Bad narine instructions for use. The drug "Narine forte": instructions, description, application

The fermented milk product Narine is the development of the Armenian scientist Levon Yerkizyan. From the meconium of a newborn granddaughter in 1964, he isolated lactobacilli. He studied microorganisms in detail and grew strains that are able to reproduce the natural microflora of the human intestine.

INN is missing. Latin name— Narine.

The fermented milk product Narine is the development of the Armenian scientist Levon Yerkizyan.


It is not a medicinal product. This is a dietary supplement.


The active substance of the product is lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus strain n. V. Ep 317/402. It is available in the form of a lyophilized powder placed in sachets. Each dose contains at least 1x10*9 CFU/g of biologically active substance.

pharmachologic effect

Four years after the start of the research, L. Yerkizyan introduced the strains to his granddaughter when she contracted an acute intestinal infection. Traditional treatment brought no results. And only thanks to acidophilus bacteria, the girl was saved.

The scope of the product is wide. It is used:

  • as a substitute for breast milk;
  • for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and oncological diseases;
  • in order to correct the composition intestinal microflora;
  • in therapy diabetes;
  • in gynecology;
  • when exposed to radiation.

The probiotic is available in the form of a lyophilized powder placed in sachets.

Licenses for the production of the product were purchased by other countries of the world, including Russia, the USA, and Japan.

This strain of acidophilus bacteria has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  • inhibits reproduction and leads to the death of pathogenic, opportunistic bacteria, including salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci, pathogenic E. coli;
  • restores healthy microflora intestines;
  • contributes to the assimilation minerals, especially calcium and iron;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • restores metabolism;
  • helps the body resist infections, toxins, and other risk factors.


Narine is prepared from acidophilus bacillus, which is not destroyed by digestive juices and takes root well in the intestines. It is resistant to antibiotics and chemotherapy.

The drug inhibits reproduction and leads to the death of pathogenic, opportunistic bacteria.

Indications for use of Narine powder

AT complex treatment The product is used for many diseases and conditions, such as:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastrointestinal infections: dysentery, salmonellosis;
  • Helicobacter pylori-associated pathologies;
  • kidney disease, genitourinary system in men and women (externally - baths, washings, tampons, douching);
  • liver disease;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • radiation injury;
  • poisoning;
  • purulent infections;
  • early aging;
  • stress;
  • allergies;
  • sinusitis (the dissolved agent is administered in the form of nasal drops), tonsillitis;
  • mastitis;
  • a course of treatment with antibiotics, hormonal and chemotherapy drugs;
  • excess body weight;
  • hypercholesterolemia.

In complex treatment, the product is used for mastitis.

In complex treatment, the product is used for early aging.

In complex treatment, the product is used for overweight body.

In complex treatment, the product is used for pancreatitis.

In complex treatment, the product is used for sinusitis.

In complex treatment, the product is used for dysbacteriosis.

In complex treatment, the product is used for stress.

A solution for gargling is prepared from dry sourdough, oral cavity, applications. Outwardly, this form is used for otitis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease, skin inflammation, wounds after surgery.


There are no absolute contraindications for the use of Narine.


If a food allergy is detected, the dietary supplement is first prescribed in a small dose, gradually increasing it.

How to prepare and how to take Narine powder

First, prepare the sourdough:

  1. 150 ml of milk (recommended skimmed) boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Sterilize the glass container.
  3. With milk that has cooled to 40 ° C, remove the film.
  4. Pour the powder from one sachet into the liquid, mix.
  5. Dishes with sourdough are wrapped in newspaper and covered with a blanket to keep the heat at +37…+38°C. But it is better to use a yogurt maker or a thermos, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at the desired level for a long time.
  6. Waiting 24 hours.
  7. The clot is placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

To get a drink with the promised properties, use sterile dishes and adhere to the recommended temperature regime.

The sourdough can be stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator at +2…+6°C. Before use, the clot is stirred until a homogeneous consistency.

The drink is prepared using the same technology. But instead of powder, leaven is used at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of milk. Fermentation time is reduced to 5-7 hours. In the finished product, if you want to diversify the taste, add sweeteners, honey, fruits.

Daily dose of Narine for children:

  • up to 12 months - 500-1000 ml, divided into 5-7 parts;
  • 1-5 years - 1-1.2 liters in 5-6 doses;
  • 5-18 years old - 1-1.2 liters in 4-6 doses;
  • adults -1-1.5 liters for 4-6 doses.

The powder is taken dissolved in juice, water, fruit drink (for 1 sachet - 30-40 ml). Children under 6 months - ½ sachet, 6-12 months - 1 sachet 2 times a day. Dosage for children older than a year and adults is 1 sachet 3 times a day.

Powder solution is taken 15-20 minutes before meals for 20-30 days. Before starting the course, the manufacturer recommends consulting a doctor.

With diabetes

In this disease, a fermented milk drink is used externally against skin lesions caused by high level blood sugar.

The use of powder inside, as described above, improves the condition of the liver due to a decrease in the amount toxic substances, normalizes the glycogen-synthetic function of the organ. In patients with type II diabetes, dietary supplements lower cholesterol levels. Lactic acid promotes the breakdown of glucose.

In diabetes mellitus, a fermented milk drink is used externally against skin lesions caused by high blood sugar.

For prevention

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the amount is reduced to 250-500 ml per day. It is advisable to take the last dose at bedtime. The preventive course can be long.

Side effects of Narine powder

The drug is well tolerated by most people, but some adverse effects from different organs and systems are possible.

Gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes dietary supplements cause liquid stool, nausea, flatulence.

Sometimes dietary supplements cause flatulence.

Hematopoietic organs

The following reactions are possible:

  • moderate leukocytosis;
  • increase in the level of leukocytes;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin levels (in case of anemia associated with a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid).

central nervous system

Narine sometimes causes increased excitability.

