerve. Immediate reduction shown intraocular pressure- up to surgical treatment. Don't wait until the pain will go away. See your doctor immediately.

Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

A gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of vision, ultimately leading to the ability to see only what is located directly in front of you - the so-called “tubular” vision. You may have glaucoma, one of the main symptoms of which is a narrowing of the field of vision as a result of damage to the optic nerve.

Without appropriate conservative or surgical treatment, vision will deteriorate. End-stage glaucoma is complete loss of vision. Severe pain may occur that continues even after surgery and ultimately requires removal of the eye.

Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, distorted images (straight lines appear wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration - a dystrophic disease of the central region of the retina - the macula, which plays the most important role in providing vision. The incidence increases sharply with age.

Without supportive treatment, vision gradually deteriorates; glasses do not help. Currently, there are various treatment options that are used depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden decrease in vision may be caused by a macular hole in the retina, i.e. retinal tear in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, since a retinal tear in the macular area, if treatment is not started in time, leads to irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before the eyes, decreased brightness and contrast

These symptoms may be caused by developing cataracts - clouding of the lens. Vision deteriorates gradually, eventually reducing to the ability to distinguish only light. In most cases, urgent medical care is not required; at a certain stage, planned surgical treatment is carried out - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens.

However, periodic observation by an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases cataracts may be accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as cataracts develop, the lens becomes harder and larger in size, which can complicate the operation to remove it, so you need to visit a specialist regularly to determine the optimal time for surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floaters, fog or blurred vision

If you have diabetes, these may be signs of diabetic retinopathy - damage to the retina caused by diabetes. As diabetes progresses or becomes decompensated, the risk of eye complications increases dramatically.

It is necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist to examine the fundus, since changes in the blood vessels and the retina itself, hemorrhages in the retina and vitreous body can cause irreversible loss of vision.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe you the therapy necessary specifically for the eyes, which may not only involve taking certain medications, laser treatment is often required, and other treatment methods may also be used. Timely laser coagulation of the retina is the only way to preserve vision in diabetes mellitus.

A burning sensation, sand in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

Such complaints occur with dry eye syndrome, the frequency and severity of which increases with age. Usually we are talking primarily about discomfort and deterioration in quality of life, rather than about any danger to the eyes.

However, severe dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eye syndrome, conduct the necessary examination, and recommend which moisturizing drops are best for you to use.


Double vision when looking with one or both eyes can be caused by many reasons, both from the eyes and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases nervous system, endocrine pathology. If double vision suddenly appears, immediately contact a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

Floaters before the eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are explained by destruction of the vitreous body. This is a harmless condition associated with age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous humor - the transparent gel-like content that fills the eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, liquefies, and is not as tightly adjacent to the retina as before; its fibers stick together, lose transparency, casting a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in our field of vision.

Such floating opacities are clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. The destruction of the vitreous body can lead to: arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, eye and nose injuries, etc.

However, an unexpected spot before the eyes, a “curtain”, can be caused by a serious pathology that requires emergency treatment– for example, hemorrhages in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms occur suddenly, on one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

If you have any previously absent visual symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply over several hours or days, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if it is not possible to consult with your ophthalmologist, you can go to an emergency eye care office, which is available in every city in multidisciplinary hospitals or eye hospitals.

As a last resort, many opticians have experienced ophthalmologists who will conduct the minimum necessary examination and give recommendations for further action.

Statistics show that every second resident of the Russian Federation (all age groups) has minor vision problems or easily correctable defects. Serious diseases that require long-term correction or surgical treatment are diagnosed in 11% of all adult residents of Russia and in 14% of children. Half a million visually impaired people every year. These terrible statistics could be different if early diagnosis And timely treatment problems that seem insignificant to patients. It’s even somehow awkward to go to the ophthalmologist with them, distracting the doctor from patients who really need help. For example, if flickering zigzags began to appear before your eyes, similar to flashes of lightning. Who should immediately go to the doctor as soon as they notice such symptoms? And is it necessary? Let's find out how dangerous “lightning in the eyes” is.

Where do lightning flashes before your eyes come from?

Light anomalies, which from time to time appear before the eyes of even absolutely healthy people with one hundred percent vision, are not limited to lightning. In the spectrum: , floating tadpoles, light spots, rays, figures of eight, dark spots . But the flickering zigzags are an impressive sight. Especially if they appear frequently and are of strong intensity.

In healthy people who do not have eye diseases, their appearance may be associated with the following situations:

  • a change in body position that occurs abruptly;
  • sneezing;
  • severe coughing attack;
  • vomit;
  • during physical activity.

All this is due to overload vestibular apparatus or a short-term increase in pressure. In these cases, zigzags appear briefly, look rather dull, quickly disappear and do not appear again. Literally within seconds everything returns to normal, and the person forgets that he saw something strange and atypical.

Important! If zigzag flickering objects flash before your eyes without a good reason, obvious provoking actions or the influence of any factors, if their visibility is bright, the flashes last for some time and periodically appear again, you should be wary.

This symptom may be followed by blurred vision, as if a veil has covered the pupil, leading to deterioration of vision. It is especially worthwhile to visit an ophthalmologist for those who do not engage in sports, physical labor, are in a calm state, and see flickering zigzags when they are relaxed.

In fact, these lightning bolts are such a wide-ranging symptom that one can name dozens of diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way, ranging from diseases of the optic nerve to diseases of many systems of the visual and other organs. In addition to his own examination, the ophthalmologist can refer the patient to a therapist, neurologist, ENT doctor, endocrinologist, psychiatrist and others. After all, the eye, according to ophthalmologists, is the same brain, only in miniature and located on the periphery.

Of course, there are no real lightning bolts. This is only a visual sensation, a visual effect, in the form of glare, zigzags, rings, serpentines, flashes, sparks, fireflies - a variety of shapes, which is called photopsia. Most often, photopsia occurs in the dark, after any impact (mechanical, electrical or chemical) is applied to the retina, irritating the corresponding segments of the cerebral cortex. But the effect can also be observed in the light. An effect, which means a false sensation that can act as a harbinger of very real and formidable diseases.

Causes of visual illusions

It is necessary to immediately separate all the reasons this phenomenon by two large groups. The first group includes causes related to visual impairment.

The second group includes diseases of other organs not related to the visual system. Here, except for zigzags and similar effects games of color, other signs (characteristic of each disease) necessarily appear, for example, accompanying headache, spatial disorientation, leg weakness, nausea, staggering, apparent sounds, tinnitus.

There are also reasons that, not being a disease or pathology, can cause

Table. Causes of manifestations of photopsia.

Anomalies in operation visual organs Pathologies of other organsOther reasons
temporary (with age) changes in the tissues of the visual organs
Damage to the blood vessels of the eye and resulting hemorrhage
eye injury, both mechanical and thermal injury or chemical burn
· retinal detachment
· incorrectly selected glasses
eye infections
· cataract
· glaucoma
· vegetative-vascular dystonia
migraine attack
· circulatory disorders due to osteochondrosis of the neck
lack of iron
· low pressure
· pressure too high
vascular cerebral atherosclerosis
· pre-infarction state
· cranial trauma
· severe stress, fatigue
· climate change that occurred abruptly, or manifestation of weather dependence
· use of alcoholic substances
· smoking
· severe poisoning
taking certain medications
unbalanced diet

There is one more reason that cannot be attributed to eye diseases or other pathologies. This is not a disease at all - it is pregnancy. Even with her normal course female body Constantly withstands heavy loads. At the same time, visual disturbances temporary- a common occurrence.

