Dacryocystitis in adults: treatment and symptoms. Washing of the lacrimal canal

Inflammation of the tear duct correct name- dacryocystitis) is a pathology that occurs when the canals of the lacrimal glands are obstructed. The fluid from the lacrimal canal penetrates into the sinuses and stagnates. In these cavities, they begin to actively accumulate and multiply pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammatory reactions. Dacryocystitis can occur in acute and chronic form.

Inflammation of the lacrimal canal: causes, symptoms, treatment methods


This disease can occur with physiological pathologies of the lacrimal glands - for example, if there is a congenital narrowing tear ducts. Sometimes they are completely covered.

The main causes of the disease:

  • injury to the eyes or sinuses;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nose, causing swelling of the tissues located in the eye area;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • hit foreign bodies in the eyes, prolonged exposure to extremely dusty environments or exposure to harmful eye chemicals;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • diabetes.

Dacryocystitis is often diagnosed in newborns. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the lacrimal ducts in infants in the first months after birth.

While in the womb, the tear ducts in children are closed by a membrane, which, when normal conditions ruptured at birth or shortly after birth. In some pathologies, this membrane can be preserved long time and after birth, which leads to the accumulation of lacrimal secretions in the eye canal and the formation of pathogenic microflora.

In adults, dacryocystitis also occurs, but much less frequently. The female sex is more prone to this disease than the male. The reason here is the structural features of the lacrimal ducts in women. One of the causes of illness in women may be the abuse cosmetics, many of which provoke the formation of inflammatory processes inside the lacrimal duct.


At this disease have their own characteristics. Acute dacryocystitis develops with the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of swelling in the region of the lacrimal sac, which responds with pain when it is squeezed;
  • swelling of the eye, in which the eyelids swell, and the palpebral fissure narrows, preventing a person from seeing normally;
  • severe redness in the region of the lacrimal duct;
  • area around ophthalmic orbit very painful - pain of a aching nature can be replaced by acute at the moment of touching the inflamed area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • intoxication of the body - weakness, fast fatiguability, malaise.

AT initial stage disease, the swelling formed in the region of the lacrimal duct is very dense to the touch, over time it becomes soft. The redness from the diseased eye subsides, an abscess forms at the site of the swelling. Inflammation disappears with the breakthrough of the abscess. Instead of an abscess, a fistula may form with permanent allocation contents of the lacrimal canal.

Chronic dacryocystitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • incessant tearing, sometimes with the presence of pus;
  • discharge increases when the lacrimal sac is pressed or squeezed;
  • on external examination, you can notice an oblong swelling under the sore eye;
  • eyelids swollen, swollen, overflowing with blood;
  • with further spread of infection, purulent ulcers may occur.

AT running form dacryocystitis, the skin under the eye becomes lethargic, flabby, thin, it is easily stretched by fingers. The danger of chronic dacryocystitis lies in the fact that it almost does not cause pain. A person suffering from this form of the disease does not immediately go to the doctor when the disease has already spread widely or has given severe complications.

In newborns, it can be determined by slight purulent discharge from the lacrimal ducts and swollen eyelids. If left untreated, after a few months, the child may experience constant watery eyes, and sometimes incessant tearing.

With an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, a phlegmon of the lacrimal canal may form. Its main signs are severe swelling in the region of the lacrimal sac, swelling and redness in the region of the lower eyelid. As an inflammatory process occurs in the body, the body temperature rises sharply. The analyzes can reveal an increased number of leukocytes and ESR.

Phlegmon - very dangerous phenomenon with dacryocystitis. It doesn't always open up. If the opening of the phlegmon occurs inside, the purulent contents will penetrate into the lacrimal ducts, through them it will enter the orbit, and then it can spread into the cranial cavity, with infection of the brain.

This process can lead to grave consequences, as memory impairment, partial or complete loss of vision, malfunctions of the nervous system.

These complications can occur only when the patient delays the visit to the doctor, or when the immune system is weakened. Timely visits to the doctor, diagnosis of the disease and the correct course of treatment help to successfully cope with this unpleasant disease.


Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor examines the patient, examines the symptoms and anamnesis of the disease, and then sends the patient for examination:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. A smear that determines the presence of bacterial microflora.
  3. Rhinoscopy. This survey will help to identify pathologies in the structure of the nasal sinuses and structures, as well as the presence of diseases that lead to obstruction lacrimal ducts.
  4. Examining the eye under a microscope.
  5. A special solution (collargol) is instilled into the patient's eyes, and after a while a cotton swab is inserted into the sinus of the nose. If drops of collargol are not found on it, then there is an obstruction of the lacrimal canal.
  6. Radiography with the introduction of a special dye into the eye ducts.

