Premature ejaculation what to do. Rapid ejaculation: causes and treatment

Quick seed eruption is a disease that affects many men. Let's look at the main causes of premature ejaculation, treatment methods and prevention methods.

According to the data scientific statistics, today a third of all men on the planet suffer from rapid ejaculation. But the statistics are conditional, since many men hide this pathology. Premature ejaculation is a real problem for completely healthy men, as it has Negative influence on sexual intercourse and relationships in general.

ICD-10 code

F52.4 Premature ejaculation

Reasons for rapid ejaculation

The reasons for rapid ejaculation are divided into two groups - psychological and physiological, that is, those that are associated with health problems, the functioning and structure of organs. In order to find out the problems of premature ejaculation, you need to contact a specialist, this could be a psychologist, urologist or sex therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and diagnosis of the body to determine the cause of the disease. Let's look at the main physiological and psychological reasons for rapid ejaculation.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation:

  1. Increased sensitivity of the glans penis is the most common cause that occurs in men of all ages. This pathology can be acquired (phimosis, balanoposthitis) or congenital. Features of rapid ejaculation with hypersensitivity glans penis:

When having sex with a condom, the duration of ejaculation is longer. The duration also increases when using artificial lubricant. Therefore, it is recommended to use special condoms with anesthetics and lubricants.

  • As a rule, ejaculation does not occur before sexual intercourse, and if it does happen, it is only due to the friction of the penis on the underwear or during the process of putting on a condom.

To reliably determine the connection between rapid ejaculation and increased sensitivity, it is recommended to buy a lubricant with an anesthetic (prolongator) and apply it to the head of the penis 10-15 minutes before sex. In addition to lubricant, you can use Lidocaine aerosol, which is sold in pharmacies. If the use of a lubricant increases the duration of sexual intercourse, even by a couple of minutes, then premature ejaculation is associated with increased sensitivity.

To treat rapid ejaculation caused by sensitivity, circumcision is resorted to, since this is the most effective method treatment. During circumcision, the foreskin is removed, which increases the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times. By the way, circumcision increases ejaculation in any man, even without problems with ejaculation.

If increased sensitivity is caused by phimosis or balanoposthitis, then circumcision is only decision Problems. In cases where a man is afraid to undergo circumcision or refuses this procedure, doctors recommend using lubricants with anesthetics or an aerosol with lidocaine.

  1. Chronic vesiculitis - rapid ejaculation is caused by inflammation of the seminal vesicles. The components of sperm, spermatozoa, accumulate in them. The walls of the bubbles become thinner and become very sensitive. This is why mild sexual arousal leads to ejaculation. Chronic vesiculitis always develops simultaneously with prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate gland. Treatment of this problem must be comprehensive. The main symptoms of vesiculitis, which provokes rapid ejaculation:
    • Ejaculation has a wave-like character, sometimes sexual intercourse is prolonged, but in some cases ejaculation occurs very quickly. The disease developed gradually; before this, the man had no problems with ejaculation.
    • Ejaculation occurs even before sexual intercourse due to excitement. In this case, the first sexual intercourse takes place quickly, and subsequent ones take longer.
    • Drinking alcohol before sex does not improve the situation, but, on the contrary, aggravates the process. The use of condoms and lubricants with anesthetics do not affect ejaculation.
    • Sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure, it causes painful sensations, and the feeling of orgasm is blurred.
  1. Defeats internal organs and disruption of their work - this reason can only be diagnosed after a series of examinations and tests. Violations of the cortical and subcortical structures (acquired and congenital) negatively affect the reproductive system and sexual functions. Damage to the lumbosacral spinal cord, bone injuries, inflammatory diseases of a urological nature and internal pelvic organs also cause rapid ejaculation.
  2. Hormonal disorders - cause hormonal imbalance, which provokes rapid ejaculation. Pathology occurs due to a lack of testosterone, increased production of prolactin and endocrine disorders.
  3. Poisoning – chronic poisoning alcohol, nicotine and other toxins lead to inferior sexual intercourse and the fact that the man cums quickly. Sometimes rapid ejaculation occurs due to the use of antibiotics and medications.

Psychological reasons for rapid ejaculation:

  1. Fears - unsuccessful first sexual experience, fear of not pleasing your partner, being ridiculed, rejected and other fears cause psychological problems, which have a negative impact on sex life and duration of sexual intercourse. Only a psychologist can cure such a disorder.
  2. Regular stressful situations. Men who devote themselves entirely to work suffer from lack of sleep, constant stressful situations and depression - have problems in the sexual sphere that are associated with early ejaculation.
  3. Overstimulation is the most common cause of rapid ejaculation. This is typical for young guys who have just begun to be sexually active. But sometimes premature ejaculation occurs in adult, experienced men. Due to overexcitation, tension increases in one of the parts of the cerebral cortex, which leads to ejaculation and orgasm.
  4. Lack of trust between partners. This psychogenic factor causes early ejaculation due to dissatisfaction life together, fear of romantic relationships and betrayal. Problems with ejaculation can also occur in those men who pursue only the goal of having sex.
  5. External stimuli – rapid ejaculation can occur due to sex in an unfavorable environment. In this case, the man subconsciously wants to finish sexual intercourse faster and accelerates ejaculation. Most often this happens in young guys, and in this case it is difficult to determine the true reason for rapid ejaculation.

