Dr. Neumyvakin useful advice about arthrosis. Treatment Method

Once, almost a year ago, I also started drinking soda, hoping for a “miracle” and a quick recovery. Not for long, I drank probably only a week and .. I didn’t feel any result at all, neither positive nor negative.

But now I see that at that moment I didn’t take anything but soda from Neumyvakin’s method. But any technique usually involves a whole set of rules that must be observed in order to obtain a result.

But this soda has been sitting in my head ever since. In addition, a very respected doctor . as well as Professor Neumyvakin, he talks a lot in his lectures about successful application soda in medical practice their clinics.

In the article on the method of reception, I promised to look for reviews on the Internet and bring them together to get some kind of objective picture.

Basically, the reviews were selected for treatment with soda (as a more popular and replicated method). There are fewer negative reviews than positive ones, but the first ones are sometimes more impressive, truly, a cry from the heart ..

What conclusions did I draw for myself?

  1. The method of treating various diseases with soda is, of course, not an empty phrase and there is a place to be, there are certainly positive results.
  2. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. Treatment with soda is aimed at combating acidification of the body, and in cases where the disease is associated with acidification, soda helps
  3. You need to start taking soda with small dosages - with a pinch, two. To understand the reaction of the body
  4. You can not take soda without a break. You need to drink it in courses.
  5. If the reaction of the body is immediately negative, it is better not to continue this method. But at the same time, there may be reactions of exacerbation of sores - as a rule, short-lived and acute., This is normal for anyone effective treatment. The whole question here is how to distinguish a temporary exacerbation from a deterioration caused by an incorrectly chosen method of recovery ...
  6. If the reaction is neutral, observe a few more days, do not immediately increase the dosage
  7. If there are immediate positive changes in the symptoms of diseases, it may well be that the soda treatment method suits you, but this does not mean that you need to drink soda in kilograms and for years.
  8. In addition, you can regulate and control the alkalization-acidification of the body using pH test strips (available at some pharmacies). Using them, you can measure the pH of urine, saliva before and after taking soda. But still, it is better not to play with these indicators, it is very dangerous to unbalance the body in terms of acid-base balance ...
  9. Always carefully study the instructions recommended by the author of the method (in this case, Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich) and strictly adhere to it.
  10. Look for the latest works or videos of the author, the information could change, become outdated, modernized and supplemented ...
  11. In the reviews of other people, you can also find many errors and many personal developments of lovers of drug-free recovery. Consider these mistakes, why repeat everything on yourself ...
  12. But always listen to the voice of common sense! Not everything that is good for one is good for another.
  13. Soda is not a panacea, and it cannot be. Take it not as the basis of recovery, but only as one of the components of treatment. Without proper nutrition, drinking water, physical activity, psychological mood, without KNOWLEDGE, soda can be useless and even harmful. However, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin himself talks about this - change your diet, drink plenty of water during the day, make the meal itself USEFUL (without drinking and carefully processing food with saliva), do elementary exercises and connect walks, adjust your sleep schedule.
  14. Do not drink soda "just because" "just in case." If there are specific health problems, try it as one of the components of the treatment.
  15. Is it worth consulting with doctors, as many say? It is worth it if the doctor is real, thinking and not within the framework of stereotypes. Otherwise, perhaps there will be no point in advice - soda treatment is not a scientifically proven method and no official doctor you, most likely, will not prescribe it and will not take responsibility for it.
  16. Speaking of responsibility. When we take drugs from a pharmacy prescribed by a doctor, we place all responsibility on him. When we follow the path of alternative medicine, all responsibility for our health is only on ourselves. If you do not feel the strength in yourself for such a burden, it is better not to start being treated with such methods ...
  17. You can always look for an alternative. If soda alkalizes the body and this helps with certain diseases, why not find other ways of alkalizing - with the help of the same foods (it is known that a raw food diet also affects the body, but it is quite difficult to get harm from it).
  18. Lastly, always listen to your body. Only he will tell you what is suitable for him, what is not. If the medicine helps, usually relief of the disease occurs fairly quickly. If you take soda and there is no progress - most likely this is not for you ...

I took reviews on different sites, from open sources, I publish them almost unchanged. Read, there is a lot of interesting things!

Negative feedback about the application

soda according to the method of Neumyvakin I.P.

