Natural healing system. Body health systems

Many people, especially after 30 years, feel the need to improve their body health. This goal is achieved by many methods, one of the most effective and efficient is health improvement by making adjustments to nutrition.


When choosing a method for healing, keep in mind that it should be beneficial and not have a negative effect on the body.

Health improvement rules

It will not be news to anyone that the diet should consist of proper and healthy foods. It's a pity that most people don't have the strength to resist big amount temptations that the modern culinary industry offers. The determining factor in a person’s youth and health is proper nutrition, as any doctor will tell you. The body will begin to work at 100 percent if you learn to follow a few basic nutrition rules.


You need to exclude all smoked, salty and fatty foods from your diet. You cannot prepare dishes by frying; you need to use flour products as little as possible. Sweets only from time to time without passion. Believe me, your body will be very grateful for such a distinction between products.

Emphasis on nutrition

You need to enrich your daily diet with fruits and vegetables; if previously you ate these nutrients once a week, now they should become your constant companion. Never skip breakfast; cereals are ideal for it. As for dinner, it should be moderately filling and healthy. Lunch is the richest meal, and you need to pay the most attention to it. But remember - only healthy products.


Without water there would be no life, everyone knows this. A healthy diet is also not complete without maintaining a fluid regime. By liquid in the diet we mean water, pure, non-carbonated, without dyes and sugar.


Insufficient amount of water in the body leads to various diseases, so one and a half to two liters a day is a must.

The importance of water in the human diet


You need to clearly design your daily routine; this is the key to excellent well-being, cheerfulness, and most importantly, good health. This way you will ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. If you look at it, that's exactly what it's all about the main objective recovery.


Eat, wake up and go to bed at the same time. At first it will be difficult to follow this rule, but then everything will work out.

Additional, no less important points

We must not forget about sports; you need to do physical education or other gymnastics every day. No, it doesn’t have to be constant trips to the gym and pool; it’s enough to just set aside time for an hour-long walk in the fresh air. When the opportunity arises, try to move as much as possible.


If you focus on running, cycling, and other more intense activities, then, of course, the healing process in such situations will develop much faster.

If you follow all the points, you will soon be able to observe the following changes:

  • the skin will change color and begin to radiate purity and tenderness;
  • illnesses will pass;
  • a positive attitude, optimism and cheerfulness will appear in life.

Proper nutrition scientific film


For the sake of the changes that can be achieved thanks to the improvement of the body, you will agree that it is worth making some efforts. All you need to do is adjust your diet and move more. It seems nothing complicated, so strive for right life, and you will be able to avoid a number of problems! Be healthy!

Proper nutrition

It is now unusually fashionable to talk about the most effective and the right ways healing of the entire human body. And this is quite understandable, today everyone wants to be healthy and look as natural as possible.

Unfortunately, life in today's modern world it is simply replete with a huge variety of factors that have an extremely negative impact on the health of every person. Moreover, the main of these factors are poor ecology, the very questionable quality of most modern food products, and drinking water heavily contaminated with waste or toxins.

This also includes insufficient quality and not always timely medical care, and of course, stressful situations that overtake a modern person literally every day and a lot of bad habits. This is probably why today it is so important to regularly pay attention to the urgently needed improvement of the whole body using a variety of techniques and folk remedies.

Several basic principles for improving the health of the human body

Initially, I would like to say that the human body (as intended by nature) is an incredibly complex interdependent integral system of a biological type, based on close connections and interaction of literally all its organs or their systems. Therefore, every person who wants to improve their health needs to comprehensively use several methods to general health improvement throughout the body, which in turn improves physical health a person, his quality of life, and even increases life expectancy.

  • Firstly, it is important to regularly carry out high-quality cleaning of the most vital important organs humans or their entire systems. It's about, first of all, about cleansing the intestines - the place where most of the main digestive processes occur. And also about cleansing the liver or kidneys, since these organs are responsible for cleaning our blood, they are the ones who are able to remove soluble (both in water and in numerous fats) toxins from the body. And, of course, about purges vascular system human, which is necessary to improve the blood and lymph flow systems. We must also not forget about cleaning the joints to maintain normal functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Secondly, regularly use moderate, but not excessive physical activity, which is incredibly useful for healing the entire body. For example, it is usually quite enough to perform a small set of simple exercises every day, in the form of morning exercises, which should last for 50 or fifteen minutes. In addition, it is recommended to jog at least once or twice a week; instead, you can ride a bike, roller skate or skate, or maybe just swim.
  • Thirdly, it is incredibly important to constantly maintain a normal enough active image own life. At the same time, we must not forget about completely healthy, full-fledged sleep, during which the entire human body is able to recover. But as for proper healthy nutrition, it should always be balanced, comprehensive, and contain as many healthy natural products as possible. Of course, it is necessary to try to adhere to the correct ratio of so-called vegetarian and less healthy animal foods, when there should be approximately 85% plant foods and 15% food of animal origin

When talking about human nutrition to improve the health of the body, it is recommended to always give preference to: oily fish, and not the same meat, some cereal dishes, rather than potatoes, vegetables and raw sweet fruits, pastries and cakes.

In addition, for the overall holistic health of the body, doctors recommend consuming as much fresh herbs and regular nuts as possible; it is recommended to exclude numerous flour products, sweets, tea, strong coffee, and any alcoholic beverages from the diet.

