Arnica mountain tincture (extract). Procurement of medicinal raw materials

arnica flowers

Arnica tincture:: Dosage form

tincture, crushed vegetable raw materials

Arnica tincture:: Pharmacological action

Means plant origin. It has a choleretic, cholekinetic, hypotensive and uterotonic effect. In small doses, it has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, in large doses it has a sedative effect, prevents the development of seizures. Expands coronary vessels increases the force of heart contractions. When applied externally, it has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effect. Reduces the reflex excitability of the cortex and medulla oblongata dilates cerebral vessels.

Arnica tincture:: Indications

Inside - cholecystitis, cholangitis, neuralgia, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, rheumatism, bronchitis, gout, influenza, epilepsy, TBI, edematous syndrome, migraine; bleeding in obstetric and gynecological practice (including those associated with endocrine and inflammatory diseases ovaries, after childbirth, abortion). Outwardly - bruises, burns, carbuncle, furuncle, abscess, extensive wounds.

Arnica tincture:: Contraindications


Arnica tincture:: Side effects

Sweating, chills, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, polyuria, allergic reactions. Overdose. Symptoms: convulsions, lowering blood pressure, with external use - acute skin diseases.

Arnica tincture:: Dosage and administration

Inside, 30-40 drops of tincture 2-3 times a day before meals. At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum - 15 ml of infusion 3-4 times a day after meals; to prepare an infusion, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon and leave for 1-2 hours. For migraine, in obstetric and gynecological practice - 15 ml of infusion 2 times a day. Outwardly, in the form of lotions, rinses and washings of wounds (3 teaspoons are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours).

For a long time, among herbs with healing properties, Mountain Arnica has enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It should be noted that the plant is listed in the Red Book under the guise of a threat of extinction, since it is almost never found in its natural habitat. For the manufacture of tincture from Arnica, which has gained recognition among adherents of traditional medicine, many are engaged in growing the plant in their backyards.

What is Arnica? The height of the plant is slightly more than half a meter. On a straight stem small size foliage, and its inflorescence crowns yellow. It has a pleasant aroma, which is quite strong. In order to make medicinal potions, mainly the flowers of the plant are used. Foliage and rhizomes are practically not used with rare exceptions. Official medicine uses drugs based on Arnica in its practice not often, but folk healers recommend plant tincture as a means to normalize functionality nervous system.

Geographical distribution: in the mountainous regions of the Carpathians in the zone of slopes and valleys. The plant is also found on the plains. Latvia, Lithuania and Western Ukraine can also boast of its growth.

However, it should be remembered that Arnica has dozens of varieties and not all of them are medicinal. In addition, Mountain Arnica refers to poisonous plants, therefore, it is necessary to handle drugs made on its basis with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to lose sight of the contraindications of the drug and exclude all possible risks associated with its use.

Instructions are included with all forms of mountain Arnica remedies and serve as a guide for potential users on how to use the drugs in treatment.

Form, composition, packaging

Arnica preparations are produced in various pharmacological forms. They are available as ointment, tincture, drops, and cream/gel.


Arnica ointment is a homeopathic remedy. It is a substance in greenish-yellow tones. The packaging of the drug is an aluminum tube, each of which contains 30 grams of ointment.

As part of the ointment, the tincture of the plant is homeopathic matrix D1. Its concentration is 10:100. Complemented with Vaseline.


Arnica tincture consists of 40 milliliters of Arnica flower infusion in a ratio of 1 to 10 with the addition of 70% ethyl alcohol as an auxiliary substance.

Cream and gel

Cream and gel Arnica is designed to take care of oily skin. It contains an extract of mountain arnica, as well as some amounts of emulsifying cetylstearyl alcohol, essential oils, ethanol, organic fumaric, malic, lactic acids, purified water, vitamin C, solid paraffin and white petrolatum.

Arnica gel consists of its 5% extract with the addition of some auxiliary components, which contribute to the optimization of its main substance.


Arnica-Heel drops are intended to be administered to the patient by means of a probe. They are produced in dropper bottles with a volume of 30 milliliters. This liquid is transparent. The color is light yellow. Distinguished by the smell of ethanol with benzoic acid.