Elena Barnaul

I drank soda for 6 months .. I reached two teaspoons a day .. as a result I got hypernatremia .... as a result of which there was a shortage of potassium .. and after a lack of potassium and magnesium began to disappear ... and calcium began to be deposited in the vessels and kidneys ... myalgia began, tendon reflexes increased, convulsions increased, muscle tone increased ... I became wooden .. stopped drinking soda and slowly bounce back ... switched to apple cider vinegar .. it also alkalizes the body very well ... you can also use lemon water .. lemon also alkalizes ...

Vera Voronezh

I drank soda for a month, started with 13 teaspoons, then 1 teaspoon per glass of warm water, first extinguished with boiling water. did not increase the intake to 2 times a day. Now the limbs are swollen, the stomach is swollen, itching all over the body, heaviness after eating. I stopped taking soda, I drink cranberry juice-buds work, I don’t know how to relieve heaviness in the stomach. I read the forum. Very good comments. I'm waiting for advice.

Alexander Vasilyevich 2 years ago

Evgeny Mostipan — 2 years ago

Valentina Ekibastuz

Nina Odessa

Helena Nautilus

Alya Jumanova-1 month ago

Jan Puchkov-5 months ago

Nadezhda Kovalenko-3 months ago

michael ziborov 4 months ago

Timur M

Dionys Light 2 years ago (modified)


Positive reviews:

Lilija Głownia 1 month ago

Rik Nur 1 month ago

Leonid Miklaev 6 months ago


Lilia Izhevsk

Igor Sokolov 3 months ago

Nadezhda Marchenko 8 months ago

Tatyana4 months ago

Mikhail Ustinov A year ago

Read on American site about the treatment with baking soda and what do you think, very good reviews in 1st place kidney stone disease in 2nd place oncology, diabetes mellitus, etc. so be healthy LORD!!!

In order to cope with various complex diseases, modern doctors are developing a huge number of techniques, many of which are recognized as very effective. One of them is soda treatment and hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. This technique was developed by the professor more than 40 years ago, and its effectiveness has been proven by many positive results. The main condition for achieving a positive result is the refusal to independently conduct therapeutic measures and take drugs only after consultation. an experienced doctor and under his strict control.

Neumyvakin about soda and hydrogen peroxide, speaks of one of the most effective complex medical techniques

What is the essence of the technique

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich is a well-known specialist in the field of alternative medicine. His advice and recommendations have been used for many years not only by patients, but also by his colleagues, leaving only positive reviews. One of the most important research works carried out by the professor is the study of the effect that peroxide and sodium bicarbonate have on the human body, which are taken simultaneously.

According to Professor Neumyvakin, treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide simultaneously helps to get rid of many serious and dangerous diseases, stops their development and allows you to restore functionality. various bodies and systems. This therapy is based on the action that both components have. It has long been known that sodium bicarbonate does more than thin the blood. Regular intake baking soda helps:

  • renew the structure of the blood;
  • get rid of salt deposits;
  • stop the process of stone formation;
  • eliminate cholesterol plaques.

The effect after taking sodium bicarbonate is noticeable in a detailed study of the blood test already after 15-20 minutes. The visible effect appears after a few days of regular intake of baking soda.

To strengthen it and achieve more significant results, treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide at the same time will help. According to the scientist, the cause of the emergence and development of most serious illnesses is a violation of the acid-base balance in the human body. It is thanks to the regular and proper intake of soda that this balance can be restored by normalizing the alkali content.

A decision on the need for therapy with sodium bicarbonate can only be made by a competent therapist who has carefully studied the general condition of the patient and received the results of the examination confirming the violation. acid-base balance and the absence of complex lesions gastrointestinal tract.

Professor Neumyvakin considers soda treatment to be one of the most effective. He, like many modern physicians, declares with confidence that the cause of the emergence and development of most dangerous diseases is the insufficient supply of oxygen that occurs due to underproduction substances such as hydrogen peroxide. This problem can be eliminated by carrying out, in accordance with the method of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda at the same time.

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the most complex ailments arise and develop in the body of those patients who suffer primarily from a violation of the intestines. Improvement of microflora and removal of toxins with the help of hydrogen peroxide and soda helps to strengthen defensive reactions gastrointestinal tract, because correct reception of these substances contributes to a soft and effective cleansing of the body.

Preparing for the procedure and conducting therapeutic measures

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda will help get rid of the most dangerous and complex diseases and support all organs and systems human body in the right state due to the normalization of acid-base metabolism and the removal of toxins and toxins. The exact ratio of the components, the correct and regular intake will not cause harm, but rather, on the contrary, will help to get the job done:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • stomach and intestines;
  • organs of the respiratory system.

