Arnica montana homeopathy. Mountain arnica (Arnica Montana)

As a result, as in the famous film comedy, there may be a cast, with the only difference that under the cast there are not diamonds, but a real broken bone, or, in best case scenario, sprain, bruise, hematoma... What to do if this happens? The question is answered by homeopathic doctor, director of the homeopathic center "Ollo" ALEXANDER OSTROVSKY.

CORR: Alexander Zinovievich, will homeopathy help prevent undesirable consequences injuries?

OSTROVSKY: First of all, if as a result of a fall a person continues to have persistent pain in the bruised area, then in this case a consultation with a traumatologist, radiography and, if necessary, either surgical intervention, or conservative treatment, since injuries can vary in complexity. You also need to take an X-ray of the skull and consult an ophthalmologist to examine the condition of the fundus.

But if sufficient mobility of the limb is preserved, that is, a person can get up and walk, and not common symptoms concussion and fracture, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, then in this case a regime of immobility for several days is indicated. And you can do without any medications at all.

But there is a remedy that, in my opinion, as a practicing homeopathic doctor, must be used for any injuries, primarily simple ones. This homeopathic remedy is ARNICA-6, which is produced from the ornamental plant of the same name Arnica, a genus of perennial herbs in the Asteraceae family. Arnica grows mainly in North America, few of its varieties can be found in Europe and Asia. In countries former USSR arnica 8 types; The most famous is mountain arnica (A. montana) with a thick short rhizome, up to 60 cm in height with a single basket of orange-yellow flowers. It is widespread in Belarus, Lithuania, Western Ukraine in forests and mountain meadows, usually on moist soils. In traditional allopathic medicine, an alcohol tincture from dried Arnica flower baskets is used as a choleretic and hemostatic agent (for uterine bleeding).

In allopathic medicine, there is also arnica ointment used for bruises.

But now we are talking about another drug - homeopathic - in the form of grains. And these three grains, three balls of Arnica-6, taken as a single dose, are incomparable in depth of action with an ointment applied topically. The drug Arnica-6 has been used in homeopathy for 200 years. That is, the effectiveness of its action has been confirmed by history. Therefore, at the moment of any mechanical and traumatic crushing of tissues, which occurs with almost any blows, bruises, etc., you can immediately use Arnica-6 (i.e. in the sixth hundredth dilution). This will reduce the possible undesirable consequences of the injury.

This homeopathic remedy has the ability to restore tissue elasticity damaged by injury, which is extremely important for healing. Arnica-6 restores blood circulation to the affected area, reduces pain syndrome, and very quickly resolves hematomas that occur at the site of injury. Therefore, Arnica is very important means first aid.

CORR: How should Arnica-6 be used correctly?

OSTROVSKY: A single dose of this remedy is three grains at a time.

It must be said that although Arnica-6 is a first-aid drug, today it is widely recommended by many doctors of conventional medicine as an alternative various ointments, askorutina and others medicinal substances, which are used during the rehabilitation period for post-traumatic patients. In reality, Arnica-6 helps in almost all cases. It shortens the patient’s rehabilitation period after fractures, cracks, hematomas, and also reduces pain.

CORR: Are there any contraindications for taking Arnica-6?

OSTROVSKY: The only contraindication for self-administration of Arnica-6 is a situation where there is more severe mechanical damage and, as a result, increased bleeding, a decrease in platelets in the body. Then a consultation with a homeopathic doctor is required.

CORR: How long does Arnica-6 last and can it be used together with other allopathic drugs?

OSTROVSKY: The effect of the drug Arnica-6 is designed for approximately one month with a single dose of, as already mentioned, three grains of the sixth hundredth dilution. But if arnica is used together with other chemicals, then its duration is significantly shorter due to antidotation with other chemicals.

CORR: Where can you buy Arnica?

OSTROVSKY: You can buy Arnica-6 in almost any of the five homeopathic pharmacies in Moscow. The basic homeopathic pharmacy, where any homeopathic products are available at any time, is located on Maroseyka, building 15, not far from the Kitay-Gorod metro station. If you need the drug delivered to your home or work, you should contact the OLLO office by calling 737-93-88, 188-25-85.

CORR: Are there other homeopathic remedies, used for injuries?