It is incredibly important to be able to get rid of the unusually harmful and even dangerous to health habit of constant overeating, because you should eat about five or even six times a day (fractionally) and in very small portions. In this case, the last meal must be taken no later than four hours before going to bed.

Every day, to improve your orgasm, you should try to consume maximum amount liquids, including fresh natural juices. But as a full-fledged therapy for moderate slagging of the body, it is recommended to take the right sunbathing. It is equally important to take regular walks and spend as much time as possible in nature (meaning fresh air), and preferably in areas with a large number of green spaces or simply on the banks of natural reservoirs.

Basic methods and techniques for improving the health of the human body

Of course, today people have invented many wonderful opportunities that can allow a person to maintain their health for as long as possible. At the same time, the main thing is to be able to make a truly correct choice, because to use, literally, each of these methods usually requires a strictly individual approach.

Let’s say that some of the methods of healing the body may be completely contraindicated for patients with cancer problems, while other methods may not be suitable for allergy sufferers or experienced hypertensive patients. However, today there are also a lot of unique universal techniques that allow you to improve general state physical and physiological health, which can be very beneficial for almost everyone.

So, for example, a fairly effective and popular method of healing the body can be considered, and in particular, regular dousing with cool or even quite cold water. There is also a softer (gentler) version of this hardening - this is cold and hot shower, and perhaps even basic walking around the house barefoot.

In addition, you should separately pay attention to full-fledged winter swimming or swimming in winter ice water open natural reservoirs. This method is undoubtedly considered one of the best for complete hardening, for increasing the body’s immune defense, one of the most powerful methods in natural physiotherapy, which has already been able to help many people completely recover from many quite serious ailments.

But the next way that allows us to perfectly heal our body is to regularly take certain healing herbal baths. For example, to obtain the desired, and sometimes urgently needed, healing effect, natural ingredients are added to the prepared bath water. sea ​​salt, various decoctions of medicinal herbs or even the most beneficial essential oils.

By the way, doctors include turpentine here, hydrogen sulfide baths, which usually contribute to the rapid restoration of the capillaries of our epidermis. In addition, such baths perfectly stabilize the functioning of the entire cardiovascular, nervous and even endocrine systems. But during the positive effects of so-called hyperthermal baths, some expansion of the smallest vessels usually occurs, as a result of which this leads to the normalization of blood circulation in any tissue. Baths of this kind eliminate blood stagnation, as well as lymph stagnation, while the cells, of course, begin to be nourished much better.

And of course, other methods of healing the human body should also include properly performed breathing exercises, periodic therapeutic fasting, as well as hot Russian baths or more modern Finnish saunas. Besides this, for Lately This kind of thing is becoming incredibly popular among people. unconventional methods healing like:

  • Phototherapy technique.
  • Apitherapy.
  • The same technique of acupuncture (or Chinese acupuncture) or moxibustion.
  • Homeopathy methods.
  • Of course, even Ayurveda.

It should be noted that today there is a lot of real evidence that some healers who practice certain alternative techniques treatments can often help people who have been trying for years to get rid of certain unpleasant ailments.

How to heal your body yourself at home?

I would like to say that for today, for people to improve own state health, it is not at all necessary to constantly use highly expensive professional techniques or procedures using certain medications. It is generally accepted that time-tested folk remedies can be no less effective for the full recovery of the entire body.

At the same time, the main advantages of such folk methods are, undoubtedly, maximum ease of use, and of course, completely safe natural origin. Note that components that are actually very different in nature can be used for such independent home improvement.

Most often, healing the body, carried out at home, is aimed at primary cleansing and even rejuvenation of the body, for which you can use a wide variety of methods or means. For example, one of the simplest, but at the same time the most effective ways health improvement is regular use in the morning on an empty stomach with a properly prepared fortified mixture.

And to prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare about 200 ml of purified water, to which you will have to add one full tablespoon of May honey and the same amount of vinegar, fresh lemon juice, cherry juice, cranberries or lingonberries. The mixture prepared in this way can speed up metabolism and also promote best breeding numerous toxins, this mixture also helps to quickly cleanse the liver.

Proper healing of the whole body - or what is most important to pay attention to

Quite often some folk methods healing the body may involve the use of beneficial (or even medicinal) properties of a wide variety of pharmaceutical plants or medicinal herbs. For example, in order to improve the health of the body, you can easily prepare a certain herbal infusion that significantly increases immune defense.

To prepare this recipe, you should prepare approximately 100 grams of dried herbs such as:

  • Flowers .
  • Color .
  • Grass.
  • And also dried birch buds.

These ingredients are mixed and placed in a tightly closed container or other vessel. Then one dessert spoon of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water, after which it is placed in a boiling water bath for about fifteen minutes.

Next, the already prepared and cooled infusion is taken only fresh, three times a day, until the originally prepared collection is finished. It is important to say that this type of health improvement course should be conducted no more than once a year. At the same time, one cannot help but understand that the full recovery of the body can truly play a huge role for general health person.

And all because it is good health that can allow a person to enjoy a truly happy life for as long as possible. full life, and also look young, healthy and quite attractive. At the same time, the basis of regularly carried out healing procedures should be systematic, properly carried out cleansing various organs or entire systems, receiving adequate physical exercise, a fully active (healthy) lifestyle without bad habits, a rational balanced diet and, of course, maintaining an adequate daily routine.

Man like biological system- is very complex, but ultimately it is a system of tubes and electrical wires that interact with all organs. Over time, the tubes (intestines, blood vessels) begin to become clogged, and the wires extending from the spinal cord to the organs begin to become clogged due to deterioration of elasticity intervertebral discs are pinched. The result is numerous diseases.