Dacryocystitis in children is diagnosed in exactly the same way as in adults. Treatment is given only after comprehensive examination patient. Even if after all the diagnostic procedures the doctor doubts that the patient has dacryocystitis, he usually prescribes washing eye ducts with a solution of furacilin.

Video - Obstruction of the lacrimal canal. The doctor will tell Aznauryan I.E.


The therapeutic approach to the treatment of dacryocystitis largely depends on the following factors:

  • forms of the disease - acute or chronic;
  • patient's age;
  • reasons for the development of the disease.

Treatment of the disease in adults begins with the active washing of the lacrimal canals with disinfectants. Further, the use of special drops or ointments is prescribed to prevent the spread of infection and have an antibacterial effect - Floxal, Ciprofloxacin, Dexamethasone, Levomycetin. In some cases, they may assign vasoconstrictor drugs. good effect with this disease, a special massage of the lacrimal canals can also be provided.

If conservative treatment has not brought any special results, in most cases the issue of conducting surgical operation. Before it, the patient must pass antibiotic therapy to prevent possible complications.

With dacryocystitis, the following types surgical intervention:

Type of surgical interventionDescription
BougienageThis operation consists in cleansing the tear ducts using a special tool. tear fluid after this operation, it is no longer blocked and the patency of the ducts is restored. This method usually used if the patient has frequent relapses of the disease
DacryocystomiaThis procedure consists in the fact that an additional message is formed between the nasal mucosa and the lacrimal canal. Thanks to this operation, pus stops accumulating, and the outflow of tears normalizes.

Treatment of newborns

Many parents try to heal the baby from inflammation of the tear ducts on their own - they wash the child's eyes with decoctions of all kinds of herbs, put tea lotions, buy some drops of their choice, guided only by the opinion of the pharmacist and their intuition.

Some of these procedures can indeed have a positive effect, but only for some little time. After the termination of these methods of treatment, the eyes of the child begin to water again, sometimes with the release of pus. This is due to the fact that the cause of the disease is often physiological pathologies, expressed in the obstruction of the lacrimal ducts and these pathologies cannot be eliminated with drops and lotions alone.

As a result of such treatment, parents only delay the course of the disease. New pathogenic bacteria enter the child's eyes, causing inflammation and threatening development complications.

That is why it is not recommended to take independent measures to treat the baby. When the first signs of a child’s illness appear, be sure to show a specialist.

When dacryocystitis is detected in a child, a doctor usually prescribes a special therapy, which consists in conducting special massage treatments, use of antibacterial eye drops and rinsing the eyes with disinfectant solutions.

- a very important part in the treatment of dacryocystitis.

The only contraindication to it is the severe stage of the disease, in which extensive inflammatory processes have already formed. With such phenomena, massage is prohibited, since there is a high probability of pus leaking into the tissues surrounding the lacrimal canals, and this is fraught with the formation of phlegmon.

Education correct technique massage is performed by a doctor. Before starting the massage, the mother should thoroughly wash her hands with soap and water. It is recommended to massage with sterile gloves, but you can simply rinse your hands in a special antiseptic solution.

First you need to gently squeeze out the contents of the lacrimal sac, then remove the released pus with a swab dipped in a solution of furacilin. Only after these procedures can you start the massage. The ideal time for a massage is before feeding.

Massage is carried out 4-5 times a day, while you need to make squeezing movements on the lacrimal sac. Too soft approach will not bring special effect, but excessively squeezing the diseased area is also not recommended. This procedure will help push the gelatinous membrane into the canal that connects the lacrimal sac to the sinuses. Massage is very effective for newborn babies. For adult children, such procedures will not give a special result.

After the massage, you can treat the eyes with a swab dipped in a solution of chlorhexidine or furacilin, and then drip the same solution into the child’s eyes so that the separated substance is removed not only from the eyelid, but also from the surface eyeball. Ready solutions can be used only within a day from the moment of preparation. Instead of these medicines you can use decoctions of herbs with antibacterial effects: calendula, chamomile and others.

If a child has a lot of pus in his eyes, it is recommended to use antibacterial drops - Albucid, Floksal, Tobrex. You need to bury them three times a day.

