Garlic and lemon: natural means of cleansing blood vessels. Recipes for cleansing blood vessels at home: lemon, honey and garlic

Many people believe that the use medical supplies is dangerous because they contain harmful components. In some cases, you can actually do without medications and resort to folk remedies.

One of these is garlic. It has truly wonderful properties:

  • protects against infections;
  • has an antitoxic effect;
  • has antioxidant and antispasmodic properties;
  • at the required level, which is important for men;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors;
  • helps the heart and blood vessels: protects its valves from wear - thanks to the germanium content, relaxes the muscle wall of blood vessels, which reduces arterial pressure, fights atherosclerotic plaques - thanks to the allicin content, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Atherosclerotic plaques are deposits on the walls of blood vessels consisting of cholesterol and other fatty compounds. Over time, they increase due to fat accumulation and proliferation. connective tissue. This leads to a decrease in blood flow through the vessel and to insufficient oxygen supply to the body.

The plaque can also come off - in this case, it moves through the circulatory system, creating a risk of blockage of blood vessels. The brain and heart are especially at risk: in the first case, a stroke can occur, and in the second, a heart attack. Such vascular accidents can be fatal.

  • lead healthy image life and learn to neutralize the effects of stress,
  • move a lot
  • determine the level of cholesterol in the blood, control blood pressure, do biochemical analysis blood.
  • limit fat intake.

For all people, regardless of the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, it is good to cleanse the blood with folk remedies, for example, prepared from garlic, but it is especially indicated for those who suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, varicose veins, arrhythmia and others) - garlic is indispensable for cleaning blood vessels.

Tincture recipes

Various tinctures that are easy to prepare at home.

Garlic-lemon tincture

Tincture for cleaning blood vessels will make them smooth and elastic.

The recipe is simple. How to cook:

  1. We need even, healthy slices in dry, clean husks. 4 pieces.
  2. We are looking for healthy, medium-sized fruits. 4 pieces.

How to cook:

  • boil water and cool it to room temperature;
  • peel the cloves. Wash and finely chop;
  • wash the lemons, cut them with the peel, since it contains valuable substances, and remove the seeds;
  • grind everything in a meat grinder;
  • transfer the mixture into a clean, dry three-liter jar and fill it to the top with prepared water;
  • mix;
  • close the jar with a plastic lid;
  • leave for 3 days, in the room, stirring daily;
  • filter.

How to take: three times a day - 100 ml, before meals, 45 days.

Cleaning blood vessels with garlic and lemon can be lengthy. However, you should not prepare it in advance: let the product be fresh! Repeat the course of treatment after 2 months.


Vessel cleaning similar means prohibited in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • stomatitis,
  • destruction of tooth enamel,
  • kidney diseases,
  • allergy to ingredients.

Cleaning with garlic and lemon is easy, but you need to take precautions:

  • ban on drinking alcohol,
  • smoking ban,
  • ban on the use of spices,
  • ban on drinking coffee and strong tea,
  • compliance plant based diet: this will cleanse the liver and gallbladder,
  • drinking large amounts of water for elimination harmful substances from the body.

Garlic tinctures have same contraindications for use in the cases described below.

Alcohol tincture

The product not only cleanses blood vessels, but also has anti-infective properties.

It can be stored for a long time and has the advantage over other settings that the smell that people who eat garlic worry about will not be noticeable.

We will need:

  1. 350 grams of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of alcohol or vodka.


  • clean the cloves, wash and chop it;
  • transfer to a glass container;
  • screw the lid tightly;
  • send to the cellar for 10 days. Do not store the infusion in the refrigerator;
  • strain;
  • leave in the cellar for another three days.

Vodka tincture can be consumed directly or added to milk or honey to enhance the effect: take 3 drops of tincture for half a glass of milk. Take garlic infusion before meals, up to three times a day.

Alcohol tincture with honey

The product allows you not only to cleanse blood vessels, but also to get a surge of strength.

We will need:

  1. 250 grams of garlic,
  2. 60 grams of honey,
  3. 1 glass of alcohol or vodka.
  • peel and wash the garlic;
  • grind it in a mortar;
  • fill with alcohol;
  • leave in the dark for 10 days, stirring often;
  • filter through cheesecloth;
  • add honey and mix;
  • leave for 2 days.

