The most effective and affordable fast-acting laxatives for cleansing the intestines. How to make a fast-acting laxative for constipation at home

Laxatives - group medicinal substances, used to combat constipation, detoxification, and cleansing the intestines before surgery. There are 3 groups of drugs that have a laxative effect: laxatives, medium strength and drastic (carrying).

Any strong laxative fast acting refers to carry-over agents and most often has a salt nature. The action of such drugs is based on drawing fluid from the body into the intestinal lumen. In addition to using salt medicines, a quick effect can be achieved by taking castor oil and some synthetic drugs.

The concept of “instant laxative” is very arbitrary, since any drug, before it begins to act, must pass through the esophagus, stomach, and enter the intestines. Only after this does he begin to act. The “instant” ones conventionally include magnesium sulfate and saline enteral solution, which is used only in a hospital setting under the supervision of physicians.

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate as a laxative is used orally in an amount of 100-200 ml of a 25% solution. For children under 15 years of age, the solution is dosed at the rate of 1 gram of powder (when using powder dosage form) for 1 year of life. The product belongs to the category of hypertonic saline solutions, promotes the release and retention of large quantity fluids in the intestines. Thereby, feces soften.

Also, “magnesia” has an irritating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes digestive tract, promoting increased peristalsis and the removal of accumulated water along with excrement. As a rule, the urge to defecate occurs within 30-40 minutes after taking the drug.

Important: magnesium sulfate is a remedy emergency assistance and is applied once. Its regular use disrupts water-electrolyte balance, causes dehydration, destroys microflora.

The use of magnesium sulfate is possible at home if complete absence contraindications. Despite the fact that the solution is practically not absorbed, it is not recommended to take it under the following conditions:

  • low pressure;
  • excess magnesium in the body;
  • dehydration;
  • hypersensitivity to magnesium;
  • acute cardiac pathology;
  • breathing disorders.

Saline enteral solution (intestinal lavage)

Saline enteral solution is a preparation made from distilled water and mineral salts. Perhaps this is the most powerful laxative in the arsenal. modern medicine. The principle of operation of SER is similar to that for magnesium sulfate, however, unlike magnesia, the solution:

  • brings the amount of electrolytes in the blood to normal;
  • has a pronounced detoxifying effect;
  • does not irritate the intestines;
  • promotes gentle removal of gastrointestinal contents.

The intestinal lavage procedure is performed under the supervision of a physician. The patient takes 100-150 ml of solution every 10 minutes. Stool passage begins after 2-3 doses and ends 30-40 minutes after consuming the last portion. Total the medicine required for 1 wash can reach 3-5 liters. Lavage is stopped after the patient begins to produce yellowish water without stool elements.

SER is not used in the treatment of chronic constipation, the presence of signs of intestinal perforation or intestinal bleeding, and acute intestinal inflammation and obstruction. The method is used with caution in patients with renal failure, internal edema, low blood pressure. Lavage is extremely rarely used in pediatrics.

Strong, fast-acting laxatives

Almost any strong laxative can lead to dehydration. When using it, one should take into account the strength and duration of action, the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, individual characteristics body. Fast-acting laxatives include drugs whose effect develops after 4-7 hours.

For adults

When prescribing laxatives, it is necessary to remember the possibility of addiction. Long regular intake medications lead to the fact that independent bowel movement becomes impossible.

Guttalax- sodium picosulfate. It is used for atonic and spastic constipation and has an irritating effect on the large intestine. The laxative effect develops within 6-8 hours after the first dose. The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and is not subjected to hepatic-intestinal circulation.

For adult patients, the medicine is prescribed once, at any time of the day, regardless of meals. The average therapeutic dose is 5-10 drops. If necessary, their quantity can be increased to 15 drops. Guttalax can be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Contraindications are similar to those for magnesium sulfate and any other laxatives.

Lactulose (relaxed)- hyperosmotic laxative. Stimulates intestinal receptors, draws fluid into its lumen, diluting feces, increasing their volume, has a positive effect on microflora (can be used for a long time). The period for obtaining the effect after the first use is 12-24 hours.

Lactulose should be taken 15-35 drops, once a day, on an empty stomach. This dosage is used during the first 3 days of treatment. Next, the number of drops is reduced to 10, and taken daily for a long time, as a maintenance dose. The drug is contraindicated in galactosemia, as well as in conditions that are general contraindications for taking laxatives.

Sodium sulfate- Available in the form of a white powder. It has a saline nature. The mechanism of action is identical to other saline laxatives. Used once, on an empty stomach, 15-30 grams. Before use, the product must be diluted in a glass of warm water. It is permissible to take the drug with big amount liquids. The drug is contraindicated in patients with hypernatremia, mechanical obstruction and intestinal perforation.

For the elderly

It is not recommended to prescribe saline laxatives to elderly patients, as these drugs promote the excretion of calcium and other minerals. Therefore, treatment of constipation in people over 50-55 years of age should be carried out mainly with herbal remedies.

Bisacodyl- a drug that has an irritating effect, stimulating the production of mucus in the intestines, increasing its tone. The latter is especially important, since constipation in older people is usually of atonic origin. After taking the tablet, the effect occurs within 6-8 hours. Suppositories cause defecation within 1-2 hours.

For elderly people, bisacodyl is prescribed 5-10 mg in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Do not chew the tablets, take the required amount boiled water. It is unacceptable to use milk for this. The drug does not combine well with antacids and alkalis.

Important: large doses of bisacodyl can cause profuse diarrhea, abdominal pain, intestinal colic. If such symptoms appear, the drug is discontinued.

Castor oil- a strong enough laxative for older people. Depending on the dosage, it may have a laxative, laxative or diarrheal effect. Maximum effect is achieved by consuming high, 100-150 ml, doses of the drug. After achieving the initial result (8-12 hours), it is recommended to use the oil 1 tablespoon 1 time per day 2-3 times a week to prevent constipation.

“Castor oil” should not be taken together with male fern extract, in case of gastric and intestinal bleeding, poisoning with poisons of fat-soluble consistency, unclear abdominal pain, complete intestinal obstruction. Long-term daily use product because it has an irritating effect.

Senade- a preparation based on senna leaves that can be used as a fast-acting laxative. Irritates receptors colon, gently enhances peristalsis, does not affect the consistency of stool.

The medicine is usually taken 1 tablet once a day, in a short course (3-5 days). The laxative effect appears within 6-8 hours after the first dose of the drug. To speed up the action, it is recommended to take the tablet with a glass of warm, salted liquid.

For children

The main cause of constipation in children is not intestinal atony, but disturbances in its microflora. Failures in the digestion process lead to a lack of defecation. Accordingly, constipation in children is treated with probiotics.

