Exercises against premature evacuation. Rapid ejaculation - how to reduce the rate of fire

Premature ejaculation (i.e. ejaculation) is characterized by the fact that sexual intercourse with this disorder is short-lived, lasting less than three minutes, which is why, as a rule, full sexual satisfaction does not occur for both sexual partners. Premature ejaculation, the symptoms of which, in fact, boil down to the indicated features (short duration of sexual intercourse, lack of sexual satisfaction), can manifest itself both before and after the start of sexual intercourse.

general description

If we define in a little more detail what premature ejaculation is, we can say that with such a problem, a man is simply not able to control the duration of sexual intercourse, in particular to the extent that would be sufficient for both partners. WHO on this moment does not highlight any clear criteria on the basis of which it would be possible to determine what the normal duration of sexual intercourse is. As a result of this, the problem looks even more serious in terms of diagnosis, because it also happens that even a short sexual intercourse allows a man to achieve orgasm, and therefore the problem as such is, in principle, not perceived.

A separate aspect of the issue is that a man’s sexual partner may experience anorgasmia, in which there is no satisfaction during sexual intercourse, regardless of its duration and quality. This option cannot be excluded if a man has several partners, and the dysfunction in question is relevant only during sexual contact with one of the partners, while with the other there is no such dysfunction, that is, it turns out that the man is healthy, and premature ejaculation is not a permanent and final “sentence”.

Taking into account such features, in medicine there is an average indicator relative to the norm of the duration of the so-called friction period, that is, the period between the insertion of the penis into the vagina and the achievement of an erection. This figure is about 3 minutes. Thus, if ejaculation occurs earlier than this period, then it is considered, as already indicated, premature.

At the same time, when studying the data obtained through relevant social surveys, it turned out that if the duration of sexual intercourse is two minutes, then a maximum of 35% of women achieve orgasm, and if sexual intercourse lasts about 10 minutes, then this figure reaches 50%. . Thus, if we consider the average man who is capable of maintaining sexual intercourse within two minutes, then it can be argued that he is not able to satisfy a woman, and therefore he can be considered as a patient with the disorder in question, that is, with premature ejaculation.

To summarize, we can add that a decisive role in the diagnosis of premature ejaculation and in the implementation of treatment measures against it is given to the man’s subjective assessment of the sexual dysfunction that is relevant in his case.

Premature ejaculation in men falling into the group reproductive age, is actually quite high in terms of figures, reaching approximately 30%. With sexual dissatisfaction, men's self-esteem decreases, they become less self-confident; in addition, there is an increase in conflict situations in relationships with sexual partners.

Basically, the first failure on “this front” becomes the reason for a man to avoid sexual relations altogether. In other cases, more attention is paid to compensate for manual and oral stimulation of the sexual partner. That is, the foreplay is extended. What is noteworthy is that in this case, women often remain quite satisfied with sex, which, in general, cannot be said about a man - every time sexual contact for him is associated with the appearance of psycho-emotional stress, other types of disorders also develop in the same sexual sphere .

Premature ejaculation: causes

Premature ejaculation can be triggered by various factors; we will highlight the most common options that cause this problem:

  • the presence of inflammatory disease of the urethra or prostate gland;
  • long-term sexual abstinence, rare sexual contacts (because of this, sexual excitability increases);
  • the appearance of discomfort during sexual intercourse due to anxiety about waiting for a “puncture”, that is, rapid ejaculation, which will be associated with dissatisfaction of the sexual partner;
  • again, the psychological attitude that ejaculation will occur too early, which, this time, is associated with an unsuccessful experience at a young age during the first sexual intercourse, as well as with the experience caused by the fear of being taken by surprise by the appearance of strangers;
  • some features in central department responsible for the appearance of the ejaculatory reflex, due to which a low threshold of this reflex is formed, which, accordingly, causes the problem of premature ejaculation;
  • the presence of certain individual constitutional characteristics associated with the innervation of the penis, due to which there is increased sexual sensitivity;
  • there is some evidence that premature ejaculation may be due to heredity, although this factor among the causes is quite controversial;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • spinal injuries;
  • injury to the genital organs;
  • exposure to certain medications;
  • lack of magnesium intake, which is also a proven fact in connection with the disorder in question.

All the reasons due to which premature ejaculation may occur can be classified into one of two groups, in particular this physiological reasons And psychological reasons. Mostly psychological problems lead to premature ejaculation. The basis of psychological problems is a man’s neurosis associated with sexual communication. Due to excessive concentration directly on the process of ejaculation, and not on receiving pleasure from the process, excess tension develops, and, as a result, rapid ejaculation. It is for this reason that if the situation is often repeated, a man begins to experience fears associated with sexual intercourse. Because of this, he tries to avoid sex as such, because it will lead to failure, his partner will remain dissatisfied, and, in his opinion, his perception of her as a man will be in question. Due to neurosis on this basis, erectile dysfunction, as already noted, can only get worse.

So, how to solve the problem of premature ejaculation caused by psychological factor? Experience and age act as the main helpers in the problem, however, as was also indicated, the problem not only cannot be solved, but is also growing. In this case, it is important to address it and contact a specialist. A separate, and very important role, is played by the relationship with the partner. If there is sensitivity and understanding on the part of the woman, then such a problem can be solved without the need to visit a specialist.

If sexual intercourse is too short, the following recommendations will help:

  • during sex, you need to try to a certain extent to distract your thoughts on third-party topics;
  • Condoms with an anesthetic are recommended for use;
  • before sexual intercourse it is suggested to masturbate;
  • as physical exercises, exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles are recommended;
  • It is proposed to consider an option such as circumcision surgery.

It should also be remembered that in order to delay ejaculation, complete squeezing of the urethra is under no circumstances allowed. Because of this, very often men develop chronic form prostatitis.

Concerning physiological reasons, because of which the problem of premature ejaculation arises, then the problem is often that the head of the penis is too sensitive. This feature can be either congenital or acquired (for example, when suffering from diseases affecting the genital organs). A disease such as balanoposthitis, for example, causes the development of a pronounced form of irritation of the tissues of the genital organs, which also causes ejaculation to occur too quickly. In this case, it may also have its own characteristics, they are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity makes sexual intercourse almost the same time each time;
  • with repeated sexual intercourse there is also no particular difference in the time spent on them;
  • ejaculation practically does not occur before sexual intercourse;
  • When drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse may be somewhat longer.

There are two main ways to solve the problem, this is to consider the option of circumcision surgery (for balanoposthitis and this method is the most effective), and the second option is to use lubricants with anesthetics, which can also be effective.

Another problem that causes premature ejaculation is chronic inflammatory diseases. Thus, when a man suffers from prostatitis, he may develop a chronic form, in which the seminal vesicles are affected. Sperm accumulation occurs in them. Ejaculation is accompanied by their contraction and subsequent release of contents into the urethra. When the vesicles become inflamed, they begin to contract much faster, which requires some sexual stimulation.

Premature ejaculation with vesiculitis develops gradually. The difference from increased sensitivity of the head is that ejaculation with vesiculitis can occur before sexual intercourse. Moreover, during orgasm, ejaculation may be accompanied by pain, which is why the man does not experience a feeling of satisfaction. In the future, sexual intercourse will take much more time, and if you drink alcohol to solve the problem, the situation will only get worse. Inflammatory diseases considered as causes of premature ejaculation may also include: inflammatory process with damage to the seminal mound, etc.

Exposure to certain diseases may also affect the regulation of ejaculation. The main diseases can be identified as follows:

  • spinal injuries;
  • scoliosis;
  • renal failure;
  • fracture of the pelvis, spine;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism.