Take one teaspoon before meals for a month.

Garlic tincture with milk

Lactic acids enhance its properties, so the tincture will help not only blood vessels, but also the heart, immunity, respiratory organs and intestines, relieving it of dysbacteriosis, stagnant feces, waste and toxins.

We will need:

  1. 4 cloves of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of milk.


  • heat the milk;
  • at this time, peel and wash the garlic;
  • chop the garlic;
  • fill it with warm milk and leave for 1 minute;
  • put the mixture on the fire and boil for 1 minute;
  • leave for 25 minutes;
  • filter the solution through cheesecloth.

The tincture cannot be stored, so we prepare it again before each dose.

Garlic wine infusion

Red wine dilates blood vessels, and in combination with garlic its effect is only enhanced.

We will need:

  1. 350 grams of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of red wine.

Preparing the tincture:

  • peel and wash the garlic;
  • we pass it through a meat grinder;
  • put in glass jar from dark glass and fill with wine;
  • leave in the refrigerator for a week.

Take after meals, two tablespoons of infusion, three times a day. The cleaning course is 1 month.

Garlic infusion with ginger, lemon and honey

Ginger has the same properties as garlic, therefore it enhances the effect of cleaning blood vessels. In addition, it activates nervous system and has a choleretic effect.

Lemons will provide vitamins, in particular vitamin C, microelements, pectins and essential oils.

Honey will help people suffering from heart disease. It contains glucose, the level of which in such individuals needs to be increased. If you consume too much sugar, you may experience problems, but this will not happen if you consume honey.

Ginger, lemon, honey, garlic can be used to clean blood vessels once every 5 years: they enhance each other’s beneficial properties, so the tincture is strong and concentrated.

To prepare you will need:

  1. 300 grams of unpeeled ginger root,
  2. 1 lemon,
  3. 1 head of garlic,
  4. 4 tablespoons of honey.

Preparing the product:

  • wash ginger, lemon and peeled garlic;
  • grind all the ingredients;
  • add honey and mix;
  • leave in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Contraindications include hepatitis, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and fever.

Tincture of garlic, lemon and honey

The tincture helps older people eliminate dizziness, spasms and pain in the heart, tinnitus, and also gain vigor and good mood. Garlic and lemon provide gentle cleaning of blood vessels.

We will need:

  1. 1 liter of honey,
  2. 10 cloves of garlic,
  3. 9 lemons.

Preparing the product:

  • clean the cloves, wash them and chop them;
  • Wash the lemons, cut off the peel and pass through a meat grinder;
  • mix everything;
  • add honey and mix again;
  • place the mixture in a jar, cover it with a cloth made of natural fabric so that the drug “breathes”;
  • send for 10 days in a warm, dark place.

Take: one tablespoon of tincture before meals, twice a day.

The mixture activates the nervous system, so it should not be used before bed.

"Tibetan recipe"

Cleansing blood vessels according to the Tibetan recipe will help make them stronger and stop the development of heart diseases: hypertension, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Tibetan healers claim that this tincture prolongs youth.

We will need:

  1. 300 grams of autumn garlic containing greatest number useful substances,
  2. 1 glass of alcohol.

Preparing the tincture:

  • We clean the cloves, wash them and cut them;
  • transfer it to a glass jar and leave for 15 minutes: during this time the composition will settle and the juiciest part will remain at the bottom;
  • remove the top half and put it away;
  • pour alcohol, screw on the lid and leave the mixture to infuse for 10 days in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • filter it through linen cloth, remove the cake;
  • leave the mixture in the cold for four days.

Tibetan garlic tincture with milk is taken. Pour a third of a glass of full-fat milk, add 25 drops of tincture. After this, you can drink it with warm water. The tincture should not be taken at night: it has an invigorating effect.

Epilepsy is added to the contraindications.

Tincture for cleaning vessels " Tibetan recipe» can be applied every 5 years.

As we have seen, the cleansing of vessels is available to everyone, the most important thing is that only natural ingredients, and at least in this case we can do without “chemistry” and medications.

Only a child has never heard of problems with the cardiovascular system. But for most it remains just a scary phrase. And if you regularly clean your vessels, you can avoid many diseases and ensure longevity.