Acipol- eubiotic containing live lactobacilli and elements kefir grains. Normalizes microflora, strengthens immunity, normalizes intestinal excretory function. Children under 3 years of age are given 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with meals. Patients over 3 years of age are allowed to increase daily dose up to 4 capsules. The course of treatment is 10-14 days, but the stool returns to normal on the 2-3rd day of treatment.

Duphalac- a laxative based on lactulose. Indicated for constipation in young children. It has an osmotic principle of action. Stimulates the growth of intestinal microflora and suppresses harmful bacteria. The effect occurs after 1-2 doses of the product.

Newborns are given 1.5-3 ml of medication, dividing the dose into 2 doses. Children over 3 years old should take 5 ml of Duphalac once a day. The drug can be used both diluted and undiluted. Contraindicated in case of galactosemia, intolerance to the components of the product, or intestinal blockage.

Buscopan- m-anticholinergic agent, used in rare cases spastic constipation in children. Relieves spasms of smooth muscles, which leads to increased peristalsis and the beginning of stool passage.

For children from one to 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 5-10 mg 3 times a day. Over 6 years old - 10-20 mg for 3 doses. Adult dose is 20-40 mg 3 times a day. The tablets are taken orally with a sufficient amount of liquid. During treatment, taking hot baths, visiting baths and saunas is prohibited. Buscopan is contraindicated for atony of smooth muscle organs, tachyarrhythmia, acute delay urine. In addition, contraindications common to all laxatives should be taken into account.

In tablets

Drugs in tablets are easy to dosage and use. As a rule, this dosage form is prescribed to patients over 3-4 years of age. Tablets are not prescribed to young children and patients with swallowing disorders. In addition to the medications described above (bisacodyl, poslabin, duphalac), the following are available in tablets:

Laxatin- a product based on bisacodyl. Dosage - 2-3 tablets per dose for adults, for children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 tablet per dose. The effect develops after 8-12 hours. The tablets are swallowed without chewing.

Senadexin- analogue of “Senade”. Use 1 tablet before bedtime. Take the medicine with a small amount of water. If laxative effect does not develop on the 2nd day of treatment, the dose is increased to 2 tablets. Children 1-3 years old are given half a tablet per dose.

Izaman- a complex that includes isophenine and mannitol. In the first 3 days of treatment, adults need to take 1-2 tablets of the drug. Afterwards, the number of doses can be reduced to 1-2 times a week. The laxative effect develops 6-12 hours after the start of therapy.


Medicines produced in drops are convenient to use for patients childhood and people with swallowing disorders. Available in drop form:

Laxigal- Contraindicated in patients under 4 years of age. Children from 4 to 6 years old are given 6-12 drops per dose, patients over 12 years old are prescribed 12-24 drops per dose. The drug is taken before bedtime, orally, with a drink. boiled water. The action develops 6-8 hours after taking the medicine.

Ogarkov's drops- dietary supplement, used as a laxative plant origin. Take 30 drops with meals, 3 times a day. Due to the presence of senna acufolia in the composition of the drug, the effect of its use occurs quite quickly, 10-15 hours after the start of treatment.

Picolax- a product based on sodium picosulfate. Take at night, 13-27 drops for adult patients, and 7-13 drops for children from 4 to 10 years old. Typically, the effect develops 8-10 hours after the start of therapy.


Rectal suppositories are characterized by a mild and quick effect, no irritating effect on the stomach, and ease of use when prescribed to small children. In the form of suppositories (candles), the pharmaceutical industry produces:

Glycelax- glycerin-based product. Indicated for blockage lower sections intestines with hardened feces. Glycerin softens them, making it possible to pass stool. Suppositories are used once a day 20 minutes after breakfast. Systematic use of this dosage form is not necessary.

Relief - complex drug, which has a laxative and local regenerating effect. For the treatment of constipation in children over 12 years of age, the drug is used after breakfast, before bedtime and after each act of defecation. The effect develops within the first day after the start of therapy.

Microlax- highly effective solution for microenemas. The effect of the drug develops already 20-30 minutes after the procedure. It is used once, in the absence of contraindications to performing a medicinal enema (acute inflammation and wounds of the rectum, anus, peri-anal area).

Folk remedies with quick effect: 3 super recipes!

Laxatives from the arsenal traditional medicine They have a fairly strong, but at the same time softer effect compared to synthetic drugs. Among the most effective folk recipes include:

Nettle infusion- to prepare the infusion, you need 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials (dry or freshly harvested), which are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 24 hours. The resulting product must be used within the next day. The medicine is first filtered.

Red rowan- raw materials are harvested shortly before frost hits. After picking, cover the berries with sugar and place in the refrigerator. After a month, it is necessary to drain the juice that has collected at the bottom of the container, which is the medicine. For half a liter of concentrated syrup, add 50 ml of food grade ethyl alcohol. The composition is taken 50 ml daily, before breakfast.

Sea buckthorn decoction- to prepare a strong, quick-acting laxative at home, you need to pour a handful of sea buckthorn berries with two glasses of boiling water, put the mixture on low heat and boil for 2-3 minutes. The resulting substance is filtered, cooled and drunk ½ glass 4 times a day. The decoction is perishable, so a fresh portion of the medicine must be prepared anew each time. The course of treatment is 1 week, the frequency of administration is every other day.

In what case is a quick laxative harmful to the body?

Fast-acting laxatives, although an excellent way to combat constipation, have some contraindications. Thus, even one-time use of fast-acting laxatives is prohibited if:

  • mechanical obstruction of the intestine due to its blockage by a tumor or foreign body;
  • intestinal and stomach bleeding;
  • intestinal perforation;
  • acute inflammation of the intestines and anal sphincter;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • severe dehydration.

Laxatives should be used with extreme caution if:

  • lack of certain mineral salts;
  • lazy bowel syndrome;
  • course of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • chronic renal or liver failure;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Long-term course use of laxatives is prohibited unless absolutely necessary. This approach to treatment usually causes addiction and the development of lazy bowel syndrome. In this case, the patient loses the opportunity to perform an act of defecation on his own, without the use of medications.

Despite all of the above, fast-acting laxatives are an excellent way to quickly and effectively empty your bowels. Their proper use helps to get rid of waste products, prepare for endoscopic examinations and operations, and avoid many problems associated with constipation. It is not recommended to use strong laxatives without consulting a doctor. Before prescribing this or that drug, the specialist will conduct a competent examination and select the necessary one for each specific case dosage and frequency of taking laxatives. This will help make the medicine a helper, and not a poison that will only make the situation worse.