Premature ejaculation: symptoms

As has already been indicated, the very name of the disease in question is the answer to the question of the main symptoms present with it. That is, ejaculation with premature ejaculation occurs earlier than necessary. Both partners may become dissatisfied, which makes the problem even worse. In severe forms of the disease, ejaculation occurs even before the penis is in female vagina. A similar situation can arise only at the sight of the female genital organs, which occurs due to excessive overstimulation.

A positive feature of premature ejaculation is that it can go away on its own, which is determined by gaining some experience in sex. Meanwhile, it also happens that this problem does not disappear for many years, which, as is understandable, causes difficulties for a man.


Diagnosis of premature ejaculation consists of a constructive dialogue with the appropriate specialist, in which he will try to determine what the causes of the problem are. In the absence of identifying specific causes, diagnosis will most likely consist of implementing the next stage. This stage requires the presence of the patient’s sexual partner, which is required in particular for the lidocaine test. With the help of lidocaine, treatment is carried out in the area of ​​the frenulum of the skin of the penis, then it is necessary to proceed to sexual intercourse, within the framework of which the results of the study should be recorded. If there were no positive dynamics in this case, then a full test is performed, which requires complete treatment of the glans penis with lidocaine, then it is again proposed to proceed to sexual intercourse.

Other diagnostic methods include identifying the sensitivity of penile tissue with accompanying testing of reflexes. This requires the use of special equipment.


Treatment for premature ejaculation currently includes four types of solutions, in particular these are: local treatment, pharmacotherapy, sex therapy and surgical treatment. We also note that local treatment, as well as pharmacotherapy, are temporary solutions to this problem; moreover, they require constant use medicines. The safest of these options is sex therapy, although it also has disadvantages, the main ones being the long-term lack of effectiveness, as well as the need for the participation of the man’s partner in this therapy. And finally, surgical treatment. It can rightfully be called the most effective and fastest; the result after such treatment does not disappear over time.

Let's take a closer look at these treatment options.

Local therapy

The basis of this type of therapy is the use of local anesthetics, due to which the blockade of nerve endings in the body of the penis and in its head is ensured. The goal is to eliminate the peripheral link in the ejaculatory mechanism. In this case, premature ejaculation is eliminated through the use of condoms with anesthetics, as well as ointments and gels that provide a local anesthetic effect. Nowadays there are many types of condoms on sale, the lubricant of which contains a certain amount of anesthetic. The use of this type of condom allows you to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, which, in turn, allows you to achieve a certain increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Condom lubricant has a low concentration of anesthetic, which is caused by lidocaine irritation of the mucous membranes, which is associated with a burning sensation. The mucous membrane in a man looks like a small area in the area where the opening of the urethra is located, while in a woman it is both the entrance to the vagina and its entire internal surface. For this reason, ingestion of an anesthetic can cause severe pain, during which continuation of sexual intercourse will simply be impossible. Meanwhile, the less lidocaine in the lubricant, the weaker the blocking of nerve endings, and the earlier, accordingly, ejaculation occurs.

Due to these features, the most acceptable option would be to use the most ordinary condom, but with prior application of a concentrated anesthetic in the form of a gel or ointment to the penis. This will eliminate the possibility of the anesthetic getting into the partner’s genital tract while simultaneously achieving the desired effect, that is, suppressing premature ejaculation.

If for some reason the use of a condom is undesirable, you can proceed according to the following scheme: the penis is treated with lidocaine, after which you need to wait for it to be absorbed, then the penis is thoroughly washed, which avoids lidocaine getting into the vagina.

Due to local therapy, the duration of sexual intercourse can be increased by an average of two times. Meanwhile, refusal of treatment leads to regression. For this reason, patients in most cases resort to surgical treatment to achieve a permanent effect.

Sex therapy

This method of treatment consists of performing certain techniques that provide certain control over the time of ejaculation. This method of therapy is quite effective; the duration of sexual intercourse can be extended by an average of 5-10 minutes.

The most common techniques are “start-stop” and squeezing the head of the penis.

Compression of the head is performed by the male sexual partner to a certain extent just before ejaculation. In this case, the ejaculation process is inhibited, which makes it possible to continue through manual or oral stimulation of the penis.

As for the “start-stop” technique, here the delay of ejaculation is achieved by stopping the frictional movements of the man when he has the first urge, indicating the approach of ejaculation. After a certain pause, sexual intercourse can be continued until sensations indicating imminent attack ejaculation.

It is important to note that during the first attempts to put these techniques into practice, a man may fail, which is due to the inability of a man to adequately control his sensations during sexual intercourse and the inability to predict the onset of ejaculation.

As another negative side This method of treating premature ejaculation, coming from the previous side, is that immediate improvement is not possible, an acceptable result is achieved only after about 4-6 months. For this reason, men begin to doubt that their chosen treatment method is correct. An even more serious drawback is the need to participate in the desire of a permanent sexual partner who is sufficiently adequate and tolerant for this, which, as practice shows, often turns out to be an impossible condition.


Surely many readers are aware of certain drugs, through the use of which it is possible to delay ejaculation. However, their use in treatment was not always possible due to the presence of many side effects arising from the characteristics of pharmacological effects substances in such drugs.

Meanwhile, there are now drugs included in the group of antidepressants, these are serotonin reuptake inhibitors, due to which ejaculation can be inhibited in the absence of the side effects that their predecessors (neuroleptics, etc.) are famous for. Such drugs have enough high efficiency, the duration of sexual intercourse when using them increases on average up to 6 times.

A pathology such as premature ejaculation is quite common in the modern world, the treatment of which should be comprehensive and begin as early as possible so as not to trigger the disease and not lead to surgical intervention. Early ejaculation begins due to psychological and emotional problems, and this can be fraught with erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to recognize this pathology in time, consult a doctor and begin treatment with appropriate medications and exercises.

What is ejaculation and types of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is pathological condition male genitalia, in which ejaculation occurs very early. This situation has happened at least once in the life of any man, and in isolated cases no one attaches much importance to such failures. But if early ejaculation happens constantly, then this indicates serious disorder, and you urgently need to see a specialist. Often, representatives of the stronger sex are embarrassed by such situations, the patient begins to panic, withdraw into himself, and he may develop depression, which will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Modern medicine identified 3 features of this disease:

  1. Ejaculation of semen occurs before the phallus enters the vagina, or when attempting to restrain this process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, concomitant pathologies, general physical state.
  2. Premature ejaculation brings family and personal life men's discord and inconvenience can cause anxiety and frustration.
  3. Problems in the sexual sphere can occur regardless of taking various medications.

What are the symptoms of early ejaculation? Main symptom- this is a short sexual intercourse in which the man does not receive proper pleasure, not to mention the partner. In this case, male ejaculation occurs 1-2 minutes after insertion of the penis into the vagina.

The main symptom is short duration of sexual intercourse

Important: the duration of genital contact does not always indicate violations in this area. A symptom of malaise is dissatisfaction of both partners after sexual intimacy.

Main sign A serious disorder is the onset of ejaculation before the penis is inserted into the vagina.

Why might early evacuation develop? Types of premature ejaculation depend on several reasons:

  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with disrupted functioning of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Such a disorder is rare, it is caused by a violation intrauterine development or trauma during childbirth, but it manifests itself as a malfunction already during the first sexual experience.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of the influence of various pathogenic factors: trauma, infectious diseases, taking certain medications. If you follow adequate therapy, sexual function completely restored.