From the urinary system

No such reaction has been reported.

From the respiratory system

Rarely, in people with hypersensitivity, the drug provokes an attack of bronchial asthma.


Patients are not excluded skin and other allergic reactions including angioedema.

special instructions

The drug should not be used after the expiration date. If a side effects appear longer than 5 days, then the drug should be discarded.

In old age

Narine is indicated in old age as a dietary supplement. Product improves immune function when it weakens.

Assignment to children

The powder is prescribed to children from birth, the intake of a fermented milk bioproduct is allowed from the sixth month of life.

Fermented milk mixture is used as a substitute for mother's milk.

Fermented milk mixture is used as a substitute for mother's milk. It contains the necessary amount of vitamins and other substances for a newborn, these are:

  • milk fat with lecithin - 30-45 g / l;
  • proteins (globulin, casein, albumin) - 27-37 g / l;
  • amino acids, including lysine and methionine;
  • B vitamins.

During pregnancy and lactation

Women in these categories should consult a doctor before using the drug. However, the manufacturer recommends food supplement to improve the health of the expectant mother. The product improves the quality of breast milk.

The drug is used in preparation for pregnancy. When breastfeeding, applications are made with it for the prevention and treatment of nipple cracks and omphalitis, to prevent dysbiosis in infants.


There is no information about the body's reaction to exceeding the recommended dose.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer does not report drug interactions.


In pharmacies, the Narine probiotic is presented, placed in capsules. This product is recommended for children over 5 years of age and adults. The tablets of the same name are prescribed after the first year of life.

In pharmacies, you can also purchase other products to restore the intestinal microflora based on lactic acid bacteria:

  • Streptosan;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Evitalia;
  • Laktoferm Eco;
  • Lactin;
  • BakZdrav.

An analogue of the drug BakZdrav.

Analogue of the drug Bifidumbacterin.

Analogue of the drug Evitaliya.

An analogue of the drug Laktoferm Eco.

An analogue of the drug Streptosan.

On sale is a functional food Narine Forte from the company "Longevity" in a container of 250 ml, as well as a solution of lactobacilli in 12 ml bottles.

Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy

A prescription is not needed to purchase the drug.

Can I buy without a prescription

The dietary supplement is available without a prescription.


The price of dietary supplement Narine is from 162 rubles. per package (200 mg, 10 sachets).

Storage conditions of the drug

Powder in unopened bags is stored at temperatures up to 6 ° C in a dry place. Ready fermented milk drink — at +2… +6°C.

Shelf life

The powder retains its properties for 2 years from the date of issue, the sourdough - 7 days, the finished drink - 48 hours.


Narine powder is produced by Nareks company (Armenia).

We make the STEADER from Narine for KEFIRWe prepare homemade yogurt NARINE in the MOULINEX yogurt maker. ProbioticProbiotics of a new generation - Bifidumbacterin "Bifishka" and "Narine-Forte"


on the use of biologically active food supplements - powder "Narine" in sachets

"Narine" is produced from cow's milk using a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus strain n.v. Ep 317/402, allocated by the Armenian scientist L.A. Yerzinkyan in 1964. Long-term studies have shown that the strain is a probiotic culture and, in terms of cultural, morphological and physiological properties, is strictly different from other cultures of acidophilus bacteria.

"Narine" has a high survival rate in the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin-forming ability, is characterized by resistance to antibiotic, chemotherapeutic and antiseptic preparations, high antimicrobial activity against pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens, normalizes the intestinal microflora, restores the anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in a short time, increases the activity of normal E. coli and the antioxidant potential of the body, promotes the absorption of antioxidant vitamins A, E, C, trace element Se, and lowers serum cholesterol levels.

In the 80s of the XX century, Japanese scientists found that "Narine" increases the production of interferon, thereby increasing the body's immunity to the development of certain cancer cells.

The use of "Narine" is approved by the Ministry of Health of Armenia, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

1.Powder "Narine" is applied inside, with:

Disorders of digestion and balance of intestinal microflora (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation, allergic rashes);

Dysbacteriosis of various etiologies, including those developed with the use of antibiotic, chemotherapeutic, hormonal drugs and irradiation;

Gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, staph infection and etc.);

fungal and allergic diseases arising from antibiotic therapy;

As a means of improving metabolism and increasing the body's resistance.

Mode of application:

Children over 1 year to 4 years old - 1/2 sachet per day. Children over 4 years old and adults - 1-2 sachets per day. Take Narine powder 15-20 minutes before meals. The duration of admission is 10-20 days. If necessary, repeat.

2.Powder "Narine" is used in the form of a solution for external use, with:

Sanitation of the nasal mucosa;

Treatment of the umbilical bed, navel and cracks in the nipples of the mammary gland;

Periodontal disease, burns, skin ulcers, boils.

Mode of application:

The fermented milk product Narine is the development of the Armenian scientist Levon Yerkizyan. From the meconium of a newborn granddaughter in 1964, he isolated lactobacilli. He studied microorganisms in detail and grew strains that are able to reproduce the natural microflora of the human intestine.

INN is missing. Latin name - Narine.


It is not a medicinal product. This is a dietary supplement.


The active substance of the product is lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus strain n. V. Ep 317/402. It is available in the form of a lyophilized powder placed in sachets. Each dose contains at least 1x10*9 CFU/g of biologically active substance.

pharmachologic effect

Four years after the start of the research, L. Yerkizyan introduced the strains to his granddaughter when she contracted an acute intestinal infection. Traditional treatment did not bring results. And only thanks to acidophilus bacteria, the girl was saved.

The scope of the product is wide. It is used:

  • as a substitute for breast milk;
  • for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and oncological diseases;
  • in order to correct the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • in the treatment of diabetes;
  • in gynecology;
  • when exposed to radiation.