Constipation is a very common phenomenon that, for various reasons, affects about 20% of the entire population, regardless of age. It's about about the absence of bowel movements for more than 24 hours or the impossibility of complete bowel movement. Depending on the cause of the problem and the type of constipation, laxatives may be prescribed various effects, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Features of the use of laxatives

It is quite natural that you want to get rid of constipation as quickly as possible; for this purpose, victims, bypassing the doctor, look for the strongest laxative in the pharmacy, forgetting that:

  • Most of these drugs have contraindications.
  • At uncontrolled use high risk of addiction.
  • For sudden constipation best effect provide microenemas and suppositories, and a chronic problem should be eliminated using prebiotics in tablet form.
  • The drug should be taken before a night's rest, since it begins to act only after 6-12 hours.

Laxatives are intended to stimulate peristalsis and speed up the excretion of feces from the body. Release forms include tablets, drops, microenemas, suppositories, herbal teas. Based on their origin, medicines are divided into herbal and synthetic.

Mechanisms of action and indications for use

Medicines are divided into certain groups according to their mechanism of action:

  • To improve secretion and slow down the adsorption of H2O in the large intestine.
  • To increase the volume of the organ.
  • To simplify the movement of feces through the intestines.

When classifying, drugs are divided into irritants, produced in suppositories, tablets, powders; prebiotics that affect intestinal microflora; osmotic, which have the most rapid and powerful laxative effect, and fillers.

Important. It is necessary to understand that the selection of funds should be carried out by a specialist, since it depends on the restrictions on use, side effects, and the reasons that provoked the problem.

Irritant drugs

This group includes most of the remedies for constipation made on the basis of medicinal plants. They have many limitations and side effects, however, almost every drug in the group is a very effective laxative. During the intake process, the nerve endings of the intestinal wall are irritated, which causes contraction of the intestinal muscles, increased secretion secretion and activation of feces movement.

Among the most common side effects of the drugs in this group are “lazy bowels” and abdominal discomfort due to increased accumulation of feces, rapid movement of masses, which irritates pain receptors.

The following drugs are contraindicated:

  • When carrying and feeding a child.
  • In infancy.
  • For abdominal pain of unknown origin.
  • For a number of pathologies - pancreatitis, peritonitis, hemorrhoids.
  • In case of obstruction of the organ and perforation of its walls.
  • For inflammation of organs located in abdominal cavity and their bleeding.

The best laxative in this group for cleansing the intestines is Bisacodyl and its analogues (Dulcolax or Bisad and others).

Also very popular are:

  • Sennosides, which include Regulax and Herbion Laxana, Senade;
  • preparations based on Sodium Picosulfate (Regulax and Guttalax);
  • medications based on Glycerol (Glycerin suppositories).

Osmotic substances

Such drugs are recommended as symptomatic drugs, whose systemic effect is very small. These agents, penetrating into the intestines, increase osmotic pressure, taking water from nearby tissues; accordingly, its amount in the intestinal lumen increases, feces increase in volume and soften, and the process of emptying is simplified.

Among the most common side effects are abdominal pain, water-salt imbalance, intestinal cramps and dehydration. Drugs in this group are not recommended for use by elderly patients with cardiac pathologies, children and victims with diseases of the digestive system.

If we consider which is the most powerful laxative in the group, we should mention:

  • Carlsbad artificial salt.
  • Macrogol or its analogues - Realaxan, Fortrans, Forlax.
  • Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, among which analogues are Magnesia, Epsom or bitter salt.
  • The drug Microlax, which is a rectal solution. Moreover, its effect is combined, both diluting and irritating.


Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates that, when entering the body, reach the lower parts of the digestive tract without changing the structure. Prebiotics act similarly to both osmotic and irritants, attracting moisture to the intestines, stimulating the contraction of muscle tissue. These drugs are prescribed for chronic forms constipation, intestinal dysbiosis, poisoning, hepatic encephalopathy.

Considering the natural origin of prebiotics, side effects are almost completely absent, with the exception of flatulence, which disappears two to three days after use. A contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

The list of the most effective drugs includes:

  • Lactulose and its analogues - Duphalac, Romphalac, Goodluck and others;
  • Lactitol (Importal N and Exportal).

Colon fillers

Fillers are synthetic and natural origin drugs that are not absorbed by the intestines, are difficult to digest, and are intended to increase the volume of feces and speed up bowel movements. Such substances have a mild and slow effect, but even in the presence of chronic constipation, not all victims strive to use them, since side effects include bloating and pain. Intestinal motility does not improve when taking the medications.

The most popular substances in this group include:

  • flax and flower seeds;
  • wheat bran;
  • seaweed;
  • Mucofalk;
  • Methyl cellulose.

Important! When taking medications, it is important to maintain a drinking regime, consuming at least two liters of liquid per day.

The drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women, as there is a risk of miscarriage, in the presence of intestinal obstruction, and in case of neurological problems.

Laxative drops

Constipation is often caused by insufficient physical activity, eating disorders, incorrectly composed diet and sedentary work, emotional overload. Laxative drops can refer to irritating drugs, prebiotics, drugs that stimulate organ peristalsis.

If we consider the most effective laxative drops, the list of fast-acting drugs can include:

  • Guttalax is aimed at stimulating intestinal function - active ingredient The drug begins to act once it enters the large intestine, the effect becomes noticeable after 6-12 hours. Prescribed before surgical interventions to normalize stool.
  • Weak - increases intestinal tone, improves peristalsis of the organ, is used for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammation occurring in the rectum, in case of anal fissures.
  • Ogarkov drops stabilize stools and improve peristalsis, preventing fermentation and putrefactive processes.
  • Hilak forte - normalizes the intestinal microflora, recommended after antibiotic treatment, taking medications that disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, for gastroenteritis chronic course.

For elderly patients in whom constipation becomes common, Regulax and Prelax drops are prescribed, which have a mild effect. More effective means is Forlax, but before taking it you should consult a physician.

Baby Calm, which contains exclusively herbal ingredients, is approved for babies from birth. The composition includes oils that stimulate peristalsis and reduce gas formation. However, the remedy will not help with congenital pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by constipation.

– difficulty in defecation, which occurs due to various reasons: poor diet, lack of physical activity, abuse medications, pregnancy, intestinal pathologies, etc. Any pharmacy offers a wide range of laxatives to relieve constipation. But like everyone else medications, laxatives also have their own indications and contraindications for use.

Irritant drugs

These remedies are the fastest and most effective laxatives for constipation. Their action is due to irritation of receptors, with the help chemical substances, large intestine, which increases peristalsis and causes emptying after a few hours. An irritating laxative is recommended for acute, occasional constipation. It is not recommended to use this group of products for more than 10 days, since there is a high probability of complications: destruction of nerve receptors, dehydration and loss of salts by the body.

– tablets, suppositories (analogues: Bisacodyl-Acri, Bisacodyl-Hemofarm)
Active substance:



A laxative used for acute constipation, increasing contraction of the intestinal walls.


A laxative for constipation, which increases contraction of the intestinal walls, contains substances that activate the intestinal glands, promoting the production of mucus. Thanks to this, stool comes out painlessly.