The active components of the drug are a combination of extracts of medicinal plants: perennial blueberry, spherical eucalyptus, mountain arnica, black nightshade, tomatoes, poison sumac, echinacea, wild indigo, autumn colchicum, bittersweet nightshade, hemp-shaped vine, white step. Also honey bee extract and Acidum benzoicume resina D3.

The addition of purified water and 96% ethanol is considered as the introduction of auxiliary components.

There are approximately 21 drops in one milliliter of the drug.

Terms and conditions of storage

Preparations in the form of a cream, gel, ointment can be stored for two years. The shelf life of the tincture is up to three years, and drops up to five.

Acceptable temperature in the room where medicines are kept:

  • for cream, ointment and gel - twenty-five degrees;
  • for drops - from fifteen to twenty-five degrees;
  • for tincture - from eight to fifteen degrees.


Being complex drug, where plant + animal substances are mixed in homeopathic dilutions Arnica-Heel drops are capable of providing the following pharmacological effects:

  • sedative;
  • angioprotective;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • analgesic;
  • detoxification;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant.

The impact of drops helps to reduce vascular permeability pathological, and also reduces the severity of exudative manifestations and improves rheological properties blood.

In addition, with the use of drops, the regenerative processes of tissues are stimulated, their functions and structure are more actively restored after injury. The agent is especially effective in the treatment of inflammation of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, since it is most tropic to the mucous membranes, synovial and serous.

Pharmacological properties of Arnica tincture are a pronounced hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. A significant role in gynecology is played by the ability of tincture to increase the smooth muscle of the uterine layer in good shape.

The tincture helps:

Arnica cream has a capillary protective effect and serves as a homeopathic remedy in dermatology.

Arnica gel / ointment has anti-inflammatory properties, and can also stop bleeding and speed up the healing of wound surfaces. skin with simultaneous resorption of hematomas.

To the list pharmacological properties Arnica products for external use can include:

  • local irritating effect;
  • reduced swelling in soft tissues in case of damage;
  • acceleration of resorption of a bruise or hemorrhage;
  • activation of local blood flow;
  • anesthesia of dislocation, bruise, sprain;
  • elimination of venous congestion.

The cream, called Arnica-Heel, normalizes blood circulation, contributing to the acceleration venous outflow and capillary elasticity. The drug also has the ability to eliminate excess sebum and accelerate the regeneration of the affected tissue, which suggests its effective use for preventive measures in relation to oily seborrhea and acne rash.


There is no information about the pharmacokinetics of Arnica drugs.

Indications for the use of Arnica

Recommendations for taking drops take place if the patient has diseases whose origin is classified as viral or bacterial of an acute or chronic nature, accompanied by a fever and severe pain.

  • pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of arteries and veins;
  • bronchitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • synovitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • urethritis;
  • endo- and myocarditis.

The cream is recommended for facial skin prone to severe oiliness.


The use of any of the Arnica preparations is not recommended for those prone to hypersensitivity.

The drug in the form of tinctures and drops is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children of any age.

Arnica: instructions for use

Application of Arnica tincture

Just before use, the tincture in the prescribed dose is diluted with a small amount of water and taken orally before meals. The doctor prescribes the appointment of the dose, the frequency of administration and the duration of therapy, focusing on the patient's condition, the presence of indications and the effectiveness of treatment.

Hypermenorrhea and uterine bleeding - from 30 to 40 drops of the drug;

Diseases of the brain - the sixth dilution besides the diagnosis referred to as obsessive fear unbounded space, where it is advisable to take the first decimal dilution.

Diseases of the digestive tract involve taking a tincture of the third dilution.

Heart disease - at the discretion of a specialist.

Arnica drops

Drops are taken enterally. Before taking them, they are bred drinking water in a small amount. Before swallowing, the liquid is held in the mouth for a few seconds. Without diluting the drug, you can take it by dripping a dose of drops under the tongue. For maximum therapeutic effect half an hour before or one hour after a meal.

Appointment of dosing and determination of the duration of admission under the supervision of a physician.

As a standard, for an adult patient, thirty drops are prescribed per day (ten drops for each of the main meals). If the disease is acute, immediately after its detection in the initial hours, the patient is given ten drops every quarter of an hour, when the crisis has passed, you can go to normal mode reception.