To eliminate these age-related changes, daily stretching of the spine (hangs and flexibility exercises) and mandatory cleansing of the intestines and blood vessels are necessary. proper nutrition(mainly vegetable with a decrease in animal fats and proteins).

Cleansing steps on the path to health

Step one: colon lavage.

It is advisable to begin cleansing in the spring, when the nutrient sap begins to move in the plants.
Pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice into two liters of boiled chilled water (or dissolve dry citric acid - about a teaspoon. (You can add table salt - 2 tablespoons per liter, removing sediment so that there is no absorption of water from the intestinal walls, but on the contrary - the reverse process took place, cleansing the pores of the intestines). It is better to replace the water with 3-5 days old urine (urine) in the amount of 1.5 liters, which has an acidic reaction. Then you don’t need to add anything to it except salt (1.5 tablespoons per liter) and the procedure is gentler. The temperature of the water (urine) is about 30 degrees. The procedure is carried out using an Esmarch mug (a heating pad with a hose and a clamp or tap). Position - on the elbows and knees. Inhale through the mouth, the stomach is relaxed. After After the water flows into the colon, turn on your right side, shake your lower abdomen, stand up and jump, or shake your stomach.

In the first week - every day, in the second - every other day, in the third - every two days, in the fourth - every three days, all subsequent times - once a week.

This procedure eliminates penetration into the blood and body harmful substances, contained in stagnant feces (perennial scale on the intestinal walls), actually stops the development of all diseases. The process of healing the body begins with it.

Step two: rational combination of products.

Separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, sugars and starches, because When assimilated, they require different environments and when consumed together they simply are not absorbed, but clog the body, and avoid dairy products containing casein, which is not digested by the adult body, but settles on the walls of blood vessels (sclerosis).

Proteins include: meat, fish, eggs, broths, seeds, nuts, beans, legumes, mushrooms, eggplants. Carbohydrates include: sugars - granulated sugar, candies, honey and starches: bread, flour products, potatoes, cereals. It is better not to eat meat at all, replacing it with plant proteins, or increase the amount of fresh plant foods (greens). At the same time, protein deficiency is not observed, since the body switches to feeding on its own tissues, primarily painfully altered ones, cleansing itself of them as during fasting. Then it begins to receive proteins from bacteria rich in them, which digestive tract process plant foods. Similar to the digestion of a cow, which eats grass (fiber) and produces protein (milk). The only sugars available are honey and sweet fruits or vegetables. White bread and butter products, as well as semolina porridge, it is better not to eat at all, because... they clog the liver.

Drink only structured water (distilled or snow, as well as contained in fruits or vegetables). If consumed
less salty, then you will not want to drink at all (water enters the body when digesting food and from fresh plant foods, which are 90 percent water). It is better to drink before meals, and after meals no earlier than 1-2 hours, so as not to dilute the gastric juice.

The method of rational nutrition prevents the penetration of undigested foods into the intestines, significantly saves energy and
energy, which is now spent not on trying to digest incompatible foods, but on eliminating foci of disease.

Step three: fight bacteriosis.

In addition, garlic is the only product containing dissolved germanium, which restores and strengthens valves in the body (vessels, stomach, heart, etc.).

Step Four: Cleaning the Joints.

To speed up the cleansing of joint deposits, you need to take 5 grams bay leaf, and boil in 300 milliliters of water for 5 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours. Drain the solution. Drink a teaspoon every 12 minutes for 12 hours. (You cannot drink in large doses or all at once!). Do it for 3 days in a row, then repeat the same thing a week later.

In the first year, clean the joints once a quarter. Subsequently, for prevention - once a year. A prerequisite is a thoroughly washed intestine and a vegetarian diet all days of the procedure. Otherwise - intensive dissolution of deposits fecal stones and pruritus, urticaria and other forms of allergies.

The described technique will help get rid of salt deposits, weather pain, joint fatigue, osteochondrosis, and polyarthritis.
Be prepared for your doctor, seeing this effect, to say: magic words: "We made a mistake in the diagnosis."

Step five: liver cleanse. (most significant)

For the procedure you need 300 grams of lemon juice (can be dissolved in water citric acid, bringing the solution closer in acidity to lemon juice), 300 grams of vegetable oil (preferably olive). Warm all this to body temperature before taking. In the morning, you rinse your intestines and eat only fresh apple juice all day long (you can have sauerkraut or sour plant products, or even better - only your urine, eating it with honey and washing it down with sour juice). If you can do it, repeat for another 2 days. No - not bad either. If you take hot baths every day to soften the tissues, it will be absolutely great. The washing process begins at 16-17 hours of the last day.

Prepare the glass in advance by marking its outside with wax, soap or lipstick: pour three tablespoons of water - mark the level, then add three more tablespoons of water and again mark its level. Drain the water - the dishes are marked. Prepare a heating pad with boiling water, wrapping it in a towel to prevent it from burning (you can use a heating pad).

At 16-17 hours, start the procedure: lie on your right side so that the heating pad is under the liver: near the hypochondrium on the right side. Ask someone (otherwise you will have to get up all the time yourself) to pour three tablespoons of lemon juice into the glass (up to the first mark). Then carefully add three tablespoons of vegetable oil (to the top mark). Drink this cocktail and lie on a heating pad, reading a book or something else. After 15 minutes, drink your next glass of cocktail. After 15 minutes - another one, and so on, until the juice and oil run out. If you can’t drink everything and feel like vomiting, limit yourself to this amount for now: anything is better than nothing. But the juice and
oil cannot do you any harm. After drinking the cocktail, continue to lie down or fall asleep. Your task is completed.