Treatment begins with 1 tablet or 1 suppository. The tablet is taken in the evening, after dinner, the suppository is inserted into the rectum before bedtime. If the expected effect does not occur in the morning, the amount is increased to 2-3 tablets (or 2 suppositories).

When preparing for an examination or operation, drink 2 tablets before going to bed or administer 1 suppository of the drug rectally a day or on the eve of the procedure or operation.

  • constipation, including in the elderly, postoperative patients;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • preparing the patient for endoscopic diagnosis.
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal pathologies caused by inflammatory processes;
  • abdominal pain, the cause of which has not been established;
  • internal bleeding;
  • inflammation Bladder with damage to the mucous layer of the organ (cystitis);
  • constipation caused by spasm of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • hemorrhoids in acute form;

The drug should be used with caution:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with existing pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • children under 6 years old.
Side effect:
  • abdominal pain, bloating;
  • nausea;
  • in rare cases: vomiting, a small amount of blood and mucus in the stool.

From 20 to 50 rubles.

– drops, tablets (analogues: ,)
Active substance:

Sodium picosulfate monohydrate.


A mild laxative that irritates the intestinal receptors responsible for its peristalsis.


A laxative for constipation stimulates contraction of the intestinal walls and also reduces the body's loss of water and electrolytes.


Tablets are taken orally at night, in the amount of 1-2 pieces. Drops – 10-20 drops (5-10 mg).

Drops and tablets should not be used for more than 10 days.

  • decreased intestinal motility (atony, hypotension);
  • constipation in older people;
  • bowel dysfunction during pregnancy and lactation;
  • difficulty defecating with irritable bowel syndrome;
  • delayed emptying due to poor nutrition or dysbacteriosis.
  • acute intestinal pathologies, including signs of " acute abdomen»: severe pain unknown etiology, nausea, vomiting, convulsions;
  • allergy to sodium picosulfate;
  • first trimester of pregnancy (further only according to doctor's indications).
Side effect:
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • headache, severe dizziness, up to fainting;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, itching.

From 200 to 300 rubles.

– tablets (analogues: Herbion Laxana, Glaxenna)
Active substance:

Senna leaf extract.


A herbal laxative for constipation, stimulating peristalsis of the intestinal walls.


Laxative with senna leaves promotes fast and gentle bowel movement. Does not cause addiction or changes in stool. A fast-acting laxative, the average time for the expected effect to occur is 8 hours.


Tablets are taken orally at night in the amount of 1 piece. If there is no effect, the number of tablets can be increased to 3 pieces. per day.

  • constipation caused by impaired peristalsis;
  • softening of feces for easier defecation in case of hemorrhoids and its complications.
  • constipation caused by spasm of the intestinal muscles;
  • blockage of the intestinal ducts (partial or complete);
  • severe abdominal pain, the cause of which has not been established;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • inflammation of the serous membrane of the peritoneum (peritonitis);
  • cystitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • allergy to senna extract.

The drug should be taken with caution in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • recent abdominal surgeries.
Side effect:
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • colicky attacks of pain.

From 550 to 600 rubles.

– tablets (extract), bark
Active substance:

Dry buckthorn extract.


Laxative preparation based on herbal ingredients.


The plant contains anthraglycosides, which cause irritation of receptors in the intestinal walls, resulting in a laxative effect. The tannins in the product soothe the irritated intestinal mucosa, which is injured due to stagnant feces.


Take 1-2 tablets at night. The bark is brewed according to the instructions for use.


Chronic constipation.

  • allergy to buckthorn extract;
  • colitis, enteritis;
  • pregnancy, lactation.
Side effect:
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • stomach ache;
  • in rare cases, diarrhea.

From 50 to 200 rubles.

– tablets (analogues: Laminaria tablets)
Active substance:

Laminaria thallus.


Herbal laxative.


The active substance of plant origin has an irritating effect on the nerve receptors of the intestine, restoring its peristalsis and enhancing the functioning of the glands that produce mucus. This promotes gentle evacuation of feces.


To treat constipation, take 1 tablet 2 times a day.


Chronic constipation caused by impaired intestinal motility.

  • allergic reactions to iodine and iodine-containing drugs;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • diathesis of hemorrhagic type.
Side effect:
  • iodism – poisoning of the body with iodine (in rare cases with long-term use of the drug);
  • dyspepsia;
  • intestinal atony.

From 170 to 230 rubles.

- candles
Active substance:

Chestnut fruit extract.


A laxative prescribed for occasional constipation.


Extract horse chestnut stimulates the natural contraction of the intestinal walls, causing rapid evacuation of feces.


Apply 1 suppository 1 time per day, in the evening. It is allowed to increase the dose up to 3 pcs. per day to normalize the act of defecation.

Use of the drug for more than 10 days is allowed only after the approval of a specialist.

  • constipation of various etiologies, including in older people, arising due to age-related changes;
  • psychogenic stool disorders;
  • delayed defecation in postoperative patients with limited mobility.
  • obstruction of the intestinal ducts;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • constipation caused by spasm of the intestinal muscles;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • abrasions and cracks of the anus;
  • allergy to chestnut fruit extract.
Side effect:

Burning in the rectum. As a rule, this symptom goes away on its own after a few minutes.


From 230 to 350 rubles.

– suppositories (analogues: Glycerin, )
Active substance:



Rectal laxative suppositories for constipation.


When introduced into the rectum, the active substance irritates the intestinal walls, which causes reflex contractions and increases peristalsis. Glycerol coats feces, making bowel movement pain-free.


Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum in morning time in the amount of 1 piece. It is allowed to use no more than 1 candle per day.


Constipation resulting from age-related changes, psychogenic factors, and limited mobility.

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • neoplasms in the rectum (tumors);
  • allergy.
Side effect:
  • with long-term use of laxatives, allergies may occur in the anus (irritation, burning, itching);
  • weakening of the natural process of defecation with prolonged use.

From 80 to 160 rubles.

Mukofalk (Analogues:)
Active substance:

Psyllium seed hull powder.


Laxative herbal medicine for preparing an oral solution with orange flavor.


The active ingredient of the drug increases in volume upon contact with liquid in the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls occurs, its peristalsis increases and constipation is eliminated. Plantain seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is advisable to use the product at any stage of hemorrhoids.


Use 1 sachet 1 time per day. The contents of one package are dissolved in 150 ml of cold boiled water. The prepared solution is drunk immediately after preparation. You can drink it with a glass of liquid.

The use of the drug has no age restrictions. It can be used as a laxative during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as elderly people and children.

  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids of any type and its complications (anal fissures, rectal irritation);
  • irritable bowel syndrome.
  • obstruction of the intestinal ducts;
  • diabetes;
  • possible allergy.
Side effect:

In rare cases, in the first days of taking the drug, bloating and heaviness in the abdomen increase.