You don't have to take it for this. medications. Folk remedies are no less effective. One of the most popular ways to clean vessels is a mixture of honey, lemon, ginger and garlic.

Vessels are “tubes” through which everyone internal organs, and not just to the heart, nutrients and oxygen flow. Over time, even healthy person, inorganic salts and other residues settle on the walls, from which plaques are formed. As a result, the vessels lose their elasticity and become fragile. Smaller ones burst, and larger ones simply reduce the level of cross-country ability. As a result, the entire body suffers.

The recipe for cleansing blood vessels is quite effective, but you should not use it just like that, so as not to harm your health. You can determine that this procedure is necessary by the following symptoms:

  • problems with ENT organs (otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • illnesses respiratory system(asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, constipation, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.);
  • violations genitourinary system(cystitis, enuresis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • gynecological diseases(complex PMS, inflammation, cycle disruptions, etc.);
  • failures in hormonal system;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • sclerosis.


The need to clean blood vessels arises after 14 years of age.

But that's pretty serious problems. They are noted when the situation is already quite advanced. But it all starts with symptoms that are familiar to almost everyone to modern man, starting from adolescence:


Folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels are much safer than medications, but they cannot be used thoughtlessly. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure when:

  • pregnancy and pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus any degree;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • oncology.


After suffering a heart attack or stroke, even in mild degree many people immediately begin to deal with the vessels, cleaning them all possible ways. But after the attack, at least a year must pass before this can be done. Otherwise you can provoke sharp deterioration health status.

What is healthy about honey, lemon, ginger, garlic?

The cleansing effect that the mixture has on the blood vessels is explained by the abilities of each component included in the composition.

The basis is honey. It has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, perfectly strengthens the immune system, removes waste and toxins. After taking it, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation, especially coronary circulation, improves significantly. There is also a decrease in cholesterol and an increase in hemoglobin. Thanks to honey it normalizes heartbeat, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is restored and metabolism improves.

Lemon is used in the recipe as an antioxidant. It promotes the resorption of plaques in blood vessels, removes toxins and waste from the body, and thanks to great content Vitamin C helps the body quickly restore immunity after cleaning blood vessels.

Garlic has a high anti-inflammatory effect, lowers cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, and removes not only toxins from the body, but also toxic metals. In the recipe, it is responsible for increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthening the walls.

Ginger helps thin the blood even more than aspirin, and also cleanses it, prevents the development of blood clots and dissolves plaque. It normalizes cholesterol levels, reduces pressure on the walls of blood vessels, and saturates them with oxygen.

Each of the components is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, but together they give simply magical results.

Recipes and proportions for cleaning vessels

To prevent cardiovascular diseases, it is enough to include the above products in the menu. For an adult, it is enough to eat 2-3 cloves of garlic, 20 grams of ginger, half a lemon and half a liter of honey per week. But if you need to specifically clean the vessels, you should use one of the recipes below.

Elixir for cleaning blood vessels

This universal remedy, which is suitable not only for cleaning vessels. It can be used to increase immunity after a serious illness, as well as for effective removal toxins from the body.

Preparing the elixir is very simple. You need to grind 50 grams of ginger, 14-16 cloves of garlic, 3 lemons without zest in a meat grinder. Mix everything, put it in a three-liter jar and fill it to the top with warm water. After three days, strain, add 5 tablespoons of honey, stir.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals for 10 days in a row. One serving is just enough for this period.


It is forbidden to use the elixir if you have an ulcer, gastritis or other chronic diseases stomach.


This remedy very quickly reduces cholesterol levels. The taste is slightly bitter.

To prepare, you need to mix 300 grams of ginger, 7 tablespoons of honey, 2 lemons with zest and 3 cloves of garlic. Grind everything in a blender or using a meat grinder. Leave for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Take 2-3 tablets. spoons three times a day before meals for 4 weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.

Tea for thrombosis

This healthy tea also very tasty.

Dry 50 grams of ginger root in the oven and grind it into powder. Add 100 grams of chopped lemon zest. Pour half a liter of boiling water, add 2-3 thin cloves of garlic, leave for half an hour. This is tea leaves, and for tea you will need no more than 20 ml. Just before use, put a couple of spoons of honey in a cup.

You should drink this tea 2 times a day for a month.


People who are allergic to ginger or lemon should not drink this tea.