Conservative treatment of this disease makes sense only up to the age of two months. If massage and drops did not help, probing of the lacrimal canal is prescribed. Under local anesthesia a special probe is inserted into the lacrimal canal of the child, which pierces the membrane that caused the development of dacryocystitis. After that, the tear ducts are washed with antiseptics.

Efficiency similar procedure very high in the first months of a child's life. Its result is visible almost immediately - the baby disappears constant tearfulness and tearing of the eyes. After the operation, antibiotic drops are prescribed.


cure dacryocystitis folk methods is possible only if its appearance is not due to physiological pathologies.

A good effect can be instilled into the eyes of aloe juice, diluted in half with water, or applying compresses with this juice to the eyes. Instead of aloe, you can use eyebright juice. It is prepared and used in the same way as aloe juice.

Thyme has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be used for dacryocystitis. This plant boil for a couple, then let it brew for several hours, after which it is filtered. Sore eyes are washed with this decoction.

Before using any folk remedies, you need to without fail consult a doctor. In some forms of the disease, many folk recipes are contraindicated, so self-medication without the approval of a specialist is strictly not recommended.

Dacryocystitis is an infectious pathology that develops due to lack of traffic or narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct.

The occurrence of infection causes accumulation of tear fluid, its stagnation and inflammation, as a result.

Women are more susceptible to illness. The chance of getting sick in males is lower - the nasolacrimal canals in men are slightly wider than in women.

Causes of dacryocystitis in adults

Sinusitis and tonsillitis, not treated in time, often become cause of tear duct injury in adults. In addition, the disease can occur due to:

  • fracture of the nasal septum;
  • damage to the wall of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • the presence of polyps;
  • clogging of the eyes with chemicals, foreign objects;
  • allergies;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • violations metabolic process;
  • diabetes mellitus.


Symptoms early stage dacryocystitis are poorly expressed. The patient does not feel pain, only feeling of swelling under the eyes. Swelling may occur.

Later, the patient is uncomfortable with the appearance of tears and a feeling of mild pain. If you press on the rounded area of ​​the lacrimal sac, you can see purulent discharge.

They are accompanied by increased lacrimation, which leads to reddening of the skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

Symptoms acute stage diseases are more pronounced. The eyelids become swollen, the palpebral fissure closes, and the affected area turns red. The edema extends to the cheek. Patients feel chills, throbbing pain. They are worried headaches, feverish conditions. At this stage of the disease, the purulent capsule opens itself (not in every case), the purulent fluid flows out.

In place of the capsule is often formed phlegmon (purulent inflammation cellular space). For a pathology that develops in this way, characteristic frequent relapses. They are accompanied by the release of pus, tears, sticking of eyelashes in the morning, after a night's rest.

Important! Neglect threatens the development of an abscess or, even worse, sepsis. The latter means complete blindness. But there is an opportunity to avoid the consequences - contact the doctors as soon as possible.


Dacryocystitis has characteristic symptoms, thanks to which the diagnosis does not cause difficulties for doctors. The examination of the patient begins with palpation of the lacrimal sac. It is needed to detect the presence of a purulent secret.

Vesta test - next step. What is its essence? The technique is carried out according to the scheme: the patient is injected into the conjunctiva medical solutions(protargol, collargol).

At the same time, a turunda is inserted into nasal sinus. Injected drug within five minutes should stain the tear ducts. By the delay in the flow of the solution into the nasal cavity, it is easy for physicians to judge the degree of narrowing of the ducts.

Diagnostics with contrast radiography shows the level of fusion of the lacrimal canals. The causative agents of the disease are detected by bacteriological culture.

An addition to the inspection can be examination of the patient by a neurologist, neurosurgeon, dentist and otolaryngologist.

Methods of conservative treatment

Treatment of pathology depends on the causes and form of dacryocystitis. Its purpose is restoration of the patency of the lacrimal canals, carrying out therapy that allows you to restore the lost function of the ducts.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

At the initial stage, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor drugs in the form of ointments or drops. Often used to reduce bacterial activity Phloxal (active substance ofloxacin). The drug is used during the operation in two weeks. The dose of the medicine is prescribed by the doctor.

Photo 1. Sofradex eye and ear drops, 5 ml, from the manufacturer Sanofi Aventis.

Drops are used to relieve inflammation and swelling of the ducts. Sofradex and Chloramphenicol. At acute form pathologies replace them Cefukrosime.

The elimination of infection is facilitated by the sanitation (cleaning) of the conjunctiva using solutions Neomycetin, Levomycetin, sodium sulfacyl. The effect is enhanced by the introduction of corticosteroid drugs in combination with Prednisolone and others hormonal means.