OSTROVSKY: It must be said that in homeopathy there are also a number of remedies used for injuries. For example, in case of injury to the coccygeal spine, a drug based on St. John's wort, the so-called Hypericum, is often used. Prepared using homeopathic technology, in the sixth hundredth dilution, Hypericum is able to remove painful sensation specifically in the coccyx area, since, according to homeopathic laws, this locally applied drug has a predilection for this particular part of the spine. It has a lesser tendency to other parts of the spine. Therefore, if a person fell, hit his tailbone and still has some pain in the sacral region, then three grains of Hypericum in the sixth or thirty hundredth dilution, applied once, will an excellent remedy, which will remove this soreness in just a few days. But, it is still better when the dose of Hypericum is selected by a homeopathic doctor in accordance with all the laws of homeopathy.

Mountain arnica (Arnica montana) or mountain ramwort is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. It was also used by both classical medicine and homeopathy. Arnica was introduced into the latter by its founder in 1805, and is still used today. The drug is prepared from freshly squeezed juice of the whole plant during its flowering period.

How does arnica affect the patient's body?

The main area of ​​influence of arnica on humans includes the skin, serous membrane and muscular system. IN pure form causes inflammation, itching, fever, irritation, cramps and spasms. This influence is taken as the basis for the use of homeopathic arnica remedies.

Indications for use of the drug

Homeopathic medicines made from arnica are recommended for various kinds mechanical damage such as injuries, bruises and contusions. Separately, it is worth noting some types of injuries for which arnica is used. These are acute injuries to soft tissues and chronic injuries (found, for example, in athletes).

Arnica preparations have an effect on the cardiovascular system. They are recommended in case chronic fatigue heart muscles, for myocardial dystrophy, as a restorative agent after heart attacks and strokes. These medications also help with insomnia.

Further, medications help with diseases skin, such as inflammation, itching and cramps. Arnica is recommended as a remedy to help after a concussion, rheumatism and gout. Another area of ​​application of homeopathic remedies is postpartum illnesses.

Insect bites and bloody vomiting are also indications for the use of the drug. Arnica can heal inflammation of the mammary glands and nipples. The drug is also good for overwork or strain. In addition, arnica montana is effective in cases of apoplexy.

Finally, there is another area of ​​application homeopathic medicines based on arnica. This is pain relief after surgery, which ultimately affects the recovery process after the intervention.

Who is arnica intended for?

Mountain arnica people are good-natured. Women love to flirt, but are devoted to family and relatives. They do not like mental work and are somewhat inhibited. They often do heavy lifting physical labor, and in some periods of life they do not want to contact anyone. They complain of fears, including the fear of death. In general, they are very friendly, but in the event of problems, even the most trivial ones, they become irritable.

A distinctive feature of the constitutional type is a constant change in mood during illness. The patient may either ask for help or ask to leave him. Often suffer from mental trauma of various kinds. An example of the behavior of arnica montana type people is nervousness and high sensitivity of the body. When sick, they prefer loneliness. They don't like open spaces.

Arnica montana has the best effect on full-blooded people, a little less strong - on weakened, anemic people suffering from shortness of breath. Patients belonging to this constitutional type do not like tight clothes, and in addition, they often have a rich complexion.

Arnica dosages

Arnica is a fairly common aster plant. Many of us often encounter it, completely unaware of its healing properties. From dried and freshly picked flowers and rhizomes of the plant, tinctures, decoctions, ointments, and creams are made. Homeopathic preparations based on arnica help cope with skin problems, severe pain in joints and muscles, consequences of injuries, including thermal ones. Experts in the field of homeopathy and traditional medicine say that healing properties This plant has not been fully studied, and it is not recommended to prepare medicines from it yourself. The fact is that arnica contains not only useful material, but also toxic.

Medicinal properties of arnica

On this moment Biologists have studied about 30 species of this plant. Only a few of them are used in homeopathy - mountain, middle, densely leafy, Sakhalin, Unalaksha. The leaves, flowers and rhizomes of the plant contain a large number of chemical and mineral elements:

  • active essential oils,
  • arnicin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • carotenoids,
  • tannins,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids.

Use homeopathic and cosmetic products When using arnica of any kind, you need to be very careful, since it contains toxins that, if used uncontrolled, can cause not only poisoning, but also provoke depression of the central nervous system (central nervous system) and cause heart rhythm disturbances.

The spectrum of action of arnica preparations is very wide - they successfully fight viruses and bacteria that cause colds, have hemostatic and healing properties, antiseptic effect, relieve pain of any etiology, restore the structure of the skin, mucous membranes, and even normalize hormonal levels.

Forms of release of preparations based on arnica

Most homeopathic and cosmetic preparations based on arnica are intended for external use only. Before you turn it on similar means in the treatment complex, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a medical specialist. The intake of arnica tinctures and decoctions should be monitored by the attending physician, and the dosage should not be increased independently under any circumstances.

At home and in the laboratory, the following is prepared from arnica:

  • alcohol and water tinctures,
  • decoctions and teas,
  • ointments and creams,
  • extracts,
  • essential oils,
  • decorative cosmetics.

For preparing water, alcohol tinctures and decoctions, the flowers and rhizomes of the plant are used. You can prepare such products at home, but it is better to give preference to products created by professionals. It is impossible to correctly calculate the proportions on your own, and if they are not followed, the product can be dangerous.

Essential oils, ointments and creams based on arnica are sold in specialized retail outlets. In addition, you can buy them from homeopaths, but you should give preference to trusted specialists with extensive experience and positive reviews patients. If cream, ointment, oil or decorative cosmetics from arnica raises doubts in terms of quality or origin, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Therapeutic effect of arnica

All homeopathic remedies containing arnica are accompanied by instructions for use. Basics active substance in the description of the composition of original, tested and safe drugs indicated on Latin- arnica. It is important to understand that homeopathic remedies are not medicines and can only be used as aids in complex therapy.

Indications for the use of arnica-based drugs are:

  • mechanical injuries of soft tissues - to stop bleeding, relieve pain and eliminate swelling,
  • irregularities in work of cardio-vascular system- tachycardia, vascular spasms, accompanied by dizziness and numbness of the limbs,
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system after injuries, shocks, concussions,
  • long-term sleep disturbances, anxiety,
  • gynecological problems accompanied by bleeding, cramps,
  • skin diseases - eczema, bedsores, frostbite, furunculosis, burns.

High therapeutic effect preparations based on arnica are also noted in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, with infectious diseases throat and oral cavity, blurred vision. Homeopaths recommend arnica tinctures and decoctions for those who often experience retinal hemorrhages accompanied by pain.

Arnica in cosmetology

The phytochemical composition of arnica is widely used in cosmetology to solve aesthetic problems with the skin, in the fight against hair loss and slow hair growth. Creams and gels with arnicine isolated from this plant have a powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The cosmetic market offers oils, granules and even tablets from arnica, which allow you to get rid of age-related acne, acne, and solve the problem of decreased skin tone after 45 years.

Triterpene acids, recently discovered by scientists in arnica flowers, have a brightening effect and can cope even with pronounced age spots. This ability of the plant is confirmed by the reviews of those who have already evaluated masks, creams and serums in this direction.

But children's cosmetical tools based on substances derived from arnica, have not received the approval of medical specialists. The skin of newborns and children under 1 year of age should not come into contact with the aggressive components of this plant. Pediatricians recommend avoiding baby shampoos, conditioners, lotions and creams containing arnica. Their use is possible only after the child turns 5-6 years old, the structure of his hair and epidermis will become denser and more resistant to irritants.

Contraindications to the use of arnica

Reception medicines, tinctures and decoctions, the use of arnica-based cosmetics is possible only after approval medical specialist or a dermatologist. It is important to understand that the plant is not only useful, but also toxic, as it contains dangerous chemical compounds and substances. Arnica is contraindicated in any form

  • pregnant and lactating women,
  • people who have increased blood clotting,
  • preschool children,
  • those who are prone to allergic reactions to plant components.

Overdose or allergic reaction for arnica. The first symptoms of overdose are sharp deterioration well-being, accompanied by chills, sticky sweat all over the body, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, repeated bouts of diarrhea, disruptions in heart rate- increased or slowed pulsation. If the dose of a cosmetic product is exceeded (for external use), a rash, redness, and burn symptoms appear on the skin.

In case of overdose of a drug containing arnica components, you should immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance at home if the symptoms are life-threatening. Pending medical care must be accepted Activated carbon and try to empty your stomach. At negative reaction If you use cosmetics with arnica, you should immediately wash off the product and see a dermatologist.

In botanical reference books this plant is described as poisonous. Therefore, you should not trust dubious homeopaths and purchase preparations containing arnica components in retail outlets that do not responsible for your goods. Licensed drugs and cosmetics - proven and safe - are sold only in pharmacy chains. Before use herbal infusions, alcoholic tinctures of arnica and cosmetics based on it, it is better to consult a medical specialist and get his approval.

Instructions for use:

Arnica – medicinal plant, used to stop bleeding, in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also as an external agent that helps accelerate the resorption of hematomas.

Chemical composition

Arnica – perennial grass from the genus of the Astrov family (there are more than 30 species), mainly grows in North America, Canada, Russia and European countries. The plant is also called mountain ram grass, throat grass, Ivan's flower, mountain swimsuit, beard, hare cabbage, capital letter.

Mountain arnica, an unpretentious plant found on the edges and in bushes, is famous for its medicinal properties. Sakhalin arnica and meadow arnica also have healing properties - low plants (up to 60-80 cm) with a pleasant, unique odor (they have a short cylindrical rhizome, leaves with short pubescence on top, yellow flowers and narrow pubescent fruits).

The underground parts of mountain arnica contain: tanning components, wax, bitters, resins, essential oils, plant analogues of hormones, gum.

The inflorescences contain: arnicin (up to 4%), essential oil, tannins (up to 5%), cynarin, choline, carnaubyl alcohol, zeaxanthin, crystalline substance, helenin, sterols, fatty oil, vitamin C, sucrose, organic acids.

For treatment, baskets of flowers from plants in the second year of growing season (or more) are usually used. The collection begins in mid-June, with baskets of flowers picked without stems. When properly collected and dried, the healing properties of arnica last up to 2 years.

Beneficial features

As remedy Arnica has been used for a long time. In modern official medicine the herb is not used very often, although it is included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries.

Arnica is among the plants from which the first homeopathic preparations were made, usually using its underground parts. In most cases, these are remedies for sprains, bruises, dislocations, and birth injuries. They are prescribed for sleep disturbances, cough, sore throat, retinal detachment, dry throat, coughing up blood, stomach sluggishness, pulmonary emphysema, and retinal hemorrhages. Use of arnica in the form homeopathic medicines reduces duration recovery period after operations, and also helps to alleviate the patient’s condition during this period.

In small quantities, arnica flowers activate the brain, while in large quantities they suppress it. They have anticonvulsant properties, suppress reflex excitability of the central nervous system, and increase the lumen of blood vessels supplying the brain. Preparations made from arnica flowers help lower blood pressure.

Thanks to beneficial properties arnica, in folk medicine the plant is used as an astringent for digestive disorders, to expel excess water from the body, with women's diseases, acute respiratory viruses (ARVI), inflammation of the bronchi, after a concussion and in epilepsy.

For ulcers, abscesses, wounds and rashes, the affected area is treated aqueous solution plants. For joint pain, lumbago, injuries, gout and toothache, lotions are used.

Alcohol tinctures of arnica flowers are effective as a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds or uterine bleeding. In obstetrics and gynecology they are used for inflammation and disruption of uterine involution after childbirth.

Indications for use

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Various bleeding (including those caused by cysts, polyps or other tumors of the uterus and its appendages);
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Angina pectoris.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Increased blood clotting.

Homemade Arnica Remedies

The use of arnica is effective for inflammation of the ovaries, heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, fibroids, inflammatory processes in the uterus, fibroid. To do this, prepare an infusion from the plant: 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Take 50 ml up to 4 times a day. This infusion can be used externally as a lotion for joint injuries and extensive bruises. In the first 3 days after injury, cold infusions of arnica are used, subsequently warm ones.

To obtain an infusion used as a hemostatic and cholagogue, 1 tablespoon of arnica flowers should be placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 glass of boiling water and simmer under a closed lid for 15 minutes in a water bath. After an hour, the infusion is adjusted boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon diluted in milk three times a day after meals.

At various inflammations mouth and throat (for pharyngitis, sore throat, periodontal disease and stomatitis) rinses are used, for which 3 teaspoons of arnica flowers are poured into 2 cups of boiling water and left for 2 hours. It is effective to carry out procedures up to 5 times a day.



Arnica montana belongs to the large Asteraceae family. It is known as leopard poison. The Greeks and Romans knew its value in wounds. Mountain residents especially value this property. It was reported that the inhabitants of the Andes usually, when injured, tear up the grass that grows so conveniently on high altitude, pour boiling water over it and give this decoction to the wounded man to drink.

The bright yellow color of the flowers makes them very noticeable; the flower tongues, jagged at the ends, are in such a disorderly arrangement that it seems as if the plant does not have an upper part, as if it had been blown away by a mountain wind. The stem is tall, one foot or a little less, with double opposite leaves; it grows from a base rosette of dark green leaves, the reverse side of which is lighter. The rhizome is woody with a large number of small roots; if you soak it, it acquires a special apple smell and astringent taste.

A mother liquor is prepared from the root, flowers and leaves after removing the fly larvae that are usually present on this plant.

Although it is generally accepted that Arnica is predominantly an excellent remedy in wounds and lesions, it has been duly tested, and its full pathogenesis is available in homeopathic medicine. Materia Medica.


This plant usually acts on blood vessels, causing their expansion, then stasis and, ultimately, an increase in permeability. As a result of these changes can be observed different kinds bleeding and hemorrhagic purpura. Changes in the tone of the walls of blood vessels are expressed either by pallor of the skin or by its redness.

Involvement in the process digestive system causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or dysentery. Action on the central nervous system causes increased agitation, prostration, visual disturbances, tremors and even convulsions.

Action on muscle tissue is expressed in excessive contraction and hypertrophy, for example, enlargement of the heart. Subsequently, myalgia develops with a feeling of weakness and increased sensitivity as a result of local hyperemia.

Local action on the skin causes severe irritation and the appearance of a rash, which may be erysipelas, vesicular or pustular in nature.


Arnica was studied by Hahnemann and described in the first volume of Materia Medica Riga.


There is both pallor and redness. The combination is unusual hot head and faces with a cold nose and body; top part body is hot, lower body is cold.

Spotty, bruised areas in many cases.

The head jerks back. Constantly turns and twists in bed; this is not due to anxiety, but due to an unusual and characteristic sensation that the bed is unpleasantly hard and full of lumps.

The patient is gloomy, demands to be left alone, does not even want to talk. The pain is so unbearable that even the thought of being touched or even approached is terrifying.

Unable to concentrate and averse to any effort, even talking. There is usually a lack of self-confidence.

Forgetfulness is often expressed; for example, he must go back and see if he turned off the gas. He shudders. Experiences fear of imminent death.

Characterized by unusual psychological attitude: when seriously ill, he says: “I’m healthy, why bother and call a doctor?”

A French physician describes a patient who requires Arnica: “Overexcitable, laughs without cause; when he is contradicted, he goes crazy and screams at the top of his voice. Capricious: wants to get a bunch of things, and then doesn’t know what to do with them. Quarrelsome, at odds with everyone. He knows everything better than others; no one can get the better of him; arrogant and domineering. Worries about the present and future; in desperation; becomes indifferent to everything, lazy, disgust and inability to do any type of work appears; extremely self-confident and stubborn. Stupidly cheerful, fickle, mischievous.”

This is such a mess with a predominant gloomy mood. Agoraphobia is also mentioned.


There is a general hypersensitivity to heat and cold, not to mention touch. Appetite is variable; aversion to food, with special aversion to meat, meat broth, milk.

Anorexia or rapid satiety is observed. “Wolf” hunger is described. There is also a desire for vinegar and alcohol.

Extremely thirsty, especially wants cold water, or thirst may be completely absent.

He falls asleep only at 2-3 am, and sleep is usually interrupted by disturbing dreams. Daytime sleepiness is accompanied by frequent yawning.


General symptoms

Feeling groggy, as if the whole body hurts after being hit or kicked. Moreover, the feeling of weakness is accompanied by severe weakness and fatigue. Increased sensitivity and soreness of the whole body, as well as throbbing and burning with muscle twitching. The condition worsens with any sudden movement and clean and jerk. Superficial bleeding of the dark venous blood; Spontaneous bleeding and bruising are typical. There may also be sepsis, especially its purulent version. A stuporous state occurs with urinary incontinence.