The main symptoms of rapid ejaculation caused by psychological reasons:

  • Irregular sex life or first sexual experience.
  • Due to premature ejaculation, problems with erection arise, so it is not always possible to have a second sexual intercourse.
  • Thoughts on abstract topics often lead to the disappearance of an erection. Drinking alcohol also negatively affects erections and the ability to ejaculate.

Psychological problems that cause rapid ejaculation disappear with a man’s age or experience in sex. But if they get worse, they require treatment. With treatment this kind A psychologist or sex therapist will help you with your problems. As for the physiological causes of early ejaculation, they can be solved after undergoing diagnostics and examinations. It is impossible to neglect problems with rapid ejaculation, as this has a devastating effect on a man’s self-esteem, relationships with his partner, and can lead to disastrous consequences.

Why does ejaculation occur quickly?

Why does ejaculation occur quickly and how to deal with this problem? To determine the cause of early ejaculation, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics. Determining the true cause of rapid ejaculation is very difficult. To do this, the doctor must determine the sex quality index, since very often problems with early ejaculation are disguised as andrological diseases (diseases of the male genital organs that pathologically affect the reproductive system).

Diagnostics consists of external examination, ultrasound examination genitals and rectal examination. In some cases, a man needs to undergo a series of tests to determine hormones and infectious and inflammatory diseases. An assessment of the blood supply to the penis (with the exception of erectile dysfunction) and other diagnostic methods are mandatory.

Let's look at a diagnostic table that will help determine symptoms premature ejaculation(Premature ejaculation symptoms score PESS).

Not difficult

A little hard

Pretty hard

Very hard

Extremely difficult

How difficult is it for you to delay ejaculation?

Almost never

Less than 25% of cases

About half the time

More than 75% of cases

Almost always

Do you ejaculate before you want it?

Do you ejaculate even after minimal stimulation?

Do you feel frustrated because you ejaculate before you want?

How dissatisfied do you think your partner is because of your sexual problem?

How many sexual acts out of 10 resulted in premature ejaculation?

More than 5 minutes

Less than 2 minutes

Less than a minute

Before introduction

How long does your sexual intercourse last?


Very bad

How would you feel if you had to live with this problem all your life?

After passing the test, you need to evaluate the results; to do this, sum up the answers.

  • 10-18 points – mild degree early ejaculation;
  • 18-25 points – average degree rapid ejaculation;
  • > 25 points – severe premature ejaculation.

Only after diagnosis, passing a series of tests and examination by a doctor can you find out why ejaculation occurs quickly and cure it.

Rapid ejaculation during sexual intercourse

Rapid ejaculation during sexual intercourse may occur due to the presence of diseases or psychological reasons. In any case, this problem negatively affects the relationship between partners, since the woman remains dissatisfied due to such quick sexual intercourse, and for the man it is a blow to self-esteem. But early ejaculation during sex cannot always be considered pathological. It all depends on the frequency and extent of the problem.

Previously, there was an opinion that sexual intercourse that lasts less than 20 seconds is pathological due to rapid ejaculation. But this statement is completely destroyed, since the duration of sex is influenced by many factors. Ejaculation that occurs due to slight stimulation is considered problematic and requires medical attention. In this case, ejaculation occurs even before sexual intercourse.

At first glance, ejaculation is quite primitive, but in fact it is quite difficult process. IN this process central takes part nervous system, as well as emotional and reflex mechanisms. Most often, the cause of failures is psychological factors. There is no pattern between a man's age and premature ejaculation. Both 20-year-old boys and mature men can face this problem. So, if the problem occurs in early age, then, as a rule, due to overexcitation and perception of sexual intercourse. But for men mature age rapid sexual intercourse and ejaculation can be caused by prostatitis or another disease. In any case, this problem requires medical attention.

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation usually occurs due to increased sensitivity of the glans penis. But masturbation can also cause early ejaculation. Of course, the very fact of masturbation does not affect the duration of sexual intercourse, but the technique does great importance. Masturbation, that is, self-satisfaction or masturbation, is sex with oneself. As a rule, guys start masturbating from the age of 12-17.

Most often, arousal and subsequent masturbation arise from watching porn or any other erotic material. In this case, stimulation of the penis leads to an erection. But, in some cases, the guy goes to the toilet and tries to quickly cope with arousal, which also leads to ejaculation. If this happens very often, then on a subconscious level a habit is developed that arousal and short-term stimulation of the penis is ejaculation.

Ejaculation is a reflex or response to a mental, mechanical or visual stimulus. For example, if a young man starts masturbating at the age of 13 and does it 3 times a week, then in a year he will cum 150-170 times. Moreover, if orgasm happens very quickly, then the body and penis get used to it and a reflex is formed, due to which ejaculation occurs very quickly during sexual intercourse. That is, during masturbation, ejaculation should not occur earlier than after 10-30 minutes.

The absence of masturbation is considered pathological, that is, a man in any case must engage in self-satisfaction. This is due to the fact that as soon as there is sexual intercourse with a partner, the body will try to get rid of sperm as quickly as possible. That is, the lack of masturbation, as well as its excess, lead to rapid ejaculation. In some cases, a man cums even before he inserts the penis into the vagina, due to the fact that the body reacted and quickly got rid of the sperm.