What are the reasons for the discord?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reasons for rapid ejaculation in men. There are 5 groups of reasons why a man begins to feel inferior:

  1. Organic reasons, i.e. Some pathological process is occurring in the body. It can be urological diseases, prostatitis, phimosis, injuries of the lumbosacral region, hormonal disorders, intoxication of the body, etc. Vesiculitis or inflammation spermatic cords is a common cause of early eruptions.
  2. Premature ejaculation of semen can be caused by taking certain medications: Amitriptyline, Elenium, Methadone, Ephedrine, Haloperidol
  3. Physiological factors: individual increased sensitivity of the glans penis, long absence intimate relationships, new partner, lack of magnesium in the body.
  4. Psychological reasons: lack of trust between partners, fears, stress, anxiety, lack of understanding of the partner.
  5. Genetic predisposition. If any of the men in the family had similar sexual dysfunctions, then the likelihood of developing early ejaculation on a regular basis is high.

Often the reason why rapid ejaculation occurs is fear of sex. This happens due to ignorance of the process itself: the couple does not know how long sexual intercourse should last, the partners do not take into account individual characteristics each other. It happens that intimacy brings suffering, and this happens due to ignorance of the features sexual relations.

In addition, young people often masturbate and try to achieve ejaculation and orgasm faster, not paying attention to caresses and pleasant sensations. Rapid eruption They achieve this through their inability to control their feelings and treat their partner; also, sex “on the go” leads to early evacuation. Sometimes rapid ejaculation can be triggered by overstimulation from the partner’s actions.

How to treat the disease?

What to do if there is a disorder of normal ejaculation? These malfunctions in the male reproductive system can be cured only with individual approach to the patient and his problem. First of all, they find out the reasons that provoked this disorder, and only then prescribe appropriate therapy.

Special techniques and exercises

How to cure rapid ejaculation? If premature ejaculation in a man occurs in rare cases and there are no significant violations, then sexual intercourse can be prolonged using special techniques.

A popular and effective technique is the “Start-Stop Method”. It involves the man catching the moment before ejaculation occurs and removing the penis from the vagina, and then using his fingers to squeeze well at the base of the head. Then sexual intercourse can be prolonged. The next time ejaculation approaches, this technique must be repeated. Thanks to this technique, sexual intercourse can be slightly prolonged.

Another technique is Kegel exercises. It consists of a disruption of the innervation of the pelvic organs in men with early evacuation. Kegel developed a system special exercises to pump up the muscles of the perineum, which are simultaneously aimed at regulating the ability to control ejaculation.

Exercise for early ejaculation consists of tensing and relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle 15 times, 2-3 approaches per day with calm breathing. The load is increased gradually, up to 15 squeezing and unclenching per session. Over time, you need to complicate the exercise: as you inhale, tense and hold the muscles in this position, and as you exhale, relax.

The “Lift” exercise is also effective. You need to gradually strain the muscles of the perineum, as if you were climbing stairs or an elevator, from minimal tension to maximum. And then vice versa. Breathing is easy.

Drug therapy for the disease

Treatment for premature evacuation can be carried out therapeutic methods with the use of medications that have long proven themselves in this area. It is recommended to combine drugs to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect. If the act does not last even 2 minutes, then it is better to use drug therapy.

The following groups of drugs can be used:

  1. Creams and gels with anesthetic - Lidocaine, Emla, Instilagel. The products are applied 5-10 minutes before the start of sexual relations. But when weak erection they are not used.
  2. Antidepressants. Used to treat early ejaculation in psychological and emotional problems.
  3. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - Fluoxetine, Paxil, Dapoxetine. These are drugs for regulating the level of serotonin in the blood, quite effective and common means of solving the problem of early eruption.
  4. Drugs to stimulate erection - Viagra, Jenagra, Levitra.
  5. 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a dietary supplement.

These medications help prevent premature ejaculation. It is imperative to treat concomitant disorders of the body. If there is an infection of the genitourinary system, then you need to be treated with antimicrobial drugs. If there are problems with the spine, then neuroprotectors, drugs for blood vessels and vitamin complexes.

How to treat a psychological disorder? Often the spouse decides to go to see a psychologist and thus solve the problem with depression, depression and emotional imbalance. Often this method helps a man find harmony. A psychotherapist may prescribe medications to treat the nervous system.

If the head of the genital organ is sensitive, you can use a condom; it will dull the sensation. It can also be used in combination with anesthetics.

How to prevent an early eruption

Premature ejaculation can be avoided if you have a trusting relationship with your partner. In this case, it’s worth trying L. Simmons’ method:

  1. A man needs to masturbate with a dry hand for about 15 minutes without ejaculation (3 times).
  2. A man should masturbate for 15 minutes with lubricant without ejaculating (3 times).
  3. Masturbation should be done with the partner's dry hand to maintain an erection, but without ejaculation.
  4. The partner should masturbate with her hand with lubricant.
  5. Sex in the “cowgirl” position, possible with breaks, duration of the act is 15 minutes without ejaculation. You must try to complete 3 attempts.
  1. Use a condom with an anesthetic lubricant.
  2. Training to retain urination will help to avoid an imminent eruption; for this you need to train the urethral sphincter muscles.
  3. You can avoid premature ejaculation if you distract your thoughts, and in order to maintain an erection at this time, you need to think about something neutral.
  4. You should not squeeze the urethra with your hands, this can provoke the development of stagnant processes.

It is also important to eat well without overeating, do gymnastics and sports, get enough rest and sleep, have regular sexual relations, carry out prophylaxis with drugs to enhance potency, do not drink alcohol or smoke, and, if necessary, consult a psychologist.

It is also possible to solve the problem and surgical method. But operations are carried out in extreme cases; they are not always safe and can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Up to 20% of men across the planet have encountered the problem of early ejaculation at least once in their lives; ignoring this problem can lead to quite serious consequences. How can you cure rapid ejaculation at home? Let's get acquainted with the causes of pathology and find the optimal solution to the problem.

Signs of early ejaculation

Despite the fact that the pathological phenomenon is quite easy to detect, not all men are ready to accept the presence of a problem. Some may even justify premature ejaculation with various factors. But if any of the following signs still occur, you should contact a specialist:

  • the duration of intercourse (friction period) is constantly changing, becoming longer and shorter;
  • if a condom is used, the period of sexual intimacy increases significantly;
  • at drunkenness the friction period is lengthened;
  • in the case of using ointments based on anesthetics, the duration of intercourse increases significantly.

Before you start fighting early ejaculation on your own, be sure to consult your doctor. To detect real health problems, you need to consult not only a sex therapist or neurologist, but also a urologist, who will confirm or deny the presence organic reasons imminent ejaculation.

Who is at risk? Sexual dysfunction associated with rapid ejaculation is practically independent of age, but there is a certain risk zone in which people with the following characteristics fall:

  • suffered spinal injuries;
  • suffering from osteochondrosis;
  • having a short frenulum of the phallus;
  • suffering chronic prostatitis and other ailments of the genitourinary system (almost half of the cases);
  • having irregular sex.