But it must be remembered that long-term visual disturbances, including color-optical illusions that occur after the second trimester and beyond, can signal the onset of pregestosis, which very quickly turns into gestosis.

By the way. Preeclampsia is a failure syndrome that affects several organs or entire systems at once. In severe cases, it can put a person into a coma.

Non-ocular pathologies and flicker in the eyes

Why when eye diseases lightning appears, one can understand. But why do they occur in other diseases? Everything has a logical explanation.


If it is present, then with a lack of iron in a person, the number of red blood cells decreases (hemoglobin drops). This is expressed by a decrease in oxygen in the blood. Fatigue appears, drowsiness sets in, zigzags or other figures appear before your eyes. Vision may decrease.

Due to the decrease in pressure, vascular tone decreases. Here again there is a problem with the supply of blood vessels, and therefore oxygen. Hence the zigzag highlights, and more may appear.


A severe migraine provokes paroxysmal, spasmodic headaches. It causes visual effects.

It would seem that a disease of the musculoskeletal system cannot have anything to do with lightning in the eyes. But do not forget that in the cervical region there are nerve endings that send impulses to the upper body, limbs and, of course, the head and all the organs and systems that are located there. Therefore, when nerves are pinched, which provokes displacement of the cervical vertebrae, flashes appear in the eyes, accompanied by pain in the neck, head, and arms.


In severe stages of this disease, the blood vessels, which leads to the illusory visibility of zigzag flashes.


This is also not a disease, but an abnormal, stressful state of the body, in which it still does not receive required quantity nutrients. That is, simple exhaustion can cause lightning effects.


Any overload, from sporting achievements and record-breaking digging of potatoes in the country, to mental or emotional ones, contribute to a rise in performance blood pressure, causing a twinkle in the eyes of colored figures.

Medicines, tobacco, alcohol

Medicines and drugs such as tobacco and alcohol, when used excessively or incorrectly, can cause illusory rainbow lightning flashes. This phenomenon is also observed with any type of poisoning, especially with existing vomiting.

Important! Persistent flickering may be a sign of a stroke. If the outbreaks are intense and increasing, and the process is accompanied by other signs of pre-stroke or pre-infarction condition, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

In general, if zigzags and other spectacular figures persistently appear in your eyes, contact the ophthalmological consultation of your clinic. The doctor, using special equipment, will easily detect pathology, if present. And if no diseases of the ocular apparatus are detected, he will send you to another doctor for further examination and to find out the cause of the photopsia.

Provocateurs of photopsia

Everything has been clarified about the reasons. But there are also so-called provocateurs that can provoke manifestations of photopsia, serving as an unfavorable background for its occurrence, or aggravating the existing cause.

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Infancy or childhood.
  3. Poor posture.
  4. Elderly age.
  5. Lack of lighting during work.
  6. Constant use of television or computer monitor.
  7. Vascular injuries during complicated birth processes.
  8. Endocrine diseases.
  9. Head injury.
  10. Viral infections.
  11. Bacterial diseases.
  12. AIDS.

Some of this list cannot be removed in any way, but some things can be corrected by changing your lifestyle/work and reducing the impact of provocateurs.

Treatment and preventive measures

Of course, it is not the zigzags themselves that are treated (you remember that this is an illusion), but the diseases that gave rise to them. Or, if it is not a disease, the causes are eliminated.

How is photopsia treated? Like other diseases - with medications. But they are not aimed at eliminating lightning in the eyes, but at eliminating the pathology that gave rise to them. The patient is prescribed drug therapy according to the disease. If it is an eye disease, such as a detached retina, or an eye injury, surgery may be required before he can no longer see lightning in his vision.

Important! The main goal of treatment is to preserve vision by removing optical effects and, if possible, relieving the patient of the existing disease.

As for preventive measures, they are not complicated and are as follows.

  1. Moderate non-intensive sports.
  2. Physical activity that replenishes oxygen deprivation.
  3. Hiking.
  4. Bicycle (at a relaxed pace).
  5. Complete nutrition.
  6. Healthy sleep to avoid overwork.
  7. No stress.
  8. Quitting habits that are harmful to health
  9. Treatment of infections on time and to the end.
  10. Swimming.
  11. Prevention of osteochondrosis (prevention of spinal curvature).
  12. Limit time spent on screens.
  13. Elimination of the “dry eye” effect.

Most importantly, do not forget that flickering zigzags are just an anomaly and unpleasant symptom. Therefore, get rid of it yourself, even with the help of medications that “one neighbor recommended,” or traditional medicine, not worth it. In any case, you must first obtain the doctor’s approval and his recommendations regarding treatment, so as not to harm yourself and, while trying to get rid of lightning in your eyes, not to lose your vision.

Video - Lightning in the eyes, reasons why flashes appear in the right or left eye

Pathologies of the organs of vision in Lately they are getting younger, for which there are explanations:

  • big emotional and physical exercise ;
  • long periods of time in front of a PC monitor, as well as in front of a TV and other gadgets that require excessive concentration of vision ;
  • lack of rest for the eyes(outdoor walks, etc.).

If any abnormalities appear in the field of vision (spots, spots, or lightning appear in the eyes), it is very important to determine the cause. which provoked this condition.

White spots before the eyes

Rainbow circles are a symptom of several diseases at once.

1) glaucoma (damage to the optic nerve due to intraocular pressure);

2) cataract (clouding of the lens);

3) acute and subacute conjunctivitis;

1) cervical osteochondrosis;

1) accompanied by visual hallucinations.

And such bright circles appear when you look at the sun or a bright source of light. In this case, it is better to close your eyes and blink.

If multi-colored spots and circles are floating in front of your eyes - first of all, calm down, if you are excited, smoothly close your eyes, just close them and not squint them, then slowly count to 20, open and see whether there are spots left or not. It’s just that sometimes it’s a reaction to bright light (photosensitivity) and then it goes away quickly.

If the circles remain, then do not procrastinate, and quickly make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, since this may be a sign of several eye diseases, and this is not something to joke about.

Therefore, the sooner the doctor finds out the reason, the better, don’t hesitate.

1) Perhaps these multi-colored spots appeared before the eyes after being in the bright sun or in a room with flickering light. In this case, there is nothing to worry about, everything will go away on its own;

2) This fact may also indicate eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma. Here you need to consult an ophthalmologist;

3) The causes may also be of a neurological nature: pinched nerve, cervical osteochondrosis and hypertension.

In any case, if you do not understand the reason for the appearance of these spots, the first thing you need to do is contact an ophthalmologist, and then you will see.

This phenomenon often happens from overexertion and in many people, so this matter can be corrected with the right regimen and physical training. You need to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, and this is achieved through training.

It’s bad when such symptoms occur after 45 years, then with this problem you need to quickly see a doctor and he will prescribe treatment, but in addition to treatment, you also need to follow a regimen and diet of air walks or light jogging. This is how you can comprehensively deal with such a problem.

Why dont know. And I get rid of it this way: I close my eyes, cover them with my palms on top so that it becomes completely dark, but don’t press, and think about something good, imagine something. But under no circumstances focus on these circles. I learned about this method a long time ago when I was trying to restore my vision.

It all depends on what after what these circles appear, if, for example, after the sun and bright light, then it is not dangerous, just look for a few minutes and blink in an unlit place. But if rainbow circles appear suddenly, for no apparent reason, then you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist, since such symptoms may indicate various eye diseases. It’s better to play it safe, and even with minor and rare symptoms visit a doctor rather than later face the problem of vision deterioration.