Neumyvakin offers for the purpose of delivery to the body required amount acid use a method proven over the years - treatment with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Peroxide and soda help eliminate symptoms allergic reactions and dermatitis, get rid of such complex ailments as emphysema and cholecystitis. In addition, studies by scientists from different countries world confirm that cancer treatment with hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate is also possible at home. Such therapy can be effective only in the early stages of cancer.

In order for the therapy to be complete and effective, you need to know exactly how to take soda and hydrogen peroxide. First of all, it should be understood that not only the number of components is of great importance, but also the temperature of the water that will be used to prepare the composition and ingest it.

I. P. Neumyvakin recommends starting a reception medicinal composition with minimal doses. During the first 2-3 days, a very small amount of sodium bicarbonate is used for oral administration. The powder should only fit on the tip of the knife. As for hydrogen peroxide, in the first days of treatment, no more than 3 drops of the solution are taken for each dose, introducing them into 250 ml of warm boiled water.

The temperature of the water also matters a lot. When dissolving sodium bicarbonate in cold water, soda does not dissolve completely, and the patient's body will need more time and effort to absorb it, more energy will be expended. Preparation of a solution in boiling water is impractical. Sodium bicarbonate is poured into half a glass (100 ml) of boiling water, after which a glass of cold water is added. boiled water. The patient does not have to wait until the water cools down to take the composition.

There are several more important conditions the use of a medicinal composition, compliance with which will help achieve the desired effect in the treatment with soda with peroxide:

  • The solution must be consumed immediately after preparation.
  • Sodium bicarbonate can be dissolved both in water and in milk heated to room temperature.
  • The composition is taken at least 2 times a day, but adults and elderly patients are recommended to drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Maximum daily amount sodium bicarbonate, permitted for use is 2 tsp, and a single highest dose- 0.25 tsp However, this amount can become so no earlier than a week after the start of the intake.
  • The composition is taken only on an empty stomach. Otherwise, the process of fermentation begins in the intestines, leading to increased gas formation, bloating and discomfort in the abdomen.

The use of soda according to the Neumyvakin method provides for a gradual increase in the amount of sodium bicarbonate. The professor developed a scheme in which treatment begins with ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate diluted in 250 ml warm water, and gradually reaches 1 tbsp. l. Proceed to this treatment on one's own initiative is not recommended. It is necessary to seek advice from a specialist who can confirm the absence of contraindications for use as medicines soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Another effective way treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract according to Neumyvakin - an enema with soda. It treats bowel diseases and helps to get rid of:

In order to prepare the solution you need 2 liters cool water and one tablespoon of baking soda. The warm solution will quickly be absorbed into the intestinal walls, and the cold water will be immediately removed from the body.

Contraindications and rules of admission

Those who wish to undergo a course of treatment according to Neumyvakin must undergo an examination, obtain permission from the attending physician, make sure that there are no contraindications and clarify how to drink soda so as not to cause harm own health and achieve a positive effect.

Neumyvakin's method of healing with soda, which was used by many patients, as well as their positive feedback, speaks of its effectiveness

Treatment with sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • the presence of stage III cancer;
  • acid disorders and peptic ulcer stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy.

To get the maximum effect from such therapy, you need to know that the composition treats a wide variety of ailments, but only those who take it in strict accordance with the developed scheme, change their diet and lifestyle, refuse to achieve the desired result bad habits.

Soda and peroxide for therapy early stages cancer effective when taken orally in small amounts. So, for example, a patient who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the uterus on initial stage development saw soda and peroxide together before breakfast, according to the following scheme:

  • at least an hour before meals, 200 ml of warm water with the addition of 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and soda on the tip of a knife;
  • after 25-30 minutes a glass of warm water with sodium bicarbonate on the tip of a knife;
  • after another 30 minutes, drink warm water with peroxide and soda again.

You need to drink each solution with a certain period of time between use. They drink soda and peroxide strictly on an empty stomach at lunch and in evening time. This requires strict adherence to the diet.

Those who use peroxide at the same time as baking soda for the first time should start with three or even one drop. Doctors' opinions indicate that maximum effect achieved by patients who follow all the instructions of the professor. special attention deserves the process of eating. It is important to chew food thoroughly and in no case drink it down with tea, coffee, or any other drinks. Prolonged chewing contributes to abundant wetting of food with saliva, better digestion and assimilation. The absence of additional liquid contributes to the digestion of food under the influence of gastric juice of the desired concentration.