Possible methods of treating rapid ejaculation

How can you get rid of premature ejaculation? Depending on the reason that caused sexual dysfunction, there are several areas of treatment:

  • Behavioral therapy. With the participation of both partners in therapy, the doctor can prescribe a set of exercises that the spouses should do during intimacy.
  • Psychotherapy. Allows you to get rid of psychogenic factors that affect the speed of ejaculation. Sessions with a specialist allow you to overcome phobias and fears, cope with stress and irritation.
  • Drug treatment. If there are serious inflammatory problems, the specialist will prescribe medications that will normalize the process of ejaculation and normalize sexual function.
  • Surgical intervention. In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical manipulations. The surgeon can circumcise the foreskin or denervate the head of the phallus.
  • Local treatment. To eliminate hypersensitivity, the doctor may recommend special lubricants and gels that will delay the moment of ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Home Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

How can you get rid of early ejaculation? There are many methods to solve the issue of accelerated ejaculation. As a rule, even orthodox medicine does not recommend using drug treatment. if the pathology does not pose any danger to health.

You can significantly improve the quality of your intimate life by strengthening your immune system, changing your diet, and using exercise.

However, you should immediately make a reservation: before using folk infusions and decoctions, be sure to consult your doctor. In combination with some drugs, as well as in case of individual intolerance to herbal components, an allergic reaction or severe side effects may occur.

Find out also how to treat rapid ejaculation with medicinal decoctions.

Herbalists offer several recipes for decoctions that help normalize sexual function and prevent early ejaculation.

Some of them are presented below:

  • Mix crushed oregano, mint and motherwort in equal proportions. For 1 liter of water you will need no more than 15 g of the mixture. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for at least 20-25 minutes. After this, strain the broth and consume 200 ml twice a day for two weeks.
  • Mix crushed rose hips with leaves of trefoil and motherwort. Mix everything thoroughly and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook the infusion for at least 30 minutes over low heat. Drink ¼ cup of decoction per day.
  • Prepare a mixture of crushed angelica root, rapeseed and rose hips. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over 15 g of the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Consume up to 200 ml of decoction per day for two months.

These decoctions will help you get rid of emotional stress and normalize sleep, which will indirectly affect rapid ejaculation. There are also other ways to treat early ejaculation with folk remedies.

Self-control technique

How to deal with premature ejaculation on your own? There is a training developed by specialists, thanks to which a man can learn to control the ejaculation process. The schematic diagram looks like this:

  • Self-satisfaction training. First, the manipulations are performed with a dry hand, the whole process should take no more than 15-20 minutes, after which it should end with ejaculation. Then a similar procedure is performed using lubricant.
  • Masturbation training with the participation of a partner. In this case, all manipulations with the hand are performed by the partner for 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection.
  • Joint training during intercourse. The friction period should take at least 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection. In this case, multiple introjection is possible.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation?

To prevent early ejaculation, sexologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • try to avoid stress and normalize your daily routine, setting aside enough time for good rest and sleep;
  • play sports and try to drive healthy image life;
  • have a regular sex life;
  • if the phallus is hypersensitive, use a condom;
  • include in your diet natural products with a high content of magnesium and zinc.

For early ejaculation, the first step is to determine the cause of sexual dysfunction. Allow this problem Consultations with a sex therapist and urologist will allow. Regardless of what caused early ejaculation, it must be treated.

Editor: Igor Radevich

Sexopathologist-andrologist of the 1st category.
Work experience: 27 years

When I was young, I didn’t think about how quickly sexual intercourse occurs; women liked it – and that’s enough. And it seemed to me that this had been going on for quite a long time, and it probably was. But with age, problems began. For some reason I thought that the older I got, the longer I would make love, but problems began in bed. My wife tactfully hinted that she didn’t have enough, and I began to worry, and this only made the problem worse. After reading this article, I realized that the problem can be solved. Thank you.

It happened that I also suffered from this problem “Rapid ejaculation”. Although as it was, it still exists, but I had already begun to slowly cope with the rate of fire, otherwise I could no longer do it. And after reading this article, I finally decided to see a doctor and the next day I went to a therapist and he directed me to do hormone tests. And I turned out to have low testosterone, and I’m only 24. I was prescribed a replacement hormone therapy. Thanks for the informative article.

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Top 28 reasons for rapid ejaculation in men and ways to prevent the problem

Top product for long-term intimacy

All reasons

Let's take a closer look at 28 reasons for rapid ejaculation in men:

  1. worked out reflex descend quickly after hasty youthful self-satisfaction;
  2. syndrome of obsessive expectation of mistakes from oneself;
  3. failures in past create suspiciousness, uncertainty and fiasco in the present;
  4. only the first Start sexual relations (in young people);
  5. infectious diseases of the organ itself;
  6. disorders and defects in the pelvic area ( hernia in the spine, lower back or injury);
  7. hypersensitivity;
  8. nervous disorders and stressful situations in everyday life;
  9. hormonal disorders, lack testosterone ;
  10. poisoning toxins, antidepressants;
  11. due to drinking a large amount of alcohol;
  12. frequent absence partners and instability of sexual relations;
  13. problems with the fact that " not worth it", cause a reflex to quickly shoot while the unit is ready;
  14. not the best choice places is also one of the reasons on the topic of why a man has rapid ejaculation;
  15. you have little time, she or you need to go somewhere quickly hurry ;
  16. fear of ruining everything, of being ridiculed;
  17. during intimacy, the girl screams and makes sounds a lot, and men are very susceptible to moans partners;
  18. frenulum of the organ is too short;
  19. coldness from a woman, tension in relationships;
  20. mental beliefs about the proximity of the species - it is immoral and dirty;
  21. fear of catching something sexually transmitted and serious from a girl;
  22. fear of failing too quickly ( the stronger you are afraid of it, the more likely it is to happen);
  23. fear the fact that a girl suddenly gets knocked up by you;
  24. weakness muscles buttocks and pelvis;
  25. inability to slow down and take pauses. when the speed is too intense;
  26. lack of understanding of the subtleties of different pos ;
  27. a lack of air and greater intensity and frequency of breaths with intimacy;
  28. yours attention and the focus is entirely on male organs and the energy accumulated there.

As it became clear, most of the reasons for the appearance are divided into 2 types:

  • disturbances in the physiology of the body;
  • psychological problem.

Many people do not know which doctor to contact if they are experiencing rapid ejaculation.

A urologist or sex therapist should be competent in these matters.

18 ways to solve the problem

1. Choose a passive position

Here we are talking about the position where you are under it and lying on the back. Use it, it is one of the safest.

Now, your pelvic organs and abs do not experience tension, body more relaxed and there is no great danger of crossing the critical line.

2. Do one exercise while on the toilet.

Learn, when going to the toilet in a small way, to stop and resume the flow of the stream again. Do this exercise 2 times every day on the toilet.

In bed with your beloved, when your body is approaching the finish line like a locomotive, you should compress and strain the same muscle that you squeezed in the toilet.

3. Relax your body and dangerous muscle groups

Relaxed body important for long-term intimacy. The longer your body is relaxed, the longer you can hold out. This way you will know everything about how to control ejaculation.

What parts of the body should not be strained? :

Make sure there is no tension in these parts of the body during intimacy with a girl.

4. Do the boat exercise

Pumped up and strong muscles of the pelvis and buttocks are the secret of endurance and the key to success. Train them.

It is useful to do the following exercise :

  1. Lie down on your stomach, arms forward.
  2. You begin to simultaneously pull and lift your arms forward and your legs back.
  3. Hold your body in this stretched position (arms stretch forward and raised, and legs back) for about 3-4 seconds and then lower.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 4 minutes.
  5. To start You can limit yourself to 4 minutes, and then add time every day.

About the importance physical activity for the pelvis we talked about in an earlier guide we wrote.

This is a kind of treatment for rapid ejaculation using folk remedies, in which, at the cost of your efforts and patience, you can achieve good results in bed.