The next morning (it’s different for everyone), when you go to the toilet, you will find green bilirubin stones of various sizes (destroyed blood cells stuck together in your liver and clogging your ducts and gallbladder for many years) and cholesterol plugs that look like cut cylindrical bodies worms Don't be afraid, because you have already gotten rid of it. Rinse your colon as usual and have breakfast when you feel like it, juice, oatmeal or fruit. The procedure is completed. Follow a vegetarian diet for a week.

After a month, repeat the procedure (4 times in total according to the number of liver lobes). In the future, it is enough to do 1-2 procedures in a row once a year, preferably in the spring.

You will see the result of liver cleansing immediately by how you feel, because fatigue will disappear and the activity of all organs will be sharply stimulated, because Pure blood now flows through your vessels, washing all the tissues and organs of the body, which, getting rid of accumulated toxins, themselves begin to recover.

Step six: kidney cleanse.

We offer several procedures.
The first one is watermelon . In the middle of the watermelon season (in September, because early watermelons are grown on chemicals), eat only watermelons with black bread for a week. At the end of the week-long watermelon diet, take a warm bath late in the evening, combining it with eating watermelon. We hope that urinating directly in a bath of warm water does not shock you too much. After 2-3 weeks, washing the kidneys with watermelon juice can be repeated.

Second - using fir oil . You need fir oil and a collection of herbs: 50 grams of St. John's wort, oregano, sage, lemon balm and knotweed. Grind the herb like coarse tea. For a week, put yourself on a vegetarian diet and drink tea from these herbs with honey. And starting from the seventh day, drink an infusion of this collection with fir oil for another five days. The infusion is drunk three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Each time, five drops of fir oil are added to 100-150 grams of infusion, after which the infusion is thoroughly stirred. (You should drink through a straw to prevent your teeth from being damaged by the oil). After a few days during the month, heavy brown oily drops that smell like fir will fall out when you urinate. They smudge easily, often with a squeaking sound - from sand in them.

The third is urine . Take 1-2 times a day an hour before eating fresh urine. The result is increased urination and flushing
kidney Urine becomes light in color and has almost no odor. This method of cleansing the body can be carried out constantly - daily.

Step seven: cleansing the blood lymph.

Prepare a mixture of 900 gr. orange juice, 900 gr. grapefruit juice, 200 gr. lemon juice and two liters of distilled or melt water (to obtain melt water, you can use an ice “coat” from the freezer, but not from the bottom where the food is).
With the intestines washed and rational nutrition After spending the whole day without food, come to the steam bath (can be replaced with a warm bath with shower). Drink a glass of water there with a tablespoon of Glauber's salt dissolved in it (used on farms to feed livestock). After this, you will begin to sweat heavily. So, replenish the loss of moisture in the body by drinking a mixture of juices (100 grams every half hour). And so on for three days in a row.

As a result, the blood is cleared of many toxins. The procedure is carried out every quarter for the first year, and once a year thereafter.

Step eight: cleaning the vessels.

To clear blood vessels smeared with all kinds of deposits, when the flow of hormones and antibodies into the blood is disrupted, you need to make a special infusion.
Mix a glass of dill seed with two tablespoons of ground valerian root. Pour into a thermos, add two glasses natural honey and pour boiling water so that the total volume is equal to two liters. Leave for a day, and then take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.


A human cell lives for about 9 months. By starting and systematically cleansing the body of everything superfluous, unnecessary and harmful that has accumulated in it over decades of improperly organized life, we create conditions so that each subsequent cell created in us is healthy. Therefore, approximately 9 months after the main cleanses and 1 year from the start of working on yourself, you will not have a single cell left from a sick person. Now, regardless of age, you can safely take up sports and hardening.

Training your cleansed body from the method of accelerating through it and partially shaking out toxins will turn into a way to strengthen all body systems. Don’t be afraid of any complications, you are now in no danger. This technique has been tested by the positive experience of many
and many people who have found the most precious thing a person has - his health.

You can live a long time without getting sick, getting joy from life!

And if you teach ways to rejuvenate your body to your children, grandchildren and just others good people, then you will contribute to the preservation and development of your (once the healthiest) people, your nation. This means your life has not been lived in vain.

On a good journey, which always begins with the first step. Do it. Life is worth much more than all your efforts!

Health is a gift from nature, which is given once and for life. It is this that is given key importance among universal human values. That's why the primary task of man - save your health for long years . But not everyone knows how to do this.

Few people are familiar with the system of natural healing created and put into practice by Dr. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova. The task of her whole life is to return man to nature, restore his spiritual and material connection with the environment.

Natural Health System (NHE)

Galina Sergeevna believed that natural health system (NHE) It is not intended to cure diseases, but to prevent them. Although there are many cases of complete relief from serious illnesses thanks to her technique.

Shatalova herself, being already at an advanced age, had the flexibility of a girl; she ran in the mornings, went on long hikes, and showered herself ice water. In December 2011, this wonderful woman passed away, but the technique she developed still helps her admirers stay cheerful and healthy.

Basic principles of the natural healing system

The fundamental point of Shatalova’s technique is understanding oneself as a part of the world. home distinguishing feature human individual - the ability to think. It is the mind that decides which life direction to choose: harmonious spiritual and material development in accordance with nature or the path of bad habits, excess in food, addiction to tobacco and alcohol.