Arnica cream/gel/ointment

The ointment is used for bruises, sprains or dislocations by uniformly applying a thin layer to the painful area of ​​the lesion. The multiplicity of the procedure is 2-4 r / day. Apply the drug for one or two weeks, depending on the healing.

Similarly, the drug is used in the form of a gel.

Arnica cream should be used twice a day, applying thin layer on the problematic skin faces. For a lasting effect, it is recommended to apply the cream as a course treatment twice a year. The duration of the course application is two months.

Features of the use of Arnica

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is not allowed to take drops and tinctures of Arnica. External agents are also not recommended due to the lack of information on the safety of these agents for this category of patients.


For children up to the age of majority, it is not allowed to use Arnica preparations in any of the dosage forms.

Side effects

The use of any form of Arnica preparations is fraught with the development of reactions high degree sensitivity.

Drops and tincture of Arnica can lead to some side effects when taken:

  • dry mouth;
  • chills;
  • headaches;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • stomach ache;
  • violation of the chair;
  • polyuria;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep/wake disturbance.


No overdose episodes have been recorded with any of the forms of Arnica medicines. If this situation occurs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Based on the experience of using Arnica medicines in folk medicine It has been established that Arnica poisoning (overdose) has several manifestations: nervous, gastrointestinal and cardiac.

Symptoms of the nervous form of poisoning:

  • coma accompanied by the effect of complete loss of consciousness;
  • tonic convulsions;
  • paralysis of the lower and upper limbs.

Signs of cardiac poisoning:

  • heart failure;
  • dyspnea;
  • violation of the rhythm of the pulse and a decrease in its frequency;
  • pressing pain behind the sternum;
  • longing (feeling).

Manifestations of poisoning of the gastrointestinal form:

  • stomach cramps;
  • symptoms of a neurological nature in the form of convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness or tremor;
  • cholera-like diarrhea;
  • vomiting/nausea.

Additional instructions

Do not allow Arnica preparations to come into contact with the eyes and other mucous membranes.

When conducting medical measures using tincture or drops of Arnica should not drive vehicle and perform other potentially dangerous species activities.

Arnica analogues

Preparations similar to those of Arnica form a small list which includes:

  • ointments Kuznetsov and Arnica GF;
  • Arnica DN;
  • Arnica mountain in tablet form Boericke
  • Target T;
  • Traumeel S.

Arnica price

The cost of these medicines is made up of information about the manufacturer and the form of release of the drug.

So Arnica flowers mountain bag 25 grams is offered for 196 rubles.

The ointment can be purchased depending on the volume of the package and who is the manufacturer of the drug in the price range from 46 to 241 rubles. Tincture can cost 225 rubles per bottle. Arnica-Heel cream costs at least 600 rubles.

Arnica reviews

Feedback about medicines based on Arnica positively. Preparations in any of the forms have an excellent effect and speed relative to their purpose.

Maria: I think that Arnica in the form of an ointment is simply a miracle remedy that has helped to heal household injuries more than once. Even from childhood I remember how they smeared my broken knees with this ointment. Today it is in my first aid kit and literally guards the health of the family. What we just didn’t treat her with - it quickly heals and the affected area does not inflame. Scratches, burns, dislocations or mosquito bites - all Arnica can handle. I recommend to try. The ointment heals excellently, but is very cheap.

Love: Arnica tincture was recommended to me by a gynecologist when, after giving birth, my bleeding did not stop for a long time, because of which the baby and I were not allowed to go home. My husband found the drug and this remedy helped me a lot literally from the first use the next day in the evening we already arrived home, having promised the doctor to be treated full course with this tincture.

Julia: Arnica-Heel cream was used by me to treat acne on my face and back. The effect is amazing, but for it to come, it is necessary to regularly apply it. I really wanted to cleanse my skin, and when I saw the first results, I finally believed that it was still possible to defeat acne. Since I have been trying for a long time and in vain to get rid of them, I experienced such relief from the mere thought that the right drug found. I myself am still being treated for the time being, until the complete victory over acne, I still have to work and work, but I no longer doubt success and recommend this drug to everyone.

Arnica mountain for hair is indispensable tool in the care of the scalp, face and hair. An oil is made from the plant, the use of which prevents dandruff, treats split ends and restores the natural shine to dry and damaged hair.