See this video for a visual demonstration of the exercise.

5. Focus on breathing and do it correctly

Common mistakes and schools of rapid fire:

  • breathing too intensely;
  • breathe with the upper part of the lungs.

Frequent shallow breathing → signal to the body that there is a lack of oxygen → anxiety → sympathetic nervous system kicks in → shot and finish just to make you calm down and the stress goes away.

  1. Inhalation and exhalation are performed 2 times deeper than usual and without rushing.
  2. Breathe with your belly. We also wrote about proper breathing in another article earlier.

Remember these nuances and know everything about how to prolong ejaculation and delay this fiasco.

6. Do a proper solo session

Those guys who don't have a girlfriend need to know about proper self-satisfaction.

What is the essence of a solo solo session? :

  • There is no way you can step on the gas pedal and approach the finish line;
  • Learning to do pauses and stop when we approach the point of no return, we wait and endure;
  • This way we don't lose much energy. because they saved the seed;
  • We reprogram the body's reflexes for endurance. We also mentioned this method in a previous publication on the site.

7. Do the following glute exercise

Since weak buttock muscles are one of the most common causes of early ejaculation, it is important to do a different set of exercises to strengthen them.

  1. You can either lie down or lean on the edge of the sofa elbows. and put your feet on the floor. In the first case it will be a little heavier, but this does not mean that it is ineffective.
  2. Now you start imitating the back and forth motion pelvis. similar to friction during intimacy.
  3. If you do this while lying on the couch, then try all the way lift your pelvis up and focus on this. Then you lower your pelvis again and repeat the movements.
  4. If you do this with your elbows on the edge of the sofa, then it is easier and you can increase the speed and frequency. You will feel a slight tension in your groin muscles, and this is normal.
  5. It's normal to want to laugh while doing the exercise. Some people will feel slightly awkward. Continue with the movements despite the sensations. This practice will also be useful for those who need exercises to increase potency.
  6. Some people recommend doing this exercise with open mouth as shown in the video.

Visual video

Thus, by training the muscles of the buttocks, your partner will be less likely to ask questions about why a guy quickly releases semen during intercourse.

8. Traditional methods

Here are some of my grandfather's methods on how to get rid of rapid ejaculation using folk remedies.

  • Juice from the root celery. Squeeze the juice out of it and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Good for male strength and rich in zinc. They eat 25 pumpkin seeds every day.
  • Take fresh purslane about 2 pinches and let it brew in a thermos with 250 ml of water. Drink 1 sip before meals.
  • Also take seeds coriander in a ratio with water of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass and boil for about 5 minutes. Drink the tincture for 3 days.

9. Medication method

  • Medicines from our site.
  • Kapikachu.
  • Dapoxetine.

10. Follow the “let the lady go first” principle

In addition to taking pills for rapid ejaculation and medications, you should also first put things in order in your head with the help of the right psychological attitudes.

By following this principle, you will know everything about how to treat rapid ejaculation.

  • The essence This principle is that your lady must reach the finish line first.
  • You never allow yourself to complete the act until your girlfriend experiences many pleasures and comes to the end first.
  • Set yourself up for this mentally. It usually takes about 20 minutes .
  • If you can withstand these first twenty minutes, then you will no longer have to hold back and hard will be at all reach the finish line. Remember this edge in time.

11. Follow the “Walk in and Wait” Rule

  1. The essence of the method The point is that after the very first friction you stop and just wait, look at your sensations.
  2. If you feel. that the finish point begins to rapidly approach even in this case, then you take out your organ and wait again.
  3. Let go. you can make love, but still stick to the rule and repeat pauses if necessary. This is a kind of folk remedy for rapid ejaculation from the advice of novice young people.

12. Use distraction techniques

The method is to be distracted by various thoughts that have nothing to do with bed.

For example. These could be thoughts about your financial situation or everyday problems. The main thing is not to overdo it at all and not to discourage your desire at all. We also talked about this method here.

13. Don't look at her body

Particularly impressionable and delicate natures should not look too much at the beautiful figure partners during intimacy.

This increases the intensity.

Better take away look forward, close your eyes or focus on breathing or use another technique, but just don’t focus on its beautiful curves.

14. More pelvic activity needed

Especially for those who spend a lot of time computer. Physical education is necessary to tone the pelvic muscles. Necessarily!

Many guys ask questions about how to delay ejaculation and what medications will help do this. When in fact you need to pay due attention to physical exercise and sports.

15. Share your delicate problem with her, remove unnecessary tension

Somehow I shared this problem with a new girl before the first intimacy. And instead of ridicule or a bad reaction, I heard something that was absolutely normal and relieved all the tension. answer. “It’s okay, I don’t like it for a long time either.”

With this answer she removed all unnecessary pressure and the tension was lifted from my shoulders, I felt relief and our night passed long and well.

16. Teach her to fulfill your requests

  • The next rule in the topic of how to cure premature ejaculation at home is the ability to open up to your girlfriend and discuss moments for pauses .
  • There is no need to keep everything to yourself and become isolated. The right move would be to stipulate in advance moments when she should stop moving.
  • That is, this is normal during intimacy. say to her: “Stop, don’t move.” And you are both waiting.
  • Sometimes you really have to freeze and wait for both. Freezing just for you alone won’t help. Sometimes the slightest movement on her part can end your entire session.

17. Don’t forget about the second attempt, because it will take much longer.

Yes, it happens that the spouse is traveling and sexual intimacy cannot be stable. And there’s nothing you can do about it, what after abstinence during intercourse you came to the finish line very early and unexpectedly.

Now you are confused and wondering what to do if drugs for rapid ejaculation, taken in large doses, did not delay the first shot. Just know that with very long abstinence this Fine .

Now, if this happens, you do not get dressed in any way, but simply wait a little time, lying in bed together. For some, 5 minutes is enough, for others a little longer.

The point is that after this second the shot will be quite a while away, and nothing will be pumped up.

18. Shift your focus to other areas of the body

Open the lid of a boiling kettle and let the steam rise up and occupy your entire body, rather than letting it all come out through the kettle spout.

And when we say open the lid of the kettle, it means shifting your focus attention to other parts of the body.

And the plus is that the energy accumulated in one place from below will also shift up. and nothing will be forced.

What are they doing for this? :

  • Tingling in any other part of the body higher abdomen, but not the genitals;
  • Biting your earlobe by a girl (just ask her about it);
  • The girl does massage backs;
  • The girl touches your breast;
  • Licking lobes girl's ear.

You can also come up with your own ways to shift the focus of attention.

That's all. Now you know 18 effective techniques on the topic of how to get rid of premature ejaculation while treating the disease with a urologist or other men's health expert.

The best drug for control and endurance in bed

How to get rid of premature ejaculation (rapid ejaculation) - all treatment methods

Almost every man at least once in his life has felt the psychologically unpleasant consequences of very short sex caused by instant ejaculation.

Therefore, treating rapid ejaculation with folk remedies, when it is inconvenient to see a doctor, is a good way out of the situation.

For the most part, problems with uncontrolled, rapid ejaculation occur in young men, which goes away over time after gaining experience in sexual relations, but for various reasons, premature ejaculation also occurs in older, experienced men. According to statistics, premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men.

Causes and diagnosis of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is divided into:

  • Primary. Occurs for reasons not related to diseases of the genitourinary system, spinal cord and brain.
  • Secondary. Associated with diseases genitourinary organs and the central nervous system.

Possible causes of rapid ejaculation

The main thing to cure the disease is to find out why rapid ejaculation occurs. The reasons can be both psychological and organic.