Some people can actually see bright spots in front of their eyes; they can be yellow or multi-colored.

The cause of this condition can be strong physical exertion, or if you are at the computer or phone for quite a long time, that is, looking closely at the monitor screen.

There may be serious eye diseases, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist. Vascular diseases and pinching of the cervical vertebrae can also cause this condition.

One of the reasons, as for example it happens to me, may be an inflammatory process of the nasal sinuses. This happens to me when they get inflamed. chronic sinusitis. The nose, eyes and head are aching terribly and when you close your eyes you can see a rainbow - either colored stripes or shimmering circles.

Circles and spots appear according to various reasons, for example, we caught a “bunny” from welding.

Perhaps the pressure has jumped.

Perhaps the body was simply overstrained (severe fatigue).

Or perhaps this is due to an eye disease; here you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Eyes are one of the most vulnerable human sensory organs. They are susceptible to many diseases and injuries. Ophthalmologists note that, according to statistics, rainbow circles in the eyes are one of the most common. This can be either a disease or the body’s way of warning its owner.

There is no one reason why this happens. Rainbow circles before the eyes can be a consequence of either illness or injury. The main reasons why this happens:

  1. The problem is inside the brain. For example, with vessels.
  2. Loss of control of eye movements due to weakness of the eye muscles.
  3. Changes in internal state one of the eyes or both.
  4. Diseases not related to the eyes. A “rainbow” may appear in the case of diabetes. But this is a temporary symptom.
  5. Effects of drugs.
  6. Severe impacts or other injuries. For example, during training or if you accidentally hit something with your temple or the eye itself.

These are the main reasons why circles may appear before the eyes. Before thinking about any disease as the cause, you should look into the medications taken on the same day. Circles can talk about their side effects.

This symptom is directly related to the cornea, since rainbow circles are changes in the cornea’s reflection of the rays entering it. This indicates swelling - glaucoma. Rainbow circles before the eyes, as a cause, indicate the severity of glaucoma. The brighter they are, the more visual acuity drops, the sooner you should consult a doctor.

If vision disturbance appears along with the circles, followed by a sharp headache, then this is a migraine. Don't worry. The eyes will come in normal condition after the head calms down.

It means serious problems with the brain or serious pathology. This is not something you can diagnose on your own. Full reason It can only be detected after an MRI examination of the head.

Not so often, but it occurs as a symptom mental illness. But the appearance of rainbow circles occurs not as a result of injury or damage as a physiological phenomenon, but in the form of a hallucination, when the brain independently invents this as part of the real world for it.

When the cause of rainbow circles is not medication, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to take all measures in time and protect your eyes or other organs from damage.

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Vitreous humor is a gel that fills the space between the retina and the lens of the eye. This body in its normal state is completely transparent. When disturbances occur in its composition, fragments appear that differ in transparency from the vitreous body itself. A decrease in the volume of the vitreous body is called destruction. New opaque fragments interfere with the transmission of images to the retina, hence the floating dark circles before the eyes.

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  • great emotional and physical stress;
  • prolonged exposure to a PC monitor, as well as in front of a TV and other gadgets that require excessive visual concentration;
  • lack of rest for the eyes (outdoor walks, etc.).

If any deviations in the field of vision appear (spots, spots, lightning appear in the eyes), it is very important to determine the reason that provoked this condition.

And here the nature of the spots and their color play an important role.

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Dots before the eyes: reasons

Flickering can be completely harmless. It occurs in healthy people when poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, wearing incorrectly selected vision correction products, taking certain medications, emotional exhaustion, poisoning, overheating or sunstroke. But the reasons may be much more serious.

Flickering may be caused by the following health problems:

  1. Migraine. Shortly before the attack, the patient may experience sparkles, sparkling patterns, or bright white zigzags in front of the eyes. They are present in one eye or in both eyes at once, and most of them accumulate on the side in peripheral vision. May increase when eyes are closed or in the dark.
  2. Damage to blood vessels. With chronic vascular diseases that destroy the structure of arteries and veins, bunnies may appear in the field of view. This is caused by spasms and poor circulation. The symptoms are most noticeable when the eyes are closed.
  3. Hypertension. At high blood pressure Different figures may flicker before your eyes, which is accompanied by headache, dizziness, decreased performance and increased fatigue.
  4. Hypotension. With a decrease in pressure, the vessels experience a lack of blood, which can cause different patterns to flicker before the eyes.
  5. Diabetes. The disease, left untreated, leads to serious damage to the blood vessels of the brain and eyes. There may be glare in front of both eyes, bright flashes, floaters, temporarily blurred parts of the visible image, as well as a feeling of constant coldness.
  6. Anemia. A decrease in hemoglobin levels is always combined with dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, dry skin, general pallor of the body, trembling of the limbs, and tinnitus. Often, spirals, stripes or dots appear in front of the eyes.
  7. Brain tumor . As tumors grow, compression of blood vessels and nerves occurs, which causes flashing of various figures before the eyes, which can be black, white or even colored. The phenomenon is permanent and can cause difficulty focusing.
  8. Head or eye injuries. In most cases, even minor injuries cause flashes of bright light, confusion, weakness and headaches.
  9. Inflammation of the retina. On the background inflammatory process The image begins to blur, and an unpleasant flickering of flies or dots is formed.
  10. Vitreous detachment. This almost always happens as the body ages. When the vitreous peels off, it causes flashes of light, sparks, and discolored spots that make the entire picture turn white. Symptoms intensify with eye movement and are localized laterally.
  11. Retinal tear or detachment. With ruptures and detachments of the retina, flashes may appear before the eyes, which are often accompanied by haze and sudden blurred vision. This is most pronounced in the morning after sleep.
  12. Oscillopsia. With this disease, it may seem to a person that when he turns his head, some objects begin to fly or jump to another place. This is accompanied by flickering in the eyes, the appearance of white spots, as well as a short-term decrease in vision up to its complete absence.
  13. Cervical osteochondrosis. Bunnies appear in the eyes when the vertebrae are displaced, which causes pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels. Patients almost always experience unpleasant pain that comes in the form of a wave.
  14. Hormonal changes. They occur during pregnancy, onset menopause and puberty. They are almost always accompanied by short-term blinking of jagged threads, dots, and shiny spots in front of the eyes in the area of ​​peripheral vision.
  15. Eclampsia. With late toxicosis, sunbeams, bright stripes or dots may appear that will glow and slowly fly before the eyes.

With any of the listed diseases, flickering can become a permanent phenomenon, because Without treatment, no positive changes can occur. If there is a suspicion of the development of the disease, then the person has serious reason consult a doctor.

  • aging: after 50 years this is a normal phenomenon;
  • myopia: myopic people are particularly prone to such changes; in their case, dark circles may appear even in adolescence;
  • eye injuries: if blood particles enter the vitreous body, they will create a shadow on the retina;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • other factors.

Floaters, VEIL BEFORE THE EYES, rainbow circles and double vision

Here is a list of things that can change your vision.

Veil before the eyes.

Rainbow circles when you look at a lit object, such as a street lamp or the headlights of an approaching car.

Loss of peripheral vision: You can see, but only narrowly straight ahead, not to the sides.

Flashes of light or zigzag lines.

Intolerance to bright light.

Poor central vision - you see better on the sides.