From 450 to 600 rubles.

Osmotic laxatives

A group of laxatives recommended for use for one-time bowel cleansing in case of acute constipation or before endoscopic examination colon or during food and medicinal poisonings. Osmotic drugs are not addictive and do not cause “lazy gut” syndrome. They act symptomatically and do not eliminate the root cause that caused constipation.

The main effect of laxatives for constipation is based on increasing osmotic pressure by retaining water in the intestinal ducts. This causes stool to soften and increase in volume and, as a result, creates a laxative effect. It is not recommended to use osmotic agents for chronic constipation. Despite soft action, their use for more than three months causes a serious imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, which leads to dehydration and loss of important microelements by the body.

Magnesium sulfate – powder (analogues: bitter salt, Epsom salt, Magnesia, Epsom salt)
Active substance:

Magnesium sulfate.


Osmotic type laxative.


Magnesium sulfate increases the flow of water into the intestinal ducts and is not absorbed into the blood. As a result, the feces soften and increase in volume, which causes a natural urge to defecate.


For constipation, a laxative is taken in the amount of 20 g on an empty stomach, 1 time per day for adults; 5 g – children 6-12 years old; 10 g – adolescents under 18 years of age.

  • constipation;
  • cholecystitis;
  • bowel cleansing before endoscopic diagnosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • appendicitis;
  • rectal bleeding, including those of unknown etiology;
  • intestinal obstruction.
Side effect:
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased fatigue, cramps, thirst.

From 50 to 100 rubles.

– powder (analogues: , Realaksan, )
Active substance:



A laxative for constipation with osmotic properties, used to cleanse the intestines.


The laxative does not affect other organs because it is not absorbed into the general bloodstream from the stomach. Fortrans has a very powerful and rapid laxative effect, completely cleansing the intestines even of unformed feces.


The contents of one sachet are dissolved in 1 liter of cold boiled water. The drug is taken every hour in the amount corresponding to the calculation: 1l ready solution per 15-20 kg of human body weight.

If the product is used to cleanse the colon before procedures, its use should be completed at least 4 hours before diagnosis.

  • constipation of various etiologies;
  • preparation for endoscopic diagnostic procedures;
  • preoperative preparation of patients.
  • patients suffering from heart failure, as well as those in serious physical condition;
  • extensive damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • blockage of the intestinal ducts;
  • children under 15 years of age;
  • allergy to polyethylene glycol;
  • kidney diseases.

The product should be used with caution by elderly people.

Side effect:
  • allergies: tissue swelling, skin rash, in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock;
  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flatulence.

From 100 to 150 rubles for 1 sachet.

– microenema with sodium citrate
Active substance:
  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate.

Combined product with a laxative effect: has an irritating effect and softens stool.


Microenema has an almost instant effect, diluting stool within 15-20 minutes. The main advantage of the product is that it does not affect the functioning of the intestines as a whole and is not addictive. Substances in the microenemas actively stimulate the flow of water into the intestines, which contributes to the rapid dilution of feces and their quick evacuation. In this case, all components of the product are excreted in the feces and are not absorbed by the body.


The tip of the microenema is inserted along its entire length into the rectum. Used when characteristic symptoms of constipation occur. If bowel dysfunction continues long time, consultation with a specialist is required.

  • constipation;
  • preparation for endoscopic examination.

There are no age restrictions: microenemas can be used to cleanse the intestines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children and the elderly.

  • allergy to sodium citrate;
  • acute purulent inflammation pararectal tissue that does not have clear boundaries (intestinal phlegmon).
Side effect:
  • very rarely allergy: skin rash, urticaria;
  • very rarely - abdominal pain, diarrhea.

From 300 to 450 rubles.

Laxatives with prebiotics

These products have a slow, but mild and safe effect. They can be used by pregnant and lactating women, elderly people, recovery period after surgery and childbirth. Prebiotic agents are recommended to be taken for acute and chronic stool disorders. Substances included in laxatives have a beneficial effect on the condition intestinal microflora, increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.

– syrup (analogues: Lactulose, )
Active substance:



Laxative for constipation with osmotic properties.


Laxative enhances intestinal motility by increasing osmotic pressure in the intestinal ducts. The drug also normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora, enhancing the growth of beneficial bacteria.


To relieve constipation, take 15 ml orally 3 times a day. This dosage is maintained for three days. Then the amount is reduced to 10 ml 3 times a day.

Indications: Contraindications:
  • obstruction of the intestinal ducts;
  • internal bleeding;
  • colostomy;
  • pain in the abdomen, including when appendicitis is suspected;
  • allergy.
Side effect:
  • abdominal pain;
  • heaviness, discomfort;
  • diarrhea (in this case it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug);
  • allergies (rash, itching on the skin);
  • violation of the ratio of salts and water with prolonged use.

From 265 to 350 rubles.

– powder
Active substance:

Lactitol monohydrate.


Laxative-prebiotic for the treatment and prevention of constipation with osmotic properties.


Lactitol is an active prebiotic that reaches the large intestine unchanged. The drug softens stool, increases osmotic pressure inside the intestinal ducts, and promotes gentle bowel movements. It also has a beneficial effect on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, creating a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms.


The powder is mixed with water, tea, coffee, juice and immediately drunk. In this case, the entire daily dose (20 g) is taken in 1 dose.

When the stool is normalized, when the resulting effect is stable (bowel emptying occurs once a day), the amount of the drug taken can be reduced by 2 times. The course of treatment is long - 5 months.

  • constipation;
  • preparing the patient for endoscopic examination or abdominal surgery;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hepatic coma.
  • congenital metabolic pathology (galactosemia);
  • blockage of the intestinal ducts;
  • organic lesions of the digestive tract;
  • pain and rectal bleeding, the cause of which has not been established;
  • allergy to lactitol.
Side effect:
  • in the first days of taking a laxative, you may feel slight discomfort in the abdomen and increased gas formation;
  • Taking the drug in increased doses for a long time can provoke dehydration and loss of salts from the body.

From 240 to 300 rubles.

Complex action drugs

This group of drugs has a complex effect and is intended for the treatment chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to eliminate chronic constipation and stool disorders.

Allohol UBF
Active substance:
  • animal bile;
  • garlic extract;
  • nettle extract;
  • activated carbon.

A drug that enhances the secretion of the digestive tract organs, restores intestinal motility, reduces flatulence and has a laxative effect.


The active substances of the drug have a complex effect on the functioning of the liver, stomach and intestines. Thanks to the normalization of bile formation, it increases the motor activity of the intestinal walls, eliminates the proliferation of putrefactive and fermentative bacteria in the intestines.


To treat constipation, take 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment is 20-30 days.