From these healing components you can prepare medicinal sweets. To do this, mix 100 grams of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic and 3 lemons without zest. Grind everything in a meat grinder, add 300 ml of honey. Place the resulting slurry in ice trays and leave in the cold for 6-8 hours, or overnight.

You can eat 2 candies a day. The course of treatment is no more than 2 weeks, after which you need to take a break of 5-7 days.

How to use the product

A mixture of honey, lemon, ginger and garlic is medicinal. This should be remembered by anyone who decides to clean blood vessels at home. You should not take it thoughtlessly or exceed doses. The medicine should not be used before the age of 14. And in general, children can do this only after a doctor’s recommendation. And for adults after a mandatory examination.

All products used have a rather aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to make this effect even greater, spicy, smoked and salty foods should be excluded from the diet during treatment. Food should be as easy to digest as possible, the menu should be complete and varied.

All recipes indicate that it should be taken before meals. It is very important! The mixture should not be consumed on an empty stomach.


If heartburn occurs after taking the medicine, discomfort in the stomach or other symptoms, it must be stopped immediately.


It is advisable to store medications prepared according to the above recipes in the refrigerator. You can simply put them in a cool, dark place. The main thing is not to hit straight Sun rays. Liquid mixtures should be placed in brown or dark green glass bottles with tight-fitting lids.

Using a mixture of lemon, garlic, honey and ginger perfectly cleanses blood vessels, helps normalize blood pressure, restore cholesterol levels, enrich the blood with oxygen, improve general state health. But don't expect instant results. Most people who use recipes make the same mistake. If they do not feel any improvement, they begin to either increase the dose or take the medicine much more often than recommended.

It takes years for blood vessels to become clogged, so it is impossible to clear them in a week. Some need to repeat courses of treatment throughout the year, and sometimes several. You should be prepared for this.

It is very important not to change the composition of the recipes. If you have an individual intolerance to one of the products, you can exclude it from the mixture, but you should not add components at will.

To do this, you need to prepare a remedy from peeled and finely chopped garlic cloves and 4 thoroughly washed lemons (along with the zest). All components are ground in a blender and placed in a three-liter bottle, and then filled with cooled water. boiled water to the top. The infusion should stand for three days at room temperature, and it will need to be shaken every day. Afterwards, you will need to filter the liquid using gauze and pour it into a clean, better sterilized bottle, and then put it in the refrigerator. This volume will be enough for about 10 days. You need to take this tincture 3 times a day, 50-100 ml. Maximum dose, which is allowed (100 ml), can be taken provided that you do not have serious illnesses. If you suffer from chronic or temporary illnesses, you should not exceed a dose of 1-2 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. This is enough to lower cholesterol without putting stress on your organs digestive system and on the body in general.

Effective garlic, lemon, honey

Cleaning blood vessels using lemon, honey and garlic is slightly different from the previous method. In order to prepare this composition, you need to take 6 lemons with peel, 350 grams of honey and 4 heads of peeled garlic cloves. The preparation method is the same: you need to chop finely peeled garlic cloves and 4 washed lemons with zest. The resulting pulp should be mixed with honey and placed in a bottle or other dark glass container and left for a week and a half in a dark place at room temperature. When the syrup is ready, it must be decanted and

pour into another bowl. The syrup is used as follows: 1 tbsp. the spoon should be diluted to 200 ml warm water and consume twice a day.

If you use lemon and garlic for blood vessels on an empty stomach in the morning, the cleansing will be more effective. After taking the mixture, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature with lemon juice, and during the day you need to drink plenty of fluids.


Who is contraindicated for lemon and garlic? Cleaning blood vessels using these components is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, people with kidney disease and those who are prone to allergies to the components. In any case, before you decide to carry out this procedure, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctors.

Branched circulatory system in our body can be compared to a network of roads along which nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells. To ensure this uninterrupted movement, it is necessary to clean vascular walls from cholesterol plaques. Find out how regular products: Garlic and lemon can be of great benefit to you in this matter.

Cleaning blood vessels with a folk remedy made from lemon and garlic

Correct Application These products are good for reducing the risk of blood clots coronary arteries and protect the heart. Here is one of the most effective recipes, how to use lemon and garlic for vessels.