Licenses for the production of the product were purchased by other countries of the world, including Russia, the USA, and Japan.

This strain of acidophilus bacteria has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  • inhibits reproduction and leads to the death of pathogenic, opportunistic bacteria, including salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci, pathogenic E. coli;
  • restores healthy intestinal microflora;
  • promotes the absorption of minerals, especially calcium and iron;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • restores metabolism;
  • helps the body resist infections, toxins, and other risk factors.


Narine is prepared from acidophilus bacillus, which is not destroyed by digestive juices and takes root well in the intestines. It is resistant to antibiotics and chemotherapy.

Indications for use of Narine powder

In complex treatment, the product is used for many diseases and conditions, such as:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastrointestinal infections: dysentery, salmonellosis;
  • Helicobacter pylori-associated pathologies;
  • diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system in men and women (externally - baths, washings, tampons, douching);
  • liver disease;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • radiation injury;
  • poisoning;
  • purulent infections;
  • early aging;
  • stress;
  • allergies;
  • sinusitis (the dissolved agent is administered in the form of nasal drops), tonsillitis;
  • mastitis;
  • a course of treatment with antibiotics, hormonal and chemotherapy drugs;
  • excess body weight;
  • hypercholesterolemia.

Dry sourdough is used to prepare a solution for gargling, mouth cavity, and applications. Outwardly, this form is used for otitis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease, skin inflammation, wounds after surgery.


There are no absolute contraindications for the use of Narine.


If a food allergy is detected, the dietary supplement is first prescribed in a small dose, gradually increasing it.

How to prepare and how to take Narine powder

First, prepare the sourdough:

  1. 150 ml of milk (recommended skimmed) boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Sterilize the glass container.
  3. With milk that has cooled to 40 ° C, remove the film.
  4. Pour the powder from one sachet into the liquid, mix.
  5. Dishes with sourdough are wrapped in newspaper and covered with a blanket to keep the heat at +37...+38°C. But it is better to use a yogurt maker or a thermos, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at the desired level for a long time.
  6. Waiting 24 hours.
  7. The clot is placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

The sourdough is stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator at +2…+6°C. Before use, the clot is stirred until a homogeneous consistency.

The drink is prepared using the same technology. But instead of powder, leaven is used at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of milk. Fermentation time is reduced to 5-7 hours. In the finished product, if you want to diversify the taste, add sweeteners, honey, fruits.

Daily dose of Narine for children:

  • up to 12 months - 500-1000 ml, divided into 5-7 parts;
  • 1-5 years - 1-1.2 liters in 5-6 doses;
  • 5-18 years old - 1-1.2 liters in 4-6 doses;
  • adults -1-1.5 liters for 4-6 doses.

The powder is taken dissolved in juice, water, fruit drink (for 1 sachet - 30-40 ml). Children under 6 months - ½ sachet, 6-12 months - 1 sachet 2 times a day. The dosage for children older than one year and adults is 1 sachet 3 times a day.

Powder solution is taken 15-20 minutes before meals for 20-30 days. Before starting the course, the manufacturer recommends consulting a doctor.

With diabetes

In this disease, a fermented milk drink is used externally against skin lesions caused by high blood sugar.

The use of the powder inside, as described above, improves the condition of the liver due to a decrease in the amount of toxic substances, normalizes the glycogen-synthetic function of the organ. In patients with type II diabetes, dietary supplements lower cholesterol levels. Lactic acid promotes the breakdown of glucose.

For prevention

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the amount is reduced to 250-500 ml per day. It is advisable to take the last dose at bedtime. The preventive course can be long.

Side effects of Narine powder

The drug is well tolerated by most people, but some adverse effects from different organs and systems are possible.

Gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes dietary supplements cause loose stools, nausea, flatulence.

Hematopoietic organs

The following reactions are possible:

  • moderate leukocytosis;
  • increase in the level of leukocytes;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin levels (in case of anemia associated with a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid).

central nervous system

Narine sometimes causes increased excitability.

From the urinary system

No such reaction has been reported.

From the respiratory system


Patients are not excluded skin and other allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema.

special instructions

The drug should not be used after the expiration date. If side effects appear longer than 5 days, then the drug should be discarded.

In old age

Narine is indicated in old age as a dietary supplement. The product improves immune function when it is weakened.

Assignment to children

The powder is prescribed to children from birth, the intake of a fermented milk bioproduct is allowed from the sixth month of life.

Fermented milk mixture is used as a substitute for mother's milk. It contains the necessary amount of vitamins and other substances for a newborn, these are:

  • milk fat with lecithin - 30-45 g / l;
  • proteins (globulin, casein, albumin) - 27-37 g / l;
  • amino acids, including lysine and methionine;
  • B vitamins.

During pregnancy and lactation

Women in these categories should consult a doctor before using the drug. However, the manufacturer recommends a nutritional supplement to improve the health of the expectant mother. The product improves the quality of breast milk.

The drug is used in preparation for pregnancy. When breastfeeding, applications are made with it for the prevention and treatment of nipple cracks and omphalitis, to prevent dysbiosis in infants.


There is no information about the body's reaction to exceeding the recommended dose.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer does not report drug interactions.


In pharmacies, the Narine probiotic is presented, placed in capsules. This product is recommended for children over 5 years of age and adults. The tablets of the same name are prescribed after the first year of life.

In pharmacies, you can also purchase other products to restore the intestinal microflora based on lactic acid bacteria:

  • Streptosan;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Evitalia;
  • Laktoferm Eco;
  • Lactin;
  • BakZdrav.

On sale is a functional food Narine Forte from the Longevity company in a 250 ml container, as well as a solution of lactobacilli in 12 ml bottles.

Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy

A prescription is not needed to purchase the drug.

Can I buy without a prescription

The dietary supplement is available without a prescription.