What to do if you ejaculate quickly?

What to do with rapid ejaculation and is it possible to cure this pathology? frequently asked question in men who are not the first to encounter the problem of early ejaculation. In order to cure a problem, it is necessary to find its cause, that is, undergo diagnostics and a series of examinations. The reasons for rapid ejaculation can be physiological and psychological. Let's look at a few tips that can help with rapid ejaculation.

  • Use condoms with special lubricant to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Learn to resume and delay urination. Similar exercises with the sphincter apparatus of the bladder will help prevent rapid ejaculation.
  • Shortly before sex, you can masturbate. According to statistics, the second sexual intercourse will be long.
  • Make a circumcision - this procedure will increase the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times or more.

The above recommendations can help solve the problem of early ejaculation. But some techniques are strictly forbidden to be used to restore full sexual functions. Don't squeeze with your hands urethra, since this causes the sperm to return to the seminal vesicles and bladder. As a result, they begin congestion in the prostate gland, which will lead to chronic prostatitis, disrupt the functions of the sphincter apparatus in the prostate gland and cause retrograde ejaculation (an ejaculation disorder in which the release of seminal fluid occurs in the opposite direction). If none of the above recommendations help, you need to contact medical care see a urologist or sexologist.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation

Treatment for rapid ejaculation begins with diagnosing the disease. Diagnosis is carried out to determine the cause of the pathology. If a man who suffers from early ejaculation has a regular sexual partner, then he also takes part in the examination and diagnosis. Depending on the established cause premature ejaculation, the doctor selects a treatment option. It could be:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Microsurgical correction of ejaculation.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment.

Secondary rapid ejaculation is treated conservatively. As for secondary symptomatic early ejaculation, it is eliminated during treatment the real reason diseases. If problems with sexual intercourse are caused by urethritis or prostatitis, then during the treatment the duration of sex increases. But a course of treatment can only be prescribed after examination by a specialist who diagnoses and treats sexual dysfunctions in men. Basic treatment methods:

  1. Conducting psychological, behavioral and sexual therapy to form a clear recognition of the onset of orgasm and control the duration of ejaculation.
  2. Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases which caused early ejaculation.
  3. Conservative methods Treatment of hypersensitivity using lubricated condoms and anesthetic ointments. Medicines are applied to the head of the penis and the frenulum area 10-20 minutes before sexual intercourse.
  4. For psychological reasons for rapid ejaculation, pharmacotherapeutic methods of treatment are used. To do this, antidepressants, anxiolytics and other drugs are used to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  5. The use of acupuncture, physiotherapeutic methods and reflexology.
  6. The use of surgical treatment methods. A patient undergoes circumcision foreskin, plastic surgery of the frenulum and denervation of the glans penis using microsurgery methods.
  7. Surgical treatment with partial transection of the nerves that provide sensitivity to the penis. The operation must be carried out qualified specialist, since there is a high risk of permanent loss of sensitivity of the genital organ and weakening of orgasm.

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation can cure the problem of early ejaculation. The peculiarity of traditional medicine is that they can be used at home. Let's look at some folk recipes, which will help in the treatment of rapid sexual intercourse.

  • Prepare a medicinal decoction of rose hips, medicinal angelica root, bifolia and colza herb. Take herbs in equal parts, pour boiling water and leave for 15-30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup twice a day for 1-2 months with a week break.
  • Mix oregano herb, motherwort, yarrow herb and peppermint in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 10-20 minutes. It is recommended to take the decoction 1/2 cup before meals. The course of treatment takes from 2 to 4 months.
  • Take equal parts of rose hips, motherwort herb, calendula and trifoliate leaves. For ease of use, the herb can be crushed and brewed in special bags or a strainer. The decoction should be drunk 1/4 cup for 3-4 months.

If rapid ejaculation is caused by psychological disorders, then for their treatment it is recommended to take a preventive course from a sex therapist or psychologist. Daily auto-training sessions, which should be carried out in the morning and evening, concentrating on the problem of the disease, will not be superfluous. As a rule, problems with rapid ejaculation for psychological reasons are accompanied by sleep disturbances and irritability. To treat early ejaculation, plants with sedative properties are used. Let's look at several folk remedies for rapid ejaculation.

  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of hop cones and a tablespoon of motherwort. Infuse the herbs for six hours and then strain. It is recommended to drink the decoction three times a day, 1/2 cup, for a month.
  • Pour a tablespoon of periwinkle with cold water and keep in a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. After this, the decoction must be filtered and taken 10 drops in the morning and evening for five days. Then you need to take a three-day break and repeat the treatment course.
  • Pour boiling water over 25 g of lovage root and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. As soon as the broth has cooled, strain it and take 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • Pour 10 g of coffin root with a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Take one spoonful of the decoction six times a day, before each meal.

Please note that folk remedies for the treatment of rapid ejaculation must be taken for a year for a sustainable therapeutic effect.

Drugs for rapid ejaculation

Drugs for rapid ejaculation are used as drug therapy early ejaculation. Let's look at the most effective drugs, which are prescribed to patients to treat early ejaculation.