When getting up after sleep, when moving and when walking, dizziness begins: it seems that everything around is spinning. This is accompanied by nausea, with a tendency to fall to the left; worse with closed eyes. Severe headache, as if the head were being stretched from the inside, or as if a nail was being driven into the skull; it is often one-sided, stronger in the morning, accompanied by twitching of the facial muscles. Neuralgic type headache worsens with the slightest movement of the head.

Eye symptoms when this drug is indicated are as follows: hemorrhage under the conjunctiva and retina; diplopia after injury; conjunctivitis with burning tears; eye strain from TV or eye strain for other reasons.

There are shooting pains in and around the ears. Deafness and buzzing after impact.

Respiratory system

Severe tingling in the nose precedes nosebleeds. Nose bleed may be after injury or begin during whooping cough or typhoid fever. Sharp stabbing pains are felt in the chest, especially in the left side, which intensify with breathing and coughing. A dry tickling cough is accompanied by the discharge of sputum streaked with blood; worse in the morning. With whooping cough, the child screams before the attack.

Digestive system

Lips are chapped, with a burning sensation. There is a putrid taste in the mouth and bad smell from mouth. Tongue covered in sticky yellow coating. Belching with the smell of rotten eggs. Increased salivation. Dysphagia is accompanied by nausea, sometimes empty belching and regurgitation. Pain and pressure uncomfortable feeling spreads to the back. Vomit may contain dark, clotted blood. Abdominal pain or colic. Passage of gas with the smell of rotten eggs. Diarrhea is accompanied by tenesmus, stools are foul-smelling or bloody, and may be involuntary; forced to lie down after every bowel movement. Dysenteric manifestations are accompanied by urinary retention (ischuria); There are relatively large gaps between bowel movements. “Typhoid status” can be replaced by putrid belching, tympanitis, tenderness of the abdomen, bedsores like those of a dying person, terribly foul-smelling stools that often pass during sleep, and melena.

The cardiovascular system

Pain in the heart, as if it were squeezed. Heart beats are irregular and sluggish. Palpitations appear at night.

Urinary system

Dysuria is caused by spasm of the sphincter at the base Bladder. The urge is frequent, and urine does not begin to flow immediately. Involuntary urination during sleep. After tension is possible acute delay urine. Sometimes hematuria is observed.

Reproductive system

Severe pain in the uterine area prevents the patient from walking upright. During pregnancy, fetal movements are especially painful at night and interfere with sleep. Menopause is accompanied by severe fatigue and extreme asthenia, rapid heartbeat, heat in the head, coldness of the body and the appearance of bruises on any contact.

Propulsion system

An unusual symptom is deathly cold forearms. Muscle pain is accompanied by a feeling of weakness; it may appear as a result of overexertion or unusual movements. The pain is sharp and shoots along the limbs. The feet and hands may become swollen and feel painful and bruised. Wrist or hip joint it hurts like after a bruise. Great heaviness in the limbs, as if tired. Hyperesthesia in the back is accompanied by sudden spasms in the neck and paraspinal muscles. Muscle weakness may affect the ability to hold objects and gait.

Various lesions: eczema, pustules, papules, psoriasis or ulcerations such as bedsores. These rashes are usually localized symmetrically. Consistent eruptions of small, very painful abscesses are important for diagnosis.


Worse, damp, cold weather; under the influence of solar heat, from movement and any effort; upon any contact; from wine. The condition improves when lying with the head down (however, the bed still feels hard).


The use of this medicine is indicated in many cases. The main thing, of course, is its unique and outstanding ability to heal any wounds and damage. This remedy not only stops bleeding and promotes healing of the damaged area, but it also softens shock and eliminates the consequences emotional trauma associated with damage.

External applications are used in cases where, due to damage such as a bruise, there is no violation of the integrity of the skin. For this purpose, prepare a lotion from 5-10 drops of the mother tincture, or, more preferably, from a 1 C dilution in a pint of water or weak alcohol. Contact with skin should not exceed 24 hours, otherwise an erythematous rash will appear. Medicine should be given before and after surgical operations and dental treatment. It is also useful for long-standing injury.

This remedy is especially valuable in cases of bruise with or without fracture of the skull bones, in case of muscle injury from sudden effort, in all cases of fractures in order to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Arnica montana is indicated for constant fatigue, whether physical or mental. It is used for cerebral hemorrhage, gout, when the patient is afraid of being approached, and after childbirth.