  1. Psychogenic reasons:
    • Possible production conditioned reflex to rapid ejaculation during early youthful masturbation.
    • Lack of experience, which is true for early stages sexual life.
    • The appearance of obsessive expectation syndrome due to past failures with partners.
    • Too early experience of sexual intercourse.
  2. Organic reasons:
    • Inflammatory diseases (prostatitis, vesiculitis, colliculitis, etc.)
    • Neurological diseases that cause disorders of the pelvic organs (damage to the spine, pelvic bones, intervertebral hernias (intervertebral hernia - treatment with folk remedies) and operations on these organs). Parkinson's disease (Parkinson's treatment with folk remedies).
    • Increased sensitivity glans penis.

We can say that early ejaculation is caused either by some failures in youth and the resulting nervous disorders and psychosis, or trauma to the pelvic region and lower spine.

Therefore, in order to know how to get rid of rapid ejaculation, it is important to know what caused the disease.

The most common cause of the disease is hypersensitivity. Increased sensitivity is expressed by the fact that the receptors located in the head of the penis do not respond correctly to irritation, resulting in rapid ejaculation.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

In the case when a man develops such an illness, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment for premature ejaculation, otherwise the disease can lead to even greater psychological disorders.

For this purpose, diagnostics are carried out to identify exact reasons the occurrence of the disease, otherwise the treatment will not have a full effect.

Diagnosis begins with asking a man about existing sexual relations and their quality. Usually men don't hide existing problems, asking to tell you how to deal with an unpleasant illness.

For diagnosis you may need:

  • Inspection;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • Tests to identify possible infectious diseases;
  • Studies of the blood supply to the penis.

There are a few important tests identifying the most common cases of the disease:

  1. Test with lidocaine. This test detects glans hypersensitivity by freezing nerve receptors before sexual intercourse. If the time before ejaculation increases, the test is considered positive.
  2. Test with antidepressants. Reveals psychological reasons by taking a sedative before sexual intercourse.
  3. To identify the causes associated with diseases of the genitourinary system, urethroscopy and ultrasound examination are performed.

After diagnosing the causes, you can consult with doctors on how to get rid of premature ejaculation, for which there are various treatment methods.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

There are a variety of treatment methods, they differ depending on the causes and symptoms of the disease. If premature ejaculation is a consequence of any disease, the root cause must be treated, for example, prostatitis (symptoms and treatment of prostatitis in men), intervertebral hernia, etc.

It should be borne in mind that many of the causes of the disease are treated with ancient methods, so in no case should we forget about folk remedies for treating rapid ejaculation.

Treatment methods can be divided into the following types:

  • Fighting infectious and inflammatory diseases (or for example treating Peyronie's disease);
  • Treatment of hypersensitivity with ointments and condoms;
  • Treatment with antidepressants for nervous disorders;
  • A method of self-regulation and auto-training, when a man prepares himself for prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • Surgical intervention. The point is to circumcise the frenulum and foreskin to cut the nerve trunks and allow longer passage of signals from the penis to the brain. Don't think about how to avoid surgical procedure, sometimes it remains the only way out;
  • Modern method of insertion into the head of the penis hyaluronic acid, which seems to create an insensitive cushion between the nerve endings and the skin, which significantly reduces sensitivity. This operation is performed in half an hour under local anesthesia, and after it sex is allowed within a week.

It’s clear what medicine has come up with, but how to treat rapid ejaculation with folk remedies that have been proven over the years?

Treatment with drops

Recently, treatment with Thor's Hammer drops, which were developed by Norwegian scientists, has been gaining popularity in Russia and abroad. They increase the duration of sexual intercourse many times and additionally significantly improve potency, and are completely safe for health. Ksenia Strizhenko shares the results of using drops on her boyfriend on her blog.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with folk remedies

One of the effective ways to regulate the timing of sexual intercourse has always been the self-regulation of a man, his mood for the upcoming sexual intercourse.

To do this, you need to masturbate for a certain time without ejaculation, but always with ejaculation at the end of masturbation! Next, you need to masturbate with a woman’s hand, exactly the same way, without ejaculation, for the exact time. Next, you should try sexual intercourse with your partner. All these techniques are aimed at gradual increase time before ejaculation.

The regularity of sexual relations is also important; there doesn’t have to be a lot of them, but consistency is extremely necessary! A correct daily routine is also important for the health of the body, as well as regular physical exercise.

Folk remedies for treating rapid ejaculation also include various herbal infusions to increase the duration of sexual intercourse:

  1. Lovage root tincture. Lovage root is infused in alcohol or a decoction is made. To make a decoction, add a glass of water to a tablespoon of the root, boil for 10 minutes, and leave for another half hour. Take a third of a glass before meals. Coffin root is infused in the same way, only add half a teaspoon of root to a glass of water, and take a tablespoon before meals.
  2. Mix oregano and calendula flowers. There should be twice as much oregano. After that, pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Take one hundred grams after meals. The duration of admission is no more than one and a half months.
  3. The following three collections are ground in a coffee grinder, 2 tbsp are taken from each recipe. mixture, add a liter of water and boil for ten minutes. Then leave overnight in a thermos. Take half a shot before meals. The course of taking one version of the collection is 3-4 months, and then drink the next collection for the same amount until the patient accepts all three options.
    • Rosehips are mixed with angelica officinalis root, rapeseed and Lyubka bifolia roots.
    • Mix motherwort five-lobed, yarrow, peppermint and oregano.
    • Mix rose hips, leaves of the trifoliate, flowers of medicinal calendula and motherwort pentaloba.

It should be remembered that even before using folk remedies, you must consult a doctor!

Video: Treatment of premature ejaculation in the “Revolution” program; at TDK

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Self-treatment fast ejaculation

Only a specialist can tell you how to cure early ejaculation at home. Premature ejaculation depends on many pathological reasons. Not every man can independently identify such causes and carry out treatment correctly. The problem causes a lot of inconvenience. Some men don't talk about it. This is a wrong action. You should consult your doctor. He will tell you how to quickly cure the pathology and identify the diagnosis.

How does ejaculation occur and what does it depend on?

Sexual arousal occurs in men thanks to several organs and tissues. Initially, the man experiences pleasant sensations that irritate the cerebral cortex. From it a signal is transmitted to the lumbosacral region. From the department, the impulse travels to the nerve endings of the penis. This causes expansion blood vessels penis. Special cavities located in the body of the penis are filled with a large volume of blood. The man gets an erection. In progress sexual contact Testosterone is released into the blood. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to the release of seminal fluid into the urethra. Sperm is released out. This is how ejaculation occurs.

If the functioning of one of these organs is disrupted, potency disorder occurs. A man notes the occurrence of early ejaculation. Many patients are interested in home methods for treating this pathology. To choose the right medicine, you need to know the reason that caused early ejaculation.

Factors leading to rapid ejaculation

There are several reasons that influence changes in a man's erectile function. Early ejaculation may occur due to factors such as:

Injuries to the penis can lead to disruption of the vascular and nervous systems. When the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, excessive filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis occurs. A man's sensitivity increases and early ejaculation occurs. It is impossible to prevent this disease at home. Therapy can only be carried out by a doctor.

In some men, this pathology occurs at birth. At puberty, the first arousal appears. Many young people suffer from rapid ejaculation during adolescence. For this reason, many patients do not consult a specialist. After a few years, the process of ejaculation returns to normal. In some patients, the pathology persists. The congenital form of the problem can be eliminated at home.