A benevolent attitude towards the surrounding world, towards people - this is the magic key to the victory of all ailments

First of all, a person must get rid of anger, envy and selfishness. A benevolent attitude towards the surrounding world, towards people - that’s the magic key to the victory of all ailments. During periods of emotional and physical overload, stress and illness, it is very difficult to tune in to love and tolerance for others.

The natural healing system positions the individual’s body as an autonomous, self-regulating and self-healing structure that controls all the processes occurring in it.

It is based on three basic principles of natural healing:

  1. Spiritual Harmony. Shatalova called this state “peace in the soul.” He is characterized by unity with nature and others, humility, balance, absence of anger, envy and intolerance. Similar condition soul eliminates emotional stress, strengthens the spirit and body of a person.
  2. Mental health- this is a state of soul in which the unity of the conscious and subconscious occurs. As a result, a person successfully copes with various life circumstances, while maintaining optimism and a cheerful spirit and maintaining stable relationships with family and friends.
  3. Physical health. This is the most poorly understood aspect of the system. Nowadays absolutely healthy people- very rare. Only a born child already has pathological genetic inheritance. That is why it is so difficult to restore what was lost as a result of an incorrect lifestyle.
Every individual is unique, and it is necessary to treat it with care, therefore the system of natural healing from Galina Sergeevna Shatalova is based on individual approach to the patient

Note! Dr. Shatalova believed that one method cannot be used to solve all health problems.

Each individual person is unique, and it is necessary to treat him with care, therefore the system of natural healing from Galina Sergeevna Shatalova is based on an individual approach to the patient. All people are different from each other, and what is good for one may not be suitable for another.

Power supply in the G.S. system Shatalova

The basis of the doctor’s healing cuisine is biologically complete foods such as cereals, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. All animal products are completely excluded from the diet. It is necessary to give up baked goods, dairy and canned products.

It is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the diet

You cannot drink tea, coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, or alcohol. Salt and sugar are very harmful. They upset the functions of the pancreas, provoke diabetes and urolithiasis.

Galina Sergeevna derived the following postulates of healthy eating:

  1. Always chew your food thoroughly and for a long time.
  2. The first meal should take place at 11 am. The next and last one is at 17–18 pm. After this, eating is extremely undesirable. When severe hunger you can drink green tea with honey or freshly squeezed vegetable juice. The same should be done in the early morning.
  3. The amount of food consumed should not be more than 400–450 g. This is exactly the amount of food that fits into an unstretched stomach.
  4. It is necessary to observe intervals between meals. For the main products of the diet, the interval should be at least 3–4 hours, for meat and milk - 6–8 hours.
  5. You should stick to a mono-diet. The meal should consist of only one product.

It is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the diet. It is good to eat garlic or olive oil and wheat germ oil, constantly drink freshly squeezed juices. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova herself followed these nutritional rules all her life.

The natural healing system is built according to the seasons. In spring you should prefer fresh greens, in summer and autumn - gifts from gardens and vegetable gardens, berries in season. Winter is the time for cereals, nuts, seeds and butter.

In addition to healthy foods, there are also those that Dr. Shatalova recommended whenever possible exclude from the diet:

  • meat and products made from it;
  • pasta, white flour, refined rice;
  • sugar, table salt;
  • milk and dairy products.

The basis of the doctor’s healing cuisine is biologically complete products

To prepare lunch, you should use only purified water and under no circumstances use aluminum utensils.

Fasting is an essential element of physical health

Considering food restriction to be the beginning of healing, Shatalova subdivided the received healing effect for two periods:

  1. At the beginning In the healing process, fasting helps the body return to its natural state, removing excess food load from it. This cleanses the body of accumulated toxins.
  2. At the next stage the body begins to feed on its own reserves, using tissues that are not essential. At this stage of cleansing, resorption of various tumors is possible.

In her practice, Shatalova used different types fasting: full, dry, cascade and short-term. However, Galina Sergeevna was very careful about complete fasting and used it only in severe cases. It is absolutely contraindicated for short, frail patients.

Dr. Shatalova believed that food restriction is not as safe as it seems

Dr. Shatalova believed that food restriction is not as safe as it seems. During prolonged fasting, a person may experience changes in blood pressure and become upset. heartbeat, fainting and poisoning of the body with poisons from its own decay are possible. Therefore, the entire fasting process should be monitored by doctors and carried out simultaneously with cleansing the body.

Galina Sergeevna Shatalova intuitively felt what was good and what was bad for the patient. Her system of natural healing is built on a subjective approach to developing a fasting method for each patient.

It is important to know! Unlike the methods of restoring health proposed at one time by Paul Bragg and G. Malakhov, in Dr. Shatalova’s system there is no fasting as a therapeutic technique.

Rules for drinking water according to the Shatalova system

Galina Sergeevna was very serious about drinking regime and preferred it to all drinks clean water, which she advised to drink separately from food.

SEO requires drinking liquid 20 minutes before meals or no earlier than 2 hours after. It is strictly forbidden to drink while eating, as this upsets the digestion process.