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Massage, washes, compresses, UHF procedures, vitamins

For fixing medical therapy the patient is prescribed vitamins, washing the nasolacrimal canal, UHF, massage.

The latter, in fact, is not a massage. The purpose of the procedure is stimulation of the lacrimal duct and emptying of the lacrimal sac.

Massage is carried out with gloves and is accompanied by an introduction into the lacrimal canals medical supplies prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The massage algorithm for dacryocystitis is as follows:

  1. Squeeze a little with your finger inner area eyes, turn it (usually index) towards the bridge of the nose, and then compress the region of the lacrimal sac to cleanse it of purulent fluid.
  2. After squeezing out the pus, the lacrimal canal instilled with furatsilin.
  3. The purulent liquid and the remnants of the product are wiped with a cotton pad.
  4. The area of ​​the lacrimal canal is massaged again, while making jerky movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye down.
  5. Massage actions are repeated 5 times.
  6. The lacrimal canal is instilled with an antibacterial agent.

Stimulation is carried out every day, 5-6 times, for two weeks.

Attention! Washing the lacrimal canal is more correctly classified as a procedure aimed at diagnosing the disease. It is usually used to set lacrimal duct passivity. True, sometimes, by systematic washing, a partial expansion of the lacrimal canal is achieved.

Folk remedies

Use of funds traditional medicine effective in congenital dacryocystitis or in case of early diagnosis. Most commonly used for therapy eyebright, Kalanchoe pinnate. The juice of the latter disinfects the lacrimal ducts.

Before use, the leaf of the plant is torn off, washed, wrapped to dry in a cloth and chilled in the refrigerator several hours to days. Next, the leaf of the plant is crushed and the juice is squeezed out. It should not be used in high concentration. Therefore, the finished juice is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:1. And only after that, half a pipette is instilled into each nostril.

Photo 2. Eyebright extract, 40 capsules of 0.4 g, from the manufacturer "Ria Panda".

eyebright applied according to the abstract. This is a ready-made drug in the form of tablets and tinctures. To enhance the effect, the liquid is mixed with homemade decoctions from walnut, fennel, chamomile. The solid form of the drug is taken orally. The tablets can also be dissolved in water for daily eyewash as directed by a physician.

Surgical treatment options for dacryocystitis

The patient is operated on if the disease is diagnosed too late or is progressing.

Bougienage technique and effectiveness

The most common intervention is bougienage with a probe. Bug, that is, with a rigid probe during the procedure, a blockage that has fallen into the tear ducts breaks through. The lacrimal canal, which is intended for the outflow of fluid, becomes slightly wider. Permeability is improved as a result.

If your eyes are watery and inflamed, you may have a blocked tear duct. Blocked tear ducts can be caused by an infection or more serious illness such as a tumor. A blocked tear duct can usually be treated with massage, but it may be necessary to additional treatment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics or recommend surgery to correct the problem.


Part 1

Diagnosing a blocked tear duct

    Find out the causes of a blocked tear duct. Blockage of the tear duct (dacryocystitis) occurs when there is an obstruction in the canal that connects the eyes and nose. Most often, dacryocystitis occurs in newborns, but can occur in adults as a result of infection, injury, or tumor. Usually the disease can be caused by the following reasons:

    • Congenital blockage, which is common in newborns
    • Age changes
    • eye infection
    • facial trauma
    • Tumors
    • Treatment cancer
  1. Symptoms of blocked tear duct. The most common symptom is increased tearing. Tears can literally run down your face. When the tear duct is blocked, the tears may be more viscous and form a crust when they dry. Other symptoms include:

    • Frequent eye inflammation
    • defocused vision
    • Mucus-like or purulent discharge on the eyelids
  2. Consult a doctor. To make a diagnosis of occlusion of the lacrimal duct, medical checkup specialist. Blockage can be caused not only inflammatory process, but also a tumor or other serious medical problem so be sure to see your doctor.

    • As an analysis, the doctor will wash the eye with a colored liquid. If the tears don't flow normally, you can taste the liquid and feel it drip down your throat, then it will be clear sign blockage of the tear duct.
    • The doctor will also ask you about symptoms that are very important to rule out other possible eye conditions such as congenital conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

    Part 2

    Problem solving at home
    1. Wipe the area around the eye often. Remove secretions several times a day with a clean tissue and warm water so that they do not impair vision. Removing the discharge is especially important if the discharge is caused by an infection that could spread to the other eye.