Drinking is permissible 1.5 hours after breakfast. Before lunch, you need to drink at least two glasses of water with or without peroxide. The latter is drunk at least 15 minutes before dinner. After dinner, you can drink after 2 hours. Between lunch and dinner, you should drink at least 500 ml of warm water. Food during lunch and dinner must be chewed thoroughly, without drinking and prolonging the chewing process, achieving abundant wetting of food with saliva. After dinner, it is advisable not to eat at all. In extreme cases, if you feel thirsty, you can drink a glass of warm water no earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

In an effort to find out what other diseases this miraculous composition, prepared from well-known substances, treats, many patients begin to look for information about whether baking soda can be cured. chronic diseases how to properly prepare the composition and for how long to continue taking it. You can get it by reading Neumyvakin's book "Soda - myths and reality."

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is such an extraordinary person that his advice on treatment, or rather, lifestyle, has been popular for many years, starting from Soviet times. Until now, Neumyvakin's books are being read. A huge number of people are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his many years of work, for his intelligence, responsiveness, kindness. For his persistent character, the ability to cure without pills and operations. However, Neumyvakin is sure that there are no diseases. All clinical symptoms, which some patients like to list, Ivan Pavlovich calls "states."

About food

About medicine

When something hurts, we go to the doctor. The doctor prescribes numerous examinations, drugs, pills that temporarily improve the situation and enrich the pharmaceutical industry. We're used to being treated because that's what most people do. Some do not depend on public opinion. They do not want to be treated, but they do not want to get sick either. Then the invaluable advice of IP Neumyvakin comes to the rescue. Video:

From the biography of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Interestingly, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was born in 1928. At 86, he not only looks great, being the founder of a wellness center. He is active, happy to talk about his achievements, about how you can stay without sores without buying expensive drugs with numerous side effects.

I.P. Neumyvakin is a doctor, doctor of medical sciences, who was entrusted with creating space medicine, which he successfully coped with for about 30 years. Observing, studying, drawing conclusions .. Ivan Pavlovich wrote many books, scientific papers. Some of Neumyvakin's conclusions are very unsympathetic to official medicine. It's no secret that a lot of money is made on people's illnesses, and Ivan Pavlovich teaches how to be healthy without taking money to the pharmacy.

About hydrogen peroxide

A contraindication for peroxide treatment is hemophilia. Everything else can be treated, that is, restored. Hydrogen peroxide is powerful antioxidant, is produced inside the intestines, but on condition that it is healthy and working properly. If there are problems here - clean, restore. Hydrogen peroxide can be taken orally.

For example, quite recently there was a horror story about swine flu. Professor Neumyvakin claims that there is no such flu. Accordingly, no vaccines are needed for it. It is enough to take ¼ cup of water, drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it. This solution is instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day, if an epidemic has begun. Not only will there be no swine flu, but none at all.

About water

Neumyvakin recommends preparing water in the following way: first, stand it overnight so that chlorine comes out. Then bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. So to speak, to white bubbles. Thus prepared water will be structured for 3 hours. It is during this time that you need to drink it so that it benefits the body. It is necessary to drink either 15 - 20 minutes before meals, or 2 hours after. In order not to dilute gastric juice necessary for the thorough digestion of food. It is desirable to drink one and a half - two liters of water per day. Tea, jelly, compote will not replace healthy water. Only pure structured water penetrates the cell, maintaining its vitality.


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Treatment and Prevention Center I.P. NEUMYVAKINA


We have come a long, more than 50-year path of medical activity to the creation of a treatment and prevention center. As always, the first years of a doctor are the development of a particular specialty, which takes a lot of time. The author was more fortunate than others, probably, this is destined by fate. While still a student, preparing for the profession of a surgeon, he worked first in an anatomy, then in operative surgery. After graduation, he was drafted into the army, where he had to take up aviation medicine, which required multidisciplinary knowledge of both a doctor and the extreme conditions in which the pilot is located.

Such preliminary preparation, a constant desire to learn new things and the ability to quickly implement them, made it possible, after passing a rather tough selection, to get into the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. Before 1964 new job was associated with the development of methods and means for capturing, transmitting via telemetry channels and analyzing physiological information about the state of cosmonauts under conditions space flight. In 1964, taking into account the prospect of space exploration and the possibility of its settlement, the author was entrusted with the development of methods and means of providing medical care astronauts during flights different duration, including other planets.