Cleansing the body in a natural healing system

Dr. Shatalova recommended cleansing procedures only during the transition to medicinal food. Galina Sergeevna believed that it is necessary to strive not for the purity of the body, but fight against littering. By this she meant a complete abstinence from foods that negatively affect the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Massage as one of the optimal methods of cleansing the body

Approach to election optimal method cleansing has an individual character. The choice is influenced by the patient’s health status and the characteristics of his body. The procedures used in the cleansing process are very diverse. It can be baths, massages, wraps, enemas. Shatalova uses them all in her system - both conventional and non-traditional.

Rules for healing the body in case of diseases according to Shatalova

Academician I. I. Pavlov believed that it is necessary to treat not the symptoms of an illness, but its causes. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova shared the same opinion. The system of natural healing is mainly aimed not at correcting nutrition, but at psychological work on oneself, self-improvement.

Even by eating natural foods, leading a physically active life, using the power of herbs and plants, it is difficult to overcome the disease, if there is anger, envy, cowardice in the soul. Only after being cleansed of spiritual filth does a patient, even the most hopeless, begin to recover.

Only after being cleansed of spiritual defilement does a patient, even the most hopeless, begin to recover

Throwing away bad habits and switching to healthy eating, a person triggers a natural self-healing process in the body. Dr. Shatalova believed that in absolutely any person, even the terminally ill, Nature has a powerful healing power. You just need to help her start her work.

It is possible to achieve a cure if you apply A complex approach to restore the body. You cannot get rid of a disease by acting on any one organ locally. This will only make the existing problem worse.

Important to remember! Peace in the soul, healthy eating, proper breathing, light, sun, clean air, constant movement - these are the means that pave the way to self-healing.

Physical activity in the natural healing system

SEO is based on necessity regular movement and physical activity. Exactly exercise stress enhances metabolism in the body, activates vital processes and stimulates energy production.

Shatalova considered running to be the best type of exercise.

Physical load during movement is evenly distributed to all muscles of the body, oxygen consumption increases. This entails increased gas exchange and stimulates recovery processes body.

If a person cannot or does not want to run, race walking is the best alternative.

If a person cannot or does not want to run, race walking is the best alternative.

In addition to running, Galina Sergeevna recommended doing physical exercises and swimming every day. Dr. Shatalova paid special attention to the condition of the spine. Yoga class will help maintain body flexibility and posture, give inner harmony and harmony with the outside world.

Breathing as one of the elements of physical health

Shatalova Galina Sergeevna in her system of natural healing recommended starting every morning with breathing procedures. It’s good to do lung exercises in clean air at any time of the year. If this is not possible, the procedure should be carried out in a spacious, ventilated room.

You need to breathe only through your nose. In this case, the exhalation should be significantly shorter than the inhalation

Breathing is necessary only through the nose. In this case, the exhalation should be much shorter than the inhalation. You should not hold your breath, especially for easily excitable people suffering from high blood pressure and neuroses.

Efficiency of the G.S. system Shatalova

CEO of Galina Sergeevna is not a temporary course of recovery. This is a lifestyle, a way of thinking. The effectiveness of the technique has been proven by many people who have been cured with its help from such terrible diseases as cancer, asthma, cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension. But the best example of the CEO’s effectiveness was Galina Sergeevna Shatalova herself.

Natural healing system helped her to be cheerful and cheerful until her last days, maintaining strength of spirit and clarity of thought until she was 96 years old.

The natural healing system helped Galina Sergeevna to be cheerful and cheerful until her last days, maintaining fortitude and clarity of thought until she was 96 years old.

Dr. Shatalova has conducted many experiments confirming the effectiveness of CEOs. Over the many years of its existence, the system has acquired millions of followers who, with its help, overcame their illnesses and regained their health.

We wish you health, physical and spiritual!

Interesting video about the system of Shatalova G.S.:

This video explains the main principle of SEO:

This video outlines the essence of healing nutrition according to Shatalova G.S.:

Human health largely depends on the person himself and how he treats him. But the main thing in maintaining your health is a healthy lifestyle. What can be attributed to healthy image life? This is, first of all, maintaining the body’s energy balance and maintaining a diet and rest regime. And it is advisable to combine all this with an active lifestyle.

The health of the human body is very important for our health. But, unfortunately, the realization that our body needs healing often comes to us after suffering an illness. Nevertheless, the chances of returning to an active lifestyle and getting rid of various diseases Yes, if you know how to maintain your health.

Let's look at some well-known healing techniques.

Systems and methods of healing the body

There are many systems for healing the body in the world, with well-developed methods. You can recall the system of Seraphim Chichagov, a priest and a doctor rolled into one, popular in Russia in the 20th century. Even today there are adherents of this system, although, according to many experts in this field, it has long been outdated. Chichagov’s system of healing the body was based on self-regulation and self-healing. According to S. Chichagov, the cause of all diseases is a disturbance in the human circulatory system. It, according to the author, occurs as a result of deterioration in the composition and quality of blood. In this case, the diagnosis does not matter at all; everything depends only on the quality of the person’s blood.

As a health specialist, I agree with the method of Arnold Ehret, the author of the healing mucusless diet, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century and died in an accident at the peak of his popularity. You can read more about his method in the book “Living Nutrition According to Dr. Ehret’s Method.”

Also very interesting views on nutrition and health problems are presented in Robert Young's book "The PH Miracle".

Arnold Ehret and Robert Young believe that all health problems arise from blood acidification and the body being clogged with mucus and toxins due to poor nutrition.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that we should not exclude the spiritual factor, the work of our subconscious, our Inner Self. Problems in this area also lead to various violations. But if you work on both the spiritual and physical parts of a person, then it is possible to change EVERYTHING!!