    2. Apply a warm compress to stimulate secretions. A warm compress can open the canal and ease the discharge. Apply a warm compress to the top of your tear duct for three to five minutes, up to five times a day, until the blockage clears.

      • For warm compress you will need a warm, damp towel or cotton swab dipped in warm water or chamomile tea(it has a calming effect).
      • A warm compress should not be hot, so as not to cause redness and pain.
    3. Lacrimal sac massage. Massage of the lacrimal sac helps open the tear duct and stimulate fluid flow. The doctor can show the principle of massage on himself or on your child. To massage, place your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes on the sides of your nose.

      • Press down on these points for a few seconds and then release. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.
      • Always wash your hands before massaging your lacrimal sacs to avoid infection in your eyes.
    4. Drop breast milk into your eyes to fight infection. This method is suitable for babies with blocked tear ducts. Breast milk has bactericidal properties, which help to cope with the infection in the clogged duct. Breast milk also lubricates the eyes and relieves irritation.

      • Take a few drops breast milk on the forefinger, then drip milk on the affected eye of the baby. You can repeat this procedure up to six times a day.
      • Again, do not forget to wash your hands before this procedure, so as not to introduce an infection.

    Part 3

    Receipt medical care
    1. Take oral antibiotics to fight infection in the tear duct. Oral antibiotics are prescribed to treat a blocked tear duct if it is caused by an infection. Antibiotics are used to prevent the growth of bacteria in a specific area of ​​the body.

      • Erythromycin is the most common medication for a blocked tear duct. It inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria by interfering with their protein cycle.
      • One tablet of erythromycin 250 mg four times a day - usual dose medicines. But the dosage also depends on the severity of the infection and the age of the patient, so follow your doctor's instructions.
    2. Antibiotic eye drops can be used instead of drugs that must be taken by mouth. For less serious infections, eye drops are sometimes prescribed instead of pills.

      • To drip into your eyes, shake the vial well, tilt your head back, then count the recommended number of drops. Then close your eye for 30-60 seconds for the drops to be absorbed.
      • Always wash your hands before using eye drops to prevent infection. Wash your hands again after using the eye drops.
      • Children's eyes are buried in the same way, but this will require another adult so that the child does not move.
    3. Probing and washing the blocked duct. Dilation, probing, and flushing are minimally invasive treatments that can be performed to correct the problem. This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, it takes about 30 minutes.

      • The procedure is performed by expanding the pores (two small holes in the eyelids) using a miniature metal expander. After that, a probe is inserted into the canal, which should reach the nose. When the probe reaches the nose, the channel is flushed with a sterile liquid.
      • If you (or your child) are scheduled for this procedure, then aspirin or ibuprofen should be stopped two weeks before the operation, as they increase bleeding.
    4. Intubation. Intubation is another minimally invasive treatment option. Similar to probing with flushing, the goal of intubation is to open a blocked duct. For the operation, the patient is put to sleep under general anesthesia.

      • During the operation, a thin tube is inserted into the pores of the corners of the eyes, which should reach the nose. The tube is then left in the duct for three to four months to allow fluid to pass through and prevent re-occlusion.
      • The tube itself is barely visible, but after surgery, precautions should be taken to avoid infection. Avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid damaging or dislodging the tube, and always wash your hands before touching your eyes.
    5. Worst case, help surgical intervention. The operation will be the last possible option. If the duct fails to open in one of the above ways, then it is completely removed through a procedure called dacryocystorhinostomy.

      • A dacryocystorhinostomy is performed by creating a bypass between the nose and the tear duct, which allows the passage of tears.
      • After that, a fistula is placed in the duct, which serves as a passage for tears.
    • Most newborns have a blocked tear duct, but dacryocystitis usually clears up on its own after a few months as the tear duct develops.

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visual analyzer consists of the eyeball and auxiliary apparatus, which includes the upper and lower eyelids, the lacrimal gland, the muscles of the eyeball and fat body around the orbit.

Normally, babies begin to cry with the release of tear fluid only at 3-4 weeks from the moment of birth, but this does not mean that they do not produce fluid. It stands out a small amount, which is enough to moisturize the eye. When the lumen of the lacrimal canal narrows, parents notice that the baby has a constant tear in the eye, sometimes rolling down the face. The skin around the eyes gradually macerates, becomes edematous, hyperemic, dermatitis develops.