  • Dapoxetine

It is a selective inhibitor short acting. The drug is used to treat rapid ejaculation in men over 18 years of age. The drug prolongs sexual intercourse by 3-5 times. The action of the drug is based on blocking brain receptors and the absorption of serotonin. The drug begins to act 15-30 minutes after administration, and the duration of its effect on the body is from 2 to 3 hours. The optimal effect of using the drug occurs within 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main indications for use of the drug are the treatment of rapid ejaculation. Dapoxetine is contraindicated for patients with allergic reactions to lactose, liver disease and of cardio-vascular system. The drug should not be taken with drugs used to treat depression and some antibiotics. You can read about the details of the interaction of Dapoxetine with other drugs in the instructions for the drug or ask your doctor. As for side effects, the drug can cause nausea.

Dapoxetine is available in tablet form; it is recommended to take the drug once a day and only after consultation with your doctor. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to check your blood pressure. If the indicators are low, then taking Dapoxetine is prohibited.

  • Erectile

A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation. Peculiarity this tool is that it restores the body's ability to have long-term sexual intercourse and improves erection. It is recommended to take the drug 50 mg, one hour before sexual intercourse. If the dosage is not observed, Erectil causes a number of adverse reactions. The drug may cause headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, muscle and joint pain. To treat side effects, you must stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

The drug is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. If overdose symptoms occur, which are similar to side effects, symptomatic therapy. The drug is prescribed with extreme caution for patients with cardiovascular diseases, penile deformation and leukemia. You can take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor with the selection of an individual dosage.

  • Conegra

A drug for the treatment of rapid ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. According to its principle of action, this drug is similar to that described above. Conegra is taken an hour before sexual intercourse, 50 mg. Taking into account the individual tolerance of the drug, the dosage can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. The drug causes virtually no adverse reactions, except for headache, dizziness, visual disturbances and nasal congestion.

The drug is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. Conegra should not be taken by patients under 18 years of age. If the dosage is not observed, the drug for the treatment of rapid ejaculation causes symptoms of overdose. In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is necessary.

Cure for rapid ejaculation

The cure for rapid ejaculation is effective remedy in the fight against early ejaculation, that is, short sexual intercourse. According to statistics, every man at least once in his life has encountered the problem of rapid ejaculation. This problem not only causes failures in sexual life, but also affects the relationship between partners and a man’s self-esteem. Can help in treating rapid ejaculation medications and a number of therapeutic techniques. Let's take a closer look at what medications exist for rapid ejaculation.

  • Sealex

Medicine for rapid ejaculation plant based. Sealex is biologically active additive. The drug contains ginseng root, which enhances libido, garlic extract to strengthen the immune system, and green tea extract to invigorate and tone the body. The drug not only helps prolong sexual intercourse, but also improves erection, that is, it has double action on the male body.

  • Lidocaine

Anesthetic local action, which is effective for increased sensitivity of the glans penis. The principle of action of the medicine is that it lowers the threshold of sensitivity and prevents premature ejaculation. Lidocaine is applied to the head of the penis before sexual intercourse, and this reduces its sensitivity to touch. The duration of action of the anesthetic is 40-50 minutes. To treat rapid ejaculation, the drug is produced in the form of an aerosol, which is convenient to spray on the genitals.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse? First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of rapid ejaculation, and for this you need to seek medical help. The doctor will conduct diagnostics and examinations to identify the cause of short-term sexual intercourse and prescribe effective treatment. But in addition to taking medications, preventing this type of disorder is of great importance.

  • Lead healthy image life and avoid stress - this is the first rule of preventing early ejaculation.
  • Eat natural foods and foods that are rich in zinc and magnesium.
  • Exercise regularly, exercise and go to fresh air. This allows you to improve the functioning of all systems and organs of the body, and also helps eliminate nervous tension, which is one of the reasons for rapid ejaculation.

Compliance with all the above preventive methods gives favorable prognosis treatment. Please note that prevention of rapid ejaculation is necessary only after the first episode. Since in some cases, the psychological mood before sexual intercourse (overexcitement, stress, alcohol intoxication, fear, etc.) contributes to erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation.

For prophylaxis they are used only psychological methods, that is, no medicines. Prevention is carried out by a sex therapist or psychologist. In some cases, to treat rapid ejaculation, the patient is recommended to use masturbation techniques. It is very important medical interaction. Thus, the duration of ejaculation may be influenced by previous illnesses or medications taken.

Rapid ejaculation is a problem for any man at any age. Early ejaculation is considered a disease, which is treated by a psychologist, sex therapist and urologist. To date, modern medicine I learned to treat rapid sexual intercourse, both with medication and with psychological and physiotherapeutic methods. Regardless of the cause of the problem, rapid ejaculation must be treated, since the disease itself is not eliminated, but, on the contrary, progresses and takes on a pathological form.

Rapid ejaculation is a problem that plagues young and mature men. Some people have it initially, and in some representatives of the stronger sex it arises spontaneously, for example after stress. In this article, we will discuss how to safely but effectively delay ejaculation, as well as ways to not only deal with the problem, but also forget about it forever.

Problem Definition

Doctors call ejaculation rapid if it occurs before sexual intercourse or immediately after insertion of the penis into the vagina. At the same time, a man cannot delay orgasm on his own. Most representatives of the stronger sex confuse this problem with short sexual intercourse. The tips in this article will be relevant for both categories of men. To combat premature ejaculation, you need to find out its cause, and only after that choose a way to treat the problem.