1. Local disorders in one eye or both.

2. Weakness of the muscles that control eye movements.

3. Neurological problem inside the brain.

4. Disease not related to the eyes or brain.

5. Reaction to medications.

To “find out” the exact cause, let’s first look in your home medicine cabinet.

Blurred vision, spots and rainbow circles can be caused by medications. Some medications, including antidepressants, cortisone, anti-anxiety medications (Haldol), birth control pills, heart medications, and medications used for Parkinson's disease, impair vision by increasing pressure in the eye. It can worsen existing low-grade glaucoma and cause blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision, rainbow circles when looking at lights, and general decline visual acuity.

If you have double vision (doctors call it diplopia), it's important to know whether it's happening in one eye or both. (It is possible to see everything double with only one eye.) To determine this, close one eye for a while. If you still see double, the problem is local to that eye. However, if double vision occurs only when both eyes are open, then something is affecting the eye muscles, the most common causes being vascular disorders of the brain: usually stroke, myasthenia gravis, increased function thyroid, diabetes or brain tumor.

If you are 40 years old or older and have started seeing spots or floating objects in your vision, don't worry. This is a very common phenomenon in completely healthy elderly people, it indicates the presence of intermediate metabolic products. You are more likely to see these spots if you are nearsighted.

Are bright lights suddenly annoying you? Many people with thin skin are unable to tolerate bright lighting. However, if this symptom is new to you, it may indicate an eye infection, inflammation, or injury. It also occurs in glaucoma and some types of cataracts. Find out.

If you suddenly notice a blind spot when you look straight ahead and it lasts for several days, see your doctor. You may have bleeding inside your eye. If you see bright spots, rainbow circles, zigzag lines, or loss of peripheral vision followed by a severe headache, you have had a migraine attack. These visual disturbances will soon pass.

If you are a diabetic and suddenly notice occasional or constant double vision, your eye muscles have been weakened by the disease. This symptom is usually temporary.

If you are 60 or 70 years old and experience double vision for several minutes or hours, it is likely due to a spasm (transient ischemic attack) or a blockage in one of the brain's arteries (stroke), especially if you have high blood pressure. Contact your doctor immediately.

If you're under 40 and suddenly experience double or blurry vision and notice an unsteady gait, the most likely cause, at least statistically, is early-onset multiple sclerosis. Although victims of this disease may feel well for a long time, multiple sclerosis usually progresses over the years.

If you are a woman between 30 and 40 years old and take birth control pills, smoke and develop blurry or double vision, the cause is a vascular disorder in the brain. While some of this is due to hormones, the main culprit lies with cigarettes.

If you have diabetes, you may find that your glasses are good some days, but other days your vision through them is blurry. These changes are associated with fluctuations in blood sugar. Don't waste money on new glasses because nothing will change until you stabilize your blood sugar.

If you suddenly go blind in one eye and your vision does not return quickly, the central retinal artery behind the eye may be blocked or blood clot or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This is a case that requires emergency care. Contact your eye doctor right away. It can save your vision if you get to it quickly enough.

Here are a few other options to keep in mind.

You are over 50, every muscle in your body is sore and tense for days, you slight fever, your appetite has disappeared and you feel weak. Suddenly, as if all this was not enough, you go blind in one eye. You almost certainly have temporal arteritis, an inflammation of certain arteries in the head. The diagnosis requires a biopsy and, if confirmed, immediate treatment cortisone. The alternative is blindness!


The cause of this symptom may be the following etiological factors:

  • destruction of the vitreous body;
  • macular edema;
  • posterior vitreous detachment;
  • macular degeneration;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels inside the organs of vision;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • Stargardt's disease;
  • retinal burn.

TO etiological factors non-ophthalmological nature should include:

  • migraine attacks;
  • head injury;
  • high blood pressure;
  • a sharp effect of a light irritant on the eye;
  • eye injury;
  • increased susceptibility to ultraviolet rays;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • fainting state;
  • severe emotional shock.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of this symptom after necessary methods examinations.

General characteristics of provoking factors

Any person will worry when “floaters”, flashes, and also a rainbow halo appear before their eyes. Naturally, the named manifestations do not simply arise. Although it’s not worth talking about the development of a dangerous disease right away. You need to wait for diagnostic data.

You can often hear that when you look at a light source, you see a multi-colored halo. If evenly colored circles appear, there are different reasons. First of all, you should know about the so-called diffraction phenomenon. For example, when you look at a street lamp through foggy glass at night, you can see rainbow phenomena around the light source. A similar effect occurs when the lenses of glasses are scratched.

Concerning ophthalmological pathology, the symptom is the result of a "foggy" environment of the eye. This is observed in patients with cataracts or glaucoma.

Doctors warn: when you are simultaneously bothered by painful discomfort in the eye and multi-colored circles, you need to urgently seek help. Such manifestations indicate the development of glaucoma, so treatment should not be delayed.

The combination of rainbow circles in the eyes and double vision requires a thorough examination. The symptoms should be alarming, since we are talking about a condition where, most likely, the stem structures were affected. The patient must be examined by a neurologist, after which the patient will receive a referral for a CT or MRI of the brain.

The appearance of rainbow circles can be explained by the presence of visual hallucinations.

In addition, a patient with a developing mental illness will suffer from:

  • delirium;
  • paralogical judgments;
  • insomnia;
  • auditory hallucinations and other symptoms.

People who are prescribed a course of treatment with:

  • antidepressants;
  • "Cortisone";
  • sedatives, for example, Haloperidol;
  • contraceptives;
  • medications for heart disorders.

Multi-colored halos can appear not only with glaucoma. This is why it is so important to undergo a thorough examination before making a final diagnosis. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between the conditions in which the symptom occurs. After all, the disease can be anything.

If the cause of rainbow halos lies in conjunctivitis, the patient will observe them when he fixes his gaze on the light source. But if the mucus accumulated in the eyes is removed, they immediately disappear.

In patients with cataracts, the sign is constantly present. Usually it makes itself felt when the visual organ is clogged.

If you have glaucoma, then the circles have nothing to do with mucus in the eyes and do not disappear. The patient will see a halo at any time as soon as he looks at the light source.

You should always remain calm, even if there are specific signs. A disease detected in time can almost always be cured in a short time. Complications occur for those people who do not pay attention special attention on the condition of the eyes and postpone treatment for an indefinite period.


In what cases is this true, and in what cases should you pay attention to this sign?

Naturally, with age, the risk of various diseases increases. Eyes are no exception: age-related cataracts, retinal dystrophy... Only regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows you to identify serious eye diseases in the early stages and prevent possible loss of vision.

In some cases, for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma, the count is not in days, but in hours: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some of the signs of eye diseases will help you promptly seek help from a specialist.

In this case, the general clinical manifestations No. The nature of the symptoms depends on the provoking factor.

Migraines may cause yellow spots before the eyes, blurry vision.

The appearance of red spots before the eyes may be due to impaired blood supply to the brain, cervical osteochondrosis, or a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels of the eye, which manifests itself in the following clinical picture:

  • impaired coordination of movements. speeches;
  • increased fatigue. weakness even with minimal physical activity;

Green spots before the eyes can appear during physical exhaustion, at the stage of pre-fainting, as evidenced by the following symptoms:

  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;

Symptoms of presyncope

Regardless of what clinical picture is noted, you need to seek medical help in a timely manner, and not self-medicate through medications or traditional medicine.