Instillation of Kalanchoe juice

Treatment of dacryocystitis with eyebright

With suppuration of the lacrimal sac and the development of phlegmon, the main danger lies in the transition of the infection to the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. In this case, ulcers and erosion occur, deeper layers of the eyeball are captured and a threat to the child's vision appears.

The initial phase of the development of dacryocystitis is in many ways similar to acute conjunctivitis, but they can be distinguished from each other by a number of characteristic symptoms. If an eye disease begins in a newborn, then it mainly develops against the background of a viral or microbial infection that entered the child's body during childbirth from an infected mother, or in the first days of a baby's life with improper care.

At acute conjunctivitis in addition to other symptoms, there is always redness of the eyes, while this is uncharacteristic for dacryocystitis. In addition, conjunctivitis predominantly affects both eyes, especially infection during childbirth. Dacryocystitis in babies can be observed in both eyes at the same time, but this is not so common, basically the process occurs only in one eye.

Treatment of dacryocystitis with folk methods

Some parents decide to postpone radical treatment and try to break through the lacrimal canal with the help of massage, instillation various means, compresses.

It is worth saying that the treatment of dacryocystitis with alternative methods can only help if the disease is diagnosed early and if it occurs at birth, and is not acquired due to another type of pathology.


If the baby was diagnosed with dacryocystitis, it is necessary to immediately begin to conduct a therapeutic massage of the lacrimal punctum and the lacrimal-nasal canal. Massage has several goals - the removal of stagnant lacrimal fluid from the lacrimal sac and the gradual thinning of the gelatinous plug. Massage should be done 5-6 or more times a day. Some parents spend it while the baby is sleeping, but in any case, the baby's tears should not stop parents. They must be persistent in achieving the result, because it depends on their efforts whether the operation will be necessary in the future.

Massage is done in order to create a difference in hydrostatic pressure in the system of sloughing, which will help to thin and break through the congestion. In the inner corner of the eye, in the place where the lacrimal opening is located, a few drops of a disinfectant solution, for example, furacilin, are dripped, after a minute they begin to massage. Vibrating and spiraling movements should be carried out with pressure medium degree otherwise they won't be of any use. Of course, there is no need to press with such force that the child will have bruises, but stroking the skin is also absolutely pointless.

In addition to the lacrimal opening, it is necessary to massage the projection of the lacrimal canal with the same movements. In total, you need to do at least 25-30 such vibrating movements. The best indicator that the massage was done correctly is the discharge of pus from the eye. It should be collected with a clean disposable cotton pad soaked in saline or chamomile infusion.

It would not be superfluous to recall that the hands during the massage should be warm, clean, with short-cut nails. Massage can be done with the little finger or index finger.

In some cases, just one massage is enough for dacryocystitis to disappear without a trace. How to understand that dacryocystitis has passed? Everything is very simple - all the symptoms will disappear: the tear will not accumulate in the eye, the swelling will go away, pus will no longer be released from the lacrimal opening and the test for the patency of the lacrimal canal will be positive.

The test is carried out as follows. One or two drops of collargol or protargol should be injected into the conjunctival sac, and a cotton turunda should be inserted into the baby's nose. After a few minutes, the turunda is taken out and its color is looked at - if it turns brownish, then the canal is passable, but if the result is negative, then this, unfortunately, indicates that the stricture in the lacrimal ducts has remained.

Instillation of Kalanchoe juice

Many parents who choose to treat folk remedies dacryocystitis in newborns, use kalanchoe juice. It causes irritation of the mucous membrane and simultaneously disinfects and removes inflammation in the lacrimal ducts. For treatment, Kalanchoe pinnate is most suitable. It must be properly prepared for use in medicinal purposes. The leaves are plucked, washed, wrapped in a clean cloth and placed in the refrigerator for several days.

During this time, extraction occurs in the leaf useful substances and the juice will produce maximum effect. After the leaves are crushed, juice is squeezed out of them. AT pure form it is very concentrated and not suitable for a newborn, therefore it should be diluted with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. A third of the pipette is instilled into each nostril.

Important - Kalanchoe should cause a long-term attack of sneezing in a child. At this moment, with effective sneezing, the lacrimal ducts are cleared of pus. After it, you should clean the eyes from the released pus and rinse them with a disinfectant solution.

In some cases, Kalanchoe with dacryocystitis helps to completely get rid of the problem in a few weeks.

Treatment of dacryocystitis with eyebright

There is such medicinal plant eyebright or euphrasia. She has long established herself as excellent tool with many eye diseases, especially flowing with symptoms of inflammation or suppuration. Eyebright with dacryocystitis helps fight inflammation, has an antimicrobial and regenerating effect.

Eyebright is taken orally, and can be used externally for eyewashes or lotions. To do this, the eyebright infusion is mixed with decoctions of chamomile, fennel or walnut. Eyebright is sold in pharmacies in tablet form. The tablets can be taken orally as directed, or dissolved in a glass of warm water and applied as an eye lotion or wash several times a day.

Contraindications for its use on this moment not found.

Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults

The main treatment for dacryocystitis is bougienage or dacryocystorhinotomy. The essence of operations is to restore the free movement of the lacrimal fluid or create a new message between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity.

However, on early stages the question of how to cure dacryocystitis without surgery is quite relevant. To this end, carry out therapeutic massages, eye drops medications or traditional medicine, make compresses. After a few weeks, you can judge the effectiveness of the treatment. In the event that there is no positive dynamics, you will have to resort to surgical treatment.

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Did you know that newborns cry without tears? This happens because in utero the function of tears is taken over by the amniotic fluid, and the nasolacrimal canal itself is still at the ripening stage.

However, a few weeks after birth, the tear duct opens. But what if the obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns is determined and what dangers are associated with this? Let's find out.

What is dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis is a condition where the outflow of tears cannot occur naturally by virtue of different reasons which causes the eye to become inflamed. main reason such inflammation is the obstruction of the lacrimal canal. We will understand why this happens if we consider the anatomy of the eye.

The lacrimal gland produces tears in portions, which, washing the eye, drain to the inner corner, where the upper and lower lacrimal points are located. Passing through them, the tear enters the lacrimal duct, and then into the lacrimal sac. Further, the journey continues along the lacrimal canal directly into the nasal cavity.

During prenatal development the nasolacrimal canal is blocked by a gelatinous plug, or a film that prevents amniotic fluid from entering Airways, as well as in visual apparatus. With the first cry of the baby, the film that has fulfilled its role is torn, thereby providing an opportunity to work. visual system as it should be.

But sometimes there is no break. The resulting tears have to look for workarounds or be in a state of stagnation. Blockage of the tear duct leads to the accumulation of fluid in the sac, it is clogged, swells, inflamed and becomes fertile ground for infections, loving warmth and moisture.

A "spent" tear overcomes a certain path before leaving the body. If a blockage occurs along the way, stagnation and inflammation may develop.

A similar problem occurs in 2-4% of infants. In order to effectively and as soon as possible help the baby get rid of it, it is important to know how this condition manifests itself, as well as what are the basic principles of its treatment.

Causes of obstruction

  • Congenital obstruction. Too dense mucous membrane blocks the drainage system. It can resolve on its own during the first months of life. If this does not happen, resort to bougienage.
  • Accession of an infection. Any stagnation of liquid in a warm place is a breeding ground for bacteria. This is how inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal (dacryocystitis) develops.
  • Pathological formation and growth of the nasal bone presses on the tear duct and can block it.
  • Tumors of the nose, face; the presence of cysts or stones in the duct.


Until the baby starts crying pathological condition is asymptomatic. After a while, the pathology makes itself felt with signs very similar to conjunctivitis. They are observed, as a rule, only in one eye:

  • lacrimation; the eye remains excessively wet almost all the time;
  • yellow-brown discharge forms on the inner corner of the eye, they glue the cilia in the morning;
  • eyelids swell, redden;
  • in difficult situations pus is discharged from the eyes, there is pain when pressed along the nose;
  • drops with an antibiotic help only temporarily, after the end of treatment, the symptoms resume.

Daily eye hygiene is the first step towards recovery

If you find similar signs in a newborn baby, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. It is he who chooses the final diagnosis and treatment tactics.


There are several diagnostic methods, allowing you to determine for sure whether there is a blockage of the lacrimal canals.