  • Reason 1: inflammatory diseases

Rapid ejaculation that appears suddenly often indicates the occurrence of sexual problems in the form of infections or inflammations. Impaired ability to delay ejaculation may be associated with prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, hormonal disorders, the occurrence of tumors, and the addition of a sexually transmitted disease.

An accurately established diagnosis will help you effectively deal with the problem, for which you should definitely consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, research, take necessary tests, will decide how to treat the problem. After a course of taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, choosing tactics to combat chronic prostatitis(if there is one) it will be much easier to get rid of early ejaculation. It is important:

  1. Notice the change in time own feelings during sexual intercourse, attempts to delay orgasm and do not ignore the symptoms.
  2. Under no circumstances should you ignore the problem, but contact a specialist as soon as possible.
  3. Completely follow the doctor’s recommendations, without stopping taking the medications prescribed by him until complete recovery.

Rapid ejaculation may occur as a result inflammatory diseases.

  • Reason 2: lack of experience

Early ejaculation is often present in young men with a lack of “bed experience”. The problem will go away with time, but the moral discomfort that it creates at the beginning of sexual activity can cause psychological complexes and the development of “ejaculation anticipation syndrome.” These disorders will be treated by a qualified psychologist, so it is better to get rid of premature ejaculation immediately. They do this through banal training:

  1. Masturbate without using lubricant for 15 minutes.
  2. Masturbate with lubricant for 15 minutes, delaying premature ejaculation through distraction.
  3. When you have a partner, masturbate with your hand for 15 minutes without lubrication, and then with lubrication. Next go to practical work during sexual intercourse.

The method is also suitable for experienced men who want to increase their endurance. We must remember that during each approach it is necessary to achieve ejaculation.

  • Reason 3: stressful situations

Premature ejaculation in men often occurs due to nervous tension. Emergency at work, depressive state, scandals at home - all this becomes the reason emotional lability, finding a way out in bed. Sedatives or antidepressants are prescribed by the attending physician, but folk sages help treat the pathology in a safe way herbal recipes:

  1. Dried oregano, mint and motherwort are mixed in equal proportions. 15 g of the mixture is poured into a liter of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass twice a day for two weeks.
  2. Angelica, rapeseed, rose hips are mixed in equal quantities. Pour 15 g of the mixture into 300 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass twice a day for two months in a row.
  3. Lovage, calendula flowers and yarrow are brewed using the same principle. Drink ¼ cup per day for up to a month.

The problem may arise due to nervous tension.

These teas have a slight calming effect, help improve sleep, fight stress, and help normalize sexual function. They can treat rapid ejaculation if you take courses twice a year.

  • Reason 4: hypersensitivity of the genital organ

The cause of rapid ejaculation is individual hypersensitivity of the male genital organ. It is associated with the presence large quantity nerve endings on the head. There is no way to delay orgasm in this state of affairs. It is possible to get rid of premature ejaculation if you apply special anesthetic ointments half an hour before sexual intercourse:

  1. Cartridge.
  2. Emla.
  3. Lidocaine solution.

These drugs have a pronounced dulling effect, so they can provoke the disappearance of an erection. You can also use anesthetic or cooling lubricants for sexual intercourse, which will act more gently, helping to delay ejaculation and combat early ejaculation without losing an erection.

Another way to get rid of hypersensitivity is circumcision of the foreskin. This small operation can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the head and completely get rid of the quick “approach to the finish line”.

Sometimes premature ejaculation becomes a temporary problem that requires an immediate solution. In this case, some tips will help:

  • A time-tested remedy – an ordinary condom – will help prevent early ejaculation, as well as prolong sexual intercourse. It reduces the sensitivity of the penis and also protects health. The method is perfect for men who do not have a regular partner.
  • You won't be able to buy pills to delay ejaculation, but there are drugs to improve erection (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra). They promote blood flow to the genital organ and also relax its muscles, due to which the duration of sexual intercourse increases significantly. Although these drugs are safe if the dosages are observed, it is better to leave them “as a last resort,” and before using such a remedy, consult a specialist whether it can be used specifically in your case.
  • Men with rapid ejaculation can get rid of the problem with the help of special techniques. For example, when feeling an approaching orgasm, a young man should stop intercourse and, forming a ring with two fingers at the base of the head, wait for the excitement to decrease.
  • Methods for mechanically delaying ejaculation include the following: before the onset of orgasm, you need to press three fingers on the area between the scrotum and perineum and wait until the wave of excitement recedes.
  • Treatment for rapid ejaculation can occur using distracting maneuvers, for example, men are advised to count frictions (10 superficial - 1 deep, 9 superficial - 2 deep), etc.
  • When a man has a rapid orgasm, sexologists recommend eliminating stimulating stimuli (watching erotic films, too long foreplay, sex in front of a mirror or with the light on).
  • An already cured man may again remember his problem if he leads a promiscuous sex life or neglects own health. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity, timely preventive examinations are mandatory.
  • It must be remembered that the retained ejaculate should always be released subsequently. Any training and practical lessons, and active struggle with premature orgasm should end with full ejaculation. Otherwise, inflammation of the appendages will have to be treated.

An ordinary condom can help prevent early ejaculation.