  • constipation caused by mild irritation nerve fibers intestines, as a result of which the peristalsis of the organ decreases;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • allergy to the active ingredients of the drug;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.
Side effect:
  • diarrhea;
  • , heartburn;
  • allergy.

From 20 to 100 rubles.

Spasmonet - tablets (analogues: Drotaverine, No-Shpa)
Active substance:

Drotaverine hydrochloride.


An antispasmodic used to treat organ dysfunction caused by smooth muscle spasms.


The active substance of the drug helps normalize stool and constipation caused by spasm of intestinal smooth muscles. The drug relieves pain, eliminates spasms, restores normal work organ and prevents tissue necrosis.


It is allowed to take up to 6 tablets per day until the spasm of intestinal smooth muscles is eliminated to obtain a laxative effect.

  • spastic constipation;
  • gastrointestinal spasms;
  • arterial spasms;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • other pain syndromes caused by smooth muscle spasms internal organs.
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • pregnancy – first 13 weeks;
  • allergy to drotaverine, galactose;
  • lactase deficiency.
Side effect:
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • allergy;
  • fever, increased sweating.

From 70 to 150 rubles.

Folk remedies for constipation

If the causes of defecation disorders are not diseases of the digestive tract or inflammatory, purulent processes in the intestines, then to treat constipation, you can use folk laxatives prepared at home. When choosing herbal ingredients for them, you should definitely take into account individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Decoctions and infusions

For constipation, it is advisable to use herbal preparations from medicinal plants for oral administration. They have a complex effect: enhance peristalsis, reduce irritation, and restore intestinal microflora.

To relieve constipation caused by spasm of intestinal smooth muscles:

  • dill or fennel seeds;
  • dried mint or lemon balm leaves;
  • mistletoe inflorescences;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • dandelion root, valerian and rhubarb.

To eliminate atonic constipation caused by sluggish intestinal motility:

  • hop cones;
  • dill or fennel seeds;
  • dandelion root;
  • toadflax;
  • tansy inflorescences;
  • centaury.

All ingredients are taken in equal proportions: for cooking 1 tbsp. infusion – 0.5 tsp. each plant. Next, the dry mixture is poured with 200-250 ml of boiling water, infused and drunk in one or several doses throughout the day until a laxative effect is obtained. Every day a new decoction is prepared.


To relieve constipation at home, you can use it as a laxative. various oils. They are taken orally or added to a cleansing enema solution. This method is used only for adults. For children, oils are used only as external agents. The following drugs cause defecation:

  • linen;
  • pumpkin;
  • Vaseline;
  • castor

The oil is taken orally at a dose of 15-30 g for half an hour. You should not use this laxative for more than three days. Oils are added to the cleansing enema solution in an amount of 50 ml.


Products included in the daily menu can also help normalize bowel movements and prevent frequent constipation. In case of defecation disorders, first of all, you should give up alcohol, fatty and fried food, sweets and baked goods and give preference to products with a laxative effect:

  • raisins and prunes;
  • figs (it is recommended to eat it on an empty stomach);
  • beet;
  • beet, carrot, pumpkin juices;
  • honey mixed with walnuts;
  • dairy products;
  • sea ​​kale.

It is very useful for constipation before going to bed to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk at night. And it is very important to drink less than 2 liters of still water during the day.

Which laxative to choose?

Any laxative must be not only effective, but also harmless to the body. Before using absolutely any drug, you should carefully read the instructions, especially contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to select drugs taking into account the following factors:

  • Acute, occasional constipation that does not have a chronic course - in this case, you can take irritating laxatives or eliminate constipation by increasing the osmotic pressure inside the intestinal ducts: Fortrans, Bisacodyl, Guttalax. But it should be remembered that they have multiple contraindications and side effects, the only exception being Microlax microenemas.
  • Chronic constipation - in this situation, it is better to give preference to laxatives with prebiotics: Portalac, Exportal. They act gently, restore intestinal microflora, and are not addictive. The products in this group are most suitable for children, pregnant women and the elderly.
  • Spastic constipation (impaired defecation caused by spasm of the intestinal muscles) - to eliminate the painful condition, you should use painkillers that relax muscles and reduce tone: Spasmonet, No-Shpa, Drotaverine.

It should be remembered that all laxatives for constipation do not treat the root cause of its occurrence, but only eliminate the characteristic symptoms. Therefore, in case of systematically occurring stool disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will help identify factors that disrupt the functioning of internal organs and help you choose the most suitable effective drug, taking into account all indications and contraindications for its use.

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such a delicate problem as constipation. And if the illness is prolonged, then you are faced with choosing a remedy for treatment.

What to choose so that addiction does not develop and our intestines do not become lazy?

From this article we will learn which harmless laxatives are not addictive, which means they will be safe and suitable for long-term use if necessary.

How do osmotic drugs work?

First, let's figure out what it is? Osmotic agents retain water, increasing intestinal contents. Thanks to this, feces soften, swell, and peristalsis increases.

They are not addictive because they do not irritate the intestines. Therefore, the safest laxatives in this group can be used for quite a long time without harm to health.

Modern non-addictive laxatives

Typically available in several forms:

  • pills;
  • drops;
  • syrups;
  • candles.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


They are easy to use and do not cause physical or psychological discomfort, because all you need is a little water to wash them down. What can you find at the pharmacy?


This form of release is convenient for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets. Taking them will be no more difficult than just drinking water. What drugs are available in the form of drops?


Contains sodium picosulfate. It begins to act 10-12 hours after administration. Best taken shortly before bedtime. Adults – from 10 to 30 drops. Children over 4 years old – 5-10 drops.


  • abdominal pain;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • constipation caused by spasm;
  • dehydration;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • cystitis;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • pregnancy 1st trimester.

Important! During lactation, do not use the drug without consulting your doctor.

The average price for 30 ml is 389 rubles.

Regulax picosulfate

Contains the same active ingredient as Guttalax. But the application scheme is slightly different. Adults – 13-26 drops. Children over 4 years old – 5-8 drops. Since the active substance of these drugs is identical, the contraindications are the same.

Do not use it in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters without consulting a doctor.

On average, the price for 20 ml will be 289 rubles.

You should know that sodium picosulfate drops should not be taken for longer than 14 days without consulting a doctor.

Drops V. Ogarkova Forte

Another remedy for solving delicate problems. Unlike the two previous drugs These drops contain extracts of medicinal plants: rose hips, senna, licorice, nettle leaves, and aloe.

Adults can take 30 drops 3 times daily with meals. Shake well before use as drops will form sediment.


  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • acute gastrointestinal disorders.

You can purchase Ogarkov drops for 305 rubles.


Their main advantage is that they are easy to use, especially in children and the elderly, and, given their local use, their effect on the gastrointestinal tract is eliminated. Let's get acquainted with the drugs in this group.