Often early ejaculation occurs against the background of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis and other pathologies are the cause of the problem. To find out what pathology affected ejaculation, you need to undergo medical diagnostics.

The foreskin of the penis contains a large number of nerve endings. If their number is greater than normal, then the patient’s prepuce sensitivity increases. Sexual intercourse with this pathology proceeds quickly. Early ejaculation in this case can only be eliminated surgically. You can reduce sensitivity with the help of some decoctions. But such help is not always effective.

Neurological diseases have a pathological effect on signal transmission from the brain. Some pathologies are accompanied by the transmission of impulses that bypass sacral region. In this case, the release of sperm into the vas deferens occurs quickly. Early ejaculation occurs. Therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. You can use soothing decoctions at home.

By various reasons may arise hormonal disbalance. When examined in the blood it is found high content testosterone. The hormone affects the release of sperm into the urethra. Such patients have ejaculated earlier. The problem must be resolved only with a doctor. It is not recommended to treat hormone levels on your own.

Many men have problems with ejaculation due to irritating factors environment. Various stressful situations and long-term depression lead to decreased potency and impaired ejaculation. Such patients experience early ejaculation and infrequent sexual intercourse. This form of the disease can be cured at home on your own.

Symptoms of rapid ejaculation

Early ejaculation is accompanied by additional signs. A man can notice such additional symptoms, How:

  • Impaired bladder emptying;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Reduced ejaculate volume;
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Many genitourinary diseases are accompanied by an increased urge to release the bladder. Going to the toilet does not lead to the disappearance of the urge. The problem worsens at night and leads to increased pathology. The symptom often indicates that a man has prostatitis, cystitis or urethritis. Self-treatment in this case can only do harm. You can reduce symptoms at home.

If early ejaculation is accompanied by painful sensations, then it is necessary medical examination. The cause of this symptom may be pathogen, which settled in the genitourinary system. Pain can be reduced with painkillers. The intervention of a specialist will help completely eliminate the symptom.

Early ejaculation may be accompanied by impaired potency and a decrease in ejaculate volume. Such changes lead to severe damage to the genital organs. If these signs appear, you should consult a urologist.

Treatment of the problem

Therapy for early ejaculation is selected based on the disease. There are several types of treatment:

  1. Drug therapy;
  2. Excision of the foreskin;
  3. Home methods for eliminating pathology.

Medicines must be selected with your doctor. At home, you can take dietary supplements that help normalize ejaculation. At the pharmacy you can buy “Impaza”, “Loveron”, “Lovelace”, “Sealex”. These products will not harm the body and will have a stimulating effect on the sexual function of men.

For congenital forms of early ejaculation, experts recommend using a decoction of oak bark. To prepare the drink you need 50 g of finished raw materials and half a liter hot water. The raw materials are filled with water and placed on the stove. When the drink boils, the stove turns off. The finished product is wrapped and left for 40 minutes. The drink should be taken on an empty stomach. morning hours. You can drink no more than half a glass at a time.

An infusion of thyme, red root and chamomile herbs has proven itself well. All plants are taken in equal parts. The total mass of the composition is 100g. The mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused overnight. Reception is carried out three times a day. A single serving is 100 ml.

A decoction of fresh rose hips is good for preventing early ejaculation. The drink is easy to prepare yourself at home. 500g of fresh fruits are poured into a three-liter pan. The drink is brewed for one hour. It is taken before each meal. The volume is not limited.

If early ejaculation occurs, a man should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment. Home remedies can speed up your recovery.

Fast ejaculation treatment with folk remedies

What kind of a real man is he? A real man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. And first he must get married so that there is an incentive for these achievements. But sometimes, no matter how much you love it, no matter how much you want it, it’s not possible!For happy family life There must be harmony in everything, including in intimate life. But in some cases, confusion occurs in this area. Premature ejaculation - horrible dream any man. And then you can only dream about “raising a son.” For the most part, sexual dissatisfaction causes considerable problems in the family.

Fast ejaculation treatment with traditional methods

Sexologists consider ejaculation premature when it occurs at the very beginning of sexual intercourse (up to 25 frictions). For young man who is just beginning to have sex, this is the norm, but for a mature man this is a disaster, since this tendency can take root.

The average duration of lovemaking, according to experts, is 3-7 minutes. And it depends on where the person lives. “Sprinters” live in Southeast Asia, and “marathon runners” live in the Scandinavian countries. We live in Russia, but about ours, Russian men, the experts modestly remained silent.

This issue has been dealt with throughout the centuries. Aesculapians of antiquity, for example, recommended dipping the penis in cold water, put copper on it or, which is generally devoid of common sense, use an ointment made from bat excrement. In the Middle Ages, potions were brewed using herbs and iron with the addition of diamond chips.

Reasons for rapid ejaculation

Modern medicine clearly names the reasons. The main ones are psychological problems and genitourinary diseases, such as genital herpes, prostatitis and the consequences of chlamydia.
WITH psychological problem You can cope with daily auto-training. After waking up and before going to bed, try to relax as much as possible and fully concentrate on your main organ.

Quick ejaculation tips

  • — A frank conversation with the woman you love. Discuss with your partner ways to achieve satisfaction without intercourse. Don't be shy, this is your common problem.
  • — Avoid artificial stimulation, porn films and videos.
  • - Control your feelings. Learn to stop in time, although it is not easy.
  • — A condom reduces sensitivity. Use it from time to time.
  • — The “on top” position also helps to prolong sexual intercourse, as it reduces irritation of the head of the penis.
  • - If you feel like “it” is about to happen, take a break and distract yourself with other thoughts. This is the case that should be discussed in advance with your beloved.

Of course, the best person to help you is a doctor. If you are overly shy and have not found the courage to address the problem to a specialist, you can resort to alternative medicine.

Traditional medicine for rapid ejaculation

Fast ejaculation - folk recipes

Since most men experiencing this problem suffer from irritability and insomnia, plants that are good at calming will help to cope with it.

— Motherwort and hops 3:1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon and leave for 6 hours. Treat for 30 days, drinking 100 ml three times a day.

  • — Vinca grass is poisonous. But when we decide sensitive issue helps a lot. Boil 1 tbsp. periwinkle in a water bath for 10 minutes. 10 drops in the morning and evening for 5 days will help solve problems. If not, repeat after 3 days.
  • - 3 times a day, drink a third of a glass of lovage root decoction prepared for 10 minutes. 1 tbsp. for 250 ml of water.
  • — Fresh purslane (2 pinches), infused in a thermos in 250 ml of water. Dosage: 1 sip four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

By the way, this infusion helps very well in the treatment of gonorrhea.

  • — Prepare a decoction of coriander seeds for the day: 1 tbsp. for 1 glass. Cook for 3 minutes. Use 3 times.
  • - Infuse 100 g of hops (flowers) in 500 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass twice.
  • — Pour crushed yellow capsule rhizomes with vodka 1:1. After 2 weeks, strain. Take 150 ml, add 350 g of vodka.

Take according to the following regimen:

1st week - 10 drops;
2nd - 20;
3rd - 30;
4th - 50 drops.
Drink with water until the tincture runs out. Do not exceed the dose! The yellow egg capsule is poisonous!

The following fees are effective, but require patience, because... their treatment takes a very long time. Each of them should be taken for three months, taking a two-week break after each.
— 1 part each of calendula and trefoil, 2 parts each of rosehip and motherwort.
— Rosehip 3 tbsp. roots of Lyubka bifolia and angelica 2 tbsp. rapeseed 1 tbsp..
— 1 part each of mint and oregano. 2 parts each of motherwort and yarrow.
The method of preparing the mixture is the same: for 1 glass of water, add a tablespoon of the mixture. Cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Infuse in a thermos. Drink 100 ml before meals.