It took a little time to understand that you won't fly far on medications alone. By order of one of the best Ministers of Health of the USSR, B.V. Petrovsky, all specialized institutions of the country were involved in this work, the leading specialists of which had to transform their knowledge in relation to the tasks of space medicine: therapists, surgeons, traumatologists, oculists, dentists, pharmacists, pharmacologists, engineers of various profiles. Of course, in order to coordinate all these works, our own team was needed, including design bureaus. Already by 1970, a kind of Ministry of Health in miniature was created, up to the department of resuscitation and anesthetic support.

By 1975, a space hospital was actually created, equipped with the means sufficient to provide any medical (including specialized types) care. A wide range of research and applied work has raised doubts about the effectiveness of the official medicine approach in the treatment of patients. pharmacological agents, with which you can only eliminate the symptoms, not the causes of diseases. By this time, a number of methods and means of prevention and treatment had already been developed. various diseases through non-specific effects on the body.

Since official medicine did not recognize (and still does not recognize) traditional medicine, until 1990 this line of work was carried out "underground", in their free time - on vacation. So, at the end of the 80s, the proposed health system was worked out for several years in the city of Shakhty, where the folk healer N.A. Semenova then lived.

By 2000, it became obvious that the developed health system could also be used in outpatient settings with subsequent implementation by patients of the recommendations issued at home. The idea came to create a specialized treatment and prevention center, where the whole range of health-improving measures, which is sufficient for the first step towards recovery, can be carried out with much less effort.

The reliability of the proposed health system has been tested on thousands of patients in both outpatient and hospital settings. stationary conditions, and the results obtained showed that, regardless of the nature of the diseases, remission (recovery) - to a large extent depending on the patient himself - reached 80%, which official medicine cannot achieve, which, moreover, healthy man and not needed.

Each highly specialized doctor, locking himself in his shell, contributes to the violation, although declared fundamental principle medicine - to treat not a disease, but a patient, as a result of which one disease disappears, and another arises, which already requires another narrow specialist. Thus, the patient gets into the whirlwind of narrow specialists, from which he has practically no way out, and turns into a walking medical encyclopedia.
There is no doubt that medicine has achieved great success and can do a lot, but in its technocratic approach to the study of a person, it has divided it into dozens of particulars, hundreds of diagnoses, and behind them the person as a whole disappeared, was lost.

Thus, already in the early 1970s, with the help of specialists, we had to “disassemble” the body into its component parts, consider their interconnections, assemble them again and look at a person as a complex energy-information system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. If in recent times the disease was considered as a "mental" state in which the mental and physical constituted a single holistic process (where the word healer came from), then at present, especially in our country, mental condition in the treatment was not taken into account at all and until now has been in the backyard of medicine. This is the first. And second, medicine continues to treat symptoms, while the causes of diseases remain unexplained.

Our more than 15 years of experience in folk healing allows us to conclude that the body is a perfect self-regulating energy-information system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the margin of safety is always greater than any damaging factor. Despite the large number of directions in the traditional traditional medicine, the fundamental cause of almost all diseases is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The gastrointestinal tract is a complex "production" for crushing, processing, synthesis, absorption necessary for the body substances and removal of metabolic products. In each of his workshops (mouth, stomach, etc.), the process of processing food must be brought to an end.

The gastrointestinal tract is:
- 3/4 of all elements of the immune system responsible for "putting things in order" in the body;
- more than 20 own hormones, on which the work of the entire hormonal system;
- the abdominal brain, which regulates all the complex work of the gastrointestinal tract and the relationship with the brain;
- more than 500 types of microbes that process, synthesize biologically active substances and destroying harmful;
- a kind of root system, from functional state which depends on any process occurring in the body.

Slagging of the body is:
- canned, refined, fried food, smoked meats, sweets, the processing of which requires a lot of oxygen, which is why the body constantly experiences oxygen starvation(For example, cancerous tumors develop only in an oxygen-free environment);
- poorly chewed food, diluted during or after a meal with any liquid (1st dish - food). A decrease in the concentration of the digestive juices of the stomach, liver, pancreas does not allow them to digest food to the end, as a result of which it rots, acidifies, which is also the cause of diseases.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is:
- weakening of the immune, hormonal, enzymatic systems;
- replacement normal microflora on pathological (dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, etc.);
- change electrolyte balance(vitamins, micro and macro elements), which leads to a violation metabolic processes(arthritis, osteochondrosis), circulation (atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, etc.);
- displacement and compression of all organs of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic regions, which leads to disruption of their functioning;
- congestion in any part of the large intestine, which leads to pathological processes in the organ projected on it.