Basic Rules:

  • It is advisable to exclude animal proteins and fats, flour from the diet completely, since animal food, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, begins to rot and forms pus, and flour and especially white flour products form mucus, which acidifies the blood.
  • It is recommended to eat a lot of greens, especially green vegetables, due to high content chlorophyll, which is very beneficial for the body, as well as cereals steamed in a thermos, not boiled and lightly stewed or baked vegetables, fresh or baked fruits, not a large number of nuts, dried fruits.
  • Do not consume carbonated drinks and canned food.
  • Drink only fresh alkaline water; it can be obtained using special quantum filters. A little green tea. Avoid black tea and coffee completely.
  • Try to consume dairy products as little as possible. Since they also contribute to the formation of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract and acidify the blood.
  • After 20.00, try not to eat, since the gastrointestinal tract system is no longer so active at this time and the digestion processes slow down.
  • When eating, it is better not to mix a large number of foods; a mono-diet is preferable.
  • Drink on an empty stomach in the morning warm water with lemon. And I highly recommend every morning also Green smoothies, crushed in a blender ( more details in Victoria Butenko's books).
For example, here is one proven and very delicious recipe: two stalks of celery, a third of fennel fruit, a bunch of parsley, a package of any green salad, two bananas, two, two and a half cups (300 grams each) alkaline water. This volume is enough for a family of three people. This makes approximately 1500 liters of cocktail.

The program for healing the body according to the method of Academician Mikulin is also very relevant today, having encountered at the age of 50 the serious problems with health, Academician Mikulin developed his own healing system and experienced its effect on himself. He studied the experience of centenarians, people who lived more than 180 and 150 years. Influence environment, in which these centenarians lived. For his study, he chose India and the Caucasus, where there have always been many centenarians. Based on the results of his research, Academician Mikulin concluded that even into old age you can maintain lightness of body and clarity of mind and lead an active lifestyle.

Methods for healing the body, according to Academician Mikulin, are based on cleansing it of toxins. He notes that there are a lot of different biophysical and biochemical reasons affecting the aging of the human body. In the first place among these reasons, he puts slagging of cells and the space between them with oxidation products and waste from the continuous metabolic process.

According to the academician, nature has not yet fully created a mechanism for cleaning cells from waste products that appear during the metabolic process. The human body consists of a huge number of cells. Slag and other waste from the body's vital processes, ejected from the outer membranes, accumulate in the intercellular space, and then are absorbed from them by the blood and lymphatic vessels where the formation of venous (waste) blood occurs. This blood moves to the heart and is further transformed into the kidneys, lungs, liver, etc. And if the process of nourishing cells is very effective and simple, then the path of ridding the body of toxins is very long and tortuous. And there are too many places along the path of waste release where it can settle. Thus, he believes, slagging of the body occurs.

Improving the health of the human body according to the system of Academician Mikulin is very effective and efficient. Let's consider the method of cleansing the veins developed by Mikulin. It consists in reproducing micro-shocks of a cyclical nature in the body. This could be simply hitting the heel of the foot on hard ground, or running on a hard surface. After the heel hits the ground, the speed directed towards the ground is transmitted to the entire mass of blood that is in the veins between the valves and it energetically rushes upward to the heart. At such moments, the human body and its veins, including strong shaking accelerations and forces directed along the gravitational field towards the earth. This hypothesis has practical confirmation. So after somersaults on a rotating bench or on a trampoline, a tired person work shift, can quickly restore their strength, both physical and emotional, even without attracting any extraneous sources of energy replenishment.

Academician Mikulin’s health system includes the following methods:

These methods also include recommendations on nutrition, sleep and rest. But today there are others no less effective types and ways to improve the body’s health, such as different kinds fasting, separate meals, cleansing the body with the help of tinctures, decoctions and various juices, etc.

Cleansing the body

For obvious reasons, cleansing the human body of toxins is not just desirable, but necessary. Let's figure out what the risks and threats of such clogging of our body with toxins are. An organism in which there is a lot of waste begins to not work at full capacity and is more susceptible to various diseases.

As a result of the vital activity of the body and exposure to an unfavorable ecological environment, toxins and waste accumulate in the human body, which then become the cause of many diseases. Of course, the bulk of waste or toxic substances is eliminated by the body, but some of the toxins remain and accumulate more and more over time. Apply various methods cleansing the body to remove them.

Signs of slagging in the body

  • Excessive sweating, chills, sleep disturbance
  • Headaches, increased fatigue, nervousness
  • Problems with the stomach and intestines, diarrhea or constipation, increased gas formation, increased mucus production
  • The appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth and unpleasant odor, the tongue is covered with a white coating
  • Disease vocal cords, frequent toothaches, bleeding gums
  • Pass in the gallbladder and kidneys inflammatory processes, stones appear
  • A cough may appear
  • The complexion deteriorates, many wrinkles appear due to dry skin, boils break out, and various skin diseases and allergies appear
  • Pressure surges are noted, it is difficult to restore, varicose veins, hypertension, thrombophlebitis

To avoid further contamination of the human body, it is necessary to periodically cleanse it of toxins.

What should cleansing the body do?

Only an organism cleansed of toxins can effectively counteract dangers (diseases) emanating from the external environment. And when a person shows a desire to ensure that his life is long, it is very important for him to monitor his health and maintain it, he must have a program for cleansing the body.