If early ejaculation begins to bother a man more and more often, it should not be considered as sexual problem, and how important and serious symptom, which indicates the development of disorders in the sexual sphere. It is easier to fight it if you get rid of the cause of its appearance in time. Any disorders, including those of a sexual nature, are a reason to seek help, and not to cultivate complexes or embarrassment. Once the cause of the problem is determined, it can be eliminated easily and painlessly.

For many centuries, folk remedies for rapid ejaculation have been the only way to eliminate the problem of too short sexual intercourse. Only for last decades Doctors have developed many new methods: both surgical and medicinal, but proven home remedies are not inferior to modern innovations.

Reasons for rapid ejaculation

Why does rapid ejaculation occur? Do traditional methods of treatment help get rid of this problem?

Before you decide to try one or another method of traditional medicine, you should first understand the reasons for accelerated ejaculation. For each man, various irritants can serve as a trigger factor, but in general, all causes can be divided into two main groups: organic (physical) and psychogenic (psychological).

Among the most common organic reasons accelerated ejaculation include:

  1. Inflammatory diseases in the genital area and abdominal cavity, including vesiculitis, etc.
  2. Neurological ailments such as spinal diseases, damage to the pelvic bones, intervertebral hernia, Parkinson's disease.
  3. Excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis.
  4. The frenulum of the penis is too short.

The list of psychological factors is more extensive. Accelerated ejaculation can be caused by the following, which are of a psychogenic nature:

  1. Long-term abstinence from intimacy, especially during early adolescence.
  2. Lack of experience in intimate relationships.
  3. Frequent masturbation and production conditioned reflex to get quick pleasure from stimulation of the penis.
  4. The emergence of a feeling of anxiety and expectation of a repetition of the situation due to past unsuccessful intimate contacts, accompanied by early ejaculation.
  5. Irregular sex life and lack of a regular partner.
  6. Incorrect behavior of a woman who focuses on the presence of intimate problems in a man.

To identify the true cause of this disorder, you should first consult a doctor, then undergo full examination body and only after receiving the results begin choosing a treatment method. Many questions arise.

Diagnosis may consist of an examination, ultrasound of the genital organs, as well as the abdominal cavity. It is advisable to take tests to determine infectious diseases, as well as undergo examination of other organs (spine, cardiovascular system).

It is quite possible that it will be possible to get by with only folk remedies. But if the cause of problems with ejaculation is the presence of any serious disease, you should first cure the main ailment, and only then proceed to the auxiliary use of the achievements of traditional medicine.

The best folk remedies for rapid ejaculation

Medicinal herbs are rightfully considered one of the most useful and harmless means eliminate many diseases. Treatment of diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system is no exception.

What to do if you ejaculate quickly? How effective are traditional methods in this case?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that medicinal plants, unlike conventional tablets, act slowly, and their effect appears after several weeks, or even months.

Accelerated ejaculation is just such a condition when there is no vital need to use potent drugs, with some exceptions. If the doctor does not insist on surgical intervention or urgent treatment of any disease that caused the problem, you can limit yourself to taking infusions or decoctions medicinal herbs.

  1. Lovage root decoction. The crushed root of this plant, taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon, is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled slowly for about 20 minutes in a water bath. After this, the product is infused for half an hour, then filtered. A man needs to drink 1/3 cup of the decoction, preferably three times a day.
  2. A mixture of hop cones and motherwort. For 1 part of the cones, take 3 parts of motherwort herb, brew the mixture at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. A man should take this infusion three times a day, half a glass. The course of treatment should not exceed one month.
  3. Periwinkle. One tablespoon of the herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. Attention: this remedy is taken in a small volume: 10 drops per day, and for no more than three days.
  4. Clefthoof root. First, the root is crushed, take 1/3 teaspoon of raw material, then pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. It is necessary to infuse the product for half an hour, after which you can strain and take 1 tablespoon up to six times a day.

Each folk remedy in the form of an infusion (decoction) of one or more herbs should be taken separately, and not try to try all the recipes on yourself at the same time.

Basic rules for the use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of accelerated ejaculation

You should not rely on the imaginary harmlessness of all plants used in the treatment of disorders of the ejaculation process. Anyone, even the safest herbal preparation if used inappropriately, it can cause harm instead of benefit.

Before you start drinking decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for taking them:

  • When preparing an infusion (decoction), the proportions should be strictly observed.
  • The raw materials used must be dry and clean, collected away from sources of contamination or purchased from a pharmacy.
  • Having started the course of treatment, you should take the infusions exactly according to the scheme, without skipping next appointment so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the product.
  • The prepared infusion should not be stored for more than two days. It is better to prepare a new decoction or infusion every other day or even daily, the effectiveness of which will be higher than that of a stale product.
  • Each herbal collection should be taken in a course, that is, over a certain period of time (for example, one month), after which it is necessary to take a break of several months.

If there is excessive anxiety and indecision, herbal remedies such as motherwort and valerian will help cope with the problem. Ready-made infusions of these herbs or tablets based on them can be purchased at the pharmacy.

When treating the problem of how to treat early ejaculation, traditional methods can be very useful. Many men note a significant improvement in their well-being, a surge of strength and energy.

What to do if there is an urgent need to prove yourself the best way during intimacy, and the likelihood of early ejaculation during upcoming sexual intercourse is very high? In the introduction, we already mentioned the progress of medicine in this matter, created specifically for and to slow down the time of ejaculation.