The price of dietary supplement Narine - from 162 rubles. per package (200 mg, 10 sachets).

Storage conditions of the drug

Powder in unopened bags is stored at temperatures up to 6 ° C in a dry place. Ready fermented milk drink - at +2…+6°C.

Shelf life

The powder retains its properties for 2 years from the date of issue, the sourdough - 7 days, the finished drink - 48 hours.


Narine powder is produced by the Nareks company (Armenia).

We make a STEADER from Narine for KEFIR

We prepare homemade NARINE yogurt in the MOULINEX yogurt maker. Probiotic

New generation probiotics - Bifidumbacterin "Bifishka" and "Narine-Forte"

The sourdough "Narine" has recently gained incredible popularity. It is not known exactly what this is connected with - whether with active propaganda healthy lifestyle life, or with an increased number of diagnosing diseases of organs gastrointestinal tract, but since there is a demand for this product, then you need to carefully study it and understand what it is and whether absolutely everyone should use it.

Brief description of Narine

The product in question is available in three different forms- tablets (used as a conventional drug), powder (for making a drink at home) and a ready-to-use product. It is believed that preference should be given to powdered sourdough, since the preparation of the product is easy and simple, the maximum concentration useful substances in the drink is found after 24 hours, and you can use the finished product for 7 days.

The composition of the “Narine” starter contains live lactobacilli (acidophilic), if we consider the composition of the tablet form of the drug, then the composition also contains auxiliary components - magnesium stearate, corn starch and sucrose.

Important! The product in question does not belong to the category of drugs and is biologically active additive, but it is actively used in the treatment of certain diseases. It should be borne in mind that Narine is only one of the components complex therapy therefore, drugs should be taken in any case (if there are such prescriptions from the attending physician).

Useful properties of Narine

The product in question is for children/ diet food, and adults who constantly take Narine leaven confidently declare that it solves most problems in the work of the intestines, stomach and the entire digestive system. In particular, regular use the product in question provides:

  • normal functioning of the pancreas;
  • quick recovery from intestinal infections (sourdough stops the spread pathological process);
  • active functionality of the immune system;
  • stabilization of the intestinal microflora;
  • normal functioning of the liver.

In addition, Narine leaven is recommended to be used in recovery period after surgical interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, in case of poisoning (it accelerates the process of removing toxins), against the background of chronic stressful situations with prolonged use of antibiotics.

Narine can also be used for facial skin care procedures - the leaven is simply applied to the previously cleansed facial skin. Such masks help fight fine/shallow expression lines, make the skin less oily and reduce the intensity of inflammation and rashes.

Due to the fact that the product in question normalizes the functioning of the digestive system as a whole, it should also be used for obesity.

How to use the sourdough "Narine"

The product in question is taken orally half an hour before a meal or at the time of a meal. If there is a need to take leaven in medicinal purposes, then the dosage will be 200-300 mg per dose, you need to use it 3 times a day, the duration of administration is 20-30 days. When taking the “Narine” starter for prophylactic purposes, the dosage will be somewhat different: 200-300 mg 1 time per day for 20 days.

To prepare the mass for use at home, you just need to add warm boiled water to the dry powder bottle.

The tablet form of Narine implies completely different dosages:

  • children aged 1-3 years - 1 tablet per day;
  • children aged 3 years and older, as well as all adults - 2 tablets per day (divided into two doses) 15 minutes before meals.

The duration of the course of taking the tablets is 2 weeks, you can repeat the course only after a break of 10 days and if necessary.

Please note: in the presented material are given general recommendations on the use of the “Narine” starter, it is highly advisable to consult with specialists (therapist, pediatrician) before use.

Disadvantages of Narine

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the product in question, the only one who should refuse it is people with hypersensitivity to lactobacilli.

The disadvantage of Narine is the problematic preparation of the drink - for someone it turns out to be too sour, someone is dissatisfied with the insufficient density of the product. Intensely sour taste can be corrected by adding fruit puree or honey, you can slightly dilute the already prepared drink with warm boiled water. Usually, the too sour taste of the drink is provoked by the “old” sourdough, so it should be bought only in pharmacies. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to how the sourdough was stored - for example, if a pharmacist serves bags of sourdough from a display case, then it is better to refuse such a purchase - lactobacilli retain their viability and benefit only when stored in a refrigerator. Moreover, some pharmacies, when serving goods to the buyer, put an ice cube in the bag so that the starter does not lose its properties before the purchase is brought to the refrigerator.

How to cook Narine

Cook delicious and healthy drink can be in a thermos or yogurt maker. If you have to cook Narine in a thermos, then you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • one bag of sourdough is dissolved in a small amount of warmed milk (40 degrees);
  • the resulting solution is added to half a liter warm milk;
  • boil 200 ml of milk and cool to room temperature;
  • mix milk with sourdough and boiled/cooled milk;
  • Pour everything into a thermos and close it for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, the sourdough itself will be ready - you still can’t use it, you need to prepare a drink in a yogurt maker, or again in a thermos. To do this, you will need to heat 1 liter of milk to 40 degrees and add 2 tablespoons of the resulting sourdough to it. We leave this milk with sourdough for 12 hours in a thermos, or load it into a yogurt maker for 8 hours.

Please note: when preparing Narine at home, it is very important to observe sterility. All utensils used in the process must be steam sterilized or doused with boiling water.

Narine - very useful product, which also has a pleasant taste (subject to the rules for its preparation). If there is a history of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then before using the product in question, it is worth consulting with your doctor, but, as a rule, it is allowed to be taken by everyone without exception.

Not only kefir: narine

Narine is a rare fermented milk product. Until recently, I didn’t even know about its existence, until I realized that kefir and fermented baked milk were pretty fed up. Narine appeared on the supermarket shelves, in my opinion, relatively recently. Therefore, buyers are not particularly actively buying it. I will tell you what narine is and what makes it unique.