If a person gets sick, then the body, cleansed of toxins, will be able to provide active resistance, unlike a slagged body. Cleansing the body also has a beneficial effect on nervous system and helps in case of fatigue. Usually a person gets tired quickly if his body is clogged with toxins, but after cleansing, the body begins to quickly recover, even if the person works a lot. He is also less susceptible to depression and stress.

Tested methods have proven that the most effective means that does not require large material costs, is a home cleansing of the body.

This cleansing can be used both for general cleansing of the body and for cleansing individual organs, for example, the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, stomach, intestines, lungs, etc.

Cleansing the body of toxins is a great help for men who have problems with potency, prostate disease and other diseases associated with genitourinary organs. Cleansing also helps get rid of rashes, acne on the skin, various dermatitis and many others. skin diseases. Such processes are the body’s reaction to excess waste and other toxins. Therefore, cleansing from toxins is a blessing for the human body. And its importance cannot be overestimated.

Ways to cleanse the body

  • Mechanical cleaning:

    This method includes types of cleaning that require additional items, for example, an enema, special sticks for cleaning the tongue, a device for washing the nasopharynx, etc.

  • Forced cleaning:

    This cleanse involves the use of gastric, diuretic laxatives or choleretic drugs. Such products are most often used to cleanse the body at home. In this way, using laxatives, the intestines are cleansed, the bladder and kidneys are cleansed with diuretic herbs, and gallbladder or liver with lemon and oil.

  • Physiological cleaning:

    The point of such cleaning is that any body can independently cope with slagging, the main thing is not to allow the concentration of toxins in the body to exceed. This cleansing is recommended for all people for preventive purposes to avoid the accumulation of toxins and waste in the body. In such cases, cleansing the body with Herbs and Energy Cleansing will be ideal.

Methods and types of cleansing the body at home allow you to cleanse the body yourself at any time. convenient time when the need arises. But you should adhere to several rules.

  • First rule- this is faith in yourself and in your strengths
  • Second rule, draw up a schedule for performing body cleansing procedures and strictly adhere to it
  • Third rule, healthy eating, primarily a lot of greens, vegetables, fruits steamed in a thermos, uncooked cereals
  • Fourth rule, active lifestyle and sports, at least gymnastics in the morning and daily walks of 2-3 km

Energy cleansing and how to do it

This method of energy cleansing of a person is recommended for everyone, regardless of health status. The point of this cleansing is to cleanse your energy field of various energy debris and emotional negative layers.

Stand facing the East, while inhaling, raise your arms to the top, above your head, and, as it were, scoop up energy from space. Imagine that you have a large iridescent silver-pink ball in your hands. As you exhale, slowly lower it through your entire body, starting from your head, imagine how it passes through you and takes away everything unnecessary and obsolete. Bringing the ball up to your hips, push it down deep into the ground through your legs and feet.

This must be done slowly at least 8 times. You can repeat the exercise in the morning and evening. You can repeat it as many times as you like, but at least 8 times.

Second and following methods physiological, they can be carried out in parallel with energy cleansing. But it is necessary to start with it.

Colon cleansing

Such cleansing can be carried out according to G. Malakhov’s method. In this case, an enema and an Esmarch mug are used to cleanse the intestines. The enema fills or herbal decoctions or salt water in the proportions per 1 liter of water: 2 tablespoons of salt. To achieve the cleaning effect, 8 sessions should be performed every other day. It is recommended to carry out this cleaning once a year.

You can also cleanse your intestines by eating apples. This is done once a month on any day convenient for you. During this day you need to eat 2 kg of fresh apples, taking them 6 times a day. It is also recommended to drink a lot during this day. green tea or alkaline water.

Liver cleanse

After execution in in full cleansing the intestines using an enema with herbal decoctions or salt water, or after several bowel cleanses with apples, you can begin cleansing the liver. But before you begin such cleaning, you should know possible contraindications. The main thing: liver cleansing is carried out only after intestinal cleansing and preferably in the spring. It is believed that during this period, liver activity is at its maximum and it is able to cope with any load.

To cleanse the liver you will need sour juice, preferably lemon or grapefruit juice, as well as olive oil. Before starting the cleanse, it is recommended not to eat food for 24 hours, or to eat no more than 3 apples during the day.

IN evening time drink 1 liter of juice and wash it down vegetable oil 30-70 grams. Next, place a warm heating pad in the liver area, and thus expand as much as possible. bile ducts so that the stagnant bile comes out. Usually the next day a person feels unwell and weak. This is the result of intoxication of the body from waste products coming out of it. To avoid these sensations, it is better to do an enema in the morning and evening.

If cleansing with juice and vegetable oil is contraindicated, you can use a milder liver cleanse. You should not have dinner or breakfast before this procedure. In the morning on an empty stomach you should drink 1 a raw egg and wash it down with 0.5 liters mineral water without gas, then lie down and put a heating pad in the liver area and lie there for about an hour.

Kidney cleansing

During cleansing, the stages of cleansing the body must be followed; for example, without clearing the intestines of toxins, it is not recommended to clean other organs. Therefore, kidney cleansing should also be done after repeated bowel cleansing.

This method of cleansing the kidneys is very easy and can be easily done by anyone who wants to cleanse their kidneys of sand and toxins. It should be used at the end of summer when there is an abundance of watermelons on sale. For 7 days, you need to eat 3-4 kg of watermelons and 0.5 kg of black bread, preferably rye and oven-dried, daily. No other food should be consumed during this cleansing.

Home cleansing of the body will always help you maintain your health. the right level and lead a full and active lifestyle.