  • promotion blood pressure;
  • headache that may radiate to the back of the head;
  • spots before the eyes may appear from time to time or appear only during physical activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements and speech;
  • increased fatigue, weakness even with minimal physical activity;
  • nausea, often with bouts of vomiting, which does not bring relief.
  • blurred vision, a feeling that everything around is blurry;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • nausea, which is rarely accompanied by vomiting;
  • low blood pressure.

Various eye diseases manifest themselves with specific symptoms. Some of the latter may indicate several ailments at once, and rainbow circles before the eyes are one of these symptoms. Moreover, this phenomenon in certain circumstances may be the limit of the norm.


If flickering has become regular or is accompanied by serious symptoms, then you cannot do without visiting a doctor. First you need to visit an ophthalmologist. After an examination and a short conversation, the doctor will determine whether there is a need to consult with other specialists, and will also prescribe several important examinations.

You will need:

  • Blood and urine tests;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;

You need to undergo examinations as soon as possible, because... Some diseases require the fastest possible therapeutic intervention. If you delay, there is a risk of encountering complications that will be very difficult to treat.

If you have such a symptom, you should first contact an ophthalmologist. Depending on the clinical picture, consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist and cardiologist may be necessary.

The diagnostic program may include the following:

The exact diagnostic program will depend on the current clinical picture.

There is no general treatment program, since basic treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis and the etiology of the underlying factor. In some cases, conservative treatment is not practical and surgery is required.

Concerning preventive measures, then in this case, no targeted methods have been developed. In general, it should be healthy image life, exclude eye injuries and promptly contact an ophthalmologist if such a symptom is present.


When the causes of glare in the eyes are accurately determined, the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment. It may include drugs of a different spectrum, depending on the type of disease. May appoint the following types drugs:

  1. Eye drops.
  2. Antibacterial and antiviral tablets.
  3. Medicines aimed at normalizing blood pressure.
  4. Means for lowering glucose levels.
  5. Vitamin complexes.

In most cases, patients are prescribed Emoxipine or Wobenzym. Both drugs are intended for the eyes. The first improves their health and strengthens blood vessels, and the second relieves inflammation and pain. They show high effectiveness in combating most diseases associated with the organs of vision.

If there are no contraindications, you can do a light massage of the eyeballs. This will improve blood flow and relieve tension. With its help, you can remove flickering zigzags that appear before your eyes in just 5 minutes.

There are various methods to get rid of the disease

Get rid of annoying spots before your eyes by exclusively medicines impossible, especially in the presence of serious deviations.

There are several methods of therapy:

  • Medicinal. Instillation of medications that accelerate metabolism helps to slightly reduce the number of flying spots before the eyes. These include various neurometabolic stimulants, Emoxipine eye drops, as well as drugs that activate brain circulation (Wobenzym, Cinnarizine). However, drugs are not able to prevent further destruction.
  • Laser vision correction. Experts are still arguing about the effectiveness of this technique. The principle of operation is crushing with a special laser device darkened areas of the vitreous body. But the operation is associated with high risk postoperative complications in the form of cataracts, retinal rupture. The method is still poorly understood and rarely used in practice.
  • Vitrectomy. An extremely complex procedure for removing the vitreous and filling the vacated space with a specific saline solution. Refers to radical methods treatment, it is used infrequently due to possible side effects after surgery - hemorrhages and the development of cataracts.

In folk medicine they use their alternative techniques. An eyeball massage is recommended, which activates lymph flow and blood circulation in the eyeball. Propolis and honey drops with aloe are extremely popular.

Read: Lingual braces: cost, advantages and disadvantages

But we must not forget that all manipulations with the eyes must be supervised by a certified doctor.

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[edit] Forecast

The prognosis is favorable, the disease does not affect the ability to work, and does not lead to the development of complications dangerous to the patient’s health.

Mobile application “Happy Mama” 4.7 Communicating in the application is much more convenient!

opened my eyes to my flies))) now I know what it is) thank you)

but I also laughed for a reason - aging)))) I’ve been seeing them for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, I also played around with them and chased them))))

I live with them, there are many, many of them. At first I was upset, then I got used to it.

they also write about flashes, light circles

my flies are flying)

There is no need to talk about how important vision is for a person - it is obvious. Therefore, any disorders of eye function, for example, appearance of spots before the eyes different color, can be a serious signal to the fact that it is time to visit an ophthalmologist.

Why are there spots before my eyes?

Pathologies of the organs of vision have recently become younger, for which there are explanations:

  • big emotional and physical stress;
  • long periods of time in front of a PC monitor, as well as in front of a TV and other gadgets that require excessive concentration of vision;
  • lack of rest for the eyes(outdoor walks, etc.).

If any abnormalities appear in the field of vision (spots, spots, lightning appear in the eyes), it is very important to determine the cause, which provoked this condition.

And here The nature of the spots and their color play an important role.

White spots before the eyes

Photo 1: Appearance of spots or dots in the eye structures white often act as symptoms of serious pathologies. Therefore, timely examination, diagnosis and treatment of the visual organs is so important. Source: flickr (Evgen Kirjukhin).

White spots in the eyes or cloudiness can be both a primary pathology and one of the symptoms of disease development in various structures of the eye:

  • in the retina;
  • in the lens;
  • in the cornea.

Lens pathologies

Changes in the lens are usually lead to diseases such as cataracts. The disease manifests itself as clouding varying degrees, expressed in a clouded white-gray spot on the pupil.

Cataracts develop due to degenerative changes in the lens substance. This explains the fact that this disease is observed mainly in elderly patients.

Cataracts are treated conservatively. Therapy is prescribed for primary stage and lies in the application drugs that improve metabolic processes in the structures of the visual organs.

If the disease is advanced, it is treated by surgical intervention: the affected lens is removed and an intraocular lens is implanted in its place.

Corneal changes

In medicine, corneal opacities are called leukoma. The pathology can be total or spread only to a certain area of ​​the cornea.

White spots appearing before the eyes, while come in different sizes: very small or such that can be seen with the naked eye.

The pathology may not affect the functionality of the visual organs in any way, but also may cause the development of blindness.

Blurred vision can also occur for the following reasons:

  • tuberculosis accompanied by keratitis;
  • syphilis and others infectious diseases. Note that after inflammatory processes, characteristic scars remain on the cornea;
  • eye injuries;
  • contact with toxic substances.

Photo 2: Leukoma is treated surgically, but first of all, the disease that caused the clouding is eliminated, and only then the damaged cornea is removed and subsequent plastic surgery is performed. Source: flickr (Carlos P Wendell).

Retinal changes

With insufficient blood supply to the retina White spots may also appear in front of the eyes. This pathology in medicine is called retinal angiopathy. It may arise against the background of previous injuries, due to hypertension, atherosclerosis, low blood pressure, exposure to toxic substances.

Without receiving enough nutrients, the retina weakens, which leads to to its thinning, exfoliation and even rupture.

Angiopathy may result from diabetic disease, vascular abnormalities, Alzheimer's disease, osteochondrosis and scoliosis, as well as in smokers.

Angiopathy syndromes are:

  • white “midges” near the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • white spots;
  • Possible eye pain;
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • vision may be completely lost.

Yellow and bright spots before the eyes

Sometimes a person may see various objects in the form of circles or yellow spots. They can be floating, barely noticeable, and sometimes very bright, like flashes. It's very it is important to note the nature of these manifestations: they occur periodically or are constantly present.