Stimulates the production of mucus, which helps to easily remove feces. Suppositories are injected deep into anus 1 time at night. Children under 7 years old – 1/2 suppository; 8-14 years, one candle at night; everyone over 14 years old – 1-2 suppositories.

Using the drug from time to time, you are unlikely to develop addiction, but still taking into account the contraindications characteristic of drugs in this group, among others listed above, Bisacodyl should be avoided if you have:

  • proctitis or hemorrhoids in acute form;
  • hereditary lactose intolerance - lactase deficiency;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • children under 3 years of age.

Attention! Use with caution if you are pregnant or nursing.

Packed in 10 pieces, costs 47-60 rubles.


Contains glycerin, which has a softening effect on feces and also improves motility. 15-20 minutes after breakfast, carefully insert one suppository into the rectum.

Do not use if you have:

  • sensitivity to components;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation and tumors of the rectum;
  • pregnancy.

Should be taken with caution in case of renal failure.

During lactation, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Can be bought for 117-181 rubles.


A gas-forming harmless product that when dissolved, it forms gas bubbles, irritating the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. Contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bitartrate, polyethylene glycol. Before use, try to relax, otherwise you may damage the mucous membrane.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then before use, lubricate the candle with Vaseline, sunflower or olive oil. Try to keep it inside as long as possible, while moving actively, do not sit.

They have evacuation high profile security, because the only contraindication is individual intolerance and age under 12 years. The drug is approved for use even during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is not cheap, but given its safety, it can justify its cost. It will cost you 500-600 rubles, the package contains 6 suppositories.


They are useful for acute constipation, and also if you are preparing for diagnostic procedures. They are slowly absorbed, retain water, which leads to easy excretion of feces. Due to its irritating effect, they increase peristalsis. Let's get to know some of them.

Magnesium sulfate

Contains the substance of the same name, packaged in disposable sachets. Take at night or on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Dissolve 10-30 g in 1/2 glass of warm water and drink. You can also do it - dilute 20-30 g in the same volume of water.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • appendicitis;
  • rectal bleeding (including suspected);
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dehydration;
  • bradycardia;
  • renal failure;
  • haemorrhoids.

Important! In the case of children, a dosage of 1 g is taken per year of the child’s life, but since the drug has side effects, consult your doctor! Avoid systematic use.

Price 33-50 rubles.

Sodium sulfate

Known as Glauber's salt, named after active substance, included in its composition. Dilute 15-30 g of powder in warm water and have a drink. It is better to take on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for use:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • menstruation;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • low blood pressure;
  • advanced age;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Finding Glauber's salt is quite difficult, but if you want to use it, you can ask in veterinary stores. A kilogram of salt will cost about 100 rubles.

Carlsbad salt

Mineral geyser salt. Contains sulfate, bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium sulfate. It is recommended to use 0.5 g, pre-dissolved in 1/2 glass of water, once, before meals. Should not be taken for more than 3 weeks.


  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system accompanied by swelling;
  • for kidney problems.

Price from 890 to 1200 rubles per 100g.

Safe traditional recipes

The experience of traditional medicine goes back centuries. Therefore, let's not discount him. Her recipes may be simple, but no less effective, and most often do not have serious contraindications or side effects. You may want to try them before committing to more serious treatments.

Raisin water

Easy to prepare. All we need is a tablespoon of pure raisins and a glass of boiling water.

Brew as tea or leave in a thermos for an hour and delicious medicine ready.

Start with a glass a day, adjust the amount as needed.

Beetroot broth

Another no less effective gentle remedy for cleansing the intestines. To prepare it you will need:

  • prunes;
  • beet;
  • cereals.
  1. You need to take 100 g of everything, as well as 2 liters of water.
  2. Mix everything and cook for about an hour, after peeling the beets and grating them.
  3. Strain, cool, and take 200 ml before bed.

Store the finished broth in the refrigerator; it is recommended to warm it up before use.

Kefir with butter

Lovers fermented milk products You can try kefir with butter. To do this, 200 ml of fresh low-fat kefir should be mixed with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and drink before bed.

Although constipation unpleasant phenomenon, but we have many ways to combat it. Let us remember that it is better to solve the problem comprehensively, without relying only on natural laxatives. Don't forget about drinking regime and move more, and let your morning be easy!

Stories from our readers

Conquered hemorrhoids at home. It's been a month since I forgot about my bumps. Oh, I tried so many methods - nothing helped. How many times did I go to the doctors, but they prescribed me useless medications over and over again, and when I returned, the doctors recommended surgery. I finally got over my illness, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has hemorrhoids should read it!

Video: how to treat hemorrhoids?

Bowel problems can occur at any age. This occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and disease. gastrointestinal tract. Constipation is a delicate problem for which many people are embarrassed to consult a doctor, so laxatives are thoughtlessly purchased from pharmacies, which only help for a certain time. What kind of mild, quick-acting laxative can be used in this or that case, you need to figure it out.

What can be considered constipation?

Constipation is said to occur when the time interval between bowel movements is more than two days.. A person needs to really strain to go to the toilet. Moreover, the longer the interval between bowel movements, the more difficult it is. In this case, the person feels discomfort in the intestines, which seem to be full. After defecation, there is a feeling that the passage of stool was incomplete. The stool becomes dry and hard. All constipation is divided into two groups:

  1. Acute – appears suddenly, against the background of general well-being. May be a symptom of intestinal obstruction, stroke, brain injury. This type of constipation occurs due to the use of certain medications and prolonged bed rest.
  2. Chronic - this form of constipation is said to occur if problems with bowel movements have been observed for more than a month. Difficult bowel movements can occur due to a number of endocrine diseases, dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids, intestinal trauma and poor nutrition.

Constipation is not necessarily a symptom of any disease. This unpleasant condition is observed during pregnancy, during severe nervous shock, and also when certain medications are taken.

Consequences of constipation

Problems with stool are not only caused by discomfort, they can lead to serious health problems. Feces that remain in the intestines for more than two days begin to release toxins that have a toxic effect on the body. This can negatively affect organs and systems and lead to the following problems:

  • The functioning of the heart is disrupted, and pain often occurs in the chest area.
  • A severe headache appears.
  • There is pain in the anus.
  • Performance decreases.
  • The feeling of fatigue does not go away.

If you have problems with bowel movements, you can try a mild laxative. Although these medications are available without a prescription, it is advisable to consult your doctor.


Laxatives improve bowel function and promote smooth bowel movements. Treating constipation with laxatives should not be done regularly.. Even the most effective laxative can be addictive and then emptying your bowels on your own will be very problematic.

All laxatives can be divided according to method of use:

  1. Medicines used for acute constipation.
  2. Medicines that are used for chronic constipation.

There are many different drugs on the list of each group of laxatives, so choosing the right option is not difficult. It is important to consult your doctor before starting use.