Narine is a fermented milk product prepared from milk and acidophilic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacterium acidophilum N.V. Ep. 317/402.

Interesting historical fact! Narine is a rather strange name, isn't it? It turns out that the strain of these lactobacilli was bred by the Armenian microbiologist L. A. Erzinkyan. His granddaughter was seriously ill, and a strain of bacteria bred by a scientist helped her recover. The granddaughter's name was Narine. It was in her honor that this name was given.

Narine was sold in pharmacies in dry form, in ampoules. The drug was considered a full-fledged medicine and it was necessary to prepare narine yogurt on your own, strictly according to the instructions. Now the product is sold ready-made in ordinary supermarkets.

Beneficial features

Like any dairy products, Narine has many useful properties for the body:

  • Normalization of the intestinal microflora (restoration of bifidus and lactobacilli in short time; increased activity of normal Escherichia coli; suppression of opportunistic flora and putrefactive microprocesses in the intestine);
  • Stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • Complex anti-inflammatory action;
  • Neutralization of a number of toxins and side effects from taking medications;
  • Narine has a high vitamin-forming ability;
  • Increased hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Stimulation of the production of interferon and increased immunity;
  • Acceptable for consumption along with any medications.

It is important to know! Narine is prescribed for premature, weakened newborns, children with low hemoglobin. After drinking the drink, they grow faster, develop, are less susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases, and have a healthy digestive physiology.

In what cases will narine be an excellent medicine?

This fermented milk product can be consumed with dysbacteriosis, gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, hepatitis, allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, poisoning, chemotherapy, diabetes, during hormone therapy.

But the consumption of narine should not be associated only with the presence of any disease. This is excellent tool for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system and improve its work, increase the immune system, normalize the microflora of the body.

Composition of narine

When choosing a fermented milk product, pay attention to its composition. Only welcome natural ingredients: milk, sourdough and fruit juices / puree - if it is yogurt. The composition usually contains whole milk, powdered milk and acidophilic ferment "Narine". There should be no other ingredients, such as thickeners, flavors, additives!

Calorie content is usually about 45-50 kcal, fat content is 1.5%.

How to consume narine?

I did not develop a strictly consumption plan. I eat (or drink?) Narine for breakfast with porridge, in snacks - as an alternative to yogurt or kefir.

By the way! Kefir, despite all its usefulness, is a rather “active” product. Of all the milk substances, it is, in my opinion, the most sour and "nuclear". I don't drink it very often at night because it can cause heartburn and discomfort. And for a weak stomach, kefir is generally contraindicated. Narine is a wonderful substitute for it - the effect is stronger and the taste is more pleasant.

Smell, taste and texture

The smell is gentle, pleasant. Something between yogurt and kefir. The taste of narine is more pleasant than that of kefir. It is slightly sour and very similar to yogurt. The consistency is interesting, thicker than kefir and yogurt, soft, similar to yogurt. If beaten a little (with a fork or whisk) it looks like soft cottage cheese.

On a note! Narine goes great with pancakes! It's almost the perfect substitute for sour cream. If yogurt or soft cottage cheese is easy to identify, then everything is not so simple. My family at first assumed that it was low-fat sour cream. The consistency is a little off.

Use in cooking

Narine, I "introduced" wherever possible. Where kefir is applicable, narine can also be used. Pancakes, pancakes, muffins, pies, cottage cheese casseroles, sauces, marinades for meat.

You can replace milk or yogurt in breakfast. For example, I made lazy oatmeal on such sour milk (I left it all night), mixed it with homemade granola, bran. It turns out good pastries with narine.

Attention recipe! Super remedy for increasing hemoglobin: pour boiling water over buckwheat for 5 minutes. Drain the water, mix the steamed groats with narine, sahzam salt / honey and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning - for 20 seconds in the microwave and you have a healthy one ready, tasty breakfast.

Conclusion: narine is another super-healthy product from the sour-milk arsenal. It will help the digestive system work like clockwork. Accordingly, there will be no problems with digestion (which means that the weight is normal, and help in losing weight, and excellent health). If you are tired of kefir, buy other fermented milk products, because they are also useful!

Miracle yogurt Narine

Any sourdough that the market provides us is undoubtedly aimed at improving the body. Their goal is to create all the necessary and useful environment in the intestinal microflora, and force the body to "turn on" the internal reserves of self-regulation.

The wonderful fermented milk product Narine was invented by the Armenian professor Yerzinkyan Levon Akonovich. The product is named after his granddaughter. Fermented milk yogurt Narine occupies a leading position among probiotic preparations in the pharmacological market.

The most interesting thing is that the composition of this product includes the original feces of newborns - meconium. Already from the first months of life, Narine can be used in the treatment of children. The World Health Organization gave Narine its recognition.

Properties of Narine

Under the influence of Narine, intestinal biocinosis is normalized, the growth of all pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed. coli is activated. Dry sourdough is added to milk, preferably homemade, and an amazing lactic acid is obtained. If the human body does not tolerate dairy products, then water can be used.

Narine - powerful antioxidant, removes radionuclides, toxins and various pathological agents from the human body. Under the influence of yogurt, the process of digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates improves, the synthesis of vitamins is stimulated. Lactobacilli "living" in Narine displace pathogenic flora from the intestines. They are quite resistant to antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.

Indications for use

Narine is used as a biological supplement and as a source of probiotics in the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis intestinal flora;
  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergy;
  • allergic dermatosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • chemotherapy;
  • poisoning with poisons;
  • diabetes;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes;
  • long-term hormone therapy.

Directions for taking Narine

Yogurt should only be taken fresh. Prepare daily, according to the instructions of the purchased drug.