In some cases, the described symptom may accompanied by a number of other manifestations:

  • headache;
  • bright flashes of light;
  • dizziness;
  • sore eyes;
  • double or blurred vision;
  • a sharp increase in the size of spots;
  • flashing circles.

Causes of pathology

Symptoms, features

Yellow spots, nausea or headache.
Pathology of the vitreousFloating yellow spots different forms and magnitude.
Posterior vitreous detachmentFloating specks are accompanied by bright flashes.
Only a qualified doctor can help here, because the pathology is very serious.
Swelling of the central part of the retina (macula)Distortion of vision, yellow spots.
HemorrhagesObjects are black-brown or yellow in color.
These deviations require urgent medical attention and timely therapy.
Retinal burnObjects are yellowish.

How to treat yellow spots

Treatment of the pathology depends on the root cause of its occurrence.

For macular edema V mandatory the underlying disease is identified and eliminated.

If a hemorrhage occurs, then doctors usually prescribe blood-absorbing agents.

Pink and purple spots

Objects that are pink or purple may indicate the development of diseases of the following nature:

  • neurological;
  • ocular;
  • psychiatric.

Such phenomena may occur in patients suffering from cataracts or glaucoma.

Patients undergoing therapy may also see pink circles:

  • cortisone;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • drugs for disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Photo 3: If purple-pink circles are accompanied by double vision, it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by an ophthalmologist and neurologist. Most likely, damage to the stem structures occurred. In this case, the patient will be prescribed an MRI or CT scan of the brain.

This symptom is often not the only one in the presence of, for example, cataracts. Only a qualified specialist will be able to understand whether a person needs drug treatment or whether the situation will resolve itself.

General characteristics of provoking factors

Any person will worry when “floaters”, flashes, and also a rainbow halo appear before their eyes. Naturally, the named manifestations do not simply arise. Although it’s not worth talking about the development of a dangerous disease right away. You need to wait for diagnostic data.

You can often hear that when you look at a light source, you see a multi-colored halo. If evenly colored circles appear, there are different reasons. First of all, you should know about the so-called diffraction phenomenon. For example, when you look at a street lamp through foggy glass at night, you can see rainbow phenomena around the light source. A similar effect occurs when the lenses of glasses are scratched.

In general, the appearance of this symptom in the eyes is associated with the development of the disease:

As for ophthalmic pathology, the symptom is the result of a “foggy” environment of the eye. This is observed in patients with cataracts or glaucoma.

Doctors warn: when you are simultaneously bothered by painful discomfort in the eye and multi-colored circles, you need to urgently seek help. Such manifestations indicate the development of glaucoma, so treatment should not be delayed.

The combination of rainbow circles in the eyes and double vision requires a thorough examination. The symptoms should be alarming, since we are talking about a condition where, most likely, the stem structures were affected. The patient must be examined by a neurologist, after which the patient will receive a referral for a CT or MRI of the brain.

The appearance of rainbow circles can be explained by the presence of visual hallucinations.

In addition, a patient with a developing mental illness will suffer from:

  • delirium;
  • paralogical judgments;
  • insomnia;
  • auditory hallucinations and other symptoms.

People who are prescribed a course of treatment with:

  • antidepressants;
  • "Cortisone";
  • sedatives, for example, Haloperidol;
  • contraceptives;
  • medications for heart disorders.

Rainbow circles and glaucoma

The most a clear symptom Such a serious pathology is precisely the multi-colored halos that can be seen when the gaze is directed at the light source.

The halo becomes especially noticeable if the source is very bright:

  1. At this moment, a darker space appears around the source, which is limited by a circle consisting of large quantity different colors. This circle is quite bright and rainbow-colored.
  2. Directly next to the light source is a shade of purple, and further away is red.
  3. Between two colors, it is sometimes quite possible to distinguish all the available shades of the rainbow spectrum.

Glaucoma is considered a chronic disease. It affects one eye, but since the blood supply to the visual organs is disrupted, the second one later becomes affected.

The disease is provoked by many factors, for example:

  • accumulation cholesterol plaques in vessels;
  • narrowing of blood vessels in hypertensive or diabetic patients.

During a preventive examination, an ophthalmologist must measure intraocular pressure. People over 40 and those who have relatives suffering from glaucoma should be especially attentive to their health.

It is recommended to have your intraocular pressure checked once every 3 years. People at risk should be tested every year (if a family member has been diagnosed with hypertension, glaucoma or diabetes).

How to exclude the possible development of glaucoma?

Multi-colored halos can appear not only with glaucoma. This is why it is so important to undergo a thorough examination before making a final diagnosis. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between the conditions in which the symptom occurs. After all, the disease can be anything.

The named symptom indicates the appearance of:

If the cause of rainbow halos lies in conjunctivitis, the patient will observe them when he fixes his gaze on the light source. But if the mucus accumulated in the eyes is removed, they immediately disappear.

In patients with cataracts, the sign is constantly present. Usually it makes itself felt when the visual organ is clogged.

If you have glaucoma, then the circles have nothing to do with mucus in the eyes and do not disappear. The patient will see a halo at any time as soon as he looks at the light source.

You should always remain calm, even if there are specific signs. A disease detected in time can almost always be cured in a short time. Complications occur in those people who do not pay special attention to the condition of their eyes and postpone treatment for an indefinite period.

Statistics show that every second resident of the Russian Federation (all age groups) has minor vision problems or easily correctable defects. Serious diseases that require long-term correction or surgical treatment are diagnosed in 11% of all adult residents of Russia and in 14% of children. Half a million visually impaired people every year. These scary statistics could be different if problems that seem minor to patients are diagnosed early and treated promptly. It’s even somehow awkward to go to the ophthalmologist with them, distracting the doctor from patients who really need help. For example, if flickering zigzags began to appear before your eyes, similar to flashes of lightning. Who should immediately go to the doctor as soon as they notice such symptoms? And is it necessary? Let's find out how dangerous “lightning in the eyes” is.

Before my eyes - flickering zigzags

Where do lightning flashes before your eyes come from?

Light anomalies, which from time to time appear before the eyes of even absolutely healthy people with one hundred percent vision, are not limited to lightning. In the spectrum: flies, floating tadpoles, light spots, rays, figures of eight, dark spots. But the flickering zigzags are an impressive sight. Especially if they appear frequently and are of strong intensity.

Everyone has probably encountered a phenomenon that is popularly called “floaters before the eyes.”

In healthy people who do not have eye diseases, their appearance may be associated with the following situations:

  • a change in body position that occurs abruptly;
  • sneezing;
  • severe coughing attack;
  • vomit;
  • during physical activity.

Flashing "flies" before the eyes

All this is associated with overload of the vestibular apparatus or a short-term increase in pressure. In these cases, zigzags appear briefly, look rather dull, quickly disappear and do not appear again. Literally within seconds everything returns to normal, and the person forgets that he saw something strange and atypical.

Important! If zigzag flickering objects flash before your eyes without a good reason, obvious provoking actions or the influence of any factors, if their visibility is bright, the flashes last for some time and periodically appear again, you should be wary.

Why do we see invisible flies?

This symptom may be followed by blurred vision, as if a veil has covered the pupil, leading to deterioration of vision. It is especially worthwhile to visit an ophthalmologist for those who do not engage in sports, physical labor, are in a calm state, and see flickering zigzags when they are relaxed.