Without normalizing the diet, without cleansing the body of toxins, especially the large intestine and liver, it is impossible to cure any disease.
Thanks to the cleansing of the body from toxins and the subsequent reasonable attitude towards our health, we bring all organs into resonance with the frequency inherent in Nature. Thus, the endoecological state is restored, or otherwise, the disturbed balance in energy-informational connections both within the body and with external environment. There is no other way.


All of the above made it possible to implement in the Treatment and Prevention Center best practices and the means of providing medical care, without which it is practically impossible to cure the patient. Perhaps this will become a prototype of the medicine of the future, where the knowledge of official medicine and the experience of folk medicine will become its basis.

These methods include:
- assessment of the condition using iridology and dowsing method,
- colon hydrotherapy,
- lymphatic drainage,
- correction of the spinal column,
- biofield correction human structures,
- ultraviolet blood irradiation,
- magnetotherapy,
- treatment with hydrogen peroxide,
- Shirline treatment,
- treatment with applicators.


Carrying out these procedures is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the recovery of patients. To consolidate the results obtained, it is necessary to follow the recommendations given in the book "Endoecology of Health". In particular, it is necessary to gradually move to separate meals, lead healthy lifestyle life, and in everyday nutrition follow the following basic rules:

1. In the morning, between 5 am and 7 am local time, take a pinch of salt in your mouth and drink one glass of water at room temperature. Then it is advisable to immediately drink another glass of water with a pinch of salt, and during the day, every 2-3 hours, drink 100-200 ml (with the addition of 5 to 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to each glass) total up to 2 liters per day (this amount of water is excreted by the body and must be compensated), which is especially important for the elderly. This will help get rid of one of the most common disorders in the gallbladder, remove stagnant night bile from it, from which stones are formed. In addition, taking two glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach replenishes the water used by the body at night to cleanse it and eliminate constipation.

2. Drink liquids no later than 10-15 minutes before meals and 1.5-2 hours after meals. After eating, you can rinse your mouth (but do not swallow) with a few sips of water.

3. It is advisable to drink only melt water. If this is not possible, then you can use water passed through a magnetic funnel (available in the center). Can be used for cooking tap water, but first it must be passed through a magnetic funnel and allowed to stand for several hours so that chlorine comes out of the water. Magnetized water becomes structured, its intake promotes self-purification of the body, normalization of metabolic processes, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, etc.

4. Do not cook or sit at the table in anger. Be always
in a good mood.

5. The ratio of products in food should be as follows: proteins (mainly vegetable) - 15-20%; plant food- 50-60% (the more it is raw, the better); and carbohydrate - 30-35% (or 1: 5: 3).
Proteins - meat ( lean varieties or white poultry meat), fish, eggs (soft-boiled), broths (drain the first water), legumes, mushrooms, nuts, seeds.
Plant foods - vegetables, fruits, berries, juices, jams.
Carbohydrates - bread (the coarser the better), flour products (the less the better), cereals, potatoes, sugar, sweets, honey.
The proportion of fat should not exceed 5-10%. Eat ghee butter, lard, vegetable oil only fresh, seeds, nuts. As a seasoning - various vinegars. With age, it is necessary to limit the consumption of animal proteins: meat, fish - up to 2-3 times and eggs - up to 10 pieces per week.

6. Vegetable food (salads, vinaigrette, etc.) should preferably be taken 8-10 minutes before carbohydrate or protein meals.

7. As a rule, do not mix carbohydrate food with protein. Both carbohydrate and protein foods can be eaten with plant foods.
After eating protein carbohydrate products you can eat after 4-5 hours, and after carbohydrate - protein after 3-4 hours.

8. Refuse fried foods, fatty broths, unleavened milk, artificial and refined foods (smoked meats, sausages, confectionery, cookies, white bread). Use sugar and salt in moderation, up to 30-40 g and 3 g per day, respectively.

9. Food must be thoroughly chewed until its specific taste disappears in the mouth. At the same time, the process of saturation occurs faster, and the volume of food eaten decreases by 2-3 times, which leads to normalization of weight.

10. Try to eat all food freshly prepared. Reheating or using food a few hours after cooking makes it "dead". It is undesirable to take food and liquids hot, their temperature should be in the range of 22-380 C.

11. Since food intake is a labor-intensive energy process of its processing, absorption and excretion of waste products, the food should be homogeneous, fresh, with large quantity vegetable food.

12. The process of digestion is a work that requires quite a lot of effort, therefore, after a hearty meal, it is advisable to rest for 20-30 minutes, but not sleep.