One such remedy is Stud 5000. An important advantage of this drug is that it is used externally, and not by ingestion, so the effect of the drug’s components on the body is almost eliminated.

Using Stud 5000 lidocaine spray is very convenient: just shake the bottle first and spray the product on the head of the penis two or three times. This manipulation must be done 10 minutes before sexual intercourse or a little earlier. Please note that the effect of the spray lasts for 30-50 minutes.

If a man is worried not only about possible early ejaculation, but also about the strength and stability of an erection during intimacy, it is advisable to pay attention to complex drug- . Dapoxetine, which is one of the components of this drug, significantly (approximately 4 times) prolongs sexual intercourse, and Sildenafil, which is the main active substance the famous Viagra, increases many times male strength, namely, it strengthens an erection and ensures its necessary duration. Thus, after using this remedy, a man may not worry at all about the occurrence of any problems during intimacy.

The drug Dapoxetine with Sildenafil is presented for sale under the name, which is available in our pharmacy. This remedy has an excellent effect on the male body. The benefits of its use have been appreciated by many men, for whom Super P-force has become a real salvation in their personal lives.

Thanks to the use of the above drugs, the quality of intimate relationships increases significantly, and the likelihood of any failures tends to zero. If you combine medication with treatment using the achievements of traditional medicine, you can extend the period of active intimate life for a long time and increase satisfaction from communicating with the woman you love.

Up to 20% of men across the planet have encountered the problem of early ejaculation at least once in their lives; ignoring this problem can lead to quite serious consequences. How can you cure rapid ejaculation at home? Let's get acquainted with the causes of pathology and find the optimal solution to the problem.

Signs of early ejaculation

Despite the fact that the pathological phenomenon is quite easy to detect, not all men are ready to accept the presence of a problem. Some may even justify premature ejaculation with various factors. But if any of the following signs still occur, you should contact a specialist:

  • the duration of intercourse (friction period) is constantly changing, becoming longer and shorter;
  • if a condom is used, the period of sexual intimacy increases significantly;
  • at drunkenness the friction period is lengthened;
  • in the case of using ointments based on anesthetics, the duration of intercourse increases significantly.

Before you start independent struggle with early ejaculation, be sure to consult your doctor. To detect real health problems, you need to consult not only a sex therapist or neurologist, but also a urologist, who will confirm or deny the presence of organic causes of rapid ejaculation.

Who is at risk? Sexual dysfunction associated with rapid ejaculation is practically independent of age, but there is a certain risk zone in which people with the following characteristics fall:

  • suffered spinal injuries;
  • suffering from osteochondrosis;
  • having a short frenulum of the phallus;
  • suffering from other ailments genitourinary system(almost half of the cases);
  • having irregular sex.

Possible methods of treating rapid ejaculation

How can you get rid of premature ejaculation? Depending on the cause of sexual dysfunction, there are several types of treatment:

  • Behavioral therapy. With the participation of both partners in therapy, the doctor can prescribe a set of exercises that the spouses should do during intimacy.
  • Psychotherapy. Allows you to get rid of psychogenic factors that affect the speed of ejaculation. Sessions with a specialist allow you to overcome phobias and fears, cope with stress and irritation.
  • Drug treatment. In the presence of serious problems inflammatory in nature, the specialist will prescribe medications that will normalize the process of ejaculation and will normalize sexual function.
  • Surgical intervention. In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical manipulations. The surgeon can circumcise the foreskin or denervate the head of the phallus.
  • Local treatment. To eliminate hypersensitivity, the doctor may recommend special lubricants and gels that will delay the moment of ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Home Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

How can you get rid of early ejaculation? There are many methods to solve the issue of accelerated ejaculation. As a rule, even orthodox medicine does not recommend using it if the pathology does not pose any danger to health.

You can significantly improve the quality of your intimate life by strengthening your immune system, changing your diet, and using exercise.

However, you should immediately make a reservation before consuming folk infusions and decoctions, be sure to consult your doctor. In combination with certain drugs, as well as in case of individual intolerance to herbal components, allergic reaction or severe side effects.

Find out also how to treat rapid ejaculation with.

Herbalists offer several recipes for decoctions that help normalize sexual function and prevent early ejaculation.

Some of them are presented below:

  • Mix crushed oregano, mint and motherwort in equal proportions. For 1 liter of water you will need no more than 15 g of the mixture. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for at least 20-25 minutes. After this, strain the broth and consume 200 ml twice a day for two weeks.
  • Mix crushed rose hips with leaves of trefoil and motherwort. Mix everything thoroughly and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook the infusion for at least 30 minutes over low heat. Drink ¼ cup of decoction per day.
  • Prepare a mixture of crushed angelica root and rose hips. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over 15 g of the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Consume up to 200 ml of decoction per day for two months.

Self-control technique

How to deal with premature ejaculation on your own? There is a training developed by specialists, thanks to which a man can learn to control the ejaculation process. The schematic diagram looks like this:

  • Self-satisfaction training. First, the manipulations are performed with a dry hand, the whole process should take no more than 15-20 minutes, after which it should end with ejaculation. Then a similar procedure is performed using lubricant.
  • Masturbation training with the participation of a partner. In this case, all manipulations with the hand are performed by the partner for 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection.
  • Joint training during intercourse. The friction period should take at least 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection. In this case, multiple introjection is possible.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation?