In fact, these lightning bolts are such a wide-ranging symptom that one can name dozens of diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way, ranging from diseases of the optic nerve to diseases of many systems of the visual and other organs. In addition to his own examination, the ophthalmologist can refer the patient to a therapist, neurologist, ENT doctor, endocrinologist, psychiatrist and others. After all, the eye, according to ophthalmologists, is the same brain, only in miniature and located on the periphery.

A spot on the eye

Of course, there are no real lightning bolts. This is only a visual sensation, a visual effect, in the form of glare, zigzags, rings, serpentines, flashes, sparks, fireflies - a variety of shapes, which is called photopsia. Most often, photopsia occurs in the dark, after any impact (mechanical, electrical or chemical) is applied to the retina, irritating the corresponding segments of the cerebral cortex. But the effect can also be observed in the light. An effect, which means a false sensation that can act as a harbinger of very real and formidable diseases.

Causes of visual illusions

It is immediately necessary to divide all the causes of this phenomenon into two large groups. The first group includes causes associated with visual impairment.

The second group includes diseases of other organs that are not related to the visual system. Here, in addition to zigzags and similar effects of color play, other signs (characteristic of each disease) necessarily appear, for example, concomitant headache, spatial disorientation, weakness of the legs, nausea, staggering, apparent sounds, tinnitus.

There are also reasons that, not being a disease or pathology, can cause zigzag flickering.

Table. Causes of manifestations of photopsia.

Damage to the blood vessels of the eye and resulting hemorrhage

eye injury, both mechanical and thermal injury or chemical burn

· incorrectly selected glasses

· circulatory disorders due to osteochondrosis of the neck

· pressure too high

vascular cerebral atherosclerosis

· climate change that occurred abruptly, or manifestation of weather dependence

· use of alcoholic substances

taking certain medications

Development of glaucoma - optic nerve atrophy

There is one more reason that cannot be attributed to eye diseases or other pathologies. This is not a disease at all - it is pregnancy. Even with its normal course, the female body constantly withstands overload. However, temporary visual disturbances are a common occurrence.

But it must be remembered that long-term visual disturbances, including color-optical illusions that occur after the second trimester and beyond, can signal the onset of pregestosis, which very quickly turns into gestosis.

Clinical picture gestosis in pregnant women

By the way. Preeclampsia is a failure syndrome that affects several organs or entire systems at once. In severe cases, it can put a person into a coma.

Non-ocular pathologies and flicker in the eyes

Why lightning appears in eye diseases can be understood. But why do they occur in other diseases? Everything has a logical explanation.


If it is present, then with a lack of iron in a person, the number of red blood cells decreases (hemoglobin drops). This is expressed by a decrease in oxygen in the blood. Fatigue appears, drowsiness sets in, zigzags or other figures appear before your eyes. Vision may decrease.

Clinical manifestations of anemia


Due to the decrease in pressure, vascular tone decreases. Here again there is a problem with the supply of blood vessels, and therefore oxygen. Hence the zigzag glare, and more black “midges” may appear.


A severe migraine provokes paroxysmal, spasmodic headaches. It causes visual effects.


It would seem that a disease of the musculoskeletal system cannot have anything to do with lightning in the eyes. But do not forget that in the cervical region there are nerve endings that send impulses to the upper body, limbs and, of course, the head and all the organs and systems that are located there. Therefore, when nerves are pinched, which provokes displacement of the cervical vertebrae, flashes appear in the eyes, accompanied by pain in the neck, head, and arms.


In the severe stage of this disease, blood vessels are affected, which leads to the illusory appearance of zigzag flashes.


This is also not a disease, but an abnormal, stressful state of the body, in which it still does not receive the required amount of nutrients. That is, simple exhaustion can cause lightning effects.

Diets are one possible reason


Any overload, from sports achievements and record-breaking digging of potatoes in the country, to mental or emotional ones, contribute to a rise in blood pressure, causing a flicker in the eyes of colored figures.

Medicines, tobacco, alcohol

Medicines and drugs such as tobacco and alcohol, when used excessively or incorrectly, can cause illusory rainbow lightning flashes. This phenomenon is also observed with any type of poisoning, especially with existing vomiting.

Important! Persistent flickering may be a sign of a stroke. If the outbreaks are intense and growing, and the process is accompanied by other signs of a pre-stroke or pre-infarction condition, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

In general, if zigzags and other spectacular figures persistently appear in your eyes, contact the ophthalmological consultation of your clinic. The doctor, using special equipment, will easily detect pathology, if present. And if no diseases of the ocular apparatus are detected, he will send you to another doctor for further examination and to find out the cause of the photopsia.

Examination by an ophthalmologist

Provocateurs of photopsia

Everything has been clarified about the reasons. But there are also so-called provocateurs that can provoke manifestations of photopsia, serving as an unfavorable background for its occurrence, or aggravating the existing cause.

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Infancy or childhood.
  3. Poor posture.
  4. Elderly age.
  5. Lack of lighting during work.
  6. Constant use of television or computer monitor.
  7. Vascular injuries during complicated birth processes.
  8. Endocrine diseases.
  9. Head injury.
  10. Viral infections.
  11. Bacterial diseases.
  12. AIDS.

The first signs of AIDS

Some of this list cannot be removed in any way, but some things can be corrected by changing your lifestyle/work and reducing the impact of provocateurs.

Treatment and preventive measures

Of course, it is not the zigzags themselves that are treated (you remember that this is an illusion), but the diseases that gave rise to them. Or, if it is not a disease, the causes are eliminated.

How is photopsia treated? Like other diseases - with medications. But they are not aimed at eliminating lightning in the eyes, but at eliminating the pathology that gave rise to them. The patient is prescribed drug therapy in accordance with the disease. If it is an eye disease, such as a detached retina, or an eye injury, surgery may be required before he can no longer see lightning in his vision.

Retinal tear and detachment

As for preventive measures, they are not complicated and are as follows.

  1. Moderate non-intensive sports.
  2. Physical activity that replenishes oxygen deprivation.
  3. Hiking.
  4. Bicycle (at a relaxed pace).
  5. Complete nutrition.
  6. Healthy sleep to avoid overwork.
  7. No stress.
  8. Quitting habits that are harmful to health
  9. Treatment of infections on time and to the end.
  10. Swimming.
  11. Prevention of osteochondrosis (prevention of spinal curvature).
  12. Limit time spent on screens.
  13. Elimination of the “dry eye” effect.

Dry eye syndrome

Most importantly, do not forget that flickering zigzags are just an anomaly and an unpleasant symptom. Therefore, it is not worth getting rid of it on your own, even with the help of medications that “one neighbor recommended” or traditional medicine. In any case, you must first obtain the doctor’s approval and his recommendations regarding treatment, so as not to harm yourself and, while trying to get rid of lightning in your eyes, not to lose your vision.

Video - Lightning in the eyes, reasons why flashes appear in the right or left eye

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Spots before the eyes

Spots before the eyes are a symptom of a certain pathological process or severe fatigue, which is characterized by floating dark or colored spots. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after conducting an appropriate examination and identifying the root cause. Self-medication is unacceptable, as this can lead to the development of serious complications.


The cause of this symptom may be the following etiological factors:

  • destruction of the vitreous body;
  • macular edema;
  • posterior vitreous detachment;
  • macular degeneration;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels inside the organs of vision;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • Stargardt's disease;
  • retinal burn.

Etiological factors of a non-ophthalmological nature include:

  • migraine attacks;
  • head injury;
  • high blood pressure;
  • a sharp effect of a light irritant on the eye;
  • eye injury;
  • increased susceptibility to ultraviolet rays;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • fainting state;
  • severe emotional shock.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of this symptom after conducting the necessary examination methods.