  1. Vesta test. A drop of dye is instilled into both eyes - a harmless solution of fluorescein or collargol. A loose cotton swab is inserted into the nose and the time is noted. From the very eye, the coloring matter normally disappears in 3-5 minutes. 5 minutes after the start of the procedure, the tampon is removed every minute with tweezers from the nose in order to understand how long it will take to stain. At a positive result The tampon is colored in 7 minutes. If more than 10 minutes have passed, the test is considered negative.
  2. Fluorescent dye test. A solution with a dye is instilled into the eyes 1 drop. After 15 minutes, the ophthalmologist looks at the conjunctiva through a special blue light. Normally, there is almost no paint left. If there is a lot of it, the drainage system of the eye does not work well.
  3. Dacryoscintigraphy. Buried in the eye contrast agent and then magnetic resonance imaging is done, CT scan or x-ray. The picture shows the absence or presence of blockage of the lacrimal ducts.
  4. Test for detection of culture of microorganisms and their resistance(or sensitivity) to antibiotics. If the discharge is purulent, a culture is done to determine the type of bacteria. When the samples grow on the culture medium, a test is made for the sensitivity of the bacterium to various antimicrobials. It allows you to treat the infection as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  5. sounding. A metal wire is passed through the duct and thus the blockage is determined by immediately conducting medical measures. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Methods of treatment

Treatment will depend on the cause of the pathology and its severity. For newborns, therapy begins with a massage. If necessary, antibacterial eye drops are instilled.


Massage of the lacrimal canal in newborns is prescribed by a doctor. He explains and clearly shows how to do it. Therefore, information about the technique and techniques of massage is given for informational purposes only.

Perform massage at home, but he needs to learn

Before the massage, the hands are thoroughly washed, the nails are cut short. After that, the eye is washed. Use a decoction of chamomile or furatsilin solution (1: 5000). A cotton swab is moistened in the selected liquid and the cilia, palpebral fissure are cleaned, moving from the temple towards the nose, from the outer edge to the inner, removing the remnants of pus. Only after that we proceed to massage the lacrimal canal in newborns:

  1. We put the index finger (this is important!) on the inner corner of the baby's eye so that its small pillow looks at the bridge of the nose.
  2. Lightly press on this point. The pressure should be gentle (remember: the baby has vulnerable cartilage in the sinuses), but sufficient to help break through the film.
  3. Without ceasing to press, move your finger down along the spout. The movement resembles a push: sharp and confident. Having reached the bottom, reduce the pressure and return to the starting position to the inner corner.
  4. Jerky continuous movements in total should be from 5 to 10. During the procedure, pus or tears may be released from the eye, which is a good sign. The released pus is removed by washing and the massage is completed.
  5. The last stage is the instillation of drops into a clean developed eye.

Attention! Do not use drops that can crystallize for treatment. This further prevents the tear fluid from flowing normally. Crystallizes, for example, a 20% solution of sodium sulfacyl (popularly - albucid).

The child may resist and cry during the massage. No matter how cruel it sounds, but crying in this case is very handy, because the baby is tense, and during stress it is much easier to break through the cork.


If the finger vibration massage did not give the expected result in two weeks, a procedure called probing, or bougienage, is prescribed. Although it is classified as a surgical procedure, there is no need to worry too much. It is simple, passes in most cases under local anesthesia and last no more than 10 minutes. What does she represent?

All manipulations are carried out in the office of an ophthalmologist who has the proper qualifications and experience. Before the operation, an ENT doctor is additionally consulted to exclude nasal pathologies, such as a congenital curvature of the nasal septum. The child's blood is checked for clotting.

Sometimes probing is the only thing the right way help the child

Local anesthetic drops are instilled into children's eyes, most often 0.5% Alkain. It reliably anesthetizes almost immediately and acts for 15 minutes. There is enough time for all manipulations. Initially, with the help of Sichel probes, the lacrimal ducts are expanded. Then use the Bowman probe (reminiscent of a thin metal wire). They break through the film and clean the channel. Washings produce saline and disinfectants. With the help of the West test, it is determined whether the channel has opened well.

To prevent re-narrowing (this may happen), a weekly prophylactic tear duct massage and antibacterial drops are prescribed.

Note to parents. During the operation, the baby may cry. Do not think, he is not crying from severe unbearable pain. It's just that no one is pleased when his eyes are "poked", and even in the bright light of surgical lamps. Of course, everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity, and echoes of pain may be present, but they are tolerable. As soon as the basic manipulations are over, the child will calm down.

If an obstruction of the tear ducts is diagnosed and doctors strongly recommend that you do a bougienage, do not delay the decision for a long time. The operation is most effective in children under the age of three months, because over time, the clogging film coarsens. By 6 months, breaking it is much more difficult.


There are no specific methods of prevention. Pathology is most often congenital, so it either exists or it does not. It is recommended to treat sinusitis and conjunctivitis in a timely manner, monitor personal hygiene, do not rub dirty hands eyes. At eye diseases avoid exposure to wind, cold or direct sunlight.