To prevent early ejaculation, sexologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • try to avoid stress and normalize your daily routine, setting aside enough time for good rest and sleep;
  • play sports and try to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • have a regular sex life;
  • if the phallus is hypersensitive, use a condom;
  • include in your diet natural products with a high content of magnesium and zinc.

For early ejaculation, the first step is to establish. Allow this problem Consultations with a sex therapist and urologist will allow. Regardless of what caused early ejaculation, it must be treated.

How long should sexual intercourse last?

Many male patients come with complaints to the urologist, talking about the occurrence of sexual dysfunction, which consists of premature ejaculation. According to statistics, this phenomenon worries a third of the male population. The greatest discomfort from this problem concerns the intimate side of a man’s life; rapid ejaculation must be eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise men can withdraw into themselves, avoid full-fledged relationships with women, and enjoy their sex life.

How to get rid of premature ejaculation? This question remains relevant for men of different age categories. To receive a professional answer, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the causes of possible pathology.

Why does premature ejaculation occur?

Short ejaculation can occur even in young man. During acts of copulation, frequent emission of semen may occur. Often, a few minutes of the penis being in the vagina is enough for the phenomenon of early ejaculation to occur. Over time, after asserting one’s sexual abilities, this problem goes away on its own. This sexual disorder as it requires qualified medical care.

To begin with, the reason why this arose is identified. sexual dysfunction. This could happen for reasons:

  • hypersensitivity of the head of the genital organ;
  • pathologies of the urinary or reproductive system, cardiovascular system, central nervous system;
  • hormonal disorders.

These are physiological causes of rapid ejaculation; there are also psychological factors:

Stressful situations
  • frequent quarrels, jealousy, disagreement with a partner;
  • excessive emotionality, depression, frequent stress in everyday life;
  • fear of sexual intercourse due to previous failures.

It is very important that sex is systematic. Rapid ejaculation occurs due to irregular sexual activity. After stabilization of the intimate sphere, such problems cease to bother the man.

Getting rid of primary rapid ejaculation

How to treat premature male ejaculation? it is necessary to begin treatment by eliminating the cause that provoked this phenomenon. To get rid of this type of pathology it is necessary to visit a medical institution.

The attending physician conducts a survey of the patient regarding intimate contacts, conducts an examination of the penis, after which appointments are made for:

Diagnostic measures
  • analyses;
  • urethroscopy;
  • ultrasound examination.

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor can refer the patient to a specialist. Often, it is necessary to combat a pathological phenomenon by treating the diseases that provoked this process (diabetes, prostatitis, colliculitis, vesiculitis, injury to the spinal column).

The specialist prescribes the use of medications and treatment procedures that are aimed at eliminating the detected disease. After conducting an effective therapeutic therapy, the man’s sexual functioning improves.

Early ejaculation due to sensitive glans

Reasons for this phenomenon

Surgical intervention to circumcise the flesh is recommended not only for a particularly sensitive head of the organ, but also for phimosis and balanoposthitis. Medicines cannot cope with these pathologies on their own, so specialists decide on surgical circumcision as the only method of treatment.

After carrying out this surgical method of therapy, most men are able to prolong the time of intercourse longer. Thanks to surgical intervention, in this way you can get rid of complications that are associated with pinched flesh.

Tablet help for early ejaculations with the solution of psycho-emotional problems

How to cure rapid emission of semen? The pharmacy chain offers a large selection of drugs designed for longer sexual intercourse. The most famous medications are Levitra and Generic Viagra. These drugs promote rapid arousal in men and increase the duration of copulation several times.

Medicines are well tolerated male organisms, observing the dosage, do not cause harm to the health of other organs. Thanks to its constituent components, men improve blood circulation in the genital area and relax their muscles. Taking pills is intended to prolong sexual satisfaction, but the use of the drug is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Taking these pills does not eliminate negative reason emergence pathological process, but only delays the onset of orgasm.
Problems with rapid ejaculation of semen may be associated with psycho-emotional state, to which even completely healthy men are susceptible. To eliminate such problems, patients should consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. In this case, sexual dysfunction is treated with the use of antidepressants, sedatives, sedatives recommended by qualified specialists.

A man must increase his self-esteem and harmonize his relationship with his permanent partner or wife. When partners celebrate harmonious relationships, romanticism, tenderness, without occurrence conflict situations, intimate life proceeds qualitatively.

Therapeutic manipulations using folk remedies

How to treat rapid emission of semen with folk remedies? For this purpose, folk medicine provides recipes for decoctions, infusions, tinctures, and ointments.

Traditional methods

Good treatment results are observed after using lovage rhizome tincture. To do this, the raw materials are infused with alcohol or decoctions are prepared. One tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and left for 30 minutes. Take 70 ml before meals.

Infuse the hoof rhizome in the same way. For 200 ml of water, half a teaspoon of raw materials. Reception is carried out in 1 tbsp. l. before the meal.

Oregano herb is mixed with calendula flower. Oregano - 2 parts, calendula - 1 part. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiled water and left for 7 hours. The composition is taken 100 ml before meals. The course of therapy lasts for 21 days.

Although it is considered ethnoscience gentle method of treatment, you should not take self-treatment herbs. Before choosing any therapy, you must consult with a specialized specialist.