Drugs for the treatment of acute constipation

If bowel movement is severely difficult, against the background of complete well-being, then the following means are used:

Saline laxatives

These include inorganic salts, healing effect which have been tested for years. They provoke mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls and contribute to the liquefaction of the contents, which begins to burst the walls. Thanks to this, the nerve endings are irritated, peristalsis is significantly improved and the intestines are easily emptied.

These inexpensive laxatives begin to work about 3 hours after taking them. Therefore, they must be taken in the morning, before meals. Such laxatives include Glauber's salt, magnesium and various phosphates. These substances are used for persistent constipation and poisoning in order to quickly remove toxins.

The disadvantage of saline laxatives is that they contribute to dehydration of the body.. Abdominal pain may occur when taking these laxatives. They are not recommended for use in cases of intestinal obstruction and persistent constipation. These medications are also not prescribed to children.

When taking laxative magnesia, blood pressure decreases. Therefore, it is not prescribed for low blood pressure.

The cheapest laxative is castor oil.
. It chemically irritates the intestinal mucosa and improves peristalsis, so that the intestines are emptied without unnecessary strain.

IN small intestine the oil breaks down and forms ricinoleic acid, which irritates the receptors. Castor oil promotes a single bowel movement 3-5 hours after consumption.

It is important to remember that castor oil is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. It increases uterine contractions and may also be prescribed to induce labor.


Bisacodyl is available in tablet form and rectal suppositories. This chemical agent, but has good irritant properties. Starts to work pretty quickly. If the drug is used in the form of a suppository, then after an hour the effect is noticeable. The medication is prescribed not only for acute, but also for chronic constipation. It gives good results in the treatment of intestinal atony.

This medicine many analogues with the same active substance. Therefore, the pharmacist may offer a medication with a different name.


Regulax (guttalax) is a liquid laxative that is prescribed to patients with both acute and chronic constipation. Many people consider these drops to be the most the best remedy . The instructions for use of the drug recommend taking the drops, in the required dosage, in the evening. Take the medicine with a small amount of water.

Glycerin suppositories

An inexpensive laxative that has a local irritating effect. Suppositories have almost no contraindications; they are allowed to be used even by young children if you have a problem with stool. Suppositories with glycerin are often prescribed to women in labor who have difficulty defecating.

It is not advisable to use glycerin suppositories every day. Rapid addiction occurs, especially in children.

Medicines for chronic constipation

Pharmaceutical companies produce many different laxatives that will help with chronic forms of constipation without harm to health. These include the following medications:

  • laminaride - based on seaweed raw materials;
  • forlax and its analogues;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • vegetable oils.

These medications can be taken for a long time every day.. They help thin stool and make it easier to pass.


Available in granule form, it begins to act after 8 hours. The granules in the intestines swell and irritate the intestinal walls, causing bowel movements to occur.. Prescribe a teaspoon of laxative powder up to three times a day after meals. Take the drug with cool water.

To normalize intestinal function, you can periodically include seaweed salad with the addition of vegetable oil in your diet.


It acts like laminaride, swells in the intestines and has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, due to which emptying occurs. The medication begins to work only a day after the first dose. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach or during meals. This laxative powder has a pleasant citrus taste and dissolves quickly in water.

This laxative is allowed for pregnant women, elderly patients, patients with diabetes mellitus and with unstable blood pressure. It can be prescribed to people with heart, kidney and liver diseases.

Vaseline oil is a quick-acting liquid laxative. Even with severe constipation defecation will occur no later than 5 hours later.

The oil is allowed to be used by all patients age groups, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is not deposited in the body.

Upon admission Vaseline oil it spreads evenly over the intestinal walls and forms a protective film that prevents the absorption of toxins from feces.

Vegetable oils

People often use vegetable oils to make bowel movements easier. Fennel oil, olive oil and almond oil are widely used. These oils are used with great caution for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since these vegetable fats are absorbed by the body.

Use of medicinal herbs

Used as laxatives medicinal plants, which contain anthraglycosides, as well as drugs based on them. Medicinal herbs, as well as tablets and tinctures made from them, are very popular among pharmacy clients who practice self-medication. Long-term use of such drugs leads to the fact that a person cannot empty his bowels on his own. That is why it is unacceptable to start taking medications that contain anthranoids without consulting a doctor.

Anthraglycosides decompose in the body to release the substance emodin. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and passes into the large intestine, where it irritates the receptors. Thanks to this, peristalsis increases, and solid stool is expelled. These drugs are quite potent and help even in severe cases. The effect after administration occurs within 8 hours.

All herbal medicines are highly addictive. Therefore, with long-term use, the effectiveness weakens or disappears completely.

The following medicinal plants are used as laxatives:

  • buckthorn bark;
  • senna leaves;
  • rhubarb root;
  • Joster fruits.

All plant raw materials are produced in different forms– tablets, powder and dry extract. Buckthorn bark is available in the form of syrup, which is convenient for use in treating children.

What laxative can be used by pregnant women?

During pregnancy, laxatives are used with great caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, the list of medications for a woman is very limited, as there may be negative impact for the fruit. Many laxative medications help contract not only the intestines, but also the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Pregnant women are very prone to constipation as the uterus puts pressure on the intestines. If this condition bothers you expectant mother, then first you need to adjust your diet. Eat boiled beets, apples, prunes, fresh kefir and black bread. You can drink a tablespoon of high-quality vegetable oil on an empty stomach.

If these methods do not bring the desired result, then resort to mild laxatives. During pregnancy, you are allowed to take the following medications:

  • duphalac (normolakt);
  • fortrans;
  • microlax.

Duphalact and Fortrans act after 3-4 hours. And here Microlax efficiency is very high. The effect of the microenema is noticeable within 10 minutes. The components included in the medication help to liquefy even dense stool.

Microlax is approved for use in the treatment of young children starting from the neonatal period. In this case, the dosage is selected by the pediatrician based on the weight and age of the baby.

How to choose the right laxative

When choosing laxatives, a certain principle is always used. They start from the very beginning weak drug and gradually come to the strongest. If the problem has arisen recently, then take the mildest laxative, which has good effectiveness. When choosing a laxative, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Correctly determine the cause of the disease, since the type of drug will depend on this.
  2. If necessary long-term treatment choose medications that are not addictive.
  3. The choice must be made on those laxatives that are taken in the evening to empty the intestines in the morning, or on those that are drunk strictly on an empty stomach.
  4. It is not advisable to drink Vaseline oil for a long time, as it can provoke the development of cancer.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see many laxatives of different price categories. But, despite the fairly large selection, it is still worth doing without these medications if possible. The reason for this is side effects. The intestinal walls quickly get used to the irritant, so a constant increase in dosage is required. Weaning off laxatives is usually difficult and requires medical supervision.