13. Take small meals at least 3-4 times a day. It is better to skip a meal than to load the stomach, which also needs to rest.

14. It is advisable to have dinner no later than 18-19 hours.

15. Once a week it is necessary to do unloading (fruit, juice) days lasting from 24 to 36 hours or fast, taking melt water.

16. Eaten food should be compensated by movements.
Remember that what is the table, such is the chair, the income (volume of food) should be less, and the expense (movements) more.

17. During diseases occurring with an increase in temperature, it is advisable not to eat anything until the temperature returns to normal, drink water and juices.
The implementation of these nutritional rules allows you to keep the gastrointestinal tract clean after it has been cleaned, creating normal conditions for the vital activity of all organs and systems of the body.

Bad ecology, low-quality (falsified) food and, at times, a sedentary lifestyle often leave an imprint on the health of both the whole organism and individual organs.

If you do not start taking care of your body in time - play sports, take the right approach to compiling a diet, then sooner or later diseases will begin to appear, turning into a chronic form.

The technique developed by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin can help prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve the functioning of all organs. The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body, which is part of this technique, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. These organs are more affected than others. harmful substances and accumulate a significant amount of toxic compounds.

A little about the author of the method of cleansing the body

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin began his career as a doctor in charge of the health of cosmonauts. Subsequently, he headed the Institute of Biomedical Problems.

Made many discoveries during his career. He defended his Ph.D. (1965), and later his doctoral dissertation (1982). Scientific works his were devoted to aviation and space medicine. Since 1989, he has directed his knowledge and skills to the development of traditional medicine.

A person with such an impeccable reputation, well versed in medicine, who is a professor, doctor of medical sciences, has developed a lot of methods for healing the body without the use of medicines. He was able to write his works thanks to the rich experience of observing the impact of environmental conditions on the human body.

Risk factors according to Neumyvakin

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, first of all, pursues the goal of purification and general health person.

The risk factors for the digestive system and the body as a whole, in his opinion, include:

  • untimely consumption of certain foods;
  • high protein content in the diet;
  • drinking food with drinks;
  • insufficient chewing of food before swallowing;
  • consumption of drinks enriched with gas.

Overeating is one of the main bad habits that lead to problems in the body.

The risk factors affecting acid balance, Ivan Pavlovich relates:

  • medical preparations;
  • various types of electromagnetic radiation;
  • flows of negative information;
  • products containing GMOs.

Detox process

The level of harmful substances in the organs, in particular, in the liver, sometimes exceeds the norm by 2 times or more. For detoxification, or natural removal of harmful, toxic substances from the human body, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin proposes to normalize the nutrition system, introduce fasting days and carry out other actions aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.

Water is the basis of the menu unloading days

Basic principles of the method

A well-known scientist came to the conclusion that it is not the disease that should be treated, but its cause. Neumyvakin denies the existence of diseases, but believes that there is a “state” of a person caused by an imbalance in metabolic processes.

All problems with the body can have a single source

The source of violations of these processes in the body, which is considered by the professor as a single biosystem, is the accumulation of toxins or acid imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to treat not the disease, but to eliminate the trigger mechanism that triggers pathological processes.

Healing the body with peroxide

Given the unfavorable ecological situation and sedentary lifestyle the body often lacks oxygen, it can be replenished with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), writes Professor Ivan Neumyvakin.

The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body should be built taking into account the maintenance of acid-base balance. Acidity internal environment human pH = 7.4. Significant deviations from these norms can cause the development of tissues that provoke the formation of tumors.

A few drops of peroxide in a glass of water can help solve problems with a lack of oxygen?

Therefore, when a tumor is detected, the professor recommends using a peroxide solution according to the following scheme: on the first day, one drop of peroxide in a glass of water, on the second - two, on the third three, and so on. Having brought the number of drops to 50, they begin to decrease in the same way, one per day.

hydrogen peroxide in pure form can not be consumed

The author also suggests using hydrogen peroxide solution topically, through the nose, as well as for intravenous infusion, and talks about precautions. You can learn more about the treatment with hydrogen dioxide by reading his work “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and Reality.

soda treatment

For deworming the body, as well as for diseases of cardio-vascular system, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, except rational nutrition and periodic cleansing of the body, recommends using a solution of ordinary baking soda.

Baking soda is the main ingredient in a cleansing enema and medicine for heart problems.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, oral administration of the solution is used. It is recommended to drink soda solution in the morning half an hour before meals.. You need to start taking with a less concentrated solution - 0.5 dessert spoon per glass hot water or milk.