  1. Place chopped 4 heads of garlic and 4 lemons in a 3-liter jar, fill it to the top with cold boiled water.
  2. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 days, then strain.
  3. Drink 100 ml of infusion three times a day before meals.
  4. For a complete cleansing course, you need to drink 4 cans of this infusion without interruption, so the next portion is prepared 3 days in advance.

Tibetan garlic tincture recipe

The purpose of this famous drug alternative medicine– not only cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol. It can also strengthen the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and treat varicose veins. Here is the method for preparing this tincture:

  1. Grind 350 g of peeled garlic into a pulp (without contact with metal objects), place it in a jar and let it sit for a while.
  2. When the juice separates, take 200 g of the most liquid part of the garlic mixture into a 0.5 liter jar and add 200 ml of 96% alcohol to it.
  3. Wrap the jar so that light does not penetrate into the mixture, and place it in a dark, cool cabinet for 10 days.

Next, the tincture must be strained and allowed to brew for another 3 days in the dark. Quantity received medicine designed for full course cleaning, which must be carried out only once every 5 years. You need to take the drug three times every day, strictly adhering to the regimen indicated below. Before each dose, the required number of drops of the product should be diluted in 50 g of cold milk and taken half an hour before meals. You can drink this healing cocktail with a glass of water.

Day of the cleansing course, no.

Number of drops to take

On an empty stomach before breakfast

Before lunch

Before dinner

10th and subsequent days

Last days course

Reduce 1 drop per dose until you return to 1 drop.

How to clean the blood vessels of the brain at home

Disturbances in the blood circulation of this organ can lead to serious, sometimes even irreparable consequences for human health and life, which is why it is so important to use effective medicine for cleaning the blood vessels of the brain. Don't forget about constant prevention strokes if you are at risk. Observe proper diet, eat every day healthy foods, For example, walnuts, fresh juices. To maintain normal cerebral circulation Periodically take cleaning courses - this will help prevent dangerous diseases.

Vessels play important role in the human body - they supply organs and cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Over time, sediments (primarily inorganic salts) are deposited on their walls, which then lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. To prevent the vessels from losing their flexibility and elasticity, it is necessary to clean them from time to time.

Cleaning blood vessels with lemon: how to know when it’s time?

First of all, cleaning should be carried out by people who have vascular diseases, and:

● sclerosis;

varicose veins veins;

● headaches.

Sometimes you can get rid of atherosclerotic plaques by taking comprehensive measures to cleanse the entire body. More often, especially in the presence of the above problems, you can resort to cleaning the vessels.

Cleaning blood vessels with lemon and garlic: how to prepare for the procedure

You cannot start cleaning blood vessels suddenly. This will result in extreme stress for your body. Before starting the course, you need to cleanse your body as much as possible of accumulated waste and toxins. To do this, you need to cleanse other organs. First of all, the intestines are cleansed. Then the liver and gall bladder.

After complete cleansing of the above organs, you can proceed to preparations for cleaning the blood vessels. Preparatory stage is to use only plant food. You should also give up alcohol, coffee, tea and cigarettes.

Cleaning blood vessels with lemon and garlic: popular methods

Why garlic and lemon? It's all about their compositions, which give these products healing properties.


This product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Garlic cloves also contain B vitamins, phytoncides, monosaccharides, organic acids and essential oils. The minerals contained in garlic (potassium, zinc, calcium, iodine and iron) have positive influence on human health, namely:

● cleanse from accumulated toxins;

● prevent the formation of blood clots;

● reduce blood cholesterol;

● prevent development oncological diseases;

● eliminate pathogens that have infectious nature;

● eliminate spasms;

● provide diuretic effect.

You can’t clean vessels with just any garlic. It must be ripe and fresh. Otherwise, there will be no useful substances and vitamins left in it. Cleaning will be an absolutely useless task.

You can increase the benefits of garlic if you use it to prepare cleansing products not immediately after grinding, but let it brew for about 15 minutes. During this time, an enzymatic reaction will occur, which will increase the benefits of garlic.

Lemon besides taste qualities, has a number beneficial properties:

● strengthens blood vessels and gives them elasticity;

● increases metabolism;

● removes toxic substances from the body;

● is an excellent antiseptic;

● improves the digestion process;

● cleanses the blood;

● tones the body.

This is possible thanks to the flavonoids, pectins, essential oils, vitamin and organic acids.