  1. Take before meals, at least 30 minutes before.
  2. Recommended 100-150 milliliters of Narine per dose. Ideally, 3 times a day.
  3. You can add fruit or muesli, but it is better to take in pure form.
  4. The minimum admission period is 1 month.

The use of Narine in the treatment of diseases in adults and children


According to the observations of dermatologists, good results treatment of patients of this profile.

sour milk drink used for psoriasis and allergic dermatoses. These diseases are usually the result of dysbacteriosis. Sourdough lubricates the affected areas of the body. Yogurt is drunk three times a day.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sourdough perfectly regulates the activity of the small and large intestines. Diarrhea, constipation, flatulence stop. Regular intake Narine relieves the symptoms inherent in such diseases as:

  • enterocolitis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • giardiasis,
  • desentery.

Inflammation in these organs, swelling is removed, regeneration of the mucous membranes occurs.

You can add vegetable oil to the starter (2 teaspoons). This remedy is great for constipation. "Mix" to drink before going to bed. The result in the morning is amazing. Strength is restored, working capacity appears, the syndrome passes chronic fatigue.

On this topic: Natural analogues laxatives

At peptic ulcer the results obtained allow us to assert that the process of scarring of the ulcer begins in 2-3 months from the start of Narine treatment.

In case of recurrence of periodontitis, dry applications of Narine powder can be done. Sprinkle the powder on the gums and hold until self-dissolving in the mouth.

The immune system

The effect of Narine on the stimulation of interferon production has been clinically proven, which in turn includes powerful antiviral, antitumor protection. Lactobacilli improve the condition of patients with dysbacteriosis and secondary immunodeficiency, debilitated patients who received chemical and radiation exposure to the body.

People with reduced immunity Those suffering from seasonal viral and other infections, such as herpes, panaritium, furunculosis, should take yogurt for a long time.


A powerful blow drug Narine inflicts staphylococcus. Diseases such as:

  • angina,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • pneumonia,
  • tonsillitis,
  • adnexitis,
  • colpitis,
  • vaginitis and others.

In gynecology, douching, tampons and applications with the drug are used. Local treatment only on water breeding. Long-term intake of yogurt inside is shown.

In diabetes mellitus, a decrease in blood sugar levels is observed under the influence of Narine lactobacilli.

In oncological diseases, it increases the activation of lymphocytes that destroy cancer cells. It has a pronounced anti-cancer effect.

Reviews on the use of the drug Narine

Here I have collected sourdough reviews from my medical practice.

Yana: Perfectly restores the microflora of the vagina. Tried to get rid different ways from Candida fungi, but a smear on the flora constantly gave a bad result. Narine is my salvation.

Irina: My child has been allergic since childhood. Whatever eats all the rash. We started taking Narine from 8 months. Never got sick in three years, not even a cold. We grow up on this yogurt.

Anna: I suffered from intestinal dysbacteriosis. But, to be honest, I am very lazy, and making yogurt is a laborious process for me. Therefore, she drank Narine in tablets. The result is excellent!

Elvira: I took Narine for 2 months, I had problems with the intestines. Great help! The whole family drink courses to raise immunity.

Vladislav: A year ago I had the flu. There were many various complications: otitis media, bronchitis, dysbacteriosis. My stomach ached, everything inside was “boiling”. In a dairy stall, they offered Narine a sourdough starter. God bless that saleswoman! Eureka! Everything is gone! I am well!

Margarita: I have a problem - irritable bowel. I drink Narine. Life is getting better. Tip - take yogurt while taking antibiotics. The condition has improved.

Albina: My baby is on artificial feeding. The doctor advised Narine.

The child's constipation is gone. We drink for immunity. Satisfied. We continue to implement all recommendations.

Inna: My daughter was ill with enterocolitis. She was 3 months old. For two months after the illness, they could not adjust the child's stool in any way. Narine did his miracle! A week of admission, and we are healthy!

Jeanne: Excellent drug! In children, especially like my daughter, it is irreplaceable! To all vaccinations, teeth growth - immediately reaction - diarrhea! How exhausted we are. Narine helps, two weeks have passed since the start of the reception, there are first results. We will continue to accept. There was no such effect from other means.

Olga: The child had a terrible diathesis. All ointments, creams could be thrown into a bucket. Lotions from the decoction of the string helped for a short time. I was allergic to everything. The skin on my cheeks was all peeled off. Narine leaven was applied to weeping wounds. Taken internally for a long time. The daughter has grown up, she is 15 years old. And from an allergy and a trace caught a cold. Thanks for a wonderful product!

Elizabeth: Every year he tormented chronic tonsillitis. Angina just got it. Constant rinses, antibiotics, throat lavage. The titers of staphylococcus in smears were huge. In the queue to the lore, one grandmother advised Narine. Thank her very much! I'm alright! Thanks to the creator of this product!

Julia: My mother is an experienced diabetic. Follows the diet. But, analyzes for sugar always wished for the best. The nutritionist recommended to eat buckwheat with kefir in the morning, and take Narine 150 milliliters 3 times a day. We have been following all the recommendations for the past 3 months. Blood sugar is at the upper limit of normal! Thanks for a great product!

Zinaida: Long time I worked as a salesperson. Constant gravity, work on the street, made themselves felt. Furunculosis tortured. Sometimes, even the help of a surgeon had to be resorted to. Thanks to Narine, everything went well. The infection is gone. My pain has subsided. Take Narine and life will get better!

Victoria: My husband fell ill with focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Treated with five drugs at the same time. The organs failed. It was yellow like a lemon. All tests are terrible. Diarrhea with blood. Didn't eat anything. It was terrible to watch. You wouldn't wish this horror on your enemy. They put droppers with rheosorbilact, and at the same time they took Narine. Such supportive therapy simply saved us. My husband has an appetite. The body began to fight. On the x-ray, even traces were not left of this "infection". I advise everyone!

Polina: I couldn't. long time lose weight. After giving birth, she recovered by 15 kg. Diets did not help, the water “inflated”, and the weight stood still. There were complaints of constipation. Narine adjusted the chair and the weight went down! Lost 3 kg in a month. I hope that it will continue to decrease gradually.

Grigory: A year ago, I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. I was on a diet, I drank medicines. In addition to ulcers, I suffer from intestinal flatulence. I constantly feel discomfort in the abdomen. Narine started taking 2 weeks ago. The abdomen became softer, and general state improved. Hope it gets even better.

Veronica: I have been suffering from bronchial asthma since I was 8 years old. Allergic. Against the background of taking Narine, the attacks became less frequent, the itching on the skin disappeared. The stool was back to normal. Cool medicine! I will keep drinking!

Peter: I took hormonal drugs for a long time. Got better. Ate everything. There were pains in the area of ​​the liver. Neighbors advised to drink Narine. I began to feel better, “offal” is less disturbing. Hope that helps!

Treatment of dysbacteriosis, of course, should be comprehensive, ranging from diet, intake of absorbent drugs, probiotics, hardening, physical education and other methods of treatment recommended by experts. Only by joint efforts can we defeat this difficult disease! Ah, Narine. help us with this!

Lebeychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, phytotherapist and homeopath, ©

Tags: home first aid kit

Fermented milk product Narine - instructions for use, method of preparation and benefits of the product

Digestive problems are familiar to many: adults - because of their crazy rhythm of life, when there is no time to eat balanced and on time (snacks on the run, dry food, fast food), a sedentary lifestyle ... But children are not excluded cases of digestive failures: the body of babies is just beginning to “build”, and each New Product to which the child is not yet accustomed to cause backlash from the stomach or intestines.

What about taking medication when you're sick? Antibiotics alone are worth it! And after all, in some cases it is impossible to do without them. And then it starts: then nausea, then disorder of the stool. The intestinal microflora suffers from all this, and then, in order to “start” it again, special means. And one of these means is Narine's sourdough.

Sourdough Narine - instructions for use

Narine is a form of lactobacterin, which is known for its ability to inhibit pathogenic microflora in the intestine. But that's all: lactobacterin, in addition, replaces harmful bacteria in the intestines for useful ones. It is because of this property that this drug is good in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis is a special condition in which there is a change in the qualitative composition of microorganisms that inhabit the intestines. At the same time, there are fewer "good" bacteria, and more "bad" ones. This condition leads to disruption of the bowels. What signs appear at the same time:

  • fatigue;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • Bloating, etc.

Description of the drug

It is available in three variations:

  • In the form of tablets - they are taken as a regular drug;
  • In powder form - it is used for self-preparation fermented milk product Narine at home;
  • In the form of finished fermented milk product Narine.

Composition of Narine tablets:

  • Lyophilizates of lactobacilli;
  • Sucrose;
  • Corn starch;
  • Magnesium stearate.

But the most popular among consumers is Narine in the form of a powder. From this powder, you can easily prepare a very tasty and healthy homemade yogurt. Moreover, it can be consumed within a day after fermentation (the maximum amount of useful substances will already be obtained), and ready-made yogurt can be stored for almost a week, without losing its usefulness.

Indications for use of Narine

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Intestinal microflora imbalance (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea);
  • Overweight;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: staphylococcal infection, dysentery, salmonellosis;
  • During antibiotic treatment, hormonal drugs, chemotherapy, radiation;
  • When poisoning with heavy metals;
  • In the treatment of severe radiation injuries;
  • Newborns - in the absence or insufficient amount of mother's milk.

As a complex therapy, Narine is used for the following diseases:

  • Periodontal disease - gum disease in which the neck of the tooth opens, leading to loss of teeth;
  • Allergic inflammations on the skin and mucous membranes: neurodermatitis, psoriasis, diathesis, eczema;
  • Tonsillitis (in the common people - tonsillitis - inflammation palatine tonsils);
  • Diabetes;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Inflammation of the respiratory organs: pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
  • mastitis;
  • As a diet enhancer aimed at reducing serum cholesterol levels;
  • Other inflammatory diseases;
  • As an immunomodulator.

Contraindications, drug interactions

This sourdough has practically no contraindications, except that individual intolerance to the components of the drug ( hypersensitivity to lactobacilli). But in any case, in order to save yourself from possible unpleasant consequences Before using Narine, it is better to consult a doctor.

Regarding the interaction of the product with various medicines, then use the sourdough Narine with simultaneous application medical preparations permitted. Moreover, it is even recommended to avoid a possible disruption in the balance of the intestinal microflora, which can cause medicines.

The instructions for the drug do not mention the symptoms of an overdose of Narine with sourdough.

Self-preparation of the product Narine

Making Narine yogurt at home is not at all difficult. Any preparation of fermented milk products at home is based on the basic rules:

  • The utensils used for ripening must be clean;
  • The finished product can only be stored in the refrigerator and not longer than the period specified in the instructions.

The manufacturer Narine writes in the instructions that part of the resulting finished product can then be used as a starter.

Starter preparation

  • So, you have decided to prepare a fermented milk product Narine (sourdough). Instructions for use recommend doing this as follows:
  • Pour 1/2 liter of milk into a clean container for boiling, put on the stove until boiling;
  • After boiling, the milk must be removed from the stove and allowed to cool to 40 degrees;
  • Remove the foam from the milk;
  • Add a small amount of this boiled milk to the bottle with Narine powder, stir (until the powder is completely dissolved);
  • Pour the remaining boiled milk into a container with a lid, in which the product will be fermented in the future (the container must be clean!), Add the resulting contents of the bottle there. Stir everything thoroughly;
  • After mixing, the container must be closed with a lid, wrapped well (to maintain the temperature) and put in a warm place for 12-15 hours. It is important to monitor the temperature so that it does not drop, because otherwise the preparation time of the working starter may increase. In addition, the quality of the resulting product may deteriorate (the starter will turn out to be liquid);
  • After the expiration of the specified period of time, a homogeneous mass of the consistency of kefir or yogurt is obtained. It has a pleasant smell and taste. This turned out to be a working leaven;
  • The working sourdough must be poured into a clean jar, which must be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one week.