Benefits of arnica for hair

Arnica oil improves blood circulation, which helps strengthen hair, protects against hair loss and premature graying. Arnica contains poisonous substance- arnitsin. But, despite this, there are no contraindications for use. At the same time, a strong substance increases the skin's resistance to adverse factors.

Arnica is considered magical plant. You need to collect grass on the night of Ivan Kupala. You need to make a wish and wait for its fulfillment within a year.

Composition and useful properties of arnica:

  • The essential oils in arnica hair care products soothe and hydrate the skin, promote the fastest healing cracks in the skin.
  • Antioxidants rejuvenate the body, slow down the aging process.
  • Flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Acids regenerate skin cells and protect curls from external influence unfavorable factors.
  • Coumarin tones the skin and soothes.
  • The tannins found in medicinal arnica have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Phytoncides kill microbes and prevent the development of dermatological diseases.
  • Carotenoids heal wounds.

The use of medicinal arnica for hair

Arnica herb plus extract, oil and infusion medicinal plant can be bought at a pharmacy. Due to its properties, arnica oil occupies an honorable place in cosmetology, is widely used at home as an additive to conventional hair care products. When added to balms and rinses, the structure of the hair improves significantly, dandruff disappears, and hair loss stops.

Arnica infusion for hair - perfect curls

Recipe for arnica tincture:

To prepare the tincture, you need to take alcohol, in a volume of 100 ml and arnica flowers, in an amount of 10 g. Mix the flowers with alcohol, cover the jar with a lid and send it to a dark place for infusion. After 8 days, the product will be ready.

Instructions for use of infusion

Before use, the tincture should be diluted with water 1:4. The procedure of rubbing into the scalp is best done at night. In this case, the effectiveness will be greater, and in the morning the product needs to be washed off. Apply pharmacy tincture follows in the same way.

Arnica oil for hair

Usually the product is rubbed into the ends of the hair. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed, and wash your hair in the morning. It is necessary to apply oil in the indicated dosages, trying not to exceed them. Excessive application to the head can be harmful: the skin will become irritated, which will be difficult to cure. The skin will begin to peel off, the appearance of blisters and eczema is not excluded.

Indications for the use of oil:

  1. Dandruff.
  2. Split ends.
  3. Removal of inflammatory processes.

Arnica extract for hair

The extract is an oily mass of orange-brown or dark carmine color with a characteristic odor. The tool tones the skin, heals cracks, relieves inflammation. It is characterized by the ability to restore skin cells, stop the aging process. It has no contraindications for use, except that the individual intolerance of the incoming components.

To apply the extract, you can add it to cosmetics: creams, balms, lotions and shampoo. For 10 ml of base, you will need 2 drops of 0.5% extract, 3 drops of 1%, 4 drops of 1.5% and 5 drops of 2% extract.

When using the extract, you should be aware that it has a high concentration, therefore, in pure form it should not be applied to the scalp.

Arnica hair care masks - effective remedies

The healing properties of arnica prompted women to create masks based on the medicinal plant to strengthen hair. Home remedies stimulate the growth of strands, treat split ends, dandruff, and relieve inflammation.

Mask for oily hair with mustard and blue clay

To reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, you can cook home mask with your own hands.


  • cosmetic blue clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • mustard powder - 1 tsp;
  • arnica infusion - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all the components and apply to the strands along the entire length for 20 minutes, while not forgetting to rub the product into the roots. The mask does not leave greasy marks, so you can wash it off in the usual way.

Arnica mask for strengthening hair

In addition to reducing oiliness, masks help strengthen hair and restore its structure.

For cooking you will need:

  • arnica infusion - 1 part;
  • olive oil - 8 parts.

Mix all ingredients and apply to dry hair, then rinse. The lotion improves blood circulation and promotes hair growth. Hair care with a mask is recommended once every 7 days.

Mask "Assorted" for hair growth and hair loss

You will need to take:

  • curdled milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • arnica infusion - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

To prepare a care product, you will need to mix all the components, apply to the strands, rub thoroughly into the roots, wrap with a warm towel and leave the mask for about 20 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

The beneficial properties of arnica herb have been seen in the distant past.. It has long been used to restore damaged hair, to strengthen the structure of curls. Knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, thanks to which, arnica medicinal herb, took pride of place among cosmetics and modern women.

Arnica for hair: application reviews

Tatyana, 26 years old

For me, my dry hair was a big inconvenience. But as soon as I started making masks, my hair got vitality. Of all the remedies I have tried, I would give more preference to the Assorted mask, which includes arnica tincture.

Love, 35 years old

I could not grow my hair for a long time, as it fell out a lot. I had to wear it all the time. short haircut. But I kept dreaming about luxurious hairstyles and styling on long hair. A mask with olive oil and arnica tincture helped me to cope with the problem.

Anastasia, 25 years old

All the time I envied my girlfriends who had gorgeous hair. Mine were thin and lifeless. I tried many means, which, of course, gave positive result. But I would like to focus on the mask based on arnica and olive oil. After the first application, I did not see the result. But I continued to use it regularly. As a result I have good hair which are easy to comb after washing and have a natural shine.

For dessert, video: Hair care - how to grow long hair?

Arnica mountain - ancient medicinal plant, one of the most popular plants, which is used in homeopathy. Belongs to the Compositae family, low, with a rosette of basal leaves and a single stem up to 50 cm tall, ending in a beautiful large yellow inflorescence, which botanists call a basket, but people simply call it a flower. The fruits are small, short-pubescent achenes with a tuft. Arnica is common in the mountains Central Europe, grows in the Carpathians and less often on the plains in Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania. Its habitats are Carpathian meadows (meadows), sparse forests, edges, glades.

Arnica has long been very rare in nature and is listed in the Red Book.

As a medicinal plant arnica is known in Western Europe since the 11th century. The heyday of the use of arnica in medicine - the XVIII century, when arnica tincture applied internally and externally at the most various diseases. Currently, mountain arnica is approved for use in 27 countries, including Russia. It is used not only in homeopathy. Inflorescences-baskets are used, much less often - leaves and roots. Alcohol tincture of arnica is a famous external remedy for any traumatic injuries as it promotes absorption. In the form of compresses, lotions, wet dressings arnica tincture is used for bruises, bruises, wounds, abrasions, sunburn I-II degree. Inside, an infusion of arnica inflorescences is used as a hemostatic agent.

Interest in this plant then increased, then fell. Already in our time, under experimental conditions, a pronounced choleretic action alcohol tincture of mountain arnica flowers: essential oils and resins increase bile secretion and reduce the concentration of bile acids and bilirubin. Therefore, drugs are used in the treatment of cholelithiasis), cholangitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and other liver diseases. Take an alcohol tincture of 30-40 drops twice a day before meals; also use an aqueous extract of arnica in combination with other choleretic plants. An infusion of arnica flowers is prepared and consumed as follows: 10 g of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, heated to a boil, quickly removed and filtered after an hour. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

The ability of arnica preparations to increase blood clotting was the reason for their use in obstetric and gynecological practice. In addition, the drug based on arnica stimulates cardiac activity, enhances the contractile function of the heart, dilates the coronary vessels, but it does not work better. alcohol tincture, and an aqueous infusion of arnica (one tablespoon three times a day).

In large doses, arnica preparations exhibit toxic properties and therefore their use should be limited. If arnica tincture is applied externally, dermatitis with blistering may develop on the skin. To prevent such a complication, it is necessary to dilute the tincture with water (1: 1).

Growing arnica requires a fairly rich in humus, well-moistened and deeply cultivated soil. Arnica can grow in the light, and in the shade, and in partial shade. Arnica seeds do not need to be stratified. They can be sown immediately after harvest in the middle of summer, then seedlings will appear at the end of August and have time to get stronger before winter. You can sow in late autumn before winter, then the plants will sprout in early spring. Arnica shoots are small and do not like bright sunlight, they must be shaded. By the end of the first year of life, a rosette of leaves 5-7 cm high is formed, flowering occurs in the second year. Arnica blooms in late June-early July for about 3 weeks. Seeds ripen at the end of July and quickly fly around. Vegetatively propagated by division of rhizomes, for which plants are usually taken at least four years old. If the plants are divided in early spring, then by the end of summer they can bloom. It is believed that arnica does not grow in culture for a long time, and dies after a few years. However, there are cases when, planted in a tree shade, it grows without a transplant for 10-20 years, blooms and bears fruit every year.

Arnica inflorescences are harvested at the beginning of flowering, cut off together with peduncles no longer than 3 cm. When they are horizontal, after drying, the flowers are easily separated from the receptacle. After the main collection, an additional one is produced when the axillary baskets open. Tearing off the baskets, the stem is held with the other hand so as not to tear the plant out of the soil. Collecting baskets with fly eggs, which often infect the plant, should be avoided. Peduncles larger than 3 cm are removed.

They dry very quickly in dryers at a temperature of 55-60 ° C or in attics, but after drying they are kept in ovens for 20-30 minutes to kill insect eggs. If you collect inflorescences at the end of flowering, then when dried, they disintegrate. The shelf life of raw materials is two years.

Instructions for use:

Arnica - a medicinal plant used to stop bleeding, in the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system, and also as an external agent that accelerates the resorption of hematomas.

Chemical composition

Arnica - perennial grass from the genus of the Astrov family (more than 30 species), mainly grows in North America, Canada, Russia and European countries. The plant is also called mountain ram, throat grass, Ivanov color, mountain leotard, beard, hare cabbage, letter.

Mountain arnica is famous for its medicinal properties - an unpretentious plant found on the edges and in thickets of shrubs. Sakhalin arnica and meadow arnica also have healing properties - low plants (up to 60-80 cm) with a pleasant peculiar smell (they have a short cylindrical rhizome, leaves shortly pubescent on top, yellow flowers and narrow pubescent fruits).

The underground parts of mountain arnica contain: tannic components, wax, bitterness, resins, essential oils, vegetable analogues of hormones, gum.

The inflorescences contain: arnitsin (up to 4%), essential oil, tannins (up to 5%), cynarin, choline, carnaubic alcohol, zeaxanthin, crystalline substance, gelenin, sterols, fatty oil, vitamin C, sucrose, organic acids.

For treatment, flower baskets of plants of the second year of vegetation (or more) are usually used. Harvesting begins in mid-June, while flower baskets are plucked without stems. Properly harvested and dried healing properties arnica persist up to 2 years.

Beneficial features

As remedy Arnica has been used for a long time. In modern official medicine the herb is not used very often, although it is included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries.

Arnica is among the plants from which the first homeopathic preparations were made, usually using its underground parts. In most cases, these are remedies for sprains, bruises, dislocations, birth injuries. They are prescribed for sleep disturbance, coughing, sore throat, retinal detachment, dryness in the throat, coughing up blood, stomach flaccidity, emphysema, retinal hemorrhages. The use of arnica in the form homeopathic medicines reduces the duration recovery period after operations, and also helps to alleviate the patient's condition during this period.

In small quantities, arnica flowers activate the brain, in large quantities they suppress it. They have anticonvulsant properties, suppress the reflex excitability of the central nervous system, increase the lumen blood vessels that nourish the brain. Preparations made from arnica flowers help lower blood pressure.

Thanks to useful properties arnica, in folk medicine, the plant is used as an astringent in violation of the digestive system, to expel excess water from the body, female diseases, acute respiratory viruses (ARVI), inflammation of the bronchi, after a concussion and with epilepsy.

For ulcers, abscesses, wounds and rashes, the affected area is treated aqueous solution plants. For pain in the joints, backache, injuries, gout and toothache, lotions are used.

Alcoholic tinctures of arnica flowers are effective as a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds or uterine bleeding. In obstetrics and gynecology, they are used for inflammation and violation of the involution of the uterus after childbirth.

Indications for use

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Various bleeding (including those caused by a cyst, polyps or other tumors of the uterus and its appendages);
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Angina.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Increased blood clotting.

Arnica home remedies

The use of arnica is effective in inflammation of the ovaries, heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, myoma, inflammatory processes in the uterus, fibroma. For this, an infusion is prepared from the plant: 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Take 50 ml up to 4 times a day. Such an infusion can be used externally in the form of lotions for joint injuries and extensive bruising. In the first 3 days after injury, cold infusions of arnica are used, then warm ones.

To obtain an infusion used as a hemostatic and cholagogue, 1 tablespoon of arnica flowers should be placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 cup of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes under a closed lid in a water bath. An hour later, the infusion is brought boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml. Take, diluted in milk, 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.

At various inflammations mouth and throat (with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease and stomatitis) rinses are used, for which 3 teaspoons of arnica flowers are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Effectively carry out procedures up to 5 times a day.