Lemon and garlic in combination with each other have a positive effect on the body. The arteries are cleaned and removed from the walls body fat.

Garlic-lemon tincture

You will need:

● 4 heads of garlic;

● 4 ripe medium lemons;

● chilled boiled water.


    The garlic heads are separated into cloves and cut into pieces. There is no need to remove the peel.

    Lemons are washed well and cut into pieces along with the peel.

    All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and crushed to a homogeneous paste.

    The resulting mixture is placed in a three-liter jar and filled to the top with water.

    The jar is closed with a lid and put away in a cool, dark place for three days.

    Every day, while the mixture is infused, it is necessary to stir it.

    After 3 days, the tincture is filtered, poured into a bottle and put in the refrigerator.

For those who do not suffer from chronic diseases digestive tract, to cleanse blood vessels, you need to take the tincture three times a day, half a glass, about half an hour before meals. Those who have poor health (especially stomach diseases) are recommended to take 3 tablespoons three times a day immediately before meals.

Garlic-lemon syrup with honey

You will need:

● 4 heads of garlic;

● 6 lemons;

● 350 ml of honey (liquid, you can take flower or linden).


    The garlic heads are divided into cloves and peeled.

    Lemons are washed well and cut into pieces along with the skin.

    Lemons and garlic are placed in a blender bowl, ground until smooth and placed in a jar (3 liters).

    Honey is also added there.

    Everything is poured with warm (not hot!) boiled water, closed with a lid and left to infuse in a dark, cool place for 10 days.

    Then the syrup is filtered, poured into a convenient container and stored in the refrigerator.

Everything is poured with warm (not hot!) boiled water, closed with a lid and left to infuse in a dark, cool room. The syrup is taken 2 times a day according to the following scheme: 1 tbsp. The syrup is stirred in a glass of warm boiled water. This drink is taken in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.

Garlic tincture with alcohol

This recipe for cleansing blood vessels is also called Tibetan. Healers used it to prolong youth, during loss of strength, and to heal other ailments.

You will need:

● 350 g garlic cloves (peeled);

● 200 ml alcohol.


    Peeled garlic cloves are crushed and transferred to a glass jar.

    The jar is covered with a lid and left to stand for half a day.

    Then the garlic is poured with alcohol, closed with a lid and put in a cool place for at least 10 days.

    After this time, the tincture is filtered and left for another three days.

The resulting tincture is taken orally according to the following scheme:

● 25 drops of tincture diluted in 50 ml warm milk;

● drinks heavily clean water;

● taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

The cleansing course lasts approximately 3 months, which is exactly how long the prepared tincture is enough.

It is forbidden for expectant mothers, people suffering from kidney disease and epilepsy to clean blood vessels in this way.

Important! During treatment with tincture, you should completely avoid alcoholic drinks and spicy food.

This method of cleansing blood vessels will not only cope with this task, but will also relieve a number of other problems:

● will reduce the risk of developing blood clots;

● relieves dizziness;

● will eliminate frequently occurring tinnitus;

● perfectly relieves spasms and pain in the heart;

● will increase concentration and improve memory.

What are the benefits of cleaning blood vessels with lemon and garlic?

What results should be expected after the vascular cleansing procedure:

● vascular diseases are eliminated, as well as headaches and sclerosis;

● blood pressure returns to normal;

● the risk of stroke or heart attack is significantly reduced;

● blood cholesterol levels decrease;

● vision improves;

● eliminated varicose veins on foot;

● the condition of the bronchi, lungs and intestines improves;

● improves mood and overall tone.

It should also be noted that any vascular cleanser will be more effective if taken in the morning, soon after waking up, on an empty stomach. During the day you need to drink at least 400 ml of pure drinking water, preferably with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Treatment of blood vessels with garlic and lemon is actively used in folk medicine. Exists a large number of recipes Aromatic garlic helps relieve tension in capillaries, reduce blood pressure, cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and prevent the formation of blood clots. It has already been proven that people who regularly include garlic in their diet practically do not suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Before you decide to cleanse your blood vessels, you should consult a doctor. You must be absolutely sure that you do not have any hidden chronic diseases. Lemon and garlic are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with renal failure and other system diseases urinary tract, as well as those who are prone to allergic reactions.