Preparation of fermented milk product from sourdough

The principle of preparing the most homemade kefir or yogurt (let's call this product that) is identical to the preparation of sourdough. Only in this case, not the contents of the bottle are added to the milk, but 2 tablespoons of working starter (this dosage is calculated per liter of milk). The fermentation time remains the same (can be left overnight).

The finished product is stored in the same way - in the refrigerator. But its shelf life cannot exceed 2 days.

It is best to consume such homemade yogurt not cold, but warmed to room temperature. But it is important to remember that heating this yogurt above 40 degrees will cause it to lose its beneficial features.

The working starter itself can also be used as a finished product.

Benefits of the Narine product

The fermented milk product Narine obtained from sourdough can be safely attributed to dietary nutrition: it will be equally useful for both adults and babies, and even quite crumbs. Why is that? Yes, because the use of this product will provide:

  • Faster recovery from intestinal infections;
  • Normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Improving liver function;
  • Normalization of the pancreas.

In addition, this product is recommended for nursing mothers: if a mother starts taking Narine, it will have a positive effect on the quality of breast milk, which will positively affect the health of the baby. Yes, and the crumbs themselves can also be given such a “kefir” as complementary foods (of course, only after the approval of this by a pediatrician).

Another application of this product will please women - Narine can also be used as a cosmetic preparation. If you apply the finished ferment on the skin of the face, then fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become less oily, and the rashes (if any) will disappear.

And of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished: the time required to prepare this product. But not everyone has difficulties with cooking, and even if they do, it is only for the very first time, when all these manipulations still seem complicated and lengthy. But all of them will fade into the background as soon as you feel the full benefits of this fermented milk product. So don't be afraid of the difficulty of cooking - it's actually quite easy. Be healthy!

Narine is a lactic acid product, an acidophilic form of lactobacterin.

Dry sourdough Narine is a lyophilized culture of lactic acidophilus bacteria.
Narine normalizes the microbial biocenosis of the intestine, restores the anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in a short time, inhibits the growth of opportunistic flora, increases the activity of normal E. coli.
Narine is used for the prevention and treatment of such gastrointestinal diseases like: dysentery, dysbacteriosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection.
Fermented milk product Narine can be used as a substitute for mother's milk, as well as an additional food for children. infancy, including premature, debilitated children, born from mothers with negative Rh factor or low levels of hemoglobin in the blood.
Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of Narine in correcting the intestinal microflora in individuals exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation. Positive results obtained in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, allergies (in particular to antibiotics), periodontal disease, gynecological diseases.
Effective application Narine as a general tonic prophylactic for adults at enterprises with harmful conditions labor.
Narine can be used as an independent remedy and in combination with other antibiotic and chemotherapeutic drugs.
There were no contraindications to the use of Narine starter and fermented milk.

Preparation of working starter:
0.5 l of milk is boiled for 10 - 15 minutes, cooled to a temperature of 39 - 40 degrees. C, pour into a glass jar, after dousing it with boiling water or a thermos. After that, the contents of a bottle (0.3) of Narine dry sourdough are transferred to the jar, mixed, the jar is closed with a lid, wrapped with paper and cloth, placed in a warm place for 10-16 hours. It turns out a light cream (white) homogeneous, viscous product. It must be cooled in the refrigerator for 2 hours at a temperature of +2 - +6 degrees. C. After that, the working starter can be used to prepare the fermented milk product Narine. Working starter is stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Preparation of fermented milk product Narine:
Milk is boiled for 5 - 10 minutes, cooled to a temperature of 39 - 40 degrees. C, pour into a glass jar or thermos, then add a working starter to the milk at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter of milk and mix. Then the jar is closed with a lid, wrapped with paper and cloth, and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 8-10 hours, after which the product is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and the product is ready for use. The finished product is a light cream (white), homogeneous, viscous mass. Narine needs to be cooked daily. It is necessary to store the finished product at a temperature of +2 - +6 degrees. WITH.

Application of the fermented milk product:
Infants (from 5 to 10 days of age) should be given 20 to 30 mg of Narine with each feeding. gradual increase dosage. At the age of 1 month, at each feeding, the child can be given up to 120-150 mg. The product is given several times a day, while either alternating with feeding other baby food, or supplemented after each feeding. When using Narine, you can add sugar, syrup or 1/10 of boiled and cooled rice broth. The product is used internally. The course is from 20 to 30 days. Children under 1 year: 5 - 7 times a day, only 0.5 - 1.0 liters. Children from 1 to 5 years old: 5 - 6 times a day, total 1.0 - 1.2 liters. Children over 5 years: 4 - 6 times a day, only 1 - 1.2 liters. Adults: 4 - 6 times a day, total 1.0 - 1.5 liters.

1 liter of Narine fermented milk mixture contains 600-800 Cal., 27-37 g of protein, 30-45 g of milk fat, 35-40 g of milk fat. milk sugar, trace elements, salts, amino acids, vitamins (groups B, etc.). In dry form, Narine is recommended for prophylaxis, one vial per day for 30 days. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use 2-3 bottles per day for 20-30 days. Boiled water (37 - 40 degrees C) is added to a bottle with a dry mass before use and taken 20 - 30 minutes before meals.

Storage conditions and shelf life:
Shelf life 2 years. It is recommended to store Narine dry preparation at a temperature of plus 2-plus 6 degrees C.