In this case, there are no general clinical manifestations. The nature of the symptoms depends on the provoking factor.

If the cause of this symptom is a pathological effect on the central nervous system or brain, then the following symptoms may be added:

With migraines, yellow spots may appear before the eyes and blurred vision.

The appearance of red spots before the eyes may be due to impaired blood supply to the brain, cervical osteochondrosis, or a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels of the eye, which manifests itself in the following clinical picture:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache that may radiate to the back of the head;
  • spots before the eyes may appear from time to time or appear only during physical activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements and speech;
  • increased fatigue, weakness even with minimal physical activity;
  • nausea, often with bouts of vomiting, which does not bring relief.

Green spots before the eyes can appear during physical exhaustion, at the stage of pre-fainting, as evidenced by the following symptoms:

  • blurred vision, a feeling that everything around is blurry;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • nausea, which is rarely accompanied by vomiting;
  • low blood pressure.

If the cause of such a symptom is an ophthalmological disease, then the following symptoms may appear:

Regardless of what clinical picture is noted, you need to promptly seek medical help and not self-medicate with medications or traditional medicine.


If you have such a symptom, you should first contact an ophthalmologist. Depending on the clinical picture, consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist and cardiologist may be necessary.

The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • examination of the organ of vision using a slit lamp;

The exact diagnostic program will depend on the current clinical picture.


There is no general treatment program, since basic treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis and the etiology of the underlying factor. In some cases, conservative treatment is not practical and surgery is required.

As for preventive measures, in this case, targeted methods have not been developed. In general, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, rule out eye injuries, and promptly contact an ophthalmologist if you have such a symptom.

“Spots before the eyes” is observed in diseases:

Barotrauma is tissue damage that is caused by a change in the volume of gas in the body cavity due to changes in pressure. This pathological process can be observed in the ears, lungs, teeth, gastrointestinal tract, eyes and paranasal sinuses. The clinical picture of such a disorder is quite pronounced, which is why problems with making a diagnosis, as a rule, do not arise. Treatment is prescribed only by a qualified medical specialist.

Hematometra is pathological condition, in which blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, which occurs due to a violation physiological processes her evacuation. The pathology occurs infrequently, and in fact, represents a uterine cavity filled with blood, from where the blood cannot be evacuated on its own. Therefore, medical intervention is required to prevent the development of complications.

Hemophthalmos is a pathological condition characterized by hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye. May occur in patients from various age categories. There are no restrictions regarding gender. It is worth noting that hemophthalmos is usually a symptom of some other ailments, especially those that affect the blood vessels.

Destruction of the vitreous body of the eye - dangerous illness, in which the physiological structure of the vitreous body, under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, is disrupted. As a result, its fibrils thicken or liquefy. In particularly severe clinical situations, the vitreous body may shrink.

Retinal dystrophy is a dangerous disease that affects the retina of the eye. Whatever the cause of this disease in humans, with untimely and unqualified treatment, the outcome of dystrophy is the same - atrophy or complete death of the tissues that make up the retina. Because of this, the patient will experience irreversible visual impairment, including blindness. It is worth noting that the timing of vision loss directly depends on the type of disease. Retinal dystrophy occurs rather slowly, but as it progresses, the patient’s condition only worsens.

Night blindness is a popular designation for vision pathology, which in medicine is called hemeralopia or nyctalopia. The disease manifests itself in a significant deterioration visual perception in low light environment. At the same time, a person’s coordination is impaired, visual fields are narrowed, and there is an incorrect perception of things in blue and yellow shades.

Migraine with aura (headless migraine) – neurological disease, which is characterized by spreading to one half of the head severe pain pressing, pulsating character. In this case painful sensations accompanied by visual and auditory disorders. The patient may also have impaired coordination of movements and problems with speech. Such symptoms can last from 5 minutes to an hour.

Myopia is a pathological condition characterized by refractive error in one eye or both. In this case, the main optical focus is localized between the retina and the lens visual apparatus. Because of such pathological changes a sick person begins to have difficulty distinguishing objects that are located at a certain distance from him.

Neuritis auditory nerve– a disease of the nervous system, characterized by the manifestation of an inflammatory process in the nerve that provides auditory function. In the medical literature, this disease is also called “cochlear neuritis.” Usually this pathology diagnosed in older people over 50 years of age (more often in the stronger sex). Such people rarely seek help from a qualified specialist, considering the decline in hearing function to be a normal process that accompanies the aging of the body.

Retinopathy is damage to the retina of the eye that occurs without manifestation of an inflammatory process. The progression of the disease entails a violation of blood circulation in the retina, which is very dangerous condition. If this important element the visual apparatus will not be fully supplied with blood, this will lead to its dystrophy and even blindness.

Ocular uveitis is a medical term that is used to denote the progression of the inflammatory process in various parts of the choroid (choroid, ciliary body, iris). Medical statistics are that in 25% clinical cases It is this disease that causes decreased visual function or even blindness. On average, uveitis is diagnosed in one person in 3,000 (12-month data). It is worth noting that among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, pathology occurs several times more often than among women.

Chorioretinitis is an inflammatory disease with an acute or chronic course that affects the posterior part of the choroid. The retina is also involved in the process. The circulatory system in the posterior part of the eye is designed so that the vessels here form a wide bed. This anatomical feature leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in this area.

Cervical spondylosis is a pathology of a degenerative-dystrophic nature that affects cervical region spine. Since pathology has chronic course, it quite often leads to irreparable disorders that can cause the patient to become disabled.

With help physical exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Questions and suggestions:

Why do rainbow circles appear before my eyes?

Eyes are one of the most vulnerable human sensory organs. They are susceptible to many diseases and injuries. Ophthalmologists note that, according to statistics, rainbow circles in the eyes are one of the most common. This can be either a disease or the body’s way of warning its owner.

There is no one reason why this happens. Rainbow circles before the eyes can be a consequence of either illness or injury. The main reasons why this happens:

  1. The problem is inside the brain. For example, with vessels.
  2. Loss of control of eye movements due to weakness of the eye muscles.
  3. Changes in the internal state of one or both eyes.
  4. Diseases not related to the eyes. A “rainbow” may appear in the case of diabetes. But this is a temporary symptom.
  5. Effects of drugs.
  6. Severe impacts or other injuries. For example, during training or if you accidentally hit something with your temple or the eye itself.

These are the main reasons why circles may appear before the eyes. Before thinking about any disease as the cause, you should look into the medications taken on the same day. Circles can talk about their side effects.

This symptom is directly related to the cornea, since rainbow circles are changes in the cornea’s reflection of the rays entering it. This indicates swelling - glaucoma. Rainbow circles before the eyes, as a cause, indicate the severity of glaucoma. The brighter they are, the more visual acuity drops, the sooner you should consult a doctor.

If vision disturbance appears along with the circles, followed by a sharp headache, then this is a migraine. Don't worry. The eyes will return to normal after the head calms down.

This means serious problems with the brain or a serious pathology. This is not something you can diagnose on your own. The full cause can only be discovered after an MRI examination of the head.

Not so often, but it occurs as a symptom of mental illness. But the appearance of rainbow circles occurs not as a result of injury or damage as a physiological phenomenon, but in the form of a hallucination, when the brain independently invents this as part of the real world for it.

When the cause of rainbow circles is not medication, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to take all measures in time and protect your eyes or other organs from damage.

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