From simple, but very pleasant

Pink petals on the bed will add romance

Scatter rose petals over your love bed. This will have a calming effect and relieve excessive excitement. In addition, it will add love romance.

And at the end of our conversation. Never put your hand on the urethra. This will not help, and will add problems with the prostate gland. As the seasoned ones say, “practice, practice, practice.” This will allow you to avoid embarrassment in bed in the future and receive great pleasure from intimacy with the woman you love.

Good luck to you, real men!

Video - treatment of rapid ejaculation with folk remedies.

Premature ejaculation sometimes sounds like a death sentence, but don’t panic in advance. Treatment for rapid ejaculation is possible at home. Therefore, use simple and effective tips.

In the article:

Premature ejaculation - how to get rid of it?

In the event that you have nervous system is shaken, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe you a variety of infusions, decoctions from natural herbs or roots. This is a safe medicine that can be used without fear for your health.

Rapid ejaculation - treatment with traditional medicine

How ? In order to eliminate rapid ejaculation in men, you can use traditional medicine methods. For many years, our ancestors used motherwort, valerian, hop cones, oregano, calendula and many other herbs to prolong sexual intercourse.

It is worth noting that although such medications are considered safer than drug treatment, their use should still be coordinated with your doctor, since some herbs, despite their beneficial properties, may have Negative influence with regular or incorrect use.

If you believe clinical research conducted by the manufacturing company in more than 20 countries around the world, active action of the drug - 12 hours, during which you can be sure that the duration of sexual intercourse will be significantly longer than usual. The drug is not fast-acting, so you need to take it at least an hour before sex.

The advantage of Dapoxetine is that it can be used in combination with various medications which are aimed at combating erectile dysfunction, For example: ,

Almost every man has found himself in such an awkward situation when he experienced rapid ejaculation. In this case, the man releases ejaculate within the first few minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, which significantly reduces the possibility successful conception. The most effective recipe for early ejaculation was invented by traditional medicine.

Greetings, dear readers. This is Alexander Burusov, and today we will try to find out which method of treating early ejaculation is the most effective. But first, let's briefly go over the causes of the disease.

More than 20 years ago, premature ejaculation was considered a problem for people over 40-45 years of age. However, currently, due to excess stress and poor environmental situation, people under 20-25 years of age are at risk.

Like any illness, this unpleasant disease has several reasons. They can be conditionally divided into psychological (related to any mental trauma or with self-doubt) and organic (related to traumatic injury internal organs).

Psychogenic causes:

  1. Negative experience of sexual relations.
  2. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  3. Lack of sexual experience.
  4. Excessive masturbation in early adolescence.
  5. Fear of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Organic causes:

  1. Injury lumbar region spine.
  2. Traumatic injury to the urethra.
  3. Developmental anomalies of the scrotum and penis.
  4. Diseases of the peripheral nerves innervating the groin area.
  5. Vertebral hernias.
  6. Hormonal imbalance.
  7. Hypersensitivity of the glans penis.
  8. Inflammatory diseases of the urethra and prostate.
  9. Phimosis.

It is quite easy to get rid of rapid ejaculation if the exact cause of the disease is known. When it is eliminated, sexual function returns to normal almost immediately.

How can premature ejaculation be cured?

There are a great many methods aimed at ridding the male population of this annoying problem. Most people are embarrassed to contact a specialist directly and therefore resort to home medicine.

Currently the following are distinguished: directions for treating premature ejaculation:

  1. Family therapy for couples aimed at normalizing the sex life of husband and wife. Rational dialogue will allow you to get rid of irritation and eliminate the stress factor.
  2. Individual psychological consultations, the main goal of which is to eliminate psychological trauma and create an optimal model of behavior in bed. Psychotherapeutic sessions conducted by a specialist will help overcome all possible phobias and fears.
  3. Drug therapy: Medical prescriptions provide invaluable assistance in curing an illness. The following groups of drugs are used in medicine: muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory substances.
  4. Surgical intervention allows you to eliminate the problem, but is not always an acceptable method of choice due to huge amount contraindications.
  5. ethnoscience. In cases where drug treatment turns out to be powerless, and you don’t want to go under the knife, you should turn your attention to the wisdom of the people. When you don’t know which spray, tablet or ointment to use, you need to use a traditional healing method.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation at home

Stabilize erectile function and you can increase the duration of sexual intercourse without pills and expensive surgeries. The first and most important stage on the path to recovery is changing your usual lifestyle. Our body directly and indirectly depends on many environmental factors that inhibit its normal functioning.

Some simple tips, helping to heal the body and overcome rapid ejaculation:

  1. Healthy eating. You should avoid too fatty, fried and salty food, avoid large quantity spices It is strictly prohibited to consume carbonated drinks, packaged juices, fast food and food with a lot of oil.
  2. Normalization of body weight. When the body becomes obese, it forms hormonal imbalance, in which the amount of male hormones decreases and the amount of female hormones increases, which leads to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse by one and a half to two times.
  3. Regular physical activity. In the absence of body activity, blood stagnates in the veins of the small pelvis, deterioration of blood supply to the genital organs, which also negatively affects genital area. It is recommended to visit the gym or swimming pool several times a week, or exercise at home.
  4. Rejection of bad habits: alcohol and nicotine need to be eliminated from your life once and for all. It's no secret that these substances inhibit the activity of male seminal fluid by up to 60%.
  5. Minimizing stressful situations. When the body stays for a long time in in serious condition under the weight of psychological pressure, a certain barrier to sexual intimacy is formed, which can be very difficult to overcome. If there is an opportunity to change the environment, give up work and leave the city for a couple of days, do not neglect it.
  6. Relaxing massage immediately before intercourse allows you to relieve tension from the body. This will help you get rid of early ejaculation.

Folk remedies for early ejaculation

There are a great variety of homemade folk remedies, the preparation of which does not require any special skills. If you do not want to take pills or pharmacological creams, you should turn to nature.

You should take into account the individual characteristics of your body, and before using some decoctions and tinctures, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Folk remedy- the fastest and effective method get rid of the problem once and for all.

Phytotherapy– ancient science about the interaction of components of the plant environment in the human body. When used correctly, you can achieve guaranteed results.

Used for early ejaculation:

  1. A mixture of oregano flowers and calendula flowers. It is recommended to use up to 30-40 grams of plant material per liter of water. Take 2-3 tablespoons herbal infusion a few minutes before meals. The infusion has a myostimulating effect and improves blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  2. The best decoction for rapid ejaculation is mixture of rosehip and motherwort. 100 grams of raw materials must be thoroughly mixed and poured hot water. After 15 minutes of infusion, the resulting solution should be simmered over low heat for half an hour. Then the broth should be cooled and taken half a glass twice a day. Thanks to the relaxing and sedative effect of the decoction, the duration of sexual intercourse increases.
  3. Oak bark– a powerful natural aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. To prepare the remedy, you should take a large saucepan with a capacity of up to 10 liters, as well as 8 tablespoons of crushed bark. After the oak bark has completely dissolved in boiling water, it is necessary to cook the resulting product for one and a half hours. After cooling, it can be used both as a drink that stimulates sexual activity, and as lotions for inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

Any of the above remedies will help eliminate problems with early ejaculation. In the event that conservative therapy proves helpless, it is recommended to contact a specialist and agree with him on a plan for surgical intervention.