After three doses, a three-day break is taken. Then increase the concentration by diluting the contents of 1 dessert spoon in a glass of liquid, after 3 days they also take a three-day break. Following this scheme, the reception can be increased to 1 - 3 tsp.

ultraviolet irradiation

To correct the state of the immune system, the author proposes ultraviolet irradiation.

Solarium is one option. ultraviolet irradiation

Note! Ultraviolet is divided into:

  • UV A, with a wavelength of 320–380 nm, is weakly active, favorably affects the course of biological processes in the body;
  • UV B, for which the wavelength is 280–320 nm, is more active, can cause mutations in plants;
  • UV C, its wavelength is 200 - 280 nm, is the most active, it can even provoke mutations in living organisms. UV C does not reach the earth, being completely absorbed by the ozone layer.

The lack of ultraviolet radiation can lead to disruption of metabolic processes and weakening protective properties body, in addition, it has an antibacterial effect.

The best time for sunbathing is morning and evening

The most beneficial rays are more active in the evening and morning.. Therefore, for tanning, you should choose this particular watch. Ultraviolet radiation alerts immune system to destroy pathological cells.

Cleansing the body according to Neumyvakin

Among more than 200 works, the authors of which are Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is considered one of the most popular topics. The cleansing of the body, which is proposed by the author, includes several stages: first, the intestines are cleansed, then the liver and kidneys, pancreas and joints, and last but not least, vessels and blood.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleansing the body begins ten days before the start of the main cleansing procedures, and this stage ends with cleansing the intestines.

Vegetarian menu - one of the conditions for preparing for body cleansing

During the preparatory phase, you should:

  • During the first week, follow vegetarian diet by including only foods in your diet plant origin and without protein content.
  • After that, drink freshly squeezed apple juice for three days. During these three days, cleansing enemas are done.

In the evening last day(preferably before the weekend) proceed directly to cleansing the organs.

Cleansing the liver and kidneys

The liver and kidneys serve as a kind of filters in the system of our body, as they purify the blood of harmful compounds. Therefore, over time, sometimes even regardless of nutrition, they accumulate various toxins that need to be removed.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, Ivan Neumyvakin recommends using magnesia and rosehip broth.

For the cleaning process after the preparatory stage, you need:

  • Take magnesia morning and evening (1 sachet diluted in a glass of water and drunk in two divided doses).
  • In the morning next day drink a glass of rosehip broth with 2 tbsp. l. sorbitol is a sugar substitute.
  • Immediately after that, lie down in bed for 30 minutes, putting a heating pad on your right side.
  • An hour later, take rose hips with sorbitol again and lie down again with a heating pad on your right side.

After all, again drink a glass of decoction with sorbitol and go to bed. After a while, the liver and kidneys will be cleansed.

Cleansing the liver and pancreas

According to the method developed by Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is a fundamental factor in the health and longevity of the individual.

lemon and olive oil- the basis of a cleansing system for the liver

Proper nutrition must always precede cleansing, and maintained thereafter.

When cleansing the liver and pancreas, having passed preparatory stage, proceed to the following:

  • In the evening, prepare a glass vegetable oil(preferably olive) and lemon juice.
  • They lay down in bed with a heating pad on the right hypochondrium.
  • Take alternately thirty grams (2 large tablespoons) of oil and juice, with breaks between doses of 15 minutes.
  • After cleansing, an enema is given the next day to remove any remaining toxins.

Blood Purification

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin recommends cleansing the blood and blood vessels after normalizing the nutrition system and cleansing other organs of the body - the liver, kidneys, pancreas. The previous steps also have an impact on the cleansing of blood vessels from blood clots..

Ginger tea with honey - blood cleanser

Results, reviews and opinions of doctors

This method has many supporters and opponents. Some argue that it is absolutely impossible to ingest a solution of hydrogen peroxide. But supporters of the system are inclined to believe that the essence of the method in complex cleansing all bodies.

Many doctors, like Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, support and promote the benefits therapeutic fasting and the need for periodic cleansing of the body.

The technique of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin works, but there is always an individual error

To follow this method or not is an individual matter. This technique, like most others, has both supporters and adherents, and opponents. But thousands of people who have tried this system are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his recommendations for recovery in accessible ways.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.: there are no diseases! Learn how to take soda and hydrogen peroxide from a useful video:

Opinion of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. about proper nutrition. Learn valuable tips from the author in the following video:

Cleansing the liver and kidneys: A.P. Neumyvakin. Watch an interesting video: