Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenterocolitis. How to treat gastroenterocolitis

Gastroenterocolitis is one of the forms stomach diseases, characterized by education inflammatory process in the intestines and stomach. The disease is also called food poisoning.

Gastroenterocolitis, depending on the course, can have three different forms:

  • chronic;
  • subacute;
  • spicy.

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process, it is divided into:

  • hemorrhagic, characterized by damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • phlegmonous, in which the lining of the stomach is affected;
  • catarrhal, covering the mucous membranes and causing them to swell;
  • ulcerative, represented by the formation of an ulcerative lesion on the mucous membranes;
  • fibrous, causing formation on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract fibrous film. Very rare.

Gastroenterocolitis acute form begins to develop as a result of allergies, food poisoning and various infectious diseases. The mechanism of infection is through the blood or mouth.

Symptoms of disease development

Gastroenterocolitis develops suddenly. The main symptom of the disease is nausea, accompanied by profuse vomiting. After eating food of improper quality or large quantity alcohol after 5-8 hours a person begins to feel weak. Then nausea and vomiting appears, which brings relief for a while. In adults, vomit contains recently eaten foods, and repeated foods contain bile and mucus. The urge is always painful and is accompanied by painful sensations in the epigastric region. The smell or mention of food makes nausea worse. Most often, after vomiting, weakness occurs and cold sweat. The skin is pale, and a gray-white coating forms on the tongue.

With gastroenterocolitis, diarrhea appears. The stool is loose, repeated and painful. The presence of pain in the lower abdomen indicates that the source of inflammation is located in the colon. The occurrence of diarrhea in the acute form of the disease varies from person to person. In some cases, it can begin a few hours after the infection enters the body, and in others - after a couple of days.

Symptoms of intoxication often become pronounced. The person feels weak, chills, headache and dizziness. In rare cases, fainting occurs.

Vomiting, if repeated and quite profuse, can cause dehydration of the body, which leads to a deterioration in the person’s condition. The patient feels dry mouth and thirst. In addition, it decreases arterial pressure, coldness of the extremities is noted.

Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis in children

This disease occurs much more often in children than in adults. Signs of the development of the disease are:

  • appearance common features poisoning;
  • stool disorder;
  • vomit;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • dark green coloration of stool;
  • increase in body temperature.

During periods of high incidence of influenza in children, the occurrence of influenza form can be observed. All symptoms appear very quickly, starting with an increase in temperature, which reaches its peak on the third day after the illness. Acute gastroenterocolitis is dangerous due to the development of complications such as otitis media, pneumonia or pyuria.

Reasons for the development of gastroenterocolitis

The main cause of the disease is the use of low quality products. Toxins for humans are the waste products of microorganisms and bacteria that develop in such products.

Gastroenterocolitis is caused by:

  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • staphylococci;
  • Yersinia;
  • viruses, the most common of which is rotavirus.

The disease usually affects entire families in cases where food of poor quality was consumed. When visiting institutions Catering Entire groups of people can become infected.

Important. The development of gastroenterocolitis can be provoked by the constant consumption of foods that are rich in coarse fiber, as well as cold drinks, increased acidity in the body and severe hypothermia.

Factors provoking the development of the acute form of the disease.

  • Infection or bacteria. Most often these are rotavirus diseases.
  • Overeating and excessive intake alcoholic drinks. Gastroenterocolitis can also occur when eating too spicy or fatty foods.
  • Chemicals such as arsenic.
  • Allergens. These include citrus fruits, various berries and much more.
  • Medicines. The disease can develop due to intolerance to individual components of the drug or in cases of overdose.

Diagnosis of the disease

Detection of acute gastroenterocolitis is not difficult. However, we must not forget that many diseases can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In order to correctly diagnose the disease, the doctor prescribes necessary tests. The infectious disease specialist also carefully analyzes the foods that the patient has consumed over the past two to three days.

Treatment of acute gastroenterocolitis

Mild forms of gastroenterocolitis do not require hospitalization. If a severe course is established, treatment takes place only in a hospital setting in the infectious diseases department under the supervision of specialists. Therapy includes rehydration - saturating the body with liquid, salts and other substances. Antimicrobial treatment and detoxification are then carried out.

In cases of severe disease and damage to the gastrointestinal tract, enteral rehydration is prescribed using intravenous administration solution of trisil, disil or hlosil. Glucosteroid drugs can be added to them to relieve toxic shock and cordiamine or caffeine to stimulate the activity of the heart muscle.

Most often, in case of gastroenterocolitis caused by poisoning, gastric lavage is performed using a two percent solution of sodium bicarbonate. This is necessary to remove food debris and germs contained in it. The procedure is carried out until the rinsing water becomes clear. Analgesics are prescribed to relieve painful sensations. In addition, doctors recommend starting to take vitamin complexes and enzyme preparations.

If constipation occurs, laxatives are prescribed, for example, Duphalac or Sorbex. In rare cases, a siphon enema is used.

Diet has a huge impact on the speed of recovery. At the beginning of treatment, the patient is allowed to drink plenty and frequently in order to quickly remove toxins from the body. It is best to use cereal decoctions. After two or three days, foods that do not irritate the intestinal mucosa, which is damaged by infection, can be introduced into the diet. Suitable for treatment protein diet. It is better to eat about six times throughout the day, dividing your meals. It is necessary to completely exclude fatty and spicy foods, fresh milk and black bread for the entire course of treatment.


In order to prevent the occurrence of acute gastroenterocolitis, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands before eating and after visiting the toilet. Fresh fruits and vegetables eaten should also be washed under running water. Fresh meat and fish must be exposed to heat treatment. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the expiration date. If any product is suspicious, it should not be eaten. It is also worth limiting the consumption of food on the street and in public catering places.

Acute gastroenterocolitis is quite serious illness which requires immediate treatment. If the first signs of illness occur, you need to take first aid measures and go to the hospital for qualified help. We must not forget that the disease develops in children more often than in adults. Therefore, children's diet requires careful monitoring.

Gastroenterocolitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process occurs simultaneously in the stomach, small and large intestines.

Types of gastroenterocolitis

Gastroenterocolitis can occur in different forms.

Depending on the nature of the inflammation, there are hemorrhagic, phlegmonous, catarrhal, ulcerative And fibrinous. And depending on the current - spicy, chronic And subacute.

Acute gastroenterocolitis occurs as a result of influenza, allergic reaction, and other diseases infectious nature(sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.). The infection can enter the intestines in two ways: either through the blood or through the mouth.

The chronic form develops against the background of damage to the digestive organs. The disease is recurrent in nature and can make itself felt over many years.

Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

The incubation period is quite short. Symptoms appear within a few hours. The main signs of the disease include:

7. Nausea and vomiting.

8. Losing weight.

9. General malaise.

10. Increase in temperature.

11. Metabolic disorders.

12. Pale skin.

Often the inflammatory process spreads to other organs that take part in digestion.

The acute form, as a rule, begins suddenly and develops quite rapidly. The disease is often accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and profuse vomiting. Signs of intoxication of the body are strongly expressed: weakness, high temperature, headache, chills and dizziness. Sometimes even fainting occurs. Symptoms develop in the first hours of exposure to toxins or after a couple of days.

Causes of gastroenterocolitis

Gastroenterocolitis can develop as a result of infection, smoking, overuse alcohol. The cause may also be poor quality products that contain pathogens and bacteria.

Among the main causative agents of this disease are: E. coli, Yersinia, staphylococci, and some viruses (for example,).


Diagnostics is the key proper treatment. When making a diagnosis, the doctor carefully examines the medical history and what foods the patient consumed. If a product is suspicious, it is sent for analysis. Thanks to this, you can find out which microorganism caused the disease.

Treatment of gastroenterocolitis

Treatment is inpatient. The patient must be hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. Carry out dehydration, antimicrobial and detoxification measures.

The stomach is washed. Antispasmodics, antibiotics and vitamins are prescribed. Also restored water-salt balance.

On the duration and effectiveness of treatment big influence diet provides. It allows you to remove all toxins from the body. At first, only drinking is shown. You need to drink often and a lot. Then the patient is given food. They should not irritate the intestines and stomach. Therefore you should adhere to special diet with a predominance of protein foods. Meals should be fractional. You need to eat five to six times a day. All chemical and mechanical irritants should be removed from the diet. These are smoked meats, fried foods, snacks, rough meats and vegetables, and canned food. You cannot eat black bread or drink fresh milk. At first, you can only give cereal decoctions. Later, you can include boiled fish, cottage cheese and meat broths, kefir, low-fat cheese. You can give crackers and compotes in limited quantities.

Gastroenterocolitis in children

Children are most susceptible to foodborne infections. And this is not surprising. After all, their immune system is not yet developed enough to protect the body from negative impact factors contributing to the development of this disease.

If this illness occurs, you should definitely call a doctor. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In acute forms of gastroenterocolitis, the child’s intestines and stomach need to be provided with maximum rest. To do this, in the first days of illness, the child should only be given warm drink in copious quantities.

Then the patient can be given a small amount of jelly and jelly. And a little later - other food products that are included in diet No. 4.

Peas, vegetables, beans, mushrooms, milk, snacks, spices, candies, cakes and others confectionery can't be given

If you adhere to the diet and treatment prescribed by the doctor, the child will recover within a week. And he can be switched to regular food.

Consequences of the disease

If the patient is given first necessary help, the illness will begin to go away after a few days. All symptoms will gradually disappear and complete recovery will occur. However, if the course of the disease is not controlled and treated, dehydration may occur and the body will lose salts. It is associated with frequent, profuse vomiting and diarrhea. If dehydration occurs, you must call a doctor. In this case, hospitalization will most likely be required.

Gastroenterocolitis is an infectious disease with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, the mucous membranes of the stomach, small intestine, and colon. The disease can be sharp character, and chronic.

Signs of gastroenterocolitis always appear very clearly. They include symptoms of three components of this disease: gastritis, enteritis, colitis.

Acute gastritis usually begins with belching and nausea. Then pain appears in the upper abdomen. Pain is also felt when palpating the abdomen. Vomiting may occur. And the symptoms acute enteritis- frequent and loose stool, bloating, pain, nausea. Acute colitis is characterized by very frequent stools, in which may contain mucus and blood. Abdominal pain is cramping in nature, the urge to defecate is very painful. These symptoms can appear either simultaneously or sequentially, gradually worsening the patient's condition.

The culprits of the disease

There are quite a few causes of gastroenterocolitis. Among them:

For these unfavorable factors to manifest themselves as causes of gastroenterocolitis, it is enough only to:

  • eating poor quality foods, unwashed fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • eating large quantities, especially fatty foods;
  • contact of children with a person suffering from gastroenterocolitis;

Rotavirus is the most dangerous source for children, causing the development of gastroenterocolitis.

Diet is one of the main means of treatment

When treating gastroenterocolitis, a properly selected diet is important. Nowadays, doctors do not recommend the previously used water-tea and fasting diets. After all, with any intestinal infection, the main function of the intestine remains digestive, and a starvation diet can cause another disease - ketoacidosis (acetone). For children younger age It is recommended to reduce the amount of food initial stage illness by only 50%, but increase the frequency of meals (6-8 times a day).

For patients of all ages, there is an unambiguous requirement: products must be boiled or steamed, and food must be taken in pureed, pureed or liquid form. For gastroenterocolitis, a diet is prescribed that creates minimal stress on the child’s gastrointestinal tract. Difficult to digest food and food that contributes to the formation of putrefactive, fermentative processes are excluded from the diet. One of important conditions: exclude all foods that stimulate bile secretion, as well as foods that increase secretory functions stomach and pancreas.

Eat healthy!

The diet includes consumption following products: crackers, low-fat varieties meat and fish . Both meat and fish should be chopped or pureed. The best dairy products are pureed cottage cheese (calcined) and acidophilus milk. Children on this diet should prepare soups only with low-fat, weak broths, possibly with butter. It is permissible to add vegetable decoctions to soups. Eggs can be eaten soft-boiled and added to various dishes.

With gastroenterocolitis, the diet does not allow eating fatty fish and meat, any fats (except butter), vegetables, fruits, any smoked meats, spices, pickled, canned foods. You should not use pearl barley and millet grains in porridges and soups. It is not recommended to give children fresh bread, muffins, pancakes and pancakes, sweets, carbonated drinks, grape juice. It is better to prepare jelly and jelly from the juices of berries and fruits (non-acidic), and decoctions from dried blueberries, black currants, and quinces.

These are the food requirements of diet No. 4. Due to fats and carbohydrates, it reduces the energy content of the diet, and the amount of proteins remains in physiological norm. The diet of infants with gastroenterocolitis does not exclude breast milk, and for supplementary feeding it is better to use fermented milk mixtures. For complementary feeding, nutritionists recommend 5-10% porridge (rice or buckwheat), low-lactose mixtures.

...and medicine to help

Treatment of this disease always involves hydration therapy. Severe forms Gastroenterocolitis is dangerous due to dehydration in children. But even if there is no such threat, the child should drink a lot - 5-6 glasses of liquid per day. Treatment of severe gastrointestinal tract intestinal infections involves the use of appropriate antibacterial agents.

Gastroenterocolitis is traditionally treated with sulfonamide drugs - disulfan, sulfidine, phthalazole, sulgin; adsorbent agents - calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate, coal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents - papaverine, kaolin, belladonna. Although modern medicine considers some of these drugs to be ineffective.

Gastroenterocolitis is usually treated with medical hospitals, therefore, the attending physician, based on the symptoms, will prescribe necessary medications individually.

Gastroenterocolitis (foodborne toxic infection) is an inflammatory disease leading to damage to the gastrointestinal tract, localized mainly in the small or large intestine. It poses a great danger due to possible dehydration of the body if not sufficiently controlled. Characterized by a rapid onset and fast current. As a rule, for 3–4 days, subject to the doctor’s recommendations, as well as the prescription adequate treatment, the symptoms of the disease recede.

According to the nature of the inflammatory process, gastroenterocolitis is differentiated into:

  • hemorrhagic form, represented by damage to the mucous membrane small intestine erosive-hemorrhagic nature;
  • catarrhal, causing hyperemia of the mucous membranes, their swelling, increased secretion of exudate;
  • phlegmonous, covering the lining of the stomach with a process of purulent lesions. The severity of this form is determined by the degree of damage;
  • ulcerative form, causing the formation of areas with ulcerative lesions on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fibrous, characterized by the formation of fibrinous films on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. This form is extremely rare.

Gastroenterocolitis can also be divided according to the degree of symptoms into:

  • acute form, in which an allergen or infection entering the intestine causes either allergic reaction body, or infectious infection with influenza, tuberculosis, sepsis, typhoid, etc.;
  • a chronic form that develops in the presence of damage to the digestive system and has a recurrent nature.

Correct treatment light form causes diseases favorable prognosis, but if drug therapy is not only inadequate, but also untimely, then the disease can become chronic course, affecting the deeper layers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of the disease

The main routes of spread of the disease are oral and hematogenous (intoxication occurs due to the absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes the entry into the blood and the spread of toxins, as well as infectious pathogens, through its current).

Many factors contribute to the development of the disease environment. So, depending on the nature of its occurrence, gastroenterocolitis can be classified as follows:

  1. infectious, differentiated by type of pathogen:
  • bacterial is the most common. Caused by Salmonella bacteria coli, ischerichia, protea, shigella, etc.;
  • viral is caused by the ingestion of ECHO virus, rotavirus, Norvalk agent, etc.;
  • fungal, caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • protozoan, the development of which is facilitated by the simplest unicellular organisms (giardia, trichomonas, amoebas);
  • non-infectious, occurs due to malnutrition:
    • an allergic form that occurs after eating. Its development is facilitated by allergens that enter the body with food;
    • alcohol intoxication;
    • poisoning of the body due to the ingestion of poisons and heavy metals;
    • intoxication with acids or alkalis;
    • drug poisoning with diuretin and derivatives salicylic acid;
    • irrational and monotonous diet, characterized by overeating, abuse of cold and spicy food, an excess of carbohydrates, fats, fiber in the diet, as well as a violation of the frequency of meals.

    Sources similar forms diseases can be:

    • dirty or poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
    • dairy products, as well as cottage cheese;
    • canned food, pates;
    • animals and humans;
    • baked goods with a cream layer.

    In addition to the above, factors predisposing to the onset of the disease are vitamin deficiency, anemia and achylia present in the patient’s history.

    Often, if there is at least one person in a family or other community (kindergartens, public institutions, schools) who suffers from a foodborne illness, acute gastroenterocolitis affects all its members, spreading through the consumption of contaminated foods.


    Acute gastroenterocolitis has a fairly short incubation period, lasting from several hours to 3–4 days. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease that can be observed so a short time, the following:

    • belching, heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth;
    • abundant gray coating on the tongue;
    • rumbling and pain in the abdomen, often localized in the epigastric region;
    • excessive gas formation, accompanied by bloating;
    • appetite suppression;
    • Often, at first, there is stool retention for up to 2 days, with further transition to diarrhea, characterized by the presence of stool inclusions of streaks of blood and mucus;
    • muscle weakness;
    • nausea associated with vomiting of undigested food fragments;
    • confusion;
    • pale skin;
    • increase in body temperature, reaching 38–39 degrees;
    • metabolic disease;
    • headache;
    • significant weight loss;
    • fainting is possible in severe cases of the disease.

    IN medical practice There are cases where the symptoms of dyspepsia due to food poisoning are either mild or may be completely absent. But at the same time, you can observe symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

    Signs of illness in children

    Due to immaturity children's immunity, gastroenterocolitis at this age is quite common. Moreover, the symptoms that accompany it are slightly different from the manifestations in adults:

    • upset stool, during bowel movements you can observe the presence of blood and mucus in the stool;
    • dark green coloring of stool;
    • signs general poisoning body;
    • tenesmus, anal compliance and spasms sigmoid colon can be visualized in severe disease;
    • an increase in temperature that reaches its peak in the first 3 days from the moment of infection, and then persists for a week;
    • vomiting, which is infrequent but persistent.

    Often in childhood During periods of influenza epidemic, influenza gastroenterocolitis can be observed. Moreover, its symptoms appear quite quickly, starting with high temperature. In this case there is Great chance the development of complications such as pneumonia, otitis media or pyuria.


    For correct diagnosis diseases important place takes the study of anamnesis. Thus, a gastroenterologist, together with an infectious disease doctor, first finds out from the patient the composition of the food products included in his recent diet, after consuming which the first symptoms of the disease appeared. In this case, a preliminary diagnosis is made.

    To identify the microorganism that caused gastroenterocolitis, suspicious products are sent for analysis. Vomit, as well as feces, are subjected to detailed bacteriological research. After receiving laboratory data, doctors determine the final diagnosis and prescribe treatment appropriate to the severity and source of the disease.

    Treatment of the disease

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitis severe form, unlike mild, should be carried out in a hospital setting (infectious diseases department). It should include activities such as:

    • gastric lavage;
    • antimicrobial therapy (carried out in severe cases);
    • detoxification measures aimed at removing toxic substances from the body;
    • dehydration - to compensate for the loss of water, salts, minerals. This therapy based on oral administration saline solutions"Oralita", "Regidrona". In severe cases, gastroenterocolitis requires intravenous treatment.

    Effective treatment is facilitated by following a diet based on:

    • drinking plenty of water;
    • small, frequent meals (6 times/day);
    • excluding fried, smoked, hot, spicy, fatty foods;
    • refusal to drink milk, black bread;
    • limiting the use of compotes and crackers.

    Only follow the doctor's instructions and proper diet promotes successful treatment. Careful personal hygiene and food washing will help prevent the occurrence of such a disease.

    Acute gastroenterocolitis is a fairly common disease that belongs to the group of toxic infections. The disease is accompanied inflammatory lesions digestive tract, and the foci are mainly localized in the small and large intestine. This dangerous condition, since the disease develops extremely rapidly. On the other hand, with proper treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappear within 3-4 days.

    Acute gastroenterocolitis (ICD 10): classification

    Of course, patients are interested additional information about this disease. So where in the international classification of diseases should we look for acute gastroenterocolitis? The ICD-10 code looks like K-52.

    This group contains almost all types of gastroenteritis and colitis, including toxic, allergic, nutritional, as well as those forms of the disease whose causes could not be determined.

    Infectious inflammation and its pathogens

    According to the ICD, acute gastroenterocolitis is a toxic infection. Pathogens, as well as toxic products of their vital activity, can spread throughout the body either through digestive system, and together with the blood flow.

    Depending on the type of pathogen, acute gastroenterocolitis is divided into several groups.

    • The most common form is considered bacterial form defeats. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of the activity of salmonella, ischerichia, E. coli, shigella and other bacteria.
    • The disease can be fungal in nature - in most such cases, the causative agent is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
    • Reasons include the entry of viral particles into the body, including rotavirus, ECHO virus, etc.
    • Protozoal gastroenterocolitis (acute) develops against the background of the penetration of protozoa into the body single-celled organisms, including amoebas, lamblia and trichomonas.

    Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the human digestive system along with contaminated dairy products, canned food, unwashed vegetables and fruits. Sometimes the infection is directly transmitted from an infected animal or person to a healthy one. Also, you should not eat baked goods with a cream layer if all the storage rules have not been followed.

    The main causes of non-infectious forms of the disease

    Acute gastroenterocolitis (ICD code K-52) is not always associated with infection of the body. There are a number of other factors that contribute to the occurrence of the disease.

    • Sometimes inflammatory processes in the intestines are the result of an allergic reaction.
    • Gastroenterocolitis can occur due to alcohol intoxication.
    • The development of the disease can be caused by the ingestion of poisons and salts into the body. heavy metals, alkalis, acids and other chemically aggressive substances.
    • It is often discovered during diagnosis that toxic damage associated with uncontrolled use medications, in particular overdose of salicylic acid derivatives and diuretin.
    • There is also the so-called alimentary gastroenterocolitis. The acute inflammatory process in this case develops against the background poor nutrition, frequent overeating, eating too spicy, hard or cold food, irregular intake, excess fiber and fat in the diet.

    Types of gastroenterocolitis

    Depending on the nature and characteristics of the inflammatory process, it is customary to distinguish several forms of gastroenterocolitis:

    • hemorrhagic form - accompanied by the formation of small bleeding erosions on the mucous membrane;
    • For catarrhal form characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes along with the secretion of large amounts of exudate;
    • ulcerative gastroenterocolitis (acute) is accompanied by ulcerative lesions walls of the digestive tract;
    • the phlegmous form is characterized by a purulent lesion, and the gastric mucosa is most often affected;
    • the fibrous form is considered quite rare and is accompanied by the formation of fibrinous films on the surface of the lining tissues of the digestive tract.

    Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

    Gastroenterocolitis - acute illness, which is characterized by rapid progression. As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance of soreness, then swelling occurs, increased gas formation, distinct and frequent rumbling in the stomach. Many patients complain about severe heartburn, frequent belching and an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth.

    The disease is characterized by decreased appetite. Patients suffer from nausea and severe vomiting, and large undigested pieces of food may be present in the vomit. In the first two days, stool retention may occur, which then sharply turns into diarrhea. Blood streaks and lumps of mucus may be present in the stool.

    Observed sharp increase temperatures - up to 38-39 degrees. When examining the patient, one may notice the formation of a gray coating on the tongue. Skin people become paler. As the disease progresses, metabolism is disrupted and the patient quickly loses weight. Symptoms include headaches, muscle weakness, confusion. At severe course illness, fainting is possible.

    Acute features of the disease

    According to statistics, children are more prone to this toxic infection due to imperfection immune system. Naturally, the clinical picture in a small patient has some peculiarities. In particular, the disease begins with fever - the temperature rises sharply to 38-40 degrees.

    Vomiting is also present - the urge occurs constantly. The child complains of abdominal pain and diarrhea, and blood is often present in the stool. Due to oxidative processes in the intestines, feces may become green color. A child with similar symptoms should be urgently taken to the hospital, as children's body more susceptible to dehydration and its attendant unpleasant consequences.

    Modern diagnostic methods

    First of all, the doctor conducts an examination, finds out all the symptoms, and collects anamnesis. Clinical picture, as a rule, gives reason to suspect gastroenterocolitis. Naturally required additional research, including a blood test (a high number of leukocytes indicates the presence of an inflammatory process). Feces and vomit are also necessarily sent to laboratory test— tests make it possible to determine not only the pathogen, but also its sensitivity to certain medications.

    In addition, it is important to determine what exactly became the source of the infection (if infectious gastroenterocolitis is suspected). Products are also sent to laboratory analysis. This is important, because by discovering exactly how the infection is transmitted, an epidemic can be prevented.

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitis

    Treatment of acute inflammation is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, namely in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. In most cases, maintenance therapy is necessary. If dangerous products or poisons have been consumed recently, gastric lavage is performed. In addition, patients are prescribed sorbents, as well as drugs that accelerate excretion from the body. toxic substances(including those that appeared as a result of the metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms).

    Since gastroenterocolitis is associated with significant fluid loss, it is indicated drinking plenty of fluids and taking Regidron - this will help restore the water-salt balance in the body. In case of excessive vomiting, patients may be prescribed Cerucal, Reglan or other antiemetics (usually administered intravenously due to constant vomiting spasms). But the use of antidiarrheal drugs is not recommended.

    Of course, nutrition is an important part of therapy. A properly formulated diet will help speed up the patient’s recovery process. The food should be light, but at the same time provide the body with the necessary nutrients. Porridge, vegetable and fruit soups will have a good effect on the patient’s condition.

    It is imperative to exclude from the diet fried and fatty foods, spicy and smoked foods, spices, sour fruits, in short, everything that can irritate the intestinal mucosa. It is also worth strictly limiting the amount of black bread, milk, and various fruit compotes.

    The best option is fractional meals, and you need to eat often (6-7 times a day), but in small portions - this will ensure rapid digestion of food. Since acute gastroenterocolitis is associated with dehydration, you must drink at least 2-3 liters of purified water per day.

    All these measures help not only get rid of the disease, but also restore the functions of the digestive system.